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A95924 Theoremata theologica: = Theological treatises. Octo theses theologicæ: eight theses of divinity. 1. Animæ humanæ productio: Production of mans soul. 2. Puræ Dei prædestinatio: Divine predestination. 3. Verum ecclesiæ regimen: The tru [sic] church regiment. 4. Prædictiones de Messia: Predictions of Messias. 5. Duæ Christi genealogiæ: Christs two genealogies. 6. Apocalypsis patefacta: The revelation reveled. 7. Christi regnum in terra: Christs millenar reign. 8. Mundi hujus dissolutio: The worlds dissolution. / Complied or collected by Rob. Vilvain. Price at press in sheets 3 .s. Vilvain, Robert, 1575?-1663. 1654 (1654) Wing V397; Thomason E898_1; ESTC R3206 418,235 540

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Christ in the Gospel viz. Baptism and the Lords Supper thos fiv commonly caled Sacraments Confirmation Penance Orders Matrimony extrem Unction are not properly Gospel Sacraments being such as hav grown up partly of corrupt interpreting the Apostles and partly are states of life alowed in Scripture but hav not like nature of Sacraments with the o●het two for they hav no visible sign or Element ordained by God The Sacraments were not instituted by Christ to be gazed on or carried about but that we should duly use them and in such only as receiv them worthily they hav a wholsom effect or operation but they that receiv the same unworthily purchas to themselfs damnation as saint Paul saith Article 26. Though in the visible Church the evil be ever mingled with the good and somtime hav chief authority in ministration of the word and Sacraments yet sith they doo not the same in their own name but in Christs and minister by his Commission or authority we may use their ministry both in hearing Gods word and receiving the Sacraments nor is the effect of Christs Ordinances taken away by their wickednes nor the grace of Gods gifts impaired from such as by Faith rightly receiv the Sacraments ministred to them which are effectual by reason of Christs institution and promiss tho they be ministred by evil men Nevertheless it apperta●●s to the Churches Disciplin that inquiry be made of evil Ministers and that they be accused by thos which hav knowledg of their offences and finaly being found guilty by just judgment be deposed Article 27. Baptism is not only a sign of Profession and mark of distinction wherby Christians are dis●erned from others not Christned but is also a sign of Regeneration or new birth wherby as by an instrument they that receiv Baptism rightly are grafted into the Church the promises of sins f●rgivnes and our adoption to be sons of God by the holy Ghost are visibly signed and sealed Faith confirmed and Grace increased by virtu of praier to God The Baptism of young Infants in any wise is to be retained in the Church as most consonant to Christs institution Article 28. The Lords Supper is not only a sign of Christians lov which they ought to hav among themselfs but rather a Sacrament of our Redemption by Christs death so that to such as worthily receiv the same the Bread which we break is partaking of Christs body and the cup of Blessing is a partaking of his Blood Transubstantiation or change of the substance of Bread and Wine cannot be proved by holy Writ but repugns the plain words of Scripture overthrows the nature of a Sacrament and givs occasion to sundry superstitions Christs Body is given taken and eaten in the Supper only after a spiritual heavenly maner and the mean wherby 't is received and earen is Faith This Sacrament by Christs Ordinance was not reserved carried about lifted up or worshipped Article 29. The wicked and such as be void of life by Faith tho they doo carnaly and visibly press with their teeth as saint Austin saith the Sacrament of Christs Body and Blood yet in no wise are partakers of Christ but rather doo eat and drink the Sign or Sacrament of so great a thing to their condemnation Article 30. The Cup of the Lord is not to be denied to lay people for both parts of the Lords Sacrament by Christs Ordinance and commandement ought to be administred unto al Christian men Article 31. The Offering of Christ once made is that right perfect Redemption Propitiation and Satisfaction for al sins of the whol world both Original and Actual and ther is no other satisfaction but that alone Wherfore the Sacrifices of Masses in which it was commonly said the Priests did offer Christ for quick and dead to hav remission of pain and guilt are blasphemous fables and dangerous deceipts Article 32. Bishops Priests and Deacons are not commanded by Gods Law either to vow the estate of single life or to abstain from mariage but 't is also lawful for them as for al other Christian men to marry at their own discretion as they shal judg it to serv better to godlines Article 33. That person which by open denunciation of the Church is rightly cut off from the unity therof and excommunicat ought to be taken by the multitud of the whol Faithful as an Heathen or Publican til he be openly reconciled by penance and received into the Church by a Judg that hath authority therto Article 34. It is not necessary that Traditions and Ceremonies be one or utterly like in al places for they hav bin divers and changed at al times according to diversity of Countries Times and mens maners so that nothing be ordained against Gods word Who ever doth willingly or purposly on his privat judgment openly break the Churches Traditions and Ceremonies which be not repugnant to holy Writ but be ordained and approved by common authority ought to be rebuked openly that others may fear to doo the like as one that offendeth against the public Order of the Church and woundeth the consciences of weak Brethren Every particular or Nationall Church hath authority to ordain change and abolish Ceremonies or Rites of the Church ordained only by mans authority so that al be done to edefying Article 35. The secund book of Homilies whos several titles are joyned to this Article contain Godly wholsom doctrins and necessary for thes times as the former book doth set forth under Edward 6 therfore we judg them to be read in Churches by al Ministers diligently and distinctly that the People may understand them Their names are thes 1 Of the right use of the Church 2 Against peril of Idolatry 3 Of repairing and keeping clean Churches 4 Of good Works first of Fasting 5 Against Gluttony and Drunkennes 6 Against excess in Apparel 7 Of Prayer 8 Of the place and time of Prayer 9 That Common Prayer and Sacraments ought to be in a known toung 10 Of the reverend estimation of Gods Word 11 Of Alms doing 12 Of Christs Nativity 13 Of Christs Passion 14 Of Christs Resurrection 15 Of the worthy receiving the Sacrament of Christs Body and Blood 16 Of the Gifts of the holy Ghost 17 For the Rogation days 18 Of the state of Matrimony 19 Of Repentance 20 Against ●●lenes 21 Against Rebellion Article 36. The Book of consecrating Archbishops and Bishops and ordering of Priests and Deacons set forth under Edward 6 and then confirmed by Parliament contains al things necessary to such consecrating and ordering nor hath it ought that of it self is supersticious or ungodly Therfore whoever are consecrated or ordered according to the Rites of that Book since the secund yeer of that King to this time or hereafter shal be consecrated or ordered according to the same We decree all such to be rightly orderly and lawfully consecrated and ordered Article 37. The Kings Majesty hath chief Power in this Realm of England and his other
as they approved may be set over them which was somtime granted somtime not but to ordein of themselfs Saul and Vzziah had so much right to offer Incens as they to doo it Al humble Christians look to the rock whence they were hewen and pit wherout they were digged who did not make Ministers but they sent by Christ made People Christians Such as sat in darknes had light brought them and were found of God by his Ministers sent as Shepherds to the lost Sheep which sought not God So ther is no caus for People to embrace that fury folly and faction which would lay al in common sith Levellers can allege nothing to repeal the divine approbation of Ministry which hath continued a peculiar peaceable possession to Church Officers by Christs Institution for sixteen Centuries without cessation in a constant successon of Ordination We grant People in a particular Parish or Congregation may desire a special Man to be their Prelat or Pastor as thos of Milan did St. Ambros but cannot chus by their proper power much less Ordein as Souldiers may petition the General for one to be their Captain but cannot chus creat or constitut any without Commission They may so wel set up a new Christ or new Gospel as new Ministry or new Ordination which Christ hath doon once for al times and places to the Worlds end without Peoples interest A wise Spaniard said 'T is better in a State to prefer corrupt Men then silly Sots the one like a Theef in a Vinyard wil only take ripe Grapes til he be satiat but the other as an Ass eats ripe and green treads down al with his heels and being filled tumbles in it to spoil al such is the unskilful Vulgar in Church affairs Quest Som scornfully ask what can Bishops confer in Ordination more then other Men what charm is in their praiers or imposing of hands to invest Church power or how can they giv the Graces of the holy Ghost why doo they claim to be caled Clerics as peculiar to that Tribe and contemptuously cal others Laics sith al the Lords People are the lot of his Inheritance being spiritualy annointed to be Kings Priests Prophets Answ Thes Scarrows are soon repelled 1. Touching the term or title of Clergy and Laity which captious Critics imput as pride in Ecclesiastics to incens People against them this distinction was ever used ab initio as al antient Fathers Councils and Histories ratify nor is the one upbraided as a badg of vainglory to the Ministry nor the other aspersed as a brand of infamy to the People but only to difference both calings as 't is in our Laws and Language Nor is it avers to Scripture sens which cals them Pastor and Flock Doctor and Disciple Ruler and Ruled yea al Faithful in general are stiled Clerus a Church or portion of the Lords heritage but Ministers in special Clerus Ecclesiae a lot given by the Lord to his Acts 2. 6. Acts. 13. 2 3. Church as consecrat apart to his service So the Apostles chos Matthias by lot and the holy Ghost after said Separat Barnabas and Paul for the work wherto I hav caled them who having fasted praid and layd on hands sent them away Gods Ministers disdain not to be counted or caled his People as Children of one spiritual Father and brethren of the same Family of Faith Nor wil humble Christians covet to be clyped Clerics or scorn the appellation of Laics to avoid confusion of Calings who accompt or acknowledg tru Bishops and Ministers as their Fathers Overseers and Instructers Men may so wel bogle at the words Trinity three persons and Sacraments which are not found in the letter but truth and sens of Scripture Nor is Logomachy or word-war fit for wise Men being a meer Sciomachy or shadow-fight like stumbling at straws and syllabical scruples No Religion bars convenient compendious terms to distinguish degrees but thes word-Carpers hav a malitious meaning to make People abandon both Name and Thing even the Office and Ordination 2. To the demand what charm is in Bishops hands or praiers to confer the holy Ghost more then in others so wel or better gifted It may so wel be asked as Atheists and Apostats use what virtu is in Baptism water to wash away sin regenerat sinners confer Grace or represent Christs blood more then in other as proud Catabaptists contested Or what efficacy in Bread and Wine at the Lords Supper more then in the same Elements at usual Tables or Taverns How doth the form of consecration by using Christs words ad or alter them At this rate of carnal reasoning Men may cavil at Christs Deity and Humanity for the outward poverty of his life and death which made many doubt or deny him to be the tru Messias So this fond futilous frivolous question fals to ground with its own weight or weaknes as if there were more light in lat modern Meteors then in the great Lamps Sun Moon and Stars of Scripture Church and antient Christians who with the same holy humble Faith as they beleev Jesus to be the promised Messias maugre al which blind Jews and babarous Infidels obtrud doo also religiously reverence al his holy Orders and Ordinances how poor or plain soever setled in his Church Nor doth the means of outward appeerance weaken their duty or devotion who liv by Faith see with the ey of Faith and act with Faiths hand in al divine mysteries For God makes foolish things effectual by his spirit and Grace to thos high holy ends for which they were ordeined So 't is not any Magic charm which makes common Accedit Verbū Elemento fit Sacramentum Elements becom Sacraments being consecrat by Ministers nor in Bishops hands and praiers to ordein them but his powerful Word and Spirit who commands the duty confirms the Order and givs a blessing to Ministerial Ordination so wel as to al other Ordinances The result is That Ordination makes nothing to Ministers Natural Moral or Spiritual endowments nor doth it confer any Physical power no more then the Office of a Judg Ambassador or martial Commander to their personal abilities but invests them alone with authority to exercise thos Functions which none els may presum to perform who hath not that order of Office consigned to him Nor can any power in Men make a Gospel Minister though never so gifted to consecrat holy duties sav only such as are set apart or separat therto by du Ordination The benefits therof are manifest and manifold 1. For Gods glory and salvation of Mens Souls by beleeving tru Ministers testimony that Jesus Christ is sole Saviour of the World who began this Ordinance and sent som special witnesses to proclaim him by a constant continual succession in al ages and places til his secund coming 2. It evidenceth the Churches care and fidelity both in preserving the divine Oracles and in celebrating holy Mysteries as Seals to confirm
literaly lift up to Gods Throne but mystical here meant analogicaly to the Roman Throne as Constantin and his Successors were for al power and their Thrones is of God If any ask how mystical Christ rules with an iron Scepter or Sword of war 'T is in a duple way 1. Divine against Devils Princes of this world which is stoutly waged 2. Human when Constantin crushed Maxentius Maximian and Licinius Christs Enemies This Child was not lift up to Gods Throne so soon as born for he was to rule but when he was ripe and ready for a Kingdom so tru Christ entred not his Kingdom so soon as born but at thirty yeers of age fit for Priesthood or spiritual Government The Woman fled into the wildernes wher God prepared a Vers 6 7 8. place to be fed one thousand two hundred threescore dais This Prophecy is afterward somwhat fuller repeated and described wherto it shal be deferred Ther was war in Heaven Michael and his Angels fought with the Dragon who with his Angels fought but prevailed not nor was their place found any more ther. Here is shewed how the Woman escaped the Dragons wait by Michaels rescu who being conqueror cast him down to Earth wherby hir Son was lifted up and she departed to a Desart This war was waged while the Woman travelled not after she was delivered as many misdeem for the battel befel before the Woman fled which was after hir dilivery and Rev. ●2 10 11 hir Sons taking up to Gods Throne Michael and his Angels having with them Christs Martyrs and Confessors fought for in the triumphant song 't is said they overcam by the blood of the Lamb and word of their testimony who loved not their lifes to death Semblably the Dragon and his Angels took with them the Roman Tyrans in their Train which worship them This Michael is not Christ as som suppose but chief of the Princes or seven Archangels specified by Daniel viz. that Dan. 10. 13. Dan. 12. 1. great Angel said to stand for Gods Children whom Christ King of Angels and Men opposed to Satans black Guard raging against his Saints For Angels are sent to defend the heirs of Salvation whom they invisibly protect against evil Spirits So in this war of the primitiv Church against the Dragons worshipers the Angels under conduct of their Chieftain acted both in strengthning Martyrs against Tyrans threats and mitigating or sweetning their torments beside many mo wais of weakning the Enimies spirits and dejecting their minds that oftimes they desisted or granted truce for a time til in fine after two hundred yeers war of persecution it pleased Christ to giv ful victory the Womans Child being lift up to the Imperial Throne and Satans Kingdom subdued as 't is said the Dragon prevailed not nor was his place found any more The great Dragon that old Serpent caled the Devil and Satan Vers 9. which deceivs the whol World was cast out into the Earth and his Angels with him He and al his Fiends being before worshiped as God was cast down from the top of Divinity to the Abyss of curs contempt and contumely For as God executed judgment on the Egyptian Gods at Israels delivery Exod. 12. 11. from their tyranny so he doth here they prevailed not or were overcome which is al one Hebraism and they cam● no more ther. I heard a loud voice in Heaven Now is com Salvation Vers 10. 11. strength and Kingdom of our God and power of his Christ for the Accuser of our Brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night but they overcam him by the Lambs blood Thes words being most cleer sans Allegory or ambiguity are a Key to interpret the whol Vision For hence appeers that the Childs lifting up to Gods Throne is an introduction to Salvation strength and Kingdom of God and power of his Christ into the Imperial throne that the Enimy ejected is the Accuser who traduceth the faithful day and night that the forces used by Michael and his Angels were Martyrs and Confessors who overcam by the Lambs blood freely yeeldding their life 's to death Satan caled before Dragon and Devil is now new named Accuser as the Hebrews term him But contrarily the holy Ghost is Paraclet or Advocat the one Destroier the other Defender This title best agreed to thos times when Christians were accused by Roman Idolaters of Thyestean Fests Oedipean Incests Medean Murders Adultery Treason burning of Houses Poisoning Plagues Famin and al hainous crimes or hidious calamities which hapned but it aims chiefly at Satans trial of Job by tribulations as Pagans did Christians by persecutions Rejoice O Heavens and ye that dwel in them wo to the Inhabiters Vers 12. of Earth and Sea for the Devil is com down to you having great wrath becaus he knows his time is but short Though the Dragon was cast from the throne by Constantin yet People continued his worship specialy under Julian Apostat but soon after Christianity prevailed and al the Empire was washed with Baptism which made Satan rage and seek by al stratagems to undermine the Church This while the woman dwels in a Desart who being freed from Heathen tyranny til the seventh trumpets sounding and Christs secund coming lay not hid or invisible but lived in a midle condition like the Israelits before they entred Canaan who escaped Pharaohs slavery yet attained not the Land of promiss So Christians escaped Pagan bondage and served Christ freely Yet as the Israelits Apostatized to worship a golden Calf Baal Peor Balaam c. So Christians fel to semi-Idolatry or Iconolatry The Womans abode in the wildernes fourty two months answers to See Numb 33. the Israelits so many mansions in the Desart not without a tacit typical mystery When the Dragon saw he was cast to the Earth he persecuted the Vers 13. 14. 15 Woman which brought forth a Manchild to whom were given two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly from the Serpent into hir place to be nourished for a time times and half a time but the Serpent cast out of his mouth water as a Flood after the Woman that it might carry hir away Satan is cast down but not cast out who staying below essaied to oppress the Woman by what wais or wiles he could She began to fly but cam not instantly to the Desart as neither did the Israelits for Pharaoh pursued them into the red Sea and the red Dragon hir with a Flood of water quam bene cuncta quadrant the great Eagle is evidently the Roman Empire hir two wings the East and West Caesars under whos protection she fared in an Eremitical Estate three yeers and half expressed before by one thousand two hundred threescore dais to comply with Daniels times This Eagle in Esdras typifies the fourth Kingdom and 1 Esd 11. 16 17 the twelv feathered wings the twelv first Caesars from Julius to Domitian Thus
the Winepress at Vintage which succeds this Harvest is the same with that bloody slaughter executed by him which sat on the whit Hors wher 't is said He treads the Wine-pr●ss of the fierce wrath of Almighty God Rev. 19 11. 15 which provs that the two Prophetic Parabols here no other interveining signify the same matter or if divers yet som way tied together sith then Harvest ther goes next before Vintage here and the preparation of the Lambs mariage and Babylons destruction preceds that cruel slaughter ther it must needs folow that the said preparation and destruction are this Harvest or belongs to the same with it or the Harvest with them If Babylons destruction be the Harvest it agrees to the type of cutting down and threshing sutable to Jeremies foretelling old Babylons fal by the same figure but if both Harvest and Vintage which end the yeer set forth the consummation of things the Harvest preceding in time then both may signifie the period of Roman tyranny wher Harvest may denot the Cities overthrow as first fruits and Vintage insuing the Beasts who Kingdoms ruin Haply Harvest may imply that preparation to the Lambs mariage or adorning his Bride or somthing to be doon therat which probably is the Jews conversion and gathering of Israel so long looked for Thes are they in our Ma● 22. 1. Saviours Parabol who being invited to the Kings Sons wedding refused to com but being now ready make hast For the Gentils cannot be this Bride sith they hav bin the Lambs Spous abov one thousand six hundred yeers ago With this conversion or return of Israel who shal be ascited as part into the Lambs Virgin company shal be joined the Turcish Empires cutting down typified by drying up of Euphrates at pouring Rev. 16. 12. out the sixth Phial that the way of the East Kings may be prepared For the time of this Phial pointly agrees with the Brides preparation being set betwen Babylons overthrow and the Enimies last slaughter Christs Church which by Israels conversion wil seem dupled shal hav ech a peculiar Enimy one the Roman Beast of uncircumcised origin the other the Mahometan Empire of circumcised Of-spring derived from Ismael which was ominous and odious to Isaacs Issu the abolition of both being to be accomplished at Christs coming So Harvest may resemble the first and Vintage the last Joels Joel 3. 1. 2. 13. Prophecy whence this duple type is taken treats of Israels conversion saying In thos dais when I shal bring again the Captivity to Juda and Jerusalem I wil gather al Nations into the Valley of Jehosaphat and plead with them ther for my People and heritage Israel whom they hav scattered among Nations and parted my Land Then folows by Hypotyposis put ye in the sickle for Harvest is ripe com get ye down for the Press is ful the Fat 's overflow and the wickednes is great Now though both notions of Harvest one to gather in the other to cut down and thresh comply to Israels gathering into the Churches Barn and subduing the Enimies with slaughter yet becaus the Churches vindication is here handled the sens of cutting and threshing is to be preferd The Lord is Christ the King stiled the Son of Man whos power next appeers Another Angel cam out of the Temple in Heaven having 〈◊〉 18. 19. 20 also a sharp sickle and another from the Altar which had power over fire and cried loud to him that had the sickle saying thrust in thy sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the Vine for hir grapes are ful ripe And the Angel thrust his sickle into the Earth and gathered the Vine nnd cast it into the great Winepress of Gods wrath and the Press was trod without the City and blood cam out even to the Horsbridles by the space of one thousand six hundred furlongs Here a Vintage is described which Parabolicaly in Scripture signifies bloody slaughter and this is the same with that great carnage expressed by the same words which shal be in the war of that great day at last Phial For Rev. 19 15. both are the ruin of one Enimy and ech shal befal at last on the Beast and fals Prophet with al their Complices and Confederats If then this Vintage be that slaughter it must fal on the said Enimies So the Vine or Vineyard is the Beasts Dominion the ripe Grapes his Assistants ful of blood-guilt ripe for judgment the Vessel or Wine-press the place of slaughter caled Armageddon or destruction but wher this place or pitch● field shal be is not reveled nor may be curiously inquired Yet the holy Ghost points out its dimension to be one thousand six hundred furlongs without the City but within the Region or Territory therof St. Jerom computs Palestin to be 200. Epist ad Dard Italian miles long which make one thousand six hundred furlongs eight to a mile whence many conject or conceiv that ther shal be this great battels Cockpit specialy sith it hath an Hebrew appellation which such as beleev Antichrist shal com from the East or descend of Dans Tribe easily credit but we who find him seated in west Babylon can hardly relish it unles we deem as divers doo that after Romes demolition he shal divert into the East as som of his sworn Vassals suppose he shal reside at Jerusalem before the day of Judgment For 't is not probable he wil freely lead an Army as he perswaded Princes to doo into Palestine leaving so many Enimies behind his back Som find a place in the West of like extent one thousand six hundred furlongs viz St. Peters Patrimony which from Rome to the farthest mouth of Po and Marishes of Verona is about two hundred miles long wher haply the blow wil be struck The Cutter of clusters is not the same with the Wine-press treader but hav several workmen for an Angel with a Vine-dressers sickle cut the clusters and gathered the Grapes but Christ the King with a troop of Rev. 19. 11. 13. 14. Heavenly Horsmen trod the Press clothed in a vesture sprinkled with blood whom the Armies in Heaven folowed on whit Horses Nor is the Grape-gatherer said to tread the Press but only to cast the cut Clusters into it and then the King coming with his Heavenly troop of Hors trod the Press without the City Then blood cam from the Wine-press to the Horsbridles for one thousand six hundred furlongs space So the sum may be the Angel Vintager with the Saints help shal lop off the Clusters belonging to the Beast and so force them into Armageddon wher the Lord Jesus shal tread them in a Wine-press as St. Paul saith The Man of sin shal be destroied by the Lord with 2 Thes 2. 8. the brightnes of his coming What can be cleerer yet no infallible certainty sav bare conjecture can be had before the event makes it evident Here our Author Atropos-like cutsoff the web of his
1 31. Resurrection when al power in Heaven and Earth was given him being set abov al Principalities yet the full accomplishment is not til last day when Death Hel and Satan shal be made his footstool Al this cannot be verified of the interstitial Millenium for yer that inchoats many things must terminat which cannot be subjected nor his chief Enimies subdued sith Death shal stil hav dominion Satan only bound in the bottomless pit not cast into the burning lake and Hel not utterly trod under foot Ob. Jeremy saith They shal say no more the Arc of the Lords Jer. 3. 16 17. Covenant nor shal it com to mind or memory then they shal cal Jerusalem the Lords Throne and al Nations shal gather to it nor shal they walk after their hearts imaginations Ergo al past things shal be forgot and Israel return to Jerusalem which shal be a Throne of Glory and al Nations joyn to them al which can be fulfilled at no time sav in thos thousand yeers Sol. The old things to be forgot are lawish Ceremonies not Gospel Ordinances the Arc and Temple were by Christs first coming removed the walking of Juda and Israel together with the Nations conjoyned imports the caling of Jews and Gentiles to the tru Church Heavenly Jerusalem For so saith Isaiah It shal com to pass in the last dais that the Lords Isai 2. 2 3. hous shal be established in the Mountain top and al Nations shal flow to it for out of Sion shal go a Law and the Lords word from Jerusalem The last dais were the Apostles times who from Sion and Jerusalem blew the Gospel Trumpet to al people as Jeremy speaks I wil giv you Pastors according to my Jer. 3 15. heart Christ and his Apostles which shal feed you with knowledg and understanding The walking after Gods heart implies no freedom from sin but a state of grace wherin God givs new hearts and writes his Law therin their main ground that Jerusalem new built shal be a Throne of Glory being before Jer. 〈 ◊〉 〈◊〉 but his footstool is a groundless crotchet for Sion Jerusalem and the Arc are caled in the old Testament not only Gods footstool but his Throne and in the new Testament not only his Throne but footstool Thus like other Sects they sens the Scripture literaly or tropicaly as they list Ob. Daniel saith In the dais of thes Kings God shal set up a 〈◊〉 2. 44. kingdom never to be d●stroyed but shal stand for ever Ergo Christ shal hav an everlasting kingdom and Jerusalem enjoy endless joy on Earth Sol. What a pretious inference is this so Preachers quote Texts and people turn their Bibles but may go beyond Seas to seek their glosses Daniels everlasting kingdom is meerly spiritual and celical as the Angel said to Mary The Lord shal Luk 1. 32 33. giv him his Father Davids Throne and he shal reign over Jacob for ever This kingdom for the matter is everlasting being the Glory which the Saints shal enjoy for ever with Christ in Heaven but for the maner of administration he shal resign it to the Father when the work of Redemption is perfected but no Millenar Earthly kingdom as they dream Ob. Saint John saith He was clothed with a vesture dipt i● Rev. 19. 13 14 15. blood Ergo Christ shal slay his Enimies and embru his vestments in blood that none shal be left to trouble the Church during that Millenar reign Sol. So they say but the next words speak contrary for his Armies in Heaven not on Earth folowed on whit Horses clothed in fine whit linnen not bloody yea his war-weapon is a sharp sword out of his mouth not in his hand who shal rule the Nations with a rod of Iron and tread the winepress of Gods wrath In a word thes bloody battles are not ascribed to Christ literaly as appears by a parallel place Who is this that coms from Isai 63. 1. c. Edom with died garments from Bozra meaning Christ by reason of the slain Edomits when in property of speech he had no body or bloody raiment being seven hundred yeers before his byrth Ob. 'T is said the City had no need of Sun or Moon and the Rev 21. 23. 24. Kings of the Earth bring their glory to it Ergo Jerusalem ther meant shal shine in great temporal glory and terren Princes be subdued to it at Christs coming to reign a thousand yeers Sol. Indeed Heavenly Jerusalem is ther meant and al such places or passages are Allegorical to shew the Churches condition on Earth and Saints state in Heaven which is elswher expressed by Metaphors of gold pretious Stones Fountains Fruits c. but to interpret them literaly of any City on Earth is like the Athenien Dotard who deemed every ship that cam into the Harbour to be his own Ob. Zechary saith hee that is feeble among them at that day Zech. 12. 8 9. shal be as David and Davids hous as God I will seek to destroy al Nations that shal com against Jerusalem Ergo the Saints who are to reign with Christ shal excel in glory and he wil destroy al Jerusalems Enimies Sol. Excellent inferences Ergo Potlid The Prophet plainly speaks of gifts poured on al Saints of the new Testament by the spirit of supplication which makes the least of them like David yea greater then John Baptist as Christ declares but Mat. 11. v. 11. what is this to earthly Jerusalem or Chiliasts Mathematical Kingdom Surely ther is no soundnes in it nor semblance for it in al Gods book Other places are heaped up which like Bay leafs cast into fire make much crackling in Pulpits and Pamphlets but if al the former be shadows the rest wil vanish into vapor Ob. The word Day in Prophetic phrase or Hebrew Idiom signifies som space of time not simply twelv or twenty four hours as the day of tentation in the Wildernes is fourty yeers long the Day of Babylonish captivity seventy Giv us this Day our daily Bread purports our term of life and 't is somtimes used for Eternity this day sh●lt thou be with me in Paradise Ergo the Day of Judgment is to be taken in the same sens Sol. The antecedent is granted and consequent shal not be denied for none can tel how long that Judgment shal last specialy sith time shal be no more as the Angel swore Yet Mr. Mede makes it a continued act with the reign of just one thousand yeers For as Rabbi Elias confines the Worlds continuance to 6000. yeers so he puts the Millenium of Messiahs glorious reign to be a periodical consummation of al things when shal be a Sabbath of Eternal rest Why then doo common Chiliasts assign one thousand to that reign either before at or after the Judgment day Let them render a reason of the one and the other wil soon be resolved why Day implies a larger space more or
Witchcraft Witches justly punished with death for their fals beleef that they can doo such mischief and a wil or purpose to act it their Trade being neerer to a new Religion then a Craft or Science Such as are content to be poor may easily resolv to Censure be honest so thos that hold Hel to be no real place and Devils meer Metaphors must of cours deny Witchcraft yea many who pretend to be wise pious professors are too incredulous of Witches contrary to the faith of al Gods People Exod. 22 18. both Jews and Christians who wil not suffer a Witch to liv as God commanded The best is only privat persons deny it but al public Princes and Christian Common-wealths make strict Laws against it Saul destroied Wisards and such as had familiar Spirits yet in distres caused a Witch of Endor to rais Samuel as the spectre seemed with whom he consulted Serjeant Glyn who at last Lent Assises in Cornwal condemned eght Witches upon pregnant presumptions and personal confessions can scientiously satisfy any Man that ther be such impious confederats with Satan els al Laws and Magistrats that question them for their fals imaginations or intentions to work mischief if they can doo none were most unjust and to execut them bloody De Regno purae Caliginis Of pure Darknes Kingdom BEside al Soveraign powers Divine and Human precited Eph. 6. 12. Mat. 12. 26. Mat. 9. 34. Eph. 2. 2. John 16. 11. the Scriptures specify rulers of this Worlds Darknes even the Kingdom of Satan and Principality of Beelzebub over Devils or Phantasms in the Air as Satan is stiled Prince of the power of the Air and Prince of this World becaus he rules in this Worlds darknes So they under his dominion in opposition to the Faithful caled Children of the Light are properly Children of Darknes The Kingdom of Darknes is a confederacy of Deceivers who Kingdom of Darknes to get dominion over Men in this World devise erroneous doctrins to extinguish the Light both of Nature and Scripture p. 333. c. therby to seduce silly Disciples and so disprepare them for the Kingdom of God to com Fabula narratur mutato nomine de te Let the name changed be The tale is told of thee The darkest part of Satans Kingdom is without Gods Church among such as beleev not in Christ yet doth not the Church like the Land of Goshen enjoy al Light necessary to the work injoined by God but as Men born blind hav no Idae● of any bodily Light nor can any conceiv greater then he hath perceived somtimes by his own senses so is it with the Light of the Gospel and understanding too that none can imagin any greater degree therof then he hath attained Ther be four causes of spiritual Darknes 1. By abusing or abolishing the Scriptures Light for weer 1 Caus not knowing the Scripture the chief is wherto almost al the rest are consequent or subservient wresting it to prov Gods Kingdom so oft cited to be the Church or multitud of Christians now living or that shal rise at last day but the Kingdom of God was first erected by Moses ministry over the Israelits so saith he but none els cald his peculiar People which after ceased when they refused to be longer governed by God and chose Saul Since which time God had no proper Kingdom by pact or covenant but only as he ever was is and shal be universal King of al Creatures ruling according to his absolut Wil and infinit Power Nor are any now under any King or Kingdom by pact sav our secular Soveraigns til Christ shal com again to reign eternaly on Earth Succedaneal to this said error is that Christ now in Heaven hath som one Man or Assembly by whos mouth he speaks givs Laws and which represents his Person This regal power under him the Pope claims generaly over al the Church but in particular stats the Pastors or Presbyteries of thos places which begets such darknes in Mens understandings Hence results another error that a Christian Kingdom had need to receiv his Crown by a Bishop as if the claus of Dei gratia depended on that Ceremony So al Ecclesiastics assume the title of Clergy caling al others Laity or People simply Hence also arose the distinction betwen Emperors Civil Laws and Popes Canons which last were but bare Canons or Rules voluntarily received by Princes til Charlemaign becam Emperor but afterward as the Popes power increased becam commands or Laws and Emperors allowed them For the Pope pretending al Christians to be his Subjects makes it capital for any not to be of Roman Religion but tolerats Jews Mahometans and Pagans to enjoy their own Rites if they offer no scandal A secund abuse of Scripture is turning consecration into conjuration or inchantment for to consecrat is to offer giv or dedicat decently and devoutly any thing to God by separating it from common use or prophane to be holy and peculiar for Gods service by his Ministers hands but when Papists pretend to change the nature or quality of a thing as in the Lords Supper to make Bread and Wine by saying this is my Body this is my Blood to be Christs very Body and Blood it must either be Gods extraordinary work which 't is not being doon daily and frequently or a vain impious conjuration wherby they would hav Men beleev a change of Natures contrary to the testimony of their sight and other senses If the Aegyptian Sorcerers who turnd their Rods to Serpents and Waters to Blood or at least to seem so had made no change in shew but only outfaced the King that they were Serpents which looked like Rods would not al Men tax them for Liers Thus Priests tel the People that they hav turned Bread into a Man nay a God requiring Men to worship it which is gross Idolatry The words this is my Body or represents my Body can extend soly to the Bread which Christ consecrated with his own hands for he said not the Bread wherof any Priest shal say this is my Body shal be instantly transubstantiated into it nor was this doctrin harched in the Church of Rome til under Innocent the third not 500. yeers ago when the Popes power was at highest and Peoples darknes heaviest that Men could not see the Bread they eat specialy being stamped with Christs figure on the Cross as if the very wood was transubstantiated which they ate together with the Body So at Baptism they use many Charms in name of the holy Trinity with the sign of the Cross at naming ech Person as in consecrating holy Water the Priest saith I conjure thee Creature of Water in the name of God the Father Almighty and Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord and by virtu of the holy Ghost that thou becom conjured Water to driv away al the Enimies powers c. The like is doon in Benediction of Salt and Hony mixd therwith