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A43353 Aero-chalinos, or, A register for the air for the better preservation of health and cure of diseases, after a new method / by Nathaniel Henshaw. Henshaw, Nathaniel, d. 1673. 1664 (1664) Wing H1481; ESTC R24982 41,792 111

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while in the womb is most probable that all viperous creatures after the birth cannot live long without breath is most certain yet I do not find the uses of Respiration so clearly determined but that it may afford us matter for farther enquiry The common received Opinion is that Respiration serves chiefly for cooling the heart next that it yields matter for production of new vital spirits and lastly that it discharges the lungs of a fuliginous excrement which seems to transsude from the Mass of blood into the branches of the rough Artery that the heart is cooled by breathing is very probable but not immediately for the air going no farther than the lungs first cools them next the blood in them and consequently the heart becomes less hot than otherwise it would be but this is in effect no more than is obtained by bathing the limbs in cold water which does a together if n●t more effectually cool the Mass of blood as much as the air in breathing can be conceived to do it and yet bathing will in no wise become a Substitute to breathing Nor does the generation of vital spirits seem to be the chief use of the air in breathing in regard it is not easie to conceive any such contrivance in the lungs that may serve for the letting in of air into the veins and arteries which contain the blood without endangering contrariwise the effusion of that precious juice much less has Anatomy as yet discovered any such passages unto us Lastly as I shall not deny but that the lungs do discharge themselves of a fuliginous excrement by breathing so I think it as true that this is none of the principal uses of Respiration Nor is it at all likely that either the heart should grow so hot or that the vital spirits should vanish so fast or the fuliginous excrement be accumulated in that quantity upon the intermission of breathing for a short time only as to indanger our lives beyond recovery as the absolute necessity of Respiration would seem to inforce Before I come to deliver my own Opinion I shall make a slight digression concerning the circulation of the blood which will not a little illustrate what we are about to say concerning this Subject 2. 'T is manifest in the circulation of the blood in Animals that the blood is moved from the left Ventricle of the heart through the great Artery into all its branches from whence it is brought back by the smaller veins which discharge themselves into the Vena Cava from whence it is returned into the right Ventricle of the heart from whence it is sent by the Vena Arteriosa into the lungs and so brought back again into the left Ventricle of the heart by the Arteria Venosa And in this circular motion of the blood life chiefly consisteth and if the same by any chance should cease or intermit though but for a very small time less than a minute death would unavoidably follow In this motion of the blood it is observable first that as the pulsation of the heart sendeth it through the Arteries into the whole habit of the body so the return of it by the veins seems to depend chiefly upon the tonical motion of the body for the parts being extended by the flowing in of the blood somewhat beyond their tone do again gently subside and thereby continue the intended course of the blood toward the heart again An argument hereof is that all Paralytick parts grow immediately cold and that for no other reason than that the tonical motion together with the power Locomotive ceasing the circulation is either very weakly or not at all performed through that part which then grows cold for want of that constant fresh supply of blood which formerly kept it warm But herein the tonical motion is not a little helped by exercise and labour which we find by experience to cause the heart to beat quicker and oftner as also to induce a necessity of breathing more frequently and this it doth no otherwise than by accelerating this circular motion of the blood which then enforceth the heart and lungs to double duty Our second observable in this circular motion of the blood is that there passes as much blood from the right Ventricle of the heart into the ●u●gs at every pulse taking one time with another as is sent from the left Ventricle into all the parts of the body beside Nor can it be otherwise the left Ventricle being supplied from the lungs only and the lungs receiving it not elsewhere than from the right Ventricle of the heart So that to continue this circular motion of the blood 't is necessary the supply neither exceed nor come short of that quantity dispensed from the left Ventricle of the heart into the whole body the Lungs excepted From hence it follows that there flows a greater quantity of blood by many degrees into the lungs than what is sufficient for its own private use As also that the blood in the lungs must of necessity move very much faster than it does in any part of the body though we take for example the great vein or artery themselves and that in the same proportion as the Vena Arteriosa and Arteria Venosa are smaller than the trunks of the foresaid great vessels For let the same quantity of liquor be conveyed through a pipe whose capacity is but one fourth or one tenth so big as another pipe through which the like quantity must pass in the same time and it is evident the liquor must run four times or ten times as fast through the smaller pipe as it does through the greater And thus it appears that a very considerable part of the Mass of blood is continually running through the Parenchyma of the lungs and that at a much swifter rate than it doth through any part of the whole body beside 3. Farther before we proceed to treat of the use of Respiration it will not be amiss to consider what kind of motion that is which the lungs are exercised with in breathing Nor is it any other than a motion of dilatation and constriction whereby the lungs are reciprocally opened and shut somewhat after the manner of a pair of Organ-Bellows the air entring into them when dilated or opened and receding again upon their subsiding And this is what we call Respiration Nor yet does this reciprocation of the lungs proceed from any power to move they are endowed with of themselves For if we consider the frame and structure of them they will appear of a Parenchymous kind of substance not much unlike the liver and altogether void of Muscles without which no local motion can be performed We may conclude therefore that the lungs are moved by consent and that chiefly of the Diaphragme or Midriff in a free and ordinary breathing But in any difficulty of breathing as in the Asthma Tabes violent exercise c. not only the Midriff but almost all the Muscles of the
their burden And in case of hanging or strangling letting of blood in great quantity has sometimes saved mens lives that have been executed and this by no other ways that I can think of than by helping to discharge the lungs of their oppression as has been already said 8. And thus we have if our Opinion fail us not discovered the true use of Respiration We have also of consequence freed the heart of almost one half of the task imposed on it by the modern Physitians For since the circulation of the blood consists of two parts viz. First the conveying it from the heart or center to the rest of the body as to a kind of natural circumference And secondly the returning or bringing back of the blood again to the heart The first part we conceive to be the Office of the heart The second part seems to be the work of every particular member to discharge it self of its own superfluities For which purpose nature hath endued them with a tone or tonical motion sufficient for that service the lungs only excepted wherein Nature hath worthily imployed her industry by the additional contrivance of Respiration through the assistance of the Diaphragme which labour of the lungs in Respiration for the returning of the blood to the left Ventricle of the heart seems to equal that of the tone or tonical motion of all the other parts of the body for the lungs convey the same quantity with all the rest that is to say the whole Mass of blood through them and that in as little time as the same passes through the rest of the body And if it carries it not so far it moves ●t so much the faster And so we shall have entitled the lungs to one full quarter part of this work of the circulation of the blood leaving an other quarter to the tonical motion of the body And the first and worthier half of dispensing blood and life through the whole body to the heart as its proper office and duty What part the lungs may justly claim to themselves in the business of Sanguification we shall more conveniently find place to consider of in the following Chapter CHAP. IV. Of Sanguification THe Chyle when separated from the remaining unprofitable parts of our Aliment is by proper vessels of its own the discovery of modern Anatomists conveyed directly into the Subclavial veins and from thence into the right Ventricle of the heart where it is mingled with a larger quantity of blood returning home by the great vein together with which it is immediately transmitted to the lungs where though it make great hast through and moves very impetuously as has been said yet by reason of the length of the way it continues a considerable time and is more perfectly mingled with the blood and wrought up together with it into one Mass and at the same time acquires both the name and form of blood as Physitians term it and so is fitted for the heart from thence to be distributed to the rest of the body where after what manner it is circulated we say not as a thing already sufficiently known and whereof we have delivered our sense already 2. That Chyle is very easily mixt with blood is evident for that it is the matter whereof all blood is made by a farther continuation of that fermentation or concoction begun on it in the stomack Nor yet is the proportion so great between them but that upon mingling the dissimilitude of parts becomes immediately the cause of an extraordinary ebullition which is very much encreased by the reciprocal motion of the lungs whereby the blood is wrought almost all into a froth or foam by that time it gets into the left Ventricle of the heart Which sudden excess of heat is not unlike what happens upon the mingling several Chymical liquors together as Spirit of Wine and Spirit of Turpentine and other such like where the heat becomes so great that it often endangers the vessel they are contained in And this is the cause of that heat a while after meals discernable in Hectical persons and others otherwise affected and which in many appears by flushings in the face Now that the blood is wrought up to that froth we speak of during its passage through the lungs is not only suitable to reason but appears most evidently in those sanguine excretions from the lungs which happen in consumptive persons nor does that frothiness then observable proceed from the mingling with it the air we breath for that at one breathing out or expiration could not be sufficiently performed 3. The blood by several very learned men has not unaptly been compared to wine and in my Opinion the Chyle may as properly be likened to the juice newly pressed out of the Grapes which if it were by certain intervals in a due proportion poured gently into new wine or must as it begins to cool would again renew its ebullition and continue the warmth of it to what degree is requisite and that so long as this practise shall be continued And from this Illustration may be clearly gather'd the necessity and use of eating at least within certain periods or intervals to wit that by the frequent affusion of Chyle the blood may again recover its motion warmth and vigour without which supply it would soon languish cool and congeal and consequently death ensue Now that the lungs are indeed the principal Officina Sanguinis may be farther collected from Consumptions of the lungs wherein all parts of the body are so suddenly extenuated by the affection of the part 4. 'T is probable that the blood during its stay in the lungs does not actually dilate it self and rise into froth but only acquires an aptness so to do as soon as it is at a little more liberty as appears in blood spit out of them and consequently when it falls into the left Ventricle of the heart it immediately dilates it self with great force in the manner of botled Beer and in this manner does for ought I know in great part become the cause of the Diastole or expansion of the heart which being extended beyond its due and natural scituation does again violently contract it self by a power almost all bodies have of restoring themselves and which we call the tone or tonical motion And as we observe in a Switch bowed down or in a Pendulum removed out of its place that they return beyond the perpendicular so it fares in this motion of the heart whereby it is again more contracted than is natural to it and so of it self returns again to expand it self and is again violently distended as before by the influx of more spumy blood from the lungs Now though it may be objected that the pulse in the heart continues many times a long while after it is taken out of the body and when there is no longer any such influx to be pretended as the cause of it To this I answer that such pulse
is what the Physitians call the Myurus or Mouse-tail for that its Diadromes or differences between greatest and least expansion do continually become less and less even as it happens in Pendulums once removed from the perpendicular which continue their motion for a long time after the hand is from them that first set them awork At least this ebullition of the blood in the heart seems not a little to contribute to the continuation and strengthening of this pulsive motion In contemplation of this Orgasmus or fury as I may call it in the blood issuing out of the lungs and now to be distributed into all parts of the body Nature contrived the Arteries with thick and double coats the better to contain it whereas the veins designed for the carrying it back again to the heart at what time the blood is very much cooled and tamed are only made of single membranes as being sufficient now to hold it And this is all the difference between Arterial and Venal blood 5. It seems of all other Opinions the most probable that the blood when arrived at the extremities of the smallest Arteries is there shed upon the habit of the body in the belly or fleshy part of every Muscle each Muscle having the proportion or likeness of one of the quarters or Acetabula in an Orange or a Lemon upon the compression of which either by local or tonical motion it is not hard to conceive how the blood is again forced into the mouths of the veins and after the same manner has every Muscle its particular membrane And thus we find that blood issues forth upon pricking the flesh in any place although it cannot be imagined we should always prick a vein or Artery or we must conclude there is nothing else in flesh but a multitude of capillar veins and arteries which were absurd to be asserted 6. To make short Life it self is but a continuation of this vigorous fermentation of the blood which is so long maintained as the Mass of blood is kept hot and circulating through the veins and arteries and if done by those means and in that manner which is suitable to Nature so long the body is in perfect health If it be too violently fermented or moved it does in general become the cause of Fevers and other acute diseases as contrariwise if the fermentation be too weak from thence all chronical diseases take their original and that particularly according to the several irregularities that may happen either in excess or defect in this fermentation and circular motion of the blood We descend not now to particulars the most we aim at in this Treatise being but a general method either of preventing or curing diseases after a way not yet treated of 7. Since the discovery of the circulation of the blood it has been the Opinion of many great Assertous of it that where the indication is of letting blood it matters not out of what vein it be taken provided so many ounces be let out as the disease requires And this their Assertion is made probable by many arguments alledged by them for that purpose and but for the tonical motion of the habit of our bodies would be as great a truth as any is in Physick But the tonical motion of the parts once admitted We must likewise grant that those parts will empty themselves first that lie nearest to the incision as well for that there is less strength required to force any liquor to a shorter than a longer distance as also because the more remote parts or Muscles do exercise a kind of Antipraxia or Contranitency and so become of mutual impediment one to the other whereas the nearer parts do almost immediately discharge themselves upon the Orifice or incision 8. From this tonical motion of the whole body it happens that any particular part is sometimes preternaturally swelled either from a stroak the application of cupping-glasses or generally any other cause which may weaken the tone of the part for in such case the heart continuing its motion for the distribution of the Mass of humors it is very easie to conceive that more of them will pass into that part where least resistance is made than otherwise would have happened had the part continued in its natural tone and vigour 9. From hence likewise the reason is to be sought how it happens in letting blood that so large a quantity should in so small a time issue out at the incision made in one vein and that perhaps none of the largest For if we duly consider how quickly a man may bleed to death by the opening for instance of a vein in his arm we must conclude that the blood passes not much faster through the heart than it does at the same time out at the Orifice in his arm and that consequently there is but little blood received during this evacuation into the rest of the body which doth then by its tone discharge it self into the great vein of its Plethora or superfluous blood which returning again from the heart toward the habit the greatest part takes its way to the part where the incision was made it finding there no other opposition than what it has while it is travasated from the arteries into the veins through the smallness of their mouths which yet is in part recompenced by the multitude of them Now if it be agreed on that in half an hour a man may bleed to death or thereabout if a vein in the arm be kept open and that there will in such case be about one half of his blood let out computing what is likewise contained in the capillar vessels and what remains in the habit of the body it will follow either that the whole Mass is compleatly circulated twenty four times in twenty four hours or a natural day Which seems a little too often or that the blood circulates much faster while a vein is breathing than at other times which is not improbable or that a man may continue bleeding longer than half an hour which is not so likely or that there is not in such case of bleeding to death one full half of the Mass let out All which may deserve a more exact scrutiny but must now be left to be decided by the experiments of such as are conversant in the dissection of live Animals 10. It is frequently seen in horses that upon long and much labour they lose the sight of their eyes nay I have known some horses that have lost one or both eyes with one days over-straining either by draught or course and so became blinde of a sudden And then we commonly say they have drawn their eyes out But how the eyes should suffer or what part they take in the labour or violent exercise of the body is not so easily made out unless by this tonical motion of the body which now becomes much strengthened by the violent local motion either in drawing or running whereby the Muscles
of the whole body are much more compressed than in their natural state of rest and consequently do not only not admit of the usual quantity of blood and humours due to them by circulation but by their violent and frequent contraction do return them back in much a larger proportion than they now receive them whereupon the lungs become over-charged which causes frequent breathing and makes the pulse quicker and stronger than formerly distends the great vein and artery with a greater quantity of blood than is usuall Whereupon the Artery by its pulse and tone endeavours to discharge it self upon the habit of the body which not receiving it in its due and accustomed proportion the blood does in a more than a usual manner fill the vessels of the eyes and other weak parts and either by dissention compression or extravasation of blood or other humor the order and disposition of the parts of the eyes becomes so confused and disturbed that no wonder if blindness immediately or soon after do ensue Now 't is manifest from hence that where the body of an horse is clean that is to say not so full of humors and where blood abounds not over-much this accident shall not easily happen And here we are to observe that though the native tone of the eye do rather exceed that of the other parts than come short of it yet it is not sufficient to resist this influx when the tone of the other parts is so much strengthened by the violent local motions of the body 11. If we a little reflect upon the manner of the Circulation of the Blood and how by very modern discovery the Chyle is first mingled with the blood in the axillary or subclavial veins from whence it passes by the right Ventricle of the heart through the lungs into the left Ventricle from thence to be distributed into the whole body One thing very remarkable will arise to our observation namely that what part of the blood is sent toward the head by the carotides or arteries of the neck flows thither very crude and accompanied with all its excrements it having not yet received or suffered any depuration or alteration from the Reins or Spleen like that which passes into almost all other especially the lower parts of the body though indeed it seems not to be cleansed of the gall till it returns home again through the liver Now though Natures purpose herein be very obscure that the blood thus impure should be designed for the service of the most Noble part yet that so it is will farther appear by the several Emunctories or sinks wherewith the head is in a particular manner provided as the ears eyes nose palat every of which discharge the brain of a several excrement and that no longer useful to the body except what is secerned by the palat which is for the most part again returned to the stomack for the better separating of which Nature has industriously placed about the head so many of those serous vessels called the Ductus Salivares which seem here to perform the same Office to that part of the blood sent to the head which the Reins do execute to the remaining Mass Hence no wonder it is if excessive drinking do so much weaken the brain cause Catarrhs which is nothing but an over-flowing of the Ductus Salivares weaken all the faculties of the Soul and senses and at length enervate the whole body although at the same time the Reins do their duty indifferently well and this especially if the native tone of the brain be weak it being then so much the less able to discharge it self of such superfluous excrements This may be said in general that the blood is thus sent to the brain before depuration in regard of its publick Office that the same may there be farther elaborated as shall best suit with its service in that Noble part Thus much by way of an useful digression may suffice concerning tonical motion and some considerable circumstances of it which as well for the assistance it gives the heart in the circulation of the blood as for the many useful indications from thence arising in the Doctrine of Phlebotomy was most properly to be handled in this Chapter of Sanguification 12. And now I do not much doubt but whoever shall have carefully perused what has been lately said concerning Sanguification and the use of the lungs will as readily conclude with me that the lungs do bear a very principal part in the work of Sanguification for in them the Chyle is perfectly mingled with the blood in them one half part of the circulation is performed and in them the blood seems to free it self first of all from any excrement to wit a fuliginous or rather a vaporous watry superfluity which passeth out together with our breath And this seems the first and chiefest part of Sanguification The second is a farther elaborating the Mass of blood in the arteries which is performed by the pulsive motion of the heart The third and last part is the depuration of the blood whereby its superfluous excrements are separated from it and this is performed by the rest of the bowels thus by passing through the Reins it is dreined of its serous parts Another excrement it seems to leave behind it in the Spleen though of what kind is not yet well determined among the modern Physitians But on all sides it is concluded that while it passe● through the liver as through a Streiner i● is there purged of choler which in mos● Animals is collected in a little bladder o● Cistis from whence it is transmitted to th● Intestines where it becomes a kind of natural Clyster and provokes to the excerning the excrements of the first ways as they use to term them And this is what lay in our way to say at present concerning Sanguification CHAP. V. That often changing the Air is a friend to health Also a discovery of a new method of doing it without removing from one place to another by means of a Domicil or Air-Chamber fitted to that purpose HAving hitherto shewed what part the air acts in all fermentations and that in respect of its tone and temper Viz. its difference of rarity and density and of heat and cold and that in general only not considering what other dispositions of the Air may make it apt to promote or retard the motion of fermentation whereby it may also powerfully operate to the continuation or destruction of mixt bodies as not so directly serving for the illustration of the Subject we principally intend in this discourse Having farther made it probable that the work of our stomacks upon our Aliments as also that Sanguification it self is a kind of fermentation And lastly having asserted the publick Office of the lungs together with the use of breathing as well in promoting the circulation as elaborating of the blood And having likewise said something of the tonical motion of the body and all this
trunk of the body namely those of the Belly Chest and Shoulders seem to afford their assistance in this great work of Respiration The motion of the Midriff is first downwards whereupon the lungs follow and the air is admitted and again upwards whereby the lungs are compressed and the air excluded Thus you see that as the construction of the Midriff so is its motion somewhat different from that of other Muscles which as being well known we shall not need to spend longer time about but come to the publick use of the lungs in the Oeconomy of our bodies 4. In the circulation of the blood we ascribed the reduction of it again into the right ventricle of the heart to the Tonical motion of the body where yet as we have said the blood moves but very slowly if compared with that swift and rapid motion it is carried on with through the lungs where it moves perhaps ten times as fast as in any other part of the body as has been already proved Which notwithstanding we shall not be able upon perusal of the structure of the lungs to conclude that they are endowed with any considerable tonical motion as may be gathered as well from their want of Muscles as for that their substance is very spongey and flaccid and their common integument is but one thin membrane Nor was it without a particular and that a most excellent design that Nature thus contrived the lungs with little or no tonical motion in them For first had this Tone been equivalent to the Mass of blood to be returned by it it would much have retarded the influx of the blood into the lungs and consequently have hindered a great work of Nature upon it there as shall be shewed hereafter But chiefly for that it has largely supplied such defect by the assistance of the Diaphragme which becomes the cause both of dilating and contracting the lungs according to the occasion and at the will and pleasure of the Animal And this is indeed the first and principal Office of the lungs as to what concerns their reciprocal motion Namely that upon the subsiding of them in Respiration the blood may be vigorously squeezed out of them through the Arteria Venosa into the hearts left Ventricle And because the substance of the lungs is very tender Nature contrives that not the Diaphragme immediately but the air inclosed in the cavity of the brest for this very purpose only being first streightened and crowded as it were together by the motion of the Diaphragm upward should cause this compression upon the lungs while by its Elastic power it endeavours to dilate it self again to its usual dimensions Nor could any way of compressing the lungs thereby to discharge them of the superfluous blood have been contrived more equal for this pent air is as apt to press upon one part as on another Nor yet more gentle and secure for what contact could have been more delicate or less apt to wound the tender membrane of the lungs than the air inclosed in the brest about them Nor need any doubt but that the air thus comprest and streightned is of strength sufficient for this service and that there is such a Spring in the air who shall but consider with what force the air breaks forth of the Wind-gun and other Pneumatic Engines A farther confirmation hereof may be had from hence that such wounds as perforate the brest if left open but for a little time do quickly cause a difficulty of breathing and I do not much question but if both sides of the brest were perforated it would as certainly dispatch a man as hanging and that almost in as short a time Farther in the dissection of live Animals Respiration continues long after the Abdomen or belly is laid open but immediately ceases upon dividing the Diaphragme or Midriff 5. Whether the air that enters into the lungs by the Wind-pipe have a share in this compression of them for the discharging of the blood or not I am as yet not well satisfied At first view this compression should seem to be best made upon drawing in our breath between the air implanted in the cavity of the brest and the air in the rough Arteries or branches of the Wind-pipe but at such time the implanted air is but little or not at all contracted and therefore we must conclude that either the air taken in bears no part in this compression or which is most probable that the sanguine Vessels of the lungs are not only strongly compressed upon expirations but also upon inspiration that is so often as the lungs are removed from their natural middle or indifferent scituation whether expanded or contracted Viz. Tàm in quiete externâ quàm internâ We must likewise allow the air to cool the lungs very considerably and that it discharges them of a fuliginous or rather vaporous excrement But these are ●s we have said the less principal uses of Respiration As for the airs becoming the matter of Vital Spirits in Respiration I shall say no more than that I neither find any need of it nor any may for the mingling of it with the Mass of blood 6. Allowing what has been said concern●ng ●he use of respiration we may perhaps ●●nd out a more commodious reason of sighing than has been yet assigned For if a man shall for a while either wholly forbear breathing or at least breath seldomer ●nd lower than is his usual custom the ●unges in the mean time swell and fill ●hemselves with blood for want of that ●requent and strenuous compression formerly equal to the influx of the blood while the pulse is not so full as ordinarily ●he hearts left Ventricle not receiving its ●ue supply from the lungs which in this ●ase receive more than they deliver Here●pon a man is necessitated for avoiding ●uffocation to fetch a great breath or ●●gh which may more strongly than usu●lly compress the substance of the lungs ●nd reduce them to their former estate And thus great attention any deep contemplation sad thoughts and a melancholick constitution do often become the cause of frequent sighing As also a natural sloth or less aptness in the lungs themselves or Diaphragme to motion will sometimes make this passion customary and habitual And it is observable that the pulse rises very much upon sighing for the first stroak or two at least the blood coming to the Artery again in that abundance that a man may feel the tingling of it at his very fingers ends 7. Furthermore it may not a little strengthen our Assertion that in all great difficulties of breathing and where there is most imminent danger of suffocation to let blood in good quantity is commonly prescribed as the last remedy and which seldome fails of giving at least a present relief let the cause be what it may be And this it seems to do by diverting the course of blood from the lungs while they gently again discharge themselves of
to drink as the last means left to preserve their lives Which practise as it cannot replenish the veins to that measure it already emptied them so it evidently concludes that emptiness of the Vessels is not the true cause of perishing for want of food Much less can the continuation of Suction from the exhausted Vessels to the Stomack be the cause of hunger For first such hunger could not be immediately appeased after eating the Vessels receiving no part thereof till a considerable time after when distribution begins to succeed concoction as is well known and confessed Secondly 't will appear to such as shall duly consider it that the Vessels or Veins are then fullest when the Stomack is emptiest è contra the emptying of the Stomack beginning with the filling of the Guts and Veins Nor shall we need other arguments against this Suction though it were easie to charge it with more difficulties than that the owners of it will be forced to prove there is some such power of moving by attraction drawing or Suction which will be a harder matter than it appears at first sight Though as not making to our present purpose I shall not determine ought concerning it 3. In confirmation of this our Assertion viz. That the concoction of the stomack is a kind of fermentation it will not b● amiss to shew the reason of some circumstances of it And first concerning that preparation which meat receives in the mouth by chewing or jawing of it which is rather a bruising than mincing and it is a common observation that flesh minced very small is of much harder concoction than if eaten by bigger pieces and a sufficient reason is withall assigned that meat minced slips down into the stomack before it be duly masticated or chewed which is so necessary an antecedent of concoction that the Arabian Physitians are wont to say That he that chaws not his meat well hates his own Soul Now that any thing bruised will soon after corrupt is evident in all fruits which will sooner putrisie after bruising than if they were cut with a sharp knife into many pieces Thus a flesh-wound made without bruising will commonly heal again with little or no corruption but not if the part were bruised at the same time Thus the common practise is to bruise Whitloes to ripen and break them the sooner And thus to conclude our meat by being brui●ed becomes of much easier and speedier concoction which seems to be the reason why Nature has given to most Creatures namely Dogs Wolfes Swine Foxes c. three sorts of teeth to wit Tusks to kill their prey with sharp fore-teeth or cutters wherewith they tear it into smaller pieces And lastly Grinders to chew and bruise it the better to prepare it for the stomack Birds seem to grinde their meat in their Gizards after it is first well soaked in their craps for which purpose they pick up sharp stones and their stomacks are made of two large Muscles one on either side the chief instruments in this work of Moliture or grinding The Locusta or Lobsters has his teeth placed in his stomack and so have the rest of that kind which they imploy for the same purpose 4. Our next observation shall be upon two Rules of Diet commonly given by Physitians the one is that we should not put new meat into our stomack till after a perfect digestion of what was eaten the meal before the reason of which Rule seems to be this That it is necessary th● stomack should continue some time empty that so the Fracid Tincture or small corrupted remaining portion of the former meat may have acquired its due acidity whereby it may the better help the succeeding fermentation or concoction And it is no more than if you should advise the House-wife not to make any new Bread till the Leven be grown ripe or sowre enough to leven and ferment the Mass of Dough. The second Rule is that we should leave eating with some small appetite to eat on or that we should rise from Table with an appetite the reason is almost the same with the former and may well be illustrated by the same instance which is that it is requisite the Leven should bear some just proportion to the Mass it is to ferment Thus if we rise with an appetite it will appear that we have not over-charged this ferment of our stomacks for appetite being as is said a sense of pain caused by the sharpness of this acid ferment it follows that this acidity is not yet quite obscured by the late mixture of good and consequently the stomack not charged with more than may be well digested at once by 〈◊〉 And these are Rules very fit to be observed as well by those which are of a more robust nature as of them especially who have weak stomacks and find themselves indisposed after eating 5. 'T is further advised by some Physitians that such as have weak stomacks should forbear drinking till they have neer dined and we commonly observe that drinking just before dinner spoils our eating which it does by diluting this ferment of the stomack whereupon the sense of pain and consequently hunger abates very much or quite ceases for a time And 't is usually seen that they who are great Drinkers are bad Trencher-men and that as well for that much drinking relaxes the tone and extenuates the coats of the stomack as more especially for that it washes away by little and little all this fracid tincture or sowre ferment of the membranes thereof which is as well the cause of concoction as of appetite or hunger 6. Bulls Blood drunk was found a present poyson by the Ancients and Milk taken plentifully and after curdling on the stomack has often been the cause of great and mortal Surfeits the reason of both is the same for that both blood and milk being curdled and brought into one hard lump becomes insuperable to the stomack Whereas if the same be suffered to coagulate before they be eaten and broken into small parts they will have no such effect and instead of poysoning will afford an indifferent good nourishment to the body So far seems Helmont to have missed the mark when he says The cause of this poyson is Imago Irae in Sanguine Taurino And I doubt not but a lump of Beef or a piece of Cheese of the same bigness whole in the stomack would as surely poyson if not more effectually And this may farther confirm what is said in the third paragraph of preparing our Food by chawing c. 7. The inward membranes or skins of the Gizards of most Birds especially such as feed on corn prepared by drying and powdring them are held a great help to concoction Now the acidity of them is very manifest and no doubt they do no otherwise comfort our stomacks than by encreasing and corroborating that ferment so often mentioned Thus the dung of several Animals prepared namely of Wolves Dogs Peacocks
c. have been approved of in divers diseases or distempers of the stomack and guts for the same cause Nay I have heard that Paracelsus his Occidental Civet prepared will make an excellent Peptick for them that can dispense with such homely remedies 8. It is a famous Question among Physitians Whether it be better to make a meal of one only dish of meat or to eat of several meats at the same setting and it is commonly determined in favour of the simpler diet But it seems more consonant to our Opinion to allow rather of several dishes for that which is easie of concoction will help to concoct that which is harder Thus good Sauces to meats make them set easie and light upon the stomack the Sauces being easie of concoction helping the dissolution of the meats And we may surely expect a heartier nourishment from them than single dishes as we find by experience better broth to be made of several sorts of flesh than of any one and commonly the more variety the more perfect is the pottage And it s well known we are nourished by juices only and not by the solid part of our food 9. Where this ferment of the stomack is more acid than is requisite as it is in Hypochondriacal persons and such as are troubled with sowre belches 't is found by experience that to make two three or four meals in a day is better than one and that fasting encreases much the acidity Tha● hard meats as dry bread Biscuits and those that are less easie concoction are more useful than Broths and other light meats which will sometimes especially taken in a morning the ferment after long emptiness becoming extraordinary sowre work so violently that they will flow up into the mouth and with their eagerness set the teeth an edge and ferment the very ground But both in this and the former rule 't will be necessary to take some care that we do not eat much more of our Many dishes than we should have eat of one and that the quantity of our meat at many meals but equals or not much exceeds what we should have eaten at once or twice 10. 'T is observed that sudden change of diet has sometimes proved very fatal and been often the occasion of dangerous diseases The reason may well be that the stomack having received its tincture or ferment from food of another nature is but ill prepared for the concoction of those meats to which it hath not been accustomed and from which it has as yet received no stain or impression Such changes therefore must be made by degrees and thus I have heard that horses have been brought to live upon flesh and some men have indifferently well supported life with bread and herbs only 11. Wolves are said when pressed with extremity of hunger sometimes to tear the ground and fill their panches with meer earth which surely affords them little or no nourishment But it serves for the present to abate the edge of their appetites till they meet with some prey at which time they easily discharge their stomacks of the earth and fall to better meat This instance may indifferently well support our Assertion that hunger is rather a sense of pain from the acid ferment of the stomack than of emptiness from the Suction of the veins 12. As concoction succeeds best with rest so motion is said to help distribution Now by distribution we are to understand the dispersing of the thinner parts of the Chyle into the milky veins from thence into the Subclavials thence into the right Ventricle of the heart where the Chyle already is pretty well stained or imperfectly mingled with blood from whence it takes its course to the lungs where by the reciprocations of that part it is yet more perfectly mixed with the blood From the lungs it descends into the hearts left Ventricle from whence it is thrown into the Arteries where by degrees it receives the form and name of blood and by them is conveyed into all parts of the body In regard the milky veins have no attractive power whereby the Chyle might be suckt into them as far as could yet be fairly made appear nor has the Chyle much less any such inclination or power of moving it self that way it remains that this distribution of the Chyle is performed by the motion of the body And thus we find moderate exercise soon causes an emptiness in the ●…irst ways and begets an appetite And yet we may likewise observe that while we sit still or sleep this distribution is performed though not so speedily Now while we rest there is no other motion observeable beside that of breathing which seems to be the true cause of this distribution of the Chyle till it comes into the Subclavials for when we draw in our breaths the Diaphragme or Midriff compresseth the stomack and gently forceth the Chyle thence into the guts And again when we breath out the Muscles of the belly straight subside and strongly compress the guts whereupon the thinner part of the Chyle insinuates it self into the mouths of the milky veins and by the succeeding parts of the Chyle is protruded into the Subclavials where afterward it is moved with the motion of the blood I do not deny the Peristaltick motion of the Intestines whereby the guts distended with Chyle beyond their due tone do again by their transverse fibres contract themselves for this is also a partial cause of distribution as appears in the dissection of live Animals where this motion of the Chyle continues after the Abdomen or belly is laid open from one end to the other but is much strengthened no doubt by the Muscles of the belly besides this Peristaltick motion of the guts shews indeed in part how they are emptied but not how they are fitted with Chyle which is the first part of distribution 13. 'T is worthy observation that Butter melted and very well beaten or drawn the while becomes a much pleasanter cause and easier of digestion than if it be not beaten and yet all the difference is that by beating a great quantity of Air is every where mingled with it whereby it very much helps the fermentation or concoction of our meat in our stomacks after the same manner as is already said of whites of Eggs in the former Chapter and indeed all sauses are a kind of additional ferments That there is great quantity of air in Butter thus beaten may not only be gathered from hence that after beating it takes up more room than it did before or otherwise would do if not beaten but the same particles of air are even manifest to sense it self and the whole Mass of Butter appears beaten up into a froth so far is ●t from being made thicker thereby as we commonly express our Opinions of it ●hat indeed it becomes much thinner and lighter if compared quantity with quantity as is manifest CHAP. III. Of Respiration THat Animals breath not at all
inconvenience which may ensue upon any great change of air by travelling into forreign Countryes whereby a person may at pleasure reduce the tone of the air to that of his own Soil or Climate and probably if the same might be made use of aboard Ships it would with the additional contrivance of a Chair or Bed hung after the manner of a Sea-Compass prevent that very trouble affection whereto fresh men are so subject called Sea-sickness and consequently become very serviceable to such whose imployments ingage them to undertake Voyages into very remote parts and there to reside far from their own Countryes There may I doubt not several other considerable conclusions be performed by means of this contrivance As also that the thing it self is very capable of good improvement as to the projection of it far beyond that described by us All which together with what hath been already said and undertaken by us on the behalf of it We leave for farther discovery and confirmation to practise and experience 13. Among the improvements which this contrivance of an Air-chamber is probably capable of it is in my judgement none of the least that may be obtained by joyning the practise of S. Sanctorius in his Medicina Statica to this of ours For as the promotion of the transpiration by the habit of the body than which nothing conduces more to the preservation of health and prevention of diseases is one of the most considerable among those many benefits we promise our selves by it So if we shall have as Sanctorius directs a Statera Romana in our Air-chamber it will be of very great consequence for ascertaining the Methodical use of it whereby it will become less subject to guess or hazard For as the Weather-glass before-mentioned will discover to us the degrees of rarity and density introduced in the inclosed air So the Balance will with the same exactness inform us at what rate this Diaphoretical transpiration is either improved or abated and at the same time give us the true weight in Ounces and Drachmes of those insensible Effluvia which continually pass that way For the Patient weighing himself for instance first at seven of the clock in the morning and again at nine or ten having first exonerated himself and abstaining from meat and drink in the mean time shall thereby perceive how much by weight of his aliment or rather of the unprofitable part thereof in those two or three hours passed insensibly through the pores of his body Let him again repeat the same experiment the day following with the same circumstances in the Air-chamber and he will not be a little surprized to find half so much more and perhaps twice the quantity evacuated after the same insensible manner or è contra and that in such proportion as he shall have suffered more or less of the included air to have passed into the circumstant Medium or è contra of what proportion the Weather-glass as a faithful Register shall give him a very particular account I will not farther inlarge upon this additional practise of the Scale or Balance much less add any thing of the use of insensible Transpiration least I might offend such as are better versed in Statical Experiments by the unprofitable repetition of what they are already so well acquainted with or by giving an ill account of a book I have but once read over and that neer twenty years since deprive others of that solid benefit they may receive by perusal of the above-commended Treatise of Sanctorius 14. As this contrivance of the air-chamber is best fitted for the improvement of health and the abolishing such Morbose Characters as depend upon the over-slow or too nimble fermentation of the Humors So it were easie to project great Vessels after the manner of Cupping-glasses some capable to receive the whole Thighs others fitted for the Arms whereby we may at pleasure as the seat of some particular diseases shall direct make such powerful revulsions as shall not only be sufficient to charm as it were and dispose of such humors as Physitians call Turgid and Motu Peccantes but even discharge particular parts of such humors as have seated themselves there already and may besides that of Cupping-glasses very fitly supply the place of the strongest Ligatures Which practise as it may be very available in most affections of the head In inflammations or other tumors or charges of particular parts So not having yet had sufficient opportunity to confirm this my Opinion by the frequent use of it I shall content my self at present with having done little more than named it only 15. I shall add farther that the use of this Air-chamber may in some cases but after a weaker and more uncertain manner be supplied by a long-setting Swing which is found to be a very agreeable exercise by most people that have used it if their bodies have not been very impure or first duly prepared And by it many persons affected with Chronical distempers taking their original from a deficient fermentation have found benefit For motion conducing so much as has been said to the exciting of all fermentation which is visible in Syrups and other juices of Vegetables shaken and as a proof of it that Brandee Wine is accounted the best that upon shaking bubbles and works most no wonder if the seasonable continuance of this moderate reciprocal motion of the Swing do by degrees though not so suddenly as in the fore-mentioned instances of Syrups c. because the humors in our bodies lie not so loosely as they in Vessels of glass or stone produce the same effect we observe without in other liquors Nor is the fermentation or call it concoction of the humors in their Vessels hereby only advanced But likewise the distribution of the first and second ways if I may so call them is very much promoted For still as the body is carried forward so of ten are the Abdominal Muscles gently and equally compressed whereby the chyle is the more nimbly pretended from the Intestines forward to mingle with blood And again upon the recess of the body the Abdomen being less compressed than if the body set still in the same scituation is more dilated than usually and consequently receives the chyle flowing more plentifully from the stomack into the Intestines So that if it come faster into the guts and be driven faster out it must of necessity follow that the distribution thereof shall be more readily performed Now for what we lately called the distribution of the second ways that seems by the use of the Swing to be improved after this manner while the body moves forward as the fore-parts are more compressed by the Medium so the back parts are less compressed and thereby as we may say their tone weakened whereby the habit doth not so forcibly resist the afflux of humors flowing to that part as in its middle natural and quiet scituation And thus reciprocally first one part and then the other are somewhat better disposed for the Reception of their alimentary juices which I call the distribution of the second ways And thus much may suffice to have said at present concerning this matter I shall only desire my Reader that he will not be over precipitious nor let the novelty of our attempt surprize him to a prejudice and that he be first for his own sake well assured he is Master of those principles upon which this Fabrick of ours as upon so many goodly Pillars stands erected before he proceed to condemn us But if upon the serious perusal of this Treatise by such whose Authentick Censure we most value and Reverence we happen to be found light in our own Balance We have at least to plead that we have neither mispent much of our own or their time in writing or reading of it And that though we failed the design was great and Honourable and directed to the benefit of mankind which may in good part plead our excuse and their good favour make out the rest FINIS inter N. 1. inter N. 1. inter N. 1.