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A18271 A treasurie or store-house of similies both pleasaunt, delightfull, and profitable, for all estates of men in generall. Newly collected into heades and common places: by Robert Cawdray. Cawdry, Robert. 1600 (1600) STC 4887; ESTC S107929 530,386 880

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to whom it were sent wold not take it but refuse it despitefully or contemne it the man that sent it might well thinke he had contemned and disdained him and not his gift or present but what might hee thinke if hee should cast it into the dyrt and trample it vnder his feete Therefore if hee did as hee ought to do he should consider when he receiued the token the minde and good will of his friend that sent or gaue it and according therevnto to esteeme and receiue it So likewise if we do as we ought to do in beeing partakers of these holy Mysteries we should rather consider the minde and good will of our louer Christ then the Bread and Wine which we see yea if we do not altogither consider Christes minde and purpose in this behalfe we deale vnhonestly and strump● like with him For it is the propertie of Strumpets to consider the things giuen and sent them rather then the good will and minde of the giuer and sender whereof the true louers doo not consider in any point the value of the things giuen or sent but the minde and good will of the partie So we if we be true Louers of Christ must not consider barely the outward things as the Bread and Wine which wee see and our senses perceiue but rather altogither wee must viewe and consider the minde of Christ and therafter and according to it to esteeme and account of the same 4 Like as if a wilfull and rebellious subiect should no more esteeme or regard his Princes seale then other common wax or haue it in no greater reuerence then the seale of some priuate man it might rightly be said that hee maketh no difference of his Princes person that is to say that he doth no more esteeme him then hee doth other men yet it needeth not that the Kings person bee there really present So when we come to the Lordes table if we take vnreuerently the misticall Bread and Wine as other common meates appointed for the bellie then make wee no difference of the Lordes Body wee doo not esteeme the worthinesse price and vertue of it which in the holy Mysteries is so freely and so liberally offered vnto vs. And therefore if we receiue this Sacrament vnreuerently not considering who is the Author of it nor who it is that offereth himselfe so mercifully and louingly vnto vs it is no maruell therefore that the holy Apostle saith that we are guiltie of the Body and bloud of the Lord that is to say that we are before the seate of Almightie God because of our vnthankfulnesse and vnreuerent handling of the holy Mysteries counted as guiltie as if wee had slaine the Body of the onely begotten sonne of GOD and shead his most precious bloud vpon the Crosse Or it is no maruell that in stead of grace in stead of forgiuegesse of our sinnes and of life euerlasting wee doo eate and drinke our owne damnation And yet it followeth not that the Body and bloud of Christ be really present there in the Sacrament Christes naturall and immortall Body can be but in one place at once and not in many places 1 LIke as the Soule of man vnited to his Body cannot be a Body because it is a spirit Euen so the like is of the Body and of the Soule of Iesus Christ and of his diuine and humaine nature of the which euerie one of them holdeth so continually his properties that the one cannot be that the other is For albeit that they be vnited together by personall vnion yet for all they remaine alway distinct in their vnitie according to their properties and not confused in such sort that the one cannot be the other wherefore wee may not say at all that the Diuinitie is the humanitie or that the humanitie is the Diuinitie nor that the one is conuerted into the other For if there were such a conuersion they should no more be that which they are but should bee chaunged into other natures which thing cannot be For God can neuer bee but God Wherefore hee cannot be conuerted into man but he may vnite man to himselfe as he hath done in the person of his Sonne Iesus Christ Likewise man cannot bee conuerted into God for so much as he is a creature and that God which is the Creator of all cannot bee created but is without beginning as hee is without end and infinite the which thing cannot agree with any creature From whence it followeth that the Gods which are created are no Gods at all but are onely creatures or else vaine illusions or imaginations And as the substance of GOD cannot bee conuerted into that of man nor that of man into that of God for otherwise God should not be God nor man should not be man at all Euen so neither the one nor the other may be without his conuenient and naturall properties belonging to the diuine nature it is no more diuine nature but humaine In like sort if the Sacramentall signes of the Body and bloud of Iesus Christ haue the naturall properties which do belong to the Bread and to the Wine as they haue indeed if they haue their qualities and accidents and these same effects they are not then really and substancially the Body and bloud of him but Bread and Wine remaining alwaies in their substance with their accidents 2 As the bodie of the Sunne and light of it are so ioyntly ioyned together that the one cannot be seperated from the other yet it followeth not that wheresoeuer the light of the Sunne is there the body of the Sunne must be also For as the Sunne being still in the Element according to the order that God hath appointed among vs his creatures doth wtth his light refresh comfort and quicken all things here vpon earth So our Sauiour Christ Iesus who is the true Sonne of righteousnesse being still vntill the time that God hath appointed on the right hand of his Father touching his manhood that is to say aboue in heauen in the place of beatitude felicitie and ioy raigning there with the Father in equall glorie and maiestie doth continually assist aide and comfort his Church by his holy spirit being alwaies present with his elect and chosen by his diuine Maiestie prouidence and inuisible grace whom hee doth not cease through his almightie power the spirit being the worker of it to feede still with the wholsome foode of his most precious flesh and bloud Now as it were most noysome and hurtfull vnto all the whole earth if we had here belowe the Body of the Sunne so is it not expedient that the Church and Congregation of the faithful should haue Christ still present here touching his humanitie and manhood For so he saith Iohn 16.7 3 As no man can denie but that the eye and the sight of it be so ioyntly and inseperably ioyned together that as long as the eye is whole and sound the one cannot be seperated from the other yet
15. 2. c. Reading is not preaching 1 AS the smell or sight of meate doth good to the hungrie man but it will not feede him except he taste of it So by Reading of the Scriptures men may haue some feeling smell of Religion but they shall neuer throughly taste of it without preaching 2 As meate that is rawe and fat may bee called good but it is not to bee eaten before it bee made ready and dressed So are the Scriptures Reade good holy and pure but not sufficient foode for the people without preaching 3 As is a whole Loafe set or cast before children which want strength to cut it Euen so is Reading without preaching which indeed is a right cutting and diuiding of the bread of life that euerie one may haue his seuerall portion 1. Timo. 2.15 4 Like as if one shoulde offer good treasures to his friend but yet such as were hid shut vp and fast locked and could not bee come by in thus dooing hee should mocke his friend Euen so bare Reading without preaching is bare feeding because preaching is an opening of the treasures to the ioy of Gods children 5 As fire couered with ashes dooth little or nothing heate or profit them that stand by it Euen so bare Reading is smally auaileable to the people without preaching which preaching is an explaining and a discouering of hard and darke points Like as if the Husbandman should cast whole strikes and bushels of Corne on his land together on heapes he should both loose his labour and his seede Euen so that Minister that only Readeth the Scriptures in the Church and preacheth not dooth loose his labour and deceiueth his auditorie 7 As that Fisher catcheth no fish who shuffleth his Nettes on heapes and not opening them Euen so that Minister that contenteth himselfe with the simple reading of the Scriptures in the Congregation winneth no soules to God Refusing the meanes 1 AS we see many men at some times not so much grieued for the sicknesse it selfe as for that they haue willingly neglected the meanes which might haue preserued their health or else for that they haue abused the phisick that might haue restored their health to them againe Euen so in like manner it fareth with those who haue either vnreuerently refused the meanes which should haue kept their soule from surfetting or else vnthankfully haue abused those helpes which might haue recouered them againe 2 As a riche man is sometimes humbled for not giuing money to the poore which he might haue done So likewise some are much grieued for not vsing their good gifts to the benefite of Gods Church so also others are troubled for abusing their gifts to the hurt of Gods Church The Resurrection a wofull day to the vnrepentant 1 IF a man were bidden to goe to bedde that after he had slept and was risen againe he might goe to execution it would make his heart to ake within him yet this yea a thousand folde worse is the state of all impenitent sinners they must sleepe in the graue for a while and then rise againe that a second death may be inflicted vpon them in bodie and soule which is the suffering of the full wrath of God both in bodie and soule eternally Ioh. 5.29 2 Like as when a Traueller comes into an Inne hauing but a penny in his purse who sitting downe calles for all store of prouision and dainties whose behauiour and doing may be thought in the iudgement of all men to be foolish and madde because hee spendes so freely and hath no regarde to the reckoning which must follow Euen so much more foolish and madde is the practise of euerie man that liueth in his sinnes and bathing himselfe in his pleasures in this world neuer bethinketh howe hee shall meete God at the last day of iudgement and there make a reckoning for all his doings A Reward 1 AS a Reward is giuen to a workeman after his worke is done So euerlasting life is giuen vnto the faithfull after the trauailes and miseries of this life ended Rom. 6.23 2 As hee which runneth a race must continue and runne to the end and then be crowned Euen so must we continue to walke in good workes vnto the ende and then receiue our Rewarde eternall life 2. Timo. 4.8 Reall presence 1 LIke as when a word is vttered the sound comes to the eare and at the same instant the thing signified comes to the mind and thus by relation the word and the thing spoken of are both present together Euen so at the Lordes Table Bread and Wine must not be considered barely as substances and creatures but as outwarde signes in relation to the bodie and blood of Christ and this relation arising from the verie institution of the Sacrament stands in this that when the elements of bread and wine are present to the hand and mouth of the receiuer at the verie same time the bodie and blood of Christ are presented to the minde thus and no otherwise is Christ truly present with the signes 2 As one Candle is lighted by an other and one torch or candle light is conueyed to twentie candles Euen so the inherent righteousnesse of euery beleeuer is deriued from the store-house of righteousnesse which is in the manhood of Christ for the righteousnesse of al the members is but the fruite thereof euen as the naturall corruption in all mankinde is but a fruite of that originall sinne which was in Adam Remission of sinne AS it is meete and needfull that the inferiour seeke to the superiour the begger to him that is rich and liberall the sicke man to the Physition the offendant to the mercifull Prince So it is the dutie of man to seek for Remission of sinne for spiritual life health and wealth at the hands of God the onely giuer of all good things Amo. 5.6 Math. 6.5 11.28 Riches and dignities make wicked men worse AS great Flouds and swelling Riuers when they ouerflow their chanels and do break through their banks by reason of their raging violent streams and so spread and runne abroad cannot fill and couer the fielde with water but they hurt corne and grasse or what so else is in their way So great Riches mightie powers and high dignities when they grow and encrease in wicked vngodly men doo not spread abroad and runne ouer the fields and limits of Common-wealths but they do much harme to wit they polle and pill away the riches substance of the silly weake and poore men they fill they● purses with the bloud of innocents they build their houses and establish their dignities vpon the disgrace and the oppression of the Saints and seruants of God and whatsoeuer is in their way to their liking they carrie it with them by hooke or crooke by right or wrong they care not who weepe so they laugh who be emptie so they be full who be vndone so they be aduaunced Here hence come slaughters
receiuing in that time any bodily meate or drinke according to the order of nature yet neuerthelesse no man ought to refuse meate and drinke beeing the ordinarie meanes that God hath appointed for the preseruation of our bodily life Euen so God could saue vs without all meanes and giue vnto vs a liuely faith through the wonderfull working of the holy Ghost and that without either preaching or hearing of his word or else without prayer and ministration of the Sacraments yet neuerthelesse is it his ordinance not so to do Exod. 28.18 34.28 Deut. 9.9 1. Kin. 19.18 Act. 9.1 c. Sacraments 1 AS the great Castle Gili●fer floureth not til March and Aprill a yeare after the sowing and Marians Violets two yeares after their sowing So the grace of God receiued in baptisme doth not by and by shew forth it selfe till some yeares after the infusion 2 Euen as the best medicines doo most annoy vnlesse they bee rightly ministred and receiued So the vnspeakable wholesome Sacraments of Christ to the worthie receiuers are al health and life but to the vnworthie death and damnation 3 As a seale is altogether vnprofitable yea not allowed a seale vnlesse it be bounde or set to some instrument or writing for the confirmation thereof Euen so the Sacraments are altogether vnprofitable yea indeed are no Sacraments if they be not ioyned with the word of God preached to confirme the same vnto vs. Matth. 28.19 1. Cor. 11.26 4 As they which come to heare the Gospell preached and want faith receiue nothing but words and the Gospell to them is no Gospell Euen so they which come to receiue the Sacraments without faith do indeed receiue the symballs or signes but they haue not the fruite and thing of the Sacraments 5 As Circumcision which was a Sacrament of the old Lawe was a seale in that time to our Fathers of righteousnesse Euen so be our Sacraments to vs in these daies seales of Gods promises vnto vs and al haue one strength and vertue 6 Like as the Sunne which shineth well for all but not to all so it happeneth to those to whom the Sacraments are ministred 7 As there are none but those which haue eyes and do open their eyes that do receiue the light of the Sunne the which it representeth to all but in the meane time such as are blinde or do shut their eyes do not receiue it for they haue not the instrument without the which they cannot receiue it So standeth it betweene the faithfull the vnfaithful in respect of the ministery of the church for it representeth vnto all the benefites of God And albeit that the wicked and faithlesse do not receiue them at all that notwithstanding the fame letteth not but that the Ministery hath alway in it self his vertue But in the mean while it is not ordeined but to be exercised towards those for whom it was ordained or otherwise it should not be a Ministery and by consequence shuld not haue his vertue For where there is no faith in the heart there the holy Sacraments or signes do no more profit the soule then the light or shining of the Sunne doo those that are blind 8 As a corrupt and withered braunch which sticketh still fast to the tree but for all that can receiue no strength or life from the roofe or hart of the tree Euen so the vnfaithfull although they receiue outwardly the bread and the wine of the Ministers in the Supper of the Lord yet they do not receiue the fatte or the inward strength and the treasure to wit the life the holy Ghost or to speak it in one word the communion of the body and of the bloud of Iesus Christ no more then the corrupted or withered braunch receiueth life and strength of the tree in the which it is dead albeit for a time it cleaueth fast to it 9 Euen as it followeth not that for so much as the withered braunch can draw to himselfe no strength nor receiue life that therefore it must needs bee also that the sound braunches can draw or receiue no strength or life of the trunke or body of the tree or that it doth not communicate his life vnto those good and sound braunches Euen so it followeth not that the Sacraments be vain and bare signes because that the vnfaithfull cannot lay hold on life nor on that which is offered and sealed vnto vs by the same 10 As the fault is not in the Tree but in the withered braunches that it receiueth not from the Tree a fatnesse or a iuce So no more is the fault in God which offereth and presenteth to all men richly his giftes but in the vnfaithfull which neither will nor can receiue and imbrace the same because of their vnfaithfulnesse through the which they are dead in the body of the christian church as oftentimes a braunch doth starue in a good tree 11 Like as the Scripture of God is an Indenture betwixt him and vs wherin is contained both the promises grace and mercy which God offereth to the world in his sonne Christ and also the conditions which he requires to be fulfilled on our behalfe So the Sacraments are the seales set to this Indenture to strengthen our faith that we do not doubt 12 As it is not inough to write the conditions of a bargaine in an Indenture except it be sealed Euen so God for our weakenesse thought it not sufficient to make vs promise of blessings in writing in his Scriptures but he would seale it with his owne blood and institute his Sacraments as seales and pledges of the same trueth to remaine to be receiued of vs in remembrance of him and strengthening of our faith So that we may very conueniently say that Sacraments are as witnesses and solemne oathes wherby we do as it were homage to God and do make profession of our faith and Religion 13 Like as in Circumcisiō there meet foure things that is to say the promise the commaundement of the signe and the beliefe of the promise So likewise in the meeting of euery Sacrament the same things must of necessitie meete namely that a godly Sacrament be a visible signe commaunded and ordained by God Whereby like as God beareth record of his promise vnto men so man accepting the signe doth on the other side professe his faith toward God and confirmeth the same with the vse of the signe and by thinking vpon it 14 Like as if a man would take the bush that hangeth at the Tauerne doore and should sucke it for to slake his thirst and would not goe into the Tauerne where the Wine is might bee well accounted an idiot and a foole Euen so likewise may he be reckoned a foole that wheras the signes of the Sacraments were ordained by God to bee helpes to nourish and plant faith in our hearts and to confirme in vs the promises of God hee through ignorance thereof as many doo should preposterously iudge of the same
also conserue and nourish vs in the same by the right vse of his holy Sacraments and wil make vs to grow and wax strong and accomplish the worke which he hath begunne in vs and al this by his Sonne Iesus Christ 25 As it is not enough that a shepheard doo onely gather his sheepe into the fold or sheepecoate but also that hee prouide meate for them and pasture Or as it is not sufficient that a Maister doo onely entertaine his seruant into his seruice by giuing him his Liuerie coate badge whereby hee is openly knowne to be his man but also that hee prouide and giue him meate and drinke dayly to feede him So surely dooth the Lord with vs in these Sacraments For by baptisme doth hee admit vs to his seruice and by the Supper doth hee feede vs that we perish not with hunger 26 Like as mans body is nourished and sustained by bread and Wine So also our soules are sustained spiritually with the body of Christ giuen for vs and with his bloud shed for our sakes Iohn 6.32 33 35. 1. Cor. 11.24 25. 27 As bread nourisheth our bodies So thereby we learne that Christes body hath most singular force spiritually by faith to feede our soules Ioh. 6.50 55 56. 28 And as with Wine mens hearts are cheared and their strengths confirmed So we learne also that with his bloud our soules are refreshed thorow faith 29 And further as surely as we know that we haue receiued the bread wine with our mouths and stomacks So surely thereby we are assured that Christ maketh the faithfull beleeuers partakers of his body and bloud Ioh. 6.54 63 64. 30 As those which haue eaten sweete Comficts and seede for the most part on delicate Cates haue sweete breathes Euen so must there needes bee found a sweete smelling Odour in all the words and workes of those which are fed with this spirituall and heauenly foode the bodie and blood of Christ and in whom Christ dooth dwell for they do all things for the profit and edification of their brethren and the glory of God 31 Euen as the Gospell which of it owne nature is the word of life and saluation is yet turned by the wicked vnto the sauour of death So the Sacraments also which are instituted by God vnto the saluatiō of men are notwithstanding receiued by the faithlesse and the vnwoorthie communicants vnto their condemnation and iudgement and yet do they not desist in respect of God to be true Sacraments still 32 As a sicke man feeles no comfort or nourishment when he eateth meate and yet it preserueth his life So the weake Christian though he feele himselfe not nourished at the Sacrament by Christs bodie and blood yet he shall see in time that his house shall be preserued thereby vnto euerlasting life 32 Like as Souldiers when they receiue their pay do binde themselues to their Captaine by solemne oath Euen so we when we are partakers of the holy Sacraments which God hath appointed in his Church by the which he bestoweth vpon vs spirituall gifts do bind our selues to him by the same oath 34 As we see with our eyes that the bread is broken for vs So we are certainly confirmed in our faith that the bodie of Christ was giuen vnto death for vs. 35 As certainly as we see that the bread and wine to be present So certainly do we beleeue that the bodie and blood of Christ is present with vs also yea we do not beleeue that it is the Supper of the Lord except his bodie and blood be present with vs. 36 As things set before the eyes do mooue the sight Euen so the Sacraments moue the heart to beleeue 37 Euen as sure as we take the bread in the Lords Supper and eate it with the mouth of the bodie and drinke the wine So verely certainly euen at the same instant with the mouth of our faith we receiue the verie bodie and blood of Christ and there it doth as actually comfort and sustain the soule as doth the bread and the wine nourish and comfort the heart and the outward man 38 And as verely as the most soueraigne plaister and salue laid to a wound or soare draweth out the filth and healeth it so verily and really doth the bodie and bloud of Christ thus receiued put away the soares and deformities of the soule and not only maketh it whole but also pure clean without scar wrinkle and spot and so maketh it a delectable louely faire spouse in the sight of God 39 As when many Windows be opened in an house the more light may come in then when there is but one opened Euen so by the perception and receiuing of the Sacraments a Christian mans conscience hath more helpe to receiue Christ then simply by the word preached heard or meditated and therefore the Sacraments may well be called seeable sensible taste-able and touchable words 40 As the Diuel entred into Iudas by the soppe which Christ gaue him yet not that he receiued an euil thing of him but because he did receiue it badly and with an euill mind Euen so the vnworthie communicants eate and drinke their owne damnation not by the eating of the bread and wine which are holy signes but because they receiue the same without faith and repentance hauing in euil conscience 41 As the word Sacramentum was a form of a solemne ●●h in war wherby the soldier did vow destinat himself to serue his Generall and the Generall in like manner did binde himselfe to his souldiers So also by the vse and institution of the holy Sacraments after that God hath promised that he will be our God and giue vnto vs saluation he doth in like manner binde vs as it were with a solemne oath before himselfe before Angels and men that we will serue him and none other Soule 1 LIke as to be healthie in our bodies it is not inogh not to haue the plague or a plurasie but generally to be free from all diseases Euen so to be holy in our Soules we must be clean from all spots and defilings and we must take the whole lawe of God as an vniuersall rule of all our thoughts affections words and deeds to the end to keepe it from point to point and not to omit any thing which is there commaunded vs. 2 As sweete Oyle powred into a fustie vessell looseth his purenesse and is infected by the vessell So the Soule created good and put into the corrupt bodie receiues contagion thence Rom. 5.13 3 Like as if a man should borrow a thing of his neighbour and vse it so as he doth quite spoyle it he would be ashamed to bring it againe to the owner in that manner and if he doo the owner will not receiue it Euen so vngodly men in this life do so staine their Soules with sinne as that they can neuer be able to giue them vp into the hands of God at the day of death
doo make a prophane washing and so administer no Sacrament of the Lords 2 Like as if the will of a Prince do ordaine one certaine man to confirme writings that by his onely Seale which hee hath appointed for that purpose so that although an other vse an other Seale made without or against his will of the same matter and fashion and in all things like it yet it is treason to vse it and the same is none of his Seale Euen so by much more ought the will of God which is that onely those should minister the Sacrament which haue a publike calling therevnto and haue that authoritie giuen them from the Lord should minister the Sacrament and none other although an other doo it in the same order and with the same instruments 3 As by the Seale which the Prince hath set apart to seale his Graunts and Letters Pattents with when it is stolen and set too by him that hath no authoritie there groweth no assurance vnto the partie that hath it So if it were possible to be the Seale of God which a woman should set too in Baptizing Infants yet for that she hath stolen it and put it too not onely without but contrarie to the commaundement of God we see not how any can take any assurance of the doing hereof For as well and as lawfully may she preach publikely in the Church and minister the Sacrament of the Lordes Supper openly or otherwise as to Baptise in time of necessitie c. 4 As a Seale added to a Deede or Euidence by such as hath no authoritie to put to the same hath no force to ratifie or confirme the Couenants and Graunts in the Writing which kinde of Seale hath beene alwayes deemed no better then a counterfeit and plaine forgerie Euen so the outward seale of Baptisme added by women hath no force by Gods institution to confirme any in the promises of saluation because women haue no warrant in the word to Baptise for euerie washing of the childe in the name of the Trinitie is not a Sacrament of Baptisme neither can there bee rendered any cause why the Lords Supper ministred by them should not bee counted as good a Sacrament as their Baptisme Baptisme 1 EVen as they which were in the Arke of Noah were preserued from the floud So whosoeuer doth earnestly sticke to the couenant of their outward Baptisme are deliuered from the euerlasting floud that is to say from the paynes and torments of hell by Iesus Christ 2 As the floud did preserue so many as were within the Arke but sunke the rest So likewise is Baptisme auaileable to so many as are Baptized into the Church of Christ by faith but helpeth the rest no more then it did Simō the sorcerer Act. 8.9.10 c. Mar. 16.16 1. Pet. 3.10.21 3 As in the Floud both sinne and sinners did perish So also in the floud of Baptisme sinne sinketh but the sinner is safe Tit. 3.5 Iohn 3.5 4 As the Purse of a true man in the hand of a theefe doth not make or proue him to be a true man Euen so Baptisme though it be in the assemblies of the Churches of Rome yet it noth not proue them to be the Churches of God neither doth it appertaine vnto them but vnto an other hidden Church of God which he hath in all ages gathered forth of the midst of them 5 As the graffe receiueth substance and nourishment of the roote into which it is graffed So they that receiue Baptisme with such faith as they ought do truly feele the effectualnesse of the death of Christ in the mortifying of their flesh and therewithall also they feele the effect of his resurrection in the quickning of the spirit Rom. 6.3 Col. 2.12 Reading of Authors 1 AS Vlisses stopping his eares with waxe escaped the danger of the Sirenes So ought we to auoyde such things as are found filthy in Bookes and Authors though they seeme pleasant if we will auoide the danger ensuing such things 2 As the like pleasure is not to him that goeth into a goodly garden garnished with diuers kindes of hearbes and flowers and that there doth no more but behold them of whom it may bee said that hee went in for nothing but that hee would come out and to him which besides the corporall eye pleasure knoweth of euerie one the name and propertie So verily much difference is there in reading of Authors and in sundrie sorts of men that doo it and much more pleasure and profit hath hee which vseth art and iudgement then the other which with great studie indeed turneth them ouer but for lacke of the knowledge of precepts wanteth also the fruite and delectation that he more amply might obtaine Christs Body is not inclosed or conteined in the bread vnder the bread or with the bread neither the bloud in the wine vnder the wine or with the wine 1 AS the bloud of our Sauiour Christ doth cleanse vs from all our sinnes 1. Ioh. 1.7 and yet we need not to haue it really present with vs for to be washed or bathed in it So Christ our Sauiour according to his promise doth daily or whensoeuer we do come worthily to his holy Supper feed both our bodies and soules with the wholesome and heauenly foode of his precious Body and bloud and this doth he by his eternall and almightie Spirit so that he needeth not therefore to come downe at the becke of euerie iugling popish Priest and to be really present in their wafer Cake after that they haue with gaping and blowing spoken foure or fiue words vpon it Receiuing of the Sacrament Iohn 13.20 Luk. 10.16 Math. 25.41 c. 1 LIke as Christ doth recouer and impute that to bee done vnto him which is done to his Ministers or poore needie members So also doth he recouer and impute that to bee done vnto his Body and bloud that is done vnto the Sacrament of the same 1. Cor. 11.27 2 Like as he that sinneth against a Minister or a poore man sinneth against * Act. 9.4 Zach. 2.8 Christ himselfe although in the meane while hee hath not hurt Christes person in any point Euen so is he also guiltie of the body and bloud of Christ whosoeuer receiueth the Sacrament of the Body and bloud of Christ vnworthily although in the meane season he hath not receiued the very Body and bloud of the Lord. 3 Like as if a Rebell should tread vnder his feete the Seale Letters or Coyne of the Prince although he touch not the Prince himselfe nor tread him vnder his feete yet is he said to haue troden the Prince vnder his feete and is accused not for hurting the Seale or defiling the Letters or defacing his Coyne but hee is charged of treason and accused for treading the Prince vnder his feete Or if one man should send a gift or token vnto an other man as a peece of bowed siluer a Nutmeg or a Rasing of Ginger if the partie
that they may immediately teach not seeking thereby to amend and make better themselues 2 As vessels that are to bee filled are bowed and made apt to receiue the liquor that is powred therein So ought a Learner to accommodate and applie himselfe that nothing of that which is profitably spoken doo scape him 3 Like as in meates one and the selfe same dish is diuersly set forth according to the inuention of the dresser and appetite of the eater Euen so in Learning one and the selfe same point is diuersly handled according to the discretion of the writer and capacitie of the reader 4 Like as choyse and good Wine looseth his verdure and strength if it bee put into a vile and vnpure vessell Right so a good word or sentence if it bee spoken of an euill man or Learning if it chaunce to a wicked man taketh none effect 5 As the Diamond enchased and set in Gold giueth a farre brighter glosse then if it were set in leade yron or other baser mettal Euen so the loue of godlinesse and vertue planted in a Learned mans breast bringeth forth farre greater and more excellent fruit then if an vnlearned man enioyed the same graces Lying of God and his truth most offensiue AS hee sinneth most grieuously which deceiueth trauelling men by shewing them a contrarie way Euen so much more hainously offendeth he that in matters of Religion doctrine and godlinesse doo bring men into errours through Lying because he doth therby as it were thrust them out of the kingdome of heauen Ezech. 13.6 8 10 19. Iere. 23.25 26 35. 14.14 Esay 9.15 16. 1. Cor. 15.15 Iam. 3.14 Lords Supper 1 LIke as in the person of Christ his manhood was seene on earth and his Godhead being not at all seene did notwithstanding great and wonderfull things without any chaunging or confounding of natures Euen so in the Lords supper we see the bread and Wine Christs body we see not which notwithstanding worketh in vs. 2 As the body of the Sunnes light aboue is in it selfe whole albeit it bee dispersed heare beneath So likewise Christ in heauen aboue is whole notwithstanding he suffereth vs in his supper each one to bee full partakers of his body and bloud when hee giueth himselfe vnto vs and yet without any diminition at all of himselfe when he offereth himselfe vnto vs which are weake without beeing inclosed in vs when he is receiued of vs and without any dishonour at all to his maiestie when he commeth into our small cottage and will haue our hearts to be his Temple and dwelling place 3 Like as the forbidden fruit which Adam and Eue did eate in the Garden of Eden by Sathans prouocation procured their death Euen so that heauenly Manna which Christ hath appointed for our spirituall foode in his supper dooth bring vnto the worthie receiuers thereof euerlasting life Gene. 2.17 4 As the sicke man the weaker hee knoweth himselfe to bee should so much the more earnestly desire meate both to receiue nourishment and to refresh his strength Euen so so farre off it ought to bee that our weaknesse should keepe vs from the receiuing the Lords supper that it ought rather to spurre vs forward to come vnto it that by it we might be strengthened in faith and repentance 5 As the word of God is all one whether it fall vppon the euill or vpon the good surely it is all one in the minds of the hearers So the Sacrament of the Lords body and bloud is all one whether it be receiued of the good or of the euill and as the Gospell in it selfe is the power of God to sauing it doth also saue but it is not al alike to the vnbeleeuing as it is to the beleeuing So the Sacrament is of it selfe the body of Christ but to the wicked which doo contemne it and to them which do receiue it vnworthily it is farre otherwise 6 As a mother hauing brought foorth her little one dooth not forsake it but nurseth and bringeth it vp So Christ hauing ordained Baptisme to bee as a seale and pledge of our spirituall new birth into his Church did institute the holy supper to the end that by participation in his body and bloud we might the more bee strengthned in this assurance that Christ is ours together with all his benefites and so feede our soules spiritually to life euerlasting 7 As a litle waxe powred vpon other waxe is made all one with it Euen so they that receiue the Sacrament of the Lords supper worthily abide in Christ and Christ in them 8 As the Child when he commeth to age is bound to honour his parents not onely for his begetting and bringing into this life but also because they haue fed and brought him vp and still do continue the same duties vnto him Euen so should it be with vs whome God hath as it were begotten into his Church through our Baptisme and to whome hee hath since in his holy supper ministred the foode of our soules in the Communion of the body and bloud of Iesus Christ for not onely our spirituall new birth by Baptisme but also the spirituall foode which that good Father giueth vnto vs in his holy supper doo binde vs to honour him yea and should thereto mightily induce vs considering that for foode of our soules hee hath deliuered his onely Sonne Iesus Christ to bee crucified for vs. 9 Like as if any man had a child so sicke that nothing coulde serue for his foode and recouerie but precious Pearles confected or preserued this child should be much bound to loue and honour his parents that for his reliefe had not grudged at such cost and expences Euen so wee shall deserue great reproofe of our heauenly Father who feedeth vs in his holy supper not with pearles but with the very flesh and bloud of his Sonne Iesus Christ in case wee should make no account to please him by amendment of life withall considering that as there is no comparison betweene pearles the body and bloud of Iesus Christ so the spirituall life of our soules is without comparison much more excellent then the life of our bodies 10 As meate and drinke ministred vnto the body doo maintaine the life motions and senses of the body So from the communion in the body and bloud of Iesus Christ which is the foode of the soule must proceed the spirituall and heauenly life cogitations affections words and deedes 11 As it were a straunge case if the body by eating and drinking should gather no sustenance and consequently want all motions sense and bodily operation So were it a monstrous matter that the soule communicating in the body and bloud of Iesus Christ should gather no spiritual foode that might bring foorth newnesse of life and holynesse in words and deeds 12 As the hololy supper is the table of Gods children the faithfull and members of the Church of Iesus Christ So the communicating thereat is a solemne protestation
the roote be not fatted with new and fresh dung it will wax barren with feeblenesse Euen so no lesse needfull in Christes Church bee these three Officers to wit Magistrates Ministers and Labourers for it becommeth Magistrates not to suffer wronges and thefts oppressions and iniuries to be done and to maintaine Gods law and them that bee the Preachers thereof yea and to see the land kept from insurrection and inuasion of forraine enemies it also appertaineth to the Ministers and Preachers to labour faithfully to weede and cut away the voide braunches of sinne with the sword of Gods word and to Labourers it belongeth to worke and labour bodily and carefully to get out of the earth bodily sustenance both for themselues and others All these estates be so needful to the Church that none may well be without other fo● if Magistrates and men to gouerne the people by law● and wisedome should want then theeues and wicked liuers would so increase that no man could liue in peace and if Preachers should want then the people woul● wax wild in all vice and sinne through ignorance and f●● default of knowledge of Gods word and so perish eue●lastingly And if Labourers and Artificers should b● lacking in the Common-wealth then both Magistrat● and Ministers should become Husbandmen Laboure● and handle craftes men or else must die for want of nat●ral foode 2 Like as if there were but one Horse or one sheepe in the world yet if hee had Corne and grasse as nature and kind hath ordained for such a beast hee would liue well enough by himselfe without any helpe of other of the same kind But if ther were but one man in the world although he had all the good and wealth therein yet for want of other he would die or at least he would be worse then if he were not liuing Principles are necessarily to be knowne AS in a Pothecaries shop wher the knowledge of such things is set forth and professed it is a great shame if common and no lesse profitable simples should be vnknowne So in a Church or family of the faithfull where the knowledge of such matters is professed it is great shame if common and no lesse needful Principles should not be well and rightly vnderstood Persons of men in Christianitie not to be regarded AS Echium or Tipers Buglosse seede is like a Serpents head yet bringeth an wholesome hearbe and remedie against Serpents So a man vncomely may haue good graces and be an helpe to men against the wicked Prudence and prouidence in worldly affaires AS in times past it did suffise if men were not hurt or annoyed by brute and wilde beastes but afterwards ●en vse them for their gaine and commoditie as to bee ●ouered with their skins to feede on their flesh and to be ●ealed with their gall or inward parts So ought we not ●●ely to beware least our enemie doo hurt vs but also to 〈◊〉 him for our vtilitie and profit Princes and Magistrates are especially to eschue vices 1 AS the Eclips of the Sunne is the cause of death and destruction So is an errour or vice which is an Eclips of vertue in a Prince a great calamitie and a pernicious plague vnto the people and presageth the like fall in the apish immitating multitude 2 As the Hart when he can finde no pasture is poore and bare of flesh and void of strength when he is hunted and pursued Euen so are the Princes and Rulers of those countries which by the iust iudgement of God are oppressed and ouerrun with forraine nations Psal 42.1 3 As a great braunch cut from a tree bringeth downe a number of small ones with it Or as a great Prince commeth forth of his Pallace a multitude doo follow him Euen so do subiects ordinarily follow the example of their Prince and Magistrate whether good or bad for whatsoeuer he doth it seemeth that he commaundeth it Deut. 17. 16. c. Iosu 1. 8. 1. Sam. 2.30 4 Euen as from the Sap of a tree dooth proceed that strength wherwith the boughs do florish and bring forth fruit So from a godly Prince and magistrate such iustice vertue and godlinesse doo proceed that thereby all the people are mightily moued to true Religion aright worshipping of God due obedience and honestie of life and conuersation 5 Like as when in mans body the Hart dooth not impart vnto the members the vital spirits but the artiries are stopt shut vp and the bloud forsaketh the vaines it is a signe of death that the partie in this case is either alreadie dead or else he wil die shortly Euen so when kings Princes of the earth are tyranical towards their loyal subiects withdrawing from them pity mercy loue liberalitie it threatneth doth prognosticate the ruine of thei● kingdomes but through the mercy clemencie and loue of Princes their kingdomes doo mightily florish and the Princes themselues doo enioy great tranquilitie securitie and peace Prou. 20.20 Esc 10.3 6 Euen as among the pretie sweete Bees that Bee only which leadeth ruleth al the rest either hath no sting or at the least doth not vse it So clemencie and mercy agreeth with none more in all the world then with a Prince Prosperitie and wealth maketh not a man truely happie 1 AS children do much wonder and prayse those players which on the Scaffold be apparelled in pide and peeuish garments So fooles they be that wil deeme them happy who be loaden either with wealth or braue attire 2 Like as we see horses when they be much pampered to kicke to be fierce not to abide the rider Euē so Prosperitie maketh men drunken as it were bringeth them on sleepe and no maruaile for as the common saying is Fulnesse ingendreth fiercenesse Dan. 4.1 Psal 30.6 3 As a morning cloud that at the Sun rising vanisheth away Euen so shall the Prosperitie of the wicked be 4 As the Grasse on the house top which for lacke of roote withereth afore it can grow vp to bee mowen or to serue to any other good vse Euen so is also the florishing Prosperitie of such men Cities and landes as by manifold wickednesse prouoke Gods wrath and indignation against them Psal 37.1 2. 129.6 7. Esay 37.27 Preachers of the Law when need requireth are no disturbers of the peace of the Church AS the skilful Physition who giuing a sharp purgation to his surfitted patient which for a time doth disquiet all the parts of his bodie may truely bee accounted a distemperer of his patients health for euen as a purgation notwithstāding it maketh much rumbling in the patients bowels and seeme for a time to disease all the members yet afterwards procuring perfect health to his body cannot therefore in truth and in deed be called the disquietter thereof So surely those Ministers notwithstanding they minister some bitter purgation out of the word to such silly poore patients in Christ as haue surfeited long vpon some points of
things naturall and not ignorant of any kind of learning or discipline may by the discourse in this Booke bee sufficiently prooued and manifestly gathered for that in their writings they vse many Similitudes and make so many comparisons of things fetched off and from the very secrets and bowels of nature as namely from wilde and tame beastes foules wormes creeping and swimming creatures Hearbs Trees the Elements fire water earth ayre riuers brookes welles Cesternes Seas stars pearles stones lightning thunder raine deaw heate drowth cold winds blasts haile snow frost yce Corne seede salt leuen nets snares and likewise from the humours in a mans body as bloud milke women in trauaile in child birth drosse Iron Gold Siluer and innumerable other things wherewith they learnedly beautifie their matter and as it were brauely garnish and decke out their termes words and sentences with tropes and figuratiue phrases Metaphors Translations Parables Comparisons Collations Examples Shemes and other ornaments of speech giuing thereby vnto their matter a certaine kind of liuely gesture and so consequently attyring it with light perspicuitie easinesse estimation and dignitie stirring vp thereby mens drowsie minds and awaking slouthfull negligent carelesse sluggish and retchlesse people to the consideration and acknowledgement of the truth and to the following and imbracing of vertue and godlinesse Hereby as they doo labour to deterre and withdraw the wicked from their wicked wayes by laying downe before them Similitudes tending to such purpose So doo they no lesse stirre them vp to vertue to true happinesse to perfect felicitie to sound assurance to the feare of God and trust in his mercie Finally they each way seeke to winne them to the knowledge of God and of themselues and leaue no way vnattempted to allure and bring them to the truth and perfect blessednesse And as touching the godly which feare the Lord and frame their liues accordingly they cease not to encourage confirme strengthen and establish them in their vertuous doings by earnest exhortations to persist in their well begunne exercise They doo as the Apostle Saint Paule also willeth Admonish such as walke inordinately and liue out of course being vntractable and vnruly 2. Thes 3.11 1. Thes 5.11 to remember their dutie to acknowledge their fault they gently reprooue them and mildly seeke to recouer them they comfort the weake and cheare vp the mourneful they strengthen the feeble and broken hearted they reuiue the sorrowfull and heauie spirited they raise vp them that are throwne downe they vse lenitie mildnesse and compassion towardes all men in generall they are slow to anger slow to reuenge and violence they heale the broken and brused consciences they preach deliuerance to the captiues sight to the blind libertie to the imprisoned comfort to the afflicted ioy to the distressed health to the sicke recouerie to the diseased and to the miserable releasement from the thraldome and tyrannie of the Diuel all these and many other they notably and elegantly set forth in their writings by most apt Parables forcible Comparisons and effectuous Similitudes Christ in whome are hidden all the treasures of wisedome and knowledge Mat. 13.3 saith the Euangelist spake all these things to the multitude by Parables and without a Parable spake he nothing vnto them that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Prophet who said I will open my mouth in Parables c. To the which Tertullian in his fourth Booke against Marcion dooth very fitly agree saying Neither is the forme of Christs speech new when he obiecteth Similitudes Also Origen cap. in Math. 13. writeth that Christ spake nothing to the companies of common people without Parables which are a kind of Similies but to his Disciples to whom it was giuen to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heauen he did not so Therefore a Similie is most fit for a Preacher because it reasoneth from things confessed and very manifestly and wonderfully layeth the matter euen before the eyes So that the vse of a Similie reacheth very farre for it is vsed for ornament for delight for plainnesse for grauitie Nothing bringeth more grace pleasure or dignitie Neither is it to bee couered in silence that Chrysostome the auncient Church men did commonly beginne with a Similie agreeing to their argument And the same in their Exordiums yea in all parts of their speeches and writings did the Princes of wise eloquence and eloquent wisedome vse as Tertullian Origen Cyprian Nazianzen Basil Iohn Chrysostome Hierom Ambrose Augustin But of the great vse of Similituds we may read more largely in the Homely of Io. Chrysostome vpon the 33. of Ioh. and his Homely vpon Gene. 13. And in Origens Homely vpon Leuit. 10. And in Augustine in the very beginning of his second Booke concerning Christian doctrine And D. Gregorie in the 36. cap. of his third Booke of Morals And to conclude in Agrigola his first Booke of Logicall inuention cap. 25. Seeing therfore each one of the Prophets among whom many were Kings descended of royall bloud haue discoursed of these things and inserted and spoken of the same in their writings seeing likewise our Sauiour Iesus Christ and his Apostles haue practised the same and shewed foorth the like kind of doctrine as also the learned writers haue done I thought my labour should bee well imployed and bestowed if I should in this Treatise plainely shew what store of excellent learning profound wisdome hidden knowledge and exact skill of nature what zeale likewise of aduancing true Religion and of banishing all Idolatrie and superstition there rested in those men that by diuine inspiration haue left and deliuered vnto vs such worthie and wholesome matters in such surpassing knowledge by drawing into their Bookes for the greater ornament and setting out of their speech the whole store and furniture of nature Now calling to mind Right Worshipfulls not onely the manifold curtesies and benefites which I found and receiued now more then thirtie yeares agoe when I taught the Grammer Schoole at Okeham in Rutland and sundrie times since of the Religious and vertuous Lady Lucie Harington your Worships Mother my especial friend in the Lord but also the great kindnesse and fauourable good will during my long trouble and since by both your Worshippes towards me extended In consideration whereof least I should seeme altogether vnthankfull which compriseth and containeth in it selfe all vices both towards God and men I am therefore euen prouoked in some small measure of dutie to shew my selfe some wayes thankfull vnto you And whereas at this time euerie gratefull person doth not onely in word but also in deedes with their presents and giftes shew some signe and token of this their thankfulnesse Euen so I also out of my simple Garden haue chosen and gleaned a handfull of Flowers as it were a Nosegay the best present I haue to Dedicate offer vnto you Thus humbly desiring your Worships to accept this my simple present most earnestly beseeching
the eye is not in all places that the sight dooth reach vnto As wee knowe that seueritie and mercie are in God so ioyntly ioyned together that the one cannot be seperated from the other and yet they that feele his seueritie doo not feele his mercie that is to say those whom he doth according to his righteous iudgement punish euerlastingly in hell fire them doth he vtterly banish and put away from his bounteous goodnesse and mercie Euen so although the Diuinitie and humanitie of Christ be so lincked and ioyned together that wheresoeuer the one is it doth not therfore follow that the other is there also For the godhead of Christ can be euerie where and in more places then in one at once but his manhood cannot be euerie where nor in moe places then one at once Bread and Wine in the Lords Supper do no more change their substance nor qualities then the water in Baptisme 1 AS in the Sacrament of Baptisme the substance of water remaineth still So likewise in the Lords Supper remaineth the substance of Bread and Wine 2 As in Baptisme is giuen vnto vs the holy Ghost and pardon of our sinnes which yet lie not lurking or inclosed in the water so in the Lords Supper is giuen vnto vs the Communion of Christes body and bloud that is grace forgiuenesse of sinnes innocencie life immortalitie without any transubstantiation or including of the same in the Bread Mar. 16.19 Luk. 24.6.51 Act. 1.9.10 Iohn 12.8.26 3 As by Baptisme the old man is put off and the new man put on yea * Gal. 3.27 Christ is put on but without transubstantiation or chaunging of the water Euen so it is in the Lords Supper wee by faith spiritually in our soules do feede on Christs Body broken do eate his flesh and drinke his bloud do dwell in him and he in vs but without transubstantiation Bookes 1 AS Theeues be loth to assault an house where they know to be good Armour and Artillerie so wheresoeuer the Bookes of the holy Scriptures be wel occupied and exercised there neither the diuell nor any of his angels dare come neare 2 Like as Smithes Masons Carpenters and other handie craftsmen what need soeuer they be in or what shift soeuer they make will not sell or lay to pledge the tooles of their occupation for then they could not worke or follow their trade and so get their liuing So likewise euerie good Christian ought to be like minded and affectioned towards the Bookes of the Prophets Apostles and other holy writers inspired by the holy Ghost the instruments of their saluation and therefore not to sell or pawne them away 3 As vnto those precious stones the greatest price is due which not onely with their colours do delight the eyes but also are of effect for medicines So vnto those Bookes is the chiefest praise due which in them do not onely containe pleasant speech and eloquent but also that do deliuer the minde from all vice and corruption 4 Like as one dish of meate well chewed and digested will comfort nature more then diuerse delicates that lie rawe and vndigested in the stomacke Euen so one good Booke often and throughly read will do thy soule more good then the superficiall sight and taste of a thousand 5 Like as no wise man will receiue a writing for the least plotte of grounde without the counsell of some learned Lawier nor a medicine for his body without the aduise of some learned Phisition Euen so much more ought a Christian not to venture vpon a Booke wherein may be some damnable errour which may conuey from him his heauenly inheritance or some deadly poyson which may kill his soule without the direction of some godly Diuine 6 As vnto men of diuers complexions and affections God hath giuen choise of meates and varietie of apparell So likewise many Bookes to one ende are published and set forth by sundrie men in diuers fashions and with a diuers gift order and facilitie that hee whom one Booke sauoureth not might yet like the taste of an other Our second Birth LIke as we see the naturall Body from the first Birth to receiue diuers members and euerie member diuers offices vses as it is the vse of the eye to see good or euill and of the hand to take vnto it that which is good and to remoue from the Body that which is euill Euen so in the second Birth we receiue new members whereof euerie one hath his diuerse vse and function as knowledge of the will of God hope loue faith which is as it were the hand reaching vnto vs all the mercifull promises of GOD in Christ whereby we are so surely ioyned in affection to the Lord that by nothing we can be seperated Cares of the world hurtfull AS a Clocke can neuer stand still from running so long as the peases and plummets doo hang thereat Euen so a worldly man hauing infinite Cares cogitations and anxieties hanging vpon his minde as waights vpon the Clocke can neuer haue rest or quiet day or night but is enforced to beate his braines when other men sleepe for the compassing of those trifles wherwith he is encombred Carelesse keepers of Gods commandements AS the Scribes and Pharisies that came from Ierusalem picked a quarell against our Sauiour Christ because his Disciples did eate with vnwashed hands wherby they transgressed as they said the tradition of the Elders Our Sauiour Christ in defence of his Disciples chargeth the Scribes and Pharisies which were so zealous to maintaine their owne ceremonies that they were carelesse to breake the commaundements of God Euen so it commeth to passe alwaies that they which are most earnest in vpholding and defending traditions and ceremonies inuented by man are most forgetfull in keeping the commaundements of God But this is the iust iudgement of GOD against those that inuent a new worship of their owne braine That first they loose their labour and secondly that they are depriued of all-right vnderstanding because they haue presumed to be wiser then God Whom the word of God condemneth Esa 29.13 14. 6.9 Math. 13.14 Act. 28.26 Rom. 11.8 Iohn 12.40 Carnall minded men AS with a leaude and naughtie Companion if wee keepe companie we shall learne no good but rather be readie to be infected with his sinne and vice Euen so if wee suffer our selues to be acquainted with the flesh and vse it as a companion in all our dealings and yeeld vnto it we shall then be sure to learne no good of it for the flesh prouoketh vs to whordome to drunkennes to wantonnesse c. Now if we shall acquaint our selues with the flesh we shall learne those things which tend to our destruction Gal. 6.8 Rom. 8.12 13 14 15 16. Tit. 2.12 The Cause of Gods plagues are diligently to be searched out LIke as the Phisition seeing in a glasse by the water the disease within the body by skill and learning searches out the cause of
holy Ghost and be drawn from the loue of themselues and of worldly things vnto the pure loue of God as their Parents were A briefe Comparison of the sinnes that raigned in the people in the time of the Prophet Zephania with the like sinnes in the people of our time 1 AS in the time of the Prophet there were many and foule finnes and vices then raigning and ouerflowing amongst the people Euen so likewise are there now many greeuous sins and offences amongst vs. 2 As the people then presumed vpon their blinde and dead faith and counterfeit repentance and hypocriticall and faigned prayers So also the common people now presume vppon theyr idle faith thinking themselues as good Christians as the best if so bee that they can say by heart the Articles of theyr Beleefe the Lords Prayer and the tenne Commaundements and thinke that they repent verie well if they come to the Church on the Sabboth dayes and other holy dayes and say the Confession after their Minister although they bee neuer touched with any remorse or feeling of any one sinne yet they suppose they haue repented sufficiently and so likewise of Prayer 3 Like as in the Prophets time when the people were thus ouerwhelmed with their blinde faith counterfeit repentance and hypocriticall Prayers then the Lord in mercie sent his Prophets vehemently and sharply to reproue them and to denounce the iudgement of God against them Euen so the Lord of his vnspeakable goodnesse hath raised vp many famous and zealous Preachers in our dayes to exclaime and crie out against the manifold wickednesse now raigning amongst vs and to threaten vs with the vengeance of God for the same 4 As there were alwayes some good Prophets that would reprooue sinne and iniquitie in all estates without respect of persons so there was also some false and fawning Prophets and Preachers that would soothe vp the people with sweete and flattering words and dawbe them vp with vntempered morter telling them that there was peace and all was well and that they were in a very good case when indeede destruction was euen at hand Euen so in like manner as wee haue many faithfull Preachers that will boldly reprooue sinne in all estates so also wee haue many such clawbackes and flattering Ministers who doo soothe vp their Parishioners making them beleeue that they are as good Christians as the best and that they may be partakers of the Lords Supper if so be that they can say the Lordes prayer the Articles of their Beleefe and the tenne Commaundements yea and though they vnderstand not what the Sacraments meane neither wherefore nor yet to what end they were ordained nor what profit they should haue by worthily receiuing the same and if so be that they come to the Church at times appointed and heare the Seruice read although they returne home againe as wise as they came and haue profited no more in knowledge then the seates that they sat on yet these are good people say they and obedient and dutifull subiects 5 Euen as in the Prophets time the people then excused themselues for not comming to heare their Sermons because there were some Priests and false Prophets that did bend and set themselues with all their force to contrarie and gainsay that doctrine which the true Prophets did deliuer vnto the people wherevpon the people said that they could not agree amongst themselues therfore they would not heare them So likewise a number of people do now say after the like sort go about to excuse themselues saying we wil not heare them because they cannot agree among themselues for one say they Preacheth of this thing to day an other against it the next day some allow of one thing to day othersome disallow of the same so that say they we cannot tell which to follow or whom to beleeue but such as would be accounted good Christians ought to be growen to such knowledge and iudgement in the word of God that they be able to discerne and iudge who preacheth sound Doctrine and who teacheth corrupt and so to trie the spirits c. 1. Iohn 4.1 Christ Communicated to vs by a spirituall maner 1 AS we verily take and eate the bread and wine by a naturall maner the which incontinent after by digestion turneth into our substance and nourishment of our corporall life So likewise as verily although by a spirituall and celestiall maner and not with mouth and teeth is Iesus Christ himselfe which is now in heauen on the right hand of his Father communicated vnto vs 1. Cor. 10.16 that we may be flesh of his flesh Eph. 5.30 that is to say beeing knit and incorporated with him by faith Iohn 17.21 22 23. our soules and our bodies doo attaine to eternall life Col. 2.12 yea euen whilest wee be in this world his spirit doth sanctifie and gouerne our bodies and soules to dedicate and sacrifice all our life to his seruice and to the loue of our neighbours for the loue of him 2 As no man will denie a mans wife to be with her husband one body and flesh although hee be at London and she at Yorke So likewise it cannot truly be denied that the coupling of Christes body and bloud to the Sacrament is a spirituall thing and therefore there needes not any such carnall presence as the Papists doo imagine Education of Children 1 LIke as fruitfull fieldes for lacke of tillage waxe barren Or as trees being neglected either bring forth no fruite or else the same vnsauorie without the diligence of graffing and pruning Or as dogges be vnmeet to hunt the horse and Oxen vnapt to the plough except mans diligence be put thereto Euen so Children would become wilde and vnprofitable except by diligence and in due time they should be fashioned and brought in order by good bringing vp 2 Like as planting and carefulnesse hath great power in all growing things Euen so hath Education greater vertue and strength yea and better fruite in the diligent bringing vp of Children 3 Like as Noblemen and Gentlemen are desirous to haue a good and skilfull horsekeeper that can keepe their horses well and they spare not to giue great stipends to such Euen so how much more ought Christian Parents be desirous to haue and maintaine a good Schoolemaister that might godlily bring vp their children in vertue and wisedome 4 Like as if a horse be not well broken or haue any euill qualitie the owner will be carefull to see it remedied and that he may be made gentle So likewise godly Parents seeing their naturall childe euill brought vp ought to be much more carefull that he may be brought to some good order 5 As there be some men who can easily see and spie a spauine a sprent a ringbone or such other disease in a horse Euen so much more ought a good Father be as readie to looke that there be no faults in his Children or in the teacher vnto whome hee committeth the
crosse we profit not as we ought then either he letteth it lie the longer vpon vs or remouing it sendeth an other in stead of it though not presently because we could not beare it yet afterwards when it seemeth best vnto him 12 Like as when a mans body is so distempered and some member so putrified then it is best for him to haue his bloud taken away from him to be launced and seared yea to haue a part cut off Euen so when any affliction or calamitie doth befall vs let vs not be discontented therwith or be impatient but submitting our iudgements and wills to the iudgement and will of God let vs quietly endure seeing the Lord giueth vs that not which we fondly desire as the best but which he knoweth to be and is indeed the best 13 As the sicke Patient cannot as he is man but feele the launcing and searing of his flesh and so complaine of it with great griefe yea crie out for the extremitie of paine though hee knoweth it to be best for him then and therefore dooth after a sort most willingly suffer it Euen so some are so full of complaints in their afflictions because they are not perswaded at that time that the very thing is sent for theyr most speciall good and therefore such are to meditate vpon this heretofore set downe concerning this matter 14 As in worldly matters we will beare many things at the hands of them whom we loue as the child at the mother the husband at the wife one friend at an other Euen so how much more ought we to beare al things at the hands of God whom we know so loueth vs in Christ and therfore we ought so to loue him again no doubt wold beare if there were that loue in vs which ought to be 15 Like as when the childe hath offended his father he ●hould say to his seruant in his anger Take him out of my sight and punish him it would be more greeuous then if he should take correction of him himselfe Euen so it may minister vnto vs some comfort that in afflictions we know that we are vnder our Fathers hand and that he hath not deliuered vs vnto any other to be tormented Rom. 8.29 Psal 66.10 16 As in a familie great is the priuiledge of the eldest brother and none must looke to go beyond him nay euerie one cannot be like vnto him and if any might come to as great an inheritance as hee by dooing those things which he did before them they might not refuse the condition vnlesse they would prefer themselues before him So likewise seeing it hath pleased the Lord to consecrate the Prince of our peace through affliction Heb. 2.10 and he came vnto glorie no other way then this wee must thinke it good for vs to go the same way that we might be like vnto him and so by our practise shewe that wee acknowledge him to be the Prince of our peace and our eldest brother 17 Euen as he is the chiefe and principall in the Common-wealth in the Church in a priuate familie and in any place that all desire to be like vnto So when wee are contented to be like vnto Christ in any thing euen in the Crosse then shall we declare that we hold him to be the chief and principall and as it is said The first begotten among many bretheren 18 Howsoeuer there is great difference betweene the head and the rest of the members yet there is a certaine conformitie betweene the members of the same body and the head and all of them are inferiour vnto it Euen so howsoeuer there is no comparison betwixt Christ and vs yet we must be like him in this that we must not be aboue him and therefore not to refuse any condition tha● he hath vndergone before vnlesse we would preposteriously preferre our selues the members before him our head which were to darken the glorie of him that is the first borne and to staine the honour of him that is the Prince of our peace 19 As it were a disorder if the subiects would refuse to do that which the Prince had done before or if the younger bretheren should thinke much to be brought vp that way that the heire hath beene before Euen so when wee shall refuse to beare the crosse which our Sauiour Christ by the appointment of his father hath borne in greater measure then we shall or can it is nothing else but to lift vp our selues aboue him and to say that we will not be conformable vnto him as to our Prince or eldest brother 20 As it did not repent Ioseph that he first enduring the prison was afterwards made ruler in Egypt or Iacob that he came to inherit his fathers blessing at the last by a long exile and tedious bondage or as it did not repent the Israelites that by passing through a forlorne Wildernesse fortie yeares they came to the land of promise in the end Euen so we must not prescribe the Lord any thing in the matter of our saluation but thinke our selues happie that we are saued any way yea if we went to heauen by hell and when wee are come thither we shall finde the ioyes so farre surpasse all troubles and aduersities whatsoeuer that wee shall neuer repent vs of the hardnesse of the way 21 Like as if one bleede at his nose so that hee bee ●n some daunger of life the best way to remedie the ●he same is to chaunge the course of the bloud by letting him bloud in an other place Euen so seeing there is no Comfort in worldly pouertie but wee thinke our selues most miserable wee must turne our eyes to our spirituall pouertie and so wee shall ere it bee long finde comfort 22 Like as if one that were blinde should be suddenly taken and carried to some punishment hee knew not by whom hee might greatly feare what would be the end or measure of it Or if one should be dealt withall as is the maner of the Spanish Inquisitours to put the poore soule in the greater feare if hee should haue a tormenter sent vnto him very vgly disguised who should carrie him into a darke place hee knew not whither that might encrease the griefe of his affliction the more but if when he were in the middest of it he should heare the voyce of his father and so perceiue that it were his father that corrected him though so disguised it might somewhat diminish his feare Euen so howsoeuer it be true that euerie crosse is so much the more vncomfortable vnto vs because wee looke not vp vnto him that sendeth it and wee are so blinde that wee consider not who striketh vs yet when we heare out of the word the voyce of our father speaking vnto vs and telling vs that it is he that dealeth with vs how straunge and deformed soeuer the tormenter may seeme to be let vs not bee too much discouraged because that euen when he striketh vs the bowels
the corrupted wounds of a sicke body and to take away or to feare with an hot Iron the rotten flesh in cutting or searing hath no pittie of the weake man to the end that in curing his sore and healing his wound by cutting and searing he may shew him pittie Euen so our most wise God that celestiall Physition and heauenly Surgeon smiteth and afflicteth vs that hee may heale vs cutteth and seareth vs that he may cure vs. Heb. 12.6.7 Deut. 32.39 Amo. 3.2 Psa 89.31.32 Good Christians are much grieued when God is dishonored AS a water pot or a Viall full of liquor if suddenly it be ouerthrowne doth shed and scatter the liquor So a deuout and godly Christian abounding with teares being mooued and troubled with sorrow because of the iniuries dishonour wrongs and blasphemies committed against the Lord doth presently powre out great aboundance and as it were mightie streames of salt and bitter teares Luke 19.41 Psal 119.136 Math. 26.75 Disobedient Children EVen as a long and a prosperous life is promised vnto obedient sonnes So on the other side all disobedient vnthankfull and obstinate Children are assured of the punishment of infamie ioyned with diuers and great o● lamities and torments Exod. 20.12 1. Sam. 2.22 1. King 1.25 c. Deut. 21.18 c. Pro. 20.20 Ephe. 6.2 The end of our Calling LIke as if her Maiestie to shew her puissance against a forraine power should call foorth one or two of her subiects who are most beholding vnto her to Iust and turney in her presence for her honor they wold no doubt straine all their strength in this seruice yea and their liues too Euen so much more ought we that are Christians to performe this dutie to our God and Prince who hath called vs out by name to fight for his honour to be a chosen and peculiar people vnto himselfe to stand on his parts to shew forth his vertues and to be zealous of good workes yea and that wee might the better performe this seruice he hath furnished vs with his owne armour and weapons yea and his owne hand is with vs too though all men see it not and therefore we must endeuour to doo valiantly and to doo our best to answere the expectation of our heauenly king and prince Tit. 2.13.14 Psal 130.4 1. Pet. 2.9 Cantic 8.6 The Churches variable estate vpon earth LIke as the day and night doo one follow another So likewise in the administration of the Church here vpon earth Christ suffereth a continuall intercourse betweene peace and persecution Christ is to be serued and pleased before our selues or others AS the maister of those seruants that are borne in his house or whome hee purchaseth doo pretend that they doo him wrong when they spend any time either to their owne particular profite or in the seruice of others So may Iesus Christ much more iustly complaine of vs that are his two-fold seruants namely by birth and by purchase if wee imploy euen neuer so little of our liues to serue and please our selues the world or the diuell our enemies 1. Cor. 6.19 Math. 16.24 Luk. 9.23 Rom. 12.2 It is spirituall Adultrie to forsake Christ and loue the world EVen as a woman may rightly be called an Adulteresse that giueth her body to other men and setteth her loue on an other So they which flie from Christ and forsake him being their spirituall husband by setting their loue on this world or any thing therein doo commit adulterie against Christ Iam. 4.4 Ephe. 5.30 1. Cor. 6.17 Christ is sent of the Father AS fire sendeth forth both heate and light but neither heate nor light sendeth fire so the father sendeth both Christ and the all knowing comforter and hee is vnsent Christ and the holy Ghost are of the Father AS both the light the heate are of the fire So Christ and the holy Ghost both are of the Father the one begotten the other proceeding and the Father onely is of himselfe and of no other Christ is to be loued for sauing of vs. 1 LIke as if thou fallest into a deepe ryuer being in apparant daunger of drowning if any man should cast the a rope or himselfe leape into the water to saue thy life thou canst not sufficiently confesse and acknowledge thy selfe his debter to doo him pleasure and seruice all the daies of thy life So likewise wee were not onely in daunger of falling into hell but were alreadie fallen euen from our infancie and dayly through our sinnes fell deeper and deeper Yet Christ cast vs not in a rope to pull vs vp and saue vs but threw himselfe into our sea of woe into our hell to be short into horrible death wherein wee were drowned to plucke vs foorth and therefore with great zeale and affection we are bound to say Lord wee are bound to loue honour serue please and obey thee in all that we may with our whole hearts all the dayes of our life 2 Like as if thou werst vpon a Scaffold ready to be beheaded for thy drunkennesse or adulterie and thereupon shouldest haue a pardon and so thy life saued vpon condition that thou shouldest fall no more thereinto thou wouldest no doubt willingly and heartily promise yea with thy hand subscribe and with thy tongue sweare that thou wouldest neuer more commit adulterie or drunkennesse but that thou wouldest abhorre all Tauernes Ale-houses and drunkerds all whores and bawdes and so amend thy life Now seeing Iesus Christ hath saued thee not from an apparant daunger of death but euen from death it selfe and not from the death of the body but from euerlasting death who requireth of thee to amende thy life which thou art bound so to doo yea thou oughtest cheerefully and earnestly promise and faithfully vowe to reforme and amend and to shun all occasions that might procure thee to displease and offend him Counsell EVen as out of an Apothecaries shoppe where verie wholesome medicines precious oyntments and most pleasant perfumes are solde sometimes commeth most ranke and deadly poyson So very often from men greatly experienced and deepely learned do come very pestilent pernitious and treacherous Counsels The right knowledge of Christ crucified 1 AS Elizeus when hee would reuiue the childe of the Shunamite went vp and lay vpon him and put his mouth vpon his mouth and his hands vppon his hands and his eyes vpon his eyes and stretched himselfe vpon him Euen so if thou wouldest bee reuiued to euerlasting life thou must by faith as it were set thy selfe vpon the Crosse of Christ and applie thy hands to his hands thy feete to his feete and thy sinful heart to his bleeding hart and content not thy selfe with Thomas to put thy finger into his side but euen diue plunge thy selfe wholly both body and soule into the woundes and bloud of Christ 2. King 4.34 2 As the dead Souldier tumbled into the graue of Elizeus was made aliue at the very touching of his body Euen so shalt
thou by a spirituall touching of Christ dead buried be quickned to euerlasting life 2. King 13.21 Our Conformitie with Christ by a certaine kind of imitation 1. AS Christ in the garden and vpon the Crosse by prayer made with strong cries and teares presented and resigned himselfe vp to be a sacrifice of propitiation to the iustice of his Father for mans sinne So must wee also in prayer present and resigne our selues our soules our bodies our vnderstanding will memorie affections and all we haue to the seruice of God in the generall calling of a Christian and in the particular callings in which he hath placed vs. Psal 40.7.8 2 As Christ bare his owne Crosse to the place of execution So must we as good Disciples of Christ denie our selues take vp all the Crosses and afflictions that the hand of God shal lay vpon vs if it be euery day and follow him Iohn 19.17 Math. 10.38 3 As our Sauiour Christ when hee apprehended the wrath of God and the very pangs of hell were vpon him wholly stayed himselfe vpon the aide helpe protection good pleasure of his Father euen to the last So must wee by a true liuely faith depend on Gods mercy in Christ as it were with both our hāds in peace in trouble in life in the very pang of death and we must not in any wise let our hold go no though we should feele our selues discend to hell Children not to be cloathed with ouer costly apparel AS the soft Flax soone catcheth hold on the fire So likewise youthfull nature will soone bee inflamed with Costly apparell and with new fashions which is a great fault in parents as lamentable experience too much teacheth this day Esay 14.12 Zeph. ● 8 Christ will take Compassion on vs. 1 AS the Apple of the eye is so tender that it may not be touched but with great griefe So likewise the coniunction betweene Christ vs is such that he feeleth our afflictions and thereof taketh great compassion Zach. 2.8 2 As Alexander the Monarch of the world whensoeuer he came to any Citie to besiege it he wold at the first shew forth display his white flag or banner in tokē of mercy if they would yeeld but if they would not then he would set forth and display his red flags and banners in token of wrath and bloud So in like maner at the first our Sauiour Christ wil shew mercy vnto vs hoping that we wil turne repent but if we wil not then he wil bring dreadful iudgements vpon vs. Cardes and Dice 1 AS by lots the souldiers parted the garments of Iesus Christ So may we wel say that these games of Cards and Dice is the meanes to part betweene the world and the diuel many of those who professing reformed Religion are addicted therunto Mat. 27.35 Pro. 16.33 Eph. 5.16 2 As the pleasure of gaine and the sorrow for losse in play are mighty passions to moue the harts of men So also a number of braules quarrels and controuersies doo arise of Carding and Dicing as swearing cursing and blaspheming of God c. Exod. 20.7 Math. 12.36 1. Cor. 10.31 3 As they that whet their kniues vpon a chalke stone do not sharpen them but rather make them more dul blūt Euen so such as vse Dicing and Carding do not quicken their wits but rather dull them Christ is the foode of a Christian soule AS euery man is carnally fed and nourished in his body by meate and drinke Euen so is euery good Christian man fed and nourished in his soule by the fleshe and bloud of our Sauiour Christ Care of the saluation of others AS when one of our friends is ill at ease or sicke in his body we will not sticke to ride and runne to procure any meanes whereby to restore his bodily health Euen so much more ought we to be more carefull of the saluation of the soules of our brethren by how much more the the soule is of greater price then the body Christ crucified healeth vs. AS skilfull and cunning Physitions are wont sometimes when a sick man is sore vexed with a numnesse of his whole body to cut a vaine of his head that the letting of bloud may heale the body of that disease and sicknesse Euen so Christ is our head and wee are his members A vaine of our head is cut that our whole body may be healed Christ suffered that mankind might bee redeemed Col. 1.18 Gal. 4.4 Originall Corruption is the roote of all sinne AS the cause of trees and plants of their rootes stockes stems and boughes is in the seede So the cause of our transgressions foule sinnes and most daungerous iniquities is our owne Corruption wherewith wee are moued and inclined to all euill and the ignorance and not knowing of our selues wherewith we are greatly hindred in the knowledge of our God and doo also most sharpely censure those things in others which wee doe loue and cherish in our selues Our Conuersation is carefully to be looked vnto AS it behoueth him that walketh vpon cordes strained and fastned on high diligently to looke to his footing that he may not totter or decline this way or that way Euen so it standeth vs vpon to bee warie and carefully to looke about vs and to take good heede where we set our feete that is our affections and the delights of our hearts least we fall downe headlong into the bottomlesse gulph of Gods displeasure For if wee will fixe our affections and bend our wils with a deliberate consent to doo the thing that is euil vniust and vngodly making no conscience of any thing that we doo bee it neuer so opposite and contrarie to the will of God it cannot be but falling from the state of grace wee shall fall most suddenly and shamefully into the infernall pit of hell death and damnation 2 As a wheele although it turne about on the ground yet the greatest part of it is alwaies from the earth and but little of it toucheth the ground So although our body be on earth yet the Conuersation of the soule which is the greater part of vs must be in heauen Christ is possessor of heauen for vs. 1 AS if vpon the confiscation of an inheritance comming to many brethren when the Prince afterward maketh a release the eldest brother taketh the possession for assurance that himselfe and his brethren are restored to their goods and the same is an assurance to the coheires with the eldest that in the person of their eldest brother themselues are put in possession of the inheritance common to them all Euen so Iesus Christ hath taken possession of heauen not onely for himselfe but also for vs his coheires Rom. 8.17 2 As the high Priest entring into the holy Sanctuarie vpon his shoulders and brest carried the twelue names of the twelue Tribes of Israel So Iesus Christ entered not alone into heauen but we also with him Ephe. 2.5 Companie changeth
alike And this is the cause that in our Faith as in all other qualities there is sometimes more sometimes lesse and that oftentimes it is more strong and liuely and then sometimes againe more remisse and faint 2 Like as we see the water is more hote or cold according as it is neare or farre off from the fire Euen so is it with vs according as wee are more or lesse exercised in the word and driuen by Gods spirit wee haue more or lesse zeale and affection 3 And altogether like as the disposition of the body followeth the qualitie and temperature of the ayre Elements and exercises to which wee giue our selues Euen so according to the places where we liue and the nourishment that wee there take is the estate of our soules and consciences But bee it that water is sometime hote and sometime colde and that it chaunge his qualities sometimes one way sometimes an other yet it is alwaies water Euen so the man that is elect after his regeneration is alwayes faithfull howsoeuer in that he is the childe of Adam he bee sometimes enclined to euill and that his Faith be not alwayes in one and the selfe same estate and that hee is not alwayes accompanied with the like zeale and affection For oftentimes it commeth to passe that we feele Iesus Christ to stirre and mooue himselfe in vs and by and by after wee haue no manner of Feeling at all But therefore hee ceaseth not to dwell in vs no more then our soules doo dwell in our bodies when we sleepe although in sleeping wee neither Feele them nor any of their operations Feeling of sinnes greater in some then of the merite and righteousnesse of Iesus Christ. 1 LIke as we Feele the calamities and miseries of warre more then the fruites and pleasures of peace and the griefes and diseases more then the quietnesse of health and the hardinesse of pouertie more then the profites and commodities of aboundance and riches Euen so we ought not much to maruaile if wee Feele the stingings and prickes of sinne a great deale more then the consolations of the righteousnesse of Iesus Christ seeing that sinne dwelleth in vs and not righteousnesse which thing is the cause that the one is more sencible then the other Notwithstanding for all this wee must not thinke that sinne is greater and stronger then righteousnesse or that it can in anye respecte bee compared vnto it or can bee more able to condemne and destroye vs then the righteousnesse of Iesus Christ and the grace of GOD is to iustifie and saue vs. Rom. 6.1 c. 2 Like as we haue sometimes in the ende of our finger some pain or grief which we feele a great deale more then the health that is all ouer the rest of the body yea thogh it be much greater then the paine of our finger Euen so we must not esteeme the greatnesse or the strength whether it be of righteousnesse or sinne according to that feeling we haue because the one that is sin is more sencible then the other and specially forasmuch as we embrace righteousnesse onely by Faith which is of those things that are not outward and sencible Feeling and finding not alwayes in our selues good desires to holy Exercises yet we must not be discouraged therefrom AS a man that taketh bread meate and eateth it without any great appetite hath not such a pleasure in eating as if he were well an hungred notwithstanding that which he receiueth ceaseth not to profit and sustaine him as we see in sicknesse Euen so do prayers and other Christian Exercises to which such cold persons do giue themselues And therefore it only remaineth for them to search the meanes how to encourage themselues and to do euen as a man would do to fire when it is almost out which he would haue kindled againe he bloweth it and layeth matter about it wherwith to kindle the same or as a man that putteth Oyle to a Lampe when the light is going out Babling of Foolish men and women AS there is no beast that more loueth his Whelpes or yonglings then the Asse or Ape So some Foolish women and fond men do more regard their owne tale and blind babling then all other mens Faith as God giueth vs it so he encreaseth the same in vs. AS it is the part of a naturall Father to nourish and set forth the childe which he hath begotten Euen so no doubt God is so faithfull that as he giueth Faith vnto his deare children so he doth furder feede and conserue the same also in them Psal 68.28 Luk. 17.5 Faith the onely trueth which reciueth the bodie of Christ crucified 1 AS the sustenance of bread and drinke being holden onely in the hand or gazed vppon with the eye nourisheth not except the same be inwardly receiued and conueyed into the stomacke and yet neither againe the receiuing of euery thing sustaineth mans bodie except it be meate and drinke which haue their condition properly to nourish So in like sort it is with Faith for as the beleeuing of euery truth and Faith of euery obiect saueth not but that Faith onely which is in Christs blood so neither againe doth the same blood of Christ profit vs except by Faith it be inwardly receiued Mat. 11.28 Ioh. 3.15 16 18. 14.1 11 12. 15.4 5 7. Act. 10.44 2 As the Sunne the fountaine of all light shineth not but onely to such which haue eyes to see nor yet to them vnlesse they open their eyes to receiue light Euen so the body of Christ crucified being the materiall sustenance onely of our soules it followeth that the same sustenance must be receiued by Faith into our inward hearts or else it is not effectuall 3 Like as Iustifying Faith goeth euer with his obiect Christ Euē so to the same faith also must be required that it stand not only in outward profession in words in tong and talke as swimming onely in the lippes nor in inward formes in shewes and gestures only which is but a dead and an idle Faith making an Hypocrite before men rather then a iustified man before God but must enter further into the inward heart and as the sustenance of the soule must inwardly be receiued and digested Forgiuenesse of sinnes to be preached to all men 1 LIke as God hath shut vp all in vnbeliefe that he might haue mercy vppon all Euen so hee will haue this grace of Forgiuenesse of sinnes of his mercy to be set forth and preached to all mankinde Rom. 11.32 Ioh. 3.16 1. Ioh. 2.1 2. 2 As the hungry stomacke is able to receiue meate but yet for all that vnlesse he which is hungry do receiue and eate the meate he is not refreshed So likewise the contrite and humble heart is able indeed to receiue Forgiuenesse of sins but yet vnlesse he do receiue it in very deed the conscience of sinne is not quietted but it dooth receiue it indeed when it receiueth the word
of Grace by Faith 3 As Forgiuenesse of sinnes is not obtained without true repentance and amendment of life So after it is once obtained it is not continued without the constant obseruing of the same For to what end is the disease cured which is of purpose procured againe when it is once healed Mat. 3.2 4.17 Ioh. 8.11 5.14 Faith hath need of continuall increase and yet is neuer perfect in this life 1 LIke as in euery mans body it is necessary there be encreases of the body according to the measure and quantitie of euery one vntill it come to the perfect measure Euen so it fareth with the case of Faith for the bringing of it vnto a iust measure sauing that the encrease thereof cannot be made vp in any certaine number of yeares as the body may but needeth to haue continuall increase as long as we haue our being here vpon earth by continuall preaching and Catechising by the right vse of the Sacraments by true and earnest prayer and by discipline Rom. 10.17 1. Cor. 3.2 6. Act. 2.38 Math. 7.7 1. Cor. 5.3 4 5. 2 Euen as a Candle or Lampe vnlesse they bee nourished with supply of new Tallow or Oyle are soone extinguished So also the word of our Faith vtterly decayeth vnlesse it bee preferred by newe Doctrines and meditations of Scripture Flatterer 1 EVen as the beast Hyena doth imitate a mans voice and so learneth ones name whom he calleth foorth and destroyeth So a Flatterer will so sooth you with yea and nay that at the length he will bring you to the pit of destruction 2 As a Camelion can turne himselfe into al colours saue white So will a Flatterer chaunge himselfe into all shapes and hewes saue honestie 3 As there is nothing more daungerous then poysoned honie So nothing ought more to be bewared then a Flattering friend 4 As lice doo forsake the dead bodies where the bloud is decayed and wherevpon they vsed before to feede So Flateres are present so long as prosperitie raigneth but in aduersitie they are fled and gone 5 As they which doo bring vp any wild beast will first behold wherewith his nature is pleased or offended vntill at the length by continuance the same is made tractable and tame So a Flatterer doth accommodate himselfe to the will mind and affections of his friends vntill at the length he may gather the knowledge of his inclination 6 As the shadow when the Sunne shineth doth follow thee whersoeuer thou goest So a Flatterer in thy prosperous state is euer with thee present 7 As Orators sometimes do speake in the persons of other So a Flatterer wil report that he heard things of thee although it were nothing so 8 As a Scorpion is a venemous creature which hath a pleasant face but woundeth deadly with her taile she stingeth not with her face but with her hinder part Euen so such a one is euerie smoothe tongued and flattering bodie which speaketh faire to his neighbours face and killeth him in his heart Prou. 26.22 28. 18.8 Rom. 16.18 9 As a Bee doth carry a floure in her mouth but behinde dooth pricke verie sharpely with her sting So likewise verie many in these dayes doo vse most sweete and pleasant speeches and will euen stroke as it were thy humour and disposition with soft and sugred communication to the ende that by reason of some malice couched in their hearts they may worke thy woe and vtter ouerthrowe Psal 118.12 Psal 78.36 37. Prouer. 28.23 Eecle 7.7 10 Like as the ende of an Orator is with eloquence to perswade and the end of the Physition with medicine to cure and to heale Euen so the end of the Flatterer is with his humble communication and sweete alluring talke to deceiue so that flattery is a sweete musicke to a mans eares but indeed there is none more pernicious and pestilent then that is 11 As a Looking-glasse dooth imitate whatsoeuer is set before it and dooth represent the likenesses of them that looke in it but by a contrary way for it sheweth the left side to be the right and if thou looke into the East it doth represent thee looking towards the West Euen so a Flatterer in voice and in gesture will imitate thee If thou laugh and be merrie he also will be pleasant and merrie If thou weepe he will weepe for companie If thou wilt backbite and slaunder a man he will take thy part and will with raylings obloquies and slaunders euen grieuously wound the same man And if thou wilt praise thy selfe hee will helpe thee Or if thou louest to heare thy selfe praised of others hee will carrie thee as it were vpon the wings of praises and commendations vp into the clouds and loftie skies Through his subtil slights and craftie deuises he turneth and bendeth himselfe euery way When hee will worke vpon men that be sad and heauie he is presently translated into their humor With men that are remisse and without courage hee dealeth merrily He handleth old men grauely and young men courteously with wicked men he is bold and impudent and with libidiuous and leacherous people he is filthie and shamelesse The Flatterer hath alwayes at his fingers ends and ready vnder his girdle the gestures voices inclinations and dispositions of all persons high and lowe he leaues out none that hee may deceiue all Hee will praise thee in thy presence and scorne thee in thy absence for the Flatterer is double tongued he now extolleth thee and doth set thee aloft with great prayses and by and by he will cast thee downe with iniuries and wrongs 12 As stickes and wood doo nourish and maintaine the fire but the fire doth waste and consume them So a man that is Flattered by smooth dissemblers and hypocrits doth maintaine his Flatterers for the most part but in the end they wil deuour and vtterly vndoo him Ficklenesse of the state of great persons AS the Pine is a great tree yet the fruite falleth quickly away So the goodnesse of many great persons quickly decayeth Friend and frindship to be tried and then trusted 1 AS Zeusis painted slowly and with leasure that which should long last and continue So must that Friend be a long time tried which shall for euer continue faithfull Eccle. 6.6 7. c. 2 As euill and vnwholesome meate can neither be detained in the stomacke without daunger of diseases neither expulsed without great griefe and paine So if you will keepe an euill Friend he will hurt you but if you will reiect him he will exclaime and breede you great tumult and trouble 3 As he which hath none other money then one counterfeit coyne is altogether monylesse So he which hath none other Friend then he which is vnproued or tryed may be well named friendlesse 4 Hee which goeth about to obtaine the frindship of many is like the vnchast woman who ioying herselfe with many hath no one assured louer 5 As Telephus the Sonne of Hercules
scruple at all at great sinnes as the Papists do who will not sticke to blaspheme the name of God and yet make a conscience of sinnes as the breach of any the Popes decrees c. Math. 22.23 Hardnesse of heart 1 LIke as wee feele our sicknesse by contrarie life and health Euen so Harnesse of heart when it is felt argues quicknesse of grace and softnesse of heart but contrariwise when Hardnesse hath so possessed the heart that it is neuer felt this is daungerous in them who haue their consciences seared with an hotte yron who by reason of custome in sinne are past all feeling who likewise despise the meanes of softning their hearts Esay 65.17 Zach. 7.11 Ephe. 4.19 2 Like as if the clearenesse of the Sunne doo happen to shine vpon the eyes of him that is blind his eyes are not made clearer thereby but rather more dimmer Or if one doo shout or speake loude in the eares of him that is deafe his hearing is nothing thereby quickned but rather more dulled Euen so if any man shal propound and speake the truth to him whose heart is Hardened hee is not made the better any thing at all by it but afterwards conceiueth more Hatred against the truth 2. Cor. 2.16 Act. 19.9 Exod. 9.34 3 As it is daungerous to the state of his body whose veine beeing striken by the Physition sendeth foorth no bloud Euen so daungerous is his condition for his soule that hath his heart smitten by the word of God but sheweth no tokens of repentance 4 As in some kind of sicknesse a man may die languishing So likewise where Hardnesse of heart raignes wholly and finally a man may descend to the pit of hell tryumphing and reioycing 5 As we are carefull to flie the infection of the bodily plague So much more carefull should we bee to flie the common blindnesse of mind Hardnesse of heart which is the very plague of all plagues a thousand folde worse then all the plagues of Egypt 6 As there is nothing harder thē the Adamant stone especially that which is had in the Indians which in firmnes hardnesse value exceedeth the rest which yet is said to bee subdued and mollified with the warme bloud of a Goate So likewise the heart of man beeing Hardned through the continuance and Custome of sinne will not be mollified bridled nor tamed neither with the bloud of a Goate nor yet with the bloud of that immaculate Lambe Christ Iesus which gaue himselfe a sacrifice for vs vpon the Altar of the crosse there bestowed his bloud that he might mittegate and appease our wild minds and pricke to the quicke our hard and senselesse hearts and to open vnto vs the way to the attaining of eternall life and euerlasting saluation Esay 48.4 Iere. 5.3 7 As a stone preaseth to his centre So an Hard hearted man is preasing toward hell Exod. 15.5 Hatred 1 LIke as loue beareth good will euen to the dead and wisheth them aliue and would if it were possible stay them from death which are condemned to die Euen so Hatred seeketh to fley the liuing and deemeth them vnworthie of life which haue offended neuer so lightly 2 As the fire doth consume that substance whereby it is nourished Euen so Hatred consumeth the hart wherein it hath beene misled 3 As the Moath doth gnaw the garment where it is bred So Hatred gnaweth the heart wherein it was conceiued 4 As a Bee stingeth and pricking an other doth loose his sting and can neither make Honie nor liue but a smal time after So the heart pricking an other with the sting of Hatred dooth loose many sweete vertues and killeth it selfe Mans Heart naturally corrupt from the wombe 1 AS a Tree whose roote is rotten and infected with venimous sap bringeth foorth none but corrupt and naughtie fruite Euen so from mans Heart which is corrupt and naturally infected with the contagion of sinne can proceede nothing that is good For that which is born of the flesh is flesh Gene. 6.5 8.21 Psal 14.1.3 53.1 3. Rom. 3.10 c. Mark 7.18.21 22. 2 Like as a Wolfe cannot ingender but a yong Wolfe and a Serpent a young Serpent and euen as wee doo not leaue off or cease to hate a yong Woolfe although that he hath not yet eaten or woried any sheepe Or a yong Serpent notwithstanding that he hath not yet cast forth his venime but doo iudge him worthie of death because of the peruerse nature that is in them So ought we to esteem and thinke that God hath no lesse occasion to hate and condemne vs euen from our mothers bellie because of our peruersitie and naturall malice engendred with vs. And though the Lord should damne vs eternally hee should doo vs no wrong but onely that which our nature meriteth and deserueth For although that the young Infant hath not yet done any worke which wee may iudge to be euill and wicked sith that he hath not yet the vnderstanding discretion nor the power to doo it yet it followeth not therefore but that the peruersitie and malice which is naturall in man hath alreadie his roote in him as one part of his paternall inheritance the which cannot please God For although that it bringeth not foorth her fruites yet they doo remaine still there as in their roote which will bring them forth in his time As the venime is alreadie in a Serpent although that he bite not and so the nature of a Woolfe in a yong Woolfe how harmelesse soeuer he seemeth to be 3 As a Seale cannot bee Imprinted in an Adamant which by reason of the hardnesse thereof wil not yeelde Euen so the Heart of man is by nature so hard that it will not yeeld vntill it bee wounded and brused by the spirite of God by the preaching of the law Ezech. 11.19 Rom. 2.5 Psal 51.17 4 Like as when the Adamant is beaten to powder it will then receiue any print Euen so when the Lord shall bruse our Hearts and batter our affections and take the sence from them then they will no doubt receiue some impressions of Gods anger and vengeance 5 As Waxe melteth with the heate of the fire So the Heart of man fainteth with the greatnesse of troubles and vexations Psal 22.14 Our Hearts must be eleuated dayly to heauen 1 AS those that keepe Clockes vse euerie day once at the least to pull vp the plummets least their weight should draw them downe so farre that the course of the Clocke should be hindered So in like manner wee must set apart somtime of the day for the eleuating and raysing vp of our minds to heauen by meditation on Gods word and prayer least our Hearts should so far descend through the weight of the cares of this world that our course in godlinesse should be hindered and stopped 2 As the Marriner on the Sea doth cast out the best Iewels and most precious things if they ouer-loade his ship and put it in
that we are the children of God true belieuers and members of the Church of Christ and that so we seperate our selues from the prophane worldly and vicious people and do purpose to liue holily righteously and religiously as it beseemeth the children of God and faithfull members of the Church Such therefore as communicating in the holy supper doo not neuerthelesse amend their liues but walking after the world the flesh are giuen to swearing whordome drunkennesse gluttonie couetousnesse deceit fraud ambition pride enuie hatred backbiting with other like vices and corruptions doo shew themselues counterfeits and hypocrites doo eate and drinke their owne damnation and doo horribly scandalize and offend the Church whereof they should be members together with the doctrine that they doo professe 13 As Loue is the fulfilling of the Law and the marke of Gods children So is there nothing that can more mightily induce vs thereto then the vse of this holy Supper 14 As the bread made of many kernels is but one bread So wee that communicate in the bread and Wine of the holy supper are one body vnder one head Iesus Christ 1. Cor. 10.17 12.12 15 As bread hath this propertie through Gods blessing giuen it to feede and strengthen our naturall bodies in this life So likewise the body of Christ beeing represented effectually vnto vs in the Lords supper by that bread hath the selfe same propertie touching our soules to strengthen and to nourish them spiritually 16 As Wine doth comfort and make mans heart glad So our full ioy and spirituall comfort is to bee found in Christ alone 17 As our diet is then full whole and perfect as it were when it consisteth of these two things Bread and Wine or Drinke So we must know that the fulnesse and perfection of all spirituall nourishment is to bee found in Christ alone and no where else whilst that he is become as well the drinke as the meate of our soule not onely in this double signe helping our infirmitie as it were but also teaching vs to seeke the heauenly refection and nourishment of our soules fully and wholly in Christ and no where else 18 As the Bread is made of many graines and the Wine of sundrie and seuerall Grapes and yet all make but one Bread and one Wine So al the faithful should be instructed thereby that though they bee seuerall and distinct persons one of them from an other as the members in the body are yet they al compacted together make but one body Rom. 12.4 5. 1. Cor. 10.16 17. 19 Like as when drie Waxe is put into that which is melted it is presently mingled and vnited with it So we are vnited to Christ by faith in worthily receiuing the mysteries of his body and bloud in the Sacrament 20 Euen as wee are by the bloud of Christ cleansed and by the holy Ghost in Baptisme regenerated So wee beeing cleansed and regenerated are spiritually fed and nourished by the benefite of the body and bloud of Christ rightly vsing the Lords supper according to his owne institution 21 Euen as there is no liberall hearted Gentleman that maketh a feast but hee is desirous that his gestes should haue a lusting greedie and hungrie stomacke Euen so our heauenly Father is desirous that all men that are bidden to this heauenly feast should bee partaker of the mysteries of his body and bloud should haue hungring and thristing stomackes which hunger and thurst must be of the soule and not of the body Loue of our neighbour AS hee that Loueth the Lord dooth altogether surely and thorowly depend vppon him in firme faith and cleare conscience and therfore dooth neither admit any other Gods nor serue Idols nor dishonour his name nor prophane his Saboths Euen so he that Loueth his neighbour as well as himselfe will neither contemne his parents nor hurt or harme his neighbours nor defile his wife with Adulterie nor steale his goods nor falsely witnesse of him neither yet couet any iot of all that is his but will hartily seeke his commoditie as his owne Deut. 6.5 Math. 22.37 Mar. 12.30 Luk. 10.27 God Loueth his children 1 AS we will take any thing well at his hands of whom we are perswaded that hee Loueth vs for the assurance of his Loue swalloweth vp and sweetely sendeth downe all the rest if he teach vs we take it if he admonish vs we are contented if hee reprooueth vs we put it vp if he iest with vs we are not grieued yea if he smite vs wee are not offended all is taken in good part because they come from Loue who neuer did hurt his beloued So likewise God dealeth with his children hee teacheth them when they are ignorant hee correcteth them when they goe astray he admonisheth them when they are vnruly he reprooueth them when they transgresse he threatneth them when they are stubborne and hee smiteth them when there is no remedie But yet in his fauour and mercie hee teacheth correcteth reprooueth threatneth and smiteth his children that they might not be damned with the world If hee woundeth vs his fauour is Oyle to cure our wounds if he sendeth flouds and Seas of troubles the assurance of his fauour is like Noahs Arke to beare vs vp from drowning If his wrath shall burne like fire his fauour is water to coole the heate whereof Diues in hell could not get a drop If he send sicknesse either of body or mind the assurāce of his fauor is a present remedy like the brazen Serpent if he send sorrow ouer night his Louing fauour shall bring ioy in the Morning and a ioyful tidings like Sonne bee of good cheare thy sinnes are forgiuen thee If he chide vs his fauour that he beareth vnto vs wil not suffer him to chide for euer If his wrath be kindled against his children his fauour puts out all againe if he sets vs vp as markes to be shot at hee sets his fauour before vs with the assurance whereof wee are defended as with a shield Psal 5.12 103.13 2 As a Fathers anger is rather Loue then anger and his correction is to bee counted rather a Loue token then a punishment So in like manner is Gods anger towards his children which feare him and keepe his couenants and therfore his correction is a Loue token no punishment 2. Sam. 7.14 15. Psal 118.18 3 Euen as when Iesus wept ouer Lazarus the Iewes said Behold how hee Loueth him Yea though hee suffered death to cast him into his graue the common bed of all flesh yet behold how he Loued him So in like maner may Gods children say when the Lord correcteth or reproueth or afflicteth them yet marke how he Loueth vs entreateth vs and wooeth vs and when we see this wee must needs say Behold how he Loueth vs. Ioh. 11.35 4 As Sechem deferred not to doo all that was required of him for the obtayning of Dinah because hee Loued her So also when we stand in need of
stomacke turneth all that it eates into raw humors Euen so a good Mind conuerteth all that it heareth and all that it seeth and all that it feeleth vnto some profit but a bad Mind maketh a temptation of euerie thing Rom. 14.14 Tit. 1.15 7 As a field although it bee fertile without Tillage cannot bee fruitfull So the Minde of man without the word of God and heauenly instruction must needes bee barren and can bring foorth no effects of faith nor fruites of godlinesse 8 Like as if one drinke or eate sleepe or labour too much it hurteth the corporall health which cannot bee preserued but by a mediocritie in all things So likewise may we say of the Mind which surely is not in health if it be either too hautie proud or presumptuous or too base lowe and submisse 9 As the ayre is cleared with the brightnes shine of the Sunne and when the Sun is downe and set the ayre is couered with darknesse Euen so the Mind of man when it ●s purged cleared with heauenly wisedome fought and ●rawn out of the word of God doth shine most excellent●y sendeth forth a pure perfect light of Christianitie ●hich may easily bee discerned to proceed come from God himselfe but being without that true light it is ouerwhelmed with an horrible and fearefull darknesse and giueth out nothing but filthy mysts and stinking vapors which doo spring rise out of the corruption and rotten nature of man and euen from hell and Sathan himselfe Murder 1 LIke as if a subiect deface the armes of his Prince it is counted an iniurie so great that it shall bee reuenged and punished as Murder for that this in like sort tendeth to the confusion of all order Euen so he that defaceth the image of God by Murder which is Imprinted in men such an outragious villaine deserueth double punishment 2 As it is good for mans body betimes to cut off a rotten member least the sound part be drawne to it So likewise it is profitable for the safetie of humaine societie to take out of the way Murderers noysome and hurtfull Citizens least the corruption of one by litle and little creepe into the whole body of the societie 3 Like as if such tyrannie should bee vsed against any naturall woman as violently to pull her infant from her breasts cut the throate of it in her owne bosome compell her to receiue the bloud of her owne deare child into her owne mouth all nations would hold the fact so abhominable that the like had neuer beene done in the course of nature Euen so no lesse wickednesse commit they that Murder and shed the bloud of Gods children vppon the face of their common Mother the earth Mercie of God to be appealed vnto LIke as that woman did who when shee stood arrayned at the Barre before Alexander the great and wa● according to her demetites condemned shee then said I appeale from thee ô King Alexander wondering at h●● said thou art a mad woman doest thou not knowe that euerie appellation is from a lower Iudge to a higher but who is aboue me Then said she I know thee to be aboue thy Lawes and that thou maist giue pardon and therefore I appeale from Iustice to Mercie and for my faultes I craue pardon So likewise must we doo when wee looke into the perfect law of Gods word and see him readie to condemne vs for our sinnes and our conscience witnesse that we haue deserued death wee must appeale from Iustice and our deseruings vnto his pardon forgiuenesse and both call and trust to bee partakers of that saluation which he hath purchased offered to the whole world for his Mercies doo passe all our miseries as farre as God is greater then man and his pardon can forgiue all that call on him in true faith 1. King 20.30.31 32. c. Math. 18.26 27. Luk. 7.37 c. 15.21 18.13 2. Chro. 33.12 13. Insufficient Ministers 1 LIke as if a man should faine himselfe to bee a Physition and had no skill at all in Physicke and yet should take a summe of money to heale a sicke man and after should runne away or if hee tarried with the sicke man and neither did him any good nor could doo him any were not this apish Physition a theefe Euen so that Minister that taketh vpon him to bee a Minister and taketh wages of a people to doo those duties that belong vnto a Minister to doo that is faithfully to Preach vnto them the word of God and diligently to Catechise them but yet either doth it not or cannot doo it such one is in deed a theefe and a Church robber c. Ioh. 10.1 c. 2 As in a Common-wealth hee is not to be borne with that would iustifie false and counterfeit money or ●oyne So likewise is he to bee reprooued condemned and rebuked not a litle which will iustifie an ignorant a lewd and a counterfait Minister bicause he doth approue such coine for good as neuer came out of the Lords consistorie which no good or faithfull Christian euer did 1. Cor. 9.14 16. 1. Tim. 3.13 Tit. 1.7 8 9. 3 Like as none that is a good subiect to his Prince not onely wil not traffique with counterfait coine but moreouer will doo his endeuour to haue it defaced and openly nayled vpon the poste Euen so euery true seruaunt of Christ will not onely be farre off from dealing with any such wicked and counterfeyt Minister but moreouer will doo his best in all godly manner that such a one may bee forced to take some other calling vppon him c. 4 As a blind man groping for the wall when he knoweth not how to come by a guide is in great distresse So likewise such ignorant people as are destitute of faithfull Ministers and not knowing by whome to be guided by found instruction are in a most fearefull state Esay 59.10 56.10 11 16. Act. 8.31 Matth. 15.14 5 As Vineger is to the teethe and smoake to the eyes So is a wicked idle and insufficient Minister to the people dulling their sences and blinding them with ignorance Zach. 11.17 Matth. 5.13 Ioh. 10.13 6 Like as it is impossible for an euill man drowned in all kinde of vices to enter into the heauenly Paradise Euen so it is for the leacherous couetous arrogant and stout stomacked and insufficient or vnpreaching Pastor or Minister to make his people and parishioners chaste humble and meeke and fit and able to embrace the kingdome of God Psal 50.16 17. Prou. 29.18 Ier. 23.1 2. c. 48.10 Rom. 2.1 c. Luk. 22.32 12.42 c. Misterie of the Gospell AS the vertues of water Betony Penniwort sea Chick-weed Blew-bells wilde Elder dames Violets Golden-flower of Perowe redde Lillies bastard Hiacinthes Talpia are yet vnknowne what maruell then if heauenly things and many Mysteries of the word be hid Ministers must be able to confute the enemies of Gods
doo not condemne the Art of Nauigation because some haue made shipwracke but their want of knowledge that haue so done So in like manner wee may not condemne the Profession of Christianitie because some making shewe of Christianitie haue committed grieuous sinnes but they that haue abused the good Profession Pacifiers of other men being angrie must not be angrie themselues AS the Chirurgion in healing them that hath the tooth-ache doth not so sorrow for the others griefe as he doth reioyce for his owne health but is indifferent and pleasant So he which goeth about to remedie an others anger ought not to bee mooued himselfe but pleasantly to handle the sicke mind of his neighbour Prosperitie or aduersitie make not a good or bad man AS we may not take it for a sure token and good argument that the doings of wicked men do please God or that they bee in the fauour of God because they haue good and prosperous successe in their affaires Euen so we may not condemne the godly because they sometimes want necessaries and be in aduersitie for if the successe be euill the cause is not therefore straightway euill neither if the successe bee good is the cause therefore straightway good Yet no doubt there is great difference betweene the hauing of a good cause and the hauing of an euill cause Iob. 21.7 c. Iere. 12.1 c. Mal. 3.14 15. Psal 37.1 c. 2. Cor. 11.25 26. Gene. 39.20 Iudg. 20.21 25. 2. King 24.1 c. Iere. 27 19 20. Performance of Gods Commaundements LIke as if a Debtor were bound to paye a thousand pounds which hee oweth vnto his Creditor though the same Creditor did demaund this debt of him beeing due and yet hee were not able to satisfie or pay him yet this Creditor should not doo vniustly to aske of his Debtor his thousand pound Euen so no more is God vnrighteous to aske and require of vs the Performance and due obseruation of all and euerie part of his commaundements at our hands although wee cannot satisfie it accordingly Math. 18.24 Prayer before holy exercises LIke as a man diseased in his body seeketh and taketh the counsell of a Physition that by receiuing a medicine of him hee may recouer his health and so haue a good stomacke to his meate So wee whensoeuer Gods word goeth against our stomacke and that our soules loatheth it must by Prayer seeke to Christ our heauenly Physition that hee may make our soules to like of Gods word which is the bread of saluation least wee starue for want of the same Ioh. 4.14 6.27 Preaching required before the receiuing of the Sacraments 1 AS the print in Wax is more fitly receiued and fully expressed when the wax is wrought and warmed first So likewise the effect of the Sacrament of the bodie and bloud of Christ is more liuely felt and seene when the people repaire and resort thereunto with minds and hearts wel instructed Catechised prepared and throughly examined 2 As it is a good conclusion that for so much as Peter in that hee is a man is borne to haue and by common course of nature hath two legges therefore Iohn and Thomas and all the rest haue so Euen so for so much as Iohn Baptist by reason of his ministery had need first to preach then to baptise it followeth that all others that haue that ministerie committed vnto them must doo the like Mat. 3.1 c. Act. 19.4 5. Preparation needfull before the receiuing of the Lords supper AS it is very conuenient that hee that will heare the word fruitfully should prepare himselfe before to heare So likewise is it very needfull for him that will receiue the Lords supper comfortably that hee should by examination bee Prepared before the receiuing thereof for this Preparation both before hearing and receiuing is as it were a kind of Physick for preparatiues are ministred alwaies before Physicke otherwise it would do no good but hurt So vnlesse examination goe before the Sacrament the party sealeth vp the threatnings which are written against him instead of the promises which are made vnto him for the Sacrament is a seale and therfore sealeth good or euill as euery other seale doth Rom. 4.11 Promises of God AS it is a fancie of the Physitions that he which carieth Mugwort in his bosome will not be wearie in his trauaile So also it is a truth of the Lord that hee which carrieth the sweete Promises of the Gospell in his heart shall not faint in his troubles Priuate Prayer reading meditation and conference at home 1 LIke as most men be carefull enough in making their prouision curious in marking what is wholesome or hurtfull for them precise and constant in keeping their houres for dinner and supper yea and willing to keepe themselues to some kind of meate So contrariwise many refuse the food of their soules as a fruitlesse and vnsauorie thing which chiefly consisteth in the pure vse of Gods publike worship and partly in holy Prayers meditations readings in priuate although the most part be content for some carnall respect to shewe themselues in the publike assemblies yet fewe there are that are carefull to redeeme the time and to make himselfe by Priuate reading and meditation more fit to reape fruit by the publike ministerie of the word and Sacraments 2 As they who through errour preiudice or self-loue are so adicted to their priuate studies that they dispose or neglect the publike ministerie shal without speedie mercie from God fall into diuers fond opinions and daungerous errours and pine away in their ignorance and sinnes Euen so to litle purpose is our hearing of Sermons abroad if there be not a setled and constant course of priuate Prayer reading meditation conference at home 3 Like as naturall men who are most greedie of the world wil not misse scarce once in a yere their ordinarie houres of eating drinking Euen so much more ought Christians not to bee fickle or vnfaithfull in forgetting omitting the times of reading and praying vnto God meditation and conference at home Prouidence of God 1 LIke as when the staffe or cruch of an aged man is taken from him he therupon fals Euen so when Gods blessing is taken from our bread and sustenance which is as the power of nourishment and staffe of our bread and food it becomes vnprofitable and ceasseth to nourish 2 As a shaddow doth protect and defend vs from the beames and heate of the Sunne Euen so God doth protect vs from daungers Psal 91.1 3 Like as in high defenced Towers we are safe from the enemie So likewise by the Prouidence of God wee are in safetie from our foes Psal 3.4 4 Like as in a Clocke there be diuers wheeles whereof some be mooued slower some faster and yet all are directed by one handle So also in this world though there be many creatures and haue diuers actions yet they are all guided and gouerned by one and the
the others feete from the ground he wil easily giue him a fall So the diuell if he by Pride can lift vp our feete from the ground he will easily giue vs a fall 3 As when Moses and Aaron threw the handfulls o● dust into the ayre thereof came botches and biles Euen so when we that are but dust and ashes are exalted in th● Pride of our heart thereof commeth botches and biles in our hearts Exod. 9.8 9 10. God heares not our Prayes alwayes AS the Physition who goes on to launch the wound and heares not the patient though hee crie neuer so till the cure bee ended Euen so God heare not our Prayers alwayes according to our wills and desires but according as the things asked shall be for our saluation Penitent heart AS the begger is alwaies mending and peecing his garment where hee finds a breach So the Penitent and beleeuing heart must alwayes be exercised in repayring it selfe where it findes a want Faire Promises AS they which haue nothing to feede on but the wind doo famish and pine away and so perish So likewise they which are fed with faire Promises and set their hope and confidence in the defence of men are deceiued and left destitute in their most need Perseuerance to the end 1 AS the prize or best game for running cannot be obtained of any that either runne not or else giue ouer afore they bee at the end of their race So likewise none can attaine the celestiall Crown of glorie but they which Perseuer in the right race of Christianitie vnto the end 1. Cor. 9.24 2 As they which runne in a race hauing onely regard to the reward of themselues as light as nimble as they can and therefore throw away whatsoeuer is heauie or may hinder their swiftnesse So godly Christians in their course to heauen hauing that glorie onely before their eyes should throw sinne from them which like an heauie burthen hangeth vppon them and whatsoeuer else may hinder them in the way course to life euerlasting Hebr. 12.1 People AS there is nothing more mooueable and vnconstant then waters and when they be once stirred vp then they bee furious and outragious Euen so the common folke or People are also mooueable and vnconstant and being mooued are outragious and mad People imitate their Prince 1 AS the Sea especially that which is called Mare mediterraneum is wont to imitate the ayre as if the ayre be calme the Sea is very calme also if the ayre be stormie the Sea also is very stormie Euen so the common sort of People in all places for the most part doo followe their Prince if Princes be iust subiects loue iustice if the Prince be vngodly they imbrace vngodlinesse 2 As a brooke doth follow the nature of the fountaine from whence it commeth So People doo follow the disposition of their Prince the fountaine being troubled the brooke is troubled also and the Prince disquieted the People find no peace Math. 2.3 The Prosperitie of this world AS the clearenesse of winter weather the calmenesse of the Sea and stabilitie of the Moone doo wauer and be suddenly chaunged So likwise the state of wealth and worldly things hath no firmenesse no perpetuitie and no constancie Iob. 8.9 14.2 Physition 1 AS euerie one cannot heale a sore that can make a salue So euery one is not a Physition that make profession of physicke 2 As a blind man cannot see the fault of an others eyes So an vnskilfull Physition cannot perceiue the defect of the body The Pope that whore of Babilon LIke as Christ was said to come out of Edome coloured with the bloud of his enemies noting thereby the reuenge he should take of the Edomites Euen so the Pope the whore of Babilon is dyed and coloured with the bloud of Gods children yea she is said to be drunke with their bloud as with drinke shewing that shee makes no more account of shedding the bloud of the seruants of God then the drunken man make of powring in drinke or the fishes water Reue. 17.4 5 6. Women Painting themselues 1 LIke as when a Painter hath finished a peece of work and an other comming in should therto set his hand and lay on other colours it would displease him Euen so likewise much more will God our Creator be offended when a mortall woman whome himselfe hath created shall by Painting her face take vppon her to correct the Image and workmanship of her God 2 King 9.30 2 As a woman of discretion will in no wife marre her naturall complexion to recouer it with slime or artificial trash So ought the Husband in no sort to be consenting to her filthie spunging proyning Painting pollishing and to such like follies Poore men feare they God neuer so much are little set by in this world EVen as Doues doo loue and delight in houses that be faire whited and doo willingly frequent sweete and pleasant places but contemne and flie from blacke foule and vnsauorie Cottages So likewise faithlesse and vntrustie friends doo hunt and seeke after the friendship of those men by whose wealth and riches they may be holpen releeued and enriched but men in pouertie and distressed persons vnable to fill their bellies to cloath their backes or otherwise to pleasure them with some worldly things they vtterly despise they care not for their companie their loue nor friendship feare they God neuer so much Papists professe God in word but denie him in their doings AS Rat-catchers who vse to take fine bread scraped cheese butter and some Suger and therewith doo mingle Rats baine to the end to allure the Rats to eate the secret and hidden poyson to their destruction So the Papists in the beginning of all their Prayers they say Almightie and euerlasting God c. And at the latter ende of their prayers they say through our Lord Iesus Christ but betweene the beginning and ending there is thrust in the merites passions sufferings intercessions and meditations of Saints that through them their sufferings bloud sheadings merites and holinesse we should obtaine heauen and life euerlasting to our saluation Thus like murtherers and poysoners of Christian soules and that vnder pretence of Gods name and Christs name they deceiue the simple and ignorant people Patience in afflictions a perfect tryall of true Christianitie 1 EVen as in a Sea moued and tossed with great waues and mightie surges the Pilots skill and wisedome is throughly tried and his manlinesse and courage perfectly seene So likewise a man that is godly without dissembling and religious without hypocrisie in the middest of terrible tempests of great troubles when hee is throwne vp and hurled downe tossed here and crushed there in a thousand stormes of dangers thē declareth his Patience his spirituall courage and his vnmooueable constancie in vertue and true holinesse 2. Sam. 16.5 c. 2 Like as when a child being corrected and punished of his Father suffereth it patiently his Father
newnesse of life 2. Cor. 5.19 Saluation onely in the Church 1 AS Sothern-wood will grow no where but in Gardens where it is planted So the godly wil not grow any where but in the Church and body of Christ where they are engraffed 2 Euen as it was necessarie that they which should be saued from the floud should be in the Arke So likewise all they that will be saued from the floud of Gods wrath must of necessitie bee in Christ and so in the Church Gene. 7.1 c. Sacrament of the Supper compared with the Paschall Lambe 1 AS the Paschal Lamb was instituted eaten the night before the children of Israel were deliuered out of Egypt So likewise was the Supper of the Lord instituted and eaten the night before wee were deliuered from our sinnes Exod. 12.1 c. 1. Cor. 11.24 25. c. 2 As the Paschall Lambe was a very Lambe indeed Euen so the Sacrament is very Bread and Wine indeed 3 As the Paschall Lambe was called the Lords passeouer or passing by of the Lord which destroyed the power of Pharao deliuered him So the Sacrament is called the body and bloud of the Lord which destroyeth the power of the diuell and deliuereth vs. 4 As the Children of Israel were but once deliuered from Egypt notwithstanding they did take euery yeare a Lambe to keepe the deed in perpetuall remembrance Euen so Christ our Sauiour bought and redeemed vs but once for all although the Sacrament thereof be often distributed and broken among vs to keepe the benefite in perpetuall memorie 5 As many as did eate the Paschall Lambe in faith and beleeued Gods word as touching theyr deliueraunce from Egypt were as sure of the same thorowe faith as they were sure of the Lambe by eating of it So as manye as doo eate of the bodie and blood of Christ by faith and beleeue Gods word as touching theyr deliueraunce from Sinne Death Hell and damnation are as sure of theyr deliueraunce thorow faith as they are sure of the bread by eating of it c. Sinne how carefully it is to be auoyded 1 AS the diseases of the bodie and corporall death doo much disquiet and trouble our mindes that wee commonly tremble and quake at the onely mention of them Euen so howe much more ought wee to feare the sicknesse of the soule and death of the same which commeth by reason of sinne then which there can bee no greater nor more fearefull calamitie come vnto vs. 2 Like as euerie man dooth auoide so much as in him lyeth the paine miseries diseases and death of the bodie Euen so howe muche more ought wee to decline and eschewe the death of the soule and the causes of these euilles which bee Sinnes and offences and feare the anger of God which wee so by our transgressions doo procure 3 As the Physition seeing in a Glasse by the water the diseases within the body by skill and learning searches out the cause of the disease and ministers good things for the same Euen so wee in looking into the Glasse of Gods word shall soone perceiue the diseases and infections of Sinne which are in vs and the cause thereof and so wholesomely minister some profitable and comfortable remedies for the same 4 As little theeues beeing let in at a window will set open great gates for greater theeues to come in at Euen so if wee accustome our selues to commit little Sinnes and let them raigne in vs they will make vs the fitter for greater offences to get the aduantage of vs and to take hold on vs. 5 As all kind of wild beastes escaping out of the snare will take heede least they come there any more yea though they should bee in bondage euen vnto man the most excellent of all other creatures Yet man by Sinne falling into the snares of Sathan cannot beware though hee shall bee in bondage to the most cursed of all creatures 6 As a drunken man whilest hee ingorgeth aboundance of Wine feeleth no discommoditie thereby but afterwards he seeth and feeleth the inconuenience of the same So in like manner Sinne whilest it is in committing dooth darken the light of reason howbeit afterwards the conscience arysing sheweth both the vglinesse of Sinne and the absurditie of the fact and so vexeth the soule more grieuously then if all the world accused him of the same Sacraments are not corrupted by the wickednesse of Ministers 1 LIke as there is no difference betweene the selfe-same image or figure of any thing imprinted or sealed with a Ring or signet of Golde and with a signet made of yron or wood Euen so the word and Sacraments being ministred by a lawfull Minister although otherwise a wicked and an vngodly Minister yet be the same Word and Sacraments of the same vigour strength and efficacie as when they be ministred by a man of excellent vertue and godlinesse For as the Father shall not die for the childe nor the childe for the Father So the Minister shall not die for him that receiues at him nor the partie that receiues for the euilnesse of the Minister for euery one shall sincke in his owne sinne so that the Minister which doth so wickedly corrupt the holy Sacramēts and holy ordinances of God ministreth them to his own damnation and iudgement Deut. 24.16 Ezech. 18.20 2. King 14.6 2. Chro. 25.4 1. Cor. 11.29 2 Like as among men if a Letter be sent so that the hand and feale of him that sendeth it be well knowne it maketh no matter who or what manner of man be the carrier Euen so it ought to suffice to know the hand and seale of our Lord in his Sacraments by what lawfull Minister so euer they bee brought for the malice or leaudnesse of man cannot change the nature of the ordinance of God And therefore the vertue and efficacie of the word and Sacrament consist and depend not vpon the worthinesse or vnworthinesse of the Minister but in and vpon the commaundement ordinance power and authoritie of God onely 3 Like as Gold is Gold of whom so euer it be giuen or receiued Euen so likewise is the Sacrament whether it be giuen by a good or bad Minister For Iudas although he were a theefe yet hee Preached and baptized whose doctrine and baptisme was as well the doctrine and baptisme of Christ as was Peters and Andrewes Iames and Iohns Ioh. 6.70 12.6 4 Like as if the Treasurer or Receiuer of a Prince doo deliuer forth false counterfeit money in stead of good the Office whereunto hee is called cannot make it other then false and counterfeit money because he dooth not execute his Office faithfully but doth chaunge the good money which hee receiued to distribute by the commaundement of his Lord and Maister into that which is not the same that he receiued to be distributed and by this meanes they which shall haue receiued the same shal be deceiued and spoyled On the other side although he were
wicked and vniust if hee did distribute it good and such as he was commaunded the same could not let at all but that it should be good currant money and that they which should receiue it should very well make their profit thereof Euen so the Minister although he bee lawfully called and haue sufficient giftes to Preach yet if hee doo not administer the Sacraments according to the Lords ordenāce or do either disguise peruert them or else doo administer other in stead of them in thus doing the case is altered but otherwise the vitiousnesse of the person cannot nor may hinder the vertue of the Lordes ministerie 5 As the word of God although it bee Preached by mortall men yet ought the same to bee receiued of all good Christians not as the word of men but as the word of God and as it were proceeding out of the mouth of Christ 1. Thess 2.13 Euen so the holy Sacraments although they bee ministred by frayle and lewd Ministers are to bee receiued of the godly and religious not as proceeding from men but as it were from the hand of God himselfe the first and principall author thereof How Sinne dependeth on God LIke as the Physition comming vnto the sicke person doth by medicines draw corrupt humours out of his body and bringeth them out either by a Purgation or by a sweate or vomit or letting of bloud as hee iudgeth it best yet dooth hee not graft in the sicke person naughtie and corrupt humours Euen so God causeth to bee brought to light our malice which was not brought forth before but lay hid within to make manifest his iustice and to open our Sinnes and yet hee suffereth them to breake foorth by chaunce or rashly but ordereth and gouerneth them according to his iudgement that euen by them he doth fulfill the limits of his prouidence Esay 10.6 7.15 16. The Scripture not hard LIke as if one should affirme that because there bee some bones in a shoulder of Mutton therefore it is nothing but bones and no fleshe thereon at all Or because some places in the riuer bee deepe therefore all the riuer from head to foote is deepe and no shallow to bee found therein which were most rediculous to affirme Euen so is this opinion of the Papists that because some places in the Scripture bee hard therefore all the whole body of the Scripture is hard so as lay people may not read them Deut. 6.6 7. Psal 19.7 8. Col. 3.16 Iohn 5.39 2. Pet. 3.15 Secrecie 1 AS silence is a gift without perrill and containeth in it many good things So it were better our Silence brought our simplicitie into suspition then to speake either inconueniently idlely or vnnecessarily 2 As the Viper is torne in sunder when shee bringeth foorth her little ones So Secrets comming out of their mouthes that are not able to conceale them doo vtterly vndoo and ruine such as reueale them 3 As we must render account for euerie idle word So must we likewise for our idle Silence No Seruice pleaseth God but such as he teacheth AS the Lord in the first Commaundement wholly demaundeth the soule will vnderstanding and hart that is our faith feare loue thankefulnesse inuocation and spirituall adoration or worshipping to bee giuen to him onely and for his sake as he shall appoint So in the second Commaundement Thou shalt not make to thy selfe c. Hee generally requireth for the outward Seruice of him that we should follow his word in seruing of him and take and account it no lesse then Idolatrie or Image Seruice whatsoeuer thing is inuented by man Saint or Angell and not by him concerning his worshippe and Seruice Leuit. 26.1 Exod. 34.13 14 15. Deut. 4.23 Psa 97. 7 106.36 Esay 44.19 Iere. 2.27 There is no Sinne whatsoeuer but it is forbidden by the Law of God nor any good worke but it is there commaunded LIke as if a King being resolued to forgiue no offence worthie of death and thereupon pretending to set downe a Law which if his subiects keepe truely in euerie point they shall escape the edge of his sword and be well promoted yet one man for all that omitteth some matter worthie of death which beeing done the King conuenteth him before his iudgement seate as a malefactor layeth to his charge the committing of that euill or omitting of that good which is not contained in his Law and vpon confession thereof giueth sentence of condemnation against him the partie might well answere his King that hee were vniust and his Law vnperfect Euen so in like sort for as much as the Lord hath decreed death to bee the certaine reward of euerie Sinne. Rom. 6.23 and hath giuen his Law for this intent and to teach man to avoide whatsoeuer is damnable and that whosoeuer obserued all things written in this Law might liue thereby If there be any Sinne that is any thing that he will damne a man for not forbidden or any good worke not commaunded in this Law then is God vniust and the Lawe vnperfect of which neither is true for as for God hee is not vnrighteous Rom. 3.5 6. And as for the Law it is perfect Psal 19.7 Iam. 1.25 Sacraments be commonly called by the names of those things which they be Sacraments off LIke as when a Noble man or Gentleman deliuereth a letter of Annuitie or rent to any one of his seruants he saith he giueth him an Annuitie of ten pound by the yeare No man is so simple to thinke that the letter is the money it selfe but an assurance confirmation signe or gage of such a Summe of money in such sort that hauing such a letter he is full assured of the money Now no man is so blockish to thinke that hee hath euill spoken for so much as euerie man doth well know that the signes haue the names of the things which they signifie After this manner of speech also as an Ambassadour of a Prince being demaunded of the authoritie hee hath receiued of his Lord to deale in such or such a matter dooth vse to shew foorth his letters of credite or Commission and to say Here is mine authoritie albeit that the letters are not the power it selfe but onely the testimonie of the same Euen so the bread and the Wine are the remission of sinnes or the body and bloud of Christ to wit they are as seales and letters whereby we are assured that the body of Iesus Christ crucified and his bloud shed haue purchased vnto vs the forgiuenesse of Sinnes and eternall life Gene. 33.20 41.26 Ioh. 10.7 14.6 15.1 1. Cor. 10.4 16. Ezech. 4.1 5.2 2. Cor. 5.21 Ioh. 1.14 Saluation is to be sought in and by the appointed meanes though God could saue vs without all meanes AS God by his omnipotent power could preserue aliue our mortall bodies extraordinarily and supernaturally without naturall foode and sustenance as hee did Moses and Elijah the space of fortie dayes they not
that euer was and God hath bestowed the same on his Elect and hee requires nothing at their handes but that they would turne their faces from this world and walke vnto it in the way which hee hath chalked foorth vnto them in his word Therefore if they be desirous to haue Saluation life euerlasting they must come forth of the broad way that leades to destruction and enter into the straight way that leades to eternal life they must acqaint themselues with the guides which are the faithfull Ministers of the word that wil cry vnto them Here is the way walke ye in it when they shall goe to the right hand or to the left 2 As Simeon going into the Temple by the motion of Gods spirit met with Christ So if we will be ruled with the same spirit frequent holy assemblies we shal meete with our Saluation Christs Spirit 1 AS the light cannot match with darkenesse So likewise Christs Spirite cannot accord and match with sinne and lusts of the flesh 2. Cor. 6.14 2 As Raine with the moysture therof fatteth the earth to make it fruitfull Euen so the holy Spirit with his inuisible grace doth make vs fruitfull to produce the fruits of righteousnesse Ioh. 7.38 3 As fire consumeth euerie thing that it layeth holde on So the Spirit of God consumeth all the corruption of our hearts and originall sinne in vs. 4 As fire giueth light to the bodily eyes So the Spirit giueth light to the eyes of the soule Ephe. 1.17 5 As fire giueth life quickneth those that be benummed with cold So the Spirit of God doth quicken and put life into those that be dead in their sinnes Ephe. 3.5.16 6 As a man that made a bargaine will bee carefull to keep the earnest pennie that he loose not all his bargaine So also must we be carefull to keepe the Spirit of God the earnest pennie of our saluation that we bee not depriued of the same Ephe. 1.13 Sacraments AS Circumcision which was a Sacrament of the olde Law was a seale in that time to our Fathers of righteousnesse Euen so be our Sacraments to vs in these daies seales of Gods promises vnto vs and all haue one strength and vertue Rom. 4.11 Sinne of set purpose AS hee that striketh the King ignorantly not knowing him to be the King is nothing in so much fault as he that striketh him knowing it is the King Euen so hee that dooth offend God of ignorance is to bee lesse blamed then he that wittingly and willingly offendeth him Luk. 12.47 48. God giueth vs vnderstanding to know the Scripture EVen as the Disciples of our Sauiour Christ had no knowledge nor vnderstanding vntil God gaue it thē So fareth it with al the rest of Gods children that althogh they heare neuer so much his Apostles Preach yea Christ himselfe personally sounding in their eares yet except the Lord open their hearts and minds as he did Lydia it auaileth not one Math. 16.17 Act. 16.14 Sinnes are our greatest enemies 1 AS a huge and mightie fire will bee asswaged and at the length quite put out if the stickes and other matter that doth chearish and increase it be withdrawne and kept from it So in like manner our affections and troubles will come to an end if we doo cease to doo euill and giue ouer sinning before it giue ouer vs for our Sins are as drie stickes and stubble wherwith the fire not onely of the wrath and malice of Infidels and heretikes but also of the wrath and indignation of God is kindled increased and most mightily stirred vp against vs. 2 As wee wonder at the Creator not onely in great matters as heauen earth the Sunne Elephants c. but also in like creatures as pismires lice wormes flies c. So a soule giuen to Christ must as wel regard litle as great matters and Sinnes knowing that wee must giue an account for euerie idle word Math. 12.36 For the health of the Soule the bodie is to bee kept in subiection LIke as when one part of a man that is sicke is not capable of the remedie wherewith he may be holpen the Physition is wont to applie the same remedie to an other part as if one bee grieued with an extreame Ach of the head then the Phisition vseth to strike a vaine of the arme because the head will not abide Phlebotomie or bloud letting So that we may helpe and heale many diseases of the Soule wee must keepe the body in subiection to the spirit and tame the lusts of the flesh and labour to bridle our affections and to keepe them within the compasse of reason sobrietie and temporance Spirits that die in the Lord. EVen as the Spirit of Christ passed from the Crosse into Paradise at the verie same moment that it departed out of the body and thence returned into the body that whole Christ in respect that he was man might be afterwards glorified So likewise all good Christians doo beleeue that their Spirits and soules who die in the Lord doo straightway depart vnto God there to enioy that measure of glorie that is appointed for them vntill that they being adioyned againe vnto the same bodies which will be the very same in substance truly corporall though in a far more excellent estate shall liue vnder Christ their head for euermore Luk. 23.43 Reue. 14.13 The Lords Supper 1 AS Bread nourisheth and strengthneth man and giueth him abilitie to labour So the body of Christ eaten by faith feedeth and satisfieth the soule of man and furnisheth the whole man to all duties of godlinesse 2 As Wine is drinke to the thirstie and maketh merrie the hearts of men Euen so the bloud of our Lord Iesus drunken by faith dooth quench the thirst of the burning conscience and filleth the hearts of the faithful with vnspeakable ioy The holy Spirit the earnest pennie of our inheritance 1 AS in a thing that is bought there is sometimes giuen an earnest pennie to wit some part of the money agreed on as wel for the beginning of the payment as by consequent for the assurance that the bargain shal be held firme So likwise the holy ghost who by faith engendreth peace ioy in the harts of the faithful is the earnest penie assuring vs by this beginning of the spirituall blessings which God promiseth to his children that he holdeth vs for his possession purchased to the prayse of his glorie and that at the length he will gather vs into the full enioying of the inheritaunce of heauen Ephe. 1.13 14. Rom. 8. 29 30. 2 Like as when a man dooth purchase an inheritance he first giueth earnest that is some part of the money promised that serueth as a beginning to the payment of the totall Summe So God hauing redeemed vs by the bloud of Iesus Christ giueth the earnest pennie of his holy Spirit that is to say a beginning of knowledge of the true God of sanctification of loue to God of
righteousnesse and of peace and ioy in the holy Spirit attending vntill hee finish in vs the communication of that light ioy holinesse and glorie that we shall haue perfectly in heauen Ephe. 1.13 14. 3 As among men when things that passe too and fro though they bee in question yet when the Seale is put too they are made out of doubt Euen so when God by his Spirit is said to seale the promise in the heart of euerie particular beleeuer it signifieth that hee giues vnto them euident assuraunce that the promise of life belongs vnto them Ephe. 4.30 Sluggards AS the Drunkards drinketh till he hath drunke all the money out of his purse and all the wit out of his head and all goodnesse out of his heart that there is no difference between him and the beast except it be in this that the beast can goe and keepe his way which the drunkard cannot doo So the Suggard sleepeth in all securitie and neglecteth his businesse and puts off all care for doing of all his duties vntill he hath slept all thrift out of his shop and all his friends out of his companie and all Gods graces out of his hart and all comfort out of his soule and all strength out of his body and all conscience out of his dealing till his stocke be spent and his occupying decayed and his customers gone and Gods spirit gone and all be gone and till nothing be left but feare and shame with pouertie penurie and a bare head and feeble shoulders to beare off the blowes Singing of Psalmes 1 AS that is a godly sorrow that driueth vs to prayer a blessed heauinesse that maketh vs seeke vnto the Lord So that is a godly mirth that endeth with Singing of Psalmes and heauenly ioy that at the least wise maketh vs more fit to serue God 2. Cor. 7.10 Col. 3.16 Ephe. 5.18 Iam. 5.13 2. Chro. 35.25 2 As no man can truely pray without the feeling of his wants So no man can Sing from his heart vnlesse he haue some perswasion of Gods fauour and so as affliction driueth him to pray so mirth mooueth him to Sing Act. 15.25 3 As all knowledge is increased especially by hearing reading and conferring about the Scripture So all affections are most of all stirred vp by meditation prayer and Singing of Psalmes Psal 147.1 4 Like as when the light of the Gospell came first in Singing of Ballads that was rise in Poperie beganne to cease and in time was cleane banished away in many places So likewise the sudden renuing of them and hastie receiuing of them euery where maketh vs to suspect least they should driue away the Singing of Psalmes againe seeing they cannot stand together of which wee are so much the more iealous because we see that in other places also where these bee not receiued in yet the Singing of Psalmes is greatly left ouer that it had wont to be 5 As the vngodly haue a grace in their wickednesse and are the better liked of among the vngodly though indeed they are then most deformed So this singing of Psalmes maketh vs comely before God and louely in the eyes of his Church when we hauing prepared our harts therevnto do sing with affection with reuerence with vnderstanding Psal 331. Reue. 14.3 6 Euen as a costly garment may be comely in it selfe yet shall it not become vs vnlesse we be fit for it and it be well put vpon vs So though to sing be neuer so comely in it owne nature yet it becommeth not vs except we be prepared for it and do sing Dauids Psalmes with Dauids spirit Ephe. 5.19 Colloss 3.16 2. Chro. 29.30 7 Like as the expert Phisitions vse for the most part to annoynt the brinks of the Cuppes with hony when they minister their bitter potions to sicke children least they should abhorre their health for the bitternesse of theyr drinkes Euen so the holy Ghost perceiuing that mankind is hardly trained to vertue and that we be very negligent in things concerning the true life indeed by reason of our great inclination to worldly pleasures and delectations hath inuented and mixed in his forme of doctrine the delectation of Musicke by the Psalmes to the intent that the commoditie of the doctrine might secretly steale into vs whilst our eares be touched with the plesantnesse of the melodie so that for this ende be these sweete and harmonious songs deuised for vs that such as be children either by age or children by maners should indeed haue their soules wholesomely instructed though for the time they seeme but to sing onely Sinne the cause of affliction AS no man ought to accuse and blame the Phisitian as though he were the onely occasion of the corrupt humours within the bodie notwithstanding that he hath brought and driuen them out that a man may euidently see and perceiue them but the misbehauiour and vntemperate diet of the man himselfe is the very right occasion and the onely roote thereof Euen so we ought not to ascribe any blame or fault vnto God if he send vs heauinesse paine and trouble but to thinke that it is a medicine and remedie meete for our sinnes and euery man to ascribe the ve●ie cause and occasion thereof vnto himselfe and his owne sinnes and to referre blame to nothing else Dan. 9.5 6 7. Ionah 1.12 Our Spirit must striue to ouercome the flesh LIke as the Spirite farre passeth and ouercommeth the flesh in Christ Euen so must it do in vs also that we haue more respect vnto God and vnto life euerlasting then vnto this our worm eaten flesh Sinnes of others are not to be imitated or to be our excuses LIke as if in walking thou shouldest see him fall that goeth before thee thou goest not to fall with him but thou art to be so much the more circumspect that thou fall not as he did Euen so we are to remember that those foule falles and grosse faults of Dauid and of S. Peter and of others are set before vs first that they should be to vs as a mirror of the frailtie and weaknesse of man to acknowledge that if we be exempted and freed it is by the grace of God and secondly that we should so much the more stand vpon our guard and be watchfull least we likewise fall Sorrow for imminent daunger of death warre hell c. AS there was great lamentation in Syon because of Gods iustice for their sinnes Or as there was great lamentation for Pharao in Egypt because hee was a Lyon in the land and a Dragon in the Sea and as there was great Sorrow fasting mourning and weeping among the Iewes because the King had decreed their deaths Euen so wee the inhabitants of England haue great cause of lamentation fasting mourning and weeping because death is scaling our windowes the beastes of the fields to wit the Pope and the Spaniard hungring to deuour our bodies to spoyle our Countrie and to shed our bloud as water vpon the
stomack is constrained to cast vp the same againe So those that be Time-seruers and luke-warme professours are so offensiue vnto the Lord that he must needs and will at the last spew them out of his mouth Reue. 3.16 4 Like as the Hedge-hog hath two holes in his side one toward the South an other toward the North now when the southren winde blowes he stops vp that hole and turnes him Northward and when the Northren wind blowes hee stops vp that hole likewise and turnes him againe Southward Euen so such are are al Time-seruers and temporizers they beleeue for a time as long as the warme Sunne of prosperitie shines vpon them but as soone as any storme of persecution ariseth by and by they haue a starting hole to hide themselues in they chaunge their Religion and turne about with the time 6 As a Top which alwayes runnes round and neuer goes forward vnlesse it be whipt Or as a Mil-horse which making many steps turnes about is continually found in the same place Or as a doore which riding vppon his hinges all the day long is neuer a whit nearer at night So likwise Newters and Time-seruers run beside the marke by going forward and backward in a Maze Prou. 26.14 2. Timo. 3.7 7 As it was with the Tribe of Ephraim which was as a Cake vpon the harth not turned bakte on the one side raw on the other side Or as the Laodiceans who were neither hote nor cold So is it with all Time-seruers Newters their Cake is dough as we say and they hold of both sides and as Ambidexters with Ehud they play with both hands and as the Sunne in Ezechias time they goe both forward and backward running vp and downe in and out and yet indeed are neither aboue nor beneath neither within nor without Ose 7.8 Reue. 3.15 Iudg. 3.15 Esay 38.8 8 As an Ennuche which is a man and no man Or as a Pu●neise which is a stone and no stone Or as a Bat which is a Bird and no Bird Or as Fennell which is a tree and no tree Euen so such are Time-seruers men-pleasers and Newters which goe backwards and forwardes who will be sometimes Christians and no Christians 9 As a Weauers shettle which if it goe forward one way presently goeth backward againe as much an other way Or as a Weauer himselfe such a one Penelope was who woul doo and vndoo weauing that in the day time which shee did vnweaue in the night So in like manner Time-seruers and Newters build and destroy doo and vndoo say and vnsay for no man doth more transgresse then he that is doubtfull and vncertaine in Religion one while putting his foote forward an other while pulling it backward againe Iob. 7.6 Teares LIke as when the body receiues a deepe wound at the first yee shal see nothing but a white line or dint made in the flesh without any bloud yet stay but a while then comes bloud from the wound in great aboundance So at the first the minde is astonished and giues no Teares but after some respite and consideration Teares follow Time 1 LIke as a treasure the more precious it is the more warily and diligently the owner thereof will safely keepe it and take better heede vnto it Euen so Time considering nothing is more precious should warily be vsed and good care taken that it be not lost without some profit gotten 2 As they are worthie to bee punished that lewdly spend their money and waste away their lands in riote excesse and prodigalitie Euen so they are much more to be blamed that either idly or vngodly spent their Time which is the greatest treasure that God giueth For mony and riches being lost wasted may be recouered againe but Time vainely spent can neuer be recouered againe 3 As there is no man that looseth money or any other thing but some gaineth and getteth good by it But the losse of Time turneth to no mans auaile 4 As from the Ship men through their swift sayling trees and Townes seeme as it were to depart So through the swift course of Time first childhood departeth then youth and so at the length old age 5 As men when they are dead and returned againe to dust cannot praise God nor declare his name nor the great things which hee hath done for them Euen so wee are to take Time while Time serueth and must doo those things whilst we are aliue that belong to our callings for to that end was our life giuen vs. Esa 29.5 Psal 30.9 Time of peace more daungerous then of persecution AS the Sunne and Wind agreed on a day to prooue their seueral strengths in taking a cloake from a way-fairing man and in the forenoone the wind vsed all violence he could to blow off the said cloak but the more he blew the more fast held the traueller his cloake and gathered it more closely about him At afternoone the Sun sent forth his pleasant beames and by little and litle so entered and heated this man as he caused him to yeeld and put off not only his cloake but also his coate So likewise the allurements of pleasure are more strong and harder to be resisted then the violence of persecution As the example of Dauid declareth who resisteth easily many assaults in Time of aduersitie but yet fell dangerously in Time of prosperitie so that godly men haue no lesse war in Time of peace then in Time of persecution and that there neuer wanteth occasion of bearing the Crosse and suffering affliction to him that will accept of the same 2. Sam. 11. Truth 1 EVen as the nearer that Gold and Siluer are put to the fire so much the surer proof they haue of their goodnesse finnesse So the Lords Truth the more exactly it is wayed with spirituall examination so much the greater confirmation of credite it receiueth 2 As the froath of the Sea dashing vpon the Rockes doth againe fall off when the Rockes are immooueable So is Truth the vanisher of all calamities and cannot bee vtterly oppressed 3 Like as by striking of two flints together there commeth out fire So it may be that sometimes by contention the Truth which is hidden in a dark peace may come to light which by a peace in naughtinesse and wickednesse being as it were buried vnder the ground doth not appeare Tyrant 1 LIke as the Serpent Aspis of Africke whereas Plinie saith the male and female goe alway together and if one of them be slaine the other doth continually followe the slear till he haue striken him although he be in a great assembly of people except he passe ouer a ryuer So a Tyrants Sonne or the like Tyrant will neuer cease to seeke reuengement vntil he either destroy others or else be destroyed himselfe 2 As the rinde of the Seale-fish and the gall of Hyena be effectuall remedies against sundrie sicknesses So God vseth Tyrants and wicked men sometimes for the correction of vice