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A69054 The institutions of Christian religion, written by the reuerend father, M. Iohn Caluin, compendiously abridged by Edmond Bunnie Bachellour of diuinitie; and translated into English by Edward May; Institutio Christianae religionis. English. Abridgments Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; May, Edward, b. 1546 or 7.; Bunny, Edmund, 1540-1619. 1580 (1580) STC 4426.8; ESTC S115884 203,289 560

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As touching the first he sheweth what a presēce of Christ those Bishops doe imagine that is to say grose carnall but some amongst them haue bene ashamed thereof neither néede we any such participation S. Paul teacheth vs that Christ dwelleth in vs Rom. 8.9.11 none otherwise than by his spirit whereby yet hée taketh not the communion of the fleshe and blood but teacheth that the spirit alone worketh that wee possesse whole Christ and haue him dwelling with vs. 13 The schoolemē thought more shamefastly but he calleth to mind afterward the reason wherby they place Christ in the forme of bread as they tearme it 14 Herevpon came forth the error of trāsubstantiatiō fained against the scripture and old consent but many haue vsed the word of cōuersion but in the sense which admitteth no transubstantiatiō neither can the signification of the Supper otherwise agrée Ioh. 6. except the substāce of the outward signes remaine for there must be visible bread vsed for a meane wherby that spirituall bread may be figured which in the scripture is mentioned 15 This also did helpe very much to driue them into this error that cōsecratiō was as much among them as Magicall inchantment not knowing in the meane while this principle that the breade is a Sacrament to none but to men to whome the worde is directed their starting hole which they take out of the worde of Moses place of Ieremy is of no waight The water springing out of the Rocke in the desert was to the fathers a token and signe of the same thing which the wine doeth figure to vs in the Supper Ex. 17.6 1. Cor. 10.4 1. Cor. 10.16 Act. 2.4 for Paul teacheth that they dronke the same spirituall drinke but it was a common watering for beastes and cattell of the people so that the earthly Elements when they are applied to a spiritual vse there is made no other turning but in respect of men insomuche as they are to them seales of the promises Where they alledge that which the Prophet complaineth of Ier. 11.9 that wood is put in his bread therby is ment nothing els but that by the crueltie of his enemies his breade was infected with bitternesse the lyke complaint hath Dauid Psal 69.21 that his meate was corrupted with gall and his drink with Vineger 16 Other séeing them selues cōstrained with the proportional relatiō of the signe and the thing signified nor yet sustaining to enterprise or conceaue any other then a grosse participation flée to the succour of consubstantiation 17 And that they may maintain their errour some of them contende that the measures of Christs bodie doeth extend so farre and wide as heauen and earth reacheth some somewhat more subtilly say that this bodie that is giuen in the Sacrament is glorious and immortall but it may be asked what manner of bodie Christe gaue to his Disciples the day before he suffered doe not the wordes sounde that he gaue the same mortall bodie which was within a litle after to be deliuered but he had say ye Mat. 17. ● shewed his glorie to be séene to thrée disciples true it is but his will was by the brightnesse to giue them a taste of immortalitie for an houre 18 But of this errour of consubstantiation it must necessarily folow that the body and bloud of the Lord because the signes are distant the one from the other by space must bee seuered the one frō the other but the same participation which we stand vpon doeth verie well shut the gates against this errour 19 On the cōtrary he sheweth what presence of Christs body we should assigne in the Supper of the Lord which also he thinketh it néedfull diligently to be defended and assured 20 The better he may performe the same he taketh vpon him to entreat of this institution specially to shewe with how false enuy the aduersaries doe burthen vs Mat. 26.26 Mar. 14.22 when they crye out that we depart from the words of Christ but this reproch may be cast vppon their owne pates as hee manifestly sheweth by a naturall interpretation of the wordes and certaine other arguments 21 For no other cause then for affinitie which the things signified haue with the signes is the name of the thing giuen to the signe which he sheweth by certaine places of scripture and by Augustine Circumcisiō is a couenant the Lambe is the Passeouer the sacrifices of the lawe are expiations the rock out of which water flowed in the deserte was Christe God appeared to Moses in a bush the arke of couenāt is called God the face of God the one is called the holy Ghost Meruellous saith Aug. is the patience of Christe that he receiued Iudas to the banquet Aug. in Psal 3. whē he committed deliuered to his Disciples the figure of his bodie and blood 22 How litle it helpeth them the they stand so much vpon the worde this is and by many examples conuinceth thē because they say that the vehemencie of the verbe substantiue is is so great that it admitteth no figure which is false 1. Cor. 10.16 as by many places of Scripture is proued In the words of Paul is the substantiue verbe where he calleth the bread the communicating of the bodie of Christ but the communicating is an other thing then the body it self Again this shall be to you a couenaunt with mée This Lambe shall be to you a Passeouer the Rocke was Christ Gen. 17.13 Ex. 1.12.43 The holie Ghost was not yet because Iesus was not yet glorified Ioh. 7.39 if they abide fastened to their rule the eternall essence of the holie Ghost shal be destroied as though it tooke beginning at the Ascention of Christ 1. Cor. 11.12 Paul saieth that the Church is Christ for bringing a similitude of the bodie of man hée addeth so is Christe in whiche place hée vnderstandeth the only begotten sonne of God not in him selfe but in his members 23 Those labour no otherwise in silables than the Anthropomorphites truely the Apostles thought not of so prodigious a matter there wil also follow an other absurditie if they stand so precisely in wordes 24 But the better to purge the infamie of this lye hée wipeth away an other lyke cryme that is to say that wee are so addicted to humane reason that we may attribute nothing more to the power of God than the order of nature suffereth and common sense treateth and he sheweth that they doe very euil because preaching the power of God besides his will they doe peruerte the order of Gods wisedome 25 Which hee prosecuteth more at large where he sheweth that they haue no word whereby to be taught of that will of God reproouing them also of a mad preiudice 26 Now to proue the doctrine which he deliuereth out of the pure worde of God he proueth that the bodie of Christ hath so left the earth according to the scriptures and
example of Christ because in the former place wée are commanded to teach Matth. 28.19 Mark 16.16 and after to baptise and because Christ would not bée baptised before hee was thirtie yéeres olde to both partes of this argument he answereth in the first sectiō 2. Thess 3.5 29 And in the next section also 30 The 7. argument is that they denie there is greater cause why Baptisme shoulde be communicated to infants 1. Cor. 11.28 then the supper of the Lord albeit he proueth * Although Musculus in his common places thinketh otherwise notwithstanding M. Caluin doeth say that the Supper may be giuen also to infants but he vseth such modestie therein that he cannot be blamed there is a difference expressed in them 31 After he hath thus performed these things he descendeth to one Seruetus and answereth seuerally to all his Argumentes and that both plainely and briefly This Seruetus obiecteth that all they abide in death which beleeue not the Sonne of God and that the wrath of God abideth in them Iohn 3.36 and therefore Infantes which cannot beléeue lye in their damnation But Christe speaketh not of the generall giltinesse wherewith all the posteritie of Adam are wrapped but only threateneth the despisers of the Gospel which do proudly and stubbornly refuse the grace offered them Againe he sayeth that whosoeuer is bo●ne of the Spirite heareth the voice of the Spirite which is nothing els but that the faythfull are framed to obedience according as the spirite which worketh in them Although they which are borne of the faythful are by nature damned yet by supernaturall grace they are saued 1. Cor. 7.14 but hée alledgeth an Allegorie 2. Sam. 5.8 that Dauid going vp to the Tower of Sion did leade neither blind mē nor lame men with him but strong souldiours but the Parable may be set against it wherin God calleth to the heauenly banquet blind men and lame men 32 To what end Sathan doeth laye siege against Baptisme of children by the Anabaptists that is to say to depriue vs of the singular comfort which commeth thereby and by litle and litle should take the witnesse of grace from vs. Cap. 17. Of the holie Supper of Christe and what it auaileth FIrst he deliuereth the summe of the doctrine from the 1. to the 11. And moreouer hee vnloseth certaine knots from the 12. to the 50. But as touching the first first hée sheweth what it is that God doeth exhibite from the 1. to the 4. Moreouer howe and in what sort it is ours from the 5. to the 11. Ioh. 6.51 1. Cor. 11.24 1 What signes they are and to what end they were instituted for vs that is to say to testifie the Ministery of the vnion of Christ with the faythfull 2 A great fruite then of affiance and swéetenesse there is which by this Sacrament returneth to godly minds and what it is Mat. 26.26 3 The whole witnesse therof is commended to vs in the Supper of the lord and the same doeth manifestly appeare in the wordes themselues 4 The efficacie thereof is such as not only simply or without higher consideration doth reache to vs the bodie of Christe as it doeth giue vs the same for our nourishment 5 Hauing briefly comprehēded again by the former Ioh. 6.31 what one hee offereth him selfe to vs by what reason wherin the first parte of application consisteth he commeth to the other that is to shewe how we ought to receiue him truely by Fayth yet so that we must reache a litle further not only to faith but also to the effecte of Fayth 6 Which last member he confirmeth by the authoritie of Augustine Chrysostome Augustine sayeth Ham. in Ioh. 31. Act. 2.40 that thrée thousande men which were conuerted at Peters Sermon did drinke the blood of Christe by beléeuing which they had shed by cruell dealing Chrysostome sayth Hom. ● that Christ doth not only by Faith but also in déed make vs his bodie meaning that we doe not from any other where then from fayth obtaine such a benefite 7 Neither is it sufficient that many acknowledge this our communiō with Christ to be nothing els then spiritual without making mention of the fleshe and bloud yet the Mystery of this thing is such as he confesseth he can not comprehend howe to determine thereof 8 But that it may be such There is no life at all but in Christ Ioh. 6 4● but he hath this two wayes first of him selfe as he is God Moreouer by powring the same into his flesh which he put on that therby the communication of life might flowe foorth vnto vs. 9 When he hath taught the same out of Cyril Ciri● and by a similitude that the fleshe of Christ is by that meanes liuely therevppon he sheweth what our Communion is with him as the father hath life in him selfe so he hath also giuen to the Sonne to haue lyfe in himself whosoeuer thē enioyeth the partaking of his flesh enioyeth also the partaking of lyfe for as out of a fountaine water is sometime dronke and sometime drawne and sometime is conueyed by furrowes to the wateryng of groundes which yet of it selfe doth not ouerflowe into so many vses but from the verie spring it selfe with which euerlasting flowing yeldeth and ministreth vnto it from time to time newe abundance so the flesh of Christ is like a rich and vnwasted fountaine which powreth into vs the life springing from the Godhead into it selfe 10 This Communion is letted by no distance of place 2. Cor. 10.16 and the same is so sealed in the Supper of the Lorde that therin we may apprehend not a vain signe but the thing it selfe 11 A conclusion of the things that go before and so of the whole parte of this Chapter that is to say that the mysterie of the Supper consisteth of two parts of corporall signes and spiritual truth and they also containe thrée thinges the signification matter and effect The former part of the Chapter performed he commeth to the other that is to examine the excessiue mixtures which superstition hath brought into the Church And first he handleth transubstantiation from the 12. to the 15. then of consubstantiation from the 16. to the 19. thirdly he sheweth that that institution maketh against those excessiue Doctors from the 20. to the 25. fourthly by other reasons taken out of the word of God he confirmeth his iudgement from the 26. to the 27. fiftly he taketh away the authoritie of the fathers from them .28 sixtly he subuerteth their presence which they imagine and bringeth in an other frō the 29. to the 32. seuēthly he sheweth what communication ours ought to be .33 34. Eightly he reproueth Adoration hee sheweth to what end the Sacrament is instituted from the 35. to the 39. Last of all he entreateth of certain other things that happē which belong to that participatiō from the 40. to the 50. 12
so to remain in heauen Iob. 14.22 Mat. 26.11 that by no meanes hée can haue the carnall presense which they dreame of in the earth 27 The name of ascending so oftē repeted Act. 1.9 Luk. 24.2 and the admonition of the Angel at that time he did ascende doeth manifestly declare the same 28 And bicause they brag the the Fathers are of their side auoyding tediousnesse sake this one thing he saith whatsoeuer they scrape out of Augustine the same doth make nothing for them but for vs wholly Augustine saieth In Psal 3. that bodies if spaces places be taken frō them shall be no where because they shall be no where they shall not be at all 29 But séeing what so euer is alledged out of the scriptures Fathers against their minde Luk. 3.21 Luk. 24.39 Ioh. 20.17 they are wont to deceiue in this lurking hole saying that the presence which they determine is inuisible first this starting hole he shutteth close from them by certaine arguments which are in number foure and they begin And whē Moreouer if Or to conclude for to what purpose Moreouer he washeth away those argumēts which they doe obiecte but chiefly the fourth and concludeth that they by trifling although not by one word in déede yet by circumstance doe make the fleshe of Christ a Spirite 30 That we may giue them that which they prate of the inuisible presence yet do they in vaine assay to include Christ vnder the bread vnlesse they ouercome or conuince the vnmeasurablenesse or the vbiquitie of his bodie but the same is verie neare the heresie of Eutiches Seruetus Hee answereth also the places which they are wōt to cite for themselues 31 There can be no other presence of Christs flesh than that grose presence which they imagine while they place the same in bread by a secrete vnion of the holie Ghost 32 Hee sheweth what the same is where he confesseth that he dareth affirme nothing of the manner 33 And so hauing contayned those things which séemed to belōg to the holy Supper on Gods behalfe exhibiting Nowe he cōmeth to those things which moreouer belong to our partes that is to say our cōmunicating is brought to passe by the worke and power of the holy Ghost although that be set against the true and reall eating what so euer we teach of spirituall yet the same respecteth nothing els but whatsoeuer we teach of the spirituall here vpō it foloweth that dogs reprobats as they wold haue it receiue not the body of the Lord. 34 And although they brag that Augustine doeth fauour them because hée hath written that nothing is abated from the Sacramentes by the malice and infidelitie of men yet by many such places he proueth that he far otherwise thought Cyrill is of the same iudgement Augustine vpon these words Ioh. 6.1 Hom. in Ioh. 26. He that eateth my fleshe and drinketh my blood shall not dye for euer sayeth namely the power of the sacramēt not only the visible sacramēt verely within not without he that eateth it with heart not hee that presseth it with toothe Wherevpon he concludeth that the Sacrament of this thing that is to say of the vnitie of the bodie and bloud of Christ is set before men in the supper of the Lord to some vnto life to none vnto destructiō whosoeuer be partakers of it Hom. Ioh. 59. Hom. 62. ● Cor. 12. ● August saieth What maruellest thou if to Iudas was giuen the bread of Christe by which he might be made bounde to the Deuill when thou seest on the contrary side that to Paule was giuen an Angell of the Deuill by whō he might be made perfect in Christ 35 From thence he goeth to reproue adoration first he sheweth how weak their cōiecture is of accompaniyng together Moreouer what rashnes it tasteth and how far of it is from true humility to fall downe flat worship the signes 36 Those things that are aboue said the Nycen councel old councel and the whole order of scripture doe fasten our mindes not with signes lift vp to heauen to séeke Christe but the adoration of the Sacrament is manifest Idolatrie Col. 1.1.2 37 Hée goeth further and first he denieth that that fourme of Adoration is agréeable to the Sacrament Moreouer through their owne default it is no sacrament Psalm 50 1● because they haue no reuerence of the commandement whereby onely the promise is boulstered borne vp Therefore this Sacrament is not giuen to bée adored but for certaine other profitable ends first Luke 2 1● to stirre vp our mindes to giuing of thanks Moreouer to exercise vs in calling to minde the death of Christ 38 Thirdly to encourage and flame vs both to purenesse 1. Cor. 10 1● and holynesse of life and also to charitie and peace towardes all men the last wherof he only entreateth in this place Augustine calleth this Sacramente the bonde of charity 39 Héereby it appeareth howe farre it is from the nature of the Sacrament which they make a dombe action and lay vp I know not how oft that which they distribute to the sicke 40 Passing to them which come to the Supper of the Lorde Titus 1.15 1. Cor. 11.29 first he sheweth what they are that come vnworthily and how great iudgement hangeth ouer them Moreouer he therby concludeth that euery man muste examine him selfe ● Cor. 11.28 and what that examination is 41 The examination which commonly the Papistes had was rather a cruell torment than an examination and debarred altogeather from the Supper of the Lorde 42 What that true examination is and who are they that come worthily 43 As concerning the outwarde vs● of doing there is much difference and therefore of some euilly restrained to a certaine necessitie Luke 22.17 and how the Supper of the Lorde may most decently be administred 44. 45 The participation of the supper ought to be had in often vse of all Christians Acts. 2.24 as is shewed by the practise of the olde Churche and the decrees of the olde Fathers and how seuerely some of the Fathers did condemne in this behalfe the slouth of the people 46 The custome that commandeth to communicate once euery yéere is a most certaine inuention of the Diuell albeit it coulde not arise at the first of a very euill fountaine 47 It was also an inuention of the Diuel that in the Supper of the Lord the cuppe was denied the layitie and it doth nothing auaile them that by this meanes they say they auoide many dangers neither is it néedfull for the accompaning of the blood in the body to distribute both 48 He shutteth against them two other starting holes and the last thereof is that the cup did belong to the sacrificers only this he prosecuteth to the end of the Chapter setting before them fiue requestes two in this place 49 The second whereof hee expoundeth at large strongly confirmeth