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B25425 Troposchēmalogia: Tropes and figures; or, A treatise of the metaphors, allegories, and express similitudes, &c. contained in the Bible of the Old and New Testament To which is prefixed, divers arguments to prove the divine authority of the Holy Scriptures wherein also 'tis largely evinced, that by the great whore, mystery Babylon is meant the Papal hierarchy, or present state and church of Rome. Philologia sacra, the second part. Wherein the schemes, or figures in Scripture, are reduced under their proper heads, with a brief explication of each. Together with a treatise of types, parables, &c. with an improvement of them parallel-wise. By B. K; Tropologia. Book 4. Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704.; De Laune, Thomas, d. 1685. Tropologia. aut 1682 (1682) Wing K101A; ESTC R7039 690,855 608

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true Christians have of it VIII The Blood of the Lamb must be sprinkled upon the Lintel and Sides of the Doors of the Israelites which held forth that the Blood of Christ must be applied by Faith for our Justification stands not only in the shedding of Christ's Blood but also in the sprinkling of it upon our Consciences IX It must be sprinkled upon the Posts and Doors so as the Israelits could neither go out of Doors nor come in but they must see on all sides the Blood of the Lamb signifying that they and we should both at home and abroad going forth and coming in and on all occasions have the Passion of Jesus Christ before our Eyes in holy Meditation and Contemplation X. It was not enough for the Jews to have the Lamb slain and the Blood shed within the House but the Blood must be sprinkled without Doors signifying as some observe If Christ's Blood i. e. the Merits of it be received into our Hearts for Justification the sprinkling of it will appear and be seen outwardly in a holy Life and real Sanctification Verse 22. XI The Blood of the Lamb was to be sprinkled with a Bunch of Hyssop dipp'd in it which might signify that such who would be sprinkled with Christ's Blood must obtain true Faith for Hyssop bears a Resemblance to Faith in threee things 1. It is a ground low and weak Herb Faith in it self and as it is in Believers is weak and teacheth Humility 2. It will grow on a Rock or Wall So Faith roots it self in Christ that true spiritual Rock 3. Hyssop hath a cleansing and healing quality So Faith purifies the Heart and Life of a Sinner and heals all the Sores of a wounded Conscience XII They were to eat the Flesh of the Lamb to signify that we must spiritually feed upon Jesus Christ viz. believe on him which is called an eating of his Flesh and drinking of his Blood XIII Every particular Lamb was to be eaten in one House signifying the Unity of the Church of God or the spiritual Conjunction and Agreement of all the Faithful in one Bread and one Body 1 Cor. 10.17 XIV Only Israelites and not Strangers were to eat of it to shew that none but the true Seed viz. Believers have Right to Christ and the blessed Rites of his House XV. They were to eat it with bitter Herbs to signify that Repentance and godly Sorrow for Sin ought to be in those who come to receive and partake of Jesus Christ and that they should remember with Grief of Soul what their Sins brought upon their Saviour and what the filthy and bitter Nature of Sin is XVI They were to eat it with unleavened Bread to signify that those who come to the true Passeover should keep that Feast with the unleavened Bread of Sincerity and Truth hating false Doctrine Hypocrisy and every evil Work XVII They must eat it in remembrance of their Deliverance out of Egypt So those who come to the true Passeover ought to remember how God hath by Christ's Blood delivered them from Wrath and Hell XVIII They were to eat it with their Loins girt and their Staves in their hands and their Shoes on their Feet to shew that we who feed upon our Passeover should have the Girdle of Truth and our Feet shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace and that we are but Strangers and Pilgrims here XIX They were not to eat the Paschal Lamb until they had purged all Leaven out of their Houses which shews what Care every Christian should take to purge out the Leaven of Malice and Wickedness out of their Hearts The Jews were to search for Leaven and not suffer a Crum or small Morsel to remain in their Houses So careful should all those be to purge out every Sin and let no Iniquity remain in them who come to the Lord's Table WHEREIN the Brazen Serpent was a Type of Christ as also the Manna and divers others Types we have shewed in the First Volume And the Parallels of the First and Second Temple we have insisted upon under the Head of Metaphors concerning the Church of God to which we refer you And finding to what a Bigness this Second Volume is swollen I must be forced to break off and leave these my poor Labours to the Blessing of God praying they may prove to the Advantage of his despised and afflicted Church desiring what Profit any Christians may receive here-from they would not forget to give the Honour to God who only deserves it to whom be Glory in the Church by Christ Jesus throughout all Ages World without End Amen FINIS Philologia Sacra The Second Part WHEREIN The SCHEMES or FIGURES in Scripture are reduced under their proper HEADS with a Brief Explication of Each Together with A TREATISE OF The TYPES PARABLES ALLEGORIES c. in the Old and New Testament CHAP I. Of the Figures of a Word THE Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Schema principally and properly signifies the Garb Habit or Ornament of the Body and by a Metaphor is translated to signify the Beauty or Ornament of Speech as * Lib. 3. Rhet. cap. 8. Aristotle and * In Bruto Orat. perf Cicero say The Latines render it Figure as some say because Stage-Players by the variation or shifting of their Habit represented divers Figures of Men These Figures are called Rhetorical Lights and Ornaments and do not change the sense of Words as Tropes do but give an Imbellishment or Beauty to Speech There are Figures 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of a Word and Figures 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of a Sentence the first belong to the Matter or as it were the Body of an Oration the latter to the Form or as it were the Soul of a Sentence The former are when a Speech is figured in Words repeated in a certain order or that mutually agree in sound for Emphasis or Ornament's sake The latter are such whose Emphaticalness consists not in Words singly but in the things themselves giving weight and gravity to the Speech * Lib. 5. Instit Orat. c. 1. Vossius says That a Scheme properly signifies two things viz. The exterior Garb and the Gesture of the Body as Dancers who caper at the noise of musical Instruments For Schemes of Words may in this be resembled to Habit or Garb because without them the Speech is naked as a Man without his Cloaths and Schemes of Sentences may be compared to Artificial Gestures because without these it will be like a Man who moves or walks in his natural Place or Posture of the first we will produce some Examples 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Conjungo to joyn together 1. Epizeuxis 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Latine Subjunctio is when the same word or sound is continued or repeated in the same Sentence as Exod. 34.6 The Lord the Lord a God merciful and gracious c. Deut. 23.43 The Stranger that is in thy
live in newness of Life amongst the Saints in the Kingdom of God II. When one is buried he ought to be covered all over with Earth else 't is no Burial II. When one is baptized he ought to be covered all over with Water or else 't is no Baptism Which fully appears 1. From the Nature of Burial 2. From the proper and Metaphorical Significations of the Word as is largely opened 3. From Scripture-Practice which always was by Dipping as all the Learned that are impartial acknowledg 4. From the constant Practice of Antiquity who retained the right Form until Clinical Baptism viz. such who deferred their Baptism till their sick Bed came to be used about Cyprian's time in the third Century These Clinici so called because 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 baptized in their Bed were such as delayed their Baptism until their Death-Beds because they believed it would take away all Sin and that there was no Pardon if they sinned after receiving it yet not daring to go out of the World without this great Badge of Christianity deferr'd it till they thought they were in danger of Death And since they could not without peril of Life be dipp'd Sprinkling was invented to serve the turn For a like Reason as was said before they changed the Mode of Administration with respect to Infants when their Baptism was introduced out of regard to their tender Constitutions especially in cold Countries Seasons This was the Original of Sprinkling and sprung purely from the abuse of Baptism and the Want of the right Subject as by Divine Aid shall be demonstrated in a particular Sheet impartially and from undoubted Authority One may with as much reason be said to be buried when Clay or Earth is thrown upon his Head only as to be baptized when Water is poured upon his Head or Face And if the one be no Burying 't is as certain the other is no Baptism And he that affirms that Sprinkling may represent or symbolically express the Death Burial and Resurrection of Christ does at the same time speak without colour of Truth Word of Sence and against all the Reason in the World As breaking of the Sacramental Bread visibly betokens that Christ's Body was broke and as the pouring forth of the Sacramental Wine represents the gushing forth of his Blood so the Sacramental Dipping in Water viz. Baptism represents his Death and Burial and the coming from under the Water his Resurrection 1 Cor. 15.2 3 4 c. III. Burial precedes the Resurrection or raising of the dead Body to a State of Immortality III. The Immersion of the Party baptized precedes his Emersion or coming out of the Water which symbolizes or answers to two things 1. The Resur●ection of Christ 2. Our rising again to Newness of Life Buried with him in Baptism wherein ye are also risen with him c. as in the Text. Inferences FRom the whole we may rationally conclude That the Administration of this great Ordinance by Sprinkling which comports not with the Literal nor Metaphorical Signification of the Word nor those great Mysteries represented by it viz. the Death Burial and Resurrection of Christ is disorderly and should be rectified 2. It is a Motive to excite us to admire and reverence the great Grace and Goodness of Christ who hath given us such a visible Symbol of his Death Burial and Resurrection not only to confirm our Faith but also to prevent our being deceived by any seducing Spirits 3. It is not to be wondred at that such as deny the Man Christ Jesus but preach up the Light within to be a Saviour should reject these two great Ordinances stated in the Scripture viz. Baptism and the Lord's Supper because such as deny the Substance are necessitated to deny the Sign Persons of this Judgment may be easily confuted For when ever the Term Baptism is mentioned and God or Christ represented as the Agent it must be understood of the Baptism of the Spirit in the Sence before spoken of When ever Baptism is mentioned as the Act of any Apostle or Minister of the Gospel it denotes Water-Baptism because these have neither Power nor Commission to baptize with the Spirit and with Fire And when ever the Baptism of Blood and Suffering is mentioned it must be understood of Persecutors or ungodly Men who murther destroy or afflict the Godly for neither God without Blasphemy nor good Men without a wrong application of the Term may be said to baptize that way So that when we meet with the Act of Baptism as the Act of a good Man we must of necessity understand it of Water-Baptism in the same Method and Mode of Administration as was practised by the Apostles and Primitive Christians and that being a positive Institution with respect to the Subject and Manner of Administration is not to be deviated from upon any pretence whatsoever unless we will suppose the Laws of the Almighty to be in the Power of Man so as that he may dispense at pleasure with them which is not to be done without sufficient Authority from God himself which is no where to be found 4. If the Laws of the great unerring Sovereign of all things are to be observed without variation unless it be by his express Direction then we are to conform exactly to his Order in this part of the Evangelical Law and to practise it no otherwise than he has prescribed because it was once so delivered to the Saints 5. We would caution all that would approach to this sacred Evangelical Ordinance unless they be dead to Sin that is such as truly and really hate Wickedness and the empty Vanities of the World and unless they have a prospect of and long to have an Interest in that never-fading Inheritance promised by our dear Lord Jesus to his Children not to prophane this blessed Institution Because if they want the due Qualifications of serious and converted Souls viz. Faith Repentance and good Lives they are hereby entitled not real Members of Christ but Hypocrites and incur as great a Hazard as such do who eat and drink unworthily of the Lord's Supper The Lord's Supper 1 Cor. 11.23 For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you That the Lord Jesus the same Night in which he was betrayed took Bread Verse 24. And when he had given thanks he brake it and said Take eat this is my Body which is broken for you This do in remembrance of me THe Papists affirm That after the Words which they call the Words of Consecration spoken by the Mass-Priest the Bread is changed into the real Body of Jesus Christ and many of the blessed Martyrs in Queen Mary's Days were burned to Ashes for denying this Transubstantiation Which absurd and monstrous Conceit of theirs hath been learnedly confuted by many ancient and modern Writers so that it may be thought needless to add any thing here upon that account yet that we may make our way
the more plain to these metaphorical and figurative Expressions used by our Saviour when he instituted the holy Sacr ment of the Supper saying This is my Body something briefly we shall offer in confutation of their pernicious Doctrine which may soon be done for they confute themselves in saying that the Sacrament is a Feast for our Souls and not for our Bodies Now what is my Soul the better when I eat the very Body of Christ Christ is eat and received spiritually Whoso eateth my Flesh and drinketh my Blood hath everlasting Life Joh 6.54 and I will saith Christ raise him up at the last Day Therefore the eating of Christ's Flesh cannot intend the receiving of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper for if it did it would be a very easy way for the vilest Sinner to go to Heaven But to come directly to the Business in hand Either Christ spake figuratively when he said This is my Body or he did not And that the Words cannot be taken in a proper sence is evident for it is impossible for Words to express any thing more plainly than that by this is meant the Bread It is said that Christ took Bread and brake it and gave it and said Take eat this is my Body where this necessarily relates to that which Christ took brake and gave Also the Apostle saith positively thrice in a Breath that it is Bread 1 Cor. 11.26 As often as ye eat this Bread c. And whosoever shall eat this Bread 1 Cor. 1● 16 The Bread which we break is it not the Communion of the Body of Christ Also the Participation of the Sacrament is called breaking of Bread Acts 2.46 20.7 which Popish Authors themselves understand of the Sacrament Now can any be so ignorant and foolish to believe it is Christ's proper and real Body which the Holy-Ghost calleth so often Bread after it is blessed c. Object By this say some of the Papists is neither intended the Bread nor Christ's Body Bellarmin l e Euch. l. 3. c. 12. but in general this Substance which is contained under this Species Answ What do they mean are there any more Substances under those Species besides the Bread first and afterwards the Body of Christ Do not they affirm as soon as ever it ceaseth to be Bread it becometh the real Body of Christ Then surely if it be a Substance according to what they say it must either be Bread or the Body of Christ or no Substance at all Object Christ's Body is there after the manner of a Spirit taking up no room so that Head Hands Feet are altogether in the least Crumb of the Host Answ In arguing thus as a learned Man observes they plead for the Propriety of Words and destroy the Propriety of things How can they say it is properly a Body which wants the essential Properties of a Body which is to have quantity and take up room take away this and the Body may properly be a Spirit for it is that only which differenceth it from a Spirit But further to shew how idle and absurd it is to take our Saviour's Words in a proper Sence we shall shew that it is utterly against Sense and Reason as well as contrary to Scripture as you have heard First It is against Sense What greater Evidence can there be of things than what Sense affordeth But if this which the Papists affirm about the consecrated Bread being the real Body of Christ be true the Senses of all the World are deceived For since the great Argument for Christianity as all agree was the Words that Christ spoke and the Works which Christ did now how could we be sure he did so speak or so work if we may not credit the Reports of our Eyes and Ears This was St. Luke's great Evidence of the Truth of what he wrote That it was delivered to him by Eye-Witnesses Luke 1.1 2. and St. John's What we have seen with our Eyes and our Hands have handled of the Word of Life 1 Joh. 1.1 And St. Paul's for the Resurrection That he was seen of Cephas then of the Twelve then of above five hundred Brethren at once 1 Cor. 15.5 6. Even Thomas his Infidelity yielded to this Argument That if he did thrust his hand into Christ's Side he would believe Joh. 20.25 Christ judged this was a convincing Argument when the Apostles thought they had seen a Spirit Handle me and see for a Spirit hath not Flesh and Blood as you see me have Luke 24.39 But now if after the Words of Consecration there is under the Species of Bread the Nature and Properties of Flesh then are the Senses of the wisest of Mortals deceived And if our Senses be deceived here Dr. Tillotson they are not as a late Author observes to be trusted in any other thing no not when they are most sure that we see Father or Mother or Wife or Children Can we be sure This is my Body is written in Mat. 26. Mark 14. Luke 22. 1 Cor. 11. For may not those Words be some other Words why should we trust our Eyes What if we should tell the Papists These Words This is my Body are neither in this Chapter nor any where else written in the New Testament and grow confident of it and tell them the Words are This is not my Body 'T is the Bricks that were laid to build Babel 'T is the Gates of Solomon's Porch This is the Shew-Bread that Abimelech gave to David the Bottles that Abigail took from Nabal If they tell us We are strangely deceived and the Sense of all that can read will give it against us may not we tell them as well when they say This is the real Body of Christ when it is nothing but a Wafer-Cake That they are strangely deceived and that the Senses of all that can either see taste smell or feel will give it against them This being so what reason is there for them to burn us because we cannot see the Bread to be Christ's real Body more than there is for us to kill them because they cannot see that it is the Gates of Solomon's Porch Secondly It is against Reason And shall any conclude that is any Principle of the Christian Religion that is contrary to and utterly against Reason For it would make us believe things that are absolutely impossible and gross Contradictions Tho some things may be above Reason yet they themselves confess no Principle of Religion can be against it Object But they say We imagine many things impossible that really are not so and further intimate If we can prove any real Impossibilities which this Doctrine forceth them to believe they will yield to us For they with us condemn the Lutheran Opinion See a Book called Scripture-Mysteries p. 279. That Christ's Body is every where because it is impossible and therefore expound those Words I am the Vine I am a Door c. figuratively as we do because
delivered themselves into the hands of Justice 6. That Man can never have good Days that keeps an evil Conscience 7. On the other hand he that hath a good Conscience needs never be sad nor can he be without good Days for as Trouble and Horror of Conscience is the greatest Trouble so Peace of Conscience is the greatest Joy That Man can never want Musick saith Mr. Caryl that speaks in Consort and is harmonious with himself A good Conscience is the poor Man's Riches and the rich Man's chiefest Jewel a Jewel worth keeping It is saith one the best Pillow to sleep on and the best Dish to feed on A good Conscience is a continual Feast so the Geneva-Translation Prov. 15.15 Dan. 5.5 A good Conscience with a Dinner of Herbs is all Varieties but a bad Conscience makes all Feasts and Pleasures like the Hand-writing on Belshazzar's Wall 8. Labour to get and keep a good Conscience because an evil one spoils all the good and best Actions of thy Life it renders thy Prayers to be sinful 9. Consider Conscience is privy to all thou thinkest knoweth what Evil hath been done by thee in private seeth all the Evil thou hast committed and all the Good thou hast omitted the doing of and one day if evil Rom. 2.15 it will lay all open before the Eyes of God Angels and Men and come in as a Witness to charge and condemn thee for ever O therefore get a good Conscience 10. Take heed how thou carriest thy self towards Conscience because it hath a Regal Power in thy Soul a Commission either to accuse or excuse and if he condemns thee as an Unbeliever or as a false Hypocrite by the Light and Authority of God's Word 1 John 3.20 God will also assuredly condemn thee unless thou dost repent in the great Day 11. Consider what a glorious Mercy it will be to have such a Friend as Conscience witness for thee when thou art wrongfully accused and condemned by Men. This was that which bore up Job and holy Paul in their Troubles Job 27.6 2 Cor. 1.12 My Heart shall not reproach me c. This is our rejoycing the Testimony of our Conscience Quest Some possibly may enquire here How a good Conscience may be known or what Characters may be given of it Answ I shall give you some Rules to judg of a good Conscience both Negatively and Positively First Negatively 1. A blind ignorant and misguided Conscience is not a good Conscience Some think that God concerns not himself with their Actions takes no notice of their Hearts Words or Lives Others think that God is made up wholly of Mercy and tremble not at his Justice and so conclude it is an easy thing to get to Heaven One that I have heard of said That if it were as easy to get the Riches of this World as it was to get Heaven he would not care or to that effect not remembring that it is as hard to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven especially for rich Men as it is for a Camel to go through the Eye of a Needle Mat. 19.23 1 Pet. 4.18 and that the Righteous shall scarcely be saved Others think that those Men are Fools that make such a Stir and Ado about Religion thinking that is the best Religion that is easiest to the Flesh and is most free from outward Trouble whereas the Scripture saith 1 Tim. 2.12 that whoever will live godly in Christ Jesus must suffer Persecution Some think the Laws of Men must be their Rule in all Matters of Faith and Religion and whatever Magistrates command must be done c. 2. A drouzy and sleepy Conscience is not a good Conscience A Conscience that is not throughly awakened will let a Man alone in Sin such can sleep upon the Brink of the greatest Danger tho they are just falling into the Gulph of Eternity yea can sleep under the most awakening Ministry tho Hell-Fire be thrown as it were in their very Faces yet Conscience giveth them not one Jog 3. A guilty Conscience is not a good Conscience when Conscience flies into a Man's Face for this or that Sin Tit. 1.15 some horrid Pollution or other loved and lived in 4. A seared Conscience a Conscience that hath no feeling in it is not a good Conscience 5. A despairing Conscience is not a good Conscience Such as think their Sins are greater than God can or will forgive Mat. 12.31 notwithstanding Christ hath said All Sins and Blasphemies against the Father and the Son shall be forgiven unto Men and those that believe not there is Life for them in Christ make God a Liar Secondly Positively 1. That Man hath a good Conscience that walks uprightly and faithfully to his Light according to what he knoweth If he hath only a natural Light and walks up faithfully to that then he hath only a natural good Conscience there is Moral Sincerity spoken of in the holy Scriptures Joh. 20.4 as well as Godly Sincerity Abimelech in this respect had a good Conscience In the Sincerity of my Heart and Innocency of my Hands Gen. 20.5 have I done this Here I might shew how a natural good Conscience may be known from a Conscience evangelically and spiritually good take two or three Hints 1. He whose Conscience is only naturally good is usually a proud Man Lord I thank thee Luk. 18 11. I am not as other Men c. Such seek their own Glory they sacrifice to their own Net and burn Incense to their own Drag all centers in Self the Principle of their Action is Self A Saint when his Gifts are highest his Heart is lowest when his Spirit is most raised his Heart is most humble 2. A Man that hath only a natural good Conscience his great endeavour is to still the Noise and stop the Mouth of it but never looks to have the Guilt removed and Filth washed away by Christ's Blood he seeth no need of a Saviour I was alive once without the Law Rom. 7.11 c. He is like a Child that hath got a Thorn in his Flesh who wipeth away the Blood but taketh no notice or thought how to get out the Thorn If bare Performance of Duties whether natural or divine will still or quiet the Conscience the Conscience is but naturally good 2. When Conscience compares a Man's Ways by the perfect Rule of God's Word by which he walks and finds it agreeable thereto 3. An evangelical good Conscience findeth a Man as careful of his Duty towards God as he is of his Duty towards Man and as careful of his Duty towards Man as of his Duty towards God Acts 24.16 Herein do I exercise my self to have always a Conscience void of Offence towards God and towards Man 4. An evangelical good Conscience always stirs up to Obedience and Conformity to God's Word from the sight of the Excellency of it and Purity that is in it Thy Word is very
are they feed who will reward them in due Time II. It may also caution them to be very careful that they feed Christ's Flock with no other Food than what is of Christ's providing III. It may inform all the Flocks and Sheep of Christ over whom the Holy-Ghost hath appointed Shepherds or Overseers 1. To prize their faithful Ministers observe their Doctrine and eye their holy and heavenly Conversation 2. To walk as Sheep 3. To keep close to their Fold Ministers compared to Ambassadors 2 Cor. 5.20 We are Ambassadors for Christ c. Eph. 6.20 For which I am an Ambassador in Bonds c. THe Words Ambassador Legate or Messenger are synonimous Terms properly such as are commissionated or deputed betwixt distant Parties to transact Affairs of Moment The Term is applied to the Ministers of the Gospel and it sets forth 1. The Dignity 2. The Duty of Ministers Note Faithful Ministers are Christ's Ambassadors c. Ambassador Parallel AMbassadors are authorized and sent abroad by Princes about the great Affairs of their Kingdoms MInisters are authorized empowered and sent by the Lord Jesus the Prince of the Kings of the Earth on the great Affairs of his Glory and Man's Good II. Ambassadors usually are Persons of Eminency 't is an Office that a Prince will not confer upon any of his Subjects but on such as are of great Esteem in his Court such as are fitly qualified for that great Trust confided in them in a word great Honour and Dignity is conferred upon them II. Faithful Ministers of Christ such as are Ministers indeed are eminent Persons such as are great Favourites to the Court of Heaven What higher Dignity doth Christ confer upon any of his Saints here below They also are Men fitly qualified for this great Employment and what their Qualifications are and must be you may see in 1 Tim. 3. Tit. 1. viz. Blameless as the Stewards of God 1 Tim. 3. 1 to 7. Tit. 1.7 8 9. not self-willed not soon angry not given to Wine no Striker not given to filthy Lucre a Lover of Hospitality a Lover of good Men sober just holy temperate holding forth the faithful Word able by sound Doctrine to stop the Mouths of Gainsayers c. not a Brawler not Covetous one that rules well his own House III. The Dignity of Ambassadors appears in the Greatness of their Prince from whom they come they have usually respect according to the Rank and Quality of their Master III. Now true faithful Ministers are sent as Ambassadors from the great God who is King of Heaven and Earth By whom Kings reign and Princes decree Judgment With him is terrible Majesty he rules and reigns over all and who can say unto them What doest thou IV. An Ambassador appears according to the Dignity of the Person whom he represents and whose place he supplies IV. True and faithful Ministers represent the Person of Jesus Christ O! and what Honour is this They are employed in his stead they are his Deputies He is the chief Ambassador called therefore the Messenger of the Covenant Mal. 3.1 from him they receive their Authority V. The Excellency of the Message Ambassadors are sent about shews further the Dignity of the Officers Now there are three sorts of Ambassies in the World Gurnal 1. Ambassies of Peace 2. Ambassies of Marriage 3. State-Ambassies which respect Trade and Commerce c. V. Ministers come with a threefold Ambassy 1. Of Peace 2. Of Marriage 3. Of heavenly Commerce and Trade c. 1. An Ambassador is welcom when he comes from a Prince about Peace and that especially 1. Christ's Ministers are welcom when they come with an Ambassy of Peace and needs they must be so if we consider these Things following 1. When he comes from one that is formidable mighty in Power and whose Armies are irresistible now to a poor weak and naked People how welcom is his Approach 1. These Ambassadors come from that great God that is dreadful in Power that if he speak but in his Wrath the Earth trembles whose Armies are also ready who offers not Peace because he cannot make War or stands in need of our Friendship but meerly from his great Love wherewith he hath loved us c. What can Sinners do to withstand his Power Doth he fear their Hostility Can they shoot their Arrows as high as Heaven If they strike at him he makes their Swords turn into their own Bowels O how gladly should these Ambassadors be received Who would not tremble to think of this God! 2. An Ambassador is welcom when he is sent to a People that have felt already the Impression of his Power and are pining under the bleeding Miseries of his Anger 2. So a Minister of Christ is welcom to poor Sinners who find the Arrows of divine Vengeance sticking in their very Hearts and the Curse of God cleaveth to every Faculty of their Souls who lie bleeding under his heavy Anger 3. An Ambassador is welcom when the Terms he offers are honourable and easy not like the Peace that Nahash offered to the Men of Jabesh-Gilead viz. That they should have every one his right Eye thrust out and lay it as a Reproach to Israel 3. Now the Ministers of the Gospel offer honourable and easy Terms God might require the perfect keeping of the whole Law he might demand Satisfaction for all the Wrongs and Injuries we have done to his Justice but they offer Terms of Peace and Pardon upon the Acknowledgment of Sin and laying down our Arms and to hold no League or secret Friendship with Sin or Satan any longer to take hold of Christ and plead the Atonement of his Blood Believe on the Lord Jesus and thou shalt be saved 4. An Ambassador is welcom when he offers Peace from a Prince that is real to his Word and gives good security for the performance of what he promises 4. Now God doth by his faithful Ministers give the greatest assurance imaginable of the performance of whatsoever he offers to poor Sinners He hath past his Word nay more 't is upon Oa●h Heb. 6. 2. Ambassadors sometimes offer an Alliance by Marriage between one State and another 2. And this is one great part of a Minister's Ambassy he is sent to let Sinners know what good Will the God of Heaven and Earth bears to them and that he is desirous to bestow his own dear Son the Heir of all Things in Marriage upon them what Favour and Grace is this Can Sinners be so sottish foolish and ungrateful as not readily to receive and embrace this Offer 3. Sometimes as we minded before Ambassadors come with an Ambassy for Trade that there may be an open Trade and Commerce between such and such Princes and States c. 3. The Ministers of the Gospel come with Ambassies for Commerce God is willing in Christ's Name to trade with Man again For no sooner had Adam sinned but a War was commenced and all Trade
forbidden but now through Christ there is a free Trade opened again to Heaven Convinced and repenting Sinners may be stored with all Things they need as Pardon Peace Union and Communion with God and eternal Life even all the Riches of Grace and Glory Ho every one that will Come buy and you that have no Money come buy Isa 55.1 and ●at yea come buy Wine and Milk without Money and without Price VI. Those that honour an Ambassador honour the Prince that sent him but those that abase slight or despise him do also despise the Prince or State that sent him We cannot despise this Messenger and yet honour his Master saith Mr. Gurnal VI. So those who receive and shew all due respects to Christ's faithful Ministers honour Christ whose Deputies they are and whose Person they represent Few are so bold as to say with that proud King Who is the Lord Exod. 5.2 that I should obey him Yet many dare say Who is the Minister that I should obey his Message or repent at his Summons or tremble at the Words he speaks What 's he Do I not know him What 's he better than us Shall I mind what he says A Rush for his Doctrine c. But let such read that Word He that heareth you heareth me Luk. 10.16 and he that despiseth you despiseth me and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me VII An Ambassador should take heed he cast no Indignity upon his Office by any base or unworthy Practice he should behave himself with all Wisdom and Gravity and avoid all dirty and unseemly Actions for in so doing he would bring much Honour and Renown not only to himself but to his Master also that sent him VII So Ministers must be holy Men that they bring not themselves and the Dignity of their Function into Contempt A wise grave and gracious Behavior exceedingly becomes a Minister Paul saith he magnified his Office O then let others take heed they do not vilify and debase it That which another Man may do without much Reproach you cannot do but it will be to your great Blemish and Dishonour nay and to the Dishonour of Christ and of his Truth also VIII An Ambassador is to do his uttermost endeavour to negotiate and accomplish such Matters he is sent about he must see to his Charge For if the Treaty of Peace or Marriage or Ambassy for Commerce and Trade succeed not the Ambassador is sure to be called to an account how he hath discharged his Place c. VIII So Ministers must see the Work of their Place and Function They are saith Gurnal ' called Ambassadors in regard of their Duty as well as Dignity where there is Honor there is Onus Places of Honour are Places of Trust Many like well enough to hear the Ministers Dignity with Diotrephes they love Preheminence yet would willingly be excused the Work that attends it None have a greater Trust reposed in their Hands than Ministers 't is tremendum Onus a Weight that made the Apostle tremble under it I was among you saith Paul with much fear and trembling They have the Charge of Souls committed to them one of which is more worth than all the World no less than the Price of Blood the precious Blood of Jesus Christ To them is committed the Word of Reconciliation Hence they pray and beseech and use all Means imaginable to bring the Souls of Men to Terms of Peace and Reconciliation with God through Christ they knowing the sad and dreadful Effects if they speed not in their Ambassy Knowing the Terror of the Lord we persuade Men. And in another place saith Paul We pray you in Christ's stead be you reconciled to God For if the Treaty of Peace between God and Sinners doth not succeed the Minister is sure to be called to an account how he discharged his Trust in the Business c. IX An Ambassador is to keep close to his Instructions he is in nothing to act contrary to or derogate from his Commission IX So Ministers must see they keep close to the Word of God they had need to take their Errand well before they come into the Pulpit or Assembly of God's People I have received of the Lord what I delivered unto you They must speak nothing require nothing preach nothing but what is according to the Authority of God's Word which is above the Church Senates General Councils or any Authority whatsoever These Ambassadors must act and do exactly according to their Commission c. X. An Ambassador must not only act according to his Commission as to Matter but must deliver his Message also with much Zeal and with all due respect had to his Master or Prince that sent him He must not prosecute his Business coldly or after he hath had Audience give himself to the Pleasures of the Court where he is resident and mind his Affairs no more or not regard how his Master's Business succeeds What Answer will he be able to return Surely if he should do thus he could not say he had done the Work of a faithful Ambassador c. X. So Ministers must be fitted with Zeal and act diligently in their Places or prosecute their Business vigorously their Hearts must be deeply engaged in their spiritual Ambassy They are to preach with all fervency as having the Sense of Christ's Honour and the Worth of immortal Souls upon their Hearts and not only say Thus and thus saith the Lord and be satisfied to see People willing to give them the hearing Tho they may thank them for that Civility yet they must not quit them unless they see they accept of the Terms of Peace and Reconciliation offered to them in Christ's Name through the Gospel They must shew them the Profit that will accrue to them if they do comply and the Danger on the other hand if they do refuse and that it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the Day of Judgment than for them XI It behoveth an Ambassador to be faithful in all things to his Master's Interest and not to become a Pensioner to a Foreign Prince for such an on● is utterly unworthy of such an honourable Employment XI So Ministers must not comply with Christ's Enemies or seek for Reward from them such as would betray his Interest whatever is proffered them But as we are allowed of God to be put in Trust with the Gospel even so we speak 1 Thess 2.4 5. not as pleasing Men but God which trieth our Hearts For neither at any time used we flattering Words as ye know nor a Cloak of Covetousness God is Witness XII An Ambassador ought to seek the Interest of his Fellow-Subjects and shew much Love Care and Tenderness to them so far as the Interest of his Prince will bear and not to do any thing to the spoiling of their Trade c. XII So Ministers ought to seek the Good and Welfare of all the Saints and
Wickedness tho an Apostle he is not so far changed since to be fond of a wicked Pope as to make him immediate Deputy to Christ and to impose a Wolf as Shepherd upon the Universal Church 2. Who saith That he is an infallible Judg to determine Articles of Faith and impose them upon great Penalties so that as a Lord he hath Dominion over Mens Faith and Souls too which the Apostles disclaimed 3. Who saith The Church cannot err tho God and the World knows there are not such great Errors in Principles nor such villanous Enormities cursed Actions cruel and immoral Practices in the World besides which the poor Multitude believes and kill others that oppose it and venture Body and Soul upon it 4. That says that a Priest tho he be a treacherous Villain a Contriver of Murther an abominable Adulterer hath Power to absolve his equal and Fellow-Sinner from all his Offences if he come to Confession tho the pretended Penitent keep his old Habit of Wickedness still contrary to what God and Jesus Christ say That the Dauber with untempered Mortar and the Daubed the Layer of the Pillow under sinful Elbows and the Leaner thereon the blind Leader as well as the blind Follower shall all fall together 5. That saith There is a Purgatory that is no part of Heaven or Hell and that Men may be redeemed thence for Money Tho God saith The Redemption of Mens Souls is precious and ceaseth for ever after the Offering of the Body of Jesus once for all that Redemption is not with corruptible Things as Silver and Gold but with the precious Blood of Christ as a Lamb slain without spot 6. That saith That the Hands and Mouth of a filthy unclean Priest can make not only the Bread and Wine sacred but turn both into the real Body and Blood of the Son of God make whole Christ of a pitiful Wafer-Cake that after it is eaten turns to Corruption and before it is earen is a fit Feast for Rats and Mice not only contrary to Reason but the full Verdict of all our Senses 7. That saith That no Person how good and pious soever he be can be saved out of the Pale of their polluted ungodly and devilish Church tho the Scripture plainly affirms That in every Nation he that fears God and worketh Righteousness is accepted with him 8. That says 'T is no Sin to lie swear and forswear to kill slay and murther such as they call Hereticks tho never so good if it be for the Cause of the Church with a thousand Things of the like Import which the People do verily believe And as they dare not gainsay upon their Salvation so will they embrace and use all Opportunities to fight and make Wars overcome Cities and lay waste Countries and Kingdoms to kill and slay by Massacre and all manner of murthering ways all Ranks and Degrees of Men that oppose the horrid Principles and Practices of those cursed Children Nay they will go boldly to their own Death when convict and condemned for Villanies and deny that to day that they were convicted of but yesterday and tho never so notoriously guilty yet will take it upon their Death and Salvation that they are as innocent as the Child unborn What can this be tho they drink it down for most sweet and pleasant Wine but an Infusion of the rankest and most deadly Poyson that the lowest Celler of the Bottomless Pit can afford the very Wine of Fornications and the most dangerous Drunkenness and Intoxication in the World Which is attended with this Aggravation that the best prepared Medicines of the wisest Physician will not recover them for Babylon having made the Multitude drunk with this sort of poysoned Wine how rare is it to have any come to themselves to their right Mind again And to shut up this Head take this Argument Argument If no People in the Christian World hath made the Multitude or common Sort of People drunk corrupted and intoxicated their Minds by wicked Lies and false Doctrine such as before-mentioned as Rome Papal or Church of Rome hath done Then Rome Papal or Church of Rome is this Babylon treated of But no People in the Christian World hath made the Multitude or common Sort of People drunk corrupted and intoxicated their Minds by wicked Lies and false Doctrine such as before-mentioned as Rome hath done Ergo Rome Papal or Church of Rome is this Babylon treated of IX Mystery Babylon is such ill Company as to let Kings be dishonestly familiar with her and make the lower and ruder Sort of her Associates drunk She is said to sit drunk upon a Scarlet-colour'd Beast and this Beast is full of the Names of Blasphemy Rev. 17.3 And I saw a Woman sit upon a Scarlet-coloured Beast full of the Names of Blasphemy c. So that the Woman and the Beast are distinct the Woman the Church the Beast the Secular Power or Civil State This appears evident from divers Considerations arising 1. From other Prophecies relating to the same Thing 2. From the Letter of the Text. 3. From Arguments in Reason 4. From the Confession of the Woman Babylon or the Whore her self Dan. 2. 1. From many Prophecies the latter part of the Image is partly Iron and partly Clay two States really distinct that could never so incorporate as to become one 2. From the Letter of the Text I saw a Woman sit upon a Scarlet-coloured Beast Rev. 17.3 full of the Names of Blasphemy The Colours of the Royal and Imperial Vestments the Angel in the next Words declares distinct and the Apostle in the Vision beheld them distinct 3. They appear to be distinct from Arguments in Reason For 1. The Beast is in the Masculine the Whore in the Feminine Gender Ver. 11 2 4 6 16. compared 2. The Whore else did sit and ride upon her self an high Absurdity 3. The Horns being of the Beast shall hate the Whore if not distinct the Whore must hate her self even to Ruine and Desolation which is nonsensical 4. The Beast shall abide tho in Captivity after the Whore is thrown down or destroyed 4. From the plain Confession of the Woman or Whore her self who saith I sit a Queen I am no Widow Ergo she hath a Head or Husband which is the Beast little Horn or Man of Sin that Paul declared should rise after the removal of the then present Power which did lett which the Primitive Fathers as Tertullian Cyprian Jerome and others understood to be the Imperial Power in its pure civil iron or unmixed State IX Rome Papal or Church of Rome hath not only been ill Company to the Kings and great Men of the Earth in drawing them into her Idol●try Abuse of God his blessed Son the Christian Religion and blessed Books of the Old and New Testament but she hath made the lower and ruder Sort of People drunk too And 't is no Wonder she thinks she may do any thing
shie of and ready at all turns to flie from and avoid any external horrible Uncleanness But Sin is a bewitching and ensnaring Uncleanness All the bodily Beauty in the World did never entice so many as the Deformity and foul Face of Sin hath Beauty and Comeliness are the Attractives the Loadstone of Love Christ was not loved by many because he did not appear beautiful he vail'd his glorious Beauty Lust is loved tho it be altogether unbeautiful Christ is the Mirror of Beauty tho some see no Comeliness in him he is fairer than the Children of Men But there is no Form or Comeliness in Sin nothing indeed why it should be desired yet how is it admired and esteemed by all Sorts of Men They dote upon it and run mad with love to it 't is so bewitching as the choicest Beauty in the World III. Wh●t Filth Uncleanness or Pollution is of such a murthering killing and destroying Nature as Sin It is true some horrid Pollution is of a corrupting poysonous and destroying Quality but not like Sin This Venom this Uncleanness is worse than any more mortal than any it kills both Body and Soul too it destroys eternally O there is no finding out the cursed Nature of it there is nothing can save from the killing Power of it nor cleanse from its Pollution but Christ's Blood Inferences O What a woful Condition is Man in by Nature how unclean in God's sight Well might Eliphaz say Job 15.16 How abominable and filthy is Man who drinketh in Iniquity like Water The Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 notes that which is most abhorring to the Nature of Man that which is not only so nauseous that the Stomach cannot digest it but so base that the Mind is burthened to think upon it yea the Word imports that which is rejected by all the Senses that which the Eye cannot endure to look upon that which the Ear cannot endure to hear of that which is a Stink in the Nostrils and which the Hand will not touch such a a thing is Man in God's Sight by reason of Sin Filthy 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Word is derived from a Root that signifies Caryl on Job 15.16 corrupt rotten putrified the Scum of a Pot the Rust of Metals the Dung or Excrement of Man and Beasts There are no Words saith Caryl filthy enough to express the Filthiness of Man The Word is found saith he but three times in Scripture in this Construction and in all of them 't is applied to shew the abominable Wickedness of Man The first is this Job 15.16 Psal 14 3. Psal 53.3 as if this were a Word pick'd out on purpose as a Glass to shew Man his Face and natural Complexion in c. Job 7.17 II. O what is Man that God should be mindful of him What Beauty is there in him that the Almighty should set his Heart upon him III. What little reason have wicked Men to be proud And how sadly are they mistaken who think to adorn themselves with Sin How do Sinners pride themselves in their filthy Garments and Cloak of Unrighteousness He is no Gallant now a days unless he can swear and curse and cry Damn-him and Sink-him Lord what an Age is this They shew their Sin as Sodom and hide it not they glory in their Shame IV. Let us learn from hence to be fully sensible of our Birth-Pollution I mean Original Sin Job 25.5 Job 14.4 that which we brought into the World with us Can he be clean that is born of a Woman Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean not one Can the Stream be clean when the Fountain is so unclean All that are born by natural Generation are unclean Adam's particular Act or Breach of the Law of God was ours we being in him he stood as the common Root of all his Posterity 't is also by the Almighty imputed to us The natural Pravity or Corruption which issueth from thence passeth from Generation to Generation V. We may infer from hence that every Man and Woman hath need of washing say not therefore with Peter Thou shalt never wash my Feet when every part is defiled c. VI. Go polluted Soul go to the Fountain 'T is the Blood of Jesus Christ that cleanseth us from all Sin VII Bless God there is a Fountain to wash in a Fountain opened for Sin and Uncleanness See Fountain in the First Volume VIII You that are clean praise the Almighty Ye were as filthy as others Such were some of you c. Saints may be said to be clean four manner of Ways 1. Clean meritoriously by the Blood of the Lord Jesus 2. Efficaciously by the Spirit uniting them to Christ and sanctifying their Hearts 3. Clean instrumentally by the Word Now are you clean through the Word which I have spoken unto you 4. Clean impulsively and attractively by Faith Purifying their Hearts by Faith Sin compared to Gray-Hairs Hos 7.9 Yea gray Hairs are here and there upon him and he knoweth it not HE knoweth it not that is Israel or Ephraim viz. the ten Tribes Hos 1.4 Amos 9.8 Ephraim may be considered as a Kingdom I am against the sinful Kingdom or as a Church They were a People in Covenant with God or in a National Church-State and once youthful and beautiful but now they are become old and gray-headed i. e. they had Symptoms of Decay and Ruine upon them Gray Hairs Some by gray Hairs understand heavy Judgments others some prevailing Evils or Sins which were Signs of Destruction c. There may be Truth in both Note Symptoms of Ruine oft-times appear upon a People before their Ruine comes Parallels GRay Hairs are a Sign that a Man's best Days his youthful Days are gone So some Sins and Judgments upon a People are a Sign that their best Days are past away that their Youth and Glory is departing II. Gray Hairs are a Sign of old Age So some Sins and Judgments upon a People shew forth that they are old in Wickedness III. Gray Hairs come oft-times by great Grief Scaliger tells us of a young Man Burroughs who through the extreme Trouble of his Spirit was turned gray in one Night So the Judgments and Miseries of a People because of their Sins make them gray-headed and thereby look old and withered c. IV. When gray Hairs come upon a Man they bring oftentimes with them feeble Knees and Stiffness of the Limbs So Sin makes feeble the Heat of Zeal and Vigour of Spirit is thereby abated V. Gray Hairs are Symptoms and Fore-runners of Death and Mortality So some Sins and Miseries upon a People are the clear Symptoms of spiritual Death or Night of Darkness VI. Some Men have gray Hairs here and there and they know not of them So a Soul Nation or Church may have sad Symptoms of Ruine upon them and they be ignorant of them He knows it not Quest What were those gray Hairs that
long they are but for a season a Thaw will come So the afflicted State of a godly Man tho it be unpleasant yet 't is not lasting to be sure not everlasting Tho some Frosts hold longer than others yet none hold always Summer will come And usually where Winter is fiercest Summer for a Recompence is pleasantest Our Modern Geographer having described the Sharpness of Winter in Muscovia Heylin 's Geography concludes thus Such is their Winter c. Neither is their Summer less miraculous for the huge Seas of Ice which in a manner covered the whole Surface of the Country are at first approach of the Sun suddenly dissolved the Waters dried up and the Earth dressed in her Holy-day Apparel such a mature Growth of Fruits such flourishing of Herbs such chirping of Birds as if it were a perpetual Spring Even thus after a cold Winter of Affliction shall the Church or a particular Soul be relieved by a sweet and comfortable Summer of Prosperity Inferences THis may help the Godly to bear up under Afflictions and Sufferings in this World What tho they be pinching and troublesom whilst they last yet they have a very good Effect Like as Frost mellows the Earth and after it the Clods crumble easily whereas if there was no Winter no Frost they would be more stiff and not fit for the Husbandman So thy Heart is hereby made mellow and more meet and fit to receive the good Seed Frost dries up the ill Humors of the Earth so do Afflictions those of the Soul c. The Winter-Frosts kill the Weeds and Worms which eat the Roots and hinder the Growth of Herbs and Corn So Afflictions tend to kill our Lusts those Weeds and Worms that breed and grow in our Hearts always hindering our Fruitfulness in Grace and true Godliness II. You know Fire does well in Winter to warm the Blood c. So the Fire of the Spirit will warm and heat thy Soul in and under Afflictions and Temptations get therefore near it and labour to experience its powerful Operations See The Word and Spirit compared to Fire in the First Volume III. It may reprove such who are discontented under Afflictions they would not be in such and such a troubled Condition c. Alas Soul will a wise Man be angry and offended with the Winter Wouldest thou have all Summer and no Winter all Peace and Prosperity and no Adversity Consider how necessary Winter is Affliction compared to Darkness Isa 8.22 Behold Trouble and Darkness c. Lam. 3.2 And brought me into Darkness c. Joel 2.2 A Day of Darkness c. DArkness is taken properly or metaphorically 1. Properly Darkness is nothing else but a Privation of Light Caryl 't is no positive Creature it hath no Cause in Nature but is the Consequent of the Sun's Absence 2. Metaphorically or improperly it signifies divers Things 1. The State of Nature or Unregeneracy or deep Alienation from the Life of God Ye that were sometimes Darkness c. 2. Several Sins wherein wicked Men live 3. Desertion 4. The Grave Eph. 5.8 Eph. 5.11 5. Hell 6. Afflictions Note Afflictions Calamities and spiritual Desertions may be compared to Darkness Parallels DArkness is a Judgment thick Darkness was one of the Plagues of Egypt So some Calamities and severe Afflictions are brought upon a People or Nation as a just and dreadful Judgment of God II. Natural Darkness is occasioned by the Absence of the Sun and Obscurity of the other Luminaries of Heaven So some Afflictions and Calamities are occasioned by the absence of the Light of God's Word and hiding of his Face When the Gospel is taken away from a People that People are presently involved in thick Darkness which is a most sore and fearful Judgment III. Darkness is very uncomfortable 't is a dolesom thing to have no Light So to be under some Afflictions especially Desertion is the most uncomfortable State in the World IV. Darkness causeth a Man to lose his Way and wander about and exposeth him to many Dangers So spiritual Darkness causes a Man to stumble Walk whilst you have the Light lest Darkness come upon you for he that walketh in Darkness John 12.35 knoweth not whither he goeth Give Glory to the Lord your God Jer. 13.16 before he cause your Feet to stumble upon the dark Mountains and whilst you look for Light he turn it into the Shadow of Death V. There are Degrees of Darkness Darkness and thick Darkness and the Blackness of Darkness c. One degree of Darkness may attend the Day a Day may be dark but not like the Darkness of the Night and some Nights are darker than others as Experience shews And hence we read of Darkness and of the Shadow of Death Psal 23.4 Tho I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death I will fear no Evil c. That is the greatest Darkness and Evil that can befall a godly Man The Shadow of a Thing in Scripture saith Mr. Caryl denotes the Power of a Thing and to be under the Shadow of a Thing is to be under the Power of it To be under the Shadow of the Almighty is to be under the Power of the Almighty c. To be under the shadow of Death is to be under the power and reach of it Tho I may be so near Death that it may seem to others to be really Death and that it is impossible to escape Death yet I will fear no Evil. Some Afflictions threaten Death upon God's People and upon his Concerns and Interest in the World and Christians may seem to be under the Influence of Death The Influences of Death are those Fears and Doubtings Divisions Distractions and Vexations of Heart and Mind Cries and Confusions which usually accompany or prepare the Way for Death Job 3.5 Let Darkness and the Shadow of Death stain it c. That is such Darkness as dwells with Death such Darkness as fills the House of Death the Grave Such Darkness as this Heman complained of I am accounted with them that go down into the Pit c free among the Dead Psal 88.4 5 6 7. like the slain in the Grave wh●m thou remembrest no more and they are cut off by thy Hand Thou hast layed me in the lowest Pit in Darkness in the Deep Thy Wrath lieth hard upon me and thou hast afflicted me with all thy Waves Selah He seemed to be under the greatest Darkness so sorely deserted that he saw no Light he sate in the very Shadow of Death Caryl viz deadly Darkness thick Darkness stifling Darkness such as is in deep Pits and Mines under the Earth where Vapors and noisom Damps do many times strike Men with Death in the most deplorable State and Condition imaginable 'T is one thing to have some Afflictions and some Doubtings of Mind and Spirit and another thing to be in these great Deeps of Affliction and Desertion VI. No natural
Beauty and Perfection in Christ is all fulness of Light Beauty and Perfection 2. There use was to receive by them answer from God in difficult Cases when the Priest consulted with him the Oracle by Vrim gave certain Direction So Christ is the most perfect Rule and Direction shadowed by that Heb. 1.1 2. As God spake then by Vrim to the Priest so now by his own Son Those who would have their Doubts resolved must go to the Vrim go to Christ and to his Ordinances c. But to return back and speak a little further to the Robe of the Ephod and Bonnet on the Skirts of the Ephod Exod. 28.31 were fastned the Pomegranets of blew Silk and Purple and Scarlet round about this Fruit had a most pleasant smell sweet in it self and sweetning other things and is full of precious Juice and Liquor 2. Bells of Gold between them round about a Golden Bell and a Pomegranate c. this Vesture or Garment might signify the Righteousness of Christ's Human Nature and by the sweet Pomgranates the most excellent savour of his Righteousness and Obedience in the Nostrils of God the Father in the behalf of Man which also in a Spiritual Sense was full of precious Juice and Virtue to qualify and abate the raging heat of God's Wrath as the Juice of Pomgranates doth allay the burning heat of an Ague or Feaver as also they might signify what a sweet savour Christ's Righteousness doth cast upon us when wrapped as it were therein who by Nature are in a stinking and loathsome Condition 2. As to the golden Bells they might figure forth the blessed sound of the Gospel or as some understand Christ's visible owning of us now in Heaven and our publick owning of him on Earth which must be Sincere we must not only make a sound but also have good Fruit we must not on●y have a Word for God but a Work for God a Bell a Pomegranate a Word and a Work 6. The High Priest must be heard when he goeth into the Sanctuary signifying saith Dr. Taylor the Power of Christ our High Priest's perpetual Intercession being entered into the true Sanctuary viz. Heaven it self for us As touching the Miter or Bonnet upon the Priest's Head made of blew Silk and fine Linnen like to an half Coronet beautified with a Golden Plate on which was written Holiness to the Lord. 1. The Miter might not only signify God's covering and protecting our Head the Lord Jesus and us in him but also his Kingly Dignity 2. The Golden Plate in which was written Holiness to the Lord figured forth in a most conspicuous manner that most divine and perfect Holiness of the Lord our Righteousness the Holiness of his Person the Holiness of his Nature the Holiness of all his Actions and Passions his Holiness who is the Cause Stream and Original of all our Holiness that is accepted of God Fourthly The Priest was a Type of Christ in the Execution of his Office 1. The Priest must kill the Sacrifices and none but he signifying Jesus Christ's vo●untary Action Joh. 10.18 in laying down his Life for us none could take it away from him he was as well the Priest as the Sacrifice 2. The Priest offered the Blood of the Sacrifices to God and sprinkled it on the Alter no Man might offer his ●wn Sacrifice but he must bring it to the Priest Lev. 7.4 figuring there was no coming to God but by Christ who offered up his own Blood to atone for our Sins no other can offer any Sacrifice to take away Sin but him alone 3. The Priest prepared the Body of the Sacrifice fley'd it divided it into several parts Lev. 1.6 washed the Intrails put Fire unto the Burnt-Offerings consumed the Fat cast the Filth and Dung into the pl●ce of Ashes c. signifying that Christ alone did the whole work of our Redemption he suffered the heat of God's Wrath and Justice he puts away all our Filth and covers it in his own Grave and washeth us in the Fountain of his own Blood c. 4. The Priest was to teach the People The Priest's Lips must preserve Knowledg Mal. 2.7 and thou shalt seek the Law at his Mouth this figured forth Christ in his Prophetical Office who is the great Doctor and Teacher of God's Mind and Will to the Children of Men 't is he who hath the Tongue of the L●arned so that never Man spake like him Psal 45.2 it is he who hath the Words of everlasting Life 5. The Priests were to preserve the Oyl for Lights and the Incense Luk. 24.50 and for the daily Meat-Offering and the anointing Oyl c. signifying that Jesus Christ is the Preserver of all Grace in and for his Church he only watcheth for the safety of his People he preserves the light of Grace and good Works in us and the Oyl of Gladness from decaying in our Lamps and Vessels There were some Actions more peculiar to the High Priest 1. He must daily dress the holy Lamps and Lights Morning and Evening Lev. 24.2 3. before the Lord to preserve the Lights from going out So Christ preserves the Light of his Word and Gospel from being put out tho Men and Devils with all their Might have endeavoured to do it 2. He must week●y make the Shew-Bread and set it before the Lord continually and Exod. 25.30 more expresly every Sabbath he must set on the Table twelve Loaves according to the number of the Tribes of Israel and take the old away c. In this he was a Type of Christ who sets himself continually in the Ministry of the Word as the Substance and Anti-type of the Shew-Bread before the Children of Men especially to feed and strengthen his own Children nay an● brings forth fresh Food new Bread for them every Sabbath 3. He must yearly and that in the day of Expiation go into the Holy of Holies Exod. 30.10 Lev. 16.2 to make an Atonement for himself for his House and for all the People but not without Blood signifyi●g that Christ by one alone Sacrifice of hims●lf hath opened the Sanctuary of H●aven and by his Ascension hath made entrance into it on our behalf and there appears be●ore God once for all to make Intercession for us The Priest went alone without any Attendants Heb. 10.12 19 So Christ hath trod the Wine-Press alone no Competitor no Companion h●th he in this work and now pleads alone as our own and only Mediator by virtue of his own Blood at the Father's right Hand There is one that is but one Mediator between God and Man c. 4. The High Priest continually was to decide the highest Controversies he must judg between the cl●an and the unclean he must put the one out and receive the other into the Congregation signifying that Christ only Christ alone is the Supream judg of all Controversies 't is his Word only that can
only gives Direction how we should pray and that we should in Prayer only design the Glory of God 10. After the clearing of the Lamps of the Candlestick Evening and Morning then the Incense was burnt shewing that all our Prayers and Duties must be according to the Directions of God's Word and Spirit 11. The Incense was made of divers Spices Psal 51. So must the Prayers of the Godly be seasoned with divers Graces viz. true Repentance lively Faith and unfeigned Love 12. The Incense was offered up in the Holy Place without the Veil of the Holiest near to the Testimony before the Mercy-Seat So we must always have an Eye to Christ in our Prayers who is the true Mercy-Seat we must come to God by him c. 13. Once a Year the Altar was sprinkled with the Blood of the Expiatory Sacrifice signifying how Christ is by shedding of his Blood consecrated our blessed Mediator and that no Prayer is acceptable to God but through Faith in the Blood of Christ The Altar of Burnt-Offering Exod. 27.1 to 9. a Type of Christ Parallels ALtar in Hebrew Mizbeach in Greek Thusiasterion Ainsworth so named of Sacrifices offered thereon it was anointed dedicated sanctfied to be most holy that it might sanctify the Gifts offered thereon This Altar and Sacrifice signified Jesus Christ sanctifying himself for his Church and People that so he might sanctify them II. This Altar was but one and in one place and the Sacrifice only to be offered upon it signifying thereby that we have but one Altar of Redemption and Salvation viz. Jesus Christ alone who only once and in one place offered up a sufficient and unreiterable Sacrifice for the Sins of Mankind III. This Altar had four Horns also See Altar of Incense IV. It had a brazen Grate in the midst of it which let the Ashes and like things fall through c. whereon the Fire was put which might signify two things 1. The Humanity of our Saviour who bore the Fire of God's Wrath for our Sins thus Guild 2. Isa 53.12 It signifieth saith Ainsworth the place wherein the Holy Fire always burneth that is the Heart which sustaineth also the Sacrifice 2 Tim. 1.3 Rom. 1.1 2. Heb. 7.14 and where all Ashes and Excrements of Corruption are inwardly conveyed away as they are discovered by the Word and Spirit of God as also our Sanctification by Affliction V. In that the Altar was to be made of Shittim Wood and overlaid with Brass that it might endure the Fire it might figure out the Human Nature of Christ supported or sustained by the Diety to endure God's Wrath for our Sins VI. They that served at the Altar lived of the Altar So they who preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel Disparity THE Altar was one thing and the Sacrifice another But Christ is both the Altar Sacrifice and Sacrificer too he offered up his Body by the Eternal Spirit as a Sacrifice acceptable to God the Father The Brazen Laver Exod. 30.18 to 25. what it was a Type of THE Brazen Laver served for the Priest-hood to wash their Hands and Feet in before they ministred before the Lord typifying that inward washing by Christ's Blood wherewith all the Holy Priesthood of Christ must be sanctified in Heart and Life before their Services can be accepted in the sight of God and that none ought to minister the Word of Life but Godly Persons who are washed in the Laver of Regeneration Psal 50. Vnto the wicked God saith what hast thou to do to take my Words into thy Mouth c. II. After the Priests had washed themselves clean and arrayed themselves they entred into the holy Place So after the Godly are inwardly washed by the Blood of Christ and have received by Faith his Righteousness to adorn them they become fit Members of the true Gospel-Church III. They shall wash themselves saith the Lord lest they die to shew that all Persons must be purged by Faith in Christ's Blood Mark 16.16 or die eternally IV. He that toucheth or washeth in the Laver it being anointed with the holy Oil as all other Things in the holy and most holy Place were shall be holy saith the Lord signifying that all they who by Faith touch the Lord Jesus who is anointed with the Oil of Gladness above his Fellows shall be spiritually sanctified accepted and accounted holy before the Lord likewise The Sacrifice of Beasts a Type of Christ THe Beasts that were appointed for Sacrifice were to have Horns signifying the Kingly and Priestly Office of Christ Horns as we have elsewhere shewn being a Symbol of Power c. II. They were to be of a tame sort not wild and savage Beasts who by force are brought to the Slaughter signifying the Meekness and Mildness of Jesus Christ who was patient like a Lamb led to the Slaughter Isa 53. III. They must be of the Male Sort which generally are the strongest signifying the Excellency and Strength of Jesus Christ IV. They ought to be without blemish and the best of the Flock or Herd and presented of voluntary Will noting two Things 1. That Christ should be perfectly holy and that he should willingly lay down his Life 2 That we should dedicate to God the best of our Days Time and Strength and not offer unto the Lord a corrupt Thing and also perform all our Services to him with a free and willing Mind V. They were to be presented at the Door of the Tabernacle to be slain signifying that Christ s Blood makes our entry into the Church of God here and into Heaven it self hereafter VI. They must lay their hands upon the Head of the Beast who brought him noting thereby our Sins being laid upon Jesus Christ and that we must lay the hand of Faith upon him if we would have Benefit by his Death VII Then the Burnt-Offering was slain signifying that so it behoved Christ the great Anti-type to be slain or crucified for our Sins Mark 16.15 M●t. 28.18 19. VIII The Blood thereof then was sprinkled about the Altar noting the All-sufficiency of Christ's Death and Plenty of his Bloodshed with the large spreading or preaching thereof universally throughout the whole World IX The Skin thereof was plucked off and the Flesh cut in pieces thereby shewing the Grievousness of Christ's Sufferings X. The Body the Head and the Fat and all was laid on the Fire signifying how Christ should suffer for us both in Body and Soul Isa 53.12 My Soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto Death XI This Burnt-Offering was called a sweet Savour unto the Lord which in Christ's Death is solely and only accomplished for 't is thereby God's Wrath is appeased and his Justice satisfied XII The Ashes were to be carried without the Host and put into a clean Place shadowing thereby how Christ should be buried without the Gates of Jerusalem in a Tomb wherein never Man lay and that his Body should not
Christ and the Things of Religion of which Justice and Charity Holiness and Compassion are not the least Part and yet under this Vizard and in the very time of these Pretensions perpetrate the greatest and most unparallel'd Villanies in the World 1. In being the Top of Pride 2. In committing palpable Idolatry 3. Fill themselves with Excess and Drunkenness 4. To curse swear and blaspheme the very Name they profess to be sacred 5. To cast down the Truth burn the Bible deface the holy Books and Laws of God 6. To assume not only a Power to dispense with Violations of the highest Nature but to pardon and forgive them at pleasure 7. To commit Adultery and account it a venial Crime 8. To break Covenants drive a Trade in Perjury forswear every thing they are justly charged with and is fully proved against them 9. To foment Wars and Broils in every Kingdom and Country where they have Power contrive the Ruine of Towns and Places Cities Countries and Kingdoms by Fire Sword and most cruel Devastations 10. To slaughter kill and barbarously murther both Men Women and Children even all that dare make a shew of Conscience and Religion so far as to abhor and dissent from these Villanies This is such a Scheme of Religion and Systeme of Divinity to come from an Apostle a Shepherd a Vicar and Successor of Christ from a Church Sheep Saints and the pretended Followers of the meek peaceable and innocent Jesus who taught altogether otherwise by his Doctrine and Example that it might well be wondred at and is the strangest Mystery that ever appeared of which we challenge the whole World to shew the like in the Turks and Saracens For Men to swear lie and forswear themselves and yet be true Men to contrive Rebellion Murther and Treason and yet be as innocent as the Child unborn to be elevated to the highest Pinacle of Pride even above Emperors and Kings above Jesus Christ and God his Father and yet be humble and lowly To commit gross Idolatry and yet be the Servants of the Living God To be filled with and make a Trade of Excess and Drunkenness and yet be the Paterns and Standards of Sobriety and Temperance To cast down the Truth to the Ground deface the Laws of God and burn the Scriptures and yet be the true Witnesses to it To forgive Sins and yet be the greatest of Sinners themselves To commit Fornication and Adultery and yet be spotless and pure in Heart To foment Wars and Broils in every Kingdom and Country where they have Power to contrive the Ruine of Towns and Places Cities Countries and Kingdoms by Fire Sword and cruel Devastations and yet be as harmless as Doves to all Mankind the only Sons of Peace and Quietness To slaughter kill and barbarously murther Men Women and Children that dare not be so wicked as themselves and yet to be full of Mercy tender Pity and Compassion an Apostle Shepherd Vicar and Successor of the meek and Lamb-like Saviour And for the dear Consort of this impious Head or Man of Sin to be not only confederate with him but a Principal in all these unparallel'd Villanies and most butcherly and rapacious Murthers and yet be the Holy Catholick Church of God the pure and spotless Spouse of Jesus Christ the true Sheep the harmless Lambs the best of Saints and close Followers of the Lord Jesus who always taught the contrary by his holy Doctrine and meek Example We say these Things not being found by secret Search but are written in Capital Letters upon her Forehead appear in open view to be read by every one that is not wilfully blind Let any one shew us a greater Mystery in the World than this and we will subscribe to it 4. It cannot be the Turks because they are not the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth which this Babylon is said to be Rev. 17.5 And upon her Forehead was a Name written MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH And here we demand in excuse to the Turks this one Thing From whence did proceed the Murthers Massacres and Martyrdoms of all the Religious Professors of Christianity that have died by violence in the Christian World for the space of twelve hundred Years last past And from what People did proceed those horrid Oaths Blasphemies and Execrations that the World hath wofully been acquainted with most horrid and strangely astonishing to repeat Came these unparallel'd Degrees of Impiety from the Turks from the Waldensians Lutherans Calvinists or any Non-conforming Protestants No no. Why whose Language then is it Whose Why 't is the Language of the Beast of the bottomless Pit and bloody Whore who bare these blasphemous Sons of her own Body daily nourishes them at her Breast and strengthens them in their sinful Courses by accounting them the Sons the precious Sons of Sion the true Sons of the Catholick Church the Darlings of Heaven the beloved Ones of the Virgin Mary and giving them Pardons for these bold and Heaven-daring Sins as often as they do commit them and come to ask Pardon for them so that Sin and Pardon is as constant and common with them as Breathing and Eating And these Things are done to seal and confirm Lies which is the more heavy heinous and prodigious For if Men may lie by allowance may kill and shed innocent Blood without Controul of Conscience and Church-Censures may swear and blaspheme and challenge God himself to damn them may burn Men for Religion consume Cities to Ashes conspire the Death of Kings the Ruine and Overthrow of Kingdoms whore and murther Infants and yet be accounted a Church the Members and Parts of it called Saints holy Children and Sons of the Most High God Then may we claim a Patent and take a License to change the Name of all Things and alter all the Idea's of the Minds of Men call and account Beelzebub a good God and all his black Tribe the pure Saints of the Most High call the lower Regions of Blackness and Darkness to which he is confin'd the Heaven of Glory and eternal Light Of which Things we ought in Justice to clear the Turks until Witnesses of undoubted Credit shall come forth and evidence that the Turkish State is the Mother of as great Abominations as these are 5. And lastly The Turks cannot be Mystery Babylon because they never were made drunk with the Blood of the Saints and with the Blood of the Martyrs of Jesus which this Woman Mystery Babylon is expresly said to be Rev. 17.6 And I saw the Woman drunk with the Blood of the Saints and with the Blood of the Martyrs of Jesus and I wondred with great admiration Now let any Man shew such Bloodshed Saints Bloodshed by Massacres and Martyrdom for the professing of Christianity which must be if the Text be answered in that Clause Blood of the Martyrs of Jesus by the Turks either within their Dominions or
without as hath been shed by a Generation nearer home and we shall become like the Man without a Wedding-Garment wholly speechless and say not a Word more about Babylon III. Now that Babylon in the Apocalypse is Great Rome that in former Times reigned and in future Times shall be destroyed is owned by some of the Papists themselves and is asserted by all Protestants the Difference betwixt them is brought to this narrow Point The one wholly confines Babylon to Rome Heathen and there totally to terminate the other brings Babylon down lower to Rome Antichristian or Papal Rome Now that this Work may be to Edification and more full Satisfaction in this great Case we shall advance to the last and chief Secret that is to be opened and considered namely Whether all Things in John's Vision or Prophecy that are applied to Mystery Babylon did compleatly terminate in Rome Heathen and come no further In Answer to this great Enquiry we do with the Body of Protestants in opposition to the Papists conclude the Negative viz. That all Things in the Apocalypse applied to Mystery Babylon did not terminate in Rome Heathen The Reasons of which Negative are as followeth 1. Because the Beast that Mystery Babylon rides on is the eighth Head or last Ruling-Power of that City that is seated upon seven Hills which must be Rome Papal because the whole Race of Rome Heathen was gone off before the eighth Head came up The sixth Head was in John's Time the seventh was to come and continue but a short Space The Beast that carrier the Woman viz. Babylon is of the seventh but is the eighth and shall be the last for he goeth into Perdition This being so evident from the Letter of the Text needs nothing more to confirm it Now that Rome Heathen was not the last Part of the Romish Power is not only the full and joint Consent of all Writers upon this Subject but is so evident to all the Christian World that it would be Vanity it self to make a Show of Proof The Conclusion then is this If the very last Part of the Roman Power carries the Woman Babylon and that the Heathen State of Rome went off before and was not the last then Babylon could not terminate in Rome Heathen but must come down to Rome Papal See Rev. 17.3 7 9 11. 2. If Babylon be totally terminated in Rome Heathen then the Book of the Apocalypse is of little use to the latter Ages of the Christian World For if the whole Transactions relating to the Persecution of the Church and the Slaughter and Destruction of God's Enemies did end in Rome Heathen then it served only to give a characteristical Account of a Beast and Whore that was grown old and ready to go off the Stage but hath wholly left us in the dark and given us no notice at all of that horrible Confusion and bloody Persecutions which have reigned in the Christian World for more than a thousand Years last past which for Length of Time Numbers of Murthers and Manner of Cruelties hath out-done all the Wickedness of Rome in its Heathen State Which is not at all likely that a Vision should be given and a Revelation made and call'd so about a State that was almost expired and the most great and principal Part wholly left out and said nothing to Who can imagine that a careful Saviour should be so full in his Discoveries to the Jewish Church concerning their Sufferings and the Time under Egypt and Babylon Literal and be so short and lean to his Gospel-Church to leave them altogether without any written Profpect or extraordinary Prophet to inform them what should come to pass in the World from the going off of the Power of Rome Heathen to the end of all the Churches Troubles which have already lasted above a thousand Years The Conceit of which is fit but for two Ranks of Men to receive viz. the Roman-Catholicks and such Protestants as look for Antichrist to come at the end of the World after the Restauration of the Jews to their own Land and building a material Temple at Jerusalem where Antichrist shall sit three Days and an half or Years to kill two Men called the two Witnesses 3. If this last Babylon was wholly to terminate in Rome Heathen then there was no Cause of Wonderment and great Admiration for a wise Man to see in a Vision an Heathenish State under a Diabolical Influence to perform Actions sutable to their State and not contrary to their Professions For what matter of Wonderment can it be to feel the Wind blow to see the Sea foam and hear the Waves rage and roar when the Winds oppose its Effluxion And what Cause of great Wonderment and Admiration for a wise Man to see wicked Heathens oppose and persecute Christianity when it is so sutable to their Spirit and agreeable to their Profession so to do we cannot yet understand and we will diligently listen to them who will undertake to inform us For the thing is true that a wise Man did wonder at the Sight he saw with great Admiration Rev. 17.6 I saw the Woman drunk with the Blood of the Martyrs of Jesus and I wondred with great admiration Wonder'd O strange At what To see that which was common to all Ages the Seed of the Serpent that profest Heathenism the Wicked even the worst of the Wicked by Principle and Profession to plot against the Righteous and to gnash upon him with their Teeth Idolaters profest Idolaters to persecute the Servants and Worshippers of the true God those that were born after the Flesh and lived after the Flesh to persecute them that were born of the Spirit and lived after the Spirit Surely if our Adversaries Opinion was true in this Case that Babylon is only Rome Heathen St. John had forgot that Cain killed Abel and Ishmael persecuted Isaac and took not so much notice of the Course of the World common to every Age as Paul did who said But as he that was born after the Flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit as it was then so it is now And what strange Wonder is in all this 4. Rome Heathen never was espoused married or united to the Lord Jesus in a spiritual way visibly owning his Laws and submitting to his Government as a Wife submits to and obeys her Husband and afterwards casts him off and chuses another Head and Husband and therefore cannot be Mystical Babylon or the great Whore For tho these Heathens were great Idolaters yet were they never charged with spiritual Adultery nor could they unless they had once by visible Profession made a Covenant with or espoused themselves to the Lord Jesus which Rome Papal before its Apostacy did Therefore Rome Heathen could not be the great Whore or Mystical Babylon 5. Rome Heathen cannot be the Babylon set forth by St. John unless she be guilty of all the Christian Blood shed upon the Earth since the