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A08610 The monument of matrones conteining seuen seuerall lamps of virginitie, or distinct treatises; whereof the first fiue concerne praier and meditation: the other two last, precepts and examples, as the woorthie works partlie of men, partlie of women; compiled for the necessarie vse of both sexes out of the sacred Scriptures, and other approoued authors, by Thomas Bentley of Graies Inne student.; Monument of matrones. Part 1-4. Bentley, Thomas, student of Gray's Inn.; Abergavenny, Frances Nevill, Lady, d. 1576.; Marguerite, Queen, consort of Henry II, King of Navarre, 1492-1549. Miroir de l'âme pécheresse. English & French.; Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548. Lamentacion of a sinner.; Tyrwhit, Elizabeth, Morning and evening prayers.; Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548. Prayers or meditacions. 1582 (1582) STC 1892; ESTC S101562 669,543 1,114

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of the Lord as well as Abraham and his seed by circumcision M Seeing that by baptisme we are borne clothed washed and regenerated in the house of God which is the Church with what meat and with what drinke are we nourished and fed C Euen with himselfe who hath begotten vs. For as he is our washing and clothing so is he vnto vs meate and drinke M Is this bicause he is the word of God which is the true food of our soules C Yea and we must go further seeing that his word became flesh whereof it commeth that we are nourished with his flesh with his bloud into life eternall M And how is it that his bodie was made meate or heauenlie bread and his bloud drinke vnto vs C By his death and passion as he declareth in his holie Supper M Where shall we find the institution of the holie Supper C In three Euangelists and verie largelie declared in the first to the Corinthians the xi Chapter M Reade the place C I receiued of the Lord that which I haue giuen vnto you namelie that the Lord Iesus in the same night that he was be traied tooke bread and when he had giuen thanks hee brake it and said Take eate this is my bodie which is broken for you doo this in remembrance of me Likewise after supper he tooke the cup saieng This cup is the new testament in my bloud doo this as often as you shall drinke it in the remembrance of me For as often as you shall eat of this bread and drink of this cup ye shall declare the Lords death vntill he come Wherefore whosoeuer shall eate of this bread or drinke of this cup vnwoorthilie shall be guiltie of the bodie and bloud of the Lord. But let a man examine himselfe and so let him eat of this bread and drinke of this cup. For whosoeuer eateth and drinketh vnwoorthilie eateth and drinketh his owne damnation making no difference of the Lords bodie or not discerning the bodie of the Lord. M Did not the Lord then minister vnto all equallie one bread and one wine in his Supper C Yea as indifferentlie as he died for all and commanded to take eate and drinke M What signifieth then the bread of the Supper C The pretious bodie of Iesus which he gaue vnto the death of the Crosse for vs. M And what signifieth the wine C His pretious bloud which he shed vpon the Crosse for vs. M This bread and wine being called the bodie and bloud of the Lord doo they change their substance and nature C No but as we corporallie eate the bread drinke the wine so spirituallie we eate the bodie and drinke the bloud of the Lord. M And how may we ascend vp to heauen where he is to eate his flesh and to drinke his bloud C By loue and liuelie faith seeing that alreadie we haue there our conuersation and that the words of the Lord are spirit and life M And he being in heauen how is it that he communicateth vnto vs his bodie and his bloud we being heere belowe vpon the earth C By the vertue of his holie spirit by whome he ioineth vs vnto himselfe and maketh vs partakers of himselfe in true holinesse of soule and bodie M The Infidels may they eate the bodie and drinke the bloud of the Lord C Naie for through their infidelitie they receiue it to their condemnation as did Iudas M How must we prepare our selues before we come to this holie Table C Euerie one must proue himselfe whether he come with true faith and repentance and with Christian charitie as he witnesseth M The true preparation then and worthinesse consisteth not in this that our faith charitie be so great as it ought to be C No for though we ought continuallie to tend therevnto yet shall we neuer be able to come at it M How is it then that our faith so little and vnperfect saueth vs and maketh vs worthie to receiue that which is offered vnto vs by the Gospell and the Sacraments C In that that it soundeth vs and maketh vs wholie to rest in the righteousnesse dignitie and perfection of Iesus vnto whome onlie the father hath regard M Must all they be receiued that present themselues to the Supper C Yea all those whom we knowe to be disciples and members of Iesus willing to liue and die in this faith and doctrine thereof A collection of the principall points which they ought to knowe that will communicate at the holie Supper of the Lord Iesus Christ THere is one onlie God on whome all things depend 1 The first point to honor God well consisteth in this that we haue all our confidence in him and that we perceiue the meanes to knowe him namelie in Iesus Christ Heerevnto serueth the confession of faith before recited The said confession conteineth foure parts The first is of God the father who is the beginning and principall cause of all things The second of his sonne Iesus Christ who is the eternall wisdome of God And in this part is comprehended the whole historie of our redemption to know that by Iesus Christ alone we obteine saluation and the meanes whereby he hath purchased it for vs The third of the holie spirit who is the vertue and power of God which he powreth vpon his creatures and neuerthelesse is resident still in himselfe The fourth of the Church and of the graces of God towards the same 2 The second point to honour God aright consisteth in this that we obey his will The rule to obey him is giuen vs in the ten commandements of the lawe The foure first commandements conteine the dutie that we owe vnto God The sixe following conteine the dutie that we owe vnto our neighbours 3 The third point to honor God aright consisteth in this that in all our necessities we call vpon him alone The instruction to call rightlie vpon God is giuen vs in the praier of our Lord Iesus Christ The three first petitions of the same praier concerne the glorie of God The other three concerne our owne welfare profit 4 The fourth point to honour God aright lieth in this that we looke for all good things at his hand as it is he onlie from whom all good things proceede The promises of this free goodnesse that God vseth towards his owne are conteined in the Gospell The same promises are comprehended by faith Faith is an assured knowledge of the good will of God towards vs grounded vpon the free promises which is giuen vnto vs in Iesus Christ and confirmed in our hearts by his holie spirit Because of the weakenesse of our faith our Lord hath giuen vs the Sacraments A Sacrament is an outward testimonie which by a visible signe representeth vnto vs the promises of God spirituallie accomplished in vs. Baptisme is vnto vs as an entrance into the Church of God and representeth vnto vs the remission of our sinnes and our renouation of life The water as the
gods Alas how haue I violated this holie pure and most high precept and commandment of the loue of God Which precept bindeth me to loue him with my whole hart mind force strength and vnderstanding And I like vnto an euill wicked and disobedient child haue giuen my will power and senses to the contrarie making almost of euerie earthlie and carnall thing a god Furthermore the bloud of Christ was not reputed by me sufficient for to wash me from the filth of my sinnes neither such waies as he had appointed by his word but I sought for such riffraffe as the Bishop of Rome hath planted in his tyrannie and kingdome trusting with great confidence by the vertue and holinesse of them to receiue full remission of my sinnes And so I did as much as was in me obfuscate and darken the great benefit of Christes passion than the which no thought can conceiue anie thing of more value There cannot be done so great an iniurie and displeasure to almightie God our father as to tread vnder foote Christ his onlie begotten and welbeloued sonne All other sinnes in the world gathered together in one be not so heinous and detestable in the sight of God And no wonder For in Christ crucified God doth shewe himselfe most noble and glorious euen an almightie God and most louing father in his onlie deare and chosen blessed sonne And therefore I count my selfe one of the most wicked and miserable sinners in the world bicause I haue beene so much contrarie to Christ my sauiour Saint Paule desired to knowe nothing but Christ crucified after he had beene rapt into the third heauen where he heard such secrets as were not conuenient meete to vtter to men but counted all his works and doings as nothing to win Christ And I most presumptuouslie thinking nothing of Christ crucified went about to set foorth mine owne righteousnesse saieng with the proud Pharisie Good Lord I thanke thee I am not like other men I am none adulterer nor fornicator and so foorth with such like words of vaine glorie extolling my selfe and despising others working as an hired seruant for wages or else for reward and not as a louing child onlie for verie loue without respect of wages or reward as I ought to haue done Neither did I consider how beneficiall a father I had who did shew me his charitie and mercie of his owne meere grace and goodnesse that when I was most his enimie he sent his onlie begotten and welbeloued sonne into this world of wretchednesse and miserie to suffer most cruell and sharpe death for my redemption But my hart was so stonie and hard that this great benefit was neuer trulie and liuelie printed in my hart although with my words it was oft rehearsed thinking my selfe to be sufficientlie instructed in the same and being in deede in blinde ignorance and yet I stoode so well in mine owne iudgement and opinion that I thought it vaine to seeke the increase of my knowledge therein Paule calleth Christ the wisdome of God and euen the same Christ was to me foolishnesse My pride and blindnesse deceiued me and the hardnesse of my hart withstoode the groning of truth within it Such were the fruits of my carnall and humane reasons to haue rotten ignorance in price for ripe seasonable knowledge such also is the malice and wickednesse that possesseth the harts of men such is the wisdome and pleasing of the flesh I professed Christ in my baptisme when I began to liue but I swarued from him after baptisme in continuance of my liuing euen as the heathen which neuer had begun Christ was innocent and void of all sinne and I wallowed in filthie sinne and was free from no sinne Christ was obedient vnto his father euen to the death of the crosse and I disobedient and most stubborne euen to the confusion of truth Christ was meeke and humble in hart and I most proud and vaine-glorious Christ despised the world with all the vanities therof and I make it my God because of the vanities Christ came to serue his brethren and I coueted to rule ouer them Christ despised worldlie honour and I much delighted to attaine the same Christ loued the base and simple things of the world and I esteemed the most faire and pleasant things Christ loued pouertie and I wealth Christ was gentle and mercifull to the poore and I hard-harted and vngentle Christ praied for his enimies and I hated mine Christ reioiced in the conuersion of sinners and I was not greeued to see their reuersion to sinne By this declaration all creatures may perceiue how far I was from Christ and without Christ yea how contrarie to Christ although I bare the name of a Christian Insomuch that if anie man had said I had beene without Christ I would haue stiffelie denied and withstoode the same and yet in deede I neither knew Christ nor wherefore he came As concerning the effect and purpose of his comming I had a certaine vaine and blind knowledge both cold and dead which may be had with all sinne as doth plainelie appeare by this my confession and open declaration The second Chapter A lamentation of a sinner with hartie repentance in faith to obtaine absolution and remission through the merits of Christ. WHat cause now haue I to lament sigh and weepe for my life time so euill spent With how much humilitie and lowlinesse ought I to come and knowledge my sinnes to God giuing him thanks that it hath pleased him of his aboundant goodnesse to giue me time of repentance For I knowe my sinnes in the consideration of them to be so greeuous and in the number so exceeding that I haue deserued verie often eternall damnation And for the deferring of Gods wrath so manifoldlie due I must vncessantlie giue thanks to the mercie of God beseeching also that the same delaie of punishment cause not his plague to be the sorer since mine owne conscience condemneth my former doings But his mercie exceedeth all iniquitie And if I should not thus hope alas what should I seeke for refuge and comfort No mortall man is of power to help me and for the multitude of my sinnes I dare not lift vp mine eies to heauen where the seate of iudgement is I haue so much offended my God What Shall I fall in desperation Naie I will call vpon Christ the light of the world the fountaine of life the reliefe of all carefull consciences the peacemaker betweene God and man and the onlie health and comfort of all true repentant sinners He can by his almightie power saue me and deliuer me out of this miserable state and hath will by his mercie to saue euen the whole sin of the world I haue no hope nor confidence in anie creature neither in heauen nor earth but in Christ my whole onlie Sauiour He came into the world to saue sinners and to heale them that are sicke For he said The whole haue no neede
to slander and backbite their neighbours the poison of Adders lieth hidden vnder their lips and in fine they as thine enimies blaspheme thy holie and blessed name and contemne thy testimonies O Lord giue me thy grace to be conuersant with good and godlie men such as fauour thy glorious Gospell and doo their indeuour to practise thy precepts to the glorie of thy holie and blessed name Make me by their example to exercise my selfe in the heauenlie veritie that thereby I may be instructed in the liuelie knowledge of thy commandements and obtaine such wisdome from aboue that by faith I may cleaue to thee and the felowship of those that feare thy holie name and so auoide the companie of the wicked and vngodlie worldlings which haue laid snares to intrap mee Graunt this O most mercifull Father for thy sonne Iesus Christs sake who euer liueth and reigneth with thee and the holie Ghost to whome be all laude glorie power and praise for euer and euer Amen A praier to be said before or after the Sermon MOst mightie GOD which by thy word hast made all things whose voice the flouds and hils doo knowe whose heast both quicke and dead heauen and hell obey at whose displeasure the diuels in hell doo tremble let thy word so lighten our harts that by our good works we may testifie our profession seeing that the tree which beareth not fruit shall be cut downe throwne into the fire Grant that I may not onelie be a hearer but also a dooer of thy holie word that so finallie I may be partaker of thine euerlasting ioie and blisse O Lord grant me wisdome to knowe thee and grace to followe thee in true humilitie that as thou didst suffer to be spitted at and smitten of thine enimies so we may beare the displeasures of the world and rage of our enimies with patience Thou hast blessed the little ones and reuealed vnto them the things hidden from the wise For thou wilt haue mercie where it pleaseth thee O set thy feare alwaies before mine eies make me to vnderstand wisdome secretlie and graffe thy faith so in my hart that I may both knowe thee and loue thee and glorifie thy holie name for euer Amen A praier for faith O Blessed Sauiour Iesus sonne of the euerliuing God the vnspeakeable ioie of thy seruants most present cōfort to sinners which camest into the world to saue offenders which so louedst the world that thou sparedst not thy most pretious bloud to redeeme the losse of our first father Adam and to make vs coheires of the forfeited inheritance with thy selfe that all which beleeue in thee might be saued Good Lord which hast promised to them that knocke it shall be opened and that they which seeke shall find grant I beseech thee that I may search thy holie lawes and find the truth of thy holie word that I may alwaies constantlie confesse and shew thee and thy goodnesse as well in my words as liuing Inspire me with thy holie spirit that I may knowe thee stedfastlie trust in thee and serue thee in praiers and well-dooing all the time of my life O most mercifull Lord and Sauiour of the world for the glorie of thy name sake I beseech thee to heare my praiers My soule reioice in God my sauing health for hee hath been good to thee he hath kept thee from the snare of the hunter and blessed thee The Lord is a mercifull God let all the earth feare him let the mouths of all men sound praises vnto him God is a good Lord and dailie increaseth his good gifts to his seruants the Lord will increase my faith in him and I shall be saued So be it A praier to be said before the receiuing of the Lords Supper OMnipotent GOD and father euerlasting whose mercie is infinite and whose kingdom hath none end vouchsafe I beseech thee of thine exceeding goodnes to increse our faith that as thy ghests repaire to the table of thy sonne Iesus Christ who hath left vnto vs before he gaue his bodie to be crucified and his bloud to be shed largelie on the crosse for our redemption as a pledge of his great loue and abundant kindnesse the celebration of his glorious supper wherein as it were in a looking glasse the death of our great maister the high shepheard of our soules Iesus Christ is most liuelie set foorth vnto vs. Giue vs grace therefore from aboue rightlie to vnderstand the diuine mysteries offered vnto vs thereby and not to wrest or wring the same contrarie to thy will Let it be far from our thoughts good Lord to leaue thine eternall veritie and to build on the doctrine of men who following their owne imaginations run headlong to the gaping gulph of danger and destruction Plucke the scales of ignorance from our eies that we may cleerlie descerne and behold by the light of thy glorious Gospell how we may truelie communicate and participate the fruits of thy grace represented vnto vs in this comfortable Sacrament Indue vs plentifullie with such pure knowledge that we may not once thinke or saie after anie grosse forme or carnall maner we feede vpon or eate thy flesh reallie or carnallie but make vs alwaies constantlie to beleeue that thy glorious bodie is ascended vp into heauen and sitteth on the right hand of thy Father concerning thy humanitie and cannot be thence remooued till the time that thou shalt come with legions of Angels to iudge the quicke and the dead before whose presence shall run a consuming fire And moreouer wee doo most humblie beseech thee so to confirme vs in the truth of thy blessed testament that we may confesse thy diuine nature to be equall with the Father and the holie Ghost and to beleeue that thy power is not a power particular but a power generall and such as doth and shall gouerne in heauen and earth in the deepe and lowe waters yea and in the nethermost parts of hell Strengthen vs therefore good Lord that stand least that in falling from the true knowledge of thee we perish euerlastinglie And sith thou hast called vs by thy word as thy ghests to this blessed banket wherin y e mouths of our carnall bodies are fostered fed with bread and wine so Lord confirme our faith in thee that the mouths of our soules may feed spirituallie vpon thy sweetest flesh and drinke thy deerest blood and so be nourished to euerlasting life and heauenlie blessednesse Which reward as a dowrie due thou hast promised to all those that faithfullie build vpon thee which art the rocke and strong piller of our saluation And as these most holie mysteries must set foorth vnto vs most liuelie thy death and passion so make vs thankefull to thee for the same and thereby giue vs grace to print in our harts thy great loue and exceeding clemencie that sparedst not to giue thy bodie to the most vile shamefull and slanderous death of the Crosse and thy bloud to be shed
for our offences Indue vs with loue and charitie to all men make vs readie to forgiue to loue and pardon our enimies persecutors and slanderers Turne our harts minds from all impietie couetousnesse blasphemie pride gluttonie fornication and all other detestable euils And if at anie time we haue defeated the fatherlesse of his right the widowe of hir dowrie or gathered togither our goods wrongfullie by violence oppression fraud collusion or deceit giue vs grace to make restitution and to aske with sorowfull plaints and fluds of teares from the bottome of our harts pardon and free forgiuenesse of thee for such and all other our offences whatsoeuer wee haue done or committed in thought word will and deed against thy diuine Maiestie or anie other our brethren and sisters Take awaie from vs ali bitternes cursed speaking and backbiting Giue vs grace to come woorthilie by the vertue of a true and fruitfull faith to this holie and blessed supper that our soules feeding faithfullie on thy sweetest flesh and drinking thy deerest bloud wee may both in bodie and soule be nourished by thee to euerlasting and endlesse glorie in heauen where with thee and the felowship of thy chosen Saints we shall enioie the fruition of the euerlasting kingdome which thou hast ordeined for all those that ouelie and alone without wauering doo build vpon thee Sanctifie and make cleane our harts and minds by the power of thy holie Ghost the verie comforter of thy chosen Purge thou our cankred consciences infected with sinne by the working of thy good grace least that by the presuming to this thy table O Lord we incur thy displeasure and being vnrepentant for our offences we be found vnmeet ghests to come to thy holie banket and so we eate and drinke to the vtter confusion of our soules and bodies Giue vs grace therefore good Lord to conuert vs wholie vnto thee and we shall be turned from all our sinne and iniquitie Giue vs grace to rest onlie vpon thee and we shall be made safe Giue vs thine aid from aboue we beseech thee by faith to striue with the man of sinne and so to vanquish him that he may die to vs and we may liue to thee which art the giuer of life Grant this O most gratious God for Iesus Christ his sake to whom with thee and the holie Ghost be giuen all praise honour and glorie for euer and euer Amen A praier or thankesgiuing to be said after the receiuing of the Communion WE giue thee most hartie thanks O heauenlie Father that hast at this present fed vs and refreshed our hungrie soules with the flesh and bloud of our Sauiour Christ not carnallie but spirituallie Giue vs grace therefore continuallie by the meanes of an increasing and fruitfull faith to beleeue that thy flesh is meate indeed and thy bloud is drinke indeed and that vnneths we eate thy flesh and drinke thy bloud we can not enter into thy kingdome nor be saued in the daie of thy comming Giue vs grace therefore being vnprofitable seruants and vnwoorthilie called by the reason of the multitude of our sinnes to banket at thy table whereas the celebration of thy supper hath beene vsed and thy death by the visible elements of bread and wine represented vnto vs to offer vp vnto thee continuallie the fruits of true repentant and sorowfull harts that thy name may be glorified we by thy grace comforted thy displeasure turned to loue thy wrath to compassion our sinnes pardoned and forgotten and our names written in the booke of life And as it hath pleased thee at this present to account vs for thy ghests and not onlie to feede vs with visible creatures namelie bread and wine but also in soule which is thine owne similitude to cherish vs with thy flesh and bloud wheron by the vertue of a liuelie faith we haue to our great comforts most plentifullie fed so now O Lord we beseech thee of thine abundant goodnesse to increase our faith that it may wax strong in thee and fruitfull to exercise the works of charitie and loue to all men that therby as we haue now been at the celebration of thy glorious and blessed supper so we may whensoeuer it shall please thee to call vs to thine heauenly banket be found furnished not emptie not naked but armed and couered with fruitfull faith and truth and so as thy ghests or vessels of honour enioie the participation of thy heauenlie and rich palace whereas ioies neuer vade but continuallie endure Take from vs the burden of our corruption set vs free from the cursed clog of sinne deliuer vs from the snares of death and destruction Giue vs willing minds to obeie and heare thy commandements clense thou our harts from all iniquitie and giue vs grace henceforth to walke in newnesse of life and godlie conuersation that thy name may be glorified and we saued in the daie of thy comming to iudgement Grant this for Jesus Christ his sake our mediatour and aduocate Amen A godlie praier to be said of euerie Christian especiallie at burials GOod Lord which with thy hands doest staie the frame engin of the earth and rulest the course of the swift heauens disposing and ordering all things by thy diuine prouidence which hast apointed bounds to our life which we can not pas I besech thee that by my liuing I learning to die mortifieng by thy spirit the affections of the flesh though not expelling them yet subduing the rage of them it may at the last by the hauen of death land in the most glorious citie of euerlasting life where our bodies which are now darke miserable and corruptible shall be most bright glorious and incorruptible like to the immortall and shining bodie of our Lord Iesus Christ We shall be like to Christ our Sauiour euen as he is so shall we be And as we haue borne the image of the earthlie so shall we beare the image of the heauenlie and shine like to the sunne as the face of Christ did in his transfiguration Oh Lord Iesus blessed Sauiour which by thy death hast triumphed ouer sinne and death thou hast troden on the sting of the monster our hidious enimie the gates of hel haue not preuailed against thee grant to me a true and liuelie faith by which men passe from earth to heauen from death to eternall life This can we not doo without thee thou must be our mediatour For a child of a nights birth is not pure in thy sight In sinne were we borne and by nature we are the children of perdition and firebrands of hell but thou O blessed Sauiour art the perfection of the lawe to them that beleeue As death came by sinnes so by thy death and pretious bloudshedding is death conquered and exiled and we that beleeue washed and clensed of our sinnes All the Prophets beare witnesse that they which beleeue in thy name shall receiue remission of their sinnes If we confesse our sinnes thou art righteous to
forgiue vs our iniquities Whosoeuer calleth on thy name shall be saued Thou hast no pleasure in the death of a sinner but rather desirest that they should liue and be conuerted Thou hast so loued the world that thou not onlie didst become man and tooke our nature vpon thee but wert content also to suffer most cruell death on the Crosse to purge our nature from mortall sinne and corruption and adorne it with immortalitie and eternall glorie not onelie in thine owne person but in vs also to satisfie the iustice of the Father for our sinnes Oh blessed shepheard thou doubtedst not to spend thy most pretious blood to saue thy beloued sheepe from rauine and spoile Good Lord so increase thy grace in me that thy holie word may take roote and flourish in me that the good seed may not be choked with thornes So order my liuing that when by course of nature I shall be dissolued from the prison of my bodie I may come to thee that when thou more bright than the sun shalt come in the midst of the legions of Angels in thy shining glorie and Maiestie to iudge the quicke the dead I may be in the number of the blessed ones whom thou shalt call to possesse the kingdome prepared for them by thy Father saieng Come ye blessed children of my Father receiue the kingdome prepared for you before the beginning of the world Thou which didst die and rise againe wilt raise and bring to life all those that are dead beleeuing in thy faith So be it A praier to liue well GOod Lord so rule the eies of my hart that they being kept simple and pure my bodie may be a cleere and shining temple of thy holie spirit So kindle in vs the loue of thy glorious sonne that we following his steps may doo that which is good and decline from the euill so that our light shining before men we may glorifie thee by our good works with thy blessed sonne our Sauiour and the holie Ghost to whose infinite Maiestie in trinitie and vnitie be all honour and glorie for euer Amen A praier for humilitie O Lord I am a sinner and sorie for mine offences I can not make satisfaction for my defaults If I haue anie good thing it commeth of thee The most acceptable sacrifice to thee is a contrite and humble hart O God let mee not be oppressed with the waues of sinne let mee not sinke into the whirlepoole and gulph of despaire Thou which liftest vp the fallen and raisest the humble and meeke clothing them with purple and settest them vp with princes in the seates of honour thou which despisest the imaginations of the proud and resistest their enterprises blesse me in all my dooings send mee happie successe in all mine affaires that I may reioice in thy goodnesse with thine elected for euer and euer Accept my humble suite good Lord I beseech thee for the glorie of thy name sake Amen A praier for the obteining of Gods grace O Almightie and mercifull God shine we beseech thee through the power of our Lord Iesus Christ and the comfortable working of thy sacred spirit the heauenlie comforter vpon our minds and harts with the glorious beames of thy heauenlie grace Giue vs such plentie of wisedome and vnderstanding from aboue that through the knowledge of thee the man of sinne that is our fraile and feeble flesh with the wicked lusts and desire of concupiscence may lie dead and buried in vs. Giue vs good Lord the feeling of thy grace that by the vertue and diuine operation of thy word the eies of our soules may be illumined and made so light that the Prince of darkenesse with all his vnrighteous ministers may be expulsed and banished from our memories So establish vs in thy truth that our harts minds and thoughts may continuallie be occupied in thy testimonies that thereby thou good Lord effectuallie shining in our harts by the vertue of thy good spirit we may learne to knowe and vnderstand what is the fulnesse of our calling and how rich thou art in the glorie of thy celestiall and heauenlie heritage of thy Saincts and that excellent greatnesse of thy power and louing kindnesse towards vs which beleeue without faining thy holie Gospell according to the might and force of thy strength which thou shewedst in Christ Iesus when thou didst raise him from the dead and didst set him on thy right hand far aboue all empire power authoritie and dominion and euerie name that is named not onlie in this world but in the world to come By whose pretious death and deerest bloud-shedding we are assured that sinne death and hell are vanquished ouercome and vtterlie destroied And if we beleeue without wauering we shall in him be able to resist all the power of hell and in Christ as conquerors to triumph with victorie ouer sinne death and Sathan and at the last to haue and enioie the fruition of his rich and glorious kingdome which he by most painefull agonie bloudie stripes greeuous and bloudie wounds and lastlie by his most painefull death purchased for his chosen and elect To whome for our sanctification iustification redemption and our saluation be rendred with his celestiall Father and the holie Ghost all laud glorie power honour and dominion for euer and euer Amen A praier against presumptuous pride and vaine-glorie WE heare O heauenlie Father and are dailie taught and instructed out of thine eternall word how greatlie the greeuous sinne of presumption pride and vaine-glorie displeaseth thy diuine maiestie We are learned that for the practise of this pestilent and heinous euill thou hast not spared the verie Angels but hast throwne them in thy displeasure for their pride vaine-glorie and presumption from beatitude to miserie from ioie without end to perdurable paine from brightnesse of thy glorious presence to vtter extreame and palpable darkenesse from the glorious fruition and participation of thine euerlasting kingdome to the bottomlesse pit of hell death damnation and endlesse flames of fire Besides this we are taught that by the transgression of Adam whose haughtie presuming through the entisement of the subtile and perillous allurement of the Serpent thought to be as thy selfe but in fine thy iustice condemned him and all his posteritie This pestiferous sinne of pride drowned him in the flouds of all dangerous euils as gluttonie luxurie and such other perils that had not thy mercie taken effect to keepe and hold plea for his and our safegard and thy sonne Christ embased the glorie and power of his diuine essence and taken vpon him our flesh and fraile nature sinne onlie except who freelie offered his innocent bodie to the death of the crosse we had perished euerlastinglie and beene vtterlie confounded Print therefore good Lord and write these examples in my memorie that I fall not from thy fauour by the exercise of this detestable sinne Make me still to consider that the proud and disdainefull are alwaies abhorred in thy sight And sith
are giuen vs in the Supper doo represent vnto vs C They represent vnto vs that the bodie and bloud of Iesus Christ haue such vertue towards our soules as the bread and wine haue towards our bodies M Understand you that the bodie of Iesus Christ may be inclosed in the bread and his bloud in the wine C No. M Where then must we seeke Iesus Christ to enioie him C In heauen in the glorie of his father M What is the meanes to come vnto heauen there as Iesus Christ is C It is faith M It behooueth vs then to haue true faith before we can well vse this holie Sacrament C It is so M And how may we haue this faith C We haue it by the holie spirit that dwelleth in our harts and assureth vs of Gods promises which are made vnto vs in the Gospell Unto God the Father of whom and by whom and in whome are all things And vnto Iesus Christ our Lord and Redeemer of the world And vnto the holie Ghost be honour and glorie for euer So be it The true summe of all Christian Religion Mother MY child art thou a Christian Child Yea by the grace of God whereas of nature I was a child of wrath as well as others M Art thou certaine that thou art a Christian C Yea through faith and the holie spirit who giueth witnesse vnto my spirit that I am the child and heire of God M What is it to saie a Christian C It is the same which by faith in Iesus Christ hath receiued the holie spirit as a child of God dooing his dutie in time and place M What is the dutie of a Christian C It is for to knowe God for to serue him in spirit and truth according to the doctrine of Iesus Christ M In how manie points consisteth the true Christian adoration and the true seruice of God C It is faith which is the onelie foundation of Christians M The faith commeth it of vs C No for it is the gift of God M Where lieth this faith C In the hart for with the hart we beleeue to righteousnesse with the mouth we confesse to saluation M Be we then bound to render a reason of our faith and hope C Yea to all men that demand it of vs so that it be done with wisedome gentlenes reuerence and gratious words M And he that confesseth not Iesus Christ in time and place doth he not renounce him C Yea for he that is not with him is against him he that gathereth not with him scattereth abroade M Giue me then a reason of thy faith and first what confession makest thou of the Christian faith C The same that the Church holdeth being founded vpon the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles which is brieflie comprehended in our Creede M Canst thou make confession in the common language C Yea I thanke God M Saie it with an high voice and pronounce it well C I beleeue in God the Father almightie c. M Beleeuest thou that thou art saued by this faith of the Church C Yea well if I haue it in my selfe as the first word sheweth I beleeue in God For the iust shall liue by his owne faith M What is it to beleeue in God C It is a full assurance and hope to trust and commit all to him according to his promises in Iesus Christ M Can we haue this faith in perfection whiles we be in this world C No. For we haue neede with the Apostles to require augmentation of faith The Lord increase it in vs and make vs perseuere in it vnto the end Of Inuocation Mother WHat is the second part of Christian adoration and seruice of God Child It is inuocation whereby we haue all our refuge vnto our father through faith in the name of Iesus Christ M Why puttest thou inuocation after faith C Because it is one of the greatest and principall fruite of the same For whosoeuer calleth vpon the name of the Lord in faith shall be saued M Haue we commandement to call vpon God onlie and not vpon others C Yea euen as we are commanded neither to beleeue nor worship anie other but him alone M Should we not praie to the father in the name of other but of Iesus Christ C No. For the father hath giuen vs none other aduocate but him who onlie is verie God and verie man and we haue no promise to be heard in the name of anie other but in his name onlie M Yea but we knowe not what we ought to praie as apperteineth C Iesus Christ teacheth vs by his holie spirit according to the forme that he hath giuen vs. M Rehearse it in the common language to the end that we all may vnderstand it and be edified C Our father which art in heauen c. M Wherefore will he that we call him father C To declare the loue that he beareth towards vs in Iesus Christ to the end that in full assurance and boldnesse we may come to him onlie and not to be afraid of him no more than a child is of his father M What doth this word our shew C The vnitie and charitable brotherhood which ought to be heere well practised among vs according as the communion of Saints requireth M Seeing that God is euerie where and filleth heauen and earth ought not we to seeke and worship him in all his creatures C No. For he is a spirit and incomprehensible wherfore he willeth that in Iesus Christ we seeke and worship him in spirit and truth lifting vp our hearts aboue all corruptible things M What conteine the sixe petitions comprehended in this praier C The three first all y t which makes for the aduancement of the honor and glorie of God which we ought to desire with our whole hart and before all things M And the three last what doo they conteine C Our entertainement and saluation which is also the glorie of God M Why addeth he to the end For thine is the kingdome the power and the glorie for euer C To shew that the dignitie efficacie of our praiers consisteth not in vs but altogether in that good father by Iesus Christ working in vs by the holie spirit M Then is it to saie that we all will liue and die in his obedience subiection and glorie C Yea acknowledging him to be the author of all goodnesse and vnto whome onelie apperteineth the true maiestie roiall with all power and glorie for euer M What is the conclusion of this praier C It is that all our desires requests and actions of grace be addressed vnto God alone through Iesus Christ confirming vs throughlie in substance vnto that which it conteineth as vnto the perfect rule of all true godlinesse M Why is this word added to the end Amen or So be it C To assure vs that our praier made thus in truth and according to his will is trulie heard Of Obedience Mother WHat is the third point of Christian adoration and
propertie thereof is to wash doth signifie the washing of our soules which is done for vs through the bloud of Iesus Christ in the forgiuenes of our sins The water also is put vpon the head in signe of death neuerthelesse in that it is done but for a little time it is a figure of our resurrection The Supper was instituted of our Lord to assure vs that by the communion of his bodie of his bloud our soules are nourished in hope of life euerlasting The bread and the wine signifie vnto vs the bodie bloud of Iesus Christ which haue the same propertie towards our soules that the bread and wine haue towards our bodies namelie to nourish strengthen The right vse of cōmunicating at y e supper is chieflie a man to proue himselfe whether he haue true faith with repentance charitie towards his neighbours FINIS D. M. A godlie exhortation to mortification of our sinfull affections and to holinèsse of life written by a vertuous Gentlewoman IF yee liue after the flesh you shall die but if ye through the spirit doo mortifie the deeds of the bodie ye shall liue For as many as are led by the spirit of God they are the sonnes of God Rom. 8. This also we knowe the season that we should now awake out of sleepe For now is our saluation neere the night is passed the daie is come nie let vs put on the armor of light let vs walke honestlie as it were in the day light not in eating and drinking neither in chambering and wantonnesse neither in strife and enuieng but put yee on the Lord Iesus Christ and make no prouision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts of it Rom. 13. The reward of sinne is death but eternall life is the gift of God through Iesus Christ our Lord. Rom. 6. Deerlie beloued abstaine from fleshlie lusts which fight against the soule and see that ye haue honest conuersation among the Gentils that wheras they backbite you as euill dooers they may see your good works and glorifie God in the daie of visitation 1. Peter 2. I saie walke in the spirit and fulfill not the lusts of the flesh For the flesh lusteth contrarie to the spirit and the spirit contrarie to the flesh These are contrarie one to the other so that ye can not doo whatsoeuer ye would but and if ye be led of the spirit then are ye not vnder the lawe The deeds of the flesh are manifest which are these adulterie fornication vncleannesse wantonnes worshipping of images witchcraft hatred variance zeale wrath strife seditions sects enuieng murther dronkennesse gluttonie such like Of the which I tell yee before as I haue told you in times past that they which commit such things shall not be inheritours of the kingdome of God They trulie that are Christs haue crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts thereof Galat. 5. Let no filthie communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good to edifie withall as oft as neede is that it may minister grace vnto the hearers and grieue not the holie spirit of God Phil. 4. Followe not thy lusts but turne thee frō thine owne will For if thou giuest thy soule hir desires it shall make thine enimies to laugh thee to scorne Sirac 18. An adulterous woman shall be troden vnder foot as mire of euerie one that goeth by the waie Sirac 9. Ye adulterers and women that breake matrimonie knowe ye not how that the friendship of the world is enimitie to God-ward Whosoeuer will be a friend of the world is made enimie of God Submit your selues to God and resist the diuell and he will flie from you drawe nie to God and he will drawe nie to you Clense your hands ye sinners and purge your harts ye wauering minded suffer afflictions sorrowe ye and weepe let your laughter be turned to mourning and your ioie to heauinesse Cast downe your selues before the Lord and he shall lift you vp Iames. 4. For the children of adulterers they shall come to an end and the seed of an vnrighteous bed shall be rooted out And though they liue long yet shall they be nothing regarded and their last age shall be without honour If they die hastilie they haue no hope neither shall they be spoken to in the daie of knowledge For horrible is the death end of the vnrighteous Wisd 3. The children of the vngodlie are abhominable children and so are all they that accompanie with the vngodlie The inheritance of vngodlie children shall come to naught and their posteritie shall haue a perpetuall shame and confusion Wo be vnto you ye vngodlie which haue forsaken the lawe of the highest If ye doo liue ye shall be cursed if ye die the curse shall be your portion Labour to get thee a good name for it shall continue surer by thee than a thousand great treasures of gold Sirac 41. The Lord alloweth the righteous but the vngodlie and him that delighteth in wickednesse doth his soule abhor Upon the vngodlie he shall raine snares fire and brimstone storme and tempest this shall be their portion to drinke For the righteous Lord loueth righteousnesse Psal 11. As for sinners they shall be confounded out of the earth and the vngodlie shall come to an end Psal 103. Another godlie exhortation to moue vs to praier and to cause vs to be in a continuall readinesse to waite on our Maister Christ when he shall come againe to iudge both the quicke and dead written by the same godlie Gentlewoman REioice in the Lord alwaies and againe I saie reioice let your softnesse be knowne to all men The Lord is euen nie at hand be carefull for nothing but in all praier and supplication let your petitions bee manifest vnto God with giuing of thanks Be feruent in spirit applie your selues to the time reioice in hope be patient in tribulation continue in praier Rom. 22. Take heed therefore how ye walke circumspectlie not as vnwise but as wise men redeeming the time bicause the daies are euil Wherfore be ye not vnwise but vnderstand what the will of the Lord is And be not dronken with wine wherin is excesse but be filled with the spirit speaking vnto your selues in Psalmes and Hymnes and in spirituall songs singing and making melodie to the Lord in your harts giuing thanks alwaies for all things vnto God the Father in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ submitting your selues one to another in the feare of God Epes 5. Praie alwaies with all maner of praiers and supplications in the spirit and watch therevnto with all instance and supplication Ephes 6. Uerelie verelie I saie vnto you saith Christ Whatsoeuer yee aske the father in my name he will giue it you Aske and yee shall receiue that your ioie may be full And when thou praiest thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are for they loue to praie standing in the Synagogues and in the corners of the streetes because they
and of thy free mercie that we are made heires and partakers of thy promise in Christ Iesu through the Gospell which bringeth vs tidings and full assurance of the euerlasting riches of thine infinite goodnesse and mercie Blessed be God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ which hath blessed vs with all spirituall blessings in heauenlie things by Christ and hath chosen vs in him before the foundations of the world that we should be holie and without blame before him in loue who hath predestinated vs to be adopted through Iesus Christ vnto himselfe according to the good pleasure of his will whereby he loueth vs by his beloued in whom we haue redemption in his bloud euen the forgiuenesse of sinnes according to the riches of his grace wherein he hath abounded towards vs in all wisdome and vnderstanding and hath opened vnto vs the mysterie of his will according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himselfe euen vntill the dispensation of the fulnesse of time that he might gather in one all things both which are in heauen and which are in earth euen in Christ by whom also we are chosen when wee were predestinated according to the purpose of him which maketh althings after the counsell of his owne will that we might be to the praise of his glorie which hoping haue beleeued in Christ when we heard the word of truth euen the Gospell of saluation And this grace thou didst extend toward vs not by the works of righteousnesse which we had done but according to thy mercie thou sauedst vs and didst call vs with an holie calling not according to our works but according to thine owne purpose grace which was giuen to vs through Christ before all times and is now made manifest by the appearing of our Sauiour Iesus Christ which hath abolished death and brought life and immortalitie vnto light through the Gospell To thee therefore which art of power to establish our harts according to the reuelation of the mysterie which was kept secret since the world began but now is opened and published among all nations by the Scriptures of the Prophets at the commandement of the euerlasting GOD for the obedience of faith to thee we saie God onelie wise be praise through Iesus Christ for euer Amen We beseech thee that according to the operation and working of thy mightie power we may continue constant in true faith and wholesome doctrine and at no time forsaking the wisedome opened in the Gospell may followe the iudgement of worldlie reason and fleshlie vnderstanding which thou hast beesotted and altogither confounded in searching thy hidden mysteries For thy spirituall wisedome dooth farre exceed all wisedome and vnderstanding of the creatures wherevnto flesh can not attaine neither can our bloud reueale nor yet the naturall man although he be indued with great sharpenesse of wit and worldlie vnderstanding perceiue the same Grant we beseech thee that we may be thy simple sheepe and little-ones receiuing from thee the word of truth without contradiction and disputation and that in the articles of faith we bring not fleshly wisedome but being made void of our proper vnderstanding may bring our minds into a godlie captiuitie Let thy Sonne which descending from aboue brought with him the eternall wisedome of the Gospell from thy bosome and was made a sacrifice on our behalfe but now exalted to thy right hand bestoweth his gifts let him we beseech thee shine in our harts Likewise cause thine holie spirit to instill into vs his diuine light and breath vpon vs the new flame of thine heauenlie knowledge till departing into the eternall life we may behold thee the onlie and true God face to face which liuest and reignest in perpetuall glorie Amen Another thankes-giuing after the Sermon WE render vnto thee O heauenlie father most hartie thanks for this spirituall heauenlie nourishment of thy blessed word wherewith our soules are not onelie well refreshed at this present but also our faith is strengthened our loue kindled and our conscience quieted Wee most humblie beseech thee to giue vs grace not onelie to be hearers of thy word but dooers also of the same not onelie to loue but also to liue thy Gospell not onlie to fauour but also to followe thy godlie doctrine not onelie to professe but also to practise thy blessed commandements that whatsoeuer we outwardlie heare and inwardlie beleeue we may shew foorth the same in our conuersation and liuing vnto the honour of thy holie name the comfort of our Christian brethren and the health of our soules Amen Another O GOD wee haue heard with our eares and our fathers and preachers haue declared vnto vs the noble works that thou hast done of old time for vs. Grant therefore we beseech thee O thou heauenlie husbandman that this seed of thy word now sowne amongst vs may take such deepe root in our harts that neither the burning heate of persecution cause it to wither neither the thornie cares of this life doo choke it but that as seed sowne in good ground it may bring foorth thirtie sixtie and an hundred fold as thy heauenlie wisedome hath appointed to the glorie of thy holie name Amen Another praier or thankes-giuing after the Sermon I Giue thee most humble thankes Lord Iesu Christ that thou hast vouchsafed euen now abundantlie to refresh and feed vs with the food of thy word And I beseech thee that the vnderstanding and knowledge of this thy word may be wholsome comfortable and effectuall in vs that this heauenlie seed now sowne doo not die or perish in vs without fruit Keepe our harts O Lord inuiron and compasse them about with the inclosure or hedge of thy grace and by thy holie Angels preserue and watch ouer the same that the infernall fowle bird Satan pull not out thy sacred word out of our harts But prepare our breast and make apt our harts vnto thee good Lord that they may firmelie keepe thy word and that they may alwaie sticke and be as new and fresh in our memories Giue vs also strength possibilitie and power that our life may answere to thy doctrine heard Giue increase also to thy word O heauenlie husbandman that in vs it may augment growe and that by thy holie speech and heauenlie eloquence it may not onlie bring vs to the knowledge of thy will but also that we may execute accomplish and fullfill that thou commandest and willest and so perseuering to the end may at the last aspire to thy celestiall kingdome Amen Another O Gratious God and most mercifull Father which hast vouchsafed vs the rich and pretious iewell of thy holie word assist vs with thy spirit that it may be written in our harts to our euerlasting comfort to reforme vs to renew vs according to thine owne image to build vs vp and edifie vs into the perfect building of thy Christ sanctifieng and increasing in vs all heauenlie vertues Grant this O heauenlie Father for Iesus
lookers on to feede our selues and not to hire others to feed for vs that so we may liue by our owne meate and not perish for hunger while other deuoure all We are come togither I saie O my soule with this congregation assembled presentlie to celebrate a sacrifice not priuatelie in one kind for the dead nor to make a mysterie a sacrifice nor of a communion to make a priuate eating nor of two parts to haue but one nor yet to applie it for the dead and so we to loose the fruit that are aliue No no my soule God forbid that we should come to celebrate this holie mysterie after anie such sort or to anie such vse or purpose For that were to declare our selues vnwoorthie of the Lord yea to be accursed of him for committing such spirituall blasphemie and robberie But knowe that we are come hither now publikely and openly at this the Lords boord to minister doo that which he himselfe a little before his death vouchsafed in his owne person most wiselie kindlie and louinglie to inuent prouide institute ordeine doo establish and command as a most necessarie waie and meane for it the better to take some place in vs and not to be frustrate of it end and purpose Yea to doo that which his holie Apostles also afterward togither with the godlie fathers in the primitiue Church both vsed practised authorised and confirmed according as it was deliuered and giuen by the first author thereof onelie that is to saie euen openlie and publikelie to celebrate in the Lords most happie commemoration and remembrance at this his holie table the heauenlie memorie of that most maruellous worke and deere bought benefit of our redemption and saluation wrought by Christ Iesus to our endlesse consolation profit commoditie and eternall saluation in his with all reuerence named most pretious death painfull crosse bloudie passion And wite thou well O my soule that like as Moses Aaron and Phinees long since did somtimes eate Manna in the wildernesse then spirituallie vnderstanding those visible things euen so now we in like maner spirituallie vnderstanding these holie mysteries for it is the spirit that quickeneth and giueth life the flesh profiteth vs nothing as saith our Sauiour must here also spirituallie hunger spirituallie taste spirituallie eate the flesh of Christ and spirituallie drinke his bloud indeed in these holie mysteries by faith onlie and assured constant beleefe that the blessed bodie of Christ was crucified and his pretious bloud shed vpon the Crosse for our saluation And so receiue this the Lords supper euen for a token badge or cognizance of this faith and saluation in Christs merits declaring therby euermore his death and passion with thanks-giuing vntill he come Neither must we now so much as once dreame of anie grosse or carnall eating or fleshlie feeding or thinke that we are come at this present to feed our senses and bellie to corruption for that were baselie to abiect and bind our selues to the elements and creatures and so to declare our selues drowned in deed in the dirtie lake of blindnesse and ignorance but onlie and in truth to nourish and feed our inward man to immortalitie and life euerlasting namelie that as our outward man is nourished by letting in this bodilie meat into the stomach that is helthsome and sound to be digested so our inward man may be spirituallie fed and satisfied by receiuing the meate thereof into our soule and hart sound and whole in faith And therfore we shall not need now at this present time in dooing these things to whet our teeth O my soule but as S. Cyprian saith with sincere faith to breake and diuide this holie bread For surelie without faith which indeed is the onelie instrument most necessarie in the right vse of all these holie mysteries it is impossible to please God heerein neither can the vnbeleeuers and faithlesse folke feed vpon the Lords pretious bodie nor enioie the eating and drinking of this so high and diuine nourishment of spirituall food Yea to haue anie other eating than spirituallie by faith onelie is plaine idolatrie It behoueth vs therfore O my soule diligentlie to ponder weigh and consider of these things that now at the last we may not onelie vnfeinedlie and thoroughlie trie prooue and examine our selues our owne consciences and liues but also humblie acknowledging our faults vnto God hartilie repenting our former sinfull life asking mercie of GOD the Father for Christs sake and gladlie forgiuing all our offenders effectuallie and carefullie there withall plucke vp euen the verie roots of heathenish infidelitie and all distrust in Gods mercifull promises to the end we may thereby in verie deed shew our selues liuelie plants of the fruitfull oliue liuing branches of the true vine and woorthie members of Christs mysticall bodie euen such as haue our life our abiding our vnion and as it were our incorporation with him Finallie O my soule we must not now like chattering Iaies so much regard or consider these earthlie elements and terrene creatures which we see with our corporall eie and still remaine so but especiallie and in deed haue respect to the heauenlie graces and benefits which our faith beholdeth in and by them Neither must we by anie meanes cleaue to these inferiour or base things which lie here beneath and are visiblie discerned but leauing them altogether wee must rather resemble and plaie the parts of the Egles who flie mount vp thither where the dead bodie lieth that is giuing credit to the words of Christ who saith The words that I speake are spirit and life And againe remembering that God willeth such as will be true worshippers of him to worship him in spirit and truth we must now so behold the bread and wine with our naturall eies that we may neuerthelesse especiallie lift vp the eies of our mind to heauen and looke vp by faith vpon the holie bodie and bloud of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ God and man as he is there sitting at the right hand of God his Father in equall glorie power and maiestie alwaies seeking it there where the sunne of righteousnesse euermore shineth continuallie holding fast and still cleauing by faith onlie to the rocke whence we may sucke in deed the sweetnes of euerlasting saluatin So shall we O my soule now repenting hartilie our former fowle life being in perfect loue and charitie with all men maruelling with reuerence and feare at these sacred things now touching these holie and fearfull mysteries with our mind receiuing them with the hand of our hart and taking them fullie with our inward man by faith onelie be sure at this holie table euen now presentlie to receiue not onlie the outward Sacrament but the spirituall thing also not the figure but the truth not the shadowe but the bodie and that not to death but to life not to our destruction but to our saluation which God euen our owne God for his mercies sake grant vs now effectuallie to
by the diuell man thou hast againe of thine infinite goodnesse through thy sonne prepared a sumptuous supper and great feast And for as much as thy people among whom the tower of thy daily iunkets was placed togither with the most part of the world do despise thy holie table and suffer themselues to be caried about vnto the bankets of Satan and vaine pleasures of this world Thou hast vouchsafed to call vs most vnwoorthie wretches being lame blind and beggerlie in this last age of the world that the number of thine elect may be filled yea thou compellest some lieng in the high waies and about hedges by reason of the troubles and decaie of kingdoms through the preaching of thy word to come to the participation of thy banket We humblie beseech thee bring vs to thine heauenlie table appoint vs a place therein euermore Grant that from thy sonne which is the bread and liuelie wine we may drawe nourishment and iuice that the drinesse of our nature may be watered and we at length taste of thy supper in the table of euerlasting life and drinke the new wine of thy sonne enioieng his visible sight in the blessed societie of all thine elect Amen When you begin to eate immediatelie blesse and saie LORD God which art the sanctifier of thy Saints and the euerlasting suffisance that shalt be giuen to the hungrie blesse thou from heauen these thy good creatures and great benefits which thou hast created to releeue the want of thy hungrie children and to be receiued with thanks-giuing with thy celestiall benediction that they may be as a healthfull medicine or remedie to our humane nature And grant that by the inuocation of thy holie name we now soberlie taking and temperatelie and thankfullie tasting hereof may therewithall receiue both helth of bodie and safegard of soule through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Or else praie thus for the sober vsing of your meate and drinke GRant O most mercifull God that so long as we wander in this wretched world we may so take our meate and drinke for the infirmitie of our flesh that we neuer be corrupted by fine fare wherein the flesh delighteth neither yet by anie foolish superstition nor that we be drawne awaie at anie time from temperance and sobrietie but let vs alwaies remember so to vse our abundance that when we abound in all things most plentifullie we may giue our selues to moderate abstinence continuallie as also that we may patientlie beare all pouertie and hunger when it commeth and that wee may so vse libertie in our meates and drinks that alwaies the glorie of thy name O Lord may be before our eies and that such frugalitie may appeare in all our life that we may continuallie seeke that satietie and fulnesse whereby we shall be satiate for euer most abundantlie when the glorie of thy countenance shall appeere vnto vs in the heauens through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen When you take salt meditate a little to your selfe and saie EUerie man shall be salted with fire and euerie sacrifice shall be seasoned with salt Salt is good but if the salt be vnsauourie wherewith shall it be seasoned O God giue vs grace to haue salt in our selues and to haue peace one with another let all our communication now be so well sauoured and powdered with salt that is to saie seasoned with godlie wisedome that we knowing how and when to speake all our talke may tend to the glorie of thy name and the edifieng of our owne soules through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen In the meale time LET one of your children or seruants that best can reade this caution following and after that some chapter or portion of the Scripture distinctlie and reuerentlie that all at the boord may giue diligent eare therevnto The cautions or remembrances to be said of the child in the meate time REmember that these meates and drinkes heere set before you are giuen you of God to vse but not to abuse in surfeting and dronkennesse Remember that they are giuen you to profit your bodies and not to hurt your soules Remember that they are not giuen to you alone but vnto others also that need the same by your liberalitie and almes to their releefe In eating and drinking remember that you doo but feed the woormes and pamper the carcasse and ouercharge your soule if yee surfet with taking too much In the midst of your mirth and abundance remember the poore prisoners the sicke and the afflictions of Ioseph and his persecuted members as though yee were in their case Finallie remember the food of your soules Christs bodie broken and his bloud shead Desire the meate I saie that lasteth for euer Labour for it and harken diligentlie to his word which now shall be read vnto you And first let vs praie A praier to be said of the child or seruant in the meale time before the reading of the Chapter out of the Bible O Lord which hast prouided these earthlie creatures for the feeding of our mortall bodies direct vs carefullie to seeke and with delight to tast of thy most holie word that we may by that immortall seed be begotten to be thy children and thereby be nourished and fed vntill we become perfect men in thy Sonne Christ Iesus So be it Or else thus BLessed Lord which hast not onlie created all things for mans sustenance but also hast caused all holie Scripture to be written for our learning grant vs to be so conuersant among these thy gifts purelie and holilie because thou art so that we may in such sort also now both reade thy word heare it marke learne and inwardlie digest this heauenlie food of our soules that being well refreshed and vertuouslie transformed both in bodie and soule we may holilie walke in the strength thereof to glorifie thee through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen After the Chapter read saie thus BLessed are they that heare the word of God and keepe it Grant therefore we beseech thee O Lord that we may not onlie be readers and hearers of thy word but dooers and followers also of the same that beeing now fed and nourished at thy hands both in soule and bodie we may heere bee apt and readie to doo all good works which thou hast prepared for vs to walke in and in the life to come be receiued to thine eternall kingdome of glorie through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Another thanks-giuing after the receiuing of our bodilie sustenance and reading of some part of Gods holie word or spirituall food O Lord our God the onlie giuer of all good gifts who of thy great mercies hast made vs partakers both of the heauenlie gifts of thy holie word to feed our minds and of thine earthlie creatures for the necessarie sustenance of our weake bodies grant we beseech thee that through thy grace these thy gifts may be made perfect vnto vs. Giue strength vnto our meate that it may be our healthfull nourishment not to
pleased thy gratious goodnesse freelie of thine owne accord to elect and choose vs to saluation afore the beginning of the world and euen like continuall thanks be giuen vnto thee for creating vs after thine owne image for redeeming vs with the pretious bloud of thy deere Sonne when we were vtterlie lost for sanctifieng vs with thy holie spirit in the reuelation and knowledge of thy sacred word for helping and succouring vs in all our need and necessitie for sauing vs from all dangers of bodie and soule for comforting vs so fatherlie in all our troubles and afflictions for sparing vs so long and giuing vs so large time of repentance These benefits O most mercifull father like as we acknowledge to haue receiued of thine onlie goodnesse euen so we beseech thee for thy deere sonne Iesus Christes sake to grant vs alwaie thy holie spirit whereby we may continuallie growe in thankefulnesse towards thee be led into all truth and comforted in all aduersitie Strengthen our faith O Lord kindle it more and more in feruentnesse and loue towards thee and our neighbours for thy sake Suffer vs not most deere father to receiue thy word anie more in vaine but grant vs alwaie the assistance of thy grace and holie spirit that in hart word and deede we may sanctifie and doo woorship to thy holie name that we may help to amplifie thy kingdome and that whatsoeuer thou sendest we may bee hartilie well content with thy good will and pleasure Suffer vs not to lacke the thing O father without the which we can not serue thee but blesse thou so all the works of our hands that we may haue sufficient and not to be chargeable but rather helpfull vnto others Be merciful O Lord vnto our offences and seeing our debt is great which thou hast forgiuen vs in Iesus Christ make vs to loue thee and our neighbors so much the more Be thou O father our Captaine and defender in all temptations Hold thou vs by thy mercifull hand that we thereby may be deliuered from all inconuenience and end our liues in the sanctifieng and honouring of thy holie name through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen ¶ On the seuenteenth daie of Nouember commonlie called The Queenes daie Sundrie formes of Christian praiers and thanks-giuings vnto God for the preseruation of the most vertuous Ladie Elizabeth our most deare and dread souereigne Quéene of England France and Ireland defender of the faith c. verie necessarie to be vsed as generallie of all faithfull subiects continuallie so especiallie of the Mother and hir Daughter vpon the seuentéenth daie of Nouember and euerie Sabboth and holie daie in honourable remembrance of that ioifull Sabboth rest and peace from carefull mourning which that memorable seuententh daie brought to vs the banished exiles of England and persecuted members of Christ by the most happie entrance of hir most roiall and excellent Maiestie into this hir Emperiall Crowne and kingdome A Psalme Mother COme O all you that feare God come hither I praie you and giue eare a while and reherse with me y e great benefits that he the Lord hath bestowed vpon vs. Daughter For lo when the most mightie men gathered their power against vs and laie in wait for our life they conspired togither to worke our destruction as though the Lord had determined the same and exhorted one another saieng God hath forsaken them therefore persecute them now flieng awaie and take them being destitute of all helpe Moth. These men our aduersaries I saie wheresoeuer we remoued or went by sea or by land laie in wait most diligentlie for vs yea multitudes of the cruell enimies did not ceasse craftilie to enuiron and beset vs round about and ran vpon vs with gaping mouthes like raging and roring lions of malicious minds to bring vs to extremitie and to deuoure vs. Daugh. For thy sake O Lord alone were we killed euerie daie neither were we in anie better condition than sheepe appointed of butchers to the slaughter Moth. Manie of vs wandered in the waste wildernesse and sought strange cities commodious to dwell in halfe dead and killed with famine and thirst ouerwhelmed with the shadowe of death and being cast downe by the burthen of our miseries laie downe flat cleauing to the earth Daugh. The bands of death compassed vs round about and bound vs most wicked men like most raging flouds made vs afraid enuironing vs round about Moth. We were snared and cast fast bound with chaines into most darke dungeons yea we tasted the heate of the fire and the force of the water Daugh. Then we called vpon the Lord in these extremities We called vpon the Lord I saie and he heard our voice out of his high palace and receiuing into his eares the crie that we made vnto him he deliuered vs from our miseries and distresse Moth. He gathered vs home which were scattered from the East the West from the North South and brought vs from the dungeons of the prisons and darkenesse of death breaking the fetters and giues of iron in peeces Daugh. The Lord hath deliuered our life from death he staid the teares of our eies and established our feet that they did not fall he hath brought vs out of our distresse Hence haue we our light whereby he causeth vs to shine and hath driuen awaie our darkenesse Moth. Therfore will we praise thee O Lord among the nations and will sing lauds vnto thy Maiestie yea we will declare thy power and will shew foorth thy praise and mercie earlie in the morning because thou hast defended vs and wast our refuge in extreme dangers Daugh. Oh acknowledge and declare ye openlie that the Lord is good for his bountious goodnesse is for euer Let all the sincere worshippers of the Lord now confesse that his louing kindnesse is perpetuall Praise ye the Lord. Moth. Glorie be to the Father and to the c. Daug. As it was in the beginning is now c. ¶ The Versicles Mother O Lord shew thy great mercie vpon vs miserable sinners Daughter And grant thine euerlasting helth and saluation vnto vs. Moth. O Lord saue Elizabeth our gratious Queene and Gouernor Daugh. Which putteth hir onlie confidence in thee O God hir tower Moth. Oh send hir still continuall helpe from thy most holie place Daugh. And euermore from dangers all defend thou hir most roiall Grace Moth. O let not the infernall fo haue anie aduantage of hir Daugh. Nor let the wicked enimie once approch to hurt hir Moth. Indue hir ministers alwaie with righteousnesse and equitie Daugh. And make thou thy chosen seruants full ioifullie to praise thee Moth. O Lord saue thy people from all perils and dow them with thy gifts Daugh. And blesse thou thine inheritance with all thy bountious benefits Moth. In our time O Lord giue vs thy peace which passeth all vnderstanding Daugh. Bicause none other God dooth fight for vs but onelie thou our King Moth. O soften thou our hardened
with a crowne of the more glorie for it and to the intent that thou mightest likewise ouercome sathan in thy members as thou hast afore done in thine owne person Giue thou we beseech thee vnto vs thy souldiers O Lion most victorious of the tribe of Iuda strength against the roring Lion which continuallie wandereth to and fro seeking whome he may deuour Thou being that same Serpent the true giuer of health and life that was nailed on high vpon a tree giue vnto thy little seelie ones wilinesse against the deceiptfull awaitings of the most subtil serpent Thou being a Lambe as white as snowe the vanquisher of sathans tyrannie giue vs thy little sheepe the strength and vertue of thy spirit that being in our owne selues weake and feeble and in thee strong and valiant wee may withstand and ouercome all assaults of the diuell so that our ghostlie enimie may not glorie ouer vs but being conquerours through thee we may giue thanks to thy mercie which neuer leauest them destitute that put their trust in thee who liuest and reignest God for euermore world without end Amen 7. On Thursedaie next before Easter commonlie called Maundie Thursedaie Of Christ his last feast or institution of the Sacrament of the Supper and of his great humilitie in washing his disciples feet afterward The Preface I Saith Wisedome haue killed my victuals drawne my wine and prepared my table Come now vnto me all ye poore in spirit that are emptie and an hungred come ye fat and rich also vpon earth that go astraie and faint for thirst Come I saie O freends eate of my meate woorthilie and worship me drinke of my wine purelie and glorifie me Make ye merrie at my table holilie and praise me O welbeloued For it is I that satisfie the mouth with good things and fill the hungrie soule with spirituall deinties Yea my flesh is meate in deed and my bloud is drinke in deed which I haue prouided for my people and he that eateth me euen he shall liue by me Happie and blessed therefore are they that are called to the Lambs supper for they shall eate Manna euen Angels food in the kingdome of heauen Lord bid me vnto this feast and grant that I may sup with thee and thou with me Lord wash not my feet onlie but my hands and head also for I am altogither vncleane and if thou wash me not I shall remaine filthie still O wash me therefore throughlie from my wickednes and cleanse me from my secret faults and purge me from my presumptuous sinnes For I haue sinned I haue offended oh forgiue me and haue mercie on me The Praier O Blessed Sauiour and deere Redeemer Iesu Christ which in the holie mysterie of thy last Supper with thine Apostles didst deliuer thy blessed bodie and bloud vnder the forme of bread wine and ordeinedst that as thy bodie was broken and thy bloud shead for vs so we should thankefullie celebrate and keepe a solemne memorie of thy death till thou come Grant vs we beseech thee euer stedfastlie to beleeue and kindlie to acknowledge thine infinite and almightie power thine incomprehensible loue towards vs and that we may alwaie worthilie receiue the same blessed Sacrament according to thy holie ordinance that thereby we may obtaine increase of all goodnes in vnitie of spirit with thee our head and by thee and thy spirit with all the companie of them that be trulie thine which be thy spirituall and mysticall bodie and our spirituall and Christian brethren and sisters Suffer vs not also we beseech thee to fall into anie slothfull and carelesse negligence whereby we should vnkindlie forget so inestimable a benefit but rather at all occasions with minds woorthilie prepared for so holie an action thankefullie to renew the memorie of thy so infinite loue towards vs and to receiue the grace which thereby is offered vnto vs to the ioining of vs continuallie neerer vnto thee till we be ioined without anie separation vnto thee through thee Finallie as in thine owne blessed person thou hast giuen an example of perfect loue whereby in humblenesse and meekenesse we should serue one another as thou being the Lord and maister of vs all didst vouchsafe after thy last Supper to wash the feet of thy disciples and seruants grant vs that louing and meeke spirit of thine whereby we may be far from disdaine and despising of our brethren and readie in all good things to be dutifull and seruiceable vnto them in thee and for thee that as thou hast left vs in commandement we may loue one another as thou hast loued vs and thereby be knowne to be thy disciples especiallie O Christ that we may be faithfull in our loue toward thee who for our sakes wast content to be vnfaithfullie and vnfriendlie betraied of him that had liued familiarlie with thee that thou mightest thereby assure vs of thine euerlasting loue and mercie To thee therfore with the Father and the holie Ghost be all praise honour and glorie now and for euer Amen I haue sinned I haue sinned haue mercie on me 8. On Good Fridaie Of Christ his passion and shamefull suffering for our sinnes Leuiti 23 27 c. THIS is the daie of reconciliation to make an attonement for you before the Lord your God therefore shall it be an holie conuocation vnto you And you shall humble your selues this daie in fasting and praier and offer sacrifice made by fire vnto the Lord. And whatsoeuer soule it be that thus humbleth not himselfe this daie euen he shall be cut off and destroied from among his people Let this be a lawe and ordinance in your generations and in all your dwellings for euer saith the Lord. The Preface CHrist now once in the end of the world through the eternall spirit offered himselfe a Lamb without spot to God suffered for sinnes the iust for the vniust died for all and was killed vpon the altar of the crosse as perteining to the flesh but was quickned in the spirit to put awaie sinne by the sacrifice of himselfe Wo and alas that euer I sinned Christ became sinne and a cursse for vs to redeeme vs sinners from the cursse of the lawe and to reconcile vs vnto the blessing and fauour of God his father that we should be made the righteousnes of God in him Wo and alas that euer I sinned Christ was obedient vnto the death euen vnto the most vile and shamefull death of the crosse to deliuer vs from death hell and damnation and to translate and bring vs into the kingdome of God his father Wo and alas that euer I sinned Christ being in the forme of God tooke on him the forme of a seruant and made himselfe of no reputation but for the ioie that was set before him endured such blasphemie railing euill speaking against him of shamelesse sinners and when he was reuiled reuiled not againe when he suffered threatened not but committing the vengeance to him that iudgeth righteouslie despised
the lowest bottoms of the darke vallie and least the shadowe of the earth should come betweene and separate it from thee that art the bright sunne of righteousnes and least it once hid with the clouds of darknesse should not haue libertie but be letted to looke for heauenlie things which be aboue Therefore I doo assaie to go vpward vnto the ioies of quietnesse and peace and vnto the delectable and pleasant state of light O hold mine hart with thine hand bicause it cannot be drawne vnto high things without thee Thither doo I make haste whereas most chiefe and principall peace reigneth and continuall quietnesse shineth foorth Hold and gouerne my spirit and take it according to thy will that thou being a guide vnto it it may ascend into the region and countrie of plentifulnesse wheras thou feedest Israel euerlastinglie with the food of truth to the intent that there at the leastwise with my swift cogitation and thought I may come nigh thy wisedome which remaineth aboue all things ouerpasseth all things and gouerneth all things But alas there be manie things which when my soule would flie vnto thee doo crie out vpon it Command them all O Lord to hold their peace and speake not vnto me As for my soule it selfe let it giue neuer a word to answer Let it passe by all things Let it clime aboue althings that be created come vnto thee And that it may fasten the eies of faith vpon thee which art the onlie Creator of all things Let it couet vnto thee and be bent towards thee Let it thinke vpon thee by meditation and contemplation let it laie thee before hir eies for it selfe Let it roll and tosse thee in hir hart thee I saie which art the true and chiefe goodnesse and the ioie that will remaine without ending There are surelie manie contemplations in the which mans soule is maruellouslie fed of thee but in none of them is my soule so much delighted or yet hath so good rest in as in thee and when as it thinketh vpon thee and hath thee onelie in contemplation Oh how much is thy sweetnesse O Lord How maruellouslie dooest thou inspire the harts of them that loue thee How delectable is thy loue the fruition whereof they haue that loue nothing but thee they seeke nothing else they couet nothing else happie are they whose onelie hope thou art which haue no trust but in thee onlie and all their whole worke is praier Blessed is he that sitteth solitarie alone and holdeth his peace and standeth vpon his ward that he is set to keepe continuallie daie and night that yet whilest he is in this fraile bodie he may be able to taste somewhat thy pleasures I require thee by those thy wounds which bring health vnto vs which wounds thou sufferedst vpon the crosse for our health out of the which thy pretious bloud wherewith thou redeemedst vs did distill and drop downe wound this my sinful soule for the which also thou didst vouchsafe to die wound it I saie with the fire and mightie dart of thy great charitie For the word of God is liuelie and effectuous and more pearcing and sharpe than anie two edged sword Thou O chosen dart and most sharpe sword which art able by thy power to pearce through the hard shield or buckler of mans hart fasten and strike the shaft of thy loue in mine hart that my soule may saie vnto thee I am wounded with thy charitie so that foorth of that same wound of thy loue teares may flowe most plentiouslie both daie and night Strike O Lord strike I beseech thee this most indurated and hardened hart and mind of mine with the sharpe dart of thy loue and pearce it deeper deeper into the innermost parts thereof by thy mightie power and so bring out of my head aboundance of water and out of mine eies a verie well of teares continuallie running through the great affect and maruellous desire to see thy glorie that I may moorne daie and night without taking anie comfort in this life vntill in thy heauenlie wedding chamber I may see thee my welbeloued and beautifull spouse my God and my Lord and that there when I see thy glorious maruellous and beautifull face full of all sweetnes togither with them which thou hast chosen then I saie I may worship humblie thy Maiestie and there at the last being replenished with heauenlie and vnspeakable reioicing of euerlasting gladnesse I may euer crie out with them that loue thee saieng Behold that which I haue long desired now I haue obteined for I am ioined in heauen vnto him whome when I was in earth I loued with all my strength with all my charitie I embraced him vnto whome with all my loue I did sticke and cleaue Him doo I praise blesse and woorship that liueth and reigneth God world without end Amen Another praier to Christ ascended and reigning in glorie OH good Christ our first begotten brother and tender-harted Ioseph Oh naturall Sonne of that father to whome we are made children of adoption through thee Oh our head reigning on high in glorie forget not vs thy poore members heere on earth where-into abasing thy selfe thou cammest downe and sufferedst for vs most cruell death Out of this thy throne of maiestie and glorie thou puttest vs in assured hope and confidence that we also shall atteine to this blessed place whither thou art gone before to take possession for vs. Oh our strong tower of defence and succour what can hurt vs now trusting in thee Most vnhappie are they which are ignorant of thee and most happie are they which alwaies behold thee Blessed are they which haue knowne thee heere in the daies of this mortalitie but more blessed are they which see thee in the heauens and shall see thee reigning with thy Father in ioies incomparable Oh Lord the onelie ioie and comfort of our soules shew vs thy louing countenance embrace vs with the armes of thy mercie Receiue vs O good Ioseph thy yonger brethren with the kisse of comfort Powre into our harts thy holie spirit Plucke vs vp from the earth and earthlie things Open our eies and lift them vp vnto thee Open thy mouth and call vs vnto thee Open our eares that we may heare thee so that whatsoeuer wee doo speake or thinke it may be directed vnto thee alone our redeemer mediator and aduocate Amen Another THou Lord didst put awaie Marie Magdalen from thee kissing of thy feet because thy flesh was not yet exalted and she knewe not yet the dignitie of thy clarified bodie and beautified with the glorie of immortalitie but was addicted onlie to thy bodilie presence She yet sought thee liuing among the dead neither was it knowne to hir that thou wast equall with thy Father wherefore thou wouldest not suffer hir so much as to kisse thy feet because it was a thing vnworthie for thy Maiestie O thou mightie Lion of the tribe of Iuda thou conqueror of hell and death
in a cleere and perfect light shall behold thee Amen 7. On the feast daie of the purification of Saint Marie the virgin and mother of Christ. The word became flesh and dwelt among vs Halleluiah O Eternall Father of thine onelie Sonne our Lord and Sauiour Christ which in the Common-wealth of Israell ordeined according to thy wisedome and adorned with excellent statutes necessarie for the state of mankind and signifieng secret and heauenlie things didst make diuers lawes concerning vncleannesse and the keeping of women with child and another for the first borne and that not onlie to put vs in mind of order in this life and thankefulnesse towards thy ministerie but also to teach that this our giltie and polluted nature like the foule and menstruous cloath of a woman is washed by the bloud of thy Sonne which is thy first borne thy substantiall image and the word sounding thy will whome from the heauens thou commandest to be harkened vnto Gouerne vs by thy first and onlie begotten Sonne Giue vs thy holie spirit that earnestlie we may bewaile our vncleannesse and pollusion aske helpe at thy mercifull hand be purified by the bloud of thy Sonne and be redeemed by him vnto true integritie and cleannesse which pleaseth thee that for his sake we may be adopted into thy children and find fauour in thine eies And as that good old man father Simeon notwithstanding that publikelie little or no talke was vsed of thy benefits by reason of the manifold sects then sproong vp and horrible tyrannie of Gouernours yet was confirmed by thy holie spirit in the truth and receiued a singular promise that he should see the Messias so by the same thy spirit kindle in vs faith whereby we may escape the palpable and curssed darkenesse of idolatrie which in the world welnigh is vsed And grant that we may apprehend thy Sonne who as this daie was presented in the Temple in substance of our flesh and in his armes depart in peace and be presented vnto thee with pure and cleane minds Assist vs that from our harts as did good father Simeon and holie Iacob we may firmelie keepe him among the feares of conscience and pangs of death Grant that he may be our light inflaming the darkenesse of our feeble minds with the brightnesse of his glorie Blot out all our doubtings heale the diseases of our soule and kindle that benefit and excellent light of true religion that being made followers in the spirituall societie of thy people Israell whose glorie is thy Sonne witnessing that among that people the promises and reuelations of the essence and will of the true God were made we may also come to thy glorie which our nature needeth and be adorned by thy Sonne with the heauenlie blessing of the forgiuenesse of our sinnes and receiuing righteousnesse and eternall life Amen 8. On Saint Matthias daie Thou hast exalted one chosen out of the people to publish thy lawe blessed be thy name O Lord. ALmightie God and most mercifull heauenlie Father who because the Scripture must needs haue beene fulfilled which the holie Ghost through the mouth of Dauid spake before of the Traitor Iudas who was guide to the Iewes that tooke Iesus thy deere Sonne our Lord and who now in reward of his iniquitie for betraieng thine innocent Sonne his Lord and Maister went hoong himselfe in the feeld of bloud called Acheldama till he burst asunder in the midst and all his guts and bowels gushed out didst afterward at the earnest praiers and petition of the rest of thy disciples choose thy faithfull seruant Matthias out of all the companie that followed thee or had their conuersation with thine Apostles to be of the number of thy twelue Apostles and ordeinedst him to be a witnesse with them of thy Sonnes resurrection as it is written in the 109. Psalme Let his habitation be void and no man be dwelling therein and his Bishoprike or charge let another take grant we beseech thee that thy Church being alwaie preserued from hirelings traitors and false Apostles may be ordered and guided by godlie faithfull and true pastors and ministers O Christ Sonne of God greatlie didst thou reioice at the gathering of the Church and high thanks didst thou yeeld to thy Father because he had chosen an holie seed out of mankind and suffered not their pains to be altogither frustrate We thanke thee also from our harts for reioicing at our well-doing and for repressing the diuell by thy power that some may be saued Gather heereafter we beseech thee from among vs a righteous people pleasing thee And although miserable and ouglie be the outward shew of thy Church and they which seeme to be the light of the world despise thy wisedome euen as neither Tiberius the Emperour with the Senate of Rome neither the Princes and Priests of the Iews would vouchsafe to heare thee wandering with thy Disciples Christian auditorie yet assist vs that these sinister iudgements of the world doo not dismaie vs but that we may bring our minds into a godlie captiuitie acknowledge thee by a true and liuelie faith to be the Sonne of thine eternall Father receiue the words from thee which from the bosome of thy Father vtterest the counsell concerning the restitution of man to whom all things both in heauen and earth are giuen for vs which are thy parteners Leade vs by thine hand by thy word and spirit before the presence of thy Father shew vs in a new light inwardlie in our soules the presence of thy Father which is pleased with vs for thy sake Abide thou among vs. Powre on vs by thy spirit the beginning of that light and righteousnes which appeareth in thee being the light of light lightning the darkenes of our nature Behold O good Samaritane and Physician of our soules to thee doo we lift vp our hands we are wounded we labour and are heauie laden thine enimie hath spoiled vs and wounded vs to the death We are so burthened with the weight and greeuousnes of sicknesse that our soule is comfortlesse readie to faint and fall into death and damnation Wherfore comfort our miserable soule with thy ioifull wine and oile with thine heauenlie and quickening balme raise vs from death vtter thy comfort to our harts and grant that our soules may find rest and gladnesse in thee Put on vs thy sweet yoke tame our flesh by thy spirit Raise vp in vs new motions and holie cogitations agreeable to thy will and word Thou art meeke in deed not desirous of reuengement Thou hast not throwne miserable man into euerlasting damnation as thou didst the diuels but hast suffered punishment for vs in thy bodie and praied for thine enimies Thou art meeke and lowlie in hart Thou flangest thy selfe vnder all angels and men thou tookest our fraile and fowle flesh vpon thee thou she wedst not the power of thy diuinitie in the time of thy passion but hidst if it might be thy diuinitie after a woonderfull
that light should be made and so not onlie bodies shining with noble light yet vnreasonable were made but besides also other spirituall natures as Angels were brought foorth into which thou powredst the beames of thy light of thy wisedome of thy righteousnesse and life and appointedst a companie of them which remained in their innocencie to euerlasting righteousnes and life that alwaies they might behold the countenance of the eternall Father being replenished with perfect goodnesse Thou hast ordeined and constituted in a woonderfull order that most excellent nature of all Angels to serue thy Church to defend the weake and feeble companie of men which in this life turne vnto thy Sonne our verie Michael Thou commandest those heroicall and valiant spirits to protect thy Church kingdoms and godlie schooles and places where thy Church doth abide calling vpon thee in feare and continuing in thy seruice We thanke thee from our harts for this great and vnspeakable benefit beseeching thee most humblie mercifullie to grant that they which alwaie doo thee seruice in heauen may by thine appointment succour and defend vs here in earth Conuert vs O Lord and we shall be conuerted teach vs to confesse this thy goodnesse and following the example of thine holie Angels to serue thee and thy congregation in true and sincere humilitie Compasse our Churches Common-weales and houses with the watch of thine Angels driue awaie from vs and our houses diuels thine enimies lieng blasphemous cruell murdering and incestuous spirits which through extreme hatred of thee and thy Sonne torment man labouring to bring it about that all flesh may blaspheme thee Represse the rage of them in their members in false teachers in the enimies of thy truth in Turks and other tyrants which persecute vs. Helpe vs in this world being ingraffed into that Church which thou dooest protect and may continue faithfull vnto the death and afterward being translated into eternall life be like the Angels yeelding immortall thanks vnto thee for thine infinite benefits Amen 19. On Saint Luke the Euangelists daie It is neither herbe nor emplaster that restoreth vs to health but thy word O Lord which healeth all things O Omnipotent almightie and euerliuing God which calledst Luke the Physician whose praise is in the Gospell to be a Physician of the soule it may please thee by the wholsome medicine of his doctrine to heale all the diseases of our soules And as by thy Sonne our Lord and Sauiour Christ thou hast commanded vs to praie that labourers may be thrust into thy haruest so grant vnto vs for the same thy sonne Bishops of thine owne instructing good shepherds sound preachers faithfull workmen and godlie ministers which may faithfullie ouersee and by thy word of saluation prosperouslie gouerne thy Church being deerlie bought with the pretious bloud of thine onelie Sonne Giue vnto vs such teachers as are both learned in thy word and commended for their good liuing direct them being illuminated with thine heauenlie light that they may rightlie deliuer and diuide vnto vs the principles of good doctrine the word of truth and the Gospell of life and open the difference betweene the lawe and the Gospell teach vs to beware of the leauen of the Pharisies and the contagious doctrine of mans traditions informe vs in all spirituall wisedome and bring vs by the operation of thine holie spirit vnto perfection both in the eies of God and sight of the world Grant that their labours may take good successe to the increase of thy celestiall haruest Giue them grace to continue constant in their profession fearing neither the hatred nor ingratitude of this world beleeuing certainlie that such as despise them are despised of thee and that thou neither wilt of thine holinesse nor wilt of thy iustice suffer such blaspemous impietie to go vnpunished Amen 20. On Simon and Iudes daie Apostles Thou hast made them princes in all lands therefore shall they remember thy name O Lord from one generation to another ALmightie God which hast builded thy congregation vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Iesu Christ himselfe being the head corner stone grant vs so to be ioined togither in vnitie of spirit by their doctrine that we may be made an holie temple acceptable to thee And O Lord Iesu Christ which after this maner diddest comfort thine Apostles whom the world would hate and abhorre saieng I haue chosen you out of the world therefore the world hateth you Separate vs we humblie beseech thee from the darknesse idolatrie and wickednesse of this world and ioine vs to that companie among which thy Godhead dooeth dwell Grant that in true loue we may be ioined vnto thine eternall Father through thy spirit which is the bond of peace Make vs nothing to dread the sinister iudgements of the world neither yet for anie perils to forsake thy truth but patientlie suffer the iniuries from which thy selfe wast not free Let vs alwaies thinke that the seruant is not greater than the maister and so togither with thee and thine Apostles suffer those troubles and crosses which of God for our sinnes and amendement shall be laid vpon vs Amen 21. On All Saints daie Let the righteous be glad and reioice before God let them also be merie and ioifull WE thanke thee O almightie God our heauenlie Father for that of thine infinite mercie through our Lord and Sauiour and working of thine holie spirit thou gatherest out of mankind an euerlasting Church hast knit togither thine elect in one communion and felowship in the mysticall bodie of the same thy Sonne Christ our Lord defendest the same mightilie against the rage of the diuels and tyrannie of his members yea and hast promised one daie by thy Sonne to raise the same from death and to adorne it with vnspeakable glorie We beseech thee haue mercie on vs for the sake of the same thy Sonne our Mediator and Sauiour and grant vs grace so to followe thy holie Saints in all vertue and godlie liuing that we may come to those vnspeakable ioies which thou hast prepared for them that vnfeinedlie loue thee And gather from among vs euermore some religious companie which may serue thee in faith and a good conscience Assist that in this life that benefit of eternall life may begin that we may in a contrite hart obeie thee patientlie suffer the troubles which accompanie thy Gospell shew our selues meeke and mercifull hungring and thirsting from our hart after thy righteousnesse and seeking for the food of our soule aboue all things Make our ioie perfect and reioice in deed looking through faith vpon that blessed companie of Angels and men which enioie thy visible presence among whom thy Sonne is whom they see face to face and filled with vnspeakable delight here discoursing of thy woonderfull wisedome both in gathering and preseruing thy Church bring vs gratious Lord vnto the blessed cōpanie of thy Saints in this world and afterward make vs citizens of thine eternall kingdome togither
Sunne to set bicause we expect his arising againe in the morning no more ought we as men without hope to be sorie for the death of the bodie knowing that in the morning light of the resurrection it shall eftsoones arise receiue the soule againe to ioie or paine eternall VVhen the candles or lamps be light praie THanks be giuen to thee O Lord which after daie when night commeth hast giuen vs for the remedie of darknesse this artificiall light of the candle or lampe whereby we see and discerne those things in this night of our bodies which are expedient for vs to vse But especiallie we render immortall praise vnto thine holie Maiestie for the light of thy doctrine which thy Sonne against the horrour of sinne and ignorance hath brought vnto vs for a remedie against death eternall Grant we beseech thee O Lord of light and Maister of all truth that the most thicke and obscure clouds of our minds may be so driuen awaie and expelled by the lampe of thy grace and candle of knowledge and right vnderstanding that in bodie corporallie and in soule spirituallie wee may euer see by both these lights to glorifie thee both in our liues and in our deaths Thy word ô Lord is a lampe to our feete and a light vnto our paths O light thou our candle and make our darknesse to be light that with our lamps euer burning we may still watch for thy comming Amen Meditation THinke now that as without this materiall light of the candle all would be horrour and vncouth darknesse euen so without the spirituall light of Gods diuine word and wisedome all our light is darknesse our knowledge errour and our life death and vtter confusion Thinke also that as the candle is not put vnder a bushell but set on a candlesticke to giue light to all in the house so likewise ought we to let the light of our faith shine bright before men that other séeing our good works may therefore glorifie God Euening praiers for Sundaie to be said kneeling by the bedside before you make you vnreadie ¶ Here you may saie one of the confessions for the Sabboth daie as before pag. 384 387. WE render vnto thee euerlasting praises most mercifull Father for that of thy gratious fauour and loue towards vs thou hast vouchsafed to preserue vs this daie and the rest of our life hitherto vnder the shadowe of thy most mercifull protection beseeching thee also to take vs into thy tuition this present night and euer that we be not tempted with anie suggestion of Sathan but being thoroughlie armed with the holie Ghost we may haue power and force to resist his assaults by a sure faith and confidence in the bloud of thy blessed Sonne our Lord and Sauiour Christ Iesus Giue vs grace to repent vs of our sinnes vnfeinedlie to craue remission of them vncessantlie to imbrace thy holie word and commandements sincerelie and to expresse them in our liuing effectuallie whereby we may walke vprightlie in our conuersation with sure and certaine hope of the resurrection to eternall life by the merits of Christ Iesus that with the wise virgins we may be found waking and watching for his comming when he shall come to iudge the world with equitie and to reward euerie man according to the works of his bodie Grant vs grace most mercifull Father to behaue our selues so vprightlie in this life that then we may be made partakers of thy kingdome with thine elect there to liue in eternall ioie and felicitie world without end Amen Another Euening praier on the Lords daie O Almightie and eternall God Father of our Lord Iesu Christ which togither with thy Sonne and the holie Ghost didst create man after thine owne likenesse and breath into him the breth of life the which through thy goodnes continueth at thy pleasure Thou hast made of one bloud all mankind and assigned times and length of our life in this world thou giuest life to the people on the earth and breth to the walkers therein which if thou take awaie they shall depart and be turned into dust We blesse thee heauenlie Father and with all our harts giue thee thanks not onelie for sauing vs this daie from dangers but also from our cradles for defending both our soules and bodies from death Wherefore magnifie the Lord O our soules and our spirits reioice in God our Sauiour For he hath looked vpon the basenesse and afflictions of his seruants He that is mightie hath done for vs great things and holie is his name Wherefore we will praise the Lord for euermore bicause his mercie endureth from generation to generation on such as feare him We will shew foorth his power in the euening and when we go to bed we will remember his mercie Arise now our soules in the night praise your God In the beginning of the watches powre out your harts like water before the face of the Lord. For the Saints will be ioifull with glorie sing lowd vpon their beds Wherefore we also will praise thee continuallie and will confesse thy name for euermore For thou art the God which delighteth our harts and maketh our soules merie Therefore in the night we will thinke vpon thy benefits and our spirits shall consider of thy woonderous works For thou hast commanded that thy mercie be celebrated in the daie time and thy truth in the night season O our Lord and God of mercie gentlenesse patience pitie and truth which she west mercie vnto thousands and blottest out all our offences we lift vp our soules vnto thee and from our harts we praie thee put not before thine eies the horrible confusion vncleannesse and wickednesse of our minds being replenished with loathsome darknesse and ignorance full of doubtings and errors Our harts and will are turned from thee our God and all the powers and strength both of our soules and bodies are defiled and filthilie weakened but Lord of thy great merice blot out our offences looke vpon the troubles and dolours of our harts and forgiue all our sinnes For lo our soules are wounded and can not be holpen but onelie through mercie There is no health in our flesh bicause of thine anger neither is there rest in our bones bicause of our sins For our iniquities haue gone ouer our heads and as an heauie burden haue pressed vs down Our wounds are putrified and corrupt bicause of our foolishnesse Asswage thine anger and turne from thine indignation Pardon our faults remit all punishment and restore in vs the light of thy goodnesse which was lost O Lord heare O Lord forgiue harken O our God for thine owne sake For thy name is called vpon by vs. O God of heauen and earth in this euening tide doo we call vnto thee that remitting our sinnes which this daie especiallie we haue committed against thee in breaking thy Saboth and prophaning this our holie daie with our vnholie deeds speech and cogitations thou wouldest receiue vs into thy
when thou openest thy hand they are satisfied with good things O Lord in whom consisteth the fulnesse of all good things vouchsafe to extend thy blessing vpon vs thy poore seruants sanctifie vnto vs thy gifts which we receiue of thy liberalitie that we may vse them soberlie and purelie according to thy good will and by this meanes to knowledge thee to be the Father and author of all goodnesse still seeking principallie the spirituall bread of thy word whereby our soules may bee nourished eternallie through Iesus Christ thy sonne our Lord So be it Matthew 4. verse 4. MAn liueth not by bread onlie but by euerie word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God Grace after meate LEt all nations praise the Lord let all people sing praise vnto him For his mercie is multiplied vpon vs and his truth endureth for euer We render thanks vnto thee O Lord God for all the benefits that we receiue continuallie at thy hand for that it pleaseth thee to sustaine vs in this corporall life ministring vnto vs all our necessities and speciallie for that it hath pleased thee to regenerate vs into the hope of a better life which thou hast reuealed vnto vs by thy holie Gospell We beseech thee not to suffer our affections to be here rooted in these corruptible things but that we alwaies haue an higher respect waiting for our Lord Iesus Christ vntill he appeere in our redemption So be it A praier to be said before sleepe Exhortation LEt vs all fall downe humbling our selues before the high and soeuereigne Maiestie of our good God and Father acknowledging vs to be as we are namelie poore and miserable sinners praieng hartilie vnto him as followeth O Lord God Father eternall we beseech thee that it will please thee to cast the eie of thy fatherlie mercie vpon vs thy poore seruants not laieng to our charge so manie faults and offences whereby we are worthie to be brought vnto thy iudgement and whereby wee cease not to prouoke thy wrath against vs. And forasmuch as we are too vnwoorthie to appeare before thy holie Maiestie vouchsafe to receiue vs in the name of thy welbeloued sonne our Lord Iesus Christ accepting the merits of his death and passion for a recompense of all our faults regarding rather the obedience which he hath rendred vnto thee and not the manifold faults that we dailie commit against thy Maiestie O Lord God seeing it hath pleased thee to create the night for mans rest so as thou hast ordeined him the daie to trauell grant vs grace so to take our bodilie rest this night that our soules may alwaie watch vnto thee that our harts be lift vp in thy loue and that we so renounce all earthlie cares that we succour our selues according as our infirmitie requireth Let vs neuer forget thee but let the remembrance of thy goodnesse and grace continue alwaie printed in our memorie and by this meanes our consciences also shall haue their spirituall rest as our bodies take theirs Furthermore let not our sleepe be excessiue to accomplish the ease of our flesh beyond measure but onelie to satisfie the frailtie of our nature that we may be disposed to serue thee Moreouer let it please thee to preserue vs vnderfiled both in our bodies and in our spirits and to keepe vs against all dangers that our verie sleepe may be to the glorie of thy name And seeing the daie is not so passed but that we haue offended thee manie waies according as we are poore sinners so that all is now hid through the darknesse that thou sendest vpon earth vouchsafe also to burie all our faults through thy mercie least we thereby bee taken from thy presence Let it please thee also O Lord God to illuminate vs by thy holie spirit in the true vnderstanding of thy holie will and bring to passe also that we may yeeld vnto thee the loue and feare that true and faithfull seruants doo owe vnto their masters and children vnto their parents seeing it hath pleased thee to shew vs such grace as to receiue vs into the number of thy seruants and children Amen The praier of the Church of the faithfull to speake the word of God with all boldnesse Acts 4. verse 24 c. O Lord thou hast made the heauen the earth the sea all things that be in them Which through thine holie spirit hast said by the mouth of Dauid thy seruāt Wherfore haue the nations raged the people haue imagined vaine thoughts The kings of the earth haue assembled and the princes are come togither against the Lord and against his Christ For trulie Herod and Pontius Pilate with the Gentils and the people of Israel haue gathered themselues together in this citie against the holie child Iesus whom thou hast annointed to doo those things which thy hand and thy counsell hath determined to be done And now Lord behold their threatnings giue vnto thy seruants that they may speake thy word with all boldnesse so that thou stretch foorth thine hand that healing signes and woonders be done by the name of thy holie child Iesus Amen ¶ The maner how to examine such yong persons as be willing to receiue the Supper of our Lord Iesus Christ Mother IN whome beleeue you Child In God the Father and in Iesus Christ and in the holie Ghost Mother The Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost are they more than one God C No. M Must God be serued after his owne commandements or after the traditions of men C He must be serued according to his owne commandements and not according to the commandements of men M May you accomplish Gods commandements of your selfe C No. M Who is it then that accomplisheth them in you C The holie spirit M And when God giueth you his holie spirit can you perfectlie accomplish them C No. M And yet notwithstāding God cursseth reiecteth all such as do not sincerelie fulfill his cōmandements C It is true M By what meanes then shall you be saued and deliuered from the cursse of God C By the death passion of our Lord Iesus Christ M How is that C Because that by his death he hath restored life vnto vs and reconciled vs vnto God his father M And whome praie you vnto C To God M In whose name praie you C In the name of our Lord Iesus Christ who is our aduocate and intercessor M How manie Sacraments are in the Christian Church C Two M Which be they C Baptisme and the Lords Supper M What is the signification of Baptisme C It hath two parts For our Sauiour doth therein represent vnto vs the remission of our sinnes then our regeneration or spirituall renouation M And the Supper what signifieth it vnto vs C It signifieth vnto vs that by the communion of the bodie and bloud of our Lord Iesus Christ our soules are nourished in hope of the life euerlasting M What is it that the bread and wine which