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A09431 Foure great lyers, striuing who shall win the siluer whetstone Also, a resolution to the countri-man, prouing is vtterly vnlawfull to buye or vse our yeerly prognostications. Written by W.P. Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1585 (1585) STC 19721.7; ESTC S113859 31,826 108

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these reasons whiche follow 1. The signes cannot haue any such dominion ouer mans body I make it manifest thus There is no corporall heauen in deede aboue the firmament yet because the firmament or 8 Sphere hath many motions to giue reasons of those motions the Astronomers haue feyned two heauens aboue the firmament the Christaline heauen and the first moueable or 10. Sphere which they deuide into twelue partes whiche partes they call signes Now I praye you tell me is it possible to conceiue that an imagined part of any imagined heauen voyde of all starres shall either haue in it selfe or giue vnto other Starres power to gouerne the parts of mans body More reasonable was that man who beyng asked what was the cause of the sandes in Sandwiche hauen he aunswered the buildyng vppe of Tenterton Steeple Secondly the gouernement of the signes in the body is not taken from experience in nature but feyned long ago by some drowsie pate and now because it hath a cloake of antiquitie it is allowed More naturall was this kinde of waye that hote signes should gouerne hote partes cold signes cold partes earthy signes earthy partes So Aries should gouerne the hart and the vitall bloud not the head the rest of the signes those partes whiche are of their nature and disposition Thirdly great experience of many men dayly confuteth this rule For many learned Phisitians expert Chirurgians haue by infinite exāples found that if a man be let bloud in the signe or lanched or boxed or seared no harme ensueth nay they haue giuen testimony that the patients haue found euen then great comfort Wherefore let not these thynges trouble thy mynde any more but let them be nombred euen amongest vaine and vnprofitable fables 2. Next after followeth Elections of dayes and houres necessary for all matters as followeth Speciall dayes to Prepare humors Let bloud Purge with Vomite Electuaries Potions Pilles Cut hayre Comforte the vertue Bathe Attractiue Digestiue Retentiue Expulsiue Put children to schoole Trauell Marrye Hunte Hauke Fishe Plante Geld Cattell Laye foundations Here I pray thee marke their naughtie dealinges how they abuse thy ignoraunce to make themselues skilfull and to doe more then they can doe For if the iudgementes of the best Astrologers may be taken certainly most of these elections cannot be prescribed to thee vnlesse they knowe beforehand the figure of thy Natiuitie For all Election which concerne thy person must be moderated to speake as plainly as their toyes will suffer mee by the direction of the roote of thy Natiuitie and by the monthly and diurnall Progressions of thy present Reuolution If anie of these pretende some euill the perticuler Election may bee a meanes to increase and to bring it to passe For example suppose thou being a man toward marriage in the Almanacke thou findest a good daye noted by the Prognosticatour to marry in thou takest thy opportunitie after a while thou art wearie of thy life the first daye of thy marryage was the last daye of thy ioye UUhat is the cause of this All the Planettes which were signifiers of thy marriage in thy natiuitie were then euilly affected and peraduenture also at the first thou wast borne they receaued some disgrace So then thou maiest laye all blame partly vpon thy selfe for beleeuing and partlie vpon the Prognosticator who deceiued thee But to come vnto particulers the elections of daies to purge the bodie with anie kinde of purgation and to comfort the same are most ridiculous Why do they not also prescribe houres of eating meat Why do they not appoint the kinds of meats and drinks which wee must eate vse daily If thou see that God doth dayly blesse the enterprises of those Phisitians which neuer regarde those elections in ministring to their patients neuer esteeme of them let them goe as lyes to the Diuell from whence they came Concerning the electiōs of days to sowe to sett to plant to lop they are also foolish the generall obseruation of the season of the yeare in whiche these things are to be done is sufficient And S. Augustine in his book de ciuitate Dei laugheth at the folly of them whiche choose perticuler daies to do their husbandrie as thogh some certain positiōs of starres had some speciall influence to the thinges which are sowne then His reason is because manie grains of corn beeing cast into the grounde together springing vp together and riping al at one time yet some of them are blasted some are eaten of birds some are trodē down vnder foot some stand and are neuer touched The rest of the elections and especially that of laying foundations is most absurde They saye that if an house a citie a town haue his foundation when the starres be well affected the inhabitauntes shall haue prosperous and quiet liuing if when the starres be euill disposed then trouble disquietnes They haue no experience of this but y t onely which is most false for they knowe not the foundations of cities and towns neither the positions of the stars when they were built Let Rome and Venice be examples because these are most alledged of Astrologers the time in whiche they were built is vncertaine and the Planets are falsly sette in the figure of the foundation of Rome because Mercurye is contrarie to the sunne a thinge flatte impossible Agayne the folly of this is thus manifest that an house or Citie or common wealth may remayne the people being gone as it is in the time of plague and banishment and conquestes of Princes And the inhabitantes also may be safe and remain the building quite ransumed and beaten downe as we may see in Carthage the people and common wealth remai ned the Cittie quite defaced That al elections are vnlawfull Saint Augustine writing vnto Ianuarius prooueth it forth of the 4. to the Galathians by these wordes ye obserue months and times and yeares Therfore saith he let vs not obserue dayes yeres and monethes and times least wee heare this of the Apostles I am afraid least I haue taken labour in vayne with you for he rebuketh them which say I wil not goe because the Moone is thus or thus mooued or I will take my iourney that I may haue good successe because there is such a position of Starres I will not doe my businesse this moneth because suche a Starre gouerneth this moneth or I will doe my businesse this moneth because such a starre ruleth How then shall a man doe not to breake the worde of God Art thou a man that desirest to leade a christian life Then take the example of Paule as a patterne to gouerne all the actions of thy life without ceassing saith he I make mention of you in my praiers beseeching that by some meanes one time or other I might haue prosperous iourney by the will of God to come vnto you So thou if thou hast anye businesse in hand any iourney to take any thing to buy or sell or
formes by whiche not by the heauens they are made that whatsoeuer they are These proper causes because their natures be vnknowen vnto vs I cannot see how the Prognosticatour is able to foretell any thyng to come in good and conuenient maner laying aside all deceiuyng and forgeing of vntruthes To make this more playne I wil vse this similitude Suppose an henne to sit vppon many egges some of her owne some of diuers other foules she imparteth her heate equally vnto them at the length she hatcheth and some of her chickens are cockes some hennes some crowes some patriches some doues some black some white some like and liue some dye some are killed of the kite some are rosted No man I thincke will professe so much skill as to say that he by the considering of the henne and her heate which is a common cause of the chickens and all that befalleth them is able to tell why of this egge came a partriche of that a crowe why this egge had no chicken why that had a dead chicken c. except hee doe therewith all adioyne the consideration of the particular effectts The heauen is as it were an henne fostring vnder her winges all earthly thinges imparting his vertue and heate vnto all Can our Prognosticatour by the erectyng of figures by consideryng the disposition of euery Planet in their houses and the significations of euery thyng iudge why this man is wealthy that man a begger why this noble man dyeth this yeare none the next yeare why it is nought to trauell this way good to trauaile that waye why these diseases abounde and not other why corne shalbe deare this quarter not the next why this weeke is fayre and temperate that weeke that moneth vnseasonable and tempestuous Truely it is a thing flatte impossible They must hereunto adioyne the particular nature of the countrey the particular causes both in mens myndes and bodies as education place honestie byrth bloud sicknesse health strength weaknesse meate drincke libertie of mynde learnyng c. and all other speciall circumstaunces whiche they neuer doe as we may see in their Prognostications and if they woulde doe it yet they could not Wherefore I muste needes saye this that their follie is greate in publishyng their Prognostications and thou also greatly to bee blamed whiche by thy greedie desire giuest them great occasion to be so vnprofitably occupied To shew more briefly plainly of their vnabilitie in Prognosticating although I graūt the stars haue great force yet I say they cannot iudge of thinges to come And there be 6. impedimentes The first impedimēt is imbecillicie of wit for as mans eye from the earth beholding the heauens the starres perceiueth them not in their iust quātitie but as very small lightes for in deede the Sunne is an hundred threescore sixe times bigger thē the earth Saturne 90. times Iupiter 95. Mars one and an halfe the Moone is the 39. part of the earth the biggest sixed stars containe y e earth 107. times the stars of the secōd magnitude 90 the third 70. times the fourth magnitude 54. times y e fift magnitude 35. times the sixt magnitude 18. times So the weaknes of mans vnderstanding is not able to conceiue and learne the thinges whiche the heauens do bring to passe on earth The 2. impediment y e infinite nūber of stars which no doubt all haue great power although we do not finde it For the Prognosticator onely marketh 1028 starres of these he taketh onely heede vnto a very fewe Which is as though a man should iudge the power of an army by the powers of one or two souldiours and Captaines not by the power of the whole company The 3. impedim●●t is the infinite varieties of the vertues of stars the parts of heauē which Astrologers graūt to be yet they do not know thē As touching y e nature of the fixed stars they know nothing but by the colour which is red leady white pale c. resembling some Planet And because they know not y e vertue of all stars euery part of heauē they are not able to iudge any thing but to their owne shame no more then the Phisitian is able to know the nature of the cōpounde medicine without the knowing of euery simple The 4 impedimēt the manifold and dayly chaunge of the motions positiōs and configurations of the stars for if a man could tel both the number and nature of starres yet the varietie of positions breedeth trouble hindreth right iudgement because by this meanes the powers of stars are increased diminished chaūged And these rules which serued for auncient tymes to foretell things wil not serue vs because all the fixed stars haue chaunged their places and the rest are dayly chaunged The 5. impedimēt the infinite varietie of inferior things which do hinder peruert chaūge receiue or not receiue y e vertue predictions of stars as y e nature of the soile the dispositiō naturall of ayre orders cōstitutions of the cōmon wealth occasions education institution kindes of meate and drinke c. The 6. impediment the will of man which freely in cōmon matters chuseth this refuseth that There are many thinges which are caused without any worke of starres onely by the will of man study as we may see in Socrates Demosthenes and other c. Thus much shall suffice to shew that they cannot Prognosticate of things ensuyng now follow their manifold vntruthes and most false rules In disclosing them I will keepe the same order they vse in their Almanackes In the first or second leafe of their books thou shalt finde a picture of mās body with the 12. signes rounde about it they call it the Anatomie of mans body shewing how the 12. signes haue gouernemēt of the same for the Moone or any other significatour of any thing being in the signe they say that it is daūgerous to boxe to seare that part or to let bloud in it whiche is subiect to the dominion of that signe All these are nothyng but vayne Fables as I will manifestly proue 1. Whereas they call it an Anatomy me thincketh it is a butcherly Anatomy nay that of the butchers is far better for they ioyne head appurtenaūce together these men being sparing giue Aries the head Leo and Cancer the hart longes As for the liuer I know not which signe hath it peraduēture in old time men had no liuers At the Anatomye of a carrian crowes deale frendly for euery one hath somewhat but in the diuision of mans body signes play foule playe for Capricorne hath got nothyng but a paire of knees It is like that the signes scramblyng for their portions Capricorne beyng slowe got nothyng hereupon compassion being had there was a gathering made and Sagittarius gaue the lower part of the thighe Aquarius the higher part of the legge whiche both together make the knee But to deliuer thee out of all doubt marke
starres worke vpon mens bodies yet so y t the nature of the Country and soyle the meates and drinkes haue most commonly greater force Why are the bodies of Gentlemen of England and poore labouring mē of diuers dispositions are they not both in one countrey do not the starres shew their force in them alike yes truely but the kinde of life and diet preuaileth In the same region why are they which dwel vpon hills of other temperatures then they which dwell vpon playne champion grounde Why doe not the same influences of Starres make them of like natures is it not because the nature of the soyle preuayleth So then when as there be many causes effectuall and differing in altering mens bodies to builde an argument vpon one cause is most vnreasonable 2. The starres worke vpon the Elementes earth water ayre by makyng heate cold moisture drines The elementes how worke they on mens bodies They will also say by making heate cold moysture dryenesse which is most vntrue for the whotter and dryer the Elementes be the colder and moyster by nature are mens bodies Accordyng to that saying of Empedocles Nature placed a whote body in a cold countrey and a cold body in a whote countrey 3. The Philosophers say that all causes are either per se or per accidens Now the heauens being causes of the alteration of the senses per accidens they must not bee causes of the inclination of the will either per se or per accidens but per accidentis accidens whiche is most ridiculous 4. This long chayne by whiche they lincke the will of man to the starres if it shalbe applyed vnto particulars it must needes breake for the actions of the will is buying selling trauailyng lying heaping vp wealth murdering spreading of false rumours offering of discourtesies hatyng of kinsfolkes and such like whiche our heauengazers foretell haue no coherēte with the first qualities heate cold moisture drynesse neither can they any waye proceede from them and therfore the starres cannot be causes of them for they worke onely by these qualittes 5. This reason is nothyng to their purpose for because they graunt that a man may freely resiste the inclination of the starres he may hinder that vnto which the stars bend his wil how dare they presume to say this or that will come to passe The heathen men gaue vp thēselues to their own lustes vanities and followed euery litle and vayne inclination of them in this order did auncient Astrologers among them diuine that this or that time such actions such vices such enterprises such affaires should be amōg them In like maner our English wisemē speake of vs as though we were beastes not reasonable men as thogh we neuer had heard the blessed Gospell of God neuer tasted of the grace of God neuer learned what is good and what is bad neuer laboured to subdue our lustes affections alwayes turned to and fro with the blast of any influence working very slenderly in vs. Thus muche of Ciuill affaires They make mentiō also yearely of the diseases whiche shall reigne but the way which they follow is taken forth of the barren and vncertaine rules of of the old Astrologers who do so ascribe vnto euery Planet certaine diseases that if neede shall require they may referre the same disease vnto many significatours as in the plague the putrefaction of humors is attributed vnto Iupiter the sharpe feuer vnto Mars the madnesse whiche followeth vnto Mercurie the whole plague vnto Mars In the plurecie the inflammation of the bloud betwene the skinne called Pluritis and the ribbs is attributed vnto Iupiter the suppuration of the bloud vnto Saturne and the whole pluresie vnto Iupiter In the Iaundes the inflamation and corruption of humors vnto Iupiter the yelow humor in the gaule vnto Mars the obstruction of the partes vnto Saturne the whole Iaunds beyng white vnto Mars blacke vnto Saturne And so in euery disease they vse this inconstancie and ambiguitie in Prognosticating It is a rule among the Astrologers that if the Planets signifiers of diseases be well affected then there shalbe no diseases but health if they be euilly affected then diseases follow Our Prognosticatours neuer marke this rule but howsoeuer the Planets bee affected they straightwayes pronounce that such diseases shall reigne For exāple the last winter quarter it was said by one of them that y e diseases which should afflict mens bodies were rewmes coughes cold laskes swelling of the face throte fallyng of the Colmel sore eyes deafenesse the stone goute dropsie greenesicknes madnes quarterne feuers c. And all the Planets signifiers of diseases in that quarter were indifferēt well affected wherfore thou hast not one cause to feare their threatninges but rather to be sorie for their continuall deceites wishing them myndes that they may one day see their owne follie Concernyng the tyme when the constellations take their effectes our Prognosticators say that some take their effectes the same yeare some not the same yeare but long after as great coniunctions and Eclipses For they say if the Moone be eclipsed one houre she worketh her effect a moneth after if two houres two monethes after and the Sunne for euery houre it is Eclipsed taketh his effect an whole yeare after Truely this rule whiche they follow must needes be agaynst all reason For why should not all coniunctions and oppositiōs of the Sunne and Moone differre their effectes as well as those coniunctions and oppositions in which the Sunne and Moone is Eclipsed if they showe forth their power immediately after why should not these also do the same Moreouer the Epignosticall Astrologers who haue conferred the course of the heauens with histories shew very manifestly that Eclipses do not deferre the tyme of working their spite vpon the earth In the yeare of our Lord. 1419. the Sunne was Eclipsed in Aries and presently after shewed all his force There was a great sedition in Prage that yeare In Paris an vprore betwene them of the Citie and the Uniuersitie and two thousand Scholers were slayne Then also Wenzeslaus king of Bohemia being in a great palsie dyed In the yeare .1524 There was a coniunction of Saturne and Iupiter in Scorpius also a great Eclipse of the Sunne in Iune whiche tooke their effectes the same yeare Charles king of Fraunce driuen forth of his countrey warre betweene Danes and the men of Sleswicke There was a great plague in Germanye Ciuill dissention amongest the Princes of the Empire and them which tooke the part of Iohn Husse .1452 An Eclipse of the Sunne in Sagittarius his effectes began presently and lasted a great while Euen then Constantinople was taken by the Turke The Hungarians and Bohemians besieged Fredericke the Emperour 1473. the 27. of Aprill the Sunne was Eclipsed in Taurus Mars beyng in Aries and Iupiter in Sagittarius The same yeare in sommer was such heate and drynesse of weather that woodes euen withered and one might