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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01057 'Tis pitty shee's a whore Acted by the Queenes Maiesties Seruants, at the Phænix in Drury-Lane. Ford, John, 1586-ca. 1640. 1633 (1633) STC 11165; ESTC S102426 42,199 78

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more steddy then an ebbing Sea And what you 'le now be honest that 's resolu'd Anna. Brother deare brother know what I haue beene And know that now there 's but a dying time Twixt vs and our Confusion let 's not waste These precious houres in vayne and vselesse speech Alas these gay attyres were not put on But to some end this suddaine solemne Feast Was not ordayn'd to riott in expence That haue now beene chambred here alone Bard of my Guardian or of any else Am not for nothing at an instant free'd To fresh accesse be not deceiu'd My Brother This Banquet is an harbinger of Death To you and mee resolue your selfe it is And be prepar'd to welcome it Gio. Well then The Schoole-men teach that all this Globe of earth Shal be consum'd to ashes in a minute Anna. So I haue read too Gio. But 't were somewhat strange To see the Waters burne could I beleeue This might be true I could beleeue as well There might be hell or Heauen Anna. That 's most certaine Gio A dreame a dreame else in this other world Wee should know one another Anna. So wee shall Gio. Haue you heard so Anna. For certaine Gio. But d' ee thinke That I shall see you there You looke on mee May wee kisse one another Prate or laugh Or doe as wee doe here Anna. I know not that But good for the present what d' ee meane To free your selfe from danger some way thinke How to escape I 'me sure the guests are come Gio. Looke vp looke here what see you in my face Anna. Distraction and a troubled Countenance Gio. Death and a swift repining wrath yet looke What see you in mine eyes Anna. Methinkes you weepe Gio. I doe indeede these are the funerall teares Shed on your graue these furrowed vp my cheekes When first I lou'd and knew not how to woe Faire Annabella should I here repeate The Story of my life wee might loose time Be record all the spirits of the Ayre And all things else that are that Day and Night Earely and late the tribute which my heart Hath paid to Annabella's sacred loue Hath been these teares which are her mourners now Neuer till now did Nature doe her best To shew a matchlesse beauty to the world Which in an instant ere it scarse was seene The jealous Destinies require againe Pray Annabella pray since wee must part Goe thou white in thy soule to fill a Throne Of Innocence and Sanctity in Heauen Pray pray my Sister Anna. Then I see your drift Yee blessed Angels guard mee Gio. So say I Kisse mee if euer after times should heare Of our fast-knit affections though perhaps The Lawes of Conscience and of Ciuill vse May iustly blame vs yet when they but know Our loues That loue will wipe away that rigour Which would in other Incests bee abhorr'd Giue mee your hand how sweetely Life doth runne In these well coloured veines how constantly These Palmes doe promise health but I could chide With Nature for this Cunning flattery Kisse mee againe forgiue mee Anna. With my heart Gio. Farwell Anna. Will you begone Gio. Be darke bright Sunne And make this mid-day night that thy guilt rayes May not behold a deed will turne their splendour More sooty then the Poets faigne their Stix One other kisse my Sister Anna. What meanes this Gio. To saue thy fame and kill thee in a kisse stabs her Thus dye and dye by mee and by my hand Revenge is mine Honour doth loue Command Anna. Oh brother by your hand Gio. When thou art dead I 'le giue my reasons for 't for to dispute With thy euen in thy death most louely beauty Would make mee stagger to performe this act Which I most glory in Anna. Forgiue him Heauen and me my sinnes farwell Brother vnkind vnkind mercy great Heauen oh oh Dyes Gio. Shee 's dead alas good soule The haplesse Fruite That in her wombe receiu'd its life from mee Hath had from mee a Cradle and a Graue I must not dally this sad Marriage-bed In all her best bore her aliue and dead Soranzo thou hast mist thy ayme in this I haue preuented now thy reaching plots And kil'd a Loue for whose each drop of blood I would haue pawn'd my heart Fayre Annabella How ouer-glorious art thou in thy wounds Tryumphing ouer infamy and hate Shrinke not Couragious hand stand vp my heart And boldly act my last and greater part Exit with the Body A Banquet Enter Cardinall Florio Donado Soranzo Richardetto Vasques and attendants They take their places Vas. Remember Sir what you haue to do be wise and resolute Soran. Enough my heart is fix't pleaseth Your Grace To taste these Course Confections though the vse Of such set enterteyments more consists In Custome then in Cause yet Reuerend Sir I am still made your seruant by your presence Car. And wee your Friend Soran. But where 's my Brother Giouanni Enter Giouanni with at heart vpon his Dagger Gio. Here here Soranzo trim'd in reeking blood That tryumphs ouer death proud in the spoyle Of Loue and Vengeance Fate or all the Powers That guide the motions of immortall Soules Could not preuent mee Car. What meanes this Flo. Sonne Giouanni Soran. Shall I be forestall'd Gio. Be not amaz'd If your misgiuing hearts Shrinke at an idle sight what bloodlesse Feare Of Coward passion would haue ceaz'd your sences Had you beheld the Rape of Life and Beauty Which I haue acted my sister oh my sister Flo. Ha! What of her Gio. The Glory of my Deed Darkned the mid-day Sunne made Noone as Night You came to feast My Lords with dainty fare I came to feast too but I dig'd for food In a much richer Myne then Gold or Stone Of any value ballanc't 't is a Heart A Heart my Lords in which is mine intomb'd Looke well vpon 't d' ee know 't Vas. What strange ridle 's this Gio. 'T is Annabella's Heart 't is why d' ee startle I vow 't is hers this Daggers poynt plow'd vp Her fruitefull wombe and left to mee the fame Of a most glorious executioner Flo. Why mad-man art thy selfe Gio. Yes Father and that times to come may know How as my Fate I honoured my reuenge Lift Father to your eares I will yeeld vp How much I haue deseru'd to bee your sonne Flo. What is 't thou say'st Gio. Nine Moones haue had their changes Since I first throughly view'd and truely lou'd Your Daughter and my Sister Flo. How alas my Lords hee 's a frantick mad-man Gio. Father no For nine Moneths space in secret I enjoy'd Sweete Annabella's sheetes Nine Moneths I liu'd A happy Monarch of her heart and her Soranzo thou know'st this thy paler cheeke Beares the Confounding print of thy disgrace For her too fruitfull wombe too soone bewray'd The happy passage of our stolne delights And made her Mother to a Child vnborne Car. Incestuous Villaine Flo. Oh his rage belyes him Gio. It does not 't is the Oracle
whatsoeuer the matter be Pog. You shall haue Phisick for 't sir Richard Time runs apace Ber. Time 's a blockhead Richard Be rul'd when wee haue done what 's fitt to doe Then you may kisse your fill and bed her too Exeunt Enter the Fryar in his study sitting in a chayre Annabella kneeling and whispering to him a Table before them and wax-lights she weepes and wrings her hands Fry I am glad to see this pennance for beleeue me You haue vnript a soule so foule and guilty As I must tell you true I maruaile how The earth hath borne you vp but weepe weepe on These teares may doe you good weepe faster yet Whiles I doe reade a Lecture Anna. Wretched creature Fry I you are wretched miserably wretched Almost condemn'd aliue there is a place List daughter in a blacke and hollow Vault Where day is neuer seene there shines no Sunne But flaming horrour of consuming Fires A lightlesse Suphure choakt with smoaky foggs Of an infected darknesse in this place Dwell many thousand thousand sundry sorts Of neuer dying deaths there damned foules Roare without pitty there are Gluttons fedd With Toades and Addars there is burning Oyle Powr'd downe the Drunkards throate the Vsurer Is forc't to supp whole draughts of molten Gold There is the Murtherer for-euer stab'd Yet can he neuer dye there lies the wanton On Racks of burning steele whiles in his soule Hee feeles the torment of his raging lust Anna. Mercy oh mercy Fry There stands these wretched things Who haue dream't out whole yeeres in lawlesse sheets And secret incests cursing one another Then you will wish each kisse your brother gaue Had beene a Daggers poynt then you shall heare How hee will cry oh would my wicked sister Had first beene damn'd when shee did yeeld to lust But soft methinkes I see repentance worke New motions in your heart say how is 't with you Anna. Is there no way left to redeeme my miseries Fry There is despaire not Heauen is mercifull And offers grace euen now 't is thus agreed First for your Honours safety that you marry The Lord Soranzo next to saue your soule Leaue off this life and henceforth liue to him Anna. Ay mee Fry Sigh not I know the baytes of sinne Are hard to leaue oh 't is a death to doe 't Remember what must come are you content Anna. I am Fry I like it well wee 'le take the time Who 's neere vs there Enter Florio Giouanni Flo. Did you call Father Fry Is Lord Soranzo come Flo. Hee stayes belowe Fry Haue you acquainted him at full Flo. I haue and hee is ouer-ioy'd Fry And so are wee bid him come neere Gio. My Sister weeping ha I feare this Fryars falshood I will call him Exit Flo. Daughter are you resolu'd Anna. Father I am Enter Giouanni Soranzo and Vasques Flo. My Lord Soranzo here Giue mee your hand for that I giue you this Soran. Lady say you so too Anna. I doe and vow to liue with you and yours Fry Timely resolu'd My blessing rest on both more to be done You may performe it on the Morning-sun Exeunt Enter Grimaldi with his Rapier drawne and a Darke-lanthorne Gri. 'T is early night as yet and yet too soone To finish such a worke here I will lye To listen who comes next Hee lies downe Enter Bergetto and Philotis disguis'd and after Richardetto and Poggio Ber. Wee are almost at the place I hope Sweet-heart Gri. I heare them neere and heard one say Sweet-heart 'T is hee now guide my hand some angry Iustice Home to his bosome now haue at you sir strikes Ber. Exit Ber. Oh helpe helpe here 's a stich fallen in my gutts Oh for a Flesh-taylor quickly Poggio Phi. What ayles my loue Ber. I am sure I cannot pisse forward and backward and yet I am wet before and behind lights lights ho lights Phi. Alas some Villaine here has slaine my loue Richard Oh Heauen forbid it raise vp the next neighbours Instantly Poggio and bring lights Exit Poggio How is 't Bergetto slaine It cannot be are you sure y' are hurt Ber. O my belly seeths like a Porridge-pot some cold water I shall boyle ouer else my whole body is in a sweat that you may wring my shirt feele here why Poggio Enter Poggio with Officers and lights and Halberts Pog. Here alas how doe you Richard Giue me a light what 's here all blood O sirs Signior Donado's Nephew now is slaine Follow the murtherer with all the haste Vp to the Citty hee cannot be farre hence Follow I beseech you Officers Follow follow follow Exeunt Officers Richard Teare off thy linnen Couz to stop his wounds Be of good comfort man Ber. Is all this mine owne blood nay then good-night with me Poggio commend me to my Vnkle dost heare bid him for my sake make much of this wench oh I am going the wrong way sure my belly akes so oh farwell Poggio oh oh Dyes Phi. O hee is dead Pog. How dead Richard Hee 's dead indeed 'T is now to late to weepe let 's haue him home And with what speed we may finde out the Murtherer Pog. Oh my Maister my Maister my Maister Exeunt Enter Vasques and Hippolita Hip. Betroath'd Vas. I saw it Hip. And when 's the marriage-day Vas. Some two dayes hence Hip. Two dayes Why man I would but wish two houres To send him to his last and lasting sleepe And Vasques thou shalt see I 'le doe it brauely Vas. I doe not doubt your wisedome nor I trust you my secresie I am infinitely yours Hip. I wil be thine inspight of my disgrace So soone o wicked man I durst be sworne Hee 'd laugh to see mee weepe Vas. And that 's a Villanous fault in him Hip. No let him laugh I 'me arm'd in my resolues Be thou still true Vas. I should get little by treachery against so hopefull a preferment as I am like to climbe to Hip. Euen to my bosome Vasques let My youth Reuell in these new pleasures if wee thriue Hee now hath but a paire of dayes to liue Exeunt Enter Florio Donado Richardetto Poggio and Officers Flo. 'T is bootlesse now to shew your selfe a child Signior Donado what is done is done Spend not the time in teares but seeke for Iustice Richard I must confesse somewhat I was in fault That had not first acquainted you what loue Past twixt him and my Neece but as I liue His Fortune grieues me as it were mine owne Do. Alas poore Creature he ment no man harme That I am sure of Flo. I beleeue that too But stay my Maisters are you sure you saw The Murtherer passe here Offic. And it please you sir wee are sure wee saw a Ruffian with a naked weapon in his hand all bloody get into my Lord Cardinals Graces gate that wee are sure of but for feare of his Grace blesse vs we durst goe no further Do. Know you what manner of man hee was Offic. Yes sure
aboue hell fire Yet ere I passe away Cruell cruell flames Take here my curse amongst you may thy bed Of marriage be a racke vnto thy heart Burne blood and boyle in Vengeance o my heart My Flame 's intolerable maist thou liue To father Bastards may her wombe bring forth Monsters and dye together in your sinnes Hated scorn'd and vnpittied oh oh Dyes Flo. Was e're so vild a Creature Richard Here 's the end Of lust and pride Anna It is a fearefull sight Soran. Vasques I know thee now a trusty seruant And neuer will forget thee come My Loue Wee 'le home and thanke the Heauens for this escape Father and Friends wee must breake vp this mirth It is too sad a Feast Do. Beare hence the body Fry Here 's an ominous change Marke this my Giouani and take heed I feare the euent that marriage seldome 's good Where the bride-banquet so begins in blood Exeunt Enter Richardetto and Philotis Richard My wretched wife more wretched in her shame Then in her wrongs to me hath paid too soone The forfeit of her modesty and life And I am sure my Neece though vengeance houer Keeping aloofe yet from Soranzo's fall Yet hee will fall and sinke with his owne weight I need not now my heart perswades me so To further his confusion there is one Aboue begins to worke for as I heare Debate 's already twixt his wife and him Thicken and run to head shee as 't is sayd Sleightens his loue and he abandons hers Much talke I heare since things goe thus my Neece In tender loue and pitty of your youth My counsell is that you should free your yeeres From hazard of these woes by flying hence To faire Cremona there to vow your soule In holinesse a holy Votaresse Leaue me to see the end of these extreames All humane worldly courses are vneuen No life is blessed but the way to Heauen Phi. Vnkle shall I resolue to be a Nun Richard I gentle Neece and in your hourely prayers Remember me your poore vnhappy Vnkle Hie to Cremona now as Fortune leades Your home your cloyster your best Friends your beades Your chast and single life shall crowne your Birth Who dyes a Virgine liue a Saint on earth Phi. Then farwell world and worldly thoughts adeiu Welcome chast vowes my selfe I yeeld to you Exeunt Enter Soranzo vnbrac't and Annabella dragg'd in Soran. Come strumpet famous whoore were euery drop Of blood that runs in thy adulterous veynes A life this Sword dost see 't should in one blowe Confound them all Harlot rare notable Harlot That with thy brazen face maintainst thy sinne Was there no man in Parma to be bawd To your loose cunning whorodome else but I Must your hot ytch and plurisie of lust The hey day of your luxury be fedd Vp to a surfeite and could none but I Be pickt out to be cloake to your close tricks Your belly-sports Now I must be the Dad To all that gallymaufrey that 's stuft In thy Corrupted bastard-bearing wombe Shey must I Anna. Beastly man why 't is thy fate I sued not to thee for but that I thought Your Ever-loving Lordship would haue runne Madd on denyall had yee lent me time I would haue told 'ee in what case I was But you wou'd needes be doing Soran. Whore of whores Dar'st thou tel' mee this Anna. O yes why not You were deceiu'd in mee 't was not for loue I chose you but for honour yet know this Wou'd you be patient yet and hide your shame I 'de see whether I could loue you Soran. Excellent Queane Why art thou not with Child Anna. What needs all this When 't is superfluous I confesse I am Soran. Tell mee by whome Anna. Soft sir 't was not in my bargaine Yet somewhat sir to stay your longing stomacke I 'me content t' acquaint you with The man The more then Man that got this sprightly Boy For 't is a Boy that for glory sir Your heyre shal be a Sonne Soran. Damnable Monster Anna. Nay and you will not heare I 'le speake no more Soran. Yes speake and speake thy last Anna. A match a match This Noble Creature was in euery part So angell-like so glorious that a woeman Who had not beene but human as was I Would haue kneel'd to him and haue beg'd for loue You why you are not worthy once to name His name without true worship or indeede Vnlesse you kneel'd to heare another name him Soran. What was hee cal'd Anna. Wee are not come to that Let it suffice that you shall haue the glory To Father what so Braue a Father got In briefe had not this chance falne out as 't doth I neuer had beene troubled with a thought That you had beene a Creature but for marriage I scarce dreame yet of that Soran. Tell me his name Anna. Alas alas there 's all Will you beleeue Soran. What Anna. You shall neuer know Soran. How Anna. Neuer If you doe let mee be curst Soran. Not know it Strumpet I 'le ripp vp thy heart And finde it there Anna. Doe doe Soran. And with my teeth Teare the prodigious leacher joynt by ioynt Anna. Ha ha ha the man's merry Soran. Do'st thou laugh Come Whore tell mee your louer or by Truth I 'le how thy flesh to shreds who is 't Anna. Che morte pluis dolce che morire per amore sings Soran. Thus will I pull thy hayre and thus I 'le drag Thy lust be-leagred body through the dust Yet tell his name Anna. Morendoin gratia Lei morirere senzadolore sings Soran. Dost thou Triumph the Treasure of the Earth Shall not redeeme thee were there kneeling Kings Did begge thy life or Angells did come downe To plead in teares yet should not all preuayle Against my rage do'st thou not tremble yet Anna. At what to dye No be a Gallant hang-man I dare thee to the worst strike and strike home I leaue reuenge behind and thou shalt feel 't Soran. Yet tell mee ere thou dyest and tell mee truely Knowes thy old Father this Anna. No by my life Soran. Wilt thou confesse and I will spare thy life Anna. My life I will not buy my life so deare Soran. I will not slacke my Vengeance Enter Vasques Vas. What d' ee meane Sir Soran. Forbeare Vasques such a damned Whore Deserues no pitty Vas. Now the gods forefend And wud you be her executioner and kill her in your rage too O 't were most vn-manlike shee is your wife what faults hath beene done by her before she married you were not against you alas Poore Lady what hath shee committed which any Lady in Italy in the like case would not Sir you must be ruled by your reason and not by your fury that were vnhumane and beastly Soran. Shee shall not liue Vas. Come shee must you would haue her confesse the Authors of her present misfortunes I warrant'ee 't is an vnconscionable demand and shee should loose the estimation that I for my