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A96976 Meditations upon the marks of the true Church of Christ: or, Motives of credibility in behalf of the true religion: and, the easiest way to finde it out. / By H.W. H. W.; Wilkinson, Henry, 1610-1675, 1655 (1655) Wing W36A; Thomason E1666_1; ESTC R208388 95,687 283

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and particularly Atheists too to many of which are now abroad under the notion of Sectaries and indeed this confusion of modern Sects produceth Atheists as efficacious arguments to convince them of the unreasonablenes and stolidity of their infidelity and to bring them to Christianity for though they deny our scriptures to contain oracles of Divine Truth yet they admit them or at least may be brought by discourse to admit them as worthy to be ranked amongst the best monuments of humane History Now this their humane authority is sufficient to convince and move them if it be effectually shewed for example to an Atheist that such such things were foretold by Isay or Daniel Authors to whom all the best wits amongst Christians give credit and that the said predictions are recorded to have been fulfilled by Authors of the greatest repute Prophesies fulfilled The second Point Consider first some of the chief Prophesies fulfilled and by whom the four Monarchies to wit the Chaldean that of the Persians and Medes the Grecian and the Roman like rivers running one into another at length lost themselves in their Ocean the Monarchy of Christs Kingdome to wit his Church the great extent of which its never being overcome its superiority and predominance over all other Kingdomes and its perpetual durance are foretold by Daniel cap. 2. but particularly in the 44. verse this is apparently fulfilled in the Church of Rome yet and in no other Sect. The Preaching of Christs Gospel to the Gentiles and the Conversion of them is foretold in many places of scripture but mark the words of Isa cap. 66. v. 19. I will send of those which shall be saved of them to the Gentiles into Affrica and Lydia into Italy and Greece unto the Ilands a far off that have not heard of my same neither have seen my glory and they shall declare my glory to the Gentiles These names are left in the Protestant Bible untranslated out of the Hebrew which is strange and argues that the Translatours had no minde that a place so particularly expressing the conversion of the Gentiles by the Church of Rome should be intelligible Call to minde you enemies of the Church of Rome the religious submission humble g●nuflexions inclinations of the body and exteriour reverence and comportment even of the greatest personages exhibited to Priests Prelates and Popes Then read these words of Isa c.49.v.23 Kings shall be thy nursing Fathers and Queens thy nursing mothers they shall bow down to thee with their face towards the earth and lick up the dust of thy feet and in the 60. cap. verse 14. The sons also of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee and all they that dispised thee shall how themselves down at the soles of thy feet Now consider whether these places do not foretell and in a manner describe the forementioned exteriour reverences Malachy Prophesieth of Christs Church thus In every place a pure offering is sacrificed and offered to my name The sacrifice of holy Masse so acknowledged and reverenced by all the holy Fathers is daily offered to God by every Priest almost extant in any part of the world and by it is fulfilled that prophesie Adde to these the gist of working Miracles the gist of prophesie the unity antiquity amplitude sanctity and some other Marks of the Roman Church onely mentioned in the first points of the particular meditations all these you will finde to be prophesied and fulfilled onely in the Roman Church The blessed Virgin Mary in her Canticle Magnificat prophesied of her sacred self in these words For behold from benceforth all generations shall call me blessed Now as it is evident that all generation of Roman Catholicks have complyed with this prophesie so Sectaries may be ashamed to exhibit no kinde of honour to her nay not so much as this or any other honorable appellation but rather speak undervaluingly and disrespectfully of her whom not withstanding the whol torrent and generality of the holy Fathers extols with such Elogium's and that deservedly both in respect of her being the mother of God Queen Mother to the King of Kings as also in regard that her life was the perfectest copy that ever was taken out of the Prototypon of all perfection Christ her son and our Lord The Roman Catholicks consonant to the ancient Fathers and consequently both of the same Religion by reason of their Union in this and other opinions honour this great Theotocos as such a personage whereas most of these modern Sectaries Nestorian-like make no more of her than if she were one of the vulgar yet all England for almost 900 years together as all Catholick countries doe still honoured her with due respect and reverence Consider secondly that the Types and figures of the old law which were representations of what was afterwards to be in the Church of Christ are fulfilled in the Church of the Romane Catholicks and in that only For the Synagogue as it was a figure of Christs Church so the Alters Pri●sthood Sacrifices which being correlatives infer one another as the want of any of them argues the want of true Worship and Religion were types not only of the pri●st hood and sacrifice which Christ himself exercised and offered when he was amongst men in mortall flesh but also of the daily sacrifices and eternall priesthood which he left and ordered to be exercised and offered in his Church now since there must be some analogy and similitude betwixt the thing prefigured and the figure such as is clearly to be seen in the priesthood and sacrifice of Masse daily offered in the church of Rome of which other Sects have nothing that can any way answer to those former types It follow evidently that the Church of the Romane Catholicks is that which was prefigured by these and consequently is Christs true Church As for particulars the Manna of the Israelites with its proprietits was a type of the Sacrament of the reall body of Chrift and its effects this is truly fulfilled in the Roman Religion Sectaries in this point still Judaize and of Christs reall body have still only a figure for they acknowledge their Bread and Communion to be no more Nor is it so good a figure of Christs reall body as the Jews Manna was of which also as some of it was alwayes kept in the Tabernacle so is the holy Eucharist kept in the Tabernacle in Catholick Churches Melchisedecks Bread and Wine was a figure of Christs reall body and blood Secturies have still nothing but his bare Bread and Wine they are still in the figure but Roman Catholicks have the reall thing they have reall priests and offer up to God the real body and blood of Christ though in a mysticall manner The Jews Pascall Lambe was both a Sacrament and Sacrifice so is the holy Eucharist and as the Pascal Lambe was offered in memory and in thanksgiving for the benefit of their deliverance out of the AEgyptian
honour of both and greater expressions of divine perfections than the adversary opinions are Is it not better to have more means for obtaining divine grace and consequently more Sacraments the instrumentall causes of it than fewer to receive the real body blood of Christ is not that a more noble memorial of Christs a thing more beneficiall to man and more honourable to God than a bit of Bread onely and a sup of Wine Is it not farre more beneficial for frail and sinfull men that Christ give Priests power to remit and forgive them their sins than otherwise that the Church of Christ be conspicuous and visible in all Ages that it be liable to no defectibility or fallibility that it have easie and accessible means for the decision of Controversies that some stately and majesticall form of worship be exhibited to the divine Majesty as also that a sacrifice of some rare thing such as is the precious body blood of Christ be offered daily to that infinite deity that there be an Ecclesiastical Hierarchy ascending by different degrees up till it come to one supream head to whom all are to yeeld obedience do not these make more for the Churches perfection Gods honour and glory than the contrary Frame to thy self a lively Idea of the congruity of these particulars with Gods and his Churches greater honour look upon these instances with a judicious eye and conclude that in case it were doubtfull whether the affirmative or negative opinion were truer in these points yet since one of the two must be embraced choose that which is most conducing to the honour of God and his Church The second consideration is that the opinions of the Roman Catholicks these in particular now urged and others which will be mentioned hereafter are more suitable and consonant to the holy scriptures than their contradictories are For the better intelligence of which observe these two rules whereof the first is clear places of scripture must be preferred in point of proof before hard and obscure ones the other is many texts of Scripture must be a greater argument than fewer caeteris paribus these two rules can be rejected by none but such as conscious of their own unjust plea will come to no try all at all Now conformably to these rules it is apparently evident that Roman Catholicks bring more and clearer places out of the scriptures to establish the truth of the forementioned opinions and others which they hold than their adversaries can possibly bring to the contrary Read any Catholick book of Controversie and you will see the truth of what is here affirmed and by the way note also how this consideration strengthens and fortifies the truth of the former The third consideration is that the tenents of Roman Catholicks are more conducing to the security of mens salvation than the Negative opinions are in this corruption of humane nature vitiated by that Original sin of our protoparent Adam the flesh wages war continually against the spirit and the inferiour against the superiour portion of the soul and the issue of the war would be the undoing of the nobler part unlesse it had continuall recruits and supplyes both of auxiliary forces from heaven and made use also of Fasting Watching and self-denial and other asperities and mortifications for these are the ordinary arms with which the rebellious passions vicious inclinations must be curb'd these are the things so much recomended in the scriptures both Propheticall and Apostolicall these are the things recommended unto us all by Christ himself when he bid us deny our selves take up our crosses follow him as also when he bid us go in the narrow way and enter in at the strait gate Now this is the very doctrine of Roman Catholicks and only of them They both in their Pulpits and with their pennes inculcate these vertues continually witnesse the many rare Treatises written by their Priests upon that subject as also of the angelical vertue Chastity and of the Sacrament of Confession which is accompanied with the exercise of most virtuous acts of Contrition Penance purposes of emendation of satisfying for injuries done and removing the occasions of relapses all which vertues as they are contrary to self-ease the wild liberty of flesh and blood so they keep off sin secure salvation so much the more and thus you see how their doctrine teaches to decline from evill by the aforesaid means as for doing good which is the second part of the works of Christian duty it is most certain that their doctrine favours this and leads to this most effectually for they teach that the commandements of God may be kept and that the difficulty of observing them is not insuperable They teach that man hath a free liberty of will not onely to doe evill but good also They teach that mans works done in vertue of Christs merits and united with them may be good and meritory of an increase of grace and glory These opinions cannot but animate a man towards the keeping of divine precepts and doing all the good he can and consequently bring a greater security of salvation Which if thou takest to heart truly thou must like love and embrace this doctrine The third Point Consider now whether or no the doctrine of other Sectaries now swarming in England be holy and wholsome and how helpfull it is to the saving of soules this will appear by a short survey made of those particulars which are commonly held by them all first behold what a pitiful poor and naked thing they make the Church of Christ by w ch Church is here meant not this or that Church which either Roman Catholicks or other Sects call Christs Church and theirs but prescinding from controversie about whose or where it is we mean the Church of Christ secundum se and which all Sects must grant Christ hath upon earth this they devest of all the ornaments which become it and the founder of it They deny it to be of infallible authority and say it can and hath erred they will not admit it to be the judge of Controversies nay nor to have been in all ages visible they deny that Priests have power to remit sins which is contrary to the expresse words of Christ and contrary to the Book of Common Prayer and they averre that Christ hath not left his real and true body and blood to be received by Christians nor that there is in the Church any true proper or propitiatory sacrifice and since sacrifice is so great an act of Religion as it is by depriving the Church of Christ of this they undervalue the Church and monarchicall government which even Aristotle a heathen could define to be the best for keeping of order they deny Christs Church a man would think that God who does all things in number weight and measure should have made the Church a master-piece of his wisdome power and goodnesse the Roman Catholicks indeed
Pau. What lopping produceth in the Vines that persecution effecteth in the Church saith Saint Persecution Justin The blood of Martyrs is the seed of the Church in Triphon saith Tertullian in his Apologetick cap. ult and Saint Cyprian both said it sealed the truth of it with his blood King James also is said to have often repeated these Saint Cyprians words sanguis martyrum semen ecclesia and upon reflection of the truth of them to have often expressed his mislike of shedding Priests blood The blood of Tiburtius and Valerianus of Faustinus and Jovita of Saint Clement Saint Thecla and Saint Katherine shed for the Faith of Christ drew a far greater number than they were to believe in him did not the death of Saint Lucia the Roman widdow double in Geminianus and others converted what the Church was robbed of by her death Was not the number of Faithfull B lievers as much augmented in the conversion of Adauctus as it was diminished by the death of happy Felix And did not the Curch gaine by loosing Saint Januarius almost five thousand For so many were converted at his martyrdome Read the Martyrs sufferings those who love to read rare things and they will be convinced of what even the Apostata Julian was convinced that the sequell of persecuting Christians is the multiplication of Christians Consider a second effect of suffering for such a cause and that is the great glory which doth acrew both to God and to the sufferers thereby God cannot regale man more in this mortal life than to make him a Martyr and man cannot perform a greater point of service for God than by suffering as becomes a Martyr for no man bath greater charity than such an one In Martyrdome God compleateth man with the greatest of his favours and in the same man complieth with God in the superlative degree of his indeavours O strange and most perfect circle of perfect love Persecution betwixt God and man in martyrdom out of the Ocean of infinite love flows this felicity into man by a strange participation and from it runs back into the same abysse by a pure intention O strange reciprocation and unheard of communication betwixt God man in martyrdome O martyrdome a felicity which none conceives but he who receives it a secret which no man knows but from God who tels it a word which none understands but from him who gives it and a favour which none can deserve but let all desire it Pardon me said one I know what 's good for me fire crosse beasts breaking of my bones disjoynting of my limbs brusing of my body and all the torments that the Devill can inflict come upon me so be that I may enjoy Christ O myrrour of martyrdome blessed Bishop Ignatius if to us thy words seem so sweet how sweet were thy thoughts when thou uttered these words when thou suffered what thou longed for when thou enjoyed the reward of what thou suffered Answer thou O my soul at least guesse what a case that enamoured bea rt was in then think ruminate meditate with desire humility sorrow and purpose to be often that in affection which thou cannot till God please be in effect The third Point Ponder first that all who are out of the true Church are incapable whilest they remain so of this great purchase of martyrdome for without Catholick and true faith it is impossible to please God and without pleasing God as little possible to be a martyr Now those who are not members of Christs true Church cannot have true faith whilest they remain so Hence infer that though Sectaries suffer upon score of Religion as some of severall Sects have yet none of them are martvrs for as amongst severall Sects of believers there can be but one true Church so amongst several sorts of sufferers there 's one only of them can be true martyrs the reason of this is contained in these words of Saint Austin Non poena sed causa facit martyrem not the punishment which a man suffers but the cause for which be suffereth makes a Martyr Let him suffer torments and death never so willingly and that upon account of Religion yet he can be no martyr unlesse his Religion be the true one Occidi potest coronari non potest sayes that holy Father Infer secondly that he who will deny the Primitive Martyrs to have been of the same Religion with the Roman Catholicks which now are must positively prove in what and when the Roman Church which was once the true Church even by the Confession of all Sectaries did fall from being the true Church This fall this change this transition is inconceptible and yet Sectaries are obliged to prove it or else return to that Church again Ponder secondly that in case it were supposed that Sectaries might be capable of being truly Martyrs yet no one sect no nor all sects together out of all which Fox makes his Martyrs could make up a Martyrologe comparable to what is in the Church of Rome Gather out of the precedent points first that the mark of Martyrdome is only to be found in the Roman church and consequently that it is the true church Secondly that the martyrs of the Primitive Church and those Roman Catholicks that suffered under King Henry the eighth Queen Elizabeth and her successors were all of one Church all Roman Catholicks all true Martyrs for Sectaries could never yet prove any innovation in matters of faith or false doctrine introduced by the Church of Rome add to the former those martyrs all Catholick Priests and in number 21 who have suffered in England since the year 1640 till this present year 1654 inclusive Hail King of Martyrs Christ the meritory and exemplar cause of all true martyrdome we magnifie thee in these thy martyrs noble Champions and pious Prodigals of their blood for thee Please if it be thy blessed pleasure that in this thy cause my unworthy self with many more may have some share of these sweet sufferings and if not dye for thee at least dye for not dying for thee The seventeenth Meditation Of Prophesies and promises and the figures of the old law fulfilled in the true Church The first Point COnsider first that not only the the Prophets of the old law but Christ himself also foretold many things of great concernment which were to be verisied and fulfilled in his Church or by it in these prophesies also many large promises of ample privilegies and prerogatives made in reference to the same Church were included which were afterwards accomplished And Saint Paul often in his Epistles intimateth that the Jewish Synagogue with its sacrificies and ceremonies was a Symbol or Figure of Christs church and its proprieties So that no sect amongst Christians can or indeed doth deny these truths in affirming of which the scriptures are so clear and copious Consider secondly that the fulfilling of these prophesies is to be brought against Turks Jews Pagans
thraldome so the reall Body and Blood of Christ is offered up when the priest by the power which Christ hath given him consecrateth it in Masse in remembrance and thanksgiving for the benefit of man's being redeemed by Christ from the more than Egyptian bondage of sin and therefore it is called Eucharist which signifies thanksgiving and it the sacrifice of Thanksgiving Is not this a better and more honourable remembrance of Christs passion than a bit of meer Bread and a sup of Wine The devout Ceremony of making the signe of the Crosse used and commended by the holy Fathers and all ancient Christians was plainly represented and commended to us all by that Thau in Ezekiel cap 9. and by the Angels signing the Servants of God in the Revelations cap. 7. v. 3. This as the rest is fulfilled perfectly only by the Church of Rome Gather hence that since the prophesies and types also the great promises contained in these prophesies are fulfilled in the Roman Church and in it only it follows evidently that it is Christs true Church The third Point Consider now the sad condition of Sectaries argued out of their having no share at all in this full table of sweet and comfortable promises foretold by the prophets for this evidently shews that they are not the Church of Christ nor members of it On the contrary they have just reason to fear that the heavy denounciations and threats of the prophets for in this kinde onely they are like to fulfill prophesies will fall upon them for as their novell opinions fond and prophane images of their own fancies made by their private spirit have some semblance of those Idols to which the Jews sometimes falling from the worship of the true God Sacrificed So let these modern imitatours of them take heed they be not delivered over to a reprobate sense and the like spirituall punishment with them And can you still persist in that perversnesse away with these fancies yeeld to truth and say with the repenting Jewes and in this they may by you be well imitated Signa nostra non videmus jam non est propheta Psal 73. v. 10. We acknowledge we have no signes nor miracles in behalf of our sects We grant there are no propheticall men amongst us We see not the marks of Christs Church upon our Sects We confesse the prophesies are not fulfilled by us And therefore from hence forth we will resolve and choose rather to be abject in the house of God his Church than to dwell in the Tabernacks of sinners of Sectaries any longer The eighteenth Meditation Of temporal blessings and felicities miraculously bestowed on the Defenders and Propagators of the Catholick Religion The first Point To understand how temporall felicity may be one mark amongst the rest which discovers the Church of Christ from all other Sects Consider first the difference betwixt the ordinary and extraordinary providence of God The first is that whose effects we see and feel in the production conservation and operation of creatures It appears also in the effects of mans morality industry or art and in the natural effects of all secondary causes The second appears to us chiefly in effects which are surpassing the forces of naturall causes the one confers riches honours victories kingdomes and the like after that manner which we have daily experience see or hear of By me Kings do raigne Prover 8. vers 15. sayes God and he cals them Ministers of his Kingdome Wisdome 6. vers 5. and Saint Paul sayes There is no power but from God Rom. 13. By the other he give principalities and victories miraculously when and to whom he pleases and without the cocourse of secondary causes any way proportionable to those prodigious effects Thus he gave the Jews Victories most miraculously as to Josu Gedeon Judas Machabeus and others which as they were extraordinary signes both of the Divine Protection over the Synagogue as also that it was then the true Religion so the same Argument holds in behalf of the Church of Christ that that people is it on which God bestows the like victories and benefits after a miraculous manner Consider secondly for the avoiding of errour in the weaker understandings that these temporall felicities are not to be supposed a mark of Christs Church in themselves but onely so far forth as they are conferred after a miraculous manner for certain it is that poverty is as conducing a means to eternal salvation as riches yea heaven is far casilier attainable by poverty if it be imbraced not only patiently but willingly than by riches yet they are in themselves both gifts originally arifing from the hand of God The Lord hath given the Lord hath taken away sayes Job chap. 1. The Lord maketh poore and enricheth he bringeth low and lifteth up 1 King 2. v. 7. Poverty and honesty are from God Eccles 11.24 He humbles this man and he exalteth that man Psal chap. 74. So that there is no doubt of this But we speak here of the manner of Gods dispensing out these temporals which when it is miraculous it argues which Religion is most favoured by Almighty God and consequently is his Hence infer that this mark is not any way repugnant to that other of persecution for different circumstances of time place and persons remove this difficulty the Jews though they were often miraculously protected by God yet at other times he permited them to be sore persecuted as by Antiochus and others The second Point Consider now by induction of examples how highly the Roman Church and its members have been favoured by Almighty God in a miraculous way Constantine the Emperour and honour of England his native country was a Roman Catholick well known by his great reverence to the Pope to the Saints and their Relicks and to the signe of the Crosse and his example methinks might move all England to reverence the same God gave him the Empire after a miraculous manner for as he were upon his march going out of England towards Italy with small forces against Maxentius the Tyrant who had in his Army a hundred and seventy foot with eighteen thousand horse espyed in the ayre about mid-day a faire Crosse with this inscription upon it In hoc vince overcome by means of this the next night our Saviour appeared to him and shewed him the same Crosse and gave him order to bear that signe in his Banner and so he should be victorious He did so overcame the Tyrant and then became Christian After which he was victorious in all his other Battails also by means of our Saviours promise made to him if he carried that figne of the Crosse which he did alwayes carry in his Standard called the Labarum causing it to be transferred alwayes to that quarter of the Army which was most weakned by the Enemy and the fight of it added new courage to the one by which the other were soon defeated Theodosius the elder a pious and