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A40453 The dolefull fall of Andrew Sall, a Jesuit of the fourth vow, from the Roman Catholick apostolick faith lamented by his constant frind, with an open rebuking of his imbracing the confession, contained in the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England. French, Nicholas, 1604-1678. 1674 (1674) Wing F2178; ESTC R6915 151,148 496

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may be consecrated The Flesh feedeth of the true and substantiall Body and Bloud of Christ that the Soule may be nurrished of God It is an evident and undeniable inference that as by Water is understood in this passage of Tertulian true Water and by Oyle true and substantiall Oyle soe alsoe by the Body and Bloud of Christ are understood the true real and substantiall Body and Bloud of Christ For there can be noe reason imagined why true Water and Oyle should be understood in this passage and not the true and substantiall Body and Bloud of Christ The Fathers treating of the Body of Christ in this Sacrament doe use these words Fieri confici creari Saint Cyprian saith Qui usque hodte hoc veracissimum sanctissimum Corpus suum creat That is Christ to this day doth creat in the Sacrament of the Alter his owne most true and holy Body Saint S. Amb. lib. 4. de Sacra Cap. 4. Ambrose saith Panis iste Panis ante verbae Sacramentorum ubi accesserit consecratio de pane fit Corpus Christi That is That Bread is Bread before the Words of Consecration when the Consecration comes of Bread is made the Body of Christ Then when the Saint had declar'd this to have happened by the force of the Words of Christ because the speech of Christ is soe effectuall that it can create things out of nothing hee added Sed post Consecrationem dico tibi quod jam ost Corpus Christi ipse dixit factum ost ipse mandavit creatum est But after the Consecration saith the Saint I tell thee that now it is the Body of Christ hee said and it was made hee commaunded and it was created That is to say the Body of Christ was created which hee says absolutly in that place to have bine made and created In like manner Bessarion saith Tota Bessar lib. de Virbis consecr Trinitas hoc Corpus Altaris Creat That is The whole Trinity doth create the Body in the Altar And many more of the Fathers have us'd the like manner of speaking which propositions can not be verifyed unless the Body of Christ is present in the Sacrament of the Alter by a true and substantiall change or Conversion of Bread into the Body of Christ by which action or reproduction the Fathers affirme Corpus Christi fieri confici creari which can not be understood de creatione stricte sumpta because that any thing may be said created strictly if must be created of nothing soe as it must absolutly beginne then to have its being and that it had noe existence or being before Sic connotat vox creari Now the Body of Christ in the Sacrament had existence and being in heaven before the Consecration and hath after it Neque fit ex nihilo in Sacramento sed ex pane There are of the Fathers many and cleare Testimonyes proving the Real-Presence of the Body and Bloud of Christ in the Sacrament which Cardinall Bellarmin Bellartoto lih 2. de hoc Sacra S. Amb. lib. 6. de Sacra Cap. 1. sets downe largly and brings to that purpose the Testimony of all ages Saint Ambrose speaketh thus Sicut verus est Dei Filius Dominus noster Iesus Christus non quemadmodum homines per Gratiam sed quasi Filius ex Substantia Patris ita vera caro est sicut ipse dixit quam accipimus verus ejus Sanguis est quem potamus That is As our Lord Iesus Christ is the true Sonns of God not as men by Grace but as a Sonne of the Substance of his Father even soe it is his true Flesh as himselfe said which wee receive and his true Bloud wee drink Saint Damasen likewise saith thus Non est Figura Panis Vinum Corporis Saint Dama lib. 4. de Fide cap. 14. Sangunis Christi absit enim hoc sed est ipsum Corpus Domini deificatum ipso Domino dicente boc est meum non figura Corporis sed Corpus non figura Sanguinis sed Sanguis That is That as the Bread and Wine is not the figure of the Body and Bloud of Christ God forbid but it is after Consecration the very Body of our Lord deifyed Our Lord himself saying this is my Body not the figure of my Body this is my Bloud not the figure of my Bloud What can bee clearlyer said against Calvins Hersie then this The Fathers prove evidently the Bread to bee substantially converted into the Body of Christ and in this they praise the infinit power of God Likewise tha● after the words of Consecration the bread is noe more there but the true flesh of Christ and that in this mistery wee are to beleeve the words of Christ rather then our owne senses To this purpose Saint Ambrose whose faith was the generall faith of Christendome in his days Quantis utimur exemplis ut S. Amb. de T is qui Misteriis initiantur probemus hoc non esse quod natura formavit That is By how many examples doe wee use to prove that which is in the Sacrament is not that which nature framed to wit Bread and wine but that which the blessing did consecrat The Saint heere insinuates that the force of blessing is greater then the force of nature seeing by blessing nature it selfe is changed as bread into the Body of Christ Hee saith elsewhere Sitantum valebat sermo Eliae ut ignem de caelo deponeret non valebit sermo Christi ut species mutet elementorum That is If the word of Elias brought fyre from heaven shall not the word of Christ be able to change the species of the elements And this the Saint proves by the force of reason in these words De totius mundi operibus legisti quia ipse dixit facta sunt ipse mandavit creata sunt Sermo ergo Christi qui potuit ex nihilo facere quod non erat non potest ea quae sunt mutare in id quod non erant That is You have read saith the Saint of the works of the world because hee said they were made hee commanded and they were created Then hee makes this Argument Shall not then the speech of Christ which was able of nothing to create that which was not be able to change the things that are into other things that they were not before For it is more to give new Nature to things then to change Natures The Saint concludes thus Liquet igitur quod praeter Naturae ordinem virgo generavit hoc quod facimus Corpus ex Virgine est That is to say As the Virgin did conceive beyond the Order of Nature even soe that which wee consecrat is the Body which came from the Virgin Viewing all the great Miracles that happen in this Sacrament Bread and Wine chang'd into the Body and Bloud of Christ the species and accidents of Bread and Wine remaining without inherence in a subject which
God an infalible spiritt of rightly understanding the Scripture In which hee walked Religiously according to Doctor Whitak●rs definition of the privat Spiritt Wee Catholicks that have nothing to doe with this privat Spiritt doe firmly believe God hath given a speciall Grace and infalible Spiritt of expounding the Scripture and defining Theorems of faith to generall Councells assembled together in the Holy Ghost Vbi duo vel tres congregati sunt in nomine meo ibi ero in medio illorum That likwise the Pope hath this infalible Spiritt quando loquitur ex Cathedra but privat men bee they ever soe great Saints or learned wee doe not allow this infalibility unto them though wee doubt not but the Doctors of the Church who submitts themselves in all to the Church are specially assisted by the Holy Ghost in interpreting the word of God The pride of this privat Spiritt makes Protestants to make noe account of the ancient Fathers and Doctors nor of generall Councells or any diffinition or determination of the Church Ex. G. the second Counsell of Nice defines the Doctrin of Tradition in this manner Si quu Traditionem Ecclesiae sive scripto sive consuetudine valentem non curaverit anathema sit The privat spiritt of Doctor Whitaker spurning at this Councell said Generall Councells may erre Behold one Doctor of the English Church doth blast with a breath all the authority and creditt of this generall Councell Tell mee Sall is not this a Spiritt of pride in Doctor Whitaker a little Pigme contesting with soe many tale Gyants of Sanctity and learning all the Biphops and great Doctors of that famous Councell If wee produce the Authority of Fathers and Saints excellently learned as Cyprian Gregory Ambross Ierom Augustin and others behold the Father of Protestanisme your prime Doctor Luther whom your Church terms a holy man and the Hely-as of Germany speaks resolutly Gods Word is aboue all the Devine Majesty makes for mee in soe much as I regard not if a thousaad Augustins and as many Cyprians stood against mee Was this man in his sences Luth. Tom. 2 contra Henricum Regem Angliae when hee vapered in this kinde but how did Luther prove the devine Majesty made for him by noe other means but by his privat infalible spiritt which hee supposed though by Scripture hee could not prove it hee himselfe had and those Saints had it not See now Sall if you are happy in hauing Luther a monster of sinne with his privat Spiritt on your side and Cyprian Augustin and the rest of holy Doctors against you whome you have forsaken to stick unto Luther By this privat Spiritt you Protestant Domineer over all sorts of men interpreting Scripture as you please and who interprets otherwise be they universitys Doctors Fathers Councells yea and the very high Bishop of old Rome himselfe all erre and why soe because they have not the privat Spiritt of Protestanisme what a rediculous thing this is even Common reason teacheth us By this privat Spiritt you Protestants admit for Canonicall Scriptures all you please and you declare Apocriphall what you please by this Spiritt you take what Traditions you please and by the same reject what you please by this Spiritt you dis●anon the Books of the Machabees Ecclesiasticus and others those said Books have bine acknowledg S. Aug. in doct Christ l. 2 c. 8. Can. 47. for Canonicall by Saint Augustin and the third Councell of Africk You will doubtless tell mee that your chiefest Doctors Luther and Calvin had this infallible Spiritt in expounding the Scriptures and yet they give quite contrary interpretations of one and the same passage of Scripture as this Hoc est Corpus meum Luther understands Matt. cap. 26. that Text Secundum Litteram and says it is soe of faith to be understood and condemns for Hereticks the Sacramentariant Swinglians and Calvinistes who understand that place figuratively Luther hath this saying Englished I doe Luth. Ep. ad Har vagium Tom. 7. VVitt f 380. art 28. contra Lovanienses Tom. 2. VVitt. f. 503. protest before God and the world that I doe not agree with them the Sacramentarys nor ever will while the world standeth but will have my hands cleare from thee blood of those sheep which these Hereticks doe drive from Christ deceive and kill And againe in the same place Cursed be the Concord and Charity of Sacramentaryes for ever and ever to all Eternity Luther hee understands the above cited place litterally and possitively affirms that the body and blood of Christ is realy and substancially in the Sacrament of the Altar Hee likwise affirms but erroniously that bread is there with the body of Christ Calvin takes a quite Contrary way and affirms possitively the Body and blood of Christ is not realy and substantially in the Sacrament but figuratively see as hee expounds this Text Hoc est Corpus meum thus Hac est figura Corporis mei now what is more different then the Body of Christ to be realy in the Sacrament and the Body of Christ not to be realy in the Sacrament Sall reconcile the best you can these two great Doctors of your Church for plaine reason tells us if the Spiritt of one of them bee true the other must bee a lying Spiritt And those are the men these Monsters of incontinency and pride cover'd with all sort of vices are the Doctors and Masters you have now chosen Seeing then this privat lying Spiritt approves of expounding Scripture at will and pleasure allowing only such exposition of Gods Word as sorts well to the supporting of theire owne errors seeing it tramples all Authority of Councells Fathers and Doctors who expounded Gods Word differently from the Protestant Church seeing it ingenders contrariety in Doctrin even in the injoyers thereof as was now shewed in Luther and Calvin through each mans misconstruction of Scripture To conclude seeing the exorbitancy pride and petulancy of this Spiritt is such that it expects that all men should receive from it as from a second Moyses the Tables of our Evangelicall Law I pray sitt downe and saddly consider what you have done in following this pestiperous Spiritt and wandering with it have separated your selfe from your holy Mother the Church IV. CHAPTER BEfore resolving any thing upon this Ad tertum quere to wit of what Religion is Sall become having forsaken the Catholick Religion I must tell you hee hath been weakly armed against the evill temptation that overcame him hee hath not been a tale strong oak resisting the storme sathan rais'd against him but a wavering reed without strength or stay hee stood not stiffly upon the Rock of Peter but yielded without fighting Tempore tentationis recessit harken weake pusilanimus Sall to old Tertulian telling you Quod Hereses apud Tertul. prescrip cap. 2. eos multum valeant qui infide non valent That is that Heresies are strong against those who are not strong in theire
one God have mercy upòn us pleaseth mee not for it wholy taste●h of Barbarisme Said Doctor King further teacheth in these motives that foule dèceipts and sleights and falcifications are practised by Protestant writers that your XXXIX Articles of Protestancy are Heresyes that true Miracles have beene wrought for proof of the Catholick Religion but neuer any for Protestancy that there is unity in Catholick Religion and disagreements in Protestancy that the Doctrin of Catholick Religion tends directly to Vertue of Protestancy to vice and liberty When you shall attentively read this learned mans motius why and wherfore hee quitted the Protestant Religion and became Catholick you must hold your selfe for a madd man for having forsaken the Catholick Religion to become Protestant The last motive the 12. which is most to be considered of all in order to safty is that Salvation may be had in the Catholick Religion even by the Confessions of Protestant Devines and Writers and likely some of them have signed the XXXIX Articles whence hee Derives an undeniable Consequence that the Catholick Religion is the safest hee discourseth to this purpose both the sides and the learnedest of both the sides Confess and agree salvation can be obtained in the Roman Catholick Faith that same faith which hath beene professed and maintaned by Popes Catholick Bishops and Catholick Congregations directed and governed by them in Spiritualibus in Confirmation of which the Catholick Saints in our Littanys are acknowledg'd for Saints by the Protestants but all the Catholick side hould that Protestants cannot be saued in theire Religion the Religion of the XXXIX Articles Ergo saith Doctor King it is Wisdome and the safest way to Imbrace the Catholick Religion acknowledged by both sides for the safest to Salvation I will conclude this discourse in giving you Doctor Kings owne words upon this subject with which hee coucludes his book of motives excellent perswading words But heere doe present unto us saith Doctor King two Porismata or resultancyes out of the premisses of this passage The first that all true reason perswadeth The 12 Motive pag. 165. 166. 167. me to implant and ingraft my selfe in that Church which I finde to be ackowledged for the true Church promising salvation t● her members even by her adversarys For if I dye Catholick my life being agreeable thereto both Catholicks and Protestants warrants my S●lvation but dying in the Faith of Protestancy the Protestants alone and this in honour of theire owne Religion assure mee of it for there is neuer a learned Catholick wryter in the world an observation much to be weighed who granteth that a Protestant dying with a positive setled and coutumacious neglect of the Catholick Church and Faith can be saved This then being ●hus shall I in soe great a bussiness leave a certainty for an uncertainty God forbid Wee Protestants expeot to be believed in other our positions and Doctrins why not then in this Since then the Protestants doe teach that Catholicks soe dying are in state of Salvation I am resolued my Brethrens wrytings shall have that powerfull Influence over mee as what themselves doe heerin teach I will through Gods Grace put in Execution And soe my will shall become in this point a ready and seruiceable handmayd to theire Iudgments The second The wrong which wee Protestants commit in afflicting the Catholicks and in unnaturally be●rampling upon theire dejected estates only for matters of Religion Alas by our owne Doctrin they are neither Babylonians nor Aegyptians both they and wee being as wee teach Israelits why then should Israel thus persecute Israell Are wee not become the gaze of Christendome thus to fight without an Enemy thus for Kindred to wound its owne Kindred yea often the Father the Sonne soe turning our owne Swordes into our owne Childrens breasts wee still inciting his Majesty to greater severity a Prince of his owne Disposition of the most benigne mercifull and commiserating nature that the world at this day enjoys and all this for the Catholicks living in that Faith and Religion in which our selves teach they may be saved thus doe wee make the confessed hope of theire Salvation● to be the sole cause of theire pressures and callamityes Good God! who would think that Christians the chiefest Articles of whose Faith are either reputed but as indifferencyes or which is more believed for true Doctrin by theire oppressours whose Church is acknowledged to be the d D. Morton ubi supra Church of God houlding the foundation of the Ghospell the e M. Hooker ubi supra family of Iesus Christ it being noe severall f M. Bunni ubi supra Church from theirs nor theirs from it houlding g D. Field ubi supra a saving Profession of the truth in Christ in which many h D. Covell with theother doctors ubi supra dying are by their adversaries registred for most glorious Saints Should neuer the less bee persecuted by either Christians of their owne Country yea their owne flesh for theire only persevering in the a foresaid Church with Confisca●ion of goods restraint of body some●ymes with sheeding of most inno●ent blood and suffering a cruell death Obstupecite e coeli super hoc portae ●jus desolamini vehementer Heere now I will stay my penne making this last motive as a fitting Catastrophe for all Since that Closure i Hierem cap. 2. and end is warrantable enough which evicteth from the ingenious Confessions of the most learned Protestants that I may be saved in that Religion wherein I am resolued to dye I think Sall you can not meet with a stronger argument then Doctor Kings unanswerable discourse for bringing you backagaine to your Mother the Catholick Church V. CHAPTER TO the fourth Quere Who are Ad quartum the Doctors Sall parted from and who those new ones hee imbraced It is easily answered hee hath quitt the four great Doctors of Gods Church holy Saints Gregory Ambrosse Augustin and Ierome and all the ancient Fathers and Catholick Doctors how famous these foure Doctors were for great Sanctity Learning and Authority is sufficiently knowne over all the world They have beene the Lights Pillars Champions and Ornaments of the Church profound in humility flaming with Charity Conspicuous in their Conversation sublime in their Comtemplation zealous in converting Souls and defending the House of God they have beene such as Saint Paule desires Gods Servants to bee Abnegantes impietatem secularia desideria Ad Titum cap. 2. sobrié justé pié viventet in hoc seculo expectantes beatam spem adventum Gloriae magni Dei salvatoris nostri Jesu Christs Cum quo jam triumphant in Caelo That is denying Impiety and wordly desires living soberly justly and Godly in this world expecting the blessed hope of the great God and our saviour Iesus Christ with whome they now tryumph in heaven What more glorious then Gregory and what more humble then hee set on the
but not of Churches for hee allow'd no power or Jurisdiction to the Fmperour over or in the Church Sall you see how Ambrose by this undaunted generous answer denyed to yield to the Emperour one Basilica or Church for the Liturgy of the Arriaens the Empresse being of that Religion and you have joyned in Communion and Religion with those Protestant Bishops and Clergy-men that made and signed the XXXIX Articles and delivered up to Queen Elizabeth all the Churches in England and all Eeclesiasticall Iurisdiction and power over themselves and all the people in Spiritualibus which I am a shamed to write with those I say you have joyned denying to the Pope against all piety and reason over that Kingdome and People all Spirituall Superiority and therin you seperate to your great shame from Saint Ambrose The next conflict Ambross had was with Maximus who had kild the yong Prince Gracianus the holy Bishop goeing to seek the body of the dead Prince behaved himselfe like a noble and stout Prelate hee excomunicated the Tyrant for sheding Innocent blood and commaunded him to doe severe pennance for soe cruell a Murther After this Ambrose had a great encounter with the Emperour Theodosious which fell out in this manner Theodosius after defeating the Tyrant Eugenius who was killed in the fight which victory hee atributed to Saint Ambrosse's prayers and power with God being transported with an implacable anger against the Cittizens of Thessalonica for the death of one of his Courtiers slaine by that People in a tumult to revenge this mans death hee invited the People to the Spectacula or usuall pastymes in those days and gave order to the armed Souldery to inviron and Massacre the innocent multitud without Distinction of Age or sexe there were slaine by this blooddy Edict seaven thousand Soules This butchery being ended the Emperour took his way for Millan and thinking according to his ordinary custome to goe to the Church Saint Ambross with a Godly anger opposed himselfe and denyed him ingress giving him a severe reprehention in this kind Quid inquit tentas Caesar quid moliris tune Domini Templum post tam Crudelem innocentium hominum stragem intrare audes noli Caesar noli Priorem iniquitatem tuam haec te-meritate aug●re exhorresco hoc tam immane facinus tuum gladium civium Innocentium tam iniqua morte cruentnm videre non possum Glamat Caesar de Terra ad Caelum contra te Sanguis innocentum That is What doe you atempt Caesar what are you about to doe doe yon dare to enter Gods Tem●le after soe Cruell a Massacre of Innocent People Caesar doe not doe not augment the sinn you have committed with this new Temerity I abhorr thy cruell Act and I cannot indure to see your sword blooddy with the unjust death of soe many innocent Cittizens Caesar the blood of the Innocent Cryes to heauen against you What did the Emperour in this encounter receeving soe sharpe a rebuke hee revered the reprehention and the liberty of the holy Bishop and began to lament bitterly his great sinn and soe retyred to his Pallace not daring to enter the Church I may in this place say O Incomparabilem Pontisicis dignitatem O Imperatoris pi●tatem insignem Soon after came on the feast of the Nativity when the Emperour much afflicted for his being kept out of the Church sent Rufinus prefect of the Pallace to have the Excomunication taken of this powerfull Courtier made account the Saint would instantly yield but the Bishop would not heare him wherfore the Emperour wholy compunct and penitent came in person to Ambrose humbly demaunding hee would give him Entrance into the Church on that holy Feast that he● might partake of the joy the poorest men in the Citty enjoyed but the Bishop said Quid agis Caesar quid poscis num tam immane scelere tuo dignam penitudinem ostendisti tuum est said Caesar remedia dare meum accipere imper● quid fieri velis non obsisto hoc solum ambio ut cum Deo meo in Gratiam redire possem That is What doe you Caesar what seek you from mee have you done condigne pennance for soe great a sinn It is said Caesar your part to commaund and praescribe a remedy and myno to receive the same Commaund what you will have done I shall not resist this only I seek that I may be reconciled to my God Then Ambrose seeing and admiring Caesars most Christian example in contrition and obedience received him into the Church with great joy of all the People Was ever under the heavens a more noble and pious contention then this between Tbeodosius and Ambrose I have enlarged my selfe a little longer though I hope not unprofitably upon this rare History and example of the zeale and fortitude of a good Bishopl and of the piety and obedience of a good Emperour Had wee in this age but a few Ambroses they would I dare say make the Church of God and the Monarchy of the world more Godly and happier then now they are And how to Saint Augustin Was there ever from the Creation of the world a more learned and humble man then this Saint What Heresiarch in his tyme lifted up his head that hee did not refute and knock downe doe not all learned men at this day draw from him as from a Spring and Fountaine all Wisdome and Learning Who among men was a greater defender of verity and the Church then hee What quantity of vollumes and books hath hee set forth to this effect no● Doctor profounder none more learned nor more penetrating hard questions and difficultyes in Scripture Fathers and Divinity then hee but in nothing more gloriovs then in his humble Books of Confessions Are not you Sall confounded in your soule for parting from this great Catholick and most holy and learned Doctor and adhering to those new unCatholick Bishops of England with theire XXXIX Articles for the most part of them condemned Heresies who have but the titulary name of Bishops and noe holy Order at all and consequently cannot conferre holy Orders on others wherfore as was well observed by a late Author the Church of England is noe Church because it wants Priest and Sacrifice What shall I say now of holy Hierome the great Oracle of the world for expounding Scriptures to him from all Places and Provinces Fathers and learned men did write for clearing and resolving deep difficultyes and obscure sences of the Scripture who a greater Enemy to his body then this Saint Who more mortify'd what an austere life did hee lead in the Wilderness of Syria where hee cry'd out in this Language O quoties ego ipse in eremo constitutus Epist 22. ad Eustochium in illa vasta solitudine quae exusta solis ardoribus horridum Monachis prestat habitaculum putabam me Roman is interesse deliciis Sedebam solus quia amaritudine repletus eram Horrebant sacco membra deformia
is as necessary as meat drink or sleep and further yet when a man hath taken a wife hee may upon causes lye with her sister or with the next of her kinde and if these will bee obstinate hee may take the mayd instead of the Mistris and with all this may be not withstanding as holy and just as ever was Peter or Paul or the Mother of Christ If all this be true as Martin Luther warranteth us who can complaine saith the defence of the Censure of the hard way to heaven who can say the Gate is streight as Christ our Saviour did If these things be soe are not they great fooles that mortify theire bodyes austerely fasting and praying Christ our Saviour said Regnum Caelorum vim patitur violenti rapiunt illud But Luther says that saying of Christ is but a fable for soe much as by only believing you are as holy as the blessed Virgin the Mother of our Saviour for according to his Articles of Justification by faith only hee holds fasting praying and good works have noe influence upon Salvation But nothing of Luthers Doctrin is more impious and abominable then his abollishing the Masse upon a conference hee had with the Deuill to whome in the ende hee yielded This made Mr. Walsingham a prudent man in his Search into matters of Religion say to Doctor Downham who much praised Luther for a holy man I alsoe esteemed Luther to have binne a man of God but now ● finde him by what the Author of the defence of the Censure says to have beene a very bad man and to have opposed himselfe against the Church of Rome by instigation of the Deuill himselfe with whome hee had much conference as is proved out of his owne works And surely Sir saith hee to Doctor Downham I think it concerneth mee to bee of some better faith and Religion then such as should have the originall and beginning from the Divill for what concord can there be between Christ and Belial light and darkness Luther himselfe setts forth his conference with the Devill in these words Contigit me sub mediam noctem subito expergefieri Luth. Tom. 7. VVlte pridted anno 1558. ubi Satan mecum caepit ejusmodi Disputationem audi inquit Luthere Doctor perdocte c. That is It happened saith Luther upon a certaine tyme lib. de Eissa privata c. unct Sacerde fol. 228 that I was suddainly awaked about midnight then Sathan beganne this Disputation with mee saying Harken right learned Doctor Luther Nosti te quindecim annis Caelebrasse Missas privatas penè quotidie c. Thou knowest thou hast celebrated privat Mass for the space of fifteen years almost every day what if such Masses were horrible Idolatrie What if Christ his body and blood were not present there but that thou only didst a dor● Bread and Wine Wherunto I answered saith Luther that I was an anoynted Priest received Unction and Consecration from a Bishop and did all these things as from the Commaundement and Obedience of my Elders why then should I not consecrate There passed after other arguments of Sathan against the Mass and Luthers replyes and among others Luther said that hee celebrated Mass in the intention and faith of the Church and that the Church did rightly believe and think But saith Luther Sataen è contra fortius vehementius instans age prome vbi Scriptum est c. That is Sathan urging and replying more vehemently said goe toe shew mee where it is written that an ungodly and unbelieving man may consecrat in the faith and intention of the Church where hath God taught or commaunded this To which interogations and arguments of the Deuill Luther confessing that hee could not answer did yield in all points here touched by him except in only one which was against the real presence It is remarkable that the deuines of Hospinian in bis Histir Sacram part 2. printed Tiguri 1612. fol. 20. Wittenbargh publishing theire reasons of abrogating the Mass delivered the very same reasons and arguments that the Deuill brought against the Mass in his conference with Luther and among the rest this argument Confugiebatis ad Mariam Sanctos illi erant mediatores inter vos Christum sic erepta est gloria Christo That is You rann to Mary and the Saints these were the mediators between you and Christ and soe glory and honour is taken away from Christ Here you see gentle reader that Luther yielding to the Deuills reasons and arguments abollished the Mass and that the Wittenberg Devines have made use of these arguments made by Satan and that Luther himselfe afterwards us'd the same arguments against the Catholicks And as Mr. Walsingham says in his search into matters of Religion that the same Articles are now held in England namely against the Masse against the Ordination and Consecration of Priestes against the Real Presence against Privat Receiving and Communicating about the Faith of the Church about honouring and invocation of our Lady and other Saints And what is yet more maruelous to mee here is that the Deuill alleadged such arguments against Papists Religion in favour of Protestants as though hee had loved the Protestant Religion and hated that of the Catholiks which they would say is a good signe that the Catholick Religion is the truth And realy the Catholicks in all reason ought to think soe Now let any man think with himselfe of what spiritt a man soe conversant with the Diuill was who says Diabolus frequentius propius mihi condormit Incollo Mensal Germ. Edit fol. 281 quam mea Catharina That is That the Deuill doth sleepe with mee offtener and nearer unto mee then my owne Catharin that is to say my owne wife Catharin Boren or could write any thing of true Religion and Piety and how dangerous a point it were for a man to rely much upon him that was soe beset with contrary Spiritts and Deuills For as the Spirit of Christ can not but perswade good things and true Doctrin Soe cannot the Spirit of the Devill but perswade bad things and fals Doctrine either openly or covertly for it is the Devills function and profession to deceive all men and lead them to damnation The Matters of Luthers conference with the Deuill faling out to bee odious and shamfull sundry excuses are Cherke in his reply to the Censur printed 1581. Fulke in his treaeice against the desence os the Censure printed by Thomas Thomas p. 234. Lavat in his Hist Sacra printed Tiguri 1553. sol 24. pretended in answer therunto Mr. Charke and Mr. Fulke doe answer that by Luthers foresaid discourse of his Disputation had with the Devill is meant only a spirituall fight in minde and noe bodily conference Is it possible two Doctors of Divinity in the English Church would give soe weake an excuse did not Lavather himselfe confess it to have beene an apparition Luther being awak't did not Luther himselfe
to another let him well consider what the same Father says Serutetur qui potest tam profundum Iudicium verumtamen caveat precipitium That is Let him that Seeks to penetrat soe deep a Iudgment be aware he fall not into a precipice And that you may clearly see that God is just in his proceeding with Iacob and Esau The Fathers and Divines give this evident reason In eo saith they quod alicui datur ex mera gratia injustitia non habet locum si non datur alteri quia gratia potest uni fieri non alteri sine injustitia That is In that which is given to any one of meer grace injustice hath noe place if the same is not given to another because grace or mercy can be done to one and not to another without any injustice Our Saviour makes this plaine in distributing the penny or reward on the work-men that came into the vyniard in the morning and at eleven Math. cap. 20. of the Clock for hee gave the same to both Those that came in the morning thought they should receive more then the others and not receiving more then the others They murmured against the Master of the vyneard sayng These last have continued one houre and thou hast made them equall to us that have borne the day and the heats But hee answering said to one of them frind I doe the noe wronge didst thou not covenant with mee for a penny Take what is thine and goe I will alsoe give to this last even as to the alsoe If there were two men both being Christen'd both beleeving well and living well if God should give heaven to one and should damne the other then would God be term'd unjust partiall and forgettfull of his promise but respecting or taking two who both be worthy of damnation as all are before they be first called to mercy then the matter standeth on meer mercy and of the givers will and liberality in which case partiality or justice hath noe place Saint Augustin giveth an Aug. lib. de predest gratia c. 4. example of two debters the one forgiving all and the other put to pay all by the same creditor Another example 1. Two malefactors being condemned both for one crime the prince pardoneth the one and letteth the law proceed on the other 2. The theefe that is pardoned can not attribute his escape to his owne deseruing but to the Princes mercy 3. The theefe that is executed can not chalenge the prince that hee was not pardoned alsoe but must acknowledg hee hath his desert 4. The standers by must not say that hee was executed because the Prince would not pardon him for that was not the cause but his offence 5 If they aske further why the Prince pardon'd not both or executed not both the answer is that as mercy is a Godly vertue soe Iustice is necessary and commendable 6. But if it be further demaunded why Iohn rather then Thomas was executed or Thomas rather then Iohn pardoned answer that the partys being otherwise equall it hangeth meerly and wholy upon the Princes pleasure In all this mercy of God towards some and Iustice towards others both the pardoned work by theire owne free will and therby deserve theire Salvation and the other noe less by theire owne free will without all necessity work wickedness and themselves and only of themselves procure theire owne damnation Therfore noe man may without blasphemy say or can truly that hee hath nothing to doe towards his owne Salvation but will live and think hee may live without care or cogitation of his end Every good Christian must suppose that in Gods Iudgments there be many things secret but nothing unjust and therfor the good man without Search of Gods secret Iudgments must work his owne Salvation as Saint Peter doth advise saying Wherfore Brethren 2 Epist Petri cap. 1. labour the more that by good works you may make sure your vocation and election For doing these things you shall not sinn at any tyme. By this Saint Peter teaches clearly that Gods eternall Prodestination and Ellection consisteth with good works yea that the certainty and the effect therof is procured by mans free will and good works For this reason all the ancient Patriarcks Prophets Apostles and all the Doctors and Saints of God exhorted the world to fast watch pray mortify theire bodies and to sanctify themselves by good works and themselves lived soe heare Saint Paul the great Doctor of Nations telling what way hee tooke to the Kingdome of heaven and making sure his Election and Vocation Thus hee spok to the Acto cap. 20. ancients of the Church coming to him from Ephesus You know from the first day that I enter'd into Asia in what manner I have bine with you all the tyme serving our Lord with all humility tears and temptations that did chance to mee by the conspiracyes of the Iewes Who after these words of Saint Paul the Oracle of the World will tell us that humility tears and temtations are not necessary for gayning the Kingdom of heaven The other Blasphemy is that our Saviour going downe into Hell suffered the flames and torments of the damned there for satisfying the Divine Justice Calvin super Math. the 27. cap. §. 49. and that without suffering in that kind his death and passion had been noe way profitable to mankinde Hee says the aprehention of the torments and paines our Saviour was to suffer in Hell was the cause of sweating blood in the Gardin and that hee feared his owne Salvation did ever man speak Calvin lib. 2. Iustit cap. 26. §. 36. soe horrible a Blasphemy And says further that Christ nayld upon the Cross spake words of despaire I will not spend tyme here in telling you his Hereticall Opinion of the Trinity opening a way and dore to the Arrians wherfore Franciscus Stankerus reprehending Calvin said Quis Diabolus O Calvine te seduxit contra Filium Dei cum Ario obloqui That is O Calvin what Devill hath seduced thee to speake evill of the Sonn of God with Arius Certaine Calumnies of Calvin against the Fathers and other Catholicks CAlvin accuseth against all sincere Conscience foure Popes in this Language Iulius forsoeth and Leo Calvin lib. 4. Instit cap. 7. lect 27 and Clement and Paul shall be Pillars of the Christian Faith c. Which neuer knew any other thing of Christ then that which they had learned out of Lucians Schoole Is not this Lucian was an Athist a strange impotency in accusing these Popes But what saith hee if three or foure Popes goe a stray since the whole Colledg of Cardinalls seem to have gon a stray For first these are the principall Articles of that secret Calvin lib. 4. Instit cap 7. lect 27 Devinity that raigneth amongst them First that there is noe God secondly that all things that are written and taught concerning Christ are lyes and deceits thirdly
VVicklifs Errors about that Sacrament Accidentia non manent sine subjecto in ●odem Sacramento substantia panis naturalis vini naturalis manent in Sacramento Altaris Errores damnati in Concilio constanti●nsi the Doctrin of Purgatory and other Articles will you heare Sir Iohn Oldcastle a prime Wicklifian his Protestation at his death of believing the Real-Presence after confessing Articles about the Blessed Trinity and Christes Diety Sir Iohn Old-Castle cometh to treat of the Sacrament of the Aulter hee protesteth thus as Fox himselfe writeth And for as much as Sir Ioh. Old-C his Protestation at his death I am falsly accused of a misbeliefe in the Sacrament of the Aulter I signify here to all men that this is my faith concerning that I beleeve in that Sacrament to be contained very Christs Body and Bloud under the Similitudes of Wyne and Bread yea the same Body that was conceived of the holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Mary donne on the Crosse dyed and was ●uryed● and a rose the third day from death and now is glorify'd in heaven The said Old-Castle shew'd his beleefe about three sorts of men thus The holy Church I beleeve to be devided into three sorts or Companyes wherof the first are now in heaven c. The second sort are in Purgatory Fox pag. 314. abyding the mercy of God and a full deliverance of payne The third upon Earth c. You see that Old-Castle a W●ckclifian doth clearly beleev'd the Doctrin of Purgatory which Fox did not nor doe the Protestants of England now wherfore to this speech of Purgatory Fox thought best least it might disgrace his new Martyr to add this parentesis of his owne if any such place bee in the Scriptures c. which was perfidiously done of Fox It is to be supposed that Wicklif held some things with us and some things with the Protestants and somthings different from both and yet Fox must have him and his Sect to be of his owne Communion and make him a Martyr though hee confesseth and soe doth Iohn Ball alsoe that hee was neuer as much as imprison'd for his faith but his bones were taken up forty years after his buriall and burned by the Commaundement of the Councell of Constance for his Heresies discovered after ●his death and for this Fox made him a Martyr and consequently hee became Martyr without feeling any paine or without the Consent or Concurrence of his owne will Take here some Articles of Wicklifs Doctrin to which I presume the Protestant will not agree One is That it is against Scripture for any Ecclesiasticall Minister to have any temporall possessions at all What think you will the Ministers of England agree to this Another That as long as a man is in deadly sinn hee is neither Bishop nor Prelate Another That Temporall Lords may according to their owne will and discretion take a way the temporall goods from any Church-men when soever they offend Think you that the Protestant Church-men of England agree to this Article Another Tythes are meer Almes and may be detained by the Parishoners and bestow'd where they will at theire pleasure This Article alsoe cannot rellish Protestant Church-men These and many more Articles of Wicklif have been condemned by the Catholick Church as Hereticall● and himselfe as an Heretick though hee held divers poynts of the Catholick Religion as holy Orders Consecration Excomunication Purgatory and other like But Fox makes him a Martyr for holding some poynts with the Protestants though differing in other Materiall poynts But this is the Beggery of his new Church that it cannot be made up but by such dunghill cloutes as Wicklefians Lollards Albigensians and the like which are cast of by the Catholicks and rejected for that they have not agreed in every point of the Catholick beleefe according to the creed of Athanasius such is the integrity severity and Majesty of our Church that wee reject as spotted and blemish'd raggs all such as beleeve not all Articles of Faith propos'd by the holy Catholick Church this is according to Saint Augustins Doctrin Ecclesia Vniversaliter perfecta est in nnllo claudicat That is The true Church is Universally perfect and doth hault in noe one poynt of beleefe Now you shall see how Wickless fellow Saints condemn'd him for an Heretick and consequently one that should not be placed in the Calendar of Saints Luther the great Elias and Prophet of Germany as Ioannes Cockleus Ioann Cochl in vita Luteri Surius in hist Anno Dom. 1517. 1518. Melan. Epist ad Fredericum Miconium and Surius doe recount held Wicklif for an Heretick such alsoe was the Iudgment of Phillip Melankton which against Iohn Fox must needs be much avaylable who placed him for a fellow Saint together with Wicklef in his Calendar What then says Melankton of Wicklef hee speaks thus Inspexi Wicklefum qui valde tumultuatur in hac Controversia c. That is I have look't over Wicklef who behau'd himselfe tumultuously in this Controversy of the Lords supper and more then this I have found many Errors in him by which a man may make Iudgment of his Spirit It is certaine hee neither understood nor held the Justice of Faith Hee said in another place Plane furebat Wicklefus Melan. in Apol● tit de human tradit qui negabat licere Sacerdotibus tenere proprium That is Wicklef was playnly out of his wits when hee did deny that it was lawfull for Priests to hold in locis com tit de potestat Ecclesi any thing proper Well then Wicklef a furious man that stirred up sedition and was ignorant of the very foundation of the Protestant Ghospell to wit of theire Doctrin of Salvation by only faith as both Melankton and Luther affirmed Wicklif to be with what spirit think you doth your Apostata Fryer Bale call him an Elias a morning starre an Organ of Christ an habitacle of the holy Ghost But if you will listen to Catholick writers who liu'd about the same tyme with Wicklif as Thomas Walsingam and Thomas Waldensis in theire learned writings you shall finde him to have been one of the most pernicious wicked dissembling Hypocriticall impugners of Christ and his Doctrin that ever was in the Church of God Walsingam VVals in hist Ricard Rigis 2 anno Dom. 1382 doth beginn a Narration of Wicklif thus Eodem tempore ipse verus Hypocrita Angelus Sathanae Antichristi prae ambulus non nominandus Ioannes Wicklef vel potius wicked-beleefe Hereticus sua deliramenta concinnavit reassumens damnatas opiniones c. That is At the same tyme the very true Hypocrit the Angell of Satan the forerunner of Antichrist the heretick Iohn Wicklif or rather wicked-beleefe not being worthy the naming continved his madde and new devises renewing againe old damned opinions and heresies c. You see how holy a man Wichlef was by the Testimony of Catholick writers who knew him better then Fox did
there discribed After followes the fight between Lucifer and those of his side and Michael the Arck-Angell Captain of the innumerable Legions that remaind obedient to God and these had the victory And there was made Apocal. ibid. agreat Battle in heaven Michael and his Angells fought with the Dragon and the Dragon fought and his Angells and they prevailed not neither was there place found any more in heaven And that great Dragon was cast forth the old Serpent which is called the Deuill and Sathan which seduceth the whole World and hee was cast into the Earth and his Angells were throwne downe with him From Heresie and Hereticks in heaven let us pass to those on Earth Hereticks in the Law of Nature AS soone as God began to be Cain the first Heretick worshipped on Earth the Heresie of Cain sprang up who deny'd Gods Providence and murthered his brother Abel for maintaining Gods Providence Cains Envy could not brook Abels Innocency The second Heresie was that of Lamech Lamech the second Heretick who marryed two wives at once and soe deny'd the Unity of the Church God drew but one Ribb out of Adam and of that made but one woeman and said to them Erunt du● Genesis cap. 2. in carne una Lamech violated this Law by taking two Wives which was an Heresie 3. The Gyants were the third sort of Hereticks 4. All those that did not enter the Arck and perished in the Deluge were Hereticks 5. C ham after the Deluge mocked his Fathers nakedness and was Eo Nomine Pratriarck and Father of all those scoffing Hereticks that contemne the holy Fathers saying they were ignorant unlearned and blind You see by this there was one Heretick Cham in the Arke wherin were in all but eight Soules 6. Those that were building Babell were Hereticks and the figure of Hereticks that follow'd them God confounded theire tongues soe that they could not understand one another it is soe this day with Protestants strucken by God with a giddiness and soe disagreeing in Religion and Opinion as upon this one Text of Scripture HOC Math. cap. 26. r. 27. EST CORPVS MEVM There are 400. Opinions and Interpretations God hath confounded them in theire understanding tongues and writings 7. Esau for persecuting his Brother Iacob therby opposing himselfe to God and Israel These are Sall your Companions in the Law of Nature Hereticks in the written Law 1. FRom the tyme the Church of God was planted in Egypt wee find by tradition that Iamnes and Mambre Tim. 2. cap. 3. who resisted Moyses were the first Hereticks of those speaks Saint Paul But as Iamnes and Mambre's resisted Moyses soe these alsoe resist the truth men corrupted in minde reprobat concerning the faith 2. All those that dyed in the desert murmouring against God and Moyses and his directions and commaunds 3. Chore and Dathan with theire seditious companions that opposed Moyses and his authority 4. Nahab and Albiu that put strange fyre in the Insence of the Lord. 5. All those strange Kings that made warre against the Children of Israel 6. All the false Prophets of Baal and all of that kind All these Sall are your companions in the written Law Hereticks in the Evangelicall Law IN the tymes of the Law of nature and of the written Law there haue not been if I am not mistaken above 20. Kindes of Hereticks but in the Evangelicall or in the Law of grace they have been above 600. of them A man would say it were hard to beleeve this seeing the standart of the Cross after Christes passion hath been lifted up against hell and heresie the kingdom and power of the Devill diminished Idols cast down Atheisme bannished and the Empire of Hell on Earth as it were destroy'd by the Bloud of Iesus Vertue Piety and the light of Grace for all this woefull experience proues what I have said to be true And Saint Cyprian giues you the true reason S. Cyp. lib. de Vnitat wherfor in these words Cum videret inimicus idola derelicta templa sua deserta ex●ogitauit novas fraudes hereses inuenit scismata ● quibus fidem subuerteret When Sathan saw after our Sauiours Passion the Idols cast away and his tempels deserted hee thought of new fraudes hee inuented heresies and scismes by which hee might subuert faith and sanctity Sathan therfore the Father and Author of all lyes and Heresies seduced men from the way of truth and stirred them up against the Church and Verity these kinde of men sowed Heresyes and Scismes and some of them began like Hypocrits covering theire damnable Doctrin with a cloack of Sanctity such were Arius Iohn Wicklef and many more and even the worst livers of them pretended a kind of Piety in theire Opinions and as it were a speciall regard of the glory of God grounding all Sanctity and Salvation upon Sanctifying faith alone and upon this account some of them took away free will others good works fasting pennance and allkind of Mortification they did but mock all these things others took away the Invocation of Saints and Angells and Doctrin of Purgatory Indulgence and Prayers for the dead others reduced seven Sacraments unto two or rather to one to wit Baptisme and others have even destroy'd this Sacrament teaching infants to be saved in the faith of theire Parents and that Baptisme is but a meer cerimony that might be used or omitted without sinne others said the Commaundements were impossible to be kept and others held they did noe way oblige Christians and that they were only made for the Iewes but oboue all Calyin was soe zealous in attributing mans Salvation only to the Passion and Bloud of Iesus that hee held all the good works man could doe of noe value or effect yea hee termed Bona opera hominis piacula sordes inquiuamenta By this you see the Doctrins taught by Hereticks were but mera somnia deliria and a good part of the thirty nine Articles of the Church of England are such I shall herafter in a convenient place give you a long Letany of Hereticks but it will be noe way holy In this place I will only set downe the Sect of Quakers that sprung up in England some years agoe theire principall theorems and tenets are 1. That they are imediatly cald by Iesus and sent to convert the world as the Apostles were by an extraordinary mission 2. That God being a pure Spiritt is to be honoured only by the Spiritt wherfore they condemne all bending of knees and all exteriour signes of Religion and worship due to God 3. That it is superstition to light Candles by daytyme to weare Capps Copes Albs or any sacred vestments 4. That it is Idolatry to build Churches put up Crosses or the Images of Christ or his Saints or render them any Worshipp 5. They denye and reject the name of Sacrament and affirme that Baptizing in water is not of devine Institution 6. They
that this Doctrin was first invented in the tyme of that Councell The Canon or Diffinition of that great Councell was In haec Verba Verum Christi Corpus sanguis in hoc Sacramento Altaris sub speciebus Panis Vini ver aceter continentur Transubstantiatis Pane in Corpus Vino in Sanguinem potestate divina For the better declaring of this truth Sall you know the Church doth not make new Articles of Faith when it defines any controverted Doctrin It only declares that such Doctrin was delivered to the primative Church and soe downe along to us and groundeth its difinition upon Scripture or authentick Tradition As the Protestants object against Transubstantiation that it is a nouelty Soe did the Arrians against Consubstantiality that it was a novelty brought in by the Councell of Nice wheras said Councell did only define Consubstantiality to have been from the Apostles tyme an Article of Faith and decreed the same should be declared and signify'd by the word Omousion in like manner the Councell of Lateran did define for a mistery of faith Transubstantiation which was soe before theire Difinition and then they agreed upon the word Transubstantiation but the thing by that word signifyed was before beleeved as an Article of Faith by the whole Church though expressed in other tearms as those of Mutation Transmutation Transelementation Conversion of the Bread and Wine into the Body and Bloud of Christ In the mean tyme I can not understand how Sall a new Sacramentarian should dispute with us about the Doctrin of Transubstantiation seing hee slattly denyes the Body and Bloud of Christ to be realy and substantially present in the Sacrament What is more impertinent then to dispute of the manner of a thing or being that you hould has noe being The Lutherans who beleeve the Body and Bloud of Christ to be realy and substantially in the Sacrament though erroniously they likwise hould Bread to be there have some reason to dispute with us about the manner of Christes being there by Transubstantiation or otherwise The first Hereticks that impugned Transubstantiation were the Capharnites who said Quomodo potest hic nobis carnem Ioanes Cap. 6. suam dare ad manducandum And againe Durus est hic sermo When our Saviour said I am the living Bread that came downe from heaven If any man eat of this Bread hee shall live for ever and the Bread which I will give is my flesh for the life of the World The Iewes therfore strove among themselves saying How can this man give us his Flesh to eat This saying is hard and who can heare it Sall you see by this is becom a Capharnite and in this point soe are all that imbrace the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England About the yeare 780. certaine Greek Hereticks called Iconomachi held this Sacrament to be only an Image of Christ and that his Body was not realy in the Sacrament In the yeare 800. one Ioannes Scotus of the Latin Church fell into the same Heresie and after him two ages and more in the year 1050 Berengarius denyed Transubstantiation and the Real-Presence Before these men none did impugne this high mistery of Faith but all the Church did quietly and unanimously beleeve the Real-Presence of the Body and Bloud of Christ in the Sacrament and the aforesaid Iconomachi and all other in this point were confuted by the Fathers and condemned by the Church in severall generall Councells The latter Hereticks as Zwinglians Calvinists and and the like Sacramentarians have alsoe been condemned by the Church In this high point of Doctrin wee are to beleeve and maintain what the Canons and Counsells of the holy Church have defined as that of Lateran aboue cited and others and of the Councell of Trent expressly and distinctly Concil Triden Sess 13. Cap. 1. 2. 3. 6. difining this mistery in the 13. Session in the sixth Chapter it defines more especially the Doctrin of Transubstantiation which is the Conversion of the whole substance of Bread into the substance of the Body of Christ our Lord and of the whole Substance of Wine into the Substance of his Bloud Quae Conversio soe ends the Chapter convenienter propriè a Sancta Catholica Ecclesia Transubstantiatio est appellata The first Canon is in haec verba Si Cone Triden Sess 13. Canon 1. 2. 6. quis negaverit in Sanctissimae Eucharistiae Sacramento contineri vere realiter substantialiter Corpus Sanguinem una cum anima divinitate Domini nostri Iesu Christi ac proinde totum Christum sed dixerit tantummodo esse in eo ut in signo Vel figura aut virtute Anathema sit This Canon is point-blanck against Calvinians and Sacramentarians The second Canon is against Wicklefians and Lutherans the sixth doth define the Worship of Adoration due to our Saviour in the holy Sacrament of the Eucharist Wee cannot follow better guides and masters herein then the ancient Fathers men inspired by God in theire writings who all of them concerning the Sacrament of the Aulter have beleeu'd as wee doe and asserted the true and Catholick Doctrin touching the same in theire writings if Sall hath any esteem for those holy men let him take paines to read theire writings and hee shall finde I promise him that they all held this Article to bee of Faith to witt that Christ is realy and substantialy present in this Sacrament by Transubstantiation or Conversion of the whole Substance of Bread and Wine into his Body and Bloud I will not goe lower then the fifth age because Ptotestants regard not the Authority of Fathers later then that age in which liued Chrisostom Hierom Cyryllus of Alexandria Augustin Proclus Constantinopolitanus Theolet Gelasius Leo Hillarius Eusebius Emissenus c. In the fourth Century wherin the first Councell of Nice was celebrated Athanasius Hillarius Cyrillus of Hierusalem Ambrose Basill Optatus Gregorius Nyzenus Gregorius Nazianzenus Epiphanius In the third age lived Origen Tertulian Cyprian In the second Iustinus Martyr Pius Pope Irinaeus In the first the tyme of the Apostles Ignatius Dionisius Ariopagita Pollicarpe and others Out of all these Fathers and many more can be produced an infinity of passages clearly declaring that they beleeved the Real-Presence and maintained Transubstantiation or the thing therby signifyed and beleeved and that it was delivered from age to age from the Apostles tyme and that this was the Faith of the whole Church I will content my selfe which I hope will content my Reader in aleaging the Authorityes of some of them Tertulian who lived in the third age says Caro abluitur ut anima emaculetur Tertul lib. do Resurrectione carnis caro ungitur ut anima consecretur Caro Corpore Sanguine Christi vescitur ut anima de Deo saginetur That is The Flesh of man is washed with true substantiall Water that the Soule may be cleansed the Flesh is anoynted with true Oyle that the Soule
inherence is naturall and propper to accidents and the Body and Bloud of Christ hauing in the Sacrament a spirituall presence seing all these wonders and magnalia may say with great Saint Iohn Chrisostome O Miraculum ô Dei benignitatem qui cum Patre sursum sedet in illo temporis Articulo omnium manibus pertractatur That is O Miracle ô goodness of God that hee who sitteth aboue with the Father is heer beneath handled by men If Sall inquire how a Body can have a spirituall Presence I answer him with demaunding how a spirit can have a corporall Presence How can an Angell have appearence and presence of a young man wherof there are many examples in Scripture Did not Angells seeme to the eyes of Abraham Tobias and others to bee young men and yet they were not men but spiritts And why cannot the Body of Christ have a spirituall Presence in the Sacrament if God will have it soe Let Sall shew us the cause and reason why it may not be done It is indeed a hard question to declare Qua Actione Corpus Christi ponitur in Sacramento Some hold it is done Actione Adductiva that is to say that Christ retaining the ubi his Body hath in heaven gives by this kinde of Action a new ubi to his Body and Bloud under the species and Accidents of Bread and Wine but this opinion hath great difficultyes and is hard to bee defended wherefore the clearer and more plausible Sentence is Quod Corpus Christi ponatur sub speciebus Panis Sanguis sub speciebus Vini By a true and real Reproduction Hoc est per Actionem productivam sic sentire videtur S. Thomas dicens quia in hoc Sacramento tota S. Tom. 3. part q. 75. Art 8. Substantia Panis convertitur in totam Substantiam Corporis Christi propter hoc haec Conversio Transubstantiatio vocatur Id est perit seu destruitur Substantia Panis quando reproducitur Substantia Corporis Christi sub speciebus Panis That is to say The Substance of Bread doth perish or is distroy'd when the Substance of the Body of Christ is reproduced under the accidents of Bread I have said aboue that the ancient Fathers and Saints asserted Corpus Christi in Sacrament● Altaris fieri confici creari which Propositions cannot be verifyed but by a real Action which is this Actio productiva Reproduction or Replication of the Body of Christ in the Sacrament that the same esse or being that Christ hath in heaven is reproduced under the accidents of Bread and Wine in this Sacrament Will any man say that this is not possible to God If God can restore that which perrished by reproduceing the very same thing in Individuo G. V. if hee can raise to life one that was dead as hee restored Lazarus to life the very same Lazarus in Individuo the Brother of Martha and Mary Magdalen that dyed few days before why cannot God as well reproduce a man that is living and that was not dead before It is cleare the existence of the man living doth not hinder but that God may reproduce or replicate the same man againe and not once but ten tymes and a hundred tymes and even make an Army of one man by soe oft reproducing him Likewise reproducing or replicating the same man in severall places that man may doe different Actions the reason is Quia licet secundum se sit idem numero homo est virtute multiplex multis aequipollet locorum spatiis Operationtbus That is Because though that man reduplicated be one and the same man in number yet hee hath the vertue of many men and can bee in many and different places and doe many and different Actions By this means the man replicated may be hott in one place and cold in another walke in one place and stand in another may be sick in one place and well in another and which is more strange may live in one place and dye in another Let Sall tell us why all this may not be done and what Contradiction doth this Replication involue that it may not be done by the power of God Will hee dare say the power of God which is infinit can be soe ended and exhausted as it may not extend it selfe to such a Reproduction or Replication Hauing said soe much by way of discussion upon some parts of Salls Recantation that impugnes the Doctrin of Transubstantiation let mee now shew that the Greeck and Ruthenian Church and the Armenians doe agree with the Roman Catholick Church in the Doctrin of Transubstantiation Real-presence and in Cultu latriae or Worship of Adoration due to the Body of Christ in the Sacrament of the Altar XIX CHAPTER The Ruthenian and Greeck Church and the Armenians hold the same in the Article of Transubstantiation as the Roman Catholicks doe FOr informing Sall lately become Calvinist and a great zealot that way that the Ruthenians and those of the Greeck Church and Armenians agree with us in the Doctrin of Transubstantiation Real-presence c. I here set downe certain passages worthy to be notifyed to him and all those of his Religion which I lately read with great Attention and Satisfaction I will instance a late undeniable proofe of this out of a Conferrence that passed between L. H. Gondrin Arch-Bishop of Sans a very learned Prelate and a venerable Priest of Muscovia a Chanon of th● Cathedrall of Muskow then in the retenue of the Muscovit Ambassador in Paris and with the Secretary of said Ambassador This conference was made at Paris anno 1668. These being invited by the Arch-Bishop to dyne with him after great civility done them his grace put the Priest many questions touching Transubstantiation and the Real-Presence after the words of Consecration and what Worship is due to Christ in the Sacrament and desired upon all this to receive the Iudgment and use of the Ruthenian Church they answered to all distinctly as men well versed in the Religion of theire Country and assured his Grace they agreed in all these points to wit Transubstantiation Real-Presence and Incultu latriae that is Adoration due to Christ in this Sacrament the Arch-Bishop much joy'd at these Answers further desired to know theire Iudgment of some Christians in France that denyed the Body and Bloud of Christ to be realy and substantially in the Eucharist and likewise deny'd Adoration to bee due there unto they replyed with a pious anger and indignation if such men liu'd in our country wee should put them to death and burne them like Hereticks and Deuills But there are said they God be praysed noe such men in Muscovia nor dare they live there Take another strong Confirmation of the same the answer Paisius Legaridius Chius Metropolitan of Gaza given to Ioannes Lylienthal Ambassador of the King of Sueden in the Court of Muscovia in the Month of September anno 1666. The Ambassador set forth to said Metropolitan the tenets of the
Lutherans Calvenistes and Romans about the blessed Eucharist the question stated hee said Est itaque questionis scopus quam nempe in hac opinionum varietate Ecclesia Ruthenia seu Graeca teneat Sententiam partesne Ecclesiae Romanae an Lutheranae vel Calvinianae tueatur That is It is therfore the but of the question what Sentence in this variety of Opinions holds the Ruthenian Church and whose part doe they hold and maintaine that of the Roman Church or the Lutheran or the Calvinian The Metropolitan answered possitively in a long and learned discourse that the Ruthenian and all the Greeck Church agreed with the Romans in Transubstantiation Real-presence and worship of Adoration due to Christ in the Holy Eucharist The Romans said hee only differ from our Church in the matter of this Sacrament that the Greeck Church doth consecrate in Levin-Bread and the Latin in Azime wherfore wee Grecians call the Latins Azimits but hee further said this differrence between us is not essentiall for that Levined and unlevined Bread are ejusdem speciei In like manner the Surian or Syrian Church agree's with the Roman in all touching the Eucharist and likewise in some other points of Faith denyed by the Protestants of England as doth evidently wittness the ensuing Testimony of severall Bishops and Priestes of that Country and Church Testimonium seu Professio quorundam Articulorum apud Nationem Surianam In Oriente In Nomine Patris Filii Spiritus Sancti 1. CHristi Corpus Sanguinem verè realiter in Eucharistiae continer● firmiter credimus non figuram tantum ejus atque virtutem ut Heretici commenti sunt 2. Item Panem Vinum in verum Christi Corpus Sanguinem realiter substantialiter vi Divinae Consecrationis mutari atque converti seu substantiari quod idem est 3. Christum in Eucharistia residentem Latriae cultu adorari debere ita ab omnibus Ecclesiae nostri fidelibus adorari 4. In Sacra Lyturgia verè ac propriè dictum Sacrificium pro vivis mortuis propitiatorium Deo offerri 5. Sanctos recte a fidelibus coli invocari 6. Presbiterum non esse qui ab Episcopo Impositionem manuum non acceperit 7. Licere Ecclesiae carnium Escas certis diebus prohibere fidelibus statuta per annum jejunia indicere 8. Contra Sentientes pro Hereticis prophanis haberi excomunicari Haec est ac semper fuit Ecclesiarum nostrarum fides hanc acceptam a majoribus servamus seruabimus nec ulla apud nos mentio ullorum a memoria fuit aliquando qui aliter docue runt Ita nos Testamur die 29. Februarii Anno 1668. 1. PAtriarcha Surianae Nationis 2. Andreas Curatus Abdella Choulac Nationis Surianae 3. Curatus Matove N. S. 4. Curatus Abdella Moyl Religiosus Sacerdos N. S. 5. Sacerdos Nam N. S. 6. Sacerdos Benjamin N. S. 7. Curatus Chaida N. S. 8. Sacerdos Abdella Chay N. S. 9. Sacerdos Abraham N. S. 10. Sacerdos Abraham Egeir N. S. 11. Dominus Abraham Sacerdos N. S. 12. Dominus Ioannes Episcopus N. S. 13. Dominus à Deodatus Sacerdos N. S. 14. Dominus Theodorus Sacerdos N. S. 15. Dominus Chacardour Sacerdos N. S. 16. Dominus Gregorius Episcopus N. S. 17. Dominus Baptista Decanus Ecclesiae Beatae Virginis N. S. 18. Dominus Sergius Sacerdos N. S. There are the like Testimonies of the Patriarck and many Bishops and Priestes Armenians dwelling in Aleppo signed the first of March 1668. In like manner all the Armenian Churches agree with the Romans touching the Eucharist in all which are very many under two Patriarcks the one dwelling in Arard a Citty of Armenia whose aboad is in the Monastery of Ermiasin or Heruisin and hath under him 200. Bishops The other Patriarck keeps in Cis a towne of Carmania hauing under him 50. Bishops By what is said Sall may see and must confess that the Ruthenian and Greeck Church the Syrians and Armenians agree with the Romans in the Faith and Doctrin of Transubstantiation Real-presence and Worship due to Christ in the Eucharist Who desires to informe himselfe more at large of what I have here aleaged I remitt him to that excellent learned Treatis thus intitled La perpetuite de la foy de l'Eglise Catholique touchant l'Eucharistie defendue contre le Liure du Seiur Claude Ministre d● Charanton printed at Paris 1669. What I here set downe and much more hee will finde in the 12. Book of the third Treatice they are in all 4. Vollums in 8. The reading of this excellent worke as I have bine informed converted that famous generall Mareshall de Turene and after him was converted Prince de Tremoile one of the noblest Princes of France and after them many more Persons of quality The Greek and Ruthenian Church Armenians and others agree in more points of Religion with the Romans then with the Protestants of the English Church IT was my happ many years agoe to have perus'd an answer of Father Paul Harris a learned Priest that liu'd in Dublin I knew the man well to a Sermon of Doctor Vsher Protestant Primate of Ardmach or as they us'd to speak of al Ireland a man of great fame made at Wainstad before King Iames anno 1624. In this Sermon the Primat haled into his Church and Communion all those of the Greek and Ruthenian Church Armenians likewise and other Sectarys in the Eastern Church affirming Salvation was found in all those Congregations Father Harris confuted the man shewing evidently that all those differed from Protestants in many substantiall Articles of faith and consequently could not bee of theire Communion and was not this I pray you a pleasant Imagination of Doctor Vsher But let Vsher build his great new Church of Greeks Ruthenians Arminians and English Protestants in the Clouds wee know the Catholick Church is built upon a Rock and will never be destroyd Father Paul Harris in his answer to Vsher speaks thus The Grecians Ruthenians and Armneians defend and maintayne that Baptisme is necessary to salvation and that originall sinn is remitted therby the riged Calvinistes teach the contrary The Greeks Ruthenians c. hold Transubstantiation the Reael-presence of Christes Body and Bloud in the Sacrament and the worship of Latria due there unto the Protestant generally not The Greeks Ruthenians c. hold that good works with faith do justify the Protestants that faith alone doth justify The Greeks c. free will in the best actions the Protestants not the Greeks c. hold seven Sacraments the Protestants not the Greeks c. beleeve Christ dyed for all Godly and wicked the Protestants not but only for the elect they pray and offer Sacrifice for the dead the Protestants not they Invocate Saints and Angells the Protestants not They worship Crosses and Images the Protestant not They hold merit of good works the Protestants not You may see what good Agreement in Articles of
aussi That is And you doe the same 2. The Saduceans deny'd a part of Canonicall Scriptures You doe the same 3. The Scribes and Pharasies depraued the Bible You doe soe too 4. The Capharnaits would not beleeve the Body and Bloud of Christ in the Eucharist Nor doe you 5. Simon Magus said God was Author of Sinn deny'd Marriage was a Sacrament deny'd Free-will made a warre against Saint Peter You doe soe too 6. The Menandrens saith Saint Ignatius deny'd the Eucharist the Sacrifice of the Masse and averred the Body of Christ was not there You doe the same 7. The Gnosticks held them selves only wise and learned accused the Fathers of Ignorance Soe doe you 8. The Montanistes vaunted the Holy Ghost was only in theire Church they deny'd Confession and the Sacrament of Pennance Soe doe you 9. The Novatians held that the Church had noe power to remitt Sinn deny'd Confession rejected the Sacrament of Confirmation soe attesteth Saint Ambrose of them deny'd any Superiority in the Church affirmed all th'Apostles were equall and that Saint Peter was not cheefe soe attesteth Theodoret. You doe the same 10. The Catharians rejected the Sacrament of Pennance deny'd Purgatory affirmed Priests ought to Marry You doe the same 11. The Manichees mocked Virginity deny'd Marriage to be a Sacrament reproched Catholicks for VVorshipping Saints broack downe the Images deny'd Free-will mocked Catholicks for having memoryes of the feasts of Martyrs called Catholicks Idolaters for saying Masse for the dead said the Saints did not pray for us Threw away the Reliques of Saints as acurssed and abhominable things held the Eucharist as the Councell of Nice reports was but a Figure that the Body of Jesus Christ was not there You doe the same 12. The Arrians deny'd prayers for the dead would not receive Traditions said Bishops and Priests were equall cast downe Alters and Crosses hated Monks like aplague admitted nothing but the old and new Testament You doe the same 13. Jovinian mocked Celibatt or the state of Continency preferred Marriage to Virginity gested at the Vow of Religion derided Monks detested fasting on Fryday and Saturday and in Lent made noe Distinction between eating and fasting Marryed theire Priestes held that Fasting and Chastity did noe way profitt the Soule that Jesus did pray and fast for us all denyed the meritt of good VVorks affirming Jesus Christ had satisfy'd for all that all were Priestes that aman may live in vvhat Religion hee vvill You doe the same 14. The Waldenses that began the yeare 1160. Mocked the use of Chrisme in Baptisme and Benedictions Mattins and Canonicall Houres prayers to Saints and Lent deny'd Purgatory said Extremunction was noe Sacrament scoffed at prayers for the Dead denyed the power of the Pope derided Pardons and Indulgences said the Devill had invented Monks and Religious Orders held the Priest was as high as the Bishop You doe the same There are about forty Heresies more in said Litanie which for sauing tyme I omitt the same Author says that Luther with his German Apostata's raked up from Hell 404 Heresies Of Calvin I have given you an account in his owne Words Page 124. beginning thus Calvin comme une meschante Arragneé c. What ought to be considered in this place is that the afore mentioned Hereticks and their Heresies have been condemn'd by the Church and generall Councells this being soe I shall pray Sall as hee tenders the Salvation of his owne Soule to examine with how many of these Heresyes are the Protestants infected and how many of them are delivered as Doctrin of the Confession of England in the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England let him look well to what hee hath done it is certaine noe man sound in his witts will drink of a Fountaine wherin snakes and todes spitt theire Poyson no man will stay in a House infected with the plague if hee can gett out The second Advertisment Cleare places of Scripture in many points controverted make for the Catholicks THere is nothing more frequent then Protestants to bragg that Scriptures are for them in all Articles controverted between them and Catholicks This great Evidence they have as they say on theire owne side and therfore they lay a side Traditions ancient Fathers Councells Canons and Schoole Arguments they will stand to noe other Tryall but Scriptures and when they come to this test they are aground and faile quite in produceing formall Scriptures for themselves of the other side wee Catholicks admitt of Councells Fathers Traditions c. for good Evidences in desiding differrence of Religion between us and them which they denying wee bring express places of Scripture which they cannot doe as doth clearly appear in the ensuing Articles and matters controuerted between us them For example-sake wee Catholicks Real-presence for proving the Real-Presence have expressly Math. cap. 26. Ioan. cap. 6. Iac. 2. Iustification This is my Body You have noe where this is the signe of my Body Wee have expressly The Bread that I will give you is my Flesh You have no where It is but the signe of my Flesh. Wee have expressly A man is justifyed by Works and not by Faith only You have noe where A man is justifyed by Faith alone noe nor that hee is justifyed by Faith without works talking of works that follow Faith wherof only our Controvercy is Wee have expressly Whose sinns you forgive Absolution Ioan. cap. 20. are forgiven whose sinns you retaine are retained You have noe where That Priests cannot forgive or retaine sinns on Earth Wee have expressly The doers of the Law shall be justifyed Rom. cap. 2. You have noe where That the Law required at Christians Hands is impossible or that the doing therof justifyes not Christians Wee have expressly Vow ye and render your Vowes Psal cap. 75. Vowes You have no where Vow ye not or if you have vow'd break your Vowes Wee have expressly Keep the Traditions which you have learned Traditions Epist 1 Thess cap. 2. either by Word or Epistle You have noe where The Apostles left noe Traditions to the Church unwritten Wee have expressly Commaundements Math. cap. 19. If thou will enter into life keep the Commaundements And when hee said hee did that already If thou wilt be perfect goe and sell all thou hast and give to the poore and follow mee You have no where That either the Commaundements can not be kept or that wee are not bound unto them or that there is noe degree of life one perfecter then another Wee have expressly Work your owne Salvation works Phillip cap. 2. with feare and trembling You have noe where Either that a man can worke nothing towards his owne Salvation being helpt with the grace of God or that a man should make it of his beleefe that hee shall be saved without all doubt or feare Wee have expressly Doe ye worthy frutes Pennance Luc. cap. 3. of Pennance You have noe where That