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A36537 The Christians defense against the fears of death with seasonable directions how to prepare our selves to dye well / written originally in French by Char. Drelincourt ; and translated into English by M. D'Assigny. Drelincourt, Charles, 1595-1669.; D'Assigny, Marius, 1643-1717. 1675 (1675) Wing D2160; ESTC R227723 400,653 577

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conformable to the Image of his Son that he might be the first-born amongst many Brethren Now the Soul and the Body of this onely begotten of the Father that were separated by Death have been joyned again in his glorious Resurrection and received into Heaven therefore our Soul that departs out of the World to enter into Paradise must return again to its Body that we may ascend up to Heaven both in Soul and Body All the difference that appears between Christ and us is that the precious Body of our noble Chieftain could not be subject to corruption but was raised again as soon as it fell because of that strict and personal Union between his Humanity and Divinity whereas the most part of all other bodies are corrupt and reduced to Ashes Sixteenth We have the same holy Spirit and Divine vertue dwelling in us which was in our Lord Jesus Christ the efficient cause of his Resurrection although not in the same measure and degree therefore it will produce in us the same effect and raise our bodies also from the dust St. Paul makes use of this Reason in the 8 of the Romans if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwelleth in you he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you Seventeenth The dead body that touched the bones of the Prophet Elisha revived again on a sudden We have more cause to expect the Resurrection of our bodies because our bodies don't onely touch Jesus Christ dead and risen again but we are become one body with him flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone I am said he the Resurrection and the life he that liveth and believeth in me shall never die and he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live Eph. 5. John 11. Eighteenth God hath imprinted upon our bodies his own Signet and the marks of his love he hath given to them visible and palpable assurances of their future blessedness Under the Old Testament believers carried the Seal of the Covenant of God in their flesh for Circumcision was the Seal of the righteousness obtained by Faith and hope of a blessed immortality they did also eat the flesh of the Paschal Lamb which was a type of Jesus Christ the true Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the World Likewise under the New Covenant God consecrates to himself our Bodies by the Waters of Baptisme and by the Bread and Wine of the Lords Supper So by this means he assures them of a Joyfull and glorious Resurrection For if by eating of this Bread and drinking of this Wine we eat and drink spiritually the flesh and the Blood of Jesus Christ it is an infallible assurance that this Divine Saviour will raise us up again at the end of the World as he himself promiseth Whoso eateth my flesh and drinketh my Blood hath eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day St John 6 54. Nineteenth The body of believers endures many assaults and evils for Christs sake and for his holy profession it is often exposed to the most shamefull and most cruel torments and partakes on the same sufferings as he did on Earth therefore it is just that it should partake in his triumphs glory and eternal happiness It is a faithful saying for if we be dead with him we shall also live with him if we suffer we shall also raign with him We always bear about in our bodies the dying of the Lord Jesus that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh 2 Tim. 2. 2 Cor 4. Twenty There is nothing that God doth in vain he never bestowes upon us useless desires therefore to what purpose hath he kindled in us such an earnest desire to see this wretched Body out of the misery and corruption into which sin hath enthralled it and the fruition of glory and immortality As St. Paul tels us in these words The creature was made subject to vanity not willingly but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope because the creature it self also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the Children of God He adds immediately after For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travelleth in pain together until now and not onely they but our selves also which have the first fruits of the Spirit even we our selves groane within our selves waiting for the Adoption to wit the Redemption of our Body Rom. 8. Finally Seeing that whatsoever God hath appointed in his eternal Councel must be fulfilled in time and that all things in the World attain to those ends for which he made them and seeing that he created our Souls not to be alone but to live in the company and fellowship with the Body therefore this Body which falls down by Death must needs rise again at the Resurrection that the immortal Soul might return to and dwell with it for ever To say that the Resurrection of our bodies is impospossible is the greatest and most abominable Atheism in the World 'T is to deny with impudency the infinite power of God and the sacred History of the Worlds Creation For if things are in their beings as they are in workings and if their operations are correspondent to their natures we must of necessity conclude That if there be a God of an infinite being he must needs have a power answerable to his being And by consequence that this Almighty God may without difficulty raise the dead If thou believest that God calls the things that are not as if they were Wherefore dost thou not also believe that this same God will also call the things that have been already to restore them that being which they have formerly enjoyed from his Almighty Hand If thou believest that God hath fashioned Eve out of one of her Husbands ribs that he made Man of the dust and created this dust out of nothing canst thou not also believe that God is able at the day of the Resurrection to make again thy body of that dust into which it is reduced by Death If thou believest that God hath breathed into Adams Nostrils the breath of Life that he hath created thy Soul and infused it into thy Body where it was never before How canst thou question his power of returning one day the same Soul into the same Body where it formerly made its abode In short if thou believest that the holy Ghost by moving upon the Waters hath caused so many beautiful and noble Creatures to appear and that he hath made light to shine out of darkness canst thou not be also perswaded that this same holy Ghost can shew his Power amongst the Graves and fetch thy Body out of the dark shadows of Death to introduce it ●nto the light of the living Thou seest by experience that every day a new House 〈◊〉 built up
Strength and Vertue of thy Holy Spirit that I may resist all my spiritual Enemies and obtain a Glorious Victory Give me Grace to overcome Sin the World and my Self all my Passions and wicked Lusts that I may see Hell confounded and Satan crush'd under my feet Lastly Give me strength to fight with courage against Death and to overcome it O great and living God! it is not necessary that any should remember me that I am Mortal because Death is to be seen every day before me I walk continually upon its Footsteps if it gives me an assault in the midst of my Prosperities and in the first increase of my Glory I shall then go to obtain a more happy and magnificent Victory than these earthly ones for it is far more Honourable to conquer Death and triumph over Hell than to be a Conqueror of thousands of Mortal Men. And if this cruel death carries me away in a time that my Life and Services are so useful to my Prince and Countrey Let me learn to rest upon thy wonderful Providence that cannot want Captains and Soldiers Thou wilt raise up after me more happy and victorious Commanders but I shall enter into thy Heavenly Rest and Peace that reigns in thy Kingdom Lord Jesus I shall gather the fruits of a blessed immortality which have been purchased by thy wonderful Victories and by thy glorious sufferings and I shall share in the joy of thine Eternal Triumphs Let this death therefore come when it pleaseth I shall be ready to say to it as St. Paul I have fought the good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness which the Lord the Righteous Judge shall give me at that day Amen A Prayer and Meditation for a Judge or Magistrate O Glorious Judge of Mankind who first honoured me with this noble employment and put into my hands the sword of Justice Let me always remember that I am not called to this noble Office by Man alone but by thee who lifts up and pul●s down who raiseth the poor out of the Dust to make him sit with the Mighty Enlighten my understanding with thy Divine Knowledge and strengthen me with that Spirit which thou gavest to Moses and to his Judges in Israel Give me grace to do the duties of my Office faithfully and to be an uncorruptible Judge Let my Ears be always open to hear the cries of the afflicted but shut to all unjust suggestions so that the wind of unlawful favor may never be admitted Let me without any respect of persons render unto every one what is his right and that nothing may hinder me from condemning the guilty and justifying the innocent Let it never happen to me to follow my passions or the Lust of others but let me be a faithful interpreter of thy Holy Laws and Commands At every time that I sit to judge thy people let me remember that thou art amongst the Judges and seest their most secret thoughts Let me always consider that when I have done judging others I shall be judged my self and nothing shall be able to oppose the Decrees of thine infinite wisdom If at any time the considerations of Flesh and Bloud tempt me to evil let me recal to mind my approaching Death that I may be bridled with an Holy Dread let me consider that it warns me already to appear in person before thy Tribunal where I must give up an account not only of my Words and of my Actions but of my most secret Thoughts and of the most plausible Acts of Judicature O Lord thou hast Eyes to see into the very depths an Ear to listen to the whisperings of the Heart and a powerful Hand to find out the Guilty When I think upon that Glorious Throne upon which whole Legions of Executioners of thy Justice do continually attend I should tremble for fear were it not that the Judge is my Advocate and Redeemer and that he is ascended up into Heaven there to intercede and prepare for me a place O let me therefore willingly quit these vain Honors of the World that pass away on a suddain Seeing that thou preparest for me above a Dignity far more Excellent Eternal and Vnchangeable Let me cast off without murmuring this Robe where Worms do breed and so many cares that consume my Heart Let my Soul put on with transports of joy the Heavenly Garments of Light and Glory that will render it Eternally happy Let me go down from this Seat of Judicature without grief seeing that the Lord Jesus promiseth to every one that overcometh that he will make them to sit with him upon his Throne When I am gone from hence thou wilt raise up wise and uncorruptible Judges that shall judge thy People according to Justice and Equity In the mean while I shall enjoy the sweet and comfortable effects of thine Eternal Mercy which thou hast discover'd in thine only Son who hath been made unto us Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption Amen A Prayer and Meditation for a Minister of the Gospel who beholds Death with Joy and Comfort OVniversal Shepheard and Bishop of our Souls I cannot sufficiently acknowledge and admire the Graces and Mercies which thou hast bestowed upon me thou hast called me to an Office in which the Angels of Heaven esteem it an Honor for themselves to be employed and in which thou thy self hast been diligent during the days of thy Flesh Thou hast been pleased to make me one of the Ministers of thy People and to commit to my trust that which thou dost cherish as the dearest and most precious thing of the World namely thy Church for which thou hast expressed so much love as to give thy self for it and to redeem it with thy precious Bloud But alas my Lord and my God who is sufficient for these things The employment is heavy and painful and I am weak and feeble The World hates and persecutes us most vehemently and the Devil like a roaring Lion walks continually about us to seek to devour the Shepheard with his Flock In thine own Inheritance I am forced to swallow many bitter Fruits and drink Waters of affliction I find more Briers and Thorns than Flowers and Roses They that should encourage me in the midst of so many Labors do often weaken my Hands and afflict my Heart that which should cause my great'st joy and fill my Soul with the sweetest Comforts is the occasion of my deepest sorrows and of my most violent grief Merciful Lord whilst thou art pleased to leave me in this mortal Life and in my Ministry accomplish thy Vertue in my weakness and do thou the work which thou hast enjoyn'd to me thy poor Servant Open the door wide to the Gospel of thy Grace that all people of the Earth may learn to serve and worship thee in Spirit and in Truth Defeat all the Counsels and all the strength that riseth up against
between Heaven and Earth between Light and Darkness for it is true that the death of Beasts delivers them from the sense of all evils but it doth not introduce them into any real happiness when it puts an end to their Misery it puts a period to their Being and to all that pleasure and content which they formerly enjoyed for their Souls and Bodies die together without any hopes of living again If we look to the wicked and unbelievers we shall find that death deprives them not only of their Honors Riches and of all their Pleasures and carnal Enjoyments but it puts out their Taper in their blackest Darkness and all their greatest Delights are lost in a vast Sea of bitterness If Death looseth them from that Chain of Misery from which all the Children of Adam are unseparable if it frees then Bodies from the pain of any temporal evils it casts their Souls into Eternal Torments but for the vertuous and believing Christians if Death is so great a friend to them because it delivers them from many Evils and Miseries it is a greater friend because it opens to them the Gate that leads to an endless Glory and Happiness The Son of God had a desire to perswade us this Truth in that remarkable Parable of the 16 of St. Lukes Gospel for at one hand he shews a rich Miser cloathed in Purple and fine Linnen feeding upon Dainties and living in much Splendor and Magnificence and at the other hand he discovers to us a poor Wretch named Lazarus all covered with Soars lying at this rich mans Gate intreating that he might share with the Dogs in the Crums that fell from the rich Man's Table the Dogs had compassion upon him and lick'd his Sores at last the poor Man dyed and was carried by the Angels into Abraham's bosom O wonderful change He that was lately a companion scarce good enough for Dogs now solaces himself in the Angel's Embraces He that was lying at the Gate of a proud and unmerciful Wretch is admitted into the Glorious Palace of Immortality and reposes himself in the bosom of a charitable and rich Abraham where he is sanctified with the Bread of the living God and drinks of the Rivers of his Pleasures The rich Man dyed also but it happened that while his Body was laid in the Earth with State and Honor the Devils dragg'd his Soul into Hell and cast it into a Fire that burns continually and that nothing is able to extinguish Therefore our Saviour represents this damned Soul crying out of Hell fire Father Abraham have pity upon me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my Tongue for I am tormented in these Flames In the next Verses our Saviour shews how all the complaints of the damned are fruitless and their tortures remediless he makes Abraham return an answer to this wretched Son My Son remember that thou in thy life time receivedst thy good things and likewise Lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and thou art tormented The Heathens have look'd upon Death as the end of all their Afflictions and Sufferings but they have never tasted of the Powers of the life to come they have never had any assurance of future Glory and Happiness The Spiritual Joys and Celestial Comforts God keeps for them that fear him and worship him in Spirit and in Truth These precious Riches and Divine Excellencies are only discoverable to the faithful especially since the time in which Christ our Saviour hath put Life and Immortality to light through the Gospel Hitherto I have given you a short survey of the calamities that attend upon us in this mortal life I have essayed to present unto you all the Comforts that we may gather from thence to strengthen a believing Soul and enable it to withstand and endure all the encounters with which it is assaulted in this Valley of Tears At present I intend to describe its future Happiness when it is separated from the Body and introduc'd into Heaven I shall as far as I am able discover unto you that Glory and Bliss which our Souls enjoy in expectation of the great Morn of the Resurrection You must not think to see here any perfect Image of our Celestial Paradise or any magnificent draught of the advantages reserved for us there it would be as difficult a taske as to paint the Sun in its splendor or to measure the Waters of the Sea I cannot find words to express my thoughts all my conceptions are far below that perfect Happiness and highest Glory I shall think that I have done enough if I can but represent unto you some few beams of so great a Light If I can but shew some drops of that Ocean of Heavenly pleasures in which we shall swim for all Eternity I shall not deliver any thing from my own fancy nor offer to speak of that which I have never learned from the great Doctor of our Souls I shall not engage my self in vain speculations more fit to please and puff up the curious Wits then to comfort and rejoyce the devout Souls and satisfy such as hunger and thirst after Righteousness one word from the mouth of the Lord is better and far more worth than all the reasonings of Humane Wisdom than all the subtilties of Philosophy than all the arguings and conclusions of the most refined and eloquent Ages In this description I shall not seek mine own Glory nor the applauses of the World but the Glory of my God and the instruction of the Souls which he hath purchased with his Bloud I desire to be understood of the weakest capacities as well as of the strongest I hope that such as know the language of Canaan such as have tasted of the good word of God and of the powers of the Life to come will not mistake me for such as have not been accustomed in the discernment of spiritual things unto whom the language of God's Holy Spirit is insipid and unsufferable if they are not moved nor benefited by this Treatise I dare say 't is none of my fault but theirs Therefore as the wise Men when they travell'd to Bethlem where Jesus Christ was lying in a Manger took the Star of the East for their guide Likewise we that be marching to our true Bethlem where our great God and Saviour is sitting upon the Throne of his Glory we will follow no other guidance but that Divine Light which comes down from Heaven And as it is impossible to number all the Stars that shine in the Heavens therefore we are wont to reduce them to certain Figures and Constellations Thus we will not undertake to shew you every particular of our private Meditations upon this Rich and Divine Subject but we will discourse unto you of the chief Heads leaving the rest to your pious Thoughts and the information of God's Holy Spirit Whosoever thou art that hast embraced Christ dead and crucified by Faith
appointed unto me Luk 22. In another place he speaks to all his Church in general Fear not little flock for it is your Fathers pleasure to give you the Kingdom Luk 20. And at the last day he will say Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the World Matth. 25. And to the Angel of his Church in Smyrns and to all faithful Souls this Divine Saviour makes this promise Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a Crown of Life Revel 2. And to the Angel of the Church of Laodicea To him that over cometh will I grant to sit with me in my Throne even as I also overcame and am set down with my Father in his Throne Revel 3. And St. Paul tels us That we run to obtain an uncorruptible Crown 1 Cor. 6. And when he saw himself at the end of his Race he cries out I have fought the good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness which the Lord the righteous Judge shall give me at that day and not to me only but unto all them also that love his appearing 2 Tim. 4. And St. James speaks in the same Language Blessed is the man that endureth temptation for when he is tried he shall receive the Crown of Life which the Lord hath promised to them that love him Jam. 1. Finally we read that the glorified Saints have Palms in their Hands and Crowns of Gold upon their Heads and in their Songs of Praise they speak thus to our Saviour Thou hast redeemed us to God by thy bloud out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation and hast made us to our God Kings and Priests and we shall reign on the Earth Revel 4.4 The great Men of the World delight in gorgeous Apparel some in perfum'd Garments therefore the Holy Ghost condescends to this weakness of Man and promiseth in Heaven Robes more flagrant than the perfumes of Arabia he promiseth a Garment whiter than Snow and brighter than the Light it self And Solomon when he considers his Spouse as the Type of the Church he saith The Kings daughter is full of glory within her clothing is of wrought Gold she shall be brought unto the King in raiment of needle work And when God himself speaks of the glory of his Church which he begins now and will consummate hereafter he saith that he adorned her with Gold Silver and precious Stones that he hath clothed her with fine Linnen with Silk and Needle-work therefore the Church speaks in this manner I will greatly rejoyce in the Lord my Soul shall be joyful in my God for he hath clothed me with the Garments of Salvation he hath covered me with the Robes of Righteousness as a Bridegroom decketh himself with Ornaments and as a Bride adorneth her self with her Jewels And if you take notice of such as stand before the Throne of God and in the presence of the Lamb that worship him day and night in his Temple you shall find them clothed with long Robes whitened in the Bloud of the Lamb. Look also upon that Glorious Woman of the Revelations the true Type and representation of the Church and you shall see her clothed with the Sun and a Crown of twelve Stars upon her Head In a word hearken to the Song of the glorified Saints and you shall hear them speaking to one another Let us be glad and rejoyce and give honor to God for the Marriage of the Lamb is come and his Wife hath made her self ready and to her was granted that she should be arayed in fine Linnen clean and white for the fine Linnen is the righteousness of Saints Men commonly love good cheer to partake of sumptuous Feasts therefore the Heavenly Delights are represented to us under the notion of rare Meats and exquisite Drinks of Noble Feasts and Magnificent Banquets In this manner the Royal Prophet speaks of them in the 36 Psalm How excellent is thy loving kindness O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings they shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy House and thou shalt make them drink of the River of thy pleasures And in the 65 Psalm Blessed is the man whom thou choosest and causest to approach unto thee that he may dwell in thy Courts he shall be satisffed with the goodness of thy house even of thy holy Temple And the Prophet Isaiah speaks in the same language In this Mountain shall the Lord of Hosts make unto all people a Feast of fat things a Feast of Wine on the Lees of fat things full of Marrow of Wines on the Lees well refined This consideration causeth a Doctor in the Gospel to say Blessed is he that shall eat Bread in the Kingdom of Heaven And our Saviour himself saith that many shall come from the East and from the West and shall sit at Table in the Kingdom of Heaven with Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Ahasuerus's Feast continued 180 days but the Feast of which we shall be partakers in Heaven and which hath been preparing from the foundation of the World shall continue for all Eternity Of all Feasts such as are prepared for Nuptial Solemnities are most esteem'd when they are for Kings and Princes of the Earth for in such occasions there are the greatest and the most extraordinary rejoycings therefore the happiness of Heaven is expressed by a Marriage our Saviour himself makes use of this comparison in the 22 Chapter of St. Matthew The Kingdom of God saith he is like unto a King which made a Marriage for his Son This caused the glorified Church to speak in this manner Let us rejoyce and be glad and give glory to the Lord our God for the Marriage of the Lamb is come Finally The Holy Ghost hath Commanded to Write and Record these words for ever Blessed are those that are called to the Marriage-Feast of the Lamb. Some persons are very much delighted with the sweet and pleasant Consorts of Musick Therefore the Holy Ghost to signify unto us That in Heaven there shall be all manner of pleasures and nothing wanting tells us that about God's Throne millions of Angels and glorified Saints shall sing forth the Divine Praise Besides it acquaints us with the substance of their Heavenly Songs when Isaiah mentions these wonderful Seraphims that fly round about God's Glorious Throne he saith That they cry one to another Holy Holy Holy Lord God of Hosts the whole Earth is full of thy glory And when St. John speaks of those glorified Saints he saith that they stand before this magnificent Throne playing with their Harps and singing a new Song that is to say a most rare and excellent Song and that they have always in their mouths the song of Moses and of the Lamb and that Heaven it self resounds with their Sacred Halelujah's which signifies Praise
end Therefore the World shall for ever and ever bear the signs of it The Ornaments which it shall receive in this joyful day shall never be taken away and the Celestial fires of gladness shall never go out Although it is my opinion that the World shall never be totally Destroyed but that it shall become more beautiful and glorious than before I shall not undertake to give you a description of its several parts nor to tell you how it shall be employed for example I shall not determine whether we are to understand our Saviours words in the Gospel literally That the Sun shall become Dark that the Moon shall not give its Light and that the Stars shall fall from Heaven or whether these Heavenly Bodies shall still continue whether they shall be decked with a new Light and Glory and to what purpose they shall serve for then we shall be enlightned with a greater Light then that of all the Heavenly Bodies I shall only propose two Things First That as in the humane Body there are some Members which at present are useful but then they shall only be for Ornament and Beauty Likewise in the great World there are many needful things which shall then be of no use nevertheless they shall be preserved for the Beauty and Perfection of the World Secondly That as Man the little World shall then be more Beautiful and Perfect then when God first Created him likewise this great World shall receive more Beauty more Ornaments and Perfection then when God drew it out of its first Chaos As much difference as there is between the second Adam and the first between the Heavenly Paradice and the Earthly so much there shall be between the first and second World So that we shall have good cause to say of this great Palace which is to be destroyed and reared up again by the Almighty hand of God as the Holy Prophets said of Solomons Temple which we have already applied to our glorified Bodies The glory of this second House shall be greater than the glory of the first Some inquire whether we shall know one another in this State of Eternal Glory and happiness I mean whether the Subject shall know his Prince and King whether the Sheep shall know their Shepheard and the Shepheard his Sheep whether the Father shall know his Son the Son the Father the Husband his Wife and the Wife her Husband and so forth Although this question is of the number of such as are more curious then needful to be known nevertheless a reply seems to bring with it some kind of comfort and satisfaction I should judge that this Treatise should not be perfect if I did not say something to this matter but what I shall say shall be with the same moderation and reservedness as I have expressed in answering to the former questions for although what I shall speak seems to me very plain and without any difficulty others may have different thoughts without any prejudice to their Salvation However I may establish for an infallible Truth That the Glory of Heaven as well as Grace shall bring Nature to perfection but shall not destroy it it shall add to it other excellencies but shall not take away those that it hath already It shall not abolish any of the Faculties but it shall beautifie and enrich them with new Ornaments Therefore by consequence it shall not take away our Memory which is one of the rarest gifts and abilities of the reasonable Soul I confess that it is said That the former things shall be remembred no more and that they shall come no more into our mind But this is to be understood of the evils and calamities of this present life And we are not to understand the words so that to speak plainly we shall totally forget all the former evils and miseries and that we shall not remember to have undergone them St. John saith the contrary when he represents the Angel opening the fifth Seal that he saw under the Golden Altar which was before the Throne of God the Souls of them who had been Martyred for the Word of God and for the Testimony of the Truth crying out with a loud voice How long O Lord Holy and True dost thou not judge and revenge our Blood upon the Inhabitants of the Earth It is true these words may be understood in a figurative sense as when God said unto Cain The voice of thy Brothers Bloodcries from the Earth unto me and as St. Paul saith That the Blood of Jesus Christ speaks better things than the Blood of Abel However from hence we may conclude that the remembrance of all the Miseries and Evils which we have endured in this Life is not repugnant to our future estate of glory This remembrance is so far from prejudicing our felicity that on the contrary it shall increase and inlarge it so that it shall cause it to appear sweeter and more pleasant When the Prophet saith That the former things shall be remembered no more that they shall never come to mind he understands that the former evils shall never be felt and that we shall be for ever sheltered from all Misery and Misfortunes I cannot express this by a nobler and more proper example then that of Joseph when he went out of Prison to take into his hands the Government of Egypt and that he had strengthened himself by a rich Alliance in Marriage he named his eldest Son Manasseth which signifies forgetfulness or forgetful for he said God hath made me forget all my labor and my Fathers House Although this holy Manhd not forgotten altogether all those things for he knew afterwards his Brethren and told them of the mischief which they had intended against him and which God had turned to good But he spoke in this manner because God had changed his Misery and imprisonment into glory and honour In this sense we are to understand these words The former things shall be remembred no more because instead of the Evils and Miseries which we endure here below we shall enter into an Eternal Glory and Happiness The Prophet expounds himself sufficiently in the next words for when he had said The former things shall not be remembred nor come into mind he adds immediately after be you glad and rejoyce in that which I Create The Holy Ghost confirms us in this interpretation in another place by these words All Tears shall be wiped off from our eyes there shall be no more sorrow nor crying nor pain but eternal Joy and Gladness shall be upon our heads Seeing God intends not to destroy those gifts and abilities which he hath bestowed upon us in this Life much less shall he abolish our knowledge which is one of the brightest Beams of his Glory This knowledge shall be so far from diminishing or decaying that it shall then increase more and more until it comes to the highest perfection and glory As the Air looseth nothing of its twilight