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A06401 An easie, certaine, and perfect method, to cure and preuent the Spanish sicknes Wherby the learned and skilfull chirurgian may heale a great many other diseases. Compiled by Peter Lowe, Arellian: . . . Lowe, Peter, ca. 1550-ca. 1612. 1596 (1596) STC 16872; ESTC S109939 58,902 42

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to the natural cullour In like manner the appeasing of all the symptoms subiect to that disease helping of the members as before doing all wonted actions without any impediment or hinderance If these signes bee certainly perceiued you may assure your selfe that there remaineth nothing and so wee end thys Treatise The second Treatise sheweth the way to cure the accidents of the Spanish sicknesse The first Chapter SEeing I haue sufficientlie shewed in the former Treatise of the curation of thys dysease which generally happeneth throughout all the body by the which all men that doe professe anie learning and cheefely Chirurgia●s may easily cure the same Now in like manner will I shew the true cure of the accidents of this sicknes which ordinarilie we call the Venerian sicknes perticuler yet of these there be also many sorts for some goe before the malady and if it be not yet confirmed some follow some happen in the cure and some after the cure vnperfectly performed Of those which goe before which we call precedents or forriders is vlcers and cankors of diuers fashions in the yeard burning of vrine Chaudepisses Carnosities Pulluines and such like Yet somtimes any of these may happen without the sicknes Those that followe bee pustuls and vlcers throughout all the bodie cheefely in the secret parts and also in the forhead and diuers other parts of the head in the emunctories in the mouth throat and fundament falling of hayre dolors and nodosities of the ioynts Those that happen in the cure are lack of appetite and walking vlcers in the mouth intestins and conduit of vrine with diuers others which happeneth in diuers manners according vnto the varieties of the waies of cure Those that happen after the vnperfect cure make diuers euill accidents as the fixed greefe of the whole head or some part thereof also of the legs armes and ioynts nodosities with putrifaction of the bones deafenes defluxions of the eyes filthy and creeping vlcers Fissures and Darters in the hands feete and diuers other parts of the body diminution of substance so that the body becommeth leane and atrified Of these symtoms some be cured by the generall cure but heere we shall content vs to speake of those which are cured by particuler cure If not by dulie administring of propper remedies the part affected becommeth rebellious and obeyeth no remedies the Patients are tobe suspected to haue great venenositie in the bodie where-upon for greater assurance to saue them from the vniuersall sicknes I cause them to vse euery morning of my electuary halfe an ounce by that meanes the euill humor doth auoy de which did entertaine the sicknes so is healed easily If it chaunce otherwise it shall bee well done to cause the sicke to vse good regime the space of 10. or 15. dayes during the which time yee shall vse a decoction of Salsparil or Gaiac according to his temperature and some liniment particuler on the part affected as also on the parts adiacents the which liniment shall be composed of Axungie rosat Mesues or Butter adding such quantitie of Mercure as ye shall finde expedient By thys linement and the decoction ye shall haue a great help in the cure The second Chapter sheweth the way to cure those vlcers that happen in the yeard HEere we shall begin at the maligne vlcers in the yeard which take their originall by carnall coniunction laying a part for this time those that happen by diuers other occasions as by hauing to doe with women in the time of theyr flowers and also by the great confrication of some women that be straight hote the which for the most part may be healed of themselues notwithstanding we shall speake of some part of them Of those vlcers which be maligne some happen in the gland called by the Latins Balanus and when they be most copious they be least maligne Others happen in the Prepuce which is the vtter skinne that couereth the gland Those vlcers for the most part be few in number but more dangerous somtimes complicked with virulencie or corrosion with blew or blackish cullour accompanied with callosity sometimes with filthines or rottennesse euill habitude of the body All these accidents must be corrected or els the vlcers cannot be healed the which being neglected in short space become cacoethick and maligne Some doe ende in gangrene or mortification and then we are constrayned to cute the whole member or at the least some portion thereof For the which you may haue recourse to my Chirurgie Chapter of gangrene Somtimes these vlcers doe degenerat into Carcinomes which if so happeneth you may haue recourse to the Chirurgie Chapter of Carcinomes It shall be well done not to neglect the simplest vlcer in the yearde For oftentimes by the neglecting of the vniuersall curation in the beginning and vsing onelie some repercussiue and astringent remedies the disease is healed but for a time so that afterwards it returneth within halfe a yeare or a yeare or two yeares sooner or later according to the habitude of the person diseased I handled in Paris a Gentleman who tenne yeares afore had a simple vlcer in his yearde and being euill cured by sorce of repercussiues the venim did retire to the center of the body So after the ten yeares vlcers and pustuls appeared in his yearde and at the perineum the prostats and parastats became all putrified and in like manner the whole scrotum So he dyed miserably notwithstanding all remedies as many doe when the humor virulent is retired and hidden long time in the body the which may chaunce in old folks For in such it consumeth inwardly before any appearance without But to returne to our purpose for the curation of maligne vlcers in the yearde we must vse some light purgations letting of blood good regime according to the temperature of the body vsing also decoction of Gaiac and Salsparill abstayning from all strong purgatious also bleeding of the arme or any superior part by reason that the strong medicines doe reuoke the humor to the centre of the body the which nature would discharge by the vlcers letting of blood in the armes or any superior parts doeth the same So that if these things be not well obserued the generall sicknes followeth for this cause the purgation shall be weake and the letting of blood in the inferior parts as in the leggs or feete also with such method that the part affected be not irrited As for the simple vlcers that be not maligne but come onely by great rubbing on women that be hote or by great violence on little Maides or by some women y t are ouer-straight which seldome happeneth or by women that haue their purgations and such other as you haue heard we vse onely drying medicaments and without mordication like as pouder of Tutia prepared Terra Sigillata burnt lead Bolus Vera and such like You shall put eyther of these alone or diuers together mingled with some medicament
after meate taking a greater measure in the after-noone then before noone If the patient be strong and the sicknes great let the quantitie be greater and in Winter more then in Sommer and in cold folkes more then in hote folkes The forme how it shall be vsed is after this manner that he that vseth it must be in bed warme and in a hote ayre or if the weather be cold the Chamber must alwayes b●●ote and verie close and the ayre rectified by odorifferous things the patient must not goe forth for it is dangerous to expose the body to the ayre the poares being open as alwayes happeneth after sweat It must be taken warme to the end it may doe the office the better as also that by the cold it hurt not the concoctrix vertue of the ventricle The quantitie you shall giue is Vnc. viij or vij or vj. Hauing so taken it the patient must be couered with clothes which must be warme and light The sweat must not be violent for by our experience we see that albeit it be not violent yet it weakeneth the body in such a sort that we are oft forced to leaue the propper cure and giue order to the accidents and the like may happen by the excessiue heate of the Chamber so that good iudgement is required in that matter Somtime for the thicknes of the skin nature doth not easilie prouoke sweat for the prouocation wherof it shall be well done to put to the feete and shoulders bottels or bladders full of the same decoction that be very warme So couer well the head as also the rest of the body in such sort that nothing be vncouered sauing onelie the mouth and nose Before that you take the potion it shall be well done to make light frictions with hote clothes chiefely on the parts most dolorous to the end the poares be the easier opened and also to prouoke sweat After he hath sweat one houre or two as hee may easily indure you shall drie him with hote clothes beginning first at the parts which be opposit to the dolours next to the parts dolents and through the rest of the body tub well the head and in time of sweating drie oft the face according as you perceaue it to be moist Being so dryed and the hote clothes taken from him hee shall refresh him selfe as before in his bed keeping him well from the cold which might cause obstruction of the poares and passages and might bee occasion to hinder the sensible and insensible transpiration Two or three houres after he be refreshed and the motion ceased he may dine vsing aliments of good iuice and according to the regiment hereafter set downe Then foure houres after meat he shall take a draught as before of this decoction vsing them as before and so continue 10 or 20 dayes according vnto the forces of the patient and nature of the disease vsing euery three dayes eyther Glisters or some potion laxatiue according vnto the nature of the humor that domaineth For often by the great sweats the belly not being loose the excrements doe-drie and so doe much offend Those that vse to cure by this way make their decoction stronger in the end to the effect it be more desiccatiffe as also the regime of life more straight and rigorous and this way they continue fiue or sixe weekes sweating euery day once or twice the space of 25. dayes the rest of the time they vse good regime and drinke no other drinke for in that time say they albeit he sweat not yet the poares that are opened shall alwayes vapour out some vapours or sprites venimous so in that time they esteeme them to be healed But the truth is as I haue oft seene that this forme doth nothing saue onely hide the sicknes and appease the dolors for a time so that it is alwayes recidiue and oft times by the long and violent vsage heereof the humors are rendred more drying maling and burned of the which come miserable simptoms as I haue often seene In this time the regime is very straight VVhereof commeth great hurt for the straightnes heereof ordayning onely so much bread with such a number of plums as is not sufficient to entertaine nature For in long sicknesses as sayth Hippocr in his 1 Booke 4 Apho. that ouer-straightnes of lyfe is alwayes dangerous speciallie in people that are accustomed to eate much For as sayeth the same Author custome is a second nature Therefore they must not be restrayned so soone nor so much from their wonted vse In like manner that straight way of lyfe with the decoction doth drie and burne the blood and other good humors and doth onely consume a part of the subtilest of the euill humor and the grossest remaineth So by this forme of proceeding the most part of the people may not nor hath not the force to endure that hard intertainment albeit it were vailable I haue seene sundry who by the great vsage of this are become altogether vncurables These faults are committed by some simple Barbers and other ignorant fellowes who although they knowe themselues to be ignorant yet beeing most arrogant not onely in this but also other sicknesses doe take vpon them to cure and heale euery disease hauing their onely recourse to the dyet by the which they ruine infinit number of people ignoring the maladie the remedies and the temperature of the patient not considering whether the sicke haue force to support that manner of traitment or no and also whether the humors be prepared or if they neede prepatation or if their dyet be propper for the disease vsing the same remedie in children and old folks Aske them the reason they will aunswer you that they haue cured many but neyther doe they speake of the reason not of those that they haue killed God defend all Christians from such a kind of Empirickes The true regime that we should vse in this sicknes must be wisely done as well for the nature of the maladie as for the malice of the accidents As for the nature of the maladie the age the region the time of the yeare with diuers other circumstances are to be considered And according vnto these things the regime of life must be obserued eyther by adding or by diminishing In like manner in these Countries that be cold the naturall heate retireth to the centre of the body so that the concoction is done the better and therfore they haue better appetite as sayeth Hippocr in his 15 Aphor. first Booke Also Gallen in his Commentarie where he sayeth In Winter and Spring-time the ventricle is naturallie hote and therfore at that time the body should be more nourished For oftentimes the lacke of nuriture doth consume the radicall humiditie by the action of the same heate therefore our nuriture must be of a reasonable quantitie and also of good iuice like as Mutton Veale Kidds Capons Chickins Fessants Partriches and little Birds commonly vsed leauing all water Fowles the
is the third way that I vse THis is a way of cure that I haue oft experimented with good successe chiefely in people of good temperature and the malady not being yet entred into the solide parts Then to performe the cure to such as it is conuenient the body and the humor must first be prepared with purgations letting of blood and sweating as it appeareth in the generall Chapter The regime shall be obserued as is sayd in the Chapter of the decoction of Gaiac Afterward you must vse of this decoction the space of 20 or 30 dayes as you shall find expedient the which shall be composed after this forme Recipe Salsparile vnc 4 que sit tenuitur in cisa Rad. Chine per tessellas excise vnc 2 macerentur spatio 24 borars in 10. pintis Aque fontane Bulliant lento igne ad consumpt mediepartis coletur Of this you shall take a good draught euery morning according vnto the strength of the Patient sweating there-vpon in bed as you haue heard in the Chapter of the decoction of Gaiac doing the like in the after noone and so continuing euery day during the time aboue specified excepting alwayes the 7 or 8 day in the which you shall vse some thing laxatiue or at the least some of the same decoction made laxatiue after this forme To a pint of the decoction add halfe an ounce of Sene 2 dragmes of Hermodact and a little Lycoris after the full ebullition add an ounce of sirop of Roses laxatiue This you shall take in the morning and a broth an houre after made of fine hearbs and butter If this be not conuenient enough you shall take three graines of my pouder called Puluis Tartarianus or else halfe an ounce of mine electuary The preparation of both is set downe in The Poore mans guide The day of the purgation hee must neither sweat nor goe forth The rest of the time he may goe forth if the weather be warme Neuerthelesse he must not rise out of bed till two houres after the swea● be passed To some it shall be enough to sweat once a day and so 18 or 20 dayes shall be sufficient It hath greater vertue then Gaiac and more propper for those that are of hote temperature Of the grounds of the rest of this decoction you may make an other putting to it fiue pints of water and fiue pints of whie wine if the sicke be weake or else all water seeth it till the third part be consumed and drinke of it ordinarily It hath the vertue to restore those that be weake The first decoction is most excellent in many other sicknesses as Catharres that distill from the head obscure Cankers tumors difficult to discusse good for a cold stomack discusseth flatuosities most excellent for old vlcers but best of all for this disease as I haue oft proued to the contentment of many who vsed that remedie The 21 Chap. to heale this disease by my Electuary the which is the fourth way that I vse THis manner of cure which I haue oft vsed to my speciall friends for the taking away of this venim eyther beeing recent or inueterat is done after this manner First purge the body with some light purgation afterward let blood Next prepare the humors as you haue heard in the generall Chapter Afterward purge agayne with thys medicament Recipe decoct pect ad dosim infun●●●● cathaliconis duplic drag 10 sir Ros pallidar ex agarigo et senna vnc 1 fiat potio quam 〈…〉 horis ante iusculum Afterward you must let him blood in the other arme 〈…〉 there-vpon to rest a day purging him after that with an ounce of Casse and an ounce of Sirrop of Succory composed with Rubarb Afterward 〈…〉 5 dayes and going out of the bath take a drinke of the decoction of Salsparil 〈…〉 after the forme as you haue heard in the precedent Chapter In the meane time 〈…〉 beginning to the end you shall vse the regime set downe in the Chapter of Salsparil 〈…〉 ordinarie drinke shall be of the second decoction of Salsparill He must neyther drinke wine nor Ale or Beere during the time of the cure which will last 25 or 30 dayes during which time he shall vse euery morning halfe an ounce of my confection the description wherof is clearely and brifelie set downe in the treatise intituled The Poore mans guide with the sorme howe it should be vsed for many diseases that it is approbriat to As for the vsage thereof in this disease there is onely to be obserued that you must neyther eate 3 houres after nor 3 before the taking therof And if the taking of it in the morning doth not sufficiently worke you may take as much in the after-noone Somtime by vsing of it twice a day it worketh too fast wherefore you must well consider and take it but once in one day or once in two dayes according as you find it work and if it worketh as it ought to doe it shall be 5 or 6 times euery day without violence This is a remedy most excellent to be vsed both Sommer and Winter as well to young as to old It healeth perfectly as well the inueterat as the recens albeit the time be somwhat longer being no neede to keepe the lodging nor to alienat the sicke from any affaires the which things are all performed without the knowledge of any man Among other excellent vertues that it hath it is most profitable for the poore people for many reasons VVherefore albeit it be a very precious iewell vnto me yet for the loue that I haue to the common wealth I will not hide it It hath also many and diuers vertues pertayning to the infantment of a woman the which I haue plainely declared in mv treatise of The Infantment the which by Gods help shall be shortly put in print and dedicated to the most vertuous Princesse the Queenes Maiestie of Scotland The 22 Chap. to heale this disease by the Arabick powder which is the fift way that I vse TO performe this manner of cure the body and the humors must be well prepared by sirrops or decoctions purgations and letting of blood Bathes and good regime as you haue heard in the precedent Chapter It shall be expedient that the sicke sweat 5 or 6 dayes vsing the decoction of Salsparill Chine or Gaiac the which shall be diuersified according to the diuersity of the temperature as you haue often heard before Afterward during the time of the c●re which shall be 20 or 25 dayes he shall vse things of good nuriture and drinke ordinarily decoction of Salsparill abstayning from all cold drinke either actually or potentially These things being performed ye shall vse of this powder euery day once or once in two dayes according as yee shall perceiue the effects thereof the which shall be ministred after this order First take 10. graines of the said powder and mingle it with conserue of Roses or of Nenuphar which shall bee made in
as Pompholix Cerat Galien ressat Mesue oyle Rosat and apply it on the vlcer it shall presently be healed like as any other simple vlcers being vsed after the same sort If the vlcer be ioyned with some other euill affection or intemperie the cure must begin at the taking away of the same But by reason the euill temperie may be cold hote dry or moist we must diuersifie the remedies according to the intemperie of the humor And if the intemperie be hote you shall vse cold things like as fomentation of iuice of Plantin or water of the same Nightshade Knotgrasse Pastorspurse These or eyther of them shall be applyed on the part and about the part a cloth wet of Oxicrat or Emplaister of Dyapalma malaxed with oyle Rosat cerat Galien Nutritum de bolo and diuers others of like quality If the temperie be cold vse things contrarie like as fomentation of Claret wine in the which shall be sodden Sage Origanum Time Calaminte Mariorum Fenell Melilot and such like If the intemperie be very cold add to it a little of Aquae-vitae The dry intemperie is cured by fomenting the part with hote water continuing till it groweth red which shall humect it If the intemperature be humid it must be dryed as much as it aboundeth in moist For therebe some parts that be humid of them selues these must be more dryed then other parts which be lesse moist As for example the Balanus must be more dryed then the prepuce that couereth it by reason it is more humid The intemperie being taken away we come to the curation of the vlcer for the which we diuersifie the remedie according to the nature of the sayd vlcer Then first you shall perceaue if it be virulent which is lesse suspected then the sordid The vlcers virulent and corrosiues doe proceede of corrupted bilious humor the which taketh the origine from the vlcers which are in the conduits of women being irrited eyther by great confrication or else by some venim in the capacitie of the matrix which newlie hath beene receaued by some man infected with Gonorrhea Virulent or vlcer in the yeard the which humor being rendered more maligne and adherent sticketh presently to the porosities of the yeard and there-vpon falleth a great heat and dolor pricking and corrodent which vlcereth the part the cullour whereof is yellow towards the midst the borders be pale or red the figures vnequalls For the curation of the which first you shall order good regime purgations letting of blood obseruing alwayes such cautions as you haue heard auoyding to vse no medicine that be of sacultie repercussiue for in these we must take heede that we should not chase the humors to the noble parts or to any other part for nature sending that way if you put it backe with repercussiue medicaments vndoubtedly the Spanish si●knes will followe Therfore you shall hold from the part affected as also from other parts neere to it remedies repercussiues for such reasons as you haue heard In the beginning vse such as haue the force to dull the arcimonie of the humor like as to touch it with water of Sublimat or strong water or the blew water which is commonly vsed or pouder of Mercury or a little of my pouder set downe in The Poore mans guide called Puluis Neapolitanus most excellent for diuers vlcers That being done you shall prouoke the fall of the Escare the which shall be done by the application of these remedies like as Vnguent Basilicon Butter Muscilages of the seede of both Mallowes and of Line and such like Yet beware that the ouer great vsage of these remedies should not render the vlcers filthie and rotten Also haue care of the body for if it be plethorick or cacochimick the acrimonie of these remedies may irrit the vlcers and so cause them to degenerat in Vlcers Maligns Gangrens and Carcinomes Therefore if you perceaue the vlcers irrited by the venenositie of the humor so that there be no remedie make a particuler rubbing on the adiacent parts composed of things that haue the vertue to resolue heate and consume but alwayes you must mingle with it a little of Mercure well prepared For the same effect you may vse particuler persumes and suffumigations such as is set downe in the Chapter of perfumes Then the malice being corrected and the virulent humor digered and become white and thicke which are signes of good nature mundifie the vlcer and dry it with proper medicaments as with pouder of Aloe Thus Sarcocolle Mirth burnt Lead Pompholix the which you may vse alone or mingled with some oyntment as Pompholix Album Rasis Desiccatinum Rubenum or this Recipe battature eris eris combusti vnc 1 terre sigillate vnc 3 olei Mastic et Cidon vnc 2 fiat Vnguentum If by the vsage of these remedies the vicers heale not be assured that the body is ouer-charged with humors and that the generall disease will followe Therefore when you perceaue such things cause the sicke to vse of my confection the space of 15 dayes with a decoction of Salsparill or Chine according vnto the temperature VVhen the vlcer is betweene y e Prepuce and Balanus it causeth somtime such inflamation and tumor in the Prepuce that hardly or not at all the Glande can be discouered to see those vlcers and then in stead of Emplaisters and Vnguents we vse distilled waters collires decoctions whereof we make iniections with siringu●s or other wayes Neuerthelesse those things must be composed according to the disposition of the malady eyther to cleanse resolue soften or drie The iniections being so composed you shall vse refrenants like as iuices of hearbs Oxicrat Cerat Gallien Vnguentum Nutritum Afterward clense the vlcers with scouring waters like as Plantine Eupatory Wormewood mingled with Syrrop of Absint or of Roses or of Honny or a little of Egiptiac Other-wayes this that followeth which is both cleansing drying Recipe vini albi lib. 1 Aquar Ros Plantag an quartam vnam Auripigm drag 2 Virid aris drag 1 Aloes Mirrhae ser 2 terrantur subtilissime fiat Collirium So by the vsage of these remedies the vlcers shall be cleansed and dryed The 3 Chap. sheweth the way to cure the Venerean Bubons which are commonly called Pullains THE body being oppressed by this venim and chiefely the Liuer nature doth force it selfe by the vertue expultrice of the sayd Liuer to cast out that which is hurtfull on the parts most weake of our body which are y e little glandes betwixt the thigh and the body whereof certaine byles and apostumes doe proceede commonlie called Pullains or Bubons the which for the moste parte are colde tumors of a matter thicke and vitious and are long in opening There be other that proceede of humor hote and sharpe in these parts which doth make great tumor with great inflamation accompanied with extreame paine These doe open sooner Now of these tumors some appeare neere
the glands some in the membrance that couereth the glands some in their propper substance and of these some doe apostume others not and some degenerat in vlcers virulens and corrosiues the which are healed by the generall cure some are cured by particuler cure some retire to the internall parts and are simptoms precedents or forreyders to the generall disease like as oft we see As for the curation of those tumors first the regime vniuersall must be duly obserued in the sixe vnnaturall things abstayning from such things as be contrary according vnto that which you haue heard in the generall chapter of the former treatise purge lightly with some such things which shall onely purge the first vaynes and helpe nature to chase the euill humors to the Emunctories Beware of strong purgations for they reuoke the humor to the centre of the body and the letting of blood in the arme doth the same effect Therefore vse onely such medicines as doe meekely purge and let onely blood in the legg or foote As for the topical remedies they shall be neyther resolutiue nor repercussiue as some doe by reason that the resolutiue doe onely consume the more subtill and the thicker doth remaine which is cause afterward of the vniuersall sicknes and the repercussiue doe reuerberat those maligne and venimous humors into the inward parts whereby the vniuersall sicknes may also be caused Therfore thou shalt abstaine from such things causing the sick to make light exercise for that maketh the humors discend and auoyde more easily Also for the prouocation of the same yee shall applie ventouses and drawing medicaments according vnto the nature of the humor Neuerthelesse begin at things more weake by reason that all suddaine and violent motions are hurtfull and dangerous to nature by making suddaine or violent attraction as also for that the tenuitie of the attractiues may make euacuation of a part the rest may irrit not obey the attractiues For this cause ye shall mingle with the attractiues some emplaistrick medicament which shall be made in this forme following Rec. Ficuum pinguinum num 6. Passular mundatar vnc sem Rad. Althaeae et Brionae an vnc 1. Coquantur adde cappar sub cineribus coctor capitū lilior albor an vnc 3. Cum fermento sale et vitellis oner vel Axungia et fiat Cataplasmum If yee thinke good to mingle therewith Gumme Ammoniack Galbanum Bdellium Oppopanax it shall be well For the same purpose ye may vse the emplaister Diachilon magnum cum Gummis Apostolicum Nicolai de Melileto This beeing done and the humor drawne to a circonference it shall be necessarie to vse some suppuratiue medicaments as this Rec. rad Althaeae et Lilior an vnc 3. Fel. Maluae Bismaluae Parietariae et Violar sub Prunis coctar an vnc 1. Coquantur et terrantur addendo axungiae porci vel Buturi sine sale vnc 3. Oleor. Lilior Violar an vnc 2. Vitellos anor duos et formetur Cataplasma the which if ye esteeme not strong enough vse this Rec. Rad. Lilior Brionae Althaeae figilli beatae Mariae an vnc 1. sem Lapathi Cepar et allior sub Prunis coctor an vnc 2. Coquantur et conterrantur addendo axungiae porci anseris Gallinae an vnc 1. Gummi Ammoniaci Galbani in aceto dissoluti an drag sem Olei Lilior et Lumbricor an vnc sem Fermenti acerrine vnc 1. fiat Cataplasma With these things and other such like remedies yee shall continue till such time the humor come to full ripenes in the vsage whereof ye shall put alwaies an Emplaister of Basilicon the breadth of a groate and apply it on the part more iminent vnder the Cataplasma Then the perfect maturation being done it may be opened three waies to wit by the Lancet by the Cautere actuall and by the Cautere potentiall the which apertion must be made according to the rectitude of the Fibres and that shal be done by the potentiall Cautere by reason that the heare thereof helpeth the suppuration of the cold humor Make good opening to the effect the thicke humor contained may auoide more easilie Defer not long the apertion by reason that oftentimes the matter contained lifteth vp vapours of the same nature to the noble parts the long stay maketh the humors take theyr course to the center of the bodie causing thereby the generall sicknes the which if you perceiue apply attractiues and doe what you can to comfort and corroborate the noble parts vsing also good regime For by these meanes nature putteth the humors forth eyther in the same place or in the emunctories of the hart as I haue seene in one that I haue cured to whom these accidents did happen The suppuration and the opening made as it ought to be ye shall produce the fall of the Escare either by fresh Butter Axungie or Basilicon or common digestiue Afterward mundifie and cicatrise the vlcer as in others That being done purge well the body and let blood also according vnto the habitude If it happeneth that the vlcers suppure not well but remaines hard tumified and sordid the borders turned ouer resisting all common remedies you shall iudge the sicknes to follow whereuppon you shall vse good regime for a certaine space with decoction of Gaiac and some other medicament to corroborate the noble parts to the end they may the better chase sorth that which is hurtfull the which if all be not sufficient we come to the generall cure of the disease and this is the order that yee shall vse in the curation of these tumors The 4. Chapter sheweth the way to cure the Chaudepisse Virulent called Stranguria Virulenta I Haue heere determined to speake of the fluxe Spermatick and Gonorrhea virulent or Chaudepisse which is moued by the contagion of those that are infected with that venerian venim Chaudepisse is an inflamation of the glands prostates and parastates situate in the beginning of the necke of the bladder the which are proper domicils to the Sperme before it be cast forth But Chaudepisse or Gonorrhea virulent differeth somewhat from Gonorrhea not virulent because as saith Gallen De locis affectis Gonorrhea is an inuolentarie emission of the Sperme without eyther putrefaction or vlcers but in the Chaud●pisse virulent is a continuall extention of the yeard with retraction of the same in like manner emission not onely of the Sperme as is in the vlcers but also of humors putride Neuerthelesse it shall not be amisse to speak somewhat of Gonorrhea not virulent because it hath some affinitie with the other as also because they happen both in those parts Whereof there is two sorts to wit that which is done by repletion and that which is done by inanition By repsetion as those that haue great aboundance of sperme the which sometime nature of her selfe doth expell for to be discharged and somtimes it may be dissolued against the heate of the sunne and by
setting the backe long against a hote fire also by riding a trotting horse as by all other motions excalefactiues which inflame those parts and make fluxion and sometime by the vsage of Beere and all foodes vaporous thick and vitious the which make inflamation and doe cause attraction of humors in like manner by paine and weakenes of the part which receiueth not onelie the seede but also the euill humors of the parts adiacents the which putrifie follow continually by the yeard Sometime as saith Arnaldus it may happen that it Apostumeth by reason of the great aboundance of humore which doe putrifie the prostates and that without any outward appearance as I proued in Paris in a Turke bond-slaue to the Embassadour of Spaine who had such a fluxe for plenitude and lack of womans help of the which came dolors intollerable inwardly and outwardly with two great vlcers in the perinium suppression of vrine the which accident happened to this man two sundrie times in three yeeres It is somtime accompanied with great inflamation of one part of the Scrotum somtimes it suppureth other-whiles it resolueth which happeneth seldome When this happeneth neither is the erection of the yeard dolorous nor the making of water by reason that seldom chanceth vlcers in the conduit of the vrine as also little habitation with women which might haue brought the matter that way excoriat those parts by the acrimonie and putrefaction So by thys and diuers other considerations wee may cleerely know that the seede must be euacuated eyther by ordinory meanes or extraordinarie or els it becommeth putrified and put forth by some Apostume otherwise it remaineth within of the which come many greeuous maladies The second kind of Gonorrhea not virulent is done by inanition and happeneth oft to those who doe think profoundly of loue or that haue fine wiues or else that the vessels spermaticall haue receiued some stroke or by sitting vpon colde stones also by rubbing with cold liniments by falls and strokes vpon the loynes by ouer hot bathes for by all these the vessels are rendred weake Furthermore the sperme being ouer sharpe and thinne doth likewise sometime cause that accident which may also be caused by hauing ouer-soone vsed the act venerean All these make heate and inflamation in those parts wherby happeneth attraction of the humor which being drawne passeth continually partly by the heat and partly by the weaknes of the vertues retentrices of the sayd parts So that oftentimes it passeth sanguinolent halfe elabred being sometimes pure blood the which maketh men become Ethick and Tabids so bringeth death to many of them by reason of the great and continuall euacuation of the vitall spirits which passe with the seede So that in no way this is to be neglected Somtimes this happeneth to men for one of these three causes the which are all but friuolous The first is to appease the great appetite of that carnall loue which they beare to their wiues not hauing their minds occupyed in any affaires but in those vanities such men are better willing then their hability sufficeth Secondly they doe it to vaunt their selues to be so mighty in the action that no man can approach them this is a foolish vaunt without profit nay it is very hurtfull to the body Thirdly they doe it for the great affection that they haue to get children thinking by oft vsing their wiues that they shall sooner procreat wherein they are much deceiued For not gyuing leasure to the seede to be sufficiently elabored so that it is no more profitable then water for that effect There be two properties which the good seede ought to haue as I haue amplie set downe in the Treatise of The sicknes of women in the Chapter of the causes and the cure of sterilitie First there must be a reasonable quantitie of the seede next it must be well digested gluent and full of spirits the which two poynts fayleth in those that returne to it so oft For neyther haue they quantitie nor giue they leysure to digest the same So that they proue sooles to ruine their bodies without eyther honor or profit This sicknes is called in our tongue the Reples for the curation whereof as also of Satyriasis Priapismus you shall heare at length in the Treatise called The poore mans guide But to returne to our purpose the Gonorrhea or Chaudepisse virulent the which is done by some venimous sprite that infecteth those parts The cause is by hauing to doe with women that are vncleane whereby men get the infection of that venenositie which hath assoped and infected such parts The simptoms are extreame dolor in making water by the acrimonie of the humor which maketh erosion and vlcers chiefely in the prostats and also neere the balhnus or gland by reason of the simpathie that these parts haue one with an other and great payne in the erection of the yeard which maketh contraction of the same Of the which doth often follow the generall sicknes and that oft by their owne negligence neglecting the remedies thinking that by suffering the same runne a long time the humor venimous should be euacuated not thinking that the venenositie doth alwayes augment it selfe by the acrimonie of the humor which doth communicat to the noble parts or at the least doth degenerat into maligne vlcers in those parts which be very difficult to heale VVhich accidents doe also happen sometimes by carnosities in the yeard hindering the vrine to passe so that oft commeth death if suddaine order be not taken As for the cure of Gonorrhea virulent the vniuersall things must be obserued according to the habitude of the body Beware eyther of strong drink or of strong purgation or bleeding in the 〈◊〉 least you reuoke the venim to the noble parts Keepe good regime and abstai● 〈…〉 strong drinke all hote meates and such as you haue heard of before as all things that haue vertue to heare the blood It shall be well done to vse decoction of Salsparill and Chine and also the remedie that heere followeth which hath the vertue to open make education of the humor that followeth as also to cleanse and loose Recipe terehent veneta drag 3 lauetur in aqua s Cabiosae Cicorei pul liquerit drag sem Rhubarb scr 2 formentur pilulae Let the Patient take it all at once in the morning and repete it euery day till the acrimonie of the humor be passed vsing somtimes drag 6 or vnc 1 of Casse Also Emulsions which shall be composed after this forme that followeth Recipe seminum srigid maiorum an drag 2 Amigdal dul vnc sem aquarum Port●lacae Plantag ana vnc 2 decoct liquerit lib. 1 sir viol e●iuiubus ana vnc 1 sem Let him vse this euery day day morning and euening Also he shall vse this remedy most soueraigne for his purpose which hath the vertue both to consume the venim to cleanse and cicatrise the part