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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07410 Of two vvoonderful popish monsters to wyt, of a popish asse which was found at Rome in the riuer of Tyber, and of a monkish calfe, calued at Friberge in Misne. Which are the very foreshewings and tokens of Gods wrath, against blinde, obstinate, and monstrous Papistes. Witnessed, and declared, the one by Philip Melancthon, the other by Martyn Luther. Translated out of French into English by Iohn Brooke of Assh, next Sandwich.; De deux monstres prodigieux. English Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560.; Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. aut; Crespin, Jean, d. 1572.; Brooke, John, d. 1582. 1579 (1579) STC 17797; ESTC S107029 24,551 44

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a wonderfull sort either his wrath or 〈◊〉 And ch●efely the 〈◊〉 chaunges the encreasinges 〈◊〉 of Kingdomes and Empires As wée maye sée in Daniel the eight where after the fourth Monarch the kingdome of Antechrist is also foreshewed to the ende that all true faithfull men and Christians should bée admonished in good time and shoulde take heede of his trumperies and deceites and of his Idolatryes and execrable blasphemies and of all his diuine seruice the which hée hath so greatly and with such craft vnder the shewe and appearaunce of truth valued that it is to bée feared least that the elect and faithfull bée deceiued and wrapt in his errours as Iesus Christ saith Mathew Chapt 24. Euen so then God hath declared great meruailes and many monsterous tokens and signes duringe that barberous and pernicious domination And nowe hée hath sette foorth this horrible figure of this popish Asse ▪ whiche was founde dead at Rome in the ryuer of Tyber in the y●●●e of 〈…〉 thousande ●●●re hundreth foure score and si●téene And in the same he representeth and setteth out so properlye so opensye and cleerelye the manner of the Popes kingdome that it séemeth that mans industrye or cunninge coulde not make nor sette out one such figure ▪ Wherefore wée must confesse that God himselfe hath set foorth this abhominnable Popedome vnder one such figure for to make it to bée behelde and séene of men Truely this is not a figure which is for to signifie and declare any grace or fauour But it is a witnesse of a ●●●tible wrath● by the whiche GOD declareth his ho●t●●le indignation to this 〈…〉 call doth ●●ation of the Pope for 〈…〉 doth not onely 〈…〉 chast figure but also 〈…〉 ●isshapen members 〈…〉 First of all the heade of the Asse is a description of the Pope ▪ For the Churche is a spirituall bodye and kingdome assembled together in spirite And therefore it cannot nor ought not to haue a mannes head nor a visible Lorde But onely the LORD IESUS which formeth the heartes inwardlye by the holy Ghost by fayth kéepeth reneweth and gouerneth them as Lorde and head Contrary vnto these thinges the Pope hath made himselfe the visible and outwarde heade of the Churche And for that cause the Pope is signified by the heade of this Asse ioyned with a mannes bodye For as it is not séemely that a mannes bodye shoulde haue an Asses heade euen so is it altogether vnsmelye that the Pope of Rome shoulde bée the heade of the Church For the holy Scriptures doe vnderstande by the Asse the externall and carnall lyfe and the Elementes of the worlde As in the thirtéenth Chapter of Exodus And as much difference as there is betwéene the brayne of an Asse and the reason and witte of a man so muche difference there is betwéene the doctrine and ordinaunces of the Pope and the Doctrine and instruction of the sonne of God. For in the Popes kingdome there is nothinge but mannes traditions and ordinaunces whiche beare authoritie ▪ by the which hée hath enlarged his lymittes and boudes and hath exalted himselfe in dignitie These are the rockes vppon whiche hée is builded But as soone as he should heare the woord of Iesus Christ to sounde and that hée shoulde suffer that 〈…〉 preached hée shall sodothelye come to 〈…〉 this is the cause wherefore alwayes hée 〈◊〉 so muche the Counsells But although it bée not compared to the woorde of God and the holy Scriptures but onely to the naturall equitie and lyght of mans reason wée shall finde that his brayne is the brayne of an Asse The whiche the Canonistes themselues doe wytnesse settinge foorth this matter that a méere Canonist is a very Asse and a beast Their bookes doe confirme the same so cléerely and playnelye that hée which shall knowe them will not aske what is hée whome they call Asse For a Canonist is hée which hath studyed in decrées or in the right Canon the Popes Scholler hauing the Pope for his Schoolemaster Secondly the right hande lyke vnto the foote of an Elephaunt signifieth the spirituall gouernement of the Pope by the which hée amazeth and feareth all the weake and fearefull consciences And ●n very deede he hurteth and killeth an influit number of soules through so many decrées and intollerable ordinaunces that hée maketh by the which hée chargeth tormenteth and casteth downe the poore consciences with sinnes and terrible a●guishes without any necessitie or ●e●asion As the Elephaunt which is a beast very great and meruailous to behold which destroyeth treadeth downe and breaketh all that that he can lay foote vpon For what is the spirituall kingdome of the Pope but a cruell but therye and ●●aughter of consciences The which tormenteth burneth woundeth and destroyeth the soules after a tyrannicall sorte against the woorde of GOD constrayninge and compelling men to confesse him indusinge and per●●ading them to make vowes eyther of pouertie or of chastitie and others bringing in Masses full of impietie and vngodlynesse and false penaunces making promises and after breakinge them suffering and afterwarde forbidding establishing his pardons and bulles And finally tourning the soules from the true fayth and Christian lyfe for to leade them vnto a vaine and friuolous simulation of outward woorkes and vnto a false shewe of holynesse According to that which is sayde in Daniel Chapt viij He will put to death the people of the Saints And in the second Epistle to Timothe Chapter iiij But after their owne lustes shall they whose eares itch get them an heape of teachers and shall tourne their eares from the truth and shall bée giuen vnto fables For the right hand declareth the inward Ministery proper to the consciences and soules where it is expedient that the sonne of God our Lorde Iesus Christ do reigne after a gentle fashiō but this gratious Lord both exercise héere a pernicious vniust and cruell domination Thirdly the left hand which is the hand of a man signifieth the ciuile power of the pope The sonne of god hath manifestly forbidden that power or domination to the Prelates of the Church Luc. 22 chap. saying The kings of the Gentiles reigne ouer them they that beare rule ouer them are called gratious Lords But ye shall not be so Neuerthelesse the Pope through so many deceits engines crafts and enchauntments is mounted vnto so high power and authoritie through the instigation of the diuell that his ciuill Iurisdiction is no lesse then the most purssant King that one can finde But he hath more he gouerneth and hath vnder his féete all worldly Kingdomes and Empires as souereigne Lorde of Kinges and Princes whome hée hath ioyned to him for to amplyfie beautifie confirme and mainteine his barbarous and cruell power and authoritie And that is to the ende that the Prophecie of the eyght chapter of Daniell bée fulfilled saying Hée shall bée mightie and strong but not in his owne strengh
Of two VVoonderful Popish Monsters to wyt Of a Popish Asse which was found at Rome in the riuer of Tyber and of a Moonkish Calfe calued at Friberge in Misne ¶ Which are the very foreshewings and tokens of Gods wrath against blinde obstinate and monstrous Papistes Witnessed and declared the one by Philip Melancthon the other by Martyn Luther ¶ Translated out of French into English by Iohn Brooke of Assh next Sandwich ¶ These bookes are to be sould in Powles Churchyard at the signe of the Parat ¶ IOHN BROOKE VNto the Christian Reader AMong all the things that are to be seene vnder the heauens good Christian Reader there is nothing can stirre vp the minde of man which can engender more fere vnto the creatures then the horrible Monsters which are brought forth dayly contrary vnto the workes of Nature The which the most times doe note and demonstrate vnto vs the Ire and wrath of God against vs for our sinnes and wickednesse that we haue and doe dayly commit agaynst him But mans heart is so hardened that those his threatnings and foreshewings are reiected as though they were but fables Therefore many times the Elements haue bene and be the heraulds and executors of Gods Iustice as we do read in the viij chapter of Genesis that the waters ouerflowed the toppe of the highest mountaine xv cubites and drowned all the worlde except viij persons The fire in lyke manner as we do read in the xix chapter of Genesis consumed burned the Citie of Sodoma and Gomorra Also the earth as we may read in the xvi chap. of Numeri opened hir mouth and swallowed vp Chorah Dathan and Abiron Besides an infinite number of examples more which are to bee seene in the holy Scripture and all was done for the wickednesse sinnes of the people Therefore the rather to moue the harts of euery good christian to feare tremble at the sight of such prodigious monsters I haue taken vpon me to translate out of French into our English tongue these two monsters the one of a Popish Asle which was found at Rome in the yeare of our Lord. 1496. And the other of a Moonkish Calfe calued at Friberge in the yeare 1528. And the willinglyer for that Philip Melancthon Martyn Luther two godly and learned men haue interpreted vpon these two Monsters who were of such authoritie and credit that we must not thinke that they be forged and inuented Signifiyng that these two Monsters may well be compared vnto the Pope and his rablement of Cardinals Abbottes Bishops Priests Canons Moonks and Fryers as Gods messengers to giue warning vnto them that Gods wrath is redy at hād to destroy both him his kingdome with his whole rable of Cardinals Moonks shauelings disguising thēselues so against nature as these two Mōsters were For Sathā is a wyly Fox seeking all the meanes possible thorow his subtile practises to seduce and keepe still in ignoraunce error all Christendome Therefore let vs way diligently these his wonderous woorkes and repent in time from the bottome of our hearts of our sinnes and desire him to be mercifull vnto vs euer to kepe defend vs from such horrible Monsters AMEN ¶ IOHN CRESPIN VNTO ALL which feare the Lord. THere hath now bene a long time sithēce God hath not ceased to teach giue aduertismēts after diuerse sorts fashions to draw men frō their impieties detestable conuersations yet neuerthelesse the ingratitude of the worlde is so great that nothing followeth but a hardning of heart more then obstinate The Lord threatneth his threatnings are reiected as if they wer but fables He setteth foorth monstrous and feareful figures which were inough to make the Diuels themselues afraide And men doe see them and let them passe as if they touched them nothing at all Furthermore he declareth effectually that he threatneth not in vaine He declareth by terrible iudgements that he cannot suffer the contempt of his aduertisments Howbeit men haue their sences altogether dull in regard of that And of a thousand scātly ther are twaine which will open their eyes to consider and beholde the wonders of the Lord and to amende their lyues therby Beholde two monstrous figures which are set before vs And the two most excelent men to wit Philip Melancthon and Martin Luther who haue interpreted them are of sufficient authoritie to make men to vnderstand that those monsters are not forged and inuented fantasies The first is a general witnesse of the horrible vengeaunce of God ouer euery kingdome that exalteth it self by cruelty tyranny aboue the spirituall iurisdiction of the son of god And bicause that this tyranny is more liuely set forth by the dominatiō of the Pope thē by any other euen so this threatning is referred chiefely vnto that Romish Antechrist whom we doe see at this day yea in his latter age farre out of modestie that he setteth all the world together by the eares Who after that hee hath shewed his scales vppon his backe and feared them with his clawes feete nailes and talons cannot choose but cause that his Asses nose may be seene vncouer his whoorish brest and belly without all shame The ingratitude of men haue well deserued to fall into that brutishnesse They see the belly of a whoore naked yet neuerthelesse this is their owne God whom they feare and worship and vnto whom they doe homage with their kings Lords and Emperours Now for as much as the Moonkes are the principall proppes of that drunken and enchaunting harlot very fitte is happened this other monster in the likenesse of a Monkish Calfe hauing on him a coole who will playe his part as well as the Popish Asse Giuing all men to vnderstande what sanctitie hath chiefly blinded the eyes of the world to wit the holinesse of a disguised frocke and habite If all that which the coole toucheth be holy wherfore then shal not this enfrocked Calfe be holy as well as any reuerent Moonke that euer hath bene in the world And if in taking away the coole or frocke the Calfe remaineth but a Calfe what shall the Moonke remaine when his frocke coole shal be taken from him but that he is a Moonke for euery mans porredge pot But this it is so long as the Diuell shall be Prince of the world the world shal haue alwaies their eyes blinded But as for vs we doe feare such aduertisementes of God let vs consider diligently his wondrous woorkes and preuent the effectes of his iudgementes thorow true repentaunce ¶ THE POVRTRAYTVRE OR SHEW of a wonderfull Monster which was found at Rome in the yeare of our Lord 1496. ¶ A DECLARATION of the Monstrous figure of a Popish Asse which was founde at Rome in the Riuer of Tiber In the yeare of our Lorde God 1496. ¶ By Philip Melancthon GOD at all times doth liuely represent by certeine tokens and after