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A96399 The real Quaker a real Protestant, and the spirit of popery directly struck at in answer to a most malicious and scandalous book, entituled, The papists younger brother, by a disguised author under the titles Misoplanes and Philalethes, but on the contrary proved Philoplanes, Misalethes / by a servant of Christ, G. Whitehead. Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. 1679 (1679) Wing W1952; ESTC R42838 97,690 135

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And 2 Cor. 3.6 Who also made us able Ministers of the New Testament not of the Letter but of the Spirit And whether the words Carnal Commandment and Carnal Ordinances related to no part of Scripture Heb. 7.16 9 10. And whether no part of the Scripture or Writing of Moses or any else was intended in this term Letter But consider all Scripture as it signifies Writing ought there not to be a distinction made not only between the Writing and the matter written but much more between the Writing and the Spirit Life or Substance declared of in the Writing Concerning Baptism he defends his practice very poorly whilst he intends Baptizing or rather Sprinkling young Children in his telling us That the Church of England is grosly mistaken this Quakers Doctrine hath Quaked the Doctrine of the Church of England into a meer delusion p. 78. And why so but because the Quaker saith The Baptism we own is the Baptism of Christ there is but one Lord one Faith one Baptism from Matth. 3.11 Ephes 4.5 6. Collect. J. P. p. 67. Now this Priest proves not that Baptizing with Water muchless that Sprinkling Infants is this one Baptism we have only his Say so or his Belief for it or that Sprinkling Infants is a sign of Regeneration whereby as an Instrument the baptized are grafted into the Church p. 78. He produces us no Scripture-proof for it Pr. pag. 78. This Quaker hath very mean Thoughts of the Lords Supper he counts it but the Worlds Communion As for the Bread broken which is the Body of Christ this Quaker calls it the Bread which the World breaks he speaks abominably of this Bread blessed and broken calling it Carnal Natural that it passeth out of the Body c. Bread and Wine but the Husk and Shadow without p. 79. Answ It appears by this that he deems their Bread and Wine Spiritual Supernatural the Substance the Bread the Body of Christ and then by this the Wine must be the Blood of Christ when blest or consecrated by the Priest Which is rank Popery all one with the Doctrine of Transubstantiation as the Rhemists in their Annot. on Matth. 26. affirm a Consecrating the several Elements of Bread and Wine into the Body and Blood of Christ the Bread into his Body a part as betrayed broken and given for us the Wine into his Blood a part as shed out of his Body for remission of Sins and Dedication of the New Testament Which is their professed Transubstantiation or changing the Substance of Bread and Wine into the Body and Blood of Christ according as our Adversary tells us That the Bread broken is the Body of Christ He has left the Doctrine of the Antient Protestants and Protestant-Martyrs who did not own any such Change of the Elements of Bread and Wine but only that as a Sign or Figure of the Body of Christ crucified they were received as a grateful Comemoration of Christ's Death and Sacrifice for mankind But this Adversary is offended that the Bread and Wine should be counted Natural nothing it seems will serve him short of their being the Body and Blood of Christ according as the Rhemists also on Luke 22.19 say Although sense tell thee 't is Bread yet it is the Body let Faith confirm thee judge not by Sense after the words of our Lord let no doubt rise in thy mind of the Verity of Flesh and Blood there is no place to doubt c. See how exactly our Adversary agrees with these Papists in saying The Bread broken is the Body of Christ as before By which he hath now more fully manifested his Popish Spirit especially if he means as he spoke as both repugnant to the Faith of all true Protestants who either look upon these outward Elements to remain the same in themselves in Substance both at and after the words of Consecration and no more than Signs Shadows or outward Mementos at most or look upon them as a Figure or Shadow of the Spiritual receiving of Christ's Body and Blood in the Mystery to eat his Flesh and drink his Blood by Faith as he is the living Bread that comes down from Heaven who gave his Flesh for the Life of the World For there is an Inward and Spiritual Supper of the Lord as well as there was an outward which they partake of who hear the Voice of the Son of God and open the Door of their Heart unto him that he may come in and Sup with them and they with him according to his Testimony in Rev. 3.20 Yet we acknowledge the Sign and Figure in its place and day but the Mystery or thing signified is greater and more Excellent Pr. The Letter or the Scripture is Dust the Serpents Meat which they food upon Answ This he falsly infers and casts upon J. Parn. whenas there is no such passage in J. P's words but that Those who pretend to study Divinity and go among Ignorant People and sell that which they have studied and got into the Brain and those who receive it get it into the Brain and so they live upon Dust which is the Serpents Meat Collect. J. P. p. 78 79. Hence its evident that he did not term the Scripture Dust but the Hireling Priests studied Brain-Notions or Knowledge Whereas the Priest appears in a great Rage and in Cruel Mockery against J. Fernel for his plain dealing with the Magistrates Heads and Priests of England as where J. P. saith For the Testimony of this true Ministry some of us are Imprisoned some Stoned some Stocked Whipped and shamefully intreated as Vagabonds Deluders Wanderers Raisers of Sedition c. and esteemed not worthy to live in the Nation both by Priest and Rulers who are out of the Commands of God and are Vagabonds and Fugitives from God who go in the Way of Cain and Envy and murder the Innocent Collect. J. P. pag. 80. As also where he saith We own Magistracy in its place for whilst there is Transgression there must be a Law and while the Devil hath Power over Man there will be Transgression The Law was given forth to curb Evil-doers c. And true Government according to the Law of God is Serviceable in its place and all Magistrates who fear God and hate Covetousness and are guided by the Light of God in the Conscience and execute the Law in its place without partiality and respect of Persons such are serviceable in their place and this we own and honour and are subject for Conscience-sake J. P. Collect. p. 81 82. These Passages the Priest has left out in his Citation except the first Line and then goes on citing viz. They neither know how to rule or govern who are guided by their own Wills such rule with partiality and respect of Persons and give forth Laws in their own Wills Persecute the Righteous encourage the Heathen c. Upon these and such passages before cited the Priest shamefully inveighs against and belies the Quakers
of England assembl'd in the late long Parliament and in the last Parliament received and had concerning the People called Quakers as when Motion was made in the House of Commons for their Relief from those Laws made in Q. Elizabeth's dayes against Popish Reousants and the Case committed and publickly examin'd and heard and our Declaration against Popery accepted in a Great and Publick Committee assembled in the Commons House as a sufficient Test to distinguish us the People called Quakers from Popish Recusants Thus far in the late long Parliament And in the last Parliament the Remembrance of that Resentment of the former was so much alive that the House of Commons past a Bill against Popery wherein there was a Clause provided for our Relief with other Dissenting Protestants from Laws made against Popish Recusants the Copy of our Declaration aforesaid that was delivered to the Committee of Parliament only a little more briefly contracted and as it was delivered in Print to the Member of the last Parliament is as follows A Protestation or Declaration to Distinguish Protestant-Dissenters from Popish Recusants I A. B. do in the Presence of Almighty God solemnly profess and in good Conscience declare It is my real Judgment That the Church of Rome is not the Church of Christ nor the Pope or Bishop of Rome Christ's Vicar and that his or her Doctrines Of Deposing Heretical Princes and Absolving their Subjects of their Obedience of Purgatory and Prayers for the Dead Of Indulgences and Worshipping of Images Of Adoring and Praying to the Virgin Mary and other Saints deceased And of Transubstantiation or changing the Elements of Bread and Wine into the Body and Blood of Christ at or after the Consecration thereof by any Person whatsoever are False Erroneous and Contrary to the Truth of God declared in the Holy Scriptures And therefore the Communion of the said Church is Superstitious and Idolatrous And I do likewise sincerely testifie and declare that I do from the bottom of my Heart detest and abhor all Plots and Conspiracies that are or may be contrived against the King Parliament or People of this Realm And I do hereby Faithfully Promise with God's Help to live a Sober and Peaceable Life as becometh a good Christian and Protestant to do And all this I do Acknowledge Intend Declare Subscribe without any Equivocation or mental Reservation according to the true Plainness Simplicity and usual signification of the Words Witness my Hand Thus serious Reader I have plainly Introduced our Case in order to manifest our Clearness from our Adversary's unjust Imputations and Calumnies as 't is more fully evinced in the ensuing Treatise Dated London the 22d of the 9th Moneth 1679 G. W. THE Real Quaker A Real Protestant OUR Adversary having appeared so very gross and shameful in his Abuses I shall cite his own words in Paragraphs that most concern us to answer and then our Vindication in Answer to each particular Abuse and Falshood will be the more evident and the Method plain as in the ensuing Controversie § I. Priest page 1. My present Design is not to trouble this delicate People to prevent this I shall only give them their own Meat cook't by themselves in their own Dish Pag. 3. I shall only transcribe their own Books to serve as a Looking-Glass Ibid. I shall not Wyr-draw one Line in their Books to speak more than their own words will bear Answer Now if it appear that this Adversary has done more against us than only giving us our own Meat as he calls it cook't by our selves in our own Dish and than only transcribing our own Books and that he has made false Constructions upon them then he is an apparent Breaker of his own Promise perfidious and false to his own Words and Engagement before cited But that it will so appear and that to his Shame take a view of some of his own Gross and Vilifying Reflections Abuses Aspersions and Revilings Scoffing and Railery against us and Blasphemous Expressions against the Light within in his own Terms as followeth viz. The Quakers lamentable Brats My Design is only to remedy that Flatus or Windy Spirit that troubles them Their Enthusiastick Follies Their silly Quakerism Epist to the Reader The Quakers Fondling the Light within pag. 7 34. The Quakers Light within burnt dim in his Sockot pag. 8. The Light within is at unawares singing the old Cuckoes Song pag. 14. The Quakers Ignis Fatuus pag. 14. What a blind pitiful Elf is the Quakers Light within pag. 14. Quakers Ill-fighted Light within pag. 18 Quaking Lines frequently Socinianizing Quaker Papal Quaker pag. 17. Canting Quaker pag. 21. Brain-sick Quakers pag. 22. A Pope in their Bellies This pitiful Quaker pag. 22. Quaking Ramble pag. 25. Wants a Dose for his Perecranium pag. 27. The Quakers Idol the Light within pag. 33. Babel Quakers pag. 51. Rare Quaking stuff pag. 56. This Quaking Holy Man of God pag. 59. Another Quaker Atheist pag. 61. Hath not this Man Quaked to purpose pag. 65. Melancholly Quakers pag. 73. Lawless Quakers pag. 93. More of this Quakers stinking stuff pag. 98. Quaking Freedom from Sin pag. 102. O Quaking Perfection pag. 104. A great Quaking Heat pag. 114. Quakeriz'd Vnity pag. 117. These Quaking Vnities pag. 117. Quaking Inspiration pag. 127. Quaking Zelote pag. 132. Quaking Bishop pag. 137. Rebel and Traiterous Quaker pag. 138. Traiterly Quaker pag. 140. Much more of such like Scurrility Blasphemous and False Aspersions both against the Light within and against us hath our Adversary stufft his Large Pamphlet and Libellous Book withal From all which it follows directly that he has broke his own Promise and violated his Engagement For this Impious Atheistical Stuff before cited is his own Cookery not ours he hath herein done more than only transcribed our Books See what an unconscionable Antagonist we have to deal withal This is the Man that promised only to Transcribe our own Books only to give us our own Meat cook't by our selves c. Contrary whereunto he hath here taught People to Scoff Traduce give Names of Reproach and Vilifie both us as a People and the Light within profest by us which is no other than that True Light which lighteth every man coming into the World testified of in John 1.4 9. And this Adversary is the man that hath pretended Kindness of Love to undeceive the Quakers p. 3. But the Kindness he shews and Course he has taken to undeceive us is to Rail Scoff Jeer Vilify and Reproach us as his Language bespeaks Whereby also his gross Hypocrisie in pretending such Kindness to us is very obvious and his Abominable Malice and Envy as well as Falshood will further appear on many Particulars before we have done Pr. Page 1. Their Quakerism is a Compound of False Doctrine newly brought to Light several Old Errors new vamp't Antichristian Popery put forth in a New Dress Answ What he calls Quakerism is no such Compound of either
G's Terms viz. That God-man purchased and compleated Reconciliation Justification c. with God at once without us which I could not own to be a Scripture-Phrase or good Sense Hereupon instead of any Convincing Confutation the Priest flies out in Railery and Reviling at his wonted rate Pr. viz. That God purchased of God an old Socinian Cavil Thus the Light within is at unawares singing the old Cuckoes Song Thus the Quakers Ignis Fatuus c. What a blind pitiful Elf is this Quakers Light within that it cannot discern Redemption by Christ God-man as purchase made without us Answ Though he has herein revil'd me with Socinianism and a Cuckoes Song and shamefully blasphemed the Light within as an Ignis Fatuus a blind pitiful Elf c. This makes nothing to my Conviction but shews that this Proud man glories in his Shame Blindness Scorn and Blasphemy which is no convincing Argument Let him call it what he will I am not yet convinced that the Phrase viz. God-man purchased and compleated Justification with God at once without us is either Scripture-Language or good Sense why does he not produce us Scripture for it for it renders God in the first place as the Agent purchasing or buying Justification c. of God himself and so over-looks and confounds or mis-placeth his Mediators Office which as Man through God's Help he performed as God hath said In a Day of Salvation have I helped thee he was made lower than the Angels in respect of his Sufferings yet God the Father helped and supported him even in his Sufferings for Mankind Again If the Father's Kindness to Mankind was no whit inseriour to the Son's Kindness or that they were both alike kind to Man as 't is not to be doubted then it was in the freeness of the Father's Love that Christ came to redeem or purchase lost Man to God It was by the Grace of God that he tasted Death for every man and became a Sacrifice of a sweet smelling Savour to God But where the Priest sayes God-Man purchased our Redemption of God this supposes him as God to be the chief Agent in purchasing Redemption of God Can this mean any otherwise than that either God did so purchase or buy this of himself or else that Christ as a God inseriour to the Most High God did buy it of him which so much borders on Socinianism denying the Deity of the Son of God or that he is the Most High God that I cannot be thus Socinianiz'd For though Jesus Christ be both God Man in absolute and wonderful Union yet those Works and Sufferings of his in the Flesh which concern'd Man's Reconciliation Eternal Redemption and Salvation with Respect to his Merit and Dignity therein they all related to Christ as Mediator between God and Man and as such he is called the Man Christ Jesus and in these Considerations he is made inferiour to the Father as he said My Father is greater than I We have one Mediator between God and Men even the Man Christ Jesus It was as Man that he dyed and gave himself a Ransom for all and it was by this One Man Jesus Christ that the Grace and Gift of God hath abounded unto many as by man came Death so by man came the Resurrection of the Dead this is Scripture Language and accordingly Redemption by Christ as his giving himself for us to Redeem us from ALL Iniquity from the Vain Conversation from the Earth c. is truly owned by us Pr. pag. 14. God the Son made Man purchasing our Redemption of God the Father by the price of his own Blood as God Int●rnate Answ Now he has mended the matter 't is as he was made Man that he purchased or rather obtained our Redemption By his own Blood he entered once into the Holy Place heb 9.12 having obtained eternal Redemption for us And this Redemption that he obtained for us was our Deliverance and Freedom from under Sin Death and Condemnation as the following words clear it For if the Blood of Bulls and Goats sprinkling the unclean sanctifieth to the purifying of the Flesh how MUCH MORE shall the Blood of Christ who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without Spot to God Furge your Conscience from Dead Works to serve the Living God Hence it most clearly follows that that Eternal Redemption which Christ obtained for us by his Blood and Sacrifice without us must be partaken of and enjoyed within us by a real purging and sanctifying of our Conscience as before And since Remission of Sins Redemption and Justification are attributed to the Blood of Christ as Means or Cause thereof through Faith it follows that though these were obtained by the Sacrifice of Christ without us they are effected and compleated by him within us for our absolute discharge from the Guilt of Sin Condemnation and Curse by a real Purging our Consciences and Purifying of our Hearts by a true Faith in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ whereby we partake of the Effects and Benefits both of his Merit and Sufferings outward and his effectual Work inward to our Salvation from Sin and the sad Effects thereof He hath obtained Eternal Redemption for us he hath gotte● the Power thereof for us that we might have it and enjoy it through his effectual Work in us in setting us free from the Bondage of Sin and Corruption and this allows not that men are compleatly justified and redeemed while no Good no Qualification is wrought in them by any Light or Spirit whatsoever as R. G. affirmed and whose Cause this Priest has espoused and therefore 't is Chargeable upon him wherein they have at once justified the Unclean the Wicked the Unbelievers the Unconverted the Impenitent c. and excluded the Light and Spirit of Christ Faith Repentance Conversion Sanctification Humility Sincerity c. which are Inward Qualifications and Fruits of the holy Spirit from being conterned in this great Work and State of Justification and Redemption contrary to Christ's own Testimony Except I wash thee thou hast no part with me Pr. pag. 15. This Quaking Proteus turn'd into a Socinian shape It s still no less than unscriptural that God-man hath purchased all of God without Farewell to the received Doctrine of the Church of England Answ Quaking Proteus a Fabulous Flout and Falshood The Quakers greatly differ from the Socinians both touching the Deity of Christ and his divine Light in man and Perfection in this Life as owned by Quakers not by Socinians The Doctrine of the Church of England allows of no such Doctrine as that Persons are compleatly justified while no good is wrought in them by the Spirit of Christ and that under the Pretence of God-Man having purchased all of God without For even E. Still Treat pag. 270. Stilling fleet in his discourse of the Sufferings of Christ against Socin Crel counts it an Opinion which few who have consider'd these things do maintain
same as to Miracles or to equalize themselves therein with the Apostles though God hath wrought Wonders and Miracles among them and by some as Instruments in his hand Art 78. That to redeem and make free from Sin is done with the Body of Christ which we have told you is the Church A Perversion still as if the Church only did redeem and free it self whereas 't is Christ in and with his own Body that redeems his Church which is that Body of his whereof he is Head Though he has an intire peculiar and glorious Body yet the Church as united to him and Members of his Body comprehensively make up one Indivisible Body in the compleat and mysterious Union and Fulness of himself § 32. Art 81. That that man looks upon Christ with a Carnal Eye that looks upon him to have a true Body Which is a lying Forgery still Christ hath a true and Spiritual glorious Body whereof the Saints are Members in the spiritual and mysterious union wi●h himself § 32. Art 83. That Fellowship at the Lords Table is very wicked Is also a perverse falshood for ye cannot eat at the Table of the Lord and the Table of Devils Covetous Priests and Wicked People though they have the Sign or Shadow yet are short of the Lord's Table and partake not of the Flesh and Blood of Christ nor of his Supper while they shut him out of their Hearts § 16. 25. Art 89. That Vnquakeriz'd Christians do worship an unknown God A Forgery still none of our Terms or Creed but false and fleshly Christians do so Worship § 31. There are divers more Forgeries Perversions and Falshoods in the Priests Articles which for brevity's sake I omit and shall now give the Reader an Account according to my second Proposition before stated of some Truths set down in the Priests Articles which are not according to his Faith he having given them all the Title of the Quakers Vnsound Faith And thus I proceed viz. Pr. Art 2 3. Now we Quakers do believe that the Spirit alone doth give true discerning that the Light within ought to be the Rule of our Faith and Practice Answ We do believe that the Spirit of Truth is all-sufficient for those Ends 't is given for and leadeth into all Truth that true discerning of Spirits is a Gift of this Spirit and that we ought to walk in the Light of Christ Jesus and his Spirit as the chief Rule of our Faith and Practice which things it seems this Priest does not believe he believes not that the Spirit alone doth give true Discerning or that the Divine Light thereof ought to be his Rule He believes the Scripture to be the Rule of Life without the Light within as he has told us p. 120. § 14 15. Pr. Art 21. We Q. believe that we are to mind the Spirit alone in all things Answ We do believe we ought to mind the Spirit of Truth in all things both in reading Scripture for a true understanding thereof and in our Words and Actions but this Priest does not believe he ought to be so mindful of the Spirit his mind is more upon Flesh than Spirit § 14 15 23. Pr. Art 34. We Q. do believe that the Name Sunday is Heathenish that every day is the Lord's day Answ Then this Priest does not believe the Name Sunday is Heathenish or proceeded from Heathens or that every day is the Lords thus ignorant he has shewn himself § 20. Pr. Art 35. We Q. believe that they are no truly faithful Christians who deny that there is a perfect freedom from all manner of Sin to be had in this Life that their Faith is not the true Faith if it doth not cleanse them from all their Sins Answ This Priest therefore believes that they are truly faithful Christians and in the true Faith who deny a Perfect freedom from Sin in this Life and whose Faith does not cleanse them from their Sins which is contrary to the Belief and Faith of truly faithful Christians who know the Heart-purifying Faith and the Blood of Christ to cleanse them from all Sin and such could say He hath washed us from our Sins in his own Blood But 't is not done in this Life saith the Priest When then In the Life to come it must be But Where must it be in a Purgatory between Heaven and Hell That 's Popish Doctrine § 21. and 28. Pr. Art 36. We Q. do believe that the Scripture is not the Light nor the Word nor the Life nor the Judge nor the Rule nor the Guide nor the Tryer of Spirits Answ This being also included in the Qrs. unsound Faith by the Priest we must take it for granted that he believes the Scripture is the Light the Life the Judge † Contrary to Psal 50.6 Isa 33 22. Acts 10.42 Heb. 12.23 James 5.9 the Rule the Guide the Tryer of Spirits which Terms by way of Eminency most properly belonging to God to Christ to the holy Spirit to the divine Light * John 1 c 11.25 c. 14.6 might not the Priest as well have told us that the Scripture is God and Christ § 22 23 § 14 15. Pr. Art 37. We Q. do believe that the People and Teachers are Ignorant of Christ who seek Life in the Scripture where it is not to be found Answ So then this Priest therefore believes that Eternal Life is to be sound in the Scriptures and they who seek it in the Scripture do know and find Christ the Light and Life Eternal therein which is contrary to Christs own Testimony John 5.39 Search the Scriptures for in them ye THINK ye have Eternal Life and they are they which testifie of me but ye will not come to me that ye might have Life § 22 23. § 14 15. Pr. Art 50. We Q. do believe That they are all Heathens and no Christians who are so baptiz'd i. e. with Water and cannot witness the other Baptism i. e. the Baptism of Christ Answ This Priest then believes that they all are no Heathens but Christians who are Baptized or Sprinkled with Water when Infants though they cannot witness the Baptism of Christ at such an easie rate can he make Christians contrary to Christs own Testimony If I do not wash thee thou hast no part in me and except a man be born of Water and of the Spirit he cannot enter the Kingdom of God § 16. 25. 29. Pr. Art 51. We Q. do believe that Sacramental Bread so called is Natural that the Cup is such like and that which they call the Lords Supper is a Shadow Answ This being also included in the Qrs. Vnsound Faith we may take it for granted that the Priest does not believe that the Bread and the Cup which they call Sacramental and the Lords Supper are Natural Carnal or Shadow What then that they are Supernatural Spiritual the Substance the Body and Blood of Christ yea That the Bread broken