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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14856 Catalogus protestantium, or, The Protestants kalender containing a suruiew of the Protestants religion long before Luthers daies, euen to the time of the Apostles, and in the primitiue church. Webbe, George, 1581-1642.; Gee, John, 1596-1639. 1624 (1624) STC 25160.7; ESTC S123319 58,161 115

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named I might goe on in the comparison through euery point of Doctrine in our Churches and shew the consent of these likewise in the particulars together with vs But for auoyding of prolixitie I referre the Reader to the examination hereof in the denotation of their particular opinions as they are set downe in order in the Catalogue And here by the way wee will meet with another Obiect 3 Objection of theirs which is this What doe you talke say they of Vnitie and Consent in your Protestant Churches you cannot tell whom you follow nor who are with you The Lutherans are against the Zuinglians these against the Caluinists The Geneua and other reformed Churches differ in many points from the English Therefore if any in the Catalogue before mentioned were Lutherans they were none of yours If they were Caluinists they were none of yours And therefore how can you shew your Religion in former times I answer 1. It is not strange to see difference in some circumstances betweene those that professe one and the same Religion St. Paul testifieth of the Church of Rome euen then when it was at the best That there were therein who caused diuisions and dissentions contrary to the Doctrine which they had receiued Rom. 16.17 And of the Corinthians hee saith There was among them enuying strife and contention some held of Paul 1 Cor. 3.3 Act. 15.39 Gal. 2.12 some of Apollos some of Cephas So Paul Barrabas yea Paul Peter had their differences So Poly●rates and Victor Cyprian and Cornelius Cyrill Theodoret Hier●me and Ruffinus Nazianzen and the Councell of Constantinople had not onely their differences but also bitter oppositions yet all agreeing in the substance of Faith reputed members of the same Catholike Church 2. Wee answer The defects and corruptions of Churches must be distinguished and they bee either in Doctrine or in manners Againe corruptions in Doctrine must further bee distinguished some of them are errours indeed but besides the foundation some directly against the foundation and these ouerturne all Religion whereas the former doe not As are these defects and corruptions in Churches so are their differences some about Ceremonies some about substance Now although the Churches of Geneua Heluetia Belgia c. differ from vs in some points of Ceremonies and Circumstances yet looke we to the substance of Faith and Doctrine which wee and they professe there is no difference at all betweene vs Indeed the maine difference is betweene vs and them about the point of Ecclesiasticall Discipline But marke in what manner we all ioyntly agree in the substance of the Discipline confessing on each side that there must bee the Preaching of the Word Administration of the Sacraments according to the institution and the vse of the power of the Keyes in Admonitions Suspensions Excommunications The difference betweene vs is onely touching the persons and the manner of putting this Discipline in execution And therefore notwithstanding this by difference wee and they are of one and the same Religion as may likewise appeare by the Harmonie of Confessions 3. As concerning those Churches which commonly are called the Lutheran Churches though their Augustan Confession hath not satisfied the expectation of other of the reformed Churches and some of the more rigid among them Admonition of the Ministers in the Pa●l●r hate vs as bad as Papists yet we and they are of one Church for we haue the same enemies in matters of Religion and doe alike confesse the Diuinitie The office of the Mediator the doctrine of Faith of good Workes of Repentance and in opinion about the Word the Church the Magistrate are of one iudgement They differ indeed from vs in the matter of the Sacrament and therein are in a grosse errour But that difference betweene them and vs doth not take away wholly the Analigie of Faith and Doctrine betweene vs for that there is a true and reall receiuing of the Bodie and Blood of Christ in the Lords Supper we all agree And we joyntly confesse that Christ is there present so farre forth that he doth truly feed vs with his very Body and Blood to Eternall life all the controuersie lyeth in the manner of receiuing wee acknowledging a Spirituall receiuing which is by the hand of Faith They adding thereto the Corporall whereby they imagine themselues to receiue Christ with the hand and mouth of the Bodie And though to maintaine this their opinion they be constrained to turne the ascension of Christ into a disparition whereby his Body being visible becommeth inuisible yet in the maine points wee agree that hee entred into his Kingdome in our name for vs that we are gouerned and preserued by his power might and that whatsoeuer good thing we haue or do proceedeth wholly from the grace of his Spirit wee pittie their errours and leaue their persons vnto God Againe Popish Transubstantiation and Lutheran Consubstantiation are both we confesse against the truth of the Manhood of Christ yet with great difference Transubstantiation is flat against an Article of Faith for if Christ his body be made of Bread and his blood of Wine which must needs be if there be a conuersion of the one into the other then was hee not borne of the Virgin Mary for it cannot bee both made of Bakers bread and also of the substance of the Virgin Againe it wholly abolisheth the outward Signe and the analogie betweene the signe and the thing signified and so ouerturneth the Sacrament But Consubstantiation doth not so Q. neither doth is ouerthrow the substance of any Article of Religion but onely a maine point of Phisosophie which is That a Body doth occupie onely one place at one time Therefore howsoeuer in this point there bee a great difference betweene the Lutherans and vs yet we may bee both of one Church Obiect 4 I come now to the 4. cauill and Obiection which our Aduersaries the Papists obiect against our former Catalogue of Protestants Popish disc of Faith ss 57 Admit say they that in former ages you can finde some that were your ancestors and the forerunners of your Faith Stapleton de Iustif lib. 9. c. 7 yet what manner of persons were they Such as were notorious Hereticks men branded with the marke of grosse and damnable Doctrines Campiā rat 10. prodigious and hellish liues Reprobates condemned by Popes and generall Councels yea the very dregs and the bellowes and the Iewell of hell To this we answer 1. That it is no new thing for those who are most blamelesse to be slaundered with many false and vniust calumniations Blessed are yee saith our blessed Sauiour when men shall reuile you Math. 5.11.12 and persecute you shal say all manner of euill against you falsly for my sake Reioyce be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heauen Act. 2.13 16 20. 17.7 2. Cor. 12.16 for so prosecuted they the Prophets which were before you As
those great Differences betweene the Scotists and Thomists See Darbite his way to the true Church betweene the Dominicans and Franciscans betweene the Priests and Iesuites yea betweene their best and most relied vpon Diuines Yea what point of their Religion is there wherein they and wee doe differ which hath not beene contradicted by one or other of their owne Religion Neither could the purest Churches in the primitiue Times claime freedome in all her members from all difference in opinion as hereafter shall bee manifested Now then if among those whom in the Catalogue aboue mentioned I haue recorded to haue beene of our side there be not found in euery point a joynt opinion and full consent shall they therefore be denyed to haue beene of our Religion By the same reason many of the ancient Fathers should not be of the Communion of Saints or Catholike congregation seeing that they likewise had their differences and they that were most Orthodoxe amended the others errours This therefore can no whit preiudice our Cause though all aboue mentioned did not in all and euery point of our Religion maintaine the same that we doe for thus a learned Diuine of theirs doth acknowledge Luc P●n thess vadem thes 83 That the vnitie of the Church consisteth in this that the members thereof beleeue the same thinges vse the same worship of God and receiue the same Sacraments 2. That they and wee hold the same Religion we proue by the Testimonie of our Aduersaries themselues Campian rat 10. Cochlae hist Huss lib. 1. 2. Campian calleth Iohn Husse and Wichlief the fore-runners of our Faith Cochleus saith that Iohn Husse tooke his Doctrine from the Wichleuists And Aeneas Syluius Aene. Syl. hist Bohem. c. 35. Bellar. in Praef. generall Contr. that the Wichleis did embrace the opinion of the Waldenses And Bellarmine joyneth together as professors of the same Religion the Berengarians Petrobrusians Albigenses Waldenses Wichlinists Hussits Lutherans Zuinglians Caluinists c. 3. We proue them and vs to accord for substance in one and the same Religion by comparing our Doctrine and practise now with that of theirs in former times The which concordance to auoyd prolixitie shall be manifested in these particulars 1. About the Scriptures VVEe make them the rule tryall of our Faith hold the sufficiencie therof vnto saluation Artic. 6. Synod Lond. Homil. 10. So doth the Augustan confession Artic. 1. So Iohn Husse and the Bohemian Protestants Iob. Huss de abomin Sacerd. Monach. pag. 84. So Iohn Wichlief Artic. 6. collected out of his Sermons Martyrol pag. 396. So the Waldenses Artic. 1. vide hist Waldens What Bookes wee esteeme Canonicall and what Apochypha Artic. 6. Synod Lond. The same doe the Augustan confesse Artic. 2. obiects against them in the Trent Counsell the French Artic. Gal. confess 9. So the Belgicks Artic. 41. Belgic Confess So the Waldenses Artic. What wee hold for the translation of them and hauing them in the vulgar Tongue Hom. 9. The same Weselus Groningensis patet ex Noniemag The Lollards sub regno henric 5. Martyrol p. 69. The Waldenses Art 10. Arnulphus ex opere tripart King Alphred Martyrol pag. 1115. The French men aboue 200. yeares since Praefat. in testum Rheon ss 4. Confess Heluet. Art 4. Bohem c. 1. Belgic Art 7. Saxon. Art 1. Suerim Artic. 1. About the Sacraments AS wee hold that they are effectuall Seales and pledges c. Artic. 25. Synod Lond. So Magdeburg Eccl. cent 12. August artic 13. Heluet. artic 29. Iohn Wichleif in Trialog Waldens art 9. As wee deny the Sacraments of themselues to haue power to conferre Grace Synod Lond. artic 26. Homil. 15. So Hierome Schuff coram Archiep. Treuir Rocherano and the Bohemian Ministers Prucer 5. Waldenses Artic. 14. As wee acknowledge but two Sacraments Baptisme the Supper of the Lord. Catecluf Angl. Art 25. So Confess Heluet. artic 20. Basil artic 5. Belg. art 33. Saxon. artic 12. So Weselus Groningens Iohan. Monterger Anton. Nancinel vt supra Waldenses artic 11. About Baptisme AS wee deny Baptisme of it selfe to wash away all Sinne or to conferre Grace ex opere operato Artic 27. So Confess Heluet. artic 21. Augustan artic 9. Bohem 12. Wittemb c. 10. About the Supper of the Lord. AS wee deny the reall presence of CHRISTS very Bodie and Blood in that Sacrament Synod L●nd artic 28. So Confess Heluet. art 22. Bohem 13. Picus Mirandula Iohn Husse Wichleif the Waldenses Aelfricus and in a māner all in our Catalogue before recorded As we contest against the Masse Homil. 15. So Confess Heluet. artic 11. Bohem. c. 6. Augustan artic 34. So Gerrhardus Dulcinus Arnulphus vt supra So the Waldenses artic 4. As wee maintaine the receiuing of the Communion in both kindes Synod Lond. artic 30. So Confess Heluet. artic 22. Saxon. act 15. Iohn Huss Calestini sub vcraque in Bohem. Waldenses Artic. 11. About the Church AS wee hold the due administration of the Word and Sacraments to bee the true markes of the visible Church Synod Lond. artic 19. So Confess Heluet act 14. Bohem. c. 8. Sueu 32. As wee deny the Church of Rome to bee the Catholicke Church Homil. 1. So C●nfess August artic 4. Arnolph in concil Rhem. W●●hleif Sigebert c. As wee deny the Churches authority to be greater th●n the Scriptures Synod Lond. artic 20. so C●nfess Heluet. artic 4. Basil artic 10. Bohem. c. 1. Preachers in Sutden Abbas vspag Gulielm de Sanct. Amore c. About the Pope AS wee denie the Popes Supremacie Oath of alleagean●e so Confess Heluet. artic 18. Bohem. c. 8. Augustan artic 7. so Hierome Sauan●rola Thom●s Rhedonensis Wichleif Gulielmus O●ham c. As we hold the Pope to be Antichrist King Iames Expos of the Reuel So the Councell in Fran●e vnder Hugh Capet So Antoninus Marcidellis Mathias Parisiensis Marsilius Patauinus Rochetailada and in a manner all in the Catalogue before mentioned Of Justification AS wee hold that we are justified by Faith and not by Workes Synod Lond. artic 11. So C●nfess Heluet. 2. c. 16. Augustan artic 6. Bohem. c. 7. Weselus Groning Picus Mirandula Bernard A●nulphus c. vt supra About Priests Marriage AS wee hold it lawfull by the word of God for Bishops c. to Marrie Artic. 32. So Confess Heluet. artic 37. Bohem. c. 9. Wittemb c. 21. VValdenses artic 9. About Purgatorie AS wee reiect the opinion of Poperie as fond and ridiculous Synod Lond. artic 22. So Confess Helu c. 26. August artic 11. so the Waldenses artic 3. so Iohn Husse Wichleif and the most part of the aboue named c. About the Ciuill Magistrate AS wee hold that Kings and Princes haue the chiefest power in their Kingdomes both in causes Ciuill and Ecclesiasticall Synod Lond. art 37. so Confess Heluet. artic 26. Bohem. c. 16. Augustan artic 16. so Henry the 5. Emperour Frederich Barbarosia Taulerus Plesiano Ludo and the most of the rest aboue