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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16106 Ane co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie psalmes and spirit[uall sangis] collectit furthe of sindrie ... Scripture ... Wedderburn, John, ca. 1500-1556.; Wedderburn, James, ca. 1495-1553.; Wedderburn, Robert, ca. 1510-ca. 1557. 1578 (1578) STC 2996.7; ESTC S720 80,470 230

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into hell The thrid day he rais againe from the deid He ascendit into heuin and sittis at the richt hand of God the Father almichtie And efter sall cum to Iudge the quicke and the deid I Beleue in the haly Gaist The haly Kirk vniuersall the communioun of Saintes The Remissioun of Sinnis The Resurrectioun of the body And life Euerlasting So be it ¶ The Lordis prayer as it is writtin in the 6. Chap. of Mathew quhilk Christ leirnit vs to pray contening sex petitiounis and all thingis necessarie for vs. c. OVR Father that art in heuin hallowit be thy Name Thy Kingdome cum Thy will be done in eirth as it is in heuin Giue vs this day our daylie breid Forgiue vs our trespassis as we forgiue them that trespas aganis vs. And leid vs not into temptatioun Bot deliuer vs from euill For thine is the Kingdome the power and the glorie for euer Amen ¶ Of our Baptisme GO ȝour way and teiche all Natiounis and Baptise them in the Name of the Father of the Sone and of the haly Gaist Math. xvj Chap. Go ȝour way into all the warld and preiche the Euangell till all creatures and quha that beleuis and is Baptisie sall be saif bot quha beleuis not sal be condempnit ad Titum Cap. ●● Not for the workis of righteousnes that we haif wrocht bot efter his greit mercie God hes sauit vs be the fontane of the new birth and renewing of the haly Gaist quhilk h●● sched on vs aboundātly throw Iesus Christ our Sauiour that we being maid richteous be his grace suld be airis of Eternall life according to hope this is trew Rom. vj. Thairfoir we ar buryit with Christ be Baptisme into deid like as Christ was rasit fra deid be the glorie of his Father euin sa we also suld walk in a new life ¶ The Lordis Supper as it is writtin in the first Epistil to the Cor. ij Chap. THAT quhilk I haue deliuerit vnto ȝow I ressauit of the Lord for the Lord Iesus the same nicht in the quhilk he was betrayit tuke the breid brak it gaue thankis and said Tak ȝe eit ȝe this is my body quhilk is brokin for ȝow do ȝe this in remembrance of me Efter the same maner also he tuke the coupe quhen the Supper was done and said This coupe is the new Testament in my blude do this al 's oft as ȝe drink it in the remembrance of me for al 's oft as ȝe sall eit of this breid and drink of this coupe ȝe sall declair the Lordis deith vntill his cumming Quhairfoir quhasaeuer sall eit of this breid and drinke of this coupe of the Lord vnworthely salbe gyltie of the body and blude of the Lord. B●●t let euerie man examine him self let him eit of this breid and drink of this coupe For he that eitis and drinkis vnworthely eitis and drinkis his awin dampnatioun becaus he makis na difference of the Lordis body and blude ¶ The power of binding and lowsing grantit to the trew preicheris of Goddis word Mathew xvj Chapter THE keyis of heuin wil I giue vnto the quhat saeuer thow sal bind vpon the eird salbe boūd also in heuin and quhatsaeuer thow sall louse vpon the eird sall be lowsit also in heuin Quhais sinnis ȝe forgiue ar forgeuin vnto them quhais sinnis ȝe retene ar retenit vnto them ¶ Heir followis the Catechisme put in meter to be sung with the tune and first the ten Commandementis MOYSES vpon the Mont Sinay with the greit God spak face for face Fastand and prayand bu●● delay The tyme of fourtie dayis space O God be mercyfull to vs. And God gaue him th●●r ten Commandis To teiche to mankinde euerie one And wrait them with his awin handis Twyse on twa Tabillis maid of stone O God be mercyfull to vs. j I am thy God allanerlie Serue me in feir and faith thairfoir worschip na kinde of Imagerie And giue na creature my gloir O God be mercyfull to vs. ij Tak not the Name of God in vaine Bot let ȝour talk be nay and ȝe Except ane Iudge do ȝow constraine To testifie the veritie O God be mercyfull to vs. iij wirk na euill wark on haly day Fle from all sinfull lust and sleuth walk and be sober fast and pray Heir hun that preiche the word of treuth O God be mercyfull to vs. iiij Honour thy Elders and them su●●plie Gif that thair neid of thee requyre Obey all Iudges in their degre Ordand ouir the to haue Impyre O God be mercyfull to vs. v Thow sall not slay in na kin wyse In counsell thocht nor outward deid Be thow ane Iudge or on ane Syse In Iudgement ordourly proceid O God be mercyfull to vs. vj Commit na kinde of Licherie Bot leif ane chaist and sober lyfe want thow the gift of Chaistitie Burne not in lust bot wed ane wyfe O God be mercyfull to vs. vij Commit na thift na man thow reif Leif on thy wage thy rent or wark Hald na manis geir let nane the craif Beg not and thow be haill and stark O God be mercyfull to vs. viij Beir na witnes with fals report In contrair Iust and richteous men Defaine na man in ony sort Suppois his fault or vice thow ken O God be mercyfull to vs. ix Thy Nichtbouris wyfe hous heritage Thow couet not ▪ to the or wis ▪ His hors ▪ his Ore his Mayd nor Page Nor ony gudis that is his O God be mercyfull to vs. x Our poysound nature allace thairfoir Can neuer mair this Law fulfill Bot greuand God ay moir and moir And can not wirk his godly will O God be mercyfull to vs. Then quhy to vs gaue God this Law The quhilk be na way we can keip That we be it our Sin suld knaw Repent and mend and for it weip O God be mercyfull to vs. Trew Faith in Christ wirkand be lufe Sall saue vs from the fyre of hell T●●ocht Goddis Angell wald vs re●●ru●●e As fal●● and curst ȝe him expell O God be mercyfull to vs. ¶ Of our Beleif WE trow in God allanerlie Full of all micht and Maiestie Maker of heuin and eird sa braid Quhilk hes him self our Father maid And we his Sonnis ar in deid He will vs keip in all our neid Baith saull and body to defend That na mischance sall vs offend He takis cure baith day and nicht To saue vs throw his godly micht Fra Sa●●hanis subteltie and slicht we trow in Iesus Christ his Sone God lyke in gloir our Lord alone Quhilk for his mercy and his grace wald man be borne to mak our ●●eace Of Mary Mother Uirgin chaist Consauit be the haly Gaist And for our saik on croce did die Fra Sin and hell to mak vs fre ▪ And rais from deith throw his Godherd Our Mediator and our remeid Sall cum
this parabill Ane certaine man was riche and coistly cled With purpour Sylk heich ▪ and presumpteous And euerie day deliciously him fed Thair was alswa a pure hecht Lazarus Lay seik at the ȝet of this gluttounis hous Throw sairis smart he had ane peirles pyne And want it sude quhen he wald fainest dyne To satisfie his seikly appetyte He wald haue citin of the crummis small Quhilk fell downe fra hie buird of greit delyte Bot naue to gif him was sa liberall The doggis did thair office naturall And oft thay did this catyne man refresche Lik and the fylth furth of his laithly flesche It chancit sa ▪ this begger did deceis Syne cary it was be angels gracious In abrahams bosome in heuinly rest and peace And this riche man that was sa ●●yatous Deceiffit al 's syne bu●●yit glorious In hellis paine he ●●yf●●it vp his eue And syne afar of abraham hes he seue Quhen Lazarus he saw with him also In his bosome he said with drerie Spreit Father Abraham haue mercy on my wo Send Lazarus his finger for to weit And euill my toung with cauld water and sweit ▪ For I am torment sair into this flame Then answerit him our father abraham Remember Sone that thow ressauit hes Into thy lyfe thy plesure in all thing And contrariwise Lazarus had distres Bot now he is in Ioy and comforting And thow art in wo and tormenting And al 's be●●uix vs thair is sa greit an●● space That na●●e may cum till vther be na cace ▪ And then he said ▪ O father I the pray Unto my fathers hous thow wald him send That he my fyue brether aduerteis may Leist they into this cairfull place discend Bot abraham said let them repent and mend And al 's thay haue the Prophetis Moyses law Let them heir them gif yai the way wald knaw Bot he said nay ▪ my father abraham kynde Gif ony to the quick ȝeid from the deid Trewly thay suld repent with hart and mynde Bot not the les abraham this answer maid Gif thay heir not the Law quhilk suld them leid Then fall they nocht in ony way is beleif Thocht ane suld ryse from deid them to releif Unto the pure thairfoir be pi●●tifull Quhill ȝe ar heir schaw them ȝour cheritie Till freind and fa be all tyme mercyfull As ȝe forgiue ▪ ȝe sall forgeuin be Mortifie lust and Sensualitie Conforme ȝow not to warldly pomp and pryde Dreid God lufe man refraine lust at all tyde FINIS ¶ The principall pointis of the Passioun shortlie correctit HELP God the formar of all thing That to thy gloir may be my dyte Be baith at end and beginning That I may mak ane sang perfyte Of Iesus Christis passioun Sinneris only Saluatioun As witnessis thy word in write Thy word for euer sall remaine As in his buke wrytis Isay Baith heuin and eird sall turne againe Or thy trew word cum to decay Thow can not lyke ane man repent To change thy purpois or Intent Bot steidfast is thy word for ay Iesus the fatheris word alone Discendit in ane Uirgine pure With meruellis greit and mony one And be Iudas that fals tratour That Lambe for sober sum●●e was sauld And gaue his lyfe for caus he wald Redeme all sinfull Creature Quhen eittin was the Pascall Lamb. Christ tuke the breid his hand within Blyssing it brak it gaue the same Till his apostillis mair and min Eit that for my body is this Quhilk for ȝour saikis geuin is In till remissieun of ȝour sin Siclyke he gaue them for to drink In wyne his blude the quhilk was sched ▪ Upon his precious deid to think On him remembrance to be maid Quha ettis this blyssit Sacrament Worthely with trew Intent Sall neuer se Eternall deid For caus thay knew him till depart Thay straif quha suld be ouerest Bot Iesus said with humbill hart Princes ar repute Nobilest The quhilk rewlis maist awfullie Sa amang ȝow it sall not be Bot quha is maist sall serue the leist Iesus wushe his apostillis feit Schawand exempill of lawlynes And chargit them with wordis sweit That lufe amang them suld Incres For thairby it suld cum to licht That ȝe ar my Discipulis richt Giue ȝe amang ȝow lufe posses Efter this prayer passit he And met the Iewes quhilk him socht Quhen thay had bound him cruellie Befoir the Iudges they him brocht First they him scurgit and for scorne Him Crownit with ane Crowne of thorne Syne dampnit him to deid for nocht That Prince on Croce thay lyftit on hicht For our Redemeptioun that thocht sa lang He said I thrist with all my micht To saue mankynde fra panis strang He that all warldis was beforne Come downe of Mary to be borne For our trespas on croce he hang. Then he his heid culd Inclyne As wrytis Iohne and gaue the Gaist And of the Croce tane was syne And laid in graue bot sone in haist Leuand he rais on the thrid day And to his apostillis did say To them appeirit maist and leist And syne he did his apostillis teiche Throw all the warld for to pas And till all Creature for to preiche As they of him Instructit was Quha Bapteist is and will beleue Eternall deid sall not them greue Bot salbe sauit mair and les Sanct Luk wryting his assentioun Thocht present ay with vs he be As Scripture makis mentioun That is to say with vs is he Be his sweit word steidfast but faill Contrair the quhilk can not preuaill Sathan nor hellis tyrannie Ane conforter to vs he did send Quhilk from the father did proceid To gyde vs trewly to the end In inwart thocht and outward deid Call on the Lord our gyde and licht To leid vs in his law full richt And be our help in all our neid Pray for all men in generall Suppois thay wirk vs richt or wrang Pray for ȝour Prince in speciall Thocht thay be Iust or tyrannis strang Obey for sa it aucht to be In prison for the veritie Ane faithfull brother maid this sang FINIS ¶ Ane sang of the Euangell contenand the effect of the samin BE blyith all Christin men and sing Dance and mak mirth with all ȝour micht Christ hes vs kyithit greit comforting Quhairsoir we may reioyce of richt Ane wark to wounder that is wrocht Christ with his blude full deir vs bocht And for our saik to deid was dicht For with the deuill and dulefull deid With hell and sin I was forlorne The sone of Ire at Goddis feid Consaine sa I was and borne I grew ay mair and mair tha●●rin And daylie eli●● sin to sin Dispair was euer me beforne Quhair I culd not the Law fulfill My warkis maid me na supplie Sa blind and waik was my fre will That hatit the veritie My conscience kest me euer in cair The
to Iudge baith quick and deid we trow in God the haly Spreit In all distres our comfort sweit we trow the Kirk Catholick be And faithfull Christin companie Throw all the warld with ane accord Remissioun of our Sin we trow And this same flesche that leuis now Sall stand vp at the latter day And bruik Eternall lyfe for ay FINIS OVR Father God Omnipotent Quhen Christ thy Sone was heir present He bad vs euer pray to the Becaus we knew not for to pray He leirnit vs quhat we suld say ▪ Syne hecht to heir vs mercyfullie Sen the to call is thy command Thyne awin wordis then vnderstand Quhilk thow hes promeist for till heir Behald not my vnrichteousnes Bot luke till Christis richteousnes And with thy faith my Spreit vp steir ▪ Lord thow will haue allanerlie worschip in Spreit and veritie And to ●●ane vther giue thy gloir Thy Name then let vs lufe and dreid And call on it in all our neid And thank and loue the euermoi●● Destroy the Deuill his Realme and Reigne Quhilk of this warld is Prince and King And let thy Gospell be our gyde Conforme our lyfe efter thy word That we may reigne for euer O Lord In thy Kinrik with the to byde God grant that we may wirk thy will In eird thy plesure to fulfill Siclyke as in the heuin Impyre And quhat that euer we tak on hand May be conforme to thy command And nathing efter our desyre Giue vs this day our daylie breid And all thing that thow hes maid For mennis sustenta●●ioun And all thing quhair of we haue neid Our saull and body for to feid But sleuth or solistatioun Forgiue our sinnis and our trespas For Christis saik quhilk geuin was To deid for our Redemptioun As we forgiue all Creature Offendand vs baith riche and pure Hartfully without exemptioun Defend vs from temptatioun The feind and his decatioun The warld sa fals the fragill flesche Saif vs from schame and from dispair 〈…〉 beleue and Lollaris lair And Deuillis doctrine mair or les Deliuer vs from euillis all Baith Spirituall and Corporall And grant vs grace quhen we sall die And fea this present lyfe we wend That we may mak ane blyssit end Syne reigne with the Eternallie Power nor gloir Impyre nor tryne Is nane in heuin ▪ nor eirth bot thyne And euer mair sall sa remaine Thairfoir thow may and wil releue All them that can in Christ beleue From deid the deuill ▪ and hellis paine FINIS ¶ The effect of the Sacrament of Baptisme and first institutioun thairof declaring alswa quhat singular comfort we obtene be the lamin CHRIST baptist was be Iohne in Iordan flude For to fulfil for vs all richteousnes And our Baptisme do tit with Sanctitude And greit vertew to wesche our sinfulnes To drowne the deid and hell for to oppres Quhen Goddis word with water Ioynit be Throw Faith to gif vs life Eternallie For our waiknes God of his mercy sweit To strenth our Faith ordand this Sacrament In Name of Father Sone and haly Spreit To welche our body and in our minde to prent That worde and water outward represent ▪ Throw wirking of the Spirit into our hart That Christis blude wes●●his away the sin In wart Our Baptisme is ane takin and ane signe That auld Adame suld drownit be and die And grauit in the deid of Christ our King To rise with him to life Eternallie That is we suld our sin ay mortifie Resistand vice leif haly Iust and trew And throw the Spirit daylie our life renew Be figure and be word Christ did vs teiche The Fatheris voyce was hard sayand full clei●● Iesus quhome I haue send my word to preiche He is my weilbelouit Sone sa deir In word ▪ in wark allone ȝe sall him heir In him is all my plesure and dely●●e To him I ȝow commit baith small and greit The haly Gaist come downe to testifie His doctrine and his Baptisme to declare In forme of dow sat on him soberlie In our Baptisme to dout not nor dispair Baith Father Sone and haly Gaist ar thair To be our gyde the Trinitie him sell Hes geuin in eird with vs to dwell Christ had his Apostillis preiche to all creature That thay with sin and hell war all forlorne Quha will beleue and traist my wordis sure And Bapteist is and new againe is borne And Sathan and his warkis hes forsworne Thay sall be saif and neuer mair sall die Bot ring in gloir perpetuall with me Quha will not this greit grace beleif to hell Sal be condempmt with Eternall deid Quhair Purgatorie and pardounis will not sell And gude Intent thair Pylate plie●●t and leid Dum ceremoneis ▪ the quhilk themself hes maid And vowis vaine quhilk thay did neuer keip Sall gar thame gnashe thair teith eyis weip Our eine seis outward bot the watter cauld Bot our pure faith the power spirituall Of Christis blude inwart it dois behauld Quhilk is ane leuand well Celestiall Ȝit for to purge the penitent with all Our natiue sin in Adame to expell And all trespas committit be our sell. Our Baptisme is not done all on ane day Bot all our lyfe it lestis Idenike Remissioun of our sin induris for ay For thocht we fall throw grit fragylitie The cunnand anis contract faithfullie Be our grit God at Font sall euer remaine Al 's oft as we repent and sin refraine We can not giue to God louing conding For sa greit grace and mercy Infinite Quhilk Institute this Sacrament and Sing ▪ Quhais greit vertew in veirs I can not dy●●e Bot mony cunning Clerk of it dois wryte Full Christianely al 's the Catechisme buke Declaris at lenth quha list to luke ¶ The Supper of the Lord and richt vse of it to be sung OVR Sauiour Christ King of grace With God the Father maid our peace And with his bludie woundis fell Hes vs redemit from the Hell And he that we suld not forȝet Gaue vs his body for to eit In forme of breid and gaue vs syne ▪ His blude to drink in forme of wyne Quha will ressaue this Sacrament Suld haue trew faith and sin repent Quha vsis it vnworthelie Ressauis deid Eternallie We suld to God giue praise and gloir That sched his blude vs to restoir Ci●● this in his remembrance In signe of thy delyuerance Thow suld not dout bot fast beleue That Christis body sall releue All them that ar in heuines Repentand sair thair sinfulnes Sic grace and mercy nane can craif Bot thay that troublit hartis haif Feill thow then sin abstene thy sell ▪ Or thy rewaird ●●all be in hell Christ sayis sinners cum vnto me Quhilk myster hes of my mercie Neidis thow nocht my Medicine I lois my paine and trauell tyne Giue thow thy self thy Saull culd win In vaine I deit for thy sin My Supper
hes sylde And ar the verray Antichristis FINIS ALLACE vnkyndlie Christ we haue exillt And of thair fude his flock we haue begili●● With vanities we haue thame lang del●●di●● ▪ And in fals beleif hes thame includit And euer this wa●● the blating of our queir Fatheris of haly Kirk this xv hunder ȝeir The water of lyfe we gaue them neuer to drink Bot stinkand pulis of euerie rottin synk For haly Scripture all niterlie we haue mockit And with traditionis of mē we haue them ȝockit And euer this was the blating of our queir Fatheris of haly Kirk this .xv. hunder ȝeir Man befoir God ▪ sa lang we haue preferrit Quhill we se now almaist that all is marrit And God him self is grevit and displesit And we thairby ar bot lytill casit Althocht it be the blating of our queir Fatheris of haly Kirk this .xv. hunder ȝeir Our blind desyris sen we may nocht fulfill Welcum gude Lord full sair aganis our will Ȝit nocht the les we sall do as we may And efter this ▪ luke for ane better day And ȝit salbe the bating of our queir Fatheris of haly Kirk this .xv. hunder ȝeir We knaw as did King Saull our fatell fall Ȝit quhill we die ▪ Dauid persew we sall Suppose we suld wrack our self and tyne The feild and all our kin ▪ be haugit syne Ȝit sall it be the blating of our queir Fatheris of haly Kirk this xv hunder ȝeir Lat Moses preiche to Pharao as he lykis Ȝit sall the pepill be tormenti●● lyke tykis And neuer depart from Egypt giue we may We salbe cruellest on the hinmest day Quhen we ar drownit we sall blait on our beir Fatheris of haly Kirk this .xv. hunder ȝeir O cankerit cariounis and o ȝe rottin stakis O kangand Edderis and o ȝe poysound snakis Sen ȝe will not change ȝour indurit will Knawand ȝour fault ▪ ȝit will continew still Sing on guk guk the blating of ȝour queir Fals fatheris of haly Kirk this .xv. hunder ȝeir ▪ FINIS OF the fals fyre of Purgatorie Is nocht left in ane sponk Thairfoir sayis Gedde wayis me Gone is Preist Freir and Monk The reik sa wounder deir thay solde For money gold and landis Quhill haue the riches on the molde Is seasit in thair handis Thay knew na thing bot couetice And lufe of Paramonris And lat the Saulis burne and his Of all thair Foundatouris At Corpspresence thay wald sing For ryches to slokkin the fyre Bot all pure folk that had na thing Was skaldit baine and lyre Ȝit sat thay heich in Parliament Lyke Lordis of greit renowne Quhill now that the new Testament Hes it and thame brocht downe And thocht thay fuffe at it and blaw Ay quhill thair bellyis ryue The mair thay blaw full weill thay knaw The mair it do is misthryue FINIS WO is the Hirdis of Israell That feidis nocht Christis flock ▪ Bot daintelie thay feid thaine self Syne dois the pepill mock The syllie sche●●p was all forlorne And was the woifis pray The hirdis reindit all the corne The scheip culd get na stray Thay gadderit vp baith woll and milk ▪ And tuke na mair cure Bot cled thame with the coistlie sylk And siclyke cled thair hure Thairfoir sayis God I will requyr●● My scheip furth of thair handis And giue thame hirdis at my desyre To teiche thame my commandis And thay sall nouther feid them self Nor ȝit hounger my scheip I sall them from my Kirk expell And geue thame swyne to keip FINIS GOD send euerie Preist ane wyfe And euerie Nunne ane man That thay micht leue that haly lyfe As first the Kirk began Sanct Peter quhome nane can reprufe His lyfe in Mariage led All gude Preistis quhome God did lufe Thair maryit wyfis had Greit cause than I grant had thay Fra wyfis to refraine Bot greiter causis haue thay may Now wyfis to wed againe For than suld nocht sa mony 〈◊〉 Be vp and dow●● this land Nor ȝit sa mony ●eggeris pure In Kirk and mercat-stand And nocht sa me kill bastard seid Throw out this cuntrie sawin Nor gude men vncouth fry suld feid And all the suith war knawin Sen Christis law and commoun law ▪ And Douctouris will admit That Preistis in that ȝock suld draw Quha dar say contrair it FINIS THE wind blaw is cauld furious and bauld This lang and mony day But Christis mercy we man all die Or keip the cauld wind away This wind sa keine that I of meine It is the ryte of auld Our faith is inclusit and plainelie abusit This wind hes blawin to cauld This wind hes blawin lang the pepill amang And blindit hes thair wit The Ignorant pepill sa lawit bene and febill That thay wat nocht quhome to wyte Goddis word and lawis ye pepill mis knawis Na credence hes the Scripture Quha the suith dois infer Preistis say thay erre Sic bene thair busie cure Quha dois present the new Testament Quhilk is our Faith surelie ▪ Preistis callis him lyke ▪ ane Heretyke And sayis brunt ●●all he be This cryis on hie the Spiritualitie As nane t●●ame suld defy Bot thair Illusioun and fals abusioun The pepill dois now espy Quhome suld we wyte of this dispyte That hid fra vs god dis Law Bot Preistis and clerkis and thair euill warkis Quhilk dois thair God mis knaw Thair greit ertortioun and plaine oppressioū Ascendis in the air Without God pun●●is thair cruell vyce This warld sall all forfair The theif Iudas did greit trespas That Christ for siluer sauld Bot Preistis will tak and his pryce mak For les be mony fauld With wrang absolutioūs desaitfull pardonis For lucre to thame geuin Thay blind vs now and garris vs trow Sic will bring vs till heuin Giue eirdlie pardonis micht be our Saluatiounis Than Christ deit in vaine Giue geir micht by Goddis greit mercy Than fals is the Scripture plaine Syne for our schoir he deit thairfoir And tholit pane for our mis Is nane bot he that may surelie Bring vs to heuinnis blis Than be na way se that ȝe pray To Peter Iames nor Iohne Nor ȝit to Paule to saue ȝour Saule For power haue thay none Saue Christ onlie that deit on tre He may baith louse and bind In vtheris mo geue ȝe traist so On ȝow blawis cauld the wind Now se ȝe pray baith nicht and day To Christ that bocht vs deir For on the Rude he sched his blude To saue our Saulis but weir FINIS HAY now the day dallis Now Christ on vs callis Now welth on our wallis Apperis anone Now the word of God Regnis Quhilk is King of all Kingis Now Christis flock singis The nicht is neir gone Wo be vnto ȝow Hypocritis That on the Lord sa loudlie leis And all for to fill ȝour foule belleis
Ȝe ar nocht of Christis blude nor bone For ȝe preiche ȝour awin dremis And sa the word of God Blasphemis God wat sa weill it semis The nicht is neir gone Wo be to ȝow Pharesians That Regnis ȝit lyke his Capitanis And haldis Christis men in mony pani●● Richt cairfull is thair mone I traist till God ȝe sall deir by it Becaus ȝour falset is now spyit And all Christin men sall cryit The nicht is neir gone Wo be to ȝow Paip and Cardinall I traist to God ȝe sall get ane fall ▪ With Monkis Preistis and Freiris all That traistis nocht in God alloue For all ȝour greit Pomp and pryde The word of God ȝe sall nocht hyde Nor ȝit till vs na mair be gyde The nicht is neir gone Ȝe gart vs trow in stock and stone That thay wald help mony one ▪ And nocht till traist in God allone I say ȝe leit euerie one I war Sanct Peter nor Sanct Paule Nor ȝit na Sanct can saif ȝour Saule Thocht mony lesingis mak mony braull The nicht is neir gone Ȝe serue to strickin be wich roddis Because of Idolis ȝe mak Goddis For all ȝour Ioukis and ȝour noddis Ȝour hartis is hard as ony stone Ȝe will nocht leif ȝour Hypocrisie Bot ȝour desyris is ay for to lie And the Feind away with ȝow wald flie The nicht is neir gone Ȝe begylit vs with ȝour hudis Schawand ȝour relykis and ȝour ruddis ▪ To pluk fra vs pure men our gudis Ȝe schaw vs the heid of Sanct Iohne With the arme of Sanct Geill To rottin banis ȝe gart vs kneill And sauit vs from neck to heill The nicht is neir gone Requiem eternam fast thay patter Befoir the deid with haly watter The lawit folkis trowis the heuin will clatter Thay sing with sic deuotioun Ȝe say that Saule ȝe sall gar fanc●● Bot and the money war neuer sa scant Ane penny of ȝont wage ȝe will nocht want The nicht is neir gone Syne to ȝow we mon offer Pundis and penneis furth of our Coffer And lay it downe vpon the Alter For the deid of that one Anime omnium ȝe will say Syne cast the Corps into the clay Than haue ȝe done all that ȝe may Now the nicht is neir gone FINIS PREISTIS Christ beleue And onlie traist into his blude And not into ȝour warkis gude As plainely Paull can preue ▪ ¶ Preistis leirne to preiche And put away ȝour Ignorance Prais onlie God his word auance And Christis pepill teiche ¶ Preistis cut ȝour gowne Ȝour nukit bonet put away And cut ȝour tippet into tway Go preiche from towne to towne ¶ Preistis tak ȝour staffe And preiche the Euangell on ȝour feit And set on Sandellis full meit Bot cast ȝour Pantounis of ¶ Preistis heip na gold Siluer nor cunȝe in ȝour purs Nor ȝit twa coitis with ȝow turs Bot schone to keip ȝow from cold ¶ Preistis thoill to preiche Sen ȝe ȝour selfis can preiche nathing Or we ȝour brawling downe sall bring And na mair with ȝow fleiche ¶ Preistis tak na teind Except the word of God ȝe schaw Thocht ȝe alledge ȝour vse and Law It is nocht as ȝe weind ¶ Preistis tak na Kyis The vmest claith ȝe sall quyteclame Fra se●● pure barnis with thair dame Auengeance on ȝow cryis ¶ Preistis burne no mo Of wrang delatioun ȝe may hyre And fals witnes na mair Iuquyre And let absuring go ¶ Preistis all and sum Suld call ane counsell generall And dres all thingis Spirituall Bot thair thay will not cum ¶ Preistis reid and wryte And ȝour fals Cannoun law lat be Quhair Papis contrair Scripturis lie And contrair doctouris dyte ¶ Preistis pryde ȝow nocht Quhat ȝour counsellis hes conclude Contrair the writ and Christis blude The quhilk sa deir vs bocht ¶ Preistis curs no moir And now ȝour hartis na mair indure Bot on ȝour flockis tak cure Or God sall curse ȝow soir ¶ Preistis leif ȝour pryde Ȝour skarlat and ȝour veluote soft Ȝour hors and mulis coistlie toft And Iakmen be ȝour syde ¶ Preistis sober be And fecht not no●●ther boift nor schoir Misreule the Realme and court no moir And to ȝour Kirkis fle ¶ Preistis mend ȝour lyfe And leif ȝour foule Sensualitie And vylde stinkand chaistitie Ane ilk ane wed ane wyfe ¶ Preistis pray na mair To Sanct Anthone to saue thy sow Nor to Sanct Bryde to keip thy cow That greuis God richt sair ¶ Preistis worship God And put away ȝour Imagerie Ȝour Pardonis and fraternitie To hell the way and rod. ¶ Preistis sell na Mes Bot minister that Sacrament As Christ in the new Testament Commandit ȝow expres ¶ Preistis put away Ȝour paintit fyre of Purgatorie The ground of ȝour Idolatrie It is neir domisday ¶ Preistis change ȝour tone And sing in to ȝour mother tung Inglis Psalmes and ȝe impunge Ȝe will dyne efter none ¶ Preistis preif ȝow men And now defend ȝour libertie For France and for ȝour dignitie Ȝe brak the peace ȝe ken ¶ Priestis now confes How ȝe sa lang did vs begyle With mony haly bellie wyle To leue in Idilnes ¶ Preistis I ȝow exhort Ȝour office to do perfyte For I say nathing in dispyte ▪ Sa God mot me support FINIS ¶ Till our gude man till our gude man Keip faith and lufe till our gude man FOR our gude man in heuin dois King In gloir and blis without ending Quhair Angellis singis euer Osa●● In laude and prais of our gude man Our gude man desyris thre thingis Ane hart quhair fra contritioun springis Syne lufe him best ▪ our Saullis that wan Quhen we war loist fra our gude man And our gude man that euer was kynde Requyris of vs ane faithfull mynde Syne cheritabill be with euerie clan For lufe only of our gude man Ȝit our gude man requyris moir To giue na creature his gloir And gif we do do quhat we can We sall be loist fea our gude man And our gude man he promeist sure To euerie faithfull Creature His greit mercy that now or than Will call for grace at our gude man Adame that our foirfather was He loift vs all for his trespas Quhais brukkill banis we may fair ban That gart vs lois our awin gude man Ȝit our gude man gracious and gude For our Saluatioun sched his blude Upon the Croce quhair thair began ▪ The mercyfulnes of our gude man This is the blude did vs refresche This is the blude that mon vs wesche The blude that from his hart furth ran Maid vs fre airis till our gude man Now let vs pray baith day and hour Till Christ our onlie Mediatour Till saue vs on the day that quhen We sall be Iudge it be our gude man FINIS REMEMBER man remember man That I thy Saull from Sathan
wan And hes done for the that I can Thow art full deir to me Is was nor sall be none That may the saue bot I alone Onlie thairfoir beleue me on And thow sall neuer die Wolfis quhome of my Euangelistis wryte And Paull and Peter did of dyte Allace haue ȝow dissauit quyte With fals Hy●●ocrisir My new Testament plaine and gude For quhilk I sched my precious blude Ȝour only hope and Saullis fude Thay hald for Herisie And hes set vp thair fals doctrine For Couetise in steid of mine With fyre and sword defendis it fyne ▪ Contrair my word and me The Antichrist is cummin but dout And hes ȝow trappit round about Furth of his gyrue thairfoir cum out Gif ȝe wald sauit be His Pilgramage and Purgatorie His worschipping of Imagerie His Pardounis and fraternitie With zeill and gude Intent The quhisperit sinnis callit cir Confessioun With his Preistis mummillit absolutioun And mony vther fals abusioun The Paip hes done Inuent With Messis sauld be Preist and Freir For land and money wounderdeir Quhilk is the ground stane of thair queir And rute of all thair pryde His Pater nosteris boche and sauld His numerat aueis and Psalmes tauld Quhilk my new Testament nor my auld On na wayis can abyde Thair half hag matines fa●● thay patter Thay geue ȝow breid and sellis ȝow watter His cursing is on ȝow al 's thay clatter Thocht thay can 〈◊〉 ȝow nocht Giue ȝe will geue thame Caip or Bell The clink thairof thay will ȝow sell Suppose the ●●aule suld ga to hell Ȝe get na thing vnbocht Thay sell ȝow al 's the Sacramentis 〈◊〉 Thay micht haue maid aswe●●ll 〈◊〉 Few or mony od or e●●i●● Ȝour pursis for to pyke Wald thay let bot twa vsit be Of Baptisme and of my bodie As thay war institute be me Men wald thame better lyke Mariage is ane blissit band Quhilk I gaue man in my command To keip ▪ bot thay my word withstand Ane Sacrament it maid Unto thair vther Sacramentis fyue Our Saluatioun thay ascryue Fra my trew faith ȝow for to dryue In vaine to mak my deid Thair tryflis all ar maid be men Quhilk my Gospell did neuer ken My Law and my commandementis ten Thay hid from mennis eine My new Testament thay wald keip downe Quhilk suld be preichit fra towne to towne Cause it wald cut thair lang ●●aili●● 〈◊〉 ▪ And schaw thair lyues vnclene And now thay ar with dolour pynde And lyke to raige out of thair mynde Because fra thame ȝe ar declynde And will na lesingis heir Thairfoir thay mak sa greit vproir Contrair thy flock of Christis stoir Determit or thay will geue it ouer To fecht all into feir Bot hald ȝow at my Testament fast ▪ And be na quhit of them agast For I sall bring doun at the last Thair pryde and crueltie Than cleirly sall my word be schawin And all thair falset sall be knawin That thay into all landis haue sawin Be thair Idolatrie And ȝe sall leue in rest and peace Instructit with my word of grace For I the Antichrist deface Sall and trew Preicheouris send Repent ȝour sin with all ȝour hart And with trew faith to me conuert And heuinly gloir sall be ȝour part With me to bruik but end We pray the Iesus Christ our Lord Conforme our lyues to thy word That we may liue with ane accord In perfite Charitie And forgiue vs our sinfulnes And cleith vs with thy Richteousnes Of thy fauour and gentilnes We pray the that so be FINIS THE Paip that Pagane full of pryde He hes vs blindit lang For quhair the blind the blind dois gyde Na wonder thay ga wrang Lyke Prince and King he led the King Of all Iniquitie Hay trix tryme go trix vnder the grene c. Bot his abhominatioun The Lord hes brocht to licht His Popische pryde and thrinfald Crowne A●●aist hes loist thair micht His plak Pardounis ar bot Lardounis Of new found vanitie Hay trix tryme go trix c. His Cardinallis hes caus to murne His Bischoppis borne aback His Abbottis gat ane vncouth turne Quhen schauelingis went to sack With Burges wyfis thay led thair lyfis And fure better nor we Hay trix tryme go trix c. His Carmelites and Iacobinis His Dominiks had greit do His Cordeleiris and Augustinis Sanct Frances ordour to Thay sillie Freiris mony ȝeiris With babling blerit our C Hay trix tryme go trix c. The Si●●eris gray befoir this day Did crune within thair Cloister Thay feit ane Freir thair kepis to beir The Feind ressaue the foster Syne in the mirk sa weill culd wirk And kittill thame wantounlie Hay trix tryme go trix c. The blind Bischop he culd docht preiche For playing with the la●●is The syllie Freir behuffit to fleiche For almous that he assis The Curat his Creid he culd nocht reid Schame fall the cumpanie Hay trix try me go trix c. The Bischop wald nocht wed ane wyfe The Abbote not persew ane Think and it was ane lustie lyfe Ilk day to haue ane new ane In euerie place ane vncouth face His lust to satisfie Hay trix tryme go trix c. The Persoun wald nocht haue ane hure Bot twa and thay war bony The Uicar thocht he was pure Behuiffit to haue al 's mony The Parcis Preist that brutall beist He polit thame priuelie Hay trix tryme go trix c. Of Scotland well the Freiris of Faill The lymmerie lang hes lestit The Monkis of Melros maid gude kaill On Fryday is quhen thay fastit The sillie Nunnis caist vp thair bunnis And heisit thair hippis on hie Hay trix tryme go trix c. Of lait I saw thir lymmar●●s stand Lyke mad men at mischeif Thinking to get the vpper hand Thay luke efter releif Bot all in vaine go tell thame plaine That day will neuer be Hay trix tryme go trix c. O Iesus gif thay thocht greit glie To se Goddis word downe smorit The Congregatioun maid to flie Hypocresie restorit With Messis sung and bellis rung To thair Idolatrie Marie God thank ȝow we sall gar brauk ȝow Befoir that tyme trewlie FINIS SAY weill is throuchlie a worthy gude thing Of say weill greit vertew furth dois spring Say weill from do weill differ is in leteer Say weill is gude bot do weill is better Say weill is repute be man sum deale Bot do weill onlie to God dois appeale Say weill sayis godlie and dois mony please Bot do weill leuis godlie dois this warld ease Say weill mony vnto Goddis word cleuis Bot for laik of do weill it quicklie leuis Bot gif say weil do weill war ioynit in a frame All war done all war won gottin war the game Say weill in danger of deith is cauld Do weill is harnest and