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blood_n bread_n communion_n wine_n 5,311 4 7.9264 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09915 A notable sermon concerninge the ryght vse of the lordes supper and other thynges very profitable for all men to knowe preached before the Kynges most excellent Mayestye and hys most honorable counsel in hys courte at Westmynster the 14. daye of Marche, by Mayster Iohn ponet Doctor of dyuinity. 1550. Ponet, John, 1516?-1556. 1550 (1550) STC 20177; ESTC S115044 25,346 112

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death he hath ouercome the deuell and all thyne enemyes and myne and when he made an ende he said Consummatum est nowe all finyshed He hath done all those thinges that I requyred at thy handes to haue done Despaire not therefore comforte thy selfe wyth thys death of my sonne Trust that this death and bloudsheding is a sufficient ransom and recompence for thy sinnes Comfort thy hungry stomake with this restoretish dishe whiche may so be well called for that it hath restored the all suche as beleue in hym agayne into my fauor Whosoeuer comforteth his hungry soule with this dishe shall haue remission of all hys synnes Whosoeuer feedeth with a sure fayth and eat thereof hartyly not doutinge but that Christ is sufficient to saue his soule that Christe is sufficiente to slaake hys hunger and to quenche his thurst he shall not nede of any other dyshes diuised by men to feed vpon but he shall be suer that the death and bloudshedinge of myne only begotten sonne is sufficient to comfort his penitent hungry soule so that it shall not be famishid it shal not sterue nor peryshe but haue lyfe euerlasting This is the ioyfull tydynges the comfortable doctrine the sede of goddes most holye worde most noble audience which hath bene so longe troden and cast away vnder neth the fote of the people This is the lost seed which when it was sowen woulde not this manye yeares enter into the hartes and vnderstandinges of men But here I moste humbly desier you to note that it is not meant by these wordes eatinge of Christes flesh and drynkynge of hys bloude and feding vpon Christe that ye should so feed of Christe as ye woulde feed of a pece of motton a pece of beefe or a pece of venson For that kynd of cating profetteth nothing at al. Caro non prodest quicquam The fleshe profeteth nothynge at all Thys grosse kynde of feedinge vpon Christe profeteth nothing at all But it is ment that euen as ye comfort your earthly and corruptible body with bread and meat when it is hungry and with ale bere or wyne when it is thurstye Euen so doeth the soule of man when the lawe sheweth to her her faultes and eternal damnation and the dredfull iudgementes of God for her offenses comforte her selfe in her greate hunger and thurste beleuynge that almightye God hath forgeuen her synnes for Christes sake So that where as before she was hungry and comfortles and afraied of eternall dampnation Now is she fed and comforted with thassuerance that her synnes be forgeuen her of god for Christes sake her sauiour It is an vnreuerente and an vngodly opinion and voyd of all Godlye religion to saye or thynke that we muste eate and chame with our corporall teeth or that we muste swallow with our corporal throte Christes blessed fleshe and bones after so grosse a sorte as we eat other kyndes of meat Yea and it is a thynge abhorred of nature that mannes should feede of mans fleshe hyde thesame fleshe of man in pastes or culles or by any meanes otherwyse neuer so conningly Man detesteth and abhorreth to be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say a man eater The Centuryon of a relygyouse mynde and of a godly feare thoughte hym selfe vnworthye that oure sauioure Christ shoulde enter into hys house saiynge Non sum idoneus ut tectum meum subeas And S. Peter in the .v. of Luke had a certeyne relygyouse a godly feare to come nighe to Christ and sayed vnto him Discede a me Domine quia homo peccator sum Departe from me O lorde for I am a synnar Euen so all suche as haue any Iote of Godly religyon in ther hartes shoulde be ashamed once to desyer to bruse with there teeth to eate raw and to swallowe the fleshe bloud and bones of oure sauyoure Christe euen as it was borne of the blessed vyrgyne Mary S. Austen wytnesseth that the Capernaites toke our Sauiour Christe after that sort when he sayd Nisi quis manducauerit meam carnem biberit meum sanguinem non habebit uitam eternam Onles a man eate my flesh and drinke my bloude he shall not haue euerlastyng lyfe They toke him saieth he grosly as it appeareth by ther question that they demaunded immediatly saiynge How can this fellow geue vs his fleshe to eat Is not he the sonne of Ioseph Thys grosse opinion of thers Saint Austen calleth heresye as it is a playne heresye in dede to say that we must eat of necessitie Christ after such a grosse sort They thought that Christ had offered hys bodye to be eaten as fleshe that hangeth in the bucherye so that the fleshe of his armes and sydes that stode there before them shoulde be chewed and swallowed of them But sayth Saint Austen that was not hys meaninge For that kynde of eatinge of Christes fleshe profeteth nothyng at all Caro non prodest quicquam But that they whych were made sorowfull and hungrye by the terror of the law shuld be fed and comfortedwith the death of his fleshe and wyth his blessed bloudshedynge And he that feedeth not hys soule after this sort wyth Christes fleshe and bloude is not alyue in Christe but he is in desperation Manet in morte He dwelleth in death yea beynge alyue in thys worlde he hath a taste of hell because hys conscyence is comfortles and the worme byteth him cōtinually so that he hath deuell in his conscience And he is alltogether comfortles because there is none other meet comfort that can comfort oure soules but onely the cōfort that we haue by Christ. And whosoeuer eateth thys fleshe and drinketh this bloud wyth y e mouth of belefe that thys very fleshe of Christ was put to death for him and this very bloud was once shed for him He shall haue euerlasting life and the lord will raise him againe at the latter day And he had a tast of the kingdome of God euen beyng alyue He hath peace and quyetnes in his conscyence Whyche is Gaudium pax in spiritum sanctum And thys kind of eatinge is called of learned men an of Christe Spiritualiter that is to say a comfortinge with oure soules wyth Christ spiritually And as oft as we comforte oure soules of thys sorte we haue a sure knowledge and a felinge that the wrath of god the father against vs is pacyfyed and so be we of oure for more hunger eased There is another kinde of eatinge of Christes body and drinkinge of his bloud that is called eatinge and drinking Sacramentaliter Sacramentally And we eate Christ on this fashion as oft as we Ioyne the outward signes of breade and wyne that is to say the sacrament of the holy communion wyth oure fayth and inward belefe receauing a visible testimony of our inwarde belefe in the face of the congregacion And if it chaunce any man to receaue this outward pledge and testimony of