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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18693 The vvarfare of Christians concerning the conflict against the fleshe, the world, and the deuill. Translated out of Latine by Arthure Golding. Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1576 (1576) STC 5201; ESTC S116490 35,443 84

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glorious and most assured after the example of our Sauiour Christ who for the great excellencie of the glorie that was set before him despysed al aduersities afflictions and death and notwithstanding that hee was the son of God yet lerned obedience by the things that he suffered For as saith the holy scripture If we suffer with him we shal also be glorifyed with him VVherevnto that both you and we may attayne I beseech him to graunte vs abundantly the grace of his holy spirite Amen VVritten at London the xvj of Ianuary 1576. ¶ A TREATISE concerning the conflict of the godly against the Flesh the VVorld and the Deuil which may be intytled the Warfare of Christians HOw great the weaknesse of mankinde is in withstanding vice and wickednesse it may be perceiued by many things specially in this that if at any time we do neuer so fully purpose and determine with our selues to liue hencefoorth according to gods wil and to obey his commaundementes yet notwithstanding wee be not able to continue long and much lesse to holde out to the end in the things that were very wel intended and determined The causes whereof it is not hard to finde out or to discouer the grounde of this so great tendernesse infirmitie and feeblenesse of mans minde For if a man looke well to it he shall finde that the causes thereof are chiefly three namely first the corruptnesse that is bred and borne in al men or the forwardnesse to sinning that sticketh fast in the very bowelles and marie of vs which the diuines doe commonly terme by the name of the Flesh. Secondly the worlde which offereth continually innumerable causes and occasions of all manner of vice leudnesse and naughtinesse And finally that great Dragon the olde serpent called the diuel and Satan which leadeth away the whole worlde as saith the Apostle in the Apocalips For he also is woonte to stirre vp driue forewarde and inforce men to horrible deedes to al maner of mischief to vnnaturalnesse and to blaspheming of god These three that is to wit the fleshe the world and the diuell are the spytefullest and deadlyest enimies of mankind with whom we haue continuall battel and endlesse conflict in this life so that wee scarsly haue so much respit as to take breth neither are they to be ouercome at any time but by the helpe ayde and grace of the holy ghost giuen of the heauenly father for our Lorde and mediatour Iesus Christes sake to suche as craue it and call to him for it Therfore let vs briefly saye somewhat of euery of them and in as fewe words as may be shew the continuall incounter against thē withont ceassing and by what meanes they must alwayes be withstood resisted Nowe then we must first of all beare in minde as I gaue incling euen nowe that mannes life is a certaine continuall warfare vpon earthe which is not to be finished but by death that wee must spende our whole time as it were in the Campe as long as we liue heere And therefore it is not to be abidden that euer we should giue our selues to idlenesse or mispēd our time in royot voluptuousnesse while we serue in the campe of the church vnder the standered and Ensignes of our Graundcaptaine Iesus Christe but wee muste alwayes stande vpon our garde armed with spiritual weapons against the force and assaults of our enimies and be euer redye in minde to ioyne battel Let vs cal to remembraunce our baptime whereby we gaue our names into our captaines musterbooke and bynding our selues by othe professed and auowed ourselues to serue him as his souldiers al our life long Let vs consider with our selues howe good howe wise howe valiaunt howe inuincible of how great corrage authoritie skil howe rightly noble victorious triumphante how rightly holy princely a captaine generall of our wars we haue worthy to be reuerēced worshipped and honored euen of the very Angels for the greatnesse of his glorye and maiestie It is as I sayde the almightie sonne of God being himselfe both God man and the conqueror of sin death Satan euen our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christ. Let vs bethinke vs what rewardes how great how large we must looke for vppon the getting of the victorie as euerlasting tryumph in heauē endlesse life peace and saluation and moste blissed immortality matched with abundance of al good things These vndoubtedly are the things whiche as sayth the prophete nother eye hath seene nor eare hard nor hart of man conceiued prepared of God for them that loue him And therfore the Apostle hath iust cause to thinke that the afflictiōs of this world are not worth the glorie that shal be opēly bestowed vpō vs Go too thē let vs by Gods good helpe buckle our selues to the spiritual battel let vs thinke continually vpon the fyght let vs bee of stoute and valiant courage in the Lord let vs as saith the Apostle put on the complete armor of God through the furniture and defence wherof through the protection helpe of our God we may at length get the vpper hande The thing is done in the sight of our Graund captaine who is present euery where a great incoragement for vs to deale valiantly He both harteneth vs to fight and helpeth vs to winne and relieueth vs when we faynt and crowneth vs when wee haue gotten the victorie as Austine sayth very trimely Of the Fleshe THe first enimie as I sayde is the flesh that is to say the corruptnesse or naughtinesse that remaineth in man through original sinne by the fall of our first fathers which is as a certaine firewood as diuines terme it by reason whereof all of vs are forewarde to sinne and vice some more and some lesse according to the state and disposition of euerye mans bodie as the serchers of natural causes teache vs For the affections of mens mindes doe follow the temperature of the humors in the body which thing as the Philosophers do affirme so doeth experience playnely proue it Heereby we see that they in whome bloud ouerruleth are commonly prone to lecherie and royot they in whom choler aboūdeth are giuen to anger and pride nother doth melancholike and flewmatike persons want their vices whervnto they be proner by nature than other men are And therewithall it is not to be denyed that a great part of this pronenesse vnto sinne commeth of the euil trayning and bringing vp of children through vntoward nuzzeling aud misnurturing of them and by suffering them to haue companie and familiaritie with leude folke For so it is auouched by Maro in his husbandry saying So great a thing it is to be inured from the shel And also by Aristotle in his Ethiks where he sayth Not a little but very greatly doth it skil whither we inure our selues one way or other frō our childhood Howe great strength the acquaintance and companie of yll disposed persones hath to corrupte mens