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A06743 [The flour of godly praiers] [most worthy to be vsed in these our daies for the sauegard, health, and comforte of all degrees, and estates / newlie made by Thomas Becon]. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1550 (1550) STC 1719.5; ESTC S1782 124,086 356

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Many other notable workes also cōpiled by thy faythfull seruauntes for the auauncement of thy glorye and for bryngyng of the simple people vnto the knowledge of thy truth they cru●llye burnte and destroyed after the exāples of the wycked kyngs Ioachim and Antiochus 〈◊〉 xxxvi And as for the authors of thē some those bloudy Edomits brent i. ●ath i. some thei murthered preuely some thei emprisoned flocked cheyned putte to shame al euen so mani as thei could get they cruelly and moost tirantlike entreated after the exāple of their predecessors the high priests of Iewry 〈◊〉 ●xvii which sought al meanes possible both wyth tyrany and brybes to kepe downe thy sonne Christe and hys gloryous gospel that thei alone might reygn O most gētle god whē these belly●d hipocrites chaplens of Baal had brent thy holye Bible so that we the simple people might not read the word of oure soule healthe in our owne mother tonge agayne whē these false annointed shauelinges had killed put to flyghte thy true ministers and godly prechers mat xxiiii thē made they vs to beleue as they woulde to walke to do to speke as they lusted to honoure worshippe the Math. xv not after thy holye law but after the tradycions and doctrins of men to do works not commaunded of the but suche as their idle braines fāsied wythout authority of thy worde O Lorde thou longe sufferynge God with how greate blyndenesse were we ouerwhelmed of these antichristian monstures when they taught to run a Pilgrimage to thys and that Idol to paynt thys tabernacle and to gyld that Maumet to pray to this he Saint and to that she Sainte to bie other mennes merites and to seke saluacion in them to put our truste in water salte breade palmes ashes wax oile creme bels pardons rotten reliques such other peltīg pedlarye to beleue that our souls after this present life shuld be boiled perboiled in antichristes fornace ther to lie piteously yellīg puling crying til they were redemed with Diriges Masses trētals ladyes Psalters ▪ c. to beleue that our sins could not be forgeuen tyl we had whyspered oure synnes into the Priests eare and to receiue absolucion at his hand to beleue that after the wordes of cōsecracion as they cal them ther remain no more breade nor nomore wine in the sacrament of Christes bodye and bloude but that the breade is changed into the natural flesh of thy deare sonne Christ Iesu and the wyne into his moste precious bloude ☞ that was shedde for oure sins vpon the aulter of the crosse when notwithstandinge the Papistes them selfs do many tymes keepe the breade so longe that it both mouldeth stynketh and bredeth ful of worms and afterward they burne it accordynge to theyr owne law Ah Lord thus wer we to much wretchedly mocked and led captiue of antichriste and hys disciples The darknesses wherin we walked wer so gret that they mighte be felte i. Pet●r i But thanckes be vnto the o most merciful father which haste called vs oute of the darcknes of mennes tradycyons into the glorious light of thy gospell We haue nowe learned that Antichriste and his mēbers haue longe deceyued vs taughte vs theyr owne drowesye dreames in stede of thi blessed word We now know that thou requireste not of vs that we shuld runne gadding to stocks and stones Math. xx● but that we shuld visit suche as are sicke and in prysonne and comfort thē We nowe knowe that thy wyll is not that we shuld paynt tabernacles and gyld ymages but rather that we shuld cloth the pore and helpe the nedi 〈◊〉 lviii We now know that it is vaine to pray to this or to the saynt seyng they nether here vs nor yet canne helpe vs. We haue lerned of thy blessed word 〈◊〉 ●iii 〈◊〉 vii that Christ the son is our alone intercessour mediatour and aduocate We nowe knowe 〈◊〉 ii that no saluacion is to be loked for in any ceremonys but only in thy great mercies set forthe frely to al penitente sinners thorow faith in Christs bloude We now know that Christes bloude is the alone Purgatorye of oure soules ● Iohn i. whiche purgeth maketh vs clene from all sinne We now know that whē soeuer we repent confesse our sinnes vnto the and beleue to haue remission of al our synnes Iohn i. Ephe i. Collos. i. thorow Christes bloude we shall surely be forgeuen Yet despise we not but rather hertely de●yre the counsell of godlye and learned preachers ☞ whiche with the comfortable words of the gospel may raise vp strengthen and confirme our weke cōscience against Satan sinne death hel and desperacion We now knowe that the Masse mongers haue without al shame lyed vnto vs when they taught vs to beleue that the Mas which they mumbled was a propiciatorye sacrifice of as greate vertue strengthe power as the gloryous passion of our sauioure Iesu Christe and that it was necessarye bothe for the quycke and dead Ad salutem We nowe knowe also that the sacrament of Christs bodye and bloude is not the very selfe real and naturall bodye and bloude of Christe but an holye signe Note figure and tokē of his blessed bodye and precyouse bloude For thys worde sacramente is as muche to say as a signe of an holye thynge Nowe that whyche is the signe of a thyng cānot be the thynge it selfe And thoughe thy sonne called the bread hys bodie and the wine his bloude because the disciples should the better remēber the breaking of hys bodye and the sheddynge of hys bloude as he likewise called him selfe a vine a dore Iohn xv a rock whē not with standing he was nether naturall vine Iohn ● Math. vii ●nd .xvii. material dore or stony rock but onlye lykened vnto them for certain properties which he hath with the vine dore ▪ and rocke yet is neyther the bread hys naturall bodye nor the wyne hys naturall bloud as diuers of the aunciente Doctours doe declare and proue but onelye a fygure of hys bodye and bloude ☞ The breade is called Christes body because it visibly● preacheth bryngeth to oure remēbrance the brekīg of Christes bodye The wyne also is called Christes bloud because it putteth vs in remēbrance of the sheddīg of Christes bloude Of such phrases and manners of speakynge thy holye scriptures are full But as in many other thyngs so lykewise ī this blessed sacramēt haue the Papistes for the mayntenāce of their Idle and beastli life most foulye deceyued vs makynge vs to worshyppe a wafer cake and a sponeful of wyne myngled wyth water in stead of our sauiour Iesu Christe God and manne And thys Idolatrus erroure is yet so rustered and cākered in the hertes of many bothe learned vnlearned whose myndes ii Cor. i●ii iudgements senses and wyts the God of thys world euē the deuil hath blinded that the light
to fauour but also to folow thy godly doctryne not only to professe but also to practise thy blessed cōmādemente that whatsoeuer wee outwardly heare and inwardely beleue we mai shew forth the same in our conuersatiō liuing vnto the honour of thi holy name the cōfort of our christen brethren the health of our soules Amen A prayer to be said before the receiuinge of the holy Communion THy loue toward vs O most Gentell Sauyoure is so greate and vume asurable that it rāne by no meanes bee expressed by mouthe nor sufficyentlye conceyued in herte For our loue withoute any desertes on ourbehalfe euen frely and willingli at thy heauēly fathers cōmaundemēt thou cāmest down frō the glorious seate of thy deuine maiestie ●sa●e vii 〈◊〉 i. Luke i. Iohn i. 〈…〉 ●x Math. ii.i. tokest veri flesh becā●est perfect man of the substaūce of that pure and vndefiled virgin Mari thorow the operacion of the holy gost taughtest the wil of thy heauenly father confirming the same with wōderfull miracles vnto the great comfort of many which thē liued vnto the perfect establishment of our fayth whych lyue at thys presēt After thou hadst trauayled in thys worlde certayne yeres the tyme to fore appointed frō euerlasting of thi heauēly father drawing nie ▪ that thou shuldest geue thy self an oblacyō and sweete smellyng sacrifice to god the father for the sins of the whole worlde Ephe v. euen so many as repent beleue and amēd willing that so noble worthy benefit of our redempcion shuld not be forgottē nor fal out of remēbraūce Galath vi which is the alone authore of our saluacion the onli comfort of weake conscyences Whē thou haddest ●atē the Pascal lābe wyth thy disciples according to the appointemēt of the law thou tokest bread into thy hand gauest thancks to thy heauenly father Mat. xxvi Mat. xiiii brakest it delyuerest it to thy disciples saying Take ye eat ye this is mi body which is betraied for you Do this in the remembraunce of me Luke xxii i. Cor. xi Because the singuler inestimable benefyte of our redempcyon brought to passe by the one onlye oblacion of thy blessed bodye brokē on the aulter of the crosse Hebru ix.x. shuld not be forgotten thou brakest the breade in the syght of thy discyples and gauest it vnto thē commaundynge them to eat it in the remēbrance of the breakyng of thi bodi which thē was betraied by thy traiterous disciple Iudas that sōne of perdicyon Iohn xvii the day folowynge was vnfaynedly broken on the crosse for our raūsome delyueraunce saluacion Here didst thou appoint the breakīg of the breade amōg the faithfull gathered to gether for y● purpose a worthy and blessed memorial of thi bodi breaking And because the breakinge of thy bodye shuld be the better remēbred thou dyddest ennoble the breade wyth the name of thy body Note when notwithstādīg it was only the figure sign token and memorial of thy holy body In like manner when supper was done thou tokest the cup into thy hands gauest thāks to thy heuēly father and delyuerest it to thy Discyples sayinge drinck of this al ye For this is mi bloud of the new testamēt couenaunt or bargaine which shal be shed for many into the remission of sinnes ▪ Thys do as oftē as ye drīcke it in the remēbraūce of me As by the breakyng of thy blessed body our raunsome is perfectlye paied so bi the sheding of thy precious bloud are al our synnes euen vnto the vttermoste washed away ● Iohn i. Therfore as by the breaking of the breade thou wouldest the breakyng of thy body the benefites gotten bi it to be rem●̄bred among the faythful so to the end that the sheddyng of thy bloud the merytes therof should not be forgottē thou gauest thē the cup of wine to drink commaundyng them that so oft as they or any of the faythful gathered together for that purpose do drink of the cup thei shuld remēber thi death and the sheding of thy precious blud as thy holy Apostle sayeth i. Cor. xi as oft as ye shal eat this bread drinck of the cup ▪ ye shal shew the lor●s deathe tyll he come ☜ And asthou dyddest ennoble the bread with the name of thy body ▪ being but the figure of thy body because the breking of thi body shuld the better be remēbred so likewise here doest thou garnish and nobly set forth the wine naminge it thy bloude when notwythstandynge it only representeth and preacheth vnto vs the sheding of thi bloud because it shuld be the more depely grauē the better retained in our mindes O most mercifull redemer gentel sauioure we are come together at this presēt to celebrate the memoryall of thy blessed and gloryous passyon and to eat and drinke this breade and wine in the remēbraunce of thy blessed body breaking and thy precious bloud sheddyng moost humbly and frō the very hert beseching the to gyue vs grace worthelye to eate thys breade and drinke of thys cuppe least by the vnworthy receiuing of them ● Cori. xi we be gylty of thy bodye and bloud ▪ and so eate and drink our own dampnacion And that we may come the more worthely vnto thys thy table graunte we mooste entyrely pray the that we may so earnestly be at defiaunce wyth al synnes and so inwardly be ashamed that we at any tyme haue so greuously offēded thi deuine maiesty by attemptynge anye thing that is not agreable to thy good pleasure that from hēsforth we may not only lothe detest and abhor whatsoeuer is displeasaunt vnto the but also embrace and lay hand on that whiche is good and acceptable in thy sight Math. v. Roma xii Forgeue vs al our sīnes giue vs grace euen with our whole hert to loue al men yea our very enemies and not onli to forgiue al suche as haue offēded vs but also to be ready at all times to do for them what soeuer good or plesure we be able And that we maye be the more welco●e vnto the be found mete and worthy gests to sitte at this thy table to eate of these thi bless●d gifts that our soule may be wel comforted norished fedde and made mery by the worthy receiuing of them clothe vs we pray the Math. xx●● wyth that weddyng garment euē true liuely faith wherwith our herts are purified wherwith we are maryed vnto the made one flesh one bloud with the Act●s ●vi Osee. ii wherwyth also we are iustified and counted righteous in thy sight and graūt that thorowe the same faith we ernestly set the eies of oure minde on these thy moste swete and louing promyses Ephe v. Rom. iii. v My bodye shall be broken for you Mat. xxvi Ma● ii●ii Luke xxii ● Cori. ●● My bloude shal be shedde for you And wythoute anye
¶ A Table of the prayers co●●tayned in thys booke THe prayer of our Lorde   A Prayer for the mornynge Fol. ● A Prayer for the nyght Fol. ii A Confessiō of our sins vnto god y● father fol. iii. A Confession of our sinnes vnto oure Lord Iesus Christe fol. vii A confession of our sins vnto the holy gost fo xi A prayer to be sayde before dynner fol. xiii A Thākesgeuyng vnto god after dynner fo x●●ii A pryaer to be sayd before supper fol. eode● A thankesgeuyng vnto god after supper fol. x●● A prayer for the kynges Maiestie fol. eod● A prayer for ●he kynges Councell fol. x●● A prayer for Iudges fol. 〈…〉 A generall prayer for all Magistrates fol. xvii● ▪ A prayer for Byshoppes and minysters of God●● woorde fol. 〈…〉 A prayer for gentlemen fol. 〈…〉 A prayer for landelordes fol. 〈…〉 A prayer for marchauntes fol. 〈…〉 A prayer for lawers fol. eodem ▪ A praier for laborers men of occupaciōs fo 〈…〉 A prayer for rychemen fol. 〈…〉 A prayer for poore people 〈…〉 A prayer for the commons fol 〈…〉 A prayer to them that are vnmaryed 〈…〉 A prayer for them that be maryed 〈…〉 A prayer for wemen wyth chylde 〈…〉 A Thankesgeuynge vnto God for th● 〈…〉 〈…〉 A prayer for fathers and mothers 〈…〉 A prayer for chyldren 〈…〉 A prayer for Masters fol. xliii A prayer for seruauntes fol. xlv A prayer for them that are sycke fol. xlvi A prayer for souldiers fol. li. A prayer for maryners fol. lii A prayer for trauelers by lande fol. liiii A prayer for a faythfull man beynge in trouble or indurance fol. lv A thākesgeuīg vnto god for his deliuerāce fo lvi A generall P●ayer that all menne maye walke in theyr vocacion and callynge fol. lix A prayer for our enemyes fol. lxv A prayer for the aduersaryes of Gods truthe and that all men maye come to the true knowledge of gods blessed worde fol. lxvi A prayer for one vniforme and perfecte agrement in matters of Christen religion fol. lx●i A prayer for the Common peace and quyetnes of all Realmes fol lxxv A prayer to be preserued from the plage and other diseases fol lxxviii A praier to preserue y● frutes of the earth fo lxxxi A prayer that we maye haue the feare of god before our eyes in al our doynges fol. lxx●iii A prayer for fayth fol. lxxxv A prayer for charitie fol. lxxxvi A prayer for a g●dly lyfe fol. lxxxviii A prayer agaynst the temptacions of the flesh the diuell and the worlde fol. xci A prayer for the remyssyon of synnes fol. xcv A prayer for a competent necessary lyuing fo c. A prayer to be sayde before the Sermon fol. ciii A thansgeu●ng vnto god after the Sermō fo cv A prayer to be sayde before the receyuynge of the holy Communion fol eodem A Thankesgeuynge after the receyuynge of the Communion fol. cxi A short prayer to be sayd at receiuīg of the mistery of c●ristes body in y● holy cōmuniō fo cxii A praier to be sayd at ●he receyuing of the mistery of christes bloud in the holy cōmuniō fo cxiii A prayer agaynst Idolatry fol. cxiiii A prayer agaynst Swearyng fol. cxv A prayer agaynst pryde fol. cxvii A prayer agaynst Whoredome fol. cxviii A prayer agaynst Couetousnes fol. cxx A prayer against glottony drunkēnes fo cxxiii A prayer agaynst Idlenesse fol. cxxv A prayer against slaūdering ba●bitīg fo cxxvii A general prayer for the auoydyng of all kynde of Synne fol. cxxix A Praier vnto God in prosperitie fol. cx●xiii A Prayer vnto God in aduersitie fol. cxx●iiii A thankesgeuing vnto god for sending his sonne into this worlde to dye for our syns fol. cxxxix A thankesgeuyng vnto god that he hath brought vs oute of the darckenes of mennes tadicions into the gloryous lyght of hys holye gospell fol. cxlvii A Thankesgeuynge vnto god f●r all hys benefytes fol. cxlix A prayer to be sayd for al such as lye at the poynte of death fol. clii A thankesgeuynge vnto god for the departure of the faythfull out of this worlde fol. cliii The Letanye and Suffrages with certayne other Prayers for dyuers purposes fol. clvi The ende of the Table ❧ To the most honourale vertuous Lady Anne Douches of Somerset her ●race Thomas Becon her most hūble and faythful seruant wysheth the fauour of god encrease of honour long lyfe and prosperous health ▪ both of body and soule SO ofte as I behoulde the fact of this world ▪ namelye of thys realme of England mou Gracious Ladye I know not whether ther be offered vnto me greater occacions of gladnes or of sadnes For when I consider the horrible blyndnes and monsterous ignoraunce whyche heretofore reygned among vs a great number of yeares yea and that almost vniuersally in al partes of the Christen publique w●ale thorow the subtile deuises of Sara and of his ministers which to deceiue the folish blinde world fashyon them selfes lyke vnto the Apostles of Christ and walke as the Aungels of lyght when notwyths●andynge they are in deede fal●e Apostles and deceatfull worckers hauyng an ●●warde apperaunce of godlynes ii Cor. xi but vtterly denying the vertue and power therof and now se the aforesaid pestilēces banyshed and driuē out of this most florishing real● of England thorow the wonderful working of Gods spirit in the Kynges Mages●y and in his most honorable Councel I cannot but hartelye ●eioyse and ●y●e God most int●re ●ha●rkes For who seeth 〈◊〉 e●cept he be wilfully blyn●e and obs●inatly refuse to se● how many ●o●able and excelēt benefi●s of ou● saluacion we ha●e re●●yued of God vnd●● this our kyng a Prince for hys godly dispo●icio● 〈◊〉 ●er●uous en●erprises worthy to enioy not onely immortal fame but also the yeares of a●ncient and long liuing M e●husel●h 〈…〉 in these hys yong yeares by the aduise of his most honorable Coūsel hath no les trauailed in putti●●way Idolatry Papi●●●y ▪ Supers●iciō and Hypocrysy out of this his graces Realme ●nd in re●●oryng vnto vs hys humble and obedient Subiects the true religiō and the glorious Gospel of our sauiour Iesu Chri●t then that most godly yong king Iosias dyd in hys kyngdom of Iuda whych beyng but a chylde of eyght ye●es ol●e when he began to reygne dyd not wythstanding both studiously iiii reg xxii ▪ and earnestly seke after the God of Dauid his ●ather ▪ i. Pa. xxxi●● ▪ turned neither to the right hand nor to the le●t An● in the .xii. yeare he began to pu●ge Iuda and Hie●usalem of hyl altars groues harued images and images of mettal so that they ●roke down the altares of Baaleuen in the Kynges presence and the idols that were vpon them he caused to be destroyed He slew the Idolatrous Priests and the Chaplens of Baall He destroyed the stewes and whorysh houses and put down the bugge●y places He neuer cesed tyll he had reformed all hys whole realme and brought in againe
the true religion of God O mos● shyning myrrour and liuely examplar for al godly Princes to behold and folow Euen thys also hath our most Chrysten kyng done and brought to passe in hys dominions yea and that in a yo●ger age for thys hys graces Relme is al redy deliuered from● Antichristes tyranny We are made free from hys yorke We are combred no more wyth hys trifling tradicions and dyrty deceyts The breakyng of his lawes disquiet our concience no more His cerem●nies are banished His religious mō●●ures haue no longer place among vs. His inuocacion of sain●ts hys gaddyng on Pilgrimages his gilding of Images his pai●ting of tabernacles his setting vp of candles before stockes hys purgotory his Masses of Scalecely his Bul●es hys Pardons hys dispēsacions ▪ his Iubilies his iu●tificaciō of works ▪ his selling of merites his canonising of Sain●s his Diriges his Trētals his blasphemous masses his Idolat●ous altares his 〈◊〉 cōfessiō his hussel in 〈◊〉 kynde for the laye hys holye breade hys holy● wate● hys oyle hys creame hys waxe hys fla●e his Palmes hys Ashes hys Idolatrye hys Hipocrisy hys Candel styckes hys relykes hys Corporalle ▪ hys Portasse hys shepehooke hys Maiseboke hys Crosure his Mitoure his sensynge hys Popyshe ●astynge hys ●hauynge hys greasynge hys sacrifycynge hys God makynge hys transubstanciacion hys excommunicacyon hys vnchaste chas●e vowes hys halowed bowes hys Beades hys v●stimentes hys Idols hys Romyshe seruise hys Antichristian orders his Peterpens his fra●●ense●●e his primary and al hys pel●yng pedla●y is vtterly banished and dryuen oute of thys lande In steade of these outragyous pestylences of the Christen publique weale is entred in amonge vs the gloryous lyghte of Christes Gospell the true knowledge of God the ryghte worshyppynge of God the harty callynge on the name of the Lorde the ●u●tificacion of faythe the hope of hauynge remyssyon of al our syns in Christes bloud the godly and christen worckes the sincere ▪ preachynge of gods blessed word the true ministracion of the holy Sacramentes the readynge of the sacred Scryptures in oure owne English ●oung the knowledge of our duty towarde the Kynges Magestye and all the hye powers and howe we shoulde behaue oure selues toward al men yea and howe we our selues ought to lyue soberly ryghtuouslye and godlye in this presente worlde wyth an infinite number of such godly treasures And yf any thyng be behynde that is not yet broughte vnto perfeccion as sores of long continuance are not strayghte wayes healed I d●ubt not but that the Kynges mooste exc●llent Magesty and hys godly prudent wyse ho●●rable coūcel wyl se it reformed and neuer leaue of ●heyr godly purpose after the example of good kynge Iosias tyll they haue stablished all thynges in thys Realme a●cordyng to Gods word made this church of Englād a worthye spectacle and no●able examplace for al forennacions to behold and followe The restorynge of the gloryous lyghte of Chri●tes gospel ●nto vs the driuyng away of Papy●●ry out o● this realme the haui●● of so go●ly noble a Pri●ce to be our kynge and goue●nour assi●●e● with so honourable and godly w●●e counsellours are withoute al doubt the incomperable and singu●ar greate benefites of God and euident tokens o● hys earnest good wyl towarde thys realme of Englande and t●e inhabytauntes of the same He hath not dealt ●o wyth al naciōs neither hathe he shewed so manifestly his blessed wil vnto them Psal. clxviii When I consyder mooste gracious Ladye these thynges I am ioyfull glad and merye and Iudge my selfe happye and blessed of Go● that it hathe chaunced me ●o lyue in that age wherein the whore of Babylon wyth all her marked Marchauntes is confounded and the Lambe I meane Christe euen in vs hys we●ke members hath gotten the vyctory where in also so godlye a Prynce and so vertuous a Councel ruleth and gouerneth thys our country But as of these frēdly bene●yts of God I cōceyue an vnfained gladnes in my hearte forasmuche as thorowe thē I am fullye perswaded of Gods good wyl toward thys realme of England so contrary wyse am I manye tymes prouoked vnto sadnesse when I consyder our ingratitude ▪ our vnthankfulnes ▪ yea our beastly churlyshnes toward god For albeit many amōg vs bothe of the nobylitye and of the base● sorte ●hankes be to God do both faythefully and earnestly embrace thys louynge kyndnes of God and be thankful to hym for hys benefits ledinge for thei● possible power a lyfe worthye of hys fatherly goodnes yet the mooste and greatest part are vnthanckfull ii Cor. iii● lytle esteme these syngulare benef●●s of God yea there are whose iudgementes wy●s and sences the God of thys worlde hathe blynded because the lyghte of the gloryous Gospell of Christe whyche is the Image of God shul● not shyne vnto thē that wyshe rather to be agayne in Egipt among the greasy fleshepots Num. xi deuour●nge Cucumbers ▪ Melons Leekes Oynions and garlike then to taste of Mann● that heauenlye meate Some o● her agayne there bee woulde God not of them whiche be called Go●pellers and haue the holy sc●iptures swymmyng in theyr lyppes and Gods booke eyther in theyr han●es or hangyng at theyr gyrdles whych pretend a loue to the gospelle ●nd yet in theyr conue●sacion and lyuing ●rosse gos●ellers at a● vngodly vncharytable vnme●cy●ull vnryghteous proude voluptuouse ▪ disdainefull couetous malicious enuyous ▪ ydle cat as the Papystes yea as the Iewes ▪ Titus i. Tu●ckes and Saracens arc With thei● woords they confesse that they knowe GOD but wyth theyr workes they deny hym They are pleasaunte fygge trees and blosomes but in truyte nothynge at all They are ●oute Disciples of Christe so long as Christ fedeth them with breade yea they can be cōtent to make Christ a kyng but whē christ requireth of thē a care and study for heauenly thinges Ihon. vi a constaunte Faythe a godlye ly●e a mercyfull hearte towarde the poore then are they gone They are no lenger Christes frendes then Christ serueth theyr tourne In raylyng agaynst papistes ●n defying the lawes of the Bishop of Rome in dispising the ceremonies of the chu●che ▪ in eating of al kinde meates wit●out dy●ference of daies in the presēce they care not of whom in absentyng thē selues frō the Common prayer and frome the receyuynge of the Lordes supper in breakynge all honest and cyuyle orders in gettynge what maye ●ee gotten vnder the pretence of the Gospell in ●eadynge a dyssolu●e lyfe in outewardelye speakynge fayre yee inwardelye meanynge crafte and deceyt● cet in all theese thynges if suche thynges may sette forwarde th● Gospell they are content to ●hewe the● selfes fyne Gospellers and sweete bro●hers but in mortyfying their carnall affectes ▪ in dyeing to the worlde in fy ghtynge agaynste Sathan ▪ and in cru●y●yinge the fleshe in dystrybutyng theyr goodes to the poore in leadynge a lyfe worthye of the gospell of Christe they are worse then the greate Tur●ke ▪ or
their flock abide amōg thē teach them thy blessed word feede thē with hospitality lead a godli life bring vp their youth vertuously and be at all tymes readye if thy glori the health of their parishioners requireth to bestowe their life Take away from vs al those curates 〈◊〉 ▪ lvi whyche are blynde with out knowledge dumme dogges not able to barke which haue plesure to behold vain thīgs loue to ly snortyng dreaming Most vnshamefaced dogges are they they haue neuer inough althoughe they heape benefice vpon benefice prebende vpon prebende deanerye vpon deanery neuer so muche Iere●y vi ▪ For al are wholy bent vnto couetousnesse euen frome the hyghest vnto the lowest and the thinges that they get spend they in banketting and in vaine plesures Take away from vs those false prophetes Math. vi● which come vnto vs in shepes clothes but inwardly are rauening wolues Take a way those false anoynted fals preachers whyche by theyr subtile doctrin go about to bring vs into errour Mat. xxiii and teache vs not to seke the with true faith in heauē where thou sytteste on the ryght hande of God thy father but in the cloister andin the pixe Mark xvi Luk xxiiii Actes i Heb●u i. Take away frō vs those greuous wolues whyche are entred in amōg vs spare not the flock but speke peruerse thynges that they may leade awaye the faythefull after them ●ctes ▪ xx Take away frō vs al those men pleasers which by their fair speche and flatterynge wordes deceyue the hertes of the symple Rom● xvi by this meanes seruing their bellye and not the O Lorde Iesu Christe ●●la v. Take away frō vs those iusticiaries whych teach that we are iustified by the workes of the lawe and not by faythe alone in our Lord God Ah Lorde if oure iustifi●acion commeth of works then diddest thou dye in vayne But whosoeuer seketh to be iustified by works is vtterly fallē frō the grace and fauour of god For we know that a mā is not iustified by the works of the lawe but by the fayth of the oure lord Iesu Christ G●l● ii we haue beleued in the o Lord that we mighte be iustified bi the faith that we haue in the not by the workes of th● law because no mā shal be instified by y● workes of the lawe Philip. iii. Take away from vs those dogges those euil workemenne those shauelings whiche teache Hebru ix ● y● thou by the one onlye oblacion of thy bodye haste not made perfect for euer them y● are sanctified Enemies are they of the crosse of Christ Phili. iii. whose end is destruccyon whose God theyr belly is Take away frō vs these fals doctors which priuely bring in damnable sectes and deny the the Lorde ii Peter ii whiche hathe bought them thorowe whome the waye of truthe is euell spoken of thorow couetousnes with their disceit full woordes make marchandise of vs whose iudgemente is not far of and whose dampnaciō slepeth not Take awai frō vs those false prophets and spirits of Antichrist i. Ihon. iiii which teache that thou the Lord Iesu Christ tokest no flesh of that blessed and vndefyled virgyn Marye thy mother Take awaye from vs the proud whore of Babylon ●poc xvii that great and blasphemous baude of al the whordoms and abhominacions of the earth with whom euen the very kings of the earth haue plaid the whore mongers and they that dwelt on the earth wer made d●ōckē wyth the wine of her whoredō Down o Lorde with that purpled rose coloured whore decked with golde pearle precious stones hauyng a goldē cuppe in her hand ful of the abhomynacions fylthynes of her wantonnes Down o lord wyth that gorgyous strōpet whiche is dronke wyth the bloude of saynctes and with the bloude of thy Martirs O Iesu. Let that whore behated of al menne lette her be desolate Apo. xviii comfortlesse and naked yea let the verye fleshe of her be gnawen of she cōsumed wyth fyre Let that greate Babilon be made a dwellynge place of deuils and an hold of al vnclene spirites and a cage of all fylthye and hatefull byrdes For of the wine of her pestilent whordome haue al nacions dronken yea the very kings of the earth haue committed whoredom wyth her and the Marchauntes of the earthe haue waxen ryche thorowe her wantonne pleasures O Lorde take awai from vs these Marchaunts that geue attendaūce vpon that filthy whore deceyue the whole world wyth theyr peltyng pedlary thieuyshe trashe and masking marchaundyse Lette they re wares bee soulde no more but boothe they and theyr bloudy whoryshe Mastresse taken away from vs so that we be no more deceiued by them nor the truthe of thi glorious gospel condēpned for heresy nor yet the bloude of the saynctes anye more shedde O Lord take away from vs al these aforesayed monstures euē so many as deface thi glory corrupt thy blessed woorde despyse thy flock and takyng vp on them to be feders fede thē selues and not thy shepe 〈◊〉 xxxiii in theyr steade place good Byshops learned prechers christen ministers faythful teachers true spirituall fathers euen such as bren wyth a feruēt vnfayned zele toward the setting forth of thy glory and the healthe of thy people Indue them wyth thy holye spirite that they maye be faythfull and wyse seruaunts geuing thy houshold meate in due season Mat. xxiii Luke ▪ xii Geue them that thy wysdom which no man is able to resyst wherwyth also they maye be able both to exhort with wholsome doctrine Lu●e xxi also to conuince and ouercome thē that speake agaynst it Let repētance and remissiō of sins be preached of thē in thy name among al naciōs Luke xxii Geue thē grace to perseuer in thy truth vnto the end Mat. x. 〈◊〉 xxiiii Graūt also O Lord that they may truly and reuerently minister vnto vs thy blessed misteries baptisme thy holye supper that oure faythe maybe confirmed stablyshed Math. xvii strengthened by the worthy receiuyng of thē and we wel comforted made strōg agaynst the gates of hel the deuil the world the flesh the curse of the law Eccles. iiii sin death desperacion and al that is enemi vnto vs. Let not their hād be stretched out to receiue slow to geue but graue in thē O blessed sauiour a minde contēt with that is inough one shepherde to haue one f●ock and what so euer they receiue of theyr parishners wyllyngelye to spend it amonge them in maintening ho●pitality for the relief of the pore Hospitali●● that they may be found feders of the f●ock both in word and dede Mala. iii. For thou O Lord commaundest by the prophet in the olde law that al tythe shuld be brought into thy barne that there might be meate in thy house Thou callest the preachers barne ▪
vnto the most harty thanks ▪ In like maner thou didist deliue● Ioseph Danyell Peter Gene xli Dani vi and .xiiii. Actes iii. and many other thy seruaunts from their sorowes and calamities Oh who is able to expres with how readye and glad myndes they magnified the and thy holy name We therfore synfull wretches excyted and stirred vp with the godlye exāples of these thi seruants knowīg how greatlye thou delightest in the sacryfyc● of prayse Psalme l. Psal. ●xvi Hebru xiii confessynge also suche is oure beggary that we haue none other thyng worthy to offer vnto thy diuine maiesty are at this present gathered together to celebrate thy great mercyes t● magnify thy blessed name and 〈◊〉 render vnto the mooste humble ble thanks and immortal praises that it hath pleased the of thine excedinge goodnes the rather at the contempl●cion of oure prayers to shew thy fauorable mercye in the deliueraunce of thy seruaunt and our dere brother N. vnto oure singuler ioye and greate comfort For this thy benefite most beneficiall father we so hertely thancke the as herte can thyncke most entirely beseching the that thou wilt geue vs al grace euen so many as loue thy blessed worde ▪ neuer to be vnmyndefull of this thy benefyte nor to cōmit any thinge hereafter y● should offend thy fatherly goodnesse or prouoke thi wrath against vs Iohn v. leaste thorowe oure disobedyence we after this feele more bitter tokēs of thy heaui displeasure then hitherto we haue done but in all oure enterprises so too behaue oure selues accordyng to thy blessed wyl that thou mayst delyghte in vs as a father in hys chyldren and vouchesafe to blesse vs wyth all spirituall blessynge to enryche vs wyth the knowledge of thy heauenly worde i. Cor. i. and to worke in vs a life conformable to the same that other seinge oure Godly maners and christian conuersacyon maye be encouraged to imbrace thi blessed worde to magnyfye thy holye name and in all poyntes to frame theyr life according to y● rule of thi holy commaundementes thorow the inspiraciō of thy blessed spirite to whom wyth the and thy dearelye beloued sonne Iesu Christe be all honoure prayse and glorye for euer and euer Amen ☞ A generalle prayer that all Men may walke in their vo●acion and callynge FOrasmuche O heauenlye father as bothe thy honoure and dishonoure after a certein maner dependeth in thys worlde Math. v. eyther of oure godlye or wycked lyfe if we lyue well thy very aduersasaries shal be cōpelled to gloryfye the but if our● life be vngodlye Esay iii. Ezec. xxxvi Rom● ii so shalt thou be dishonored amonge the wicked euell spoken of thorowe our sinful liuing and because we shuld not walke inordinatlye so prouoke the enemies of thy truthe to rayle on the and to blas●heme thy holye name thou hast appoynted in thy blessed law certayne honest godly states and d●grees wherein thy people shoulde lyue and haste streyghtelye commaunded that so manye as professe the and thy holye worde shoulde continue in the same i. Cor. vi Ephe. iiii eueri one accordyng to hys vocacion and calling and by no means leade a dis●olute life after the maner of the heathē which know not God that by well doing● the professours of thy holie religiō may not only stop the mouthes of folish and ignorant people but also prouoke them to glorify the our Lord in the day of visitacion we knowing our infirmiti weaknes whych is so great and vnable to be remedied of our natural strēgthes and frewill ii Cori. iii. that we are not able to thīk a good thought Psalm ●xix much lesse to fulfil thy cōmaundements which thou haste straightlye commaunded to be kept and wyshing y● glory of thy most glorious name and the accomplishmēt of thy heauenly will most humbly and from the very heart besech the for Iesu Christes sake to endue vs wyth thy holy spirit which maye fulfyll that lacketh in vs make vs newe creatures trade vs in the pathes of thy holye lawe and geue vs grace to walke accordinge to our vocacion in thy feare in the obedience of thy godly wyll that we attempt nothynge that in anye poynt may hīder thi glory obscure thi honour deface thy name cause y● to be euil spoken of among the vngodly And that thys may come to passe graunt O moste mercyfull father that euery one of vs euē from the higheste to the lowest may vnfaynedly answer to our callīg train oure life accordynge to thy blessed wyll vnto the glorye of thy name ▪ that whatsoeuer we do in word Collos. iii. or dede we may do al thynges in the name of the Lorde Iesu geuynge thāckes to the God the father thorow him Graūt that al tēporal rulers maye vse theyr offyce iustelye and godly seke not only to be feared but also to beloued Magystrates maintaine the good punysh the euill accepte no person in iudgement allow no fals accusacion Iere. xxi and .xxii. zacka vii ii para xix Eccle. iii. Deut. xvii Eccle. xx shee de no innocēt bloud heare the smal so wel as the greate receyue no bribes set forth thy glory auaunce thy holy worde promote thy faythfull preachers and in all theyr doynges seeke the profyte of the comm●n weale and so behaue them selfs that thei mai be founde worthy offycers in thy syght Subiect●● Roma xiii i. Peter ii Graunte that the subiectes may shewe all reuerent submission to theyr rulers obey theym in all thynges bee faythful and true to them yea and that not onlye for feare of punyshmente but also for conscyence sake Spiritu●ll Ministers Graunt that the Byshoppes the preachers of thy word al other spiritual ministers may take hede to them selfes and to al the flock Acte● ●● in the which the holy gost hath appointed them ouerseers to fede thy holy congregaciō which thy dereli beloued sōne purchased with hys bloude i. Peter v. and take the ouersight of thē not as though they were compelled but wyllinglye not for the desyre of fylthy lucre but of a good mind not as lordes ouer the Paryshes but that they be an example vnto the flock Graunte that they maye lay asyde al tiranny and hautines of mind ▪ and walke with al gentel softnes and tēder compassion toward the shepe of Christ committed to thei● cure and charge Let theim be as moost louinge fathers to Christes flocke if any of the shepe chance to run astrai to go out of the wai let them not therfore vngētly entreate them but as it is the offyce of a good shepherd by fayr means cal thē home againe vnto y● shepe folde● sekyng rather theyr saluacion then destrucciō Luke xv Let them remember the history of y● lost shepe cōsider how tēderly the hedshepperd Christ thy sōne and our Lord fetched it home againe euen vpon his shoulders ii Timo. ii For
doubtyng loke for remissiō of all our synnes at thy heauenly fathers hande accordynge to thy mooste gentle promyses yea and that not for our good dedes and merites Titu iii which in this behalf are none but for the worthynes of thy blessed passion for the dignity of thy precious bloude and for that only and alone sacrifice of thy holye body For that O Lord is the salue the healeth our souls That is the medecine that comforteth our weake and troubled consciēces Iohn vi That is the liuinge breade whosoeuer eateth of the bread shal neuer honger but lyue for euer That is the Iewel of ioy that maketh our sorowfull hertes mery That is the mighty bulwark the stronge defēce the sure fortres the preserueth and kepeth vs harmlesse against Satā synne death hel desperacion and al the infernal power To come to the table to be presēt at the supper ☜ to here and se what is there don yea to receiue the holy mistiries of thy body bloud ther setforth vnto vs profiteth vs nothyng at all ▪ if we faithfully beleue not that thy bodi was brokē thy bloud shed for our sinnes and that by the alone oblacion therof done once for al our syns are forgeuen vs Hebru vii ▪ ix.x. thy heuenly father is recōciled vnto vs his wrath stored vp thorow sin against vs is pacified quietnes of consciēce and euerlasting lyfe is geuen vs but rather turneth vnto our dāpnacion because we eat of thys breade and drinck of this cuppe vnworthely and shal with that Hipocrite whyche presumed to come vnto the mariage not hauing the wedding garmēt be boūd hād and fote ●ath xxii and caste into vtter darcknes wher weping and gnashīg of teeth shal be Therfor we most hūbly besech the to geue vs grace according to thy holy Apostles councel diligently to proue try examin our selfes whether such repentance such faith such loue i. Cori. ●i suche disposition toward al godlines be foūd in vs or not as thou dost require in them whych come worthely with frute vnto thy table And forasmuch as it is thy gift to repēt hertely to beleue truly to loue vnfaynedly to be disposed earnestly to ēbrace true godlynes and to go forward in the same from vertueto vertue vnto the end graunt we most entirely pray the Math. iii. we may so repent that the frutes of repentāce may be foūd in vs so beleue that we may knoledge y● our alone sauiour so loue that al oure affeccion may be set on the alone and so embrace true godlynes that our h●le lyfe may be a cleare Myrrour of vertue goodnesse So shall we thorowe thi merci be foūd worthi gests of this thy table Phil lp ii receiue these holy misteries vnto the saluacyon of our soules yea so shal we be wel assured of the remission and forgeuenes of all our synnes by the breaking of thy blessed body and the sheding of thi precious bloud our consciences shal be quiet our hertes shal be filled wyth all true and spirituall ioye wee shall tryumph ouer Satan sinne death hell and desperacyon we shal be partakers of all the fruites and merytes of thy blessed passyon and bee made one bo●ye wyth the and fellowe heyres of euerlastynge glorye O Lord God lette it so come to passe for the honour of thy name Amen A thankesgeuinge after the receiuynge of the Communion IE thanck the O heauēly father for the blessed passion and gloryous death of thy derelye beloued sonne our Lorde and sauiour Iesu Christ Ephe. ii ●olloss ii by whō by whose holy woūdes we faythfully beleue and are assuredly perswaded that thy wrathe is not onlye pacified toward vs but that thou also art now becōe oure moost mercyful father and haste frelye forgeuen vs all oure synnes restored vs to thy heuēly grace and made vs sonnes heiers of thyne eternall glorye And because we shuld not dout of thi fatherly goodnes toward vs set forthe in the deathe of thi sonne the same thy sonne Christ Iesu our Lorde hathe leafte vnto vs not onlye his holy word Ma● x●vi Mat. xiiii Luke xxii ● Cor. xi but also a blessed memoryal of hys death and passyon set forth in the holy breade and holy wine whych we at this presēt haue receiued both for a remembraūce of the brekyng of hys blessed body and the shedding of his most precious bloud and also for the quietnes of oure conscience and for the assurance of the remission of our syns thorow fayth We besech the O heauēli father that we be neuer vnmyndeful of this thy exceadinge greate kindenes nor vnthanckful for thy manyfold vnspekeable mercys declared vnto vs in the gloryous death of thy welbeloued sōne but so worcke y● in vs thorowe thy holy spirite that we maybe made worthye members of that bodye whereof thy sōne and oure sauyoure Christe Iesu is the heade Eph. i. iiii Colloss i. and that we may so faythfullye beleue in the and so feruentlye loue one another alwaye liuinge in thy feare and in the obediēce of thy holy law and blessed wyl that we being fruteful in al godly and chryst●n workes may traine our life accordig to thy good pleasure in this transitory world and after this fraile and shorte lyfe obtaine that true and immortall lyfe wher thou with thy derely beloued sōne our lord and sauiour Iesu Christ and the holy gost that most sweete cōfortour liuest and reignest one true God in all honor glory worldes without ende Amen ¶ A shorte prayer to bee sayed at the receiuynge of the mysterye of Chrystes body in the holy Communion O Heauenly and blessed father I render vnto thee mooste heartie thanckes for al thy benefytes whiche thou hast shewed vnto me most wret●hed synner but speciallye for that moost swete smelling sacrifyce whyche thy onely begotten sōne offred vnto the on that aulter of the crosse Ephe. v. by giuīg his most pure vndefyled body vnto the death for the redempcion of mākind Philip. ii ▪ in remembraūce wherof according to thy welbeloued sōns ordināce I nowe receyue this holy breade moost entirely beseching that I may both be partaker of the merites of thi dere sōnes bodi brekīg and also lead a lyfe worthy of so greate a benefite vnto the glory of thy name Amen A prayer to be sayed at the receiuynge of the misteryes of Christes bloude in the holy Communion O Blessed mercifull father thy loue towarde me sinneful creature is so exceadyng greate and vnspeakable Roma v. that I can not but geue vnto the moost humble thanckes Ephe ▪ ii namely for the shedding of the moost precious bloud of thy deare sonne Iesu Christe by the vertue where of thy wrath styrred vp againste me wretched synner is pacyfyed my raunsōe is payed the law is fulfylled my enemyes are ouercome and put to flyghte In remembraunce of this so noble a victorye and
Esaye liii ▪ that when he had made hys soule an offering for synne he myghte se longe lasting seede For he is that thy righteous seruāt which with his wisdome doth iustify and deliuer the multytude for he hathe born awai our sins In his name in none other vnder he auē doth our saluacion consist A●t●s iiii By him are we at peace with the our Lord God Romay v. Bi him haue we redempc●on thorow hys bloud euen remission of our sinnes Ephe. i. By him are we deliuered frō the power of darken●s and translated into thy heauenlye kingdome Collosso i. By hym hast thou recōciled all things vnto thi self By hym haste thou sette at peace thorowe the bloude of hys crosse both thyngs in heauen and thinges on earthe By him haste thou quickned vs and forgenen vs al oure trespasses He hath put oute the hande wryghtyng that was agaynste vs contayned in the law written Ephe. ii Yea he heath taken that hande wryghtyng out of the way and hath fastened it to hys crosse and hath spoyled rule and power and hath made a shewe of them openlye Collos. ● and hath triumphed ouer theym in his owne parson Gene. iii. He is that seede of the woman that tredeth downe Satans head Gene. He is that seede in whom al nacions of the world shal be blessed Esay● He is that Lorde whiche alone hath troden doun the wynepresse nether was ther any at al that helped him Mathe. ● He is that sauiour which saueth his people from theyr sins Mat ▪ xvii He is that they welbeloued sōne for whose sake thou art well pleased with man He is that breade of lyfe whyche came down frō heuē Iohn vi If any eate of that bread he shall lyue for euer He is that good shepherd which gaue his life for his shepe Iohn x. He is the resurrection life Who so beleueth on hym Iohn xi althoughe he were dead shal liue euery one that liueth beleueth in hym shall neuer die Iohn xvi He is that mighty Prince that hath ouercome the world He is the perfect fulfillinge of the law to iustify all that beleue Romay x. Gala. iii. He hathe deliuered vs frō the cursse of the lawe whē he was made accursed for vs. He in his own person hath purged oure synnes Hebrues ii He thorowe death hath putte down hym that had rule ouer death that is to sai the deuyll and hath made vs free from the daunger of bondage He with one offering of his blessed bodye hath made perfecte for euer them that are sanctified Hebru●s x. He now in the end of the world hath app●ared once for all to put synne to flyghte by the offerynge vp of hym selfe He hath loued vs and washed vs from our syns in hys owne bloud Apoca. i. and made vs kyngs and priestes vnto the God his father Inestimable ar the tresurs infinite are the pleasures whych we receiue of the thorow this thy sonne Iesu Christ our Lord and sauyoure Rom. viii And thys thy welbeloued onli begotten son with al hys hast thou geuen vnto vs so that booth he and all that he hathe is oures and we maye thorowe thy gyft iustly chalenge it to be oure owne For thys thy fatherlie loue and vnspekable kyndenes in geuynge thy sonne vnto the deathe for oure sake and for al thy other benefits which we haue receued at thy merciful hand thorow him we geue the most herty thankes desyryng the that we neuer commit any thinge in thought word or dede that maye offende thy deuyne Maiestie but callyng to remembrance that we are not redemed with corruptyble syluer and golde from our vayne conuersacion i. Peter i. but with the precyous bloud of Christ as of a lambe vndefiled and wythoute spot we may lyue worthi of this thy kidnes shew oure selfs obedyente chyldr●n to the oure heauenly father not fashyonynge oure selfes any more after this vnto our olde lustes of ignorancye but as thou whyche hast called vs arte holye euen so in lyke manner we maye be holie in all oure conuersacyon and lyuyng vnto the glori of thy blessed name Amen ¶ A thankesgeuynge vnto God that he hathe brought vs out of the darkenesse of mens tradicions ▪ into the gloryous lyghte of his holy gospell O Lorde GOD and oure heauenlie father Esaye v. thou by thy holye Prophete declareste that thy people were ledde captyue because thei had no knowledge nor vnderstandynge in thy blessed word No maruel for as thy dearly beloued sonne sayethe he that walketh in the darcknes Ihon. xii knoweth not whither he goeth Yea Sapi. xiii vaine ar al they in whom the knowlege of that oure lord god is not Iohn xvii For this is euerlasting life euen to knowe the to be the true God and whō thou hast sent Iesu Christ. Prou. xxix Whē y● preaching of thy word faileth the people perysh and go to hauocke For man liueth not with bread alone Math. iiii but wyth euerye worde that commeth out of thy mouth Proue xix wher no knowlege of the of thi blessed worde is there is no goodnes for the soule Yea there doth the soule pine awaye as the body for wāte of corporall foode Hebru xiii and is moued and led away wyth euerye winde of doctrine be it true or false Math. vii ▪ xvii Nether is it to be wōdred at For the ignoraunt and vntaughte bylde not theyr faythe vppon the rocke that is vpon thy sōne Christ and vpon hys holye Gospel agaynste the whych the verye gates of hell canne not preuail Math. vii nether can the raging flouds Luke vi nor the boistrous windes moue them that so bilde but vppon the sands therfore are they throwne downe wyth euery blast and myserably ledde whych waye their teachers luste Thys was euidently perceiued in vs o blessed father whyche so manye yeares for want of knowledge of thi blessed word wer to much wrechedlyled captyue of Satan and of his ministers whiche chaūged them selfes into angels of lyght when in dede they wer the bond slaues of Antichriste beleued did whatsoeuer thei commanded vs to beleue or to do ● Cori. xi The man of synne that son of perdicion so sat in our consciences that we fered him more then the our Lord god His trifling tradiciōs his croked cōstitucions diuelishe decrees ii 〈…〉 wer more earnestli regarded beleued obeyed thē thy blessed word wherof we wer altogether ignorāt His ceremonies we thought to be thi seruice His dreames we estemed true godlines We worshypped the not after thy worde but after Antichristes tradyciōs As for thy holy Gospell we knew no parte of it a ryghte Yea Antichrist and hys impes condemned thy holy Byble for heresy brent it as most abhomynable doctrine vnto the greate grife of al godly personnes
thou offerest thyself vnto hym as a most gētle father to his deare sonne and by temporall punyshment ●uttest away eternall paynes whych both he and all we thorow our synfull liuing haue most ryghtouslye deserued and by makyng the outeward man weke thou comfortest and makest strōg the inward mā which is made like to thi glorious image We most entirely besech the mercifully to behold this our weke brother and as that piteful Samaritane to poure wine and oyle into his woundes to bynde them vp that is to relieue hym to cōfort hym and to cherysh him wyth thy holy spirit to make him stronge in his inwarde man that in the middes of his syckenes he may not only ●ere the crosse that thou haste layed on hym pacyently and so shewe hym self conformable to thy blessed wyll but also thanckfully praise thy holy name for thy fatherly correccion with vnfayned and stronge fayth say The lord gaue me my health the Lord hath taken it away agayne As it hath pleased the lord so it is come to passe now blessed be the the name of the Lord. Oh it is for my great profyt that the lord hath thus visited me euen that I shulde learne to forsake myne own wyl and to walcke in hys holye ordynaunces I am his creature a shepe of his pasture let him deale wyth me as semeth good in hys godly syghte For whyther I liue or dye I am the Lordes Hys wil therfore be done and not myne Gyue hym grace O swete Iesu thus to be perswaded of thy good wyll towarde hym euen in the myddes of hys moost bytter agonyes that he faynt not vnder the crosse but paciently and thanckefully abyde thy good plesure and wyth earnest fayth cal on thy blessed name which is a strong tower for all them that fle vnto it Moreouer forasmuch O Lord as it is not thy property alway to chyde alway to be angry alwaye to punyshe neither to deale wyth vs accordyng to oure sinnes nor yet to reward vs after our iniquities but as thou takest awaye so geuest thou againe as thou bryngest downe to the graue so liftest thou vp agayne as thou makest weake so makest thou stronge agayne We most humbly beseche the if it be thy godly pleasure the rather at the contēplaciō of these oure prayers to restore vnto oure weake brother after this his long sicknes the confortable benefyte of ioyfull healthe And as thou haste broughte him low wyth la●ing thy heauye crosse on hym so we moste hartely beseche the if it be thy godly wyll rayse hym vp agayne by restoryng vnto hym his former healthe that he may lyue and contynue here among vs vnto the glorye of thy name and the comfort of vs hys neyghbours But if thy godly pleasure haue otherwyse determyned that by thys hys sycknes thou wylte call hym from this vale of miseri and place hym in thy gloryous kyngdome which alone is the true ioyful and greatly longed for contre of al thy chosen and faythful people we most entierly pray the in the meane whyle to geue hym grace paciently and thankfully to beare hys crosse diligently to cal on thy holy name valeauntly to fight agaynst al the tentacions of the deuyll the flesh and the worlde and faithfullye to beleue that the merits of thi blessed passiō precious bloud are the full satisfaccion for all hys synnes and haue made a perfect atonement and frendlye reconciliaciō betwene god the father and hym Graunt O mooste merciful sauioure that his whole hart and mynde may so be set vpon the that at what soeuer houre thou callest hym out of this wretched world he mai be willing and glad to depart from it and to cōe vnto the. O let the remembraūce of the ioyes of heauen bee so feruent in hys brest that all wordlye thynges may waxe vyle in hym and a perfect desyre found in him to be losoned out of this bodi and to be with y● in glory And when the time commeth that he shall gyue ouer to nature and depart out of thys miserable world though the paynes of deathe take awaye the vse of hys tonge and speache yet graūt that his heart may cry vnto the and saye O Lorde I commende my soule into thy hādes Lorde Iesu take my spirite vnto thee Graunt also most louyng Lord that when death hath shut vp the eyes of his bodye he maye wyth the eyes of hys soule beholde and looke vpon thy gloryous maiestye in thy heauenlye kyngdome where thou wyth the father and the holy Ghoste lyuest and reignest one true and euerlasting God in al honour and glory worldes wythout ende Amen A prayer to be sayed for all suche as lye at the poynt of deathe O Moste louynge Sauioure and gentle redemer whyche cammest into this world to call synners vnto repentance to seke vp that was loste thou seest in what case thys oure brother lyeth here visited with thy mercyful hand al weake feble sick and ready to yeld vp his soule into thi holi hands O loke vpō him most gentle sauiour with thy merciful eie pitie him and be fauorable vnto him He is thy workmanshippe despise not therefore the work of thine owne handes Thou sufferedst thy blessed body thy precyous bloud to be shed for his sins and to bring hym vnto the glory of thy heauenlye father let it not therefore come to passe that thou shuldest suffer so great pains for him in vaine He was baptised in thi name and gaue himself wholy to be thy seruaunt forsakynge the deuyl the world and the flesh confesse hym therefore before thy heauenlye father and hys blessed aungels to be thy seruaunt Prou. xvi Hys synnes we confesse ar great for who is able to sai mi hert is clene and I am fre from synne but thy mercyes o Lord are much greater Ma●h ix And thou cāmest not to cal y● ryghteous but synners vnto repentance M●th● xi To them that are disesed and ouerladen wyth the burdē of sin doste thou promyse ease Thou art that god Ezec. xviii which willest not the death of a synner but rather that he shoulde turne lyue Thou art the sauioure which wishest all men to be saued i. Timo. ii and to come to the knoledge of thy truth Withdraw not therfore thy merci frō him because of his sins but rather lay vpon hym thy sauynge health that thou maist shewe thy self toward hym to be a sauioure What greter praise cā ther be to a phisiciō thē to he le the sick Nether cā th●r be a gr●ter glori to the being a ●auiour then to saue siners saue hī therfore o lord for thi nāe sake Agaī let the law b●●o ●orsiffe to his consciēce but rather giue hī grace euen in this extreme agoni cōflict of deth to be fully persuaded that thou by thy death hast takē away al his sīs Ro●● ▪ i. fulfilled the law for him bi this means deliuered