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blood_n best_a ordinary_a pottage_n 30 3 15.4181 5 false
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A06913 Countrey contentments, or The English husvvife Containing the inward and outward vertues which ought to be in a compleate woman. As her skill in physicke, surgerie, extraction of oyles, banqueting-stuffe, ordering of great feasts, preseruing of all sorts of wines, conceited secrets, distillations, perfumes, ordering of wooll, hempe, flax, making cloth, dying, the knowledge of dayries, office of malting, oats, their excellent vses in a family, brewing, baking, and all other things belonging to an houshold. A worke generally approued, and now much augmented, purged and made most profitable and necessarie for all men, and dedicated to the honour of the noble house of Exceter, and the generall good of this kingdome. By G.M. Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637. 1623 (1623) STC 17343; ESTC S112049 175,630 246

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Ioynt or sinnewes sprung or strained A bath for broken bones A generall bath for clearing the skin and camforting the body A soueraine helpe for broken bones For any Feuer To expell heate in a Feuer The royall medicine for Feuers Another OF Oyle of Swallowes To make oile of cammomile To make oyle of La●endar To make smooth ●āds To make Doctor Steuens water Arestoratiue of Rosasol●● Additions to the Oyles To make oyle of Roses or Violetts To make oyle of Nutmeggs To make perfect oyle of Spyke To m●ke oyle of Masticke She must know all Hearbs Her skill in the Garden Transplanting of Hearbs Choice of seedes Prosperity of seedes Gathering of seeds OF Cookery and the parts thereof Of Sallats Simple Sallats Of compound Sallats Another compound Sallat An excellent boiled Sallet Of preseruing of Sallets The making of strange Sallats Sallats for shew only Of Friscases and Quelque choses Of simple Fricases Best Collops and Egges Of the compound friecases To make the best Tansey The best Fritters The best Pancake Veale toasts To make the best panperdie To make any quelquechose Additions to the houswifes Cookerie To make Fritters To make the best white Puddings Puddings of a Hogs Liuer To make bread Puddings Rice Puddings Another of Liuer Puddings of a Calues Mugget A Blood Pudding Linkes OF Boild meates ordinarie Pottage without sight of hearbs Pottage without hearbs Pottage with whole hearbs To make ordinary stewd broth A fine boild meate To boile a Mallard To make an excellent Olepotrige To make the best white broath To boile any wild Fowle To boile a legge of Mutton An excellent way to boile Chickens A broth for any fresh Fish Additions To boyle meates A Mallard smoard or a Hare or old Conie To stew a Pike To stew a Lambs head and Purtenance A Brest of Mutton stewed To stew a Neats foote Of Roast-meats Obseruations in roast meates Spitting of rost meates Temperature of fire The complexions of meats The best bastings of meates The best dredging To know when meat is enough Roasting mutton with oisters To roast a legge of mutton otherwise To rost a Gigget of Mutton To rost Oliues of Veale To roast a Pigge To roast a pound of butter well To roast a pudding on a spit To roast a chine of Beefe loyne of Mutton Larke and Capon at one fire and one instant To roast Venison To rost fresh Sturgeon Ordering of meates to be roasted To roast a Calues Vdder To roast a Fillet of Veale OF Sauces and first for a rost Capon or Turkie Sauce for a Hen or Pullet Sauce for Chickins Sauce for a Phesant or Patridge Sauce for a Quaile Raile or big bird Sauce for Pigeons A generall sauce for wild Fowle Sauce for greene geese Sauce for a stubble goose ●●uce for a ●wan Bitter Shoueler or large Fowle Sauce for a Pig Sauce for Veale Additions vnto Sauces Sops for Chickens Sauce for a Turkie The best Gallantine Sauce for a Mallard OF Carbonados What is to be carbonadoed The maner of carbonadoing Of the toasting of Mutton Additions vnto Carbonados A rasher of Mutton or Lambe To carbonado Tongues Additions for dressing of Fish To souce any fresh fish To boyle small fish To boyle a Gurnet or Rochet To bake a Carpe To bake a Tench To stew a Trout To bake Eeles Of The pasterie and baked meates Of the mixture of pasts Of puff past Of baking Red. deere or Fallow or any thing to keepe cold To bake beefe or mutton for Venison To bake a Custarde or Dowset To bake an Oliue pye To make a Marrow-bone Pie To bake a Chicken pie Additions to the Pasterie Venison of Hares To bake a Hare pie A Gammon of Bacon pie A Herring pie A Ling pie A Foolé A Trifle A Calues foote pie Oyster pie To recouer Venison that is tainted A Chewet pie A minc`t pie A Pippen pie A Warden pie or quince pie To preserue quinces to bake all the yeere A Pipin Tart. A codlin Tart. A Codling pie A Cheerrie Tart. A Rice Tart. A Florentine A Pruen Tart. Apple Tart. A Spinage Tart. A yellow Tart. A white Tart. An hearbe Tart. To bake a pudding pie A Whitepot Of banquetting stuffe and conceited dishes To make past of Quinces To make thin quince cakes To preserue Quinces To make Ipocras To make iellie To make Leache To make ginger bread Marmalad of quinces red Marmalad white To make Iumbals To make Bisket bread To make finer iumbals To make dry sugar leach To make Leach Lumbarde To make a fresh Cheese To make course ginger bread To make quince Cakes ordinary To make Cinamon sticks To make Cinamon water To make wormewood water To make sweete water Another way To make date Leache To make sugar Plate To make spice Cakes To make a Banbury Cake To make the best March Pane. To make paste of Genoa or any other paste To make any Conserue To make Conserue of Flowers To make Wafers To make Marmalade of Oranges Additions to Banqueting stuffe To make fine Cakes Fine bread To preseru● Quinces for kitchin seruice To make Epocras To preserue quinces Conserue of quinces To keepe quinces all the yeere Fine Ginger Cakes To make Sucket Course Ginger-bread Ordering of Banquets Ordering of great Feasts and proportion of expence OF Distillations The nature of waters Additions to distillations To distill water of the collour of the hearbe o● flower you desire To make aquauita Another excelent aquauitoe To make aqua composita A very principall aqua-composita To make the emperiall water To make Cinamon-water Sixe most pretious waters which Hypocrates made and sent to a Queene sometimes liuing in England The vertues of seuerall waters An excellent water for perfume To perfume Gloues To perfume a Ierkin To make Washing Bals. To make a muske Ball. A perfume to burne To make Pomanders To mke Vinegar To make dry vinegar To make veriuyce Additions to concei●ed secrets To make sweete powder for baggs To make sweete bags To make sweet water A very rare and pleasant Damaske water To make the best vinegar To perfume Gloues OF The ordring● preseruing and helping of all sorts of Wines and first of the choice of sweet Wines To make Muskadine and giue it a Fla●●r How to ●●auer Muskadine To aparill Muskadine when it comes new in to be fined in 24 houres To make white Bastard To helpe Bastard being eager To make Bastard white and to rid●way Laggs A remedie for Bastard if it pricke To make Malmsey To shift Malmsey and to rid away ill W●●es If Sack want his colour For Sack that is tawnie For Sack that doth rape and is browne To colour Sacke or any White-wine If Allegant be growne hard For Allegant that is sower How to order Renish wine Of what countries VVines are by their names Notes of gadging of Wines Oyles and Liquors The markes of gadging The Contēts of all manner of Gascoyne wine and others To chuse Gascoyne wines To remedy Clarret wine that hath lost the Colour A remedy for Gascoine wine that hath lost his colour A remedy for white wine that hath lost his colour For white wine that hath lost his colour A remedy for Clarret or white wine that drinks foule For red wine that drinke faint For red wine that wants colour To make Tyre If Ossey cōpleate or Caprock haue lost their colour Of mak●ng woollē cloth Of toasing wooll The dying of wooll To die wooll blacke To die wooll of haire colour To die wooll redde To die wooll blew To die a Puke To die a Sinder colour To die green or yellow Handling of wooll after dying The mixing of colours Mixing of three colours Of the oiling of wooll The quantity of Oile Of the tumming of wooll Of spinning wooll The diuersities in spinning Winding of woolle● yarn● Of warping Cloth Of weauing cloth walking dressing it Of linnen cloath The ground best to sow hemp on The tillage of the groūd Of sowing of hempe or flaxe Of weeding hempe and flaxe The pulling of hempe or flaxe The ripening of hemp and flaxe The watering of hemp or flaxe The time it shall lie in the water Of washing out of Hempe or Flaxe Speciall ordering of Flaxe The braking for Hempe Flaxe The drying of hēp or flaxe When it is brak't enough Diuersity of brakes Of swingling hempe and flaxe Vse of swingle tree first ●urds The second swingling Of beating hempe Of heckling hempe Dressing of hempe more fine Of heckling flaxe The dressing of flaxe to the finest vse Of the spinning of hempe Of reeling yarne Of the scowring of yarne Bucking of yarne Whitening of yarne Of winding yarne Of warping and weauing The scowring and whiting of Cloth Of Kine Bignesse of Kine Shape of Kine The breed of Kine Depth of milke in Kine Quantity of Milke Of the going dry of Kine Of the gentlenes of Kine Of kindlines in Kine The best time to calue in for the dairy or breede Roaring of Calues The generall vse of Dairies The howers of milking Manner of milking The ordering of milk Ordering of milk vessels Silling of milke Profits arising from milke Of butter Of fleeting Creame Of keeping Creame Of churming Butter and the daies Manner of churming Helps in churning The handling of butter Clensing of butter Seasoning of Butter Of May butter Of powdering vp or potting of Butter Of great dairies and their customes When to pot butter Vse of Buttermilke Of Butter-milke Curds Of Whigge Of Cheese Of the Cheslep bag or runnet Seasoning of the runnet To make a new-mike cheese compound Cheese of two meales Cheese of one meale Of f●●ttle Cheese Of floaten milk-cheese Of eddish cheese Of whey and the pr●fits Of whey curds Election of Corne for Malt. Of the Malt house and the situation Of Malt-flowres Imperfect Flowres Of the Kilne and the building thereof The perfit Kilne Bedding of the Kilne Of fuell for the drying of Malt The making of the Garners The making of cesternes The manner how to make Malt. The drying of Mault The dressing of Malt. Obseruations in the making of Malt. Of Oate-meale Vertue of Oates to Cattell Vertue of oates Making of oate-meale The vertues of oate-meale Diuersities of drinkes Strong beere Of ordinary ry Beere Of brewing ordinary Beere Of brewing the b●st March beere Brewing of strong ale Brewing of Bottle Ale Of making Perry or Cyder Of Baking Ordering of Meals Baking manchets Baking cheate bread Baking of brown bread Generall obseruations in the brew-hause and Bake-house