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A02895 The pageant of popes contayninge the lyues of all the bishops of Rome, from the beginninge of them to the yeare of Grace 1555. Deuided into iii. sortes bishops, archbishops, and popes, vvhereof the two first are contayned in two bookes, and the third sort in fiue. In the vvhich is manifestlye shevved the beginning of Antichriste and increasing to his fulnesse, and also the vvayning of his povver againe, accordinge to the prophecye of Iohn in the Apocalips. ... Written in Latin by Maister Bale, and now Englished with sondrye additions by I.S.; Acta Romanorum pontificum. English Bale, John, 1495-1563.; Studley, John, 1545?-1590? 1574 (1574) STC 1304; ESTC S100602 276,183 440

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this Victor Brazutus repayred to Rome at the procurement of Hildebrande to poyson him or anye other sayth Benno that should steppe into the Popeship before Hildebrand and so Victor sone after he had raigned two yeare was poysoned by the same Brazutus Anno 1057. 94. Steuen the ninth STeuen the ninth borne in Loraine the duke of Loraines brother was made Pope after Victor with generall consent of all but withoute the Emperours agreemente This Steuē caused the Church of Millain which almost 2. hundreth yeares had defied the supremacye of Rome to become subiecte vnto it He also before he came to be Pope had accused the Emperour Henry of heresye because hee somewhat abridged the vsurped auctoritye of Rome Also he helde a counsell in Florence against mariage of priestes countinge it fornication and therein concluded many thinges against dualities pluralityes and totquots But at the length in the tenth yeare of his raigne Hildebrand caused his olde companion Brazutus to giue him such a drinke that the Pope dyed thereof Anno. 1058. At his death Hildebrand was not at Rome but returned in all hast vppon it and at his comming he commaunded all the clergye to appeare before him and bounde them wyth an oath to suffer none to be Pope but such a one as obtayned it with the cōsent of euerye one 95. Benedict the tenth BEnedict the x. borne in Campania was first called Mincius while the Romaynes were in an vprore and cryed oute to haue one of their owne countreymen to be made Pope this Benedict had the name generally and so was made Pope contrary to the oath which the clergye had made to Hildebrand at his departure lately Hildebrād therefore taking it despitefully thus to be deluded in his absēce deposing Benedict was very importune with the clergye to make one Gerhard bishop of Florence that came wyth him Pope in his presence as they promised him at his departure The clergye because they coulde not with safetye chose another in Rome went therefore to Senas and there they chose this Gerhard Pope naminge him Nicolas the seconde Gerhard beinge Pope held a Synode at Sutrius against Pope Benedict who vnderstanding of this conspiracye wroughte by Hildebrand was content for quietnes sake to forsake Rome and to liue like an outlawe priuatly in Veltra after he had bene Pope ix monthes Christian Masseus reporteth that this yeare a great company of snakes about Tornaie fought cruelly together vntill the people beset them with fier and burned them 96. Nicolas the second NIcolas the seconde was made Pope as is mentioned in Benedict After he had helde the councell of Spire against Benedict hee returned to Rome and sommoned a councell at Lateran by the craft of Hildebrand for his owne purpose wherein was decreed that he should be condemned for an apostata that should be Pope eyther by fauour or money without the whole consent of the Cardinals Also he gaue the Cardinals the priestes and laitye power to excommunicate any such Pope to hold Synode against him any where and to driue him out In this Synode Berengarius was forced to recant his opiniō against the real presence for he had long maintayned that in the breade wyne was neyther the body and bloud of Christ really nor naturally but a signe and figure thereof as Platina Mūclerus and other write of him This Pope Nicolas established and strēgthened the Popedome wyth sondrye and diuers straūge forgeryes fables and vntruthes terrible vizards and gastlye countenaunces of excommunication and dreadfull threates of cursings The wordes of the excommunication and curse are these in the 23. distinction as Barnes testifyeth In the name of God Amen If anye man do breake this oure sacred decretal sentence and presumptuously attempt to hurt or disquiet against this statute the Church of Rome let him be accursed for euer damned by excōmunication Let him be reputed amōge the vvicked that shall not rise againe to iudgement Let him feele the wrath of the Almightye against him Let him feele the rage of Peter and Paule vppon hym in the life to come that spurneth against their Churche in this life Let his dwelling be in the wildernes let his house be left desolate for none to dwell therin Let his children be orphanes and his wife be a widowe In his trouble let him be troubled Let his childrē beg their bread and be cast out and be vagabounds driuē out of their owne houses Let the vsurer rifle all his goodes and let straungers spoile the labour of his handes Let the whole world fight against him and let all the Elementes be contrarye vnto him Let the merits of all saincts confound him Let him spende this life prisoner fettered in chaines and let the saincts powre their open vengeaunce on him But our grace defende them that keepe this c. Such thonderbolts did the Pope shoote abrode to terrifye the world which yet wroughte so in mens hartes that for feare there of they yelded themselues subiecte to the Pope against their owne natiue and Christian Princes But to returne to the historye concerninge the sturre that Hildebrand kepte at this time in Rome Thus wryteth Benno Nicolas beinge Pope Hildebrand perceyuing he could not yet gette to be Pope deuised to get an archdeacōshippe by hooke or by crooke At the length he set vppe one Mancius archedeacon of Rome whom he tossed and disquieted with diuers iniuries who beinge ouerlayed wyth the reprochful dealing and craft of Hildebrand and beguiled w t his moneye at the length graunted him to surrender vnto him his archedeacōship This being graunted Hildebrād commeth to Pope Nicholas ere he were aduised and very impudentlye partly by vnreasonable request partlye by the threatnings of armed souldiers hired for the purpose who gaue him watchworde to yelde or to dye hee made Hildebrād archdeacon This being done euen immediatlye after Brazutus ministred the same cuppe to Nicolas that he had done to the other Popes Nicolas beinge thus poysoned the Cardinals being so well acquainted with the ambition of Hildebrand besoughte the Emperour earnestlye to assist them in the behalfe of Cadolus his bishop of Parma whō they had chosen Pope which thing so strake Hildebrand to the hart that from thence forward he professed himselfe an vtter ennemye to the Emperour He brake his oath of fealtye and allegeance And makinge a conspiracy wyth the Emperours ennemyes and with the Normans he beguiled Anselmus bishop of Lucia causinge certaine Romaynes to chuse him bishop and call him Alexander the secōd as one whom hee would set vp against Cadolus chosen by the Cardinals And thus Hildebrand brought trouble as much as he could both to Anselmus and Cadolus who in deede wayted to succede them both c. 97. Alexander the second ALexander the seconde was as yee reade made Pope by Hildebrands craft for his owne purpose against the Emperours minde and therfore the Lombards by the Emperours consent did set vp another against him called Cadolus
a good pastour and painfull labourer in the Lordes haruest and at length was put to death cruelly Anno. 144. It is reported that he wrote out of a caue where he hid him selfe an Epistle touching God and the incarnation of the sonne of God 9. Pius of Aquilia PIus borne in Aquilia is reported to haue done many godly dedes in the church vnder Antonius Verus And in the end watered the churche of Christe with his bloud in martyrdome Anno. 159. 10. Anicetus ANicetus a Sirian was a diligent pastour of the churche of Rome till he was martyred Anno. 169. 11. Sother SOther borne in Campania as the valiaunt souldiour of Christe Iesus serued vnder his spirituall banner in the time of Antonius Cōmodus He employed him self moste diligently to bring the soules of the baptized to saluation in Christe both by doctrine and example of life And in the ende confirmed the Gospell whiche he had faithfully preached with his bloud in martyrdome Anno. 177. 12. Eleutherius ELeutherius a Grecian was also a carefull and vigilant pastour in his time the persecution of the tyrants did somewhat decreace many godly writers bestowed great paynes to wryte sondry learned bookes against diuerse heresies and heretikes whiche then enfected the churche And among other this Eleutherius did also defende against Titianus that no vsuall trade of life is to be reiected But not withstanding that the stormes of persecution were somewhat calmed in his time because many of the Romayne nobilitie beleued on Christe yet Masseus saythe he was beheaded Anno. 191. 13. Victor VIctor borne in Aphrica did succeade Eleutherius This man was the first that when the storme of persecution was calmed vsurping authoritie vpon straungers sought to haue an oar in an other mans boate In the former byshops saith Vincelius the spirite abounded but in these that folowe the temptacion of fleshe and bloud preuayled Policrates bishop of Ephesus and Iraeneus bishop of Lions did bouldly reproue this Victor for exempting his bretheren in Asia from the communiō because in keping Easter day they folowed not the vse of the churche of Rome So that the churche was then rent in twayne by meanes of his obstinacy He died Anno. 203. 14. Zepherinus ZEpherinus was a Romaine borne a man as writers do testifie more addicted with all endeuour to the seruice of God then to the cure of any worldly affayres Where as before his time the wine in the celebrating the cōmuniō was ministred in a cup of woode he first did alter that and in steade thereof brought in cuppes or chalices of glasse And yet he did not this vpon any supersticion as thinking woode to be vnlawefull or glasse to be more holy for that vse but because the one is more comly and semely as by experience it appeareth then the other And yet some wooden doultes do dreame that the wooden cuppes were chaunged by him because that part of the wine or as they thought the royall bloud of Christe did soake into the woode and so it can not be in glasse Surely soner may wine soake into any woode then any witte into those winie heads that thus both deceiue them selues and slaunder this Godly martyr Who in the yeare of our lorde 220. suffered martyrdome vnder Aurelius In the time of this Zepherinus the Artemonites were a secte of vaine Philosophicall diuines who as our late scholemen did corrupt the scripture with Aristotle and Theophrastus turning all into curious and subtile questions 15. Calixtus the first CAlixtus borne at Rauenna when persecution began to wexe hotte againe did like a constant Christian hide him selfe with many moe in a certaine place on the farther side of Tiber. In these daies saith Platina al thinges were kept close and hidden because the persecution was so great euery where yea their churches and places of assembly were in corners and caues for the moste parte But Anno 226. this Calixtus was apprehended by the commaundement of Alexander Seuerus and was beaten with coodgiels pent in prison afterwarde hurled headlong out of a wyndowe and then his bodie was drowned in a depe pitte 16. Vrbanus VRbanus a Romaine liued vnder that moste lasciuious wreatche Heliogabalus the Emperoure and with his sinceritie of life and excellencie in learning he drewe many men on all sides to the Gospell He was oftentimes banished the citie for the Christian faithe but being secretlye brought in againe by the faithfull he was martyred by cōmaundement of Seuerus Anno. 233. 17. Pontianus POntianus a Romaine in the time of the sayde Emperour Seuerus being one of Christes ministers and a distributer of Gods misteries suffered both banishement punishement for the Gospell and the churche sake For when they ran thicke to him to heare him preache the worde by the princes commaundement being set on by the Idolatrous priestes he is caried frō Rome to the Isle Sardinia where after many miseries and sore tormētes he was put to death Anno. 239. 18. Antheros ANtheros was borne in Grece a man of God if any wer He preached Christe stoutely euen vnder the tyranny of Maximinus the Emperour This byshop prouided first of all that the actes of martyrs should be diligently writtē by notaries least the remembraunce of Gods hardie souldiours should be lost with their liues This Antheros in the yeare 243. did with his bloude beutifie the churche whiche with his woorde he had fed before 19. Fabian AFter him came Fabius a Romain borne who as Eusebius witnesseth as he was returning home out of the fielde and with his contrimen present to electe a newe byshop there was a pygeon sene standing on his head and sodenly he was created pastour of the churche whiche he loked not for While he liued he him selfe sawe that the recordes of martyrs should be written and that burying places should be prepared for them who afterwarde vnder Decius that afterwarde dealt cruelly with his owne brethren ended his life with most glorious death Anno. 150. 20. Cornelius COrnelius a Romaine being in the time of Decius accounted the seuēth persecutour of Christe his church had a Godly care ouer the safetie of his neighbours He entertayned curteously and restored to the churche as many as hauing denied Christe in tormentes did yet repent thē of their deede afterward O the aboōdant spirite of Christ that was in this byshop O worthy minister of the Gospel for although this mā of God Cornelius was caried away into banishemēt yet he neuer fayled the churche of Christ. But as a valiant champiō in the maintenaūce of the truth did yelde his necke vnto the sworde of Decius 21. Lucius LVcius a Romain being a faithful seruant in the lordes house and driuen into banishment by Gallus Hostilianus the persecutour of Christianitie was comforted of S. Ciprian by his letters And at the lengthe after Gallus death euen by Gods wil retourned to Rome enriched the churche with healthful doctrine and afterward being purified in the lambes bloud he pearced the heauenly paradise
peace draw on the time is nie at hand That tyrants rage shal shortned be er many years be rōne This cruel kind that ioyes in bloud shal wasted be done Rome hath beheld her prelats al ēbrewd in their own gore Three cruel ones yet shal she se and then shal be no more The death of next Melchiades shal ende the bloudy age His karkas being buried then peace shal all assuage 31. Melchiades MElchiades an Aphrican being a man very religious and a leader of the Christiā flocke proceaded in preaching the Gospell and in the affaires of the truthe so farre vntill he spent his bloud for it vnder Maximinianus Galerius And in the profession thereof died Anno 314. Reade the Ecclesiasticall history of Eusebius bishop of Caesaria concerning manifolde and vnaccustomed cruell deathes of the sainctes of that time Cursulanus Platina Stella and other the Popes flatterers doe falsely father vpon these martyrs whole loades of decrees and lyes that the lewde inuentions of their ceremonies might be established by the authoritie of these men For they are not afraide for the aduauncement of the Popes trone with these vnclenly dregs to staine the bloud of sainctes and defile this beautiful face of the primatiue churche being through continuall persecution euer agreable to Christe the head therof But what wyse man can thinke that suche simple ministers and pastours of Gods worde as the bishops then were dwelling in holes dennes and corners and looking for nothing but dayly death vnder tyrantes should haue minde of pontificall pompe stately buildinges or Papisticall solemnities when as they had neither churches nor dwelling houses The churche as yet obtained no peace they liued not yet in vnprofitable idlenes neither had they the chiefe pleasures of the worlde But those were the imaginations which false prophetes according to their custome deuised for their bellies sake But Sabellicus speaking of the saluage persecution of the churche vnder Dioclesian saythe alleaging it out of Eusebius that the Christian flocke was plaged at this time by the iudgement of God because sinne began to growe vp in the churche aboue measure and the priestes seemed nowe rather to sauour of tyranny and not humilitie and therefore when this persecutiō came it was rather a reformation of the churche corrupted by ease and peace then a scattering thereof Whereby it semeth that euen then God geuing but a pauze of persecution and whyle tyranny did but staye to breathe it selfe they began to decline and growe crooked yet is it not to be thought that they were caried so farre away as yet to newe fashiō and transport with māglinges addicions the Christian religion as the Papistes dreame they did And thus is the popishe synagoge groūded on vntruthe But it were a fond matter to beleue these scoffes toyes contriued for priestes aduauntage as our forefathers haue done we should rather trie of what spirites they be as S. Iohn commaūdeth whether they be of God or no. Iohn 4. For many false prophetes haue crept into the worlde Hetherto the pastors were starres shining in the firmament of the churche as well in life and manners as in doctrine and preserued in his right hande who walked in the middest of the seuen candelstickes Apocal. 1. Hetherto they were counted Angels reuealing the euerlasting wyll of almighty God purely without mans diuices 32. Syluester the first AFter that Melchiades was put to death Syluester a Romaine succeded in the ministery of the woorde but because that the tyrant Maximinus continued his bloudy persecution against the Churche Syluester was fayne to hide him selfe and to lyue solitarily in the hille Soracte But at the length it pleased God to laye his terrible hand vpon the persecutour Maximinus forcing the tyrant to reclaime his cruel decrees against the Christians Touching the death of Maximinus who among other tyrantes was a Scorpion to the Christians it is to be noted that Eusebius writeth first in the eight booke and 28. chapter of his ecclesiastical history thus First in the secrete partes of his body arose an impostume then in his bowels grewe a fistulowe within the whiche a great swarme of woormes and magettes gnawed and deuoured his guttes wherof arose a noysome stinke so ranke that no man could by any meanes abide it beside the ougly loathsom sight of the soare it selfe so that some of his phisicions not able for the horror of it to endure to dresse him were put to death by his cōmaundement Afterward the disease increasing all his body was swollen and rankled with it so that with extremitie of his panges and fainting through honger he fel down and lay sprawling on the grounde Then all his body by the hande of God was terribly enflamed and burned exceadingly odious to beholde so that the scorched fleshe being by little and little eaten awaye pyned and consumed he was so disfigured and deformed his feauter so vaded that a man could discerne no resemblance of his former shape His gastly and naked carkasse was euen as an image of drye bones And yet the glowing heate boyled more feruently so that the marrowe fried out of his bones and his eyes all moisture being wasted dropped out of his head Thus his limmes and members through scalding heate ranke disease rotting one from an other his body laye miserably as it were a graue to the soule vntil the tormentes thereof wrested out from his cancred harte to acknowledge Christe Iesus and to repent his bloudy persecuting the cause of this his woful ende the last persecutour Eusebius lib. 10. cap. 8. Furthermore it pleased the almighty to woorke so graciously in the hart of the noble Emperour Constantine that by his procurement the churche at the length obtained peace vniuersally so that euery mā might safely returne to his owne countrey and citie whereupon Syluester returned to Rome and was the firste Romaine byshop that escaped martyrdome There are many some indifferent but moste detestable grosse and fonde decrees falsely fathered vpō this Syluester as halowing of Chrismes geuing of orders confirming of children decking of churches couering of altars making masse priestes annoynting and attiring of them and of making the howsell to be God called deifying the host of worshipping and preseruing it Also touching coyfes hoodes corporals albes mitars palles cloathes churching kerchiefes for women rochettes sacrifices ceremonies chappels anoyling of the sicke with a rablement of diuers other Iewishe and Heathen ceremonies Platina Polidor Virgill and other the Popes parasites slaunder this Syluester that he tooke vpon him in steade of a golden crowne to weare a mitar after the Phrygian fashion Touching certaine miracles whiche are also with like credit sayde to be done by this Syluester Mantuan wryteth thus Fast. lib. 12. Men talke of many miracles that Syluester hath wrought But authour yet sufficient hath neuer forth ben brought Nor witnesse good to proue the same therfore I let alone Such things as fables fondly faind for our religion Condemneth toyes