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A65300 The holy Eucharist, or, The mystery of the Lords Supper briefly explained by Thomas Watson ... Watson, Thomas, d. 1686. 1668 (1668) Wing W1129; ESTC R9124 66,682 202

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and are like Wine that hath lost the spi rits Christs blood hath an elevatin●… povver it puts vivacity into us m●… king us quick and vegete in our mo tion Isa. 40. 31. They shall mou●… up with wings as Eagles 3. Christ's blood is a cleansi●… blood Heb. 9. 14. How much mor●… shall the blood of Christ purge your Co●… sciences As the Merit of Christ'●… blood doth pacifie God so the Ve●… tue of it doth purifie us It is Baln●… um coeleste the King of Heave●… Bath It is Lavacrum animae a Lav●… to vvash in It vvasheth●… crimson sinner milk white●… 1 Joh. 1. 7. The blood 〈◊〉 Jesus cleanseth us from a●… our sin The Word of Go●… is a Looking-glass to shew us o●… spots the blood of Christ is a fou●… tain to vvash them avvay Zac. 12. 1●… But this blood vvill not vvash if i●… be mingled vvith any thing Wate●… vvill not vvash clean except it b●… mingled with Sope or Camphire ●…ut if we go to mingle any thing with Christ's Blood either the Merits of ●…oints or Prayers of Angels it will ●…ot wash Let Christ's Blood be pure ●…nd unmixed and there is no spot but ●…t will wash away It purged out ●…oahs Drunkenness Lots Incest In●…eed there is one spot so black that Christ's Blood doth not wash away ●…nd that is the Sin against the Holy Ghost not but that there is Vertue ●…nough in Christ's Blood to wash it a●…ay but he who hath sinned that ●…n will not be washed he contemns Christ's Blood and tramples it under ●…oot Heb. 10. 29. 4. Christ's Blood is a softning ●…lood There is nothing so hard ●…ut may be softned if it lie a steep 〈◊〉 this blood it will soften a stone ●…ater will soften the Earth but it ●…ill not soften a stone but Christ's ●…lood mollifies a Stone it soft●…s an Heart of stone It turns a Flint into a Spring The Hea●… which before was like a piece hew●… out of a Rock being steeped Christ's blood becomes soft a●… the waters of Repentance flow fro●… it How was the Jaylor's Heart di●… solved and made tender when th●… blood of sprinkling was upon it A●… 16. 30. Sirs What must I do to saved His heart was now like me●… ing Wax God might set what S●… and Impression he would upon it 5. Christ's blood is a coolin●… blood 1. It cools the Heat of Si●… The Heart naturally is full of diste●… pered Heat it must needs be ho●… being set on fire of Hell It burns i●… Lust and Passion Christ's blood a●… layes this Heat it quencheth the I●… flammations of Sin 2. It cools th●… Heat of Conscience In time of de●… sertion Conscience burns with th●… heat of God's Displeasure no●… Christ's blood being sprinkled upo●… the Conscience cools and pacifies it And in this sense Christ is compared to a River of water Isa. 32. 2. When the Heart burns and is in an agony Christ's blood is like water to the fire it hath a cooling refrigerating Vertue in it 6. Christ's blood is a comforting blood it is good against fainting Fits Christ's blood is better than Wine Though Wine chears the Heart of a Man that is well yet it will not chear his Heart when he hath a fit of the Stone or when the Pangs of Death are upon him But Christ's blood will chear the Heart at such a time It is best in affliction it cures the trembling at the Heart A Conscience sprinkled with Christ's blood can like the Nightingale sing with a Thorn at its Breast The blood of Christ can make a Prison become a Palace It turned the Martyrs Flames into Beds of Roses Christ's blood gives comfort at the hour of Death As an Holy Man once said on his Death-bed when they brought him a Julip No Julip like the Blood of Christ 7. Christ's blood is an Heaven procuring blood Israel passed through the red Sea to Canaan So through the red sea of Christ's blood we enter into the Heavenly Canaan Heb. 10. 19. Having boldness therefore to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus Our sins did shut Heaven Christ's blood is the key which opens the gate of Paradise for us Hence it is Theodoret calls the Cross 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Tree of Salvation Because that blood which trickled down the Cross distills Salvation Well then may we prize the blood of Christ and vvith St. Paul determine to know nothing but Christ crucified 1 Cor. 2. 2. Kings Crovvns are only Crosses but the Cross of Christ is the only Crovvn 3. Doth Christ offer his Body and blood to us in the Supper Then with what solemn preparation should we come to so sacred an Ordinance It is not enough to do what God hath appointed but as he hath appointed 1 Sam. 7. 3. Prepare your hearts unto the Lord. The Musitian first puts his Instrument in Tune before he plays The Heart must first be prepared and put in Tune before it goes to meet with God in this solemn Ordinance of the Sacrament Take heed of rashness and irreverence If we come not preparedly we do not drink but spill Christ's blood 1 Cor. 11. 27. Whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this Cup of the Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord That is saith Theophylact he shall be judged a shedder of Christ's Blood We read of a Wine-cup of fury in Gods hand Jer. 25. 15. He that comes unpreparedly to the Lords-Supper turns the Cup in the Sacrament into a Cup of fury Oh with what reverence and devotion should we address our selves to these holy Mysteries The Saints are called prepared Vessels Rom. 9. 23. If ever these Vessels should be prepared it is when they are to hold the precious Body and Blood of Christ. The sinner that is damned is first prepared Men do not go to Hell without some kind of preparation Rom. 9. 22. Vessels fitted for destruction If those Vessels are prepared which are filled with wrath much more are those to be prepared who are to receive Christ in the Sacrament Let us dress our selves by a Scripture-glasse before we come to the Lords Table And with the Lamb's Wife make our selves ready Quest. How should we be rightly qualified and prepared for the Lords Supper Answ. If we would come with prepared hearts we must come 1. With Self-examining-hearts 1 Cor. 11. 28. But let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that Bread It is not enough that others think we are fit to come but we must examine our selves The Greek word to Examine 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is a Metaphor taken from the Goldsmith who doth curiously try his Metals So before we come to the Lords Table we are to make a curious and critical trial of our selves by the Word Self-examination being a reflexive Act is difficult 'T is hard for a man to look inward
THE HOLY Eucharist OR THE MYSTERY OF THE LORDS SUPPER Briefly Explained By THOMAS WATSON Minister of the Gospel The second Impression newly Enlarged Dedit nobis Christus carnem suam in cibum sanguinem in potum animam in pretium aquam lateris in lavacrum Bernard 1 Cor. 10. 21. Ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's-Table and the Table of Devils LONDON Printed by A. Maxwel for Thomas Parkhurst at the Golden Bible on London-Bridge next the Gate To the Honourable Vertuous and my ever Honoured Friend Mrs. DOROTHY WOLSTENHOLM Madam BEsides the Cognizance I have had of you when it was my happiness to live among some of your Noble Relations your friendly deportment and the favourable Aspect which you have been pleased to cast upon me hath very much rendred me your Debtor And I knew not what other way to express my self grateful than by presenting yo●… with some of that Treasure which through the help of the Spirit I have digged out of the Sacred Mines of Scripture The Tractate which I here dedicate to you is small but the Subject treated on is of eminent and singular worth Pearls may lie in a little room and a soveraign Electuary may be given upon a Knive's point The Supper of the Lord is a matter of weighty importance as having in it the very pith and quintessence of the Gospel Madam Admire distinguishing Grace which hath made you Noble not only in blood but in spiritual Endowments How deeply are you obliged to God who hath given you an insight into the Mystery of Life which will abide with you when the Flower of Beauty shall fade and the Feathers of Honour must lie in the dust Madam let Jesus Christ be ever in your thoughts you are never out of his Let that dear Saviour lie as a bundle of Myrrh between your Breasts delight much in the Galleries where the King of Glory is held Let those hours be counted golden when you are at Free grace's Table and Christ sups with you and you with him I have no more at present to add only desire your Candid Interpretation kind reception of these few impolished lines So entreating the Lord to enrich you with all spiritual and eternal Blessings I take leave and rest Madam Yours to serve you Thomas Watson TO THE Reader Christian Reader VVHEN I Contemplate the Holiness and Solemnity of the blessed Sacrament I cannot but have some awe upon my Spirit and think my self bound to hold this Mystery in the highest Veneration The Elements of Bread and Wine are in themselves common but under these Symbolical Representations lie hid Divine Excellencies Behold here the best of dainties God is in this Cheer Here is the Apple of the Tree of Life Here is The House of Wine where the Banner of Free grace is gloriously displayed In the Sacrament we see Christ broken before us and his broken body is the only comfort for a broken Heart While we sit at this Tab●● Christ's precious Spikenard of merit and grace sends forth its smell The Sacrament is both an healing and a sealing Ordinance Here our Saviour leads his people up the Mount of Transfiguration gives them a Glimpse of Paradise How welcome should this Jubilee of the Soul be wherein Christ appears in the oriency of his beauty and draws the golden 〈◊〉 of his love to the center of a Believer's Heart Oh what Flames of Devotion should burn in our Breasts How agil and nimble should we be mounting up as on Wings of Cherubims when we are to meet the Prince of Glory who brings the Olive-branch of Peace in his mouth and whose kisses leave a print of Heaven upon the Soul The scope of this ensuing Discourse is to raise an high value and appretiation of the Sacrament to Excite Holy Ardours of Soul in such as intend to partake of it Think not That it is enough to be outwardly devout at Gods Table drawing near to him with the lip when the Heart is far from him What is this but with Ephraim to compass God with Lyes They who put off God with bare shews he will put them off with bare signs They who give God only the skin of Duty shall carry away only the shell of Comfort Spirituality is the life of Worship If we come to the Sacrament in due order* we shall see him whom our souls love The Lord will give us a fore-crop here and reserve the after-crop of Glory for the Kingdom of Heaven That this may be effected shall be the earnest prayer of him who is Yours in the Work of the Gospel Thomas Watson THE MYSTERY of the Lords Supper MATT. 26. 26 27 28. And as they were eating Jesus took bread and blessed it and brake it and gave it to his Disciples and said Take eat this is my body And he took the Cup and gave thanks and gave it to them saying Drink ye all of it For this is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the Remission of sins IN these words we have the Institution of the Lords Supper The Greeks call the Sacrament 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Mystery There is in it a Mystery of Wonder and a mystery of Mercy The celebration of the Lords Supper saith St. Chrysostom is the Commemoration of the greatest Blessing that ever the World enjoyed A Sacrament is a Visible Sermon And herein the Sacrament excels the Word Preached The Word is a Trumpet to proclaim Christ the Sacrament is a Glass to represent him Quest. But why was the Sacrament of the Lords Supper appointed is not the Word sufficient to bring us to Heaven Answ. The Word is for the Ingrafting The Sacrament for the Confirming of Faith The Word brings us to Christ The Sacrament builds us up in him The Word is the Font where we are baptized with the Holy Ghost The Sacrament is the Table where we are fed and cherished The Lord condescends to our w●…akness Were we made up all of Spirit there were no need of Bread and Wine but we are compounded creatures therefore God to help our Faith doth not only give us an audible Word but a visible Sign I may here allude to that of our Saviour Joh. 4. 48. Except ye see signs ye will not believe Christ sets his Body and Blood before us in the Elements here are Signs else we will not believe Things taken in by the Eye do more work upon us than things taken in by the Ear. A Solemn Spectacle of Mortality doth more affect us than an Oration So when we see Christ broken in the Bread and as it were Crucified before us this doth more affect our Hearts than the bare Preaching of the Cross. So I come to the Text As they were eating Jesus took bread c. Where I shall open these five particulars in reference to the Sacrament 1. The Author 2. The Time 3. The Manner 4. The
Guests 5. The Benefits 1. The Author of the Sacrament Jesus Christ. Jesus took bread To Institute Sacraments belongs of right to Christ and is a Flower of his Crown He only who can give Grace can appoint the Sacraments which are the Seals of Grace Christ being the Founder of the Sacrament gives a Glory and a Luster to it A King making a feast adds the more state and magnificence to it Jesus took bread he whose Name is above every Name God blessed for ever 2. The Time when Christ did institute the Sacrament wherein we may take notice of two Circumstances 1. It was when he had supped Luk. 22. 20. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 After Supper Which had this Mystery in it To shew that the Sacrament is chiefly intended as a spiritual Banquet it is not to indulge the Senses but to feast the Graces It was after Supper 2. The other Circumstance of Time is That Christ did appoint the Sacrament a little before his sufferings 1 Cor. 11. 23. The Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread He knew troubles were now coming upon his Disciples it would be no small perplexing to them to see their Lord and Master crucisied and shortly after they must pledg him in a bitter Cup therefore to arm them against such a time and to animate their spirits that very night in which he was betrayed he gives them his Body and Blood in the Sacrament This may give us a good Hint That in all trouble of mind especially approaches of danger it is needful to have recourse to the Lords Supper The Sacrament is both an Antidote against fear and a Restorative to faith The night in which Christ was betrayed he took Bread 3. The Manner of the Institution wherein there are four things observable 1. The Taking of bread 2. The Breaking it 3. The Blessing it 4. The Administring the Cup. 1. The Taking of the Bread Jesus took bread Quest. What is meant by this Phrase He took bread Answ. Christ's taking and separating the bread from common uses did hold forth a double Mystery 1. It signified that God in his Eternal Decree set Christ apart for the work of our Redemption He was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Separate from sinners Heb. 7. 26. 2. Christ's setting the Elements apart from common Bread and Wine shewed That he is not for common Persons to feed on They are to be divinely purified who touch these holy things of God they must be outwardly separated from the World and inwardly sanctified by the Spirit Quest. Why did Christ take Bread rather than any other Element Answ. 1. Because it did prefigure Him Christ was typified by the Shew bread 1 King 7. 48. By the Bread which Melchisedeck offered unto Abraham Gen. 14. 18. And by the Cake which the Angel brought to Elias 1 Kings 19. 4. Therefore he took Bread to answer the Type 2. Christ took bread because of the Analogy Bread did neerly resemble him John 6. 48. I am that bread of life There is a threefold resemblance 1. Bread is useful Other comforts are more for delight than use Musick delights the ear colour●… the eye but Bread is the staff of Life So is Christ useful There is no subsisting without him John 6. 57. He that eateth me even he shall live by me 2. Bread is satisfying If a man be hungry bring him Flowrs or Pictures they do not satisfie but bread doth satiate So Jesus Christ the bread of the soul satisfies he satisfies the eye with beauty the heart with sweetness the conscience with peace 3. Bread is strengthening Psal. 104. 15. Bread which strengthens mans heart So Christ the bread of the soul transmits strength He strengthens us against temptations he gives strength for doing and suffering Work He is like the Cake the Angel brought to the Prophet 1 Kings 19. 8. He arose and did eat and went in the strength of that meat forty dayes and forty nights unto Horeb the Mount of God 2. The second thing in the Institution is Christs blessing of the bread He blessed it This was the Consecration of the Elements Christ by his Blessing sanctifyed them and made them Symbols of his Body and Blood Christ's consecrating of the Elements points out three things 1. Christ in blessing the Elements opened the nature of the Sacrament to the Apostles He did unriddle this Mystery Christ did advertise them That as sure as they did receive the Elements corporeally so sure they did receive him into their hearts spiritually 2. Christ's blessing the Elements signified his prayer for a Blessing upon the Ordinance He prayed that these Symbols of Bread and Wine might through the Blessing and Operation of the Holy Ghost sanctifie the Elect and seal up all spiritual mercies and priviledges to them 3. Christ's blessing the Elements was his giving thanks So it is in the Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He gave thanks 1. Christ gave thanks that God the Father had in the infinite riches of his Grace given his Son to expiate the Sins of the World And if Christ gave thanks how may we give thanks If he gave thanks who was to shed his blood how may we give thanks who are to drink it 2. Christ gave thanks that God had given these Elements of Bread and Wine not only to be signs but seals of our Redemption As the Seal serves to make over a conveyance of Land so the Sacrament as a spiritual Seal serves to make over Christ and Heaven to such as worthily receive it 3. The third thing in the Institution is the Breaking of the Bread He brake it This did shadow out Christ's Death and Passion with all the Torments of his Body and Soul Isa. 53. 10. It pleased the Lord to bruise him VVhen the Spices are bruised then they send forth a sweet savour So when Christ was bruised on the Cross he did send out a most fragant smell Christ's body crucifying was the breaking open a Box of precious oyntment which did fill Heaven and Earth with its perfume Quest. But why was Christs body broken What was the cause of his suffering Answ. Surely not for any desert of his own Dan. 9. 26. The Mesfiah shall be cut off but not for himself In the Original it is He shall be cut off and there is nothing in him There is no cause in him why he should suffer The high Priest when he went into the Tabernacle offered first for himself Heb. 9. 7. Though he had his Mitre or golden Plate and did wear holy Garments yet he was not pure and innocent he must offer sacrifice for himself as well as for the people But Jesus Christ that great High Priest though he offered a bloody Sacrifice yet not for himself Why then was his blessed body broken Answ. It was for our sins Isa. 53. 6. But he was wounded for our transgressions The Hebrew word for
Blood shed for them Rom. 11 7 The Election hath obtained it Christ passed by others and dyed intentionally for them Impenitent Sinners have no Benefit by Christ's Death unless a short Reprieve Christ is given to the wicked in wrath He is a Rock of Offence 1 Pet. 2 8. Christs Blood is like Chymical Drops of Oyl which recover some Patients but kill other Judas sucked Death from the Tree of Life God can turn Stones into Bread and a Sinner can turn Bread into Stones The Bread of Life into the S●…ne of Stumbling 5. The fifth thing observable in the Text is the benefit of this Supper in these Words For the remission of sins This is a mercy of the first Magnitude the Summum genus the crowning blessing Psalm 103. 3 4. Who forgiveth thy iniquities who crowneth thee with loving-kindness Whosoever hath this Charter granted is enrolled in the book of Life Psal. 32. 1. Bl●…ssed is he whose transgression is forgiven Under this Word remission of sin by a Synecdoche are comprehended all Heavenly Benedictions Justification Adoption Glory in respect of which benefits we may with Chrysostom call the Lords Supper The Feast of the Cross. This Doctrine of the Sacrament confutes the opinion of Transubstantiation When Christ saith This is my body The Papists affirm that the Bread after the Consecration is turned into the Substance of Christ's Body We hold that Christ's Body is in the Sacrament spiritually but the Papists say that it is there carnally which opinion is both Absurd and Impious 1. Absurd For it is contrary 1. To Scripture The Scripture asserts that Christs Body is locally and numerically in Heaven Act. 3. 21. Whom the Heavens must receive until the times of Restitution of all things If Christ's Body be circumscribed in Heaven then it cannot be materially in the Eucharist 2. It is contrary to reason How is it imaginable that a thing should be changed into another Species yet continue the same That the Bread in the Sacrament should be transmuted and turned into Flesh yet remain Bread still When Moses Rod was turned into a Serpent it could not be at the same time both a Rod and a Serpent That the Bread in the Sa●…rament should be changed into the body of Christ and yet remain Bread is a perfect contradiction If the Papists say The Bread is vanished This is fitter to be put into their Legend than our Creed for the colour form and rellish of the Bread still remains 2. This Opinion of Transubstantiation is impious as appears in two things 1. It is a Profaning Christ's body for if the Bread in the Sacrament be the real body of Christ then it may be eaten not only by the wicked but by Reptils and Vermin which were to disparage and cast contempt upon Christ and his Ordinance 2. It runs men inevitably upon sin for through this mistake that the bread is Christs very body there follows the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Divine Worship given to the bread which is Idolatry as also the offering up of the bread or Host in the Mass which is a blasphemy against Christs Priestly Office as if his Sacrifice on the Cross were imperfect Therefore I conclude with Peter Martyr That this Doctrine of Transubstantiation is to be abhorred and exploded being minted only in mens phancies but not sprung up in the field of the Holy Scriptures 2. This Doctrine of the Sacrament confutes such as look upon the Lords Supper only as an empty Figure or shadow resembling Christ's Death but having no intrinsick efficacy in it Surely this glorious Ordinance is more than an Effigies or representative of Christ Why is the Lords Supper called The Communion of the body of Christ but because in the right celebration of it we have sweet communion with Christ In this Gospel-Ordinance Christ doth not only shew forth his Beauty but send forth his Vertue The Sacrament is not only a Picture drawn but a Breast drawn it gives us a Tast of Christ as well as a Sight Such as make the Sacrament only a representative of Christ do shoot short of the Mystery and come short of the Comfort Use. 2. It informs us of several things 1. It shews us the necessity of coming to the Lords Supper Hath Jesus Christ been at all this cost to make a Feast then sure there must be Guests It is not left to our choice whether we will come or no but it is a Duty purely indispensable 1 Cor. 11. 28. Let him eat of that Bread Which Words are not only permissive but authorative As if a King should say Let it be Enacted The Neglect of the Sacrament runs men into a Gospel-Premunire It was infinite goodness in Christ to broach that blessed Vessel of his body and let his sacred Blood stream out and for us wilfully to omit such an Ordinance wherein the Trophie of mercy is so richly displayed and our salvation so nearly concerned well may Christ take this as an undervaluing of him and interpret it no better than a bidding him keep his feast to himself He that observed not the Passeover that soul was to be cut off Numb 9. 13. How angry was Christ with those that stayed away from the Supper They thought to put it off with a Complement but Christ knew how to construe their excuse for a refusal Luk. 14. 24. None of those men which were bidden shall taste of my Supper The Rejecting Gospel-mercy is a sin of so deep a die that God can do no less than punish it for a Contempt Some need a Flaming Sword to keep them off from the Lord's Table and others need Christ's Whip of small Cords to drive them to it Perhaps Some will say They are above the Sacrament It were strange to hear a man say he were above his Food The Apostles were not above this Ordinance and doth any one presume to be a Peg higher than the Apostles Let all Enthusiasts consult that Scripture 〈◊〉 Cor. 11. 26. As often as ye eat this bread and drink this Cup. ye shew the Lords death till he come The Lords Death is to be remembred Sacramentally til he come to Judgment 2. See the Misery of Unbelievers though the Lord hath appointed this glorious Ordinance of his Body and Blood they reap no benefit by it They come indeed to the Sacrament either to keep up their Credit or to stop the Mouth of Conscience but they get nothing for their Souls They come empty of Grace and go away empty of Comfort Isa. 29. 8. It shall even be as when an hungry man dreameth and behold he eateth but he awaketh and his soul is empty So wicked men fancy they eat of this spritual Banquet but they are in a golden Dream Alas They discern not the Lords body The Manna lay round about Israels Camp and they knew it not Exod. 16. 15. They wist not what it was
believeth not is condemned already The Arminians dream of Universal Redemption Christ dying intentionally for all The Brazen Serpent was made a Type of Christ now the Brazen Serpent cured not all persons only them that looked upon it So those who either through ignorance or stubbornness look not on Christ by Faith have no benefit by him 2. In case the people of Israel had not looked upon this Serpent Alone if they had set up another Brazen Serpent by this and looked upon both they had not received a cure So after God hath set up Christ to be a Saviour if any shall presume to set up another Saviour by him as the Papists who look partly to Christ and partly to their Merits they can receive no sanative vertue from him For us of the Protestant perswasion to look upon our duties equally with Christ our prayers and tears as expecting they should merit salvation this is to make two Brazen Serpents to set up two Christs and then we cannot be cured We are to use duties but to look beyond them to Christ. They are good duties but bad Christ's If we trust to our duties for salvation they will be Fiery Serpents to sting us not Brazen Serpents to heal us 3. In case the Brazen Serpent was set up upon a Pole if Israel had looked only upon their sting and not upon the Serpent they had not been cured So if we look only upon our Sins and through despair look not up to Christ vve have no healing from him To keep avvay from Christ because of our sins is a disparagement to Christ as if there were more malignity and poyson in sin then vertue in this Brazen Serpent Indeed vve must look with one eye upon sin but vvith another eye upon Christ. Look on sin vvith a penitent eye and on Christ vvith a believing eye Weep for sin that slevv Christ but hope in the Lamb slain 4. In case Israel had looked upon the Brazen Serpent yet if it had been vvith an eye of scorn or contempt as despising that remedy God had provided they had not been cured Jesus Christ is lifted up but if he be looked upon as the Jews looked upon him vvhen he hung on the Cross vvith an eye not of reverence but disdain he vvill not cure The blasphemous Socinians look upon Christ only as a meer man and his blood not satis●…ory or meritorious these cannot be ●…ved by him Isa. 53. 3. He is despised of Men. To these he is not a Brazen Serpent but a consuming fire 5. The Brazen Serpent resembled Christ in the issue and result of it He who looked on the Serpent had an infallible cure So he that can but look wishly on Christ by Faith is certainly sav●…d Joh. 3. 14. Whosoever believeth on him shall not penish Our misery at first came in by the eye looking upon the apple undid us but looking on Christ aright saves us 2. I shall show the Transcendencies of Christ the Spiritual Brazen Serpent above that in the Wilderness 1. The Brazen Serpent was inanimate it could repair life not infuse life But Jesus Christ gives life to the World Joh. 6. 33. Yea a never-dying life Joh. 3. 15. Eternal life Life is sweet but this word Eternal makes it sweeter 2. The Brazen Serpent could cure only a sting in the body The Lord Jesus heals a more deadly sting in our souls Psal. 103. 3. So deep were these wounds that they could not be healed but by deeper wounds made in Christ's side He was fain to die to cure us 3. The Brazen Serpent could cure only those who were within sight of it such as were afar off and in remote parts of the Wilderness had not their sting removed But Jesus Christ cures none but them who are afar off Jer. 2. 5. They are gone far from me The East is not so far from the West as the sinner is from God but herein appears the vertue of our Spiritual Brazen Serpent he heals none but them who are afar off Such as are not only aliens but rebells that live in the Devil's Territories Christ works a cure upon them and turns them from the power of satan Act. 26. 18. 4. The Brazen Serpent cured them that looked on it but if they had wanted the organ of fight there had been no cure for them What would a poor blind Israelite have done but Christ our Brazen Serpent not only cures us when we look upon him but if we want our sight he enables us to look upon him Christ not only saves us when we believe but he gives us power to believe Ephes. 2. 8. Christ anoints us with the eye-salve of his Spirit that we may look up and looking up we are cured Use. 1. Information 1 Branch In this Mystery of the Brazen Serpent see by what improbable means God doth sometimes effect great things What was a Brazen Serpent What likelihood that this should heal one that was stung it was a meer Image a shape and this not applyed to the wound but only beheld and looked upon yet this wrought a cure Reason would with Sarah have laughed at this A bitter Tree cast into the vvaters did dulcifie and make themsweet to drink of Clay and spittle cured the blind man vve vvould rather think it should put out ones eyes that did see What is there in the Rainbovv to prevent a deluge What is Bread and Wine in the Sacrament that these Elements should be consecrated to such an high mystery as to be a symbol of Christ's Body and Blood What more strange then that a dead man should quicken the vvorld but God loves to amuse and non-plus human vvisdom and bring great things to pass by vveak contemptible means 1 Cor. 1. 27 28. This the Lord doth 1. That his Glory may shine forth the more The less appears in outvvard means the more of God is seen The less beauty and splendor is in the Load-stone the more the virtues of it are admired And the less outward Pomp is in the instrument the more Gods wisdom energy is manifested 2. God would have the World see what power is in his Institution God appointed the Brazen Serpent therefore a word of Blessing went along with it to heal Psal. 107. 20. He sent forth his word and bealed them In the blessed Sacrament we are to look above the Elements a word of Blessing goes along with God's Institution to make this Ordinance effectual for the sealing up of Christ and all his benefits to us 2. Bran. In this Mystery of the Brazen Serpent see what infinite need we stand in of Christ. What would a stung Israelite have done without a Brazen Serpent if Balm be needful for one that is wounded if an antidote be needful for one that is poysoned then Christ the Brazen serpent is needful for a soul stung with sin Yea and what need have we to look often upon Christ in the
wounded hath a double Emphasis either it may signifie that he was pierced through as with a dart or that he was profaned He was used as some common vile thing and Christ might thank us for it He was wounded for our transgressions So that if the question were put to us as was once to Christ Prophesie who is it that smote thee Luk. 22. 64. We might soon answer It was our sins that smote him Our pride made Christ wear a Crown of Thorns as Zipporah said to Moses Exod. 4. 25. A bloody husband art thou to me so may Christ say to his Church A bloody Spouse thou hast been to me thou hast cost me my heart-blood Quest. But how could Christ suffer being God the Godhead is impassible Resp. Christ suffered only in the Humane nature not the Divine Damascen expresseth it by this Simile If one pour water on Iron that is red hot the fire suffers by the water and is extinguished but the Iron doth not suffer So the Humane Nature of Christ might suffer Death but the Divine Nature is not capable of any passion VVhen Christ was in the Humane Nature suffering he was in the Divine Nature triumphing As we wonder at the rising of the Sun of Righteousness in his Incarnation so we may wonder at the going down of this Sun in his Passion Quest. But if Christ suffered only in his Humane Nature how could his suffering satisfie for sin Answ. By reason of the Hypostatical Union the Humane Nature being united to the Divine the Humane Nature did suffer the Divine did satisfie Christs Godhead did give both Majesty and Efficacy to his sufferings Christ was Sacrifice Priest and Altar He was Sacrisice as he was Man Priest as he was God and Man Altar as he was God It is the Property of the Altar to sanctifie the thing offered on it Mat. 23. 19. So the Altar of Christs Divine Nature sanctified the Sacrifice of his Death and made it Meritorious Now concerning Christ's suffering upon the Cross observe two things 1. The Bitterness of it to him He was broken The very thoughts of his Suffering put him into an Agony Luk. 22. 44. Being in an agony he prayed more earnestly and his sweat was as great drops of blood falling to the ground He was as full of sorrow as his heart could hold Mat. 26. 38. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 My soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death Christ's Crucifixion was 1. A lingring death It was more for Christ to suffer one hour than for us to have suffered for ever but his death was lengthened out he hung three hours upon the Cross. He dyed many deaths before he could dye one 2. It was a painful Death His Hands and Feet were nailed which parts being full of sinnews and therefore very tender his pain must needs be most acute and sharp and to have the invenoned Arrow of Gods wrath shot to his heart this was the direful Catastrophe and caused that Vociferation and out-cry upon the Cross My God my God why hast thou farsaken me The Justice of God was now inflamed and heightned to its full 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom. 8. 38. God spared not his Son Nothing must be abated of the debt Christ felt the pains of Hell though not locally yet equivalently In the Sacrament we see this Tragedy acted before us 3. It was a shameful Death Christ was in medio positus he hung between two Thieves Mat. 27. 38. As if he had been the principal Malefactor Well might the Lamp of Heaven withdraw its light and mask it self with darkness as blushing to behold the Sun of Righteousness in an Eclipse It is hard to say which was greater the blood of the Cross or the shame of the Cross 4. It was a cursed Death Deut. 21. 23. This kind of death was so execrable that Constantine made a Law That no Christian should dye upon the Cross. The Lord Jesus underwent this Gal. 3. 13. Being made a Curse for us He who was God blessed for ever Rom. 9. 5. was under a Curse 2. Consider the Sweetness of it to us Christs Brusing is our Healing Isa. 53. 6. By his stripes we are healed Calvin calls the Crucifixion of Christ Cardo salutis the Hinge on which our Salvation turns And Luther calls it Fons salutis a Gospel-spring opened to refresh Sinners Indeed the Suffering of Christ is a Death-bed Cordial 'T is an Antidote to expell all our fear Doth Sin trouble Christ hath overcome it for us Besides the two Thieves crucified with Christ there were two other invisible Thieves crucified with him Sin and the Devil 4. The fourth Particular in the Institution is Christ's administring the Cup And he took the Cup The taking of the Cup shewed the Redundancy of Merit in Christ and the copiousness of our Redemption Christ was not sparing he gave not only the Bread but the Cup. We may say as the Psalmist With the Lord is plenteous Redemption Psal. 130. 7. If Christ gave the Cup how dare the Papists with-hold it They clip and mutilate the Ordinance They blot out Scripture and may fear that doom Rev. 22. 19. If any man shall take away from the words of the Book of this Prophesie God shall take away his part out of the Book of Life Quest What is meant by Christs taking the Cup Answ. The Cup is figurative It is a Metonymy of the Subject the Cup is put for the Wine in it By this Christ signified the shedding of his Blood upon the Cross when his Blood was poured out now the Vine was cut and did bleed now was the Lilly of the Vallies dyed of a purple Colour This was to Christ a Cup of astonishment But to us it is a Cup of salvation When Christ drank this Cup of Blood we may truly say he drank an health to the World It was precious Blood 1 Pet. 1. 19. In this Blood we see Sin fully punished and fully pardoned Well may the Spouse give Christ of her Spiced Wine and the Juice of her Pomgranate Cant. 8. 2. When Christ hath given her a draught of his warm Blood Spiced with his Love and perfumed with the Divine Nature 4. The fourth thing is The Guests invited to this Supper or the Persons to whom Christ distributed the Elements He gave to the Disciples and said Take Eat The Sacrament is Chilarens bread If a man makes a Feast he calls his Friends Christ calls his Disciples if he had any piece better than other he carves it to them Luk. 22. 19. This is my body which is given for you That is for you quatenus Believers Christ gave his Body and Blood to the Disciples chiefly under this Notion as they were Believers As Christ poured out his Prayers so his Blood only for Believers see how near to Christ's Heart all Believers lie Christ's Body was broken on the Cross and his
So carnal persons see the external Elements but Christ is not known to them in his saving Vertues There is honey in this spiritual Rock which they never taste They feed upon the bread but not Christ in the bread Isaac eat the Kid when he thought it had been Venison Gen. 27. 25. Unbelievers go away with the shadow of the Sacrament they have the Rind and the Husk not the Marrow They eat the Kid not the Venison 3. See in this Text as in a Glass infinite Love display'd 1. Behold the love of God the Father in giving Christ to be broken for us that God should lay such a Jewel to pawn is the Wonderment of Angels John 3. 16. God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son It is a pattern of Love without a Parallel it was a far greater expression of Love in God to give his Son to dye for us than if he had voluntarily acquitted us of the Debt without any satisfaction at all If a Subject be disloyal to his Soveraign it argues more love in the King to give his own Son to dye for that Subject than to forgive him the wrong freely 2. Behold the amazing Love of Christ His body was broken The Cross saith St. Austin was a Pulpit in which Christ preached his Love to the World Let us see an holy Climax or Gradation of the Love of Christ 1. It was wonderful Love that Christ who never had the Viper of sin fastened on him should be reputed a sinner That he who hated sin should be made sin That he who is numbred among the Persons of the Trinity should be numbred among transgressours Isa. 53. 12. 2 That Christ should suffer peath Lord saith Bernard thou hast loved me more than thy self for thou didst lay down thy life for me The Emperour Trajan rent off a piece of his own Robe to bind up one of his Souldiers Wounds Christ rent off his own Flesh for us Nay that Christ should dye as the greatest sinner † having the weight of all mens sins laid upon him here was Love usque ad stuporem dulcis It sets all the Angels in Heaven a wondring 3. That Christ should dye freely John 10. 17. I lay down my Life There was no Law to enjoin him no Force to compel him It is called the Offering of the Body of Jesus Heb. 10. 10. What could fasten him to the Cross but the Golden Link of Love 4. That Christ should dye for such as we are What are we Not only Vanity but Enmity When we were fighting he was dying when we had the Weapons in our hands then had he the Spear in his Sides Rom. 5. 8. 5. That Christ dyed ●…or us when he could not expect to be at all bettered by us We were reduced to penury we were in such a condition that we could neither Merit Christ's Love nor R●…quite it for Christ to dye for us when we were at such a low Ebb was the very Quintessence of Love One Man will extend kindness to another so long as he is able to requite him but if he be fallen to decay then love begins to slacken and cool But when we were ingulphed in misery and were fallen to decay we had lost our Beauty stained our Blood spent our Portion then Christ dyed for us O amazing love which may swallow up all our thoughts 6. That Christ should not repent of his sufferings Isa. 53 11. He shall see of the travel of his soul and shall be satisfied It is a Metaphor that alludes to a Mother who though she hath had hard Labour yet doth not repent ●…it when she sees a Child brought forth so though Christ had hard Travel upon the Cross yet he doth not repent of it but thinks all his Sweat and Blood well bestowed because he sees the Man-child of redemption is brought forth into the World He shall be satisfied the Hebrew Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies such a satiating as a man hath at some sweet repast or banquet 7. That Christ should rather dye for us than the Angels that fell They were creatures of a more noble Extract and in all probability might have brought greater Revenues of glory to God yet that Christ should pass by those Golden Vessels and make us Clods of Earth into Stars of Glory O the Hyperbole of Christ's Love 8. Yet another Step of Christ's Love for like the waters of the Sanctuary it riseth higher That Christ's Love should not cease at the hour of Death We write in our Letters Your Friend till Death But Christ wrote in another Style Your Friend after Death Christ dyed once 〈◊〉 loves ever He is now testify 〈◊〉 his Affection to us he is making the Mansions ready for us John 14. 2. He is interceding for us Heb. 9. 27. He appears in the Court as the Advocate for the Clyent When he hath done dying yet he hath not done loving what a stupendious love was here Who can meditate upon this and not be in an Extasie Well may the Apostle call it A love that passeth knowledg Eph. 3. 19. When you see Christ broken in the Sacrament think of this Love 4. See then what dear and intire affections we should bear to Christ who gives us his body and blood in the Eucharist If he had had any thing to part with of more worth he would have bestowed it upon us O let Christ lie nearest our Hearts Let him be our Tree of Life and let us desire no other Fruit ●…et him be our Morning Star ●…nd let us rejoice in no other Light As Christs Beauty so his Bounty should make him loved by us he hath given us his Blood as the Price and his Spirit as the Witness of our Pardon In the Sacrament Christ bestows all good things He both imputes his Righteousness and imparts his Loving-kindness He gives a Fore-taste of that Supper which shall be celebrated in the Paradise of God To sum up all In the blessed Supper Christ gives himself to Believers and what can he give more Dear Saviour how should thy Name be as Oyntment poured forth The Persians worship the Sun for their God let us worship the Sun of Righteousness Though Judas sold Christ for Thirty Pieces let us rather part with all than this Pearl Christ is that Golden Pipe through which the Golden Oyl of Salvation is transmitted to us 5. Was Christ's Body broken then we may behold Sin odious in the Red Glass of Christ's Sufferings It is true Sin is to be abominated as it turn'd Adam out of Paradise and threw the Angels down to Hell Sin is the Peace-breaker it is like an Incendiary in the Family that sets Husband and Wife at variance it makes God fall out with us Sin is the Womb of our Sorrows and the Grave of our Comforts But that which may most of all disfigure the Face of
Sin and make it appear Ghastly is this It crucified our Lord It made Christ Vail his Glory and lose his Blood If a Woman did see that Sword which killed her Husband how hateful would the sight of it be to her Do we count that Sin Light which made Christ's Soul Heavy unto Death Mark 14. 34. Can that be our joy which made the Lord Jesus a man of sorrows Isa. 53. 3. Did he cry out My God why hast thou forsaken me And shall not those Sins be forsaken by us which made Christ himself forsaken O let us look upon Sin with Indignation When a Temptation comes to Sin let us say as David 2 Sam. 23. 17. Is not this the blood of the men that went in jeopardy of their lives So Is not this the Sin that poured out Christ's Blood Let our Hearts be enraged against Sin When the Senators of Rome shewed the people Caesar's bloody Robe they were incensed against those that slew him Sin hath rent the White Robe of Christs Flesh and dyed it of a Crimson Colour let us then seek to be avenged of our Sins Under the Law if an Oxe gored a Man that he dyed the Oxe was to be killed Exod. 21. 28. Sin hath gored and pierced our Saviour let it dye the Death What pitty is it for that to live which would not suffer Christ to live 6. Was Christ's Body broken Let us then from his suffering on the Cross learn this Lesson Not to wonder much if we meet with Troubles in the World Did Christ suffer who knew no Sin And do we think it strange to suffer who know nothing but Sin Did Christ feel the anger of God And is it much for us to feel the anger of Men Was the Head crowned with Thorns And would the Members lie among Roses Must we have our Bracelets and Diamonds when Christ had the Spear and Nails going to his heart Truly such as are guilty may well expect the lash when he who was innocent could not go free 2. The second Use is of Exhortation and it hath several Branches 1. Was Christ's precious body broken for us Let us be affected with the great goodness of Christ Who can tread upon these hot Coals and his Heart not burn Cry out with Ignatius Christ my Love is crucified If a Friend should dye for us would not our Hearts be much affected with his Kindness That the God of Heaven should dye for us how should this stupendious mercy have a melting influence upon us The body of Christ broken is enough to break the most flinty Heart At our Saviour's Passion the very Stones did cleave asunder Mat 27. 51. The Rocks rent He that is not affected with this hath an Heart harder than the Stones If Saul was so affected with Davids Mercy in sparing his Life 1 Sam. 24. 16. How may we be affected vvith Christs kindness vvho to spare our life lost his ovvn Let us pray that as Christ vvas Crucifixus so he might be Cordi-fixus As he vvas fastened to the Cross so that he may be fastened to our Hearts 2. Is Jesus Christ spiritually exhibited to us in the Sacrament Let us then set an high value and Estimate upon him 1. Let us prize Christs body Every crumb of this bread of life is precious John 6. 55. My flesh is meat indeed It is Panis eximius supersubstantialis as Cyprian calls it The Manna was a lively Type and Emblem of Christ's Body Manna was sweet Exod. 16. 31. The taste of it was like wafers made with honey it was a delicious meat therefore it was called Angels Food for its excellency So Christ the Sacramental Manna is sweet to a Believer's Soul Cant. 2. 3. His fruit was sweet to my taste Every thing of Christ is sweet His Name is sweet his Vertues sweet This Manna sweetens the Waters of Marah Nay Christ's Flesh excells Manna 1. Manna was Food but not Physick If an Israclite had been sick Manna could not have cured him but this blessed Manna of Christ's body is not only for food but for medicine Christ hath healing under his wings Mal. 4. 2. He heals the Blind eve the hard Heart Take this medi●…ine next your Heart and it will heal you of all your spiritual Distempers 2. Manna was Corruptible It ceased when Israel came to Canaan But this blessed Manna of Christ's Body will never cease The Saints shall feed with infinite delight and Soul satisfaction upon Christ to all Eternity The Joyes of Heaven would cease if this Manna should cease The Manna was put in a golden Pot in the Ark to be preserved there So the blessed Manna of Christ's Body being put in the golden Pot of the Divine Nature is laid up in the Ark of Heaven for the Saints to feast upon for ever Well then may we say of Christ's blessed Body It is meat indeed The Field of Christ's Body being digged upon the Cross we find the Pearl of Salvation there 2. Let us prize Christ's Blood in the Sacrament It is drink indeed John 6. 55. Here is the Nectar and Anibrosia God himself delights to taste of This is both a Balsom and a Perfume That vve may set the higher value upon the blood of Christ I shall shevv you seven rare supernatural Vertues in it 1. It is a reconciling blood Col. 1. 21. You that were sometime alienated and enemies yet now hath he reconciled through death No sooner vvas the Message brought to King David Uriah is dead 2 Sam. 11. 21. but the anger of David vvas removed No sooner vvas the blood of Christ poured out but God's anger vvas pacified Christ's blood is the blood of atonement Nay it is not only 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not onely a Sacrifice but a Propitiation 1 John 2. 2. Which denoteth a bringing us into Favour with God It is one thing for a traytor to be pardoned and another thing to be brought into Favour Sin rent us off from God Christ's Blood doth soader and ●…cment us to God If we had had as much grace as the Angels it could not have wrought our Reconciliation If we had offered up Millions of Holocausts and Sacrifices if we ●…ad wept Rivers of Tears this could never have appeased an angry Dei●…y only Christ's blood doth ingra●…iate us into God's Favour and make him look upon us with a smiling Aspect When Christ dyed the Vail of the Temple was rent This was not without a Mystery to shew that ●…hrough Christ's blood the Vail of our Sins is rent which did interpose between God and us 2. Christ's blood is a quickning ●…lood John 6. 54. Whoso drinketh my blood hath eternal life It both ●…egets life and prevents death Lev. 17. 11. The life of a thing is in the ●…lood Sure enough the life of our ●…oul is in the blood of Christ. When we contract deadness of Heart
and see the face of his own Soul The eye can see every thing but it self But this probatory work is necessary Because 1. If we do not examine our selves we are at a losse about our Spiritual estate we know not whether we are interested in the Covenant or whether we have a right to the Seal 2. God will examine us It was a sad question the Master of the Feast asked Mat. 22. 12. Friend how camest thou in hither not having a Wedding-garment So it will be terrible when God shall say to a man How camest thou in hither to my Table with a proud vain unbelieving heart What hast thou to do here in thy sins Thou pollutest my holy things What need therefore is there to make an heart-search before we come to the Lords-Supper We should examine our sins that they may be mortified our wants that they may be supplied our graces that they may be strengthened 2. We must come with serious hearts Our spirits are feathery and light like a Vessel without Ballast which flotes upon the water but doth not sail We flote in holy duties and are full of vain excursions even when we are to deal with God and are engaged in matters of life and death That which may consolidate our hearts and make them fix with seriousness is To consider God's eye is now especially upon us when we approach to his Table The King came in to see the Gnests God knows every Communicant and if he sees any levity and indecency of spirit in us unworthy of his presence he will be highly incensed and send us away with the guilt of Christ's blood instead of the comfort of it 3. We must come with intelligent hearts There ought to be a competent measure of knowledg that we may discern the Lords body As we are to pray with understanding 1 Cor. 14. 15. So ought we to Communicate at the Lords Table with understanding If knowledg be wanting it cannot be a reasonable service They that know not the mystery feel not the comfort We must know God the Father in his Attributes God the Son in his Offices God the Holy Ghost in his Graces Some say they have good hearts yet want knowledg We may as well call that a good eye which wants sight 4. We must come to the Sacrament with longing hearts Say as Christ With desire I have desired to eat of this Passeover If God prepares a Feast we must get a Stomack Why hath the Lord frowned upon his people of late but to punish their surfeit and provoke their appetite As David longed for the water of the Well of Bethlehem 2 Sam. 23. 15. So should we long for Christ in the Sacrament Desires are the Sails of the Soul which are spread to receive the gale of an Heavenly Blessing For the exciting holy desires and longings consider 1. The magnificence and royalty of this Supper It is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an Heavenly Banquet Isa. 25. 6. In this Mountain shall the Lord of Hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things a feast of wine on the lees Here the juice of that Grape which comes from the true Vine Under these Elements of Bread and Wine Christ and all his benefits are exhibited to us The Sacrament is omnium aromatum 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a repository and storehouse of Coelestial Blessings Behold here life and peace and salvation set before us All the Dulcia fercula the sweet delicacies of Heaven are served in at this Feast 2. To provoke Appetite consider what need we have of this spiritual repast The Angel perswaded Elias to take a little of the Cake and Cruse of water that he might not faint in his Journey 1 King 19. 7. Arise and eat because the Journey is too great for thee So truly we have a great Journey from Earth to Heaven therefore had need recruit our selves by the way How many sins have we to subdue how many duties to perform how many wants to supply how many graces to strengthen how many adversaries to conflict with so that we need a bait by the way by feeding upon the body and blood of the Lord We renew our strength as the Eagle 3. Consider Christ's readiness to dispense Divine blessings in this Ordinance Jesus Christ is not a sealing Fountain but a flowing Fountain 'T is but crying and he gives the Breast 'T is but thirsting and he opens the Conduit Rev. 22. 17. Let him that is athirst come and whosoever will let him take the water of life freely As the clouds have a natural propenseness to drop down their moisture upon the Earth So hath Christ to give forth of his gracious vertues and influences to the soul. 4. There is no danger of excess at this Supper Other Feasts do often cause Surfeit it is not so here The more we take of the bread of life the more healthful we are and the more we come to our spiritual complexion Fulness here doth not encrease humours but comforts in spiritual things there is no extream Though a drop of Christ's blood be sweet yet the more the better the deeper the sweeter Cant. 5. 2. Drink abundantly O beloved In the Original it is Be ye inebriated with my love 5. We know not how long this Feast may last While the Manna is to be had let us bring our Omer God will not always be spreading the Cloth If people lose their stomacks he will call to the Enemy to take away 6. Feeding upon Christ Sacramentally will be a good preparative to Sufferings The bread of life will help us to feed upon the bread of affliction The Cup of Blessing will enable us to drink of the Cup of persecution Christ's blood is a wine that hath a flavour in it and is full of Spirits Therefore Cyprian tells us When the Primitive Christians were to appear before the cruel Tyrants they were wont to receive the Sacrament and then they arose up from the Lords Table as Lyons breathing forth the fire of heavenly courage Let these considerations be as sawce to sharpen our appetite to the Lords Table God loves to see us feed hungrily upon the bread of life 5. If we would come prepared to this Ordinance we must come with penitent hearts The Passeover was to be eaten with bitter herbs We must bring our Myrrhe of Repentance which though it be bitter to us it is sweet to Christ Zac. 12. 10. They shall look upon me whom they have pierced and mourn over him A broken Christ is to be received into a broken heart We that have sinned with Peter should weep with Peter Our eyes should be broached with tears and our hearts steeped in the brinish waters of Repentance Say Lord Jesus though I cannot bring sweet Spices and perfume thy body as Mary did yet I will wash thy feet with my tears The more bitterness we taste in sin the more sweetness we shall taste
in Christ. 6. We must come with sincere hearts The Tribes of Israel being straitned in time wanted some legal Purifications yet because their hearts vvere sincere and they came vvith desire to meet vvith God in the Passeover therefore the Lord healed the people 2 Chron. 30. 19. Bad aims vvill spoil good actions An Archer may miss the mark as well by looking asquint as by shooting short What is our design in coming to the Sacrament Is it that we may have more victory over our corruptions and be more confirmed in holiness Then God will be good to us and heal us Sincerity like true Gold shall have some grains allowed for its lightness 7. We must come with hearts fired with love to Christ. The Spouse vvas in a burning fit of love Cant. 2. 6. I am sick of Love Let us give Christ the Wine of our love to drink and vveep that vve can love him no more Would vve have Christs exhilarating presence in the Supper let us meet him vvith strong indearments of affection Basil compares Love to a svveet Oyntment Christ delights to smell this perfume The Disciple that did love most Christ put him in his bosom 8. We must come vvith humble hearts We see Christ humbling himself to the death and vvill an humble Christ ever be received into a proud heart A sight of God's glory and a sight of sin may humble us Was Christ humble vvho vvas all Purity And are vve proud vvho are all Leprosie O let us come vvith a sense of our ovvn vileness Hovv humble should he be vvho is to receive an Alms of Free-grace Jesus Christ is a Lilly of the Vallies not of the Mountains Humility vvas never a loser The emptier the Vessel is and the lovver it is let dovvn into the Well the more vvater it dravvs up So the more the Soul is emptied of it self and the lovver it is let dovvn by humility the more it fetcheth out of the Well of Salvation God vvill come into an humble ●…eart to revive it Isa. 57. 15. That is none of Christ's Temple vvhich is not built vvith a lovv Roof 9. We must come vvith Heavenly hearts The mystery of the Sacrament is Heavenly vvhat should an Earth vvorm do here He is not like to feed on Christs body and blood vvho vvith the Serpent eats dust The Sacrament is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Communion 1 Cor. 10. 16. What communion can an Earthly man have vvith Christ First there must be Conformity before Communion He that is earthly is no more conformed in likeness to Christ than a clod of dust is like a Star An earthly man makes the World his god then let not him think to receive another God in the Sacrament Oh let us be in the Heavenly Altitudes and by the vving of grace ascend 10. We must come vvith Believing hearts Christ gave the Sacrament to the Apostles principally as they vvere Believers Such as com●… faithless go avvay fruitless Nor is it enough to have the habit of faith but vve must exsert and put forth the vigorous actings of faith in this Ordinance 1. Let us exercise the eye of faith Faith hath an Eagle's eye it pierceth into things far remote from sense Faith takes a Prospect of Heaven it discerns him who is invisible Heb. 11. 27. It beholds a beauty and fulness in Christ it sees this beauty shining through the latice of an Ordinance Faith vievvs Christs love streaming in his blood Look upon Christ vvith believing eyes and you shall one day see him vvith glorisied eyes 2. Exercise the mouth of Faith Here is the bread broken What use is there of bread but to feed on Feed upon the bread of God Adam dyed vve live by eating In the Sacrament vvhole Christ is dished-out to us the Divine and Humane nature all kind of vertue comes from Him Mortifying mollifying comforting Oh then feed on him This grace of Faith is the great grace to be set on vvork at the Sacrament Quest. But doth the vertue lie simply in Faith Answ. Not in faith considered purely as a grace but as it hath respect to the Object The vertue is not in faith but in Christ. A Ring vvhich hath a precious stone in it vvhich vvill staunch blood vve say the Ring stauncheth blood but the vertue doth not lie barely in the Ring but in the stone in the Ring So Faith is the Ring Christ is the precious stone all that faith doth is to bring home Christs merits to the soul and so it justifies the vertue is not in faith but in Christ. Quest. But Why should faith carry away more from Christ in the Sacrament than any other grace Answ. 1. Because Faith is the most receptive grace it is the receiving of gold enricheth So faith receiving of Christ's merits and silling the Soul with all the fulness of God it must needs be an enriching grace In the Body there are Veins that suck the Nourishment which comes into the stomack and turn it into blood and spirits Faith is such a sucking vein that draws vertue from Christ therefore is called a precious faith 2 Pet. 1. 1. 2. Faith hath more of Christ's benefits annexed to it because it is the most humble grace If Repentance should fetch Justification from Christ a man would be ready to say This was for my tears but Faith is humble it is an empty hand and What merit can be in that Doth a poor man reaching out his hand merit an Alms So that because faith is humble and gives all the glory to Christ and Free-grace hence it is God hath put so much honour upon it This shall be the grace to which Christ and all his merits belong Therefore above all graces set faith a work in the Sacrament Faith fetcheth in all provisions This is the golden Bucket that draws water out of the Well of life But there is a Bastard-faith in the World Pliny tells of a Cyprianstone which is in colour and splendor like the Diamond but it is not of the right kind it will break with the Hammer So there is a false faith which sparkles and makes a shew in the eye of the World but it is not genuine it will break with the Hammer of persecution Therefore to prevent mistakes that we may not be deceived and think we believe when we presume I shall give you six differences between a sincere faith which is the flower of the Spirit and an hypocritical faith which is the fruit of fancy 1. An Hypocritical faith is easily come by It is like the seed in the Parable which sprung up suddenly Mar. 4. 5. A false faith shoots up without any convictions and soul-humblings As Isaac said Gen. 27. 20. How camest thou by thy Venison so soon So how comes this man by his faith so soon Sure it is of an heterogeneal nature and will quickly wither away But true faith being
an Outlandish Plant and of an heavenly extract is hardly come by it costs many a sigh and tear Acts 2. 37. This spiritual Infant is not born without pangs 2. An Hypocritical faith is afraid to come to tryal The Hypocrite had rather have his faith commended than examined He can no more endure a Scripture-trial than counterfeit Metal can endure the Touchstone He is like a man that hath stollen-Goods in his House and is very unwilling to have his House searched So the Hypocrite hath gotten some stollen-Goods which the Devil hath helped him to and he is loth to have his heart searched whereas true faith is willing to come to a trial Psal. 26. 2. Examine me O Lord and prove me try my reins and heart David was not afraid to be tried by a Jury No though God himself were one of the Jury Good Wares are never afraid of the light 3. An Hypocritical faith hath a slight esteem of true Faith The Hypocrite hears others speak in the commendation of faith but he wonders where the vertue of it lies he looks upon faith as a Drugg or some base Commodity that will not off he will part with all the faith he hath for a piece of silver and perhaps it might be dear enough of the price But that man who hath true faith he sets an high value upon it he reckons this grace among his Jewels What incorporates him into Christ but faith What puts him into a state of Sonship but faith Gal. 3. 26. Oh precious faith A Believer would not exchange his shield of faith for a Crown of gold 4. An Hypocritical faith is lame on one hand With one hand it would take Christ but it doth not with the other hand give up it self to Christ. It would take Christ by way of surety but not give up it self to him by way of surrender whereas true faith is impartial it takes Christ as a Saviour and submits to him as a Prince Christ saith With my Body and my Blood I thee endow and faith saith With my soul I thee worship 5. An Hypocritical faith is impure The Hypocrite saith he believes yet goes on in sin He is all Creed but no Commandment He believes yet will take God's Name in vain Jer. 3. 4 5. Wilt not thou cry unto me My Father thou art the guide of my youth behold thou hast done evil things as thou couldst These Impostors would call God their Father yet sinned as fast as they could For one to say he hath faith yet lives in sin is as if a man should say he were in health yet his vitals are perished but a true faith is joined with sanctity 1 Tim. 3. 9. Holding the mystery of faith in a pure Conscience The Jewel of faith is always put in the Cabinet of a good Conscience The Woman that touched Christ by faith felt an healing vertue come from him Though faith doth not wholly remove sin yet it subdues it 6. An Hypocritical faith is a dead faith it tasts no sap or sweetness in Christ. The Hypocrite tasts something in the Vine and Olive he finds contentment in the carnal luscious delights of the World but no sweetness in a promise the Holy Ghost Himself is spiritless to him That is a dead faith which hath no sense or taste But true faith finds much delectation in heavenly things The Word is sweeter than the Honey comb Psal. 19. 10. Christ's Love is better than Wine Cant. 1. 2. Thus we see a difference between the true faith and the spurious How many have thought they have had the live Child of faith by them when it hath proved the dead Child Take heed of presumption but cherish faith Faith applies Christ and makes a spiritual concoction of his Body and Blood This Supper was intended chiefly for Believers Christs Blood to an unbeliever is like Aqua-Vitae in a dead man's mouth it loseth all its vertue 11. We must come to the Lord's-Table with charitable hearts 1 Cor. 5. 7. Purge out therefore the old leaven The leaven of malice will sowre the Ordinance to us Though we must come with bitter tears yet not with bitter spirits The Lords Supper is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Love-feast Christs blood was shed not only to reconcile us to God but one to another Christ's body was broken to make up the breaches among Christians Howsad is it that they who profess they are going to eat Christs flesh in the Sacrament should tear the flesh one of another 1 John 3. 15. Whosoever hateth his brother is a Murderer He who comes to the Lord's-Table in hatred is a Judas to Christ and a C●…in to his brother What benefit can he receive at the Sacrament whose heart is invenomed with malice If one drinks down poyson and presently takes a Cordial surely the Cordial will do him no good Such as are poysoned with rancour and malice are not the better for the Sacrament-Cordial he that doth not come in charity to the Sacrament hath nothing of God in him for God is love 1 John 4. 19. He knows nothing of the Gospel savingly for it is a Gospel of peace Eph. 6. 15. He hath none of the wisdom which comes from Heaven for that is gentle and easie to be intreated Jam. 3. 17. Oh that Christians were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as Ignatius speaks rooted and cemented together in love Shall Devils unite and Saints divide Did we thus learn Christ Hath not the Lord Jesus loved us to the death What greater reproach can be cast upon such a loving Head than for the Members to s●…ite one against another The good Lord put out the fire of contention and kindle the fire of love and amity in all our hearts 12. We must come hither with praying hearts Every Ordinance as well as every Creature is sanctified by prayer Prayer turns the Element into spiritual Aliment When we send the Dove of Prayer to Heaven It brings an Olive-leaf in its mouth We should pray that God would enrich his Ordinance with his presence that he would make the Sacrament effectual to all those holy ends and purposes for which he hath appointed it that it may be the feast of our graces and the funeral of our corruptions that it may be not only a sign to represent but an instrument to convey Christ to us and a Seal to assure us of our heavenly Joynture If we vvould have the fat and sweet of this Ordinance we must send prayer before as an Harbinger to bespeak a blessing Divers are so distracted with worldly cares that they can scarce spare any time for prayer before they come to the Sacrament Do they think the Tree of blessing will drop its fruit into their mouth when they never shaked it by prayer God doth not set his mercies at so low a rate as to cast them away upon those that do not seek them Nor is it enough to pray but it
must be with heat and intenseness of soul. Jacob wrestled in prayer Gen. 32. 24 Cold Prayers like cold Suitors never speed Prayer must be with sighs and groans Rom. 8. 26. It must be in the Holy Ghost Judev. 20. He who will speak to God saith St. Ambrose must speak to him in his own language vvhich he understands that is in the language of his Spirit 13. And lastly we must come to the Lords Table with self denying he●…rts When we have prepared our selves in the best manner we can let us take heed of trusting to our preparations Luk. 17 15. When ye shall have done all these things which are commanded you say We are unprofitable servants Use duty but do not idolize it We ought to use duties to fit us for Christ but we must not make a Christ of our duties Duty is the golden path to walk in but not a silver Crutch to lean on Alas what are all our preparations God can spie an hole in our best garments Isa. 64. 6. All our Righteousnesses are as filthy rags When we have prepared our selves as hoping in God's mercy we must deny our selves as deserving his Justice If our holiest services be not sprinkled with Christ's blood they are no better than shining sins and like Uriah's letter they carry in them the matter of our death Use duty but trust to Christ and Free-grace for acceptance Be like N●…s Dove she made use of her wings to fly but trusted to the Ark for safety We see how we are to be qualified in our addresses to the Lord's-Table Thus coming we shall meet with embraces of mercy We shall have not only a representation but a participation of Christ in the Sacrament we shall carry away not only panem but salutem We shall be filled with all the fulness of God 4. Hath Jesus Christ made this Gospel-banquet Is he both the Founder and the Feast Then let poor doubting Christians be encouraged to come to the Lord's-Table Satan would hinder from the Sacrament as Saul did the people from eating honey 1 Sam. 14. 26. But is there any soul that hath been humbled and bruised for sin whose heart secretly pants after Christ but yet stands trembling and dares not approach to these holy Mysteries let me encourage that soul to come Mark 10. 49. Arise he calleth thee Object 1. But I am sinful and unvvorthy and what should I meddle with such holy things Answ. Who did Christ die for but such 1 Tim. 1. 15. He came into the world to save sinners He took our sins upon him as vvell as our nature Isa. 53. 4. He bare our griefs In the Hebrew it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 our sicknesses See thy sins saith Luther upon Christ and then they are no more thine but his Our sins should humble us but they must not discourage us from Christ the more diseased we are the rather vve should step into this Pool of Siloam Who doth Christ invite to the Supper but the poor halt maimed Luk. 14. 21. That is such as see themselves unvvorthy and flie to Christ for Sanctuary The Priest was to take a bunch of Hyssop and dip it in blood and sprinkle it upon the Leper Lev. 14. 7. Thou who hast the leprosie of sin upon thee yet if as a Leper thou dost loath thy self Christ's precious blood shall be sprinkled upon thee Object 2. But I have sinned presumptuously against mercy I have contracted guilt after I have been at the Lord's Table and sure Christ's Blood is not for me Resp. It is indeed grievous to abuse mercy It vvas the aggravation of Solomon's sin his heart was turned from the Lord which had appeared unto him twice 1 Kings 11. 9. Presumptuous sins open the mouth of Conscience to accuse and shut the mouth of God's Spirit which should speak Peace yet cast not avvay your Anchor look up to the blood of Christ it can forgive sins against mercy Did not Noah sin against mercy vvho though he had been so miraculously preserved in the Flood yet soon after he came out of the Ark he was drunk Did not David sin against mercy when after God had made him King he stained his soul with lust and his robe with blood Yet both these sins were washed away in that Fountain which is set open for Judah to wash in Zach. 12. 1. Did not the Disciples deal unkindly with Christ in the time of his suffering Peter denied him and all the rest fled from his colours Mat. 26 56. Then all the Disciples forsook him and fled Yet Christ did not take advantage of their weakness nor did he cast them off but sends the joyful news of his Resurrection to them Mat. 27. 7 And of his Ascension John 20. 17 Go to my Brethren and say unto them I ascend to my Father and your Father And lest Peter should think he was none of the number that should be interested in Christ's love therefore Christ dispatcheth away a special Message to Peter to comfort him Mar. 16. 7. Go tell the Disciples and Peter that he goes before you intoGalilee there shall you see him So that where our hearts are sincere and our turnings aside are rather from a defect in our power than our will the Lord Jesus will not take advantage of every failing but will drop his blood upon us which hath a voice in it which speaks better things than the blood of Abel Object 3. But I find such a faintness and feebleness in my soul that I dare not go to the Lords Table Resp. Thou hast the more need to go Drink of this Wine for thy often infirmities 1 Tim. 5. 23 Were it not strange for a man to argue thus My body is weak and declining therefore I will not go to the Physitian he should the rather go Our weakness should send us to Christ his blood is mortal to sin and vital to grace Thou sayest thou hast defects in thy soul if thou hadst none there would be no need of a Mediator nor would Christ have any work to do Oh therefore turn thy disputing into believing be encouraged to come to this Blessed Supper Thou shalt find Christ giving forth his sweet influenences and thy grace shall flourish as an herb Object 4. But I have often come to this Ordinance and find no fruit I am not filled with comfort Answ. God may meet thee in an Ordinance when thou dost not discern it Christ was with Mary yet she did not know it was Christ. Thou thinkest Christ hath not met thee at his Table because he doth not give thee comfort 1. Though he doth not fill thee with comfort he may fill thee with strength We think we have no answer from God in a duty unless he fill us with joy yes God may manifest his presence as well by giving strength as comfort If we have power from Heaven to foyl our corruptions and to walk more closely and evenly with God
this is an answer from God Zach. 10. 12. I will strengthen them in the Lord. If Christian thou hast not God's arm to imbrace thee yet if thou hast his arm to strengthen thee this is the fruit of an Ordinance 2. If God doth not fill thy heart with joy yet if he fills thy eyes with tears this is his meeting thee at his Table When thou lookest upon Christ broken on the Cross and considerest his love and thy ingratitude this makes the dew begin to fall and thy eyes are like the fish-pools in Heshbon full of water This is Gods gracious meeting thee in the Sacrament bless his Name for it It is a sign the Sun of Righteousness hath risen upon us when our frozen hearts melt in tears for sin 3. If thy Comforts are low yet if the actings of thy Faith be high this is Gods manifesting his presence in the Supper The sensible tokens of Gods love are with-held but the soul ventures on Christ's blood it believes that coming to him he will hold out the golden Scepter This glorious acting of faith and the inward quiet that faith breeds is the blessed return of an Ordinance Mic. 7. 19. He will turn again he will have compassion upon us The Churches comforts were darkned but her faith breaks forth as the Sun out of a Cloud He will have compassion on us This acting of faith makes us in a blessed condition Blessed are they which have not seen yet have believed Object 5. But I cannot find any of these things in the Sacrament my heart is dead and locked up and I have no return at all Resp. Wait on God for an answer of the Ordinance God hath promised to satiate the soul Psal. 107. 9. He silleth the hungry soul with goodness If not with gladness yet with goodness the soul must be filled or how can the promise be fulfilled Christian God hath said it therefore wait Wilt not thou believe God unless thou hast a voice from Heaven The Lord hath given thee his promise and is it not as good security to have a Bill under a man's hand as to have it by word of mouth Be content to wait a while mercy will come God's mercies in Scripture are not called speedy mercies but they are Sure mercies Isa. 55. 3. 5. Hath Christ given us his Body Blood Then when we are at this Gospel-Ordinanc●… let us remember the Lord Jesus there The Sacrament is a Christ-remembring Ordinance 1 Cor. 11. 25. This do in remembrance of me God hath appointed this spiritual festival to preserve the living memory of our dying Saviour A Sacrament-day is a Commemoration-day 1. Remember Christ's Passion Lam. 3. 19. Remembring the wormwood and the gall I may a little alter the words Remembring the Vinegar and the ●…ll If the Manna was to be kept in the Ark that the memory of it should be preserved How should the Death and Suffering of Christ be kept in our minds as a memorial when we are at the Table of the Lord 2. Remember the glorious benefits we receive from the broken Body of Christ. We usually remember those things which are advantageous to us Christ's broken Body is a Screen t●… keep off the fire of God's wrath from us Christ's Body being broken the Serpent's head is broken Christ being broken upon the Cross a Box of precious Jewels is broken open Now we have access to God with boldness the Blood of the Cross hath made way to the Throne of Grace Now we are made Sons and Heirs and to be Heir to the Promise is better than to be Heir to the Crown Christ having dyed we are made near a kin to the blessed Trinity we are candidates and expectants of glory The bloody way of the Cross is our Via lact ea our milky way to Heaven Jesus Christ drank Gall that we might drink the hony-streams of Canaan His Cross was stuck full of Nails that our Crovvn might be hung full of Jevvels Well may vve remember Christ in the Blessed Sacrament But it is not the bare remembrance of Christ's Death is enough Some vvho have a natural tenderness of spirit may be affected vvith the History of Christ's Passion but this remembrance of Christ hath little comfort in it Let us remember Christ in the Sacrament aright 1. Let us remember Christ's Death vvith joy Galat. 6. 14. God forbid that I should glory save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. When we see Christ in the Sacrament crucified before our eyes we may behold him in that posture as he was in upon the Cross stretching out his blessed arms to receive us O what matter of triumph and acclamation is this Though we remember our sins with grief yet we should remember Christs sufferings with joy Let us weep for those sins which shed his Blood yet rejoyce in that blood which washeth away our sins 2. Let us so remember Christ's Death as to conform to his Death Phil. 3. 10. That I may be conformable to his death Then we remember Christ's Death aright when we are dead with him our pride and passion are dead Christ's dying for us makes sin die in us Then we rightly remember Christ's crucifixion when we are crucified with him we are dead to the pleasures and preferments of the World Gal. 6. 14. The world is crucified unto me and I unto the world 6. If Jesus Christ hat●…●…ven us this Soul-festival for the strengthning of grace let us labour to feel some vertue flowing out of this Ordinance to us let not the Sacrament be a dry breast It were strange if a man should receive no nourishment by his food It is a discredit to this Ordinance if we get no encrease of Grace Shall leanness enter into our souls at a feast of fat things Christ gives us his Body and Blood for the augmenting of Faith he expects that we should reap some profit and income and that our weak minute-faith should flourish into a great faith M●…t 15. 28. O woman Great is thy faith It were good to examine whether after our frequent Celebration of this holy Supper we have arrived at a great Faith Quest. Hovv may I knovv Whether I have this great Faith Resp. For the Solution of this I shall la●… lovvn six eminent Signs of a great Faith and if vve can shevv any one of them vve have made a good proficiency at the Sacrament 1. A great Faith can trust God vvithout a pavvn it can relie upon Providence in the deficiency of outvvard supplies Hab. 3. 17 18. Although the Figtree shall not blossome neither shall fruit be in the Vines the labour of the Olive shall fail c. yet will I rejoyce in the Lord c. An Unbeliever must have something to feed his senses or he gives up the Ghost When he is at his Wealths end he is at his Wits end Faith doth not question but God vvill provide though it sees not vvhich
shame Let us be steeled with courage being ready to suffer for Christ which is as Chrysostom speaks to be baptized with a Baptism of blood Did Christ bear the wrath of God for us and shall not we bear the wrath of men for him It is our glory to suffer in Christs quarrel 1 Pet. 4. 14 The Spirit of God and of glory resteth upon you Let us pray for furnace-grace Be like those three Children Dan. 3. 17. Be it known to thee O King that we will not serve thy gods They would rather burn than bow Oh that such a spirit as was in Cyprian might survive in us who when the Proconsul would have tempted him from his Religion and said to him Consule tibi Consult for thy safety saith Cyprian In so just a cause there needs no consultation When the sentence for his death was read he replyed Deo gratias Thanks be to God We know not how soon an hour of Temptation may come Oh remember Christ's Body was broken his blood poured out we have no such blood to shed for him as he shed for us 2. Let us shew our thankfulness to Christ by fruitfulness Let us bring forth the sweet fruits of patience heavenly-mindedness and good works This is to live unto him who dyed for us 2 Cor. 5. 15. If we would rejoyce the heart of Christ and make him not repent of his sufferings let us be fertil in obedience The wise men did not only worship Christ but presented unto him gifts Gold and Frankincense Mat. 2. 11. Let us present Christ with the best fruits of our Garden let us give him our love that flovver of delight The Saints are not only compared to Stars for their knowledg but Spice-trees for their fertilness Christ delighted in the breasts of his Spouse because they vvere like Clusters of Grapes Cant. 7. 7. The blood of Christ received in a spiritual manner is like the water of jealousie which had a vertue both to kill and make fruitful Christs blood kills sin and makes the heart fructifie in grace 3. Let us shew our thankfulness to Christ by Zeal Hovv zealous vvas Christ for our Redemption Zeal turns a Saint into a Seraphim A true Christian hath a double Baptism of vvater and fire he is baptized vvith the fire of zeal Be zealous for Christs Name and Worship Zeal is encreased by opposition it cuts its vvay through the Rocks Zeal loves Truth most when it is disgraced and hated Psal. 119 126 127. They have made void thy Law therefore I love thy Commandments above Gold Hovv little thankfulness do they shevv to Christ vvho have no zeal for his Honour and Interest They are like Ephraim Hos. 7. 8. Ephraim is a Cake not turned Baked on one side and Dough on the other Christ doth most abominate a luke vvarm temper Revel 3. 15. He is even sick of such Professors They who vvrite of the scituation of England say that it is seated betvveen the torrid and frigid Zone the Climate is neither very hot nor cold I vvish this vvere not the temper of the people and that our hearts vvere not too like the Climate vve live in The Lord cause the fire of holy zeal to be alvvays burning upon the Altar of our hearts 4. Let us shevv our thankfulness by universal subjection to Christ. This is to make the Lord's-Supper in a spiritual sense a feast of Dedication vvhen vve renevv our Vovvs and give up our selves to God's service Psal. 116. 16. Truly I am thy servant I am thy servant Lord all I have is thine My head shall be thine to study for thee my hands shall be thine to vvork for thee my heart shall be thine to adore thee my tongue shall be thine to praise thee 8. If Jesus Christ hath provided so holy an Ordinance as the Sacrament let us vvalk suitably to it Have vve received Christ into our hearts let us shevv him forth by our heaven line●… 1. Let us shevv forth Christ by our heavenly vvords Let us speak the Language of Canaan When the Holy Ghost came upon the Apostles they spake vvith other tongues Acts 2. 4. While vve speak the vvords of grace and soberness our lips smell as a perfume and drop as honey 2. Let us shevv forth Christ by our heavenly affections Let our sighs and breathings after God go up as a cloud of incense Col. 3. 2. Set your affections on things above We should do by our affections as the Husbandmen do by their Corn if the Corn lie lovv in a damp Room it is in danger to corrupt therefore they carry it up into their highest Room that it may keep the better So our affections if set upon the Earth are apt to corrupt and be unsavoury therefore w●… should carry them up on high above the World that they may be preserved pure breathe after fuller discoveries of God desire to attain unto the resurrection of the dead Phil. 3. 11. The higher our affections are raised towards Heaven the sweeter joy we feel The higher the Lark flies the sweeter it sings 3. Let us shew forth Christ by our Heavenly Conversation Philip. 3. 20. Hypocrites may in a pang of Conscience have some good affections stirred but they are as flushings of heat in the face which go and come But the constant tenor of our life must be holy We must shine forth in a kind of Angelical sanctity As it is with a piece of Coyn it hath not only the King's Image within the Ring but his superscription without So it is not enough to have the Image of Christ in the heart but there must be the superscription without something of Christ must be written in the life The scandalous lives of many Communicants are a reproach to the Sacrament and tempt others to Atheism How odious is it that those hands which have received the Sacred Elements should take Bribes That those eyes which have been fill'd with tears at the Lords-Table should afterwards be filled with Envy That those teeth which have eaten Holy Bread should grind the faces of the Poor That those lips which have touched the Sacramental Cup should salute an Harlot That that mouth which hath drunk Consecrated Wine should be full of Oaths That they who seem to deisie Christ in the Eucharist should vilifie him in his Members In a word That such who pretend to eat Christ's Body and drink his Blood at Church should eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence in their own houses Prov. 4. 17. These are like the Italians I have read of who at the Sacrament are so devout as if they believed God to be in the bread but in their lives are so profane as if they believed not God to be in Heaven Such as these are apt to make the World think that the Gospel is but a fancy or religious Cheat. What shall I say of them They do with Judas receive the
Devil in the Sop and are no better than Crucifiers of the Lord of Glory As their ●…in is hainous so their punishment will be proportionable 1 Cor. 11. 29. They eat and drink damnation to themselves If one of the Vestal Nuns who had vowed her self to Religion were deflored the Romans caused her to be buried alive Such as have a Sacramental vow upon them yet afterwards deflore the Virginity of their souls byscandalous sins God will bury them alive in the flames of Hell Oh that such a lustre and majesty of holiness did sparkle forth in the lives of Communicants that others may say These have been with Jesus And their Consciences may lie under the power of this conviction that the Sacrament hath a confirming and a transforming vertue in it 4. The fourth Use is of comfort to God's people 1. From Christ's body broken and his blood poured out we may gather this comfort That it was a glorious Sacrifice 1. It was a Sacrifice of infinite merit Had it been only an Angel that suffered or had Chaist been only a meer man as some do blasphemously dream then we might have despaired of salvation but he suffered for us who was God as well as man Therefore the Apostle calls it expresly Sanguis Dei the blood of God Acts 20. 28. It is man that sins it is God that dies This is a soveraign Cordial to Believers Christ having poured out his blood now God's justice is compleatly satisfied God was infinitely more contented with Christ's sufferings upon Mount Calvary than if we had lain in Hell and undergone his wrath for ever The Blood of Christ hath quenched the flame of Divine fury And now what should we fear All our Enemies are either reconciled or subdued God is a reconciled Enemy and sin is a subdued Enemy Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect It is Christ that dyed Rom. 8. 34. 'T is reported when Satan once appeared to Luther and thought to affright him Luther shewed him that Scripture Gen. 3. 15. I will put enmity between thee and the Woman and between thy seed and her Seed it shall bruise thy head whereupon Satan vanished So when the Devil shall accuse us let us shew him the Cross of Christ. When he brings his Pensil and goes to paint our sins in their colours let us bring the Spunge of Christ's blood and that will wipe them out again All Bonds are cancel'd whatsoever the Law hath charged upon us is discharged The debt-book is crossed with the blood of the Lamb. 2. It was a Sacrifice of eternal extent The benefit of it is perpetuated Hebr. 9. 12. He entred in once into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us Therefore Christ is said to be a Priest for ever Hebr. 5. 6. because the vertue and comfort of his Sacrifice abides for ever 2. Christ's Blood being shed Believers may lay claim to all heavenly priviledges Wills are ratified by the death of the Testator Hebr. 9. 17. A Testament is of force after men are dead It is observable in the Text Christ calls his blood The blood of the New Testament Christ made a Will or Testament and gave rich Legacies to the Saints pardon of sin grace and glory the Scriptures are the Rolls wherein these Legacies are registred Christ's blood is the sealing of the Will This blood being shed Christians may put in for a Title to these Legacies Lord pardon my sin Christ hath died for my pardon Give me grace Christ hath purchased it by his Blood The Testator being dead the Will is in force Christian Art thou not filled with joy Art thou not possessed of Heaven yet thou hast this confirmed by Will A Man that hath a Deed sealed making over such Lands and Tenements after the expirement of a few years though at present he hath little to help himself with yet he comforts himself when he looks upon his sealed Deed with hopes of that which is to come So though at present we enjoy not the priviledges of Consolation and Glorification yet we may chear our hearts with this the Deed is sealed the Will and Testament is ratified by the blood-shedding of Christ. 3. Is Christ's Blood shed here is comfort against death A dying Saviour sweetens the pangs of death Is thy Lord Crucified be of good comfort Christ by dying hath overcome death He hath cut the lock of sin where the strength of death lay Christ hath knocked out the teeth of this Lyon He hath pulled the thorn out of death that it cannot prick a Believer's Conscience Hosea 13. 14. O death I will be thy plague Christ hath disarmed death and taken away all its deadly weapons that though it may strike it cannot sting a Believer Christ hath drawn the poyson out of death nay he hath made death friendly This pale Horse carries a Child of God home to his Father's house Faith gives a propriety to Heaven death gives a possession What sweet comfort may we draw from the Crucifixion of our Lord his precious blood makes the pale face of death to be of a ruddy and beautiful complexion Use ult Here is a dark side of the Cloud to all profane persons who live and die in sin they have no part in Christ's blood Their condition will be worse than if Christ had not died Christ who is a Loadstone to draw the Elect to Heaven will be a Mill-stone to sink the wicked deeper in Hell There is a Crew of sinners who slight Christ's blood and swear by it let them know his blood will cry against them They must feel the same wrath which Christ felt upon the Cross and because they cannot bear it at once they must be undergoing it to Eternity So unconceivably torturing will this be that the damned know not how to endure it nor yet how to avoid it Sinners will not believe this till it be too late The Mole is blind all its life yet as Pliny saith it begins to see when it dyes Wicked men while they live are blinded by the god of this world but when they are dying the eye of their Consciences will begin to be opened and they shall see the Wrath of God flaming before their eyes which sight will be but a sad Prologue to an Eternal Tragedy FINIS TO THE READER Christian Reader I Have according to my promise superadded a few lines suiting a Sacramental Discourse The Subject is so excellent and sublime that I cannot speak enough of it nor well enough What can be more sacred than the observing Christ's last Will and Testament Do this in Remembrance of me We are to be so solemnly affected at the Holy Supper as if we were receiving it among the Apostles from Christ's own hands This mysterious Ordinance is to be perpetuated till Christ's coming to judgment 1 Cor. 11. 26. The Supper of the Lord is a 〈◊〉
frequent Celebration of the Lords Supper where Christ in a special manner is lifted up though we have looked upon this Brazen serpent formerly yet still we have need to look upon him we are not perfectly healed Indeed Israel if they had looked but once on the Brazen Serpent they were perfectly cured but though we have looked several times on Christ in the Sacrament and can say by experience We have fetched vertue from him yet we are not perfectly cured Though the guilt of sin be taken away yet not the presence and in-being Our bloody issue is not quite dried up our wounds bleed afresh our sins break out again I appeal to the best hearts alive how often have they been stung with sin and tentation since they looked last on Christ lifted up in the Sacrament O what need then to come often to this Ordinance Herein the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper differeth from the Sacrament of Baptism which is to be administred but once this often 〈◊〉 Cor. 11. 26 If we consider how strong our corruptions are how weak our Graces how numerous our wan●…s it may make us come often to the Lords-Table where we may have an healing sight of Christ. He that wants Gold goes often to the Indies Our Spiritual indigence may renew our addresses to the Lords-Supper for strength and comfort 3. Bran. See in this Mystery the Cabinet of Free-grace opened and God's love sparkling forth Three ways 1. That God hath provided Christ this Brazen Serpent as a remedy for stung lapsed sinners Oh infinite goodness of God that when vve had degenerated from him by Apostacy the Lord should take pity of us and instead of brandishing his flaming svvord should erect a Brazen serpent and make Christ knovvn to us in his healing vertues When the Angels sinned there vvas no Brazen serpent for them God did not send them to the Hospital to be healed but to the Jail to be punished They are reserved in everlasting Chains Jude 6. O rich Free-grace that hath indulged us vvith a remedy and found out a vvay of cure for all our desperate maladies 2. See Gods Free-grace that some should be healed of their sting and not others There are but a fevv healed There is a time vvhen sinners vvill not be healed Jer. 51. 9. We would have healed Babylon but she is not healed and there is a time vvhen sinners cannot be healed Nah. 3. 19. There is no healing of thy bruise Novv Christian vvhen most die of their vvound that the Brazen serpent should be sent to thee to cure thee Oh stupendious Grace that God should lay his left hand upon many of the rich and noble and lay his right hand upon thee that Heaven should fall to thy lot that thou shouldst be one of those few that are saved* cry out in admiration Lord how is it that thou shouldst show thy self to me and not unto the world 3. See God's Free-grace that he cures us upon such cheap terms When we were wounded so deadly God did not put us to charges we were not to bring money to purchase our Cure not rivers of Oyl or drops of blood no only look upon the Brazen Serpent and the Cure is effected Isa. 55 1. Come without money and without price We are not to pay for our Cure Spiritual Blessings are too dear for our purse to reach Christ made a purchase for us in his Blood all he requires is to receive it and be thankful 4. See how justly all wicked men perish God hath provided a brazen Serpent a glorious Saviour that whoever believes in his blood may obtain mercy God beseecheth yea chargeth men to believe if therefore through folly they neglect Christ or obstinacy refuse him how righteous will God be in pronouncing that last and fatal sentence upon them They who perish under the Gospel must needs be double damned Hell's furnace will be heated seven times hoter for them because they put away Salvation from them Act. 13. 46. Pagans perish in the want of a Brazen serpent and Christians in the Contempt Jesus Christ saith Come unto me all ye sinners who are stung with guilt I will heal you I conflicted with my Fathers wrath I was wounded and out of these bleeding wounds comes forth a soveraign medicine to cure you But desperate sinners love their disease better then their remedy They had rather die then look up to Christ for life Psal. 81. 11. Israel would none of me Oh strange delirium the old Serpent after he hath stung men hath bewitched them that they mind not a Cure Who will pity such as willfully cast away themselves how will mercy slight their tears at last and God's justice triumph in their deserved ruin Use 2. Let us look in a right manner upon this Mystical Brazen Serpent Heb. 12. 2. Looking unto Jesus The Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies the stedfast fixing of the eye upon some lovely beautiful object Faith will be of more use to us than any other grace As an eye though a dim one was of more use to a stung Israelite than any other member Faith discerns the Lords body To encourage Faith Consider 1. Christ was lifted up upon the Cross purposely to cure us Christ had no other end in dying but to heal his blood is a soveraign balm for a sin-sick soul. Such as feel the burden of their sins need not question Christ's willingness to save them when the very design of his death was to cure Psal. 147. 3. He healeth the broken in heart Serpents as Naturalists affirm have a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or great love to their young and will hazard their lives for them So full of love was Christ our Mystical Brazen serpent as to die for us by whose stripes we are healed Isa. 53. 5. 2. Such as do not look up to Christ's merits do necessitate themselves to damnation Mar. 16. 16. He that believeth not shall be damned Had not Israel lift up their eyes to the Brazen serpent they had died for it If thou dost not look up as David did Psal. 25. 15. Mine eyes are ever towards the Lord then thou must look up as Dives did Luk. 16. 23. In hell he lift up his eyes Oh therefore let us fix our eye upon the Brazen serpent looking unto Jesus Let us look up to the sacrifice of Christ's blood and to the cloud of incense which he sends up by his glorious Intercession Object 1. But I fear I have no Faith alive in my Soul whereby I should look up Though Israel were stung yet they were alive but how dead do I find my heart Answ. We must distinguish between a Christian that is liveless and that is without life A sick man is liveless and hath no mind to stir yet he is not without life So Christian thou maist be liveless and thy grace dormunt yet the seed of Faith may be alive in thy heart