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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14216 The summe of Christian religion: deliuered by Zacharias Vrsinus in his lectures vpon the Catechism autorised by the noble Prince Frederick, throughout his dominions: wherein are debated and resolued the questions of whatsoeuer points of moment, which haue beene or are controuersed in diuinitie. Translated into English by Henrie Parrie, out of the last & best Latin editions, together with some supplie of wa[n]ts out of his discourses of diuinitie, and with correction of sundrie faults & imperfections, which ar [sic] as yet remaining in the best corrected Latine.; Doctrinae Christianae compendium. English Ursinus, Zacharias, 1534-1583.; Parry, Henry, 1561-1616. 1587 (1587) STC 24532; ESTC S118924 903,317 1,074

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Crosse and of all his benefites Because Christ hath commaunded me and all the faithfull to eate of this breade broken and to to drinke of the cup distributed in remembrance of him with this promise g Mat. 26.27.28 Mar. Luc. 22.16.20 1. Cor. 10.16.17 12.13 adioined First that his bodie was as certainly broken and offred for me on the Crosse and his bloud shed for me as I behold with my eies the bread of the Lord broken vnto me and the cup communicated to me and further that my soul is no lesse assuredly fed to euerlasting life with his bodie which was crucified for vs and his bloud which was shedde for vs than I receiue and tast by the mouth of my bodie the bread and wine the signes of the bodie and bloud of our Lord receiued at the hand of the Minister 76 What is it to eate the bodie of Christ crucified and to drinke his bloud that was shed It is not onely to imbrace by an assured confidence of minde the whole passion and death of Christ and thereby to h Ioh. obtain forgiuenes of sins and euerlasting life but also by the holy Ghost who dwelleth both in Christ and vs so more and more to bee a Ioh. 6.56 vnited to his sacred bodie that though he be in b Act. 3.21 Act. 1.9 c. 1. Cor. 11.26 heauen and we in earth yet neuerthelesse are wee flesh of his flesh and bone of his c Eph. 1. Cor. 1. Ioh. 3.24 4.13 Ioh. 14 23. bones and as all the members of the bodie are by one soule so are wee also quickened and d Io. Io. Eph. 4.15.16 guided by one and the same spirite 77 Where hath Christ promised that he will as certainely giue his bodie and bloude so to bee eaten and dronken as they eate this breade broken and drinke this cup In the institution of his supper the wordes whereof are these e 1. Cor. 11.23 c. Mat. 26.26 c. Mar. 14.22 c. Luc. 22.19 c. Our Lord Iesus Christ in the night that he was betraied tooke bread And when he had giuen thankes he brake it and said Take eate this is my bodie which is broken for you this doe you in remembrance of me Likewise also he tooke the cup when he had supped and saide f Exod. 24.8 Heb. 9.20 This cup is the Newe Testament in my bloud g Exod. 13.9 this doe as often as yee shall drinke it in remembrance of me For as often as ye shal eat this bread and drinke this cup ye shewe the Lordes death till he come This promise is repeated by Saint Paul when he saith The cup of thankesgiuing wherewith we giue thankes is it not the Communion of the bloud of Christ The bread which we breake is it not the communion of the bodie of Christ h 1. Cor. 10.16.17 For wee that are manie are one bread and one bodie because wee all are partakers of one bread 78 Are then the bread and wine made the verie bodie and bloud of Christ No verily But as the water of baptisme is i Math. 26.29 Mar. 14.24 not turned into the bloud of Christ but is only a sign and pledge of those thinges that are sealed to vs in Baptisme So neither is the bread of the Lords Supper the verie bodie of k 1. Cor. 10.16 c. 11.26 c Christ Although according to the manner of Sacramentes and that i Gen. 17.10 c. Exod. 13 9. Act. 7.8 Exo. 24.8 Le. 16.10 17.11 Isa 6.6.7 Tit. 3.5 Act. 22.16 1. Pet. 3.21 1. Cor. 10.1 forme of speaking of them which is vsuall vnto the holy Ghost the bread is called the body of Christ 79 Why then doth Christ call breade his bodie and the cup his bloud or the new Testament in his bloud and Paul also calleth bread and wine the Communion of the bodie and bloude of Christ Christ not without great consideration speaketh so to wit not onely for to teach vs that as the bread and wine sustaine the life of the body so also his crucified body and bloudshed are indeed the meat drinke of our soul whereby it is a Iohn nourished to eternall life but much more that by this visible signe and pledge he may assure vs that wee are as verily partakers of his bodie and bloud through the working of the holy ghost as wee doe b 1. Cor. 10.16.17 perceiue by the mouth of our bodie these holie signes in remembraunce of him and further also that his suffering and obedience is so certainely ours as though we our selues had suffered punishments for our sinnes and had satisfied God 80 What difference is there betweene the Supper of the Lord and the Popish Masse The Supper of the Lord testifieth to vs that we haue perfect forgiuenesse of all our sinnes for that only Sacrifice of Christ which himself once fully c Heb. 7.27 9 12.26.28 Iohn 19.30 Mat. 26.28 Luc. 22.19.20 wrought on the Crosse Then also that we by the holie Ghost are graffed into d 1. Cor. 6.17 10.16 12.13 Christ who now according to his humane nature is onely in heauen at the right hand of his e Heb. 1.3 8.1 c. Father and there will be f Ioan. 20.17 Luc. 24.52 Act. 7.55.56 Col. 3.1 Phil. 3.10 1. Thes 1.9.10 worshipped of vs. But in the Masse it is denied that the quicke and the dead haue remission of sins for the onely passion of Christ except also Christ bee daily offered for them by their Sacrificers Further also it is taught that Christ is bodilie vnder the formes of breade and wine and therefore is to bee a In canone Missae item de consecrat distin 2. worshipped in them And so the verie foundation of the Masse is nothing else than an vtter denyall of that onelie Sacrifice and passion of Christ Iesus and an accursed Idolatrie 81 Who are to come vnto the Table of the Lord They onely who are trulie sorrowfull that they haue offended GOD by their sinnes and yet trust that those sinnes are pardoned them for Christes sake and what other infirmities they haue that those are couered by his passion and death who also desire more and more to go forward in faith and integritie of life But hypocrites and they who doe not truely repent do eate and b 1. Cor. 10.21 11.28 c. drinke damnation to themselues 82 Are they also to be admitted to this supper who in confession and life declare them-selues to bee Infidels and vngodlie No. For by that meanes the couenaunt of GOD is profaned and the wrath of GOD is c 1. Cor. 11.20.34 Is 1.11 c. 66.3 Ier. 7.21 c. Ps 50.16 c. stirred vp against the whole assemblie Wherefore the Church by the
posteritie Vnto other Nations but not vnto the Iewes it was free to be circumcised or not to be circumcised Wee must here obserue that they of the olde testament were of three sorts 1. Jsraelites which were of Abrahams posteritie and were necessarily bound by the Lawe to obserue circumcision the ceremonies 2. Proselytes who of the Gentiles were conuerted vnto the Iewes did more more for cōfirming of their faith submit thē selues vnto circumcision and the whole ceremonial lawe 3. Those of the gentiles who were conuerted vnto the Iewes but did not obserue the ceremonies For vnto the gentiles and Prosylites it was free to keepe or not to keepe circumcision and the ceremonies These latter were called also Religious men who embraced onely the doctrine and promises of god Obiect The males onelie were circumcised therefore the women were shut out from the couenant of grace Aunswere The women were comprehended in the circumcision of the males And God spared the weaker sex And it sufficed for them to come of godly progenitors 2 What are the ends of circumcision CIrcumcision was instituted 1. That it might bee a signe of the grace of God towardes Abrahams posteritie and that doubly First that God woulde receiue the beleeuers by the Messias who was to come Secondly that he would giue them the land of Canaan and graunt his church a certaine place there vntill the comming of the Messias 2. That it might be a bond to bind Abraham and his seede vnto thankefulnes or to faith and repentance and so to keepe the whole law 3. That it might bee a marke to distinguish the Iewes from other Nations and Sects 4. That it might bee a sacrament of initiating and receiuing them into the church 5. That it might bee an accusation and a signification of vncleannes For that rite did shewe that all men were subiect to sinnes and vnclean 6. That it might bee a signe which shoulde shewe and signifie that the meanes of their deliuerance through Christ which was to come shoulde not come elsewhence than from the bloud of Abraham 3 Why circumcision is abolished CIrcumcision is abolished 1. Because the thing signified is exhibited For among other things it signified that the Messias promised vnto the Fathers should come at length in his appointed time and should in our behalfe take our nature 2. Because circumcision was instituted for the seuering of the Iewes from all other Nations but now the church that difference being abolished is collected and gathered out of al Nations And now the sacrament of baptisme performerth the same vnto vs which circumcision did vnto them Moreouer as circumcision was a signe vnto them of their receiuing into the people of God So is baptisme vnto vs the first mark which seuereth the church from the wicked 4 Why Christ was circumcised CHrist was circumcised 1. That hee might signifie that hee was also a member of that circumcised people 2. That hee might shew that he receiued and tooke our sinnes on himselfe that he might satisfie for them 3. That he might testifie that he did entirelie and fullie fulfill the law in our behalfe 4. The circumcision of Christ was a part also of his humiliation and Ransome OF THE LORDS SVPPER THE chiefe questions 1 What the Supper of the Lord is 2 What are the ends thereof or wherefore it was instituted 3 What is differeth from Baptisme 4 What is the sense and meaning of the words of the institution 5 What is the difference betweene the Lords Supper and the Papists Masse 6 What is the right vse of the Supper 7 What the wicked receiue in the Supper 8 Who are to come and to be admitted vnto the Supper 1 WHAT THE SVPPER OF THE LORD IS FIrst we wil see by what names the Supper of the Lorde is called then wee wil in few woordes define what it is This action or ceremony or rite instituted by a Christ a little before his death is called A supper Why it is called a Supper from the first institution of it that is in respect of the originall or first beginning of this rite or in respect of the time wherein this ceremony was instituted which circumstance of time the church hath chaunged Jt is likewise called Synaxis that is Why a conuent a conuent in respect of the assembly and conuent of the church because some either few or many assemble and meete together in celebrating of the supper For in the first celebration the Disciples were present Take this and diuide it among you Wherefore it must needs be that there was some number there which also appeareth by the Apostle repeating the first institution 1. Cor. 11. where in the end he addeth When ye come together to eat tarry one for another And further that moe ought to come together to celebrate the supper this end of the supper doth euidently enough shew in that it was instituted to be a token and euen a bond of loue For we that are many are one bread and one bodie It is called also the Eucharist Why the Eucharist Why a sacrifice Why Missa because it is a rite and ceremony of thankesgiuing Last of all it is called also a sacrifice because it is the commemoration of christs propitiatory benefit And at length it was also called Missa frō the offering or from the dimissing of the rest who might not communicate after the sermō which went before the celebration was finished Now let vs come to define the Lords Supper The definition of the Lordes Supper THE Lords supper is a ceremonie or sacrament instituted and appointed of christ vnto the faithfull for a memorial of him whereby christ dooth certainly promise and seale vnto mee and all the faithfull first that his body was offered and broken on the crosse for mee and his bloode shed for me as truely as I see with my eies the bread of the Lord to be broken vnto me and his cup distributed and moreouer that hee doth as certainlie with his body crucified and his blood shed feed and nourish my soul vnto euerlasting life as my body is fed with the bread the cup of the lord receiued from the hand of the minister which are offered to me as certaine seales of the body blood of Christ It may be also more briefly defined on this wise The lords supper is a distributing receiuing of bread and wine commaunded of Christ vnto the faithfull that by these signes he might testifie that hee hath deliuered and yeelded his body vnto death and hath shedde his bloode for them and dooth giue them those thinges to eate and drinke that they might be vnto them the meate and drink of eternall life and that thereby also he might testifie that he would dwel in them for euer And againe that of the otherside hee might by the same signe bind them to mutuall dilection and loue seeing Christ spareth not to giue his body and bloode for vs. This
is confirmed not onely by Christ in the Euangelistes but also by Paul who expresly saith The cup of blessing which we blesse is it not the communion of the bloud of Christ The Signes and thinges signified in the Lordes Supper Moreouer the signes in this sacrament are bread and wine bread broke and eat wine distributed and taken The things signified are 1. The breaking of the body and the shedding of the bloud of Christ 2. Our vnion and coniunction with christ by faith so that wee drawe life euerlasting from him and are made partakers as of Christ himselfe so also of all his benefites as the branches are made partakers of the life of the vine Wee are aduertised of this our communion with christ First by the proportion which the signes haue with the thinges and Secondly by the promise which is adioyned And the proportion dooth chief●● propose and shewe two things vnto vs 1. The sacrifice of Christ. 2. Our communion with christ because the bread is not only broken but is also giuen vs to eate Now the breaking of the bread is a part of the ceremony whereunto a part of the thing signified dooth aunswere This difference doth Paul testifie when he saith This my body which is broken for you Heere rec●iuing and eating is a part of the ceremony whereunto doo●h aunswere the thing signified ●o wit the eating of christes body Now this diuine and spirituall thing namely the breaking and communicating of christes body is signed and confirmed by this ceremony which is the breaking and receiuing of bread for two causes 1. Because Christ commandeth these rites vnto which we ought to giue no lesse credite than if Christ himselfe did speake with vs. 2. Because hee annexeth a promise that they who obserue these rites with a true faith must be assured and certaine that they haue communion with Christ Wine is added that wee should know the perfection and accomplishment of our saluation to be in his sacrifice that there was nothing which could be further desired The wine is seuered from the breade to signifie the violence of his death because his bloud was sundered from his body 2 What are the ends of the Lords supper THE ends for which the Lords supper was instituted are 1. That it might bee a c●nfirmation of our faith that is a most certaine testification of our communion and vnion with christ because Christ testifieth vnto vs by these signs that hee doth as verily feede vs with his bodie and bloud vnto euerlasting life 〈◊〉 wee receiue at the hand of the minister these the Lords signes And this testification is directed to euerie one who receiueth the signes with a true faith and furder also wee so receiue the signes at the ministers hand as that rather the Lord himselfe giueth them vs by his m nisters Wherefore christ is saide to haue baptised moe disciples than Iohn when yet hee did it by his Apostles and other disciples 2. That it might bee a publique distinction or marke discerning the church from all other nations and secte● For the Lord instituted and appointed his supper for his disciples and not for others 3. That it might be our testification to christ and the whole church Which is a publique confession of our faith and a solemne binding of our selues to thankefulnes and the celebration of this benefite Both which are prooued by these wordes of christ Doe this in remembrance of me This remembrance is taken first for faith in the heart then for thankesgiuing and our publique confession 4. That it might be a bond of the churches assemblies and meetings because the Supper was instituted that it should be done and celebrated in a congregation and that either great or small Therefore the Supper as was said before is called a * Synaxis conuent and Christ expresly commaundeth Drinke yee all of this Likewise Paul When yee come together to eate staie one for another 5. That it might bee a bond of mutual loue and dilection because the Supper testifieth that all are made the members of christ vnder one heade as also Paul saith For we that are manie are one bread and one bodie because we are all partakers of one bread The Lordes supper may not bee celebrated by one alone Of this which hath beene spoken wee gather that the Lordes Supper ought not to bee celebrated by one onely 1. Because it is a communion and the signe of our communion 2. Because it is a thankesgiuing and all ought to giue thankes vnto God and by consequent hee that thinketh himselfe vnworthy to communicate with others in the Lordes Supper doth withall confesse himselfe not to bee fitte to giue thankes vnto God 3. Because christ together with his benefits is not proper to anie but common to all 4. Christ called all his housholde vnto it euen Iudas himselfe 5 That some abstaine from comming to the supper it commeth of a certaine euil and corrupt motion because they thinke them selues not woorthie inough to approche vnto this table All are worthy who beleeue themselues to bee deliuered by Christ from eternall damnation and desire to profite and goe forward in godlinesse In summe if the Supper bee receiued by one onely th t is done against the vse appellation institution and nature of the sacrament Obiection Christ in the word of the Institution of his supper putteth as the principal end of his supper his remembrance therefore the confirmation of faith must not be made the principal end of his supper Aunswere The reason foloweth not to the denial of a part by putting the whole For the remembrance of Christ is the whole wherein is comprised both our confession and our solemne bond to thankefulnesse and also the confirmation of our faith Wherefore rather by inuerting the reason I thus inferre and conclude because the remembrance is the supper therefore it is the confirmation of our faith and because also Christ proposeth vnto vs that ceremonie or rite which must bee vnto vs a remembrance of him he doth verily propose also a confirmation of our faith which is nothing else but a remembraunce of Christ and his benefites Obiection The holie ghost confirmeth our faith Therefore the supper doth not Aunswere The reason foloweth not to the remouing of an instrumental cause by the putting of a principal cause 3 What the supper differeth from Baptisme THE supper differeth from baptisme 1. Jn ceremonies or rites 2. In the circumstances of the institution and vse or in the significations of the ceremonies Baptisme is a signe of the couenant entered and made betweene God the faithfull The supper is a signe of the continuing of that couenant Or baptisme is a signe of regeneration and of our entrance into the church The supper is a signe of their fostering abiding and preseruation who are once entered into the church The new man must first be borne by the spirite of Christ as is a natural man by natural conception and
the signe of his renewing or regeneration is baptisme Afterwards when he is once renewed and borne again he must be fostered and nourished by the bodie and bloude of Christ the signe of which nourishing is the supper Now it is one and the same Christ who both regenerateth and nourisheth vs to eternal life And albeit it is the same participation of christ namely both the Washing away of sins by the bloud of christ The same thing is sealed in Baptisme and the Supper but the manner of ●e●ling is diuers which is represented in Baptisme and the Eating and drinking of the body and bloud of Christ which is confirmed vnto vs in the Supper yet notwithstanding that signification of our new birth is sealed by the dipping of our bodie into the water of Baptisme and this of our maintenance and preseruation is d●painted and sealed by the eating and drinking of bread and wine in the Supper And therefore the thing signified of the sacramentes is not diuerse because it is the same to bee washed with the bloud of christ and to drinke the bloud of Christ But the manner of sealing one and the s●me thing is diuerse 3 In baptisme is required confession of faith and repentance in the Elder sort in Jnfants it is sufficient if they be borne in the church seing they that are born in the Church are therefore reputed for regenerate or members of the church because they haue an inclination to faith repentance But in the supper is added a further cond ti●n of examining himselfe and of remembring the Lords death Doe this in remembraunce of mee Let a man examine himselfe Baptisme therefore is due vnto the whole Church vnto infants who are the children of faithfull Parents no lesse than the elder sort enrolling themselues and giuing their names to Christ The supper is graunted to such onely as are beleeuers and repentaunt 4. Baptisme must goe before and the supper follow Whereupon in the auncient church after the Sermno w●re dimissed such as were excommunicated likewise those that were possessed or troubled with an euill spirite and the Catechumens that is such as old not as yet vnderstand the g●ounds and principles of r●ligion or were not as yet baptised So of old they who were not yet circumcised did not obserue the sacrifices or ceremonies Nowe if they who were baptised before they haue made conf●ssion of their faith and repentaunce are not as yet to bee admitted vnto the supper much lesse are they who being baptised liue after the manner of swine and dogges 5. Baptisme is not to bee rei●erated but once onely to bee receiued in our life time The supper is often to be receiued of vs Because baptisme is a signe of our receiuing into the church and couenaunt and the couenaunt once made is not againe vndoone or made voide to those that repent but remaineth ratified and firme for euer The supper is a confirmation of our faith concerning the eternall continuance of the couenant which confirmation is necessary and therefore the supper is often to be iterated Hereof it is that the Apostle saith of the supper As often as ye shall eat this bread and drinke this cup yee shew the Lords death til he come But of baptisme he saith That al wee which haue beene baptized into christ haue beene baptized into his death And Christ Hee that shal beleeue and shal be baptised shal be saued And seeing also the supper was therefore to be instituted that in it shoulde be made a publique remembrance recounting shewing of Christs death it is often to be celebrated 6 What is the sense or meaning of the words of the institution of our Lordes supper HEre are both those very odious questions conteined concerning the sense of Christes woords in his supper The Transubsta●●●● and Consubstantiaries relie not on the simple meaning of Christes words The Transubstantiaries together with the Consubstantiaries doe bost and glorie that they vnderstand the woords of Christ simply and aright But neither perfourme that which they brag and boast of For that is the true simplicity and propriety of the woord whereunto for the iust vnderstanding and interpretations thereof nothing is to bee added neither ought to be taken from it neither any thing altered For as many as hold that the body of Christ is With Jn or Vnder the breade they adde vnto the woordes of Christ and depart from true simplicity For if that which Christ said is simply to be reteined that is not to be admitted which he said not as is The bread is both bread and the body of Christ but simply this only The bread is the body of christ He said not My body is with or in or vnder the bread or the bread is both bread and my body together neither added he as these ad of their owne really substantially corporally but he vttered these bare words of the bread This is my body Neither haue the Traunsubstantiaries their opinion drawen from the woordes of Christ simply vnderstoode namely that of the bread is made the body of Christ or the bread is chaunged into the bodie of Christ For this is their owne forgery and inuention For Christ said not That the bread was now made or was a making or should be made but simply said The bread is his body where no chaunge coulde come betweene so that the words of christ be simply vnderstood Therefore falsely doe they persuade the people that they simply rest on the propriety of christes woords when as manifoldly and most farre they swarue and depart from it Wherefore the true sense and meaning of the woordes is diligently to be considered The holy Euangelistes Matthew Marke and Luke doe most specially of al others describe the institution of the Lords supper and besides them the Apostle also declareth it no lesse plainly and luculen●ly who thus speaketh 1. Corint 11. vers I haue receiued of the Lord that which J also haue deliuered vnto you that the Lord Iesus in the night that he was betraied tooke bread And when he had giuen thanks he brake it and said Take eate this is my body which is broken for you this doe yee in remembraunce of me After the same maner also he took the cup when he had supped saying This cup is the new testament in my bloud this doe as oft as yee drinke it in r●membrance of me For as often as ye shal eate this bread drink this cup ye shew the Lords death til he come These words of the Apostle we wil briefly expound and then we will demonstrate them by true and firme arguments In the night that he was betraied This circumstance is specified by the Apostle to giue vs to vnderstande that Christ would at the last supper of the Passeouer institute this his supper to shew 1. That now an end was made of al the old sacrifices he did substitute a new sacrament which should s●cceed should be
for it doth not being receiued into vs quicken vs by working in vs new corporal qualities like as a medicine dooth but the bodie of christ nourisheth and quickeneth vs after a maner diuers from that natural nourishing and accordingly as this manner of nourishing and quickening requireth so receiue we christs bodie The maner whereby christs bodie and bloud nourisheth vs is 1. The respect of his merite For for vs christs bodie is giuen and his bloud shed for vs and for the bodie and bloud of christ wee haue eternal life giuen vnto vs. After this manner then the bodie and bloud of christ quickeneth vs as it is a merit deseruing for vs this blessing 2. His bodie and bloude quickeneth or nourisheth vs when wee receiue that merite of christs bodie and bloud that is when we beleeue with a true faith that for it wee shall haue eternall life This faith resteth and hangeth on christ hanging on the Crosse not corporallie dwelling in vs. 3. It nourisheth vs when the same spirite vniteth vs by faith vnto christ and worketh the like in vs which it doth in christ For except wee be graffed into christ wee doe not please God For hee will on that condition receiue vs and pardon vs our sinnes So that by faith through the working of the holy Ghost we bee ioined with christ and engraffed into him Seeing then this is the maner whereby the bodie and bloude of christ quicken and nourish vs there is no need of any descending of the bodie and bloud of christ into our bodies 4 Obiection The eating of bread is done by the mouth But the eating of the bodie is the eating of bread Therefore the eating of the bodie is done by the mouth and is corporall when it is saide Take and eate Aunswere This eating whereof mention is made heere is perfourmed by the mouth not simplie but as concerning the signe But it is not doone by the mouth but is spirituall as concerning the thing signified spirituall Reply This is my bodie that is the inuisible bodie which J haue in my handes Aunswere But the bodie is the thing signified and spirituall other-wise there will bee no proportion betweene the signe and the thing signified It followeth therefore that hee saieth The bread is my bodie So that the bread is that whereof the bodie is affirmed For in this speech the thing signified is affirmed of the signe 5 Obiection The Wordes are not to bee changed Christ vsed the woord Js Therefore there may not be put in place thereof the word Signifieth Aunswere The woords are not to bee changed into another sense than God wil haue But otherwise they are often to be changed As when it is said Pluck out thine eie For woords are to bee vnderstoode according to the nature of thinges Moreouer they themselues who accuse vs of change doe more make this chaunge and mutation than we Reply The bodie of christ was broken and crucified for vs not the signe of the bodie Therefore the bread is the substantiall bodie of christ Answ I grant for the bread signifieth that very bodie which was borne of Marie crucified Question Why then are the things signified attributed to the signes Two causes why the thinge signified are attributed to the signes and the signes called by their names if neither consubstantiation nor transubstantiation bee thereby signified Aunswere There are two causes alleadged heereof A similitude or likenesse and a certainty 1. The similitude or proportion of signes and the thing signified is first As the bread and wine nourish our body so the body and bloud of christ nourish vs vnto euerlasting life Secondly As the bread and wine are receiued by the mouth so the body and bloud are receiued by faith Thirdly As the bread is eaten being broken so the bodie of christ is receiued being sacrif ced and broken Fourthly As in corporall foode is required an appetite vnto it so also in this spiritual foode is required faith Fiftly As of many cornes is made one loafe so are we being many made one bodie Wherefore by reason of this similitude of the signe and the thing signified the thing signified is attributed vnto the signes 2. The certainty of the signes in the cause likewise why that is aff●rmed of the signes which is proper vnto the thing signified For the s●gnes testifie that christes sacrifice is accomplished and for our behoofe and commodity because it is certainly and truly applied vnto vs. Here last of al is to be obserued that the eating of christs body dooth comprise and comprehend 1. Faith 2. That by faith we are made partakers of christ that is we are vnited vnto Christ and our communion is wrought by faith and the holy Ghost is the bond of this our vnion and coniunction with Christ 3. That wee are made partakers of Christs benefites iustification and remission of sinnes And this ensueth of that vnion of Christ with vs. 4. Jt comprehendeth also the benefite of our regeneration whereby we are made like and conformed vnto christ because the same spirit dwelling in vs and in christ worketh also the same things in vs. This eating is easily collected as out of many other places so also out of this saieng of christ I am the liuing bread which commeth downe from heauen if any man eate of this bread hee shall liue for euer And the bread that I will giue is my flesh which I wil giue for the life of the world 5 What is the difference betweene the Lords supper and the popish Masse THIS question is necessary by reason of errours which haue c●ept into the church It is otherwise demanded Why the Masse is to be abolished ●ut here this questiō is also conteined and comprehended because these differences and contrarieties of the Lordes supper and the Masse are the causes why the Masse is to bee abolished First let vs speake a few woordes of the name of the Masse or Missa The word Missa seemeth to haue his name from an ancient custome of Ecclesiastical rites actions The originall of the woord Missa which we call the Masse in the end whereof leaue was giuen of departure to the Catechumenes the possessed with spirites and the excommunicated persons and so the woord Missa seemeth to be vsed as it were a mission or sending awaie because it was the last part of diuine seruice Others wil haue it to be so called from a dimission or from the manner of dimissing them because they were demised with these words ●te Missa est that is go you may depart or as others interprete it goe now is the collection or alms which they will haue to be called Missa of the sending it in as we may so speak or throwing or casting it in for the poore Some wil therefore haue it deriued from the Hebrue Masah that is tributes which was wont to be paied of euery one The word is found Deut. 16.10 Missach nidbath i●decha A free
gospel 5 There is then in the Lords supper a double meat and drink one externall visible terrene namely bread and wine and another internall There is also a double eating and receiuing an external and signifieng which is the corporall receiuing of the bread and wine that is which is perfourmed by the handes mouth and senses of the bodie and an internal inuisible and signified which is the fruition of Christes death and a spirituall engraffing into Christes bodie that is which is not perfourmed by the handes and mouth of the bodie but by the spirite and faith Lastly there is a double administer and dispenser of this meat and drinke an externall of the externall which is the minister of the church deliuering vs by his hand bread and wine and an internal of the internal meate which is Christ himselfe feeding vs by his body and bloud 6 Not the body and bloud of Christ but the bread and wine are the signes which serue for confirmation of our faith for the bodie and bloud of Christ are receiued that we may liue for euer But the bread and wine are receiued that wee maie bee confirmed and assured of that heauenlie foode and dailie more and more enioie it 7 Neither is the bread changed into the bodie of Christ nor the wine into the bloud of Christ neither doth the bodie and bloud of Christ succeed in their place they beeing abolished neither is Christs body substantially present in the bread or vnder the bread or where the bread is but in the right vse of the Lords supper the holy Ghost vseth this Symbole as an instrument to stirre vp faith in vs by which he more and more dwelleth in vs engraffeth vs into Christ and maketh vs thorough him to bee iust and righteous and to draw eternal life from him 8 Now when Christ saith This that is this bread is my body and This cup is my bloud the speech is sacramental or metonymical because the name of the thing signified is attributed to the sign it selfe that is it is meant that the bread is the sacrament or signe of his bodie and doth represent him and dooth testifie that Christes bodie is offered for vs on the crosse and is giuen vnto vs to be the foode of eternal life and therefore is the instrument of the holie Ghost to maintaine and encrease this food in vs as Saint Paul saith 1. Corinth 10. The bread is the communion of the bodie of Christ that is it is that thing by which wee are made partakers of christs bodie And elsewhere hee saith We haue been al made to drink into one spirit The same is the meaning also when it is said that the bread is called christes bodie for a similitude which the thing signified hath with the signe namely in that christes body nourisheth the spirituall life as breade dooth the corporall life and for that assured and certaine ioint receiuing of the thing and the signe in the right vse of the sacrament And this is the sacramental vnion of the bread which is shewed by a sacramental kinde of speaking but no such locall coniunction which is by some imagined 9 As therefore the body of christ signifieth both his proper and natural bodie and his sacramental bodie which is the bread of the Eucharist so the eating of Christes body is of two sorts one sacramental of the signe to wit the externall and corporall receiuing of the bread and wine the other reall or spirituall which is the receiuing of christs very body it selfe And to bel●eue in christ dwelling in vs by faith is by the vertue operatiō of the holy ghost to be engraffed into his bodie as members to the head branches into the vine and so to bee made partakers of the frutie of the de●th and life of christ Whence it is apparant that they are falsly accused who thus teach as if they made either the bare signes onely to be in the Lords Supper or a part●cipation of christes death onelie or of his benefits or of the holy Ghost excluding the true reall spirituall communion of the very body of Christ it selfe 10 Now the right vse of the Supper is when the faithfull obserue this rite instituted by Christ in remembraunce of Christ that is to the stirring and raising vp of their faith and thankefulnesse 11 As in this right vse the bodie of Christ is sacramentallie eaten so also without this vse as by vnbeleeuers and hypocrites it is eaten sacramentally indeede but not reallie that is the sacramental Symboles or signes bread and wine are receiued but not the thinges themselues of the sacrament to wit the bodie and bloud of Christ 12 This doctrine of the supper of the Lord is grounded vpon verie manie and those most sound and firme reasons All those places of Scripture confirme it which speake of the Lords supper and Christ calling not anie inuisible thing in the bread but the verie visible and broken bread it selfe his bodie deliuered or broken for vs which whereas it cannot bee meant properlie himselfe addeth an exposition that that bread is truely receiued in remembraunce of him which is as if he had said That the bread is a sacrament of his bodie So likewise he saith the supper is the new testament which is spirituall one and euerlasting And Paul saith it is the communion of the bodie and bloud of Christ because al the faithful are one bodie in christ who cannot stand together with the communion of Diuels Likewise he maketh one and the same engraffing into christes bodie by one spirit to bee both in Baptisme and in the Lords Supper Moreouer the whole doctrine and nature of sacramentes confirme the same all which represent vnto the eies the same spirituall communion of christ to bee receiued by faith which the word or promise of the Gospel declareth vnto the eares Therefore they are called by the names of the thinges signified and in their right vse haue the receiuing of the thinges adioined vnto them The Articles also of our faith confirme it which teach that christs bodie is a true humane bodie not present at once in manie places as being now receiued into heauen and there to remain vntil the Lorde returne to iudgement and further that the communion of Saintes with christ is wrought by the holie Ghost not by anie entraunce of christs bodie into the bodies of men Wherefore this sentence and doctrine is of all the purer antiquitie of the church with most great and manifest consent held and professed 13 The Supper of the Lord differeth from Baptisme 1. Jn the Rite and manner of signifieng because the dipping into the water or washing signifieth a remission and purging out of sinne by the bloud and spirit of Christ and our societie fellowship with christ in his afflictions and glorification But the distributing of the bread and wine signifieth the death of Christ to bee imputed to vs vnto remission of sinnes and our selues engraffed into Christ
are receiued of vs namelie earthly externall and visible signs as are bread and wine and besides these also heauenlie internall and inuisible gifts as are the true bodie of Iesus Christ together with al his gifts and benefits and heauenlie treasures Thirdly that in the supper we are made partakers not onlie of the spirit of Christ and his satisfaction iustice vertue and operation but also of the verie substaunce and essence of his true-bodie and bloud which was giuen for vs to death on the crosse and which was shed for vs and are trulie fed with the selfe-same vnto eternal life and that this verie thing christ should teach vs and make knowen vnto vs by this visible receiuing of this bread and wine in his supper Fourthly That the bread and wine are not changed into the flesh and bloud of Christ but remaine true and natural bread and wine that also the bodie and bloud of christ are not shut vp into the bread and wine and therefore the bread and wine are called of christ his bodie and bloud in this sense for that his bodie and bloud are not onlie signified by these and set before our eies but also because as often as we eat and drink this bread and wine in the true and right vse Christ himselfe giueth vs his body and bloud indeed to be the meat and drink of eternal life Fiftly That without the right vse this receiuing of bread and wine is no sacrament neither anie thing but an emptie and vaine ceremonie and spectacle and such as men abuse to their own damnation Sixtly That there is no other true and lawful vse of the supper besides that which Christ himselfe hath instituted and commaunded to be kept namelie this that this bread and this wine be eaten and drunken in remembrance of him and to shew forth his death Seuenthly that Christ in his supper dooth not commaund and require a dissembled and hypocritical remembraunce of him and publishing of his death but such as embraceth his passion and death and all his benefites obtained by these for vs by a true and liuelie faith and with earnest and ardent thankefulnesse and applieth them vnto those which eate and drink as proper vnto them Eightly that Christ will dwell in beleeuers onelie and in them who not through contempt but through necessitie cannot come to the Lords supper yea in al beleeuers euē from the beginning of the woorld to all eternitie euen as well and after the same manner as hee will dwell in them who came vnto the Lords Supper They disagree in these pointes FIRST that one part contendeth that these woordes of Christ This is my bodie must be vnderstood as the words sound which yet that part it selfe doth not but the other part that those words must be vnderstoode sacramentallie according to the declaration of Christ and Paul according to the most certaine and vnfallible rule and leuil of the articles of our christian faith Secōdly that one part wil haue the bodie bloud of christ to be essentiallie Jn or With the bread wine so to be eaten as that together with the bread the wine out of the hād of the minister it entereth by the mouth of the receiuers into their bodies but the other part wil haue the body of christ which in the first supper sate at the table by the disciples now to be cōtinue not here on earth but aboue in the heauens aboue and without this visible world and heauen vntill hee descend thence againe to iudgement and yet that we notwithstanding here on earth as oft as wee eate this bread with a true faith are so fed with his bodie and made to drink of his bloud that not onlie through his Passion and bloudshed we are cleansed from our sinnes but are also in such sort coupled knit and incorporated into his true essential humane bodie by his spirit dwelling both in him and vs as that we are flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones and are more neerly and firmlie knit and vnited with him than the members of our bodie are vnited with our head and so wee drawe and haue in him and from him euerlasting life Thirdly That one part will haue all whosoeuer come to the Lordes supper and eate and drinke that breade and wine whether they bee beleeuers or vnbeleeuers to eate and drinke corporallie and with their bodilie mouth the flesh and bloud of Christ beleeuers to life and saluation vnbeleeuers to damnation and death the other holdeth that vnbeleeuers abuse indeede the outwarde signs bread and wine to their own damnation but that the faithful onelie can eate and drinke by a true faith and the fore alleaged working of ●he holie Ghost the bodie and bloud of Christ vnto eternal life OF THE KEIES OF THE KINGDOME OF HEAVEN AND OF EXCOMMVNICATION SEEING it hath beene shewed in the treatise next going before who are to bee admitted by the church vnto the Lords Supper very commodiously and fitly shall this doctrine follow concerning the power of the keies wherein besides other things this chiefly is taught How they who are not to be admitted must bee restrained and excluded from the Sacraments least approching vnto them they prophane them The chiefe questions 1 What the power is of the keies giuen vnto the church 2 Vnto whom that power is committed 3 Why the power of the keies is necessarie 4 What that power of the keies committed vnto the church differeth from the ciuil power 5 What order ought to be obserued in exercising the power of the keies 1 WHAT THE POWER OF THE KEIES GIVEN VNTO THE CHVRCH IS THE power of the keies of the kingdome of heauen which CHRIST gaue vnto his church is the office or charge imposed on the church by Christ of denouncing by the preaching of the gospel and church-discipline Gods will and euen of declaring the grace of God and remission of sinnes vnto the penitent that is to them who liue in true faith and repentance but of denouncing vnto the wicked the wrath of God and exclusion or banishment from the kingdome of christ and of casting such out of the church as long as they shall shew themselues in doctrine and life estranged from christ and of receiuing them againe into the church when afterwardes they shall repent Hereby it appeareth that the chiefe and principall parts of this power of the keies giuen vnto the Saints are the preaching of the gospel or ministerie of the word and church-iudgement which is called also spirituall Discipline or iurisdiction And verily necessarilie is Ecclesiasticall Discipline ioined and linked with the ministerie of Gods word Of the ministerie of the word there is no doubt but all the Prophets Christ and the Apostles haue preached Of the iurisdiction of the church likewise it is not to be doubted in as much as Christ himselfe and the Apostle haue both by precepts and practise confirmed and established it Now in both is conteined that power
Luk. 22.19 Do this in remembrance of me Lastly they are also bonds of loue because they who are confederated with God are vnited also among themselues Ep. 4.5 One Lord one faith c. 1. Cor. 10.17 We being many are one bodie The confirmation of the fourth Conclusion The distinction there deliuered is manifest in it selfe The receiuing of the signes is corporall externall But the thinges especiallie signified are not receiued without faith because they are promised to beleeuers onely And the signes are no otherwise true than the promises vnto which they are annexed Again the signes declare the same to the eyes which the promise declareth vnto the ears As therefore the promise is but an emptie sound without faith So also are the ceremonies vaine spectacles Again The thinges signified are the communion of Christ and all his benefits But this can no man haue otherwise than by faith either in the vse or without the vse of the Sacrament The confirmation of the sixt conclusion Such is the coniunction of all signes with their things signified as that they represent the things signified and confirme the acceptation of them For the pledges or tokens and symboles testifieng other thinges are though not in the same place yet together with the thinges testified and signified The Reason is Because to make one thing a signe of another thing is not to include or tie the thing with the signe as that they should be in one place but to ordaine the signe to signifie the thing the signe being in the same place with it or in some other place Again the nature of the things signified by the sacrament doth not admit this local vnion For some are subsisting forms some accidents not inherent in the sacramentall signes but in the mindes of men as the gifts of the holy ghost Some are corporeall and in one place only and not locallie existent wheresoeuer the sacraments are vsed as the flesh and bloud of Christ The confirmation of the seuenth Conclusion The scripture speaketh thus of the Sacramentes Circumcision is the couenaunt The Lambe is the Passeouer The bloud of the sacrifices the bloude of the couenant the expiation of the sacrifices the Sabboth the euerlasting couenant The mercie seate of the Arke Baptisme a clensing washing Bread and wine the bodie and bloud of Christ And so the scripture expoundeth it selfe when circumcision is called the signe of the couenant The Pascal Lambe the signe of the passouer The Sabboth a perpetual signe of grace and sanctification The ceremonies types and shadowes of true thinges The beleeuer and baptized shall bee saued and of the signes and symboles of the Lordes supper it is said that they are to bee receiued for our reconciliation The confirmation of the tenth conclusion The signes of the couenant confirme nothing vnto them who keep not the couenant or who referre them to another ende But the sacraments are signes of the couenant whereby God bindeth himselfe to giue vnto vs remission of sinnes and eternall life freely for Christs sake and wee binde our selues to the yeelding and performance of faith and new obedience Therefore they confirme not neither ●ssure them of Gods grace who are without faith and repentaunce or vse other rites or to some other end than God hath appointed Moreouer J● is superstitious and idolatrous to attribute the ●●stif●cation of gods grace either to the external woorke rite without the promise or to anie other woorke inuented by men Wherefore the abusing or not right vsing of the sacraments hath not the grace of God accompanying it or assureth any man of it As it is said Rom. 2.25 Circumcision is profitable if thou doe the law c. The confirmation of the 11. conclusion The figure of Baptisme beeing correspondent to the Arke of Noah doth also saue vs not the outward washing away of the filth of the flesh but the inwarde testification of a good conscience towardes god The bread which wee breake is it not the communion of the bodie of Christ And seeing the sacramentes are an externall instrument whereby the holy Ghost fostereth and preserueth faith it foloweth that they serue for the saluation of beleeuers as doth the word But contrary the wicked through the abuse of the sacramentes and the contempt of Christ and his benefites which are offered vnto them in his woorde and sacraments and through the confession of his doctrin which they embrace not with a true faith purchase vnto themselues the anger of God and euerlasting paines according to the saying of the Prophet Esay cap. 66 3. He that killeth a Bullock is as if he slew a man he that sacrificeth a sheep i● as if he cut off a dogs necke And saint Paul 1. Cor. 11.27 Whosoeuer shall eate this breade and drinke the cup of the Lorde vnworthilie shall be guiltie of the bodie and bloud of the Lorde But the things signified because they are receiued by faith onely and are either proper vnto saluation or saluation it selfe as Christ and his benefites they cannot be receiued of the wicked neither can they at all be receiued but vnto saluation The confirmation of the 12. cōclusion A promise the signe of a promise hauing a condition of faith and fidelitie adioined vnto it are ratified whensoeuer the condition is perfourmed But such is that promise which is signified and confirmed by the sacraments Therefore if in the vse of them faith doth accompany which beleeueth the promise the things promised and signified are receiued together with the signes Eze. 16.59 I might deale with thee as thou hast done when thou diddest despise the oth in breaking the couenant Neuerthelesse I will remember my couenaunt made with thee in the daies of thy youth and J will confirme vnto thee an euerlasting couenant The confirmation of the 13. conclusion The iterating of circumcision or Baptisme hath beene no where receiued or admitted Neither is the reason hereof obscure or vnknowen because those sacraments were instituted to bee an initiating or solemne receiuing of men into the Church which is alway ratified vnto him that is penitent and persisteth therein But the vse of other sacraments is commaunded to be iterated as of the sacrifices the Passeouer worshipping at the Arke Cleansings as also of the Lords Supper The cause is because they are a testimonie that the couenant which was made in Circumcision and Baptisme is ratified and firme to him that repenteth And this exercising of our faith is alwaies necessarie The confirmation of the 14. conclusion That there is one common definition agreeing to the sacraments both of the olde and new testament hath beene shewed before That the difference of them consisteth in the number and forme of the rites is apparent by a particular enumeration of them For in the newe testament it is manifest that there are but two because there are no other ceremonies commaunded of god and hauing annexed vnto them the promise of grace And that the olde sacraments
cup is the new testament Or the couenant as both the * Berith greeke and * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hebrue word admitteth Now it is called the new couenant that is renewed or to speake it in a woord fulfilled And this new couenant is our reconciliation with God the communion and participation of Christ and all his benefites by faith in the sacrifice of Christ now fulfilled finished without any obseruation of the ceremonies of the old Passeouer The supper is called the new couenāt because it is a signe and a seale of this couenant signing and sealing vnto vs our reconciliation with God and our coniunction with Christ which is wrought by faith Now in calling the supper the new couenant first he comprehendeth both the promise and the condition which is expressed in the promise namelie faith and repentance Whereof also it foloweth that the supper was for this cause also instituted that it might bee a bond to bind vs to lead a christian life Secondly hee maketh an opposition betweene the new couenant and that couenant which was the Passeouer together with the rites thereof For the supper signified Christ offered The Passeouer signified Christ who should bee offered There is notwithstanding no small similitude and agreeing of both For both signifie our reconciliation with God and coniunction with Christ J● my bloud which is shed for you for remission of sinnes The shedding of Christs bloud is the merite for which beeing apprehended of vs by faith we receiue remission of sinnes For as often as yee shall eate The supper therefore is often to be iterated and celebrated 1. Because of the woordes of the institution 2. In respect of the ende and purpose of the institution because it must bee done in remembranuce of Christ Shewe the Lordes death That is beleeue that Christ died and that for you and then professe it also publiquely before all Till hee come Therefore it must bee obserued vnto the worlds end neither is any other externall forme to be looked for vntill the day of iudgement The words of the institution which haue beene hitherto expounded may be made more plaine and cleare by these wordes of the Apostle The cup of blessing which we blesse is it not the communion of the bloude of Christ The bread which wee breake is it not the communion of the bodie of Christ The cup of blessing that is the cup of thankesgiuing which is receiued namely to this end that wee may yeeld thankes to Christ for his death and passion The communion of the bodie likewise the communion of the bloud is to be made through faith partaker of Christ and all his benefites the same spirit being in vs which is in Christ and woorking the same in vs which he worketh in Christ Bread and wine is the communion that is it is the signe of our communion with Christ Now our communion as the Apostle briefly declareth consisteth in this that wee who are manie are one bodie Whence it is most easie to collect that this communion is not a corporall eating For it is wrought onely by faith and the holy Ghost Christ is the heade and wee the members and all wee who are members haue also a communion of all Christs benefites Therefore the heade is common the benefites common and so the members also common among themselues wherefore their loue and dilection is common and mutual We vnderstand nowe what is the true meaning of the words of the institution especiallie of those about which is greatest cōtrouersy which are these This is my body that is to repeat in few wordes the true sense of them This bread broken of me and giuen to you is a signe of my bodie for your sakes rent and deliuered vnto death and a certaine seale of your coniunction with me so that he who beleeueth and eateth this bread doth truelie and reallie after a sort eat my bodie This our iudgement and interpretation or Christs rather is most true and vnto the truth of the Gospell most agreeable Here especially resist●unce is made and the greatest controuersie is about the word or vnderstanding of the word For our aduersaries vnderstand those wordes so as t●ey maintaine thereof to folow that Christes bodie is present and eaten corporallie But in the meane season they consider not that those wordes are sacramentallie to bee taken or that the speech is sacramental and therefore is not to be taken as proper and simple as it shoulde bee if thence were gathered that the bread is changed into Christs bodie Now to the signe here is attributed the name of the thing signified both for the coniunction which the thing signified hath in the right vse of the supper with the signe and also for the proportion which the signe hath with the thing signified Come wee now to those arguments whereby wee may confirme our interpretation and opinion to bee true The arguments which wee will vse are of three sorts such as are wont to bee also in like controuersies 1. Some are taken from the nature of the thing or subiect that is by vnderstanding the speech as the thing it selfe doth beare and suffer 2. Some are drawen from an analogie of the articles of our faith or from a conference of places or parts of christian doctrine for the holy spirite is the spirite of truth 3. Some are taken from other like places of scripture where the same thing is deliuered in such words as are manifest and whereof there is no controuersie The first sort of Arguments which are taken from the nature of the sacraments THE verie manner and forme of speaking yeeldeth vs a firme and strong argument Breade is the bodie of Christ but bread is not in it owne proper substance his bodie for by reason hereof haue they inuented consubstantiation therefore it is a figuratiue speeche euen such a one as is vsual vnto sacraments and is declared in the institution 2 Sacraments confirme exhibit promise seale no other thing than the woorde doth In the woorde is promised no corporal eating Therefore neither is anie such thing confirmed by the sacrament 3 In all sacraments when the names or properties of the things are attributed vnto the signes there is not signified the corporal presence of the thing but first a similitude of the things with their signes then a coniunction and vnion of the things with their signes in the right vse but in this sacrament Christ attributeth the name of the thing which is his bodie to the signe therefore there is not thereby signified a corporal presence of his bodie 4 The communion of Christ which is promised in his woorde and sacraments is not corporal but the communion of Christ which is giuen in the supper is the same with that which is giuen in the word and in all sacraments therefore the communion of Christ in the supper is spiritual 5 There is one and the same signification of all the Sacraments of the old and new testament
by necessity excluded from it But such a communion of saints with Christ is spirituall as the Apostle doth shew 1. Cor. 6.17 Hee that is ioined vnto the Lorde is one spirit 1. Ioh. 4.13 Hereby know we that we dwel in him and he in vs because he hath giuen vs of his spirit Iohn 15.5 He is the vine we are the branches Ephes 1.22 4.15 5.30.31 He is the Bridegroome and we with the whole Church are his spouse 2 Such is our eating of Christ as is his abiding in vs but this is spirituall For that Christs abiding in vs is spirituall is sufficientlie perceiued by this in that such is his abiding in vs as is his Fathers Jf anie man loue me he will keepe my woord and my Father will loue him and we will come vnto him and will dwell with him But how doth the Father dwell in vs or abide with vs Truely by his spirite Therefore Christ also so abideth with vs or dwelleth in vs. 3 Christ abideth in vs perpetually Therefore that abiding or presence is not corporall because as touching his humane nature he saith Me yee shall not haue alwaies Therefore hee is not eaten of vs corporallie nay hee cannot be eaten of vs corporallie except he be in vs corporally and that also perpetuallie 3 Vnto the former m●y be adioined also argumentes taken from the sacrifice and adoration Wheresoeuer Christ is present corporallie whether it be after a visible or inuisible manner there he is to be adored to wit by our mindes and the motions of our bodies cōuerted turned thither But he is not to be adored in the supper Therefore he is not present in the supper corporally That he is not to be adored in the supper is easilie proued For it is neuer granted in the new testament to tie bind inuocation to anie certain place Ioh. 4.21 The houre commeth when yee shal neither in this mountain nor at Ierusalem worship the father Againe Jf christ be so be adored worshipped in the supper by our mindes and motions of bodie conuerted vnto the bread that whole oblation sacrifice should consist in the hands of sacrificing masse-Priests because they offer the Son vnto the Father to obtain remission of sins and so were his crucifieng to be reiterated The third sort of argumentes which are drawen from like places of scripture where namelie the same thing is deliuered in words whereof there is no controuersie 1 COrporall eating is in expresse termes condemned by the holie Ghost Jt is the spirite saith Christ that quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing By these woordes Christ expressely condemneth the corporal eating of his flesh whether visible or inuisible 2 The bread which we break saith the Apostle is the cōmunion of the body of christ But this cōmuniō is spiritual because when the same Apostle opposeth it to the communion of diuels ye cānot saith he drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of diuels yee cannot be partakers of the lords table and of the table of Diuels by these words the Apostle denieth that the wicked can be partakers of the bodie and blood of christ in the supper And therefore there is no corporall eating of the body and bloude of christ in his supper 3 Christ saith that the bread is his bodie Therefore they tie not themselues to the verie woorde who say that christs body is in the bread vnder the bread with the bread 4 The cup is the new testament that is the cup is a signe of the new testament for it cannot bee otherwise meant or taken For the new testament is the seale of the promise or the promise it self but not the thing promised Likewise The cup is the communion of the bloud of christ The bread is the communion of the body of christ But this communion is a spirituall eating and drinking of the body and bloud of christ as is apparaunt by the wordes of the Apostle and the signes of that spiritual eating and drinking are bread and wine 5 In the Euangelist To eat christ which is the liuing bread which descended from heauen Likewise To eat Christs flesh and to drinke his bloud signifieth to beleeue in Christ Therefore in the words of the institutiō it signifieth the same also because christ doth not here otherwise expound them 6 There are also the like places of scripture vttered sacramentally of other sacramentes which confirme also the truth and meaning of this as Circumcision is the couenant The lamb is the Passeouer The leuitical sacrifices are said to be an expiation or doing away of sinne The bloud of sacrifices is called the bloud of the couenant Baptisme is the washing of the new birth Therefore these woords also This is my bodie are in like sort sacramentally spoken 7 Christ commaundeth his supper to bee celebrated and the bread wine to be eaten drunken in remembrance of him but this remēbrance is chiefly performed by faith not corporally Moreouer that in memorial wherof we doe any thing is not it selfe present because we are not said to remember things that are present 8 By one spirite are we al baptized into one bodie whether we be Iewes or Grecians whether we be bond or free and haue been al made to drinke into one spirite Wherefore after the same maner doe we al eate the same bread Which Paul also manifestly sheweth affirming That al the Fathers did eate the same spirituall foode That eating therefore is not corporall whereby we are made partakers of the body and bloud of christ otherwise before the comming of christ the fathers should not haue beene at al made partakers of christ as hauing not as yet taken flesh Vnto these argumentes drawen out of the sacred Scripture and the ground of our faith may be added testimonies of the fathers and the purer church of al which we will at this present bring only that one notable saying of Macharius the Monke Bread and wine are a correspondent type of his flesh and they who receiue the bread which is shewed eate the flesh of Christ spirituallie AGAINST THE TRANSVBSTANTIATION OF THE PAPISTES NOW it is easy to see what we are to thinke of Transubstantiation euen that it is an impious inuention deuise of the Papists which also we wil shew and proue briefly by diuers reasons 1 Paul calleth expressely that which is taken bread both before after the eating Therefore that which is taken in the supper is not really the body 2 Christ brake bread but hee did not then breake his body Therefore the bread is not really his body 3 The Bread was not giuen for vs But the body of christ was giuen for vs Therefore the bread is not really Christs body 4 Christ willeth vs to take this sacrament and to take bread and wine in remembraunce of him Therefore the bread is called the body of Christ not reallie but in that it is a memorial of his body that is the bread is a remembrauncer
so to make God such a one as hath entered a couenaunt and is in league with hypocrites and wicked men Now the couenaunt of God is two waies prophaned namelie as well by communicating and imparting the signes of the couenaunt to them vnto whom God promiseth nothing as by receiuing and vsing the signes without faith and repentance For not onely they prophane the couenant who being as yet impenitent take the signes of the couenant vnto them but they also who wittingly and willingly giue the signs vnto those whom god hath shut from his couenant They make therefore God a felowe friend of the wicked the son of the diuell the son of God whosoeuer reach the signes vnto the wicked Obiect Hee that giueth to him that abuseth it sinneth The church giueth the supper vnto hypocrits which abuse it Therefore the church sinneth Ans He that giueth the supper to one which abuseth it sinneth if he wittingly willingly doth it otherwise he sinneth not but they who abuse the supper purchase damnation to thēselues But the godly are not made partakers of that prophanation of the couenant prophaned by the wicked if they knowe not the wicked approching vnto the supper neither doe willingly admit the wicked Reply If they sinne who giue the supper wittinglie to him that abuseth it then dooth the Minister also sinne if he distribute it vnto such a one where yet there is no sentence passed of excommunication Aunswere True if hee doe it willingly but if the church proceed not against such a man and the minister notwithstanding be instant vpon the Church and doe his duetie he is blamelesse and the sinne shall lie on others euen on the Church 2. They are not to bee admitted to the supper who professe not faith and repentaunce both in life and confession because if such should be admitted the church should stir vp the anger of God against her selfe as of whom wittinglie and willinglie this shoulde bee committed Nowe that by this meanes the wrath of God is stirr●d vp against the church the Apostle sufficiently witnesseth saying For this cause manie are weake and sicke among you and manie sleepe For if wee woulde iudge our selues we should not bee iudged God therefore is angrie with the consenters so punisheth them because he punisheth the wicked whom they cōsenting thereto admitted for by both the supper of the Lorde is alike prophaned 3. Christ hath cōmanded that the wicked be not admitted And if any denie that any such cōmandment is extant yet the substance tenor of the commandement shal be easily prooued For christ instituted his supper for his disciples to thē alone he said I haue earnestlie desired to eate this Passeouer with you Take this and part it among you This is my bodie which is giuen for you This cup is the new testament in my bloud which is shed for you Wherefore the supper was instituted for Christes disciples onely all others for whom Christ died not are excluded But yet for all this those hypocrites are to bee admitted together with the godly vnto the supper who are not as yet manifested because they professe in confession and outward actions faith and repentance But none ought to approch thither but true beleeuers For these onely excepted all others yea euen those hypocrites which are not as yet manifested eate and drinke vnto themselues damnation and prophane the Lords sacred Supper Obiection They then who auoide the prophaning of the Lords Supper doe well but they who refraine from the Lordes supper in respect of some hatred they beare to others or for some other sinnes auoide the prophaning of the supper Therefore they doe well Answere They who auoid the prophaning of the supper doe well if they auoid it in such sort as they ought namely by repenting themselues of those sinnes which haue been the causes of their refraining CERTAINE CONCLVSIONS OF THE SVPPER 1 THE other sacrament of the new testament is called the supper of the Lord not as if it were necessarie that the church should celebrate it in the Euening or vsuall time of supper but because it was instituted of Christ in that supper which he last had with his Disciples before his death It is called the table of the Lord because Christ dooth feede vs in it It is called the sacrament of the bodie and bloud of christ because these are communicated and imparted vnto vs in it It is called the Eucharist because in it are giuen solemne thankes vnto Christ for his death and benefites It is called Synaxis or the conuent because it ought to be celebrated in the conuents and assemblies of the church It is called also of the auncient a sacrifice because it is a representation of the propitiatory sacrifice accomplished by Christ on the crosse and a thankes-giuing or Eucharistical sacrifice for the same There is a third reason also why they called it a sacrifice because the ancient were wont themselues to confer bread vnto it therefore were they said to offer that is to conferre and giue in seuerall bread to that vse 2 The supper of the lord is a sacrament of the new testament wherein according to the commandement of Christ bread and wine is distributed and receiued in the assemblie of the faithfull in remembraunce of christ which is that christ might testifie vnto vs that hee feedeth vs with his body and bloud deliuered and shed for vs vnto eternal life and that we also might for these his benefites giue solemne thankes vnto him 3 The first and principal end and vse of the Lords supper is that Christ might therein testifie vnto vs that hee died for vs and dooth feede vs with his bloude and body vnto euerlasting life that so by this testification hee might cherish and encrease in vs our faith and so consequently this spirituall foode and nourishment The second end is thankes-giuing for these benefites of Christ and our publique and solemne profession of them and our duty towards christ The third is the distinguishing of the church from other sectes The fourth That it might be a bond of mutual loue and dilection The fift That it might be a bond of our assemblies and meetinges 4 That first ende and vse which is the confirmation of our faith in Christ the supper of the Lord hereof hath because Christ himselfe giueth this bread and drink by the hands of his ministers to be a memorial of him that is to admonish and put vs in remembraunce by this signe as by his visible word that he died for vs and is the foode of eternall life vnto vs while hee maketh vs his members both because he hath annexed a promise to this rite that hee wil feede those who eate this bread in remembraunce of him with his owne bodie and bloud when he saith This my body and also because the holy ghost doth by this visible testimony moue our minds and harts more firmely to beleeue the promise of the
yet wil I not faint in hope for Israel but wil looke when yet once againe God himselfe shal smite on rockes and water shal flowe out of them that his people in this time of drought maie drinke Euen so O God for thy promise sake and for thy troth of ould plighted in thy beloued Sonne vnto thy chosen open the rock of stone againe let againe the waters the liuing waters of thy word flow out and let the sauing riuers of thy Gospell runne and stop not through al drie places of our Land that men and Angels may see the felicity of thy Chosen and reioice in the gladnes of thy people and giue thanks and praise and glory and honour with thine inheritance vnto thy blessed name for euer A CATECHISM OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION 1 What is thy onely comfort in life and death THat both in soule body a 1. Cor 6.19 1. Thes 5.10 whether I liue or die b Rom. 14 8. I am not mine own but belong c 1. Cor. 3.23 wholy vnto my most faithful Lord Sauiour Iesus Christ who by his precious blood most fullie satisfying d 1. Pet. 1.18 1 Iohn 1.7 2.2 for all my sinnes hath deliue●ed e 1. Iohn 38. Heb. 2.14.15 mee from all the power of the diuell and so reserueth f Iohn 6.39 me that without the will of my hea●enly Father not so much as a haire may fal g Mat. 10.30 Luke 21.18 from ●y head yea all thinges must h Rom. 8.28 serue for my safe●y Wherefore by his Spirit also he assureth i 2 Cor. 1.22 5.5 Eph. 1.14 mee ●f euerlasting life and maketh k Rom. 8.24 me ready and pre●ared that henceforth I may liue to him 2 How many thinges are necessarie for thee to know that thou enioying this comfort maist liue die happilie Three l Luk. 24.47 1. Cor. 6.11 Rom. 8.16 Tit. 8. The first what is the greatnes m Iohn 9.41 Rom. 3. of my sin misery The second how I am deliuered n Iohn 17.3 from all sinne and miserie The third what thankes I owe o Ephes 5.10 1. Pet. 2.9 Rom. Mat. 5.16 2. Tim. 2.15 vnto God for this deliuerie There is a three-fold order or there are three partes of the studie of diuinitie THE first is a Catecheticall institution or briefe summe of Christian doctrine which is called a Catechisme and is a briefe explication of the generall pointes of the same doctrine This part is necessarie For both the learned and vnlearned ought to know the foundation of religion The second a handling of common places or cōmon places which contein a larger explication of euery point and of hard quaestions together with their subdiuisions reasons and argumentes The third a diligent meditation of the scripture or holy writte This is the highest degree for which we learne all the rest to wit that we may come furnished to the reading vnderstanding and propounding of the holy Scripture Those former partes are taken out of the Scripture and againe common places do lead vs vnto the Scripture which is as it were a rule by which they are directed What a Catechisme is A CATECHISME is a briefe doctrine framed for youth the ruder sort conteining in it the summe of the doctrine of the Law Gospel or of Christian religion which being deliuered is required againe at the handes of the auditors It is so called of a Greek woord 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth to resound or to returne a voice back again Eccho-like because that children did by mouth make rehearsall of those thinges which were asked them and which they had hard Catechumeni in the primitiue church were those who learned the Catechisme that is to say such as were now of the Church and were instructed in christian Doctrine Neophyti or Nouices were those who were but new come vnto the Church so called from twoo Greeke woords 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signify a new plant Of the Catechumenes there were twoo sortes 1 Those who first being of some yeares whether of the Iewes or of the Gentils afterward came vnto Christ but were not as yet baptised These were first instructed in the Catechisme and afterwards baptised and admitted to the Lords supper 2. Those who were borne in the Church That is the Children of Christians These eftsoones after their birth as being members of the Church were baptised and after they were growen a little elder they were instructed and confirmed by laying on of handes and so dimissed out of the companie of the Catechumenes so that it was lawfull for them thence-forward to draw neer vnto the Lordes Supper This Catechising doctrine hath euer been in the Church For in the olde Testament God himselfe in briefe-wise deliuered the doctrine of the Lawe Gospell the Decalog the promises as when hee saith Walke before me Gen. 17.1 Gen. 22.18 and be thou perfect Likewise In thy seed shal al nations of the earth be blessed Now these things God would that Abraham and his posteritie should teach their Children and their whole familie and therefore this doctrine was framed fit for the capacity of Children and the ruder sort In the old Testament furthermore there were also sacrifices praiers other things in which the youth were instructed In the new Testament in the Apostles time there was likewise a Catechising doctrine as the author of the Epistle to the Hebrewes reporteth Therefore leauing the doctrine of the beginning of Christ Heb. 6.1 let vs be led forward vnto perfection not laying againe the foundation of repentance that is the beginning of Christian doctrine which comprehendeth repentance and faith These first beginnings or principles of Christian doctrine are called in the same place the doctrine of baptismes because they that were of some yeares before they came to christ were first instructed before they were baptised It is called also the doctrin of laying on of hands because the Catechisme was required at their handes that they should be able to answere in it on whom hands were laid that is to say of the children of Christians who were baptised in their infancy The parts of these rudimentes of Christian doctrine which they cal Catechisme are the Lawe and the Gospel or as it is said in the place afore named vnto the Hebrews repentance and faith in Christ Semblably the fathers also write Briefe summes of doctrine certain remnants of which we see as yet in Popery Now it behoueth that the youth be by and by instructed in this doctrine and doe knowe the foundation 1. Because of the commandement of God ●eut 6.7 Thou shalt tell them vnto thy children 2. Because we are so corrupted that except we be timely informed of the wil of God hardly or neuer we learne to do things acceptable vnto God and scarsely suffer ourselues with much adoe to be
that is a Sauiour Because he saueth vs from al our ſ Mat. 1.21 Heb. 7.25 sinnes Neither ought any safety to bee sought for from any other nor t Act. 4.12 can elsewhere be found 30 Doe they then beleeue in the only Sauiour Iesus who seeke for happinesse and safety of the Saintes or of themselues or elsewhere No. For although in worde they boast themselues of him as their sauiour yet indeed they deny the onlie Sauiour a 1. Cor. 1.13 30. c. Ga. 5.4 Iesus For it must needes be that either Iesus is not a perfect Sauior or that they who embrace him as their Sauiour with a true faith possesse all thinges in him which b Heb. 12.2 Isa 9.6 Col. 1.19.20 2.10 Isa 43.11 25. Ioh. 1.16 are required vnto saluation 31 Why is he called Christ that is annointed Because hee was ordained of the Father and annointed of the holy Ghost the c Ps 45.8 Heb. 1.9 Deut. 18.15 Acts. 3.22 chiefe Prophet and d Ioh. 1.18 15 15. Mat. 11.27 Ps 110.4 Heb. 7.21 10.21 Doctour who hath e opened vnto vs the secret counsaill and all the will of his father concerning our Redemption And the high-Priest who with that one onely Sacrifice of his bodie hath f Rom 8.34 5.9.10 redeemed vs and doth continuallie g Ps 2.6 Luk. 1.33 make intercession to his father for vs. And a king who ruleth vs by his word and spirit and defendeth and h Mat. 28.18 Ioh. 10.28 maintaineth that saluation which hee hath purchased for vs. 32 But why art thou called a Christian Because through faith I am a member of Iesus i Acts. 11.26 1 Cor. 6.15 christ and k 1. Ioh. 2.27 Is 59.21 Ioe 2.28 partaker of his annointing that both I may l Mat. 10.33 confesse his name present my selfe vnto him a liuely m Rom. 12.1 Apo. Pet. 2.9.2 Tim. 2.12 Rom. 6.12.13 Apo. 1.6 sacrifice of thankfulnes and also may in this life fight against sin and satan with a free good cōscience afterward n 1. Tim. 1.18.19 enioy an euerlasting kingdom with christ ouer al creatures 33 For what cause is Christ called the only begotten sonne of God when we also are the sonnes of God Because christ alone is the coeternal natural son of the eternall o Ioh. 1.14 Heb. 1.2 Ioh. 3.16 4.9 father we p Rom. 8.5 Eph. 1.6 Ioh. 1.12 1. Ioh. 1.3 are but sonnes adopted of the father by grace for his sake 34 Wherefore callest thou him our Lord Because he redeeming ransoming both our body and soul from sins not with gold nor siluer but with his precious blood deliuering vs frō al the power of the diuel hath set vs a 1. Pet. 1.18 10.1 Cor. 6.20 7.23 Ep. 1.7 1. Tim. 2.5.6 free to serue him 35 What beleeuest thou when thou saist He was conceiued by the holy ghost borne of the Virgine Mary That the sonne of God who b Ioh. 1.1 17.5 Rom. 1.4 Col. 1.15 c. Ps 2.7 Mat. 3.17 16.16 is and continueth true and euerlasting c Rom. 9.5 Is 7.14 9.6 1. Io. 5.20 Io. 20.28 God d Ioh. 1.14 Gal. 4.4 tooke the verie nature of man of the flesh and bloode of the Virgine Mary by the woorking of the holy Ghost f Ps 132.11 Act. 2.30 c. Rom. 1 3. that withal he might be the true seed of Dauid like vnto his brethren in al things sin excepted a Mat. 1.18.20 Luc. 1.35 36 What profit takest thou by Christs holy conception and natiuity That hee is our i Heb. 2.16.17 Mediatour and dooth couer with his innocency and perfect holines my sins g Phil 2 7. in which I was conceiued h Heb. 4.15 7.26 that they may not come in the sight of k Psal 32.1.1 Cor. 1.30 Ro. 8.3.4 Gal. 4.4.5 God 37 What beleeuest thou when thou saist He suffered That hee all the time of his life which hee lead in the earth but especially at the end therof l 1. Pet. 2.24 3.18 Is 53.12 susteined the wrath of God both in body and soule against the sin of al mankind that he might by his passion as the onely m 1. Ioh. 2.2 4.10 Rom. 3.25 propitiatory sacrifice deliuer our body and soule from euerlasting damnation and purchase vnto vs the fauour of God righteousnes and euerlasting life 38 For what cause should hee suffer vnder Pilate as being his iudge That he being innocent and n Luk. 23.14 Ioh. 19.4 condemned before a ciuil iudge might o Psal 69.4 Is 53.4.5 2. Cor. 5.21 Gal. 3.13 deliuer vs frō the seuere iudgement of God which remained for al men 39 But is there any thing more in it that hee was fastned to the crosse than if hee had suffered any other kind of death There is more For by this I am assured that he took vpō himself the curse which did lie on me For the death of the crosse was p Deut. 21.23 Gal. 3.13 accursed of god 40 Why was it necessary for Christ to humble himselfe vnto death Because the iustice and truth of God could by no a Gen. 2.71 other meanes be satisfied for our sins but by the very death of the b Heb. Phil. 2.8 Sonne of God 41 To what end was he buried also That thereby he might make manifest that he was c Acts. 13.29 Mat. 27.60 Luk 23.53 Io. 19.38 c. dead indeede 42 But since that Christ died for vs why must we also die Our death is not a satisfaction for our sinnes but the abolishing of sinne and our passage into d Ioh. 5.24 Phi. 1.23 Rom. 7.24 euerlasting life 43 What other commodity receiue wee by the sacrifice and death of Christ That by the vertu of his death our old man is crucified slaine and e Ro. 6.6.7 c. buried together with him that hencefoorth euill lustes and desires may not f Rom. 6.12 raigne in vs but wee may g Rom. 12.1 offer our selues vnto him a sacrifice of thankesgiuing 44 Why is there added He descended into hel That in my greatest paines and most grieuous tentations I may support my selfe with this comfort that my Lorde Iesus Christ hath h Isay 53.10 Matth. 27.46 deliuered me by the vnspeakable distresses torments and terrors of his soul into which he was plūged both before and then especially when hee hanged on the crosse from the straits and tormentes of hel 45 What doth the resurrection of Christ profit vs First by his resurrection he vanquished death that hee might i 1. Cor. 15.16 54.55 Rom. ●4 25 1. Pe. 1.3 c. 21. make vs partakers of that righteousnes which hee had gotten vs by his death Again we are now also k Rom. 6.4 Col. ● 1. c. Ep. 2.5 stirred vp by his
of god and haue not a Rom. 3 9. c. kept one of them and further am as yet b Rom. 7.23 prone to all euill yet notwithstanding if I c Rom. 3 42. Ioh. 3.18 embrace these benefits of christ with a true confidence persuasion of mind the ful d Tit. 3.5 Ep. 2.8.9 perfect satisfaction righteousnes holines of Christ without any e 1 Ioh. 2.2 merit of mine of the meere f Rom. 3.24 Deut. 9.6 Ezec. 36.22 mercy of God g 1. Ioh. 2.1 c. imputed and h Rom. 4.4 2. Cor. 5.19 giuen vnto me that so as if neither I had committed any sin neither any corruptiō did stick vnto me yea as I my selfe had perfectly i 1. Cor. 5.21 accomplished that obedience which Christ accomplished for me 61 Why affirmest thou that thou art made righteous by faith only Not for that I please god through the worthines of meere faith but because onely the satisfaction righteousnes and holinesse of Christ is my righteousnesse before k 1. Cor. 1.30 c. 1. Cor. 2.2 God and I l 1. Ioh. 5.10 cannot take hold of it or apply it vnto my self anie other way than by faith 62 Why cannot our good works bee righteousnesse or some part of righteousnes before God Because that righteousnesse which must stand fast before the iudgement of God must bee in al points perfect m Gal. 3.10 Deut. 27.26 agreeable to the Law of God Now our works euen the best of them are imperfect in this life and n Isa 64.6 defiled with sinne 63 How is it that our good works merit nothing seeing God promiseth that he wil giue a reward for thē both in this life and in the life to come That rewarde is not giuen of merite but of o Luk. 17.10 grace 64 But doth not this doctrine make men carelesse and profane No. For neither can it bee but they which are incorporated into Christ through faith shoulde bring forth the fruits of p Mat. 7.18 Ioh. 15.5 thankefulnes OF THE SACRAMENTES 65 Seeing then that onely faith maketh vs partakers of Christ and his benefites whence doth it proceede From the holy Ghost who a Ep. 2.8 6.23 Ioh. 3.5 Phil. 1.29 kindleth it in our harts by the preaching of the gospel b Mat. 28.19.20 1. Pet. 1.22.23 confirmeth it by the vse of the sacraments 66 What are the Sacraments They are sacred signes and seals set before our eies and ordained of God for this cause that hee may declare and seal by them the promise of his gospel vnto vs to wit that he giueth freely remission of sinnes and life c Gen. 17.11 Rom. 4.11 Deu. 30.6 Leu. 6.25 Heb. 9.8.9 Eze. 20.12.1 Sam. 17.36 Isa 6.6.7 54.9 euerlasting not only to al in general but to euery one in particular that beleeueth for that onely sacrifice of Christ which hee accomplished vpon the crosse 67 Doe not then both the woorde and Sacramentes tend to that ende as to leade our faith vnto the Sacrifice of Christ finished on the crosse as to the onely ground of our saluation It is euen so For the holy Ghost teacheth vs by the Gospell and assureth vs by the Sacramentes that the saluation of al of vs standeth in the onlie sacrifice of Christ d Rom. 6.3 Gal. 3.27 offered for vs vpon the crosse 68 How many sacramentes hath Christ ordained in the new Testament Two Baptisme and the holy Supper OF BAPTISME 69 Howe art thou admonished and assured in Baptisme that thou art partaker of the only sacrifice of Christ Because Christ e Mat. 28.19 Act. 2.38 commaunded the outwarde washing of water adioining this f Mar. 16.16 Mat. 3.11 Rom. 6.3 promise thereunto that I am no lesse assuredly washed by his bloode and spirite from the vncleannesse of my soule that is from all my sinnes than I am a Mar. 1.4 Luc. 3.3 washed outwardelie with water whereby al the filthinesse of the bodie vseth to bee purged 70 What is it to be washed with the blood and spirit of Christ It is to receiue of God forgiuenesse of sinnes freelie for the bloode of CHRIST which hee b Heb. 12.24.1 Pet. 1.2 Apoc. 1.5 22.14 Zac. 13.1 Eze. 36.25 c. shedde for vs in his Sacrifice on the Crosse And also to bee renewed by the holie Ghost and thorough his sanctifying of vs to become members of Christ that wee maie more and more die to sinne and c Ioh. 1.33 3.5 1. Cor. 6.11 12.13 Rom. 6.4 Col. 2.12 liue holily and without blame 71 Where dooth Christ promise vs that hee will as certainlie wash vs with his bloode and spirite as wee are washed with the water of baptisme In the institution of Baptisme the wordes whereof are these d Mat. 28.19 Goe and teach all Nations Baptising them in the name of the father the sonne and the holy Ghost e Mar. 16.16 He that shall beleeue and be baptised shall bee saued but he that will not beleeue shal bee damned This promise is repeated againe whereas the Scripture calleth Baptisme the f Tit. 3.5 washing of the new birth and g Act. 22.16 forgiuenesse of sinnes 72 Is then the outwarde Baptisme of water the washing away of sinnes It is not For the h Mat. 3.11 1. Pet. 3.21 Eph 5.26 bloud of Christ alone cleanseth vs from all i 1. Ioh. 1.7 1. Cor. 6.11 sinne 73 Why then doth the holie Ghost call Baptisme the washing of the newe birth and forgiuenes of sinnes God speaketh so not without great cause to wit not onely to teache vs that as the filth of our bodie is purged by water so our sinnes also are k Apoc. 1.5 7.14.1 1. Cor. 6.11 purged by the bloud and spirite of Christ but much more to assure vs by this diuine token and pledge that wee are as verily washed from our sinnes with the inwarde washing as we are l Mar. 16.16 Gal. 3.17 washed by the outward and visible water 74 Are infantes to be baptised also What else for seeing they a Gen. 17.7 belong as well vnto the couenaunt Church of God as they who are of a full age and seeing also vnto them is promised b Mat. 19.14 remission of sinnes by the bloude of Christ and the c Luc. 1.14.15 Psal 22.11 Isa Act. 2.39 holy Ghost the worker of faith as well as vnto those of full growth They are by Baptisme to bee ingrafted into the Church of God and to be d Act. 10.47 discerned from the children of infidels in like sort as in the olde Testament was done by e Gen. 17.14 circumcision in place whereof is f Col. Baptisme succeeded in the new Testament OF THE LORDS SVPPER 75 How art thou in the Lords Supper admonished and warranted that thou art partaker of that onely sacrifice of Christ offered on the
the flesh taken or assumpted is truely vnited both to the person and to the nature of the Word For the person is not any seuerall thing or reallie differing from the essence but is the essence it selfe yet is it well saide that the flesh is vnited to the Word in person only and Likewise that the person onely of the Word is incarnate The reasons hereof are 1. Because not the Father nor the Holy Ghost were incarnate but the sonne onely 2. Because the first and neerest terme of this vnion is the person onely of the Word assuming and taking the flesh but not the Godhead For the person onely is proper vnto the Word the essence of the Godhead is common to him and the same with the Father and the Holy Ghost This is plainely taught by the 6. Toletan Councel Cap. 1. in these wordes The son onely tooke the humanitie in singularity of person not in vnitie of diuine nature that is in that which is proper vnto the son not which is common to the Trinitie And Rusticus in his dialog against the Acephalists Not god the Word by the diuine nature but the diuine nature by the persō of god the Word is said to be vnited to the flesh And a little after Wherefore both God the Woorde and his nature is incarnate hee by him selfe in that he is himselfe his nature not so but by the person God the Word then as touching himselfe is vnited to the flesh for he is made one person and one subsistence with the flesh but as touching his nature hee is conioyned rather than vnited because there remaine still two natures Wherefore either foule shamefull is the follie or notorious the malice and slaunder of certaine smatterers that of this verie orthodoxall and sound position not of the schoolmen onely but of Councels also and auncient Fathers The flesh is vnited to the Word in person onely or according to subsistence and this onely maketh the proper difference of personall vnion they inffer that by this meanes the diuine nature of the Woorde is drawen away from the personall vnion But let them againe and againe looke vnto it least by that their reall communicating of the essentiall properties of the Godhead which are the verie diuine essence common to the sonne with the Father and the holy Ghost which communication they will haue to bee the personall vnion which they define by it they ouerthrowe as well the eternall Godhead of Christ man as also the manhood it selfe and withall plainlie incarnate the whole Trinitie That then one and the same Christ is and is called truly and reallie the verie eternall God immense omnipotent creatour and true naturall man finite weake subiect to passions and sufferinges and a creature the onely cause is the vnitie of person subsisting in two natures perfect whole and reallie distinct diuine and humane For euerie indiuiduall and person is denominated or named of the natures or formes and their properties and operations cōcurring or subsisting in it Wherefore seeing in the same indiuiduall person of the Word doe truely subsist and belong to the substance of one Christ these two most diuers natures vnto one and the same Christ of which soeuer nature he be called do agree are affirmed of him all the attributes and properties both diuine and humane but after a diuerse manner For the attributes which agree to Christ in respect of the personall vnion are of two sorts some are attributes or properties of the natures others of his office The naturall attributes are those which are proper to ech nature whether the same bee essentiall belonging to the essence of the thing or which necessarily followe accompanie it without which the nature can not consist or accidentall which may bee away and wanting without the destruction of the nature The essentiall properties and perfections of the Godhead are to be eternall vncreate immense euerie where present not to be circumscribed in place omnipotent omniscient and the like which are the verie essence of the Godhead as also to create to giue the Holy Ghost to regenerate The essentiall attributes of the humanity are to haue a soule vnderstanding immortall and a body compounded of elements consisting of skinne bloud flesh bones veines and sinowes hauing a certaine and definite greatenesse figure proportion and collocation or localnes of partes and therefore to be circumscried in one place to be solid visible palpable and such like These Christ reteineth for euer because without these nothing can bee a humane nature The accidental properties of the humanitie are those infirmities which ensued vpon sinne which infirmities Christ together with the humane nature it selfe assumed and tooke without sinne For he tooke the forme of a seruant which by his resurrection and ascension hee laide down againe The attributes of his office are called those which agree not to one nature onely but to both together that is it agreeth to the whole person according to both natures as being the compound of both A rule to be obserued as touching the attributes or properties of both natures in Christ BOTH natures and their properties are truely and reallie affirmed of the person and of themselues interchangeably in concrete termes or voices yet so that the proper predicate which is proper vnto one nature is attributed to the person not according to both natures but according to that onely to which it is proper The reason is for that one and the same person subsisting in two natures hath and reteineth for euer reallie the properties of both natures and also because one and the same person is signified by the concrete voices of both natures As therefore one the same man is liuing and corporeal according to diuerse natures and the corporeal is liuing by the soule onely and contrarilie the liuing is corporeall by the bodie onely For both soul and bodie are of the substance and essence of the same man So likewise one the same Christ is God eternal immense omnipotent according to the God-head onely is man the Virgines sonne created finite infirme and did suffer according to his humanity onely So likewise God is man borne of a Virgine annointed with the holy Ghost and suffered according to the flesh And man is God eternal creatour omnipotent giueth the holie Ghost not according to the humane nature but according to the diuine For the sense and meaning of these speaches is The person which is God creatour of thinges omnipotent by reason of the God-head the selfe-same person is man a creature infirme by reason of the flesh subsisting in it But notwithstanding one nature and the properties thereof whether they bee vttered in abstract or in concrete voices cannot be affirmed of the other nature or forme truly and really The reason is Because the vnion is not made in the nature that is two natures are not made one nature and because in neither nature the properties of the other doe reallie exist neither can exist
vs al other thinges it is true For the substance or essence of the God-head onely not of the manhood to is immense exceeding all measure alwaies existing and beeing the same and whole in all thinges But it is false if it be vnderstood of the presence of his vertue or efficacie For according to this not onely whole Christ but also the whole of Christ is present with his Church only that is not onely his diuinitie but his humanity also but so as the difference notwithstanding is kept of both natures operations The humanitie therefore of Christ is present with all the elect in whatsoeuer places they be dispersed through the whole worlde not by any presence substantiall of the flesh in the bread and within their bodies but 1 By the efficacie and perpetuall valewe of his merite For God the Father dooth euen nowe behold the Sacrifice of his Sonne once accomplished on the Crosse and receiueth vs for that as a sufficient ransome and merit into his fauor 1. Joh. 1.7 The bloud of Jesus Christ his Sonne purgeth vs from all sinne that is both by his merite the efficacie or vertue of his merit 2 By the efficacie also of his humane will because Christ according to his humanity also earnestly both would wil that we be of god receiued into fauor quickned glorified through that his one only Sacrifice Psal 110.4 Heb. 5.6 Thou art a Priest for euer and also whatsoeuer he will yea with his humane will that hee powerfully effecteth and worketh not by the power of his fleshe but of his God-head or spirite omnipotent whome not the flesh but the God-head of Christ onely sendeth into the heartes of the elect and chosen Joh. 6.63 It is the spirit that quickneth the flesh profiteth nothing Rom. 8.11 God shall quicken your mortall bodies by his spirite dwelling in you 3 Hee is present with vs by coniunction and vnion Because all those that are to bee saued must needes be engraffed and knit together euen into christs humane nature that being engraffed into his humane masse they may bee quickned as branches liue fastned to the vine members coupled and ioyned to the head which ioyning yet of vs with the fleshe of Christ is not made by any naturall connexion of Christ and our fleshe or by any existence of Christs fleshe within our substance or of ours within his but by faith and the holy ghost in Christ our head dwelling in vs his mēbers Ephes 3.17 That Christ may dwell in your harts by faith Rom 8.9 If any man hath not the spirit of Christ the same is not his Ephes 5.30 We are members of his bodie of his flesh and of his bones and they twaine shal be one flesh This is a great secret so forth 2 Obiection Whatsoeuer is to be worshipped and adored is omniscient omnipotent and euerie where present that is hath the essential properties of the Godhead reallie communicated with it Christs flesh is to be adored or is adorable because whole Christ is adored Therefore Christs flesh is reallie omniscient omnipotent and present eueriewhere Aunswere This verie same reason is among the principal argumentes whereby the Schwenfieldeans endeuour to frame after Eutyches manner a Maiestie and Deifying of the flesh of Christ But both these the Vbiquetaries are deceiued deceiue by the ambiguitie and diuers taking of the worde adored That is omnipotent omniscient which is adored that is which is adored in respect of it selfe or for it selfe The humane nature is adored not for it selfe or according to the proper nature of it selfe for that were idolatrous but it is adored for the Godhead vnited therewith personally Wherefore of the adoration of whole Christ is but ill inferred the omnipotence also of his flesh For the reason doth not follow from the honour of the person to the properties of the natures Replie That which is adored by reason of another is also really omnipotent omniscient by reason of another Christes fleshe is adored by reason of the God-heade in whose person his flesh subsisteth Therefore Christs flesh is also really ommniscient omnipotent by reason of the God-head Answere The Maior is false as is this That which is made base and humiliated by reason of another thing is also by reason of another thing obnoxious subiect to alteration For the Woorde was made base or humiliated by reason of the flesh and in the fleshe neither yet the Worde it selfe or the God-head felt any change or alteration but is humiliated and so saide to be after another maner because the Woorde doth not shew his Godhead in the flesh which we tooke in the forme of a seruant So then albeit the adoration of Christ God and man doth presuppose in him omnipotencie omnisciencie presence euerie where and the searching of hearts and ●eines yet is it not of necessity that the humane nature also which by reason of the God-head vnited to it in the same person is adored should be really omnipotent omniscient euerie-where For the adoration of christ is the honor worship which agreeth is yeelded one the same to whole christmā god keeping notwithstāding the differences in natures of the properties operations whereon Christs office honor doth depend For to adore worship christ is by the agnising knowledge of his person office to craue of him with a tru trust cōfidence that those blessings which he hath promerited promised he wil as our mediator performe giue to vs according to the proper wil operation of each nature This adoratiō cōsisteth of diuerse parts compriseth both natures keepeth their properties operations though vnited yet stil distinct craueth that whole Christ in performing his promised benefits wil worke those things by his God-head which are proper to his God-head by his flesh those things which are proper to his flesh For his benefits are no otherwise to bee craued asked of him than as himselfe wil doth performe thē to vs he performeth thē stil keeping the difference of both natures Wherfore they who craue of christ the Mediator the benefits promised in the Word do necessarily acknowledge him omnisciēt the searcher of hearts omnipotēt present euery where of himself beholding hearing our necessities cōplaints This agnising this honor is proper to God and agreeth is yeelded to Christ man in respect of his God-head only not of his humanity For in one act or view vnchāgeable to behold know vnderstand from euerlasting of himselfe al thinges past presēt to come but chiefly the needs wants necessities desires of his whole church again to send the holy ghost into the harts of al the elect chosen who haue bin euē since the beginning of the world by this spirit to teach thē with in to iustifie regenerate cōfort thē to giue to thē eternal life these I say are not
that hee hath done If then the bodies which haue sinned shall receiue accordingly not other bodies but the same shall rise And the very word it selfe of rising enforceth as much for nothing can rise but that which is fallen Wherefore seeing our bodies shall rise no other bodies shall rise or bee quickened than those which haue fallen and are dead or no other than those which doe fall and die How flesh and bloud i● denied the heauenly inheritance Obiection But saint Paul saith that flesh and bloud cannot inherite the kingdome of god Therefore our bodies cannot possesse the kingdome of god because they are flesh and bloud Answere The flesh oftentimes signifieth some qualitie or the substaunce in respect of some certaine qualitie So flesh that is being sinfull and corruptible shall not possesse the kingdome of God but our flesh then shall no more be able to sinne neither shall it bee corruptible Obiection 2. Our bodies shall be spirituall 1. Cor. 15.44 Jt is sowen a naturall bodie and is raised a spirituall bodie Therefore our bodies shall not then haue the properties of our flesh Aunswere In what sense our bodies shall bee spirituall They shall bee indeede spirituall but shall not haue all the properties of a spirite but some onely because they shall bee agile and quicke mightie and vncorrupt and indeede are therefore chieflie called spirituall because they shall be guided by the spirite neither shall any more the naturall life remaine in them That this is true is apparent by these reasons 1. The Apostle himselfe addeth This corruptible must put on incorruption 2. Hee calleth it a spirituall bodie but a spirite is no bodie 3. Jf anie bodie after the resurrection should be so spirituall as not retaining at all anie bodilie properties then surelie Christs bodie should haue beene so but now he saith to the Apostles Luk. 24.39 Handle me and see for a spirite hath not flesh and bones as ye see mee haue Obiection 3. How are wee saide to beleeue the resurrection when as yet wee are saide to hope for the resurrection to come Answere We are saide to hope for the resurrection as it is an effect of Gods counsell wee are saide to beleeue it as it is the counsell it selfe and purpose of God 9 Whether the soule be immortal The causes for which this Question is to bee moued Mat. 22.23 2. Tim. 2.17 BEsides that this question belongeth to the Article of the Resurrection the explication also thereof in it selfe shal not be altogether vnprofitable or fruitlesse For not now onely doe they beginne to dispute against the immortalitie of the soule but the Sadduces also denied it as they likewise that said the Resurrection was past alreadie vnto him that beleeued neither made anie other resurrection besides that spirituall resurrection of the regenerate Likewise also some Anabaptists denie the immortalitie of the soule Moreouer Paul the third Pope of Rome when he was breathing out his soule and readie to dy said that now at length he should trie know three things whereof in his whole time he had much doubted 1. Whether there were a god 2. Whether soules were immortall 3. Whether there were any hel Wherefore it ought not to seeme straunge if this question be moued neither shal it bee altogether vaine and needelesse both because it serueth for the controuling and refuting especially of Epicures and also because it maketh for the better vnderstanding of some places of holy Scripture But because there haue beene and euen nowe are who haue taught that the soule of man like as of bruite beastes is nothing else but life or the vitall power arising of the temperature and perfection of the bodie and therefore dieth and is extinguished together with the bodie and as some of them speake who wil seeme to beleeue the resurrection of the dead doth sleepe when the bodie dieth that is is without motion or sense vntil the raising of the bodie which indeede is nothing else than that the soule is mortal that is a meere qualitie onlie in the bodie and when the bodie is dissolued becommeth nothing because if it were an incorporeal substance it could not be without sense and motion against these we are to holde the recordes of Gods woorde and writ concerning the spiritual and immortal substaunce of mans soul The soule an in corporeall substance That the soule of man is not onely a forme or perfection or temperament or force and power or an agitation arising out of the temperature of the bodie but a substaunce incorporeall liuing vnderstanding dwelling in the bodie and susteining and moouing it these places following of holy Scripture doe shewe Psalm 48. His soule shal be blessed in life Heb. 12. God is called the Father of spirites And it is saide of the faithfull Yee are come to the celestial Ierusalem and to the companie of innumerable Angels and to the spirites of iust and perfect men 1 Cor. 2.11 No man knoweth the thinges of a man saue the spirite of a man which is in him In these and the like places of Scripture both the soule of man is called a spirite and the properties of a liuing vnderstanding substance are attributed vnto it Wherefore to no purpose doe the aduersaries of this doctrine oppose those places in which the name of the soul is taken for the the life and wil of man as Matth. cap. 6. The soul is more woorth than meate Iob. 13.14 J put my soule in my hand For by the fore-alledged places it is manifest thnt this is not general but is vsed by a * Metalepsis figure of speech whereby we cal the effect by the name of his cause Now the immortalitie of the soule is prooued by manifest places of holie Scripture 1. Luk 23.43 The soule immortall Christ hanging on the crosse said to the theefe this daie shalt thou be with me in Paradise But he could not be there in bodie because that was dead and buried Therefore his soule was gathered with Christs into Paradise and so consequentlie the soul liueth 2. Paul saith Phil. 1.23 I desire to be loosed and to be with christ he speaketh of the rest ioie which he should enioie with christ But they who feele nothing what can their ioie or happinesse bee Wherefore they also are refuted in this place who saie mens souls sleep so withall denie the immortality of the soul 3. Wised 3.1 The souls of the iust are said to be in the hands of god 4. Matt. 22.32 God is not the god of the dead but of the liuing Therefore the soules liue 5. Luk. 23.46 Into thy hands I commend my spirit 6. 2 Corinth 5.8 When we remoue out of the body we may goe vnto the Lord. Wherefore the soules sleep not as some Anabaptistes wil haue thē but enioie immortall life and celestiall glorie with the Lorde 7. In the Reuelation cap. 6.10 The soules of the godly that were killed are said to
correlatiue As therefore the things cannot be without the signe so if you take away the signe from the thing it remaineth no more a signe because the relation consisteth in the ioining of things As the master is no more a master if he haue no seruaunt Wherefore the thinges and their signes are distinguished but not sundered and separated Briefer thus Jn euery sacrament are the signe and the thing signified The thing is christ himselfe and his benefits or the communion and participation of christ and his benefites The thing and the sacrament differ in this The thing is not properly the sacrament neither are the signes sacramentes The signe is not the thing but if you take away the signe the thing remaineth no longer neither the signe if you take away the thing Therefore they are to be discerned not to be sundered Wherefore these two must be together so that if one be takē awaie the other remaineth no longer that which before it was said to be Of all this which hath been said we conclude that there is a sacramentall vnion and cōiunction of the things signes in sacraments and it consisteth ● Jn a similitude whereby the thing is signified shadowed and re●●●sented For if the signes haue not a resemblaunce and similitude with the things they are nowe no longer signes 2 In the ioint-receiuing of the things and signes In these consisteth the coniunction of the things and signes 7 In what the things differ from the signes THE signes differ from the things signified 1. In substaunc●● The signes are corporeall visible earthly the thin●●●●●uenly inuisible spiritual Obiection But the body of 〈◊〉 is a corporeall thing Aunswere By spirtuall things are here meant those which are through the woorking of the holy ghost receiued by faith onely and not by any part of our body 2. They differ in the maner of receiuing the signes are receiued by the hand mouth and partes of the body and therefore also of vn● 〈…〉 are receiued by faith onely and the spirit and therefore of the faithful only 3 In the end or vse The things are giuen for the possessing of eternal life they are eternal life it selfe or some part thereof The signes are receiued for the sealing confirming of our faith concerning the things thēselues promised 4. The things signified are necessary are necessarily receiued of all the members of the true church The signes are receiued of them only who are able to receiue them The signes are diuerse the rites and ceremonies variable the things are perpetual and the same in al sacramentes 8 What phrases and formes of speaking of the sacramentes are vsual vnto the Church and scripture THe forms of speaking of sacraments are partly proper Proper formes of speaking partly figuratiue The proper are 1. When the sacraments ar called tokens signs seals those sealing confirming vnto vs that God wil giue those things which he hath promised So Circūcision is a seal of the righteousnes of faith And it shal be a signe in thy flesh 2. When vnto the signes are expresly adioined promises namely that we shall receiue the things signified by thē as when it is said Mar. 16 16. He that shal beleeue be baptized shall bee saued A figuratiue or sacramentall kind of speaking is Figuratiue forms of speaking 1. When the names of the things are giuen vnto the signes as the Paschall Lambe called the Passeouer 2. Contrariwise when the names of the signes are attributed to the things 3. When the properties belonging to the things are attributed to the signs As the bread which we brake is it not the communion of the body of christ so baptism is said to wash away sins to saue to regenerate 4. When cōtrariwise the properties of the signs are attributed to the things themselues As The rocke was christ We are washed by the bloud of Christ Al these phrases of speech signifie the same thing which is the promise of god adioined to the ceremony this therefore 1. Because the signs represent and seale the things Baptism is the washing of regeneratiō 2. Because the things the signs are together receiued by the faithful in the right vse therof 9 What is the right and lawful vse of Sacraments THE right vse of Sacraments is In the right vse of sacraments is respected 1 The institution of Christ which must be pure 2 The persons receiuing who must be beleeuers 1. When the rites ordained by God are obserued and not corrupted The institution of Christ is to bee retained pure and vncorrupt the additions of Antichrist are to be taken away and those things which he tooke away are againe to be added 2. When those persons vse those rites for whom God hath ordained them Wherefore the houshold of Christ onely that is Christians who by profession of faith and repentance are the Citizens of the Church must vse these rites Act. 8 37. If thou beleeuest with all thine heart thou maist bee baptized So also they are baptized of Iohn Matth. 3.6 who confesse their sinnes 3 The end for which they were instituted 3. When the rites and Sacraments are vsed to that end for which they were instituted For it is not lawfull to transforme the rites to any other ende or vse besides that whereunto they were ordained 1. Because that is not to obey Gods commandement 2. Because if the signs be changed or conuerted to another vse or the couenaunt not kept the consent of him that promiseth is lost without which the signe or earnest confirmeth nothing Wherefore the Sacraments without their right vse are no Sacraments but rather vain and fruitles spectacles neither haue they the nature of Sacramentes But the right and lawfull vse of them consisteth especiallie in faith and repentance They who haue not this vnto them the Sacraments are no Sacramentes Wherefore they are besides themselues who say that vnbeleeuers and infid●ls receiue together with the signes the things signified by the signes 10 What the wicked receiue in the vse and administration of the Sacraments The wicked receiue the bare signe without the things thereby signified THE wicked receiue the bare signes onelie and those to their iudgement and condemnation 1. Because the benefits of Christ are receiued onelie in the right vse of the Sacraments But they neglect the right vse of them who receiue them vnworthily Wherefore Paul also saith 1. Cor. 11.27 Whosoeuer shall eate this bread and drinke the cup of the Lord vnworthilie shall bee guiltie of the bodie and bloude of the Lorde But the wicked eate and drinke it vnworthily because they prophane the sacramentes and transforme God into the Diuel and the sonnes of God into the sonnes of the Diuel 2. Vnto whom nothing is promised in the Woorde to him the sacraments seale nothing For after what manner and vnto whom a Charter promiseth any thing after the same maner and to the same men doth the signe and seale annexed vnto
man then forbid water that these shoulde not bee baptized who are partakers of the same benefites with the whole Church 4 Baptisme in the newe testament succeedeth circumcision and indeede so succeedeth as it hath the same vse which circumcision had in the old testament Coloss 2.11 Yee are circumcised in Christ with circumcision made without hands by putting off the sinnefull bodie of the fleshe through the circumcision of Christ in that yee are buried with him through Baptisme in whome yee are also raised vp together But in the olde testament circumcision was to be giuen to those Infants which were born in the Church of the old testament who were also therefore circumcised Therefore Baptisme also is to be giuen to the Jnfants borne in the Church of the new testament as being our circumcision that is a sacrament whereby the same thinges are confirmed and conferred and that vnto all them now in the new testament which were confirmed and vnto all which they were confirmed and conferred in the old testament by circumcision Wherefore they who denie Baptisme to Infants born in the church spoile thē of their right For they who are born in the church are Citizens of the Church by the grace and benefite of the Couenant and therefore the right of Citizens belongeth vnto them by the same benefite of the couenaunt and to bee borne in the Church is vnto Infants in steed of profession of faith repentance Certaine obiections against the Baptisme of Jnfants refuted 1 OBiection They who beleeue not Infants beleeue by an inclination to faith and therefore are to be baptised are not to be baptized For it is saide he that shall beleeue and shall be baptized c. But Jnfants doe not beleeue Therefore they are not to bee baptized For vnto the vse of Baptisme faith is necessarilie required for whosoeuer shall not beleeue shal be condemned But vnto those that are condemned the signe of grace must not bee giuen Aunswere First the Maior is false for it holdeth not generallie Wee might for instance oppose vnto them the example of circumcision which was giuen to Infants who could not yet beleeue It is true therefore of those who are of vnderstanding that of them none are to bee baptized but such as beleeue Neither yet are they able to pronounce of those who are of vnderstanding that they doe beleeue Wherefore if Infants are not to be baptized because they haue not faith neither are they then who are of age vnderstanding to bee baptized of whom it cannot be knowen whether they doe beleeue or no. As Simon Magus was baptized and yet was an hypocrite But say they Profession of faith is sufficient for the Church Wee confesse that this is true and we adde further that to bee borne in the Church is vnto infants in steede and in place of profession 2. Where they say That vnto the vse of baptisme faith is required we graunt it but yet distinguishing of faith so that we say Actual faith is required in those of vnderstanding but in Infants is required an inclination onelie to this Actual faith So vnto the vse of circumcision was required Actual faith in those of vnderstanding but in Infants an inclination thereto onely 3. We deny their Minor proposition which denieth that Infants doe beleeue For Jnfants doe beleeue after their manner that is according to the condition of their age whereby they haue an inclination to beleeue or doe beleeue by inclination For faith is in Infants potentiallie and by inclination albeit faith bee not in them actuallie as in those who are of age and vnderstanding And as wicked Infants which are without the Church haue not actual impietie and wickednes so godly Infants which are in the Church haue not actual piety godlines but an inclination only to godlines Furdermore Infants also haue the holy Ghost and are regenerated by him as was Iohn when as yet he was in the womb And it is said vnto Ier. cap. 1.5 Before thou camest out of the wombe I sanctified thee If Infants haue the holy Ghost then doubtles he worketh in them those things vnto which are necessary saluation Wherefore Infants donot prophane Baptisme 2 Obiection Jt was neuer commaunded that Infants should be baptized Christ commande● that Infants should bee baptised Aunswere Wee haue a generall commaundement For Christ commaundeth that all his scholers and disciples be baptized Teach saith hee al Nations baptizing them But Infants are scholers and disciples of Christ because they are borne in the schoole of Christ and are taught according to their manner The same did Peter commaund saying Vnto you the promise is made and vnto your children Againe Can anie man forbidde water that these shoulde not bee baptized Paul also commaundeth this when hee teacheth That we are circumcised in Christ and are buried together with him by baptisme Baptisme therefore was substituted in the place of circumcision which substituting of baptisme is in steede of a commandement 3 Obiection If Infants are to be baptized Infants are not to be admitted to the Supper although they are to be baptised they are also to be admitted vnto the Supper for the Supper is to bee giuen to the whole Church as well as baptisme Aunswere This reason doth not follow because there is a difference betweene baptisme and the Supper For baptisme is an entrance and receiuing or a signe of receiuing into the Church whence it commeth that the supper is to be graunted to none except he be first baptized But the Supper is a confirmation of our receiuing into the Church whence it foloweth that they who are baptized are not straight way to bee admitted vnto the Supper For Infants ought only to be admitted vnto those sacraments which are signes of our receiuing into the couenant and the Church but such a sacrament is baptisme as hath beene saide in the newe testament The Supper is instituted for our confirmation to bee a signe whereby GOD might confirme and seale vnto vs that hee hauing once receiued vs into the Church will also euermore preserue vs in it that we neuer fall from it or forsake it also that he will continue his benefites once bestowed vpon vs and will cherish and nourish vs by the bodie and bloud of Christ This they who are of age and vnderstanding stand in neede of to be a confirmation vnto them as who are diuersly tempted Vnto baptisme regeneration sufficeth by the holy Ghost or an inclination to faith and repentance 2. Jn the Supper are added and required conditions which hinder the vse thereof to bee graunted vnto Jnfants And therefore although they are to be baptized yet they ought not to be admitted vnto the Supper For vnto those sacraments onely are Infants to be admitted which haue no such condition adioined whereby their age is excluded But the conditions which are in the Supper do altogether exclude Infants from the vse thereof For in the Supper it is
baptised into christ who shoulde suffer and rise againe and they into christ who had suffered and was risen againe 2 The first ende of baptisme instituted by God is that God might thereby signifie and testifie that hee cleanseth by bloud and the holy ghost them which are baptised from their sinnes and so engraffeth them into christes body and maketh them partakers of his benefites 2. That baptisme might be a solemne receiuing or matriculating and admitting of euery one into the visible church and a distinguishing mark of the church from all sectes 3. That it might be a publique and solemne profession of our faith in christ and our bond whereby wee are obliged to faith and obedience towardes him 4. That it might aduertise vs of our sinking into afflictions and of our rising out of them againe and deliueraunce f●m them 3. Baptisme hath this force and power to testifie and seale by the commandement of God through the promise of grace adioined by Christ vnto this rite rightly vsed For Christ baptiseth vs by the hand of his ministers as hee speaketh vnto vs by the mouth of his ministers 4 Wherefore there is in baptisme a double water An external visible water which is elementary and an internall inuisible celestial which is the bloud and spirite of christ So also there is a double washing An external visible signifieng washing namelie the sprinckling or powring of water which is corporall that is is perceiued by the partes and senses of the body And an internal inuisible and signified washing namely remission of sinnes for the bloud of christ shed for vs and our regeneration by the holie ghost and our engraffing into his bodie which is spiritual that is is perceiued and receiued by faith and the spirite Lastlie there is also a double administer of baptisme An external of the externall baptisme which is the minister of the church baptizing vs by his hand with water An internall of the internall baptisme which is christ himselfe baptizing vs by his bloud and spirit 5 Neither is the water changed into the bloud or spirite of Christ neither is the bloud of Christ present in the water or in the same place with the water Neither are their bodies who are baptised washed therewith visiblie neither is the holy ghost by his substance or vertue more in this water than elswhere but in the right vse of baptisme hee worketh in the hearts of them who are baptized and spirituallie sprinckleth and washeth them with the bloud of christ and he vseth this external Symbole or signe as an instrument and as a visible woord or promise to stay and stir vp the faith of them who are baptised 6 When as then Baptisme is said to bee the washing of the new birth or to saue vs or to wash away our sins it is meant that the externall Baptisme is a signe of the internall that is of regeneration or our new birth of saluation and spirituall washing this internall Baptisme is saide to bee ioined with that externall Baptisme in the right vse and administration thereof 7 But notwithstanding so is sinne in Baptism abolished that we are deliuered from beeing obnoxious to the wrath of God and from the condemnation of eternall punishment and furder newnesse of life is begun in vs by the holy Ghost but yet the remnants of sinne remaine in vs vntill the end of this life 8 Now all they and they alone receiue Baptisme according to the right vse who are renewed or renewing and are baptised to those ends whereto Baptisme was by Christ instituted 9 The Church doth rightly administer Baptisme to all them and to them alone whom she ought to repute in the number of the regenerate or members of Christ 10 Seeing also the infants of christians are of the church into which Christ wil haue al those receiued and enrolled by baptisme who belong vnto him and therefore baptisme was substituted in the place of circumcision whereby as well vnto the infantes as vnto the elder sort which did belong vnto the seede of Abraham iustification regeneration and receiuing into the church was sealed therefore no man can forbid water that they should not be baptised who haue receiued the holy ghost purifieng their hearts Those infantes then must necessarilie also be baptised who either are borne in the church or come together with their Parents to it 11 As the promise of the gospell so baptisme beeing receiued vnworthily that is before conuersion is ratified and profitable vnto saluation to them that are penitent and the vse thereof which was before amisse and vnlawfull is nowe become vnto them right and lawful 12 Neither doth the wickednes of the minister make baptisme voide or of no effect and force vnto them so that it be administred into the promise and faith of Christ and therefore also the true church dooth not baptize them who haue beene baptized of heretiques but only must enforme and enstruct them with true doctrin concerning Christ and baptisme 13 And as the couenant once made with god is also afterwards after sinnes committed perpetually firme and of force to the repentant so also Baptisme being once receiued confirmeth and assureth the repentant all their life time of remission of sinnes and therefore neither ought it to be reiterated neither to be differred vntill the end of our life as if it so onely cleansed men from sinnes if no sinnes be committed after it is once receiued 14 Neither yet are all those who are baptised with water whether they be of vnderstanding or Infants partakers of the grace of Christ For the euerlasting election of God his calling vnto the Kingdome of Christ is frree 15 Neither are all who are not baptised excluded from the g●ace of Christ For not the want but the contempt of the Baptisme shutteth men out of the couenant of God made with the faithfull and their children 16 And seeing the administration of the Sacraments is a part of the Ecclesiasticall ministerie they who are not called vnto this and especially weomen may not take vpon them the power and authoritie to baptise 17 Rites which are patched by men to Baptism as hallowing of the water tapers exorcisms chrisme salt crosses spetle such like are worthily reputed in the Christ as a corruption of the sacrament OF CIRCVMCISION THE latter two questions of Baptisme before expounded are also common vnto the doctrine of circumcision those thinges which may bee spoken of circumcision are not vnfitly annexed vnto the doctrine of baptisme It remaineth therefore that we briefly discusse those questions which are especiallie to be obserued concerning circumcision These are in number fower 1 What circumcision is 2 What are the ends of circumcision 3 Why it is abolished 4 Why christ was circumcised 1 WHAT CIRCVMCISION IS CIrcumcision is that rite whereby all the males of the Israelits were circumcised according to the commaundement of God that this right might bee a seale of the couenant made with Abrahams
This is manifest because in all the promises the same benefits are promised vnto vs which are promised in the sacraments The sacraments are the visible woorde and the sacraments promise the same which doth the word But in the Gospell is deliuered a communion which is wrought by faith That there is the same signification of the sacramentes of both Testaments the Apostle sheweth 1. Cor. 12.13 By one spirite are wee all baptized into one bodie And 1. Cor. 10.2.3 All were baptized vnto Moses in the cloude and in the sea and did all eate the same spiritual meate Obiection There is not the same thing signified of all sacramentes For in baptisme the thing is the washing by the bloud of Christ in the supper the bodie and bloud of Christ Aunswere The thing is not diuers because it is the same to bee washed by the ●●●ud of Christ and to drink the bloud of christ But the manner of signifiyng one and the sme thing is diuers that is there is a diuers similitude of one and the same thing signified by the signes or one and the same thing hath a diuers similitude or proportion Therefore as in baptisme so in circumcision likewise and the Passeouer is promised a spiritual thing not a corporal and so also here in the Lords supper 6 The nature of all sacraments is that the signes bee vnderstood corporallie that the things signified must be taken spiritually and that the visible things be not the signified thinges but onelie signes and pledges of them 7 The conceit of a corporal presence of Christ vnder the bread is wholie different and diuers from the formal consideration of a sacrament Therefore it is to be rejected The antecedent is proued because it cannot bee accounted either for the signe or the thing signed It is not the signe or sacrament because it is not obiect vnto the senses And further it hath no proportion or similitude with the thing that is with the spiritual eating Neither can it be said to be the thing signed seeing the scripture no where preacheth of an essentiall transfusion and real commixtion of Christs flesh with our bodies neither can there be anie except wee entertaine the follies and dreames of Eutychians and Schuenkfeldians For the sacraments testifie of those blessings onelie and them onlie doe they seale vnto vs which are conteined in the promise of the Gospel Therefore no place is left for a substantial presence of the bodie in the bread as being altogether fruitles and vnprofitable 8 Sacramentes or signes ought to bee visible so that it deserueth not saith Erasmus to be called a sacrament which is not accomplished by an external signe For to this end and vse are they giuen of god that they may effectuallie shew as it were to our outward senses that which is promised in the word and performed by the holie Ghost in our hearts that they may be visible testimonies pledges of the promise of grace exhibited applied Whence is that saying of Austin A sacrament is a visible woord it is a visible forme of an inuisible grace Therefore no thing or action which is inuisible insensible and not natural can make the nature or appellation of a sacrament And consequentlie they who wil haue christs flesh to be in vnder or with the bread or wil haue the bread to be transubstantiated into his flesh let them shew vs a visible and sensible eating of it in the supper least they seeme to dissent from the auncient fathers 9 There must bee an analogie and proportion betweene the signe or sacrament and the thing signified or the thing of the sacrament f●r except the sacraments saith Austin had some similitude of those things whereof they are sacraments they were not verilie anie sacraments Nowe if christs flesh bee also a sacrament and the thing of these sacraments bee inuisible grace what proportion then and similitude shal there be between the two sacraments But seeing there can be none it foloweth that christs flesh may not be called a sacrament as being no lesse the thing it selfe of the sacrament than eternal saluation signified by way of proportion by visible breade as by a signe Wherefore the sacramentall eating which is done naturallie by the mouth dooth not belong vnto the bodie of Christ considered by it selfe in anie Physical or natural respect because vnto this sacramental eating the external signes onelie are obiect in their own nature Saint Austin demaunding how bread is the bodie of Christ and wine his bloud these saith he brethren are therefore called sacramentes because in them one thing is seene and an other thing vnderstood That which is seene hath a corporall forme that which is vnderstood hath a spiritual fruite If then thou wilt vnderstand the bodie of Christ heare the Apostle speaking to the faithful Ye are the bodie of Christ and his members Jf then yee bee the bodie of Christ and his members your mysterie is set on the table c. These are the Argumentes deduced out of the nature of the thing or subiect which is by vnderstanding the speech as the thing doth beare and permit The second sort of arguments which are deduced from the analogie of faith FIRME and strong reasons are drawen from the article which is concerning the truth of Christs humane nature 1 Christ tooke a true humane nature like vnto vs in all things except sinne This nature therefore cannot bee in moe places at one and the same time and therefore neither can it be together in heauē in the bread because it is proper vnto the nature of God onely to be at once in diuerse places Christes body is finite as being a true body but it is now in heauen as is proued out of the article of his ascension into heauen Therefore Christs bodie is not in the bread Many abuse this argument omitting the first ground which is altogether true and necessarie For glorification doth not destroie or abolish the nature of his humane nature Handle me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as yee see me haue While they beheld him he was taken vp 3. Jf the true and verie bodie of Christ be infinite it is also inuisible and insensible Therefore that which was seene suffered and wrought on earth was no true bodie but apparent phantastical because it can not agree no not to the Godhead it selfe to bee at one time finite and infinite sensible and insensible and so all those thinges which are spoken of christ in the articles of our Beleefe should not haue beene done indeede but onely should haue seemed and appeared to be done so we should remaine as yet in death 2 There are good arguments also deriued from the article which conteineth the communion of saints with christ 1. Such is the communio● of saintes with Christ now as it was of olde shall be hereafter and such also is the communion of those saints which vse the sacrament as of them who are
vnto vs of christs body euen as also it is cōmanded in the words of the institution Shew the Lords death til he come 5 The Analogie proportion of the sign the thing doth manifestly enough refel transubstantiatiō For in euery sacrament ar these two the sign the thing signified but the sign should perish if the bread should be transubstantiated that is if there shold be a change of the bread into christs body for so should remaine the thing signified onlie and not the signe therefore no sacrament O●iection But the Accidents of bread and wine doe still remaine as whitenesse softnesse and such like Aunswere But so wil there not bee a proportion betweene the signe and the thing signified because accidents doe not nourish You can not say as the accidents of bread and wine nourish the body so the body of Christ nourisheth my soule vnto euerlasting life And further also the promise of God would by this meanes be made voide and frustrate For God promised that hee would giue the Messias not of the substaunce of wheat and wine but of the seede of Dauid Reply But we saie not that the bread and wine are conuerted into the substaunce of Christs bodie but that the substaunce of the bread and wine vanisheth quite awaie in place thereof succeedeth the substance of the bodie and bloud of Christ Aunswere Of this bread christ speaketh That it is his body and the same bread both before and in and after the administration of it is called bread Christ saith not this which is vnder the forme of bread is my body but he saith this that is this bread is my bodie And Paul saith The bread whith we breake is the communion of the bodie of Christ And againe For we that are many are one breade and one body Againe As often as yee shall eate this bread c. And a little after Whosoeuer shal eate this bread vnworthilie c. Moreouer Let a man examine himselfe and so let him eate of this bread Wherefore it is plaine and euident that the substaunce of bread and wine neither is changed neither perisheth neither lieth hid vnder a forme but remaineth stil the same bread and the same wine Nowe that there is no transubstantiation or conuersion of the substaunce of the breade and wine into the bodie of Christ is thus prooued If there bee anie transubstantiation christes institution is peruerted for it abolisheth and bringeth to nothing the substaunce of the bread which is the verie thing that in this ceremony is the body of christ For seing the bread is the body of Christ then doubtlesse if the bread remaine not neither doth the bodie of christ remaine in the supper and so christs woordes are no longer true when hee saide that that bread is his bodie and that wine his ●loud The Transubstantiaries if they be demaunded what thing it i● that they call the bodie of christ in the supper certainely they will not aunswere it is bread for they haue no bread left in the supper because it is transubstantiated but they will send vs to the very substance of christs body absolutely cōsidered couered on the altar with the accidentes of bread Wherefore all they er who obiect and present the bodie of christ beeing considered by it selfe in it own proper matter and subiect to the external actions of the supper These and the former reasons refell consubstantiation also wherefore neither wil we bring any moe reasons seuerally against it Onely some certaine obiections of the Consubstantiaries themselues we will refute A refutation of obiections framed to confirme consubstantiation 1 OBiection Christ said This is my bodie But Christ is true Therefore we must beleeue him setting apart all Philosophicall subtiltie and sharpenes and so by consequent bread is not a signe of his bodie Aunswere Wee graunt their argument if they prooue that Christ putteth this to bee his meaning namely that Jn Vnder and With the bread is his bodie Replie But it is said here This is my bodie Aunswere In other sacramentes also are the like speeches as The Paschal Lambe is called the Pass●ouer Bap●isme the washing of the newe-birth Circumcision the couenant Replie But we say not that the bread is the bodie of Christ reallie as the Papists say but that the bodie is in the bread Aunswere But in this respect the Papists seeme more to keep the word whom yet the Apostle expressely refuteth calling it bread both before the eating and in the eating and after the eating 2. It is no where saide either by Christ or by Saint Paul That the bodie of Christ is in the bread vnder the bread with the bread neither any where in scripture is this expressed But the true sense and meaning of those wordes is expressed in the text it self namely that the bread is the bodie of Christ symbolically that is as a symbole or tokē of it For in the text it is plainly said Do this in remembrance of me So Paul also calleth the bread the communion of the bodie of christ Wherefore the bread is the representing or symbolical signifieng body of christ The bread is a sign of christs bodie but not a couert wherein his bodie it self remaineth 2 Obiection Christ is omnipotent Therefore his bodie may be there and so because he said it it is there Answere The reason is of no force which will conclude a thing to bee done because it may bee done Replie Whatsoeuer is at the right hand of God is euerie where Aunswere It is false For the sitting at the right hand of God signifieth the vnion of both natures in Christ his power and rule and excellencie of gifts Now although he rule all thinges yet is it not necessarie that hee shoulde bee present in bodie It is sufficient that his person is euery where and is present in dignitie As also hee sustained all thinges euen then when hee hung on the Crosse neither yet was his bodie euery where Therefore to say that christ sitteth at the right hand of the Father signifieth that christ is the person by whom the Father mediately gouerneth ruleth al things especiallie the church But no part of this Sitting is the vbiquitie of christs bodie it sufficeth that christs person is euery where 3 Obiection That which quickeneth and nourisheth vs is receiued into vs the bodie and bloud of christ doe quicken vs therefore they are receiued into vs. Aunswere The Maior is but meere particular and therefore false in general for not whatsoeuer quickeneth and nourisheth vs must necessarily be receiued into vs. That only must be receiued into vs necessarily which quickneth nourisheth naturally that is by a ioint-touching of our bodie This meate which so nourisheth vs after a naturall manner dooth not nourishe vs except thereby the substaunce of our bodie bee increased But wee speake farre otherwise of the nourishing of the soule which is spirituall Christes bodie doth not at all nourish vs naturally
to become his members 2. They differ in their speciall vse because Baptisme is the testimonie of our regeneration and of the couenant made betweene vs and God and of our receiuing into the Church But the Lords supper testifieth that wee are euer to bee nourished by Christ remaining in vs and that the couenant made betweene God and vs shall euer be established and ratified vnto vs and that we for euer shall abide in the church and bodie of Christ 3. They differ in the persons to whom they are to be giuen Baptisme is giuen to all those who are to bee accounted for members of the church whether they be of yeares and vnderstanding or infants The Lords Supper is to bee giuen to them onely who are able to vnderstand and celebrate the benefits of christ and to examine themselues 4. They differ in the often celebrating of them Baptisme is to bee receiued but onc● onely because the couenant of God being once made is alwaies firme and of force to the penitent But the Supper is often to bee receiued because an often renewing and recalling of that couenant to our remembrance is necessarie for our faith 5. They differ in the order which is to bee obserued in vse of them Because Baptisme is to bee giuen before the Supper and the supper may not be giuen vnto any except hee be first baptised 14 They come worthily to the Lords Supper who examin themselues that is are endewed with true faith and repentance They who finde not this in themselues ought neither to come without it least they eate and drink their owne iudgement nor to differ repentance wherewith they should come least they draw vpon themselues hardnes of hart and eternal pains 15 The church ought to admit all those vnto it who professe themselues to embrace the ground and foundation of christian doctrine and to haue a purpose to obey it but those must bee repelled who wil not desist either from their errors and blasphemies or from manifest sinnes against their conscience beeing admonished by the church and conuicted of error 16 The Pope hath corruptlie taken awaie the breaking of the bread from the rite of the supper and bereaued the people of the vse of the cup Corruptly also hath hee deformed the supper of the Lord with adding so manie ceremonies not deliuered by the Apostles into a theatricall or pageant-like Masse that is into a Iewish superstitiō stagelike rounds conueiances But more wicked idolatrous inuentions are these That the Masse is a propitiatory sacrifice wherein christ is offered by the Masse-priests for the quick and dead and is by the force of consecration substantiallie present and abideth so long as those formes of bread and wine remaine vncorrupted and further dooth bestow the grace of God and other benefits vpon them for whom he is offered of whom also he is eaten with the mouth of their body yea though they haue no good inward motion in them and lastly is being treasured and laid vp and carried about vnder those formes to be worshipped Jn respect of these foule monsters it is necessary that the Masse be quite and cleane abolished out of the christian church In summe they are these 1. Transubstantiation 2. Bread-worship 3. Sacrifice 4. Maiming of Christes Supper THE APPENDIX OR ADDITION ADIOINING VNTO THE FORMER TREAtise of the Supper Certaine principal arguments of the Consubstantiaries against the syncere doctrine of the Lordes Supper the Sacramentaries as they cal them together with a refutation of them 1 THE errours of the Sacramentaries say they are that there are but bare signes and Symboles onelie in the supper Answere We teach that the things signified are together with the signes in the right vse exhited and communicated albeit not corporally but in such sort as is agreeable vnto sacramentes 2. The Sacramentaries saie That christ is present onlie according to his power and efficacie Aunswere Wee teach that he is present and vnited with vs by the holy Ghost albeit his bodie bee farre absent from vs like as whole Christ also is present with his ministerie though diuerslie according to the one nature 3. The Sacramentaries say they affirme that an imaginarie figuratiue or spiritual bodie of christ is present not his essentiall bodie Answere Wee neuer spoke of an imaginarie bodie but of the true flesh of Christ which is present with vs although it remaine in heauen Moreouer wee say that wee receiue the bread and the body but both after a maner proper to ech 4. The Sacramentaries saie they affirme that the true bodie of Christ which hung on the crosse and his verie bloud which was shed for vs is distributed but is spirituallie receiued of those onelie who are worthy receiuers as for the vnworthy they receiue nothing besides the bare signes vnto their condemnation Aunswere Al this wee graunt as beeing agreeable vnto the woorde of God the nature of sacraments the analogy of faith the communion of the faithful Certaine arguments of the Consubstantiaries whereby they goe about to ouerthrow our doctrine of the Lords Supper together with the refutations of them 1 THE words of the institution are open and plain This my bodie this is my bloud Answere They alleadge these woordes against them-selues For they saie That the bodie of Christ is receiued reallie in vnder with the bread when christ saith that the very bread is his body Wherefore they doe a double iniury vnto the church first while they thrust vpon the church their owne words for Christs Secondly while they imagine that the church perceiueth not these speeches to be diuerse In the bread is my body and The bread is my bodie They accuse Christ also for a lier for they deny that the bread is his body but that his body is in the bread Let them looke therefore vnto it how they wil aunswere Christ at the last iudgement for this blasphemy and reproch The Papistes also doe more retaine the very words of Christ But these retaine not the woord but follow the sense and meaning We must see therfore which part followeth it Ours shal be prooued in the end Replie Christ addeth an exposition of his minde Which is giuen for you and Which is shed for you Answere First this is a begging of that which is in question For they take as graunted that the bread is properly called the bodie which yet lieth vpon them to prooue For it is a sacramental maner of speaking Secondly we returne their own reason vpon them by inuerting it thus The bodie of Christ properly so called was giuē for vs. But the bread was not giuē for vs Therfore the bread is not the body properly so called Likewise as the bread is the body broken so the breaking of the bread is the breaking of the bodie But the breaking of the bodie is the crucifieng thereof Therefore the breade broken is but sacramentally and by representation the bodie broken 2 They reason from the autor who said
Paul saith That the bread is the communion of the bodie of Christ And albeit in this place hee speaketh not purposedly of the Supper yet hee stirreth vp and exhorteth vnto it Replie Jt is the same sense and meaning Aunswere The question is not now of the sense and meaning of the woordes but of the identitie of the wordes that is whether they bee the same wordes Replie Where there is no mention at all of anie figure there is no figure Answere This is false For foolish were it and men shoulde seeme to make shewe and ostentation of their skill and art if they should say that they vsed a trim figure And the scripture also often speaketh figuratiuely and yet doth it not ad withall that it speaketh figuratiuely Furthermore they make mention hereof when they shew that it consisteth of the nature of the subiect and the attribute The bodie was borne of the Virgin crucified and so forth The bread is made of meale Secondly Christ willeth this to bee done in remembraunce of him Therefore the breade is called his bodie as a memoriall of his bodie Thirdly Matthew and Marke say This is my bloud of the newe testament Paul and Luke say This is the newe testament in my bloud Now the newe testament is the bond whereby God hath bound himselfe to receiue the faithful and repentant into fauour and they binde themselues to yeelde faith and obedience vnto him Fourthly Paul saith That the bread is the communion of Christs bodie which is not any corporal eating 1. Because the faithful are thereby one bodie in christ 2. Because he compareth it with the Communion of the altar in the old testament which was not corporal 3. Because it can agree but to the faithful onely and not to the wicked 4. Iohn sheweth that communion If we walke in the light we haue fellowship one with another and the bloud of Iesus Christ his sonne cleanseth vs from all sinne And further this communion whereof saint Paul speaketh is our vnion with Christ and fruition of all his benefites by faith Hither belongeth the similitude of the bodie and the members the vine and the braunches which haue nothing to doe with any corporal eating This communion was and is common to all the faithful from the beginning vnto the worlds end But they could not eat the body of christ corporally by their mouth That wee might growe vp vnto him by whom all the bodie is coupled and knit together He that is ioined vnto the Lord is one spirite And by one spirite are we all baptized into one bodie Hereby know we that we dwell in him and he in vs because he hath giuen vs of his spirite This vnion therefore is that communion which is wrought by the holy Ghost Wherefore it is spiritual For bread cannot be this communion but by a figure as it is a signe of it Replie He that is guiltie of the bodie of Christ eateth it They who receiue vnworthilie are guiltie of the bodie of Christ Therefore they eate it corporallie for spirituallie they cannot because if they coulde so eate it they shoulde not be guiltie Aunswere The Maior is false For hee is guiltie of Christes bodie who by his sinnes hangeth it on the Crosse againe and despiseth Christs benefite For any real eating is not required to this guilt but hee that will not receiue Christ offered by faith is thereby made guiltie So the iniurie done vnto the Arke is said to be done vnto the Lord. Replie They that discerne not the Lords bodie eate it But the guiltie discerne it not Therefore they eate it Aunswere If the Maior bee taken sacramentally as of the breade which is called and is the bodie of Christ it is true but if properly it is false For not to discerne his body is not to giue due honor to it to contemne it yea not to receiue the thing signified So Heb. 10.29 They are said to treade vnder foote the sonne of God and to count the bloud of the testament as an vnholie thing who contemne him 5 They reason from the testimonies of the Fathers and the godlie of auncient times in the purer state of the church Aunswere The sayings of the Fathers are to be vnderstoode sacramentally or of our spiritual communion Replie Austin saith thou shalt receiue this in the bread which hung on the crosse and this in the cup which was shed out of christs side Answere In the bread as in the signe that is together with the signe thou shalt receiue the thing signified When wee receiue the bread wee are certaine that wee haue Christ 2. Replie Cyrill vpon Iohn saith By natural participation not onelie spirituallie but also corporallie not onelie according to the spirit but also according to the flesh corporally essentially Ans Cyril speaketh not of the maner of eating but of the thing which was to be eatē He sheweth that we are made partakers not only of christs spirit but also of his human nature Now he vnderstandeth a spiritual communion 1. Because he citeth those places cōcerning it Ioh. 6. 1. Cor. 10. where no mention is made of corporall eating 2. Hee speakeih of the presence of Christ not in the breade but in vs. 3. Hee prooueth the abiding of Christ in vs by the vse of the Supper not by any corporal eating 4. He so describeth it that hee saith It shall continue in the life to come 5. Hee speaketh of that communion which is proper vnto the Saintes Nowe this is spiritual for otherwise it should befall also to the wicked The shifts of Consubstantiaries whereby they go about to elude shift off certaine of our obiections not all for mo are obiected against them 1 WEe make not say they any Capernaiticall eating Ans We demaunde of them whether Christ be eaten by the bodily mouth be it after a grosse or after finer maner But how euer they aunswere in that opinion which they hold there is too too much idolatry For christ refuting the Capernaites doth not distinguish the eating of him into a grosse and a finer manner but saith simplie That his bodie can not be eaten with the bodily mouth for he saieth that hee must ascend And that the woordes which hee speaketh are spirit and life 2 Wee mainetaine not Vbiquitie for there is not a woorde thereof to bee found Aunswere Here is to bee obserued the dissension of the aduersaries about Vbiquitie But neither is a worde to be found hereof That the bodie of Christ is together in two places And further of this their opinion followeth Vbiquitie For he that is together at one time in moe places must needes be infinite therefore euerie-where 3 Wee ouerthrow not the article of Christs ascension Aunswere Yea but they doe ouerthrow it For while they holde that as often as the supper is celebrated Christ is corporallie eaten they must needes say that he remained and is inuisible on earth But he is said to haue left the world
to haue ascended from a lower place into an higher and to remaine in heauen vntill hee come to iudgement Nowe that some except That Christ dooth descend from heauen as oft as the supper is administred it is already refuted 4 We take not awaie the doctrine of the properties of christs humanitie Answere They altogether take it away For they wil haue his humane nature to be such as is not seene nor felt nor limited in place Reply But christ did put off these infirmities reteined the essential properties Answere But these are verie essential properties which being taken away the verity also and truth of his humane nature is taken awaie Austine saith Take awaie from bodies their spaces and they shall be no where 5 We abolish not the Doctrine concerning the communicating of properties of both natures Aunswere Yea but they endeuour it For they apply those properties of his diuine nature which are affirmed of the whole person in the concrete to both natures J wil be with you to the ende of the world This they vnderstand of both natures which is all one as if when it is said Christ God and man was circumcised one should thus conclude Therefore the godhead of Christ was circumcised as wel as his flesh Replie This onelie wee adde That those Articles belong to them Aunswere After this sort all sectes may shift off all testimonies of Scriptures But they belong hither and that by a double right 1. Because they are written of the bodie of Christ But the body of Christ belongeth to the supper Therefo●e these Articles also belong hither For they shew how Christs bodie is to be ea●en 2 They belong hither because no Article of faith is at variaunce with another So belongeth hither also the Doctrine of iustification because in the ●upper no other iustice or righteousnes must bee sought for but by the bloud of Christ 6 The manner how we eate it is not to bee defined Answere They commit a double fault in so saying 1. When they denie that the maner is to be defined and so contradict and gain saie the Scripture which defineth it and sheweth that it is spiritual that there is wrought an vnion with Christ by faith through the holy Ghost 2. They themselues define the manner as it clearly appeareth by their writings 7 The saieng of Durandus is true We heare the woords we perceiue the motions we know not the manner we beleeue the presence Aunswere Durandus maketh nought either for you or against vs or for himselfe because he was a Papist And againe if his saying be rightly vnderstoode we may admit it We heare the words This is my bodie not that we eate with our mouth the bodie of Christ in the breade Wee perceiue the motions that is we perceiue the bread to enter into our mouth not the bodie of Christ We know not the maner that is not perfectly to wit after what maner the holy Ghost is eueriewhere whole in Christ and in al the Saints and how he vniteth vs in Christ We beleeue the presence namely such as is the eating and as is the vnion of the members and the head 8 We teach this onelie That the bodie and bloud of christ is trulie substantiallie and naturallie exhibited Aunswere Wee grant that we eat the true bodie of Christ So then is their disputation vaine and friuolous First Because they confesse that wee are made partakers of the true bodie of christ and that wee must not question of the manner For this wee graunt Secondly Because the reasons and refutations which they bring are of no weight or moment Certaine reasons whereby is proued That the bodie of Christ is not present either in or vnder or at the bread of the Lords Supper neither is corporallie eaten Vnder With Jn or At the Bread 1 BEcause hee tooke a true humane nature Whereunto wee ad also that wee cannot eate him otherwise than his disciples did in the first Supper 2. He truely ascended out of earth into heauen 3. Such is our eating of him as his abiding is in vs. 4. All the Saints of the old and new Testament haue the same vnion with Christ 5 Christ onely is able to offer himselfe vnto his Father Now it is necessarie in the vse of the Supper to craue of God remission of sinnes Wherefore if he bee present at the bread we must craue of him and so wee offer the bread But in the New testament it is not lawfull to direct our prayer to any certaine place 6. The blessings which are promised vnto the godly onely are spirituall Vnto these and other fore alleaged reasons commeth the consent of the auncient Fathers Ambrose Athanasius Austine Basil Bede Bertram Chrysostome Clemēs Alexandrinus the councell of Nice Ciprian Cyrill Denis Gelasius Gregorie the Great Gregorie Nazianzene Hezichius Hierom Hilarie Irenaeus Justine Leo Macharius Origen Procopius Gaza Tertullian and so forth THE SECOND APPENDIX OR ADDITION Arguments whereby the opinion of Vbiquitaries is refelled and the truth of sound doctrine confirmed THE FIRST ARGVMENT THE Marcionites and Manichees imagined that Christ had not a true and solid bodie but onely made shew of the shape of a bodie so that hee seemed onely to haue flesh and bones whereas indeed hee had them not And further that the verie incarnation and al the motions and operations of christ did but only seeme so in outward appearāce whereas in the truth of the thing there was no such thing done Now the opinion of Vbiquitie and of the reall communicating of the properties of both natures doth raise againe from Hel that phantasticall dotarie and frensie of those heretiques Therefore it is no lesse to bee abandoned and banished out of the church to Hell than that heresie of the Manichees That this opinion of Vbiquitie doth giue life againe to the former wee proue The Vbiquitaries are of opinion and so teach That all the properties of the Godhead were presently from the verie point of Christs conception reallie effused from the Godhead of the woorde into the humane nature which christ tooke Hence these absurdities will folow 1. Christ shall not be truely borne of the Virgine if as touching the nature of his humanitie he was truely and essentiallie without the wombe of his mother before hee was borne and after hee was borne hee remained no lesse truely and substantiallie as touching his humanitie in that selfe-same wombe than before 2. Christ was not truely weake in his humane nature and subiect to passions if hee were then also as touching the same nature partaker of the Diuine maiestie and omnipotencie 3. Hee was not truely dead if also in the time of his death as touching his soule and bodie hee were essentiallie present euerie where together with his Godhead For the soul being euerie where present could not be really separated in distance of places from the bodie which also should be euerie where present and so neither could the body die but onely
Therefore that iudgement is not committed vnto the church whereby the godlie maie be distinguished from the vngodlie Aunswere The church doth not iudge of such as are hidden or secrete but of those that are manifest namely of those who shew them selues in outward life profession and this she doth when concerning such she subscribeth to the iudgement of god that is when shee iudgeth of them according to the prescript of Gods word as when out of the woord of God shee pronounceth the obstinate to be condemned as long as they continue such when out of the word of God she absolueth them which shew repentance But to discerne from others such as are close hidden as the church is not able so neither doth she take it vpon her 3 Obiection Christ saith in the Parable of the tares let both grow together vntil the haruest Therefore none ought to bee excluded Aunswere 1. Christ speaketh there of hypocrits who cannot be discerned alwaies from the true seruers of God Therefore his meaning is that hypocrites ought not to be cut off or separated frō the church as whom we know not to be such but that the Angels shall doe this at the last daie 2. Christ distinguisheth there the office of the Magistrate and of ministers Let them grow that is put not to death any which are estrāged from the church For the Ministers may not vse corporal force against any man as may the Magistrate Now if this difference be put the difference which is between the church and the kingdome of the Diuell shal not be taken awaie 4 Obiection Men are to bee forced and compelled vnto good workes The vse of the sacraments is a good worke Therefore they are to be forced and compelled to the vse of the sacraments Aunswere 1. The Minor is not true except it be vnderstoode of that vse which is celebrated by the faithfull otherwise when vnbeleeuers vse the sacraments their vse is no good work The vse of the sacraments is a good work when good moral works goe before this vse And then is it truly called the vse of the sacramentes otherwise it is rather an abuse and prophaning of the sacramentes For when the wicked take the sacramentes they abuse them whence it is that Christ expressely dehorteth the wicked from this good work when he saith Leaue there thine offring before the Altar and goe thy waie 2. The Maior proposition is to be distinguished Men are to bee compelled vnto good woorkes but in their order so that there goe before an enforcing to moral woorks and then follow after an enforcing to ceremoniall works and so is that to bee vnderstood which Christ saith Luk. 14 23. Compel them to come in 5 Obiection We haue no examples of this excluding The Prophets Apostles and Iohn excluded none nay Iohn Baptised a generation of vipers Aunswere The Prophets albeit they could not exclude the wicked from the sacrifices sacraments yet they condemned that wickednesse of theirs in approching thither and made oftentimes long sermons both against the wicked who did approch and against the Church which admitted them vnto the sacrifices But that the Apostles did exclude Paul alone doth sufficiently shew by his example as we saw before and John Baptised them onlie who promised faith and repentaunce he baptized a generation of vipers when now they did repent Wherefore although they were a vipers broode whome Iohn baptised yet were they not any longer vipers when they were baptised For Iohn baptised none but such as confessed their sinnes As also he preached the Baptisme of repentance for the remission of sinnes 6 Obiection Jf they are to bee admitted vnto the sacraments which professe faith and repentance the vnbeleeuers and wicked are to be excluded the same shall bee doone after the same manner as it was done by Iohn But John by himselfe alone admitted them who professed faith and repentance vnto baptism and he alone also reiected he impenitēt Therefore it shall be lawful for one minister alone either to admit them who professe the Doctrine and repentance or to reiect the obstinate Aunswere The reason is not like For Iohn was endued with a Propheticall and Apostolicke authoritie Againe at that time the gathering of the new Church was respected and not the excluding of them who were in the Church and had reuolted from it Certaine argumentes assoiled whereby some haue endeuoured to abolish excommunication 1 WHERE the woorde and Sacraments are rightly to be administred there must the authorite of discipline be established But in the primitiue Church and at this day in well ordered Churches the authoritie of discipline is not established Therefore the woord and Sacraments are not rightly there administred But absurd were it so to say therefore absurd also to impose a necessity of discipline on the Church Aunswere These wordes To be rightly administred are doubtfull and haue a diuerse meaning 1. To administer rightlie signifieth so to administer as that the administration wholy agree with the prescript of the Lorde 2 It signifieth to administer not according to the right perfect and exact obseruing of it but so that the administration be pleasing to God profitable for the saluation of the Church In this whole world the Sacramentes are not rightly administred according to the former signification but according to the latter signification they are For albeit there be some blemishes which by reasō of the churches weaknes imbecillity cannot be corrected amended on a sodain yet the administration may please God and profit the Church Albeit wee are neuerthelesse to acknowledge bewail the defects For blessed are they which hungre and thirst after righteousnesse Except these thinges be graunted there will be no pure church in the world We may seeme now to haue sufficiently assoiled this obiection but yet furder also we deny the Minor For the autority of discipline was cōtinued in the Primitiue church shal also continu in an il ordred church but with great abuse as amongst the Papists Reply Jn our Churches in the Heluetian churches Excommunication is not in force Therfore the Minor of the former obiectiō is true Ans Although in some Churches it be not exercised yet is it not then ill exercised but the Minor is neuerthelesse infringed Because in those churches the woord the Sacraments are rightly administred according to the other signification whereof we spake before Chrysostome saith If any wicked person come vnto the Lords table giue not vnto him the Lordes Sacrament the body bloud of the Lord if he wil not beleue signifie it vnto me I will rather leese my life than I will admitte him Excommunication therefore was in force many yeares after Christ 2 That Doctrine which hath neither Gods woorde nor examples is not to be thrust vpon the church But this doctrine hath neither of these Therfore it is not to be thrust vpō the church Ans It hath the word for it Mat. 18.17