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A00294 A booke intituled, The English Protestants recantation, in mattersof religion wherein is demonstratiuely proued, by the writings of the principall, and best learned English Protestant bishops, and doctors, and rules of their religion, published allowed, or subscribed vnto, bythem, since the comminge of our King Iames into England, that not onely all generall grownds of diuinitie, are against the[m], but in euery particular cheife question, betweene Catholicks & them, they are in errour, by their owne iudgments : diuided accordingly, into two parts, whereof the first entreateth of those generall grounds, the other of such particular controuersies, whereby will also manifestely appeare the vanitie of D. Morton Protest. Bishop of Chester his boke called Appeale, or, Ansuueare to the Catholicke authour of thebooke entituled, The Protestants apologie. Broughton, Richard. 1617 (1617) STC 10414; ESTC S2109 209,404 418

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ensue Transsubstantiation the Sacrifice of Masse worshipping of Imadges Iustification by workes the supreamacie of the Pope prohibition of Marriadge in the cleargie which hee calleth the grossest points of popery Hee addeth also an equalitie of Bishops onoly approueth the Hebrue scripture Iustification by faith and disliketh free will These bee all their Exceptions neither doth the Booke of Articles of their Religion make mention of any other much materiall except Sacraments whereof hereafter then either such as I haue allreadie handled or bee comprised in these Cataloges Allthough all in these remembred are not the doctrine of the Parlament Protestant Church of England But Additions and new Inuentions of particular Puritanes as D. Willets Hebrue scriptures equalitie of Bishops c. In which excepting that which I haue spoken of the scriptures before consonant to the Councell of Trent I must leaue him to bee censured as a periured man hauing sworne to their Articles by their owne Religion lawes and proceedings For the rest most of them bee proued by themselues before as Popes supremacie Indulgences Imadges Iustification by workes or inherent Iustice not onely by faith and free will All the others I am now to examine And first of Transsubstantiation and Christs reall presence in the blessed Eucharist Because it comprehendeth as well this maner of Christs presence and a true Sacrifice as they all graunt vppon proofe of that veritie as the question also of D. Sutcliffs termed half communion For if Christ bee substantially truly and wholly present in both kinds Then it is not an half but whole communion and receauing of Christ for hee must needs bee equally receaued and participated vnder the one as vnder bo●h kindes and formes according D. Thom. 3. p q. 80. ar 3. Gabr. lect 84. Ric. d. 11. Caiet 3. p. q 3. ar 3. Sot d 12. q. 1. ar 12. pet Sot lect 20. Euchar L●des Claud. de Saincts Ruard alij to the common opinion of schooles aswell longe before the Councell of Constance as after teaching that no more fruite is communicated and giuen to the Receauers and Communicants by both then by one kinde this supposed I Argue thus in this Question Whatsoeuer doctrine the highest binding authoritatiue and commaunding Iudgment which by these Protestants before is a generall Councell hath determined defined concluded is to bee embraced and mayntained But the doctrine of Christs reall presence and Transsubstantiation is such Therefore to bee embraced and maintayned The Maior is euident and often graunted by many of these Protestants among whome D. Feild writeth thus The Bishops assembled in a generall Councell may interpret Feild l. 4. c. 16. the scripture and by their authoritie suppresse all them that shall gayne say such Interpretations and subiect euery man that shall disobey such determinations as they consent vppon to excommunication and censures of like nature The Minor is also proued Couell defof Hook pag. 21 Parkes against Limbom pag. 176. Tom. ● Cōcil in Concil Later Bergam hist an 1213. Genebr hist an 1215. Palmer Floren. chron an 1215. Concil Lateran cap. 1. by them directly in this maner for first both D. Couell and M. Parkes cite and allow the Councell of Laterane as a Rule of faith And hauing present in it the Patriarkes of Greece Constantinople and Hierusalem 70. Metropolitanes 400. Bishops and other Fathers aboue 800. together with the Legates both of the Greeke and Romane Empire with the Orators of the Kings of Hierusalem Fraunce Spayne England so especially binding vs and Cyprus I trust the rest of them cannot deny it to bee generall if euer any was so termed this beeing farr the greatest that euer was in the worlde now that it defined Christs reall presence in the blessed Sacrament is euidently demonstrated by these expresse words of the Councell graunted by Protestants Verum Christi Corpus Sanguis in Sacramento altaris sub speciebus panis vini veraciter continetur transsubstantiatis pane in Corpus vino in Sanguinem potestate diuina The true bodie and blood of Christ is truely conteyned in the Sacrament of the altare vnder the formes of breade and wyne the breade beeing transsubstantiated into his bodie and the wine into his blood by the diuine power Therefore all English Protestants are Feild l. 4. c. 16. suppressed by D. Feilds sentence before from gayne saying it And to shew further that this was no new and straunge doctrine then first held and defined but of the auncient primatiue Fathers thus I argue againe in this question Whosoeuer held that there is in this Sacrament a conuersion mutation of one thinge into an other and not in shape but in nature that breade is made Christs bodie that the visible creatures are chaunged into the substance of Christs body blood c. Doe and must needs graunt transsubstantiation and Christs reall presence in the B. Sacrament But the auncient Fathers doe this Therefore they teach and graunt Transsubstantiation The Maior is euident those termes beeing equiualent with transsubstantiation and seme the verie same both in effect and name The Minor is proued by M. Perkins in these Perkins probl pag. 153. 154. words The Auncients when they speake of the supper haue many formes of speache which shew a conuersion Ambrose vseth the name of conuersion and the name of mutation Ciprian saith it is chaunged not in shape but in nature Origen saith that breade is made the body by prayer Gaudentius saith Christs bodie is made of breade and his blood of wyne Eusebius Emissenus saith that the Preist by secret power doth chaunge the visible creatures into the substance of Christs bodie and blood And that the breade doth passe into the nature of our Lords bodie Anselmes saith that the breads doth flitt into Christs bodie Fulbertus saith it is transfused Algerus saith it is transiected and transferred into Christs bodie Hitherto this Protestants words of those auncient Fathers doctrine in this point to which hee might haue added many more and more conuincing But hee knew these too many and manifest against them as appeareth by this his friuolous glosse vppon their expresse sentences confounding and confuting himself in his owne words which bee these But the Auncient Doctors where they speake of the conuersion and chaunge of the breade they vnderstand the chaunge of the vse and condition not of the substance What man but impudent and voide of all shame and grace would Father vppon so many holy and renowned Learned Fathers so grosse equiuocation or rather flatt lyinge to speake one thinge and meane an other as hee speaketh and this in so cheefe and materiall article of Faith and Religion wherein not the least equiuocation may bee vsed if it could saue the life of thousands or millions of men And to confound this Sacramentarie by his owne fellowes First D. Feild Feild pag. 150. writeth thus The bodie of Christ is present in and with the sanctified Elements The primatiue Church
it and it is a reasonable satisfactiō euen to humane reason from whence Protestant arguments against it bee deduced that the maner is by Transsubstantiation as wee Catholicks teache no man but Irreligeous and vnreasonable can call it into question And hee writeth further of this matter in these words it is on all sides plainely Couell sup pag. 119. confessed that this Sacrament is a true and reall participation of Christ who thereby imparteth himself euen his whole entire parson Therefore if the whole entire parson of Christ which cannot bee without his bodie and blood is there and there imparted and receaued damnable is that diminisheing doctrine wherein sacramētaries would haue it but a signe figure And hee expressely teacheth that they doe not or should not differ from the Romane Churche concerning the true reall and substantiall presence of Christ in this Sacrament Which hee as plainely expresseth where entreatinge of the dignitie of Preists hee writeth thus To these parsons God Couell sup pag. 87. imparted power ouer his mysticall bodie which is the societie of soules and ouer that naturall which is himself for the knitting of both in one a worke which Antiquitie doth call the makinge of Christs bodie And in an other treatise hee speaketh of the same matter in this maner The power of the Couell modest examinat pag. 105. Ministry by blessing visible Elements it maketh them inuisible grace It giueth daily the holy Ghost It hath to dispose of that flesh which was giuen for the life of the worlde and that blood which was powred out to redeeme soules Hitherto this Learned Protestant whose words bee so plaine in this point that no conclusion but themselues needeth to bee inferred from them And not onely in this but other Questions as before these Protestants of England are so cleare for Catholiks doctrine and against that which their parlamentarie Religion doth or would seeme to teache that D. Willet Willet apud Parkes against Limbom pag. 20. 21. def first testim writeth of them in this sorte They maintayne traditions free will freedome from sin Iustification by workes workes of super erogation of transsubstantiation with diuers others Therefore euen by Protestants this sacred doctrine of the Romane Churche is to bee embraced and defended as well taught by Catholicks Protestants and D. Feilds true Greeke Church also from which lastely thus I argue That doctrine which is taught by the true Church in Protestants Iudgment which by them cannot err in any essentiall thinge is true But the doctrine of the Romane Church concerning the reall presence and transsubstantiation is such Therefore it is true The first proposition is proued and graunted before And the second is manifest in these the expresse words of the Greeke Churches censure vppon Protestant doctrine It is the Iudgment of the Church that in the holy Hierem. in censur cap. 10. supper after consecration and benediction the breade doth passe and is chaunged into the verie bodie itself of Christ and the wyne into that blood of his by the power of the holy Ghost For our Lord in the same night wherein hee was betrayed taking breade and giuing thankes brake it and saide take and eate this is not breade or a figure of my bodie but this is my very bodie and my blood So that both then and now the breade is transformed and chaunged into his bodie and the wyne into his blood as our Lord promised and affirmed in many places of scriptures And this is more then sufficient of this matter especially seeinge not onely Queene Elizabeth in her Parliam An. 1. Elizab parl 1. Iacob parl 1. Edw. 6 c. bothe kindes first Parlament receaued this doctrine of Transsubstantiation by allowing and reuiuing the statute of Kinge Edward the sixt in that behalfe and this their statute was neuer yett repealed But also in the first parlament of his maiestie confirmed with the rest of Q. Elizabeth The Protestant publishers of Praefat. in Petr. Gallatin Frāc An. 1602. Mortō App. pag. 396. pag. 395 Petrus Gallatinus tell vs that the testimonies which hee bringeth from the Rabbynes before Christ are vndeniable which allowed D. Morton writeth thus They are more playne and pregnant for transsubstantiation then are these sayings of transsubstantiators themselues They make so directly for transsubstantiation that the moste Romish Doctors for the space of allmoste a thowsand yeares after Christ did not in so expresse termes publish this mystery to the world Againe D. Androwes Protestant Bishop Casaubon resp ad Card. Per. pag. 50. 51. of Ely cited by Casaubon and Casaubon himself from our Kinge himself as hee saith affirme Yt is Christs body the same obiect and thing which the Romane Church beleeueth Therefore acknowledging there is a chaunge in this Sacrament as commonly they do that before the words of consecration it was breade and wyne and after is the same obiect and thing which the Romane Church beleeueth the body and blood of Christ This chaunge beeing from breade into the body of Christ and from wyne into his bloode which is a chaunge Substantiae in Substantiam of one substance into an ohter must needs bee as wee Catholicks teache Transsubstantiation CHAPTER XVI Of the holy Sacrifice of Christs blessed bodie blood cōmonly called the Masse daily offered in the Church AND hereby is not onely proued the Catholicke doctrine of this particular question of Christs reall presence in the B. Sacrament and the maner how by transsubstantiation of the elements breade and wyne by power of his omnipotent worde into his moste sacred bodie and blood but those also which depend from thence as is before remembred the sufficiencie of communicating of such as doe not offer the holy sacrifice first instituted and euer to be continued in both kindes in the one kinde onely as also the true externall and publicke sacrifice of Christs true Church consistinge of the oblation and offering of his most B. bodie and blood in these holy Misteries for which because it hath beene so prophanely and blasphemously contradicted by diuers of our English Protestants I meane to speake a little more particularly therein and from themselues first argue thus Whatsoeuer is the reall and true bodie and blood of Christ now vnseperable from his moste blessed soule and is publickly offered vnto God by the lawfully called and authorized preists of his Church is a true publicke and holy sacrifice But that which is commonly called the Eucharist or blessed Sacrament of the altare offered by Catholicke preists of the Romane Church in Masse is such Therefore it is a true publicke and holy sacrifice The Maior proposition is euidently true and confessed of all men of learning in Christianitie neither can be doubted of any that is ignorant if hee knoweth the termes themselues expressely signifieing and shewing the veritie thereof euen by the light of nature The second proposition is also more then aboundantly proued and verified by these
thought the sanctified and consecrated Elements to bee the bodie of Christ Where hee plainely confesseth that those primatiue Fathers ment as they spoke and both spake and ment as Catholicks now doe that Christ is really present there And that there was a substantiall chaunge or transsubstantiation of the breade and wine into the bodie and blood of Christ Secondly D. Downame tolleth vs Downame l. 2. Antich pag. 110. that S. Ambrose one of his cited Authors speaketh thus Wee adore in the misteries that flesh of Christ which the Apostles adored in the Lord IESVS Then if the same flesh of Christ which was adored of the Apostles is both present in this Sacrament and to bee adored that Doctor did speake of a true and substātial conuersion and mutation Thirdly hee is so cleare in this point for Catholicks that M. Middleton not knowing how to glosse him yett more then inconsiderately angry with that holy and Learned Sainct and Doctor for that his doctrine speaketh of him in these prophane termes Hee is guiltie of presumptuous Middleton papistom pag. 61. and desperate blasphemie Fourthly M. Perkins before citeth and numbreth with the other auncient Fathers Algerus who Alger l. contra Bereng wrote expressely against Berengarius in the question of transsubstantiation and in his booke extant in that matter handeleth and confuteth the obiections of carnall reason against it in the some order as the present scholemen doe And it is so manifest that hee taught this doctrine of transsubstantiation which the other as then an Hereticke denied that M. Middleton confesseth that Berengarius Middleton papistom pag. 94. 95. in his Recantation beginning Ego Berengarius c. did so far aknowledg the real presence Transsubstantiation that hee thinketh the Catholicks of this time rather suppose hee confessed to much then to little in that Matter And the present Protestant Archbishop of Canterbury speaketh of him in these words Berengarius in deed was onely called Abbots against D. Hil pag. 60 in question for denying of Transsubstantiation in the Sacrament and h●e yeelded once or twice to recant and abiure the doctrine which hee held Then they which write against him and all those Learned Fathers cited by M. Perkins before consenting with them as hee confesseth must needs maintaine the reall presence of Christ and Transsubstantiation And those Protestants of England which defend the contrary must needs bee Heretiks for that cause as is thus by a new argument proued from their owne Protestant Archbishop Whosoeuer maintayne a doctrine publickly and Iuridically recāted abiured be Hereticks But al English Sacramentaries bee such Therefore they bee Hereticks and the contrary is true Catholicke doctrine The Maior is euidently true And the Minor proued before by their cited Archbishop teaching which they all confesse that the recanted and abiured heresie of Berengarius is the same which they defend Againe thus I argue whatsoeuer thinge beeing Christs bodie when it is receaued of vs and is with deuotion to bee receaued because it is his bodie and is after an ineffable maner his bodie and by grace made Christs bodie and is his bodie present in the sanctified elements is the true bodie of Christ But the B. Sacrament of the Eucharist is so Therefore it is the true bodie of Christ The Maior is manifestly true And the Minor thus proued by these Protestants First D. Doue Protestant Bishop of Peterborough Doue persuas pag. 28. writeth thus As often as wee bee made partakers of the Lords Table wee recreaue the Lords bodie because hee hath said it his owneself Wee receaue it with reuerence and deuotion because it is his bodie And approueth the Catholick doctrine of Bishop Gardiner and others saying with allowance thus Stephen Gardiner and the learned of their Church were wont to say it was his bodie ineffabili modo after an vnspeakable maner after such a maner as mens tonges could not vtter And so say all Catholicks at this day numbering this amonge the greate mysteries of Christian Religion as the auncient fathers did Whereby the sacramentaries are confounded For to say or thinke that breade and wyne may bee figures of Christs bodie and blood as many other things are and diuers things bee figures of others is neither vnspeakable or not able to bee vttered but a thinge so easie to bee conceaued and spoken that euery ignorant man can both without difficultie conceaue and vtter it Againe the same Protestant Bishop thus writeth of Catholicks in Doue supr England If they will receaue at our hands wee will not bee ouer hastie with them to examine them how they doe expound the words Hoc est Corpus meum this is my bodie Which no man of conscience and learning can write much lesse a pretender to bee a Bishop and Pastor except hee doth inwardly thinke the Catholicke doctrine of Transsubstantiation and the reall presence to bee true otherwise hee should admitt both men that bee vnworthy in some of their Iudgmēts Idolaters to the greatest Sacramēt which cannot bee excused from moste heynous sin To him I add M. Middleton speaking Middleton papistom pag. 106. in this maner Though breade by nature bee but a prophane common Element appointed of God to feede our bodies yett by grace it pleaseth the Lord to make it his bodie D. Feild as before writeth thus ●he Feild pag. 1●0 bodie of Christ is present in and with the sanctified Elements Therefore there is a reall presence and Transsubstantiation Further thus I reason That which by the omnipotencie of God is made Christs bodie and is that in which Christ is really present and in which there is probably taught transsubstantiation of breade into Christs bodie that which by antiquitie was said to bee made Christs bodie and is the flesh which was giuen for the life of the worlde is verely and truely the bodie of Christ But the Eucharist is thus Therefore it is the true bodie of Christ The Maior proposition is euident And the second thus proued by D. Couell whose words of this sacred misterie bee these The omnipotencie of Christ maketh Couell def of Hooker pag. 276. it his bodie Wee all agree in a reall presence And speakinge of the maner how Christ is miraculously made present there hee writeth thus Wee must truly beleeue that Christ is there Couell def pag. 116. 117. sup present Which because some irreligeous men at the first doubted men haue beene driuen to finde out these reasonable satisfactions or rather satisfactions to humane reason from his omnipotencie transsubstantiation or such like whereas in deede wee knowe that in many misteries of our faith it is sufficient to beleeue the thinge though wee cannot comprehend the maner how And citeth there the highe misterie of the Trinitie the Resurrection and this blessed Sacrament to bee of that kinde Then seeing by this allowance it is so certaine that Christ is really present there that it is Irreligion to doubt
this Iland amonge the brittans The Altar was called the seate of the Theater pag. 317. sup n. 6. celestiall sacrifice And againe whereas D. Morton hath graunted before That Sacrifice and preisthood are Relatiues which bee of an vnseperable nature Both hee and all others that now so earnestly contend to haue themselues accounted Preists must as much labour for this externall sacrifice which as hee affirmeth is vnseperable from preisthood Otherwise if they shall agayne fly vpp and downe to their fantasied spirituall preisthood and sacrifice Queene Elizabeth if her prayers and deuotions had beene as greate was as good a Preist As S. Peter was and D. Mortons Mother grandmother beldame and all women of his kiudred or in the world if their vertue were equall were as good Preists as hee if hee were a true Preist which I deny And yet they all agree that all woman sexe and kinde is vncapable of holy preisthood Againe D. Morton with his frend Theodore Bibliander Morton App. pag. in sacrif assuer vs that the Rabbins before Christ did teach that those which receaued the Messias should in place of the sacrifices of Moses lawe haue an externall sacrifice in breade and wine and called it Thoda Which is sufficient for this place purpōse where I onely proue that there is in Christian Religion an external sacrifice to succeed the sacrifices of the Lawe for that this sacrifice though begun in breade and wyne is the blessed body and blood of Christ I haue proued by these Protestants in the former chapter And this which I contend in this place is playnely graunted vnto mee by Casaubon wrighting in Casaub resp ad Card. Per. pag. 51. 52. c. our Kings name and by his commaund as hee protesteth and in these words neither is the Kinge Ignorant nor denieth that the fathers of the primatiue Church did acknowledge one sacrifice in Christian Religion that succeeded in the place of the sacrifices of Moses Lawe And accordinge to this it is confessed by other Protestants allowinge also the doctrine of the primatiue fathers for a Rule to vs The words of M. Middleton are these The sacrifice of the Altare Middlet Papist pag. 92. 113. and vnbloody sacrifice were vsed in the primatiue Church and the auntient fathers called the sacrifice of the body and blood of Christ a sacrifice And agayne The primatiue Church did offer sacrifice at the Pag. 49. sup Pag. 137. 138. 47. 45. Altare for the deade Sacrifice for the deade was a ●radition of the Apostles and the auntient fathers Then if this was from the beginninge true and Catholick doctrine to offer sacrifice and say Masse for the deade much rather for ●he liuinge and so both for the lyuing and the deade in Protestants Iudgment And so both the forme of our holy preisthood Receaue power to offer sacrifice in the Church for the liuinge and deade And also holy sacrifice of Masse offered for such purpose by a duely consecrated Preist is holy and acceptable before God And all English Protestants that shall deny it ar not onely within the Anathema of the Councell of Trent in these words If any man shall say that in the Masse a true and Cōcil Trid. Sess 6. cap. 1. de Sacrif Miss proper sacrifice is not offered lett him bee Anathema But subiect to the cursse and condemnation of the primatiue Church against Aë●ius the Hereticke and his complices as their owne Doctors Feild and Couell are wittnesses in this maner Aërius condemned the custome of the Church Feild pag. 138. l. 3. cap. 29. Couel Exam. pag. 114. in naminge the deade at the Altare and offeringe the sacrifice of Eucharist for them and for this his rash and Inconsiderate boldnes and presumption in condemninge the vniuersall Church of Christ hee was iustly condemned How much more then are these present Protestants worthie condemnation who do not onely contemne the doctrine and custome of the present Romane Greeke and vniuersall Church of Christ in this so greately concerning question but against their owne Iudgments with rash inconsiderate boldnes and presumption condemne the vniuersall primatiue Church an● confederate themselues with Hereticks i● their owne Iudgment iustly condemned against it And contrarywise this holy Catholicke doctrine of Masse or Sacrifice fo● the liuing and deade by our Enemies allowance a Tradition of the Apostles vse and custome of the vniuersall Church of Christ in the primatiue and best florishing estate thereof and euer since continued is inuiolably to bee maintayned CHAPTER XVII OF THE SINGLE AND CHASTE life of Preists and vowes of chastitie NOw lett vs come to that doleful and heauie Question to these maried Protestant Church men To proue by them also the auncient and true Catholicke doctrine and practice of the single and chaste life of Preists and vowes of chastitie The contrary wanton licentious and sacriledgeous libertie vnto this and other works of perfection whillfull pouertie and obedien●e as it first made way for Protestant here●es into the world as appeareth by their Apostle Luther and the rest presently vppon ●heir reuolt for chastitie pouertie and obe●ience which they had vowed for the most ●art giuing themselues ouer to their contra●es Lust Riches Rule so it is to this day ● vnpleasing a thinge in this Epicurean ●ct that they cannot endure to follow the ●nons either of the Latine Church vnder whose obedience they should bee if thy will shew any at all or to the Gre●ke Church eyther as will appeare in this chapter howsoeuer they will seeme to allowe thereof especially in this Article of later dayes vsing more libertie therein then other Churches But to omitt all things of discontentment to this people I argue thus That doctrine and practice which is a worke of perfection profitable vnto or making perfect the members of Christs misticall bodie his Church ought to bee allowed and practized of them that call themselues the perfect and reformed Church especially in that sorte of people or some greate part of them that are or would bee esteemed the moste perfect reformed guides and directors to others as their ministers pronounce themselues to bee But the doctrine and practice of single and chaste life and vowes of chastitie Bee such Therefore to bee embraced and allowed of these Protestants otherwise they haue not the perfect and reformed but vnperfect and deformed Church The first proposition is euidently true and in the light of nature too grosse absurdities doe followe in denying it The second proposition is at lardge proued by these Protestants in the chapter of precepts and Cap. 7. sup counsailes before from whence at this time I will onely shew by D. Couells testimonie that it is so absurde to deny it that hee would free all Protestants from it His words of the workes of perfection bee these In these points all haue not holden the same opinions Couell def of Hooker pag. 52. some thought the counsailes to bee of the some necessitie