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A04484 An apologie of priuate masse spred abroade in writing without name of the authour: as it seemeth, against the offer and protestacion made in certayne sermons by the reuerent father Bisshop of Salsburie: with an answer to the same Apologie, set foorth for the maintenance and defence of the trueth. Perused and allowed, by the reuerent father in God Edmonde Bisshop of London, accordynge to the order appoincted in the Que'enes maiestes iniunctions. Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. 1562 (1562) STC 14615; ESTC S103938 96,225 290

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Chrisostome saieth in whiche vessels is not the very body but the mistery of it For if those wordes were litterally to bee vnderstanded as you say then should the holy vessels that conteyne the sacramentes haue in them not only the mistery of Christes body and bloud but his very body really in dede Which Chrisostome denieth In the. 83. Homil. vpon Mathew the same doctour saith Si mortuus Iesus non est cuius simbolum aut signum hoc sacrificium est If Christ be not deade of whom is this sacrifice a figure and signe And vpon the. 22. psalm Vt quotidie in similitudinem corporis sanguinis Christi panem vinum secundum ordinem Melchisedech nobis ostenderet in sacramento That hee might dayly shew vs in the sacrament bread and wine accordynge to the order of Melchisedech as the similitude of his body and bloud As before hee vsed Symbolum signum misterium so he hath here Similitudinem Likewise Dionisius de ecclesiastica Hierarchia cap. 3. Per venerabilia signa Christus signatur sumitur By those reuerent signes Christe is signified and receiued Ambrose also De hijs qui imciantur misterijs cap. 9. Ipse clamat dominus Iesus Hoc est corpus meum Ante benedictionem verborū caelestium alia species nominatur Post consecrationem corpus Christi significatur Our Lorde Iesus crieth this is my body Before the blessing of the heauenly wordes one kinde is named after consecratione Christes body is signified In the. 4. boke also De sacramentis cap ▪ 8 The same Ambrose saith Fac nobis hanc oblationem ascriptam rationabilē acceptabilem quod est figura corporis sanguinis domini nostri Iesu Christi Make to vs this offering alowable reasonable acceptable whiche is the figure of the body and bloud of our lord Iesus Christ Here he acknowlegeth the sacrament to bee a figure In the. 6. boke De sacramētis cap. 1. He hath these wordes also Ideo in similitudinem quidem accipis sacramentum sed verae naturae gratiam virtutemque assequeris Therefore thou receiuest the sacrament as a similitude but thou atteinest the grace and vertue of the true nature in dede This sentence of Ambrose conteineth our whole doctrine of the sacramente of Christes body and bloud whiche is that it is a figure or signe of his body and yet not a bare or naked figure but suche a one as there by we atteine in déede the full grace and benefite of his body that suffred for vs and was crucified vpon the crosse and haue our soules fed and norished with the same to euerlastinge lyfe Origine vppon Mathew saieth Panis sanctificatus iuxta id quod habet materiale in ventrem abit in sesessum encitur c. The sanctified bread saith he according to that it hath material passeth into the bealy and is auoyded oute of the body But accordinge to the prayer that commeth to it it is profitable makinge that the minde vnderstandeth and hathe regarde to that is profitable Neither is it the matter of the breade but the word spoken ouer it that profiteth him which receiueth it not vnworthely And thus much haue I spoken of the typicall and figuratiue body Much also may be sayd of the liuely worde it selfe whiche was made fleash and very meat in deede whiche meate he that eateth shal surely liue for euer whiche no yll man canne eate c. Here note you firste that Origine saieth that the mattier of the consecrated breade of the sacrament passeth into the bealy and is auoyded out expresly against● your interpretacion of Christes wordes wherby ye say the breade is transsubstantiate and no mattier of it left● but onely accidencies Secondly that he calleth the sacrament Typicum symbolicum corpus the typicall and figuratiue body Thirdely that he affirmeth constantly that no ill man can eate the very flesh of the seconde person in Trinitie And yet that is one of the necessarie labels that your sorte doeth teache to depende vpon your wrongefull interpretacion of Christes wordꝭ Wherfore Origine with this one sentence teareth of diuers of your counterfaited Labels that you stitche to Christes testamentes by drifte of reason without the warrant of his holy worde More ouer Austine de doctrina Christ lib. 3. cap. 9. After he hath declared that in the new Testamente God hath lefte vnto his people but few sacramentes and ceremontes and the same to be vnderstande not carnally seruilely accordyng to the letter and there for example hath mencioned baptisme and the celebracion of the Lordes body and bloud in the ende he addeth these wordes In whiche saith he as is folow the letter and to take the sygure for those thynges that are signified by them in a poincie of seruile infirmitie so to interprete the signes euill is the poincie of wandrynge erron● As he counteth it a fonde and wicked errour not to interprete the sigkes well and accordynge to Gods worde so by a streight litteral sence to take the signes for the thynges signified he esteemeth a seruile infirmitie What can be more plainly spoken against that interpretacion that you make vpon these woordes of Christe wherby you doo binde vs to a seruile litterall sence of this worde Js and in suche forte take the signes of this sacramente for the thinges signified as you affirme breade and wine whiche S. Augustine and the other Doctours call the externall signes cleane to be tourned into the body bloud of Christ The same Augustine contra Adimārum Manich. The Lorde faieth this is my bobie when he gaue the signe of his body Also vpon the. 98. psal he speaketh in this maner Ye shall not eate that body that you se not ye shal not drinke that bloud that they shall shedde It is a misterie that I tell you whiche shal reliue you if you vnderstande it spiritually Wyll you not yet vnderstand from whence our men receiued this interpretacion will you not yet perceiue that wée sucked not it out of our owne singers but were led vnto it by the testimonies of holy scriptures and teachyng of these aucient fathers Will you not cease vniustly to bourden vs that wée cauill and dally vpon titles and sillables whereas your self in this sentence woulde driue vs to suche an vnderstandyng of this one sillable Js as the like is not in the whole Bible But ye will aledge for your selfe as you signifie in you writyng that Ambrose Cyprian Chrisostome and other auncient fathers haue in this case vsed the termes of transmutacion alteration conuersion transelementation c. Wherby they haue plainly declared theyr meaninge to bee as yours is and that no bread there remayneth but only the substance of Christes body True it is in déede that those holy fathers vsed such wordes not for that they were of your opinion but only to th end they might more reuerently as méete was and more liuely expresse the dignitie and effect of that heauenly mistery wherin Iesu
congregation came together that they might receiue according to Christꝭ institution That this was S. Paules minde it appeareth by his first proposition and reason and by the conclusion that he addeth in the ende When ye come together saieth he ye can not eate the Lorde supper wher firste it is to be noted that to the celebracion of the sacrament they resorted together and were not priuately in sundry corners He addeth the reason why they coulde not at their méetinges celebrate the Lordes supper Because euery man is occupied in eatynge his owne supper Herein Paule blameth them not onely for immoderate féedynge of their owne meate but also for the disordered vsyng of the Lordes supper in partes where as they should be together as Christ and his Apostles were This he declareth more plainly in that conclusion that he inferreth vpon the rehersall of christes wordes in ordering the sacrament For he saieth Therfore my bretherne when ye come together to eate the Lordes supper do you tarie one for an other What can more plainely declare that S. Paule tooke the right vse of the sacrament to be a common receiuynge together and not a seuerall vse by one man alone As if he had said In christes supper ye se the maister together with the disciples the table and the meate common to all not so muche as Iudas the traitour excluded one lofe and one cuppe discributed amonge the whole companie Therfore when yee come together ye must imitate the concorde and equalitie that he then vsed If he thought it an abuse in the Corinthes to receiue in partes he woulde counte it a farre greater abuse for .x. or xii to receiue eache of them seuerally in one church at one time as though they were of diuers religions or membres of diuers misticall bodies If the Corinthes in receiuyng by partes were blamed of Paule for that they séemed one to contemne an other may not pristes be as iustly blamed because they séeme in their priuate Masse to disdeine and contempne the people I wil now therfore conclude with Cyprians wordes If so be both it be ordeined by christe and the same confirmed by the Apostle that wee should do in this sacrament as our Lord did wee finde that wee steepe not that is commaunded if we do otherwise then Christ did Séeyng then Christe vsed company in ordeinyng the sacramente of that holy feast and supper Priestes also ought to haue company in ministring the same For the aucthoritée of the primatiue churche to confirme that this is the right vse of the sacramente Proufes againste priuate masse out of the fathers I will in this place bringe in onely twoo witnesses which shall not speake of this mattier lightly or by the way but of very purpose declare the maner that then was vsed amonge the people of God alowed and confirmed by godly and holy fathers In so much that if any other maner had ben then vsed they coulde not haue omitted the same especially séeyng they professed to declare that maner of christians therin Iustine the martir in his Apologie descriueth it thus After prayer wee safute eache other with a kiffe then breade and the cuppe mixed with water is brought to the chief brother which after he hath taken geuing praise and thankes vnto the father of all in the name of the sunne and holy ghost for a space he continueth in thankes geuynge After praiers and thankes geuyng the whole company saieth Amen When the ministers geuynge of thankes and the peoples well wisshynge is finisshed those whiche wee call deacons gene parie of the breade and cuppe ouer whiche thankes is geuen vnto euery one that is present yea and suffer the same to be caried to them that be absent This nourishment we call Eucharistiam the sacrament of thankes geuing A litle after he declareth the same thyng agayne On sunday saith he companies of the towne and countrey come together Where lessons of the prophetes and Apostles be redde When the clarke ceaseth the minister exhorteth and allureth them to the imitation of so holy thinges Afier we all arise and pray Then as I said bread and wyne mixed with water is brought foorth and the chiefe minister so muche ae he can praieth and geueth thankes the people syngyng Amen Then the thynges consecrated are distributed to al present and be sent by the Deacons to those that be absent The same forme and maner of celebracion of the sacrament with very little difference is witnessed by Dionisius who in Ecclesiastica Hierarchia after he hath descriued a few other circumstances and noted that only they taried in the churche whiche weare méete for the sighte and communion of the deuine and holy sacrament addeth this After hee hathe she wen the gifts of those diuine workes he hoth commeth to the communion of the same hym selfe and also allureth other When the dynine communion is bothe taken and geuen it endeth in holy thankes geuinge Woulde a man desire any plainer testimony of the vse of the Lordes supper in the primatiue Churche Doth not all thynges agre with the institution of christe and example of the Apostle Is here any coniecture either of the laitée receiuing vnder one kinde or of sole receiuynge by the priest or of sacrifienge the body and bloud of Christe for quicke dead Is here any worde or ceremony that signifieth suche vse to haue bene at that time Yet as I sayd these men write not of this mattier by the way but of purpose vndertake to shew the maner of the churche in their daies And wyll you yet continew to affirnie that wee haue no colour or title in the scripture and fathers for the reproffe of your priuate masse But ye wil vrge after your maner to haue an expresse sentence that forbiddeth the priest to receiue without company I answere Christes institucion the example of the apostels the common vse of the fathers was other wayes therfore the prieste should not communicate without other Ye haue no expresse commaundmente that forbiddeth you to baptisme in the name of the father only but that christes institution was otherwise Wyl ye therfore say that ye may withoute offence baptise in the name of the father only If christes institution in baptisme be a sufficient forbidding of the contrary to be vsed why should not his wordes and mauer vsed in the supper forbidde you to doe the contrary Ciprian as I haue sayde taketh it for a full prohibition of the contrary and if you wil not ye must of necessitie weaken his reasoninge against those that he writeth which dyd bringe euen as good reasons and as holy considerations for their parte as ye be able to deuise any for yours Now that I haue in this manner-layed the foundacion of our proofes I wil procede to examine the residew of your argumentes againste vs. In recityng the aucthoritie of Chrisostome you brynge in a similitude or comparison 4. Cap. which of how small force they be in
people that the admynistracion of the Sacramente of this offeringe was called an oblation As in Jraeneus sib 4 cap. 32. He taught vs a new oblacion of the new testamente whiche the church takinge of the apostels offereth vp to god in all the worlde But in other places after as in yt. 34. cap. he expoundeth him selfe and signifieth that he speaketh not of the offeringe of the Sacrament consecrated but of the breade and wine offered partely to the vse of the supper partely to the findinge of the poore Vt behoneth vs saith hee to offer to god the first fruites of his creatures And againe a lyttle after We must make offeringe vp to god and in all thinges be found thankfull to god our maker offeringe vp to him the firste fruites of his creatures in pure mynde in faith without hipocrisie in firme hope in feruent loue And this pure offeringe the church only offereth to our maker geuinge to hym parte of his creatures with thankes geuyng Instine also in his Apology affirmeth that after the communion all that would offered to the behalfe of poore people fatherlesse children and sicke persons An other occasion that the doctours vsed those termes of sacrifienge and offeringe was that in celebration of the Sacramente they had prayer for all states and thankes geuing to god for all his benefites which the doctours in infinite places affirme to be the true and only sacrifice of the new testament Csemens Asexan Strom. 7. sib Of god reioiseth to be honoured when a● by nature he nedeth nothing not withoute good cause we honour him with prayers and send vp to him that most excessent and holy sacrifice And after in processe of writing he geueth the same name to the reading and study of a godly man Wherby it may appeare as Sainct Augustine also signifieth that the fathers called euery good and godly action a sacrifice weare it priuate or common And therefore their successours by lyttle and little bente the same name vnto the action and celebration of the Sacramente wherin most solemly prayer and thankes geuinge were offered So wryteth Jraeneus sib 4. cap. 34. We offer to him not as one that nedeth but geuing thanks for his benefites to vs. And againe He wyll haue vs to offer our gift to the aulier often times our anlter is in heauen For thether our praiere and offeringes be directed To this agreeth Eusebius de demonstr Euang. sib 1. We offer saith he to the most high god a sacrifice of praiser we offer a ful swete and holy sacrifice after a new sort according to the new testament And that ye may not obiecte that in this place he speakech not of the sacrament It foloweth in this wise net my prayer be made as intense in thy fight Therfore we do sacrifice and burne incense to him sometime celebrating the remembrance of that great sacrifice accordinge to the misteries instituted by him selfe bothe geuing thankes to god for our saluation and offering holy hymnes and prayers vnto him some time consecrating and bequethinge our selues holly to him both in body and mynde Here he speaketh of the sacrament and maketh no mencion of any sacrifice propitiatory but only of the sacrifice of remembrance by prayer and thankes geuinge and of the offeringe vp of our selues to god which is the offerynge of Christes mistical body that sainct Augustine speaketh of in dyuers places Of whose testimonies ye are wonte to bringe some for the confirmation of your sacrifice As that hee hath De ciuitate dei The sacrifice saith he that we offer is Christes body But immediately he declareth that hee ment his misticall body that is the vnitie of the faithfull congregation For he addeth which wee offer not to marti●s because they be the same body them selfe How the bishop or chiefe minister offereth vp the people in the communion hee sheweth in his 59. Erist●e a● Pausinū Another cause 3. that the holy fathers call the sacrament an oblacion or sacrifice is because according to christes ordinance we celebrate the remembraunce of his death and passion which was the onely true and perfit sacrifice And so may ye perceiue that Eusebius did take it in the place before recited For he saieth we sacrifice celebratinge the remembrance of that greate sacrifice c. Chrisoston●e likewise Hom. 17 ad Ebreos After he hath in many wordes declared that there is no more but one sacrifice once offered by Christe for euer he addeth this Doe not we then offer euery day yes verely we offer but doing it in remembrance of his death And againe That we doe is done to the remembrance of that was done Before Sainct Augustine also de fide ad petrum declareth the same very plainly Belene stedfastly saieth he and in no wapee doubte that the only begotten of God beyng made flesh for vs did offer him selfe a sactifice to God as a sweete sauour To whom with the father and holy ghost in the olde testament beastes were offered and to whom now together with the father and holy ghost with whom he hath one diuinitie the churche ceaseth not to offer the sacrifice of breade and wine He saieth not of the body and bloud of Christ For in those carnall sacrifices there was the figure of the fleshe of Christ which c. but in this our sacrifice there is a thankes geuinge and remembrance of the body and blond of Christ that hee gaue and shed for v● Here he saith not there is an offering of the body bloud for our sinnes whiche he would not haue omitted if the churche had taught so in his time For some of these causes before rehersed the fathers vsed to cal the Lordꝭ supper a sacrifice not meanyng as you doo that it was a sacrifice propitiatorie to be offered of the priestes for them selfe for the people This your facion of speakyng ye séeme to take of the maner of the Iewisse priestes which had an offeryng for them the people As though Christ had left to vs a like sacrifice as they had dayly to be repeted where as S. Paule in his whole Epistle to the Ebrues reasoneth against it and proueth the contrarie that Christe did it perfitly once for euer in suche sorte that it néedeth not to be reiterated But perhappes ye will obiecte S. Cyprian where he speakynge of the dead saieth We offer sacrifice for them But it is euident he offered there for Martiers whiche he was throughly perswaded were in heauen and néeded no offerynge for their sinnes Likewise Ambrose mencioneth that he offered for Valentiniā the good Emperour of whom in the oracion made at his buriall he witnesseth that he doubted not of his saluacion but beléeued by the witnesse of Angels that he was caried to heauen Therfore their offeryng for the deade was no more but as I mencioned before the sacrifice of prayse and thankes geuynge to God for them This thyng the Greeke Cannon declareth more plainely where it is mencioned
in the sacrament bee they neuer so farre a sunder and yet can not any one alone minister it in one church withoute company to celebrate with him because Christes institution was otherwise Wil ye say here that company to eate vp the pascal lambe was not of the substance of the sacramente but an ornament to commend it or set it forth and might be altered by spirytual gouernours Although the Iewes weare very bolde in altering many ceremonies yet wée reade not that euer they durst aulter this chiefe sacrament as you take vpon you to alter change and take away by your spirituall gouernours all the partes of the Lordes Supper as I wyl declare to you in order by the doctrine of this your defense of pryuate masse The sacrament as it is in vse hath two partes the mattier and the forme the mattier is bread and the body wine and the bloud of Christ The forme of ministration is that the minister should take the mattier and with the wordes of the gospel geue it to them present as Christ dyd This forme say you may be altered by your spiritual gouernours For sometime the prieste may receiue alone with out the people sometime the people without the priest somtime both together So that no certaine forme of ministration is nedefull as you say in this sacrament to be kepte The mattier also ye signifie may bee altered at your pleasure For to receiue the sacrament of the bloud is not of the substance of Christes institution For if it weare the churche could not alter it as you doo commonly in ministringe to the people and as you coniecture by Tertus and Ciprian that they dyd in the prymatiue church Likewyse the sacrament of the body is not so muche of the substance but that vpon considerations the church may commonly omitte it and minister the wine only For so you séeme togather by the history of the chylde in Ciprian to whiche the prieste gaue only wine as you say So that the sacrament of the lordes supper by your doctrine either hath no parte that is of the substance of it but consisteth only of mutable accidences or els your churche is of such power that it may cleane alter and take away Christes institution For if you haue considerations for which ye may commonly leaue out the wine and vse bread only and other considerations for which ye may omit breade and vse wine only when bothe those considerations come together then may you take away bothe breade and wine and defraude the people of the whole sacrament or in stede of that may point them another What is this but with exceding arrogancie to make your spiritual gouernours omnipotent in alteringe and transposinge the sacramentes by Christ ordeyned Howe much more comely weare it for you reuoking your errour to say with Ciprian If we wil walke in the sight of Christe in the order of his sacramentes we must not swarue or departe from his preceptes and instructions geuinge thankes for that hee instructinge vs what we ought to doe hereafter doth pardon vs for that offence which by simplicitie we haue before committed Where you indeuour to proue 7. Cap. that there may be communion in the sacrament although it be receiued alone in th one part you make your comparison as you haue done before betwene thinges of nature very dyuers that is betwene praier and the lordes supper In the tother where ye confirme generall communion betweene all sainctes you proue that no man denieth There man be communion in the benefite of prayer say you though one doe pray alone A. therfore in the Lordes supper also Who séeth not that prayer and the Lords supper in the vse of them be nothinge like That praier is a common action which done of one alone maye stretch to the benefite and commoditée of many we haue aucthority in the scripture and example in Christe him selfe but that the Lordes supper is suche a commō action we neither haue authoritie nor example in gods worde By as good a reason wée may proue that a man may baptise him selfe withoute a minister because one may pray alone without one to guyde him in the forme of his prayer Or that ones baptisme may profite another that is not baptised as a mans prayer may profite him that prayeth not But you must consider that there is greate difference betwene the nature of sacrament and other common good workes The sacraments haue an external forme by christ apointed in the administratiō of them which wée may not alter In other good workes and godly exercises it is not so And yet you recken them vp together as though they weare in all poyntes like As praier baptisme penance confirmation fastinge almes déedes c. Another mans pra●●r or almes d●●de may profite you I graunt and procure gods grace for you May an other mans baptisme therfore receiue you into the church or an other mans penance satisfy for your sinnes I thinke you wyl scant affirme it although ye be ready to affirme straunge thinges No more therfore can your receiuinge profite another that receiueth not Christe taught vs and his holy worde commaundeth vs to pray on for another But he neuer saide receiue the communion or bée baptised one for another To confirme your purpose you bringe an article of our crede B. that is I ●eseue the communion of saincted By this you proue that there is a communion of all good thinges betwene them that are in place and time farre distante whiche wée deny not But to vnderstande how lytle this communion of saintes doeth serue your purpose of sole receiuing it behoueth to consider what communion is It is called of the Grekes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and may be defined to be a societie of a company or multitude whiche by certaine lawes and couenantes are all partakers of one thinge As amonge Marchantes that vpon certaine condicions occupy iointly and are partakers of like gaine and damage So all Christian men haue a certaine societie or coniunction whiche consisteth in this that they are all partakers of one saluation and all members of one mistical body the head wherof is christ Iesu The lawes couenantes wherby wée be all thus knit and ioigned together are the word of God the sacramentꝭ vsed according to Christes institucion Therefore all churches of the worlde haue the same worde of God and the same sacramentes by them through faith are graffed into one and the same body of Christe thoughe they be thousandes of miles a sunder By the word of God our faith is instructed By baptisme wée be receiued first into the societie of christian communion and made members of the misticall body By the Lordes supper wée haue from time to time heauenly foode ministred vnto vs and as it were liuely spirite from the head of this body Iesu Christe He therfore that is baptised in India hath the same baptisme that wee haue and beyng graffed into the same
enim apostoli statuerunt sancta Romana tenet ecclesia After consecration saith hee let all be partakers which wil not be excommunicate For so the Apostles decreed and the holy churche of rome obserued The same wordes by some are attributed to Calixte Doo you not heare excommunication threatned to all that doo not communicate Doo you not heare that the Apostles decreed it and the holy church of Rome obserued it And wil you yet stand so stubburnly in your assertion that there was priuate masse in the primatiue church Wil you haue better witnesses of that time then Iustine then Dionisius then Anacletus then Calixte then the other holy fathers before mencioned would Ambrose haue blamed the people for not resortinge to the sacramente dayly Would Chrisostome haue saide that they which be present and not receiue doo wickedly and impudently Would they haue commonly vsed as Iustine saith to send to those that could not be present if Christes institution and the maner of the prymatiue churche had ben such that the minister might celebrate alone without callinge or offeringe and people without offence bee present and not communicate as you of longe time haue vsed it Surely say what you wyll and alledge as ofte as you liste the aucthoritée of your holy mother the churche of Rome so many hundred yeres I thinke very few that haue feare of god and care of their saluation wyl geue credite vnto you Especially seinge you can bringe no better testimonies for your purpose then in this defence you haue vsed Agaynst cōmunion vnder one kinde An other poincte that you picke out of these aucthorities of Tertul. and Cyprian is for ministrynge vnder one kinde wherein wée haue the institucion of Christe expresly against you as wée had in the other For in the Euangelistes and S. Paule wée se testified that Christ tooke breade and gaue with it his body and afterwarde tooke the cuppe and gaue with it his bloud and willed them to obserue vse the same Here you muste of necessitie flée to your ●lde place of refuge that is that to receiue vnder bothe kindes is not of the substance of the sacrament but such a thynge as may be altered by spirituall gouernours For Christes bodie say you is not without his bloud therfore he that receiueth his body vnder forme of breade receiueth his bloud also Per concomitantiam Therfore you say the people is not defrauded of that Christes will was that they shoulde receiue yea and for good consideracions honorable to the bloud of Christ they receiue it more conuenient then vnder bothes kindes O profounde and déepe sette reason wherin you séeme to make your selfe wiser than Christe him selfe that ordeined the sacrament While you will séeme with your gay gloses to glorifie the bloud of Christe you cleane take away the right forme and maner of his sacramente These are the vanities wherwith God iustly doeth punish you for your rashenesse in leauyng his worde and folowyng the phantasies of your owne braine But it should haue béen your obedience to Goddes worde to consider that the communion of Christꝭ body and bloud is not the worke of nature in this Sacrament For what so euer is here geuen in these thynges is to be taken by faith and is offered to vs in the wordes of Christes promisses So much is geuen vs as God appoincted to giue Of whose will and pleasure wée know no more then his wordes declare vnto vs. But Christ as I saied tooke twoo partes of the sacrament in one of the whiche he saied wée shoulde be partakers of his body in the tother of his bloud and lefte his prescripte and appoincted wordes as well for the tone as for the tother Wherfore wée must more trust him than mans subtill deuise You alledge a perpetuall societie of the body and bloud whiche ye call Concomitantiam It is your owne deuise and not Christes promisse in his sacrament In Christes naturall body that is in heauen I know his flesh is not without his bloud But in the sacramente whiche is no naturall worke how will you assure me that the flesh and bloud is ioinctly signified and geuen to mee vnder one parte onely seyng Christ himself who knew as wel as you the ioincte condicion of his flesh and bloud did notwithstandyng in twoo sundrie external thinges geue the communion of them to his disciples Therefore the faieth of the communicantes in the tone parte receiueth the body of Christe trustynge to Christes promisses The same faith in the other parte receiueth the bloud beléeuyng also our sauiours wordes therin It hath respecte to Christes wordes and promisses it looketh not how the body and bloud is in Christe naturally What grounde shal our faith haue if we leaue the worde of God Oh ye will say our holy mother the churche hath so ordeined it Yea but I say to you that if your mother the churche of Rome be the folde of Christe and if the shéepe therof be his shéepe they will heare his voyce and obey his worde If they doo not alledge the name as ofte as ye wyll I will say you be shéepe of an other folde and not of his For he saith Oues meae vocem meam audiunt He saith not they heare them selfe their owne deuises but they heare my voyce Remember what Cyprian saith Only Christe is to be hearde in this And wee must not looke what other did before vs but what Christe did before all other When we doubt we must haue recourse to the order taken by Christe and by the Apostles in their wrytinge But ye will say the churche hath aucthoritie to alter diuers thinges especially beyng indifferent and not of the substance of the sacramente Yea but Cyprian saith the preceptes of this sacrament bee Grandia magna And if he be called least in the kingdome of god that altereth one of the least commaundementes what shal be sayd of him that taketh awaye these great and weightie commaundementes Ciprian wrate against those that were called Aquarij water drinkers which vsed only water in stede of wine in the ministration of the sacrament But they offended not so much as you doe For they altered only the licour and that vppon holy considerations They kepte the wordes and promysses of Christe But you take away the one parte cleane and leaue out the wordes and moste comfortable promysses of Christes bloud to bee shed for vs. If then Cyprian were so earnest againste those vsers of water in stéede of wyne how muche more earnest woulde hee haue ben againste this maner if it had ben common in his time Here those places that you recite may séeme to helpe you and to make againste vs. For where Tertullian speaketh of the Paynimes wife hee mencioneth bread only And whē Ciprian reporteth that the woman kept the lordes body in her coffer it may séeme to be vnder one kinde These are but coniectures and the same very vncertaine For oftentimes in the
holy misteries For when it is once departed from the true sence of gods worde it draweth in as it were by linkes a number of other absudities none of which can haue any profft in scripture seing the first roote of them came not out of the true sence of scripture Euen so when you had deuised and geuen to Christes wordes another sence then the meaninge of them doth importe no maruel if the same reason doo leade you to a multitude of other doctrines not only beside the worde of god but expressely against it Whether that interprefacion that you make uppon these wordes doo more agrée with the scripture and grounde of our faith then that which we teach any indifferent man that is not contentiously bente to the one parte or to the tother may easely discerne Your sence is when Christ saith This is my body that the naturall substance of the breade which Christ toke was turned into the naturall substance of the very body that Christ dyed in notwithstandinge that the colour taste forme and power to nor●she that were before in the substance of bread doth still remanyn● ▪ And yet under those qualities and accidences of bread is really conteined the natural body of Christ hauing neither bignes nor any proportion or sensible qualitie rightly apperteininge to such a body To expresse this your meaning you vse to say that the bread is transsubstantiate into the body of Christ In what tonge or language was it euer séeue In what authour was it euer redde that Sun● es fui the verbe substantiue might be iuterpreted by transsubstantiare Or if the proprietie of the worde wil not in any wise admit that sence what one sentence or clause haue you in all the course of the bible that vnder the like wordes can receiue the like interpretacion Or what prouses can you bringe by conference of other places of the scripture that these ●●●des in this place ought of necessitie in this maner to be interpreted If neyther the proprietie of the tounge can beare the sence nor you can bring any examples or prouses out of the word● of god where vpon men in so weightis a matter may stay their consciences is it not extreame crueltie in you vnder payne of damnasion to compel them to beleue it Here you will burden vs with the aucthoritie of the holy catholike churche which as you say hath alway receiued alowed that interpretacion Vnto this I answer that the catholike churche of Christe neuer generally receiued the meanynge of any sentence but that they gathered the same either by examples of the like or els by grounded reasons taken out of the scripture declared that of necessitie it must be so vnderstanded This rule was appointed to the churche by Christe and his Apostles who in their doubtes willed men Serutari scripturas to searche the scriptures Therfore when the churche decreed against the Arrians and other Heretikes that in this sentence In principio erat verbum the woorde was in the beginnynge that Verbum was to be taken for the person of the sonne of God Or when they decréed that the sonne was eiusdem substantie cum patre of the same substance with the father they stayed not onely vpon their owne consente and aucthoritie but brought a greate number of prouses out of the scripture that it must of necessitie be so taken as it appereth in Cyrill and other of the holy fathers Now then if this that you defend be the iudgement of the catholike church it hath vndoubtedly good proffe in the scripture or if you can bringe for it no such testimony oute of the worde of god it is euydent that you doo wrongfully father this interpretatiō vpon the holy catholike churche and vnder the couert of that name you doo promote set forth your owne errour And this much for your opiniō On the tother parte when wée interprete Christes wordes wée say it is a figuratiue spéeche and suche as the holy ghost often vseth in the institucion of sacramentes and ceremonies or in the deseriuyng of other misteries The figure is named Metonymia when the name of the thynge is geuen vnto the signe When these wordes therefore be laied vnto vs This is my body wée say it is moste true But mistically sacramentally figuratiuely not really and accordyng to the naturall substance For this interpretacion wée haue a number of examples out of the canonicall scriptures God speakynge of circumsicion saieth This is my couenante And yet was circumsicion not the couenante indéede but the signe testimonie wherby they were assured to be the people of God and partakers of his promisses The Paschale lambe is called the Passeouer and yet was it but a testimony and remembrāce of the greate benefite of God in passyng his plague from them This is the victorie saieth S. Paule that ouercome the world euen your faith And yet is not our faith the victorie it selfe but the instrument or meanes wherby the victorie is gotten In like maner diuers other places As I am a vyne God is a consumyng fier The seuen kine be seuen yeres And that S. Paule hath to the Corinthes Petracrat Christus The rocke was Christe And yet was not the rocke Christe himselfe really onlesse ye will take it as hee there doeth indéede for the spirituall rocke For that spirituall rocke was Christe himself verely and indéede not only in a misterie or signification So in the Lordes supper if you take bread for spirituall bread as Christe doth in the .vi. of Iohn I will say with you that it is really and essentially the verie true body of Christe it selfe and not onely mistically If wée had not these many examples with a greate number mee in the holy scripture to iustifie our maner of interpretacion yet the very wordes whiche the spirit of God by singuler prouidence hath vsed in the Euangelist and S. Paule doeth manifestly leade vs vnto this sence rather then to that you haue deuised For in the seconde parte of the sacrament where Math. and Marke say This is my bloud of the new Testament That Luke and Paule vtter in this maner This is the new Testament in my bloud Whiche can not be otherwise vnderstande but that this sacramēt is a testimonie or pledge of his laste will and gifte of our saluacion confirmed by his moste precious bloud Wherfore if you say neuer so often times with Math. and Marke This is my body This is my bloud wee wyll repete as often with Luke and Paule who were led with the same spirit This is the new Testament in my body and bloud This interpretacion and meanyng of Christes wordes which wée gather by conference with other places of holy scripture is confirmed also by the consent of the aunciente fathers in many places Whose testimonies I wil recite more copiously partely because you séeme to signifie that they altogether make for you in this mattier partely that all men may se how vniustly your sorte
doo terme vs Figuratores because wée interprete that sentence by a figure wheras it is not our deuise but the exposicion of all the aunciente fathers of the primatiue churche First I will beginne with Augustine contra Adimantum cap. 12. There it appereth that Adimantus vsed Moyses wordes Sanguis est anima trumake this sonde argument ●loud is the ●●oule saith Moyses 〈◊〉 flesh and bloud saith Paule shall not possesse the kyndome of God Therefore the soule shal not possesse the kyngdome of God Augu●tnes answer to that argument is that this sentence Sanguis est anima must be vnder standed figuratiuely and not litterally as he in that argument tooke it To proue that he vseth these wordes of Christe Hoc est corrusmeum Saiyng in this wise Possum interpre●● illud praeceptum in signo positum esse Nō enim dubitauit dominus dicere hoc est corpus meum cum daret signum corporis sui I may saieth Austine interzete that precept to consiste in a signe or figure For the lorde bonbted not to say This is my body when he gaue the signe of his body As if he had saied in a farre greater mattier then this that is in institutinge the sacramēt of his death and our redemption the lorde doubted not to vse a figure and to say this is my body when be gaue the signe of his body Therfore this sentence ●loud is the soule man soner be interpreted figuratiuely So that the meaninge of it is that bloud is the signe of the soule or life and not the very soule in déede The same Augustine in his exposition vpon the thirds psalme Iudam inquit adhibuit ad conuiuium in quo corporis sanguinis sui figuram discipulis suis commendauit Hee admitted Iudas to that feast wherin he commended to his disciples the figure of his Body and bloud The same exposition Tertullian maketh moste euidently in hys forth booke againste Martion Panem inquit acceptum distributum discipulis corpus suum illum fecit Hoc est corpus meum dicendo Hoc est figura corporis mei Christe saith Tertullian made that bread that he toke in his handes and gaue to his disciples his body sayinge this is my bodie that is to say the signe of my body What can bee playner then this exposition of this auncient father if men did not study rather to mainteine partes then to confirme trueth His purpose was there to proue against Martion that Christ had a true body in deds because in the sacrament hee ordeyned the signe or figure of his body and therfore afterward he addeth Figura autem non esset nisi veritatis esset corpus That should not be a figure of his Body onles hee had a very true body in deede Augustine againe in 23. Epistle to Bonifacius Si inquit sacramenta similitudinem quandam earum rerum quarum sunt sacramenta non haberent omnino sacramenta non essent Ex hac autem similitudine plerumque rerum ipsarum nomina sortiuntur Sicut ergo secundum quendam modum sacramentum corporis Christi corpus Christi est sacramentum sanguinis Christi sanguis Christi est ita sacramentum fidei sides est And a littell after Sicut de ipso Baptismo Apostolus Consepulti inquit sumus Christo per baptismum in mortem Non ait sepulturam significamus sed pror sus inquit consepulti sumus Sacramentum ergo tantae rei non nisi eiusdem rei vocabulo nuncupauit If sacramentes had not a certaine similitude of those thinges where of they be sacraments they should not be sacraments at all And for this similitude or likenes they commonly haue the names of the thinges them selfe Therefore as the sacrament of Christes body after a certaine fashion is Christes body and the sacramente of hys bloud is his bloud so the sacrament of faith is faith c. As the Apostle speaketh of Baptisme We bee buried saith he in death to Christ by baptisme He faith not we signifie burial but plainely we be buried Therefore he doth nothinge els but terme the sacrament of so great a thing by the name of the thinge it selfe Sainct Augustines meaninge is to declare to Bonifacius that Baptisme might bee called by the name of faith and that therefore the Infante baptised might be truly affirmed to beleue or to haue faith because it had Baptisme the sacrament of faith This he proueth by comparison with the sacrament of Christes body and bloud Which for a similitude or likenes hée saieth is called the body and bloud of Christ that after a certaine fashion adding that Baptisme in like manner is faith And yet no man wyl be so vnwise to say that Baptisme is faith in déede really Wherfore the like is to be iudged of the sacramente of the Lordes body wherby S. Augustine proueth it This also is diligently to be noted that Augustine saith all sacraments generally be vttered by name of the thinges them selfe because of a certaine similitude or likenes therfore Paule saith not we signifie our buryall but wée be buried callinge the sacrament by the name of that thing as Austine saith Againe in Libro sententiarum prosperi as it is recited in the decrées De consecratione distine 2. cap. Hoc est The same father hath these words Coelestis panis qui est caro Christi suo modo nom inatur corpus Christi cum reuera sit sacramentum corporis Christi Vocaturque ipsa immolatio carnis quae sacerdotis manibus fit Christi passio mors crucifixio non rei veritate sed significante misterio The heauenly bread which is the flesh of Christ after a fashion is named the body of Christ where as in dede it is but the sacrament of his body And the offeringe of the fleash which is done with the priestes hands is called the passion the death the crucifiynge of Christ not in veritie of the thinge but in a signifiynge mistery The glose in expounding these words of Augustine saith this Caeleste sacramentum quod vere repraesentat Christi carnem dicitur corpus Christi sed improprie vnde dicitur suo modo non rei veritate sed significante misterio Vt sit sensus vocatur corpus Christi id est significat It is called the body of Christ saith he that is to say it signifieth the body of Christ To this I wil adde Chrisostome Operis imperfecti Homil 11. Si inquit vasa sanctificata transferre ad priuatos vsus peceatum est in quibus non est verum corpus Christi sed misterium corporis Christi continetur quanto magis vasa corporis nostri c. If saieth hee it be sinne to transferre holy vessels vnto priuate vses in whiche is not the true body of Christ but that mistery of his body is conteined how muche lesse should wee c. What can more plainly declare the figuratiue sence of those wordꝭ of christ hoc est corpus meū then that
Christ by his vnfallible promisse vnfeinedly geueth to the faith of his people the very fruition of his body and bloud with the hole benefite of his precious death and passion and by the workinge of the holy ghost merueilously ioyneth vs in one body together with him Is not this thinke you a merueilous change and to mans estimation a miraculous worke when by the power of the holy ghost worde of god of commen breade and wine such as we daily féede our bodies with is made the dredful and reuerent sacramentes and mysteries of Iesus Christ wherby as I saide he doth not by a bare signe only but verely and in déede endow is faithfull people and make them partakers of his body and bloud Yea and that in such sorte that euen as truly as the bread doth norishe our body and euen as truly as the wine doeth comforte our spiritꝭ so truly and vnfeinedly doeth the heauenly foode of his body and bloud toren and shed for vs by fait h in time of that holy supper no ryshe strengthen and comforte our soule and by the wonderfull workinge of his spirite make our bodies also apte to resurrection Truly when I earnestly consider the effecte of this sacrament as it must néedes be by the trueth of Christes promises I confesse I am not able with wordes to vtter so muche as in my minde I doo conceiue and together withal eschew the absurditie of your reall presence and transsubstantion Wherfore I merueile not if those holy fathers fearinge no suche inconueniences but lokinge rather pithely to expresse the thinge dyd vse those earnest wordes and manners of speakinge and yet mente not as you now of their wordes doo gather All though no similitude can sufficiently declare the thinge I wyll for the simplar forte so muche as I can indeuour by a comparison to set for the that I do conceiue If a temporal prince for certaine causes mouinge him would geue you a thousand pound land by the yere and for that purpose had caused the wrytinges to be made The same wrytinge vntill it bee confirmed by the prince is nothinge but common parchment and inke framed into letters by some inferiour mans hand neither doth it bring any effect but when the prince hath once added to his seale confirmed the graunt it is no more called parchement or common writing but the kinges letters patents And now hath that reuerence that all to whom they be shewed doo veile there bonetes as bringinge with it some parte of the princes maiesty Such a change is now made in those trifelinge thinges that before no man estemed You also to whom this lande should bee geuen would not thinke this writinge common parchement blotted with inke but the perfite déede of your prince wherby you were assuredly possessed of the foresaid lands Moreouer when the prince at the deliuery of the same should say sir here is a thousand pound land that I geue fréely to you and to your heires I thinke you would not be so fonde to thinke either that the Prince doeth mocke you because you sée not the lāds presently or els to conceiue with your selfe that you haue the landes really inclosed within the compasse of your writing For the kinges aucthoritie in the writyng geueth you as ful possession of the landes as though you helde thē if it were possible in your hande And you in this case might iustly saye to your friende shewing your letters patents Lo here is a thousande pounde lande that my prince hath geuen me If then there bee so greate a change made in framyng the couenant déede of an earthly prince If his seale doo bryng such force effecte to his gifte and letters patentes How much more merueilous change alteraciō or transmutacion muste wée thinke it to bee when the base creatures of breade and wine be consecrated into the sacrament of the euerlastyng couenante and testament of Iesu Christ wherin he geueth vs not earthly vanities but the precious foode of his body and bloude remission of sinnes and the heritage of his heauenly kingdome how muche more of effecte must this sacrament be that is sealed with the promisse and wordes of our sauiour Christ who is truth it selfe and cannot deceiue any that trusteth in him Wherefore to expresse this change of the externall elementes into so heauenly misteries to shewe the effecte of this sacrament to withdrawe the ignorant mindes of the people from the prophane cogitacion of a bare signe in this mattier the auncient fathers had good cause to vse suche wordes And yet therein doo they nothyng at all defende your miraculous workes that you deuise to be made in the Lordes supper As for the similitude wherewith you woulde declare the necessitie of your Labels depending vpon the first founded absurditie it is both of as smal force as other that you before vsed and you handle it with more sluttish eloquence then is méete for suche a mattier as this is For the drawyng of the Capons the scumming of the potte the stinkyng water the hewyng of wodde the puttyng on the broche with guttes garbage and al. c. Be phrases and termes more méete for the kitchinne then for the Diuinitee schoole and such as your self I thinke woulde not haue vsed if your mockyng spirite had not so rauisshed you as you wist not what you did If wée had resembled your Labels whiche you cutte out by drift of reason vnto so base mattiers you woulde haue sayd that wée had rayled and done otherwise then it became vs. But sens your selfe doth so take them wée must thinke that God oftentimes moueth his aduersaries to vtter trueth against them selues But if the same maister that you imagine to commaunde his seruaunte to make readie that hee may dine did meane onely that he should set vpon the table suche colde meate as was in the house because he saw no cause or necessitie of greater prouision And the seruaunte vpon his owne foolish head would mistake his maisters commaundement conceyuing that he woulde haue great straungers did kill his Capons Chickens and other prouision aboute his house and busied himselfe with more labour then thanke to make them readie Doo you not thinke I pray you that he might iustly be compted an vnprofitable seruaunt and worthy by correction to bee taught more witte for that he putteth his maister to greater chargies and himselfe to more paines then the mattier required if he had rightly vnderstanded his maisters will and commaundemente Euen so sir those thynges that you say foloweth by force of reason and argument vpon the first sentence do folow indéede only vpon that sence that your selfe doth imagine mistakyng your maisters wil and pleasure and not vpon that meanyng that Christe himselfe would haue his wordes to be taken in For all that he woulde haue done may be sufficiently done without the working of so manie miracles as you in this case would driue his omnipotencie vnto Wherefore wée are not
Doeth not the Apostels proue it at large But for as much as you are not able to proue the negatiue I will no further trouble you therwith Yet when there is an affirmatiue imploied in the negatiue as there is here thoughe I discharge you of very gentilnes from the proufe of th one order of schooles will driue you to proue the other though it were in factes muche more in doctrine Your negatiue was 2. Cap. that there was no priuate Masse at all in the primatiue churche thus you say and shewe no cause why This terme priuate A distictiō of priuate whiche you in this place first inuented I meane Luthers schoole may be taken concerning this matter diuers waies One way priuate is contrarie to common A. to many And in this significacion wée neuer saied that any Masse was priuate For the catholike church euer taught that the Masse is a common or publique sacrifice restrained to none so but that the whole churche or any liuely membre therof had thereby great commoditée and might beyng prepared and well disposed bee partaker not onely of the common Praier and Suffrages offered vp to God in the Masse but also of the holy sacramente of Christes body and bloud therin consecrated and offered Wée neuer yet prisoned vp the holy Sacrifice of the Masse or the sacramente therin receiued or the vse of ani of them from any that disposed them selues godly If you had harde vs preache that the Masse is onely auailable to the priest or to princes or to vs of England or to them of Italie or to men and not to women or to such as are aliue and not to suche as are dead or to say that none ought to receiue the Sacrament but the priest you might haue charged vs that wée wente aboute to enclose that to some one sorte of priuate profit that ought to remaine in common for all sortes of people And in this wise wée neuer taught that any Masse was priuate But you haue the other significacion of this terme priuate B. That is the soole receiuynge of the Sacramente by the priest imbarrynge none to communicate with him yea rather reioysing if any would be so wel disposed to receiue with him And lamentynge when he séeth the people so euill disposed that none will order theim selues so that they may worthely receiue with him And yet not forsying theim to receiue when they are not disposed nor readie And in this meanyng of priuate the catholike churche doeth teache that the priest may receiue the Sacramente at Masse alone when none other is disposed to receiue with him Now if you be able wee require you to proue thaffirmatiue included in your negatiue Whiche is this That euery priest or any other ought when he receiueth the sacrament to haue companie to receiue with him in the same time and place vpon payne of Gods high indignation and then wee will yelde vnto you If you be able to proue neither the negatiue nor the affirmatiue storme not so sore against the doctrine of the catholik churche the whiche falsehed many times assaulteth and was neuer yet able to ouerthrow As you say 3. Cap. there was no priuate Masse in the primatiue church and say vntruly so may you say and say truly there was no christian kynge in the Apostles time That all thynges shuld not be brought to the forme of the primatiue churche There was no christian man that then counted any thinge his owne of suche thynges as he possessed but all were common There was then no doctrine taught but it was confirmed by miracles There was no woman that might come with open face to the churche There was no Bisshop indewed with temporaltées There was no distinction commonly of parishes There was nothyng eaten that was mingled with bloud There was no whole realmes turned to the fayth There was no receuyng of the Sacrament but after supper There was no infant but was housled And thus may wée rolle in a greate sorte suche there was not truly as you rolle in diuers of yours falsly And will you I beséeche ye reforme al thynges to the very state of the primatiue churche now Will you suppresse al christian kyngꝭ which were not in the Apostels time A. Wyll you alter the state now and make all thinges to be common Wyll you disgrace all preachers that woorke not miracles Wyl you inforce women to hoodwinke them selues in the churche will you rayle against bisshoppes that kéepe any temporalties Wyll ye set men at liberty to doo their duty at what churche they will Wyll ye inhibit the folkes to eate bluddynges or Pigions or Capons suche as are killed by stiffilyng Will you inforce vs to be houseled after supper Wyll you housell all babes and infantes againe B. To call suche thynges to the state of the Apostels time The primatiue churche the state of infācie and of the primatiue church againe is nothyng els but to enforce a taule man to come to his swadlynge clothes and to crie alarme in his cradel again I trust when you say there was no priuate Masse in the primatiue churche not withstandinge you disalowe priuate Masse yet you wil alowe Masse to bee in the primatiue churche or els wisdome would haue sayed more generally there was no Masse at all nor priuate nor common c. And yet there is an open difference betwéen these two sentences there was no priuate Masse at that time and there ought to be no priuate Masse at any time In the one wée conceiue the vse of that age not withstandynge the law of the churche euen then might stande indifferently to the contrarie vpon circumstances and good consideracions And in the other wée precisely conceiue what the lawe doeth determine either lawfull or vnlawfull The constant faith C. the pure life An argumente of the cōparison of the times the feruent charitée the contempte of the worlde that then florisshed so amongest such as professed Christ might cause perhappes that no Masse was celibrated but that diuers christians and specially lookyng for continuall persecucion would be houseled there at and be alwaies sure to haue their viaticū as it is termed in the olde Cannons that is to say their v●age prouision In that state of burnynge charitée and of contempt of the worlde and al the pleasures therof some of the people perhaps of their owne accorde did alwaies willyngly and gladly prepare theim selues at euery Masse to be housled with the priest And will you now in the state of keycolde charitée D. when the people are nothyng willyng to dispose theim selues to receiue their housill E. plucke the priest from the aulter whose office as to offer that dayly sacrifice for the people vnlesse ther be that wil receiue Will you imbarre him that is bounde to offer vp the dayly sacrifice of dutie because they will not dispose theim selues to receiue their housill Who as concernyng so
habent hiis qui offerunt corpus christi porrigant Sed illud innotuit quod quidam diaconi etiam ante episcopū sacramēta sumant Haec ergo omnia omputentur acciplant secundum ordinem post presbiteros ab episcopo ves a presbitero sacram communionem Quod si non fuerit in presenti vel episcopus vel presbiter tuncipsi proferant edant It is reported to the holy counsell that in certaine places and cities the deacons deliuer the sacrament to the priestes Neither rule neither custome taught this that they that haue no aucthoritée to offer sacrifice should deliuer the body of christ to them that offer it And an other thyng also came to our eares that there are certain deacons who receiue the sacrament before the Bisshop Wherfore let all such thinges be cut of let them receiue the holy cōmunion orderly after the priestꝭ of the bishops or priest And if the bisshop or the priest be absent let them selues bryng it foorth and eate it If the deacons as it appereth by this Canon that had no auctoritie to consecrate and to offer the sacrifice of Christes body and bloud might in the bishops or priestꝭ absens fetch foorth the sacrament and receiue it can you denie but it was reserued And that the same grace of Christes body remained in the holy sacrament after the consecracion in the bishoppes and priestes absence Which coulde by no meanes be consecrated but by the bishoppes and priestes presence A. I will not cauill with you vpon the terme aboue rehersed in the Cannon concernyng the deacons that they might in the bisshoppes and priestes absence bryng forth the sacramente and eate it whiche is proper to the forme of bread and not to the forme of wine and thereby declare that the deacons receiued it but in one kinde Notwithstandynge I might as well stande therein and better to then you stande vpon Accipite manducate bibite ex hoc omnes to driue the sacrament immediatly without any reseruacion to his vse and that at euery communiō there must of necessitie be a company to receiue with the priest and euery one of the lay people ought of necessitie to receiue the same in bothe kindes B. I wil not I say vse no such daliance vpon the worde eate in the Cannon as you vse in take eate and drinke al of this in the vse of the sacrament very sophistically But let go all suche vauntage vpon titles I am contented to vse none other proufe but suche as al men that haue any discretion do so euidently perceiue to be so good that they are neuer able to finde any occasion in the worlde to controlle it Such as I haue vsed before for the proufe of priuate masse reseruacion the soole receiuynge or ministracion of the sacramente in certaine cases vnder one kinde to haue ben vsed in the state of the primatiue churche Reade S. Cyprian in his fifte sermon De sapsis 11. Cap. there shal you se that the deacon gaue an Infante that had receiued before parte of such meates as were sacrifised vp to the Idoles a porcion of Christes bloud out of the Chalis And as soone as the infante receiued it it was wonderfully vered because it was meruelous dishonour to the bloud of Christe to be powred into the mouthe that was a litle before defiled with the Idoles sacrifice And therby may you vnderstande that the infante receiued the sacrament of the Deacon vnder the forme of wine onely and not vnder the forme of breade For by that reason if the infante had receiued it vnder the forme of bread before beyng parte of the sacrament as precious as the other it should haue been vexed very sore before the cup had ben offered it But the first vexacion that it had was when the Deacon gaue the sacrament in forme of wine And therfore it is euident that the deacon gaue not the infant the sacrament vnder the forme of bread And was not this a communion vnder one kinde only You haue harde now I suppose not a worde or halfe worde not one sentence or half a sentence as your callyng was but many and full prouses against certaine of your assertions And by these you haue good cause to distrust all the rest of your doctrine Thus far my leasure serued me 12. Cap. beyng otherwise occupied with businesse though to answer in the defence of my spirituall mother the catholike church Not for because it was our parte that are in possession to render any reason for our right wherein prescription of time out of minde is a sufficient barre but partely because I saw your importunitie in callyng vpon them to strike that you had bounde in recognisaunce of great sommes to be forfaited if they had gone aboute to geue you any blow So that you may perceiue well by this that they are better armed then you thought they were when I who am nothyng in comparison of the learned Doctours of this realme beyng a man of no greate reading A. but in stories am yet able thus to say in so good a matter that I trust you will here after leaue your importunitie of prouokyng so many learned men of this realme to shew what euidence they haue for the truth It had béen more reasonable that you that woulde dispossesse vs of the interest wée haue in the trew doctrine that the catholike church first taught vs and hath recorded sufficiently in hir practise these xv.c yeres and more and in recordes of writers this lr hundred yeres and .lx. as your selfe do séeme to confesse should shew sufficient causes why wée ought to be dispossessed rather then wée to lay for our selues prouses to kéepe possession I meruell that you thinke it not hurt to your side to grant that the hole practise of the church hath runne with vs this .ix. hundreth yeares and thrée score where as in possession of landes quiet possession for the space of one hundreth yeres or two putteth the case out of all doubte You hange vpon the state of the sire hundreth yeres that were next after Christ and you se how that the whole recorde of the state runneth against you Tertulian is against you Ciprian is against you Eusebius is against you Ambrose is against you Cyrill is against you The holy and aunciente counsell of Nyce is against you And yet you will make the people to wéene that all are with you of that state C. I haue not brought in the emptie names as Poticaries do vpon their bores but haue shewed you what good drugges they haue I haue not cast but from the walle any victayis in your assanite to make a bragge in penurie as many of your parte commonly vse to do as though they had greate plentie of victailes but haue brought you vnto the fight of suche prouision as the holy auncient fathers of the primatiue thurche suche as your selues do alowe haue made for vs. But
in his wordes He sayde not absolutely no negatiue proposition coulde be proued neither doeth D. Cole finde so muche faute with him for deniyng that a negatiue might be proued for him selfe had so saide before but with this that to gréeue his aduersarie he woulde stay vpon the negatiue and put you of the contrarie parte to proue the affirmatiue Whiche was vpon good reason donne at that time to the ende as I thinke that he might presse vpon you somwhat narre then other before had vsed to doo The cause why hee might iustly rest vppon the negatiue For whereas you haue vntruly borne the worlde in hande and make your auaunte continually that the church hath taught as you doo these xv hundred yeres that the holy scriptures aunciente fathers counsels doo make altogether for your doctrine against ours he both wisely and learnedly did sée that there was no way so fitte either to driue you from this auaunte or to declare it euidently to be false as to rest vpon this true negatiue that you haue no sufficiente proufe out of the aucthoritées before rehearsed For therby he should either force you to shew what you haue whiche in effecte is nothynge or els to confesse that the chiefe poinctes of your doctrine by him recited be as they are in déede cleane beside the worde of god and example of the primatiue churche or if you would not for shame confesse it yet that all men in the ende might perceiue it is so when that you neither woulde nor coulde bring any sufficient confirmation of the same by the scriptures olde fathers auncient counsels or alowed example of the church by the space of vi hundred yeres I will declare the mattier by example of those thinges that your self taketh in hande to proue All the preachers of this time teache that the right vse of the lordes supper is to be celebrated in maner of a communion or feast with companie and that as well the laytée as clergy shoulde receiue vnder bothe kindes This doctrine they say is accordyng to Gods worde and vse of the primatiue churche and not the contrarie For proufe thereof they alledge out of the scripture the Euangelistes and saincte Paule in whiche appereth euidently that company was and bothe kindes were indifferently vsed and no significacion at all of the contrarie For the primatiue churche they bringe Justine Dyonisius Cyprian Chrisostome and other ther hée did of purpose seeke a shifte to cauille or els in déede had nothinge to saye Or if you doo thinke it reasonable I will learne at your hande howe you coulde proue that negatiue by all your lawe or logike I doo scante thinke you wyl say that a man may be orderly required to proue suche mere negatiues When a negatiue or what kinde of negatiues may bée proved I leaue to bée discussed in some other place as a question more mete for Sophisters in the paruise schoole at Oxforde then for dyuines in matters of weight and importance After your reasoninge againste the causes 2. Cap. that as you saye were alleged not to proue the negatiue An aunswere to the distinction of priuate as it were to lay the ground of your controuersée for priuate masses ye beginne with a distinction that this terme priuate may be taken after dyuers sortes Eyther as contrary to common to many for the commoditie therof or els as sole receiuing by a priest aloue without any company In the firste way A. you saye ye neuer affirmed masse to be priuate but to pertaine to the behalfe of all states and sortes of men whatsoeuer they be In déede I were to blame and very iniurious vnto you if I woulde dente that ye haue ben very bountifull in bestowinge the benesite of your masse and especially when money was broughte in aboundantly For then ye applied it vnto highe to low to Princes to priuate persons to absent to present to quicke to deade to heauen to hel ye and to purgatory to Ouer and beside that ye made it a sali●e for all sores and a remedy for all mis●heffes Here were a large feeld for me to deseant vpon the diuers abuses that you applied it vnto contrary to Christes institution and ordinan●● but that any Christian hart may rather yerne and lamente to remember so vngodly prophanation of the holy Sacrament then to séeke occasion pleasantly to daly in the rehersall and deluding of the infinite vanyties therof The other signification of priuate in sole receiuing by the priest not imbarringe any that is willynge and ready to be partaker with him ye say the Catholike Church doth and alway hath taught And here vpon makinge your proposition ye require a profe of the affirmatiue included in the negatiue that is that euery priest or any other ought when he receiueth to haue a company to receiue with hym Why sir is this the truste that you would séeme to haue in the trueth of your cause is this the plaine and sound dealinge that ye after professe to vse is this the leauing of all shifts where by ye may séeme to cauill rather then staye vppon the chéefe profes of your matter Who séeth not that euen in the very entrance mistrustinge your quarel ye seke a shiste as it were by policy to helpe that whiche in the open féelde is not able to defende it selfe This was no parte of the challinge as you terme it This is not that ye pretende so earnestly to proue The matter is of priuate masses and you make your issue in sole receiuing Is there no difference thinke you betwene sole receiuinge and priuate masse doeth euery one that receiueth alone say a priuate masse Then may not only priestes say masse but also by your owne authorities after brought in lay men and women also And yet your reasoninge in the residew of your treatise is suche as if it were a sufficiente profe of priuate masse to shew that some men and women in certaine cases receiued alone in the primatiue Church But of your argumentes afterwarde In this place ye shall geue me leaue to finde that faute in you that Tussy in the beginning of his offices layeth to Panetius who intending to write of dutie in behauiour omitteth the definition of the same where as euery reasonable discourse ought to procede of a viefe declaracion of that whiche is in controuersée If ye had this done I doubte not but ye would rather haue plucked your pen from the paper th●● haue medled with the matter that ye are now entred into What priuat masse is I will therefore thewe you oute of your owne aucthours what I take your priuate masse to bée B. It is a sacrifice of the body and bloud of Christ vsed in the Churche in place of the Lordes Supper by one prieste alone offered to God the father for the sinnes of quicke and deade which without any to participate with him ha● may apply to the benefite of what persons
your purpose for that your priuate masse is nothinge lesse then necessitée In necessitée many thinges may be graunted that otherwyse are not tollerable The thiefe that Christe at his death witnessed should be with him in Paradise was neuer baptised beinge excluded by necessitie The auncient histories make menciou of diuers martirs that died before they weare baptised beinge excluded by necessitee And yet is this sentence neues the lesse true Baptisme is necessarie to a christian man Likewise if wes should graunte your case of necessitee yet is this sentence alway true The supper of the Lorde in the ordinary vse of it ought of necessitie to haue communicants to be partakers of it But ye shall heare the foundacion of our proffes againste sole receiuinge by the priest in place of ministery and they shall not bee gaily garnished with colours and amplifications to make theim appere more goodly then they be but plainly and nakedly set for the that euen the meanest may see what force and strength they haue For I write not this so muche to you whom I know not as to an number partely of vnlearned persons partly yonge men lea●●ed but not much conuersant in the scriptures to whose hand these your writinges beinge brought hathe boone greater face of proffe then any man meanly conuersante in the controuersées of this time can acknowledge to be in them Our proufe is this In the celebration of this Sacramente of the Prouffes againste priuate masse out of the scripture Lordes Supper wee ought to doo that only and nothing els that Christ the aucthour of it did in his institution But in Christes institution appeareth neither sole receiuinge nor ministring vnder one kinde Therfore in celebration of this Sacrament neither sole recoun●●ge nor minystringe vnder one kinde ought to bee vsed The maior is Saincte Ciprian proued at large and much staied vpon in his Epistle ad ce●isium de sacramento sanguinis in the beginninge wherof he seemeth to signifie that by inspiracion hee was admonyshed of God to aduertise men only to doo us Christe did in the institution of his Sacrament I thought if saith hee both godsy and necessary to write if any man continew in this errour he meaneth vsing water only in the Sacrament in stede of wine that he seing the fighte doe veturne to the roote and beginninge of the lordes ordinance and institution And thinke not that I doe this vpon my owne phantasie or any humayne iudgement c. but when one is charged by the inspiration and commanndmente of god it is necessary for a faithful seruant to obey beyng hofden excused with all men because he taketh nothinge vpon hym arrogantly that is compessed to feare the displeasure of god if he doe not as he is bidde Doe you know therefore that we be admonished that in offeringe the sacrament of the lorde bloud his owne institution should be kepte and no other thinge bee done then that the lorde dyd first for vs him selfe No man can make any exception to this proposition onlesse he wyll cleane weaken Cyprians reason againste those abusers of the Sacrament And then shal we haue no ground to stay vpon but euery glose or interpretation vpon humayne pretenses shal be admitted This assertion of Cyprian is confirmed by Ambrose vppon the first to the Corinthes There hee saith that they receiue the Sacrament vnworthely whiche celebrate otherwise then the Lorde deliuered it For he saith Ambrose cannot bee deuouie which presumeth to doe it otherwise then the aucth our hathe taughte Yea and addeth that we shall make an accompte howe we haue vsed it For the proofe of the Minor let vs consider the historie therof as it is set out in the Euangelistes In the celebration of the Sacramente vsed by Christe there appereth two partes the mattier and the forme The mattier is bread the body of Christe wine and the bloud of Christ of which hee that altereth or taketh away any doth alter and maime christes institution as appereth by Ciprian The forme of ministringe the Sacramente must be taken out of Christes doinges At that time it was taken blessed with thankes geuinge broken distributed eaten dronken charge geuen to remember Christe and his death Therfore hee that altereth or taketh away any of these things maimeth the forme of christes institution and breaketh Ciprians rule Moreouer the force of these wordes Gaue to them present doth binde to a company because it signifieth a bestowinge of the death of christe not to one but to many Therefore in Luke he geueth an expresse commaundmente of distributinge as hee doeth of eating and drinking saying Take you this and deuide it amonge you But howe can he deuyde it it there bee not a company to receiue it onlesse we should to the deludinge of Christes ordeinance make suche a phantasticall breakynge and deuiding as you doo in your masse For therin by Sergius decrée ye breake it into thrée partes th one of which ye let fall into the wine which there soked signisieth the body of Christ raysed from death and sittinge in the glory The other drie parte that the pryeste eateth signifieth the body of Christ beinge vpon the earth The thirde parte which is wonte to tary on the aulter to the ende of masse signifieth the deade in the Sepulchers vntill the daye of iudgement O great vanities wherewith God punisheth the rashnes of folishe men folowynge their owne phantasies and leauing his holy word But to returne to the proofe of the mattier I wyll folow Cipryans example and confirme the maner of Christes institution by the testimony of S. Paul In him I finde two argumentes One is in these wordes Vnus panis vnum corpus musti sumus Nam omnes de eodem pant participamus Which wordes the holy fathers interpreting cal the Lordes holy supper a Sacramente of vnitée Because that as the breade consisteth of many graines and the wine made of many grapes so wée that bee partakers of that one loffe and one cuppe should be knit together in loue and charitée as the members and partes of one mistical body Wherfore Chrisostome noteth that it is not sayde this eateth of one breade and hee of another but all be partakers of one breade and addeth why we be one loffe and one body Because of the common participacion that we haue of the sacrament This significacion is cleane taken away by priuate masse the vse wherof may séeme rather to be a Sacrament of separation and dispension as after shall more appere The seconde argumente out of Sainct Paul is where to the Corinthꝭ he reprehendeth the abuse of the lords Supper brought in by dissension and factions that weare amonge them Wherby it came to passe that one company would not tary for another to communicate but one sort would receiue with out another Against this abuse hee allegeth the institution of Christ signifienge the same to be against such receiuinge in partes and therfore exhorteth them to tary vntill the
prouyng your learnyng can not be so little but that ye must néedes know A. Euen as say you it is to be wisshed that al contencion and strife were cleane banisshed and yet men are not to be forbidden to sue for their righte when they be iniured so is it to be wisshed that people were so deuoute as they woulde dayly receiue their howsill for so ye terme it And yet is not the priest to be letted to receiue when the people wil not dispose them selues vnto it Beside that ye conclude here only the case of necessitie whiche healpeth the common vse of your priuate Masse very little Ye make your comparison betweene thynges very vnlike and of nature diuers that is between possible and vnpossible and lawful vnlawful That all cotencion should be banisshed from amonge men in this worlde is a thing vnpossible a perfection not to be looked for in this fraile life But in a christian congregacion to haue some of the people or ministers to cōmunicate orderly with the chiefe minister celebratynge is a thynge so possible as bothe the space of many hundred yeres it was continually vsed in the churche and may at this day with good example and instruction of the ministers be brought to passe although not euery day yet very often times Moreouer to sue for ones right is not only a thing suffered but of it selfe lawful and good and wée haue therof example and aucthoritée in gods worde But for the priest to minister the lordes supper alone is a thyng neither tollerable nor lawfull but contrarie to the forme that Christ him self vsed neither haue wée either aucthoritée or example in the scripture as a sufficient warrant to alter that forme that he vsed and apoincted Therfore your comparison is fautie on bothe partes and especially for that ye séeme to gather therby that it is no more necessarie for company to receiue with the priest then it is to haue all contencion banisshed from christian men whiche as I haue sayd in the frailtée of this woride is vnpossible If suche similitudes should be alowed a man might breake all gods commaundementes and yet proue him self not to do amisse Is not this a ioyly reason thinke you As it is to be wisshed that all variance and strife were cleane abandoned from amonge christian men and yet are not they to be forbidden to sue for their right which be iniured of other so it is to be wisshed that all vnmaried priestes did liue chaste but if they can not the bisshop must not forbid them to haue a●coosen of theirs to kéepe their house with whom Si non caste tamen caute This comparison is as rightly applied as yours is and yet how well it proueth I will make your selfe iudge All your drifte in this parte is by alledgyng the corruption of the worlde and slacknesse of deuocion to signifie that the people can not bee brought to communicate with the priest and therfore of necessitie that he may receiue alone But be the world neuer so corrupte I thinke it as vnpossible to haue a priest to celebrate deuoutly euery day as it is to haue some of the people often times to communicate with the priest Wherfore I may as effectually conclude vpō the corruption of this time that priestes can not bee brought deuoutly to Masse euery day as ye doo that the people can not dispose them selfe in this colde charitie godly to frequent the sacrament And then were ye best to restraine your dayly massynge priestes and apoincte them either to once or at least to fewer times in the yere as ye haue taken order for the people generally to receiue only at Caster B But the prieste say you is bounde to offer vp the dayly sacrifice for himselfe and for the people This is the roote of all the abuses of the Lordes supper that ye haue brought into the churche of christ This is it wherwith ye doo pitifully deface the death and passion of Christ makinge your selues for your glories sake as it were means of reconciliacion betwene god and his people This is it that hathe discouraged christian people from the often vse and frequentacion of the Sacramente For hereby ye signifie that of necessitie it apperteineth only to the priest and as you wrote before the people to be lefte free to come as seldome as they wyl This ye take for the grounde of your reason in this place and yet within few lines haue twise rehersed it withoute any proofe at all But in déede ye muste of necessitée leaue that vnproued that ye be not in any wise able to proue For sure I am that neither the institucion of Christ maketh mencion of any oblation or sacrifice to be done by the minister sauinge only the sacrifice of thankes geuing for yet the scripture apointeth any bounden duty for the priest more to vse the sacrament then other godly and wel disposed christian men What significacion haue you in the wordes that christ vsed in ordeining the sacrament or in the maner of his doynge that hee then offered him selfe to his father He did that the next day after him self vpon the crosse as S. Paule saieth perfectly once for euer neither doeth he graunt his priuilege of the euerlasting priesthodde to any but to him selfe Therfore when your priestes take vppon them his office to offer sacrifice propitiatorie they goe beyonde theyr commission and take more vpon them then their dutie not without iuste reprehension of arrogancie and presumption Christes institution as the euangelistes S. Paule setteth it foorth is a teaching that hee gaue to vs his blessed body and bloud and not that wee should offer it vp to god the father He sayde Take eate doo this in remembrance of mee he said not geue offer and sacrifice for your sinnes A sacrifice is a thinge geuen to God the sacramente was a thinge geuen to vs. Nothinge therfore can be of nature more contrary then your sacrifice and christes sacramente Wherfore it must néedes bee that ye sucked this erroure oute of the phrases and fashions of speakynge that the olde fathers vsed peruertinge the same to a farre worse sence then euer they ment it For wh● causes th● Lordes supper is called of the De●tours a sacrifice 1. This thinge more euidently to declare it behoueth to consider that the fathers vpon dyuers occasions vsed to call the Sacrament by the name of an oblation or sacrifice First Csemens Asexander Teriussian Jraenens and other make mencion of a certaine oblation or offering that Christen people commonly vsed when they came together to celebrate the Lordes Supper In this they offered vp bread wyne and victuals abundantly not only to serue the communion as wee had a shadow of late yeres in the holy lofe but also that of the ouerplus therof aswell the ministers might haue their findinge as poore people also be refreshed Hereof partely it came to passe the erample beinge taken firste of the common
sillables in one sentence but compare the same with diuers other places as well of the same doctour as of other and al together with the common vse and maner of that time and therby gather a perfit conclusion If you will skanne and stay vpon euery worde or clause in the Doctours as you doo of the holy scriptures and not consider them by conference with them selfe and other you may easely erecte infinite new doctrines that hitherto were neuer hearde of in the churche The reason 6. Cap. that you bring in groūded as you say vpon our principall is euen of as muche force as the other before mencioned A. That is not euidently determined in scripture say you ought to stande as indifferente but the necessitie of cōpanie to receiue with the priest is no where determined ergo it ought to remaine indifferent Your seconde proposition is not true For I say and partly before haue proued that it is determined in Christes institucion In Luke he saith Accipite hoc diuidite inter vos But how can it be taken at the ministers handes and deuided or distributed amonge thē vnlesse there be a companie I se no sufficient warrant that ye can brynge vs for the discharge of this commaūdemente If ye wyll say Diuidite is no commaundement but a counsell that may be vndoone and yet the substance of the sacrament remaine then bylike ye will say Late drinke is no commaundement nor yet do this in remembrance of me But all be indifferent coūsels that may bee altered as you after say by spirituall gouernours So that your spiritual gouernours may by this meanes cleane alter Christes institution and leauinge out eatinge drinking distributinge doinge in remembrance of Christes death as they haue done deuise a a new fashion of their owne braynes more fitte for the churche to vse then that order which Christ hath lefte But as he taketh away the right vse of the sacramente that taketh away from it eatynge drinkynge and doynge in remembrance c. So I say that hee taketh away the same that leaueth out distributynge Whiche because it can not be without companie I conclude the Sacramente can not bee vsed in the celebration without companie Cyprian teacheth you that Christes institution should be of more authoritie with you than so lightly to change it at your owne pleasure Only Christ saieth he is to be hearde in the order of this sacrament And we must not in any wise departe from the preceptes of the Gospell The Apostle also more constantly and stoutly declareth in an other place that the disciples ought to obserue and doo the same thynges that their maister taught and dyd before them saying in this wise If either I or an angell from heauen teach you otherwise then I haue taught you before accursed be he Seyng therfore neither the apostle him selfe nor an Angell from heauen can tell vs or teache vs otherwise then that Christe hath once taught vs already and the Apostle declared to vs I meruayle how this came in vse to doo contrary to that whiche Christe dyd And what I pray you can be more contrarie then when Christe had them drinke to take away the cup and whan Christe bad them distribute amonge them and S. Paule willed one to tarrie for an other vntill they came together yet contrarie to this as you doo to minister and receiue alone Therfore I say with Cyprian that in alteryng the sacrament either by soole receiuyng or géeuing vnder one kinde ye worship God in vayne with mens tradicions The mattier that Cyprian wrote against that is vsinge of water alone in the Sacramente in stéede of wyne might perhappes in case of necessitie be graunted to some that of nature coulde not abide wyne Neuerthelesse the necessitie of a few is not to be drawen to a general example in the common vse of the Lordes supper Euen so it may be graunted that in cases of necessitie one may receiue alone and yet that is not to be taken for a common maner and fashion in the churche when the sacrament is celebrated as you vsed in the priuate Masse That many circumstancies of place person and time B. may be altered or taken away for good considerations without impeachement to the right vse of the sacramentes wée graunte you but that company in receiuyng is one of those circūstances that wée can not graunte as well for the reasons before declared as also that wée haue no aucthoritée or example of the Apostles or primatiue churche that wée may so doo as wée haue in all other thynges that you recite with moe wordes then néedeth Wée dare minister in other places then Iurie because wée se in scripture that the Apostles did so Wée minister to women and lay men because S. Paule applieth Christes institucion to the whole congregacion of Corinth where were both lay men women We celebrate vpon any day indifferently because the Apostles did so Actum 20. vno die sabbatorum Wée minister to fewer or moe then twelue by the example of the Apostles in .20 of the Actes and of Paule in .10 and .11 to the Corinthꝭ Wée receiue in the mornyng both because time is a thyng indifferent in this sacrament and also for that wée haue plaine examples in the primatiue churche without case of necessitie or extraordinarie chaunses Christe sayd not doo it after supper as he sayde Deuide it amonge you He did it after supper him self because he wolde institute the Sacramente of the new law in place of the sacrament of tholde law that at the same supper he had celebrated Neither is it so muche of the substance of the sacrament to be doone after suppper as it is to be celebrated with companie because of the significacion of vnitie and charitie amonge christian men receiuynge together Whiche is one cheefe poincte in this sacrament of the Lordes supper The very proporcion and likenesse of that ceremonie of the olde lawe in place whereof the Lordes supper is ordeined may teache vs the right vse of it The Passeouer was a solempne eatynge of the Pascale lambe together in remembrance of Godes great benefite of their deliuerance and passyng of his plague from them This ceremony they coulde not solempnice alone but if they had not companie of their owne house they shoulde take of their neighbours Euen in like maner Christ hauyng finisshed at his laste supper the celebracion of that ceremonie of the Passeouer ordeined for his euen a lyke sacramente a supper a feast wherin they beyng together might celebrate the remembrance of their redemption by his body and bloud géeuen and shed for them And euen as the Iewes in solempnisinge their sacrament had a communitie of the remembrance of that benefite when their cōpanies were in sundry howses seperate and yet might not one alone eate the pascall lambe in his owne house for that god had ordeined it to be done with company so all the churches in the worlde haue communitie
body hath communion with vs in baptisme Likewise they that receiue the Lordes supper be fedde with the same feede of the body and bloud of Christe that wée be and so haue communion with vs in that sacrament though in place they be farre of This is the communion betwéene christian men and this wée most reddely graunte But will you conclude here vpon that there is lyke communion of the benefite of soole receiuyng in priuate Masse as there is of praier when a man praieth alone Then must ye say the same of baptisme also As for example that our baptisme here may benefite some that are in Fraunce and receiue them into the churche like as our praier here may obteine the healpe and grace of God for them that be there Which were great folly to affirme In déed wée haue communion in baptisme but euery mans owne baptisme bringeth him the grace of that sacrament And in lyke maner is it in the Lordes supper Wée haue all communion therein and yet euery mans owne receiuyng doth profit him You will say perhaps you doo not inferre this vpon the argument of generall communion but onely that they whiche be in diuers places may communicate Wel sir I graunte you that but yet ye should haue inferred the other poincte if ye woulde orderly proue that ye began That is to be lyke cōmunion in the Lordes supper of one alone receiued as there is in praier when one man in place alone praieth ●●r a multitude The multitude that praieth not may haue benefit by one mans praier But proue you by Gods worde that one man receiuyng or ministringe the Lordes supper alone doth benefit those that receiue not or that it is suche a thyng as may be doone of no for many And surely it standeth you vpon substācially to proue that pointe or els your priuate Masse will fall to the grounde and bee of no estimacion For if people shall vnderstande that your sole receiuinge in your Masse doth not only nothing profite them that be present but as Chrisostome witnesseth bringeth them in gods displeasure if they receiue not them selfe thinke you that the gayne and aduantage thereof wyll bée so great as hath bene before Assure your selfe it wyl not But what doo you inferre vpon this proofe of communion betweene them that are in place farre distante forsoth in effecte this That if there may be communion betwene those that are not together in one place then a priest sayinge Masse in our Lady chappel in Paules at sixe a clocke in the morning doth communicate with him that doth the like in Iesus Churche at .ix. of the clocke the next day although in place and tyme they bee seperate Sir I deny your argument say that neither th one nor thother doth communicate with any Christian man because neither of both receiueth accordinge to Christes institution I confesse there is communyon betwene them that receiue in sundry places according to the order by Christ apoynted as there is likewise in baptisme But if they alter the sacrament they doo not cummunicate I sayd a little before that in the passe ouer all the companies of the Iewes in sundry houses did communicate and yet one might not eate vp the lambe alone because god had taken an other order Likewise all societées of Christian men communicate together in the Lordes supper and yet should not one celebrate it alone seinge Christes example sheweth and the Apostles interpretation declareth that in ministringe of it there shousd bee also a particuler communion as I may terme it betwene the members of one congregation Wherfore the grauntinge of communitie betweene all christian men in vse of the sacrament doth make nothinge against this that Christ ordeined it to be receiued as a feast with company to th ende it might more liuely represent both the general giuing and bestowing of his body to death for many and also the vnitie and concorde that ought to be betwéene Christian men receiuing together of one lose and one cup. For this purpose as S. Augustine signifieth he vsed those externall elementes of breade and wine to declare that as the bread of many graines is brought into one lofe and the iuice of many 〈◊〉 apes is made wine in one cup so the multitude of a christian congregacion receiuyng together the Lordes supper are made mēbers of one body knit together in like faith and charitie and hauyng like hope of saluacion The like effecte is doone in baytisme as S. Augustine witnesseth In sermone ad infantes and wée be graffed into Christ and made partakers of his body and bloud But he wold haue it more liuely represented and set foorthe in this sacrament of communion as well for the multitude as for the apte signification of the externall elementes More ouer the ecclesiastical histories declare when Chrisostome was banisshed muche against the peoples heartes that diuers of them woulde not communicate with his successour but had their assembles and receiued the sacrament in an other place by them selues so that diuers of them by the Emperours thretnynges coulde not be constreined to communicate with him that was bisshop after him This their dooyng was to no purpose if diuersitie of time and place doo not declare a seperacion betwéen them that be of one congregacion The whole vse of excommunication in the primatiue churche doth so sufficiently proue this as no reasonable man néedeth greatly to doubte it The effecte wherof this your deuise may séeme to take away For what other thyng is excommunication as touchyng the externall acte then a debarryng of the partie to receiue with other of the same congregacion and therby to note him not to be of that misticall body But after your deuise a priest that is excommunicated of the bisshop may say Masse in his chamber and affirme that he will communicate with him whether he will or no. Because distinction of place maketh nothyng to the purpose Because wée necessarily require a numbre together you presse vpon the mattier very earnestly and thinke by your dalliyng foly to driue vs to many folies For you curiously require a mesure of place a prescription of time and a certaine number of persons as it were therby to portray vnto you a perfit plat of a christian communion for so it pleaseth you to dally in this weightie mattier I answer that wée se in the Euangelistes and S. Paule that Christe tooke breade and gaue with it his body that he tooke wine also and gaue with it his bloud that he did it in cōuenient place and time that he had a company with him to receiue and willed them to distribute amonge them Therfore with S. Cyprian wée compte his example in these thynges necessarie and not to be altered As for the kinde of breade or wine the fashion or quantitie of place the conueniencie of time the increasing or deminisshynge of the number or company wee recken amonge those thinges that may be altered as you say
doctours where one kinde is mencioned both are vnderstanded as after shal more appere But to make this more probable you alledge afterwarde oute of Ambrose the hystorie of Satyrus his brother that hanged the sacrament aboute his necke in a stole as you call it when in a shipwarke he leaped into the sea whiche must néedꝭ be informe of bread onely because neither our brayne nor yours can deuyse which way wyne can be in such an instrument inclosed Surely if wée had not knowen before that you had nothing in the aunciente fathers directly to mainteine your maymynge of Christes sacrament this your coniectural gatherynges and surmisinge reasons woulde most euidently declare it to be true Woulde a man thinke that any hauyng the feare of God woulde in so weightie mattiers either grounde his owne conscience or séeke to confirme others by suche féeble proofes and argumentes Is not this a stronge reason thinke you Satyrus S. Ambrose brother in extreame danger of shipwrake purposing to leape into the sea tooke of one that was in the ship only the sacramente of the Lordes body and tied it aboute his necke therfore in the primatiue churche in ministration of the sacramente they gaue onely one kinde vnto the laytie Though it had ben here mencioned that Satyrus had in this extremitée receiued one kinde alone it had bene no argument to proue that it might orderly bee vsed in the churche But as Ambrose signifieth this Satyrus at that time was but as I might say a nouice in Christian religion not so farre instructed in the faith that hee was as then admitted to the communion of the Lordes supper And therfore hee had not the sacramente aboute him selfe but tooke it of other christian men that were there Which whether they were ministers or other the place maketh no mencion but that it calleth them Initiatos That is such as in the congregation were admitted to the communion Neither is there any thinge to the contrary but that the same persons whiche had the sacrament of our Lordes body had also aboute them the sacrament of the bloud either in some conuenient vessel or els after some other fashion as dyuers of simplicitie vppon a zeale at that tyme vsed That is either by sokinge the sacramente of the body in the wyne or els by moystinge a linnen-cloth in the sacrament of the bloud and so carying it with them For euen as I signified before that persecution and trouble of the churche at the beginninge draue some to receiue at home in their houses in like maner the same troublous time and other cases of necessitie with feruencie of zeale caused men to seke other shifts also and to doo those things by simplicitie vpon zeale at a time that in the common vse of the sacramentes they coulde not doo accordinge to the worde of god Therfore as some learned and holy mē for the time did winke and beare with suche thinges so afterwarde other euen as holy and profoundly learned did mislike and reproue the same As for example when men did trauaile any daungerous iourney and for zeale and deuotion would haue the sacrament with them because they could not conueniently cary wine with them that they might go as nighe to Christes institution as might be they would soke the sacrament of our Lordꝭ body in the bloud Some other would moyste a linnen cloth in the sacrament of bloud as I said before and kepe it to moyste with water when they would receiue Some that either of nature could not or for religion would not drinke wine at other times vsed only water Some vppon other consideracions vsed milke for wine in the sacrament Some were perswaded that in such cases men might vse one kynde Wherfore to sicke men or children they would vse wine alone But the particular cases of a few ought not to be taken for a general rule of the holy churche Neither those thinges which some did as Ciprian termeth it vppon simplicitie by sufferance should be brought as testimonies what the church either then did or ought nowe commonly to doo For a man may well doubte whether these shiftes that men in necessitie did vse beside the institution of Christ were acceptable to god or no although dyuers of them might séeme to procede of a feruent zeale and to bee done of good and godly men It appereth in Cyprian that many of them that vsed water for wine were godly men and yet by zeale and simplicitie did erre Therfore hee saith of them in this manner If any of our predicessours either by ignorance or simplicitie did not obserue and kepe that whiche the lorde by his example and instruction did teach vs to doe by gode mercy his simplicitie may be pardoned But we cannot be forgeuen which be instructed admonyshed by the lorde to doe as he dyd c. The godly and holy fathers dyd beare in many poyntes with the zeale and simplicitie of a number in that tyme. Wherfore those examples cannot bee brought iustly to proue the common maner vsed in the primatiue churche which by manifest testimonies I wyll a lytle after declare to haue be farre otherwyse in the same times that these thinges were done That the same thinges before rehearsed were not generally allowed it may appeare by this that when the church was setled they did forbid those things and bound them so nigh as might bee to Christes institution Hereof ye haue example in Iulius his decrées 1. Hom. Conc. Wher all the fashions before recited are expressely forbidden Wee heare saith he that some led with schismaticall ambition in the diuine misteries doe consecrate milke for wine some serue to the people the sacrament of the body moysted in the bloud as a perfite communion other offer in the sacramente of the lordes cuppe the iuice of grapes squised some diepe a linnen cloth in the wine and kepe all the yere Therefore saith he henceforth it shat not be lawful for any in their sacrifice to offer any other thinge but only the cuppe mixed with water and wine Gelasius also after him euen as flatly forbad receiuing vnder one kinde sayinge We finde that some takinge a portion of the fordes body refuse the cuppe whiche because I know not of what superstition they doe it either let them take the whole sacramēt or be kept from the whole For the diuision of this mistery cannot be without great sacrilege Here you sée that Gelasius doth count it and cal it sacrilege to receiue vnder one kinde and your sorte contrary to this affirme it to be Herisie if a man say the people should receiue vnder both kindes of bread and wyne If you would rightly haue proued your ministringe to the laytie in one kynde you shold not haue brought coniectures vppon suche rare chaunses as may séeme for the tyme to be borne with rather then alowed but you should haue shewed some playne and euident examples that it was in the primatiue church commonly vsed in celebration of
the sacrament But that you were neuer able to doo and so was it said in the protestation that you call the challenge For herein the whole number of the fathers be against you And that you may not iustly say that wee bragge of our empty boxes that haue the name only and no stuffe in them I wyll rechearse and shewe you some of the mattier which shal be directly applied to that maladie and disease that you haue brought to the right vse of the lordes holy sacrament You hard before rehearsed oute of Iustine declaringe the maner of the church of Rome in his time that both bread and wyne were geuen to companies of the towne and contrey and the same also sente vnto those that were absent Here is manifestly declared that such as were absent and receiued at home in theyr houses had both kindes sent vnto them contrary to your coniecture vpon Tertullian where you say one kinde only is mencioned and therefore receiued Tertullian and Iustine were both of the church of Rome B. and were not in time farre a sunder Therfore it is like one maner was vsed in bothe theyr ages The fleash saith Tertullian him selfe is fed with the body and bloud that the soule may be filled of god He saith not only the body wherein the bloud also may be vnderstanded but hee addeth seperately the Bloud Declaringe the maner of Christes sacrament ministred in two sundry partes Cyprian also speakinge not only of priestes but of other laye men that were like to abide persecution and martirdome for Christ saith in this wise How doe wee teach and prouoke them to shedde their bloud in confession of Christ if wee deny them his bloud or bowe make we them meete for the cuppe of martirdome if wee do not first by communion admitte them to drinke the cuppe of the lorde Is not this a playne testimony C. what maner of mynistracion was vsed in Cyprians time And wyll you then vpon a surmise gather the contrary If ye rede this father in all places where he speaketh of the sacrament you shall finde nothinge more common then Bibi sanguinem Christi How wisie thou saith Ambrose to Theodosius the Emperour with those hands receiue the holy body of our lord how wilte thou be so bolde with thy mouth to be partaker of the lords bloud This Emperour was a laye man E. neyther is it likely that he receiued any otherwayes then the other people did at that time And shall wee thinke by a vayne coniecture of the history of Satirus that the custome of that time was otherwise because your mocking head could not deuise how to cary wyne in a stole and yet they of that time as ye may perceiue by dipping a linnen cloth in the sacrament of the bloud had deuysed which way it might be done But to our purpose Withoute confusion and doubt saith Gregory Nazienzene eate his body and drinke his bloud if thou haue any desire of life in thee And yet hee speaketh to the people Oratione 4. in sanctum pascha Hilariꝰ also li. 8. de trinitate These thinges saith hee beinge eaten and dronke make that wee be in Christ and Christe in vs. Basile de baptismo vpon these wordes As often as ye shall eate c. What profit haue those wordes saith he That we easing and drinking may be perpetually mindeful of him that died for vs and so may bee instructed in the sight of god and his Christ of necessitie to kepe the doctrine deliuered by his Apostles Here beside the mencion both of eating and drinkinge he addeth of necessitie to kepe this doctrine of the lordes supper whiche you in many poyntes without pricke of conscience take vppon you to aulter Prystes saith S. Hieronime vpon Sophon whiche make the sacrament and dystribute the bloud of the lord vnto the people This man was priest in Rome in Ambroses time and yet he signifieth that the maner then was to mynister the bloud to the people E. And shall the history of Satyrus nothing perteining to the mattier perswade vs the contrary What can be more plaine and expresly against you then that Chrisostom hath Hom. 18. in poster ad corinth There he saieth that in this sacramente the priestes parte is not better then the peoples For it is not saith he as it was in the olde law where the priestes had parte and the people parte neither coulde the people be partaker of that was the priestes But now it is not so for one body and one cuppe is indifferently offered to all And it is notable that he saieth All be like worthy to be partakers neither doth the inferiour differ any thing at all frō the priest in that matter Why doo you then so plainly againste Chrisostome make difference of dignitie betwéene the priest and the people Is not this which Chrisostom speaketh agaynst one of the chiefest reasons that you haue for the geuynge of one kynde to the people But S. Paule to Timothie and Titus declareth other causes that shoulde make the order of ministerie honorable not to defraude the people of one parte of the sacrament Cyprian againe in the same sermon De lapsis that you afterward aledge and the same Hystorie sheweth that all the companie of lay men and women tooke the sacrament of the Lordes cuppe and dronke of it in order one after an other But I feare I shal séeme to moste men to commit muche foly in that I stande so longe with aucthorities to proue that thinge whiche of it selfe is most manyfest that is that in the primatiue churche the only maner in the common celebracion of the sacrament was that all receiued vnder bothe kindes of breade and wyne Seynge therefore Iustine saieth that on sundaies breade and wine consecrated were distributed to companies of the towne and countrey seynge Gelasius calleth it sacrilege to deuide the sacrament seynge Cyprian counselleth that lay men should be admitted to the communion of the Lordes cuppe and by an Hystorie sheweth that in his time they vsed it seynge Chrisostome affirmeth no difference to be betweene the priest and the people in vse of this sacramente seyng all the residue of the fathers of al countreyes and all ages of the primatiue churche agrée to the same were it not more then willfull blindenesse not to se that holy men at that time in celebracion of the sacramente ministred both partes to the people accordyng to Christes institucion and the doctrine of S. Paule to the Corinth Were it not almoste desperate stubburnesse to perswade the contrarie to ignorant people and by libelles priuily spred to deteine the vnlearned in errour But it stoode you vpon to say somewhat least you shoulde séeme to haue nothynge to say And yet in very déede it had been better for the confirmacion of your doctrine to haue sayd nothyng For then perhaps such as of simplicitie depende vpon your aucthorities woulde haue thought that you had had farre better prouision
this place I thinke such as fauour your assertion wyl smally thanke you for bringing in this councel But thanked be god that you are driuen so much and better to you may proue out of the same place that priestes also receiued but only the body and not the bloud because it saith Corpus christi porrigant and mencioneth not Sanguinem The like you shall reade in many places of the olde fathers where one part only is mencioned when they speake of the priestes receiuinge And yet bothe are vnderstanded If you wil vpon this gather that deacons vsed but one kind I wil inferre vpon the same place that priestes also vsed the like maner But a reasonable man wyll easely conceiue that in speakinge of one parte both is vnderstanded For in the actes of the Apostles the whole celebration of the sacrament is termed breakinge of breade wherby we must not gather that Apostes vsed only bread in ministration of the lordes supper I meruaile why you make suche courtesy to recite this for a proufe of one kinde then vsed seynge the best of your collections for this matter be euen of the same sorte Is not your coniecture out of Tertullian Cyprian Ambrose euen in the same maner gathered For that they séeme to mencion but the one parte onely And yet you make such a bragge vpon them as you count all such to lacke discretion as wil not by and by without contradiction yelde vnto them and acknowledge them vnuincible In déede it standeth you vpon seinge your proufes are of them selfe so sclender somewhat to helpe them with stoute wordes that men may bee almost afrayde to doubte of them You obiecte to vs that we dalley B. when wee presse you with the wordes of Christes institution Accipite manducate bibite diuidite and yet you wyl vrge the words of the fathers as though euery sillable in them were in like maner to be scanned as the wordes of the bible written wholly by the inspiration of the holy ghost But in déede you declare of what aucthoritie you coumpt Christes wordes that estéeme it a dalleinge to repete often his commaundementes Did Cyprian thinke you dally when in one Epistle to Cecilius hee doth well néene .xx. times repete and beate vpon this that the sacrament is to hee ministred in no other maner then Christe him selfe did vse it Did hée dally when hee pressed vpon the matter in this wise If in that sacrifice that is Christe him selfe none but Christ is to hee folowed then must wee obey and do that Christ did and willed to be done When as he in his gospel faith if you do that I hyd you then I call you not seruanies but fuendes And that Christ is only to be heard his father wytnesseth from heauen sayinge This is my deare beloued sonne hym you must heare Wherfore if onely Christ is to be heard we must not gene eare what other dyd before but what Christ did before all Neyther must wee folow mens custome but gode trueth semge he saith by his prophet in vaine they worship me teachinge mens tradicions and doctrines And againe the lorde sayth in the gospell you reiec●e my commaund mente for your owne tradition And in another place he that breaketh one of these least commaundements and so teacheth shall be called feast in the kingdome of god If then it be not leeful to alter one of the leaste commaundements how much lesse may we alter so great and weightie commaundements as these are so nigh touchinge the sacrament of the lordes passion and our redemption or to tourue them to any other purpose by mans tradition then the lorde ordeined them These are not my sayinges but worde by worde as they lie in that holy father and wyl you say that hée cauilleth or dalieth when hée this vrgeth Christes institution to bée kepte and would haue nothinge therin to be altered for any cause that man coulde deuise The matter that hee wrate againste was of no more effecte then these are of sole receiuinge and ministring one parte of the sacrament and yet is he so earnest as you sée with a greate number of wordes mo to the same purpose Thinke you not they could haue brought for the vse of water only the examples of holy men and also goodly considerations in apperance ful and negligent as we neither knew the place nor would séeke to examine it Or lastly that of purpose you dyd abuse the simplicitie and ignorance of them that you conueighed your wrytinge vnto which commonly beleue all that you say without examination and therfore doo you alledge for your selfe that maketh expresse●y againste you if the place be red which in Cyprian is in this wise The childe beinge among the holy company was not able to abide our suffr●ges and prayers but the ignorāt soule in the simple and younge yeares sometime with wepinge and cryinge did sterile sometime wyth trouble and anguyshe of minde tossed hether and thether and as it were by a tourmentour constreininge it by such meanes as it coulde dyd confesse the gilte of the facte meaninge the eatinge of the Idolle offeringe And when the residew of the celebration was ended the dearon began to offer the cuppe to them that were present and after other had receiued and the childes course was come the babe as if we are by institucion of god tourned away the face held the mouth and lippes together and refused the cuppe Yet the deacon continued and although the infant stryued againste it poured some of the sacrament of the lordes bloud into her mouth Then folowed ye●ing and vomiting c. Here were gathered together with Cyprian not priestes only but lay men women and Children also and you sée the cuppe of oure Lordes bloud was offered to all and all drancke in order withoute exception Neyther is heare any thinge that by coniecture can leade a man to thinke otherwyse but that this was the common maner then vsed How than can you gather by the extraordinarie chaunce whiche you recited before out of the same Tertullian and Cyprian that the laytie then vsed to receiue the one kinde of breade onely whereas this place brought by your selfe sheweth that in celebracion they vsed the cuppe also The childe you say in this hystorie receiued but wine only and so one kinde That you make probable because the childe that had receiued the Idoll offeryng was not them to say that whiche they neuer ment In like maner you doo a litle after in Luther and Melancthon saying that they compte it a thing indifferent to communicate the laye people vnder one kinde and that a generall counsel may take order in it as a thynge of no necessitie Sir it had been plaine and sounde dealing that you shuld haue recited some place wher they had so said but that ye were not able to doo For any man that hath ben conuersante in their workes may right well iudge that it is not so I wil not trouble