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A54498 A treatise of Lewisham (but vulgarly miscalled Dulwich) wells in Kent shewing the time and manner of their discovery, the minerals with which they are impregnated, the several diseases experience hath found them good for, with directions for the use of them, &c. / by John Peter, physician. Peter, John. 1680 (1680) Wing P1691; ESTC R13465 37,829 138

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corrupted and by this he will be in danger of losing his health For it is certain that the wholesomness and unwholesomeness of Places doth much depend upon the Water they are supplied with as might be here made good by many particular Instances And I leave it to the Enquiery of the diligent Observer Whether upon strict Examination it will not be found that those Towns or Places of Habitation which are supplied with such River-water are not generally far more healthful than others SECT II. Of the Original of Fountains HOw Springs or Fountains are perpetually supplied with Waters hath puzzled many Learned Philosophers both of Ancient and Modern Times Aristotle thought they sprang from Vapours in the Air shut up in the Earth and condensed by Cold. Seneca conceited that the Earth was transmuted into Water others that they come of Rain But to enumerate the several Fautores of the several Opinions and to re-count their Reasons would be here in vain and ineffectual since we have here a more certain Guid to follow a surer word of Prophesie viz. The H. Scripture where we find the doubt elegantly cleared by the infallible Pen of the Preacher Eecl 1. 7. All the Rivers run into the Sea and the Sea is not full unto the place from whence the Rivers come thither they return again Rivers which are nothing else but Fontium Concursus a Concourse of Springs Do all says Solomon run into the Sea and the Sea is not full how comes that to pass Because as Rivers run into the Sea so doth the Sea empty it self by Subterranean Passages into Fountains which by their never failing Streams do constantly supply the Rivers which disembogue themselves into the Sea again Whereby it seems as if to Nature at the first there had been assigned a certain bulk of Water perpetually to perform a Circulation in the Macrocosme Analogical to the Circulation of the Blood and Humours in the Microcosme And I have often thought it somewhat strange that amongst all the Learned and Ingenious Worthies who have imployed themselves to give an account of the manifold Resemblances and Analogies between the greater and the lesser World none should hit upon the Application of the before-said Solamons Circulation to the Microcosme till our famous Doct. Harvy How obvious one would think had it been to those that had their thoughts busied on that Subject to apply the Vessels containing the Blood to the Rivers above and under Ground The Vasa attrahentia deferentia to the Subterterranean Channels and Rivers above Ground the former carrying the Water from the Sea the later returning it thither again How answerable for largeness are those Vessels which are near the Fountain of Blood in the Body to the Channels near the Sea their Fountain Again How Analagous are the Branchings and various Distributions of the Vessels in our Bodies from several Trunks subdivided again into Capillary Branches to convey the Blood and Humours for the Nourishment of the Solid Parts to Rivers Brooks Rivolets and those other lesser Conveyances dispersed both above and under Ground for a supply to Nature for the generation of all Bodies And what proportion doth the Pulse hold to the Tyde of the Sea the Systole to the Ebb the Dyastole to the Flood and the Peristole to the space between And that there are Gulphs and Channels under Ground by which the Sea-water is conveyed is evident when we consider the many great Lakes that have no other way to vent themselves What way can the Caspian Sea be supposed to be exonerated For the huge Rivers Volga Jaxiares Ochus and many other disemboguing themselves therein it must needs vent it self some way or other The Mediterranean Sea into which the Ocean by the Straits of Gibralter and the Fxunine Sea by the Thracian Bosphorus with very many great Rives besides do continually run must needs also discharge it self by Subterranean Gulphs How comes it to pass that some Lakes are full of Sea-Fish and yet are of a great distance from the Sea In Bainoa a Province in Hispaniola is a Lake of Salt Water which hath above Twenty Rivers runing into it yet it never increaseth and it is furnished with Sharkes and many other Sea-fish At Cajela in Italy there is a Mountain towards the South under which the Sea runs with a great noise At Apamaea a City in Phrygia which is far distant from the Sea many new Lakes Fountains and Rivers brake forth about the time of the Mithridatical War one of which was Salt and had an infinite plenty of Sea-Fish and Oysters Besides we read of Channels and Rivers in divers Countries which run a great way on the Earth and then ingulph themselves In the Province of Cazcium in Hispaniela there is a great Cave in an hollow Rock at the bottom of a very high Mountain in which divers Rivers after they have run near an hundred miles pass as into an Indraught What can better salve the contrary Currents of one and the same Sea in several parts than Subterranean Channels as of the Atlantick c Or what can give a more propable account of Whirle-pools in many of which there is such rapid Circumgyrations that if a Ship comes over them they are in great danger of being swallowed up Such an one Andreas Moralis in his Dec. 7. c. 8. tells us that he happened into on the Coast of Hispanicla where the Water was drawn into the Earth with that viclence that with all the Toil and Skill he had the Ship could scarce escape sinkink Again To these Vnder-ground Caverns are referrable most of the many strange and seeming unaccountable things that have been found under Ground especially those that have relation to the Sea as Shells Bones of Fishes Masts parrs of Ships c. Ortelius tells us that at Berna in Switzerland Anno Dom. 46. in a Mine Fifty Fathom deep a Ship was digged up in which were Forty Eight Carcases of Men and much Merchandize And in Greenland out of the Top of a Mountain was a Mast dug with a Pully hanging to it Now a more feasable way for the bringing of these and such like things to such places then by Subterranean Passages from the Sea I do confess I am to seek So that I hope by this time the necessary Supposition of Solomans Macrocosmical Circulation is sufficiently made good viz. That there be Subterranean Caverns within the Bowels of the Earth wherein the Sea-water doth make its reciprocal Frisks and Meanders Now though we are thus as abovesaid infallibly informed of the Original of Fountains for though I must confess that it was not the design of the Holy Ghost in Scripture to teach Natural Philosophy yet however when obiter or by the by he is pleased plainly to drop any Physical truth I hold my self obliged to give my assent thereto and otherways priviledged before all other Opinions in that it hath the most Ancient of Ethnick Philosophers as Plato Thales c. for
Cachexia Scurvy the Dropsie Chlorosis or Green-sickness stoppage of the Terms Suffocatio uteri Fits of the Mother and many such like Distempers which being the unavoidable Consequents of the Obstructions of the said noble viscera may by the due and proper use of this water find an admirable and approved Remedy for there is not one of the Distempers above enumerated upon which in my short time viz. within two years last past I have not had the opportunity to experiment its effects whereupon I affirm that if properly and with due caution it be used it is an absolute remedy for the more slight and hugely instrumental towards the eradicating of the most stubborn of them Now the Reason why it should be so very excellent in all these forementioned Distempers is 1 From the cleansing and attenuating quality of the Nitrous Sal● 2 From the Astringent and cooling faculty of the Alum and 3ly From the healing and the detergent property of the Sulphur And to every one of these Concrete Juices severally since Physitians do attribute the faculty of opening of Obstructions of the Liver Spleen Mesaraicks c. how much more efficacious for the reserating all the said obstructed Passages must this VVater needs be which Nature playing the Chymist hath impregnated with all their united qualities The Femal Sex are more especially beholding to this Fructifying water there being no Medicinal water ever yet known in this Kingdom that could justly pretend to foecundate the womb and cause Fruitfulness like this If sterility be caused from the Coldness and Moisture of the Womb here is the heating and drying quality of Sulphur to rid the Matrix of its frigidity and Super fluous humidity that made it intenacious whereby it is made capable of Conception If from an hot and dry Constitution of the womb the spirit of the Sperm be dissipated and become exhausted of its Spermatick vertue here is the Cooling and attenuating faculty of the Nitre to moisten and cool it thereby making it a fit Receptacle for the virile Seed If from its plenitude of gross clammy and excrementitious humours which is a very frequent and ordinary cause of Barrenness the Matrix being as it were the Canalis whereinto all the parts of the Body do discharge their Superfluities here is the absterging and cutting qualities of the Nitrous and Aluminous Salts to cleanse divide and carry off all viscosity and so to make way for Conception In fine this water is furnished with such apt qualifications to take away sterility and cause fruitfulness that it seems destined by nature as an universal Remedy against Barrenness from whatsoever cause it be by vertue of the diverse Mineral Impregnations with which Nature by its powerful Ferments hath endued it This water excellently extinguisheth all manner of inward inflammations it sweetens all sharp humours is good for salt distillations admirably helps scalding urines as is before hinted and is approvedly beneficial for the Running of the Reines whether simple or virulem and for other Diseases which have Analogy with these This is the most absolute and surest Remedy for the Gout as I have great Reason to believe that is yet known let the Body be but prepared before hand and then properly used For we must not expect as I shall shew hereafter that it can do any great feates of it self alone but assisted by Art in many cases and particularly in this it doth wonders Nature and Art must serve each others turnes as the Poet intimates Praevenit humanum Stabilis Natura laborem Servit Naturae legibus Artis opus Nature mans labour often doth prevent And Art again doth serve Natures intent The real experiments which many are able to testify they have made in this case viz. of the Gout seriously commends the use of it to all that labour under the tyranny of that mercyless and implacable Distemper And the Reason hereof I take to be from the Nitre which in this Water I hold to be ex Praedominio which by quieting the vaporous humours that are too much in motion and by fixing the sharp Volatile Spirit that is in the Blood doth prove so excellently effectual for present ease and future prevention Very excellert must also this water be against all sorts of Worms in your Bodies since each of those several Minerals with which it is tinged is commonly known to destroy them of it self alone therefore much more effectual must this water needs be which Nature being the Art as I may so say of the Almighty hath so Artificially compounded in utterly destroying those pernicious Vermin which cause so many various Distempers and frightful Symptoms in old and young And that it is so very excellent in this case I have had sufficient experience This Water corroborates the Brain and Nerves and so prevents or cures the Apoplexy Falling Sickness Palsy Dizziness Ach of the Head andall such like Symptoms so that it be not taken actually cold as I shall shew hereafter It strengthens the stomach causeth good digestion consumes Crudities it maketh gross and fat Bodies lean and the lean fleshy In a word this water will effect whatsoever by any intention in a Medicinal way is to be performed by opening Obstructions evacuating superfluous humours allaying Vapours cleansing the Blood and corroborating all the parts of the Body There is a Corporal Substance which I extract from this water of which after serious and diligent Consideration I have with admirable success made use for the Cure of Intermitting Feavers which I may with great truth averr doth more infallibly answer the Intention than the celebrated Cortex Indicus or Jesuits Powder For out of 125 Experiments upon old and young which I have made within 19 Months last past there was not above 4 that failed to answer the desired effects It hath not only allayed the fury of the present or next succeeding Paroxism but hath totally ejected that unwelcome guest that Tyrannical Intruder viz. the Ague which it performes as I take it by depressing the power of the Morbifick and by advancing of the Natural ferment and by supplying the defects of the Blood by communicating that to it which is by Nature consimilar to its own preservative Salt I know the process of this extract the Reader will here expect but I have some private Reason that at present forbids it not that I envy the world the happiness of knowing it there is a time for all things and a season for every purpose under the Sun And when by a longer time and further opportunity I have collected a just amassment of Experiments so firmly grounded that they will endure the test of the Spagyrick Criticks and the Candid entertainment the World shall give this Treatise shall induce me to publish them also then it is probable I may therewith pleasure you with this Process and in the Interim be content with what I have offered and know that I respect the Publick good before any private Interest whatsoever