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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18586 The apprehension and confession of three notorious witches. Arreigned and by iustice condemned and executed at Chelmes-forde, in the Countye of Essex, the 5. day of Iulye, last past. 1589 With the manner of their diuelish practices and keeping of thier spirits, whose fourmes are heerein truelye proportioned. 1589 (1589) STC 5114; ESTC S119280 5,545 13

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her she had no leysure to giue her any Then Ioane Cunnye went away discontented and at night Finches wife was greeuously taken in her head and the next day in her side and so continued in most horrible paine for the space of a week and then dyed Mother Cunnye confessed that she sent her spirite Iill to torment her The same boy confessed that he was commaunded by his Grandmother to fetch a burden of wood which he gathered but another boye stole it from him and he came home without and tolde his Grandam and she commaunded her sprite to prick the same boy in the foote which was doone and the same boye came to the barre lame and gaue euidence against her Againe the same boy confessed that his Grandam when he had lost his wood saide she would haue wood enough and bad him goe into Sir Edward Huddlestones ground beeing high Sheriffe of the Sheere and to take with him Iack the sprite and so he did who went vnseene to any body but to the boy and when they came to a mighty Oke-tree the spirit went about it and presentlye the Tree blew vp by the roots and no winde at all stirring at this time which Master high Sheriffe acknowledged to be blown down in a great calme ¶ The confession of Ioan Vpney of Dagenham in the Countye of Essex who was brought before Sir Henrye Gray Knight the third of May. 1589. THis examinate saith that one Fustian Kirtle otherwise called White-cote a witch of Barking came to her house about seauen or eight yeeres agoe and gaue her a thing like a Moule and tolde her if she ought any body any ill will if she did bid it it would goe clap them She saith that Moule taryed not aboue a yeere with her but it consumed away and then she gaue her another Moule and a Toad which she kept a great while and was neuer without some Toades since till her last going away from her house when she confesseth she ranne away because she heard Iohn Harrolde and Richard Foster say she was a witch and urch other woordes She saith that one day another Toade went ouer her threshold as Richard Fosters wife was coming that way and it went and pinched her and neuer returned againe Other two Toades she left at home when she ran away but they consumed away She saith that her eldest Daughter would neuer abide to meddle with her Toades but her youngest daughter would handle them and vse them as well as her selfe The examination of Ioan Prentice one of the women of the Almes house of Hinningham Sibble within the saide County beeing taken the 29. of March in the 31. yeere of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lady Elizabeth Item the saide examinate saith further that about one moneth after the saide Ferrit came againe vnto her in the night time as she was sitting vpon a little stoole preparing her selfe to bed-ward as is aboue saide Ioan wilt thou goe to bed to whome she answered yea that I will by Gods grace then presently the Ferret leapt vp vpon her lap and from thence vp to her bosome and laying his former feete vpon her lefte shoulder sucked blood out of her lefte cheeke and then he saide vnto her Ioan if thou will haue me doo any thing for thee I am and wilbe alwaies ready at thy commaundement and ther-upon she beeing a little before fallen out with William Adams his wife of Hinningham Sibble aforesaide willed the Ferret to spoile her drinke which was then in brewing which he did accordingly Item the saide examinate furthermore saith and confesseth that the saide Ferret diuers times after appeered vnto her alwaies at the time when she was going to bed and the last time he appeered vnto her was about seauen weekes last past at which time she going to bed the Ferrit leapt vpon her left shoulder and sucked blood out of her lefte cheeke and that doone he demaunded of her what she had for him to doo To whō she answered goe vnto Maister Glascocks house and nippe one of his Children a little named Sara but hurt it not and the next night he resorted vnto her againe and told her that he had doon as she willed him namely that he had nipt Sara Glascock and that she should dye therof to whome she answered and saide thou villaine what hast thou doon I bid thee to nip it but a little and not to hurt it and hast thou killed the childe which speech beeing vttered the Ferrit vanished away suddenly and neuer came to her sithence Item she affirmeth that the occasion why she did will her Ferret to nippe the saide childe was for that she beeing the daye before at the house of the saide Maister Glascok to begge his almes answere was made to her by one of his maiden seruantes that both her Maister and Mistres were from home and therfore desired her to be contented for that time and therupon the examinate departed greatlye discontented and that night sent her Ferret to nip the childe as is abouesaide Item she saith and affirmeth that at what time soeuer she would haue her Ferret doo any thing for her she vsed these woordes Bidd Bidd Bidd come Bidd come bidd come bidd come suck come suck come suck and that presently he would appeere as is aforesaide and suckt blood out of her left cheeke and thenperfourmed any mischeefe she willed or wished him to doo for her vnto or against any of her neighbours Lastly the said examinate saith and confesseth that one Elizabeth Whale the wife of Michaell Whale of Henningham Sibble aforesaide labourer and Elizabeth Mott the wife of Iohn Mot of the saide Towne Cobler are as well acquainted with her Bidd as her selfe is but knoweth not what hurt they or any of thē haue doone to any of their neighbours WHen their inditements were read and their examinations also they stoode vpon their tearmes to prolong life yet to make the matters more apparant sundry witnesses were produced to giue euidēce against them and firste the Iudge of the circuite very wisely with a great foresight called in the two Basterd Children before mencioned and contended them greatlye for telling the trueth of that which he should aske them concerning their Grandam and their mothers which they did and hauing saide what they could together with the depositions of sundrye other witnesses they hauing confessed sufficient matter to proue the inditements The Iury found these bad women guiltie and that they had slaine Men women and Children And committed very wicked and horrible actions diuers and sundrye times and ther-upon the Iudge proceeded and pronounced the sentence of death against them as worthely they had deserued After they had receiued their iudgments they were conuayed from the Barre backe againe to Prison where they had not stayed aboue two howers but the officers prepared them-selues to conduct them to the place of execution to which place they led them and being come thether one Maister Ward a learned deuine beeing desired by the Iustices did exhorte these wicked women to repentance And perswaded them that they would shewe vnto the people the trueth of their wickednes and to call vpon God for mercy with penitent hartes And to aske pardon at his hands for the same some fewe prayers they saide after the precher but little els more then this that they had deserued to dye in committing those wicked sinnes and so tooke their deathes patiently Note that Mother Upney being inwardlye pricked and hauing some inward feeling in conscience cryed out saying that she had greeuously sinned that the deuill had deceiued her the deuill had deceiued her and that she had twice giuen her soule to the Deuill yet by the meanes of Gods spirite woorking in her and the paines which Maister ward tooke with her she seemed very sorry for y e same and died very penitent asking God the world forgiuenes euen to y e last gaspe for her wicked and detestable life FSNIS This witch had nine Spirits 1. of them were like vnto a black dog hauing the faces of a Toade These spirits belonging to this witch did sucke commonly vpon a sore leg which this mother Cunny had She had fower principall fpirits The first was Iack. The second was Iyll The third was Nicholas The fourth was Ned. Iack killed mankinde Iyll killed women-kinde Nicholas killed horses Ned killed Cattell Note how Gods spirit confoundeth the impes of wickednes