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A77802 The doctresse: a plain and easie method, of curing those diseases which are peculiar to women. Whereunto are annexed physicall paradoxes, or a new discovery of the æconomy of nature in mans body. / Written by R.B. &c. Bunworth, Richard. 1656 (1656) Wing B5474; Thomason E1714_2; ESTC R209649 41,464 161

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Nature having some part of her load taken of be not able to govern the rest the better and whether she may not by the helpe of convenient diet and moderate Exercise without Physick do the rest of what is to be done But in those bodies which are Cacochymous or of evil juice bleeding will not be sufficient wherefore they must as I said after bleeding proceed to vomiting and others which are not let bloud must begin with a vomit Vomits are of several natures and may be contrived into several forms as into a Pill a Potion a bole c. all which I shall at present pass by and propound one onely Vomit which is so safe that it may be given to a Child of a year old and doth agree with all constitutions all ages and all diseases wherein Vomiting is necessary The Vomit which I mean is Oxymel of Squills The dose of it is from one ounce to 3 ounces it is of the consistence of a Syrupe wherefore the best way to take it is to mix it with 5 or 6 spoonefulls of posset drink and so to drink it down upon a full Stomack about foure in the afternoone having dined 2 or 3 houres before This Oxymel of squills will either Purge or Vomit or both according to the Constitution of the body and the nature of the Superfluous humour Let her intermit two days betwixt Vomiting and bleeding The next day after her Vomit let her begin to take of a Chalybeate Electuary let her take the quantity of a nutmeg of it at a time twice every day viz in the morning fasting and at 4 in the afternoon so long as it shall last let her be sure to exercise alwaies immediately after the taking of her Chalybeate Electuary if she be of a hot Constitution let her make use of the first Electuary if cold let her take the second if moderate the third The first Chalybeate Electuary for hot Constitutions TAke Conserve of Berberies 3 ounces Conserve of wood sorrel 2 ounces prepared steele one ounce red coral prepared Cream of Tartar of each a Dram Oyle of Vitriol twenty drops Syrupe of Lemons as much as is sufficient to make it up into an Electuary The second Chalybeate Electuary for cold Constitutions TAke Conserve of Scurvigrass foure ounces Tartarum Vitriolatum Salt of Steele Species Diagalanga of each a Dram with Syrupe of Coral as much as is sufficient make it up into an Electuary The third Electuary for moderate Constitutions TAke Conserve of Scurvigrass 3 ounces Conserve of Berberies two ounces red Coral prepared a Dram prepared Steele 6 Drams Syrupe of Wood sorrel an ounce Oyle of Sulphur thirty drops mix them together into an Electuary After the use of any one of these Electuaries according to the manner above written there will remaine nothing else to be done but onely for the Patient once or twice a day to drink a cup of white wine mixt with 2 or 3 spoonefuls of Syrupe of mugwort this she may continue a fortnight or 3 weeks together Let her diet be cheifly Flesh meat Broth and the Gravy of Meat let her drink be new Beer let her by all means abstain from Fish Water-gruel and Gritts it is good now and then to boyle in her broth the roots of Fennel Smallage Butchers-broome Parsley and Asparagus If there shall be a greater fulness of bloud than ordinary in the body it will be more safe and convenient to let her bloud first in the arm and then two dayes after in the foot and so to proceed according to the aforesaid method Yet if she bleed at the Nose or vomit bloud let her not bleed in the arm by any means but onely in the lower parts of the body and apply Cupping-glasses with scarification unto her thighs Some have had their Months procured by taking the quantity of a Nutmeg of old Leaven mixt with the like quantity of Sugar for three or four dayes together These following Pils provoke the Months in some women without any other means whatsoever Give the patient two of them every night when she goes to bed for the space of three weeks together The Pils Take Myrrh three drams Aristolochia rotunda two drams Agarick Cinnamon dictamnus Creticus of each a dram Saffron two scruples Spikenard half a dram with as much syrupe or rather juyce of Mugwort as shall be sufficient make them into a Mass out of which make small Pils as big as Peas The juyce of the white Flower de Luce root provoketh the Months if it be given to the patient in the morning fasting for three mornings together four five or sixe spoonfuls at a time according to the strength of the patient about the time when she expects her monthly evacuation The juyces of Penny royal and Balm are sometimes effectual but they are of less force then the juyce of the white Flower de luce root wherefore they are fittest to be given to those that are of weak constitutions CHAP. III. To stop the immoderate flowing of the Months LEt a large Cupping glasse be applyed once or twice to each breast without scarification This doth immediately stop the immoderate flowing of months and to those that are of a healthful temperament having fallen into this distemper by some accident as a fright or the like this alone will be sufficient But others whose distemper doth proceed from an inward cause after the application of Cupping glasses to their breasts which doth at present stay the effect must take something inwardly to take away the cause least the effect returne again The cause is alwaies either a sharp cholerick humour in the body or else a thin putrid and watrish moisture The difference of the causes may be known by the difference of the signes If the patient be naturally of a hot temper and be subject unto flushing heats into the neck and face and for matter of diet hath delighted in Salt meats Mustard Pepper c. from hence the cause will appear to be a sharp cholerick humour for which let her take three or four spoonfuls at a time of this following Julape three or four times a day for a fortnight or three weeks together and after that let her take the quantity of a Nutmeg at a time of this following Electuary in the morning fasting at four in the afternoon and at night to bedward until she shall perceive the cause to be abated The Julape TAke Plantain water twelve ounces syrupe of Violets six ounces oyl of Vitriol so much as shall make it very tart shake them together in a glass The Electuary is onely a mixture of conserve of Barberies and red Coral Take conserve of Barberies three ounces red Coral prepared three drams mixe them together Once in five or sixe days let her purge with lenitive Electuary Let her by no means eat any flesh meat or broth of meat But let her diet be Water-gruel Panado Cream of barley and such like thickening and cooling diet Let her drink
any notion of sounds or colours in his mind because the notion of sounds or colours is nothing else but the remembrance of such things seen or heard Seeing then it is so that sens●ble experience is the first foundation of all science why should not we that have had more experience make collections of our experiments as the ancients did thereby not despairing to gain a more exquisite knowledge We have meditated upon some experiments from whence there doe seeme unto us to result some conclusions which whether they agree or not with what others have concluded it is not on our parts either to examine or to regard but it more concerns us to examine and take notice whether such conclusions be rightly taken up from such experiments and whether we may not be deceived by misunderstanding some circumstances We have observed in severall creatures that the bloud which is found in the heart and adjacent parts doth differ from that which is in the smaller veins The opening of a jugular vein easeth the extreme paine in the head when phlebotomy in other parts is not proficuous A small quantity of blood taken from the sublinguary veins abateth an inflammation of the eyes whereas letting blood as a generall evacuation doth not conduce the like is observed in inflammations of the throat ears and other adjacent parts In the tooth-ach a horse leach applyed to that very gumme where the paine is although it draw but a very small quantity of blood yet it doth immediately and wholly abate that extreme paine Bleeding in the left side is knowne by experience to be conducible to the cure of the splenetick distempers and so likewise to take blood from the right side is observed to be most proficuous in those affections of the liver wherein phlebotomy is required Bleeding in the Hemarrhoidal veins is an admirable remedie for those distempers of the adjacent parts especially of the kidneys wherein there is required evacuation A quartain ague is commonly abated and sometimes wholly cured by opening of the Salvatella Vpon distempers of the spleen the veins of the left side are fuller than those of the right In the Hemicrania there may be seene a large vein in the temple of that side where the pain is whereas the temporal vein of the other side is scarce visible and in all other parts where there is present pain proceeding from fulnesse the veins of those parts are much fuller than the veins of other parts wherein there is no pain Often letting blood in the same vein causeth a diminution of the vein I presume by the same reason that the umbilicall vein in infants having no blood in it to extend it doth by degrees lessen and at length degenerate into a nervous substance From these observations I conclude that there is given by Nature a peculiar blood to each extreme vein in mans body and that although the whole masse of blood doth indifferently passe through the arteriall vein the venall artery the heart and part of the Aorta yet it is afterwards divided in its passage towards the extreme parts in such sort that the severall veins and arteries of the extreme parts do receive blood of some what a more different temperature the one from the other The blood of the Salvatella doth differ in temperature from that which is in the temporall veins although they do both meet together and mix in the subclaviary veins And the blood which is in the subclaviary veins consisting of severall parts doth differ from that which is in the lower part of the hollow vein which doth consist also of other severall parts being a composition of all that blood which was more simple in the respective branches of the hollow vein although they are compounded in the upper part of the hollow vein entering together into the right ventricle of the heart for farther illustration hereof we may compare the masse of blood in mans body to the sea in the greater world The sea by its Diastole doth send into the more inward parts of the earth even to the extremes thereof a great quantity of water which we know must necessarily be mixt in the ocean as also in the great gulf which is the aorta thereof where it first enters the earth yet in the capillary veins viz. the beginnings of springs we observe it to be pure and simple although again it doth become more and more mix'd and compounded as by degrees passing through the veins viz. the more superficiall cavities of the earth it doth approach nearer and nearer to the sea we know that the most simple part of the blood is in some sort a heterogeneous body yet comparatively we may call the blood in the extreme parts and capillary veins homogeneous or similar and that which is in the larger vessels and centre of the body heterogeneous or mix'd which though it be mix'd is in no wise confused but it is even there so digested and so orderly disposed that upon the next pulsation of the heart it is dispersed according to the order of Nature Blood of such like temperature as came from each particular vein is orderly returned thither again by the pulsation of the heart no otherwise then Bees that in a summers day disperse themselves severally according to each ones genius some miles distance from the hive and when at night they are return'd again being all in the hive together every one finds out his proper habitacle or place of abode more by the wisdome of Nature than the knowledge of each individuum that so they may be disposed and ready each one to take the same journey the next day as it did the day before Nature abhorring confusion even as she doth a vacuum hath so oeconomiz'd the humours of mans body that as they are mix'd by degrees in approaching nearer and nearer to the centre so they doe meet with the graduall augmentation of heat whose property it is to keep them still in order by joyning the homogeneal and disjoyning the heterogeneall parts thereof and that the blood may not be two much mix'd at too great a distance from the centre where it cannot have heat sufficient to govern it Nature hath provided valves and put them in fit places viz. the meetings together of the veins for farther explanation of my meaning take an example the blood which is in the subclaviary veins is a mix'd blood and so is that which is in the hollow vein yet neither of themselves severally are so much mix'd as afterwards at their enterance together into the heart Now as the heat of mans body is most intense in the heart and by degrees more and more remisse towards the extreme parrs so is the blood most mix'd in the heart and adjacent parts and so lesse and lesse mixt as it is more and more remote from the centre so that the hollow vein and the subclaviary veins have such a mixture of blood as is answerable to their distance from the heart as
also a heat proportionable But this just order and proportion might be violated if Nature had not appointed valves to do what on their parts is to be done that blood which is in the hollow vein in its motion upwards might some of it passe beyond the heart and enter into the subclaviary veins if Nature had not placed valves there to forbid it there might I say be in the subclaviary veins blood as much heterogeneous as that in the heart whereas the heat is not there accordingly And so if there were not valves in the meetings together of other veins there might be a return of some blood and consequently too great a mixture at too great a distance where it should want heat sufficient to govern it We have perceived sensibly in severall creatures that the blood of the heart and adjacent parts doth differ from that blood which is in the extreme parts but we never could perceive any sensible difference of that blood which is in the severall veins of the extreme parts yet notwithstanding we have concluded that there is a difference The reason is because we know that all that blood which is found in the heart came from the severall veins of the extreme parts We know likewise that if that blood which was in the extreame parts in severall veins had not differed there could not have resulted in the composition thereof such a manifest difference as for example I know some few springs meeting together which make up a brook able to turne a mill this brook in its farther descent meets with another brook of such-like pedegree as was the former the water still descending increases into a river Now knowing that this river is nothing else but the mixture of waters flowing from such severall springs although the waters of these severall springs seeme not to differ amongst themselves yet there being a manifest difference between the river water and that of the springs the river water being able to bear soape and yest whereas the water of any one of these springs severally is of no use either for brewing or washing I must necessarily conclude that the springs do also differ If I had not this argument of the river to convince me I confesse I should think there were scarce any difference in the severall waters of all these springs yet they which doe wholly drink water say that they could never yet find the water of any two springs in all respects alike Braceletts or such as physitians call periapta if they be used loco et jure they doe performe a manifest alteration upon mans body for we know by experience that camphor included in a nodule and hung about the necks of Children hath cured divers agues in a short time without any other means whatsoever the bloodstone is known by experience to stanch bleeding pyony roots either cure or abate epilepticall fitts with many others Many have been cured of lingring and cacheticall distempers onely by the change of the aire They which have hot and costive bodies do not excerne by seat and urine a third part of what is ingested yet their bodies are not at all increased either in weight or bulke Infectious diseases which are seated cheifly in the spirits are sooner received by a body that is sweating then by the same body at on other time Hot bodies are sooner fluxed by unctions or plaisters wherein there is mercury then bodies more temperate The same body sweating is also sooner fluxed by such like unction or plaister then at another time Salivation is stayed and the mercury carryed out of the body by sweating From these observations digested and made to conspire in one there seeme unto us to result these three conclusions First there is in mans body a continuall circulation of spirits through the pores whereby the miasmes of the aire are received into the body and the excrementitious vapours expired Secondly the pores are of two sorts the one kind for expiration wherein the motion of the spirits and vapours is from the base to the point and the other for inspiration wherein the motion of the returning spirits together with the infection of the aire is from the point to the base Thirdly the pores for inspiration are valvous that is so contrived that the spirits cannot possibly goe out again the same way they came in We meane by spirits that vapour or effluvium which by the naturall heat is raised from the syncere humours of the body or from that part of the masse of blood which is uncorrupted now the spirits being an exhalation from the purest blood they are also in themselves pure and are so continued by this regular motion which Nature hath provided them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is an aphorisme recorded by wise Hippocrates Nature cannot remaine in the same state there is nothing in the whole world stands still if we rightly consider it All bodies are either continually acting upon their owne excrement and so moving towards a higher degree of perfection or else they are suffering by some excrementitious matter and declining towards a state of corruption now whether they act or suffer they have in them a circular motion which is the only condition by which this action or passion is performed as for example A peece of pure and polished iron if it be wetted and put into a moist aire which is not agreeable to its nature will corrupt and by degrees become more and more corrupted untill the whole body thereof be converted into rust But on the contrary iron that hath contracted rust will refine and purifie it selfe if it be oyled and kept in a dry aire the reason of this is the motion of the spirits which are bound by the law of Nature to keep a just correspondence between the body and the ambient aire This regular motion of the spirits is as the first wheele in a clock or as the primum mobile to the lower sphaeres in the greater world the spirits moving do put the secondary spirits into a motion of consent and the secondary spirits do move the lighter humours and so at length by a subordination of motion the grossest humours are constrained to move and the whole body is continued in and preserved by this perpetuall motion hereby the influences of the heavens which wander in the aire are ushered in the body hereby sensation is performed and a just intelligence given unto Nature how in each moment the aire doth stand affected We have observed that if the head be but moderately heated the whole body is immediately put into a sweat yet if the body be very hot and the head cold sweat is not procured The head and those parts that are nervous and membranous are most prone to sweat They which are prone to the epilepsie convulsions or any other distemper proceeding from the obstruction of the brain are not at all proclive to sweating They which are subject to sweat much have seldome the headach and so on the
contrary Those things which are diaphoretick as Guajacum China Sarsaparilla have an immediate operation upon the brain and are known by experience to have cured inveterate paines in the head proceeding from obstructions whereas all other means have failed From hence we conclude that all that matter which is transpired either by sweat or insensibly is first conveighed into the brain and from thence by the nerves scattered into the habit of the body That which is transpired is in the body a spurious spirit and is regulated by the motion of the spirits passing through the same channels although it have no reentrance into the body or motion of returne it is to the spirits as a meteor to the stars which by the starrs is put into a motion of consent although to no other end than speedily to be dissolved or to vanish The spirits we conceive to be in all respects the primum mobile of of the microcosme which doe move in the largest circumference and utmost orbe of the body and did first begin that motion which is essentiall to the life of man which whole motion must be first accurately explained before we can enucleate the order of Nature in transpiration or other excretion We did denominate the spirits to be an exhalation from the purer blood which exhalation is the product of heat and heat the ofspring of motion yet notwithstanding we conceive that the first thing that did move in mans body was the spirits These positions doe imply a seeming contradiction for if the spirits be the beginners of motion how is it that they doe become the ofsprings thereof at a third remove I answer that the spirrits are to be considered after a twofold manner they are either innate such as were the beginners of motion or else adventitious those that are the continuers or preservers thereof the spirits which did begin motion in mans body were nothing else but the spirituous part of the seed which from the first instant of its motion must necessarily become more and more refined and so by degrees exhale until it be all spent the adventitious spirits are an exhalation from the purest blood which doth make a continual supply for the continual expence of the innate spirits that so that regular motion which is essential to the life of man may be continued and preserved The spirits doe continually move in the veins and arteries together with the masse of blood yet their proper orbe is from the beginnings of the nerves to all the extremes thereof as also to the whole surface of the body There is a continuation of pores from the brain and spinall marrow through all the nerves fibres and membrans of mans body through which pores there can nothing but spirits or that which is transformed into the shape of a spirit these pores as we said before are of two sorts through which the spirits which are natures intelligencers do passe and repasse through the one kind of pores the spirits are continually passing from the brain to give intelligence to all parts how the brain doth stand affected whereby motion is performed and through the other pores the spirits move backwards towards the brain whereby there is performed sensation we conceive that there are several degrees of spirits viz. Finer and grosser and according to those several degrees we suppose them to move in a greater or lesser circuit the grossest spirits move onely in the veins and arteries together with the masse of blood those which are finer passe through the arteries of the rete mirabile into the brain and from thence are carryed downe by the nerves into the habit of the body and doe return againe by the same nerves although they do passe through different pores into the brain and then they enter into the veins of the rete mirabile from whence they passe towards the heart and are again circulated with the blood these spirits which move in the nervous parts which are properly called animal spirits are also of severall degrees viz. some purer and others lesse pure the purest Spirits expatiate themselves at some distance from the surface of the body those that are lesse pure move but to the surface those that are yet grosser come not so farr but they doe in the mid way by an anastomosis of pores Change their path and make a more speedy return unto the brain even as in the circular motion of the blood the purer parts thereof are conveighed by the pulsation of the heart to the extremities of the arteries and are received again by the extremities of the veins but the grosser parts come not so farr but are lett into the veins by an anastomosis whereby they do obtain a shorter journey to the heart Here we must take notice that the purer part of the purest spirits doth continually vanish into aire and is continually supplyed by that which is in the next degree of purity so that each moment every particle of the spirits becomes more and more refined and hath such a successive being that it cannot twice be called the same The humours and spirits are in continuall motion which renders them obnoxious to continuall alteration The grossest blood doth continually become more and more refined and whereas at first it moved no farther than the first anastomoses or openings of the arteries into the veins it doth afterwards increase in its circuit untill at length it move to the utmost parts of the body then is it resolved into a vapour to the end it may increase and feed the grosser spirits which are in the veins and arteries which spirits by their circular motion increase in purity untill they move first out of the veins and arteries into the nervs so farr as the first anastomosis of the pores afterwards even to the surface of the body and at length they doe move out from the surface being then in such a degree of purity that afterwards by their perpetuall motion they do perpetually lose themselves in the aire Now as the motion of the spirits is conformable to their beginning increase state and declination even so is the motion of that excrementitious matter which is or should be transpired either by sweat or insensibly it is at first a vapour raised from the impurer parts of the blood which vapour is afterwards rarified unto such a tenuity that together with the spirits it passeth out of the veins and arteries into the nerves when it is in the nerves being capable of several degrees of rarity and density it is either transpired or left in the habit of the body however the thinner parts thereof are carryed out by an insensible transpiration I have observed that after the puncture of a nerve in the arme the whole arme hath been much lessened Many which have received some hurt in the os sacrum have had an extenuation of their thigh and legg of that side wherein they received the hurt They which doe lose the use of any part have
spleen yet the veins and arteries of the liver are somewhat smaller then those of the spleen the reason is because it is required that the blood of children which is strained chiefly by the liver should be somewhat thinner then that of those which are grown up which is percolated by the spleen for as we affirme that the spirits by their first motion do bore the veins and arteries and doe move alone therein untill such time as the veins and arteries are capacious enough to receive the mothers blood so it is required that the blood which first enters into the veins and arteries be almost as thin as spirits by reason of their slendernesse and afterwards that it have such a consistence as shall be agreeable to the smalness or largnesse of the vessels So that the blood of children is so much purer than that of those that are grown up by how much their veins and arteries are smaller And that it may be continued so the liver as I said hath veins and arteries somewhat smaller then the spleen that being the chief percolatory of childrens blood and this of those that are old Those that are of middle age have their liver and spleen alike proportionable to their bodies and doubtlesse they doe their offices alike but children have large livers and very little spleen and on the contrary old men have their liver somewhat wasted and their spleen much inlarged The Embryon having all its parts finished and the whole clock-work of nature compleated doth struggle in its determinated time to get out of the wombe as from too narrow an inclosure and is extruded by the mothers body as too great a burthen No sooner is the inf●nt born but the lungs are set on work and the Diaphragma made capable to conspire with the muscles of the Abdomen for the excretion of some excrementitious matter which before could be carried no farther then into the intestines The serous part of the blood is also now evacuated through the urinatory passages whereas before it was transpired and left in the secondine to polish the skin as also to extend and burst the secondine and make it slippery for the better extrusion of the infant now the head by degrees comes into shape whereas before it was disproportionable to the body Here we cannot but admire the great wisdome and providence of Nature in throwing out the serosity of the blood by transpiration whilst the Embryon is in the wombe that thereby the grosser parts thereof may be coagulated with some spirits within the menynges to make up the substance of the brain whose office is to fix the spirits for severall uses of which we shall speake hereafter and afterwards in expelling the said serous parts through other more open passages least the brain should be too bigg the spirits too much fix'd and the infant borne become lethargicall Nature willing to continue what she hath produced and desirous to preserve what she hath made hath provided the infant borne such a diet as is spirituous viz. its mothers milke which being received into its body warme from its mothers breast doth very much support and strengthen the first foundation of its body the spirits and doth nourish and increase the spermatick parts which are the main architecture upon this foundation yet children as by degrees they do grow up and get strength are afterwards nourished as well with other diet as they were before with milke although by how much the body is more increased in bulke by so much the greater quantity of spirits is required for nutrition thereof Here we must know that as the body becomes stronger there are spirits extracted by the Chymistry of Nature out of that diet which is lesse Spirituous or at least hath its spirits lock'd closer up in its parts As the spirits are the only ingredients which doe enter the composition of sperme so are they the nourishers and augmenters of the spermatick parts yet as the spirits are insufficient to make seed except they be condensed even so are they incapable to nourish and increase the spermatick parts except they be first tuned and fixed by a well constituted brain Hence it is that both children and those that are grown up doe oftentimes pine away and languish not for want of spirits or other nutriment but by reason of the evill constitution of their brain which being rectified by shaving the haire and application of corroborating emplaisters they do regain their flesh and are nourished as well as ever Although the flesh receive not its nutriment wholly from the spirits yet they are the chief instruments of its nutrition which do qualifie the nutritive part of the blood and are themselves qualifyed by the brain Now the chief office of the brain is as I said to fix the spirits for severall uses and first that they should not be too much dispersed secondly for nutrition and auction of the parts thirdly for the making of seed and fourthly for ratiocination Here we doe not conceive that the brain doth primarily act upon the spirits for we think it would be absurd to ascribe action to any part which is not in motion and passion to the spirits which doe continually move but we suppose that the spirits by acting upon the brain do accidentally suffer and become more fix'd As the spirits are alwaies passing through the brain which is in the mid-way of their journey backwards and forwards betwixt the veins and arteries and the nerves so part of them doe alwaies suffer condensation from the time they doe begin to move until their motion cease that is from the first original of man until he die And as there is a continual fixation of spirits so there is a continuall expence and a continuall increase thereof although sometimes the expence is greater then the increase and on the contrary those spirits which are fixed are not afterwards lost by transpiration but they doe either nourish and increase the spermatick parts for preservation of the individuum as in those of under yeares or else they are converted into seed for propagation of the species as in those of consistent age In most old men whose brain is of a dryer constitution there is a lesse quantity of spirits condensed perhaps so much as is sufficient onely for nutrition of the spermatick parts but no superfluity for seed and in those aged men whose brain is so well constituted as to prepare more nutriment then is required for the spermatick parts it is either left in the brain the seminary vessels being closed by reason of dissuetude and so doth cause a great swimming and disyness in the head or else it is carryed towards the spermatick parts which have no need thereof and there doth putrefie and corrupt which doth produce aches and pains in several parts of the body How ratiocination is performed by the condensation or fixation of the spirits it may appeare as followeth As sensation is performed by the motion of the
originall either from repletion or inanition from fullnesse or emptinesse The stopping of the months doth produce at first a generall cachexy or evill habit of body that is want of appetite disgestion indisposednesse to exercise dullnesse and drowsynesse c. This cachexy if it be not taken away by bleeding purging sweating abstinence or the like doth beget some other disease unto which the body is most enclined The distempers which doe generally ensue hereupon are paines in the head back and other parts of the body intermitting feavers the black and yeallow jaundise difficulty of breathing the dropsy the scurvy the plurisy the squinancy c. Such like diseases do most frequently happen upon the obstruction of the monthly course Yet is not the body wholly exempted from any other distemper whatsoever upon this account whereof fullnesse is the cause For by the retention of the months not onely the grosser par s of the humors do putrefy but even ●he thinner parts thereof or spirits may become more disposed to receive and cherish the seed● of pestilentiality whereby the b●dy is rendred more obnoxious to those epidemicall diseases Viz the small Pox the Measells the spotted Feaver the Purples the Plague or wha●soever other contagious disease As the retention of the months doth procreate all manner of diseases which have their originall from repletion Even so from the immoderate flowing of the same do proceed those other distempers which are the of-springs of inanition Viz convulsions cramps syncopes c. Of which it wil be too tedious to say any thing in particular Having generally considered the error in quantity committed by the retention or immoderate expulsion of the months from whence may proceed all those diseases in Women which are common unto all Mankinde we come now to take notice of the evill quality of the humors so retained or expelled from whence proceed diseases of the wombe and such as are peculiar unto Women The wombe is a tender part nervous and exquisitely sensible apt to receive a various impression according to the diversity of the quality of the humor which is cast into it and contained in it Sharpe and bilious humors ulcerate the wombe melancholick juice hardeneth it and breeds a Scirrhus therein hot bloud doth inflame it crude and indigested humors putrefy and cause a suffocation thereof which is called the hystericall passion And so is it humected dryed cancerated c. According to the nature of the humor which it receives Those humors which hurt the wombe have other passages appointed them by Nature by which they might be expell'd without prejudice to the parts through which they pass such is the tendernesse of the wombe in respect of other parts as the bladder the intestines the pores and other particular emunctories Now when these or some of these by any cause whatsoever are stopt whereby there is some offensive humor retain'd which should but cannot by these passages be expell'd Nature out of her providence to the whole is forc'd to throw out this offensive humor into the tender wombe which presently receives the impression thereof and suffers more or lesse after a diverse manner according to the quality of the humor Sometimes the wombe suffers by procatarcticall or outward causes it may be indurated by cold injections it may be inflam'd by too hot a pessary and by too long continuance of too sharpe a pessary it may be ulcerated What prudence then and religion is there required in that practitioner whether physitian or Chirurgion that is concerned in the cure of diseases in the wombe How possible is it for an unskilfull hand to ulcerate or inflame the wombe in attempting by pessary to cure the hystericall passion So likewise in the cure of any other distemper of the wombe as also of all other diseases which are peculiar to Women without much prudence skill and caution there is much danger CHAP. II. To Procure the months FIrst of all take notice of the patients pulse which you shall observe to be either too quick too flow or moderate If her pulse be quicker than ordinary it will be convenient for her to be let bloud if slower than is usuall to healthful Women the best way is to refrain bleeding if her pulse be moderate Viz neither too quick nor too slow she may bleed or not bleed according to these following condit●ons The patient must be lett bloud upon a moderate pulse if she doe sometimes bleed at nose or if she have paine in her head or in her back or in any of her sides or if she be naturally subject to warts or have a wenn in any part of her for all these are signes of a melancholick constitution wherein letting blood is in the first place required She must not bleed upon a moderate pulse if her leggs be subject to swell and pit or if she be sick after her meat or if she be very drowsy and enclin'd to sleep much for these are signes of a Phlegmatick Constitution wherein letting blood is some what dangerous in regard of a dropsie I have set down severally the signes whereby may be known whether it will be necessary for her to bleed or not to bleed yet often times these signes which I distinguish m●y happen together in the same body as the same Woman which hath pain in her head sides or back which I call signes that letting blood is requisite may also have a swelling in her legs which of it self is a signe that letting blood is not necessary in this case it will be Convenient for her to bleed for these several signes concurring are an argument that she doth labour with a plechora or fulness of humours which must be emptied by letting blood which is the most general Evacuation Bloud must be taken away upon this occasion alwaies from those veins which are in the lower parts of the body it is most commom to let bloud in one of the feet yet if the Patient have a pain in her back or in the hinder part of her head it will be more proper for her to bleed with leaches in the Haemorrhoidal veins if she have pain in any of her sides or in the side of her head she must bleed in the foot of the same side where the pain is Except her feet or ancles swell then must she not bleed in the foot least thereby the ●umors of her body be too much called down But let her rather bleed in the vein under the ham If she have pain on both sides alike or athwart her chest or if she have no pain it will be most convenient for her to bleed in the left foot because the spleen is on the left side whose fulness and stopping is commonly the cause of this distemper After bloud-letting the next thing in order to be done is vomiting But if the Patient upon bleeding perceive a Manifest alteration to the better it will be wisdome to let her alone some time and to observe whether
which are the supporters thereof and how the spirits which can no longer be then move by delay are condensed I say to omit much which may be spoken concerning the first originall of seed I conceive it will be sufficient for our present purpose to begin with the seed ready made which is the first original of man The seed is nothing else but condensed spirits as may appeare by its tenacity and equality of parts herein we must take notice of such a mediocrity of condensation that the major part is apt to be brought back again to its own nature and be continued therein provided it have such circumstances as are required for the effecting hereof that is such a degree of heat as the spirits alwaies had and such matter annex'd unto it hereby the purer part of the seed may not only be resolved into their first principles viz. into spirits but also this matter may be resolved into a vapour which the spirits may receive for their nutriment Now these conditions are to be found in a well constituted wombe into which the seed being injected is formed into parts after this following manner The purer part of the seed which is included in the centre is at first rarefied into a grosse spirit which hath a slow motion in a narrow or be proportionable to its grosse consistence but afterwards as by degrees it doth revive and put on its owne nature by being more and more rarifyed it doth move quicker and in a larger circuit Now as the spirits by condensation doe cease to move and by rarefaction doe recruit in their motion even so by their return unto their own nature they doe obtain the same motion which they had before condensation the spirits revived in the seed do not only regain their motion but also such motion as they had in the body of man they move in the same figure in the seed as they did in the body so that by granting the spirits a motion agreeable to their owne nature we have the parts carved out unto our intellect which we may easily conceive to be but the footsteps of the spirits That particle from whence the spirits doe first move and unto which they do returne is afterwards the heart their first footsteps are the greater veins and arteries having at first a regular motion in the seed analogicall to that of the grosser humours in mans body that is from the heart to the first anastomoses of the veins and arteries from thence by degrees they tread farther untill at length they have compleated their double path for the humours to walk in and have finished the whole series of the veins and arteries after that the purer parts of the spirits do carve out the menynges of the brain and by a farther progresse of their naturall motion they doe make the nerves and then do run divisions thereupon dividing them into fibres and dilating them into membrans After this manner is the first foundation of mans body laid and then as these spermatick parts do increase in bulk they have added unto them such appurtenances as are suitable to their severall natures the veins and arteries of the Embryon as by degrees they do become more capacious do receive by the umbilicall vein the purer parts of the mothers blood and then the grosser whereas at first the spirits by their motion drew into consent nothing else but an exhalation from the mothers seed And as by degrees the veins and arteries are filled with blood even so are the fibres of the muscles cloathed with flesh by virtue of the said blood in the veins and arteries which is first rarefied and made to put on the nature of a spirit and is carryed along with the spirits through the nerves and afterwards amongst the fibres of the muscles is recondensed in the meane time the purer parts of the spirits are together with some excrementitious vapours coagulated into marrow in the centre of all the parts throughout the whole body the more spernatick part whereof is afterwards secerned from that which is more excrementitious and by degrees by the heat of the body is ossiated In this Coagulum of spirits and vapours we include all kinde of medullossity as the spinall marrow and the substance of the brain Such parts onely of the masse of blood are carryed into the nerves as are capable of being rarefied to the consistence of spirits but those parts which are of a different nature and are too much fixed or curdled are coagulated in their distinct places according to their peculiar differences in the right and left side and do make up the liver and the spleen the liver was by the ancients thought to be the only organ of sanguification and Fernelius attributed the like office unto the spleen upon consideration of that multiplicity of veins and arteries which are disseminated throughout the whole body thereof But these opinions are now exploded by all since the discovery of the circular motion of the blood Doubtlesse the spleen as the Ancients held is the receptacle of the more grosse and melancholick blood by virtue whereof the masse of humours are purified from their feculencies It is our opinion that not onely the spleen but also the liver hath no other office than to purifie the blood by taking into it such parts as if they were in the veins and arteries would fix the blood too much and by consequence prevent nutrition For we have observed in an Atrophia and in any manner of cachecticall distemper that alwaies either the liver or spleen or else both are obstructed and upon the opening of such like obstructions nutrition is again performed and the body returneth to its naturall temperament We have likewise observed in those bodyes of children that we have dissected which have languished a long time and at length dyed of an atrophie that the liver hath been full of scirrhous tubercles and very small the reason of this we conceive to be because those parts of the masse of blood which should have been separated and left congested upon the liver were kept moving still in the veins arteries by reason of those scirrhous tubercles which did obstruct those narrow passages of the liver through which the blood should have been strained whereas if it had been strained those parts should have been left behind in the Parenchyma of the liver which is their proper centre And so it is with the spleen when its transcolatory office is by any means prevented the humours have an unjust consistence and are not so apt to be rarefyed whereupon nutrition cannot be so well performed If sanguification had been the office of the liver Fernelius had done well in attributing the same to the spleen for they do both alike consist of almost infinite small veins and arteries interwoven with their Parenchyma but if the office of all these small veins and arteries in the liver be to strain the blood we must allow the same office to the
be small Beer or rather small Ale If the cause be a thin and putrid humour it will appear by that which comes from her which will be discoloured and stinking Let her first take this following purging Potion The Potion TAke Sena three drams Rubarb and Agarick of each a dram Caruay seeds and Coriander seeds prepared of each half a dram infuse them in a quarter of a pinte of White-wine for the space of twelve houres Strain them and put to the strained liquor an ounce and half of syrupe of Roses and five drops of oyl of Vitriol Give it her to drink in a morning fasting with due observation according to the usual manner of purging After she hath purged let her take plentifully of conserve of Red-roses vitriolated for the space of a week then let her purge again as formerly After that continue her with this following Electuary until she be well The Electuary TAke conserve of Red-roses vitriolated four ounces conserve of Barberies two ounces Lapis haematites two drams Dragons blood a dram and half Crocus Martis a dram with as much syrupe of Quinces as shall be sufficient make it into an Electuary of which give her the quantity of a small nut five or sixe times a day If her flux return before her body be altered stay it by a second application of Cupping-glasses to her breasts as above written Let her diet be the same with that before mentioned For flesh meat doth beget both a sharp and also a putrid humour in the body whereupon it is so strictly forbidden immediately after child-birth besides upon the account of a Feaver lest it should put either a sharpness or else a putrefaction upon the bloud and thereby cause a greater flux It is a common observation that they that are much inclin'd to the immoderate flowing of the Months are almost continually bound in their bodies which is oftentimes the cause wherefore this immoderate Flux doth so long continue For Nature endeavouring to discharge her self of some superfluous humour by the common sink of the body the Guts finding that passage stopt throws it out by that passage which is most open Wherefore whatsoever is given to stop this immoderate flowing of the Months it will be to no purpose except a due regard be had to the keeping of the Patients body soluble which must not be by strong and violent purgers but by such Medicines as do but gently purge and withall have a power to cool the body and allay the sharpness of humours of which sort are Catholicon Lenitive Electuary Diaprunum syrupe of Damask roses c. The same things which are commonly given unto those that bleed much at the nose or vomit bloud are also very good in this case As the juices of Plantain and Nettles the powder of Colophony Dragons bloud Lapis haematites the powder of Acorn cups the powder of Comfrey ●●ots c. But above all things let the Patient be conversant in a cool ayr In the Summer time let the room wherein she is be cooled with green boughs and let water be sprinkled upon the floor and in the Winter time let there be little or no fire in the room Vpon a Miscarriage and sometimes after Childe-bearing it hath been observed that the bloud which the Patient voids being drunk in White wine doth immediately stay the immoderate Flux Insomuch that many Midwives account this as a great secret and mixe it privately lest they should communicate their skill to others I have some acquaintance with a Gentlewoman who could by no means possibly be cured who was brought so weak with this continual flux of bloud that she alwayes fainted away when she was but turned in her bed insomuch that her friends and Physitians despaired of her life seeing that all those means which have been effectual to others proved not at all succesful to her At length she was advised to have a live Toad put up in a Napkin and bound to her back which was no sooner done but her flux of bloud was staid from thence forward and to the admiration of all this Gentlewoman was thereby recovered CHAP. IIII. For the rising of the Matrix or Womb called commonly the Mother THe present paroxysme or fit is first to be abated After that the cause must be taken away otherwise upon the least disturbance of minde during her whole life time she must expect several fits in the like Nature To abate the present fit first of all apply a Cupping-glass to her navel after it hath continued on some few minutes take it off and lay two or three grains of Civet received into a little cotton or lint upon her navel and keep it on with a plaister of Galbanum as broad as the mouth of a Cupping glass Let the plaister remain on so long as it will stick Then proceed to take away the cause but in the mean time lest the fit should return before the cause be wholly abated give her now and then as often as you please a spoonfull or two of compound Pyony-water sweetned with white Sugar-candy and let her sometimes take a whift or two of Tobacco in a pipe or if she observe a fit approaching let another take tobacco and blow the smoak to her for this is better then the smoak of feathers or Assafoetida The cause of this distemper is a putrid humour collected in the womb proceeding from too great a quantity of bloud in respect of the patients strength to govern it First breath a vein in the right arm to the quantity of seven ounces of bloud The next day after if the patient be of a sanguine complexion or melancholick let her bloud in the foot to the quantity of about eight or nine ounces The day after bleeding give her this following Clyster The Clyster TAke Mugwort Penny royal the flowers of Centuary of each a small handful Chammomile and Mellilot flowers of each half a handful Bayberries and Cummin-seeds bruised of each two drams French barley half an ounce boyl them in a pinte and half of water until half be wasted strain away the liquor and dissolve therein an ounce of Diaphaenicon the yolk of an egge and two drams of Venice-terpentine washt The Venice terpentine must be first mixt with the Yolk of the egge in a mortar and so be incorporated into the rest of the liquor by degrees The next day after her Clyster let her purge with three four or five pils of Extractum Rudii more or less according to the constitution of her body whether easie or hard to work upon The day after purging let her make use of this following Pessary The Pessary TAke Mugwort and Feaversue of each half a handful Diaphaenicon and Venice terpentine of each six drams species hiera picra three drams beat them together into a mass then make a little bag of sarcenet shaped like unto a suppository but let it be bigger both in thickness and length Then crowd so much of the mass into it
also an abatement of flesh in the same part They which are much prone to sweating do neither pinguefie nor increase in flesh In consumptive bodies where there is an abatement of flesh there is a more then ordinary transpiration From hence we conclude that the nerves are the immediate organs of nutrition that is that part of the blood which serves for nutriment is carryed by the nerves into the habit of the body The veines and arteries are the elaboratory of the whole body or the preparatory vessels wherein the humours are made fit for Natures use the brain is the first receptacle of the humours so prepared and the nerves are those organs through which they are conveighed unto all the parts there is nothing in the veins and arteries except that which the gall and spleen do receive which is not transported unto the severall parts by the nerves and before it can be received by the nerves it must necessarily be resolved into a vapour this vapour is multiforme answerable to the heterogeneity of the humours the severall parts whereof it will be too tedious to prosecute yet by a more generall division for our present purpose we may divide it into three parts which three parts considered as well jointly as severrally may perhaps bring us unto the knowledge of Nature in all her actions One part hereof is excrementitious another part nutritive and a third part spirituous that which nourisheth is of a middle nature between the spirits and excrementitious vapours it agrees with the spirits in its equality of parts which makes it lesse capable of being excerned and it is like to the excrementitious vapours in its aptitude to condense thus by an equall participation of both natures it hath a propriety of its owne viz. assimilation The spirits in their motion towards the external parts by acting upon the excrementitious vapours doe in some sort suffer and are precipitated or embodyed with the said vapours whereby there is begotten a third which doth participate as I said of both natures the most sound and tenacious nutriment is a mixture of the grosser spirits and most syncere part of that which is excrementitious and on the contrary that nutriment which is most volatile or consumptive is the finest spirits interr'd in the impurest excrements Hence it is that so great a quantity of this false nutriment is so speedily congested and again so suddenly dissolved for when the nerves are so oppressed and loaded with excrementitious vopours that even the purest spirits are clowded therewith needs must these vapours which cannot be transpired settle themselves in the habit of the body and increase into a considerable bulke in no considerable time and afterwards it must as suddenly wast by reason of the disproportionable mixture whereof its nutriment doth consist The spirits being too fine to continue fix'd do in a short time fly away whereupon the condensed vapours which were underpropped thereby can no longer subsist but doe putrefie and dissolve and do also by motion of consent bring the most solid nutriment into a state of dissolution There is much difference between the flesh of the same body in its infancy afterwards when it is grown up The flesh of the same body although it be nourished with the same diet hath oftentimes a manifest change in a short time onely by the alteration of the aire They whose flesh is most solid close and compact are not so apt to feed as others whose constitution is more weake and their flesh of a more Spongious and loose temperament Eunuchs and such as do seldome use the act of Venus are most apt to pinguefy and we have observed in several creatures that onely upon the the losse of a testicle they have suddenly grown fat These observations do give us occasion to doubt whether or no there be any assimilatrix in each part to make that nutriment which it receivs like unto it self It seemes unto us that the spirits and humours do rather act upon the parts then the parts upon them otherwise the parts would not be so conformable to the alteration of aire and diet but should keep constantly the same temperament how is it then that the whole body is not confusedly nourished but every part and particle thereof doth receive nutriment according to its own kind I answer that the spirits which are the cheife instruments of nutrition which are as multiforme as are the humours and parts although they doe meet altogether in the brain yet afterwards they are divided in their passage towards the severall parts and as they doe divide they doe take along with them such parts of the excrementitious vapours as are most agreeable to their particular natures so that by virtue of that action and passion which is betwixt the vapours and spirits as they are moving in their proper orbes there is such nutriment made as is sutable to each part which nutriment as it is in fieri is moving towards its centre wherein being compleated or in facto esse it doth acquiesse Doubtlesse there is the same reason in a kernell for its first expansion into parts as afterwards for the growth thereof and at length being grown to a great tree it hath the same principle for the continuation of its bulke as it had for its first growth In like manner we conceive it most probable that the same internal principle which did at first form the parts and did make the first flesh in mans body doth make an addition thereto and not that the body is made by one principle and preserv'd by another If the more spirituous part of the seed being cherished by the warmth of the wombe could at first by moving in a figure agreeable to its Nature make it self a habitation to dwell in it may as well be thought to increase this habitation and continually continually to repaire it being increased These tenets which we have delivered looke not asquint nor thwart one another but they are so harmonious in themselves and do so agree with all manner of experiments of what kind soever that we must necessarily make nature a monster if we deny them but on the contrary paint her to the life in the acknowledgment thereof According to these Hypotheses we will first recapitulate the oeconomy of Nature in mans body beginning with him before he had a being and so by degrees bring him on to his Journeys end then afterwards we will consider whether all operations of externall things upon mans body be not involved in this oeconomy To omitt much which may be spoken concerning the harmony of the well tun'd Spirits in healthfull bodies of consistent yeares how the spirits moving from the surface of the body bring pleasant objects into the brain which do so delight the fantasy that she is unwilling to dismisse them into the storehouse of memory but is eager to give them present entertainment how the fantasy by hovering upon such pleasant objects must necessarily arrest the spirits