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A42313 The noveltie of poperie discovered and chieflie proven by Romanists out of themselves / by William Guild ... Guild, William, 1586-1657. 1656 (1656) Wing G2209; ESTC R42060 50,925 169

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proper Sacramentes of the Gospell as having Christs institution and beeing visible signes of invisible justifying grace conferred on the receavers in the right vse thereof then their owne Cardinall Bessarion and Bishop of Tusculum will tell vs saying In the Gospell wee reade that ●nelie these two Sacramentes sayeth hee were delyvered to vs plainlie Or if wee will aske at their Paschasius an Abbot who lived about the 800 yeare of CHRIST which are the Sacramentes of CHRIST to bee found in His Church hee will show vs That these are they onelie to wit Baptisme and the Sacrament of the Bodie and Blood of CHRIST without mentioning moe which therefore Fulbertus Bishop of Chartres calleth duo vitae Sacramenta or the two Sacramentes of lyfe and salvation Lyke-wyse beside their owne Doctoures if wee ascende higher to inquyre of the ancient Fathers what are the proper Sacraments which the Church then acknowledged Augustine will tell vs That Baptisme and the LORD'S Supper are these saying Haec sum Ecclesiae gemina sacramenta or these are the two Sacramentes of the Church lyke two twinnes In lyke-manner doeth Cyprian speake saying Then at last men may bee sanctified and bee the children of God si vtroque sacramento nascantur that is If they bee borne anew by both the Sacramentes to wit Baptisme and the LORD'S Supper And if wee consult with Bellarmine himselfe hee will showe vs the reason why both the auncient Fathers and manie of their owne Doctoures countenance no other Sacramentes as properlie so called saying The holie thing it selfe which the Sacramentes of the new Law doeth signifie is three-folde 1. justifying grace which is demonstrate as present 2. the suffering of CHRIST as the cause of that grace and which is commemorate as bygone and 3. eternall lyfe the effect of that grace and which is prefigured as to come and concerning Baptisme and the LORD'S Supper the matter heerein is most evident but concerning the other siue Sacraments it is not so evident sayeth hee Wherefore justlie did their owne Cassander say as touching the seaven Sacramentes It is certayne that the Schoole-men and Romane doctoures sayeth hee never thought that all of them should bee called alyke properlie Sacramentes Therefore as to confirmation Alexander of Hales showeth That it is no Sacrament of the Gospell properlie because it wanteth CHRIST'S institution and is of no greater Antiquitie than the Councell of Milda Next concerning Marriage as Cassander reporteth Lombard denyeth that grace is thereby conferred and Durand affirmeth that it is nowayes properlie a Sacrament Thirdlie as for pennance and confession Hugo de sancto Victore in expresse tearmes excludeth it from beeing a Sacrament properlie of the new Law Fourthlie touching ORDOVRS Bellarmine himselfe telleth vs That Episcopall Ordination which Durand showeth to bee all one with Presbyteriall is denyed to bee a Sacrament prop●r●●e so called not onelie by sundrie auncient Schoole-men and Doctors of the Romane Church but by these also who are more recent as Dominieus à Soto and others whence hee conclude●h saying Wherefore if Episcopall Ordination bee not a S●cram●nt wee cannot p●oue out of Scripture sayeth hee that Ordination is a Sacrament at all Last as for extreame vnction the lesuit Suarez declareth That Hugo Peter Lombard Bonaventure Aleusis and Altizidorus fiue Famous and learned Doctors in the Romane Church denye playnlie that it was instituted by CHRIST and consequentlie that it is no true Sacrament The peremptorie tyme then and author when this doctrine of seaven sacraments got foot in the Church their owne Cassander specifieth s●ying Heerein surelie there is no contraversie that there are two speciall Sacramentes of our salvation wherein speciallie our salvation consisteth and is apprehended by vs as speaketh Robertus Tuitiensis and Hugo de Sancto Victore to wit Baptisme and the Sacrament of the Bodie and Blood of CHRIST neyther shall yee finde anie who rashlie before Peter Lombards tyme did set downe anie certayne and definite number of Sacramentes which tyme was about the 1140 yeare of GOD and so the same i● but a verie late Noveltie CHAPT. XVIII The Novelty of Transsubstantiation BEfore wee come to the discoverie of the Noveltie of this lurde errour wee will show first how grosse not onelie the Romani●tes of olde haue beene therein but lyke-wyse their verie late lesuits First then to vse the wordes of the Councell of Rome helde by Pope Nicolas Anno 1060 wherevnto they caused Berengarie by way of recantation to subscrybe The Bread and Wine which are set vpon the Altar after consecration say they are not onelie the Sacrament of CHRIST'S Bodie and Blood but are the verie true Bodie and Blood of CHRIST and sensiblie in the verie trueth is handled by the hands of the Priest and kroken and chawed by the teeth of the faythfull A late lesuit lyke-wyse Cornelius à Lapide sayeth vpon these wordes of ISAI Beholde a Virgine shall conceaue and beare a Sonne In this venerable Sacrament this mysterie sayeth hee is truelie performed and daylie in verie deede renewed which heere ISAIAH fore-telleth and which was performed when the Word was incarnate for by the wordes of consecration as the Bread is truelie and reallie transsubstantiate so CHRIST is brought foorth and as it were begotten vpon the Altar as powerfullie and efficaciouslie as if CHRIST were not as yet incarnate yet by these wordes This is my Bodie Hee should bee incarnate and assume an humane bodie as graue Divynes doe teach there-fore sayeth hee the Priest is as the Virgine that bare him the Altar is the Manger the little Emmanuell which hee beareth is Christ brought foorth vnder the little Host●e by vertue of the Highest and over-shadowing of the holie Ghost which made their Postellu● to call Transsubstantiation nativitas m●diatoris vltima or the last birth of our Mediator CHRIST For detection of the Noveltie of which blasphemous errour if wee first inq●yre of the Antiquitie thereof in Scripture a clowde of their owne witnesses will tell vs that it is not expressed in Scripture nor can bee proven there●y a● all and that it may bee justlie doubted sayeth Bellarmine himselfe whether these wordes This is my Bodie bee cleare anough to inforce it seeing the most sharpe witted and learned Doctors of the Romane Church such as Scotus w●s haue thought the contrarie sayeth hee Next if wee aske for the Antiquitie thereof in the writs of the auncient Fathers or if it was believed in the primitiue Church then one of their schoole-men will tell vs saying In the primitiue Church it was not believed as a poynt of fayth that the substance of bread was converted into the bodie of Christ Next of the Transsubstantiation of the bread into the bodie of CHRIST sayeth Alfonsu● à Castro in the auncient wryters there is verie seldome mention Yea sundrie auncient Divynes doe a●●irme that the bread is not Transub●tanti●te sayeth their
Cardinall Cusanus Where●ore Theodores telleth vs clearlie That the mysticall signes after consecration departe not f●om their owne nature but remayne in their former substance figure and forme and may bee seene and touched as before Yea their owne Pope Gelaesius wryting agaynst Eutyches sayeth expreslie That tho in the Sacrament wee receaue a divyne thing to wit the Bodie and Blood of CHRIST yet the substance and nature of the bread and wine ceasseth not to remaine sayeth hee And if anie speaches of Fathers would seeme to sound other ways their owne Cassander telleth vs That the late Schoole men doe acknowledge these speaches to bee figuratiue whereby the signe is called by the name of the thing which is signified and is present also in the Sacrament So that justlie sayde the elder Schoolemen as Suarez reporteth of them that the doctrine of Transsubstantiation is not verie ancient This errour then was first broached in the East by Damascene in the time of Gregori● the third Anno 740 and opposed then chiefelie by the Councell of Constantinople consisting of 338 Bishops Anno 754 who declared That the bread in the Eucharist was the true resemblance of Christs naturall bodie and consequentlie not the bodie it selfe About an hundreth yeares there-after in the tyme of Gregorie the fourth the same also began to bee propounded in the West by one Amularius Bishop of Lions who was censured and opposed by the Councell of Carifiacum wherein it was declared by the Bishops of France That it was to bee vnderstood that the bread and wine were the bodie and blood of CHRIST after a spirituall manner onelie Heere-after howsoever sundrie helde this grosse opinion of Transsubstantiation Paschasius Radbertus a Deacon Anno 850 who to that purpose wrote a Booke to Placidus of the bodie and blood of CHRIST yet others stoutlie mayntayned the trueth in the contrarie as Rabin●s M●●rus who at the same tyme opposed Paschasi●s and w●o●e thereof to Abb●t Egilo whereby arose great disputes by sundrie vpon both sides wherevpon Carol●s Calvus then King of FRANCE willing to haue these differences composed amongst his people and the trueth of the matter cleared singled out one Bertram a Priest and M●nke of Corbey as * a man m●st famous in those tymes both for learning and pietie and req●yred him to wryte to him his judgement in that matter which hee accordinglie did in his booke yet extant written Anno 876 wherein hee declareth and proveth That the bread and wine are Christs bodie and blood figuratiuelie onelie or by representation according to the na●ure of Sacramentes and sacramentall speaches taking so the name of that which they signifi● but for the substance of the creatures or elementes themselues they are the same after consecration as they were before sayeth hee for which cause the Romanis●es in the Belgicke expurgatorie Index wish that this Booke had altogether perished the Iesuit Turrian giving the reason thereof Because the citing of it declareth that Calvine's Heresie is not new About which tyme also of Bertrams wryting a famous countrey-man of ours also Iohannes Scotus wrote a * booke of the same matter and to the same sense who for his extraordinarie great learning in those tymes was surnamed Iohn the wyse And in ENGLAND in the dayes of Aeifricke an Abbot Anno 975 there was an auncient Homilie which the sayde Aelfricke at the command of W●lfstane Arch-bishop of Yorke translated out of Latine and Sax●n into Engl●sh synodicallie appoynted to bee read to the people for their instruction at everie Easter before the receaving of the holie Housell as he calleth the Sacrament wherein the verie same doctrine set downe by Bertram and professed now by vs is clearlie set downe as the sayde Homilie at large may bee seene in Master Iohn Foxe his Booke of Martyres Yet at last errour in the times of ignorance and Papall vsurpation so farre prevailed that Anno 1215 it was established as an Article of fayth so that as Scotus affirmeth truelie before the Councell of Laterane it was no doctrine of fayth sayeth hee CHAPTER XIX The Noveltie of halfe Communion or with-holding the Cuppe from the people FOR the cleare detection of the Noveltie of this sacrilegious errour first their owne Canonized Aquinas and with him Lyra and others declare according to the custome of the auncient Church all the people as they did communicate of the bodie of Christ so did they also of His blood sayeth hee And if wee aske at their owne Cassander how long this custome did continue in the Church of Christ hee will tell vs saying It is sufficientlie certayne that the vniversall Church of Christ even vnto this day did celebrate the Sacrament vnder both kyndes and that the Westerne or Romane Church more than a thousand yeares after Christ chiefelie in the solemne and ordinarie celebration of this Sacrament did giue the same in both kyndes both of breade and wine to all the members of the Church of Christ which is manifest sayeth hee out of the innumerable Testimonies both of Greeke and Latine Fathers And if then wee inquyre when this custome of communicating in one kynde began in the Romane Church generallie to be receaved their owne Gregorte de Valentia in lyke-manner will tell vs That it was but a little before the Councell of Constance which was helde in ●nno 1414. There-after if wee come to the Councell of Constance it selfe where it was first decreed and inquyre of the Noveltie thereof they are forced to confesse that Christ instituted this venerable Sacrament in both kyndes of bread and wine gaue it so to His Disciples say they as also that in the primitiue Church the same was receaved by the faythfull in both kynds and that for eschewing some perills and scandalls this custome was thought fit to bee altered Next after the cleare and confessed Noveltie of this poynt both in altering and mayntayning of Christs institution if wee will examine out of their owne confessions whether it bee best to adheare to Christs institution who gaue it in both kyndes or not Bellarmine will teach vs a generall rule saying It can not bee doubted of but that is best sayth hee and most fit to bee done which Christ Himselfe did But to subsume Christ gaue the Sacrament of His bodie and blood vnder both kyndes therefore inevitablie it followeth that without doubt it is fittest and best to giue it as yet in both kyndes Wherefore in expresse wordes not onelie did Ruardus Tapperus Deane of Lovane say that it were better and more covenient to giue it so as beeing more agreeable to the institution of Christ His example and Fathers of the primiti● Church but also their owne Cassander setteth downe the particular and pregnant reasons why it is better to giue it so vnder both kyndes and why the primitiue Church ever so gaue it I. because of the institution and example of
Her teachers venting that which was concredit to them not invented by them which they receaved not excogitate and not anie brood of their owne ingyne but the bread of heavenlie doctrine which is not of private vsurpation but of publicke deliverie or traditiō brought to them not broached by them wherein they should not bee Authors but keepers not instituters but observers not leaders but followers teaching the same thinges to others by word which themselues had from the Apostles by WRIT So that tho they speake after a new manner of speaking or expression yet they should speake no new thing for matter observing that as in the growth of our bodies there is no increase of new members in number but augmentation of the same in measure So in the Churches knowledge that the growth there-of should bee in the same doctrine of Fayth alreadie delyvered but no new Article of doctrine afterward to bee broached For preventing whereof therefore did that holie Apostle lyke BONARGI or a sonne of Thunder throwe that dreadfull Thunderbolt agaynst all Novelists saying Tho we or an Angell from Heaven preach vnto you {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} beside that which wee haue preached let him bee accursed So that it did not suffice sayeth Lyri●ensis for keeping sound that doctrine of Fayth which was once delivered to make mention of man altho it were peter Andrew Iohn or all the companie of the Apostles except that hee comprehended in lyke-manner the verie excellencie of Angelicall powers And which speach of the Apostles Augustine explayneth thus If wee or an Angell from Heaven preach vnto you anie thing concerning Fayth and Lyfe besides that which yee haue receaved in the Legall and Evangelicall Scriptures sayeth hee let him bee accursed limiting so what the Apostle preached in the matter of Fayth or manners within the pale of the written word and leaving no place therein to vnwritten traditions Thus it beeing cleare that the true Religion is onelie most Ancient and that the most Ancient Religion lykewyse is onelie most true as having it whole Origen from CHRIST and His Apostles and from that warrand of holie Scripture which they haue left behinde them which made Tertull●an to say Doubtlesse that is to bee helde sayeth hee which the Church hath receaved from the Apostles and the Apostles from CHRIST and CHRIST hath receaved from GOD It followeth necessarilie that that Religion or Doctrine what-so-ever that wanteth this Antiquitie and is of later invention is neither true nor Catholicke The first propertie of Catholicisme beeing that of time to wit which hath beene ever and from the beginning taught in the Church therefore sayeth the fore-named Vincentius Lyrinensis In the Catholicke Church a speciall care must bee had that wee holde that which was ever everie where and by all believed so that that Doctrine which is deficient in the verie first poynt to wit the vniversalitie of tyme and was not semper or ever in GOD'S Church but whereof it may bee sayde as our Saviour sayeth of the Iewish Bills of Divorce From the beginning it was not so the same is no wayes sound and Catholicke Doctrine but lyke that later Supersemination of Tares after the good Seede in the LORD'S Field neyther is anie person who professeth the same verus genuinus Catholicus a true and vpright Catholicke but on the contrarie a giddie and prophane Novelist whose lust as it were of prophane and new hatcht Curiositie sayeth the same Father can not contayne it selfe within the chaste limites of sacred and vncorrupt Antiquite CHAPT. II. The Noveltie of Poperie instanced in 14 particular poyntes of Erronious Doctrine THis challenge then of Noveltie and consequentlie of an vnjust vsurpation of the name of Catholickes wee justlie lay to the charge of the Romanistes of these tymes which the better that wee may cleare and confirme wee shall instance the same first in 14 particular poyntes of Doctrine as making vp a sufficient Dittie the Noveltie where-of severallie next shall bee God willing proven by the witnessing of their owne mouthes vt ex ore suo judicetur servus nequam or by the vndenyable recordes of venerable Antiquitie The Poynts are these that follow THat beside Scripture there are sundry doctrinall vnwritten traditions which men are boūd no lesse to reverence and belieue than GOD'S written Word and as Articles of Fayth vnder payne of damnation That people should not bee permitted to reade the holie Scriptures That beside CHRIST the Church is also built vpon the Bishop of Rome as S. Peter's successour so that hee is both the foundation and head there-of as vniversall Bishop That by vertue of the same prerogatiue hee is over and aboue all the members there-of even in temporall thinges That Prayer in the Church should or may bee in an vnknowne Tongue That beside prayer to GOD wee may lawfullie lyke-wyse pray both to Sayncts and Angels That beside the worshipping of GOD wee may also worship Images Reliques and such lyke with a Religious Adoration That beside CHRIST'S meriting our good workes are also meritorious causes of the Kingdome of Heaven so that GOD were vnjust if for their condignitie Hee bestowed not the same vpon vs That beside Hell and Heaven there is a third place also after death for the soules in Purgatorie That beside CHRIST'S satisfaction there are also satisfactions of the Saynctes whereof with the sufferings of CHRIST is made vp the Churches Treasure of indulgences That beside Baprisme and the LORD'S Supper there are also fiue other Sacramentes of the Gospell properlie so called That the Bodie and Blood of CHRIST is not onelie truelie and reallie present in the Sacrament of the Supper but lykewyse that the verie visible Elements are transubstantiate into the verie substance of CHRISTS Bodie and Blood That the Cup in the Communion should not bee permitted or given to the people That beside CHRIST'S Sacrifice of Himselfe once vpon the Crosse forever there is also a daylie proper propitiatorie and reall sacrificing of Him vpon the Altar for the quicke and the dead and this is the sacrifice of the Masse CHAPT. III. Of the Noveltie then first of the doctrine of vnwritten traditions whereon the mayne bodie of Poperie is built altogether THE first vrgers then of vnwritten Traditions in the Christian Church wee finde to haue beene some Heretickes who arose in IRENEVS dayes Anno 180 of whom hee wryteth thus When they are convinced by the Scriptures they fall out into the accusation of the Scriptures sayth hee as if they were not rightlie alleadged or of authoritie of themselues and because they are ambiguouslie set downe and that the trueth can not bee found out of them by those who knoweth not Tradition which was not delyvered by writ but by word for which cause Paull himselfe sayde Wee speake wisedome amongst these that are perfect In which wordes is not onelie set downe what Armour onelie the Orthodox
temporall as spirituall thinges but aboue the verie holie Scriptures c. I can not see say●th hee why these men may not bee called false or Pseudocotholickes CHAPTER X. The Noveltie of publicke Prayer and other divyne Service in a tongue vnknowne to the people FIrst in this poynt that the Apostles doctrine and Churches practise in their tyme was co●trarie to the Romani●tes now Cardinall Cajetane doeth evidentlie testifie saving Out of the doctrine of S. PAVLL wee haue it clearlie set downe that it is better for the edification of the Church that publicke prayers which are vttered in the audience of the people bee spoken sayeth hee in a Language common both to Clergie and people than otherwyse And that this was also the Churches conforme practise in the dayes of Iustine Martyr is evident who in the ende of his second Apologie for Christians in expresse tearmes telleth vs sayeth Bellarmine That the whole people in the Church vsed to answere AMEN when the Presbyter ended the Prayer or Thankesgiving wherefore it will follow that the Prayer or Thankesgiving was in the vulgar tongue else sayeth the Apostle how shall hee that occupieth the rowme of the vnlearned say AMEN at thy Thankes-giving if hee vnderstand not what thou sayest Next what was the practise of the Church after Iustines dayes both in the East and West is lyke-wyse cleare out of Bellarmine who testifieth saying That this custome was also a long tyme observed both in the East and West is evident out of Chrysostomes Liturgie where most clearlie sayeth hee are distinguished what the Prie●● and Deacon and what the people in divyne Service did sing As lyke-wyse out of Cyprian in his sermon on the LORDS prayer where hee showeth how the people did answere saying Wee ha●e our heartes vnto the LORD and out of Ierome in the preface of his second booke on the Epistle to the GALATIANS who wryteth That in the Churches of the Citie of Rome the people was heard lyke a heavenlie thunder aunswering with a lowde voyce and saying AMEN Therefore their Nicolaus de Lyra and with him Aquinas Gretzer others freelie acknowledgeth saying In the primitiue Church the Thankes-givings and all other common Serv●ce was performed sayeth hee in the vulgar To●gue and the Canonicall Prayers ●ayth their Cassa●der and speciallie the words of consecration of the bodie and blood of our LORD the Auncientes did so reade that all the people might vnderstand and say AMEN thereto Which custome of the Church as yet vsed in Aegypt and Ethiopi● it is a wonder say●th Erasmus how it became to bee changed And if wee consider M. Hardinges reason in his aunswere to Bishop Iewell why Prayers and all other divyne Service was vsed in the primitiue Church in the vulgar tongue wee shall finde that the same reason holdeth still and so mili●ateth constantlie agaynst this practise of Romish Noveltie for thus sayeth M. Harding In the primitiue Church this was necessarie when fayth was alearning and therefore the Prayers were made then in a knowne tongue vnderstood by the people sayeth hee because of their farder instruction And can anie man say nowe but people in lyke-manner are learning the fayth daylie and haue neede of farder instruction than they haue alreadie Or will anie affirme that this ●ule of the Apostle Let all bee done vnto edification helde onelie for a tyme Therefore seeing the edifying of GOD'S people which is the fi●all cause why Prayer and publicke Thankes-giving should bee performed in the vulgar doeth not varie by diversitie of tymes but continueth still even so then should speaking in the Church vnto their vnderstanding CHAPTER XI The Noveltie of the invocation of Saynctes departed FOr discoverie of the Noveltie of which doctrine obtruded to bee believed and practised by all Catholickes vnder payne of damnation wee haue before CHRIST the first foure thousand yeares prescription agaynst anie such doctrine or practise in the Church of GOD by the confession of Bellarmine and all other Romanistes who graunt That during all that tyme both before and vnder the Law there was no invocation of Saynctes departed Next if wee come to our SAVIOVR'S tyme and his Apostles their owne Eckius Luthers great Antagonist declareth That in the New Testament the Apostles and Evangelistes neyther taught by word nor delyvered or left anie such thing by writ that the Saynctes departed should bee invocated neyther would the holie Ghost sayeth hee suffer them so to doe by whose inspiration they spake The same also doeth their Dominicus Bannes and the Iesuit Salmeron testifie rendring this reason Because it would seeme hard to the Iewes sayeth hee who were never taught so to doe by Moses nor the Prophets and the Gentiles should haue thought that there were manie gods exhibite to them in place of the multitude of gods which they had forsaken Beholde th●n heere a doctrine of the Romane fayth confessed to haue for the warrand there of neyther Gods written word nor yet Apostolicall vnwritten tradition now if it was neyther written nor preached by them let anie man consider if the Noveltie thereof bee not cleare and that they can not eschew the Apo●tles Anathem● who sayeth If an Angell from Heaven should preach vnto you beside th●t which I haue preached let him bee accursed Next to the Apostles tymes if wee come to after ages and inquyre howe lo●g was it after the Apostles before anie mention was ever heard of anie such thing their owne Bishop Poresi●s Will playnlie tell vs saying That be●ore the ●yme of the Martyr Corneli●s which was abou● 252 yeares after there was no mention sayeth hee so farre as wee can see of anie invocation or intercession of Saynctes What was the practise lykewyse of the Church in S. Augustin's tyme who lived after the 400 yeare of CHRIST and speciallie of the westerne or Romane Church himselfe doeth declare saying of the Martyres and Sayncts departed As for such men of God sayeth hee who haue overcome the world in confessing of Him they are named in their owne place and order but they are not prayed vnto Yea in the 1200 yeare of God Bernard did put it in doubt whether the Saynctes departed anie wayes heard the living which if they doe not then speaking to them by prayer were altogether foolish for speaking of devoute Humbert hee sayeth Neyther see I him now nor perhaps doeth hee heare mee More-over it is to bee observed that the Fathers of the primitiue Church vsed this as a spec●all Argument to proue Christ to bee GOD because Hee was everie-where prayed vnto Which Argument had beene of no force if in those tymes they had prayed eyther to Saynctes or A●g●ls Therefore O●igen showeth That PAVLL 1 COR. 1. 2. proveth heereby CHRIST to bee GOD because His Name is everie where incalled vpon for the Apostle sayeth hee doeth thereby pronounce IESVS CHRIST to bee GOD because His Name is incalled
Christ who gaue this Sacrament in both the Elementes vnto His Disciples representing then the persons sayeth hee of the whole faythfull communicants 2. because they did belieue in the Sacrament by the Element of the wine that there was signified a certayne peculiar grace of the blood of Christ to wit according to Christs wordes The remission of sinnes 3. because thereby was represented the full Passion of Christ which did consist in the oblation of His bodie and the shedding of His blood according to that of S. PAVLL As oft as yee shall eate of the bread and drinke of the Cup yee shall show the LORD'S death till His agayne comming 4. because ou● perfect feeding or now●ishment is thereby signified which is vsuallie not onelie by meat but by drinke also and 5. because lyke-wyse is signified thereby the perfect redemption of man in His bodie by the oblation of Christs bodie and in his soule the fountayne of lyfe which is sayde to bee in the blood by the shedding of Christs blood So that it is not without cause that one of their owne Popes Gelasius sayde That the divyding of one and the same Sacrament can not bee done without great sacriledge and therefore that hee commanded that eyther the whole Sacrament vnder both kyndes should bee taken or else that these superstitious persons who will not participate of the Cup hee debarred from the Sacrament altogether Lyke-wyse as they haue withdrawne the Cup from the people so they haue also taken away a significant Rite in giving to them ● wafer fo● bread without fraction which was acted and instituted by CHRIST to signifie the breaking of His Bodie and of the confessed N●veltie whereof let Cardinall Cajetane witnesse saying In the primitiue tymes that the Church did vse fraction of the bread when the Communion was given to the people even the verie Actes of the Apostles doe testifie in imitation of CHRIST as I belieue sayeth hee Who tooke bread and blessed it and brake it and so gaue it to His Disciples But it was afterward that the Church vsed severallie little Hosties which noway●s may bee broken CHAPTER XX The Noveltie of the MASSE where-in the Priest onelie reccaveth FIrst for the clearing of the Noveltie heereof having before spoken of the Noveltie of the name wee see that it hath no warrand in holie Scripture being contrary both to the institution of CHRIST and to that name which it getteth from the holie Apostle Of a Communion for in the institution wee see there was fraction of Bread which fraction was for distribution and this distribution was for common participation everie one with another as wee see I. COR. 10. 17. and as it was sayde of the Cup also Drinke yee all-of this or Divyde it amongst you Next it is agaynst the name of Communion which the Apostle giveth it for therefore is it called a Communion sayeth their Hugo Cardinalis because in the primitiue Church the people did communicate thereof daylie neyther properlie can it bee called a Communion sayeth their Cassander except moe than one participate The same is contrarie also to the alleadged Canons of the Apopostles and wrytings of the Fathers for thus sayeth their owne Cochleus Of olde all both Priests and people did communicate together as appeareth by the Canons of the Apostles and wrytings of the auncient Fathers In lyke-manner the same contradicteth their owne Canon of the Masse directlie their owne Cassander telling vs That therein the Priest prayeth not onelie for himselfe and his owne communicating but also for those who doe communicate with him saying Bee mercifull to as manie of vs as haue beene partakers of this Altar and chiefelie in his prayer after the Communion hee seemeth to pray onelie sayeth hee for those who haue beene communicants In lyke-manner Odo Camerace●sis wryting on the Canon of the Masse affirmeth That those solitarie Masses were not of olde sayeth hee in vse in the Church seeing that no Masse was without a collect that is some number who did offer and participate of the Sacrament together Their owne Durandus lyke-wyse telleth vs saying In the primitiue Church all who● were present at the celebration of the Masse did everie day communicate because all the Apostles did drinke of the Cup according to the LORD'S command Drink● yee all of this and their oblation was a great loafe sayeth hee which was sufficient for all and which custome the Grecians are sayde to keepe even vnto this day Which thing also their Tolossanus Belethus and sundrie others testifie And to adde the famous testimonie of Pope Innocent the third In the primitiue Church sayeth hee everie day those who were present at the celebration of the Masse were wont to communicate And all the best learned doe acknowledge sayeth their Cassander this to haue beene the ancient custome of the Romane Chu●ch in particular which custome how it hath ceassed is to bee marveled sayeth their Hofmeisterus and it is to bee indevoured that this good custome sayeth hee may bee restored to the Church CHAPTER XXI The Conclusion of this Treatise THus having demonstrate the Noveltie of Poperie and detected the same to bee the latter sowne Tares in the LORDS Field wee see that the Antiquitie whereof they so much bragge belongeth nowayes to them more than the living chylde to the false mother and if the Romane Church in these poyntes formerly discovered will needes still clayme Antiquitie at all it is manifest that no other can bee yeelded vnto her than that which was yeelded to Iudah and Israell by the Prophet Ezekiell vnder the names of Aholah and Aholibah to wit That shee is olde in her Adulteries the sometyme faythfull Citie as speaketh I saiah having become an Harlot and as says Lyrinensis in the same place now being a filthy Borthel of wicked and prophane erroures where a sacred store-house was before of chaste and vncorrupted trueth CHRIST'S sheepe-folde beeing p●sterd with disguysed Wolues and as it was objected to PAVLL concerning the Grecia●s these thinges beeing brought within the Temple which haue defyled the holie place As Elihu then sayde of himselfe That hee was but of yesterday in comparison of Iobs elder friends even so may Poperie justlie in lyke-manner confesse of her selfe that shee is but of yesterday in respect of that eternall Gospell spoken of in the Revelation and the Popish Church beeing the meretricious mother onelie of such bastard births lyke brats of Babell as shee may well father vpon the broodie braine of vaine mans invention puft vp as the Apostle speaketh by his fleshlie mynde but can never say with Iacob of such These are the children which the LORD my GOD hath given mee Let no man therefore marvell that wee haue come out of Babell as the LORD'S obedient people lest wee should partake of her sin●es and so receaue of her plagues nor thinke that wee haue forsaken Rome farder than shee hath forsaken the
trueth and her former estate when shee was once the faythfull Citie it beeing our duetie as sayeth Lyrinensis to receaue true teachers with the Church but not with false teachers in the Church to desert the true fayth of the Church and embrace Novelties For if anie man follow him sayeth Ignatius who haue departed form the trueth hee shall never inherite the Kingdome of GOD and hee who departeth not from a teacher of lies shall bee condemned to Hell fire for neyther must wee depart from them who are godlie teachers nor must wee haue fellowship with these who are wicked Let her therefore with Ephesus returne to her first loue renounce her Whoredomes quyte her Erroures reject her Novel●ies forsake her Idolatries and from Babell turne Beth●ll else wee solemnlie protest that wee would haue cured Babell but shee would not and as LYRIN●N●IS speaketh That our care is heereby to reduce the seduced multitude of the wo●ld stricken with the cruell tempest of repentiue Heresie from new broached errour to the auncient fayth from the phrenesie of Noveltie to their won●ed health and from the blindnesse of former darknesse to the primitiue light of most sacred Trueth that so GOD may haue 〈◊〉 ie the Church her luster Satan an over-throwe BABELL a downe-fall the Saynctes may haue joye and Veritie the victorie AMEN Glorie to Him who giveth abilitie to the faynt increaseth strength in them who haue no might ISAIAH 40. 29. AN APPENDIX To this Treatise Of the Noveltie of Poperie Clearlie showing next The antiquitie of the Protestant Religion HAving thus singled out Poperie from the profession of true Christian Religion as Chaffe from the Corne or Popple rather from the good Wheat and having showne the Noveltie thereof as of a disease which hath overtaken a bodie which was sound and healthfull at first but lyke BABELL had neede of cure at last it will not bee amisse to set downe the points of the true Christian Religion which is that onlie Auncient Catholicke and Apostolicke Fayth Which was once sayeth S. IVDE delyvered to the Saynctes and which in all the positiue poyntes thereof wee at this day contende for and professe and wherein also our verie adversaries doe not dissent from vs Which thing doeth serue 1. to show the great advantage that wee haue of them heerein to wit that what are the positiue poynts of our Religion therein they agree with vs and cannot say but the same is the trueth but in all the former poyntes of Poperie which they doe professe wee justlie disagree from them because of the proven Noveltie thereof and disagreement from the Word of GOD Next this shall serue to answere two ordinarie and customable questions of theirs to wit 1. whereby they aske where was our Religion befor Luther and 2. what became of the soules of our fore-fathers who dyed before the reformation First then this Catholicke antiquitie of our doctrine wee shall proue GOD willing by the playne in●uction onelie of the positiue poyntes thereof wherein as is sayde our verie Adversaries the Romanists themselues doe agree First therefore concerning the Scriptures wee say according to Scripture that they are the sure and safe rule of fayth and so sayeth Bellarmine Bell. l. 1. de verb● c. 2. with vs The Scripture is the rule of our fayth most sure and most safe sayeth hee 2. Wee say that all doctrines of fayth and manners which are simplie necessarie for all men are playnlie set downe in Scripture and so doeth Bellarmine professe Bell. l. 4. de verbo c. 11. vltimo that as this was the doctrine of Augustine so it is true of the doctrines of fayth sayeth hee which are simplie necessarie for all men to salvation 3. Next to the word to come to the Sacramentes wee say that Baptisme and the LORD'S Supper are the two proper Sacramentes instituted by CHRIST vnto our salvation Bell. l. 2. de effect● sacr● c. 24● and this Bellarmine also confesseth saying Of Baptisme and the LORD'S Supper there is no question at all 4. Wee say that in the Lords Supper the bodie and blood of CHRIST is present not onelie in a signe or figure but truelie and reallie yet spirituallie and mysticallie Bell. l. ● de Euchar c. 20. §. 30. vegula and so doeth Bellarmine confesse as Bernard teacheth in his sermon of S. Martine where hee sayeth That in the Sacrament is ex●ibite vnto vs the true substance of Christs flesh but yet spirituallie not carnallie sayth he 5. From the word and Sacraments to come to the Church we say that the Rocke whereon the same is built Bell. l. 1. de Rom. pont ● 10. is CHRIST and so granteth Bellarmine saying No man doubteth but Christ is that Rocke 6. As Hee is the Rocke and Foundation wee say in lyke-manner that Hee is the onelie Head and King of His Church and so sayeth Bellarmine Bell l. 2. de Rom. pont c. 31. Onelie Christ is the head of all the Churches and all others vnder Him are not heads nor Princes thereof 7. As Hee is onelie King so is Hee the high Priest thereof whose righteousnesse and sufferinges in our justification is made ours so that wee may offer vp the same vnto the Father as ours for the remission of our sinnes and so sayeth Bellarmine That Christ is called our righteousnesse Bell. l. 2 de ●ustif ● 10. b●cause Hee hath satisfied the Father for vs and so gifteth vnto vs 〈◊〉 satisfaction sayeth hee and communicateth it to vs when Hee justifieth vs that it may bee called our satisfaction and righteousnesse and this way it is not absurde for anie man to say that Christs righteousnesse and merites are imputed to vs sayeth hee seeing they are so given and applyed to vs as if wee our selues had made satisfaction to GOD 8 Wee say that good workes are necessarie to salvation as Bellarmine acknowledgeth Bell. l. 4. de justif. c. 1. saying Cal●in and Luther doe teach That good workes are to bee done and in some sort are necessarie † † Ephes. 2. 10. seeing they affirme that it is not true fayth which bringeth not foorth good workes and so saye the Romanistes jumping heerein with vs 9. Yet notwithstanding that wee affirme them to bee necessarie wee saye That to obtayne salvation it is the onelie safe way to put our whole confidence in the onelie mercie of GOD and merites of CHRIST onelie and so sayeth Bellarmine For the vncertayntie of our owne righteousnesse Bell l. 5. de ●ustif c. 7. and danger of vaine glorie sayeth hee it is safest to repose our whole confidence in the onelie mercie and free favour of GOD 10. Lyke-wyse for religious worship wee say that the holie Trinitie is to bee so worshipped and to GOD onelie wee should pray as the authour and giver of all good thinges Bell. l. 1. de S●nct c. 20. and so sayeth Bellarmine That this most divyne excellencie is to bee worshipped and