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A35021 The legacy of the Right Reverend Father in God, Herbert, Lord Bishop of Hereford, to his diocess, or, A short determination of all controversies we have with the papists, by Gods holy word Croft, Herbert, 1603-1691. 1679 (1679) Wing C6966; ESTC R1143 85,065 144

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the-flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood ye have no life in you Whoso eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day For my flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and I in him What can be more plainly exprest even to the meanest capacity of men Good Reader I suppose you conceive that here we are hard beset for these words certainly carry far more appearance for their transubstantiating the Bread into real Flesh than the bare saying This is my Body which as I shewed you is a common figurative way of speaking in Scripture But yet as our Saviour saith If ye have faith ye may say unto this mountain be thou removed and it shall be done So you shall see this their mountain of Objection presently removed Come then my Papist Doctors Will you have these words in St. Iohn literal down right literal without any figure I beseeeh you then tell me What becomes of all the Laity in your Church Will you send them into Hell Body and Soul for ever to make good this new-found Transubstantiation Doth not our Saviour here expresly declare That Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his bloud ye have no life in you Eat and Drink mark and Drink And do the Laity eat and drink literally no certainly How then shall they enter into life Must none but the Priests be saved Poor miserable Laity I am sure you must literally be damned for ever to save Transubstantiation a sad doctrine for you whatever becomes of your Priests I fear they will fare little better that thus blindly lead you into this fatal ditch of damnation Consider I beseech you how they delude and gull you They press these words of St. Iohn upon the ignorant Laity My flesh is meat indeed to perswade them 't is real flesh in the Sacrament but when we press them with those words Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his bloud ye have no life in you thereby shewing That 't is necessary for all to drink the blood as well as eat the flesh then they say all here is to be taken in a spiritual sence of eating and drinking by Faith Wherein they say truly but yet shew they deal falsly with you making you believe all here is to be taken literally whereas in truth all is to be taken spiritually and they compelled to acknowledge it so by their unlucky Decree of taking the Cup from the Laity Had it not been for this good God how would they have dunn'd our ears with this Chapter of St. Iohn there would have been no enduring their lowd clamors for their literal sence But now I beseech you calmly to consider this passage in St. Iohn Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his bloud ye have no life in you Who so eateth my flesh and drinketh my bloud hath eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day These words carry far more appearance of Christ's real Flesh in the Sacrament than those in St. Matthew This is my Body which as I said before is a figurative way of speaking very frequent in Scripture and no body startled at it but when our Saviour pronounced those words in St. Iohn most that heard them were very much startled and disordered at them yea many Disciples left following our Saviour upon them crying This is an hard saying who can bear it for really it sounds very hard if you take the bare words in themselves without our Saviour's Comment upon them whereof we shall speak by and by This then is the thing I pray you to consider if these words in St. Iohn which carry so much a greater appearance of real flesh in the Sacrament yet may and ought to be taken and are taken by the Papists themselves in a Spiritual sence Is it not a most unreasonable and senceless thing in the Papists to cry out upon us for taking those words in St. Matthew This is my Body in a spiritual sence It is just the same as for a man that refuses to take a guilded shilling for pure Gold 〈◊〉 out on me because I will not accept of a piece of plain brass for pure gold But setting aside the Papists who take all Scriptures right or wrong as they serve most for their turn and as they blasphemously call the Scripture a nose of wax so use it and shape all to their own ●ancy let us now see our Saviour's own Comment on his own words that is the sure way to have the right sence of them I pray you then observe how our Saviour in this Chapter v. 47. just before he began this discourse prepares his Disciples for the spiritual understanding of what follows by saving Verily verily I say unto you He that believeth on me hath everlasting life Which plainly shews that the words he was going to speak were to be apprehended by Faith and not in a carnal way for as he saith in this 47 Verse with a double asseveration Verily verily I say unto you He that believeth on me hath everlasting life So Verse 53. Verily verily I say unto you Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood ye have no life in you Here he affirms the very same of eating his flesh as before of believing in him shewing that our eating must be by Faith and not carnally And then again after our Saviour saw that many were offended at those words of Eating his flesh to take them off from any gross carnal apprehension he tells them The words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life After that our Saviour had thus instructed his Disciples in the true spiritual sence of his words we find it so rectified their Understandings as that when he administred to them this holy Sacrament and gave them that which figuratively he called his Body to eat not one of them in the least scrupled at it which doubtless some one or other would have done had they imagined our Saviour had given his real Flesh. They who startled at hearing it would much more at acting it for their Faith was not yet so strong as to believe such a miraculous Transubstantiation as the Papists fancy and that his whole Body should enter in at the narrow circle of their mouthes For we see how weakly they staggered at our Saviour's Resurrection though forewarned of it several times by him and they had seen him also raise several others from the dead yet would not believe his Resurrection till they saw him and scarce then All which plainly shews they took the Bread as real Bread according to Christ's Institution in remembrance of his Passion and Death and not as his very Body entring in at their mouthes into their breasts which doubtless some of them
the thing we still urge to ●hew us some compelling Motive why they make such an infinite difference between these two sayings when the forms of speech are both the same yet the one must infer a mighty miracle the other none at all but as familiar a Figure as may be Had our Saviour taken into his hand a picture of a Face and said This is my Face what Man could imagine he intended This picture is changed into my real substantial Face but rather undoubtedly conceive he meant This represents my Face And just so when he took Bread into his hand and said This is my Body who can imagine but he meant This represents my Body And therefore as I said it requires some urgent Reason to make us think otherwise But in stead of Reason they return us Railing that we are faithless Hereticks and we reply They are foolish Pratlers But now to shew how willing we are to believe Christ in this or any thing else be it ever so much against our reason we will narrowly examine and observe all circumstances in the institution of this blessed Sacrament and see if we can find any considerable motive to encline us to this miraculous change of transubstantiating bread into Christ's Body In the first place let us reflect on the Original type of this Sacrament which was the Sacrifice of Melchisedek King of Salem when he met Abraham coming from the Victory over the Heathen Kings mentioned Gen. 14. 18. And Melchisedek King of Salem brought forth bread and wine This Melchisedek was a Priest of the most high God And Heb. 7. the Apostle at large declares That Christ was a Priest of the same Order with Melchisedek in all things typified by Melchisedek Now what Sacrifice did Melchisedek offer up unto the most high God Bread and Wine real substantial Bread and Wine Doubtless then from hence we should conclude That Christ being a Priest of the same Order with Melchisedek should offer the same Sacrifice with him real substantial Bread and Wine Surely this makes against the Papists Transubstantiation Secondly Let us consider the Iewish Sacraments which were also Types of ours The Iews had in their Church two Sacraments Circumcision and the Paschal Lamb and these were as I said Types of what was to follow in Christ who abolishing that Church and Sacraments did introduce two other Sacraments in his Church Baptism and the holy Supper As Circumcision was the initiating Sacrament to the Iews So Baptism is to us And as the Paschal Lamb was the commemorating Sacrament to the Iews of their deliverance from their bondage in Aegypt so the holy Supper is our commemorating Sacrament of our deliverance from the bondage of Hell You see then that thus far our Sacraments resemble those of the Iews Was there any Transubstantiation in the Iewish Sacraments No We cannot then from the Iewish Sacraments find the least hint of Transubstantiation in ours Thirdly Let u● compare our two Sacraments one to the other Is there any Transubstantiation or any real alteration in the element of water in the Sacrament of Baptism No the water still remains in substance water We cannot then from that Sacrament find any ground for Transubstantiation in this Fourthly Let us consider this Sacrament in it self what was our Saviours intent in the institution of it which certainly should be a great and the best guide to us in this business 'T is evident by several Scriptures that it was instituted to commemorate our Saviour's Passion and Death Christ expresly declared it so at the institution Do this in remembrance of me And St. Paul 1 Cor. xi 26. expresly declares it so As often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup ye do shew the Lord's death till he come Now let us see if Transubstantiation do any way help towards a fuller setting forth the Lord's Death Let the Papists shew this if they can it would somewhat encline us to their Transubstantiation for my part I profess sincerely it appears to me quite otherwise For in their transubstantiated Sacrament there is no representation of our Saviour's Suffering nor of his Blood-shedding and Death for they affirm his Body to be there a Spiritual Body impassible no breaking of it no division of the Blood from his Fle●h for they believe Christ's Body to be entirely Flesh Bones and Blood the whole Body under both forms of Bread and Wine so saith their great Doctor Aquinas in the third Part of his Summes Quest. 76. Art 2. and there proves it in his School-way So that in their Sacrament there is nothing representing Christ's Sufferings nor Blood-shedding nor Death For first There is no real substance broken for the substance of Bread say they is gone and 't is now Christ's Body which is now impassible cannot be broken The Priest seems to break a Wafer but 't is no real Wafer 't is Christ's Body that is not broken neither So in truth and reality nothing is broken 't is broken and 't is not broken And then for the Chalice there is no Wine nor Christ's Blood apart 't is Christ's Body entire as they believe so you drink the same both Body and Blood together which before you have eaten and you eat before the very same which you afterwards drink So that eating and drinking is here one and the same rare School-devices Let us return to our own Sacrament there is real Bread and Wine the Bread is really broken by the Priest as it was by Christ 't is also bruised under the teeth of the eater So the Wine is received a part from the Bread both in a figure representing unto us Christ's Sufferings Blood-shedding and Death and buried in our breasts as in the Sepulchre And thus you see how much better our Sacrament of real Bread and Wine shews our Saviour's Sufferings and Death than their transubstantiated Bread and Wine Now considering how many figurative Speeches there are in the Gospel a man cannot but wonder how this Transubstantiation with accidents only of Bread and Wine hanging in the air without any substance of Bread and Wine to support them how this could come into the head of the first Inventer there being nothing in the Types and Sacraments of the Old Law nor in the Institution of the New to give us the least hint of it Especially considering the simplicity and plainness of the Gospel preached generally to a vulgar Auditory and fitted for their capacity and these Sacraments instituted for their use as well as others But the Papist Doctors have turned this into such an obscure Scholastick Sacrament that you must study Logick Physick Metaphysick and School-Divinity many years before you can understand what they would be at without any Scripture-foundation for this their Castle built in the Air. How cry the Papists without any Scripture-foundation Look we advise you into St. Iohn's Gospel Chap. 6. v. 53 54 55 56. Then Iesus said unto them Verily verily I say unto you Except ye eat
mercy to stir up Dr. Luther Bucer Melancthon Calvin and several others to open again the Gospel unto us and by the light thereof to discover the Heathenish superstitions of the Church of Rome who had again revived many practices of old Pagan Rome the Pagan had their purifying Waters called Aquae Lustrales in imitation whereof the Papists have their Holy Water to sprinkle themselves withal when they enter the Church So instead of the Pagan Vestal Fires the Papists have their lamps continually burning day and night before their Altars The Pagans had their Tutelary gods as Protectors of this and that place so have the Papists their several Saints for several Countreys St. Dennis for France St. Iames for Spain St. Peter for Rome St. George for England St. Patrick for Ireland The Pagans carried the Idols of their gods about in Procession with great pomp burning Incense and singing Hymns unto them the Papists do the very same to the Idols of the blessed Virgin and Saints to the reproach rather than the honour of their memory as if they had been Heathen and not Christian Saints Many many more are their superstitious fopperies forsaking the body Christ and follow the infatuating shadows of humane inventions Teaching for Doctrines the Commandments of men God only knows what a Chaos of confusion we had been sunk into before this had not God stirred up those Worthies I mentioned when the Pope like a God upon earth had usurped that Anti-Christian power as to thwart the commandments of God and Christ our blessed Saviour as I have already shewed you in many particulars But there is one I have not yet mentioned more remarkable and detestable than any of those I mean the countermanding that solemn and last command of our Lord and Saviour Jesus at his last Supper after he had instituted the blessed Sacrament of his body and blood to our endless comfort and commanded his Apostles to do the same in remembrance of him And I pray you take notice of one circumstance therein which perchance you have never yet observed and 't is this When our Saviour delivered the Bread unto the Apostles he said Take eat this and no more but when he delivered the Cup he gave a more exact command for it saying Drink ye all of this As if he had said Be sure that every one of you partake of the Cup let no one omit it And why so particularly command the Cup more than the Bread Truly with great reason He divinely foreseeing the sacrilegious dismembring of this blessed Sacrament which the Roman Church would make in depriving the people of the Cup. Whereas one would think this Command of our dying Lord and Saviour for us should of all other Commands be most exactly performed to a tittle in every point Yet the Pope as ungratefully as insolently presumes to command to keep the Cup from the People Who could have believed such an insolency had not the whole world seen it By the same rule he might and perchance before this time had not his high presuming power met with such opposition in Germany would have taken away the Bread also and made the People only gazers on and admirers of the great dignity of the Priests who alone were admitted to that Holy Supper for so it is among them now for the most part the Priest saying Mass every day but the common people generally receive the blessed Sacrament but once or twice a year Now had the Pope taken away the Bread also he might have given the very same reason for that as he doth for taking away the Cup. They give two reasons First because it may happen that in delivering the Cup to many people the Wine which they call the Blood may be spilt Why so in giving the Bread some crums may fall and they affirm that Christs body is entirely contained in the least crum Secondly They say the People have the Blood of Christ in his Body when they receive that and therefore they need it not again in the Cup. Though 't is apparent in Scripture that our Saviour gave it in the Cup apart to signifie his bloodshedding from his body saying This is my blood which was shed But 't is no matter what our Saviour said the Pope says otherwise and we must hearken to him he says 't is sufficient for the People to receive the Blood in his Body And so should he say that he is the Head of the Church and if he alone receive the Bread and Cup and no other neither People nor Priest receive either 't is sufficient if the Head receive them the Head stands for the whole Body the Pope guided by the Holy Ghost says so and then who dares say otherwise And thus you see that if we once let go the Scripture farewell all Religion all the commands of God are to small purpose what the Pope says must be a Law Good Lord deliver us The time is welnigh past and I must hasten to an end Wherefore I shall now add only a short reflection on what hath been said with a word of Exhortation in the close You have heard Gods Command to the People of Israel concerning the Old Law That all should read it teach it their Children write it on the doors and posts of their dwellings discourse of it in their Houses by the way and in the fields You have heard also Gods Command to the Prophets To go to all the house of Israel to all the people and cry aloud to them all the day long You have heard our Saviours Command to the Apostles To go and Preach the Gospel to all Nations to every creature You have heard how the Apostles guided by the Holy Ghost directed their Epistles To all the Faithful to all the Saints You have heard Saint Paul strictly command his Epistles to be read to all the holy Brethren And now shall any man be so insolently so desperately wicked as to dare to controul the Command of God so often reiterated and countermand the Scriptures to be shut up from the People Man a worm of the Earth thus to oppose his Creator Nay my beloved hearken yet farther The Romanists declare it to be a sin for the people to read the Scripture And you know the wages of sin is death eternal death so then the Romanists declare it to be Eternal Death for the people to read the words of Eternal Life Stand amazed O ye Heavens at this If this be not transcendent madness and transcendent wickedness too tell me what is To say the Sun is darkness is ten times more tolerable than to say the word of Eternal Life is Eternal Death to him that reads it But now I beseech you mark what a ridiculous Salvo they bring for this their horrid wickedness O say they but you may have leave of your Confessor to read the Scripture if he find you fit for it that is if he find you a dull tame Ass ready to bear all the