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A02923 A Postill, or, Exposition of the Gospels that are usually red in the churches of God, vpon the Sundayes and feast dayes of Saincts written by Nicholas Hemminge a Dane, a Preacher of the Gospell, in the Vniuersitie of Hafnie ; and translated into English by Arthur Golding. ; before which Postill is sette a warning of the same Nicholas Heminge too the Ministers of Gods vvorde, concerning the co[n]tinuall agreement of Chrystes Church in the doctrine and true worshipping of God ... Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1569 (1569) STC 13062; ESTC S5140 503,499 736

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Chrystes must as well the godly magistrate as the ouerséers of Gods religion folowe that there be no defiling of Gods religion in the churches of christians Other that haue not this authoritie must be sory and testifie it in woords that they disallow the corruption of gods seruice Thirdly the signification of this déede is too bée weyed For as the temple was defiled so he ment that there should bée a spirituall purging of the temple by his owne death and glorious resurrection Moreouer in the cause of this déede which is expressed by these woords my house shal bee called a house of prayer c. we may lerne twoo things First that the temple is the visible seat of Gods seruice For all be it that euery place bée a temple too the godly in as muche as it is lawfull for them to call vppon God euery where yet notwithstanding the temple or church is the common place wherein we must assemble to pray and too doe other things that perteine to the outward discipline of godlinesse Another is that wée should reuerence the churches that are appoynted too Gods seruice and kéepe them cleane from Idols and Idol seruice But alas for sorow the Popish superstition sticketh so fast too the ribbes of a nūber that they cannot abide that an Idol should be pulled out of their church But héerof shal more be spoken at an other time ¶ Of the second THe second part of the things doone by Chryst in the temple is that he healed the lame and blinde that came vnto him By which déed he testifieth first that he is the true Messias For the Prophet Esay foretold that when Messias was come he should woorke such miracles Secondly this déede sheweth that the office of the Messias is to destroy y e workes of Sathan For when Chryst taketh away the disease he remoueth the cause also and the cause of all diseases in sinne Thirdly he sheweth by an outward token how men should vse y e church for the healing of bodily diseases is a representation of the clensing of mennes soules from spiritual filthinesse Therfore the church must be appoynted too this purpose y t we may be purged there frō our spirituall diseases which thing is then doone when we beléeue the word that is there preached and by beléeuing are washed from our sinnes with the bloud of Chryst according as Iohn sayth The blue of Iesus Chryst clen●eth vs from all iniquitie ¶ Of the third parte WHen the children tryed in the temple Hosanna too the Sonne of Dauid and that the Pharisyes chid them Chryst tooke vpon him to stand in defence of the children and iustifieth their doing by record of the Scripture Haue yée not red saith he Out of the mouth of babes and suckelings hast thou made perfect thy prayse Héere wée haue to lerne of both that is to wit of the children and of Chryst. Of the children first let our childrē lerne too know Chryst and to set forth his praise For séeing that Chryste sayeth that the kingdome of heauen belongeth too children vndoutedly his will is too be praysed and magnified by the faith and by the voyce of children But alas there bée many children which not onely are Ignorant of Chryst but also are so leudly brought vp that they learne nothing but too sweare too lye too talke ribaudry too practise other naughtinesse who shall not onely bée punished themselues one day for their lewdnesse but also their parentes shall bée punished of God for that they haue so wickedly neglected the children that God hath giuen them to bring vp in nurture and godlynesse Ageine we may lerne of the children to confesse Chryst in the middes of his enemies Héere were present the Pharisies and Scribes the chéef Gouernours of this common weale who persecuted Chryste and were angrye with all those that yelded any honor vnto Chryst. Yet could not this cruelnesse so abashe the children but that the more they were forbidden the more they cryed oute For suche is the strength of fayth that whersoeuer it bée it can not bée hidden but always bursteth out intoo the praise of GOD. This dutifulnesse is required at all mennes handes according too that saying of Paule in the .x. to the Romanes with the hart we beléeue vntoo rightuousnesse with the mouthe is confession made vntoo saluation By the dooing of Chryst we may lerne first that he will defend those that beléeue him And secondly that after the example of Chryst according too the state of our vocation wée are bound to defend the innocencie of others and specially too succour maynteyne the godly that they bée not oppressed and troden down by the wicked ¶ Of the fourth parte THe fretting of the Princes the Préests and the Scribes against Chryst was foretold long ago by the voice of god and the Prophets For where as God in the third of Genesis told before hand that it should come to passe that the séede of the woman shoulde treade downe the serpents head hée méeneth that Sathan and his members heathenish and vngodly men should persecute Christ and his Church And Dauid in the second Psalme not onely foresawe in Spirit this fretting of the Iewes ageinst Chryste when he sayth why did the Heathē frette and why did the people imagin vaine things But also by the sayd place of Genesis he promiseth it should come to passe that the womans séede that is to say Chryst and all that beléeue in him should ouercome Sathan his members Now in what thing this victorie consisteth Dauid in the ●ame Psalme declareth saying Blissed are all they that put their trust in him Wherefore let vs renounce Sathan and his members and with strong faith leane vpon Chryst the vanquisher of Sathan and giuer of eternall life to whom be honor and glorie for euermore ▪ Of the Lordes supper the first Epistle to the Corinthians and the xj Chapter THat vvhiche I deliuered vntoo you I receiued of the Lord. For the Lorde IESVS the same night in vvhiche hee was betrayed tooke bread and vvhen hee hadde giuen thanks hee brake it and sayd take yee and eate yee this is my body vvhich is broken for you This doo yee in remembrance of me After the same māner also he tooke the cup vvhē Supper vvas doone saying this Cup is the nevv testament in my blud This doo as oft as yee drink of it in remembraunce of mee For as oft as yee shall eate this bread and drink of this cup yee shall shevve the Lords death til he come VVherfore vvho so euer shall eate of this bread drink of this cup vnvvorthely shal be giltie of the body and bloud of the Lord. Let a man therfore examin himself so let him eat of that bread drink of that cup. For he that eateth or drinketh vnvvorthely eateth and drinketh his ovvne damnation bicause he maketh no difference of the Lords body The exposition of the text THe cause why this feast is instituted
●s that the storye of the celebration of the Lordes Supper should as this day bée handled in the church too the intent the true vse of this holy Supper may bée vnderstoode For when Chryst the day before he should suffer instituted this supper he gaue commaundement to his disciples that they should keep this supper in remembrance of him Wherfore it must nedes bée that there are great ● 〈◊〉 causes why it should be nedfull to make great account of the institutiō of this supper For vnlesse we thorowly and with good héed wey ●he causes of the institutiō of this supper we cannot sufficiently extol the goodnesse of our sauiour who although he were in most gréeuous sorow for his death which was at hād would notw tstāding institute this supper leaue it too his church for a most assured pledge of our saluation purchased by him wherin the memoriall of the couenant established betwéene God man by the blud of Christ might be preserued for euer Howbeit to y e intēt wée may be the more distinctly instructed cōcerning this supper I will propounde thrée places which by Gods grace I wyll expounde at this time The three places 1 The circumstaunces of the institution of this Supper and the signification therof wheruppon shal bee gathered the full description of the same 2 The true and lawfull triall of suche persons as méene too vse this Supper to their profit 3 The right vse and lawfull meditation of this Supper ¶ Of the firste THere be many circumstances in the storie of the Institution of this Supper which I wil set forth in order according too the texte The first is of the time For thus lie the words of the text Our Lord Iesus Chryst in the same night that hee vvas betrayed For he instituted this Supper vppon the Thursday late before the next friday folowing that he should bée crucified Wheruppon wée may gather twoo things First how great it must needes bée that Chrystes loue was towards vs whoo although he knew he shold die the next day would notwithstanding institute this perpetuall remembraunce of his benefits Another is that the celebration of this Supper must bée kept by vs in true repentance according as shall be said ageine afterward The second circumstaunce is of the guestes that were at this Supper The maister of the feast was Chryst they that were at it were his disciples good and bad The good surely were very weake and the bad was but only Iudas the traitor Héereby wée are taught that Chryste will alwayes bée present at this Supper and that this Supper perteyneth too Chrystes disciples And although the wicked doo also mingle themselues in among the reast yet notwithstanding thys Supper turneth to their iudgement and damnation as shall bée said ageine héereafter The third circumstance is of blissiing For he tooke bread and gaue thanks If the sonne of God gaue thanks before he vsed things what becommeth it vs too doo The fourth circumstance is of the elements For he vsed bread and wyne in the institution of this supper For as the outward man is nourished with bread and wine so the inward mā is spiritually fed with the body and blud of Christ. The fift circumstaunce is of the things that are present inuisible at this supper as are the very bodye and the very blud of our lord Iesus Chryst. The sixt circumstance is the cōmandement for he commandeth his Church to kéepe continually the same maner of celebrating his supper Doo this saith he The seuenth circumstance is of the new couenant This Cuppe sayth he is the nevv testament in my blud Why this Supper is called the new Testament it shall bée tolde you afterwarde The eight circumstance is the end for which the Supper was instituted whiche end is expressed in these woords Doo yee this sayth hée in remembrance of mee That is too say As often as ye vse this supper renue yée the remembraunce of my benefits that is to wit of my death and resurrection and shewe yée forth my death till I come The ninth circumstance foloweth vpon the eyght namely that the celebration of this supper belongeth only too them that be of yéeres of discretion that may bée instructed of the Lordes death and that are able too giue thankes openly too the Lord for his benefits These are the circumstances of this supper that are too be weyed diligently Now will I shewe what things are ment by this Supper For as the Pascall Lamb had many significations in the old Testament So also hath this holy Supper of Chrysts which is succéeded in the place of the paschall Lambe Therfore as the Paschall Lambe firste did put the people in mind of the benefite doone in olde time that is too wit of their deliuerance from the bondage of Egipt And secondly confirmed the faith of them that vsed it and thirdly shadowed the sacrificing of Chryst that was to come and fourthly was a figure of the euerlasting couenant betwéene God man So also hath this supper sundrie significations and that partly in respect of the time past partly of the tyme present and partely of the time too come and partly of the euerlastingnesse Whiche significations I will declare as playnly as I can God further both mée in teaching and you in héering that it may turn too Gods glorie too the healthfull instruction of our selues What is the signification of the supper in respect of the tyme past If we looke back too the time past this holy supper is a certeine calling too mynd of the Storie of our Lords passion according too Chrystes commaundement Doo yee this in remembrance of mee As often then as wée come too the Supper or other wise bée present at the celebration of the supper wée must bée mindfull of the death buryall and resurection of our Lord. What is the méening of the supper in respect of the time present First it signifyeth that we are vnited and incorporated intoo Chryste and that spiritually For so teacheth Paule when he sayth The Cup of Blissing vvhich vvee blisse is it not the communion of Chrystes blud The bread than vve breake is it not the communion of Chrystes bodye That is too say the partaking of the body and blud of Chryst maketh vs to haue a certaine cōmunion with Chryst. Agein it signifieth that we also are vnited among our selues by y e spirit of Chryst as many of vs as are partakers too gither of this supper Of which communion the one lofe is a token as Paule testifyeth when he sayeth bycause as there is one lofe so wée béeing many are one body For as the lofe is made of many cornes so as many as communicate toogyther doo grow togyther intoo one body spiritually the head wherof is Chryst and this is the cause that Paule calleth the Supper a communion Hereupon one of the holy fathers sayth The supper is called a Communion first for that by it wée communicate wyth Chryst
in hope of this redemption by making hir a promisse of the blissed séede At length when the fulnesse of time was come the father sent out his sonne borne of the virgin Mary boūd vnder the law too redéeme his spouse y t was vnder the cursse of the law which thing came then too passe when he made himself the raunsome wherwith she was redéemed and recouered out of the hands of the adulterer Sathan And as in respect of eche man seuerally the Churche is handfasted and betrouthed too Chryst hir Bridegroome by faith and Baptim according as the Bridegroome himselfe sayth● I wil betrouth thée too my selfe for euer I will marry thée too me in rightuousnesse and iudgement in mercy and compassion and I will marry thée too me in fayth and thou shalt know the Lord. In this betrouthing there are two things in generall too bée considered The one is the contract and promisse of the Bridegroome and the other is the couenanting of the Bride wherby she is bound vntoo hir husbande In the couenaunt of the Bridegroome there are thrée things First the good will and fr●e loue of the Bridegroome whereby he fauoureth the Bride without any desert of hirs Secondly the méening of the continuance of the wedlocke betwéene the bridegroome Chryst and the Churche his spouse I will betrouthe thée too me sayth he for euer Therfore he continueth the Churches husband for euer Thirdly the reckening vp of the Iewels which Chryst the Bridegroome bestoweth vppon his wyfe and they are numbered héere too bée foure Rightuousnesse iudgement pitie and mercy With his owne rightuousnesse decketh he his wyfe when forgiuing hir sinnes he ascribeth his owne obedience vntoo hir where through she appéereth a comelie and beautifull Bride in the sight of the Bridegroomes father With his iudgement he reuengeth hir of them that did hir wrong mainteyning hir and pulling hir back intoo the way when shée steppeth awry Hée embraceth hir with pitie that is too saye with husbandly affection For this pitie is a kindly louingnesse issuing from the innermost closets of the minde And hée embraceth hir with mercie in that he pardoneth hir dayly misdéeds and rueth hir miseries These foure things are in the couenant of the Bridegroome And in the couenaunte on the behalfe of the Bride there bée twoo things The acknoweledging of the benefite with the praysing of GOD and fayth wherby the spouse leaneth vpon hir husbands breaste and without any distrust looketh for all the good things that hée hathe promised By this mutuall contract let vs conceiue Doctrine comfort and fayth that no discouragement of any aduersitie cause vs too fléete from this Bridegroome who neuer forsaketh his spouse vnlesse shée like a forsworne woman doo first break the fayth and trouth that shée hathe plighted Ageine wée learne héereby also that whosoeuer hath not the faith of Chryst is none of Chrystes but is defiled with shameful aduoutrie Héereby it appéereth how truely Iohn hathe sayed in his Apocalips Blissed are they that are called too the Lambes supper The fifth It is too bée obserued what they be that bid the guests too this royall mariage First the eternall GOD the Bridegroomes Father by his voyce biddeth guestes too this wedding Nexte many holy Fathers before the flud Then after the flud Noe and Melchisedech Ioseph and Moyses in Egipt The holie Prophets and Kings in the land of Canaan Daniel in Iury. After these commeth the Bridegrooms own maister of houshold Iohn Baptist poynted out the Bridegroome with his finger whoo also himself with his Apostles made Proclamation and bad guests too the wedding saying Come all things are ready The sixth The prouision for the Maryage feaste is too bée considered For euen lyke as at the Mariages of men are killed Bulles Shéepe Oxen and wilde beasts so also ageinst this mariage there is made moste excellent prouision and large alowance of al things First there is set before vs not corruptible bread but liuely bread from heauen wherof whoosoeuer eateth shall neuer after hunger Nexte is set before vs water of life For thus sayeth the Bridegroome himselfe If a man drinke of the water that I shall giue him hée shall not die Thirdly the Bridegroome refresheth our werye soules with his owne body and blud Fourthly he furnisheth vs with his owne apparell whilest wée put him on by Baptim For thus saith the holy Ghost by the mouth of Paul As many as are Baptised haue put on Chryst. And fifthly oure iunkets are the frutes of the trée of life whereby the Bryde shall haue hir strength that shée may neuer die The seuenth But they sayth the texte refused too come Did they so What a churlishnesse is that Were they bidden and woulde not come What letted them Firste their housholde guest sinne that ●●●elleth in thē This guest holds them backe with his pretie conceites that they cannot come too the wedding when they are bidden Secondlye the Bridegroomes enimie that is too wit the Deuill besetteth and forlayeth all the wayes and by diuers meanes stoppeth vp the passage too the wedding Thirdly sundry affaires kéepe them away For one hathe a Farme another hath Oxen another hathe a wife and another some other thing to busie himselfe aboute And the reste caughte his seruauntes and slue them The Storie of the worlde sheweth this too bée moste true Untoo this wedding did hée bid Abell But the Deuill sente out his champion Caine and killed him Untoo this wedding did Noe bidde guestes by the space of a hundred and twentie yéeres but those that were hidden mockte him and laughed him too skorne for his laboure Untoo this did Ioseph also bid guests in Egipt but a filthy strumpet accused him and made him too bée cast intoo prison Too this did Moyses bid guestes but hée suffered many things at their handes whom hée bad Too this wedding did the most holy Kings and Patriarkes bid guests but their talk was hild skorne of At length came the Bridegroomes owne maister of housholde Iohn but he was murthered by Herod To this wedding doth the Bridegroome himselfe the very sonne of God bid guestes but he is hanged vppon the galowes of the crosse Too this wedding do the Apostles bid guestes and after them all godly ministers of God worde Whom the Diuill assayling partly with his Sophistrie partly with his Tirannie and partly with his Hipocrisie striueth too kill So the greatest part of the world being vnkinde refuseth too come too this wedding of the sonne of God The eyght What sayth the king too this First he is angry which surely is no maruell For he sawe both himselfe and his mariage despised of those which will they nill they are compelled too confesse that what so euer good thing they haue they may thanke him for it Secondly he punisheth them bodily whereof the thanklesse world which the Lord destroyed in the flud had experience This dooth the burning of Sodom beare witnesse of This dooth the destruction of
contented too possesse many hartes but hée muste also returne ageine too those from whiche he was expulsed before Whereupon hée sayth I vvill returne intoo my house from vvhence I came By these woords is giuen vs too vnderstand y t he ceasseth not too tempt those that are purged by Fayth but laboureth too enter intoo the hartes of them ageyne too the intent too carrie them away from the kingdome of Christe and if hee bring that too passe the end of that manne béecommeth woorse than the beginning bicause he becometh a new the enimie of Chryste and expulseth the holy Ghoste And hée shal suffer sorer punishement if hée cast not out the Deuil agein by true repentaunce Let vs marke then how perillous a thing it is for them that haue once professed them selues Chrystians too put their necks ageine vnder the Deuils yoke For as suche men doo moste gréeuously sinne against the holy Ghoste so must they also stand in feare of moste gréeuous punishment Therefore they that are touched with any care of their Saluation let them spéedely amende and fight stoutely against Sathan that he cast them not againe hedlong intoo the gulfe of sinne ¶ Of the fourth IT came too passe that as he spake these things a certaine vvoman in the cōpany lifting vp hir voice sayd vntoo him Blissed is the vvombe that c. But he sayde yea rather blissed are they that heare the vvoord of God and keepe it Héer first wée may marke the diuersitie of mennes iudgementes concernyng Gods woord Some wonder at the woorde and loue it as this woman did Some speak euil of it as they did ageinst whom Chryst dealeth héere For there haue bin alwayes suche héerers of the woord frō the beginning of the world Caine despised the woorde and Abel loued it Noe loued it and all the whole worlde beside despised it In the time of Ieremy fewe or none receyued the woorde of the Prophets with frute but the most part chose rather too return too their olde Idolatrie Héerupon they say too Hieremie When wée made sacrifice too the Quéene of Heauen that is too say too the Sunne all things went wel with vs. Wée had abundance of Corne. c. After the same manner say the men of our time When wée hearde Masse and gaue too Moonkes all things were better cheape the feare of GOD was greater and there was more loue betwéene man and man This is the thanke that the world yeeldeth too God for his wel dooing Hée giueth vs the woord of saluation and wée had leauer haue mens dreames Hée offreth it too vs fréely and wée wil earne it with the geugawes of the Moonkes But let vs leaue these things harken vntoo Chryste Blissed are they sayth hée that héere the woord of God and kéepe it These woordes are few and haue a great promise annexed too them What maner of woord is that woord of GOD It can bée none other than that which the prophets haue deliuered vs Chryste hathe confirmed with his owne bloud and the Apostles haue taught What maner of woorde is that The sūme therof is conteyned in the instructiō of our childrē called the Cathechisme and these are they The ten commaundemēts the Articles of our beléefe the doctrine of the Sacraments the doctrine which yée héer euery Sunday out of the Gospel that is too wit in one woord the same doctrine that the Prophets Chryste and the Apostles taught This woord will hée haue herd Ergo he wil also that there be ministers pastors that are able too teache this woord For séeing that hée giueth his woord and offreth soule helth whiche is receyued by faith through hearing it is néedfull that there bée persons that can teache this woord How be it for as much as it is not inough that the woord bée taught and herd vnlesse it be also kept the Lord addeth and keepeth it What is too kéepe the woord It is too lerne the word that is herd too hold it too beléeue it and too performe true obedience vntoo God through faith So did our father Abraham He herd the word he held it he beleued it yea and yéelded such obedience too it by faith that he would at Gods appointment rather ●●ea his onely begotten Sonne than breake Gods commaundementes But who is hée amongst vs that yéeldeth this obedience vntoo God wée will bée called Abrahams children but wée wil not treade in our fathers footsteps What promiseth hée too them that heare it and obey it Blissed are they sayth hee c. They are blissed that is too say set frée from al wretchednesse from sinne and from damnation Blissed that is too say infeoffed in euerlasting life and glorie through Iesus Chryste oure Lorde who with the father and the holy Ghoste liueth one God worlde without end Amen The fourth Sunday in Lent cōmonly called Midlent Sunday ¶ The Gospell Iohn vj. AFter these things Iesus vvent his vvaye ouer the Sea of Galilee vvhiche is the Sea of Tyberias and muche people follovved hym bycause they savve his miracles vvhiche hee did on them that vvere diseased And Iesus vvent vp into a mountayne and there hee sat vvith his Disciples And Easter a feaste of the Ievves vvas nie VVhen Iesus then lift vp his eyes and savv a greate companie come vntoo him hee sayde vntoo Phillip vvhence shall vvee buy bread that these may eate This he sayde too proue him for he him selfe knevve vvhat he vvould doo Philip aunsvvered him Tvvoo hundred penyvvorth of breade are not sufficient for them that euery man may take a little One of his disciples Andrevve Simon Peters brother sayeth vntoo him There is a lad vvhich hath fiue barley loues and tvvo fishes but vvhat are they among so many And Iesus said Make the people sit dovvne There vvas muche grasse in the place So the men sate dovvne in number about fiue thousande And Iesus tooke the breade and vvhen he had giuen thankes he gaue too the Disciples and the Disciples to them that vvere set dovvne and likevvise of the fishes as muche as they vvould VVhen they had eaten ynough he sayd vntoo his disciples Gather vp the broken meate vvhich remayneth that nothing bee lost And they gathered it togither and filled .xij. baskets vvith the broken meat of the fiue barley loaues vvhich broken meat remayned vntoo them that had eaten Then those men vvhen they had seene the miracle that Iesus did sayd This is of a truth the same prophete that should come intoo the vvorlde Therefore vvhen Iesus perceyued that they vvould come and take him too make him king he departed agein intoo a mountaine him selfe alone The exposition of the text THe summe of this Gospell is that Chryst dooth héere by his dede and example confirme the doctrine which he taught in the .vj. of Mathewe First séeke ye the kingdome of God the rightuousnesse of him that is to say of God and all things else shall bée cast vntoo you to y e intent
secondly for that we be made partakers of his flesh and of his Godhead and thirdely for that by it we communicate and are vnited togither one with another Moreouer by this supper is ment that wée are spiritually nourished and susteined or fed with the body and blud of Christ. For like as bread and wine doo nourish encrese preserue and comfort mens bodyes So doth Chrystes body blud nourish encrease preserue and comfort our soules vnto euerlasting life if so be that true fath bée found in vs. What is the signification of this Supper in respect of the time to come This holy supper signifieth that by the power of Chrysts body raised from the dead our bodies also shal one day rise ageyn that they may be made like vnto the glorious body of Chryst. Wherevpon Paule sayth If Chryst bée risen agein wée also shal rise ageine that we may enioy the cōtinual presence of Chrysts body for euermore Whervppon certein of the holy fathers haue termed this Supper conduct money bicause it putteth them that receiue it before their death in mynde that Chryst is vntoo them the passage from these troubles to eternal blisse What is the signification of the Lords Supper in respect of the euerlastingnesie It is a perpetuall warrant of Gods fauour towards men at no time subiect vntoo chaunge and therfore the Lord himselfe calleth this his supper the newe Testament as which shall neuer become olde at any tyme. How be it too the intent this thing may be vnderstood more cléerly I will as bréefly as may be declare what things are most méete in euery Testament and how all those things which ought to méete in euery last wil or testamēt doo méete héere and moreouer what the new testament is In euery testament or last wil there be fiue things First the Testator that maketh the wil. Secondly the goods which the Testator bequeatheth Thirdly the heirs that are made Fourthly the death of the testatour And fifthly the conditions that are to bée kept of them that are made heires by the wil. In this new Testament the testator is Chryst. The heritage is the possession of eternall life The heires are the children of God that is to say al that beléeue in Chryst. The death of Chryst the testator folowed presently after For he died was buried and rose ageine the third day The conditions too bée obserued of the heyres that are named are that they should beléeue in Chryst and obey him and continue in innocencie of life vnto the end And if they fall intoo sinne that they earnestly repent them before their death Héerevppon wée may now in this wise conclude what the new Testament is The new Testament is is an euerlasting couenant stablished by the death of the Testator Iesus Chryste concerning the grace of God the forgiuenesse of sinnes and the frée gift of eternall life promised too all nations people that beléeue in Chryst crucified ¶ Of the second WHen Paule sayth Let a man examine himselfe and so eate of that breade and drinke of that cuppe for hee that eateth vnvvorthely and drinketh vnvvorthely eateth and drinketh his ovvne damnation These woords of Paule confirme foure things First that the vse of the Supper ought too bée in the church Secondly that it is necessary for men to trie themselues before they vse this Supper Thirdly that hée which receiueth thys Supper vnworthely dooth sinne most gréeuously And fourthly that this supper is too bée ministred onely vnto those that are able too examine themselues I will speake of the second only that is to say how euery man ought to examin himselfe that mindeth too vse this Supper too his behoofe How then must he proue himselfe that will vse this supper That doth Paule teach the seconde Epistle too the Corinthians and y e .xiij. Chapter in these woords Examin your selues whither you bée in faythe examine your selues Know yée not your selues that Chryst is in you By which woordes is vnderstoode that rightful triall consisteth in this that true Fayth and the presence of Chryste bée felte in vs that is to say too vse plainer woordes He is tried and cōmeth woorthely too Chrystes holy Supper that commeth too it reuerently in the feare of God in true repentance in true faith and with a Godly purpose And on the contrary parte he that preaseth to it vnreuerently without the feare of god without true repentance without true faith and with purpose to sinne commeth vnworthely not making difference of the body and blud of the Lorde and hée eateth his owne damnation Therfore whosoeuer approcheth too this supper and hath a purpose to continue in his sinnes he is a blasphemer and receiueth the sacrament with Iudas But too the intēt rude people shold not rashly presume to come to this supper the discipline of confession absolution is instituted in our churches too very good purpose For this discipline auaileth greatly to this that a man may orderly examine himselfe Howbeit too y e intent we may iudge aright cōcerning cōfession and absolution first it is too bée known that as there bée two sorts of cōfession so there be two sorts of absolution also One kind of confession is to God only that is too wit when a man confesseth his sin before God acknowledgeth himself to bée a sinner and desireth forgiuenesse for Christes sake without such confession none of ful yéeres is saued In this wise did Dauid confesse himself when he sayd Haue mercie on mée O God for I haue sinned against thée Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant for no man liuing shal bée iustified in thy sight So confesseth Daniel himself when he saith Wée haue sinned and done amisse with our fathers So did y e publican whē he durst not lift vp his face vnto heauen but strake his brest saying O God be mercifull too mée ● sinner Unto this cōfession aunswereth the absolution that is giuen by only God And this is done when a mā beléeueth his frée promise For whosoeuer beléeueth is iustified from sinne that is to say set frée from sinne For sith that sinne is a falling away from the lawe will of God with a binding vntoo euerlasting death damnation vndoutedly absolution must be the releasing of the beléeuing man from that bonde wherby he is bound to euerlasting death and damnation So was Manasses assoyled so was Dauid so was the théefe vppon the crosse so was Mary Magdalene So are we assoyled dayly when we say with a true heart I beléeue the remission of sinnes and when we pray with faith forgiue vs oure trespasses Let this suffize concerning the first kynd of confession and the absolution of the same An other Confession is of Discipline when a man for counsell instruction and confirmation of his Faith commeth to the minister of the Churche acknowledgeth himselfe a sinner craueth comfort and desireth too bée instructed with Gods woord too the intent his conscience may be made quiet In
néedeful a thing it is too beléeue in Chryste But what is too beléeue in Chryst It is too persuade a mannes selfe that Chryste is the highe Préeste and King who by his death hathe made satisfaction for sinne and by his glorious resurrection hathe broughte rightuousnesse or that by his bloud he who is bothe GOD and man hathe purchased a Churche vntoo him selfe Actes 20. This fayth is not the woorke of man but of God It springeth not of reason but of Gods woord Moreouer the woord of GOD is of twoo sortes Law and Gospel The law pulleth away trust in our selues and the Gospel woorketh trust in Chryst. For the law setteth before vs the rightful wil of GOD namely that wee should keep the Law or otherwise too bée damned by the wil of God The gospel setteth before vs the gracious wil of God which is that God forgiuing our sinnes wil receiue vs intoo his fauour for Chrysts sake Therfore like as by the law we come too the knowledge of our owne weaknesse and by this too the knowledge of Gods rightful wil and iudgement and so consequently too despaire so by the vnderstanding of the Gospel wée come vntoo the knoweledge of Gods mercy for Chrystes sake who was giuen too bée made a Sacrifice that hée mighte take away the sinnes of al that beléeue in him By this knowledge through the woorking of the holy Ghoste is conceyued faith whereby all sinnes are abolished and Chrystes rightuousnesse offered vntoo vs that wée bée no more condemned as sinners but appéere in Gods sight rightuous as his sonnes too whom eternall life is promised for an inheritaunce according too this Scripture hée that beléeueth in the sonne hath euerlasting life but hée that beléeueth not on the Sonne shall not sée life but the wrath of GOD abideth vppon him Why so Bicause he abideth in his sinne for the whiche he is bound vntoo euerlasting paine according too that saying hée that beléeueth not in the sonne the wrath of God abideth vpon him By the name of wrath is signified curse paine ioyned with damnation Héerby it appéereth how néedful faith is what it bringeth too passe Then foloweth And he shall reproue the vvorlde of rightuousnesse bycause I go too the Father and you shall see mee no more That is the holy Ghost shal reproue the world for not folowing true rightuousnesse wherthrough wée might stand before GOD. And this true rightuousnesse is the rightuousnesse of Chryste namely that hée going too the father is there an high Préest and intercessour for the beléeuers for Christs suffering and intercession too the Father is the rightuousnesse of the beléeuers But bycause the faithlesse worlde beléeueth not this it is reprooued of the holy Ghoste For he effectually conuinceth that righteousnesse cannot happen too men by any meanes else than by the imputation of Chrystes rightuousnesse which falleth too their lot that beléeue on him These are strange and woonderful things too them that vnderstande not the righteousnesse of Faith but dreame themselues too bée righteous eyther for the outwarde obedience of the law or for mennes traditions as the Pharisies in olde time and our Papistes doo in these dayes These perceyue not that all the woorks of the worlde are farre more imperfect than that they can ouercome the power of the Deuill and Death But how is it proued that Chrysts obedience is our righteousnesse It is proued by most grounded testimonies of the scripture Paule Rom. 5. Like as by the disobedience of one man namely of Adam many became sinners So by the obedience of one namely of Chryst many shall bée made rightuous Wée haue this rightuousnesse of Chryste imputed vntoo vs when wée beléeue on him according too that text too the Romanes With the hart wee beléeue vntoo rightuousnesse Also Abraham beléeued God and it was imputed too him for rightuousnesse Paule Rom. 3. Wée suppose that a man is made rightuous by Faith without the déedes of the law The selfe same thing méeneth Christ in this place whē he sayth The holy Ghost shall reproue the vvorld of rightuousnesse bicause I go too the father That is the holy Ghost shall not only proue me too haue bin rightuous but also shall manifestly shew that I am the rightuousnesse of them that beléeue in mée It foloweth further And the holy ghost shall reproue the vvorld of iudgement bicause the prince of this vvorlde is iudged That is the holy ghost shall mauger the worlde proue me too bée that séede that was promised too tread downe the Serpentes head that is too say that should iudge the Prince of this woorld with whom also are all his members iudged and condemned For if the head bée condemned what can the members doo Wherefore let the Deuill rage ageynst the godly as muche as he listeth yet is he able too doo nothing He shall lye in wayte truely but he shall not ouerthrowe vs as long as wée kéepe our Faythe strong and stable For thus sayth Iohn This is the victorie that ouercommeth the worlde euen your faith By the world is ment Sathan himself with al his band of Tyrants Sophisters Hipocrits and meritmongers For Christ by his spirit confoundeth the iudgement of Sathan whoo by his gard condemneth the gospel For he shal not stoppe the course of the Gospel although he oftentimes attempt it with riuers of blud from the beginning of the world vntoo this day and specially after Chrysts Resurrection Wée haue in what sort the holy Ghost shall reproue the world Now let vs shortly see what hée dooth in the Churche First he is present effectually in the woord the sacraments For wheresoeuer the woorde of God is preached purely and the Sacraments ministred according to Chrysts institution there is he present and will worke effectually in the héerers of the woord and in the partakers of the Sacramentes But as for them that either héer the woord slightly or vse the Sacraments without reuerence they set themselues ageinst the holy Ghost and despise the ministration of the word and Sacraments too their owne harme and damnation Ageine as this Texte teacheth the holy Ghoste is present in the Churche as a comforter aduocate and teacher of the truth For we in the world are pressed with many inconueniences ageinst which we haue néede of a comforter least being discouraged with aduersities we should renounce our profession Our aduersarie the Diuel accuseth vs dayly as he accused Iob. Héer could we not stand without our aduocate who warranteth vs that God is at one with vs and wil not cast vs away for our sinnes so we fal too repētance Besides this wée are infected with muche and déepe ignorance so as we are not able to vnderstand gods matters Wherfore wée haue néede of the holy ghost too teach vs who wil lead vs intoo all trueth according to Chrysts promise And when the spirite of truth shall come he shall teach you all truth The holy ghost commeth after two
too say with Gods woorde So did blissed Theodosius who tooke all Images and Idoles out of the Churches So did that most godly Prince Iohn Fridericke Duke of Saxonie These mennes example folowed that Prince of moste holye memorie Christian Kyng of Denmarke the third of that name whose benefite the schooles and Churches in this Realme enioye still at this day The third is concerning Gods Temple which is of twoo sortes made with hand or visible and spirituall or not made with hand And eyther of them is the house of Prayer My house sayeth Chryste is the house of prayer The vse of the Temple that is made with handes consisteth chéeflye in these poyntes Firste that it bée a publike place wherein the woorde of God may bée taught and herd Secondly that the Sacraments bée ministred there Thirdly that the godly resorte thither too pray for the common néede And lastly that it bée a place wherein is made open and common confession of Religion But what is done in the Papacie In stede of Gods woord are thrust in mens traditions In stede of the distribution of Gods mysteries there are set foorthe most horrible dishonorings of God They set heauen too sale they blase the Masse for the quicke and the deade they robbe the Churche of the Sacramentes they defile the Sacraments with their blasphemous additions and of the place of open profession of the Gospell they make a consistorie of Hipocrytes which conspyre ageinst the Gospell of Chryst. Thus muche concerning the Temple that is made with hand The Temple that is not made with hand or the spirituall Temple is bothe the whole catholike Church and euery seuerally member thereof For thus sayth Paule wryting too the Corinthians Knovv yee not that the Temple of God is holy vvhiche is you Yea the builder of this Temple Christ sayeth If any man herken too my vvoorde vvee vvill come vntoo him and dvvell vvith him And therfore all the whole church and the seueral members therof are called Gods temple and are his Temple in déede The foundation of this Temple is the sonne of God For other foundation can no man lay than that whiche is layd already which is Iesus Chryst. This temple is raered by the sonne of God and builded by the Prophets Apostles the Ministers of the woorde the godly Magistrates and holy housholders according too the grace which the Lorde giueth too euery of them in their Temple This Temple is purged and kept clean by the blud of Chryst. The doorekéeper of this Temple is the holy Ghost when men knocke at the doore of it with prayer and fayth And this Temple is not idle For in it is continuall praysing of God continuall prayer holy oblations and too comprehend all in one woorde seruice of God without wéerynesse for vntoo this holy vse is this holy Temple of God dedicated But as for suche men as folowe their owne lustes their Tyrannie their vsurie and deceyt They not only vnhalowe this Temple of God casting out the doorekéeper the holy Ghost and driuing away the woorkmaister Chryst ▪ but also they become the Temples of Sathan wherin the blud of Chryst is dishonored Gods woorde put too ●eproche and in steade of praying too God succéedeth worshipping of Sainctes cursings blasphemies slaunders and too conclude at a woorde all the Churche ringeth of the prayses of Sathan But what moueth vs too couet too be the Temple of God First the dignitie For what greater glorie is there than too bée the Temple of the holy Trinitie Secondly the profite For by this meanes wée passe from the chappell of Sathan where nothing reigneth but death and damnation too the house of God and euerlasting blisse Thirdly the ende for which man was created For wée are created too bée the temples of God On the contrary part it is to be considered how vnwoorthy a thing it is and how great a treason too God too defile this Temple with any wickednesse And therfore wée must enforce our selues with all our power too do true seruice of God in this his Temple and too offer too him the Sacrifice of our lips that is too wit thanksgiuing and the frankincense of our hart that is too wit faith and innocencie The fourth is The worlde iudgeth farre otherwise of them that are the Temples of God than Gods woord dooth The world supposeth that the honorable the myghtie the wise and the riche are receyued intoo this Temple But the woord of God teacheth the contrary and examples shew it And although no man be cast of for the nobilitie of his birth for his power for his wisdome or for his riches yet it falleth out for the most part that suche men being intangled in the affayres of the world haue the lesse minde of this spirituall Temple Examples héerof are Caine and Abel Esau and Iacob Thus dooth God alwayes choose the weake things of this woorld that he might put the strong things too shame But this will not moue For Chryst saith Feare not thou little flocke for it hath pleased my father too giue you a kingdome Too whom through Chryst with the holy Ghost bée honor without ende Amen Vpon the .xj. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Gospel Luke xviij CHryst tolde this parable vntoo certeine vvhich trusted in them selues that they vvere perfecte and despised other Tvvo men vvent vp intoo the Temple too praye the one a Pharisey and the other a Publicane The Pharisie stoode and prayed thus vvith him selfe God I thanke thee that I am not as other men are extortioners vniust adulterers or as this Publicane I fast tvvyse in the vveeke I giue Tythe of all that I possesse And the Publicane standing a farre of vvoulde not lifte vp his eyes too heauen but smote his brest saying God bee mercifull too me a sinner I tell you this man departed home too his house iustified more than the other For euery manne that exalteth himselfe shall bee brought lovve and hee that humbleth himselfe shall bee exalted The exposition of the text THe occasion of this Gospell was that after Chryst had taught concerning the force of Prayer and the forme of praying he minded also too set foorth euident examples wherin he might paint out the nature both of effectuall Prayer and hypocritish boasting For in as much as no man can pray aright except he first bée rightuous by fayth in Chryst it commeth too passe that many imagine themselues too bée rightuous and therfore think themselues too pray aright Wherefore it was néedfull too make a difference betwixte them that are rightuous in déede and those that counterfet a rightuousnesse For they that will ●eeme rightuous and are not doo in no wise pray But suche as acknowledge their sinnes and repent them earnestly they only being made rightuous by fayth can pray effectually and aright For this cause therefore the Lord setteth héere two images before vs. Wherof the one is of hipocritish Prayer and the other is of true and godly Prayer The
in the wedding garment ¶ Of the third MAny are called and fevv chosen This saying of Chryste conteyneth twoo things that is too witte a setting foorth of the mercy and goodnesse of GOD who calleth all men too his sonnes mariage Neither is it too bée thought that hée calleth any whō hée would not haue too bée at his sonnes wedding and a complaint ageinste the vnthankfulnesse of the greatest part of t●● world Many sayth hée are called For the Bridegroom commaunded his Apostles too go foorth intoo all the whole world and too call men too this mariage as hée sayd afore Cal too the mariage whosoeuer yée finde But fevv are chosen That is few haue the wedding garmēt For such are chosen as are sorted out from others and are excellente aboue others Therfore Peter saith that Christians are chosen too sanctification of spirit that is too wit that they should bée holy in spirit Uerely GOD will haue all men saued as Paule teacheth and this parable sheweth yea and Chrystes owne woords witnesse Math. xj Come vntoo mée all yée that labour and are loden and I wil refreshe you Let vs set this saying ageinst all the enimies of Gods grace Therefore if thou looke too Godwarde Gods will is that all men shoulde bée saued and come too the knoweledge of the truthe and hée calleth all men without exception too the mariage of hys Sonne But if thou looke vntoo menwarde fewe are chosen that is too saye fewe when they heare the Gospell doo receiue it by fayth and become holy in spirite Wherefore the cause of damnation is not in GOD but it is too bée sought for in our selues How often sayth Chryste would I haue gathered thy Children toogither and thou wouldest not Beholde thou hast héere twoo things Chryste would and Ierusalem would not Therfore by this saying wée are warned that it is not inough too hear the Gospel but wée must also obey the Gospell For as Peter sayeth it is therefore preached that wée should bée mortified as towarde the fleshe and too liue after the spirite Thus muche concerning this dayes Gospel wherby wée may lerne that God hathe not created vs too damnation but too blisfulnesse and that hée hathe fréely prepared all things that perteine vntoo true blissednesse And ageine that those which are damned are damned through their owne fault as which would not obey the Gospel Wherfore if we haue regarde of our soulehelth let vs put on the wedding garment and let vs minde true holinesse through Iesus Chryste oure Lord Too whom with the Father and the holie Ghoste bée honour for euermore Amen Vpon the .xxj. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Gospell Iohn iiij THere vvas a certein ruler vvhose sonne vvas sicke at Capernaum Assoone as the same hearde that Iesus vvas come out of Ievvrie intoo Galilee hee vvent vntoo him and besought him that hee vvoulde come dovvne and heale his Sonne For hee vvas euen at the point of death Then sayde Iesus vntoo him except yee see signes and vvonders yee vvill not beleeue The ruler sayde vntoo him Sir come dovvne or euer that my Sonne die Iesus sayeth vntoo him Go thy vvay thy Sonne lyueth The man beleeued the vvoorde that Iesus hadde spoken vntoo him And hee vvente his vvaye And as hee vvas goyng dovvne the seruauntes mette him and tolde him saying Thy Sonne liueth Then enquyred hee of them the houre vvhen hee beganne too amende And they sayde vntoo him Yesterdaye at the seuenth houre the Feuer lefte him So the Father knevve that it vvas the same houre in the vvhich Iesus sayd vntoo him Thy Sonne liueth and hee beleeued all his housholde This is ageine the second miracle that Iesus did vvhen he vvas come out of Ievvry intoo Galilee The exposition of the Text. THis Gospell teacheth vs whither wée ought too flée for succour in all the troubles of this lyfe that is too wit too the fountayne of all welfare and felicitie Iesus Chryst. Which thing Esay also putteth vs in minde of when he say●h Yée shall drawe water out of the welles of the Sauioure Too this well wée must come not with féete but with minde not with reason but with Fayth Furthermore this Gospell sheweth howe forwarde Chryste is too helpe who sendeth away none that commeth too him without comforte For he is not otherwise affectioned towards any man than towarde this noble man this Courtyer of Herodes court whom hée not only comforted by worde but also helped by miracle The summe of this Gospell therefore is included in this saying of Ioel Euery one that calleth vpon the name of the Lord shalbée saued The places are thrée 2 Of mens miseries and of the cause and remedie of the same 2 Of the rebuke wherewith Chryst rebuketh this seruant of the kings 3 The true nature and inclination of Faith ¶ Of the firste THere vvas a certeine Ruler vvhose sonne vvas sicke This sad father and his sicke sonne doo set before our eyes the miseries of this worlde which as they are the punishments of sinne so are they also as it were certein sermons of Gods iudgement whereby wée are allured too repentance like as this Courtier béeing sad for the sicknesse of his sonne féeleth his owne sinne bewayleth it Héervntoo maketh also that saying of Esay Their distresse shall bée a lerning vntoo thée Howbéeit too the intent wée may the better consider Gods goodnesse towards vs I will declare by what meanes God is woont too call vs chéefly too repentance These wayes are chéefly sixe The first He setteth foorth the doctrine of the law wherin he paynteth out our sins as in a table sheweth the blindnesse of our minde be wrayeth our douting of Gods prouidence promises and threats vttereth the vnclennesse of our affections and sheweth the stinche of the stomacke the turning away our will from God and the horrible atteinting of all our powers Agein in the second table of the law he paynteth our vnfaythfulnesse towards men and the vncleanenesse of our thoughtes so that yf there appéere any vprightnesse in our whole life before wée bée conuerted vntoo Chryste the same is no better than a cloth stayned with matter and most vnpure blud which thing Esay complayneth of in these woordes All our rightuous dooing are as a moste filthie cloute The cause why the lawe setteth this our filthinesse before vs is that wée béeing warned of their stinche should repent and departe from our moste wicked wayes The second The excesse of inward miseries which no mā is able too describe and bewayle sufficiently was neuer yet so great neither was any mannes calamitie yet so extreme but that any of vs might fall intoo the same as Ambrose godlyly admonisheth vs saying Wee eyther are now presently or heeretofore haue bin or may be in the selfe same ease that this same man was in In how great miserie was Adam who not only sawe the one of his sonnes murther his brother but also behilde the moste sorowfull fallings of