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A11278 The sicke vvomans private looking-glasse wherein methodically are handled all uterine affects, or diseases arising from the wombe; enabling women to informe the physician about the cause of their griefeĀ· By Iohn Sadler, Doctor in Physicke at Norwich. Sadler, John, 1615-1674.; Droeshout, John, d. 1652, engraver. 1636 (1636) STC 21544; ESTC S116338 43,151 302

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the left side as well as in the right In the bottome of the cavity there are little holes called the Cotyledones which are the ends of certaine veines and arteries serving in breeding women to conveigh sustenance to the childe which is received by the Vmbilicall veine And in others to carry the cources into matrice Now touching the menstruals They are defined to bee a monethly flux of excrementitious and ●●profitable bloud In which we are to note that the matter slowing forth is excrementitious which is to be understood of the superplus or redundancie of it for it is a excrement in quantity in quality being pure and incorrupt like unto the bloud in the veines And that the menstruous bloud is pure and simply of it selfe all one in quality with that in the veines is proved two wayes First from the the finall cause of this bloud which is the propagation and conservation of mankinde that man might bee conceived and being begotten hee might bee comforted and preserved both in the wombe and out of the wombe And all will grant it for a truth that the childe while it is in the matrice is nourished with this bloud and it is as true that being out of the womb it is still nourished with the same for the milke is nothing but the menstruous bloud made white in the breasts and I am sure womans milke is not thought to bee venomous but of a nutritive quality answerable to the tender nature of an infant Secondly it is proved to be pure from the generation of it it being the superfluity of the last aliment of the fleshie parts It may be objected if the bloud bee not of a hurtfull quality how can it cause such venomous effects as if the same fall upon trees and herbs it maketh the one barren and mortifies the other And Averroes writes that if a man accompany with a menstruous woman if she conceive she shall bring forth a Lepar I answer this malignity is contracted in the wombe for the woman wanting native heat to digest this superfluity sends it to the matrice where seating it selfe untill the mouth of the wombe be dilated it becomes corrupt and venomous which may easily be considering the heat and moistnesse of the place This bloud therefore being out of his vessels offends in quality In this sense let us understand Pliny Fernelius Florus and the rest of that torrent But if frigidity bee the cause why women cannot digest all their last nourishment and consequently that they have these purgations It remaines to give a reason why they are of so cold a constitution more than men which is this The naturall end of mans and womans being is to propagate and this iniunction was imposed upon them by God at their first creation and againe after the deluge now in the act of conception there must be an Agent and a Patient for if they be both every way of one constitution they cannot propagate man therefore is hot and dry woman cold and moist he is the Agent she the Patient or weaker vessell that she should be subject unto the office of the Man It is necessary likewise that woman should be of a cold constitution because in her is required a redundancy of matter for the infant depending on her for otherwise if there were not a superplus of nourishment for the child more than is convenient for the mother then would the infant detract and weaken the principall parts of the mother and like unto the Viper the generation of the infant would be the destruction of the parent These monethly purgations continue from the 15. yeare to the 46. or 50. Yet often there happens a suppression which is either naturall or morbifficall They are naturally supprest in breeding women and such as give sucke The morbificall suppression fals now into our method to bee spoken off CHAP. II. Of the retention of the months THe suppression of the Termes is an interception of that accustomary evacuation of bloud which every moneth should come from the matrice proceeding from the instrument or matter vitiated The part affected is the wombe and that of it selfe or by consent Cause The cause of this suppression is either externall or internall The externall cause may bee heat or drinesse of the aire immoderate watching great labour vehement motion and the like whereby the matter is so consumed and the body so exhaust that there is not a superplus remaining to be expelled as is recorded of the Amozonites who being active and alwayes in motion had their fluxions very little or not at all Or it may bee caused by cold which is most frequent making the bloud viscuous and grosse condensing and binding up the passages that it cannot flow forth The internall cause is either instrumentall or materiall in the wombe or in the bloud In the wombe it may bee divers wayes by Apostoms Tumors Ulcers by the narrownesse of the veines and passages or by the Omentum or kell in fat bodies pressing the necke of the matrice but then they must have Hernia Zirbalis for in mankinde the kell reacheth not so low By overmuch cold or heat the one vitiating the action and the other consuming the matter By an evill composition of the uterine parts by the necke of the wombe being turned aside and sometimes though rarely by a membrane or excrescence of fl●sh growing about the mouth or necke of the wombe The bloud may bee in fault two wayes in quantity or in quality In quantitity when it is so consumed that there is not a superplus left as in Viragoes and virill women who through their heat and strength of nature digest and consume all their last nourishment as Hippocrates writes of Phaetusa who being exiled by her husband Pythea her termes were supprest her voyce changed and had a beard with a countenance like a man But these I judge rather to be Anthropophagae women-eaters than women-breeders because they consume one of the principles of generation which gives a being to the world viz. the menstruous bloud The bloud likewise may be consumed and consequently the termes stayed by bleeding of the nose by a flux of the Emroides by a Dysenteria commonly called the bloudy flux by many other evacuations and continuall and chronicall diseases Secondly the matter may bee vitious in quality as suppose it bee sanguineons flegmaticall bilious or melancholious every one of these if they offend in grosnesse will cause an obstruction in the veynes Signes Signes manifesting the disease are paines in the head necke backe and loynes wearinesse of the whole body but especially of the hips and legges by reason of a confinity which the matrix hath with these parts trembling of the heart Particular signes are these if the suppression proceeds of cold she is heavie sluggish of a pale colour and hath a slow pulse Venus
〈◊〉 〈◊〉 commonly called the false cources or whites of which I will speake hereafter Secondly it is said to proceed from the wombe for there are two wayes by which the blood flowesforth The one is by the internall veynes in in the body of the wombe and this is properly called the monthly flux The other is by those veynes which are terminated in the necke of the matrice and this is called of Aetius the Hemorrhodes of the wombe Lastly it is said to exceed both in quantity and time In quantity sayth Hippocrates when they flow above 18 ounces In time saith Aristotle when they flow above three dayes But wee take this for a certaine character of their inordinate flowing when the faculties of the body thereby are weakened In bodyes abounding with grosse humours this immoderate flux sometimes unburdens nature of her load and ought not to bee stayed without the councell of a Physitian Cause The cause of this affect is internall or externall The internall cause is threefold in the matter instrument or faculty The matter which is the blood may be vitious two wayes First in quantity it being so great that the veynes are not able to contayne it Secondly in quality it being adust sharp watrish or unconcocted The instrument viz the veynes are faulty by the dilatation of the orifice which may bee caused two wayes first by the heate of the constitution climate or season heating the blood whereby the passages are dilated and the faculty weakned that it cannot retaine the blood Secondly by fals blowes violent motion breaking of a veyne c. The externall cause may be calidity of the aire lifting carrying of heavy burdens unnaturall child birth falls c. Signes In this inordinate flux the appetite is decayed the concoctions depraved and all the actions weakened the feet are swelled the colour of the face is changed and a generall feeblenes possesseth the whole body If the flux comes by the breaking of a veine the body is something cold the blood flowes forth on heapes and that suddenly with great payne If it comes through heate the orifice of the veynes being dilated then is there little or no payne yet the blood flowes faster then it doth in an Erosion and not so fast as it doth in a Rupture If by Erosion or sharpnesse of blood shee feeles a great heate scalding the passage It differs from the other two in that it flowes not so suddenly nor so copiously as they doe If by weaknesse of the wombe shee abhorreth the use of Venus Lastly if it proceeds from an evill quality in the blood droppe some of it on a cloth and when it is drie you may judge of the quality by the colour If it bee cholericke it will bee yellow If melancholie blacke If flegmaticall watrish and whitish Prognosticks If with the flux be joyned a convulsion it is dangerous because it intimates the more noble parts are vitiated and a convulsion caused by emptinesse is deadly If it continues long it will bee cured with great difficulty for it was one of the miracles which our Saviour Christ wrought to cure this disease when it had continued 12 yeares To conclude if the flux bee inordinate many diseases will ensue and without remedy the blood together with the native heare being consumed either chacheriall hydropicall or paralyticall diseases will follow Cure The cure consisteth in three particulars First in repelling and carrying back of the blood Secondly in correcting and taking away the fluxibility of the matter Thirdly in corroborating the veynes and faculty For the first To cause a regression of the blood open a veyne in the arme and draw out so much blood as the strength of the patient will permit and that not together but at severall times for hereby the spirits are the lesse weakened and the retraction so much the greater Apply cupping-glasses to the brests and also to the liver that the reversion may be in the fountaine To correct the fluxibility of the matter catharticall meanes moderated with astrictories must be used If it be caused by erosion or sharpnesse of blood consider whether the Erosion bee by salt flegme or adust choller If by salt flegme Prepare with sirupe of violets wormewood roses citron-pills succorie c. then take this purgation following ℞ myrobolan chebul ℥ s. trochiscks of agaricke ʒi with plantaine water make a decoction adde thereunto sir. rosat lax ℥ iii. make a potion If by adust choller prepare the body with sirrupe of roses myrtles sorrell purcelaine commixt with water of plantaine knot-grasse and endive Then purge with this potion ℞ rindes of myrobolanes rhubarbe ana ʒi cinnamon gr xv infuse them one night in endive water Adde to the straining pulpe of tamarind cassia ana ℥ s. sirupe of roses ℥ i. make a potion If the blood bee watrish and uncencoct as it is in hydropicall bodies and flowes forth by reason of the tenuitie and thinnesse the use of of hydragoga will bee profitable Purge with agarick elaterium and coloquintida Sweating is proper in this cause for by it the matter offending is taken away and the motion of the blood is carried to the outward parts To procure sweate she may take cardvus water with mithridate or the decoction of guajacum fassafras and sarsa-parilla the gumme of guajacum also doth greatly provoke sweate Pills of Sarsa-parilla taken every night going to bed are worthily commended If the blood flowes forth from the opening or breaking of a veyne without any evill quality in its selfe then ought onely corroboratives to bee applied which is the last thing to bee done in the cure of this inordinate flux ℞ Of bole-armonie ℈ i London treacle ʒi old conserve of roses ℥ s. with sirupe of myrtles make an electuarie Or if the flux hath continued long ℞ Of masticke ʒii olibani troch de carabe ana ʒi balaustiorum ℈ i. make a powder with sirupe of quinces make it into pills take one alwayes before meales ℞ Lapidis haematitis triti ana ℈ ii aliʒi troch de carabe de scoria ferri corall frankincence ana ℈ i. fine bole ℈ i. beate these to a fine powder and with sugar and plantaine water q.s. make lozenges Asses dung is well approoved of whether taken inwardly with sirupe of quinces or applied outwardly with steeled water Galen by conveighing the juce of it through a metrenchita into the wombe 4. dayes together cured this immoderate flux which no wayes else could bee restrained Going to bed let her take ℈ is Philonii Romani in a wafer make suffumigations for the matrice of masticke franckincence burnt froggs not forgetting the hoofe of a mule ℞ Of the juce of knotgrasse comferie quinces ana ℥ i. campher ʒi dippe silke cotton therein and apply it to the places ℞ Oyle of mastick myrtles quinces ana ℥ s. fine bole troch de carabe sanguinis draconis ana ʒi wax and viniger
q.s. make an unguent apply it both before and behinde ℞ Of plantaine shepheards purse red rose leaves ana M. iii. of goates and asses dung dried ana ℥ is acatiae hypocistidos ana ℥ is dried mint ℥ i. bean meale ℥ iii. boyle all these in plantaine water and make of it two plasters applie one before and the other behinde If the blood flowes from those veynes which are terminated in the necke of the matrice then it is not called the overflowing of the termes but the hemorrhods of the wombe yet the same cure will serve them both only the instrumentall cure will a little differ for in the esterine hemorrhods the ends of the veynes hang over like little teates or pushes which must be taken away by incision and then the veynes closed up with Aloes fine bole burnt alum troch de terra sigil myrrh masticke with the juce of comfery and knotgrasse laid plasterwise thereto The aire must be cold and drie all motion of the body is forbidden Let her meat bee Pheasant Partridge mountaine birds Cunnies Calfes feet c. and let her beere bee mixt with the juce of quinces and pomgranuts CHAP. IIII. Of the Weeping of the wombe THE Weeping of the wombe is an unnaturall flux of blood comming from the wombe by dropps or after the manner of teares causing violent pains in the same keeping neither period nor time By some it is referred unto the immoderate evacuation of the cources yet they are distinguisht in the quantity and manner of their flowing In that they flow copiously and freely In this continually yet by little and little and that with great paine and difficulty Wherefore it is likened unto the strangurie Cause The cause is in the facultie instrument or matter In the facultie by being enfeebled that it cannot expell the blood and the blood resting there makes the parts of the wombe grow hard and stretcheth the vessells from whence proceeds the paine in the wombe In the instrument by the narrownesse of the passages Lastly it may be in the matter of the blood which may offend in too great a quantity or in an evill quality it being grosse and thicke that it cannot flow forth as it ought to doe but by drops Signes The signes will best appeare by the relation of the patient Prognosticks Hereupon will ensue paines in the head stomacke and backe with inflammations suffocations and excoriations of the matrice Cure If the strength of the patient will permit first open a veine in the arme rubbe the upper parts and let her armes bee corded that the force of the blood may bee carried backward Then apply such things as may laxate and mollifie the stretching of the wombe and asswage the sharpnesse of the blood as cataplasmes made of bran lineseed faengrecke melilote mallows mercurie and atriplex If the blood bee viscuous and grosse adde thereto mugwort calamint dictam and betonie And let her take of Venice treakle the quantity of a nutmeg with sirrup of mugwort every morning Anoint the places with oyle of lillies roses lineseed sweete almonds and calfes marrow Make injections of the decoction of mallows mercurie lineseed groundfuell mugwort faengrecke with oyle of sweet almonds Sometimes it is caused by a winde and then phlebotonie is to bee omitted and in the stead thereof ℞ Sirupe of feverfew ℥ i. honie of roses sirupe of staechas ana ℥ s. water of calamint mugwort betonie hysope ana ℥ i. make a julep If the paine continues take this purgation ℞ hieraeʒi diachatholicon ℥ s. Sirupe of roses laxative ℥ i. with the decoction of mugwort and the 4. cordiall flowers make a potion If it comes through weaknesse of the facultie let that bee corroborated If through grossenesse or sharpnesse of the blood let the quality of it bee altered as I have shewne in the foregoing chapter Lastly if the excrements of the gutte be retained provoke them by a clyster of the decoction of chammomill betony feverfew mallowes lineseed juniper berries cummin-seed aniceseed melilo●e adding thereto of diacatholicon ℥ s. picraeʒii hony oyle ana ℥ i. Sal●iter ℥ is The patient must abstaine from salt sharp and windy meats CHAP. V. Of the false cources or whites FRom the wombe proceeds not only the menstruous blood but accidentally many other excrements which by the Ancients are comprehended under the title of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is a distillation of variety of corrupt humours through the wombe flowing from the whole body or part of the same keeping neither cource nor colour but varying in both Cause The cause is either promiscuously in the whole bodie by a cachochymia or weaknesse of the same or in some of the parts as in the liver which by the inabilitie of the sanguifficative faculty causeth a generation of corrupt blood and then the matter is ruddish sometimes in the gall being sluggish in its office not drawing away those cholericke superfluities which are ingendred in the liver and the matter is yellowish Sometimes in the Spleene not defecating and clensing the blood of the dregges and excrementitious parts and then the matter flowing forth is blackish It may also come from catarrhes in the head or from any other putrified or corrupted member But if the matter of the flux bee white the cause is either in the stomacke or reynes In the stomacke by a flegmaticall and crude matter there contracted and vitiated through griefe melancholie and other distempers for otherwise if the matter were onely Pituita crude flegme and no wayes corrupt or vitiated being taken unto the liver it might bee converted into blood for flegme in the ventricle is called nourishment halfe digested But being corrupt though sent unto the liver yet it cannot bee turned into nutriment for the second concoction cannot correct that which the first hath corrupted and therefore the liver sends it to the wombe which can neither disgest it nor repell it and so it is voided out still keeping the colour which it had in the ventricle The cause also may be in the reynes being over heat whereby the spermaticall matter by reason of its thinnesse flowes forth The externall cause may bee moystnesse of the aire eating of corrupt meats anger griefe slothfulnesse immoderate sleeping costivenesse of body Signes The signes are extenuation of the body shortnesse and stinking of breath loathing of meate paine in the 〈◊〉 swelling of the eyes and feet melancholie humidity flowes from the wombe of divers colours as reddish blacke greene yellow white It differs from the flowing and overflowing of the cources in that it keepes no certaine periods and is of many colours all which doe degenerate from blood Prognosticks If the flux be flegmaticall it will continue long and be difficult to cure yet if vomiting or the flux Diarrhaea hapeneth diverting the humour it cures the disease If it bee cholericke it is not so permanent yet more perilous for it will cause
after great study and care instantly accompanying with their wives often beget doting children A hot and moyst aire is most convenient as appeares by the women in Aegypt which usually bring forth three or foure children at one time CHAP. 12. Of the Mola or halfeconception THis disease is called of the Greekes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the cause of this denomination is taken from the loade or heavy weight of it it being a moles or great lump of hard flesh burdening the woman It is defined to bee an inarticulate peece of flesh without forme begotten in the matrice as it were a true conception In which definition wee are to note two things First in that a mole is sayd to be inarticulate and without forme it differs from monsters which are both formata and articulata Secondly it is sayd to bee as it were a true conception which puts a difference between a true conception and a mole which difference holds good three waies First in the Genus in that a mole cannot be fayd to bee animall Secondly in the Species because it hath no humane figure and beares not the character of a man Thirdly in the Individuum for it hath no affinity with the parent eyther in the whole body or any particle of the same Cause About the cause of this affect amongst learned authours I finde variety of judgements Some are of opinion that if the womans seed goes into the wombe and not the mans thereof is the mole produced Others there be that affirme it is ingendred of the menstruous blood but if these two were granted then mayds by having their courses or thorough nocturnall polutions might be subject unto the same which never any yet were The true cause of this fleshy mole proceeds both from the man and from the woman from corrupt or barren seed in the man and from the menstruous blood in the woman both mixed together in the cavity of the wombe where nature finding her selfe weake yet desiring to maintaine the perpetuity of her species labours to bring forth a vitious conception rather than none and so instead of a living creature generates a lumpe of flesh Signes The signes of a mole are these The months are supprest the appetite is depraved the brests swell and the belly is puffed up and waxeth hard Thus farre the signes of a breeding woman and of one that beareth a mole are all one I will now shew you how they differ The first signe of difference is taken from the motion of a mole it may bee felt to move in the wombe before the third moneth which the infant cannot yet that motion is not to be understood of any intelligent power in the mole but of the faculty of the wombe and of the seminall spirits defused through the substance of the mole for it lives not a life animall but vegitative in the manner of a plant Secondly in a mole the belly is suddenly puft up but in a true conception the belly is first retracted and then riseth againe by degrees Thirdly the belly being prest with the hand the mole gives way and the hand being taken a way it returnes to the place againe But a child in the wombe though prest with the hand moves not presently and being removed returnes slowly or not at all Lastly the childe continues in the wombe not above eleven moneths but a mole continues sometimes foure or five yeeres more or lesse according as it is fastned in the matrice I have knowne when a mole hath fallen away in the fourth or fifth moneth If it remaines untill the eleventh moneth the leggs waxe feeble and the whole body consumes onely the swelling of the belly still increaseth which makes some thinke they are hydropicall though there be little reason for it for in the Dropsie the legges swell and grow bigge but in a mole they consume and wither Prognostickes If at the delivery of a mole the Flux of blood bee great it shewes the more danger because the parts of nutrition having beene vitiated by the flowing back of the superfluous humors whereby the naturall heate is consumed and then parting with so much blood the woeman thereby is so weakened in all her faculties that she can hardly subsist Cure Wee are taught in the schoole of Hippocrates that phlegbotomy causeth abortion by taking away that nourishment which should sustaine the life of the child Wherefore that this vitious conception may bee deprived of that vegetative sappe by which it lives open the liver veyne and then the saphena on both feet Fasten Cupping-glasses to the loynes and sides of the belly which done let the uterine parts be first mollified and then expulsive faculty provoked to expell the burden To laxate the ligatures of the mole ℞ m.iij. Chammomile Melilot Pellitory of the wall Violet leaves Mercury roots of Fenell Parsly ana m. ij Lineseed Faengrecke ana lb. i. boyle them in water and let her sit therein up to the navill At the going out of the bath annoynt the privities and reines with this unguent following ℞ oyle of Chammomile Lillie● and sweet Almonds ana ℥ i. fresh butter Labdani Ammoniaci ana ℥ s. with the Oyle of Lineseed make an unguent Or instead of this may be used ●nguentum Agrippa or Dialtheae ℞ of Mercury roots of Althea ana m. s. fol. Branchae Vrsinae m. s. Lineseed Barley meale ana ℥ vi boyle all these with water and honey and make a playster Make pessaries of the gumme Galbanum bdellium Ammoniacum Figgs Hogges suer and Honey After the ligaments of the mole are loosed let the expulsive faculty be stirred up to expell the mole for effecting of which all medicaments may bee used which are proper to bring downe the courses ℞ troch de myrrha ℥ i. castor aristolochia Genti●● dictam ana ℥ s. likeʒi in ℥ iiij of Mugwort water ℞ of Hypericon Calamint Penny-royall Betony Hysope Sage Horebound Valerian Madder Sabine with water make a decoction take ℥ iij. of it with ℥ is of Sirrupe of Feverfew ℞ of Mugwort Myrrh Gentiane pil coch ana ℈ iiij anaʒs assa foetida Cinnamon Iuniper berries Borage ana ʒi with the iuce of Sabine make pills to be taken of every morning Make insessions of Hysope Bay leaves Assrum Calamint Bayberries Chammomile Mugwort Sabine ℞ of Sagapenum Marjerom Gentiane Sabine Cloves Nutmegge Bay-berries ana ℈ ij Galbanumʒi hierae picrae blacke Hellebore ana ℈ i. with Turpentine make a pessary But if these things prove not availeable then must the mole bee drawne away with an instrument put up into wombe called a Pes griphius which may be done with no great danger if it bee performed by a skilfull Chirurgeon After the delivery of the mole by reason that the woman hath parted with much blood already let the flux of blood bee stayed as fast as may bee Fasten Cupping-glasses to the shoulder and ligatures to the armes If these help not open the
gratitudinem exprimendam populares omnes obligentur Londini prid Id. Ianuar. anniab exbibito in carne Messia supra millesimum sexcentesimum tricesimo quinto Ex musaeolo meo To the Author IVst in thy spring did the nine Muses meet Whom when they spide they did conspire to greet And with fresh Laurell then Parnassus deckt That they on thee some honour might reflect The multitude amaz'd stood in a round To see whose prayse fames rathing trump did sound ' Ere long they heard that Sadler 't was thy worth That caus'd that stir and brought the Muses forth Then did Apollo God of Physicks Art And the nine Muses all consent in heart Thy well-deserving minde thy name thy state With learning honour fame to celebrate But foggie sleepers and those wanton boyes That spend their golden time in melting joyes Th' unpartiall Muses daygn not to respect They neglect learning and them they neglect Or send their Satyrs to proclaym their crime 'Cause creggie stayrs of honour they ' not climbe But generous Sadler thou tooks better way By making learnings pleasant fruite the prey Thou sought'st by early late by constant payne By cost by travell that thou mightst obtaine Not the vain-glorious shell of emptie prayse Which shines a while and sudenly decayes But the sound kernell of the honour'd Art● Which honour thee for thy deserved parts Divine Hyppocrates Galen all such As read this booke may witnesse well thus much 'Mongst Doctors of thy Art goe take thy chayre Now thou mayst rest greene lawrell is thy share I. S. The Contents Chap. 1. THe Introduction pag. 1. Chap. 2. Of the suppression of the courses pag. 14. Chap. 3. Of the overflowing of the courses pag. 30. Chap. 4. Of the weeping of the Wombe pag. 44. Chap. 5. Of the false cources and whites pag. 49. Chap. 6. Of the suffocation of the mother pag. 61. Chap. 7. Of the falling downe of the Wombe pag. 78. Chap. 8. Of the inflammation of the Wombe pag. 86. Chap. 9. Of the Schirrositie of the Wombe pag. 93. Chap. 10. Of the dropsie of the Wombe pag. 9.6 Chap. 11. Of Barrennes 106. Chap. 12. Of the Mole or false conception pag. 122. Chap. 13. Of the generation of Monsters and whether devils can engender p. 180. Chap. 14. Signes of conception pag. 142. Signes whether it be male or female pag. 107. Chap. 15. Of untimely birth pag. 149 A rule frr breeding women pag. 149. THE Sick womans Private Looking-Glasse Wherein Methodically are handled all uterine affects or diseases arising from the wombe An Introduction CHAP. I. IF any one but of a meane capacity were asked what were the wonder of the world I thinke that reason would move him to answer Man he being the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or little world to whom all things are subordinate agreeing in the Genus with things sensitive all being Animal but differing in the Species for man alone is endued with reason Let us make man in our image after our likenesse Wherefore of the Greeks hee is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of turning his eyes upward towards him whose image and superscription hee beares whence the Poet writeth Nonne vides hominum ut colsos ad sidera vultus Sustulerit Deus ac sublimia fi●xerit ora See how the heavens high Architect hath fram'd man in this wise To stand to goe to looke erect with body face and eyes And Cicero saith that all creatures were made like Moles to root upon the earth man onely excepted to him was given an upright frame to behold that mansion prepared for him above Now to the end that this so noble and glorious a creature might not quite perish hath the Almighty given unto woman the field of generation for a receptacle of humane seed whereby that naturall and vegitable soule which lies potentially in the seed may by the Vis plastica bee produced into act that man being mortall and leaving his off-spring behinde him may become as it were immortall and live in his posterity And because this field of generation to wit the wombe is the subject-matter from whence our ensuing discourse is drawne like so many lines from the center that you may the better judge of that which followes wee will in briefe lay before you the parts of the wombe together with the qualities of the menstruous bloud First touching the womb of the Grecians it is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the mother or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 saith Priscian because it makes us all brothers It is placed in the Hypogastrium or lower part of the belly in the cavity called Pelvis having the streight gut on one side to keepe it from the hardnesse of the back-bone and the bladder on the other side to defend it from blowes The forme or figure of it is like a virill member onely this excepted the manhood is outward and the womanhood within It is divided into the necke and the body The necke consists of a hard fleshie substance much like a cartilage at the end whereof there is a membrane transversly placed called Hymen or Eugion Neere also unto the necke there is prominent panicle which is called of Montanus the doore of the wombe because it preserveth the matrice from cold and dust Of the Grecians it is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the Latines Praeputium muliebre because the Jewish women did abuse this part to their owne mutuall lust as Saint Paul speaks for which Iuvenal turns Satyrist against them Nec distare putant humana carne suillam Qua paterabstinuit moxet praeputia ponunt The bodie of the wombe is that wherein the childe is conceived and this is not altogether round but dilates it selfe into two angles which Herophilus comparing to the hornes of a calfe calleth them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The outward part of it is nervous and ful of sinewes which are the cause of its motion but inwardly it is fleshie It is fabulously reported that in the cavity of the wombe there are seven divided cels or receptacles for humane seed But those that have seene Anatomies doe know there are but two and those not divided by a partition but onely by a line or future running thro●gh the middest of it In the right side of the cavity by reason of the heat of the Liver males are conceived In the left side by the coldnesse of the Spleene females are begotten And this doe most of our Modernes hold for an infallible truth yet Hyppocrates holds it but in the generall for in whom saith he the spermaticall vessell of the right side comes from the reines and the spermaticall vessell of the left side from the hollow veine in them males are conceived in the left side and females in the right Well therefore may I conclude with the saying of Empedocles Such sometimes is the power of the seed that a male may be conceived in
use of castor is worthily commended ʒi of it being taken in white wine Or you may make pills of it with mithridate and take them going to bed ℞ Of white brionie root dried and cut after the manner of carrots ℥ i. Put it into a draught of wine placing it by the fire and when it is warme drinke it of Quercitane draweth a faecula out of the root the substance of which is to be taken in white wine or peonie water ℞ Of myrrhe castor Assafaetida ana ℈ i. saffron rue seed ana gr iiii make 8 pills take every night 2. at your entrance into bed Galen by his owne example commends unto us Agaricke pulveriz'd of which he gave frequently ℈ i. in white wine ℞ anaʒs ligni aloes citron pills dried ana ℈ i. sugar ℥ iii. with feverfew water make lozenges ℞ Of tryphera magna Nic. ʒi mugwort water ℥ iiii Take this every other day for the space of 12 dayes Hang about her necke little tabulets of Vngula Alces ℞ Of bdellium ammoniacum and ℥ ii Agnus castus Centorie Cassia-wood feverfew marjerom ana ʒis turpentine q. s. make two plasters applie one before and the other behind Lay to the navill at bed-time a head of garlicke brused fastening it with a sweathing bande Make a girdle of galbanum for the wast and also a plaster for the belly placeing in one part of it both civet and muske which must be layd upon the navill ℞ anaʒii mithridate q. s. make a pessarie It purgeth the matrice of winde and flegme foment the naturall parts with sallade oyle in which hath beene boyled rue feverfew and chammomill ℞ Of rose leaves m.i. cloves ℈ ii twilt them up in a little cloth and boyle them in malmsie the eight part of an houre and then applie them close to the mouth of the wombe as hote as may bee indured Let her be covered well that the smell passeth not to the nose A drieing diet must bee observed the moderate use of Venus is commended Let her bread bee Anice seed bisket and her flesh meate rather rosted then boyled CHAP. VII Of the descending or falling downe of the Mother THE falling down of the wombe is a relaxation of the ligatures wherby the matrice is carried backward and in some hangs out in the bignesse of an egge Of this there bee two kindes distinguisht of Fernelius by Descensus and Prolapsus by a descending and a precipitation The descending of the wombe is when it sinketh downe to the entrance of the privities and appeares to the eye either not at al or very little The precipitation is when the wombe like a purse is turned the inside outward and hangs bewixt the thighes in the bignesse of a cupping-glasse Cause The cause is externall or internall The externall cause is difficult child birth violent pulling away of the secondine rashnesse and inexperience in drawing away of the child violent coughing neezing falls blowes carrying of heavie burdens The internall cause in generall is overmuch humiditie flowing unto those parts hindring the operations of the wombe whereby the ligaments by which the wombe is supported are relaxt The cause in particular is refer'd to bee in the retention of the seed or in the suppressions of the courses Signes The Arsgut and the bladder oftentimes are so crushed that the passage of both the excrements is hindered If the urine doth flow forth it is white and thick the proecordia are molested the loynes be grieved the privities payned the womb sinkes down to the entrance of the private parts or else comes cleane out Prognosticks This griefe possessing an old woman is cured with great difficultie because it weakens the faculties of the wombe and therefore though it bee reduced into his propper place yet uppon every occurrance it is subject to the like danger it was in before So is it with the younger sort if the disease be inveterate If it bee caused by putrifaction in the nerves it is incurable Cure The wombe naturally being placed betweene the streight gut and the bladder and now fallen down ought not to be put up againe untill the facultie both of the guts and bladder bee stirred up Nature being unloded of her burden let the woman be placed on her backe in such sort that her legs may be higher then her head let her feet be drawne up to her hinder parts with her knees spread abroad Then mollifie the swelling with oyle of Lillies and sweet Almonds or with the decoction of m●llows beetes faengreck and lineseed When the inflation is dissiputed let the midwife annoint her hand with oyle of Mastick and reduce the wombe into its place The matrice being put up the situation of the patient must bee changed Let her legs bee out at length and layd together Set cuppingglasses to the brests and navill Boyle Mugwort Feverfew red Roses and Comferie in red Wine and foment the places therewith Make a suffumigation for the matrice of Castor assa faetida Frankincence and Mastick ℞ anaʒiii Masticke Styrax Franck in●ence ana ℥ i. boleʒi with oyle of myrtles and wax make two plasters apply one before and the other behinde ℞ Of red roses Pomgranate pills Accorne cups Myrtle berries ana ℥ ii Medler leaues Sage Rue Origan Comferie wormewood ana mis. boyle all these in water and make an insessiō Move sweet odours to the nose And at the comming out of the Bath give her of sirrup of Feverfew ℥ i. with ʒi of anaʒiii Galbani ℥ s. Styracisʒ ii make a plaster for the navill Make pessaries of Assafaetida Saffron Comfery masticke adding there to a little Castor The practice of Paraeus in this cause was to make them only of corke in figure like a little egge covering them over with wax and masticke dissolved together fastning to it a thred and so to put it up into the wombe The present danger being new taken away and the matrice seared in its naturall abode the remote cause must bee remooved If the body bee plethoricke open a veyne Prepare with sirrup of betonie calamint hysope and feverfew Purge with pil de hier a cum agarico pil de colocynthide If the stomacke bee opprest by crudities unburden it by vomiting Sudorifficall decoctiōs of Lignum sanctum and sassifras taken twenty daies together dries up the superfluous moister and consequently suppresseth the cause of the disease Let the aire bee hote and drie and your diet hote and attenuating Abstaine from dancing leaping neezing and from all motion both of body and minde Eate sparingly drinke not much sleepe moderately CHAP. VIII Of the Inflammation of the wombe THE Phlegmon or inflammation of the matrice is a tumour possessing the whole wombe or part of it accompanied with unnaturall heate by obstructions and gathering together of corrupt blood Cause The cause of this affect is suppression of the months repletion of the whole body immoderate use of Venus often handling of the