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A33709 A physico medical essay concerning alkaly and acid so far as they have relation to the cause or cure of distempers : wherein is endeavoured to be proved that acids are not (as is generally and erroneously supposed) the cause of all or most distempers, but that alkalies are : together with an account of some distempers and the medicines with their preparations proper to be used in the cure of them : as also a short digression concerning specifick remedies / by John Colbatch. Colbatch, John, Sir, 1670-1729. 1696 (1696) Wing C5003; ESTC R26032 33,359 174

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suppose to be from a quantity of such Particles being some way or other admitted into the Blood which being of a quite different Texture from that of the Blood and so not capable of being mixt with it causes a hurry and disorder there which is what I * Nov. Lum Chyr elsewhere observe to be the occasion of both continued and Symptomatick Fevers Now it is well known that a Fever always precedes the Eruption of the Pustles in the Small-Pox And when the Pustles are well come out that is when the Heterogeneous or Particles of a different Texture from those of the Blood are thrown out to the Surface of the Body then the Fever ceases Now to assist Nature in throwing those Heterogeneous Particles out of the Blood to the extream Parts which they pretend to be mightily hindred by a great quantity of Acids in the Blood they give repeated and large quanties of Testatious Alkalious Powders and other Diaphoreticks Which indeed seldom fail of answering their Intentions in throwing out large quantities of Pustles even more than Nature is able to supply or bring to maturity and if she doth chance to cope with them is the only occasion of spoyling so many angelick Faces as we every day observe But the spoyling of Faces is not all for besides the throwing out of so great a quantity of Pustles by breaking off the Globules of the Blood when it is brought to the Cataneous Glands instead of those Glands separating the Excrementitious Serum which in a State of Health is all or most part of it to be carried off by sweat or insensible transpiration but at this time to supply the Pustles till they are brought to maturity I say by breaking off the Globules of the Blood when it is in its confused State Serum and all together the Excrementitious Serum only according to the Rules of Nature ought to be separated those Glands being so many strainers adapted to receive into them the Serum only and not the least drop of Blood when it is in its natural State and its Globules unbroken I can liken the separation of the Serum from the Blood by the mediation of the cutaneous Glands to nothing better then to a mixture of oyl and water made by continued agitation when that compound mixture seems to be one intire white liquor tho' with good eyes or a good glass the oyl may be seen floating in the Water in small Globules as the Blood doth in the Serum as I elsewhere * Nov. Lum Chyr observe Yet this mixture of Oyl and Water let it be done never so exactly if it be poured into a funnil lined with brown Paper wet before hand the Pores will be so disposed as to let all the Water run through though not the least Particle of the Oyl yet if there be some Alkalious Salts boyled with this mixture of Oyl and Water the Globules of the Oyl will be so broken as to pass readily with the Water through the forementioned brown Paper which before it would not in the least do In like manner the Globules of the Blood being broken by the means of Alkalious Medicines together with too great a quantity of Alkalious Particles being before admitted into it is by that means made capable of being received into the Cutaneous Glands which is the only occasion of those purple spots upon the surface of the skin not only in the Small-Pox but other Fevers which spots seldom or never fail of being the certain Prognosticators of future Death But this is not all for by the foresaid breaking of the Globules of the Blood by Alkalious Medicines these small broken Globules getting into the small Meanders of the Brain hinder the Motion of the Animal Spirits through the Nerves and so cause Deliriums and all those fatal disorders of the Brain that are but too frequently seen Likewise the Blood not being capable of being contained in its proper Channels is the occasion of violent Bleeding at the Nose bloody Urine c. which are none of the best Symptoms but what too frequently happen by the aforesaid means Besides breaking of the Globules of the Blood and causing the ill Symptoms before-mentioned with many others I don't think fit here to enumerate By their Diaphoretick quality there is so vast a waste made of the Serum of the blood that there is not a sufficient quantity left to supply and bring to maturity those many Pustles even more than Nature designed that those Medicines alone had thrown out So that about the ninth eleventh or thirteenth day for want of a sufficient quantity of Serum to supply them the Pustles fall and the Acrid corrosive matter being absorbed into the Blood causes secondary Fevers which oftentimes prove of very dangerous consequence I might expatiate a great deal more but I design brevity It may be said you have gone far enough in condemning the ordinary Practice as to the use of Alkalies and Diaphoreticks not having substituted a better and safer Method and Medicines in their room but not too fast that follows in its proper place The Small-Pox is a Distemper that requires the giving of as few Medicines as in any Distemper whatsoever unless in some extraordinary cases But yet I think it the most unreasonable thing in the World that People as is the common practice in this case should be left to the sole management of old Women and Nurses which thing alone I verily believe has been the destruction of more people than the Sword it self And although but very few Medicines as I said before are generally necessary yet the eye of a careful skilful Physitian and that from the beginning is as convenient as in any Distemper whatsoever that he seeing Natures operations may also see the fit time when to give the Medicines requisite I confess I have heard some people complain that such a Physitian has had so many Fees and never wrote one Bill for them for such people let me tell them that they complain without cause for in many cases especially in this the Physitian deserves his Fees better for not writing at all then for so doing I own my self to be a profest Chymist and in many things though not all a Disciple of Helmont and know nothing in this World so delightful to me as Chymical Operations Yet in this case nor indeed in scarce any acute Distemper do I judge Chymical Medicines to be absolutely necessary though many of them may do well and are sometimes to be used But I don't know any reason we have to flye to elaborate Preparations when Nature has provided Medicines ready to our hands Acids are the things skilfully and timely given which I have seen not only by my own but by other Great mens Practice to be the only safe effectual and seldom or never erring Medicines in this Distemper so that they are rightly timed and given with discretion and why should we flye to Acids Chymically prepared when as I
which by many experiments I have found to be as much an Alkaly as either Crabs Eyes Corral Pearls c. the which I suppose no man will deny Now it being granted that the matter contained in the aforesaid Nodes to be an Alkaly how is it possible for this Distemper to proceed from Acids when in those very parts where the Distemper most violently rages there should be produced such large quantities of an Alkalious substance For if the Distemper proceeds from Acids as 't is generally agreed upon the Patient need not clog his Stomach with Alkalies as is generally practised there being a Remedy already placed in the part affected And I verily believe that the only reason why this Distemper has been accounted amongst the Opprobria Medicorum has been from the mistaken Notions they have had concerning it But if men will still persist to assert that this Distemper proceeds from Acids and at the same time own the chalky substance before-mentioned which is only the Morbifick Matter indurated to be an Alkaly they must tacitely believe the Doctrine of Transmutation though openly they are ashamed to own it and will laugh at and ridicule those that do But this is not all for suppose the Acid Matter causing this Distemper to be transmuted into a chalky alkalious substance the Distemper must never more pretend to come in or near the part where this substance is lodged it being placed as a Centry to guard it off Nay the Blood at times must all or at least great part of it pass through the Part or Parts where this chalky substance is lodged by which means a man would think it should be sufficiently guarded from any more growing Acid and so by consequence when the chalky Nodes are once setled people have not the least reason for the future to be in fear of the return of their Distemper The contrary of which a great many honest Gentlemen to their sorrows experience So that a man would think that these very Nodes alone were sufficient if there were no other reasons to be given for it to satisfie any man who is master of his reason that Acids are not and that Alkalies are the cause of this Distemper And if the Blood abound with too great a quantity of Alkalious Particles the giving of Alkalies must be preposterous is being to add Fuel to the Flame which instead of quenching or extinguishing makes it so much the greater It may not be amiss to take notice that few people are troubled with the Gout but those who drink large quantities of Wine or some other generous Liquors abounding with vinous Spirits so that the Blood and other Juices being impregnated with the said vinous Spirits these Spirits meeting with the volatile alkalious Salt of which even the Blood of sound People is never destitute By the means of which Salt the vinous Spirit is coagulated and turned into that substance or somewhat like it which Helmont calls his Offa Alba which coagulated substance not being capable of moving with the Blood and Juices through the small Vessels causes obstructions and violent pains and in time by the addition of other gross terrestrious Particles into the beforementioned chalky substance By the foresaid coagulation of vinous Spirits with the volatile Alkaly of the Blood may a very good reason be given for the Generation of the Stone in the Bladder and Kidneys And Mr. Boyle tells us being what Helmont had before done that having obtained some Stones of a certain Lythotomist he put them into a Retort and exposed them to a strong fire and found that the better half consisted of volatile alkalious Salt like unto that obtainable from Humane Blood and a considerable quantity of heavy Oyl so that it is plain that the Generation of the Stone is not from Acids but Alkalies From which may be inferred that it is not from the Acidity of Rhenish Wine that makes the drinking of it pernicious to Gouty People but from its abounding with spirituous Particles more than most other Wines CHAP. IV. Of Rheumatisms THIS is another of the Distempers generally said to proceed from Acids in the Blood but very falsly as I hope fully to make appear I having had to do with multitudes under this Distemper and that thanks to God with very good success I. shall not trouble my self to investigate the original causes of this Distemper which are various that being foreign to my design but shall immediately proceed to the business I have undertaken First of all Having by the fire analyzed the Blood of Rheumatick Persons I have found it to abound more with Alkanious Particles than that of sound Persons but not the least grain of any Acid substance in it from which alone it may readily enough be inferred That it proceeds not from Acids but on the contrary from Alkalies But it may be Objected From whence proceeds that syziness and viscosity of the Serum which is generally observed in the Blood of Rheumatick Persons if not from Acids For we know that Milk which is a sort of Serum of the Blood let it be in never so fluid a state by the addition of any Acid though never so gentle a great part of it will be immediately congulated and turned into Curds To which I Answer That the foresaid Objection is altogether invalid the viscousness that is observed in the Serum of the Blood being quite different from that of the Curds in Milk Though there are those substances contained in Milk that are fit to make both Blood and Serum but Milk is a much more compound liquor than the Serum of the Blood so the comparison being made between subjects so vastly different it is of no validity at all But suppose the comparison between the two Liquors good What agreement is there between Curds and a substance like unto Gelly None at all that I know of But if instead of curdled Milk they had made the comparison between the inviscated Serum and Hartshorn Gelly they had been in the right on 't for indeed I know not any two subjects more fit to be compared together But then this comparison will not in the least prove the inviscation of the Serum to proceed from Acids but on the contrary from Alkalious Particles for every body that knows what Harts-horn is know that the reason of its making a Gelly is from its abounding with volatile alkalious Salts And for the same reason it is that Calves Feet Izing-glass Ivory c. make Gellies By what I have said I hope I have freed Acids from occasioning the viscousness of the Serum of the Blood in Rheumatisms which viscosity if it can be once taken off every one knows that the Distemper immediately vanishes But this is not to be done by Alkalies that ever I could see although I have given them in large quantities But it is expeditiously to be done by proper Acids such as the before-mentioned Tincture of Antimony c. and Calibiats But
here I expect that People will think that I have caught my self in a trap when I bring in Calibiats amongst the number of Acids when they are generally owned by all Mankind to be Alkalies to confirm the truth of which they tell you it is plainly manifest that filings of Iron will make as great an Effervescency with all sorts of Acids as any of the Alkalies I have mentioned therefore it is plain I must be much in the wrong in reckoning Calibiats amongst the number of Acids From this difficulty I shall endeavour to extricate my self and likewise to prove That Iron or Steel until it be converted into a Vitriol and every body will allow Vitriol to be an Acid cannot act upon the Blood or Serum to cause any alteration in it nor so much as any way enter into the Veins or Arteries It is the Custom of Skilful Practitioners before they give Steel Medicines to enquire of their Patients Whether they are sensible of any Acidity in their Stomachs in which part I do allow Acids oftentimes to abound and that exorbitantly If they are sensible of any Acidity there it is then found necessary to give Iron or Steel without any Preparation at all by reason that by the means of the Acids in the Stomach it is turned into a Vitriol and so made capable of being carri'd into the Blood whereas in such cases if it hath been before satiated by a precedent Preparation it hath little or no effect at all On the other hand if there be no sensible Acidity in the Stomach Iron or Steel being given Unprepared are carri'd off by Stool without the least alteration or any part of it being admitted into the Blood All or most of the Preparations of Steel that I know of that are good for any thing are performed by the means of Acids which tend to the dividing of their parts and turning them into a Vitriol Now according to the difference of the Acids used the result is a different sort of Vitriol which hath different operations But on the contrary Alkalies do so lock up the Body of Iron as to make it unfit to be taken as Medicine by reason of its extraordinary hardness and firmness of Texture The Preparations of Steel I generally use are that which goes by the name of Dr. Willis's Preparation of Steel and is now almost every where to be had which altho it be grown common is for all that no despicable Medicine and that which follows Take of filings of Steel or rather Iron very clean and free from dust one pound and half Sal Armoniac two pound make the Sal Armoniac into very fine Powder then mix them well together in an iron or stone Mortar then put the mixture into a moist Cellar and let it stand a week Then put it into a very large Crucible which cover with 〈◊〉 piece of Tile afterwards put the Crucible into a Charcoal Fire which increase by degrees till the Crucible be almost red hot after it has continued in this state about an hour take away the Fire and let your calcined matter cool by degrees when cold take it out of the Crucible and make into fine Powder in a glass or stone Mortar then put it into a Bottle with a wide mouth which stop with a glass Stopple and keep in a warm place These two Preparations properly given and with convenient Vehicles I have known of very great use in Rheumatisms And the last when all other Medicines have proved ineffectual has never once failed me in the most inveterate Obstructions of the Menses in Women Besides the forementioned Preparations of Steel I have frequently found Cinnaber of Antimony or even common Cinnaber mixt with a due proportion of Gum Guaiaci and given in large quantities to be of great use not only in confirmed Rheumatisms but even in Sciatica's of long standing by the means of which alone I have known many cured I did formerly believe Cinnaber of Antimony and common Cinnaber to be Alkalies but since I have more nicely inquired into it I find that by a peculiar management a large quantity of an acid sulphurious Spirit may be obtained from it Before I conclude upon this Head it will not I suppose be amiss to observe one thing more about the Preparation of Steel before-mention'd and that is that whilst it is kept dry and in a Powder it is one of the greatest Deoppilatives or openers of Obstructions imaginable But let it be put into a Cellar and run per deliquium which it will do in a few days fifty or sixty drops of the said Oil per deliquium given twice a day in a strong Decoction of Oak Bark I have of late found never to fail me in stopping a seminal Flux which all People will allow has hitherto been found as difficult a thing to do as any whatsoever Some People having told me that they supposed the Stipticity to proceed from the Decoction of Oak Bark only I have purposely tried it alone and altho I own Oak Bark to be a Noble Stiptic and to do Wonders the Decoction being taken in at the mouth and by way of Clyster in common simple Diarrhea's and even sometimes in bloody Fluxes yet in the case before-mentioned it would do nothing at all but adding some drops of the Oil of Mars to the Decoction it had soon the desired effect CHAP. V. Of Consumptions I Have little to say upon this Subject but that I have seen great numbers of People under this Circumstance to whom have been given large quantities of Alkalies and all sorts of Balsamics and those things called Pectorals without the least advantage in the world tho I have seen others who have had the manifest signs of a confirmed Phtisis or Consumption who by the plentiful use of proper Acids have been reduced from a state of dying to that of perfect health My Reasons in short according to my best Observations for the use of Acids and the disuse of Alkalies are as follow The Globules of the Blood by reason of so great a quantity of Acrid Alkalious Lixivious Particles being mixed with it being broken and confusedly mix'd with the Serum are together with the Serum admitted into the small Glandules of the Lungs and not being capable of being discharg'd cause Inflamations there and by consequence Hectick Fevers which always precede and accompany a Pthisis or Consumption Now by the use of Alkalies and Balsamicks these extravasated Globules are so far from being thrown out and the depraved state of the Blood from being altered that instead of it the state of the Blood is made much worse by Alkalies and by Balsamicks the Pustles occasioned from the extravasated Globules being admitted into the small Glandules are brought to Suppuration the necessary consequence of which is an Ulceration and when so tender a part as the Lungs are is once Ulcerated he must shew himself an Artist indeed that can heal such Ulcers Now proper Acids being given
Author at the same time throws himself at the Readers mercy to make him or esteem him what he pleases But of all Authors those who encounter with prejudices ought most infallibly to reckon upon their condemnation Their Works sit too uneasie upon most mens minds and if they escape the passions of their enemies which I have not done they are obliged to the Almighty force of Truth for their protection However time will do every man Justice and Truth which at first appeared a Chymerical and ridiculous Phantasm by degrees grows sensible and manifest Men open their eyes and contemplate her they discover her charms and fall in love with her The Books that encounter with prejudices leading to Truths through unbeaten Paths require much longer time than others to obtain the reputation their Authors expect them And I find it but too true in my self that all those Writers who combate with prejudices are much mistaken if they think by that means to recommend themselves to the favour and esteem of others Possibly some few will speak honourably of them when they are dead But whilst they live they must expect to be neglected I speak experimentally by most people and to be despised reviled and persecuted even by those who go for the wisest and most moderate sort of men There is nothing but Truth contained in my Novum Lumen Chyrurgicum and I did think that I should have been put into a condition this Summer to have made it evidently appear But instead of that I have been abused and delivered up into the hands of my enemies to do with me as they pleased My Novum Lumen is built upon a pair of Medicines the which as yet I think not fit to make publick but here lyes my misfortune common to all those who make new Discoveries A great many believe the Truth of what I have said and that my Medicines are capable of performing what I have promised for them But amongst the number of those who are so ingenuous as to believe matter of fact a great many say this man was not the Author others that they have the same Medicines and some that they imparted them to me As for these Gentlemen I can very easily excuse them I very well knowing that it is the Nature of most Men not to allow any Person the honour of his own Discoveries they thinking that thereby their own Glory is eclipsed But there are another sort of Men whose Interest will not give them leave to embrace the Truth and for the same reason they do what in them lies to keep others from so doing And the greatest part of Mankind not being judges in my cause any further then their eyes direct them and it being altogether impossible that there should be any great number of Spectators by which means I am evil spoken off by many upon no other grounds then because an interested party have told them that I have pretended to what I can't perform I expect the mouths of my enemies will be opened very wide against me but I have already born so much that I can with a great deal of contentedness bear with the greatest indignities that can be offered me My great satisfaction being that I have peace in my own breast having proposed nothing but what tended to the good of Mankind And very well knowing that if my Medicines are faithfully and skilfully used they are capable of performing much more then I have promised for them but the best Medicines unskilfully used or with a design that they should not succeed by prejudiced Persons may be brought into disgrace The following Essay I humbly offer to the candid Readers serious consideration nothing doubting but that it will meet with a favourable reception from some few And I must needs say that I more value the good Opinion and good Word of one candidly ingenuous then all that can be said against me by ten thousand clamarous ill-natured Persons I have endeavoured to act and behave my self so as to deserve no mans ill Word but if I am abused and my Undertakings misrepresented without any just cause I shall never break my heart about it I very well knowing that the justice and integrity of my Undertakings will one time or other be made appear From my House in St. Anns Court in Dean-Street near Soho-Square October the 12th 1695. A Physico Medical ESSAY c. CHAP. I. Of the Small Pox. THE first thing I shall begin with is the disuse of Alkalies in the Small-Pox that fatal Distemper to three Kingdoms and even all Europe In that by the means of it God was pleased to deprive 〈◊〉 of a Princess whose worth was such that a value sufficient can never be set upon it and whose loss sufficiently be lamented It is a common pract●ce both of Nurses and the generality of Practitioners as soon as they perceive the least Symptoms of this Distemper to give either Gascons Countess of Kents Lapis de Goa or some other Testaceous Powder which are known Alkalies The one Party as they pretend to drive the Malignity from the Heart the other to correct the Acidity which they conjecture for beyond conjecture they can't go to be in the blood In the subsequent Discourse I shall endeavour to shew upon what false suppositions both Parties go For the first sort it will not be worth while to spend much time about them by reason every one will readily grant that they generally act upon wrong and mistaken Notions For for any Malignity to be lodged in the Heart more than any other part is altogether impossible by reason that the Blood moves ten times at least faster through the Heart than any other part the Lungs excepted For the Cavities being large no Stagnation is to be feared and so by consequence no danger If there be any danger of the Malignities setling any where it must be in those parts where the Vessels are very small and the Blood moves but slowly which must be near the extream Parts For the second sort who give the same Medicines but with quite different Intentions I shall endeavour to prove that their suppositions are altogether as false and groundless as the sormer They give their Alkalious Medicines to correct the Acidity they suppose to be in the Blood and which is as they pretend the occasion of all the ill Symptoms that attend People in the Small-Pox Now I could never hear of any one that by Analyzing the Blood of Persons in the Small-Pox that could ever find the least footsteps of Acidity in it though on the contrary it doth appear after many trials that the Blood of such Persons doth more abound with Alkalious Particles then that of sound People So by consequence the giving of Alkalies in this case must be at least superfluous if not highly pernicious and as I have frequently observed and shall instance in some particulars The cause of the Small-Pox common with most other Fevors and acute Distempers I
in due time confirm the Texture of the Blood and reduce the Serum to a state of fluidity by which means the Fever and Inflamation of the Lungs are taken off and the extravasated Globules of Blood by means of a thin Serum assisted by its quick motion in that part when in a fluid state are by degrees carried off and so the Pustles disappear But it may be Objected How comes it to pass that the broken Globules of Blood you so often mention come to be admitted along with the Serum into the Glands of several parts and that they cannot by the same reason be carried off to the parts designed along with the Serum or Lympha as it is stiled when it once comes into the Lymphatick Vessels To which I Answer That when they are first admitted into the Glands I mean the broken Globules coming just out of the extremities of the Arteries and being then very hot the sides of them are lax and so in some measure capable of being compressed or squeez'd together but being once admitted into the Glands the motion of the Serum from them through the Lymphatick Vessels being very slow they soon grow cool and so more firm and by reason of the different figure of these broken Globules from the Pores by which the Serum is to pass from the Glands to the Lymphatick Vessels they are not suffered to pass through with the Serum as in the forementioned instance of the mixture of Oyl and Water so that the Globules being extravasated and without motion corrupt from which corruption proceeds all the ill symptons I have mentioned to accrue from the broken Globules of the Blood being admitted into the Glands But to return to the business of Acids to confirm the truth of what I have said besides my own Observations I remember Riverius that famous Practitioner somewhere says That he hath several times cured a confirmed Pthisis or Consumption by giving only of large quantities of Conserve of Red Roses well Acidulated with Oil of Sulphur per Campanam And now I am speaking of Oil of Sulphur per Campanam give me leave to add an account that Helmont gives of it in his Arbor Vitae which altho it hath not any immediate relation to the Point in hand yet may be pertinent enough to shew the good effects of Acids in keeping the Blood in a good Texture and by that means prolonging Life and preserving us from Diseases Moses who perhaps understood the Mysteries of Nature as well as any man and who was guided by an unerring infallible Spirit says that in the Blood is contained the Life Now the Texture of the Blood being confirmed and its Globules whole must go a great way towards the prolongation of Life But on the contrary the Texture of the Blood being spoiled and its Globules broken which they are by Alkalies must in great measure shorten Life and occasion Diseases In the Year 1600. says Helmont a certain Military Man being burthen'd with a great number of small Children made his Complaint to me that he was 58 years of age and that if he should chance to die his Children must go begging from door to door He ask'd of me something whereby his Life might be preserved I being then a Young Man and commiserating his Condition I considered with my self that a lighted Match of Brimstone would preserve Wine from Corruption therefore I concluded with my self that the Acid Oil of Sulphur did necessarily so contain this Flame of Sulphur and all the Smell of it that it self was nothing else meaning the Acid Spirit or Oil but the Fume of Sulphur it self imbibed by its Mercurial Salt Last of all I was confirmed that the Blood was the Wine of our Lives and that being preserved if it did not occasion long Life it would at least in some measure be prolonged by our being guarded from Diseases and free from Pains Wherefore I gave him a Pot full of the Distilled Liquor or Oil of Sulphur and likewise taught him the manner of Distilling the said Oil from kindled Brimstone I furthermore bid him that every Meal in the first draught of Beer he drank that he should take two drops of the said Liquor and by no means exceed it I being satisfied that two drops did contain a large quantity of the Fume of Sulphur The Man followed my advice and at this time walks about the Streets of Bruxels being Sixteen hundred forty one And which is more than all for the whole Forty years he never laboured under any Distemper although once by a Fall upon the Ice he broke his Leg near the Knee yet all the time he was under Cure he was free from a Fever He continued slender and lean and although in want of all Necessaries lived to be thus Old The Name of this Old Man is John Mass who served in the Bed-Chamber of the Bishop of Ypre when Count Egmont and Horne were beheaded and was at that time Twenty five years of age The Truth of this Relation need not in the least be doubted the Man being alive and well when it was wrote By which Instance it is plain that Acids are not the Cause of Diseases but Preservatives against them and whatever is a Preservative from Distempers by the same parity of reason must be of use to repel them when we labour under them A signal Instance of which I remember I have somewhere read of a Person who purposely suffered himself to be bitten by a Viper in order to try the good Effects of Monsieur Charras's Volatile Alkalious Salt of the same Animal in preventing and taking off the Symptoms that attend the Biting of the said Creature The Volatile Salt and other Antidotes were in large quantities given but all in vain for instead of allaying the Symptoms so increased that nothing less was to be feared than the loss of the poor Man's Life To the best of my remembrance nay I think I may be positive that it was in the Wrist where he was bitten but for all the Volatile Salts and other Antidotes in a very little time his Arm was swelled so big and so high that Amputation could do him no service nay all the By-standers which were many gave him up for dead At last a certain Person advised the giving of him large quantities of only so simple an Acid as Juice of Lemmons which immediately abated the Symptoms and retrieved him from all manner of Danger We live in an inquisitive Age wherein People have more sense than to take things upon trust The obtaining of the Blood both of well and distemper'd Persons is no difficult matter and I desire no greater justice to be done me than that People would themselves Experiment the truth of what I have said And if after trial it be found that the Blood of persons in any of the before-mentioned cases hath any thing of Acid in it I will own my self in the wrong But shall never take the least notice of