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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B01950 The catechisme in the Book of Common-prayer explained. 1672 (1672) Wing C1475AB; ESTC R173609 20,632 60

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institute the Sacramental signs or elements 5. Because Christ is the only Lord to whose Laws alone the Church is and may be tyed Q. How many parts be there in a Sacrament A. Two the outward visible sign and the inward spiritual grace Q. What is the outward visible sign in Baptism A. Water wherein the person baptized is dipped or sprinkled with it In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Q. What is the inward and spiritual grace A. A death unto sin and a new birth unto righteousness for being by nature born in sin and the children of wrath we are thereby made the children of grace Q. Why hath Christ ordained Baptism A. That being out of Christ by nature we might by the Sacrament of our new birth be engrafted into his Mystical body again Tit. 3.5 John 3.5 Q. What instruction doth the Sacrament of Baptism teach us A. As by water the filthiness of the flesh is washed and done away so by the vertue of Christs blood the filthiness of the soul should be washed away * For the blood of Christ that is the force of his death and the Spirit of Christ serve to cleanse the soul of a right receiver of Baptism from the filthiness of sin 1 John 1.7 Ezek. 36.25 Q. What is required of persons to be Baptized A. Repentance whereby they forsake sin and faith whereby they stedfastly believe the promises of God made to them in that Sacrament Q. Why then are Infants baptized when by reason of their tender age they cannot perform them A. Yes they do perform them by their sureties who promise and vow them both in their names which when they come to age themselves are bound to perform Q. What other reason can you shew why Infants are baptized seeing they do not yet actually believe A. Because the covenant and promises of God do belong unto them Gen. 17.7 Acts 2.38 Mat. 19.14 Rom. 11.16 Q. Seeing we are baptized only in Infancy how hath Baptism ●ffect to wash away sins afterwards comm●…ted A. Baptism hath this effect during our whole life and is a perpetual fountain ever washing us while we with a lively faith do look unto the shedding of Christs blood Zach. 13.1 Heb. 10.10,14 Q. Why was the Sacrament of the Lords Supper ordained A. For the continual remembrance of the Sacrifice of the death of Christ and the benefits we receive thereby Q. Why is it called the Lords Supper A. Because Christ ordained it at his last Supper Q. What is the outward part or sign of the Lords Supper A. Bread and Wine which the Lord hath commanded to be received Q. Why be there two representing signs in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper A. 1. That we might know that in Christ we have whole and perfect spiritual nourishment and whatsoever is requisite to Salvation 2. For a more lively representation of his death and passion wherein his body and blood were separated Q. What is the duty of the Minister in the administration of the Sacrament A. To consecrate it by declaring the institution thereof and prayer joyned with thanksgiving as also to break the Bread and afterwards to deliver the Bread and Wine to the people Q. What is hereby signified A. The action of God the Father offering Christ to all and bestowing him effectually upon the worthy receiver 1 Cor. 10.16 Q. What is the duty of the receiver A. To receive the Bread and Wine delivered and to eat and drink thereof Mat. 26.26,27 1 Cor. 11.23,24 Q. What is signified hereby A. Our receiving and féeding upon Christ by faith Q. What is the inward part or thing signified A. The Body and Blood of Christ which are verily and indéed taken and received of the faithful in the Lords Supper Q. By what means do we eat Christs Body and drink his Blood in the Sacrament A. Spiritually by faith while in those outward signs we do behold Christ crucified for us John 6.35,47 ● Christ is truly and spiritually present in the Sacrament exhibited to the faith of every worthy receiver but not corporally united to the bread and wine in respect of place Acts 3.21 compared with Mat. 28.6 John 16.18 Q. Is the bread and wine turned into the Body and Blood of Christ A. No for so 1. the unbelievers should eat Christs Body and drink his Blood 2. We should destroy the nature of the Sacrament by taking away the outward sign 3. We should destroy the truth of his natural body by depriving it of the true properties thereof Heb. 2.17 Q. What difference is there between our common bread and wine which we receive for our bodily sustenance and the bread and wine in the Sacrament A. There is no difference in their nature and substance but only in the use and end * for that elements before common are now consecrated to the signs of things spiritual and holy And therefore they are called holy Mysteries because they lively set forth and seal unto us the Mystery of our redemption purchased by Iesus Christ Q. What are the benefits whereof we are partakers thereby A. The strengthening and refreshing of our souls by the body and blood of Christ as our bodies are by the bread and wine Q. In respect of this benefit What is the Lord Supper A. It is a Sacrament whereby our continuance nourishment and growth in Christ is sealed unto us Q. What special benefits shall we have by receiving the holy Communion A. 1. We have hereby communion and fellowship with Christ and through him with the Father set forth by our taking eating and inward digesting the bread and wine that become nourishment unto us and are united to the substance of our bodies 2. Communion with one another and with all the faithful in all ages set forth by the same bread being made of many grains of Corn and by the same wine made of many grapes 3. Strength of faith for the death of Christ received and applyed by faith in the Sacrament doth strengthen our faith and comfort our consciences in the pardon of our sins 4. All other graces and blessings are thereby conveyed unto us And all the marits of Christs passion and whatsoever is in him is verily become ours Rom. 8.38 Q. What is required of them that come to the Lords Supper A. To examine themselves whether they repent them truly of their former sins stedfastly purposing to lead a new life have a lively faith in Gods mercy through Christ with a thankful remembrance of his death and be in charity with all men Q. That a man may know how to examine himself what is he to know touching the Lords Supper A. He must be able to discern the Lords Body Q. How is the Lords body discerned A. Two ways 1. In our understanding when we know what this Sacrament is the Author the end and use thereof 2. In our practice Q In how many things ought every one principally to examine himself A. In thrée things 1 Faith 2 Repentance 3. Charity Quest What faith is here required of you A. A special and peculiar faith that applyeth to my soul and conscience the body and blood of Iesus Christ crucified and shed for me as truly as my mouth receiveth the bread that is broken and the wine that is poured out Quest Why is faith required A. Because well we may eat the bread and drink the wine without faith but we cannot eat Christs body and drink his blood without faith Q. What if a man find himself weak in faith and full of doubting A. He must bewail his unbelief pray for faith séek to have his doubts resolved and so receive to be further strengthened in believing because the Sacraments are given us of God for the confirmation and strengthening of our faith Mark 9.24 Judg. 6.37 A. Chiefly thrée things 1. Confession that we acknowledge our selves sinners 2. Contrition that we be heartily and sincerely sorry for our sins 3. Purpose of amendment that we fully resolve and purpose with our selves never to commit them nor the like again but to lead the rest of our lives according to Gods holy Will and Commandments Q Why is repentance so necessary A. Because this Sacrament is the seal of the remission of sins in Christs blood which cannot be had without repentance Q. How many offices be there of love A. Thrée 1 To do our neighbour no wrong 2 To do him good if we can 3 If he doth us wrong to forgive him Q. Why is charity so necessary A. Because this Sacrament is a seal as of our union with Christ so of our Communion and fellowship with our brethren the members of Christ Q. Why ought every one to examine himself A. 1. Because the unworthy receiver is guilty of the body and blood of Christ 1 Cor. 11.27 2. He provoketh the Lord to wrath and so eateth and drinketh his own damnation 1 Cor. 11.29 Q. How ought a mans heart to be affected in receiving the Sacrament A With reverence Ioy and comfort meditating on the outward signs and what they signifie of the wonderful love of God and of Christ herein of our Communion with Christ his graces and faithful people Lastly we ought to stir up our hearts to be excéeding thankful for so precious benefits Exod. 3.5 Gen. 28.17 1 Kings 8.66 Q. How ought every Christian to behave himself after the receiving of the Sacrament A. He must endeavour to find an encrease of faith in Christ and of his love to all Gods children a greater measure of dying to sin and a greater care to live in newness of life abounding more and more in well doing Prov. 4.18 Ezek. 47.12 FINIS Books Printed and are to b● Sold by Richard Thrale under St. Martin Outwich Church in Bishops-Gate Street near the Post-house COntemplation of Death and Immortality A short Narrative of the late dreadful Fire in London together with certain considerations remarkable therein The Mirror which flatters not concerning the contempt of the world or Meditation of the Death of Philip King of Macedon Soladine the Magnificent Conqueror of Asia and Monarch of the whole East Adrian the Emperor of Rome Alexander the Great that conquered the world A true Notion of the worship of God on a vindication of the service of the Church of England Posie of godly prayers by ●ich Themilthorp Carminum Proverbialium