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A19465 Certain most godly, fruitful, and comfortable letters of such true saintes and holy martyrs of God, as in the late bloodye persecution here within this realme, gaue their lyues for the defence of Christes holy gospel written in the tyme of their affliction and cruell imprysonment. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Bradford, John, 1510?-1555, Exhortacion to the carienge of Chrystes crosse. Selections.; Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556. Copy of certain lettres sent to the Quene, and also to doctour Martin and doctour Storye. Selections.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Soveraigne cordial for a Christian conscience.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Whether Christian faith maye be kepte secret in the heart, without confession therof openly to the worlde as occasion shal serve.; Ridley, Nicholas, 1500?-1555. Frendly farewel. 1564 (1564) STC 5886; ESTC S108888 571,783 726

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ioyfull and couragious confessing of his Christ Amen I pray you continue as I trust you do to kepe both soule and body pure in gods seruice Striue to enter in at that narrowe gate thoughe you leaue your landes and goodes behinde you It is not loste which for Christes sake we leaue but lent to a great vsurye Remēber that this time is come but to trye vs. God make vs faythfull to the end God kepe vs alwayes as his children Amen I pray you cōmende me to Maister Osburne to al our good brethren in the Lord. The peace of Christ be with vs all Amen Amen Yours in Christ Iohn Bradford To a frend of hys instructyng hym howe he shoulde aunsweare hys aduersaryes MY good brother our mercifull God and deare father through Christ open your eyes effectually to see and your harte ardentlye to desire the euerlasting ioy which he hath prepared for his slaughter sheepe that is for suche as shrinke not frō his truth for any stormes sake Amen When you shall come before the Magestrates to geue an answere of the hope which is in you do it with al reuerence simplicitye And because you maye be somthyng afrayd by the power of the Magestrates cruelty which they wil threaten against you I wold you set before you the good father Moses to followe his example for he set the inuisible God before his eyes of fayth and with them loked vpon God his glorious maiestie and power as with his corporal eyes he saw Pharao and al hys fearefull terrors So do you my dearely beloued let your inward eyes geue such light vnto you that as you know you are before the magistrates so much more you and they also are presente before the face of god whiche will geue such wisedome to you fearing him and sekyng his prayse as the enemies shal wonder at and further he wil so order their hartes and doings that they shal will they nyll they serue gods prouidence towards you which you cā not auoyde though you would as shal be most to his glory and your euerlasting cōfort Therfore my good brother let your whole studie be only to please God put hym alwaies before your eyes for he is on your right hand least you shoulde be moued he is faythfull and neuer will suffer you to be tempted aboue that he wil make you able to beare Yea euery heare of your head he hath numbred so that one of them shall not perishe without his good will which can not bee but good vnto you in that he is become your father through Christ therfore as he hath geuē you to beleue in him God encrease this be liefe in vs all so doth he nowe graciously geue vnto you to suffer for his names sake the which you ought with all thankefulnes to receaue in that you are made worthy to drinke of the self same cuppe which not only the very sōnes of god haue dronke of before you but euen the very natural sonne of God him selfe hath brought you good lucke Oh he of his mercy make vs thankeful to pledge hym agayn Amen Because the chiefest matter they will trouble you go about to deceaue you withal is the Sacrament not of Christs body and blod but of the alter as they cal it therby destroying the sacrament which Christ instituted I would you noted these 2. things First that the sacrament of the alter which the priest offreth in the Masse eateth priuately with hym selfe is not the Sacrament of Christes body and blood instituted by hym as Christes institution plainly written setforth in the Scriptures being compared to their vsing of it playnly doth declare Agayne if they talke wyth you of Christes sacrament instituted by hym whether it be christes body or no aunswer them that as to the eyes of your reason to your taste and corporall senses it is bread and wyne and therfore the scripture calleth it after the cōsecration so euē so to the eyes tast and senses of your fayth which ascendeth to the ryght hand of God in heauen where Christe sitteth it is in verye deede Christes body and bloud which spritually your soule fedeth on to euerlastyng lyfe in fayth and by fayth euē as your bodye presently feedeth on the sacramentall breade and sacramentall wyne By this meanes as you shal not allow transubstantiation nor none of their popish opinions so shal you declare the sacrament to be a matter of faythe and not of reason as the papistes make it For they deny gods omnipotencye in that they say Christ is not there if bread be there but faythe loketh on the omnipotency of god ioyned with his promise and doubteth not but that Christ is able to geue that he promyseth vs spiritually by faith the bread still remaynyng in substance as well as yf the substaunce of bread were taken away for Christ saith not in any place this is no bread But of thys geare god shal instruct you if you hang on hys promise and praye for the power and wisedome of hys spyryt which vndoubtedly as you are bounde to loke for prayeng for it so he hath bound hymselfe by hys promyse to geue it the which thyng he graunt vnto vs both and to al hys people for his names sake through Christ our lord Amen Iohn Bradford ¶ A letter writen to a deare frende of hys wherein he entreateth as briefely so moste perfectlye godly soundly and pithely of gods holy election free grace and mercy in Iesus Christ FAythe of gods election I meane to beleue that we be in very dede the chyldren of god through Chryst and shal be for euer inheritours of euerlastyng lyfe throughe the onely grace of God our father in the same Christ is of all thynges which god requireth of vs ▪ not only most principall but also the whole summe Rom 14 Heb. 11. Exod. 20 so that wtout this faith there is nothyng we do that can please god And therfore as god first requyreth it in saying I am the Lord thy God c. that is I remit thee thy synnes and geue thee my holy spirite and for euer wyll I kepe thee Math. 6. so our Sauiour would haue vs to be perswaded when we come to praye and therfore teacheth yea he commaundeth vs to call God our father whose power were not infinite as we professe in the fyrst article of our beliefe where we call him expressely our almighty father if we shall doubt of his finall fauour And therfore I cannot but much meruell at some men which seme godlye and yet are in thys behalfe too malicious both to God and man For what is more seemely to God then mercy whiche is moste magnifyed of the electe chyldren of God And what is more seemelye to man then humilitye the which is not nor cannot bee in dede but in the electe of god for they alone attribute nothyng at all to themselues continuallye but dampnation Ieremy 9. that in God only
breade and wine and saide of the cuppe drinke ye all of this the Pope geueth a cleane contrarye commaundemente that no laye man shall drynke of the cup of their saluation as thoughe the cuppe of Saluation by the bloud of Christ pertained not to lay men And wheras Theophilus Alexandrinus whose workes Saincte Hierom did trāslate about eleauen hundred yeres passed saith that if Christ had bene crucified for the Deuils his cup shoulde not be denied them yet the Pope denieth the cup of Christ to christen people for whome Christ was crucified so that if I should obey the Pope in these thinges I muste nedes disobey my sauior Christ But I was answered hereto as commonly the papists do answer that vnder the forme of bread is whole christes flesh and bloude so that whosoeuer receaueth the forme of bread receiueth aswel christes bloud as his fleshe Let it be so yet in the forme of breade onely Christes bloude is not dronken but eaten nor receaued in the cuppe vnder forme of wyne as Christ commaunded but eaten with the flesh vnder the forme of breade moreouer the bread is not the sacrament of his bloud but of his fleshe only nor the cup is not the sacrament of his flesh but of his bloud only and so the Pope kepeth from al lay persons the Sacrament of their redemption by Christes bloud which Christ commaunded to geue vnto them And furthermore Christ ordayned the sacrament in two kindes the one separated from the other to be a representation of his deathe where his bloud was separated from hys fleshe whiche is not represented in one kynde alone so that the lay people receiue not the whole sacrament wherby Christes death is represented as he commaunded Moreouer as the Pope taketh vpon him to geue the temporal sword or royal imperial power to kinges prynces so doth he likewise take vpō him to depose them from theyr imperial states if they be disobedient to hym and commaundeth the subiectes to disobey their prynces assoyling the subiectes aswel of their obedience as of their lawfull othes made vnto theyr true kinges and Prynces directly contrary to gods commaundeniente who commaundeth all subiectes to obey theyr kinges or other rulers vnder them One Iohn Patriarche of Constantinople in the time of S. Gregory claimed superioritie aboue all other bishops to whom sainct Gregorye writeth that therin he did iniurie to hys iij. brethren which were equall with hym that is to say the bishop of Rome of Alexandria of Antiochia which iij. were patriarchal seas aswell as Constantinople and were brethren one to an other But sayeth Saincte Gregorye if anye one shall exalte him selfe aboue all the rest to be the vniuersal bishoppe the same passeth in pryde but now the bishop of Rome exalteth himselfe not only aboue all bishops but also aboue all kynges and Emperours and aboue the whole world taking vpon hym to geue and take away to set vp and put downe as he shall thinke good And as the deuill hauyng no such authoritie The deuil● the Pope are like yet toke vpon hym to geue vnto Christ all the kyngdomes of the world if he would fall downe and worshippe him in lyke manner the Pope taketh vppon hym to geue Empyres and kingdomes beyng none of hys to suche as wil fal downe worship him and kysse his feete And moreouer his lawyers and glosers so flatter him that they say he may commaund Emperours and kynges to hold hys stirroppe when he lighteth vppon hys horse and to bee hys footemen and that if any Emperour or kyng geue hym any thyng they geue hym nothyng but that is hys owne and that he may dispense agaynst Gods word agaynste the old and new Testament against S. Paules epistles and against the Gospel And furthermore whatsoeuer he doth although he draw innumerable people by heapes wyth himselfe into hell yet may no mortal man reproue hym bicause he beyng iudge of al men may be iudged of no man thus he sytteth in the tēple of god The Pope is Antichrist that is Christs enemy Wherfore the Pope is Antichrist as he were a god nameth him self Gods Vicar yet he dispenseth agaynst God If this be not to play Antichrists part I cānot tel what is Antichrist which is no more to say but Christs enemy and aduersary who shall syt in the temple of God aduauncyng hymselfe aboue all other yet by hipocrisy and fayned religion shall subuert the true religion of Christ and vnder pretense and colour of Christian religion shall worke agaynst Christ therfore hath the name of Antichrist Now yf any man lyfte hymselfe hygher then the Pope hath done who lifteth him selfe aboue all the world or can be more aduersary to Christ thē to dispense agaynst Gods lawes where Christ hath geuen any cōmaundement to commaund dyrectly the cōtrary the mā must nedes be takē for Antichrist But vntyl the tyme that such a person may be found men may easly coniecture where to find Antichrist Wherfore seyng the Pope thus to ouerthrow both gods lawes and mans lawes taketh vpon hym to make Emperours and kinges to be vassals Subiects vnto hym specially the crowne of thys realme with the lawes customes of the same I see no mean how I may cōsent to admit this vsurped power within this realme cōtrary to myne othe mine obedience to gods law mine allegeaunce and duety to your maiesty and my loue and affectiō to thys realme This that I haue spoken against the power and authority of the Pope I haue not spoken I take God to record and iudge for any malice I owe to the Popes person whom I know not but I shal pray to god to geue him grace that he may seke aboue al things to promote gods honour and glory and not to follow the trade of hys predecessors in these latter dayes nor I haue not spoken it for feare of punishment and to auoyde the same thynkyng it rather an occasion to aggrauate then to diminish my trouble but I haue spoken it for my most bounden duty to the crowne liberties lawes and customes of thys realme but most especially to discharge my conscience in vtteryng the truthe to gods glory castyng away all feare Luke 12 by the comfort which I haue in Christes wordes who sayeth Feare not them that kill the body and cannot kill the Soule but feare hym that can caste both body and soule into hell He that for feare to lose this life will forsake the truth shall lose the euerlasting lyfe and he that for the truthes sake wyll spend hys lyfe shall fynde euerlasting life And Christ promiseth to stād fast with them before hys father which wil stand fast with him here Mathe. x. which comforte is so great that whosoeuer hath his eyes fixed vpon Christ cannot greatly passe of thys life knowyng that he may be sure to haue Christ stand by him in the presence of his father in heauen As touchyng
the Sacrament I saide that forasmuch as the whole matter standeth in the vnderstandyng of these wordes of Christ Thys is my body Thys is my bloud I saye that Christ in these wordes made demonstratiō of the bread and wyne and spake figuratiuely The sacraments haue the names of those thyngs wherof they are sacramentes callyng bread hys bodye and wyne hys bloud bicause he ordeyned them to be the sacramēts of his body bloud And where the Papists say in these two pointes contrary vnto me that Christ called not bread hys body but a substaunce vncertayne nor spake fyguratiuely herein I sayde I woulde be iudged by the olde church and which doctrine could be proued the elder that I would stand vnto And forasmuch as I haue alleaged in my booke many olde autors both Grekes and Latynes which about a thousand yeres after Christ continually taught as I do if they could bryng forth but one old author that saith in these two poyntes as they say I offred vi or vij yeres agoe and doe offer yet styl that I will geue place to them But when I bryng for the any author that sayeth in moste playne termes as I do yet sayeth the other parte that the authors mente not so as who shoulde say that the authors spake one thyng and mente cleane contrarye And vppon the other parte when they cannot fynde any one authour that sayeth in wordes as they say yet saye they that the authors mēt as they say Now whether thei or I speake more to the purpose herein I refer it to the iudgemēt of all indifferent hearers Yea the old church of Rome aboute a thousād yeres together nether beleued nor vsed the Sacramēt as the church of Rome hath done of late yeares For in the beginning the church of Rome taught a pure a sound doctrine of the sacramēt but after that the church of Rome fell into a new doctrine of trāsubstantiatiō with the doctrine they chaūged the vse of the sacramēt cōtrary to that Christ cōmaūded the old church of Rome vsed aboue a M. yeares And yet to deface the old thei say that the new is the old wherin for my part I am cōtent to the tryal to stand But their doctrine is so fonde and vncomfortable that I marueile that any man would allowe it if he knewe what it is and what so euer they beare the people in hand The Papists make Christ two bodyes that which they write in theyr bookes hath nother truth nor comforte For by their doctrin of one body of Christ is made two bodies one naturall hauing distance of members with forme and proporcion of a mannes perfite body and thys bodye is in Heauen but the bodye of Christe in the Sacramente by theyr own doctrine must nedes be a monstruous body hauing neyther distance of members nor forme fashion or proporcion of a mans naturall body and such a body is in the sacrament teache they and goeth into the mouth with the forme of breade and entreth no farther than the forme of bread goeth nor tarieth no lōger thā the forme of bread is by natural heate in digesting so that when the forme of breade is digested that bodye of Christe is gone And forasmuch as euil men be as long in digesting as good mē the body of Christ by theyr doctrine entreth as far tarieth as long in wicked as in godly mē And what cōforte cā be herein to any Christian mā to receaue Christs vnshapē body and it to entre no father than the stomake and to depart by and by as sone as the bread is consumed It semeth to me a more sound and comfortable doctrine that Christe hath but one body that hath forme and fashion of a mans true body which body spiritually entreth into the whole mā body and soule and though the sacrament be consumed yet whole Christe remayneth and fedeth the receauer vnto eternal lyfe if he continue in godlines and neuer departe vntill the receauer forsake him And as for the wicked they haue not Christ within thē at al who cā not be wher Belial is And this is my faith and as me semeth a sound doctrine according to Gods word and sufficient for a Christian to beleue in that matter And if it canne be shewed vnto me that the popes authority is not preiudicial to the thinges before mencioned or that my doctryne in the sacrament is erronious whych I thinke can not be shewed then I was neuer nor wil be so peruerse to stand wilfully in mine owne opinion but I shall wyth al humility submit my self vnto the Pope not only to kisse hys feete but an other part also An other cause why I refused to take the B. of Gloucestre for my iudge was the respect of his own persō being more than once periured Fyrste for that he beynge diuerse times sworne neuer to consent that the B. of Rome shoulde haue any iurisdiction with in thys realme but to take the king and his successours for supreame heades of thys realme as by gods lawes they be contrary to this lawful oth the said B. sate then in iudgement by autority frō Rome wherin he was periured and not worthy to sit as a iudge The second periury was that he toke his bishoprike both of the Queenes Maiestye of the Pope makyng to eche of thē a solemne oth which othes be so cōtrary that in the one he must nedes be periured And furthermore in swering to the Pope to mayntayne his lawes decrees a constitutions ordinances reseruations and prouisions he declareth him selfe an enemye to the Imperial crowne and to the Lawes and state of this Realme whereby he declared himselfe not worthy to syt as a iudge within this Realme and for these considerations I refused to take him for my Iudge ¶ This was written in an other letter to the Quene J Learned by D. Martin that at the day of your maiesties coronacion you toke an othe of obedience to the pope of Rome and the same time you tooke an other othe to this realme to maintayne the lawes liberties and customes of the same And if your Maiesty did make an oth to the pope I think it was acording to the other othes which he vseth to minister to princes which is to be obedient to him to defend hys person to mayntayn his autority honour lawes landes priuileges And if it be so than I besech your maiestye to looke vppon youre othe made to the Crowne and the realme and to expende and way the two othes together to see how they agree and then to do as your graces conscience shall geue you for I am surelye perswaded that willingly your maiesty will not offend nor do against your conscience for nothyng But I feare me there be contradiction in your othes and that those which should haue enformed your grace throughly did not their dutyes therin And if your maiesty ponder the two othes diligently I thynke you shall
it and in the steade of Gods holye worde the true and righte administration of Christes holye Sacramentes as of Baptisme and others they mixte theyr ministerye with mennes folishe fantasies and manye wicked and vngodlye traditions withall In the steade of the Lordes holye table they geue the people with muche solemne disguising a thyng which they call theyr Masse but in dede and in truth it is a verye maskyng and mockerye of the true supper of the Lord or rather I maye cal it a crafty iuglynge whereby these false theeues and iuglers haue bewitched the mindes of the symple people that they haue broughte them from the true worshippe of GOD vnto pernicious idolatry and make them to beleue that to bee Christe oure Lorde and Sauiour which in deede is neyther God nor man nor hathe any life in it selfe but in substance is the creature of breade and wyne and in vse of the lordes table is the Sacramente of Christes bodye and bloude and for thys holy vse for the whych the Lord hath ordeyned them in hys Table to represent vnto vs hys blessed bodye torne vppon the crosse for vs and hys bloud there shedde it pleased hym to call them hys bodye and bloude whych vnderstandyng Christe declareth to bee hys true meaning when he sayeth Luke 22. doe thys in the remembraunce of me And agayn Saincte Paule lykewyse dothe set out the same more plainly speakyng of the same Sacrament after the wordes of the consecration say●ng as often as ye shal eate of thys bread and drynke of thys Cuppe ● Cor. 11. ye shall set forthe he meaneth wyth the same the Lordes deathe vntyll hys commyng agayne And here agayne these theues haue robbed also the people of the Lordes cuppe contrary to the playne wordes of Christ written in hys Gospell Nowe for the commen publique prayers whiche were in the vulgare tongue these theues haue brought in agayne a straunge tongue whereof the people vnderstande not one word Wherein what doe they elles but robbe the people of theyr diuyne Seruice wherein they oughte to praye together wyth the mynyster and to praye in a straunge toungue what is it but as Saincte Paule calleth it barbarousnes chyldishenes vnprofitable follye yea and plaine madnesse For the godly articles of vnity in Religion and for the wholsome Homelies what doe these theeues place in the stead of them but the Popes lawes and decrees lying Legendes and fayned fables and myracles to delude and abuse the symplycitye of the rude people Thus thys robbery and thefte is not onelye committed nay sacrilege and wycked spoyle of heauenlye thynges but also in the stead of the same is brought in and placed the abbominable desolacion of the tyraunte Antiochus of proude Senacheryb of the shameles faced kyng of the Babilonical beaste Vnto thys robberye thys thefte and sacrilege for that I cannot consente nor God wyllyng neuer shall so long as the breath is in my bodye because it is blasphemye againste God hyghe treason vnto Christe our heauenly Kyng lord maister and oure onely Sauiour and redemer it is playne contrarye to Gods worde and to Christes Gospell it is the subuersion of all true godlines and agaynste the euerlastyng saluation of myne owne soule and of all my brethren and systers whome Chryste my Sauioure hathe so dearely boughte wyth no lesse pryce then wyth the effusion and sheddyng forthe of hys moste precious bloude therefore all ye my true louers in GOD my kynsefolke and countreymen for thys cause I say know ye that I am put to deathe whiche by Gods grace I shall wyllynglye take wyth hartye thankes to GOD therefore in certayne hope wythout any doubtyng to receyue at gods hande agayne of his free mercy and grace euerlastyng life Althoughe the cause of the true man slayne of the thefe helpyng hys neyghboure to recouer hys goodes agayne and the cause wherefore I am to bee put to deathe in a generalitye is bothe one as I sayde before yet knowe ye that there is no small difference These theeues against whome I doe stande are muche worse then the robbers and theues of the borders The goodes whiche they steale are much more precious and theyr kindes of fight are farre dyuers These theeues are worse I say for they are more cruelll more wycked more false more deceytfull and craftye for those will but kyll the bodye but these wyll not stycke to kyll bothe bodye and soule Those for the generall thefte and robberye be called and are in deede theues and robbers but these for theyr spirituall kynd of robberye are called Sacrilegi as ye woulde say churche robbers They are more wycked for those goe aboute but to spoyle men of worldlye thynges worldlye ryches gold and syluer and worldlye substaunce these goe aboute in the wayes of the Deuill their ghostlye father to steale from the vniuersall churche and peritcularlye from euerye man all heauenlye treasure true faythe true charitye and hope of saluation in the bloude of oure Sauioure Iesus Christe yea to spoile vs of our Sauiour Christ of hys gospel of hys heauenlye spirite and of the heauenlye heritage of the kingdome of heauen so dearelye purchased vnto vs wyth the deathe of oure Maister and Sauyoure Christe These be the goodes and godlye substaunce whereuppon the Christian before God must lyue and withoute the whiche he cannot lyue these goodes I saye these theues these churche robbers goe aboute to spoyle vs of The whiche goodes as to the man of God they excell and farre passe all worldlye treasure so to wythstande euen vnto the death suche theues as goe aboute to spoyle both vs and the whole churche of such goods is most hyghe honourable seruice done vnto God These churche robbers be also much more false craftye and deceytfull then the theues vpon the borders for these haue not the crafte so to commende theyr thefte that they dare auouche it and therefore as acknowledgyng themselues to be euyll they steale commenlye vppon the nyghte they dare not appeare at iudgements and sessions where iustice is executed when they are taken brought thether they neuer hange any man but they bee ofte tymes hanged for theyr faultes But these Church robbers can so cloke and coloure theyr spiritual robbery that they can make the people to beleue falshed to be truth and truth falshod good to be euel euell good light to be darknesse and darknesse light superstition to be true religion and idolatry to be the true worshyppe of god and that which is in substance the creature of breade and wine to be none other substance but onlye the substance of Christ the liuing Lord both God and man And wyth this their falshed and craft they can so iuggle and bewitch the vnderstāding of the simple that they dare auouch it openly in courte and in towne and feare neyther hanging nor hedding as the pore theues of the borders do but stoute and strong like Nembrothe dare condemne to be burned in
possesse your lyues in pacience sayeth he In the which words he geueth vs both commaundement what to do and also greate consolation and comforte in all troubles He sheweth also what is to be doone and what is to be hoped for in troubles and when troubles happen he biddeth vs be pacient and in no case violently nor seditiously to resist our persequutors because God hath such cure and charge of vs that he wil kepe in the myddes of all troubles the very heares of our heade so that one of thē shal not fall away without the wil pleasure of our heauenly father Math. 10. Whether the heare therfore tarye in the heade or fall from the heade it is the wil of the father And seing he hath such care for the heares of our head how much more doth he care for our life it self wherfore let gods aduersaryes do what they lust whether they take the life or take it not they can do vs no hurte for theyr crueltye hath no further power then god permitteth them and that whiche commeth vnto vs by the wyll of our heauenlye father can be no harme no losse neyther destruction vnto vs but rather gayne wealth and felicitye For all troubles and aduersity that chaunce to such as be of god Rom. 8. by the wil of the heauenly father can be none other but gayne aduauntage That the spirite of man may feele these consolations the geuer of them the heauenly father must be prayed vnto for the merites of Christes passion Iacob 1. 1. Cor. 1.8 for it is not the nature of man that can be contented vntill it be regenerated and possessed with gods spirite to beare pacientlye the troubles of the mind or of the body When the minde and hart of a man seeth of euery side sorrowe and heauines and the worldlye eye beholdeth nothinge but suche thinges as be troublous wholy bent to robbe the poore man of that he hath also to take from him his lyfe except the man waigh these brittle and vncertayne treasures that be taken from him wyth the riches of the life to come and this life of the bodye wyth the life in Christes precious blood and so for the loue and certeynty of the heauenly ioyes contemne al thinges presente doubtles he shall neuer be able to beare the losse of goods life or any other thynges of this world Therfore S. Paule geueth a verye godlye and necessarye lesson to all menne in thys short transitorye life and therein sheweth how a manne maye beste beare the iniquytye and troubles of thys world Col. 3. if ye be risen agayne wyth Christ sayth he seke the thynges whiche are aboue where Chryste sitteth at the ryght hand of God the father Wherfore the christian mans fayth must be alwaies vpon the resurrection of Christe whē he is in trouble and in that glorious resurrectiō he shal not onelye see continuall and perpetuall ioye and consolation but also the victorye and triumphe of all persequution trouble synne death hell the diuell and all other persequutors and tyrannes of Christe and of Christes people the teares and weepinges of the faythfull dryed vp they re woundes healed theyr bodies made immortall in ioy theyr soules for euer praysynge the Lord and coniunction and societye euer lasting with the blessed company of Gods electes in perpetual ioy But the wordes of S. Paule in that place if they be not marked shal do little profite to the reader or hearer and geue him no patience at al in this impaciēt and cruel world In the fyrst part Saynt Paule commaundeth vs to thinke or set our affections on things that are aboue When he biddeth vs seke the things that are aboue he requireth that our mindes neuer cease from prayer and study in Gods worde vntyll we see knowe and vnderstande the vanities of thys world the shortnes and mysery of this lyfe the treasures of the world to come the immortality therof and the ioyes of that life and so neuer cease seking vntill such time as we know certeynly and be perswaded what a blessed man he is that seeketh th one and findeth it and careth not for thother though he lose it and in seking to haue ryght iudgement betwene the life present and the life to come we shal find how little the paynes imprisonment slaunders lies and death it selfe is in this world in respect of the paynes euerlastinge the prison infernal and doungeon of hel the sentēce of gods iust iudgement and euerlasting death When a man hath by seeking the word of God found out what the thinges aboue be then must he as Saynte Paule saythe set his affections vpon them And this commaundement is more hard then thother For mans knowlege many times seeth the beste and knoweth that there is a lyfe to come better then this life present as you may se how dayly men and women can prayse and commend yea and wysh for heauen and to be at rest there yet they set not theyr affection vpon it they do more affect loue in dede a trifel of nothing in this worlde that pleaseth theyr affection then a treasure of all treasures in heauen whiche their owne iudgemente sayeth is better then all worldlye thinges Wherefore we must set our affections vpon the things that be aboue that is to say when any thyng worse then heauē vpon the earth offereth it selfe to be ours yf we wyll geue our good willes to it and loue it in our heartes then to see by the iudgemēt of gods word whether we may haue the world wtout offēce of god and such thynges as be for this worldly lyfe wythout his displeasure If we cannot S. Paules commaundement must take plate set your affection on thinges that are aboue If the riches of this worlde maye not be gotten nor kepte with gods law neyther our lyues be continued with out the denyall of hys honour we must set our affection vpon the riches and lyfe that is aboue and not vpon things that be on the earth Therfore this second commaundemēt of S. Paule requireth that as our myndes iudge heauenly thinges to be better then thinges vppon the earth and the lyfe to come better then the life present so we should choose them before other preferre thē and haue suche affection to the best that in no case we set the worst before it as the most part of the world doth and hathe done for they choose the best and approue it and yet follow the worst But these things my godly wife requyre rather cogitation meditation and prayer then wordes or talke They be easy to be spoken of but not so easy to be vsed and practised Wherfore seyng they bee gods giftes and none of ours to haue as our own when we would we must seke them at our heauenly fathers hande who seeth and is priuye howe poore and wretched we be and how naked how spoyled destitute of all his blessed giftes we bee by
how soeuer for a tyme it seme otherwise to your senses Hang on the prouidence of god not only whē you haue meanes to helpe you but also whē you haue no meanes yea whē al meanes be againste you Geue hym thys honour which of all other thynges he most chieflye requireth at your handes namely beleue that ye are his childrē through Christ that he is your father God through him that he loueth you pardoneth you al your offences that he is with you in trouble wil be with you for euer When ye fal he wil put vnder his hand ye shall not lie stil Before ye cal vppon him he heareth you out of euill he wil finally bring you and deliuer you to his eternal kingdome Doubte not my dearely beloued hereof doubte not I say this wil god your father doe for you in respecte not of your selues but in respect of Christ your captaine your pastour your keper out of whose handes none shal be able to catch you In him be quiet and often consider your dignity namely how that ye bee gods children the saintes of God citizens of heauen temples of the holy ghost the thrones of God members of Christ and Lords ouer all Therfore be ashamed to thinke speake or doe any thyng that should be vnsemely for Gods children Gods saintes Christes member c. Marueil not though the deuil and the world hate you though ye be persecuted here for the seruaunt is not aboue his maister Couet not earthly riches feare not the power of man loue not this world nor things that be in this worlde but long for the Lorde Iesus his comming at which time your bodies shall be made like vnto his glorious body Whē he appeareth ye shal be like vnto him when your life thus shal be reuealed then shal ye appeare with hym in glory in the meane season liue in hope hereof Let the lyfe you lead be in the fayth of the sonne of god for that iuste doth liue by fayth which faith flyeth frō all euill followeth the word of god as a lanterne to her feete a light to her steps her eyes be aboue where Christ is shee beholdeth not the thinges present but rather thinges to come she glorieth in afflictions she knoweth that the afflictions of this life are not to be compared to the glory which god wil reueale to vs and in vs. Of this glory god graunt vs here a liuely tast thē shall we runne after the sent it sendeth forth It will make vs valiant mē to take to vs the kingdome of god whether the lord of mercy bring vs in his good time through Christ our lord to whom with the father and the holy ghost three persons and one God be al honour and glory world without end Amen My dearly beloued I would gladly haue geuen here my body to haue beene burned for the confirmation of the true doctrine I haue taught here vnto you but that my countrey must haue therefore I pray you take in good part this signification of my good wil towards euery of you Impute the want herein to time and trouble Pardon me mine offēsiue and negligent behauiour when I was amonges you With me repent and labour to amend continue in the truth which I haue truly taught vnto you by preaching in al places where I haue come Gods name therefore bee praysed confesse Christe when ye are called what soeuer commeth thereof and the God of peace be with vs al. Amen Your brother in bondes for the Lordes sake Iohn Bradford To al that loue the lord Iesus and his true doctrine being in rhe vniuersity and towne of Cambridge Iohn Bradforde a most vnworthy seruaunt of the lord novve not onely prisoned but also condemned for the same true doctrine vvysheth grace peace and mercye vvith encrease of all godlines from god the father of al mercy through the bloody passion of our alonely Sauiour Iesus Christ by the liuely workyng of the holy spirite for euer Amen ALthoughe I looke hourely when I should bee hadde to the stake my righte dearelye beloued in the Lorde and althoughe the charge ouer me is greate and straite yet hauyng by the prouidence of GOD secretlye penne and inke I coulde not but something signifye vnto you my solicitude which I haue for you and euery of you in the Lord though not as I would yet as I maye Ye haue often and openly heard the truth especially in this matter wherin I am cōdemned disputed and preached that it is nedeles to do any more but only to put you in remembraunce of the same but hetherto ye haue not heard it confirmed as it were sealed vp as now ye do shal do here by me that is by my death and burning For Albeit I haue deserued through my vncleannes hipocrisie auarice vayneglory idlenes vnthankfulnes and carnalitye whereof I accuse my self to my confusion before the world that before God through Christ I mighte as my assured hope is I shal finde mercy eternal death hel fire much more then this affliction fire prepared for me yet my dearelye beloued it is not these or any of these thynges wherefore the Prelates do persecute me but gods veretye and truthe yea euen Christe hym selfe is the onely cause and thynge wherefore I nowe am condemned and shall bee burned as an heretyque because I wyll not graunt the Anttchrist of Rome to be Christs Vicar generall supreame head of his church here and euery where vpon earth by gods ordinance bicause I will not graunt such corporall real and carnall presence of Christes body blood in the sacrament as doth transubstantiate the substance of bread wine and is receaued of the wicked yea of dogs and mice Also I am excommunicated and coūted as a dead member of Christes church as a rotten braunch therfore shal be cast into the fire Therfore ye ought hartely to reioyce with me to geue thankes for me that god the eternall father hath vouched safe our mother to bring vp any childe in whom it would please him to magnifye his holy name as he doth I hope for his mercy and truthes sake wil do in me by me Oh what such benefite vpō earth cā there be as that that which deserued death by reasō of my sinnes should be diuerted to a demonstration a testification and confirmation of gods verity and truth Thou my mother the Vniuersitye haste not only had the truth of gods woorde playnly manifested vnto thee by reading disputing preaching publikely priuately but now to make thee altogether excuseles and as it wer almost to sinne against the holy ghost if thou put to thy helping hand with the Romyshe route to suppresse the verity set out the cōtrary thou hast my life and blood as a seale to confyrme thee if thou wilt be confirmed or els to confound thee beare witnes agaynst thee if thou wilt take parte with the prelates and clergye which
be geuē vnto god our father for hys excedynge greate mercye towardes me through Iesus Christ our lord But perchaunce ye wil say vnto me what is the cause for the which you are cōdemned we heare say that you deny al prefēce of Christ in his holy supper so make it a bare signe common bread nothing els My derely beloued what is said of me wil be I cannot tel It is told me that M. Pendleton is gone down to preach with you not as he hath recāted for ye al know how he hath preached contrary to that he was wont to preach afore I came amongs you but to recāt that which he hath recāted How he wil speake of me report before I come whē I am come when I am burned I much passe not for he the is so vncertain wil speake so oftē against him selfe I cannot thinke he wil speake wel of me except it make for his purpose profit But of this enough In dede the chiefe thing which I am condemned for as an heretyke is because I deny the sacrament of the altar whiche is not christes supper but a plaine peruertyng of it beyng vsed as the papists now vse it to be a real natural corporall presence of christes body blood vnder the formes accidents of bread and wine that is because I deny transubstantiatiō which is the derling of the deuil and doughter and heyre to Antichrists religion wherby the Masse is mainteyned christes supper peruerted his sacrifice crosse imperfected hys priesthode destroyed the ministery taken away repentance repelled and al true godlines abandoned In the supper of our lord or sacrament of christes body and blood I confesse beleue that there is a true very presence of whole Christe god man to the faith of the receauer but not of the stāder by or loker on as there is a very true presence of breade and wine to the senses of him that is pertaker therof This faith this doctrine which cōfenteth with the word of god with the true testimony of christes Churche whiche the popyshe church doth persecute will I not forsake and therefore am I cōdemned as an heretike shal be burned But my derely beloutd this truth which I haue taught ye haue receyued I beleued do beleue and therin geue my life I hope in god shall neuer be burned bound nor ouercome but shal tryumphe haue victory and be at liberty manger the heade of all gods aduersaries For there is no counsell against the lord nor no deuise of man can be hable to defeate the verity in any other then in such as be children of vnbeliefe which haue no loue to the truth and therefore are geuen vp to beleue lies From which plague the lorde of mercies delyuer you and all this realme my deare hartes in the Lorde I humblye beeseche hys mercye Amen And to the ende ye myght be delyuered from thys plague ryght deare to me in the Lorde I shall for my farewell wyth you for euer in thys presente lyfe hartely desyre you all in the bowels and bloode of oure moste mercifull Sauioure Iesus Christ to attende vnto these thynges whiche nowe I shall shortlye wryte vnto you out of the Holy scriptures of the Lorde Ye know an he ●aye plague or rather plagues of God is fallen vpon vs in takyng away our good kyng gods true religion Gods true prophetes and ministers c. and setting ouer vs suche as seeke not the Lorde after knowledge whose endeuoures GOD prospereth wonderfully● to the triall of manye that hys people maye bothe better knowe themselues and be knowen Nowe the cause hereof is oure iniquities and greuous synnes We did not know the tyme of our visitation we were vnthankefull vnto god we contemned the gospell and carnally abused it to serue our hypocrisie our vayne glory our viciousnes auarice ydlenes security c. Longe did the lord lynger tary to haue shewed mercye vppon vs but we were euer the longer the worse Therfore most iustly hathe God dealt with vs and dealeth with vs. Yea yet we may see that his iustice is tempered with much mercy wherto let vs attribute that we are not vtterly consumed for if the lord should deale with vs after oure deserts alas how could we abide it In his anger therfore seyng he doth remember hys mercy vndeserued yea vndesyred on our behalfe let vs take occasion the more spedelye to go out to mete him not with force and armes for we are not so able to withstand hym much lesse to preuaile against hym but to beseche hym to be mercifull vnto vs and according to his wāted mercy to deale with vs. Let vs arise with Dauyd and say Ne intres in iudicium cum seruo tuo c. Enter not into iudgement oh Lorde with thy seruant for in thy sight no flesh liuyng shall be iustifyed Let vs send ambassadors wyth the Centurion and say Lord we are not worthy to come our selues vnto thee speake the worde and we shal haue peace Let vs penitētly with the Publicane loke down on the earth knocke our hard hartes to burst them and cry out oh god be merciful vnto vs wretched synners Let vs with the lost sonne returne and say O father we haue synned against heauen and earth before thee we are vnworthy to be called thy children Let vs I say do on this sort that is hartely repente vs of our former euill lyfe and vnthankefull gospelling past conuert turne to god with our whole hartes hopyng in hys great mercy through Christ and hartelye calling vppon his holye name and then vndoubtedly we shall fynde and feele otherwyse then yet we fele both inwardly and outwardly Inwardly we shal fele peace of conscience betwene god and vs which peace passeth al vnderstādyng outwardly we shall feele much mitigation of these miseries yf not an outward taking of thē away Therfore my derely beloued in the lorde I your poorest brother now departyng to the Lord for my vale in aeternum for this present lyfe pray you beseche you and euen from the very bottome of my hart for al the mercies of god in Christ shewed vnto you most earnestly begge and craue of you out of prison as often out of your pulpittes I haue done that ye will repente you leaue your wycked and euil lyfe be sory for your offences and turne to the lorde whose armes are wyde open to receiue and embrace you whose stretched out hande to strike to death stayeth that he might shewe mercy vpon you for he is the lord of mercy and god of all comfort he wyll not the death of a synner but rather that he should returne conuert and amend he hath no pleasure in the destruction of men hys long suffryng draweth to repentaunce before the tyme of vengeaunce and the daye of wrathe which is at hande doth come Now is the axe layed to the roote of the tree vtterlye to
he prayeth for vs. now is not sene elsewhere or otherwise sene then by fayth there vntil he shal be sene as he is to the saluation of them that loke for hys comming which I trust be not farre of For if the day of the lord drew nere in the Apostles time Luke 21. which is now aboue xv C. yeres past it cannot be I trust long hence now I trust our redemers comming is at hande Apo. 6 Then these Masse sayers and seers shall shake and cry to the hylles hyde vs from the fearce wrathe of the Lambe if they repente not in tyme. Then wyll neither gold nor goodes frendeshippe nor fellowship lordeship nor authoritye power nor pleasure vnity nor antiquity custome nor counsel Iohn 12. Doctours decrees nor any mans deuise serue The woorde whyche the Lorde hathe spoken in that daye shall iudge The worde of god shal be our iudge 1. Cor. x. i. Cor. 6. the worde I say of god in that daye shall iudge And what sayeth it of Idolatrye and idolaters Sayeth it not flee from it And further that they shall bee dampned Oh terrible sentence to all Massemongers and worshippers of thynges made with the handes of Bakers Carpenters c. Heb. 7.9.10 Thys worde of God knoweth no moe oblations or sacrifices for synne but one onely whiche Christe hymselfe offered neuer more to bee reoffered but in remembraunce thereof hys supper to be eaten sacramentallye and spiritually accordyng to Christes institution whyche is so peruerted now that there is nothyng in it symply according to the iudge I meane the worde of God Math. 5. It were good for men to agree with their aduersary the worde of god nowe whyleste they bee in the waye wyth it leste yf they linger it wil deliuer them to the iudge Christe in all thynges harken to the worde of god as dyd the Thes Act. 17. who wyll commytte them to the Taylor and so they shall be cast into pryson and neuer come our thence til they haue payde the vttermost far thyng that is neuer My dearely beloued therfore marke the worde harken to the worde it alloweth no Massyng no suche sacrificyng nor worshyppyng of Christe wyth tapers candels copes canapies c. It allowed no Latyne seruice no images in the Temples no prayeng to Sainctes dead no pray iuge for the deade It alloweth no suche disssmulation as a greate many vse nowe outwardelye Hebr. 20. If anye wythdrawe hym selfe my soule sayeth the holye Ghoste shall haue no pleasure in hym It alloweth not the loue of thys worlde i. Iohn 2. whiche maketh ment to doe many tymes agaynst their consciences for in them that loue the world Math. 12 Apo. 3 3. Reg. 18. Rom. ● Math. 16. Mark 8. Luk. 9.14 phil 2. math 7.20 Rom. 16. Acts. 4.5 Ephesi 5. Iohn 10 the loue of God abydeth not It alloweth not gatherers elsewhere then wythe Chryste but sayeth they scatter abroade It alloweth no luke warme gentlemen but yf God be God then followe hym yf Baal and a peece of breade be GOD then followe it It alloweth not faythe in the harte that hath not confession in the mouthe It alloweth no Disciples that wyl not denye themselues that wyl not take vp theyr crosse and follow Chryst It alloweth not the seeking of our selues or of our owne ease and commodity It alloweth not the more parte but the better part It alloweth not vnity except it be in verity It alloweth no obedience to any which cannot be done without disobedience to GOD. It alloweth no churche that is not the spouse of Chryste and harkeneth not to hys voyce only It alloweth no doctor that speaketh against it It alloweth no generall counsayle that followeth not in all thynges Galat. 1 Summa it alloweth no aungel much more thā any such as should teach any other thing thē Moses the Prophets Christ Iesus and his Apostles haue taught and lefte vs to loke vpon in the writen worde of god the holy bookes of the Byble 1. Timot. 6 Math. 7 Ieremy 8. Rom. 16. but curseth al that teach not only contrary but also any other doctrine It sayth they are fooles vnwise proude that will not consent to the sounde worde and doctrine of Christ and his Apostles and byddeth commaundeth vs to flee from such Therfore obey this commaundement company not wyth thē specially in their church seruice but flee from thē for in what thyng consent they to Christs doctrine He biddeth vs praye in a tounge to edify 1. Cor. 14. Math. 6. ●oan 14.15 Math. 26. Luke 22 1. Cor. 12 they commaund contrary He biddeth vs cal vppon hys father in hys name when we pray they bidde vs runne to Mary Peter c. He byddeth vs use his supper in the remembraunce of hys death passion preachyng it out tyll it come whereby he dothe vs to witte that corporally he is not there in the forme of bread therefore sayeth Paule tyll he come He willeth vs to eate of the bread callyng it breade after consecration and drynke of that cup all makyng no exception so that we do it worthely that is take it as the sacrament of his body blood brokē shed for our sinnes not as the body it self bloode it selfe wythout bread wythout wyne but as the sacramente of hys bodye and blood The fruites that follow the worthye receiuyng of the Lordes supper whereby he dothe represent and vnto our faythe geue and obsigne vnto vs hymself wholy with all the merites and glory of hys body and bloode But they forbid vtterly the vse of the supper to all but to their shauelinges except it be once in the yeare and then also the cup they take from vs they neuer preach forth the lordes death but in mockes and moes Transubstantiation taketh away the Sacrament They take awaye all the Sacrament by their transubstantion for they take away the element and so the Sacrament To be short they most horribly abuse thys holy ordinaunce of the Lord by adoration reseruation Apoc. 22 Iohn 5. oblation ostentation c. In nothyng they are contented wyth the symplicity of gods word They adde to and take fro at their pleasure and therefore the plagues o● God wyll fall vpon them at the lengthe and vpon all that wyll take theyr parte They seke not Christ nor hys glory for you see they vtterly haue cast away his word Ieremy 8. Deut. 4 Apoc. 18. and therefore as the prophet saith there is no wisedome in thē They follow the strompet church and baudie spouse of Antichrist which they cal the catholike churche whose foundation and pillers is the deuil his daughter the masse with his childrē the pope his prelates Their lawes are craft crueltie their weapons are lying and murther their end studye is their own glory fame wealth rest possessiōs For if a mā speake nor do nothing against these thoughe he be a
doctrine with their bloode from whom I will dissente in no poynte for I am a poore man without learning but am commaunded of GOD to followe the counsel of his constante Preachers and so doe I entend to doe god geuing me grace and assistance thereto As for you I know you to be none of Christes shepeheards but rauening wolues whiche come to kill and scatter the flocke of Christe as the Lorde sayde you shoulde and doth will vs to beware of you and your poysoned doctrine bidding vs to iudge you accordyng to your fruites whereby all men maye see and knowe what you bee that will not be wilfullye blynd But the good shepeheardes haue geuen their liues for the defence of Christes flocke and I am commaunded to followe their faythfull and Godlye example and to confesse with them one truth euen to the fyre if GOD shall see it good and thys as a true Christian I haue hetherto done and hence forth by Gods grace entende for to doe And if for the same GOD shal suffer you to take away my lyfe as you haue done theirs I am contented therewith ▪ hys will bee done for that onelye is good But of thys be you sure the Lorde wil shortelye call you to accompte for all the innocente bloode that is shedde with in thys Realme which you haue brought into a most wofull case and made many a heauye harte in the same and moe I perceaue you will make so long as the Lord for our sinnes wil suffer you to prosper and vntill the time that your owne iniquitye be full rype But then be you sure the Lord will sitte in iudgement vpon you as well as you do now vpon his Saincts and will reward you according to your deseruings to whō with my whole harte I commit my cause and he will make aunswere for me when the full tyme of my refreshyng commeth In the meane space I will keepe silence with thys that I haue sayde trusting that I haue sufficiently discharged my conscience in confessing my fayth and religion to you declaring of what Church I am euen of the catholyke Church of Iesus Christ which was wel knowen to be here in ●●glande in our late good Kings dayes by two speciall tokens which can not deceaue me nor suffer me to be deceaued that is to say the pure preaching of his holy worde and the due administratiō of the holy sacramentes which is not to be sene in your Romyshe church and therfore it can not iustly be called the Church and spouse of Christ I beleue in the holy Trinitie and al the other articles of the Christian faith contained in the three Credes and finally al the canonicall Scripture to be true in euerye sentence And I detest al sectes both of the Arrians and Anabaptistes or any other that diuide themselues frō the true church of Christ whiche is his mysticall body the ground and piller of truth and the very house of the liuing God And if for these things you take away my life and make yourselues giltye of my blood you may for I am in your handes as the shepe brought to the Shambles abyding the grace of the Butcher And bee you sure your iudgement stepeth not but when you crye peace peace 2. Thes 5. and all is safe then shall your plagues beginne lyke the sorowes of a woman trauelyng with child according to Christes infallible promise This kinde of aunsweare my deare harte it shall bee beste for you to make and by Gods grace I doe entende to take the same order my selfe in tyme to come when the Lorde shall vouche me worthye of that greate dignitye wherunto he hath called you And if they shall laugh you to scorne as I know they wil saying thou arte a foole and an vnlearned asseheade and arte able to make aunswer to nothing c care not you for it but stil cōmmit your cause vnto god who will make aunswer for you and tell them that they haue bene answered again again of diuers godly and learned men but al wil not helpe for you haue one solution for all maner of questions euen a faire fyre and fagots this will be the ende of your disputations Therfore I pray you to trouble me no more but do that which you are apointed whē god shal permitte the time I am no better thē Christ his Apostels and other of my good bretherne that are gone before me This kind of answer wil cut their combes most and edify the people that stand by so that the same bee done coldly with sobrietie mekenes and patience as I heard say out swete bretherne Thomas Harlād Iohn Osward did at Lewes in Suffex to the great reioycing of the childrē of god that were in those parties I heare say that they were dissolued from this earthly tabernacle at Leawes on Saterday last wer condēned but the wednisday before so that we may perteine the papistes haue quicke worke in hand that they make such haste to haue vs home to our heauenly father Therfore let vs make our selues redy to ride in the fiery chariot 4. Reg. 2. leauing these sory mantels and old clokes behinde vs for a little time which god shal restore vnto vs againe in a more glorious wise My good brother Harry you shal vnderstād the bragging Iohn T. hath begilde his kepers who trusted him to wel and is runne away from them hath broughte the poore men into great daunger by the same The one of them is cast by the Councels commaundemēt into the gate house at Westminster the other is sted forth of the countrey for feare Thus you may see the fruites of our freewil men that made so much boast of their owne strength But that house whiche is not builded surelye vppon the vnmoueable rocke wil not long stand against the boistrous windes and stormes that blow so strongly in these dais of trouble But my derely beloued brother blessed be god for you and suche as you be which haue plaied the partes of wise builders You haue dygged downe paste the sande of your owne naturall strength beneath the earth of your own worldly wisdom are nowe come to the harde stone and vnmoueable rocke Christ who is your only keper and vppon him alone you haue builded your faith most firmly without doubting mistrust or waueryng Therfore neither the stormes nor tempestes wyndes nor weathers that Sathan and all his wily workemen can bryng against you wyth the verye gates of hel to helpe thē shal euer be able once to moue your house much lesse to ouerthrowe it for the lord god himselfe and no man is the builder thereof hath promised to preserue and kepe the same safe for euer Vnto hys most merciful defence therfore I do hartely commit you and all your good comapany desiring him for his swete sonne Iesus Christes sake to confirme and strengthen you all that you maye bee constant vnto the very ende that after the finall
body blood offred once for al. This I know my good sister you do constātly cōfesse beleue as the godly fruite of your christiā fayth doth dayly testify I trust to be a witnes with you at the great day that your fayth is vnfayned ful of godly charitie the lord encrease the same I am constrayned here to make an end full sore agaynst my will My poore prayers shall supply that whiche my penne doth lacke The blessing of God be with you nowe and euer Amen Your dayly Oratour Iohn Careles A letter of M. John Rough wrytten a little before hys death to the Christian congregation in London whereof he was a minister and Preacher THe comfort of the holy ghost make you able to geue consolation to others in these daungerous dayes when Sathan is let lose to the tryal of the chosen when it pleaseth our God to sift his wheate from the chaffe I haue not leasure and time to write the great temptations I haue bene vnder I speake to Gods glorye my care was to haue the senses of my soule open to perceaue the voyce of god saying who that denieth me before men them wil I denie before my father his Angels and to saue the life corporall is to lose the life eternall and he that will not suffer with Christe shall not reigne with him Therefore moste tender ones I haue by Gods spirite geuen ouer the fleshe with the fyghte of my soule and the spirite hath the victorye The fleshe shall nowe ere it be longe leaue of to sinne the spyrite shall reygne eternallye I haue chosen the death to confyrme the truth by me taughte What can I doe more Consider with your selues that I haue done it for confyrmation of Gods truth Praye that I maye continue vnto the ende The great parte of the assaulte is paste I prayse my GOD. I haue in all my assaultes felte hys presente ayde I geue hym moste hartye thankes therefore Loke not backe nor bee ye ashamed of Christes Gospell nor of the bondes I haue suffered for the same thereby ye maye bee assured it is the true word of God The holy ones haue bene sealed with the same marke It is no tyme for the losse of one man in the battel for the campe to turne backe Vp with mens hartes blowe downe the dawbed walles of heresyes Let one take the Banner an other the Trumpet I meane not to make corporall resistance but praye and ye shall haue Elias defence and Heliseus companye to fight for you for the cause is the lords Now my brethren I can write no more tyme will not suffer and my harte wyth panges of death is assaulted but I am at home wyth my God yet alyue Pray for me and salute one an other wyth the holy kysse The peace of God reste with you all Amen From Newgate pryson in hast the day of my condēnation Iohn Rough. A letter of Cutberte Symson a Deacon of the Christian congregation in London burnt in Smythfielde for the veretye of Christes Gospell written to his wyfe out of the Colehouse MY dearelye beloued in the Lorde Iesus Christe Of the exceeding cruell vnmercifull Rackings and other tormēts that thys man of God most paciently suffred read see in the boke of Martyrs Fol. 16●1 I can not wryte as I doe wyshe vnto you I besethe you with my soule submytte your self vnder the mighty hand of our God trusting in hys mercy and he will surely helpe vs as shal be moste vnto hys glorye and oure euerlasting comforte being sure of thys that he will suffer nothing to come vnto vs but that which shal be most profitable for vs. For it is eyther a correction for oure synnes or a tryall of oure fayth or to set forth hys glorye or for altogether and therefore muste needes be well done for there is nothing that commeth vnto vs by fortune or chaūce but by our heauenly fathers prouidence And therfore pray vnto our heauenly father that he wil euer geue vs his grace so to consider it Let vs geue him most harty thankes for these hys fatherly corrections for as many as he loueth he correcteth And I besech you now be of good chere counte the crosse of Christ greater riches then al the vaine pleasures of England I do not doubt I prayse God for it but that you haue supped with Christ at his Maundie I meane that you beleue in him for that is the effect thē must you drinke of his cup I meane his crosse for that doth the cup signifye vnto vs. Take the cup with a good stomacke in the name of god then shal you be sure to haue the good wine Christs blood to your poore thirstye soule And when you haue the wine you muste drinke it out of this cup. Learne this whē you come to the Lords supper Pray continually In al things geue thankes Cutbert Symson A letter of VVilliam Coker then prysoner in Caunterburye and afterwarde burnt for the testimonye of the truth wrytten to a frend of hys AS your hartye frend in god and through the mercy of our lord Iesus Christ as pertaining to the fayth your brother I send you greting most Christiā salutations For your kindenes in that you wrote so spedely to me again I cōmend you thanke god for it though of necessitie you say you were partly moued so to do by reasō of my bondes in the Lorde I hartely ioyed by occasiō of your letter because I vnderstode thereby the state of mine olde frends godly acquaintance and how ye al continually labour as we do in the Gospel of Christ which is the worde of saluation to as many as beleue Wherin we haue this cōfidence through our fayth in the blood of Christ the thoughe Sathan his rabble of ministers doe rage neuer so muche with lying deceaueable power yea though he shoulde appeare neuer so glorious Angellike in the sight of the world yet shal his fiery dartes be quenched he neuer able to preuaile against vs. For the which testimonye of conscience I geue thankes vnto god frō the bottome of my hart praye alwaies vnto the Lord that as we haue begonne euē so we may go forwardes vnto the end vntil the time that the darknes be cleane put away and the perfect light shine in oure harts soules bodyes in the eternal kingdome with god where we shal be sure our enemies shal not preuaile agaīst vs but then most victoriouslye be ouercome by that sweete Lambe the sonne of God In the meane time the Lord preserue keepe vs frō euil The Lorde make vs stoute in hys cause geue vs grace to confesse the truth before thys whorysh generation The Lord graunt we may worke his heauenly wil that when the time shal come he may receaue vs vnto himself in the glory euerlasting To whom be prayse honour for euer and euer Amen Your brother in bondes for the
other men but he that knoweth howe preiudiciall and iniurious the power and autoritye which he chalengeth euery where is to the crown lawes and customes of thys realm and yet wil allow the same I cannot se in any wyse how he can kepe hys due allegeaunce fydelity and truth to the crowne and state of this realme An other cause I alleged The thyrde cause why he could not allow the Pope why I could not allow the autoritye of the pope whyche is thys That by hys authoritye he subuerteth not only the lawe 〈…〉 realme but also the lawes of God The popes religion is agaynst Christs religion so that whosoeuer be vnder hys authority he suffereth them not to be vnder Christes religion purely as Christ did commaunde And for one example I brought forth that wheras by Gods lawes al christiā people be boundē diligently to learne hys word that they may know how to beleue and liue accordingly for that purpose he ordayned holy daies when they ought leauyng apart all other busines Why latin seruice oughte not to be restored in Englande to geue themselues wholy to knowe serue God Therfore Gods wyll and commaundement is that when the people be gathered together the ministers shuld vse such language as the people maye vnderstand and take profite therby or els hold theyr peace For as an harpe or lute if it geue no certaine sound that men may know what is striken who can daunce after it for all the sounde is in vayne so is it vayne and profiteth nothyng sayeth almighty god by the mouth of S. Paule if the priest speake to the people in a language which they knowe not for els he may profite hymselfe but profiteth not the people sayeth S. Paule But herein I was answered thus that S. Paul spake only of preachyng that the preacher should speake in a tongue which the people did know or els hys preachyng auayleth nothing But yf the preachyng auayleth nothing being spoken in a language which the people vnderstande not how should any other seruice auayle them beyng spoken in the same language And that yet S. Paule ment not only of preachyng it appeareth plainly by his own words for he speaketh by name expressely of praying singyng laudyng and thankyng of God and of al other thynges which the Priestes say in the churches wherunto the people saye Amen which they vsed not in preaching but in other diuine seruice that whether the Priestes rehearse the wonderfull workes of god or the great benefites of god vnto mankind aboue all other creatures or geue thāks vnto god or make open profession of theyr faith or humble confession of theyr synnes wyth earnest requeste of mercy and forgeuenes or make sute or request vnto god for any thyng then al the people vnderstandyng what the Priestes say myght ioyne theyr myndes and voyces wyth them and say Amen that is to saye allowe what the Priestes saye that the rehersall of Gods vniuersall workes and benefites the geuyng of thankes the profession of faith the confession of synnes and the requestes and petitions of the Priestes and the people might ascend vp into the eares of god altogether and be as a swete sauour odour and incense in hys nose thus was it vsed many hundred yerrs after Christes ascension But the aforesayde thynges cannot be done when the priestes speake to the people in a language not knowen and so they or theyr clarke in theyr name say Amen but they cannot tell wherunto where as saint Paule saith how can the people say Amen to thy well saying when they vnderstand not what thou saiest And thus was S. Paule vnderstanded of all interpretours both the Grekes and Latines olde and new scholeautors and others that I haue redde vntyll about xxx yeres past at which time one Eckius with other of hys sort began to deuyse a new expositiō vnderstanding S. Paule of preachyng only But when a good number of the best learned men reputed wythin thys realme some fauouryng the old some the new learnyng as they terme it where in dede that which they call the old is the newe and that which they call the new is in dede the old but when a great number of such learned men of both sortes were gathered together at wynsor for the reformatiō of the seruice of the Churche It was agreed by bothe wythout controuersie not one sayeng contrary that the Seruyce of the Church ought to be in the mother tongue and that Sainct Paule in the .14 chapter to the Corynthians was so to bee vnderstanded And so is sainct Paule to be vnderstanded in the ciuil law more then a thousand yeres past where Instinianus amoste godly Emperour in a synode writeth on thys maner Iubemus vt omnes episcopi pariter praesbyterî non tacito modo sed clara voce quae a fideli populo exaudiātur sacram oblationem preces in sacro baptismate adhibitas celebrēt quo maiori exinde deuotione in depromendis Domini Dei laudibus audientium animi efferantur Ita enim Diuus Paulus docet in epistola ad Corinth Si solummodo benedicat spiritus quomodo is qui priuati locum tenet dicet ad gratiarum actionem tuam Amen quandoquidem quid dicas non videt Tu quidem pulchre gratias agis alter autem non aedificatur That is to say we commaund that all byshops and Priests celebrate the holy oblation and praiers vsed in holy baptisme not after a stil close maner but wyth a cleare loud voyce that they may be plainly heard of the faithful people so as the hearers mindes may be lifted vp therby with the greater deuotion in vtteryng the prayses of the Lord God For so Paule teacheth also in the epistle to the Corinthians 1 Cor. 14. Yf the spirit doe onely blesse or say wel howe shall he that occupieth the place of a priuate person say Amen to thy thankes geuyng for he perceiueth not what thou saiest Thou doest geue thākes wel but the other is not edified And not onely the ciuile lawe al other writers a thousand fyue hundreth yeres continually together haue expoūded S. Paule not of preaching onely but of other Seruice saide in the churche but reason also geueth the same that if men bee commaunded to heare any thyng it must be spoken in a language whiche the hearers vnderstand or els as S. Paule sayth what auayleth it to beare So that the Pope geuyng a contrary commaundement The Pope cōmaūdeth ●oth against God natural reasō The sacramēt oughte to be receaued in both kinds of all christians that the people comming to the churche shall heare they wot not what and answer they know not wherto taketh vpon him to commaund not only against reason but also directly against god And againe I said wheras our sauiour Christ ordained the Sacrament of his most precious body and bloud to be receaued of all christian people vnder the formes both of
the grace to suffer death also Wherfore al ye that be my true louers frends reioice and reioyce with me agayne and render wyth me hartye thankes to God oure heauenly father that for hys sonnes sake my Sauioure and redemer Christ he hathe vouchsafed to cal me beyng elles without hys gratious goodnes in my selfe but a synnefull and a vyle wretche to call me I say vnto this hygh dygnitye of hys true Prophetes of hys faythfull Apostles and of hys holye electe and chosen Martyrs that is to die and to spende thys temporall lyfe in the defence mayntenāce of hys eternal and euerlastyng truth Ye knowe that be my Countreymen dwellyng vpon the borders where alas the true man suffreth oftentimes muche wronge at the theues hande if it chaunce a man to be slaine of a theefe as it oft chaunceth there whiche wente oute with his neyghbour to helpe hym to rescue hys goods agayne that the more cruelly he be slayne and the more stedfastly he stooke by his neyghboure in the fighte agaynst the face of the theefe the more fauoure and frendeship shall all hys posteritie haue for the slayne mans sake of al them that be true as long as the memorye of his facte and his posteritye dothe endure euen so ye that be my kynsefolke and countreyemen knowe ye howe soeuer the blynde ignoraunt and wycked world hereafter shall rayle vppon my death which thyng they can not do worse then their fathers did of the death of Christ our sauiour of his holy prophets Apostles and Martyrs Knowe ye I say that both before God and all them that be godly and that truely know and followe the lawes of God ye haue and shal haue by goddes grace euer cause to reioyce and to thanke God highlye and to thinke good of it and in god to reioyce of me your flesh blood whome God of his gratious goodnes hath vouchsafed to associate vnto the blessed company of hys holy martyrs in heauē I dout not in the infinite goodnes of my lord god nor in the faithful felowship of his elect chosē people but at both theyr hands in my cause ye shal rather fynd the more fauour grace for the Lord sayeth that he wil be both to them and theyrs that loue hym the more louyng agayne in a thousande generations Deut. 7. Iohn 15. the Lorde is so full of mercye to them I saye and theyrs which doe loue hym in deede And Christe sayeth agayne that no man can shewe more loue then to geue hys lyfe for his frende Now also know ye all my true louers in god my kynsfolk and countreymen that the cause wherfore I am put to death is euen after the same sort and conditiō but touchyng more nere gods cause and in more weighty matters but in the general kynd al one for both is Gods cause both is in the mainteināce of right both for the commē welth and both for the weale also of the christiā brother although yet there is in these two no smal difference both concernyng the enemyes the goods stollen and the manner of the fighte For knowe ye all that lyke as there when the poore true man is robbed by the theefe of hys owne goodes truely gotten whereupon he and hys household should lyue he is greatly wronged and the theefe in stealyng and robbyng with violence the poore mans Goods dothe offende god doth trāsgresse hys lawe and is iniurious bothe to the poore man and to the commen wealth so I saye know ye all that euen here in the cause of my death it is with the church of englād I meane the congregatiō of the true chosen chyldren of god in this realme of england which I knowlege not only to be my neighbors but rather the congregatiō of my spirituall brethren and Sisters in Christe yea members of one body wherein by goddes grace I am and haue beene grafted in Chryste Thys Churche of Englande had of late of the infinite goodnesse and aboundaunte grace of almighty God greate substaunce greate ryches of heauenlye treasure greate plentye of gods true and syncere woorde the true and wholesome administration of Christes holye Sacramentes the whole profession of Christes religion truelye and playnelye sette forthe in Baptisme the playne declaration and vnderstandyng of the same taughte in the holye Cathechisme to haue beene learned of all true Christians This churche hadde also a true and syncere forme and manner of the Lordes Supper wherein accordyng to Iesus Christes owne ordinaunce and holy institution Christes commaundements were executed and done For vpon the bread and wyne set vpon the Lords table thanks were geuen the commemoration of the Lordes death was had the bread in the remembraunce of christes bodye torne vpon the crosse was broken and the Cuppe in the remembraunce of Christes bloud shedde was distributed and both communicated vnto all that were presente and woulde receyue them and also they were exhorted of the minister so to doe All was done openlye in the vulgare toungue so that euerye thyng myghte be bothe easely heard and plainlye vnderstande of all the people to Gods hygh glory and the edification of the whole churche Thys churche had of late the whole Diuyne seruice all common and publique prayers ordeyned to be sayde heard in the cōmē congregation not onely framed and fashioned to the true vayne of holye Scripture but also all thynges so set forthe accordyng to the commaundemente of the Lorde and Sayncte Paules doctryne for the peoples edification in theyr vulgare toungue It had also holye and wholsome Homelies in commendation of the principall vertues which are commended in Scripture and lykewyse other Homelies agaynste the moste pernitious and capitall vyces that vseth alas to raygne in thys Realme of Englande Thys churche had in matters of controuersye articles so penned and framed after the holye Scripture and grounded vpon the true vnderstandyng of Gods worde that in short tyme yf they hadde bene vniuersally receyued they should haue beene able to haue sette in Christes churche muche concorde and vnitye in Christes true Religion and to haue expelled manye false erroures and heresyes wherewyth thys churche alas was almoste ouergone But alas of late into thys spyrytuall possession of the heauenly treasure of these godlye ryches are entred in theues that haue robbed and spoyled all thys heauenlye treasure awaye I maye well complayne on these theues and crye oute vppon them wyth the Prophete saying Deus venerunt gentes in haereditatem tuam c. Psalme 79. O Lord GOD the Gentiles heathen nations are come into thy heritage they haue defyled thy holye Temple and made Ierusalem an heape of stones that is they haue broken and beate downe to the grounde thy holye citye This hethenyshe generation these theeues of Samaria these Sabei and Caldei these robbers haue rushed out of their dennes and haue robbed the Churche of Englande of all the foresayd holy treasure of god they haue caried it away and ouerthrowne
flaming fyre quicke and aliue whosoeuer will goe aboute to bewray their falshed The kind of fight against these church robbers is also of an other sorte and kinde then is that whiche is agaynste the theues of the borders For there the true men go forth against thē with speare launce with bow and byl and al such kind of bodelye weapons as the true men haue but here as the enemyes be of an other nature so the watchmen of Christs flocke the warriours that fight in the Lordes warre muste be armed and fight with an other kinde of weapons and armour For here the enemies of God the souldiors of Anti-Christ although the battel is set forth against the churche by mortall men being flesh and bloud and neuerthelesse members of theyr father the deuil yet for that theyr graund maister is the power of darknesse theyr members are spirituall wickednes wicked spirites spirites of erroures of heresies of all deceate and vngodlines spirites of idolatry Ephe 6 superstition and hipocrisye which are called of S. Paule Principates powers Lordes of the world rulers of the darknesse of this world and spiritual subtilties concerning heauēly things therfore our weapons must be fit and mete to fyght agaynst such not carnall nor bodely weapons as speare and launce but spiritual and heauenly we must fight agaynst such with the armor of God not entendinge to kill they re bodyes but their errours theyr false craft and heresies theyr idolatry superstitiō and hipocrisy Eph 6. and to saue as much as lieth in vs both theyr bodies and soules And therfore as S. Paule teacheth vs we fighte not against fleshe and bloude that is we fyght not with bodely weapon to kyll the man but with the weapons of God to put to flight his wicked errours vice and to saue both body and soule Our weapons therfore are faythe hope charitye righteousnesse truthe pacience prayer vnto God and our sword wherwyth we smite our enemies we beate and batter and beare down all falshed is the word of God With these weapons vnder the banner of the crosse of Christ we do fyght euer hauinge our eye vpon our graunde Maister Duke and captayne Christe and then we recken our selues to triumphe and to winne the crown of euerlastinge blesse when enduringe in this battaile withoute anye shrinking or yelding to the enemies after the example of our graund Capitaine Christ our Mayster after the exāple of his holy Prophetes Apostles and Martyrs when I say we are slayne in oure mortall bodyes of our enemies are most cruelly and without all mercy murdered down like a me any of shepe And the more cruel the more payneful the more vyle and spitefull is the kind of the death whereunto we be put the more glorious in God the more blessed and happye wee recken withoute all doubtes oure Martyrdome to be And thus much dere loeuers frends in god my country men kinsfolk I haue spoken for your comfort least of my deathe of whose life you loked peraduenture sometimes to haue had honestye pleasures and commodities ye myghte be abashed or thinke any euill whereas ye haue rather cause to reioyse if ye loue me indeede for that it hathe pleased God to call me to a greater honoure and dignitye than euer I did enioye before eyther in Rochester or in the Sea of London or euer shoulde haue had in the Sea of Durham whereunto I was last of all elected and named yea I count it greater honoure before God in deede to die in his cause whereof I nothynge doubte then is any earthlye or temporall promocion or honoure that canne be geuen to a man in thys worlde And who is he that knoweth the cause to be Goddes to be Chrystes quarell and of hys Gospell to bee the common weale of all the elect and chosen children of God of all the inheritoures of the kingdome of Heauen who is he I saye that knoweth this assuredlye by Goddes woorde and the testimonye of hys owne conscience as I through the infinite goodnes of god not of my self but by hys grace acknowledge my self to do who is he I say that knoweth this both loueth fereth god in dede in truth loueth beleueth hys maister Christ and hys blessed gospel loueth his brotherhode the chosen children of god and also lusteth and longeth for euerlastinge life whoe is he I say againe that woulde not or can not fynde in his harte in thys cause to be content to dye The Lord forbid that any such shoulde be that shoulde forsake this grace of God I truste in my Lord God the God of mercies and the father of all comfort throughe Iesus Chryste oure Lorde that he whiche hathe put thys mynde will and affection by hys holye spirite in my harte to stande agaynste the face of the enemie in hys cause to chose rather the losse of all my worldly substaunce yea and of my life to then to denye hys knowne truthe that he well comfort me ayd me and strengthen me euermore euen vnto the ende and to the yelding vp of my spirite and soule into hys holye handes wherof I most hartely besech hys moste holye sacred Maiestye of hys infinyte goodnes and mercye throughe Iesus Christe our Lord. Amen Now that I haue taken my leaue of my countrey menne and kinsfolke and the Lorde doth lende me life and geueth me leysure I wyll bydde my other good friendes in God of other places also farewell And whome fyrste or before other then the Vniuersytye of Cambridge whereas I haue dwelte longer founde more faythfull and hartye frendes receyued more benefites the benefytes of my naturall parentes onlye excepted then euer I did euen in mine owne natyue countrey wherein I was borne Farewel therfore Cambrydge my louyng mother and tender nurse If I shoulde not acknowlege thy manyfold benefits yea if I shold not for thy benifits at the lest loue the agayn truly I were to be counted vngrate vnkind What benyfytes hadst thou euer that thou vsest to geue bestow vpon thy best beloued childrē that thou thoughtest to good for me Thou diddest bestowe on me all thy Schole degrees of thy common offyces the Chaplaynshyppe of the vniuersity the office of the P●ortorship of a cōmon reader and of thy priuate cōmodyties emolumētes in colledges what was it that thou madest me not partner of Fyrst to be Scholer then Fellow and after my departure frō thee thou calledst me agayne to a Mastership of a right worshipful colledge I thanck thee my louing mother for all this thy kindnes and I pray God that his lawes the syncere Gospel of Christ may euer be truly taught faythfully learned in thee Farewell Pembroke hall of late mine own Colledge my cure my charge what case thou artin now God knoweth I know not well Thou wast euer named sithens I knewe thee which is nowe a .xxx. yeares agoe to be studious well learned and a greate
muche expedient to lead gouerne the iudgement of euery Christian mā where we may see that the Corinthians in dede had knowlege perceaued right well that neither the idoles amongest them neyther the meate dedicated vnto the idoles were any thing passed as light of both as of thinges of nothing vppon that knowledge vsed to be present and also to eate at the feast of the meate dedicated vnto Idoles Wherewithall Paule was so sore offended that he gaue this sentence if a man see thee which hast knowledge 1. Cor. 8 sit at table in the Idoles tēple shal not the conscience of him which is weake be boldened to eate those things which are sacrificed to Idoles and through thy knowledge shall the weake brother perish for whō Christ died Now when ye sinne so against the brethren and wound their weake conscience ye sinne against Christ This iudgement of Paul is more to be followed thē al our own fayned and wrested defences which would fayne seme to do wel whē we halt on both sides which god abhorreth Paule hath a profounde depe consideration of that mans fault that hath knowledge perceaueth his dissimulation to be daūgerous perilous to al persons which he dwelleth with al. First such as be of a right and stayed iudgement and will not prostrate their bodies to an Idole do condemne nedes must such dissimulation The very Idolaters themselues haue a defence of their abhomination by the presence of him that the Christiā congregatiō knoweth to haue knowledge The weaker sort that would gladly take the best way by a dissemblers halting playing of both handes embraceth both in body and in soule the euil that he abhorreth in hys hart and though he haue knowledge yet with his presence he estemeth it as other do which haue no knowledge If S Paule sayd that the weake brother doth perish for whō Christ died by him that abused knowledge in meates and drinkes that of themselues be indifferent how muche more by the knowledge of him that vseth manifeste Idolatry forbidden of God as a thing not indifferent Take hede what s Paule meaneth and what he would proue against this man which had knowledge that neither the Idoles neither the meates dedicated to Idoles were any thing Forsooth this would he proue that a poore man that wanteth knowledge by the example of him that hath knowledge doth there aduenture to do euil which he would not do in case he sawe not those that he hath good opinion of to go before him as authors of the euill And in dede the ignoraunte people or those that be halfe perswaded in a truth yea or els throughly perswaded what is euill when they haue any notable men or women for an example to follow they thinke in following of them they be excused yea although peraduenture they do it against their consciences as ye may see how many good men by the example of Peter began to dissemble yea Barnabas hymselfe the Apostle of the Gentiles Gala. 2 But how great offence this is before god so to make a doubtful cōscience or striuig against knowledge to do any thing that is not godly let the iudgement of men passe and measure it from gods word Christ sayth Math. 18 it were better a milstone were hanged about such an offenders necke cast into the sea And doutlesse the payne must be the greater bycause we geue offence willingly and agaynst our owne consciences and thys before God is a wicked knowledge that causeth an other to perishe Woe be vnto hym that is learned to bring his brother to destruction Doth a Christian man know the truth to bring his brother to a lye For those weaklinges that we make to stomble Christ died as S. Paul sayth God defend we should confyrme any mans conseience in euil Let euery mā of god waye with himselfe the doctrine of S. Paul that cōmaundeth vs to flye Idolatrye 1. Cor. 10 And marke what s Paul in that place calleth Idolatrye It is to be sene plainly that he speaketh not of such idolatry as men that lacke knowledge in their hartes what god is and what god is not do commit For in the .8 chapter before he sayth that men knowe that the idoles were no gods and that although by name the gentiles had many gods yet they knew that there was but one god Therfore he meaneth nothing by this cōmaūdement fly idolatry but to auoyd such rites ceremonies and vsages as outwardly wer vsed in the honour reuerēce of the idoles that wer no gods and waying the right vse of the Lords supper and the dignitie therof with the manner and vse of the Gentiles towards their gods he would bring the church of the Corrinthians to vnderstand how that as the diuine and sacrate rites ceremonies and vse of the sacrament of Christes body and blood did sanctifye him and declare hym that vsed it to be the seruaunt and child of God so dyd the rites sacramentes of the Gentiles defile the vsers therof and declared them to be the seruauntes and children of the idole notwithstanding that they knew in their harts the idole was nothing God by his sacrament doth couple vs vnto him let vs pray therfore to him that we pollute not our selues with any rites ceremonies or vsages not instituted by god and so diuide our selues from him In this cause if a faithful man should be at the masse it is to be considered with what mind those that he doth there accompany himselfe withal do come thyther and what the ende is of the worke that the priest doth The people come to honour the bread and wine for god and the priest purposeth to consecrate bothe god and man and so to offer Christe to the father for remission of sinne Nowe do they that adioyne them selues vnto those people professe and declare a societie and fellowship of the same impietye as s Paul layd to the Corrinthians charge S. Paule was not offēded with the Corinthians bicause they lacked knowledge of the true God but bicause contrary to their knowledge they associated thē selues with idolaters For this is true that in al rites sacraments honorings whether they be of god or of the deuil there is a professiō of a communion so that euery man protesteth to be of the same religiō that the rest be of that be pertakers with him I know there be many euasions made by men that iudge a mā may with sauegard of conscience be at the masse But forasmuch as M Caluine M. Bullynger and other haue throughlye aunsweared them suche as be in doubte maye reade theyr bookes This is my cōscience after Gods woorde Iohn Hoper ¶ An epistle of the famous learned man M. Henry Bullinger written to M. Hoper in the tyme of hys trouble which for the worthines of the matter we thought not impartinent here to place emonges hys letters Reuerendissimo VVigorniae Glocestriae Episcopo D. Ioanni
countrey being otherwise at gods cōmaundement For though father and mother and other frendes are deare and nere yet none are so derely and nerely ioyned together Ephe. 5. Heb. 13. as mā and wife in matrimony which must nedes be holy for that it is a fygure and similitude of Christ hys church They know that S. Paule geueth a great prayse to matrimony calling it honourable and that not to among many but to and among al men without exception whosoeuer haue nede of that Gods remedy for mans and womās infirmitie They know that if there were any sinne in matrimony it were chiefly to be thought to be in the bedcompanye but S. Paule sayth that the bed company is vndefyled Gene. 18. Exod. 18. Genes 25. Gene. 31. 2. Reg. 7. Math 1. They know that the hauing of a wife was not an impediment for Abraham Moyses Isaac Iacob Dauid c. to talke with God neither to the Leuites bishops priestes office in the tyme of the olde Testamente or the newe They know that Christ would not be conceaued or borne of the blessed mother the Virgine Mary before she was espoused in mariage his own ordinance They know by S. Ciprian and S. Austine that a vowe is not an impediment sufficient to let matrimony or to diuorce the same They knowe that S. Chrisostome sayth it is heresie to affyrme that a Byshop may not haue a wife They know that S. Ambrose wil haue no cōmaundement but counsell only to be geuen touchyng the obseruing of virginitie They know that Christ with his blessed mother and Apostles were at a mariage Iohn 2. beautifyed honoured the same with his presence and fyrst miracle To be short they know that al that I haue here written touching the mariage of priestes is true and they know that the papistes thēselues do not obserue touching that matter theyr own lawes canons and yet they continue marked in consciēce with an hote iron as detestable heretikes in this behalf The lord geue thē grace to repēt if it be his good wil Amē My second cause why I was cōdemned as an heretike is that I denied the transubstantiation concomitation two iugling words of the papistes by the which they do beleue and wil cōpel al other to beleue that Christs natural body is made of bread that the godheade by by is ioyned therunto so that immediatly after the words called the wordes of consecration there is no more bread and wine in the sacramēt but the substance only of the body and bloud of Christ together with his godhead so that the same being now Christ both god man ought to be worshipped with godly honour to be offred to god both for the quicke and the dead as a sacrifice propitiatory and satisfactory for the same This matter was not long debated in words but bycause I denyed the foresaid papistical doctrine yea rather plainly most wicked Idolatry blasphemy and heresye I was iudged an heretike I dyd also affyrme the pope to be Antichrist poperye Antichristianitie and I cōfessed the doctrine of the Bible to be a sufficiēt doctrine touching al singular matters of Christian religion and of saluation I also alledged that the othe against the Supremacy of the byshop of Rome was a lawful othe and so was the othe made by vs all touchyng the kings or Queenes preeminence For Chrisostome saieth that Apostles Euangelistes and all men in euery Realme were euer ought to be euer touching both body goods in subiectiō to the Kingly authority who hath the sweard in his hand as gods principall officer gouernour in euery Realme I desired the Bishops to repent for bringing the Realme frō Christ to Antichrist frō light to darkenes from verity to vanitie Thus you know a sūme of my last examination condemnation Pray for me I wil pray for you God be praysed since my condemnation I was neuer affraid to die Gods wil be done If I shrinke frō gods truth I am sure of an other māner of death thē had iudge Hales But God be praysed euen frō the bottome of my heart I am vnmoueably setled vpō the rocke nothing douting but that my dere god wil performe and finish the worke that he hath begon in me other To him be al honour both nowe and euer through Christ our only whole Sauiour Amen R. T. A letter which he sent to his wife and children and other of his frends in Hadley as his farewel and last testament I Say to my wife to my children the Lord gaue you vnto me the Lord hath taken me from you and you frō me blessed be the name of the Lord. I beleue that they are blessed which die in the Lord. Apoc. i4 Luke 12. God careth for sparowes and for the heares of our heades I haue euer found him more faythfull and fauourable then any father or husband Trust ye therfore in him by the meanes of our deare Sauiour Christes merites beleue loue feare and obey him pray to him for he hath promised to helpe Count me not dead for I shal certainly liue and neuer die I go before ye shall followe after to our long home I go to the rest of my childrē Susan George Ellē Robert and Zacharie I haue bequethed you to the only omnipotent I say to you my deare frēds of Hadley to al other which haue heard me preach that I depart hence with a quiet conscience as touching my doctrine for the which I pray you thanke god with me for I haue after my litle talent declared to other those lessons that I gathered out of gods boke the blessed Bible Therfore if I or any Angel from heauen should preach to you any other gospel Gala. 1 then that ye haue receaued Gods great curse vpon that preacher Beware for Gods sake that ye denie not God neither decline from the word of fayth least god decline from you and so ye do euerlastingly perish For gods sake beware of popery for though it appeare to haue in it vnitie yet the same is in vanity and Antichristianitie and not in Christes fayth and veritie Beware of the sinne against the holy ghost now after such a light opened so playnly and simply truly throughly and generally to al England The Lord graunt all men his good holy spirit encrease of his wisedome encrease of contempning the wicked worlde encrease of desiring hartely to bee with God and the heauenly company through Iesus Christ our only mediatour aduocate ryghteousnesse lyfe sanctification and hope Amen Amen Pray Pray ¶ Rowland Taylour departing hence in sure hope without all doubting of eternal saluation I thanke god my heauenly father through Iesus Christ my certayne sauiour Amen 5. Februarye Anno. 1555. ❧ Letters of Maister Laurence Saunders parson of Alhollowes in Bredstrete in London who after faythfull testimonye of hys doctrine by long imprisonment was condemned to the fyre
due vnto those his people Wherfore let vs faythfully confesse that we haue offended wyth oure forefathers The which beyng done in our conuersion vnto the Lord our God wyth our whole heart Psal 89. let vs assure our selues that euen as he hath and doth visite our synnes with this captiuity of body and cōscience and such other plagues beyng his rodde of chastisement so hath he not taken away his mercy from vs but wyll plentifully visite vs wyth the same euen for that couenaunt of mercy made vnto vs not in Abraham Isaac and Dauid but in that promysed sede of Abraham in that spiritual Dauid euē Iesus Christ who is that peaceable Salomon makyng peace betwen vs and his Father by the offeryng of hys bodye and sheedyng of hys bloude by whose meanes we must looke for the gilt of our synnes to bee forgeuen and the plagues thereby purchased to be taken away And now dearly beloued we be taught by that heauenly spirit which our god hath geuen vnto vs to seke comfort in these tymes of affliction not in hope of rebellion or fulfillyng vnprofitable yea pestilent welshe prophecies but in the most comfortable glad tidings of the heauenly promises assured in his deare Christ And touchyng this most miserable estate of the ghostly captiuity of conscience and bodely bondage wherin for our synnes presently we be holden let vs fyrst most obediently kysse this rodde of our father by obedience submission to abide al extremity that man may do vnto vs rather then to forgoe faythe and a good conscience Lette vs also beseche our heauenly father for his christes sake to leaue of beating vs and to take awaye the rodde eyther by conuertyng the hartes of those whiche afflicte persecute vs for so dyd he somtyme take away the rodde as namely by conuertyng of Nabuchodonozer Manasses or els if such wycked scourges be not to be cōuerted but be reprobates vessels of gods wrath chyldren of perdition suche vpon whome it pleaseth god to shewe hys iudgementees and in whom he will shew hys power If I saye they be suche let vs wyshe most earnestly that our God wyll spedely aryse that hys and our enemies may shortelye be scattered Yea he knoweth what these execrable erecters of the Romyshe religion are They be the proude builders of the Babilonicall Tower They wyll clyme vppe into Gods kyngdome by theyr owne attempts not expectyng waiting for Gods helpe Yea that lord be iudge betwixt them vs. He knoweth that as theyr buildinges tende vnto the destruction of that true onelye foundation Christ so our buildyng by Gods woorde hathe and dothe tende to the substantiall laying of that only foundation and to the establyshyng of Christes chosen church vpon that same rocke wyth an vnfayned fayth and pure conscience also vnto the building vpon the same faith al fruitfull workes of the Spirite to serue GOD in holines and ryghteousnes c. Tit. 2. Yea that euer lyuyng Lord knoweth the earneste desyre of our hartes is euen the greedy expectation of the glorious commyng of that greate iudge vnto whose iudgemente loe heauen and earthe bee witnes and ye Gods Saynctes we doe appeale in the meane season abidyng our Gods good pleasure to doe wyth vs that may moste redounde vnto hys glorye whether to lyue or dye nothyng doubtyng in hym to be strengthened merely and chearefully to make a sacrifyce and burnte offeryng for the confirmation of thys infallible veritye taughte by vs and once receiued of you And ioyne with vs deare fellowe heires as we ioyne with you in humble prayer that euen as all we be by saithe handfasted vnto our husband and knytte vnto our heade Iesu Christe and also be kyndled by loue one to an other as mutual members in this mysticall body so we may perseuere and continue vnto the ende and that by and in our Christ we may encrease more and abound in the spirite of grace and prayer wherby to fetche all heauenly influence from that our heade Christe one for an other euen as in the bodye one member mynistreth vnto an other Amen Amen In the Marshalsee 17. Octob. 1554. A prisoner in the Lord trustyng shortly to be with the Lord. L. Saunders ¶ To maystres Lucye Harryngton a godly gentlewoman and frendly in hys trouble to hym and his YOur most gentle commendations wherof this messenger made remēbrance vnto me was for two causes very cōfortable Fyrst for that thereby I vnderstoode of the stare of your health and bodely welfare for the which I geue thankes vnto GOD who graunte the long continuāce therof to his honour and fatherly good wil wherunto I will daily saye Amē And father I was refreshed by the expressing of your myndful frendship towards me far vnworthy therof Wherin I take occasion of muche reioysing in oure so gratious a god and mercifull father who as he hath in hys vnmesurable mercy by fayth handfasted vs hys chosen children vnto hys deare sonne our Christ as the spirituall spouse of suche an heauenly husband so he lynketh vs by loue one vnto another beyng by that bonde compacte together with charitable readines to do good one vnto an other so that fyrste to the glory of our god and his christ then to our owne ioying in the testimony of a good conscience and laste of all to the stoppyng of the mouthes and confusion of our aduersaries we beare the badge as the right spouse of our Christ which he hymselfe noteth in this hys sayeng Iohn 13. herein shall all men know that ye be my disciples if ye loue one an other Then farther by thys bonde of mutual loue is set forth the fatherly prouidence of god towardes vs his children that though it be he which careth for vs in whom we lyue moue and be who feedeth all flesh with bodely sustenaunce yet hathe he apointed vs in these present necessities to stand in his stede one vnto an other Wherin is not only set forth our dignitye but also that vnspeakable accorde and vnity among vs the many members in thys mysticall body And thoughe that eyther for lacke of hability or els throughe distaunce of place power and oportunitie of helpyng one another doe fayle yet wonderfull is the workyng of gods childrē through the spirite of prayer as wherby they fetch all heauenly influence from Christe their celestiall heade by hys spirite Iohn 15 to be measured seuerally as may serue to the mayntenance of the whole body Thus doth our faithful prayer which we make one for an other distribute and scatter gods bountifull blessynges both ghostly and bodelye when ordinarye habilitye lacketh and when the arme may not reach such gods riches According hereunto I wel perceaue and vnderstande your readynesse to do good vnto all and especially I haue experience of your readye good will towards me in your hartie desire to stretch out your helpyng hand to releue my lacke and of your helpe to be extended to me
Ierusalem the true church of God 3. Reg 13. and by goyng to Bethell to serue God in a congregation of their owne settyng vp and after theyr owne imaginations and traditions for the whych doyng god vtterly destroide all Israell as all the prophets almost doe testifye This happened vnto thē for our ensāple that we might beware to haue any felowship with any lyke congregation to our destruction God hath one catholike church dispersed throughout the world and therfore we are taughte in our crede to beleue one catholike church and to haue communion therwith which catholike church is grounded vpon the foundation of the prophets and of the apostles and vppon none other as S. Paule witnesseth to the Ephesians Ephe. 2. Therfore where so euer we perceiue anye people to worship god truly after that word there we may be certain the church of christ to be vnto the which we oughte to associate our selues and to desyre wyth the Prophet Dauyd Psal 2. to prayse god in the middest of this church But if we behold through the iniquity of tyme segregations to be made wyth coūterfayt religion otherwyse then the word of god doth teach we ought than yf we be requyred to be companions therof Psal 26 Apoc. 2 to say agayne wyth Dauyd I haue hated the Sinagoge of the malignant and wyll not sitte with the wicked In the Apocalips the church of Ephesus is hyghly commended bycause she tried such as saide they were apostles and were not in dede and therfore would not abyde the company of them Further god commaunded his people that they should not seke Bethell neyther enter into Balgala where idolatry was vsed by the mouth of his prophet Amos. Also we muste conside Amos. 5 1. Cor. 3. that our bodies be the temple of god and whosoeuer as S. Paule teacheth doth prophane the temple of God hym the Lorde will destroy may we than take the temple of Christ and make it the member of an herlotte Al straunge religion and idolatry is counted whoredome with the prophets and that more detestable in the syght of God thē the aduoutrous abuse of the body Therfore the prynces of the earthe in the reuelation of sainct Iohn Apo. 17 be sayd to goe a whorynge when they are in lone with false religion follow the same How then by any meanes may a christian man thinke it tolerable to be present at the popyshe priuate masse whiche is the very prophanation of the sacrament of the body blood of Christ and at other Idolatrous worshiypynges rites which be not after the worde of god but rather the derogation therof in settyng mannes traditions aboue gods preceptes synce god by his worde iudgeth all straunge religiō whiche is not accordyng to hys institution for whoredome and aduoutry Some fondely thynke that the presence of the bodye is not materiall so that the hearte doe not consente to their wycked doyngs But such persons little consider what S. Paule writeth to the Corinthians 1. Cor. 6. commaundyng them to glorify God as well in body as in soule Moreouer we can do no greater iniurye to the true churche of Christe then to seeme to haue forsaken her or disalowe her by cleaning to her aduersarye whereby it appeareth to others whiche be weake that we allow the same and so cōtrary to the word do geue a greet offence to the churche of God and doe outwardly slaunder as much as men may the truth of Christ But wo be vnto him by whom any such offence commeth Better it were for hym to haue a mylstone tyed aboute hys neck and to be cast into the bottome of the sea Such be traitours to the truthe lyke vnto Iudas who with a kysse betrayed Christ Our God is a gelous god and cannot be content that we should be of any other bodye then of that vnspotted church whereof he is the head onely and wherin he hath planted vs by baptisme This gelousy which god hath towardes vs wil cry for vengeaūce in the day of vengeāce against al such as now haue so large consciences to doe that which is cōtrary to gods glory the syncerity of his word except they do in time repent and cleaue vnseparably to the gospel of Christ Mar. 8. how much soeuer at this present both men and women otherwyse in their owne corrupte iudgement do flatter themselues God wylleth vs to iudge vprightly to allow and follow that which is holye and acceptoble in hys sight and to abstayne from all maner of euyl and therfore Christ cōmaundeth vs in the gospel to beware of the leauen of the Phariseis which is hypocrisy Heb. 10 S. Paule to the Hebrewes saithe that if any person withdrawe hymselfe from fayth he shall not be approued in hys iudgement and therfore he sayth also that we are none such as do withdraw our selues vnto perdition but we belong vnto fayth for the attaynemēt of lyfe Apoc. 13 S. Iohn in the Apocalips telleth vs plainly that none of those who are writen in the booke of lyfe do receyue the marke of the beast Ephe. 5. phil 2 which is of the papystical Synagoge either in their foreheades or els in their hands that is apparauntly or obediently S. Paule to the Philippians affyrmeth that we may not haue any fellowship with the workes of darkenes but in the myddest of this wycked and froward generation 2. Cor. 6. we ought to shyne lyke lightes vp holdyng the worde of truth Further he sayth that we may not touch any vncleane thyng which sygnifyeth that oure outwarde conuersation in forreyne thynges oughte to bee pure vndefiled as well as the inward that wyth a cleane spirite and rectifyed body we myght serue god iustly in holynes and rightuousnes all the dayes of our lyfe Apoc. 18 Finallye in the 18. of the Apocalips god byddeth vs plainly to depart from this Babilonical Synagoge Thess 3 and not to be pertakers of her trespasse S. Paule to the Thessaloniās commaūdeth vs in the name of the Lorde Iesus Christe to wythdrawe ourselues frō euery brother that walketh inordinatelye not accordyng to the institution which he hath receyued of him Ponder therefore wel good brethern and systers these Scriptures which be written for your erudition and reformation wherof one iote is not written in vayne whych be vtterlye againste all counterfaite collusion to be vsed of vs wyth the papistes in theyr phantasticall religion and be aduersaries to al them that haue so light consciences in so doyng and if they do not agree wyth thys aduersary I meane the worde of God whiche is contrary to theyr attemptes Math. 5 he wyll as it is signified in the gospell delyuer them to the iudge which is Christe and the iudge wyll delyuer them to the executioner that is the deuil and the deuil shall commit thē to the horrible prison of hel fyre Math. 24. where is the porcion of all hypocrites
heritike but not of others thē of heretykes whose prayse is a disprayse You are not able to reason agaynst the priestes but God wil that al they shal not be able to withstand you No body will doe so but you only In dede no matter for fewe enter into the narow gate whiche bryngeth to saluation How be it you shall haue with you I doubt not Father Traues and others my brothers and systers to goe with you therein but if they will not I youre sonne in GOD I trust shal not leaue you an inche but goe before you praye that I maye and geue thankes for me Reioyce in my suffetyng for it is for youre sakes to confyrme the truth I haue taughte Howe soeuer you doe beware thys letter come not abroade but into Father Traues hys handes for if it should be knowen that I haue penne and Inke in the pryson then wold it be worse with me Therfore to your selues kepe thys letter commending me to God and his mercy in Christ Iesus who make me worthy for his names sake to geue my life for his gospel church sake Out of the Tower of London the .6 day of October 1553. My name I wryte not for causes you know it well enough lyke the letter neuer the worse Commende me to all our good brethren and sisters in the Lord. How soeuer you do be obedient to the higher powers that is in no point eyther in hand or tong rebell but rather if they commaund that which with good conscience you can not obey lay your head on the block and suffer what soeuer they shal do or say By pacience possesse your soules To my very frende in the Lorde Doctor Hyll Phisition THe God of mercy and father of al comfort at this presēt and for euer engraffe in your hart the sense of his mercy in Christ and the continuance of his consolatiō which can not but enable you to cary with ioy what soeuer crosse he shall lay vpon you Amen Hetherto I coulde haue no such libertie as to write vnto you as I thinke you know but now in that through gods prouidence I haue no such restraint I can not but somthing write aswell to purge me of the suspition of vnthankfulnes towardes you as allso to signifie my carefulnes for you in these perilous dayes least you should waxe colde in Gods cause which god forbid or suffer the light of the Lorde once kindled in your hart to be quenched and so become as you were before after the example of the world and of many others which would haue bene accompted otherwise in our daies and yet stil beguile them selues still woulde be so accompted althoughe by their outwarde life they declare the contrarye in that they thinke it enough to keepe the harte pure notwithstanding that the outwarde man doth currye fauoure In which doing as they denye God to bee Ielous and therfore requireth he the whole man as well bodye as soule being both create as to immortalitie and societie with hym so redeemed by the bloude of Iesus Christ and nowe sanctifyed by the holy spirite to bee the temple of God and member of hys Sonne as I say by their partyng stake to geue God the harte and the world the body they deny god to be Ielous for els they would geue him both as the wife will do to her husband whether he be Ielous or no if she be honest so they play the dissemblers with the church of God by their facte offending the godlye whome either they prouoke to fal with them or make more careles conscienceles yf they be fallen and occasioning the wicked and obstinate to triumphe against god and the more vehemently to prosecute their malice against such as wil not defyle themselues in body or soule with the Romishe ragges now reuiued emonges vs. Because of this I meane lest you my dere Maister brother in the lord shuld do as many of our gospellers or rather gospell spillers doe for feare of man Esay 2 whose breath is in his nostrelles and hash power but of the body not fearing the Lorde whiche hathe power both of soule and body and that not onely temporally but also eternally I coulde not but wryte somethyng vnto you aswell because duty deserueth it for manye benefites I haue receiued of God by your handes for the which he reward you for I cannot as also because charitye and loue compelleth me not that I thinke you haue any neede for as I maye rather learne of you so I doubte not but you haue hetherto kepte your selfe vpright from halting but that I might both quiet my conscience callyng vpon me hereabout and signify vnto you by some thyng my carefulnes for your soule as painfullye and often you haue done for my body Therfore I pray you call to mynde that there bee but two maisters two kyndes of people two wayes and two mansion places The maisters be Christ and Satan the people be seruitures to either of these the wayes be straite and wyde the mansions be heauen and hell Agayne consider that this worlde is the place of trial of gods people and the deuils seruauntes for as the one will followe his maister whatsoeuer cometh of it so will the other For a tyme it is harde to discerne who perteyneth to god and who to the deuill as in the calme and peace who is a good shipman and wariour who is not But as when the storme aryseth the expert mariner is knowne as in warre the good souldiour is seene so in affliction and the crosse easelye gods children are knowen frō Sathans seruants ●or then as the good seruant will folow his maister so wyll the godly followe their Capitayne come what come wyll where as the wycked and hyyocrites will bidde adew and desyre lesse of Christes acquaintaunce For whiche cause the crosse is called a probation and triall bicause it tryeth who wyll goe wyth GOD and who wyll forsake hym As nowe in Englande we see howe smal a companye Chryste hathe in comparison of Sathans souldiours Lette no man deceyue hymselfe for he that gathereth not with Christe scattereth abroade No man can serue two maisters the Lorde abhorreth double hartes the luke warme that is suche as are bothe whote and colde he spitteth out of his mouthe None that halte on both knees doth god take for hys seruaunts The way of Christe is the strayte waye and so strayte that as fewe fynde it and fewe walke in it so no man can halte in it but nedes muste goe vpryghte for as the straitenesse wyll suffer no reelyng to thys syde or that syde so yf anye man halte he is lyke to fal of the brydge into the pit of eternal perdition Stryue therfore good maister Doctor nowe you haue founde it to enter into it and if you should be called or pulled backe looke not on this side or that side or behynd you as Lothes wyfe dyd but strayght forewardes on the ende which set
idolatrous seruyce but with their ha●●s say they and wyth theyr spirites they serue the lorde Math. 8. And so by this meanes as they saue theyr pygges which they would not lose I meane their worldlye pelfe so they would please the protestantes and bee counted wyth them for gospellers Company not with Mōgrels yea mary would they But mine owne beloued in the Lord flee from such persones as from men most perilous and pernicious bothe before God and man Mongrels are false both to god and man for they are false to bothe and true to neyther To the magistrates they are false pretendyng one thyng and meanyng cleane contrary God wil haue the whole seruice of soule and body He made both He kepeth both He redemed both To god they are most vntrue geuing him but a peese whych shoulde haue the whole I woulde they woulde tell me who made their bodyes Dyd not GOD as well as theyr sprites and soules And who kepeth bothe Dothe not be still And alas shall not he haue the seruice of the body but it must be geuē to serue the new found god of Antichristes inuention Dyd not Christe bye both our soules and bodies And wherwith wyth any lesse pryce then wyth hys precious blood Ah wretches thē that we be if we wyll defyle either parte with the rose coloured whore of Babylons fylthye Masse abhomination Apoc. 18 2. pet 2 Hebr. 6.10 Math. 12 Luke 11 Mongress sinne againste their owne consciences It had ben better for vs neuer to haue bene washed then so to wallow our selues in the fylthy puddle of popery It had bene better neuer to haue knowen the truth then thus to betray it Surely surelye let such men feare that their later ende be not worse then the begynnyng Their owne conscience now accuseth them before god yf so be they haue any conscience that they are but dissemblers and hypocrites to God and man For all the clokes they make they cannot auoyde this but that their going to church and to Masse is of selfe loue The onely cause why Mongrels goe to Masse is to auoyde the crosse 1 Cor. 10. Actes 5 Deut. 12. that is they go thether because they would auoyde the crosse They go thether because they woulde be out of trouble They seke neither the Quenes highnes nor her lawes which in thys poynte cannot bynde the conscience to obey because they are cōtrary to gods lawes which bid vs often to flee Idolatrye and worshipping hym after mens deuises they seke neither I say the lawes if there were anye neyther theyr brethernes commoditie for none commeth therby neyther godlines or good example for there can be none found in goyng to Masse c. but horrible offences and woe to them that geue them but they seeke their owne selues their own ease theyr escapyng the crosse c. Math. 15. when they haue made all the excuses they can theyr owne conscience wyll accuse them of this that their goyng to church is onely because they seeke themselues For yf there woulde no trouble ensue for taryeng awaye I appeale to their conscience woulde they come thether Neuer I dare say Therfore as I sayd they seke themselues they would not cary the crosse And hereof their own conscience if they haue any conscience doth accuse them Now if their conscience accuse them at this present what will it doe before the iudgemente seate of Christe who wyl then excuse it when Christ shall appeare in iudgement Luke 9.12 Mark 8. and shall begynne to be ashamed of them then which now here are ashamed of him who then I say wyll excuse these Masse gospellers consciences wyll the quenes hyghnes She shal then haue more to do for her selfe then without harty and spedye repētaūce she can euer be able to aunswer though Peter Paule Marye Iames Iohn the Pope and all hys Prelates take her parte with all the syngyng Syr Iohns that euer were are and shall bee Wyll the Lorde Chauncellour and prelates of the realme excuse them there Nay nay they are like then to smarte for it so sore as I woulde not bee in theyr places for all the whole world Wil the lawes of the realme the nobilitie gentlemen Iustices of peace c. excuse oure gospell Massemongers conscience then Nay God knoweth they can do little there but quake and feare for the heauy vengeaunce of God lyke to fall vppon them Will their goodes landes and possessions the which they by theyr dissemblyng haue saued wyl these serue to excuse them No no god is no merchaunte as our Masse priestes be Will Masses or trētals such trash serue No verily the haunters of thys geare then shall be horribly ashamed Wyll the Catholike church excuse them Nay it wyll most of all accuse them as will all the good fathers Patriarkes Apostles Prophetes Martyrs cōfessors and saintes with al the good Doctors and good general counsels The most abhominatiō o●●aeth is the Masse al these alredy condēne the Masse al that euer vseth it as it is now beyng of all idoles that euer was the most abhominable and blasphemous to Christ and hys priestehode manhode and sacrifice for it maketh the prieste that sayth Masse the Masse priest is Christes fellow gods fellow and better then Christ for the offerer is alwayes better or equiualent to the thyng offred If therfore the priest take vpon him there to offer vp Christ as they boldly affyrme they do thē must he nedes be better or equal with Christ Hebr. 5. Oh that they would shew but one iote of the scripture of god calling thē to this dignitie or of their authority to offer vp Christ for the quicke and dead to apply the benefyt vertue of his death and passion to whom they wyll The Masse priestes frendship is better-then christes Surely if this were true as it is most false and blasphemous prate they at their pleasure to the contrarye then it made no matter at all whether Christe were our frende or no if so be the Masse priest were our frende for he can apply vs Christes merites by his Masse if he wyll and when he wil The Masse priest is aboue god for he can make god Math. 24. and therfore we nede litle to care for Christes frendship They can make hym when they will and where they wyll Loe heare he is there he is saye they but beleue them not saith Christ beleue them not beleue them not sayth he For in hys humane nature and body which was made of the substaunce of the virgins body and not of breade in thys body I say he is sitteth on the right hand of God the father almighty in heauen from whence and not from the pixe shal he come to iudge both the quicke dead Act. 3. Rom. 8 Hebr. 7 Hebr. 9. 1. Thess 5. In the meane season heauē saith S. Peter must receiue him And as Paule saith
before but you shall come after sooner or later Howebeit I could not but before I goe sygnify thus much vnto you as I haue done that you myghte see my loue and thereby bee occasioned to increase in loue and learne rather to beare then breake My poore most dere Syster to me that euer I had with whō I leaue thys lettter I commende vnto you all and to euery of you beseechyng you and hartelye praying you in the bowels and bloode of Iesus Chryste to care for her as for one whyche is deare in Gods syghte and one whiche loueth you all in GOD and hath done as I can and doe beare her wytnes althoughe in the poynte of predestination it hathe pleased God by my ministerye to open vnto her hys truthe Wherein as she is setled and I truste in God confyrmed so yf you cannot thynke wyth her therein as she dothe I hartelye praye you and as I can in Gods behalfe charge you that you molest her not nor dysquiete her but lette loue abounde and therein contende who can goe moste before I commende also vnto you my good Syster M. C. makyng for her the lyke sure vnto you all Ah dere hartes be not faint harted for these euyll dais which are come to trie vs purify vs that we may the more be parteners of gods holines as to our selues so to the worlde we shal be beter knowen Continue to walke in the feare of the Lord as ye haue wel begonne Kepe your selues pure as I hope you do from thys rotten Romish yea Antichristian religion Reuerently read gods word therto ioyning prayer that as you heare in readyng god speake vnto you so in praying you may speake vnto hym Labour after your callyngs to helpe other As you haue done do styll and I pray god geue you grace to continue as I dout not but he wil for hys goodnes sake At the lēgth we shal mete together in Christes kyngdome and there neuer part a sunder but prayse the name of our good god and father wyth the Patriarkes Prophets Apostels Aungels Archaungels and all the Saintes of God Oh ioyfull place oh place of all places desyred My brethren I thynke my selfe more happye then you by how much I am nowe more nere vnto it Helias chariote I hourely loke for 4 Reg. 2 to come and catch me vppe My cloke that is my carcas I shall leaue behind me in ashes which I doute not my Lord wyl rayse vp and restore to me again in the last day glorifyed euen lyke vnto hys owne most glorious body The portion of the good spirit which my father hath lent me I wyshe yea double and treble vnto you al. God the father of mercy in the blood of his christ geue to euery of you my dere hartes in hym hys blessyng and poure plentifullye vpon you hys holy spirite that you may increase in all godly knowledge and godlines to your owne comfort and the edification of many others Amen Yet once more I commend vnto you my foresaid most dere and beloued Syster in the lord who alwais be vnto her a most louyng father spouse and pastour Amen Amen Out of prison the 16. of February 1554. Your owne harte Iohn Bradforde To Trewe and Abyngton wyth other of their company teachers and maynteiners of the errour of mans freewyll YEt once more beloued in the Lord before penne and yuke be vtterly taken from me as I looke it to bee thys after noone I thought good to write vnto you because I stande in a doubte whether at any tyme hereafter I shall see or speake wyth you for within this seuen night my lord Chaūcelour bade loke for iudgement God knoweth I lye not I neuer did beare you malice nor sought the hynderance of any one of you but youre good bothe in soule and bodye Read the 1. Cor. 13. chap. and compare these spirites wyth the spirit of humblenes vnity and loue which here you se in this man of God doyng good euen to his aduersaries and then iudge of them theyr doctrine as when we shall all appeare together before God I am certayne you shall then know though now you doubte it and that causes I am right well assured For myne owne conscience can and doth beare witnes wyth me that I neuer defrauded you or any of you of the valewe of one peny or peny worth of any thyng but haue sought wyth that whyche hath bene geuen not onely in common but also vnto me to myne owne vse discretion and distribution to doe you good Therfore disdaine not the good will of your louer in god And in hope that you wil not I haue eftsones euē now sente vnto you xiij.s iiij d. Yf you nede as much more you shall haue it or any thyng olles I haue or can doe for you Though in some thyngs we agree not yet let loue beare the bell away and let vs one pray for another He meaneth concerning freewyl original sume predestinatiō c. wherein they are playne Pelagians and papistes and bee carefull one for another for I hope we bee all Christes As you hope your selues to perteyne to hym so thinke of me and as you be hys so am I yours Iohn Bradford ¶ At thys letter these men were so sore offended because he sayde he had hyndered hymselfe to further them as though be had therby vpbrayded them that in dyspleasure they sent it to hym agayne Whereupon he wrote vnto them as followeth HE that seketh not to hynder hym selfe temporally that he may further hys brother in more nede the same wanteth true loue I haue done do and wil except you refuse it hynder my selfe thys way that I may further you and in dede my selfe also that way Though he distributed to them emōges other prisoners there not only that which was geuen in cōmon but also to hys owne vse yet they suspected hym of euil dealyng Thus do not they in whom the loue of God dwelleth wherein I desyre to be furthered Yf I would seke mine owne gaynes temporallye then coulde I haue taken vsed many portiōs of mony whiche haue bene geuen to me mine owne vse I neuer mynded to vpbraide you but that whiche I dyd wryte of myne owne hynderance was that you myght see I loued you and sought your weale as I doe and wyll be glad to doe it continually The lord of mercy hath forgeuen vs all wherefore henceforth lette vs rather beare then breake Yours in the Lorde Iohn Bradford ¶ A letter whyche he set as a preface before a supplication sente to Quene Marye her counsel and the whole Parliamente whiche supplication commeth not yet to our handes IN most humble wise complaineth vnto your Maiesty and honours a poore subiect persecuted for the confession of Christes verity the which verity deserueth at your handes to be maintayned and defended as the thynge by the which you reigne and haue your honoure and authorities Althoughe we that bee
wyth you Amen This worlde I do forsake To Christ I me betake And for hys gospell sake Patiently death I take My body to the dust Now to returne it must My soule I know ful wel With my god it shal dwel Thomas Whittell ❧ Letters of Maister Robert Samuell a godly and learned Minister and preacher of Gods worde burnte at Ipsewiche for the faythfull testimony of the same the 18. of Auguste 1555. of whose straunge tormentes and vnmercifull handlyng c reade in the booke of Martyrs Fol. 1270. An exhortation to the patient sufferyng of afflictions for Christes cause and the verity of hys Gospell Eccle. 9. A Man knoweth not hys tyme but as the fishe is taken wyth the angle and as the byrdes are caught with the snare euen so are men caughte and taken in the perilous time when it commeth vppon them The tyme commeth the daye draweth nere Ezechi 7. Better it were to dye as the preacher sayth Eccl. 4 then to lyue and see the myserable workes which are done vnder the Sunne such so dayne and straunge mutations such wofull hainous and lamentable deuisions so fast approcheth and none or verye fewe thoroughly repenteth Esay 1. Alas for this synful nation a people of great iniquitye and seede of vngraciousnes corruptyng their wayes They haue forsaken the lord they haue prouoked the holy one of Israell to anger and are gone backward Who now liueth not in such security and rest as thoughe al daungers were cleane ouerpast Who nowe blyndeth and buffeteth not christ with seest me and seest me not Yea who liueth not now in such felicity worldly pleasures and ioies wholy seeking the world prouidyng and craftely shyftyng for the earthly clodde and all carnall appetites as thoughe synne were cleane forgotten ouerthrowen and deuoured Lyke hoggyshe gaddernes nowe are we more afrayde and ashamed of Christ our Messias Math. 8 fearyng the losse of our fylthy pygges I meane our transitory goods and disquieting of our synfull and mortall bodies in thys short vncertayn and miserable lyfe thē of a legion of Deuyls seducyng and driuyng vs from hearing reading Marke 5. and beleuing Christ gods eternall sonne and hys holy word the power to saue our soules vnto vanities lyes and fables Rom. 10. and to this bewitchyng world Oh perilous aboundaunce of goodes to much saturity of meates wealth quietnes Genes 19. which destroied wyth so many soules those goodly Cities Sodome and Gomorre Ieroboam so long as he was but a poore man not yet auaunced to hys dignitie liued in the lawes of god without reprehension but brought once to welth and prosperous estate he became a wycked and most shamefull Idolatour And what made the couetous young man so loth to follow Christ Math. 19. when he was bydden to forsake but worldly wealth which he then enioyed Wo be vnto these false elusions of the world baites of perdition hokes of the Deuill which haue so shamefully deceyued and seduced ful many from the ryght pathe vnto the Lord into the high wais of confusion and perpetuall perdition We myght now worthely deare christians lamente and bewaile our heauye state miserable condition and sorowful chaunce yea I say we myght wel accuse our selues and with Iob curse these our troublous wicked Iob. 3. and bloody last days of thys world were it not that we both see and beleue and fynde in gods sacred booke Esay 10 that a remnaūt god hath in al ages reserued I meane the faythfull as many as haue bene from the beginnyng of the world exercised whetted and pullished with diuers afflictions troubles tossings cast and dashed against all perils and daūgers as the very drosse and outcastes of the earth and yet wyll in no wyse halte betwene god and Baal 1. Cor. 4 for God vtterly abhorreth two men in one he cannot away wyth thē that are betwene both but casteth thē away as a filthy vomite Apoca. 3. Christ wil not parte spoile with his mortal enemy the deuil he wil haue all or lose all he wil not permit the Deuil to haue the seruice of the body and he to stand contented with the harte and mynd but he wil be glorified bothe in your bodyes and in your spirites which are hys as S. Paule sayeth 1. Cor. 6 For he hath made all bought all and dearely payde for all As S. Peter saith 1. pet 1. wyth hys owne immaculate body hathe he cleane discharged your bodies from sinne death and hel and wyth hys most precious blood payd your raunsome full pryce once for all and for euer Nowe what harme I pray you or what losse sustayne you by this Why are you O vayne men more afraide of Iesus your gentle Sauiour and his gospel of saluation then of a legion of cruel deuils goyng about wyth false delusions vtterlye to destroye you both bodies and soules Thynke you to be more sure then vnder your captayne Christe Doe you promise your selues to be more quiete in Sathans seruice then in Christes religion Esteme you more these trāsitory and pernicious pleasures then god and all hys heauenly treasures Oh palpable darkenes horrible madnes and wilful blyndnes without comparison to much to be suffred any longer We see wyll not see we know and wyll not knowe yea we smarte wyl not fele that our own conscience wel knoweth Oh miserable and brayneles soules which would for folish pleaiures and slippery wealth lose the royall kyngdome and permanent ioyes of god wyth the euerlastyng glory which he hath prepared for them that truly loue hym and renoūce the worlde 2. Cor. 4 The chyldren of the worlde lyue in pleasure and wealthe and the Deuyll who is theyr GOD and Prynce of thys worlde kepeth theyr wealthe whyche is proper vnto them and letteth them enioye it But let vs whiche bee of Christe Ioh. 12 seeke and enquyre for heauenlye thynges whiche by gods promyse and mercye in Christ shal be peculier vnto vs. Let I say the Cretians epicures and such other beastly Belials and carnall people passe for thynges that be pleasaunt for the body and do appertayne to thys transitory lyfe yet shall they once as the kinglye Prophet sayth runne about the Citye of god to fro howlyng lyke dogges Psalm 58. desiring one scrappe of the ioyes of gods elect Luk. 16 but al to late as the rich glutton Let vs therfore passe for those thynges that do perteyne to the spirit and be celestial Coloss 3 Heb. 13 Iob. 7. We must be here saith Paule not as inhabitours and home dwellers but as straungers not as straungers onely but after the mynde of Iob as paynefull souldiours appoynted of our gouernour to fyght agaynst the gouernour of darknes of this world agaynst spiritual craftines in heauenly thynges The tyme is come we must to it Ephesi 5 1. pet 4 the iudgemēt must begin first at the house of god Began they not first wyth the
grene and sappie tree and what followed then on the dry braunches Ieremye speaking in the person of God sayth in the City wherin my name is innocate Luke 14. will I beginne to punish but as for you meanyng the wycked you shal be as innocentes and not once touched Ieremy 15. for the dregges of gods wrathe the bottome of all sorrowes are reserued vnto them in the ende but gods householde shal drinke the flower of the cuppe of hys mercye 2. Para. 3. And therfore let vs saye with Ezechias play the men and shrynke not let vs comfort our selues for the lorde is with vs our helper and fighteth for vs. The Lord is saith he wyth you when you bee wyth hym and when you seke hym he wyl be found of you and agayne when you forsake hym he wil forsake you Wherfore we oughte not to be dismayde or discourage our selues but rather to be of good comfort not to be sadde but mery not sorrowful but ioyful in that god of his goodnes wyll vouchsafe to take vs as hys beloued children to subdue our sinfull lustes our wretched flesh and blood vnto his glory the promoting of his holy word and edifyeng of hys churche 2. Cor. 5. What yf the earthly house of this our habitation Paule meanyng the body be destroyed We knowe assuredlye we shall haue a building of God not made wyth handes but euerlasting in heauen wyth such ioyes as faith taketh not hope toucheth not nor charitye apprehendeth not They passe all desires and wishes Gotten they may be by Christ estemed they cannot be Wherfore the more affliction persecution the word of God bryngeth the more felicity greater ioy abydeth in heauē But the worldly peace idle ease wealthy pleasure and thys present pleasaunt transitory lyfe and felicity which the vngodly folishly imagine to procure vnto themselues by persecuting and thrustyng away the gospel shal turne vnto their owne trouble and at laste vnto horrible destruction and mutations of realmes and countreyes and after thys lyfe if they repent not into their perpetuall infelicity perdition and damnation 1. Regū 25 For they had rather wyth Nabal and hys temporal pleasures descend to the Deuyl then wyth poore Christ and his bodely troubles ascend into the kingdome of God hys father But an vnwise man saith the psalmist comprehendeth thē not negther doth the folish vnderstand them that is these bloody persecutours growen vppe and flourishyng like the flower and grasse in the fielde But vnto this ende do they so floryshe that they might be cut downe and caste into the fyre for euer Iob. 21. For as Iob saith their ioy lasteth but the twinklyng of an eye and death shall lye knawyng vpon them as doth the flocke vpon the pasture psal 4● Mar. 9. yea the cruell worme late repentance as S. Marke saith shal lie gnawyng tormentyng and accusing their wretched conscience for euermore Let vs therfore good christians be constante in obeying God rather then men For although they slay our synfull bodies yea rather our deadly enemies for gods verity yet can they not do it but by gods sufferance and good wil to hys prayse and honour and to our eternall ioy and felicity For our bloode shedde for the gospell shall preache it with more fruite and greater furtheraunce then dyd oure mouthes lyues and writynges as dyd the bloud of Abell Steuen wyth many other moe What thoughe they laughe Christ and hys worde to scorne which sytte in the chayre of peruerse pestilent scorners To whom as to the wyse Gentiles of the world the gospell of Christe is but folishnes as it was to the Iewes a slaūder and a stumbling stone wherat they now beyng fallen haue prouoked the wrath and vēgeaunce of god vpon them Luke 2. These are the dayes of vengeaunce saith Luke that all thynges written may be fulfylled And surely it shall be no lesse then a huge storme of euylles that shall come vpon vs because that a longe and a cursed obstinate maliciousnes of vs hath gone before crying in the eares of the Lorde GOD of hostes who so manye tymes and so many wayes haue bene prouoked wyth the vnspeakable ryches of hys goodnes hys patience and longe sufferyng to amendment and haue neuertheles contemned the same Esay 3 and proceded forward to worse and worse prouokyng and styrryng the presence of gods maiesty vnto anger EZech. Now therfore sayth God by the mouth of hys Prophet I will come vpon thee and I wyl send my wrathe vpon thee vpon thee I say O Englande and punyshe thee accordyng to thy wayes reward thee after al thine abhominations Thou hast kyndled the fyer of gods wrathe and hast styrred vp the coales Esay 5. For thou wast once lyghtned and haddest tasted of the heauenly gifte and wast become pertaker of the holy Ghost and haddest tasted of the good worde of God Yea it is yet in thy mouth saith the Prophet Alas O England thou knewest thy Lord maisters wil but dydst nothing therafter thou must therfore saith he suffer many stripes many sharpe strokes walke on in the glittering whote flame of thyne owne fyer and in the coales that thou hast kindled This commeth to thee from my hand saith the Lord namely that thou shalt slepe in sorrowe yea euen so thou shalt The playne truth telleth the tale the immutable iustice of the euerliuing God and the ordinary course of hys plagues from the begynning confirmeth the same The ioy of our hart saith Ieremy is gone our glory is fallen away Ieremy 5. our mery singyng is turned into mournyng the garland of our heade is fallen Alas and weale away that euer we synned so sore Wo worth all abhominations and wyckednes wo worth cloked hypocrisie wo worth our carnall liberty wo worthe our most cursed Idolatry For because of these thynges sayth the Lord ye shall perishe wyth sword hunger and pestilence Wherfore let all the wycked enemies of Christ and all the vnbeleuers be afrayed to bee tormented and vexed wyth all hellish furies and cleane without hope at gods accountyng day which know not God in Christe to be theyr very rightuousnes their life Iohn 8. theyr onely saluation and alone Sauiour nor beleue not in hym They must saieth S. Iohn nedes abyde and perishe wyth their sinnes in death and in eternal damnation But we be the chyldrē of saints as the elder Toby dyd aunswer and loke for an other lyfe whyche God shall geue to all them which chaunge not their fayth nor shrynke not from hym Reioyce therfore ye christian afflicted brethern for they can not take our soules and bodies out of the handes of the almighty which be kept as in the bosome of our most swete and louyng father Matth. i0 and yf we abyde fast in Christe and turne not away lyke weathercockes surely we shall lyue for euer Christe affirmyng the same saying my sheepe here my voyce I knowe
slea hys brother Moste manifest examples agaynst the parentes 1. Reg. 3. for the offences of theyr childrē Contrariwse how greatly myght Hānah reioyce ouer Samuell her sonne 2. Reg. 13 whom she had broughte vp in the house of the Lord What thanks should Tobias wife geue for her sonne Toby 3e Reg. 1 How happy was Salomon to be taught by the prophete Nathan But aboue all wydowes thryse blessed was the happy mother of seuen sonnes that so had instructed thē in the feare of God ● Mach. 7 that by no torments they would shrynke from the loue of hys truth Of the laste parte Sainct Paule sheweth that a widow shoulde be chosen if she haue nouryshed her chylderne yf she haue bene lyberall to straungers yf she haue washed the saintes fete and yf she haue ministred to them in aduersitie Herein it is euident how earnestly Saint Paule would haue wydowes bent towardes the poore for that as thoughe they onelye had bene therfore mete he apointed onely wydowes to minister vnto the Saintes and to gather for the poore Which vse also continued almost throughout the primitiue church that wydowes had the charge and gatheryng for poore men and straungers Of your neighbours I nede not to put you in remembraunce seyng you daily fede them wyth good hospitality by which meanes also many foreiners are of your relieued but of the poore almes houses myserable prysoners here in London manye lackyng their libertye wythoute cause some vnder the colour of religion some only kept for fees and some on priuate mens displeasure Alas that Christe so hungreth and no man wil fede hym is so sore opprest wyth thrust and no man wyl geue hym to drynke destitute of all lodgyng and not releued naked and not clothed sicke and not visited emprisoned and not sene In tyme paste men could bestowe large summes of money on copes vestmēts and ornaments of the church Why rather follow we not Saint Ambrose example which solde the same to the reliefe of the poore or Chrisostomes commaundement whyche wylleth fyrste to decke and garnyshe the lyuyng temple of God But alas suche is the wyckednes of these oure laste dayes that nothyng moueth vs neither the pure doctryne the godlines of lyfe nor good exāples of the aunciēt fathers If in any thyng they erred yf they haue written any thing that serueth for sectes and dissention that wyll their charitable children embrace publish and mayntayne wyth sword fagotte and fire But all in vayne they striue agaynste the streame For though in despyte of the truthe by force of the ores of craftye persuasion they maye bryng themselues into the hauen of hell yet can they not make all men beleue that the bankes moue whiles the shyppe sayleth nor euer shal be able to turne the directe course of the streame of gods truthe Our Lord Iesus Christe strengthen you in all pure doctryne and vpright lyuyng and geue you grace vertuously to bryng vp your chyldren and family and carefullye to prouyde for the poore and oppressed Amen At Newgate the .20 of Ianu. 1556. Your assured Bartelet Grene. To my very louyng frendes and maysters M. Goring M. Farneham M. Fletewode M. Roses wel M. Bell M. Hussey M. Calthorpe ▪ M. Boyer and other my Maisters of the Temple Bartelet Grene wissheth health of body and soule VEry frendes are they which are knit together wyth the knotte of Charity Charity dothe not decay but increase in them that dye faythfullye Whereof it followeth that though we be absent in body yet are we present in spirite coupled together wyth the vnitie of fayth in the bond of peace which is loue How is be worthy the name of a frend that measureth hys friendship wyth the distance of place or partyng of persons If thy frende be out of sight is thy frendship ended If he be gone into the coūtrey wilt thou cease to loue hym If he be passed the seas wilt thou so forsake him If he be caried into heauen is charity hyndred therby On the one syde we haue the vse of the fathers from the primatiue church that gaue thākes for their frends that died in the fayth to proue that charity died not wyth death On the other side saith Horace Coelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt What speake I of Horace Saith not S. Paule the same thyng For we are mēbers of hys body of hys fleshe and of hys blood yea we are members one of another Is the hande or arme foote or legge a member when it is disseuered from the body How can we be members except we be ioyned together What is the line that coupleth vs but loue When all thinges shall fayle loue fayleth neuer Hope hath his ende when we get that we hoped for Fayth is fynyshed in heauen Loue endureth for euer loue I say that procedeth of charity For carnall loue when that which he loued is lost doth peryshe wyth the flesh Neither was that euer but fleshly loue which by distaunce of place or seueryng of bodies is parted a sunder If loue be the end or sūme of the lawe yf heauen and earth shal perishe if one iote of gods word shall not decay why should we thynke that loue lasteth not euer I nede not to wryte much to you my frends neyther can I haue leysure now that the kepers are risen But thys I say if we kept Christes commaundement in louyng eche other as he loued vs then should our loue be euerlastyng Thys frendshyp Paule felt when it moued hym to say that neyther length nor bredth meaning no distance of place neither height nor depth should seuer him from the loue of Christe Wey well thys place and mete it wyth Paules measures so shall you finde that if oure loue bee vnfayned it can neuer be ended Nowe maye you saye why writest thou this Forsoth to the end that if our frendship be stable you may accomplish thys the last requeste of your frende performe after my death the frendship we beganne in our life that amitie may encrease vntil god make it perfect at our next meting together Maister Fletewode I besech you remēber Wittrance Cooke two singular mē amōges cōmon prisoners Maister Fernhā M. Bel with M. Hussey as I hope wil dispatche Palmer and Richardson with his companions I praye you M. Calthrop thinke on Iohn Groue an honest poore man Traiford and Rice Aprice his accōplices My Cosin Thomas Witton a scriuener in Lomberd strete hath promised to further their deliuerye at the least he can instruct you which way to worke I dout not but that Maister Boyer will laboure for the good wyfe Cooper for shee is worthye to be holpen and Gerard the Frenchman There be also diuerse other wel disposed men whose deliuerance if ye will not labour for yet I humbly besech you to seke their reliefe as you shall see cause namely of Henry Aprice Lancelote Hobbes Lother Homes Carre and Buckingham a yong man
the greate daye I haue founde great kyndnes of you God recompence you and therefore dutye doth bind me and loue doth compel me to call crye vnto you to come away from that filthy whore of Babilon and bie no more of her wicked wares Meddle not with her marchaundyse at thys market tyme of Easter for verelye her synne is alreadye ascended vppe into heauen and hath also procured Gods plagues and vengeaunce shortlye to be poured vppon her whereof you shall surelye be partakers if you doe not in time repent your backeslidyng shrinking from the Lord. Repent I say repente for the tender mercy of God and haue compassion vppon your owne soules before it bee to late Trulye deare frendes it is nowe no tyme to flatter with you neyther can I laughe at your harme whiche I see to be at hande thoughe it be hydde from your eyes as it was from the Ierosolimitanes when Christe wepte full bytterly at their merye singing c. It is not the parte of a true harte to laughe with his frend when present peryll is at hande but rather to lament to see hym so merye when he hath more cause to mourne In whiche respecte I am euen constrayned with weepyng teares to call vnto you my deare frendes of London in generall because I will name no person that you may yet take hede know the tyme also of Gods first visitatiō for sure I am that hys seconde is harde at hande Doe not you thinke to flee from hys presence for hys heuye hand will finde you out though you should hyde your selues in the very bottome of hell as the Prophette Dauid sayeth Psal 139 Thinke not then that these Romyshe rockes whereinto you daylye creepe can couer you from hys fearefull face when he shal beginne to cal you to accompte for the talent that he hath lent you It is not that your fayned excuse of feare and fragilitie of the fleshe that shall excuse your follye and flying backe from hym No no you will be euen spechles at that day when euery bodye shall spye howe you haue defyled your maryage gramente wyth the superstitions of the whore of Babilon Apoc. 7. and howe you haue wyth that greate harlotte committed fornication in the body and spirite agaynst your deare husband Christ whiche redemed you neyther with corruptible gold nor siluer 2. Pet. 1. but with hys owne moste precious harte bloode and clensed you in the fountayne of water through his woorde that you myghte bee vnto him selfe a glorious spouse and congregation Eph. 5. withoute spotte or wryncke in hys syghte Then will it appeare in the presence of Aungell man and deuil how lyke dogges you haue tourned to your vomitte agayne and as filthye swyne soyled your selues in the popyshe mier pittes and dyrte of the Romyshe dregges Repente therefore I saye agayne repente in tyme and take the earneste warnyng that GOD doth sende you by me his poore messenger willyng you to turne vnto hym before it be to late But peraduenture you will saye as the gestes dyd that were fyrst bidden to the feaste you can not so easelye forgoe your farmes your cattell goodes and landes your wyues and children c. O my deare frendes for the Lords sake lay awaye these vayne yea wicked excuses for verelye God wil in no wise accepte them Consider for Christes sake your duty towardes God in these daungerous daies Math. 3. wherin the Lorde is willing to trye the chaffe from the good corne and to purge hys store with his fanne that is his crosse that he may bring the wheate into his barne and burne the chaffe with vnquencheable fyer You are called vnto a kyngdome that must be wonne with suffering on euery side Into the which you must also enter as S. Paule sayth through many tribulations temptations and afflictions Act. 14. in that whiche you must trauell as straūgers pilgrimes in thys wretched world which is not our natiue countrey nor the place where we must rest for euer Oh thē learne to leaue all things willingly that you do here possesse and lift vp your mindes alwayes to the heauenly habitation where you shal continually remaine in ioyes vnspeakeable Repose not your felicitie in the pelfe of this world which shortly shal perish come to nought but set your harts ioy vpon the liuing god who in Christ for his sake hath geuen him self wholy to be your portion and inheritance for euer therefore of ryght ought you with gladnes to geue your selues wholy vnto him both in body and soule But that do you not so long as you seeke to serue two Maisters Math. 6. which yet you can not do as Christe affirmeth though you cloke colour and counterfeite neuer so much Do you thinke it but a smal thing for the Lord god hym selfe euen the mightye Iehouah to geue him selfe wholye to be your owne good God and moste deare louing father Do you thinke it but a light matter that he hath geuen for you euē to the death of the crosse his own onely dere sonne Iesus Christ in whō was is all his whole pleasure delite yea and that whē you were his very enemies by the whiche gift he hath geuen you al thinges both in heauen in earth Do you esteme it but a trifle that he hath geuē you the holy ghost by whose power mighty operation you are made the very sonnes of god and coheyres annexed with Christ of al your fathers goods and possessions But peraduenture you will aske me who doth not seriouslye regard all these aforesayde most precious giftes Verely I say that none of you al doth regard thē that do not wholye geue ouer your selues agayne to serue him yea and that in suche holynesse ryghteousnesse as is accepted before hym For if you did dulye consider the depthe of hys aboundaunte bottomeles loue and mercye in Iesus Christe you woulde so loue hym agayne that you woulde boldly burste out and saye with S. Paule who is he or what is it that shal be able to seperate vs from the loue of God in Iesus Christ our Lord Rom. 8. Read the whole Chapter and the .11 and .12 to the Hebrewes for your comfort But I knowe that some of you wyll saye doth none loue god and serue hym trulye but such as lye in pryson or geue their liues for hys sake Then God helpe vs for verye fewe shal be saued In dede deare frends euē so our sauiour christ doth say Math. 22. Math. 7. Luk. ●2 many are called but fewe are chosen and straite is the gate that leadeth to lyfe and fewe finde it And in an other place Christ calleth his true Church a little flocke And as concerning the fyrst parte of your question Christe doth also make you a playne direct answere saying that whosoeuer will be hys Disciple Math. ●6 must nedes take vp hys crosse follow him And againe he that
comfort as I doubte not but he is I am very gladde to heare that shee doth so ioyfullye and so patientlye beare thys greate crosse that God hath layde vppon her I praye GOD strengthen her and all other hys deare Sainctes vnto the ende Amen Commende me vnto my deare and faythfull Sister Elizabeth B. I thanke her moste hartelye for my napkin and so I doe you deare brother for my sherte Trulye that daye that we were appoynted to come to oure aunsweare before the Commissioners whiche had sente worde the same morning that they woulde come to the Kynges Benche by viii of the clocke and the house and all thinges were trymmed and made ready for them I gotte that shert on my backe and that napkin in my hande and me thought that they dyd helpe to harnesse me and weapon me well to goe fighte agaynste that bloodye beaste of Babilon And truste me trulye if they hadde come I woulde haue stryken iij. strokes the more for your two sakes as well as GOD woulde haue abled me to haue sette them on as by Gods grace I will not fayle to doe at the nexte skirmyshe that I come to Wherefore I praye you praye for me that I maye be stronge and hardye to laye on good loade Oh that I myghte so strike hym downe that he shoulde neuer be able for to ryse agayne but that stroke belongeth only vnto the Lord to strike at his comming the whiche I truste will be shortly Oh hasten it good Lord and shorten these sorowful and sinnefull dayes for thy greate mercyes sake Fare well my deare and faythful brother the Lord defend kepe preserue you from the power of your enemies visible and inuisible and sende vs a moste ioyful and merye meting here or elswhere as it shall please hys goodnes to appoynt vs. In the meane space I shal most earnestly desire you to pray for me for I neuer had more nede in my life and doubtles you shal neuer want my poore prayer if it shal please god to accept the prayer of so synnefull a wretch as I am The Lord impute not my synnes to me for Iesus Christes sake vnto whose most mercifull defence I do most hartely cōmit you The blessing of God be with you now and euer Amen I pray you do my most harty commendations vnto M. Iohn Glouer I do not forget him in my daily prayers I trust he doth remember me Your pore brother alwaies mindful of you in my prayer Iohn Careles prysoner abyding gods pleasure To my deare brother Harry Adlington prysoner in the Lolardes Tower THe euerlasting peace of GOD in Iesus Christe the continuall ayde strength ioye and comforte of hys moste pure holye and mightye spirite with the encrease of fayth and liuelye feelyng of hys mercyes bee moste effectuouslye wroughte in your hart my deare and faythfull louing brother Adlington and in the hartes of all your other Godlye pryson fellowes to the full finishyng of that good woorke whiche the Lorde hath moste graciouslye begonne in you that the same maye be to the setting forth of his glorye the commoditye of hys poore afflicted Church and to your owne eternall ioye and comforte in him Amen My moste deare and faythfull louing brother in our Lord I with al the rest of my louing brethren here with me do moste humbly hartely commende vs vnto you with al faythfull remembrance of you in our daily prayers geuing god earnest thankes on your most happy behalfe for that he hath geuen you such hartye boldnesse and Christian constācye in the faithful confession of his euerlasting verity Blessed bee God for thee my dearly beloued brother which hath vouched thee worthye of so greate dignitie as to suffer for hys sake and the setting forth of his glorye Oh gladde in hart mayest thou bee to whom it is geuen not onelye to beleue in thy Lorde and Christe moste liuelye but also to suffer for hys sake as one of hys seelye shepe appoynted to the slaughter Be of good comforte therefore my good brother for your callynge vnto the crosse of Christe was after a merueilous sorte Surelye it was only the Lords appoyntmente and therefore he will well performe hys owne woorke in and vppon you to the greate magnifying of hys glorye and comforte of your brethren whose hartes are mightelye refreshed to heare howe hartelye you haue behaued your selfe hetherto Thys presente daye I receaued a letter from you at the reading whereof my brethren and I were not a litte comforted to see your conscience so quieted in Christe and your continuance so stedfaste in him whiche thinges be the speciall giftes of GOD not geuen vnto euery man but to you his deare dareling elect and chosen in Christe and suche as you be And where as you do require to know my simple minde concerning your aunsweare vnto Doctor Storye and the Chauncelour trulye I saye you did aunsweare them very well for there are but two Sacramentes in deede that is to saye the Sacrament of Baptisme and the Sacrament of the bodye and bloode of Christe as you haue full well aunsweared them praysed be God for hys good giftes who choseth the weake to confounde the stronge and the foolyshe to confounde the worldlye wyse If when you come before them againe they doe aske you what a Sacramente is saye you that a Sacramente being ministred according to Christes institution is a visible signe of an inuisible grace and hath the promyse of Gods mercye annexed vnto it auaileable to all suche as doe worthelye receaue it and not vnworthelye worshippe it as they woulde haue vs to doe contrarye to Gods commaundemente And these properties belonging to Christes true Sacramentes can not be applyed vnto anye one of those fiue Sacramentes whiche they haue inuented of their owne braine since Antichriste beganne to reigne to blinde the people with all I perceaue deare harte that vpon fridaye they do entende to condempne you and to geue you your iudgement Therefore I thinke they will haue no greate reasoning with you but bydde you aunsweare them directlye eyther yea or naye to all suche thinges as they haue to charge you with all whiche they haue gathered of you since you came into their cruell handes But if they will needes make manye woordes with you because you are but a simple man and therefore perchaunce they will be the busier with you to ttouble you with manye questions to comber your knowledge and then seeme to triumphe ouer you and that truth that you doe holde if I saye they doe thys as perhappes for some euill purpose they will then bee you so plaine and shorte as you can saying roundlye vnto them these or suche lyke woordes as nyghe as you can Bee it knowen vnto you that I in all pointes doe beleue as it becommeth a true Christian and as I haue bene truelye taughte in the daies of that good Kyng Edwarde of suche godlye Preachers and Prophetes sente of GOD as haue sealed their
these boysterous wyndes that blow The Lord can lay them when he luste And bring the raging waues full lowe But your safegard shall styl remayne In a strong castell of defence God graunt vs well to meete agayne With myrth and ioye in his presence Iohn Careles To the afflicted Christian ☞ Feare not for death passe not for handes Onely in God put thy whole trust For god wil requyre thy blood at their hands And this thou doest know that once die thou must Onely for Christ thy lyfe if thou geue Death is no death but a meane for to lyue A letter of Doctor Taylour of Hadley written to his wife This pac●er is called syr Robert Bracher a false protesstant in Kyng Edwardes dayes afterward a deadlye enemye to that religion whiche he had professed and now is become a protesstante agayne serueth at S. Denys in Lōdon in Fann●-church strete calleth hym self Harry Bradshawe Thys pedler cōmyng to the buryal of hys frende and gods great enemye Walter Clarke of Hadley albeit he came somewhat to late to the market as he sayd yet be●ng desyrous to vtter hys ware opened there his packe ful of most p●stilent poysoned doctrine Thys was one of thē that so vnmerc●fully thrust D. Taylours wife childrē out of the do●es as she h●● 〈◊〉 can testifye whiche we haue here placed as it came to our handes with certayne other letters following DEare wife I pray god be euer with vs through Christ our only Mediatour Amen I thanke you for my cap I am somthing proud of it for it is one steppe frō the cleargy in these dayes I thank god my harte is cleane deuided from their proceedings For I know that no mā can serue .ij. Maisters specially if they agree no better thē Christ Antichrist do I am glad that Hadley can skil of such packing ware as was brought thether the fyrst day of May last past Christes shepe cā discerne christs voice frō the voyce of straungers theues or hyrelings The packe bringer was sory that he came to late to the funeral market of hys faythfull frend But here I wil leaue thē both to Gods iudgement someting touche the matter wherof the packer made mentiō on his opening day At the first he called the scripture as I heare ful of darke sentences but in dede it is called of S. Dauid a candle to our fete a light to our pathes Our Sauiour Christe calleth his word the light which euyll doers do flye frō hate lest their dedes should be reproued therby S. Paul wold haue vs to walke as childrē of light in any wise not to cōtinue in ignorāce or darknes But al we in the world perteyn to .ij. princes eyther to the father of light truth or els to the prince of darknes lyes In these dayes preachers declare euidently of whō they are sent and with what spirit they speake to what prince they belong For they cry out againste Gods lightes sunne moone sterres torches lampes lanternes cressets cādels in gods booke the Bible prouided of gods great goodnes mercy to auoyd al foule darknes cloudes mistes or daungerous doubtful waies in this our iourney to our heauēly father long home mansiō houses derely purchased heritage Esay gods faithfull messenger sayeth woe be vnto thē that call sweete sower good euil light darknes Therfore cōmeth my people into captiuitie because they haue no vnderstādyng Our sauiour Christ pronoūceth errours heresyes to remaine amōg the people so long as ignorance of the scriptures remaineth And hereby it appeareth to al good cōsciences what they meane which defame or accuse gods blessed word being ful of light as though it were ful of darknes These oules wold haue al day lightes scraped out of bokes harts churches Oh lord turne their hartes tonges bowe thē frō the way of darkenes lest they go to the prince of darknes be cast into the paradise of vtter darknes where is weping gnashing of teeth Now touching the packes of wolle packes of cloth I feare they were as al other their wares be transsubstantiate into flockes euē his very finest packing stuffe against only fayth iustifying ▪ for the corporal presence of Christes body in the sacramēt for praying for soules departed for auriculer cōfessiō Abrahams iustification by faith by grace by promise not by workes is plainly setforth both in the Epistle to the Rom. cap. 4 to the Gala Cap 3. And Abrahams works of obedience in offring vp his sonne so long after his iustification must nedes be takē as a fruit of a good tree iustifying before men not of iustificatiō before god for thē had mā to glorye in then did Christ die in vaine And where as the .6 chap. of S. Iohn was alleaged to proue the Christ did geue his body corporally in his supper euē as he had promised in the said 6. chap. it is most vntrue For only he gaue his body sacramentally spiritually effectually in his supper to the faithfull Apostles and corporally he gaue it in a bloody sacrifice for the life of the world vpō the crosse once for al. There in his own persō in his own natural body he bare al our sines by whole stripes we were healed as S. Peter proueth 1. Pet. 2. Esay cap 53. In dede receauing Christs sacramēt accordīgly as it was instituted we receaue Christes body Christs blood euen as I sayd before the Apostles dyd But the popysh Masse is an other matter The Masse as it is now is but one of Antichristes youngest doughters in the which the deuill is rather present receaued then our Sauiour the .2 person in Trinitie god man O Lorde god heauenly father for Christes sake we besech thee to turne againe England to the right way it was in in King Edwardes tyme from thys babilonicall stewyshe spirituall whoredome conspiracye tyranny detestable enormityes false doctrine heresye hardnesse of hart and contempte of thy worde cōmaūdements frō this euident opē Idolatry sacriledge simony blasphemy superstitiō hypocrisy transubstātiate Angel of light day deuil kingdōe of lies foule vain schismes sectes sedition apostasie gaye swete poyson honied and sugered viperous venime wily woluishnes Sathanical subtiltye and abhomination in the sight of God and of all such as put on the true spectakles of holy scripture I am the more plaine now in this matter because I feare greatly the many wil be to much ready to go frō Christ to Antichrist from the Bible true gods seruice religiō to latine lying legendes portases Massebokes superstition They say their church can not erre in any point when in dede they be not of gods church and therefore they can do nothing but erre euen as they do almoste in all cases of true fayth But to come again to the packer rather thē preacher he brīgeth S. Chrisostomes sentence writing ad popu●ū antiochenum