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blood_n bread_n communion_n wine_n 5,311 4 7.9264 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02885 The catechisme, or manner how to instruct and teach children and others in the Christian faith appointed to bee read in all the lands and dominions of the late right and mightie prince, Frederike, countie palatine of the Rhein, one of the electors of the Holy Empire, and duke in Bauier / newly translated out of Latin and Dutch into Englishe.; Heidelberger Katechismus. 1578 (1578) STC 13029; ESTC S3764 26,578 74

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sinne Answere God not without a great cause speaketh so to wit not onely to teach vs the as the filthines of our bodies is scoured away with water so likewise are our sins washed scowred away with the bloud and spirite of Christ but also much more that he might sicker assure vs by his goodly token pledge that we are as surely washed from our sinns inwardly by the inward washing as we are outwardly washed with the outwarde and seable water Question Ought all yong speachlesse children in be baptised Answere Yea in any case for when as they belong as well vnto the couenaunt or promise and to the Church of GOD as they doe that are fully growne and are perfect men and women when as forgiuenesse of sinnes and the holy Ghost the worker of faith is as well promised to them through the bloude of Christ as to them that are full growen men and women they are to be grafted into the Church by baptisme and are to be knowen from the children of vnbeléeuers or infidels as in the owe Testament the children of them that beléeued were knowen from them that beléeued not by circumcision In whose place and stéede it now being taken away Baptisme was appointed Of the Supper of the Lord. Question HOwe art thou in the Supper of the Lorde warned assured and sickered that thou art partaker of that onelye one sacrifice of Christ offered vppon the crosse and of all his good déedes Answere Because Christe hath commaunded me and all faithfull men to eate of this breade that is broken and to drinke of this cup that is reached vnto me in the remembrance of him with promise put thereto that first his body was assuredly broken on the Crosse and offered for me and his bloud as surely shed for me as I sée the breade of the Lord broken vnto me and the cuppe of the Lorde reached vnto me More ouer that my soule is as wel fed vnto euerlasting life with his body which was crucified for vs and with his bloud whiche was shed for vs as I receiue with the mouth of my bodye the bread the wine which are tokēs of the body bloud of our Lord at the handes of my shéepherd or elder of the Church Question What is it to eate the body that was crucified and to drinke the bloude that was shed Answere It is not onely to imbrace and receiue the whole Passion and death of Christe with a sure trust of minde and to get by it forgiuenesse of sinnes and life euerlasting but also to be so ioyned vnto his holy body more and more through the holy ghost which dwelleth in Christe and in vs that although he be in heauen and we in earth yet for all that we are fleshe of his fleshe and bones of his bones and as all the members or limmes of a mans body are quickned or haue life of one soule so are we quickned gouerned and haue life with one spirite Question In what place ▪ promised Christ that he woulde as surely giue his body and bloude to be eaten and dronken to them that beléeue as they doe eate the breade that is broken and drinke the wine out of the cup Answere In the place where he did first ordaine his supper in these words Our Lorde Iesus Christe in that night he was betrayed tooke the breade and after he had giuen thankes he brake it and said take eate this is my bodie which is broken for you doe this in the remembrance of me And so likewise after supper hee tooke the cup saying this cup is the new testament in my bloude doe this as oft as yée shal drink in my remēbrance For as oft as ye shall eate this bread and drinke of this cup ye shall shewe the death of the Lorde till be come i. Cor. xi This promise is rehearsed againe by S. Paule i. Cor. x. where he saith The cup of thākesgiuing wherw e we giue thāks is it not the pertaking of Christs bloud is not the bread that we breake the partaking of the body of Christ Because we being many are one breade one body for we are al partakers of one bread Question Are then bread and wine made the very body and bloud of Christ Answere No but as the water of baptisme is turned into the bloude of Christe neither is the washing away of sinne but onely a token and pledge of those things that are sealed vnto vs in baptisme euen so is not the breade of the Lordes supper the very body of Christ Notwithstanding after the manner of speaking of Sacramentes and the accustomed fashion of speaking of the holy ghost of these things bread is called the body of Christ Question Why then doth Christ call bread his body and the cup his bloude or the new Testament through his bloude And Paul calleth the breade and wine the communion or partaking of his body bloud Answere Christ speaketh so not without great consideration to wit that he may not only teach vs that euen as bread wine hold vp and kéepe in the life of the body so his crucified body and his bloude that were shedde are the very true meate and drinke of our soule whereby it is nourished into euerlasting life but al so much more he speaketh so to assure sicker vs with this visible token and pledge that we are as truely partakers of his body and bloude by the working of the holy Ghost as wee haue receiued these holy tokens in the remembrance of him with the mouth of our body and also that his passion or suffering and his obedience or keeping of the whole lawe are as surely ours as though wee had suffered our owne selfes for our sinnes and had made amendes to GOD for them Question What difference is there betwéene the supper of the Lorde and the popishe Masse Answere The supper of the Lorde witnesseth that all our sinnes are forgiuen vs through that onely one sacrifice that he once made on the crosse and that we are all through the holy ghost grafted into Christ who after his mans nature is only in heauen at the right hand of the father and will be worshipped there of vs But in the Masse it is denied that the quicke and the dead haue forgiuenesse of sinnes through the passion of Christ alone excepte Christ bee offered euerie day for them by the sacrificing Masse priestes Moreouer it is taught in the Masse that Christ is bodilie present vnder the likenesse of bread wine and is therefore to bee worshipped in them And so the foundation of the Masse is nothing else but a deniall of that onely sacrifice and passion of Iesus Christe and cursed Idolatrie maumetrie and worshipping of by gods beside the liuing God. Question Who ought to come to the supper of the Lorde Answere