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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A90934 The princess of Fess, or, The amours of the court of Morocco a novel : in two parts. Préchac, Jean de, 1647?-1720. 1682 (1682) Wing P3207B; ESTC R42537 43,756 150

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of something that would consolate him in that Consternation that he saw him did assure him that the Princess of Fess was not in Taffilet's power and having told him the resolution which she had taken rather to die than to give her Hand to that Prince he acquainted him after what manner she had arriv'd at Tangire and presently did accompany him to her Chamber Never did any one pass in so short a time from an extream affliction to so great a joy Ali Hamet who thought that he had lost all was so ravish'd to have found his fair Princess who was more precious to him than all the Crowns on Earth that he abandoned himself to the pleasure of re-seeing her again with the same transports as if he had had no loss and Alzira who had not dreaded Taffilet but through the fears that his Arms should prove fatal to her Lover was so satisfied with seeing him that she thought not so much as to ask news of the Battel imagining to have gained all now that she had met again with her dear Ali Hamet The Count Talbor who took a particular delight to contribute to the good Fortune of those Illustrious Lovers did propose to the Prince the Espousing Alzira without staying till his ill Fortune should once again take that charming Princess from him Ali Hamet being convinc'd by such reasons as did so pleasingly flatter his Love did resolve to propose it to Alzira But when that he found himself near her and that he made some reflexions on his misfortunes he durst not propose any thing to her and repented having had the thoughts of so doing having much less trouble in bearing himself alone his own ill Fortune than to share it with that amiable Princess His courage would inspire him to attempt new things to re-gain his Estates and his Love would make him find out a thousand difficulties of performing the design which he had of passing into Europe to ask for ayd The Count Talbor finding him in those resolutions did advise him to go to Gayland who was retir'd to Algar with vast Riches and did assure him that if that Prince would but furnish him with a considerable Sum he might easily raise another Army and hazard a second Battel against Taffilet The Prince approving much this Counsel set himself about the executing of it and for fear he should be molified with his Mistrisses Tears he departed without taking leave of her Gayland who notwithstanding his great Riches did already begin to grow weary of living in an obscure condition did not spare any thing to forward Ali Hamet's Generous designs and he was so well assisted that in a short time he found himself at the Head of an Army accompanied with divers Officers of Merit which the Count Talbor gave to serve with him The Nobility of Fess who could not brook the Violences and Scorns of Taffilet sent up their prayers for Ali Hamet Taffilet alone despising an Enemy whom he had already beaten went against him at the head of his Army where he had incorporated Bembuca's Cavalry which was still Commanded by Maucaden Though that Ali Hamet had much the lesser Number of Troops than his Enemy had he expected him Manfully with a resolution to vanquish or to die Taffilet did Charge him with the confidence which is so common to Victors But Ali Hamet's Trorps animated by that Princes example who was in all places did combat with great Valour and Taffilet was beginning to fear the success of the Battle when he caused his Body of reserve to advance in which was Bembuca's Horse Maucaden fretted at Taffilet's Violences and particuat the wrongs which he had done his Sister did exhort his Men to abandon that Tyrant and take Ali Hamet's Party who was of the Blood of the Cherifs and consequently the true Successor to the Crown of Fess He instantly did Charge with so much resolution those that would have opposed his designs that the greatest part did follow him Taffilet advertiz'd of this misfortune did despair of Victory and thought no more but of saving part of his Men with retreating But Ali Hamet who was desirous to put an end to the War taking advantage of his Enemies disorder did press him with so much Valour that Taffilet was forced to change his mind and to hazard all There he was kill'd performing of surprising actions and Ali Hamet did gain a most signal Battel by his death besides his fair Mistriss and divers considerable Kingdoms The Count Talbor who had sent on the Coast of Fess a Yatch to be informed of of the success of that great Day did learn with all the imaginable joy the rout and death of Taffilet He carried these good news unto the Princess who burning with impatiency of seeing her Father again and of joying her Lover did conjure that trusty Friend not to retar'd her from that pleasure and to send her back to Fess that very Day The Count ravish'd to contribute to her satisfaction Embarked her in a Yatch and gave her one of his Relations to acconmpany her Ali Hamet who was not sensible unto so many happy successes but in relation to his Mistriss did send a Person of Trust to Count Talbor to give him an account and render'd himself at the nearest Port of Tangire there to wait for news from Alzira who was just Imbarking when that her Lover arriv'd there It would be difficult to express the reciprocal joy which they had at the sight of one another The remembrance of their late disgraces did contribute also to make them relish with more delight the pleasure which they had of being together and of thinking how worthy they were of one another They came to Fess where Ali Hamet after that he had Re-established Bembuca on the Throne gave his Hand to Alzira with all the satisfaction imaginable Soon after he sent Magnificent presents unto the Count Talbor and did not forget any thing that could express his acknowledgments to so faithful a Friend FINIS
follow that Eunuque who would conduct him to a place where he should find some Persons that were very desirous to learn whether his conversation was as agreeable as his meen was advantageous After that every body was retired the Eunuque did carefully carry that little Note to the Prince who received it with all the joy imaginable and deferr'd no longer to follow the Eunuque than what served to read the Note You may easily imagin with what excess of joy Ali Hamet was transported at his entring into the Eunuques Chamber where the Princess and Balabai did expect him They were so ashamed at such an Action that they scarce would lift up their Eyes to look on him Alzira would have hid her bashfulness under pretence that this Action was under her Rivals name and she thought that at the most she could but tax her self for having too much of complaisance for her Friend And Balabai being authoriz'd by the Princess's presence did cast on her again all those secret reproaches which her Modesty and her Virtue did make her to conceit In fine both the one and the other did think their weakness very pardonable when they reflected on the good meen of the Prince Alzira told him in Portugues that the assiduous earnestness with which he had look'd on her during the Combate of the Lyon and the Bear did make her fancy that he had something to say to her You are not deceived in that most charming Princess said Ali Hamet interrupting her I had so much joy to be satisfied as to your real Condition finding that you were born of the Noble Blood of the Cherifs that I thought my self oblig'd to you for that innocent fraud which you had used in the concealing of your Rank from me But you had assur'd me replied Alzira that that knowledge should have no considerable advantage over your mind and that it would produce no alteration in your Love I do confess to you reply'd the Prince that it had been difficult for me to have added any thing unto that strong passion which I had already for you Yet I was so surpriz'd to see that a Person of so perfect a Beauty and of so high a Birth did not disapprove of my Love that it has enter'd me into new engagements and I was resolv'd to expose my self unto all sorts of perils to see you again when the Eunuque brought me the Bill Alzira who was in some kind of Confusion at those last Words would have excus'd her self from having writ that Note and having less designs of pleasuring her Rival than of preserving her Modesty she told him without any further reflexion that it was to Balabai and not to her self that he was indebted for that kindness The Prince turning him immediately towards Balabai and taking her by the hand he kissed it with some little force and return'd her thanks for the good Office that she had rendred him Balabai deceived thus by this shew of Love that was so like to a reality and believing that the Princess did really serve her with good success did after that hearken with a great deal of satisfaction to all the tender discourses of the two Lovers and did facilitate to them at divers times the means of frequently seeing and entertaining one another Ali Hamet's long detainment did serve but to make his Merits the better known at the Court of Fess and to cast new fears and jealousies in Bembuca's mind who did not doubt but that a Prince that had such singular qualities would one Day set up the interest which he pretended to the Crown of Fess Those reasons with that hatred he had for Gayland did resolve him on Ali Hamet's ruine He sought divers ways to accomplish it without the least distrust by any body fearing least he should draw on himself the hatred of his People in spilling the Blood of Mahomet After divers considerations on this Business it came in his mind that Talbor had done wounderful things with Gun-powder which made him of opinion that he might contrive such a Mine as should make no great noise in the blowing up under the Princes Chamber and yet crush him to Death under the ruines of that building without any distrust that it had been design'd seeing that the use of Gun-powder was yet scarce known at Fess He proposed his design to Talbor who not knowing that it was intended against the Prince did promise the King to make a Mine that should act in the same manner that he desir'd and with little or no noise He went about it very secretly and when it was ready to spring he gave the King notice who was overjoy'd at it The Eve to that Execution Day Bembuca being only with the Prince of Fess and the Princess Alzira his Children he advertised them of his design that they might not be surpriz'd with the noise that they should hear and to set forth that important piece of Service which he design'd to render them by Ali Hamets death he spoke to them in these terms Our Blessed Prophet the most intimate Friend to our Great Alla has always been favourable to me For after that he had destroyed the Almanzors and the Benemerignis he was pleas'd to place me on the Throne preferably unto the Father of Ali Hamet and of divers others of our Kinred which the Right of Blood did call unto it before me He has given me the Victory over mine Enemies and he has come in his own Person to defend my dear Daughter from the fury of the Lyon But he did never give me a more sensible token of his protection than in causing Ali Hamet to fall into my Hands through the assistance of my Friend Gayland who is the onely Person that might one Day disturb my quiet and hinder you my Children from succeeding me in the Throne All these reasons my dear Children have made me resolve the destruction of that Enemy Talbor the Stranger has by my order contriv'd a Mine under his Appartment this Night you will hear it fall be not concern'd at it and before the People feign to lament the fate of that unhappy Prince Alzira struck through the Heart at the news of this cruel resolution was in the greatest trouble imaginable to constrain her self before her Father Yet she did represent to him that the Great Mahomet might be offended at such an Action and that it were much better to leave to that Prophet the care of his own Revenge than to undertake it himself But Bembuca not regarding her reasons made answer that Mahomet had sufficiently given him to understand his Will in that by Ali Hamets Imprisonment The Princess daring not to reply any further thought of nothing more but of concealing that disorder she was in The King after he had enjoyn'd them silence did retire and Alzira return'd into her Appartment overcome with grief and sorrow But yet shee took Ali Hamet's interests in hand without abandoning of her self unto a fruitless despair
and did resolve to hazard all for the safety of her Lover wherefore under some other pretences she caused an Eunuques dress to be brought to her and having subtilly rid her self of those Persons that were about her she changed her habit and went into Ali Haemet's Appartment The Prince who presently knew her face was very much surpriz'd at this disguise The Princess who did blush to see her self in that condition did intreat him to suspend all the Judgments that an Action seemingly so rash might oblige him to make of her I confess continued she that I have not had leisure to make reflexions a too pressing interest has made me act and I have not wav'd to expose my selfe to Ruine when your Life was concern'd The Prince greatly mov'd at his Mistrisses bounties cast himself at her feet and would have spoken tender and passionate things to her as he us'd to do But Lose no time reply'd Alzira interrupting him my Father has resolv'd your ruine and by Morning this great Appartment will be but Rubbish under which you are to perish you must instantly retire and return into your Territories where I flatter my self that for Love of me you will endeavour a Peace and that you will not fail to send me of your news so soon as arriv'd She with that gave him a Pidgeon which she had carefully brought up and assur'd him that if he sed it with a certain Seed which she named it would be easie for them frequently to Write to one another because that that kind of Pidgeon did never fail of returning into those places where they have already been fed which thing is so well known that they are made use of as swift Posts in divers places of Africa Ali Hamet scarce minding the danger that he was threatned with had much to do to resolve to depart and to distance himself from his Princess But Alzira did so earnestly press him to think on his safety for her sake seeing that he neglected it on his own account that at last he went out followed by the disguised Alzira who had already taken all the necessary measures to prevent all obstacles She did accompany him unto the last Gate of the Palace and having not the power to take leave of him she suddenly stole from his sight taking the way to her Appartment very much afflicted at the Princes departure though well satisfied that she had saved her Lovers life She was scarce got into her Chamber when that the Mine was sprung with that success that Talbor had promised All the Palace was alarm'd at it the Princesses Women came about her in a great disorder and at every moment there came into her Chamber some Eunuque which brought her some new circumstance of that extraordinary event The confusion was so great that it was long before the truth of what had passed was known At last the Princess was assur'd that Ali Hamet was the only considerable Person that had perished under the Ruines of that Fabriek There were some also that positively said they had seen his Body shatter'd in a thousand pieces Though Alzira had been prepared against all those discourses she was much concerned fearing lest that peradventure the Prince might have returned into his appartment But those disturbances of mind were over when the King sent her word of the misfortune that had happened and of the fruitless pains that had been already taken to unbury the Body of Ali Hamet which had not yet been found Balabai came in that instant to the Princess and in her presence did yield unto all the effects that so great a sorrow could inspire into a most afflicted Person Alzira did endeavour to comfort her and lest that those disorders that she was in should be construto her disadvantage she discreetly gave out that a Maid Servant whom Balabai had lov'd very well had perished under the Ruines of that Appartment in which she lay Mean time Bembuca who applauded himself for the happy success of his design and who made use of all the cautiousness imaginable to prevent that he should ever be suspected of having any Hand in Ali Hamets misfortune who he thought certainly dead gave out orders to have Talbor convy'd to the next Sea-Port that he might be sent back to Tangire which belongs to the English Thus every one in Fess did believe that this great accident had happened through the fault of those Architects that had had the ordering of that building After divers fruitless cares to distinguish the Body of Ali Hamet from others the King perceiving that all those that were found involved in the Ruines were so shatter'd that it was impossible scarce to know one he to impose the more on the People order'd that a Body which he pretended to be that of Ali Hamet should be Imbalmed after which he had all things got in a readiness for the celebration of his Funeral Rites after the same manner as they us'd to be rendred unto the Princes of the Blood of the Cherifs Alzira sympathising with Balabai in her afflictions did not omit any thing that might give her comfort She was even on the point of letting her know that the Prince was not dead but well foreseeing that the Joy of a Rival would cause her more trouble than would the sorrow of a Friend the interest of her affections did always diswade her from giving so much satisfaction to that afflicted Lover Alas would Balabai say you love but a meer Chimera whose single remembrance affords you both Joy and Delight judge by that of the sorrow which I do feel in the loss of a Prince so accomplished as was the Young Cherif who had infus'd a passion in me from the very first time that I had seen him and who already had such advantageous thoughts of me as you are sensible of The Princess not answering positively unto her discourses was endeavouring to comfort her when that the King sent her Word that at last the Body of the unfortunate Ali Hamet had been taken up and that it was requisite that she should prepare her self to assist the the next Day at those magnificent Funerals which he had ordered should be performed for him The name of Ali Hamet did renew all Balabai's sorrows and Alzira was no longer in a condition to assist her she was so troubled her self with hearing this cruel news that she remain'd without senseor motion not being able to believe that it was true neither having the power of satisfying her self on a thing which she so feared and apprehending also lest that her Favourite should take notice of the concern which she took in the Prince's interest Balabai shed tears while that Alzira was making a thousand reflections Now she feared that the Prince might have returned into his Chamber a moment after she would please her self with the thoughts of his departure remembring that she had accompanied him unto the farthest Gate of the Palace neither could she see any