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A68393 The forme of prayers and ministration of the sacraments, &c. vsed in the Englishe Congregation at Geneua and approued, by the famous and godly learned man, Iohn Caluyn.; Book of common order. English Church (Geneva, Switzerland); Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564. Instruction et confession de foy. English. 1556 (1556) STC 16561; ESTC S109631 153,918 420

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Likewise after supper he toke the cuppe sayīge This cuppe is the newe testamēt or couenāt in my bloude doo ye this so ofte as ye shall drinke therof in remēbrance of me For so ofte as you shal eate this bread and drinke of this cuppe ye shall declare the lordes deathe vntill his cōminge Therfore whosoeuer shall eate this bread and drinke the cuppe of the lorde vnworthely he shal be giltie of the bodye and bloud of the lord Then see that euery mā proue ād trye hym selfe ād so let hym eate of this bread ād drīke of this cuppe for whosoeuer eateth or drinketh vnworthelye he eateth and drinketh his owne damnation for not hauinge due regarde and consideration of the lordes bodye THIS done the minister proceadith to the exhortation DEARELY beloued in the lorde forasmoch as we be nowe assembled to celebrate the holy communion of the body and bloud of our sauiour Christ let vs consider these woordes of S. Paule how he exhorteth all persons diligently to trye and examine thē selues before they presume to eate of that bread ād drinke of that cuppe For as the benefite ys great if with a truly penitent hart and liuely faith we receyue that holy sacrament for then we 1 Ioh. 6. g. spiritually eate the fleshe of Christ and drinke his bloude thē we dwell in Christ ād Christ in vs we be one with Christ and Christ with vs so is the daūger great if we receyue the same vnworthely for then we be giltie of the bodye and bloud of Christ our sauiour we eate ād drīke our own dānation not considering the lordes bodye we kīdle godes wrath agaīst vs ād prouoke him to plague vs with diuerse diseases and sundry kindes of death Therfore if any of you be 2 Gal. 3. d. a blasphemer of God an hinderer or slaunderer of his worde an an adulterer or be in malice or enuie or in any other greuous cryme bewaylle your synnes and come not to this holy table lest after the takynge of this holy sacramēt the diuell entre into you as he entred into 3 Ioan. 13. ● Iudas and fill you full of all iniquities and bring you to destruction bothe of bodye and soule Iudge therfore your selues bretherne that ye be not iudged of the lorde 4 Matth. ● c. Titus 2. c. repent you truly for your synnes paste and haue a lyuely and stedfast fayth in Christ our sauiour 5 Act. 4. c Gal. 2. d sekinge onely your saluation in the merites of his death and passion from hensforth refusinge and forgettinge all 6 1. pet 2. a. 1. Cor. 14. d ephe 4. a. d malice and debate withfull purpose to liue in brotherly amytie and godlye conuersation all the dais of your lyfe And albeit we fele in ourselues muche frailtie and wretchednes as that we haue not our faith so perfite and constant as we ought being many tymes readye to distruste Godes goodnes through our corrupt 7 rom 7. d. nature and also that we are not so throughlye geuen to serue God neyther haue so feruent a zeale to set forth his glory as our duetye requireth felinge still such rebellion in our selues that we haue nede dayly to 8 Gala. 5. c fight against the lustes of our fleshe yet neuertheles seinge that our lorde hath dealed thus mercifully with vs that he hath printed his 9 Hebr. 8. d Iere. 31. f. Isa 59. d gospell in our hartes so that we are preserued from falling into desperatiō and misbeliefe and seing also he hath indued vs with a 10 Rom. 7. c. d phil 1. a. 2. Cor. will and desire to renownce and withstand our own affections with a longing for his righteousenes and the keping of his commaundementes we may be now right well assured that those defautes and manifolde imperfections in vs shal be no hinderance at all against vs to cause him not to accept and impute vs as worthie to come to his spirituall table For the ende of our comming thyther is not to make 11 luk 18. c. protestation that we are vpright or iuste in our liues but contrariwise we come to seke our life and perfection in Iesu Christ acknowledging in the meane tyme that we of our selues be the children 12 Ephes 2. a. luk 18. c. of wrath and damnation Let vs consider then that this sacrament is a singuler medicine for all poore sicke creatures a comfortable helpe to weake soules and that our lord requireth no other worthines on our parte but that we vnfaynedly acknowlege our noghtines and imperfection Then to the end that we may be worthy partakers of his merites ād moste comfortable benefits which 13 Ioan. 6. f. ys the true eatinge of his fleshe and drinkinge of his bloud let vs not suffer our mindes to wander aboute the consideration of these earthlie ād corruptible thynges which we see present to our eies and fele with our hādes to seeke Christ bodely presente in thē as if he were inclosed in the breade or wyne Transsubstantiation Transelemētatiō Transmutation and Transformation as the papistes vse them are the doctrine of diuells or as yf these elementes were tourned and chaunged into the substaunce of his fleshe and blood For the only waye to dispose our soules to receiue norishment reliefe and quikening of his substance is to lift vp our mindes by fayth aboue all thinges wordlye and sensible and therby to entre into heauen The true eatyng of Christ in the sacrament that we may finde and receiue Christ where he 14 1. Timo. 6. d dwelleth vndoutedlye verie God and verie man in the incomprehensible glorie of his father to whome be all praise honor and glorye now and euer Amen The exhortation ended the minister commeth doune from the pulpet and sitteth at the Table euery man and woman in likewise takinge their place as occasion best serueth Math. 26. c. Mark 14. c Luke 22. b 1. Cor. 11. e then he taketh bread and geueth thankes either in these woordes followinge or like in effect 1 Apoc. 5. c. O Father of mercye and God of all consolation seinge all creatures do knowlege and confesse thee as gouerner and lorde it becommeth vs the workemanship of thyne own handes at all tymes to reuerence and magnifie thy godli maiestie first for that thou haste created vs to thyne own 2 Gen. 1. d. Image and similitude but chieflye that thou haste deliuered vs from that euerlasting 3 Ephe. 2. b Gala. 1. a. Gen. 3. c. death and damnation into the which Satā drewe mankinde by the meane of synne from the bondage wherof neither man nor angell was 4 Act. 4. e. heb 1. d. Apoc. 5. a able to make vs free but thou ò lord riche in mercie and infinite in goodnes haste prouided our redemption to stande in thy onely and welbeloued sone whom of verie 5 Ioan. 3. c. loue thou didest giue to be made man lyke
hande verse 55 55 And there cast out the heathen folke Iosu 11. b. and did their lande deuide And in their tentes he set the tribes of Israell to abyde verse 56 56 Yet for al this their god most high they styrd and tempted styll And woulde not kepe his testamente nor yet obeye his will verse 57 57 But as their fathers turned backe euen so they wente astraye Muche lyke a bowe that woulde not bende but slipte and starte awaye verse 58 58 And greued him with their hill “ Alters erected in the montaines aulters with offrings and with fire And with theyr Idoles vehemently prouoked hym to Ire verse 59 59 Therwith his wrath began againe to kiendle in his brest The naughtines of Israell he did so muche detest 1. Sam. 4. a. 60 Than he forsoke the tabernacle of Silo where he was Right conuersaunte with earthly men euen as hys dwellyng place verse 61 61 Than suffered he his might and power in bondage for to stande And gaue the honour of hys arke into his enmies hande verse 62 62 And did commit them to the sword wrothe with his herytage verse 63 63 The yong men were deuoured with fire maydes had no maryage verse 64 64 And with the sword the priestes also did peryshe euery chone And not a widdowe lefte aliue their death for to bemone verse 65 65 And than the lorde began to wake like one that slepte a time Or like a valiant man of warre refreshed after wine verse 66 66 With emerawdes in the hindre partes he strake his enmies all And put them then vnto a shame that was perpetuall verse 67 67 Than he the tente and tabernacle of Ioseph dyd refuse As for the trybe of Ephraim he woulde in no wise chuse verse 68 68 But chose the trybe of Iehuda where as he thoght to dwell Euen the noble mounte Syon whiche he did loue so well verse 69 69 Where as he did hys temple builde both sumptuously and sure Like as the earthe whiche he hath made for euer to endure verse 70 70 Than chose he Dauid him to serue 1. Sam. 16. b. his people for to kepe Which he toke vp and broght away euen from the foldes of shepe verse 71 71 As he did folow the ewes with yonge the lorde did him auaunce To fede his people of Israell and hys inherytaunce verse 72 72 Than Dauid with a faithful heart his flocke and charge did fede And prudently with all his power dyd gouerne them in dede Deus venerunt Gentes Psal LXXIX I. H. ¶ The Israelites complaigne to God for the greate calamitie and oppression that they suffered when Antiochus destroyed their temple and Citie Ierusalem desiringe Gods ayed against his raging tyrannie lest gods name and religion shulde be contemned emongs the heathen which shuld see them thus forsaken and perishe O Lord the gētiles do inuade thyne heritage to spoyle Ierusalem an heape is made thy temple they defoyle the bodies of thy sayntes moste deare abroade to byrdes they cast the flesh of such as do thee feare the beastes deuoure and wast their bloud throughout Ierusalem as water spilte they haue so that ther ys not one of them to lay ther dead in graue verse 4 4 Thus are we made a laughing stocke Almost the world throughout The enmies at vs iest and mocke Which dwel our costes about verse 5 5 Wilt thou O Lord thus in thyne yre Agaynst vs euer fume And shewe thy wrath as hote as fire Thy folke for to consume Ier. 10. d. 6 Vpon those people powre the same Whiche did thee neuer knowe Al realmes which cal not on thy name heb he hath deuoured meanīge the ennemy Consume and ouerthrowe verse 7 7 For they haue gotte the vpper hande And Iacobs seede “ destroyde Hys habytacion and hys lande They haue left waste and voyde verse 8 8 Beare not in mind our former fautes With spede some pitie show Isai 64. c an earnest prayer for remission of synnes And ayde vs Lord in all assaultes For we are weake and lowe verse 9 9 O God that geuest al health and grace On vs declare the same Waye not our workes our sinnes deface For honor of thy name verse 10 10 Why shall the wycked styll alwaye To vs as people domme In thy reproche reioyce and saye Where is theyr God becomme Require O Lorde as thou seest good Before our eyes in syght Of al these folke thy seruauntes bloud Whiche they spilt in despight verse 11 11 Receiue into thy sighte in hast The clamours griefe and wronge Of suche as are in prison cast Sustayning yrons stronge Thy force and strength to celebrate Lorde set them out of band Which vnto death are destinate And in theyr enmies hande verse 12 12 The nacions which haue bene so bold The troubled hart vttereth diuerse affections in praying as to blaspheme thy name Into their lappes with seuen fold Repaye agayne the same verse 13 13 So we thy folke thy pasture shepe Will praise thee euermore And teache all ages for to kepe For thee lyke praise in store Deus stetit Psal LXXXII I. H. ¶ The prophete declaringe god to be present emongst the iudges and magistrates reproueth their parcialitie and vnrighteousnes and exhorteth them to do iustice but seinge no amendemēt he desireth god to vndertake the matter and execute iustice him selfe AMyd the prease wyth men of might the lord him selfe did stād to pleade the cause of trueth and ryght with Iudges of the land How longe sayd he wyll you procede false Iudgemēt to awarde and haue respecte for loue of mede the wycked to regarde verse 3 3 Wheras of due ye shoulde defende The fatherles and weake And when the poore man doth contend In iudgement iustly speake verse 4 4 If ye be wise defende the cause Of poore men in their ryghte And rydde the nedye from the clawes Of tyrauntes force and mighte verse 5 5 But nothing wil they know or learne In vayne to them I talke They will not see or oght discerne But styll in darknes walke For loe euen nowe the tyme is come that all thinges fall to noght and lykewyse lawes bothe all and summe for gayne are sould and boght verse 6 6 I had decreed it in my sighte Ioh. 10. e. As goddes to take you all And children to the moste of mighte For loue I dyd you call verse 7 7 But notwithstanding ye shall dye As men and so decaye O tyrauntes I shall you destroye And plucke you quite a waye verse 8 8 Vp lord and let thy strength be knowē And iudge the worlde with mighte For why all nacions are thyne owne To take them as thy ryghte Benedic anima Psal CIII Th. St. ¶ This is a psalme moste excellent wherin the prophete doth prouoke men and Angells and all creatures to praise the Lord for his fatherly mercies and deliuerance of his people from all euells for his prouidence ouer
parte what is the ryghte vsynge or receauyng of baptysme ¶ The childe The ryght vse therof standeth in these two faith and repentaūce that is wherein the right vsing of baptisme standeth in that we be sure that we haue oure consciences cleansed in the bloude of Christe And in that we both feele in oure selues and make it knowen to others by oure woorkes that hys spirite abydeth in vs to mortyfye oure affections and desyres and so to make vs ready to doe the wyll of God ¶ The minister Sonday 50 Seyng al thys is required in the ryght vsynge of baptisme how is it that lytle children be baptysed ¶ The childe I dyd not meane that fayth repentaunce oughte alwayes to goe before the ministracion of this sacrament The baptisme of infantes for that is only requisite in them that be of age and discretion so that it is sufficienre if the lytle children shew forth the fruites of baptysme when they are come to sufficient age to knowe it ¶ The minister How wylt thou proue that there is no inconuenience in thys doyng ¶ The childe For in lyke maner circumcisyon was a sacrament of repentaunce Deu. 10. and. 30. Iere. 4. Rom. 4. as Moses the Prophetes doe wyttnes ād also a sacramente of fayth as sainct Paul teacheth and yet God dyd not debarre and exclude lytle chyldren from the receyuyng of the same ¶ The minister No but arte thou able to proue sufficiently that there is as good reason they should be receiued to baptisme as that the other should be circumcised ¶ The childe The promises whiche wer made to the Iewes only are nowe offered to al men Yea for the reason is largely as sufficienente for the same promyses whiche God dyd make in tyme past to hys chosen people of Israell are now extended with muche more euydente declaration into all coastes of the worlde ¶ The minister And foloweth it therefor that we muste vse also the signe ¶ The childe Yea if we wyll consyder the thynge effectually For Christ hath not made vs partakers of that grace which belonged in time paste to the children of Israel to the intente he woulde in vs dimynishe dimynishe it and deale it more sparyngly or that he woulde make it nowe more doubteful or lesse knowen than it was before but rather to the ende he would shew forth his goodnes not onely more euidentely but also more plenteouslye ¶ The minister Doest thou coumpt then that if we dyd denye baptysme to lytle chyldren the grace and goodnes of God should be dymynished and darkened by the commynge of Christ ¶ The childe Yea surely for we shoulde be by that meanes destytute of the expresse signe of Goddes bountyfull mercye towardes our children the which thing they that were vnder the lawe had in very dede this thing serueth highly to our comfort as to the stably shynge of the promes which hath bene made vnto vs from the begynning ¶ The minister Thy minde is then that forsomuche as it pleased GOD in olde tyme to declare hymselfe to be the sauyoure yea of lytle children and that he thoughte it also good to seale hys fauorable promise in theyr bodyes by an outwarde sacramente and marke that therfore it is very good reason that ther be no lesse tokens of assuraunce after Christes comming since the self same promyse cōtinuynge styll is reiterate and more openly vttered as wel by worde as dede ¶ The childe Yea and moreouer it semeth a thyng worthy of notable reprehencyon if menne woulde doe so muche wronge vnto chyldren as to denye them the signe whiche is a thynge of lesse price since the vertue and substance of baptysme belongeth vnto them whiche is of muche hygher estimacion ¶ The minister For what consideration ought we to baptise lytle children ¶ The childe To what purpose children are baptised They are christened in token and wytnes that they are enherytours of the blessynge of God which is promised to the lynage of the faythfull to this ende that when they come to age they shoulde be instructed what the substaunce and meaning of baptisme is to profite them selues therby ¶ The minister Sonday The 51. Let vs now speake of the Supper and firste what is the signyfycacion therof ¶ The childe Our lord did ordaine it to put vs in assuraunce Of the lordes Supper that by the distribuciō of his body bloud oure soules are nouryshed in the hope of lyfe euerlastynge ¶ The minister Why is it that our Lorde representeth vnto vs hys bodye by the breade and hys bloude by the wyne ¶ The childe To sygnyfye vnto vs that euen what propertie the bread hath towardes our bodies to wete Christ offereth to vs his body by the bread and hys bloude by the wyne to feede sustayne them in this transytorye lyfe the selfe same propertye also his body hath touchīg our soules that is to nourishe and refresh them spirytually And in lyke maner as the wine dothe strengthen comfort and quicken the body of man euen so hys bloude is our ful ioye our comforth and spiritual strength ¶ The minister Doeste thou meane that we must be in dede partakers of the bodye and bloude of the Lorde ¶ The childe Yea verely I meane so The onely stay of our truste for since the whole truste and assuraunce of our health and saluacion doth consist in the obedience which he hath perfourmed vnto god hys father in that that God doth accept it take it as if it were oures in deede we must fyrste needes possesse him seeing that hys benefites doe not belong vnto vs vntill he haue firste geuen hymselfe vnto vs. ¶ The minister Why did not Christ geue himselfe vnto vs what tyme he gaue himselfe to be crucified to the intēt that thereby we myght be brought into the fauour of God hys father and be deliuered from damnacion ¶ The childe Yes but that doth not suffyce vnlesse we doe receiue hym withal in such sorte as we may feele in our consciences the fruicte and efficacye of his death and passion ¶ The minister After what sorte we receiue Christe Is not faith the ready meanes to receyue Christ by ¶ The childe Yes forsoth not onely by that that we belieue that he dyed rose again to delyuer vs from euerlasting death and to procure vs also euerlastyng lyfe but also by that that we feele by fayth that he dwelleth in vs and is ioyned with his membres to the end to make vs partakets of al his graces and benefites because we are vnto hym vnited and made all one ¶ The minister Sonday 52 Haue we not Christe ioyned vnto vs so that we become partakers of hys benefytes by no other meanes than by hys Supper ¶ The childe Yes verelye for we receyue Christ with the fruicion of his benefites 1. Cor. 1. at the preaching of the gospel as S. Paule witnesseth in that that our lord Iesu doeth promise
and certifye vs therein that we are bone of his bones and fleshe of his fleshe Ephe. 5 agayn that he is the bread of life whiche came downe from heauen to nourish our soules and in an other place Ihon. 6. that we are one with hym Ihon. 17. euen as he hymselfe is one with hys father and suche lyke ¶ The minister What is there more to be had in the sacramente or to what vse doth it serue vs besydes ¶ The childe This is the difference that Christe his benefites be more euidently liuely and plenteouslye set furth vnto vs for albeit that our sauiour Christ be in very deede exhibited vnto vs and is made oures by baptisme also and by the preachyng of hys word that is but in a parte as it were and not fully ¶ The minister What is it than briefelye that we haue by this sygne of bread ¶ The childe what doth the sygne of bread teache vs. That the bodye of our Lord Iesus for so muche as it was once offered vp for vs in sacrifice to bryng vs in to gods fauour is now geuen vnto vs to assure vs that we are partakers of thys ioyfull reconciliacion ¶ The minister And what haue we by the signe of wyne ¶ The childe what is signified to vs by the wyne It assureth vs that as oure lord Iesus dyd shed his bloud once on the crosse for a full pryce recompence of al our sinnes euen so he now geueth it vnto our soule to drinke wherby we should not doubt to receiue the fruite benefite therof ¶ The minister By these thy aunsweres I gather that the lordes supper doth direct and as it were conduite vs to the death and passyon of our sauiour Christe to the entent we may be partakers of the vertue ād profite therof ¶ The childe It doeth euen so for euen then when he suffered the onelye and euerlastynge sacrifice was offered vp for our redempciō Wherefore there remayneth nowe nothynge elles but that we should haue the fruites therof ¶ The minister The supper then was it not ordeyned to offer vp the bodye bloud of our sauiour to God hys father The lords supper is not a sacrifice propiciatorie ¶ The childe No Christ alone is the euerlastyng byshop Hebru 5. Mat. 26. for there is none but he alone vnto whō that office belongeth for so much as he is the euerlastynge sacrificer but the charge that he hath geuē vnto vs is that we doe receyue hys bodye ād not offre it ¶ The minister Sonday 53 Wherefore be there .ii. sygnes institute ¶ The childe Our Lorde dyd that to helpe thereby our infyrmite signifying that he is as wel the drinke as the meate of our soule The ordeining of two sygnes was for our wekenes to the end we might be content to seke our nourishment fully and wholy in hym and no where elles ¶ The minister Doth the second signe which is the cup belong indifferentely vnto al men ¶ The childe Yea and that by the commaundement of our sauiour Christ contrary whereunto we maye in no wyse doe ¶ The minister Receiue we in the supper onely the tokens of the thinges afore rehearsed eyther are they effectually in dede there geuen vnto vs ¶ The childe Forsomuche as our Sauiour Christ it the truth it selfe it is nothyng to be doubted that the promises whiche he made at his supper be not there in dede accomplished and that which is figured by the sygnes is truely perfourmed so then according as he there made promes and as the signes do represent theris no doute but he maketh vs partakers of hys verye substaunce to make vs also one with hym and in one lyfe with hym ¶ The minister How we receiue Christ in the supper But tel me how thys may be done seyng the body of our sauiour Christ is in heauen and we are here as pilgrimes on the earth ¶ The childe Verely it cummeth to passe by the woonderous and vnsearcheable woorkynge of hys spirite who ioyneth easelye together thynges beynge farre a sundre in place ¶ The minister Thy mind is then that his body is not presently included in the bread neither his bloud conteyned within the cup. ¶ The childe No not a whit but cleane contrary wise what is to be done yf we wyl ceceaue the subtance of the sacraments if we wil haue the substaunce of the sacrament the every thing which is signified therby we must at the receiuing therof lift vp our heartes into heauen where oure sauioure Christ is in the glory of his father from whence we haue sure hope that he wil come for oure redempcion therfore we maye not searche hym in these corruptible elementes as if he were presently there ¶ The minister So then thy iudgemente is that there be two thynges in thys Sacramente the substaunce of breade and wyne whyche we see wyth the eye touche with our hād ād feele or sauoure with oure taste also our sauiour Christ by whome oure soules are inwardlye nouryshed ¶ The childe You say truth Pleadges of oure resurrection and in such sort that we haue therewith also a sure token and as it were an earnest penye of the rysyng agayn of our bodies in somuch as they are already made partakers of the signe of lyfe ¶ The minister Sonday 54 How ought thys sacrament to be vsed ¶ The childe 1. Cor. 11. Saincte Paule teacheth the right maner of the vsyng therof which is that euery man examine hymselfe before that he come vnto it ¶ The minister Wherein ought a man to trye and examyne hymselfe ¶ The childe He muste considre whether he be a true membre of Christ our Sauioure ¶ The minister Wherby may a man haue sure knowledge thereof ¶ The childe If he haue a faythe or ryghte considence in Goddes promises The sure tokēs of a true Coristian being inwardlye sorye for hys synnes and doe loue hys neyghboure with an vnfeyned charitie not keping in his hearte anye rancoure hatred or debate ¶ The minister But is it requisite to haue a perfecte faythe and perfecte charitie ¶ The childe We must nedes haue both the one the other sound right not counterfaited but to speake of suche a perfection as vnto which nothing can be added a man shal not be able to finde it in the whole multitude of men so then thys supper had bene a thing ordeined in vaine if none were mete to come to it vnlesse he were throughly perfect ¶ The minister By this saying our imperfection doth no whit hynder vs from cumming therunto ¶ The childe No verely but rather contrariwyse it shoulde stande vs in no steade if we wer not vnperfecte for it is as an helpe and succour agaynste oure infyrmitye ¶ The minister Doe these two sacramentes serue to no other ende but to supporte and beare vp our imperfection ¶ The childe Yes they are also very signes
euerlastinge ¶ The minister What do the bread and wyne represent in the lordes Supper ¶ The childe This that as our bodies are norished therwith so our sowles are susteyned and norished with the vertue of Christs body ād bloode not that they are inclosed in the breade and wyne but we muste seeke Christ in heauen in the glorie of God his father ¶ The minister By what meanes may we attayne vnto hym there ¶ The childe By faith which gods spirite worketh in our hartes assuringe vs of Gods promisses made to vs in his holy ghospell Th end A FOVRME OF prayers to be vsed in priuat houses euery morninge and euenynge Morninge prayer ALMIGHTIE God and most mercifull father we do not 1 Daniel 9. c. present our selues here before thy Maiestie trusting in our owne merites or worthynes but in thy manifold mercies which hast promised to heare our prayers and 2 Ioh. 16. c graunt our requestes which we shall make to thee in the name of thy beloued sonne Iesus Christ our lord who hath also commaunded vs to assemble our selues together in his 3 Matt. 18. c. name with ful assurance that he wyll not onely be emongst vs but also be our 4 1. Tim. 2. b. mediator ād aduocate towards thy Maiestie that we may 5 1. Ioh. 3. d. obteyne all thinges which shall seme expedient to thy blessed wyll for our necessities Therfore we beseche thee most mercifull father to tourne thy louynge contenance towardes vs and 6 Psal 32. a. impute not vnto vs our manyfold synnes and offences wherby we iustely deserue thy wrath and sharpe punishement but rather receyue vs to thy mercye for Iesus Christes sake acceptinge his death and passion as a iuste 7 1. Ioh. 2. a. recompence for all our offences in whome onely thow art pleased and throgh whome thow canst not be offended with vs. And seinge that of thy great mercies we haue quietly passed this night graunt ò heauenly father that we may spēd and bestowe this day wholy in thy seruice so that all our 8 Col. 3. c. thoghtes wordes ād deedes may redounde to the glorie of thy name ād good ensample to all men who seinge our good workes may glorifie thee our heauenly father And forasmoche as of thy mere beneuolēce and loue thow haste not onely created vs to thyme owne 9 Gen. 1. d. similitude and lykenes but also haste chosen vs to be heyres with thy dere sonne Iesus Christ of that immortall kingdome which thow preparedst for vs before the beginnynge of world we beseche thee to 10 Luk. 17. a. encrease our faith and knowlage and to lighten our hartes with thy holy spirite that we may in the meane tyme lyue in golyd cōuersation and integritie of lyfe knowinge that 11 Gal. 5. d. idolaters adulterers couetous men contentious persons dronkardes glotons and suche lyke shall not inherite the kingdome of God And becawse thou haste commaūded vs to pray one for on other we do not onely make request ò lord for our selues and theym that thow hast already called to the trew vnderstandinge of thy heauenly wyll but for all people and 12 Act 10. e 1. Tim. 2. a nations of the world who as they knowe by thy wonderfull workes that thow arte God ouer all so they may be instructed by thy holy spirite to beleue in thee their onely sauiour and redemer But forasmoche as they can not 13 Rom. 10. d beleue except they heare nor can not heare but by preaching and none can preache except they be sent therfore ò lord rayse vp faithfull distributers of thy mysteries who settinge a parte all worldely respectes may bothe in theyr lyfe and doctrine onely seke thy glorie Contrarely confownd 14 Rom. 16. c Satan Antechrist with all hyrelinges and papistes whome thow hast already cast of into a reprobate sense that they may not by sectes schismes heresies and errors disquiet thy lytle flocke And becawse ò lord we be fallen into the latter days and 15 2. Tim. 3. a daungerous tymes wherin ignorance hath gott the vpper hand and Satan with his ministers seeke by all meanes to quenche the light of thy gospell we beseche thee to mayntayne thy cawse against those 16 Matt. 7. c raueninge wolues and strengthen all thy seruantes whome they kepe in pryson and bondage Let not thy longe sufferinge be an occasion either to encrease theyr tyrannye or to discorage thy childrene nether yet let our synnes and wickednes be a hinderance to thy mercies but with spede ò lord consider these great miseries and chieflye the afflictions of our Contrie which once florished through thy mercies and nowe for contempt of thy worde is 17 Amos 8. Matth. 11. c plaged accordinge to thy iudgement Alas lord mayst thow not be intreated shall we thus be left in dispayre shall all the world laugh at our shame for 18 Psal 77. b. euer truthe it is lord that we were more then sufficiently warned of this thy vengeance to come both by thy worde ād exemples of others For thy people Israell many tymes by their 19 Exo. 32. a synnes prouoked thyne anger and thow ponishedest theym by thy iuste iudgement yet thogh theyr synnes were neuer so greuous if they once returned frome their iniquitie thow receyuedst theym to 20 Esa 37. a mercie we therfore most wretched synners bewayle our manyfolde synnes and earnestly repent vs for our former wickednes and vngodly behauyor towardes thee and wheras we can not of our 21 Rom. 7. d 2. Cor. 3. Luk. 17. c selues purchase thy pardon yet we humbly beseche thee for Iesus Christ sake to shewe thy mercies vpon vs and restore vs agayne to thy fauour Graunt vs deare father these our requestes and all other thinges necessarie for vs and thy whole churche accordinge to thy promes in Iesus Christe our lorde In whose name we beseche the as he hath taught vs saing Our father c. A prayer to be sayd before meales ALL thinges depende vpon thy prouidence o lord to receyue at thy handes due sustenance in tyme conuenient Psal 104. Thou geuest to theym and they gather it thow openest thy hand and they are satisfyede with all good thinges O heauenly father which arte the fountayne and full treasure of all goodnes we beseche thee to shewe thy mercies vpon vs thy children and 1 1. Tim. 4. b. sanctifie these giftes which we receyue of thy mercifull liberalitie grauntinge vs grace to vse theym 2 Tit. 2. c soberlie and purely accordinge to thy blessed will so that hereby we may ackonwledge the to be the author ād gyuer of all good thinges and aboue all that we may remembre cōtinually to seeke the 3 Ioh. 6. c. d spirituall foode of thy woorde wherewith our soules may be norished euerlastingly through our sauiour Christ who is the trewe 4 Ihon. 6. c breade of lyfe which came downe
comonly do attribute our regeneratiō to hys 18 Rom. 10. b. 1. peter 1. a. resurrection for as by 19 Mat. 28. b. Act 10. f. 1. Cor. 15. c. rysinge agayn frome the graue the third day The third daie he rose againe frome deathe he 20 Ose 11. d. 1. Cor 15. g. 2. Cor. 13 b. conquered deathe euen so the victorie of our faith standeth in his resurrection and therfore without the one we can not fele the benefite of the other For as by death 21 Rom. 4. d. synne was taken awaye so our rightuousnes was restored by his resurrectiō And because he wolde 22 Ephe. 4. b. Ioh. 14. Ephe. 2. b. accomplishe all thinges and take possession for vs in his kingdome he 23 Mar. 16. d. Luk 24. g. Act. 1. b. 1. Cor. 15. b. ascended into heauen He ascended into heauen to enlarge that same kingdome by the aboundant power of his 24 luk 24. g. Ioh. 14. b. Act. 2. a. spirite by whome we are moste assured of his contynuall 25 rom 8. g. heb 9. f. 1. Ioh. 2. c. intercession towardes God the father for vs. And althoghe he be in 26 Act. 1. c. 3. c. heauen as towchinge his corporall presence where the father hathe nowe set him on his 27 Col. 3. a. rom 8. g. heb 1. a. 10.12 right hande And sytteth at the right hand of God the father almyghtie committinge vnto him the administratiō of all 28 Ephe. 1. d. philip 2. b. Col. 2. c. thinges aswel in heauē aboue as in the earthe benethe yet is he 29 Matt. 28. d. present with vs his membres euen to the ende of the world in preseruinge and gouernynge vs with his effectuall power and grace who whē all thinges are 30 Act. 3. c. fulfilled which God hath spoken by the mowth of all hys prophetes since the world began wyll come in the 31 Act 1. b. same visible forme in the which he ascēded Frome thense shal he come to iudge the quicke an● the dead with an vnspekable 32 Matt. 25. c. Philip. 3. d. Maiestie power and companye to separate the lambes frome the goates thelecte frome the reprobate So that 33 matt 24. c. Act. 10. f. 1. Cor. 15. c. 1. Thes 4. 2. Thes 1. 2. Tim. 4. a. none whether he be alyue thē or deade before shall escape his iudgement MOREOVER I beleue I beleue in the holie ghoste and confesse the holy ghoste 1 Matth. 3. d. 1. Ioh. 5. c. 1. pet 1. b. 1. cor 6. Ioh. 16. d. Act. 17. God equall with the father and the sonne whoe regenerateth and sanctifieth vs ruleth and guideth vs into all trueth persuadinge moste assuredly in our 2 consciences Rom. 8. c. gal 4. a. that we be the childrene of God bretherne to Iesus Christe and fellowe heires with him of lyfe euerlastinge Yet notwithstandinge it is not sufficiēt to beleue that God is omnipotent and mercifull that Christ hath made satisfaction or that the holy ghoste hath this power and effect except we do 3 Abac. 2. a. rom 1. b. 10. c 1. Ioh. 3. d. applie the same benefites to our selues which are Gods 4 Ioh. 17. a. elect The holie catholike churche the communion of sainctes I beleue therfore and cōfesse one holye 5 Matt. 16. c. Ioh. 10. a. Ephe. 5. b. rom 8. Can. 2. churche which as 6 Ephe. 1. d. Col. 1. d. 1. Cor. 12. c. membres of Iesus Christe thonely 7 Ephe. 4. d. heade therof 8 Ephe. 4. a. philip 3. d. Col. 2. a. cōsēt in faithe hope and charitie vsinge the giftes of God 9 Act. 2. g. 4. g rom 12. c. 1. cor 12. b. ephe 4. c. whether they be temporall or spirituall to the profit and furtherance of the same Whiche churche is not 10 Rō 111. a. sene to mans eye but onely knowen to God who of the loste sonnes of Adā hath ordeyned some as 11 Rom. 9. e eph 1. a. b. vessels of wrathe to damnation and hathe chosen others as vessels of his mercie to be saued the whiche also in due tyme he 12 Rom. 8. eph 5. c. callethe to integritie of lyfe and godly conuersation to make them a glorious churche to him selfe But that churche which is 13 Matt. 18. c. 1. cor 13. b. visible and sene to the eye hathe three tokens or markes wherby it may be discerned First the 14 Matt. 28. d. rom 10. c. 2. Cor. 3.4 ephe 2. d. Ioh. 10. a. 2. tim 3. d. 2. peter 1. d. worde of God cōteyned in the olde ād newe testament which as it is 15 Ephes 2. d. matth 17. c. Ioh. 10. a. b. aboue the autoritie of the same churche and onely 16 Ioh. 20. g. 2. tim 3. d. sufficient to instruct vs in all thinges concernynge saluation so is it left for 17 Ios 1. b. Ioh. 5. c. all degrees of men to reade and vnderstand For without this worde 18 Ephes 5. c. mat 15. b. neither churche concile or decree can establishe any point touching saluation The seconde is the holy 19 Matt. 26. c. 28. f. rom 4. a. Ephe. 5. f. sacrements to witt of Baptisme and the Lordes Supper which sacramentes Christ hathe left vnto vs as holie signes and seales of Gods promesses For as by Baptisme once receyued is signified that we aswel infants as others of age and discretion being 20 Rom. 5. b. Ephe. 2. a. Tit. 3. b. gal 3. c. rom 7. d. straungers frō God by originall synne are receyued into his familie and congregation with full assurance that althoghe this roote of synne lye hyd in vs. yet to the electe it shal not be 21 Rom. 4. a. Psal 31. a. imputed So the 22 1. Cor. 11. e. supper declareth that God as a moste prouident father doth not onely fede our bodies but also spiritually nurisheth our soules with the 23 Ioh. 6. d. graces ād benefites of Iesus Christ which the scripture calleth eatinge of his flesh and drinkinge of his bloode nether must we in the administratiō of these sacramētes followe mās phātasie but as Christ him self hath ordeyned so must they be ministred and by suche as 24 Heb. 5. b. Ioh. 3. d. by ordinarie vocatiō are therunto called Therfor whosoeuer reserueth and worshippeth these sacramēts or contrariwyse contemneth them in tyme and place procureth to him self damnatiō The third marke of this church is 25 Matt. 18. b. luk 17. a. leui 19. d. Ecles 19. b. ecclesiasticall discipline which standeth in admonitiō and correction of fautes The finall ende wherof is excommunication by the consent of the churche 26 1. Cor. 5. a. determyned if the offender be obstinate And besides this ecclesiasticall censure I acknowlage to belonge to this church a politicall 27 Rom. 13. a. wisdome 6. a Tit. 3. a. 1.
estates before mentioned or els prayeth as the spirite of God shall moue his harte framinge the same accordinge to the tyme and matter which he hath intreated of And yf there shal be at any tyme any present plague famine pestilence warre or such like which be euident tokens of Gods wrath leu 26. d. Deu. 28. b. 3. kyngs 8. d 2. kyngs 24. c as it is our parte to acknowlage our synnes to be the occasion therof so are we appointed by the scriptures to giue our selues to mournynge fastinge and prayer as the meanes to turne awaye Gods heauie displeasure Therfore it shal be conuenient that the minister at suche tyme do not onely admonyshe the people therof but also vse some forme of prayer accordinge as the present necessitie requireth to the which he may appoint by a common consent some seuerall daye after the sermon wekely to be obserued THE order of Baptisme FIrst note that for asmoche as it is not permitted by Gods woord 1. Cor. 14. f. 1. Tim. 2. d. Matt. 28. d. The transgression of Gods ordināce is called iniquitie and Idolatrie and is compared to witchcrafte sorcerie 1. Sam. 15. o How dangerous also it is to enterprise any thinge rashely or without the warrant of Gods woorde thexāples of Saul Oza Ozias Nadab and Abiu oght sufficiently to vvarne vs. 1. Sam. 13. c 2. Sam. 6. b. 2. Chro. 26. c. leu 10. a. Nom. 3. a. that wemen should preache or minister the Sacramentes and it is euident that the sacramentes are not ordeined of God to be vsed in priuat corners as charmes or sorceries but left to the congregation and necessarely annexed to Gods woord as seales of the same therfore the enfant which is to be baptised shal be broght to the churche on the day appointed to comen prayer and preachinge accompanied wyth the father and god father So that after the Sermon the chyld beinge presented to the minister he demaundeth this question DO you present this childe to be baptised earnestly desiring that he may be ingrafted in the mysticall bodye of Iesus Christ The answer Yea we require the same The minister procedeth THEN let vs cōsider dearly beloued how almyghtie God hath not onely made vs his children by 1 rom 8. c. Gal. 4. a. Ephe. 1. a. 2. c. adoption and receiued vs into the fellowship of his churche but also hath promised that he wil be our 2 Gen. 17. a. Exod. 20. a. Deu. 7. b. Esa 59. d God and the God of our childrē vnto the thousand generation Whych thinge as he confirmed to his people of the olde testament by the sacrament of 3 Gen. 17. b. Rom. 4. b. circumcision so hath he also renewed the same to vs in his new testament by the sacrament of 4 Col. 2. e Gal. 3. d Act. 2. f baptisme doing vs therby to wyt that our infantes apperteyne to hym by couenaunt and therfore oght not to be defrauded of those holy signes and badges 5 Act. 10. g wher by his children are knowen from infidells and pagans Neither is it requisite that all those that receyue this sacramente haue the vse of vnderstanding and fay the but chiefelye that they be conteyned vnder the name of 6 Act. 2. 2. Cor. 7. c. gods people So that remission of synnes in the bloode of Christ Iesus doth appertaine to thē by Gods promise Which thing is most euident by 7 1. Cor. 7. c sainct Paul who pronounceth the childrē begotten and borne either of the parents being faythful to be cleane and holy Also our sauiour Christ admitteth 8 Mar. 10. b. mat 19. b. luk 18. c. psal 22. d children to his presence imbrasing and blessinge theim Which testimonies of the holy ghoste assure vs that infants be of the number of Gods people and that remission of synnes doth also apperteyne to theim in Christ Therfore wythout iniurie they can not be debarred from the common signe of Gods children Neither yet is this owteward action of suche necessitie that the 9 rom 4. b. Gal. 3. a. Iam. 2. d. Gen. 15. b. 17. b lacke therof shuld be preiudiciall to their saluation yf that preuented by deathe thei may not conueniently be presented to the church But we hauinge respect to that obedience which christians owe to the voice and ordinance of Christ Iesus who commanded 10 Mark 10. b. Matt. 28. d. to preache and baptise all wyth out exception do iudge theym onely vnworthy of any felowship wyth him who contemptuosly refuse suche ordinary meanes as his wisdome hath appointed to the instruction of our dull senses Furthermore it is euident that baptisme was ordeined to be ministred in the element of 11 matt 3. c. 1. Peter 3. d. 1. Ioh. 5. b. Cor. 10. a. water to teache vs that lyke as water outwardly dothe washe a way the fylthe of the bodye so inwardly dothe the vertue of Christs blood purge our sowles from that corruption and deadly poyson wherwith by 12 Ephe. 2. a. nature we were infected Whose venemous 13 rom 7 dreggs althogh they continewe in this our flesh yet by the merits of his deathe are not 14 rom 4. a. Gal. 3. a. psal 32. a. imputed vnto vs by cause the iustice of Iesus Christ is made 15 Rom. 6. a gal 3. d. Iudas Simon Magus Hymeneus Alexander Philetus ours by baptisme Not that we thinke any suche vertue or power to be included in the visible water or owtward action for many haue bene baptised and yet neuer inwardly purged but that our sauiour Christ who commanded baptisme to be ministred will by the power of his holy spirite effectually worke in the harts of his 16 Act. 2. g. 13. g. elect in tyme conuenient all that is ment and sygnified by the same And this the scripture calleth our 17 Eph. 3. a. 1. Cor. 12. b. Rom. 6. a. Coll. 2. b. regeneration which standeth chiefli in these two points in mortificatiō that is to say a resisting of the rebellious lustes of the flesche The fruit of baptisme standeth in two points mortificatiō and regeneration and in newnes of lyffe wherby we continually stryue to walke in that purenes and perfection wherwyth we are cladd in baptisme And althogh we in the iourney of this lyffe be 18 1. peter 5. b. Luk 22. d. Iob. 7. incumbred wyth many ennemies whych in the way assayle vs yet fyght we not wyth out fruite For this 19 Rom. 5. a. 1. Peter 1. a. Iam. 1. a. Ephe. 6. b. continuall battaill which we fight against synne deathe ād hell is a most infallible argumēt that God the father mīdfull of his promise made vnto vs in Christ Iesu doth not only gyue vs motions and courage to resist theim but also assurance to 20 1. Cor. 15. g Osee 13. d. Heb. 2. d. Iob. 16. d. ouercome ād obteine victorie Wherfore dearly beloued it is not only of necessitie that we
be once baptised but also it moch profiteth oft to be present at the ministration therof that we beinge putt in minde of the 21 Deut. 6. a. Iosue 1. b. league and conuenant made betwxit God and vs that he wil be 22 Iere. 31. f. Hebr. 8. c. our God and we his people he our father and we his children may haue occasion as wel to trye our liues past as our present cōuersatiō and to proue our selues whether we stand fast in the faithe of Gods elect or contrariwise haue strayed frō hī through 23 Ephe. 4. e Col 3. b. Heb. 2. b. incredulite and vngodly lyuinge wherof if our cōsciēces do accuse vs yet by hearing the louing promises of our heauēly father who calleth all mē to mercie by 24 Ezech. 18. Act. 11. c. 33 2. Peter 3. b Deu. 4. d. 6. a repētance we may frō hēsforthe walke more warely in our vocatiō Moreouer ye that be fathers ād mothers may take hereby moste singuler cōfort to se your childrē thus receyued in to the bosome of Christes cōgregatiō wherby you are daily admonished that ye norishe ād brīg vp the childrē of Gods fauor ād mercye ouer whō his fatherly ꝓuidēce 25 Matt. 18. b. watcheth cōtinually Which thing as it oght greatly to reioyse you knowing that 26 Matt. 6. d. luc 12. a. nothīg cā chaūce vnto thē wyth out his good pleasure So oght it to make you diligēt ād carefull to nurture and instruct thē in the 27 Deu. 4. b. 6. a 11. c. Ephe. 6. a. true knowledge ād feare of God Wherin if you be negligēt ye do not only 28 1. Sam. 2. f. 4. king 2. d. iniurie to your own childrē hydinge frō thē the good will and pleasure of almyghtie God their father What dāger hāgeth ouer those parēts which neglect the brīging vp of their children in godlines but also heape dānatiō vpō your selues in sufferinge his childrē boght wyth the bloode of his deare sōne so trayterously for lacke of knowledge to turne backe frō hī Therfore it is your duety withall diligēce to ꝓuide that your childrē in tyme conuenient be instructed in all 29 Gen. 18. c. Deut. 32. g. The true vse of the Cathechisme to the execution wherof the fathers and Godfathers bind theim selues doctrine necessarie for a true Christiā chiefely that they be taught to rest vpon the iustice of Christ Iesus alone and to abhorre and flee all superstitiō papistrie and idolatrie Finally to the intent that we may be assured that you the father and the suretie consent to the perfourmāce hereof declare here before God and the face of his congregation the somme of that faith wherein you beleue and will instruct this childe Then the father or in his absence the God father shal rehearse the articles of his faithe which doone the minister exhorting the people to praye sayeth in this manner or such lyke kneeling ALmightie ād euerlasting God which of thy infinite mercie and goodnes hast promised vnto vs that thow wilt not only be our God but also the God ād father of our childrē we beseche thee that as thou hast vouchesaued to call vs to be partakers of this thy great mercie in the 1 Gal. 3. d. 1. peter 1. a. phil 3. c. felowshipe of faithe so it may please thee to sanctifie with thy 2 rom 3. d. 4. c. 2. Cor. 5. d. Rom. 8. c. Ephe. 2. d. 3. b sprite and to receiue in to the number of thy children this infant whom we shall baptise accordīg to thy 3 Matt. 28. d. Mar. 16. c. Act. 2. f. woord to the end that he cōming to perfite age may 4 Rom. 10. b. Iohn 17. a. cōfesse thee onely the true God ād whome thow hast sent Iesus Christ and so serue him and be 5 rom 12. b. 1. cor 12. a. 2. Thes 5. c. profitable vnto his churche in the whole course of his lyfe that after this life be ended he may be broght as a lyuely mēber of his body vnto the full fruition of thy 6 1. Cor. 2. a. rom 6. d. Tit. 3. b. ioyes in the heauēs where thy sonne our Christ raigneth world wyth out end In whose name we pray as he hathe taught vs. Our father etc. when they haue prayed in this sort the minister requireth the childs name which knowen He saieth N. 1 Matt. 28. d. Mark 16. c. Act. 2. f. I baptise thee in the name of the father of the sonne and of the holy ghoste And as he speaketh these woords he taketh water in his hād and layeth it vpon the childes forehead which done he giueth thanckes as followeth FOR asmoche moste holy ād mercifull father as thow doest not only beawtifie and blesse vs wyth cōmon benefits like vnto the rest of mankinde but also 1 Ephe. 2. b. a. 1. peter 2. b. Osee 2. d. 2. peter 2. d. heapest vpon vs moste abundantly rare and wonderfull gyftes of dutye we lyft vp our eyes and mindes vnto thee and gyue thee moste hūble thankes for thy infinite goodnes which haste not only nombred vs emongest thy 2 1. peter 2. b. Ephe. 2. d. sainctes but also of thy free mercie doest call our children vnto thee markinge theim wyth thys Sacrament as a singuler token ād badge of thy loue Wherfore moste louing father thogh we be not able to deserue this so greate a benefite yea if thow wouldest hādle vs according to our 3 Rom. 2. a. Iere. 3. g. Isa 40. b luk 17. c. merits we shuld suffer the punishemēt of eternall deathe and dānatiō yet for Christes sake we beseche thee that thou wilt cōfirme this thy fauor more and more towards vs and take this infant into thy tuition and defence whom we offer and present vnto thee wyth common supplications and neuer suffer him to fall to such vnkindes wherby he shuld 4 2. Cor. 6. d. lose the force of this baptisme but that he may perceyue thee continually to be his mercifull father throgh thy holy spirite working in his hart by whose diuine power he may so preuayle against Satan that in the end obteyning the victorie he may be exalted into the libertie of thy kingdome THE MANER OF THE LORDES SVPPER THE day when the lordes supper is ministred which commōlye is vsed once a monthe or so oft as the Congregation shall thinke expedient the minister vseth to saye as followeth LET vs marke deare bretherne and cōsider how Iesus Christ did ordayne vnto vs his holy supper according as S. Paule maketh rehearsall in the 11. chap. of the first Epistle to the Cor. I haue saith he receyued of the lorde that which I haue deliuered vnto you to witt that the lorde Iesus the same night he was betrayed toke breade and when he had geuen thankes he brake it sayinge Take ye eate ye this is my bodie which is broken for you doo you this in remēbrance of me
and ioyne these parties together in the 1 Heb. 13.2 honorable estate of matrimony which was instituted and auctorised by God hym selff in 2 Gene. 2. d. Pro. 18. d. paradise man beyng then in the state of innocencie For what tyme God made heauen and earthe and all that is in theym and had created and fasshoned man also after his owne similitude and likenes vnto whome he gaue rule and lordship ouer all the beastes of the earthe fisshes of the sea and fowles of the ayre he said it is not good that man lyue alone let vs make hym an helper like vnto hym selff And God brought a faste sleape vppon hym and toke one of his ribbes and shaped Eua therof doyng vs therby to vnderstand that “ In hebrewe man is called Isch and the womā Ischa wherby is wel expressed the naturall affinitie betwixt mā and his wife man and wife are one boddy one flesshe and one blood Signifyinge also vnto vs the 3 Ephe. 5. g. mysticall vnion that is betwixt Christe and his churche for the which cawse man 4 Gen. 2. d. Mat. 19. a. Mark 10. a. 2. Cor. 6. d. leaueth his father and mother and taketh hym to his wife ro kepe company with her the which also he ough to loue euē as owr sauior loueth his churche that is to say his 5 Iohn 17. b. Rom. 5. a. Hebr. 9. d. 1. peter 3. d. electe and faithfull congregation for the which he gaue his liffe And semblably also it is the 6 Ephe. 5. e. Col. 3. c. 1. peter 3. a. 1. Cor. 11. a. 1. Tim. 2. d. wiues dewtie to studie to please and obey her howseband seruyng hym in all thynges that be godly and honeste for she is in subiectiō and vnder the gouernance of her howsbande so long as they contynew bothe 7 Rom. 7. a 1. Cor. 7. g. Matt. 19. ● alyue And this holie mariage beyng a thynge moste honorable is of suche vertue and force that therby the howsband hathe no more 8 1. Cor. 7. a. 1. peter 3 b. right or power ouer his own bodie but the wyfe and likewyse the wyfe hathe no power ouer her own body but the housband forasmoche as God hathe so knytt theym together in this mutuall societie to the procreation of children that they should 9 Ephe. 6. a 1. Tim. 2. d. bryng theym vp in the feare of the lorde and to the increase of Christes kyngdome Wherfore they that be thus couppled together by God can not be seuered or put a parte oneles it be for a season with thassent of 10 1. Cor. 7. a. bothe parties to thēd to gyue theym selues the more feruentlie to fastyng and prayer gyuyng diligent hede in the meane tyme that their longe beyng aparte be not a snare to bryng thē into the daunger of Satan through incontinencie and therfore to auoyde fornication euery man oughte to haue his owne wyffe and euery woman her owne howsband so that so many as can not lyue chaste are 11 Matt. 19. b. 1. Cor. 7. b. bownde by the commandement of God to mary that ther by the holye 12 1. Cor. 3. c. 6. d. 2. Cor. 6. d. leu 26. b. 1. peter 1. d. temple of God which is our bodies may be kept pure and vndefiled for synce owr bodies are now be come the very members of Iesus Christe howe horrible and detestable a thyng is it to make theym the members of an harlot Euery one oght therfore to kepe his vessel in all 13 1. Thess 4. rom 12. a Ephe. 5. d. purenes and holines for whosoeuer 14 1. Cor. 3. d. polluteth and defileth the temple of God hym will God destroye Here the minister speakethe to the parties that shal be mariede in this wise I Require and charge you as you will answar at the daye of Iudgement whē the 1 1. Cor. 4. a. Matt. 7. a rom 2. a. secretes of all hartes shal be disclosed that if either of you do knowe any impediment whie ye may not be lawfully ioyned to gether in matrimony that ye cōfesse it for be ye well assured that so many as be coupled otherwise then godes woorde dothe allowe are not ioyned together by God neyther is theyr matrimony lawfull If no impediment be knowen then the minister sayeth I take you to wittenes that be here present besechyng you all to haue good remembraunce hereof and moreouer if there be any of you which knoweth that either of these parties he contracted to any other or knoweth any other lawfull impediment let theym nowe make declaration therof If no cawse be alleaged the Minister procedith sayinge FORASMVCHE as no man speaketh agaynste this thynge you N. shall proteste here before God and his holy congregation that you haue takyn and are now contented to haue N. here present for your laufull wyfe and spowse promisyng to kepe her to loue ād intreate her in all thynges accordyng to the 1 Col. 3. d. 1. peter 3. b. Matt. 19. c. 1. Cor. 7. b. Mala. 2. d. dewtie of a faythfull howsband forsakyng all other durynge her lyfe ād briefelie to lyue in a holy conuersation with her kepynge faythe and trewthe in all poyntes accordyng as the worde of God and his holie gospell dothe commawnde THE ANSWERE EVEN so I take her before God and in presence of this his congregation THE minister to the spowse also saythe YOV N. shall proteste here before the face of God in the presence of this holy congregation that ye haue takyn and are now contented to haue N. here present for your lawfull howsband promisynge to hym 1 1. Cor. 11. a. Ephe. 5. c. Col. 3. c. 1. Tim. 2. d. 1. peter 3. a Ester 1. d. subiectiō and obedience forsakyng all other duryng hys lyfe and fynallie to lyue in a holy conuersation with hym kepinge faithe and truethe in all poyntes as Godes woorde doth prescribe THE ANSWERE EVEN so I take hym before God and in the presence of this his congregation Giue diligent eare to the gospell that ye may vnderstande how owr lorde wolde haue this holy contracte kept and obserued and how sure and faste a knott it is which may in no wyse be lowsed accordyng as we be taughte in the 19 chap. of S. Mathewes gospell THE pharisies came vnto Christe to tēpte hym and to grope his mynde sayinge Is it lawfull for a mā to put away his wife for euery lighte cawse he answered sayenge haue ye not read that he which created man at the begynnynge made theym male and female sayeng for this thyng shall man leaue father and mother and cleaue vnto his wife and they twayne shal be one flesshe so that they are no more two but are one flesshe Lett no man therfore put a sonder that which God hathe cowpled togethers IF ye beleue assueredlie these woordes which owr lorde and sauiour did speake accordyng as ye haue hard theym now rehearsed owte
sayeth that he was hanged on a tree to the intente that he myghte take vpon hym our curse Deu. 21. Gal. 3. and so dyscharge vs. for that kynde of deathe was accursed of God ¶ The minister What is it not a greate reproche and dyshonoure vnto our Lorde Iesu to say that he was accursed and that before God ¶ The childe No not a whit for he through hys almyghtye power by taking the curse from vs vnto hymselfe did in such sort make it voyde and of none effecte that he hymselfe neuertheles continued still so blessed that he was able to fulfyll vs also with hys blessynges ¶ The minister Make an exposiciō of that that foloweth ¶ The childe In so muche as deathe was a cursse or punyshement appointed vnto man for synne Christ euen in sufferinge death vainqueshed death therfore our sauiour Christ did suffer death and by suffering ouercame it And to the entent also to make it the more certaynly knowen vnto vs that his death was not a coloured or counterfaited thing it pleased hym also to be buryed after the common maner of other menne ¶ The minister But it appeareth not that any profyte cummeth to vs by thys that Christe hathe wonne the victory of death seing that we it not withstanding cease not to dye ¶ The childe The death of the faithfull is a right passage to life euerlasting That doth not hinder for the deathe of the faythfull is nowe nothing elles but a readye passage to a better lyfe ¶ The minister It foloweth then necessarily hereof that we oughte in no wyse to be afrayde of deathe as though it were a dredefull thīg but rather it behoueth vs willingly to walke the trace of oure heade and capitayne Iesu Christ who hath walked and troden the same waye before vs not to the entente to leade vs to our destruction but to procure vs an euerlastynge sauegarde ¶ The childe It is euen so ¶ The minister Sonday 10 What is the sence of that clause whiche is putte to afterward as touchyng his descendyng into hell ¶ The childe The vnderstāding of this Christe went down into hel The ryghte meanynge therof is that Christ dyd not onelye suffre a naturall deathe which is a departyng and goyng asunder of the body and soule but also that his soule was in woōderfull dystresse beyng wofully pressed and enduring grieuous tormentes and as it were hellyke paynes Actes 2. which Sainct Peter calleth the sorowes or pangues of deathe ¶ The minister For what consideration sustained he those paynes and in what sorte ¶ The childe Becawse he presented hymselfe before God to be a sacryfice satisfactory and to make amēdes in the behalfe of synners it was mete that as he did beare the wayght and burthen of our synnes so lykewyse he shoulde feele this horryble anguyshe and greuous tormente of conscience whiche synne bryngeth beyng in case as if God had vtterlye forsaken hym and ben haynously displeased agaynste hym And in verye deede he was brought to suche extremytye of anguyshe that he was dryeuen to crye my God my God Matt. 27. Mark 15. why haste thou forsaken me ¶ The minister Why was God then angry with him ¶ The childe Nay howbeit it was cōueniente that God shoulde punyshe hym in suche sorte Esa 53. 1. Peter 2. to veryfie ād performe the wordes of Esay the Prophet who saieth that he was beatē with the hāde of his father for our sinnes ād that he dyd suffer the punishmente due to oure trangressyons ¶ The minister But howe coulde it be that he was in suche dreadefull anguyshe as though God hadde vtterly forsaken hym seing he was God hymselfe ¶ The childe We must vnderstande that he was in such destresse onlye as touchīge his humanitye And to the intente that he myghte feele these panges in hys manhoode hys Godhead dyd in the meane tyme for a lytle space kepe it selfe close as if it had bene hydd that is to saye it dyd not shewe not vtter the mygh therof ¶ The minister But how could thys be that Christe who is the health of the world could bee vnder such condemnacion ¶ The childe He was not so vnder it that he shuld cōtynewe in the same For he hath in suche wise felte these terrors whiche wee haue spoken of that he was not ouercome of the same but hath rather therby made battayll agaynst the power of hell to breake and destroye it ¶ The minister Hereby then we see the difference betwene that anguish or vexacion of mynde whiche Christe dyd suffer The difference betwene the anguishe of Christes spirit and the conscience of the wicked and that whyche the impenytente synners dooe abyde whome God doth punyshe in hys terryble wrath for that verye payne whiche Christe sustained for a tyme the wycked must endure continually and that whych was vnto Christ but a goade as it were to prycke him is vnto the wycked in steade of a glaiue to wound them to death ¶ The childe Trueth it is for oure sauyoure Christe notwithstandynge these vexations euē in the myddes of his tormētes did not ceasse to put a ful trust euermore in God but the damned synners do dispaire withoute al confydence in Goddes goodnes yea they stomake agaynste God in so muche that they blaspheme hys maiestye ¶ The minister Sonday 11 Maye we nowe gather suffyciently of this that is sayed what fruite or profite cōmeth to vs by the death of Iesus Christe ¶ The childe Yea very well The profite ād vertue of Christes death stādeth in .iii. pointes and fyrste of all we see that it is a sacryfice wherwith he hath fully aunswared and satysfyed hys fathers iudgement in our behalfe and therby also he hath appaised Goddes wrath whiche worthely hanged ouer vs hath broughte vs into his fauoure againe Secōdlye that he shedde his bloud to purifie ād clense our soules from al maner of spottes fynally that he hath so cleane wyped awaye oure synnes through his precyous death that God wil neuer hereafter haue remēbraunce of them to call vs to any reckoninge yea euenso that the obligation or hande wrytynge whiche was to be shewed forthe againste vs to oure cōdemnation is nowe cleane cancelled and vtterlye made voyde ¶ The minister Haue we no other profite besydes this of his death ¶ The childe Yes verely that is if we be true membres of Christe our olde man is crucyfyed and our fleshe is mortyfied to the ende that no euyll lustes or affections doe herafter beare rule in vs. ¶ The minister Expound the article folowing ¶ The childe 1. Peter 3. He rose the thirde daie frō death to lyfe wherī he shewed that he had vaynquished gottē the victorie of death and synne For through his resurrection he swalowed vp death he broke asōdre the chaines wherwith the deuill did holde vs in captyuitie fynally he destroied all hys power and kyngdome ¶ The minister Tell me how many
and badges of our profession that is to say by them we protest openly that we are the people of God and make open profession of our christen relygyon ¶ The minister What shall we then iudge of him that refuseth to vse them ¶ The childe We ought not to count hym a christen mane for in so doing he refuseth to confesse or knowledge hymselfe to be a christian and what is that els but as it were couertly to refuse Christe ¶ The minister Is it inough to receyue them bothe once onelye in oure lyfe tyme ¶ The childe Baptisme was ordeyned to be receiued but once wherefore it is not lawfull to be christened again but it is other wise to be thought of the supper ¶ The minister What is the reason therof ¶ The childe How it is that we receaue the supper oftimes though we maye be but once baptysed This by baptysme God doethe brynge and receyue vs into his churche and when he hath once receyued vs he declareth also to vs by the supper that he wyll feede vs continually ¶ The minister Sonday 55 To whome belongeth the minystracion of baptisme and of the Lordes supper ¶ The childe Vnto them who haue taken charge to preach openly in the churche To whom the ministracion of the sacramētes doe belonge for the preachyng of Goddes worde and the ministracion of the sacramentes be thynges ioynctely belongyng to one kynde of office ¶ The minister Is there not a substancyal profe to be brought for thys ¶ The childe Yes verely Mat. 28 for our Lorde geueth speciall charge to hys Apostles as well to baptyse as to preach and as touchyng the supper he geueth them iniunction to folowe hys exaumple nowe he did the parte of a minyster in that he gaue and distributed it to others ¶ The childe The pastours who be the mynysters of the sacramentes ought they to receyue indifferently euery person that commeth ¶ The childe As touchyng baptisme whoe oughte to he shut out frō the supper forsomuche as there be none in our tyme baptysed but lytle chyldren there oughte to be no choise vsed but as cōcerning the supper the minister muste haue so muche dyscrecyon as to refuse to geue it to them that be vtterly vnworthy ¶ The minister Wherfore ¶ The childe Because that otherwyse the supper of the Lorde should be defyled and dishonored ¶ The minister But yet our Lorde admytted Iudas to the holy supper notwithstanding his wickednes ¶ The childe wherefore Iudas was admitted to the supper Yea for his wickednes was hytherto hyd ād albeit oure Lorde knewe it ryghte well yet was it not notoryous and knowen vnto men ¶ The minister What waye is to be vsed then towardes the hipocrites ¶ The childe The minister ought not to exclude ādshut oute them as vnworthy but he must tary vntill it shall please GOD to make their close wyckednesse knowen ¶ The minister What if he hymselfe knowe or if he be prieuely aduertised of any suche ¶ The childe That is not a sufficiente cause for him to denie them the supper vnlesse he haue the thinge tryed by suffyciente profe and ther with the iudgement of the congregacion ¶ The minister Is it then meete to haue a polytyke order touchynge thys matter ¶ The childe What els if the congregacion be wel ordered there muste be certayne appoynted to watche and take dyligente heede for suche opē crimes as may be committed and they hauynge auctorytye ought in the name of the whole congregation to inhibite such as be by no meanes mete neither can be partakers therof withoute the dyshonoure of God and the offence of the faythfull The ende of the instruction of children in the fayth THE MANER TO EXAmine chyldren before they be admitted to the Supper of the lord ¶ Fyrst the Minister asketh IN whome doest thow beleue ¶ The childe answereth I beleue in god the father and in Iesus Christ his sonne and in the holy ghoste and loke to be saued by non other meanes ¶ The minister The father the sonne and the holy ghost be they any more then one god ¶ The childe No althogh they be distinct in persone ¶ The minister What is the effect of thy fayth ¶ The childe That god the father of our lord Iesus Christ and so by hym of vs all is the beginnynge ād principall cause of all thīges the which he gouerneth in such sorte that nothinge can be done with owte his ordinance and prouidence Next that Iesus Christ his sonne came downe into this world ād accomplished all thinges which were necessary for our saluation And ascēded into heauen where he sitteth at the right hād of the father that is that he hath all power in heauen ād in earth And shall come agayne frome thence to iudge the whole world Forthermore that the holy ghoste is very god becawse he is the vertue ād power of god ād imprīteth ī our hartes the ꝓmesses made vnto vs in Iesus Christ And fynally that the churche is sanctified and delyuered from their synnes through the mercies of god and shall after this life rise againe to lyfe euerlastinge ¶ The minister Must we serue God accordinge as he hath commaunded or elles as mens traditions teache vs ¶ The childe We most serue hym as he hath taught vs bi his word and cōmaundementes and not accordinge to the commaundementes of men ¶ The minister Canst thow kepe gods commaundements of thy selfe ¶ The childe No verely ¶ The minister Who then doth kepe and fulfill theym in thee ¶ The childe The holy ghoste ¶ The minister When God then geuethe thee his holy ghoste cāst thou parfytely obserue theym ¶ The childe No not so ¶ The minister Why God doth curse and reiect all such as do not in euery point fulfyll his commaundements ¶ The childe It is true ¶ The minister By what meanes then shalt thow be saued ād deliuered frome the curse of God ¶ The childe By the death and passion of our lord Iesus Christ ¶ The minister How so ¶ The childe For becawse that by his death he hath restored vs to lyfe and recōciled vs to God his father ¶ The minister To whome doest thow make thy prayers ¶ The childe I pray to God in the name of our lord Iesus Christ our aduocat and mediator referring all my prayers to that scope which Christ our sauiour hath left vs as a moste sufficient and absolute rule ¶ The minister How many Sacraments are there in Christs Church ¶ The childe Two Baptisme and the lords Supper ¶ The minister What is ment by Baptisme ¶ The childe First it signifieth that we haue forgiuenes of our synnes by the blood of Christ Secondly it setteth before our eyes our regeneration or newe spirituall birth ¶ The minister What signifieth the Supper of the lord ¶ The childe That by the spirituall eatinge and drinkinge of the body and bloude of our lord Iesus Christ our sowles are norished vnto lyfe