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A84524 A collection of the statutes made in the reigns of King Charles the I. and King Charles the II. with the abridgment of such as stand repealed or expired. Continued after the method of Mr. Pulton. With notes of references, one to the other, as they now stand altered, enlarged or explained. To which also are added, the titles of all the statutes and private acts of Parliament passed by their said Majesties, untill this present year, MDCLXVII. With a table directing to the principal matters of the said statutes. By Tho: Manby of Lincolns-Inn, Esq.; Public General Acts. 1625-1667 England and Wales.; Manby, Thomas, of Lincolns-Inn. 1667 (1667) Wing E898; ESTC R232104 710,676 360

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his Majesty that now is and not accompted for and discharged Iesuites Seminary and Romish Priests excepted And also excepted out of this Pardon all and every offence and offences committed or done by any Iesuit Seminary or Romish Priest whatsoever contrary to the Tenor or effect of the Statute made in the Seven and twentieth year of the Reign of the late Quéen Elizabeth Entituled An Act against Jesuits Seminaries Priests and other disobedient persons or of any part thereof and all out-lawries procéedings Iudgments and executions for the same offences or any of them Provided alwayes and be it Enacted by the authority aforesaid Writs of Cap. Utlagat may be di●●●ed against any person That it shall and may be lawfull to and for all and every Clerk and other Officer of the Courts at Westminster to award and make Writs of Capias Utlagatum at the suit of the party plaintiff against such persons out-lawed as be pardoned by this Act to the intent to compel the Defendant or Defendants to make answer to the plaintiff or plaintiffs at whose suit he or they were outlawed And that every person so out-lawed The party out-lawed may sue one a scire fac as against the Plaintiff shal sue a Writ of Scire facias against the party or parties at whose Suit he or they were so out-lawed before this pardon in that behalf shall be allowed him or them so out-lawed Provided and be it Enacted by the authority aforesaid That this Act of general pardon shall not in any wise extend to pardon any Out-lawries upon any Writ of Capias ad Satisfaciendum untill such time as the party so out-lawed shall satisfie Persons out-lawed upon capias ad satisfaciendum c. or otherwise agrée with the party at whose suit the same person was so out-lawed or condemned And also excepted out of this pardon all informations and other procéedings depending concerning any common Highwayes or Bridges and all issues returned upon any process concerning the same since the Thirtieth day of January Informations and proceedings concerning high-waies c excepted One thousand six hundred forty eight Except also all Recognizances Obligations and other securities given or entred into Since the five and twentieth of March One thousand six hundred and forty by any Receiver Réeve Bayliffe Collector or other accountant in the Court of the publick Exchequer and their sureties and their acounts respectively Provided alwayes and be it Enacted that this Act or any thing therein Contained Obligation and recognizance not yet forfeited shall not extend or be construed to Pardon or discharge any Recognizance Obligation or Bond which is not yet forfeited And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all Acts of Hostility and Injuries All acts of hostility injuries c. between the King and his Parliament to be put in perpetual oblivion whether betwéen the late King and the Lords and Commons then in Parliament assembled or betwéen any of the People of this Nation which did arise upon any Action Attempt Assistance Counsell or Advice having Relation unto or falling out by reason of the troubles or in the late Wars or publick differences betwéen the late King and Parliament or betwéen His now Majesty or any of Subjects and which are not in this Act excepted That the same and whatsoever hath ensued thereupon whether trenching upon the Laws and Liberties of this Nation or upon the Honor of His Majesty or upon the Honor or Authority of the Parliament or to the prejudice of any particular or private Person shall in no time from and after the four and twentieth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and sixty be called in question whatsoever be the quality of the person or of whatsoever kind or Degrée Civil or Criminal the In●ury is supposed to be And that no mention be made thereof in time to come in Iudgment or in Iudicial procéedings And to the intent and purpose that all names and terms of Distinction may be likewise put into utter Oblivion Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid The penalty upon any person that shall within 3. years use any words of reproach or disgrace tending to revive the memory of the late differences That if any person or Persons within the space of Thrée years next ensuing shall presume maliciously to call or alledge of or object against any other person or persons any Name or Names or other Words of Reproach any way tending to revive the Memory of the late Differences or the Occasions thereof That then every such person so as aforesaid Offending shall forfeit and pay unto the party grieved in case such party Offending shall be of the Degrée of a Gentleman or above Ten pounds and if under that Degrée The sum of forty shillings to be recovered by the party grieved by Action of Debt to be therefore brought in any of His Majesties Courts of Record wherein no Essoin protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed or any more then one Imparlance so as the same Action be commenced or prosecuted within six Moneths next after the Offence Committed And if the Iury sworn to try any Issue or Issues that shall be joyned in such Action shall find for the plaintiff they shall likewise give to every such Plaintiff Forty shillings Damages over and above the penalty aforesaid Provided alwayes that this Act or any thing therein contained shall not Extend Persons plotting or signing the Irish Rebellion excepted or give any benefit unto any person or persons who have had any hand in the Plotting Contriving or designing the great and heinous Rebellion in Ireland mentioned in one Act passed in the Parliament begun at Westminster the third day of November in the sixtéenth year of King Charles entituled An Act for the speedy and effectual Reducing of the Rebels in His Majesties Kingdom of Ireland to their due obedience to His Majesty and Crown of England Or in Aiding Assisting or Abetting the same Other then such as by another Act intended hereafter to be passed shall be therein Named mentioned or Expressed to be pardoned nor to Enure to Restore to any person or persons bodies politick or corporate other then the Marquess of Ormond Lord Steward of his Majesties Houshold and other the Protestants of Ireland and their Heirs and such other person and persons as in and by an Act intended hereafter to be passed shall be therein Named Mentioned or Expressed in that behalf any Estate Liberties Franchises or Hereditaments in England or Ireland sold or disposed of by both or either Houses of Parliament or any Convention assuming the Stile or Name of a Parliament or any person or persons deriving authority from them or any of them or which was approved or confirmed by them or any of them Nor to the Mean Profits Rents or Contingencies of advantage of the same Every person pardoned may plead the general Issue
or other the Kings Officers thereof shall before the First day of June next take their respective Corporal Oath and Oaths for the true and faithful execution and discharge to the best of their knowledge and power of their several Trusts and Imployments committed to their charge and inspection And that no person or persons shall hereafter be imployed or put in trust in the business of the Customs untill he shall first have taken his Oath as aforesaid And the Commissioners and principal Officers in the Port of London and the principal Officers in all other the out-ports or any two of them are hereby authorized to administer and give to all and every person or persons such Oath and Oaths as aforesaid and to cause the same to be Entred and Registred in the Custom-house of every respective Port where the person so taking the Oath as aforesaid shall have his residence and imployment Provided also and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Persons imployed about the Customs shall demand nor take any more then the fees due by Law That if any person imployed in his Majesties Customs shall demand or take any other or greater sum of money then by Law is now due or hereafter shall become due or shall put any Merchant or other person out of his turn without express order before or immediate approbation after from the person or persons who are or shall be appointed by his Majesty to manage his Customs or the superior Officers for the Customs or shall illegally detain the goods of any person or shall neglect or refuse to make re-payments and allowances which are or shall be due since the Four and twentieth day of June One thousand six hundred and sixty or shall not after notice given give out and execute his Warrant shall be lyable to double Costs and Damages And for the better increase of good and serviceable shipping Of what sise and burden Merchants Ships shall be and what men and ammunition they shall carry and securing the publick Trade and Commerce Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and every Merchant or other person that shall after the Nine and twentieth day of September One thousand six hundred sixty and two Export any Goods or Merchandizes from any Port of this Kingdom capable of a Ship or Vessel of two hundred Tun upon an ordinary full Sea to any part or place of the Mediterranean Sea beyond the port of Malaga or Import any Goods or Merchandize from the ports or places aforesaid to any port of this said Kingdom in any Ship or Vessel that hath not two Decks and doth carry less then sixtéen pieces of Ordnances mounted together with two men for each Gun and other Ammunition proportionable shall pay to our Sovereign Lord the King for all and every the Wares and Merchandizes so Exported or imported One per centum over and above the Rates and Duties of Subsidy of Tonnage and Poundage otherwise due and payable for the same Any thing in this Act before contained to the contrary notwithstanding Provided always Proviso for Ships exporting Fish that it shall and may be lawful to export from any of his Majesties Dominions Fish into any of the Ports of the Mediterranean Sea aforesaid in any English Ship or Vessel whatsoever Provided that one moyety of her full lading be Fish only and in such case to Import any Wares or Merchandize in the same Ship for that Voyage without paying any other Rates or Duties of Tonnage or Poundage for the same then were heretofore accustomed And for the better encouragement of building good and Defensible Ships Be it Enacted Encouragemen● for Building good and defensible Ships That all and every person or persons that shall within the space of Seven years from and after the Five and twentieth day of March One thousand six hundred sixty two build or cause to be built within any of his Majesties Dominions any Ship or Vessel of Thrée Decks or Two Decks and a half with a Fore-Castle and Five foot betwéen each Deck mounted with thirty pieces of Ordnance at least and other Ammunition proportionable shall for the first two Voyages which the said Ship or Ships make from his Majesties Dominions to any forreign parts have and receive to his and their own proper use and benefit one Tenth part of the Customs that shall be paid to His Majesty for all such Goods or Merchandizes as shall be Exported or Imported on the said Ship or Ships to and from this Kingdome And the Commissioners and Officers of His Majesties Customs are hereby impowered and required to pay the same to the Owner or Owners of the said Ship or Ships accordingly Salt brought out of Scotland to pay ob a Gallon Provided alwayes and be it hereby Declared and Enacted That from and after the Four and twentieth day of June One thousand six hundred sixty two All Salt which shall be brought out of the Kingdom of Scotland into this Kingdom the Dominion of Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed shall yield and pay and is hereby made chargeable to yield and pay unto the Kings Majesty One half penny upon every Gallon of such imported Salt of Winchester measure at the landing thereof Any thing in this present Act or any former or other Law Statute or Order to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding CAP. XII For the better Relief of the Poor of this Kingdom The occasion of increase of Poor WHereas the necessity number and continual increase of the Poor not only within the Cities of London and Westminster with the Liberties of each of them but also through the whole Kingdome of England and Dominion of Wales is very great and excéeding burthensome being occasioned by reason of some defects in the Law concerning the setling of the Poor and for want of a due provision of the regulations of relief and imployment in such parishes or places where they are legally setled which doth enforce many to turn incorrigible Rogues and others to perish for want together with the neglect of the faithfull execution of such Laws and Statutes as have formerly béen made for the apprehending of Rogues and Vagabonds and for the good of the Poor For remedy whereof and for the preventing the perishing of any the Poor whether young or old for want of such supplies as are necessary May it please your most Excellent Majesty that it may be Enacted and be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal Poor people going from one Parish to another and the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same That whereas by reason of some defects in the Law poor people are not restrained from going from one Parish to another and therefore do endeavour to settle themselves in those Parishes where there is the best Stock the largest Commons or Wastes to
Sir Seymour Shirley Baronet An Act for Setling the Moyety of the Mannor of Iron Acton on Sir John Pointz An Act for Setling an Estate in Trust for the benefit of Mistress Elizabeth Pride and her Children An Act for the Ascertaining the Bounds of the several Rectories of Swaffham St. Ciriac and of Swaffham St. Maries within the Town of Swaffham Prior in the County of Cambridge and for the Uniting of the two Churches there An Act for the Restoring of Francis Scawen Gent. in Bloud An Act for Naturalizing Dame Mary Frazer and others An Act to Enable a Sale of Lands for payment of the Debts of Henry Kendall Esquire An Act for Setling part of the Lands of Henry Mildmay Esquire deceased for payment of his Debts and making Provision for his Children An Act to Enable Leicester Grosvenor and his Trustees to Sell certain Lands for payment of Debts Anno Reg. CAROLI Regis Angliae Scotiae Franciae Hiberniae Primo AT the Parliament begun at Westminster the Eighteenth day of June Anno Dom. 1625. in the first year of the Reign of our most gracious Soveraign Lord CHARLES by the grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith c. And there continued untill the Eleventh day of July following and then adjourned until the first day of August following unto Oxford To the high pleasure of Almighty God and to the Weal publick of this Realm were enacted as followeth CAP. I. There shall be no Assemblies for unlawful Pastimes upon the Lords Day FOrasmuch as there is nothing more acceptable to God than the true and sincere Service and Worship of him according to his holy Will and that the holy kéeping of the Lords Day is a principal part of the true Service of God which in very many places of this Realm hath béen and now is prophaned and neglected by a disorderly sort of people in exercising and frequenting Bear-baiting Bull-baiting Enterludes common Playes and other unlawful Exercises and pastimes upon the Lords Day And for that many quarrels blood-sheds and other great inconveniences have grown by the resort and concourse of people going out of their own Parishes to such disordered and unlawful exercises and pastimes neglecting Divine Service both in their own Parishes and elsewhere Be it enacted by the Kings most excellent Majesty the Lords Spiritual and ●emporal and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same Vnlawful Writings and Pastimes on the Lords Day forbidden That from and after forty dayes next after the end of this Session of Parliament there shall be no méetings assemblies or concourse of people out of their own Parishes on the Lords Day within this Realm of England or any the Dominions thereof for any sports and pastimes whatsoever nor any Bear-baiting Bull-baiting Enterludes common Plays or other unlawful exercises and pastimes used by any person or persons within their own Parishes Every person using any unlawfull pastimes on the Lords Day shall forfeit 3 s. 4 d. to the poor of the Parish and that every person or persons offending in any the premisses shall forfeit for every offence thrée shillings four pence The same to be employed and converted to the use of the poor of the Parish where such offence shall be committed And that if any one Iustice of the Peace of the County or the chief Officer or Officers of any City Borough or Town corporate where such offence shall be committed upon his or their view or confession of the party or proof of any one or more witness by oath which the said Iustice or chief Officer or Officers shall by vertue of this Act have authority to minister shall find any person offending in the premisses the said Iustice or chief Officer or Officers shall give Warrant under his or their hand and seal to the Constables or Church-wardens of the Parish or Parishes where such offence shall be committed After conviction by Warrant from a Iustice c. the Constables c. may levy the P●na●●s c. General ●ss●● Limitation of this act●on The Ecclesiastical ●●●●●diction 〈◊〉 abridge● to levy the said penalty so to be assessed by way of distress and sale of the goods of every such offendor rendring to the said offendors the overplus of the money raised of the said goods so to be sold And in default of such distress that the party offending be set publickly in the stocks by the space of thrée hours And that if any man be sued or impeached for execution of this Law he shall and may plead the general Issue and give the said matter of Iustification in evidence Provided That no man be impeached by this Act except he be called in question within one moneth next after the said offence committed Provided also That the Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction within this Realm or any the Dominions thereof by vertue of this Act or any thing therein contained shall not be abridged but that the Ecclesiastical Court may punish the said offences as if this Act had not béen made This Act to continue until the end of the first Session of the next Parliament and no longer 3 Car. 4. continued until the end of the first Session of the next Parliament Stat. 3 Car. 1. 17 Car. cap. 4. continued until other Order by Parliament CAP. II. All Leases to be made within three years by the Kings Majesty of the Dutchy-Lands of Cornwall confirmed WHereas the King our Soveraign Lord being in the life-time of his Royal Father of blessed memory seized of the said Dukedom of Cornwall did bargain and contract for Leases and Estates to be made of divers Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments parcel of the said Dukedom of Cornwall which Leases and Estates his Majesty was enabled to have made in his Fathers life-time by an Act of Parliament made in the last Session of Parliament intituled An Act to enable the most excellent Prince Charles to make Leases of Lands 21 Jac. 29. parcell of his Highness Dutchy of Cornwall or annexed to the same And because his Majestie having received divers Fines and summes of Money according to the said Contracts and having entred into Treaty with divers others for like Estates the finishing of which Contracts and making the said Leases was prevented by his Majesties access to the Imperial Crown of this Realm is graciously pleased for the good of his poor Tenants of the said Dutchy Lands to procéed to the full accomplishment of the Contracts and Leases of the premisses All Leases to be made within three years by the King of the Dutchy Lands of Cornwall if all be good Be it therefore Enacted by our said Soveraign Lord the King the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of this present Parliament That all Leases to be made within the space of thrée years next ensuing by our said Soveraign Lord the King by Letters
all Statutes and Acts of Parliament Acts that are to have continuance shall remain in fo●ce which are to have continuance unto the end of this present Session shall be of full force after the said Adjournment until this present Session be fully ended and determined And if this Session shall determine by dissolution of this present Parliament then all the Acts aforesaid shall be continued until the end of the first Session of the next Parliament And all Statutes and Acts of Parliament When the Acts which are now to pass shall take effect which before the said Adjournment shall pass by his Majesties royal Assent shall be put in execution immediately after forty dayes after the said Adjournment notwithstanding that by the words or letter of the said Acts or any of them they be limited to take effect or be put in execution from or at any time after the end of this present Session Anno Reg. Caroli Regis Angliae Scotiae Franciae Hiberniae Tertio AT the Parliament began at Westminster the Seventeenth day of March Anno Dom. 1627. in the Third year of the Reign of our most gracious Soveraign Lord CHARLES by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith c. And there continued until the Twenty sixth day of June following and then prorogued unto the twentieth day of October next ensuing To the high pleasure of Almighty God and to the weal publick of this Realm were enacted as followeth A Declaration of divers Rights and Liberties of the People to the Kings most Excellent Majesty HVmbly shew unto our Soveraign Lord the King the Lords Spiritual and Temporal The Petition of Right and Commons in Parliament assembled That whereas it is declared and Enacted by a Statute made in the time of the Reign of King Edward the First 34 Ed. 1. commonly called Statutum de Tallagio non concedendo That no Tallage or Aid shall be laid or levied by the King or his Heirs in this Realm without the good will and assent of the Archbishops Bishops Earls Barons Knights Burgesses and other the Fréemen of the Commonalty of this Realm And by Authority of Parliament holden in the five and twentieth year of the reign of King Edward the third 25 Ed. 3. Rot. Parl. it is declared and Enacted That from thenceforth no person should be compelled to make any Loans to the King against his will because such Loans were against reason and the Franchise of the Land 1 Ed. 3. 6. 11 R. 2. 9. 1 R. 3. 2. And by other Laws of this Realm it is provided That none should be charged by any Charge or Imposition called a Benevolence nor by such like charge By which the Statutes before mentioned and other the good Laws and Statutes of this Realm your Subjects have inherited this Fréedom That they should not be compelled to contribute to any Tax Tallage Aid or other like charge not set by common consent in Parliament Yet nevertheless of late divers Commissions directed to sundry Commissioners in several Counties with instructions have issued by means whereof your People have béen in divers places assembled and required to lend certain sums of Money unto your Majesty and many of them upon their refusal so to do have had an Oath administred unto them not warrantable by the Laws or Statutes of this Realm and have béen constrained to become bound to make Appearance and give Attendance before your Privy Councel and in other places and others of them have béen therefore imprisoned confined and sundry other ways molested and disquieted And divers other Charges have béen laid and levied upon your People in several Counties by Lord-Lievetenants Deputy-Lievetenants Commissioners for Musters Iustices of Peace and others by command or direction from your Majesty or your Privy Councel against the Laws and frée Customs of this Realm 9. H. 3. 29. And where also by the Statute called The great Charter of the Liberties of England It is declared and Enacted That no Fréeman may be taken or imprisoned or be disseised of his Fréehold or Liberties or his frée Customs or be outlawed or exiled or in any manner destroyed but by the lawful judgement of his Péers or by the Law of the Land 28. Ed. 3. 3. And in the eight and twentieth year of the reign of King Edward the third it was declared and Enacted by Authority of Parliament That no man of what estate or condition that he be should be put out of his Land or Tenements nor taken nor imprisoned nor disherited nor put to death without being brought to answer by due process of Law St. 37. Ed. 3. 18. St. 38 Ed. 3 9. St. 42 Ed. 3. 3. St. 17. R. 2. 6. Nevertheless against the tenor of the said Statutes and other the good Laws and Statutes of your Realm to that end provided divers of your Subjects have of late béen imprisoned without any cause shewed And when for their deliverance they were brought before your Iustices by your Majesties Writs of Habeas corpus there to undergo and receive as the Court should order and their Kéepers commanded to certifie the causes of their detainer no cause was certified but that they were detained by your Majesties special command signified by the Lords of your Privy Councel and yet were returned back to several Prisons without being charged with any thing to which they might make answer according to the Law 25. Ed. 3. 9. And whereas of late great Companies of Souldiers and Mariners have béen dispersed into divers Counties of the Realm and the Inhabitants against their wills have béen compelled to receive them into their houses and there to suffer them to sojourn against the Laws and Customs of this Realm and to the great grievance and vexation of the People 25. Ed. 3. 9. And whereas also by Authority of Parliament in the five and twentieth year of the raign of King Edward the third it is declared and Enacted That no man should be fore-judged of life or limb against the form of the Great Charter and Law of the Land 9. H. 3. 28. 25. Ed 3. 4. 28. Ed. 3. 3 And by the said Great Charter and other the Laws and Statutes of this your Realm no man ought to be adjudged to death but by the Laws established in this your Realm either by the Customs of the same Realm or by Acts of Parliament And whereas no offendor of what kinde soever is exempted from the procéedings to be used and punishments to be inflicted by the Laws and Statutes of this your Realm Nevertheless of late divers Commissions under your Majesties great Seal have issued forth by which certain persons have béen assigned and appointed Commissioners with power and authority to procéed within the Land according to the Iustice of Martial Law against such Souldiers and Mariners or other dissolute persons joyning with them as should commit any Murther Robbery Felony Mutiny
one part of the Statute made in the five and twentieth year of the Reign of the late King Henry the eighth intituled an Act for the destruction of wild fowl which was repealed by a later Act in the Parliament holden in the third and fourth years of the reign of the late King Edward the sixth S● 3 4. El. ● 7. S● 21. Jac. 28. ● M. 5. and revived in the Parliament holden in the one and twentieth year of the Reign of the late King James and one Act made in the first year of the Reign of the late Quéen Mary for and concerning the making repairing and amendment of the common high-way and Causey in the Counties of Dorset and Sommerset betwéen the Towns of Shaftsbury and Sherborn St. ●1 ●● ●8 21 ●ac 6. 21 Jac. 18 in the County of Dorset and revived in the said one and twentieth year And also the several Acts hereafter mentioned made in the said one and twentieth year of the Reign of the late King James That is to say an Act intituled an Act concerning Women convicted of small felonies 4 Jac. 2. 21 Jac. 20. 21 Jac. 27. and one Act intituled an Act for the continuance of a former Statute made in the fourth year of the Reign of the said late King James intituled an Act for the true making of woollen clothes The 5● Statutes above mentioned continued untill the end of the first Session of the next Parliament and for some addition and alterations in and to the same together with so much of one Act made in the said fourth year as was in force the last day of the Session of Parliament holden in the said one and twentieth year and one other Act intituled an Act to prevent and reform prophane swearing and cursing and one Act intituled an Act to prevent the destroying and murdering of bastard Children by vertue of this Act shall be and continue until the end of the first Session of the next Parliament in force and effect as the same were the first day of the Session of Parliament 1 Car. 1. Continued Continued til some other Act be made for continuance or discontinuance of the said Act. Mat. 17 Car. cap. 4. When Corn may be transported Start 21 Jac. 28. holden in the first year of the reign of our Soveraign Lord the King that now is And be it also Enacted that one Statute made in the said first year of his Majesties Reign that now is intituled an Act for punishing of divers abuses committed on the Lords day shall continue in force untill the end of the next Session of Parliament Provided nevertheless that so much of every of the said Act as by any new Act made in this Session of Parliament are or shall be explained altered or repealed shall for so much thereof from the end of this Session of Parliament stand be in force as by those other Acts shall be ordained Provided also and be it further Enacted by the authority of this present Parliament That when the prises of Corn or Grains at the times Havens and Places when and where the said Corn or Grain shall be bought shipped or laden excéed not the rates hereafter following viz. the quarter of Wheat at thirty and two shillings the quarter the quarter of Rye at twenty shillings the quarter of Pease and Beans at sixteen shillings the quarter of Barley or Mault at sixtéen shillings of currant English money That then it shall be lawful for all and every person and persons being Subjects of the Kings Maiesty His Heirs and Successors and born within this Realm to carry and transport of his own and to buy to sell again in Markets and out of Markets and to kéep or sell or carry and transport any of the said Corns and Grains from the places where they shall be of such prices unto any part beyond the Seas in amity with his Majesty as Merchandize in Ships Crayers or other Vessels whereof any English born Subject or Subjects then shall be the owner or owners or the same to carry and sell in other places within this Realm or Dominion thereof Any Law Statute or Vsage to the contrary hereof notwithstanding And that the Kings Majesty The Custom and Punsdage of Corn. his Heirs and Successors shall have and receive by the Customers and Officers of his Ports for the Custom or Poundage of every quarter of Wheat to be transported by force of this Statute out of this Realm two shillings of every quarter of other grain sixtéen pence which said several sums so to be had and taken as Custom or Poundage shall be in full satisfaction of all manner of Custom or Poundage for the said Corn or Grain by any Constitution Order Statute Law or Custom heretofore made used or taken for transporting of any such manner of Corn or Grain or made in this present Session of Parliament or hereafter to be made The Kings Proclamation may restrain transportation of Corn. Provided alwayes and be it Enacted by the authority of this present Parliament That the Kings Majesty his Heirs and Successors may at all times by his and their Writ of Proclamation to be published generally in the whole Realm or in any of the Counties of this Realm where any Ports are command that no person shall by vertue of this Act transport or convey any manner of Grain out of his Highness Dominions generally or out of any special Ports to be in the said Proclamation particularly named for such time as shall be therein limited and appointed And it shall not be lawful for any person to carry out any such Grain contrary to the tenor of the said Proclamation upon such pains and forfeitures as by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm are and have béen provided and ordained in that behalf This Act or any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding Welsh Cottons Provided also and be it Enacted that no person or persons shall incur any penalty for want of length breadth or weight of Welsh Cottons under the price of 15 d. the yard or 2 s. the goad so as they be not mixed with hair or other deceitful stuff nor for any others above that price except they shall be mixed as aforesaid or shall shrink above the rate of half a yard in 12 yards of length or weigh less than fourteen ounces the yard or hold not full three quarters of a yard broad 16 E. ● ● And be it also Enacted by the authority aforesaid That that part of one Statute made in the fi●teenth year of the reign of the late King Richard the second by which it is ordained that no manner of Spicery after that it be brought into the Realm shall be carried out of the same Realm by Aliens nor by Denizens upon pain of forfeiture thereof And one Statute made in the sixteenth year of the reign of the late King Richard the second concerning Liveries 16 R. 2.
the Land and if any thing be done to the contrary it shall be void in Law and holden for error And by another Statute made in the six and thirtieth year of the same King Edward the Third 36 E. 3. c. 15. It is amongst other things Enacted That all pleas which shall be pleaded in any Courts before any the Kings Iustices or in his other places or before any of his other Ministers or in the Courts and places of any other Lords within the Realm shall be entred and inrolled in Latine And whereas by the Statute made in the third year of King Henry the seventh 3 H. 7. cap. 1. power is given to the Chancellor the Lord Treasurer of England for the time being and the Kéeper of the Kings Privy Seal or two of them calling unto them a Bishop and a Temporal Lord of the Kings most Honourable Councel and the two Chief Iustices of the Kings Bench and Common Pleas for the time being or other two Iustices in their absence to procéed as in that Act is expressed for the punishm●●● of some particular offences therein mentioned And by the Statute made in the One and t●●ntieth year of King Henry the Eighth 21 H. 8. cap. 20 The President of the Councel is associated to joyn with the Lord Chancellor and other Iudges in the said Statute of the third of Henry the seventh mentioned But the said Iudges have not kept themselves to the points limited by the said Statute but have undertaken to punish where no Law doth warrant and to make Decrées for things having no such Authority and to inflict heavier punishments then by any Law is warranted All matters ●●●minable in 〈◊〉 Star-Chamber ma● be ●●●●●nable and 〈◊〉 ●●o by the Common Law And forasmuch as all matters examinable or determinable before the said Iudges or in the Court commonly called the Star-Chamber may have their proper remedy and redress and their due punishment and correction by the Common Law of the Land and in the Ordinary course of Iustice elswhere and forasmuch as the reasons and motives inducing the erection and continuance of that Court do now cease and the procéedings Censures and Decrées of that Court have by experience been found to be an intolerable burthen to the Subject and the means to introduce an Arbitrary Power and Government And forasmuch as the Councel-Table hath of late times assumed unto it self a power to intermeddle in Civil causes and matters only of private interest betwéen party and party and have adventured to determine of the Estates and Liberties of the Subiect contrary to the Law of the Land and the Rights and Priviledges of the Subject by which great and manifold mischiefs and inconveniencies have arisen and happened and much incertainty by means of such procéedings hath béen conceived concerning Mens Rights and Estates For setling whereof and preventing the like in time to come Be it Ordained and Enacted by the Authority of this present Parliament Court of Star-Chamber and all its powers dissolved That the said Court commonly called the Star-Chamber and all Iurisdiction Power and Authority belonging unto or exercised in the same Court or by any the Iudges Officers or Ministers thereof be from the first day of August in the year of our Lord God One thousand six hundred forty and one clearly and absolutely dissolved taken away and determined and that from the said first day of August neither the Lord Chancellor or Kéeper of the Great Seal of England the Lord Treasurer of England the Kéeper of the Kings Privy-Seal or President of the Councel nor any Bishop Temporal Lord Privy-Councellor or Iudg or Iustice whatsoever shall have any power or authority to hear examine or determine any matter or thing whatsoever in the said Court commonly called the Star-Chamber or to make pronounce or deliver any Iudgment Sentence Order or Decrée or to do any Iudicial or Ministerial Act in the said Court And that all and every Act and Acts of Parliament and all and every Article clause and sentence in them and every of them by which any Iurisdiction power or Authority is given limited or appointed unto the said Court commonly called the Star-Chamber or unto all or any the Iudges Officers or Ministers thereof or for any procéedings to be had or made in the said Court or for any matter or thing to be drawn into question examined or determined there shall for so much as concerneth the said Court of Star-Chamber and the power and authority thereby given unto it be from the said first day of August repealed and absolutely revoked and made void And be it likewise Enacted Like Iurisdiction in several other Courts repealed and taken away That the like Iurisdiction now used and exercised in the Court before the President and Councel in the Marches of Wales and also in the Court before the President and Councel established in the Northern parts And also in the Court commonly called the Court of the Dutchy of Lancaster held before the Chancellor and Councel of that Court And also in the Court of Exchequer of the County Palatine of Chester held before the Chamberlain and Councel of that Court The like Iurisdiction being exercised there shall from the said first day of August One thousand six hundred forty and one be also repealed and absolutely revoked and made void any Law prescription custome or usage Or the said Statute made in the third year of King Henry the seventh Or the Statute made the One and twentieth of Henry the Eigth Or any Act or Acts of Parliament heretofore had or made to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding And that from henceforth no Court Councel No Court or Councel to have the like Iurisdiction or place of Iudicature shall be erected ordained constituted or appointed within this Realm of England or Dominion of Wales which shall have use or exercise the same or the like Iurisdiction as is or hath béen used practised or exercised in the said Court of Star-Chamber Be it likewise declared and Enacted by Authority of this present Parliament The King nor his privy Councel shall have no Iurisdiction over any mans estate That neither his Majesty nor his Privy-Councel have or ought to have any Iurisdiction power or authority by English Bill Petition Articles Libel or any other Arbitrary way whatsoever to examine or draw into question determine or dispose of the Lands Tenements Hereditaments Goods or Chattels of any the Subjects of this Kingdome But that the same ought to be tryed and determined in the ordinary Courts of Iustice and by the ordinary course of the Law And be it further provided and Enacted That if any Lord Chancellor Penalties upon great Officers and others for the first offence or Kéeper of the Great Seal of England Lord Treasurer Kéeper of the Kings Privy Seal President of the Councel Bishop Temporal Lord Privy Councellor Iudg or Iustice whatsoever shall offend or do
Majesty his Heirs or Successors And all Powers and Authorities Granted or pretended or mentioned to be Granted thereby and all Acts Sentences and Decrées to be made by vertue or colour thereof shall be utterly void and of none effect CAP. XII A Subsidy Granted to the King of Tunnage and Poundage Tunnage and Poundage and other sums of Money payable upon Merchandize Exported and Imported from the 15th of July 1641. to the 10th of August next EXP. CAP. XIII Such Monies secured as are or shall be due to the Inhabitants of the County of York and the other adjoyning Counties for the Billet of the Souldiers and to certain Officers of the Army who forbear part of their pay according to an Order in that behalf made in the Commons House of Parliament this present Session for such part of their pay as they shall so forbear EXP. CAP. XIV The late Preceedings touching Ship-money declared unlawful and all Records and Process concerning the same made void Ship●rits VVHereas divers Writs of late time issued under the Great Seal of England commonly called Ship-Writs for the charging of the Ports Towns Cities Burroughs and Counties of this Realm respectively Certioraries to provide and furnish certain Ships for his Majesties service Mittimus And whereas upon the Execution of the same Writs and Returns of Certioraries thereupon made and the sending the same by Mittimus into the Court of Exchequer Process hath béen thence made against sundry persons pretended to be charged by way of Contribution for the making up of certain sums assessed for the providing of the said Ships and in especial in Easter Term Scire facias against John Hampden Esquire Demurrer in the thirtéenth year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord the King that now is a Writ of Scire facias was awarded out of the Court of Exchequer to the then Sheriff of Buckingham-Shire against John Hampden Esquire to appear and shew cause why he should not be charged with a certain sum so assessed upon him upon whose appearance and demurrer to the procéedings therein the Barons of the Exchequer adjourned the same case into the Exchequer-Chamber where it was solemnly argued divers dayes and at length it was there agréed by the greater part of all the Iustices of the Courts of Kings Bench and Common Pleas and of the Barons of the Exchequer there assembled That the said John Hampden should be charged with the said sum so as aforesaid assessed on him The main grounds and reasons of the said Iustices and Barons which so agréed being that when the good and safety of the Kingdom in general is concerned and the whole Kingdom in danger the King might by Writ under the Great Seal of England command all the Subjects of this His Kingdome at their charge to provide and furnish such manner of Ships with Men Victuals and Munition and for such time as the King should think fit for the defence and safeguard of the Kingdom from such danger and peril and that by Law the King might compel the doing thereof in case of refusal or refractorinses and that the King is the sole Iudg both of the danger and when and how the same is to be prevented and avoided according to which grounds and reasons all the Iustices of the said Courts of Kings Bench and Common Pleas and the said Barons of the Exchequer having béen formerly consulted with by his Maiesties command Extrajudicial Opinion had set their hands to an extraiudicial opinion expressed to the same purpose which Opinion with their names thereunto was also by his Majesties command inrolled in the Courts of Chancery Kings Bench Common Pleas and Exchequer and likewise entred among the Remembrances of the Court of Star-Chamber Iudgment and according to the said agréement of the said Iustices and Barons Iudgment was given by the Barons of the Exchequer That the said John Hampden should be charged with the said sum so assessed on him And whereas some other Actions and Proces depend and have depended in the said Court of Exchequer and in some other Courts against other persons for the like kind of charge grounded upon the said Writs commonly called Shipwrits all which Writs and procéedings as aforesaid were utterly against the Law of the Land Shipmoney proceedings thereupon contrary to Law Be it therefore declared and Enacted by the Kings most excellent Majesty and the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That the said charge imposed upon the Subject for the providing and furnishing of Ships commonly called Ship-money and the said extrajudicial opinion of the said Iustices and Barons and the said Writs and every of them and the said agréement or opinion of the greater part of the said Iustices and Barons and the said judgment given against the said John Hampden were and are contrary to and against the Laws and Statutes of this Realm the right of property the liberty of the Subjects former resolutions in Parliament and the Petition of Right made in the third year of the Reign of his Maiesty that now is St. 3 Car. 1. Petition of right to be observed And it is further declared and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and every the particulars prayed or desired in the said Petition of Right shall from henceforth be put in execution accordingly and shall be firmly and strictly holden and observed as in the same Petition they are prayed and expressed and that all and every the Records and remembrances of all and every the Iudgment Iudgments proceedings touching ship-money and all entries records inrolments thereof made void Inrolments Entry and procéedings as aforesaid and all and every the procéedings whatsoever upon or by pretext or colour of any of the said Writs commonly called Ship-Writs and all and every the Dependents on any of them shall be Déemed and Adiudged to all intents constructions and purposes to be utterly void and disannulled and that all and every the said Iudgment Inrolments Entries Procéedings and Dependents of what kind soever shall be vacated and cancelled in such manner and forme as Records use to be that are vacated CAP. XV. Touching Incroachments and Oppressions in the Stannary Courts WHereas King EDWARD the first of famous memory did for the Amendment of the Stannaries in the County of Devon E. 1. Charter grant divers Franchises and Liberties to the Tinners there And whereas in the Parliament in the fiftieth year of King EDWARD the third upon the petition of the Commons of the County of Devon certain Branches and Articles of the said Charter were explained in manner following That is to say whereas one Article of the said Charter is in these words following Explained 50 E. 3. viz. Sciatis nos ad emendationem Stannariarum nostrarum in Com. Devon ad tranquilitatem utilitatem Stannatorum nostrorum praedictorum earundem Concessisse pro nobis haeredibus
and are hereby from henceforth Discharged And also the Kings Majesty is contented That it be further Enacted by Authority of this present Parliament and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That this His said Frée Pardon Indempnity and Oblivion shall be as good and effectual in the Law to every of his said Subjects Bodies Corporate and others before rehearsed in for and against all things which be not hereafter in this present Act Excepted and Foreprized as the same Pardon Indempnity and Oblivion should have béen if all Offices Contempt Forfeitures Causes Matters Suits Quarrels Iudgments Executions Penalties and all other things not hereafter in this present Act Excepted and Foreprized had béen particularly singularly especially and plainly named rehearsed and specified and also pardoned by proper and express Words and Names in their Kinds Natures and Qualities by Words and Terms thereunto requisite to have béen put in and expressed in this present Act of Frée Pardon Indempnity and Oblivion And that his said Subjects nor any of them nor the Heirs Executors or Administrators of any of them nor the said Bodies Corporate and others before named and rehearsed nor any of them be nor shall be Sued Vexed or Inquieted by or on the behalf of the Kings Majesty his Heirs or Successors in their Bodies Goods Chattels Lands or Tenements for any manner of Matter Cause Contempt Misdemeanor Forfeiture Trespass Offence or any other thing Suffered Done or committed before the said twenty fourth day of June One thousand six hundred sixty against His late Majesty King Charles or His Majesty that now is His Crown Dignity Prerogative Laws or Statutes but onely for such Matters Causes and Offences as be Excepted and Foreprized by this present Act out of the same any Statute or Statutes Laws Customs or Vsages heretofore had made or used to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding And that all and every the Kings said Subjects and all and singular Bodies Corporate and others before rehearsed may by him or themselves or by his or their Deputy or Deputies or by his or their Attorney or Attorneys according to the Laws of this Realm plead and minister this present Act of Frée Pardon for his or their Discharge of or for any thing that is by vertue of this present Act Pardoned Discharged Given or Granted without any Fée or other thing paying to any person or persons for wriiing or entry of the Iudgements or other cause concerning such Plea Writing or Entry but onely sixtéen pence to be paid to the Officer or Clerk that shall enter such Plea Matter or Iudgement for the Parties Discharge in that behalf any Law Statute Vsage or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding And furthermore the Kings Majesty is contented and pleased that it be Enacted This Pardon c. to be expounded in all Courts most beneficial for the Subject and be it Enacted by the authority aforesaid That this His said Frée Pardon Indemntty and Oblivion by the general Words Clauses and Sentences before rehearsed shall be reputed déemed adjudged expounded allowed and taken in all manner of Courts of his Highness and elsewhere beneficial and available to all and singular the said Subjects Bodies Corporate and others before rehearsed and to every of them in all things not in this present Act excepted or foreprized without any ambiguity question or other delay whatsoever it shall be to be made pleaded objected or alleadged by the King our Soveraign Lord His Heirs or Successors or by His or any of their general Attorney or Attorneys or by any person or persons for his Highness or any of His Heirs or Successors And furthermore be it Enacted by the King our Soveraign Lord The Penalty of any Officer c. that shall go about to disquiet or trouble any person pardoned by this Act. and the authority aforesaid That if any Officer or Clerk of any of His Highness Courts commonly called the Chancery Kings-Bench and Common-pleas or of his Exchequer or any other Officer or Clerk of any other of His Highness Courts within this Realm at any time of the passing of this present Act make out or write out any manner of Writs Process Summons or other Precepts whereby any of the said Subjects or of the said Bodies Corporate or others before rehearsed or any of them shall be in any wise arrested attached distrained summoned or otherwise vexed inquieted or grieved in his or their Bodies Lands Tenements Goods or Chattels or in any of them for or because of any manner of thing pardoned or discharged by vertue of this Act of Frée Pardon Or if any Sheriff or Escheator or any of their Deputy or Deputies or any Bayliff or other Officer whatsoever by colour of his or their Office or otherwise after the passing of this present Act do levy receive take or withhold of or from any person or persons any thing pardoned or discharged by this Act That then every such person so offending and thereof lawfully convicted or condemned by any sufficient testimony witness or proof shall yield and pay for recompence thereof to the party so grieved or offended thereby his or their treble damages besides all costs of the Suit and shall also forfeit and lose to the Kings Majesty for every such default ten pounds And nevertheless all and singular such Writs Process and Precepts so to be made for or upon any manner of thing pardoned or discharged by this present Act of Frée Pardon Indemnity and Oblivion shall be utterly void and of none effect Except and alwayes foreprized out of this Frée and General Pardon Exceptions out of his Pardon All Murder not comprised in the first clause of this Pardon excepted Pyracy excepted Buggery Rapes and wilful taking away any Maid excepted all Murders done or committed by any person or persons other then such which are pardoned and discharged in the first clause of pardon above mentioned And also excepted and alwayes foreprized out of this General and Frée Pardon all and every the offences of Piracy and Robbery upon the Seas not done in relation to the Diffrences and Wars aforesaid and every procuring or abetting of any such Offendors and the comforting and receiving of them or any of them or any goods taken by way of such Piracy or Robbery upon the Seas as aforesaid And also excepted the detestable and abominable Vice of Buggery committed with Mankind or Beast And also excepted all Rapes and carnal Ravishments of Woman And also excepted all Ravishments and wilful taking away or marrying of any Maid Widow or Damsel against her will or without the assent or agréement of her Parents or such as then had her in custody and also all Offences of aiding comforting procuring and abetting of any such Ravishment wilful taking or Marrying had committed or done And also excepted all Offences made Felony by a certain Act made and ordained Entiuled Double Marriages excepted Witchcraft excepted Accompts of certain Treasurers and Receivers
priviledges of Parliament and both Houses thereof now Assembled or that hereafter shall be called and assembled Provided alwayes and be it enacted That all and every pretended Indictment or Indictments Out-lawries Inquisitions and all Procéedings thereon of High Treason against any Person or Persons whatsoever for Levying War against the late Tyrant Oliver Cromwell the pretended Kéepers of the Liberty of England or any other Vsurped Power Indictments of Treasons c. for levying wars against Oliver Cromwell c. made void shall be from henceforth void and of none effect in Law And that all Grants Conveyances Leases Devices Assurances Statutes Recognizances and Iudgments for Debt Damages heretofore had made or suffered by any person or his heirs whose Conviction Vtlagary or Attainder is by this Act discharged or made void shall be of the same force and effect as if no such Conviction Outlawry or Attainder had béen Stat. 13 Car. 2. cap. 7. CAP. XIII None shall take above Six Pounds for the loan of an Hundred Pounds for a Year Abatement of interest advantagious to Trade FOrasmuch as the Abatement of Interest from Ten in the Hundred in former times hath béen found by notable experience Beneficial to the Advancement of Trade and Improvement of Lands by good Husbandry with many other considerable advantages to this Nation especially the reducing of it to a nearer Proportion with Forreign States with whom We Traffique And whereas in fresh memory the like fall from Eight to Six in the Hundred by a late constant practise hath found the like Success to the general contentment of this Nation as is visible by several Improvements And whereas it is the endeavour of some at present to reduce it back again in practice to the allowance of the Statute still in force to Eight in the Hundred to the great discouragement of Ingenuity and Industry in the Husbandry Trade and Commerce of this Nation The penalty and forfeiture of taking above six in the hundred Be it for the Reasons aforesaid Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty and the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled That no Person or Persons whatsoever from and after the Twenty Ninth day of September in the Year of our Lord One thousand six hundred and sixty upon any Contract shall from and after the said Twenty Ninth of September take directly or indirectly for Loan of any Monies Wares Merchandise or other Commodities whatsoever above the value of Six Pounds for the Forbearance of one Hundred Pounds for a Year and so after that Rate for a greater or lesser Sum or for a longer or shorter time And that all Bonds Contracts and Assurances whatsoever made after the time aforesaid for payment of any Principal or money to be lent or covenanted to be performed upon or for any Vsury whereupon or whereby there shall be reserved or taken above the Rate of Six pounds in the Hundred as aforesaid shall be utterly void And that all and every person or persons whatsoever which shall after the time aforesaid upon any Contract to be made after the said Twenty Ninth of September take accept and receive by way or means of any corrupt Bargain Loan Exchange Cheivisaunce Shift or Interest of any Wares Merchandise or other thing or things whatsoever or by any deceitful way or means or by any covin engine or deceitful conveyance for the forbearing or giving day of payment for one whole year of and for their money or other thing above the sum of six pounds for the forbearing of One hundred pounds for a year and so after that Rate for a greater or lesser Sum or for a longer or shorter Term shall forfeit and lose for every such offence the treble value of the moneys wares merchandise and other things so Lent Bargained Sold Exchanged or Shifted The Forfeiture of a Scrivener that shall take above five shillings for the forbearance of an hundred pounds for a year and above twelve pence for making a Bond. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and every Scrivener and Scriveners Broker and Brokers Solicitor and Solicitors Driver and Drivers of Bargains for Contracts who shall after the said Twenty ninth day of September take or receive directly or indirectly any sum or sums of money or other reward or thing for Brokage Soliciting Driving or Procuring the Loan or forbearing of any sum or sums of money over and above the Rate or Value of five shillings for the Loan or forbearing of one hundred pounds for a year and so rateably or above Twelve pence for making or renewing of the Bond or Bill for the Loan or for forbearing thereof or for any Counter-Bond or Bill concerning the same shall forfeit for every such Offence Twenty pounds and have Imprisonment for half a year The one moyety of all which Forfeitures to be to the King our Soveraign Lord his Heirs and Successors And the other moyety to him or them that will sue for the same in the same County where the several Offences are committed and not elsewhere by Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information in which no Essoign Wager of Law or Protection to be allowed Stat. 13 Car. 2. cap. 13. CAP. XIV A Perpetual Anniversary Thanksgiving on the Nine and twentietth day of May for His Majesties Happy Restauration The wonderful Power and Goodness of God in the Restauration● of his Majesty FOrasmuch as Almighty God the King of Kings and sole Disposer of all Earthly Crowns and Kingdoms hath by his All-swaying Providence and Power miraculously demonstrated in the view of all the World his Transcendent Mercy Love and Graciousness towards His most Excellent Majesty CHARLES the Second by his Especial Grace of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the true Faith and all his Majesties Loyal Subjects of this his Kingdom of England and the Dominions thereunto annexed by his Majesties late most wonderful glorious peaceable and joyful Restauration to the actual possession and exercise of his undoubted hereditary Soveraign and Regal Authority over them after sundry years forced extermination into Forreign parts The unanimous and cordial affection of the Lords and Commons in Parliament and People in general by the most Trayterous Conspiracies and Armed Power of Vsurping Tyrants and execrable perfidious Traytors and that without the least opposition or effusion of blood through the unanimous cordial Loyal Votes of the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and passionate desires of all other his Majesties Subjects which unexpressible Blessing by Gods own most wonderful Dispensation was compleated on the Twenty Ninth day of May last past being the most memorable Birth-Day not onely of his Majesty both as a Man and Prince but likewise as an Actual King and of this and other His Majesties Kingdoms all in a great measure new born and raised from the dead on this most joyful Day wherein many Thousands of the Nobility Gentry Citizens
and fifty pounds or any part thereof by him advanced upon the Credit of several Orders of this present Parliament and by them charged on the receipt of the Grand Excise that is to say the sum of Five thousand pounds payable to his Majesties Surveyor-General for the repair of his Majesties houses charged by vertue of an Order of the sixth of September 1660. with Interest for the same the sum of ten thousand pounds advanced to her Highness the Princes Royal being charged with Interest by an Order of the 13th of September 1660. the sum of ten thousand pounds payable to her Majesty the Quéen of Bohemia being charged together with Interest by an Order of the 13th of September 1660. the sum of thrée thousand four hundred and fifty pounds payable for Provisions for Dunkirk by Order of the 26th of November 1660. which sum of twenty eight thousand four hundred and fifty pounds together with Interest for the same according to the tenor of the said Orders after the rate of six per Cent. shall be paid to the said Edward Backwell or his Assigns out of the Grand Excise and the Arrears thereof in course as is by the said Orders appointed and in case the same shall fall short in payment by the Twenty fifth of December One thousand six hundred and sixty that then the remainder shall continue secured to him out of the whole Excise in course as aforesaid and that no other payments be made out of the Excise but what is appointed by this present Parliament in course to precede the same untill the said debt due to the said Edward Backwell be satisfied and that in case any part of the monies due to Alderman Backwell be paid out of that part of the Excise which shall grow due to the Kings Majesty that then his Majesty shall be reimbursed the same out of the first monies that shall come in of the Arrears of Excise that will be due the said twenty fifth of December Stat. 13 Car. 2. cap. 7. CAP. XXV The Selling of Wines by Retail and for preventing Abuses in the Mingling and Corrupting of Wines and for setting the Prices thereof FOR the better Ordering of Selling of Wines by Retail in Taverns and other places and for the preventing of Abuses therein Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the consent of the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same That no person or persons whatsoever from and after the Five and twentieth day of March one thousand six hundred sixty one unless he or they be authorized and enabled in manner and form as in this present Act is prescribed and appointed shall sell or utter by retail that is by the Pint Quart Pottle or Gallon or by any other greater or lesser retail measure any kind of Wine or Wines to be drunk or spent within his or their Mansion-houses or houses or such other place in his or their tenure or occupation or without such Mansion-house or houses or such other place in his or their tenure or occupation by any colour craft or mean whatsoever The penalty of unlawful uttering wine by retail upon pain to forfeit for every such offence the sum of five pounds the one moyety of every such penalty to be to our Soveraign Lord the King the other moyety to him or them that will sue for the same by Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information in any of the Kings Courts of Record in which Action or Suit no Essoign Wager of Law or Protection shall be allowed And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall and may be lawful to and for his Majesty his Heirs and Successors from time to time His Majesty may issue out Commissions to license the uttering wine to issue out under His or their Great Seal of England one or more Commission or Commissions directed to two or more persons thereby Authorizing them to License and give Authority to such person or persons as they shall think fit to sell and utter by retail all and every or any kind of Wine or Wines whatsoever to be drunk and spent as well within the house or houses or other place in the tenure or occupation of the party so Licensed as without in any City Town or other place within the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Town and Port of Berwick upon Tweed and such persons as from time to time or at any time hereafter shall be by such Commission or Commissions as aforesaid in that behalf appointed shall have power and authority and hereby have power and authority to treat and contract for License authority and dispensations to be given and granted to any person or persons for the selling and uttering of Wines by retail in any City Town or other place as aforesaid according to the rules and directions of this present Act and the true intent and meaning thereof and not otherwise any Law Statute Vsage or Custome to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid His Majesties Agents for granting wine Licenses may grant Licenses not exceeding 21 years if the person so long live Rent reserved but no ●ine to be taken That such persons as shall be Commissioned and appointed by his Majesty his Heirs or Successors as aforesaid shall be and be called His Majesties Agents for granting Licenses for the selling and uttering of Wine by retail And his Majesties said Agents are hereby authorized and enabled under their Seal of Office the same to be appointed by his Majesty to grant Licence for the selling and uttering of Wines by retail to any person or persons and for any time or term not excéeding 21 years if such person and persons shall so long live and for such yearly rent as they can or shall agrée and think fit so as no Fine be taken for the same But that the rent and sums of money agréed upon and reserved be paid and answered half yearly by equal portions during the whole Term. Licenses only to such as personally use the Trade And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That such Licence shall not be given or granted but to such who shall personally use the Trade of selling or uttering of Wines by retail or to the Landlord and owner of the house where the person using such Trade shall sell and utter Wine by retail Wine Licenses not assignable The King may appoint Officers as he shall think fit nor shall the same be assignable nor in any wise beneficial or extensive to indemnify any person against the penalties of this present Act except the first taker And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall and may be lawful to and for his Majesty His Heirs and Successors to constitute and appoint such and so many other Officers and Ministers as a Receiver Register Clerk Controller Messenger
shall graciously be pleased to pardon him And if his Majesty shall grant his pardon to any Péer of this Realm or Commoner convicted of any offence against this Act after such Pardon granted the Péer or Commoner so pardoned shall be restored to all intents and purposes as if he had never béen convicted any thing in this Law to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding CAP. II. An Act of Parliament Entituled An Act for dis-enabling all persons in Holy Orders to exercise any Temporal Jurisdiction or Authority Repealed WHereas at the Parliament begun at Westminster the Third day of November in the Sixtéenth year of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord King Charles of blessed memory since deceased an Act of Parliament was made Entituled An Act for dis-enabling all persons in Holy Orders to exercise any Temporal Jurisdiction or Authority Stat. 17 Car. 1. cap. 27. Rep. Which Act hath made several alterations prejudicial to the constitution and ancient Rights of Parliament and contrary to the Laws of this Land and is by experience found otherwise inconvenient Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That the said Act Entituled An Act for dis-enabling all persons in holy Orders to exercise any Temporal Jurisdiction or Authority and every clause matter and thing therein contained shall be and is hereby from henceforth repealed annulled and made void to all intents and purposes whatsoever CAP. III. All such Monies Goods and other things which were Received Levied or Collected in these late Times and are remaining in the hands or possession of any Treasurers Receivers Collectors or others not pardoned by the Act of Oblivion declared to be Vested and setled in His Majesty WHereas divers Doubts have béen made whether or no the Monies Goods Chattels and other things excepted to be accounted for in the Act of Frée and General Pardon Indempnity and Oblivion made and passed in the Parliament begun at Westminster the Five and twentieth day of April in the Twelfth year of your Majesties Raign do belong unto and of right are in your Majesty for that the same were not levied received collected or taken by your Majesties Authority or to your Majesties use For remedy and clearing whereof Goods and Monies levied since the 30. of Ian. 1642. and not pardoned are vested in his Majesty We the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament humbly beséech your Majesty that it may be Enacted and be it Declared Enacted and Ordained by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament and by the Authority thereof That all and every sum and sums of Money Goods Plate Iewels Horses Arms Ammunition and other things whatsoever levied received or taken sithence the Thirtieth of January One thousand six hundred forty two by any of the late pretended Authorities or by pretence or colour of any Power or Authority derived or pretended to be derived from them or any of them for any publick use which are not pardoned by the said Act which are not otherwise vested and setled in the Kings Majesty and all Bonds Obligations Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 11. and other Securities entred into for the same or any part thereof be and are hereby vested and setled in the Kings Majesty his Heirs and Successors and that his Sacred Majesty his Heirs and Successors may from time to time and at all times hereafter have demand sue for and recover the same of all and every person and persons their Heirs Executors and Administrators who are accountable for the same or in whose hands or possessions soever the same were or are as if the same had béen levied received collected or taken in his Majesties Name by Authority from his Majesty or to his Majesties use any Law or Statute Vsage or Custom to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and every person or persons which have received any the aforesaid sum or sums of money from any Treasurer or Receiver for any publick use by way of Imprest to be accounted for which are not pardoned or discharged by the aforesaid Act shall be liable to account and called to account in such manner and form as if they had received the same out of his Majesties Exchequer or any other publick Treasury The Revenues of the Churches in Wales and particularly those persons that have received or collected the Revenues of any Churches or Vicarages in Wales or in the County of Monmouth since the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred forty eight Provided they have all due allowances in their accounts as all such persons whose accounts are excepted in the Act of Oblivion have or ought to have And to the end his Majesty may be the better enabled to discover Commissions for discovery and sue for all such Monies Goods and other things invested in his Maiesty by this Act it is further ordained and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That His Majesty His Heirs and Successors shall and may from time to time issue forth such and so many Commissions to such and so many persons as his Majesty shall think fit either under the great Seal of England or the Seal of his Majesties Exchequer for the better discovering levying receiving and discharging the same Persons accountable enabled to sue for and levy all arrears And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all persons accountable to his Majesty by this Act shall have full power and Authority and are hereby enabled to sue for Levy and recover from the parties from whom the same was and is due and for which they are hereby accomptable all sums of Money and Arrears in such manner and form as they might have recovered and levyed the same when they first grew due Provided this Act or any thing therein contained shall not extend to call any person to account or to question any person for Goods or other things remaining in his hands which shall not be called to account Proviso none to be questioned but upon some prosecution begun before the 24 of Iune 1662. or some Information against him either in the Exchequer or Commissioners to be appointed as aforesaid before the four and twentieth of June which shall be in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred sixty two and that the said Information be prosecuted with effect within twelve moneths after the Exhibition thereof CAP. IV. An Act for a free and Voluntary present to his Majesty EXP. Proviso declaring no commissions of this nature but by authority of Parliament ANd be it hereby Declared That no Commissions or Aids of this nature can be issued out or levied but by Authority of Parliament And that this Act and supply hereby granted shall not
be drawn into example for the time to come 1 R. 3. ca. 2. CAPr V. For preventing Tumults and Disorders upon pretence of preparing or presenting publick Petitions or other Addresses to his Majesty or the Parliament Tumultuous and disorderly preparing petitions a great occasion of the late wars and calamities VVHereas it hath béen found by sad experience that Tumultuous and other Disorderly solliciting and procuring of Hands by private Persons to Petitions Complaints Remonstrances and Declarations and other Addresses to the King or to both or either Houses of Parliament for alteration of matters established by Law redress of pretended grievances in Church or State or other publick Concernments have béen made use of to serve the ends of Factious and Seditious persons gotten into power to the violation of the publick Peace and have béen a great means of the late unhappy Wars Confusions and Calamities in this Nation for preventing the like mischief for the future No person after the 1 Aug. 1661. shall sollicite or procure any petition c. for altering any established law in Church or state Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Maiesty by and with the consent of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament and by the Authority of the same That no person or persons whatsoever shall from and after the first of August One thousand six hundred sixty and one Sollicite Labour or procure the getting of Hands or other Consent of any persons above the number of twenty or more to any Petition Complaint Remonstrance Declaration or other Address to the King or both or either Houses of Parliament for alteration of matters established by Law in Church or State unless the matter thereof have béen first consented unto and Ordered by thrée or more Iustices of the County or by the Major part of the Grand Iury of the County or division of the County where the same matter shall arise at their publick Assizes or General Quarter Sessions or if arising in London by the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Commons in Common Councel assembled And that no person or persons whatsoever shall repair to his Majesty or both or either of the Houses of Parliament upon pretence of presenting or delivering any Petition Complaint Remonstrance or Declaration or other Addresses accompanied with excessive number of People nor at any one time with above the number of Ten persons upon pain of incurring a penalty not excéeding the sum of one hundred pounds in money and thrée moneths Imprisonment without Bail or Mainprize for every offence to be prosecuted at the Court of Kings Bench or at the Assizes or General Quarter Sessions within six moneths after the offence committed and proved by two or more credible witnesses Proviso Provided alwayes that this Act or any thing therein contained shall not be construed to extend to debar or hinder any person or persons not excéeding the number of Ten aforesaid to present any publick or private Grievance or Complaint to any Member or Members of Parliament after this Election and during the continuance of the Parliament or to the Kings Majesty for any Remedy to be thereupon had nor to extend to any Address whatsoever to his Majesty by all or any of the Members of both or either Houses of Parliament during the sitting of Parliament but that they may enjoy their fréedom of Access to his Majesty as heretofore hath béen used CAP. VI. The Militia declared to be in the King and for the present Ordering and Disposing the same The command of the Militia by Sea and land the undoubted right of his Majesty FOrasmuch as within all His Majesties Realms and Dominions the sole Supream Government Command and Disposition of the Militia and all Forces by Sea and Land and of all Forts and Places of strength is and by the Laws of England ever was the undoubted Right of His Majesty and his Royal Predecessors Kings and Quéens of England and that both or either of the Houses of Parliament cannot nor ought to pretend to the same nor can nor lawfully may raise or levy any War Offensive or Defensive against His Majesty his Heirs or lawful Successors and yet the contrary thereof hath of late years béen practised almost to the Ruine and Destruction of this Kingdom and during the late usurped Governments many evil and Rebellious Principles have béen distilled into the minds of the People of this Kingdom which unless prevented may break forth to the disturbance of the Peace and Quiet thereof And whereas an Act is under consideration for exercising the Militia An Act under consideration touching the Militia with most safety and case to the King and his People which Act cannot as yet be perfect Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament That the Militia and Land-Forces of this Kingdgom and of the Dominion of Wales and Town of Berwick upon Tweed now under the Power of Lieutenants or their Deputies shall be exercised ordered and managed until the Five and twentieth day of March next ensuing in such manner as the same now is actually exercised ordered and managed according to such Commissions and Instructions as they formerly have or from time to time shall receive from his Majesty And whereas since the Twenty fourth of June One thousand six hundred and sixty there have béen Insurrections by occasion whereof divers of his Majesties good Subjects have béen murthered and for the securing the Peace of the Nation and preventing further disorders divers persons suspected to be Fanaticks Sectaries or Disturbers of the Peace have béen Assaulted Arrested Detained or Imprisoned and divers Arms have béen seised and Houses searched for Arms or suspected persons Be it therefore further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and every person and persons who have or shall have acted Persons who have Acted by commission of Lieutenancy or done any thing in execution of any Commission or Commissions of Lieutenancy issued by the Kings Majesty that now is or by colour of them or any of them touching or concerning the same or any of them or relating thereunto shall be and are hereby saved harmless and indempnified in this behalf And also all Magistrates Iustices of the Peace Officers and Ministers of Iustice and all persons that have or shall have acted by or under them or by their or any of their Commands since the said Twenty fourth day of June One thousand six hundred and sixty until the twentieth day of July One thousand six hundred sixty and one as to any assaulting arresting detaining or imprisoning any person suspected to be Fanatick Sectary or Disturber of the Peace or seising of Arms or searching of Houses for Arms or for suspected persons shall be and are hereby saved harmless and indempnified in that behalf Provided That neither this Act nor any thing therein contained Proviso shall after the Five
alwayes That this Act or any thing therein contained shall not extend or be construed to extend to give unto any Arch-Bishop Bishop or any other Spiritual or Ecclesiastical Iudg Officer or other person or persons aforesaid any power or authority to exercise execute inflict or determine any Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction Censure or Coertion which they might not by Law have done before the year of our Lord 1639 nor to abridg or diminish the Kings Majesties Supremacy in Ecclesiastical Matters and Affairs nor to confirm the Canons made in the year 1640. nor any of them nor any other Ecclesiastical Laws or Canons not formerly confirmed allowed or Enacted by Parliament or by the established Laws of the Land as they stood in the year of the Lord 1639. CAP. XIII The Arrears of the Excise and New Impost vested in His Majesty BE it Declared and Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty All Moneys owing upon Excise by any Laws or Ordinances vested in his Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament and by the Authority thereof That all and every sum and sums of money any wayes due or owing from or by any person or persons whatsoever for or touching the Imposition or Duty called the Excise heretofore imposed and made payable upon Béer Ale or any other Commodities by any Laws or pretended Laws or Ordinances and all Debts therefore owing whether by Obligation or upon Accompt from Farmers of Excise or any other person or persons whatsoever or any of their Securities and not pardoned by his Majesties most Gratious Act of Pardon and Oblivion be and are hereby vested and setled in the Kings Majesty his Heirs and Successors and that his Sacred Majesty his Heirs and Successors may from time to time and at all times hereafter have demand sue for and recover the same of all and every person and persons their Heirs Executors and Administrators having Assets who are any way accomptable for the same or any part thereof and from his and their respective Sureties and Securities as if the same Duties of Excise had béen lawfully Assessed Imposed and Collected and as if the several pretended Acts Orders and Ordinances Assessing and Imposing the same had béen good true legal and effectual Acts of Parliament and had in express words given and granted all and every the said Duties of Excise or new Impost unto his Majesty and as if the Obligations and Recognizances entred into by the respective Sureties and Securities had at the time of entring into the same béen taken in his Majesties Name according to the form prescribed in the Statute made in the Thrée and thirtieth year of the Reign of King Henry the Eight 33 H. 8. c. 39. Provided alwayes That all and every person and persons accomptable by vertue of this Act Proviso for allowances St. 12 Car. 2. cap. 11. shall have all such due allowance in his or their accompts as all such persons whose accompts are accepted in an Act Intituled An Act of Free and General Pardon Indempnity and Oblivion have or ought to have Provided alwayes Proviso no person to be questioned unless he be such before the 25 of December 1662. All persons accomptable shall have authority to levy and recover all Arrears That no person shall be questioned or molested for any of the Duties herein or hereby vested in his Majesty unless he shall be sued or prosecuted with effect before the Five and twentieth day of December which shall be in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty two Provided also and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all persons accomptable to his Majesty by this Act shall have power and authority and are hereby enabled to sue for levy and recover from any person or persons who do stand indebted unto them in any sum of money for the Duty or Impost of Excise for which they are hereby accomptable all sums of money and Arrears unsatisfied in as full and ample manner and form as they might have received and levied the same when they first grew due CAP. XIV The Confirmation of an Act Entituled An Act for Encouraging and Increasing of Shipping and Navigation and several other Acts both Publick and Private mentioned therein WHereas during the late difficulties and exigencies of affairs in the absence of his most Excellent Majesty and in reference to his return from beyond the Seas into these his Majesties Dominions The Lords and Commons being assembled at Westminster the Five and twentieth day of April in the twelfth year of his Majesties Reign were from thence and after his Majesties return continued untill the nine and twentieth day of December then next following and now last past and then dissolved by his Majesty in which time several Acts were passed by his Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the said Lords and Commons assembled as aforesaid which being of necessary use are fit to be continued and confirmed although the manner of the said assembling enforced by the difficulties and exigencies aforesaid which then lay upon the Nation is not to be drawn into example Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same That all and singular the Acts made or mentioned to be made by his said Majesty by and with the advice or consent of the Lords and Commons upon or since the said Five and twentieth day of April herein after particularly mentioned and expressed that is to say One Act Entituled An Act for the encouraging and increasing of Shipping and Navigation One other Act St. 12 Car. 2. cap. 18. St. 12 Car. 2. cap. 32. St. 12 Car. 2. cap. 36. St. 12 Car. 2. cap. 34. St. 12 Car. 2. cap. 13. St. 12 Car. 2. cap. 6. Entituled An Act for Prohibiting the Exportation of Wooll Wool-fells Fullers Earth or any kind of Scouring Earth One other Act Entituled An Act Impowring the Master of the Rolls for the time being for to make Leases for years in order to new build the old Houses belonging to the Rolls One other Act Entituled An Act for prohibiting the Planting Setting or Sowing of Tobacco in England and Ireland One other Act Entituled An Act for restraining the taking of Excessive Usury One other Act Entituled An Act for the present nominating of Commissioners of Sewers One other Act Entituled An Act for the Incorporating of the Master and Wardens of the Company of Haberdashers LONDON to be Governors of the Free-School and Alms-houses in Newport in the County of Salop of the Foundation of William Adams and for Setling of Lands and Possessions on them for maintenance thereof and other charitable Uses And all and every the Clauses Sentences and Articles in them and every of them contained shall be and hereby are Ratified and Confirmed and Enacted and Declared
cap. 29. have béen held by sundry Leases thereof made for years and for one two and thrée lives by means whereof the Tenants have fixed Estates have béen encouraged to improve and manure the same and have improved the same and therein laid out great sums of Money in Building and otherwise to the great advantage of the Publick And whereas for Twenty years and more now last past no such Leases have béen legally made so that it is probable most of the Tenants Estates will be determined or near determination ere that there can be any Estates well and legally renewed unless remedy therefore be provided by means whereof Waste Spoil and Dilapidation are likely to happen the Lands worn out and decayed and great disturbance and impoverishment to the Tenants And whereas on the like consideration King Charles the First was by special Law enabled to make such Leases Be it Enacted by our Soveraign Lord the King by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by authority of the same That all Leases or Grants already made Leases by the King of Lands c. of the Dutchy of Cornwall made good or hereafter to be made within the space of thrée years now next ensuing by our said Soveraign Lord the King by Letters Patents Indentures or other Writings under His Great Seal of England or Seal of the Court of Exchequer or by Copy of Court-Roll according to the Customs of the respective Mannors of any Offices Parks Lands Tenements or Hereditaments other then Honors Lordships or Mannors parcel of the possessions of the said Dutchy of Cornwall or annexed to the same shall be good and effectual in Law according to the Purport and Contents of the said Leases Grants and Copies against our said Soveraign Lord the Kings Majesty his Heirs and Successors and against all and every person or persons that shall hereafter have inherit or enjoy the said Dukedome of Cornwal by force of any Act of Parliament or other limitation whatsoever Leases for above 31 years or three lives excepted Provided alwayes That every such Lease so to be made of any Parks Lands Tenements or Hereditaments in Possession shall be made but for thrée lives or fewer or for one and thirty years or under or some other term of years determinable upon one two or thrée lives and not above And if such Leases be made in Reversion That then the same together with the Estates in Possession do not excéed thrée lives or the term of one and thirty years and not in any wise dispunishable of Waste Not to be di●punishable of Waste The ancient rent to be reserved and so as upon every such Lease shall be reserved the ancient or most usual rent or more or such Rent as hath béen yielded or paid for the greater part of twenty years next before the making of the said Leases and shall be reserved due and payable by or to him or her that shall have the Inheritance or other Estate of the said Parks Lands Tenements or Hereditaments and where no such Rent hath béen reserved or payable That then upon every such Lease there shall be reserved a reasonable Rent not being under the fourth part of the clear yearly value of the Parks Lands Tenements or Hereditaments contained in such Lease Covenants con●●sions in such leases grants or c. shall be good And be it further Ordained and Enacted by Authority of this present Parliament That all Covenants Conditions and Reservations and other Agréements contained in every Lease Grant or Copy heretofore made or hereafter so to be made as aforesaid shall be good and effectual in Law according to the words and contents of the same as well for and against them to whom the Reversion of the same Lands Tenements or Hereditaments shall come as for and against them to whom the Interest of the said Leases Grants or Copies shall come respectively as if our Soveraign Lord the Kings Maiesty at the time of the making of such Covenants Conditions and Reservations and other agréements were seised of an absolute Indefeasible Estate in Fée-simple in the same Lands Saving of others Rights Tenements or Hereditaments Saving alwayes to all and every person and persons Bodies Politick and Corporate their Heirs and Successors Executors Administrators and Assigns other then our said Soveraign Lord the Kings Maiesty and his Heirs and all and every person and persons that shall hereafter have inherit or enjoy the said Dukedom of Cornwall by force of any Act of Parliament or other limitation whatsoever all such Rights Titles Estates Customs Interests Terms Claims and demands whatsoever of what kind nature or quality whatsoever or in to or out of the said Offices Lands Tenements or Hereditaments or any of them as they or any of them had or ought to have had before the making of this Act to all intents and purposes and in as large and ample manner and form as if this Act had never béen had or made this Act or any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding ACTS made in the Parliament begun and holden the 8th of May Anno 13 Caroli Secundi Regis And Continued to the 19th of May 14 Caroli Regis And thence Prorogued to the 18th of February then next following CAP. I. Certain Persons called Quakers and others refusing to take lawful Oaths VVHereas of late times certain persons under the names of Quakers and other names of Separation Quakers seperations denying to take an Oath have taken up and maintained sundry dangerous Opinions and Tenents and amongst others that the taking of an Oath in any case whatsoever although before a lawful Magistrate is altogether unlawful and contrary to the Word of God and the said persons do daily refuse to take an Oath though lawfully tendred whereby it often happens that the truth is wholly suppressed and the Administration of Iustice much obstructed And whereas the said Persons under a pretence of Religious Worship do often assemble themselves in great numbers in several parts of this Realm to the great endangering of the Publick Peace and Safety and to the terror of the People by maintaining a secret and strict correspondence amongst themselves and in the mean time separating and dividing themselves from the rest of his Majesties good and loyal Subjects and from the Publick Congregations and usual places of Divine Worship For the redressing therefore and better preventing the many Mischiefs and dangers that do and may arise by such dangerous Tenents and such unlawful Assemblies Be it Enacted by the Kings Most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons Assembled in Parliament and by Authority of the same That if any person or persons who maintain that the taking of an Oath in any case whatsoever although before a lawfull Magistrate is altogether unlawful The penalty for refusing
or seised by any person or persons Bodies Politick or Corporate and not having accounted for the same to any Authority or pretended Authority Vsurping the Government of this Nation and not pardoned by the Act of Oblivion That all such person or persons Bodies Politick or Corporate shall account and pay the same to his Royal Highness James Duke of York your Majesties onely Brother Lord High Admiral of England or Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports upon suit for the same in the High Court of Admiralty Any thing in this Act the absence of the Lord High Admiral during these late troubles or the persons not having béen imployed or authorized by the said Lord High Admiral to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding Provided alwayes and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid How in defect of Iurisdiction in the Admiralty suit may be in the Exchequer That in case of defect of Iurisdiction in the Court of Admiralty for the recovering and levying of any such Prizes Goods matters and things aforesaid That then in such case upon Certificate thereof from the said Court of Admiralty made into his Majesties Court of Exchequer spéedy procéedings shall be had in the said Court of Exchequer for the recovering and levying of the Prizes Goods matters and things aforesaid according to Law and Iustice CAP. XV. The Trade of Silk-throwing regulated VVHereas the Company of Silk-throwers within the City of London and Liberties The Silk-throwers of London incorporated by Patent 5 Car. 1. and all their Servants and Apprentices within four Miles thereof were quinto Caroli primi Incorporated and made one Body Politick and are known by the name of the Master Wardens Assistants and Commonalty of the Trade Art or Mystery of Silk-throwers of the City of London And whereas the said Trade is of singular use and very advantagious to this Commonwealth by imploying the poor there being imployed by the said Company in and about the City of London as is expressed in their Petition above forty thousand men women and children who otherwise would unavoidably be burthensome to the places of their aboad And whereas the present Governours of the said Company by their Petition pray an enlargement of their Charter whereby they may be the better enabled to avoid the many deceits and inconveniencies they daily méet withal by Intruders who have not béen brought up Apprentices to the said Trade and others who settle themselves beyond the limits of their said Charter on purpose to avoid the Searchers and Supervision of the said Governours by which means they are at liberty to make and vend what Wares they please to the disparagement of the said Trade and discouraging of the Petitioners and all others of the said Trade that have duly served Apprentice thereunto according to the known Laws of this Nation For remedy whereof Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by Authority of the same None shall use the trade of a silk-thrower but such as have served as apprentices seven years That from and after the twenty fifth day of December which shall be in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and two no person or persons whatsoever shall directly or indirectly use exercise continue or set up the said Trade Art of Mystery of a Silk-thrower within this Realm of England unless such as are or shall be Apprentices to the said Trade or shall have served seven years Apprentiship thereunto at the least upon pain that every person so offending contrary to this Act shall pay The penalty forfeit and lose the sum of forty shillings for every moneth the said person shall use or exercise the said Trade the one moyety thereof to the use of his said Majesty his Heirs and Successors and the other moyety thereof to such person or persons as shall sue for the same in any of the Courts of Record within this Realm of England Before whom to be recovered or before any the Iustices of Oyer and Terminer or the Iustices of the Peace at their Quarter-Sessions of the Peace by Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information or by any other lawful ways or means whatsoever wherein no Protection Wager of Law or Essoign shall be allowed And for the better enabling of the said Master Wardens Assistants and Commonalty of Silk-throwers and their Successors in their Government Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and every person and persons whatsoever now using or exercising as Masters the said Art Every person using the trade in London and Westminster shall enter himself of the said corporation And be subject to the laws orders thereof The penalty Trade or Mystery or such as have served as Apprentices to the said Trade by the space of seven years at the least within the said Cities of London and Westminster and the several Suburbs thereof or within twenty miles compass of them or either of them shall before the twenty fifth day of December which shall be in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred sixty and two be admitted and are hereby enjoyned to enter themselves into the said Society or Corporation and to perform and be subject and obedient to all such Statutes Laws Orders Ordinances and Constitutions as are or shall be made or ordained for or concerning the Exercise Regulation or Government of the said Art Trade or Mystery or of any person or persons using or exercising the same upon pain of forfeiture of the sum of forty shillings for every moneth he or they shall use or exercise the said Trade after the said twenty fifth day of December One thousand six hundred sixty and two the one moyety thereof to the use of his said Majesty his Heirs and Successors and the other moyety thereof to such person and persons as shall sue for the same in any the Courts of Record within this Realm of England or before any the Iustices of Oyer and Terminer or the Iustices of Peace at their Quarter-Sessions of the Peace by Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information or by any other lawful wayes or means whatsoever wherein no Protection Wager of Law or Essoin shall be allowed Provided That such Laws Orders Ordinances and Constitutions so made or which shall be made be not contrary but agréeable with the Laws and Statutes of this said Realm and the Customs of the said City of London The power of the masters wardens and assistants And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Masters Wardens Assistants and Commonalty and their Successors shall and may have and enjoy and that it shall and may be lawful to and for them from time to time and at all times hereafter to do perform and execute within the said Cities of London and Westminster and the several Suburbs thereof
of any of the Kings or Quéens of England for the time being for the carrying the Goods of his Majesty his Heirs or Successors or the said Quéens or children or any of them without such full and free consent as aforesaid Any Law Statute Custom or Vsage to the contrary notwithstanding Be it notwithstanding Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same That from and after the Four and twentieth day of June in the year of our Lord How carriages shall be provided for his Majesties Navy and Ordnance One thousand six hundred sixty and two as often as the Service of his Majesties Navy or Ordnance shall require any Carriages by Land within the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales and Town of Berwick upon Tweed upon notice given in writing by Warrant under the hand and seal of the Lord High Admiral of England for the time being or under the hands and seals of two or more of the principal Officers or Commissioners of his Majesties Navy or under the hand and seal of the Master of his Majesties Ordnance for the time being or under the hand and seal of the Lieutenants of his Majesties Ordnance for the providing of Carriages for the respective service of the Navy or Ordnance unto two or more Iustices of the Peace dwelling near unto the place where the said Iustices of the Peace may and shall immediately issue forth their Warrants to such of the adjacent Parishes Hundreds or Divisions as they shall judge fit within their respective Counties and Divisions not being above Twelve Miles distant from the place of lading for the sending to a certain place and at certain times to be specified and appointed in the said Warrants such numbers of Carriages with Horses or Oxen sufficient for the said service as by the Lord high Admiral of England for the time being or by the Master or Lieutenant of his Majesties Ordnance for the time being or by the principal Officers or Commissioners of his Majesties Navy respectively as abovesaid shall be by writing under their hands and seals required the Owners of which Carriages or their Servants The rates allowed for carriages shall receive for every Load of Timber per mile one shilling for every reputed mile which they shall go laden and for other Provisions the summe of eight pence per mile for every Tun they shall carry And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it may and shall be lawful for the Lord High Admiral of England for the time being by Warrant under his hand and seal and also for the principal Officers and Commissioners of his Majesties Navy by Warrants under the hands and seals of any two or more of them as also for the Master of his Majesties Ordnance for the time being by Warrant under his hand and seal and also for the Lieutenant of his Majesties Ordnance by Warrants under the hands and seals of either of them as often as the service of his Majesties Navy or Ordnance respectively shall require any Carriage by Water Impressing of persons ships vessels for carriages to appoint such person or persons as they shall judge fitting to Impress and take up such Ships Hoys Lighters Boats or any other Vessel whatsoever as shall be necessary for the Accommodation of his Majesties said service the Owners of which said Ships Hoys Lighters Boats or other Water-Carriage aforesaid or such as they shall appoint shall receive for the hire of every such Ship Hoy Lighter Boat or other Vessel per Tun according to the Rates usually paid by Merchants from time to time And in case his Majesties Officers and the Owners of such Ships Hoys Lighters Boats or other Vessels shall not agree on the said rates then the rate to be setled by the Brotherhood of Trinity-house of Deptford-Strand And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Penalty upon such as neglect or refuse That in case any of his Majesties Subjects of this Realm shall refuse or wilfully neglect after reasonable notice to make their appearance with such sufficient carriages by Land or to fit provide and furnish their Ships Hoys Lighters Boats or other Vessels for the service of his Majesties Navy or Ordnance as is before expressed or shall after they have undertaken such service neglect or delay the same that then upon due proof and conviction of such refusal or neglect by the Oath of the Constable or other Officer or two other credible witnesses before the said Iustices of Peace of the County or Mayor or other chief Officer of the City or Corporation where he or they inhabit which Oath they shall have power to administer for the Land-Carriages and for the Water-Carriages by the Oath of such person as shall be appointed by the Lord High Admiral the principal Officers or Commissioners of his Majesties Navy the Master of his Majesties Ordnance or the Lieutenant of his Majesties Ordnance as aforesaid or other two credible witnesses before the principal Officers or Commissioners of his Majesties Navy or Master or Lieutenant of his Majesties Ordnance respectively which Oath they shall have likewise power to administer the Party so refusing or neglecting shall for every such refusal or neglect forfeit the sum of Twenty shillings for the Land-carriage and for Carriage by Water treble the freight of such Ship or Vessel not excéeding Fifty pounds in the whole to the Kings Majesties use to be forthwith levied in default of payment upon demand by distress and sale of his Goods and Chattels by Warrant from the said Iustices of the Peace Mayor or other chief Officer or from the principal Officers or Commissioners of his Majesties Navy or Master or Lieutenant of his Majesties Ordnance respectively rendring to the Parties the overplus upon every such Sale if there shall be any the charge of distraining being first deducted The time of continuance in the service Provided always that no Horses Oxen Cart Wayn or other Land-Carriage shall be enforced to Travail more days Iourney from the place where they receive their lading or be compelled to continue longer in the imployment then shall be appointed by the Order of the said Iustices of the Peace and that ready payment shall be made in hand for the said Carriages at the place of lading without delay Present payment to be made according to the aforesaid Rates Provided always That in case any Iustice of the Peace Mayor chief Officer or Constable or any person or persons which shall be appointed by the Lord High Admiral the principal Officers or Commissioners of his Majesties Navy the Master of his Majesties Ordnance or the Lieutenant of his Majesties Ordnance as aforesaid respectively shall take any gift or reward to spare any person or persons No gifts or rewards may be taken by Iustices of the Peace
much incouraged Fishing and Navigation increased and the publike good of the whole Kingdom very much advanced 34 H. 8. cap. 4. 13 El. cap. 7. 1 Jac. cap. 15. 21 Jac. ca. 19. Notwithstanding which great advantage to the publike there hath béen lately some opinion conceived that such persons may and ought to be made subject to the Statutes provided against Bankrupts For the better declaring and explaining the Law therein and to the end such persons may not be discouraged in those Honourable endeavours for promoting publike undertakings Be it declared and Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty with the Advice and Assent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same No persons for putting in money to the East-India or Guiney Company or the Fishing Trade shall be esteemed a Trader within the Statute of Bankrupts That no person or persons whatsoever who have adventured or put in or who hereafter shall adventure or put in any sum or sums of money in the said East-India Company or Guiney Company or into any joynt stock or stocks of money by them or either of them made or raised or to be made and raised for and towards the maintaining and carrying on the Trade by the said East-India Company or Guiney Company managed or to be managed or who have formerly or shall hereafter adventure or put in any sum or sums of momey into any stock or stocks of money for the managing and carrying on of the said Fishing Trade or the Trade now called the Royall fishing Trade and shall receive and take his or their part or dividend of Fish Goods or Merchandizes in specie and shall sell or exchange the same shall for or by reason onely of such adventure of moneys so put into the said East-India Company or Guiney Company or into any Stock or Stocks for and towards the said Fishing Trade or for or by reason only of the receiving and taking such Fish Goods and Merchandizes in Specie or selling for money or exchanging the same again be Adjudged Taken Estéemed or Reputed a Merchant or Trader within any Statute or Statutes for Bankrupts or be lyable to the same Proviso for other Trading Provided always and it is hereby Declared That every person or persons who shall Trade Traffique or Merchandize in any other way or manner then in the said Royal Fishing Trade or the Trade managed by the said East-India Company or the Guiney Company as aforesaid shall for and by reason of his and their Trading Traffiquing and Merchandizing be liable to Commission and Commissions against Bankrupts as fully to all intents and purposes and not otherwise as if this Act had never béen made Any thing in Act to the contrary notwithstanding The Iudgment concerning Sir John Wolstenholme made void And be it further Enacted That a Verdict and Iudgment in Replevin heretofore had or given in the Term of Easter in the Year One thousand six hundred fifty thrée in the Kings Bench betwixt Phineas Andrews Plaintiff Richard Woolward and William Meggs Defendants whereby Sir John Wolstenholme Knight an Adventurer in the said East-India Company was adjudged and found lyable to a Commission of Bankrupts only for and by reason of a share he had in the Ioynt-Stock of the said Company and a pretended selling for money part of the return which he had in Specie for his said Adventure shall be and is hereby declared contrary to Law and is hereby reversed Proviso for Purchasors in the Case of Sir John Wolstenholme and made void and null Provided always and be it Enacted That no Act Sale or Disposition of any the Lands Tenements Hereditaments Goods Chattels Debts or Credits of the said Sir John Wolstenholme or any distribution of the same or of any money heretofore made or done by the Commissioners of Bankrupts or any claiming under them or any of them by vertue or colour of any Commission or Commissions taken out against the said Sir John Wolstenholme and whereof any person or persons is by vertue or colour of or under any such Act Sale or Disposition actually seised or possessed shall be hereby impeached or frustrated but that the same be injoyed for and toward satisfaction of the Debts for which the same have béen disposed or distributed CAP. XXV For Restoring of all such Advowsons Rectories Impropriate Gleeb-Lands and Tithes to his Majesties Loyal Subjects as were taken from them and making void certain charges imposed on them upon their Compositions for Delinquency by the late Usurped Powers VVHereas many Loyal Subjects of our late Soveraign Lord King Charles the First and of the Kings Majesty that now is were upon pretence of Delinquency for adhering unto and faithfully serving their said Majesties according to their Duty and Allegiance enforced and constrained by the pretended power of the Long Parliament not onely to part with great sums of money in satisfaction of the said supposed Delinquency but likewise to settle all or part of such Advowsons Rectories Gléeb-Land and Tithes Estates and Terms as they or any in trust for them were then seised or possessed of and to make Grants and Assurances of Rents and Annuities to and upon such Trustées as were appointed by the said Long Parliament as well for the augmentation of certain Vicarages as for the use and maintenance of Preaching Ministers and Lecturers without any valuable consideration given for the same other then some abatement of those excessive Fines imposed upon them for their pretended Delinquency and exacted from them by those arbitrary powers to the impoverishing and undoing of many of the Kings most Loyal Subjects Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by Authority of the same That all Grants All Estates made by pretended Delinquents of Advowsons Rectories c. for Compositions made void Feoffments Bargains and Sales Releases Confirmations and other Conveyances and Assurances in the Law of any higher or lower nature whatsoever had or made by any such pretended Delinquents their Heirs Executors or Administrators or by any person having any Estate or Interest in Law or Equity in Trust for them or by any other person or persons having any Estate or Interest joyntly or in common with them or in Reversion or Remainder after them to any person or persons Bodies Politick or Corporate of any such Advowsons Rectories Impropriate Gléeb-Lands Tithes Estates Terms Annuities and Rents as aforesaid to or for the uses aforesaid as part or in full of their Compositions for such pretended Delinquency as aforesaid and all Securities touching or concerning the same onely Saving other Rights be and are hereby adjudged from henceforth null and void in Law to all intents and purposes whatsoever Saving to all persons other than the said Trustées and their
begotten And also all the Rents Sum and Sums of money and Revenues that shall arise grow and become due of or from the said General Letter-Office or Post-Office or Office of Post-Master-General unto the said James Duke of York and the Heirs males of his Body begotten or to be begotten Be it therefore Enacted and Declared by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled The Powers of granting Wine Licenses entailed upon the Duke of York and by the Authority of the same That the said James Duke of York and the Heirs males of his Body begotten or to be begotten shall have all and every the Powers and Authorities aforesaid to give and grant Licenses to such person or persons as he or they shall think fit to Sell and Vtter by Retail all and every or any kind of Wine or Wines whatsoever to be drunk and spent as well within the house and houses or other place in the Tenure or Occupation of the party so Licensed as without in any City Town or other place whatsoever within the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Town and Port of Berwick upon Tweed Together with all Benefits and Profits thereof And also that the said Duke and the Heirs males of his Body begotten or to be begotten shall have that moyety of the Forfeitures and Penalties which by the said recited Act is given to his Majesty His Heirs and Successors And it is hereby further Declared That all and every other person or persons which from time to time or at any times hereafter shall be by the said James Duke of York and the Heirs males of his Body begotten or to be begotten appointed authorized or deputed Agent or Agents Commissioner or Commissioners to Treat and Contract for giving Licenses and Dispensations to any person or persons for the Selling and Vttering Wines by Retail in any City or Town or other place as aforesaid shall have the full and sole power and authority to Treat and Contract for giving Licenses to any person or persons for the Selling and Vttering Wines by Retail in any City Town or other place as aforesaid any Law Statute Grant Vsage or Custom to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding in as full and ample manner as the Kings Agents or Commissioners might do by vertue of the said recited Act. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That such person or or persons as shall be appointed by the said James Duke of York or the Heirs males of his body begotten or to be begotten under his or their Hand and Seal for granting Licences for Selling and Vttering Wines by Retail are hereby enabled under such Seal as the said Duke or the Heirs males of his Body begotten or to be begotten shall appoint to grant Licenses for the Selling and Vttering Wines by Retail to any person or persons or for any time or times not excéeding One and Twenty years if such persons shall so long live and for such Yearly Rents and under such Conditions as they shall think fit so as no Fine be taken for the same but that the Rents or Sums of money so agréed for and reserved shall be duly paid at the times and places agréed for the payment thereof for which Rents so reserved in case the same shall not be paid the said Duke and the Heirs males of his Body begotten or to be begotten shall and may have power by this Act to sue for the same by Bill Plaint or Action of Debt in any of His Majesties Courts of Record at Westminster or elsewhere in his own Name or to sue for the same in His Majesties Name in the Court of the Exchequer at the Election of the said Duke and the Heirs males of his body begotten or to be begotten And that the discharge of the said James Duke of York and of the Heirs males of his body begotten or to be begotten or of his or their Receiver General for the time being shall be a full and effectual discharge to all intents and purposes for all such moneys as have or shall be received by vertue of the Act for Wine-Licenses Provided always That the Kings Majesty His Heirs and Successors shall not during the continuance of the said Estate Tayl by himself or Agents grant any Commission or Commissions License or Licenses for the Selling or Vttering of any Wines by Retail And also Provided That nothing in this Act contained shall make void any Contracts Leases or Agréements that have béen made by His Majesties Agents for granting Licenses for Selling and Vttering Wines by Retail in pursuance of the said Act but the same Contracts Leases and Agréements shall remain in such force as they were before the making of this Act and that the Rents thereupon reserved and all Arrears thereof shall be paid unto the said Duke and to the Heirs males of his Body begotten or to be begotten And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all the yearly Rents Rents and profits arising by the Letter-Office Sum or Sums of money Revenues Issues and Profits whatsoever that shall grow due accrew or be payable unto His Majesty His Heirs and Successors for or by reason of the said general Letter-Office or Post-ffice or Office of Post-Master General or annexed incident or belonging to the said Post-Office or general Letter-Office or Office of Post-Master-General or Issuing out of the same or accrewing or growing due for or by reason of the same shall be and hereby are vested and setled by vertue of this Act upon the said James Duke of York and the Heirs males of his Body begotten or to be begotten with full and sole power from time to time for the said Duke and the Heirs males of his Body begotten or to be begotten his and their Receivers-General to receive all and every the said Rents Issues and Profits accrewing for or issuing out of the said Office and from time to time to give Discharges for the money so received Provided always And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Not to be paid into the Exchequer That none of the said yearly Rents Issues and Profits arising growing due accrewing or issuing out of the said general Letter-Office or Post-Office or Office of Post-Master-General shall for and during the said Estate Tail be paid into the Exchequer but only to the said Duke and to the Heirs males of his Body begotten or to begotten his or their Receiver-General for the time being And also that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Duke and for the Heirs males of his Body begotten or to be begotten in the name of His Majesty How to be recovered his Heirs or Successors or in his or their own name to sue for the same by Bill Plaint Information Action of Debt or otherwise in any Court or Courts
Bayliffs and Conservators respectively Provided That none be capable to be or continue Governour or Bayliffs That hath not four hundred Acres or more of the said Ninety five thousand Acres nor to be a Conservator that hath not two hundred Acres or more of the said Ninety five thousand Acres nor any of the Commonalty to have a voice in Elections that hath not one hundred Acres or more of the said Ninety five thousand Acres And that the said Governour Bailiffs and Conservators or any of them shall and may be removed by the said Governour Bailiffs and Conservators and Commonalty or the greater number of them present at their publick méetings whereof the said Governour or one of the Bayliffs to be one and new chosen in the place of him or them so dead or removed Accounts to be made by all Officers and Agents imployed And the said Governour Bayliffs and Commonalty also shall have further power to have demand and receive an Account from all and every the Officers Agents and Servants their Executors and Administrators heretofore imployed or hereafter to be imployed for the receiving and paying of money for or in relation to the carrying on of the Works of the Dreining of the said great Level and shall and may sue for and recover the same and that all Arrears of Rent already incurred upon or out of any part of the said Ninety five thousand Acres upon any Contract or Lease of the said Premisses or any part or parcel thereof shall be received and recovered as if the said pretended Act had béen a good and effectual Act And if any Suit be commenced against the said Corporation In Suits against any imployed by this Act the defendant may plead the general issue or any person for any matter or thing done in pursuance of this Act then he or they shall or may plead the General Issue and give the special matter in Evidence upon any Tryal to be had touching the same which shall be as good and effectual in Law as if the same had béen specially pleaded and the Iury upon the Tryal to give a Verdict accordingly Lands of persons attainted and titles under them vested in the King Provided always and be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That as touching and concerning such part and parcel of the said Eighty thrée thousand Acres whereof any person or persons attainted or that shall be attainted was or were in possession at any time since the Nine and twentieth day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred fourty and nine under pretended Sales thereof respectively made by colour of the said pretended Act or under any other Title or pretended title whatsoever The Kings most Excellent Majesty his Heirs Successors and Assigns shall have the same and like benefit advantage and interest in all and every the said parts and parcels of the said Eighty thrée thousand Acres and no other then as the said persons so attainted or which shall be attainted could or ought to have by vertue of this Act in case they had not béen so attainted or shall not be attainted And whereas the Shares Lots Parts and Proportions of and in the said Ninety five thousand Acres which in pursuance of the said Indenture of Fourtéen parts and by vertue or intention of the said Act and Law of Sewers made at Lyn do belong and appertain to the said Samuel Sandys the elder or his Trustées Sir William Terringham Sir Richard Onslow and other the Assignées and Trustées of Henry late Earl of Arundel and Surrey deceased Arthur Earl of Anglesey Thomas Lord Culpeper Robert Phillips Robert Scawen and to divers other persons the Participants of the said Earl Francis and Parties of the said Indenture or their respective Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns are now possessed and enjoyed by divers persons who took contracted for or accepted of or by such who claim and derive their interest and title from and under such persons as did take contract for or accept of pretended Estates or Conveyances of the same made or pretended to be made by certain persons mentioned in and by the said pretended Act of the Nine and Twentieth day of May One thousand six hundred fourty and nine to have Authority to sell the Shares Lots Parts and Proportions of such of the Adventurers and Participants of the said Earl Francis and of their respective Heirs and Assigns as should refuse or make default of payment of such Taxes as should by colour and in pursuance of the said pretended Act be imposed upon them respectively in respect of their Shares and Lots in or out of the said Ninety five thousand Acres Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Governour Bayliffs and Commonalty of the said Company of Conservators of the said Great Level of the Fenns and their Successors shall Actually stand seised and possessed of all and every the Shares Lots Parts and Proportions last mentioned in trust nevertheless to and for the use and behoof of the said Samuel Sandys the Elder or his Trustées in trust for him Sir William Terringham Sir Richard Onslow and others the said Assignées and Trustées of Henry late Earl of Arundel and Surrey deceased Arthur Earl of Anglesey Thomas Lord Culpepper Robert Phillips Robert Scawen and of their respective Heirs and Assigns and to and for the respective uses and behoofs of the said other persons the Participants of the said Earl Francis and Parties to the the said Indenture of Fourtéen parts and of their respective Heirs and Assigns now out of possession of their respective Shares Lots Parts and Proportions of the said Ninety five thousand acres as heretofore in or about the Moneth of October in the Thirtéenth year of the Reign of the late King Charles of ever blessed memory were respectively allotted severed set forth or divided for or as the respective Shares Lots Parts and Proportions of such of the Adventurers the Participants of the said Earl Francis and Parties to the said Indenture of Fourtéen parts their respective Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns from and under whom the said Samuel Sandys the Elder or his Trustées Sir William Terringham Sir Richard Onslow and others the Assignées and Trustées of Henry late Earl of Arundel and Surrey deceased Arthur Earl of Anglesey Thomas Lord Culpepper Robert Phillips Robert Scawen and the said other persons the Participants of the said Earl Francis and their respective Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns now out of possessions of their respective Shares Lots Parts and Proportions do respectively claim and derive their said Shares Lots Parts and Proportions And the said Governour Bayliffs and Commonalty of the Company of Conservators are hereby authorized and required to execute respective Estates of the said Shares Lots Parts and Proportions accordingly subject and lyable nevertheless with the residue of the said Ninety five thousand acres in equal proportion to all taxes and charges to be laid
or other outrage or misdemeanor whatsoever and by such summary course and order as is agréeable to Martial Law and as is used in Armies in time of War to procéed to the trial and condemnation of such Offendors and them to cause to be executed and put to death according to the Law Martial By pretext whereof some of your Majesties Subjects have béen by some of the said Commissioners put to death when and where if by the Laws and Statutes of the Land they had deserved death by the same Laws and Statutes also they might and by no other ought to have béen judged and executed And also sundry grievous Offendors by colour thereof claiming an exemption have escaped the punishments due to them by the Laws and Statutes of this your Realm by reason that divers of your Officers and Ministers of Iustice have unjustly refused or forborn to procéed against such Offendors according to the same Laws and Statutes upon pretence that the said Offendors were punishable onely by Martial Law and by Authority of such Commissions as aforsaid Which Commissions and all other of like nature are wholly and directly contrary to the said Laws and Statutes of this your Realm The Petition They do therefore humbly pray your most excellent Majesty That no man hereafter be compelled to make or yield any Gift Loan Benevolence Tax or such like charge without common consent by Act of Parliament And that none be called to make answer or take such Oath or to give attendance or be confined or otherwise molested or disquieted concerning the same or for refusal thereof And that no Fréeman in any such manner as is before mentioned be imprisoned or detained And that your Majesty would be pleased to remove the said Souldiers and Mariners and that your People may not be so burthened in time to come And that the foresaid Commissions for procéeding by Martial Law may be revoked and annulled And that hereafter no Commissions of like nature may issue forth to any person or persons whatsoever to be executed as aforesaid lest by colour of them any of your Majesties Subjects be destroyed or put to death contrary to the Laws and Franchise of the Land All which they most humbly pray of your most excellent Majesty as their Rights and Liberties according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm And that your Majesty would also vouchsafe to declare That the awards doings and procéedings to the prejudice of your People in any of the premisses shall not be drawn hereafter into consequence or example And that your Majesty would be also graciously pleased for the further comfort and safety of your People to declare your royal will and pleasure That in the things aforesaid all your Officers and Ministers shall serve you according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm as they tender the Honor of your Majesty and the Prosperity of this Kingdom Stat. 17 Car. cap. 14. CAP. I. A restraint of divers abuses committed on the Lords day FOrasmuch as the Lords day commonly called Sunday is much broken and prophaned by Carriers Waggoners Carters Wain-men Butchers and Drovers of Cattle to the great dishonor of God and reproach of Religion Be it therefore enacted by the Kings most excellent Majesty and the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and by the Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That no Carrier with any Horse or Horses A Carrier c. that travels upon the Lords day shall forfeit 20. s. nor Waggon-men with any Waggon or Waggons nor Car-men with any Cart or Carts nor Wain-man with any Wain or Wains nor Drovers with any Cattel shall after forty days next after the end of this present Session of Parliament by themselves or any other travel upon the said Day Butchers that sell or kill victual upon that day shall forfeit 6. s. 8. d. upon pain that every person and persons so offending shall lose and forfeit twenty shillings for every such offence Or if any Butcher by himself or any other for him by his privity or consent shall after the end of the said forty daies kill or sell any Victual upon the said Day That then every such Butcher shall forfeit and lose for every such offence the sum of six shillings and eight pence The said offences and every of them being done in view of any Iustice of Peace Mayor or other head Officer of any City or Town corporate within their limits respectively or being proved upon Oath by two or more witnesses or by the confession of the party offending before any such Iustice Mayor or head Officer within their several limits respectively wherein such offence shall be committed To which end every such Iustice Mayor or head Officer shall have power by this Act to minister an Oath to such witness or witnesses All which sums or penalties shall or may be levied by any Constable After conviction and by warrant from a Iustice c. the Constables c. may levy the said forfeitures to the use of the poor or they may be recovered by Suit or Church-warden by Warrant from any such Iustice or Iustices of the Peace Mayor or other head Officer as aforesaid within their several limits where such offence shall be committed or done by distress and sale of the Offendors goods rendring to the party the over-plus or shall be recovered by any person or persons that will sue for the same by Bill Plaint or Information in any of his Majesties Courts of Record in any City or Town corporate before his Majesties Iustices of the Peace in their General Sessions of the Peace All which forfeitures shall be employed to and for the use of the poor of the Parishes where the said offences shall be committed or done saving onely that it shall be lawful to and for any such Iustice Mayor or head Officer out of the said Forfeitures to reward any such person or persons that shall inform or otherwise prosecute any person or persons offending against this present Act according to their discretions so that such reward excéed not the third part of the Forfeiture Provided that such Bill Plaint or Information shall be commenced sued and prosecuted in the County City or Town corporate where such offence shall be committed and done and not elsewhere wherein no Essoin Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed to the Defendant Provided always That it shall be lawful for any Constable or Church-warden that shall have any Suit or Action brought against them for any Distress by them or any of them to be taken by force of this present Act to plead the general Issue and to give the special matter in Evidence Provided likewise That no person or persons whatsoever shall be impeached by this Act unless he be thereof questioned within six moneths after the Offence committed Provided further That this Act shall not in any sort abridge or take away the Authority of the Court Ecclesiastical
This Act to continue to the end of the first Session of the next Parliament St. 1 Car. 1. Continued and made perpetual 17 Car. cap. 4. CAP. II. A restraint of passage or sending any person beyond the Seas to be Popishly bred FOrasmuch as divers ill affected persons to the true Religion established within this Realm have sent their children into foreign parts to be bred up in Popery 1. Jac. 4. He that goes himself or sends any other beyond the seas to be trained up in Popery c. shall be disabled to sue c. and shall lose all his goods and shal forfeit all his lands c. for life Stat. 27 El. 2. Stat. 3 Jac. 5. notwithstanding the restraint thereof by the Statute made in the first year of the reign of our late Soveraign Lord King James of famous memory Be it Enacted That the said Statute shall be put in due execution And be it further Enacted by the Kings most excellent Majesty and the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That in case any person or persons under the obedience of the King his heirs and Successors at any time after the end of this Session of Parliament shall pass or go or shall convey or send or cause to be sent or conveyed any Childe or other person out of any of the Kings Dominions into any the parts beyond Seas out of the Kings obedience to the intent and purpose to enter into or be resident or trained up in any Priory Abbey Nunnery Popish Vniversity Colledge or School or House of Iesuits Priests or in any private Popish Family and shall be there by any Iesuite Seminary Priest Friar Monk or other Popish person instructed perswaded or strengthned in the Popish Religion in any sort to profess the same or shall convey or send or cause to be conveyed or sent by the hands or means of any person whatsoever any sum or sums of Money or other thing for or towards the maintenance of any Childe or other person already gone or sent or to go or to be sent and trained and instructed as is aforsaid or under the name or colour of any Charity Benevolence or Alms towards the relief of any Priory Abbey Nunnery Colledge School or any Religious House whatsoever Every person so sending conveying or causing to be sent and conveyed as well any such Childe or other person as any sum or sums of Money or other thing and every person passing or being sent beyond the Seas being thereof lawfully convicted in or upon any Information presentment or Indictment as is aforesaid shall be disabled from thenceforth to sue or use any Action Bill Plaint or Information in course of Law or to prosecute any Suit in any Court of Equity or to be Committée of any Ward or Executor or Administrator to any person or capable of any Legacy or Déed or Gift or to bear any Office within the Realm and shall lose and forfeit all his Goods and Chattels and shall forfeit all his Lands Tenements and Hereditaments Rents Annuities Offices and Estates of Fréehold for and during his natural life A convert shall not incur the penalties aforesaid Stat. 27. El. 2. Provided always That no person sent or conveyed as aforesaid that shall within six moneths after his return into this Realm conform himself unto the present Religion established in this Church of England and receive the Sacrament of the Lords Supper according to the Statutes made concerning Conformity in other cases required from Popish Recusants shall incur any the penalties aforesaid And it is enacted That all and every of the Offences against this Statute may be inquired heard and determined before the Iustices of the Kings-Bench or Iustices of Assise or Gaol-delivery or of Oyer and Terminer of such Counties where the Offendors did last dwell or abide or whence they departed out of this Kingdom or where they were taken Provided also That if any person or Childe so passing or sent or now being beyond the Seas shall after his return into this Realm conform himself to the present Religion established in this Church of England and receive the Sacrament of the Lords Supper according to the Statutes made for or concerning Conformity in other cases required from Popish Recusants for and during such time as he or she shall so continue in such Conformity and obedience according to the true intent and meaning of the said Laws and Statutes shall have his or her Lands restored to them again CAP. III. The Forfeiture and Punishment of him that keeps an Alehouse without License VVHereas by an Act made in the fifth year of the reign of King Edward the sixth of famous memory intituled an Act for kéepers of Alehouses to be bound by Recognizance amongst other things ● 6. Ed. 6. 25 it is enacted That if any person or persons other then such as should be from thenceforth admitted and allowed by the Iustices mentioned in the said Act should after the day in the said Act limited obstinately and upon his own authority take upon him or them to kéep a common Alehouse or Tippling-house or should contrary to the commandment of the said Iustices or two of them use commonly selling of Ale or Béer That then the said Iustices of Peace or two of them whereof one to be of the Quorum should for every such offence commit every such person or persons so offending to the Common Gaol within the same Shire City Borough Town corporate Franchise or Liberty there to remain without bayl or mainprise by the space of thrée days And before his or their deliverance the said Iustices shall take recognizance of him or them so committed with two Sureties that he or they should not kéep any common Alehouse Tippling-house or use commonly selling of Ale or Béer as by the discretion of the said Iustices should séem convenient And the said Iustices should make Certificate of every such Recognizance and Offence at the next Quarter Sessions that should be holden within the same Shire City Borough Town corporate Franchise or Liberty where the same should be committed or done which Certificate should be a sufficient Conviction in Law of the same Offence And the said Iustices of Peace upon the said Certificate made should in open Sessions assess the Fine for every such Offence at twenty shillings as by the said Act may appear Which Law hath not wrought such Reformation as was intended for that the said Fine of twenty shillings is seldom levied and for that many of the said Offendors by reason of their poverty are neither able to pay the said Fine of twenty shillings nor yet to bear their own Charges of conveying them to the Gaol And moreover do leave a great charge of Wife and Children upon the Parishes wherein they live In regard whereof the Constables and other Officers are much discouraged in presenting them and the Offendors become
of the reign of the late Quéen Elizabeth intituled An Act touching leases of Benefices and other Ecclesiastical livings with Cure together with all and every explanations additions 27 El. not printed and alterations thereof or of any of them or to any of them made by several Statutes in the fourtéenth eightéenth 3 J●c 8. The four acts above mentioned made perpetual and thrée and fortieth years of her said late Maiesties reign And one Act made in the seven and twentieth year of the reign of the late Quéen Elizabeth intituled An Act for the maintenance of the Péer and Cobb of Lyme Regis in the County of Dorset 21 Jac. 17. made perpetual And one Act made in the third year of the reign of the late King James intituled An Act for the avoiding of unnecessary delayes of executions be by authority of this present Parliament made perpetual and shall from henceforth stand in full force and effect and be put in due execution for ever hereafter And be it also enacted by the same authority That one Statute made in the one and twentieth year of the reign of the late King James intituled An Act against Vsury which act was to continue for the space of seven years from the four and twentieth day of June which then should be in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred twenty and five and so to the end of the first Session of Parliament then next following be also by authority of this Parliament made perpetual 2● H. 12. And it is further enacted by the authority aforesaid That one Act made in the one and twentieth year of the reign of the late King Henry the eighth intituled an Act for the true making of Cables Halters and Ropes And that part of one Act made in the Parliament holden at Westminster by prorogation the fourth day of November 3 4 Ed. 6. 1● and continued untill the first day of February next after in the third and fourth years of the reign of the late King Edward the sixth by which it is ordained and enacted That no Person or Persons after the time in the said Act mentioned shall sell again alive Cattel in the said act mentioned at or in the Market or Fair wherein he bought the same during the time of the same Fair or Market under the pains therein contained And that no person being a Butcher and using the craft or mystery of Butchery shall at any time after the said feast buy any fat Oxen Stéers Ronts Kine Heifers Calves or Shéep and sell or cause to be sold the same again alive upon pain of forfeiture of every such Ox Stéer Ront 3 4 Ed. 6. 21. Cow Heifer Calves or Shéep bargained or sold contrary to the forme of that Act One other Act made in the same Parliament intituled an Act for the buying and selling of Butter and Chéese together with one Statute made in the Parliament holden in the one and twentieth year of the reign of the late King James 21 Jac. 22. intituled an Act for the explanation of the Statutes made in the third and fourth and fifth years of the reign of the said late King Edward the sixth concerning the traders of Butter and Chéese ● El 5. And so much of an Act made in the fifth year of the Reign of the late Quéen Elizabeth intituled an Act touching certain politick constitutions made for the maintenance of the Navy as is not repealed by any later Statute nor doth concern the eating of flesh or using of fish upon the Wednesday Nor the transportation of herring or other Sea fish Nor fréedom of subsidy Custome or Tonnage for the same Nor Transportation of Corn nor the prohibiting the bringing into this Realm any Cod or Ling in Barrels or other Casks together with all and every other additions explanations and alterations made thereunto or thereof or of any part thereof by any Statute or Statutes made sithence the making of the said last mentioned Act and in force the last day of the Session of Parliament that was in the one and twentieth year of the Reign of the late King James 5 El. 7. And one other Act made in the said fifth year intituled an Act for avoiding divers forreign wares made by handy-crafts Men beyond the Seas 8 El. 10. And an Act made in the eighth year of the Reign of the said late Quéen Elizabeth intituled an Act for Bowyers and the prices of Bows 13 El. 21. And one Act made in the thirtéenth year of the Reign of the late Quéen Elizabeth intituled an Act that Purveyors may take Corn and Victuals within five miles of Cambridge and Oxford in certain cases 14 El. 5. And so much of an Act made in the fourtéenth year of the Reign of the said late Quéen Elizabeth intituled an Act for the punishment of Vagabonds and the relief of the poor and impotent as concerneth the taxing rating levying and imploying of Gaol-mony ●8 El. 3. And so much of an Act made in the eightéenth year of the Reign of the said late Quéen Elizabeth intituled an Act for the setting the poor on work and avoiding Idleness as concerneth Bastards begotten out of lawful Matrimony with this that all Iustices of the Peace within their several limits and precincts and in their several Sessions may do and execute all things concerning that part of the said Statute that by Iustices of the Peace in the several Counties are by the said Statute limited to be done 18 El. 20. And an Act made in the said eightéenth year of the reign of the said late Quéen Elizabeth intituled an Act for repairing and amending the Bridges and High-wayes near unto the City of Oxford 2● El. not printed And one Act made the seven and twentieth year of the Reign of the said late Quéen Elizabeth intituled an Act for the good Government of the City or Borough of Westminster 27 El. 14 3 4 Ed. 6. 20. 27 El 28. And two other Acts made in the said seven and twentieth year of the Reign of the said late Quéen Elizabeth the one intituled an Act for reviving of a former Statute for the true making of Mault together with the Statute by the said Act revived and the other intituled an Act for the kéeping of the Sea banks and Sea works in the County of Norfolke And one Act made in the one and thirtieth year of the Reign of the late Quéen Elizabeth 31 El. 8. intituled an Act for the true gawging of Vessels brought from beyond the Seas converted by Brewers for the utterance and sale of Ale and Béer And two Acts made in the five and thirtieth year of her said late Maiesties Reign 35 El. 10. the one intituled an Act for the Reformation of sundry abuses in Cloaths called Devonshire Kersies or Dozens according to a Proclamation of the four and thirtieth year of her said Maiesties Reign the
4. 20 R. 2. 2. and one other Statute made in the twentieth year of the reign of the late King Richard the second by which it is ordained that no Vaclets called Yeomen nor other of lesser estate than an Esquire shall use or bear any sign of Livery called Livery of Company of any Lord within the Realm And one Statute made in the first year of the reign of the late King Henry the fourth concerning giving of Liberies 7 H. 4. 7. 6 H. 4. 14. 13 H. 4. 3. 8 H. 6. 4. 8 Ed. 4. 2. 3 H. 7. 1. 3 H. 7. 12. A repeal of the 9 Statutes last mentioned And one statute made in the 7th year of the reign of the late King Hen. the 4th concerning giving of Liveries And one other Statute made in the 13th year of the reign of the late King Henry the fourth concerning giving of Liveries And one Statute made in the eighth year of the reign of the late King Henry the sixth concerning Liveries And one Statute made in the eighth year of the reign of the late King Edward the fourth concerning Liveries and so much of one Statute made in the third year of the reign of the late King Henry the seventh concerning the Star-Chamber as toucheth or concerneth the punishment of those that shall give or take Liveries And one other Statute made in the said third year concerning taking of Liveries by the Kings Officers and Farmers be from henceforth repealed And be it also enacted by authority of this Parliament 7 Jac. 20. continued untill the next Parliament that one Act of Parliament made in the seventh year of the reign of the late King James intituled An Act for the speedy recovery of many thousand Acres of marsh grounds and other grounds within the Counties of Norfolk and Suffolk lately surrounded by the rage of the Sea in divers parts of the said Counties and for the prevention of the danger of the like surrounding hereafter be continued and shall stand in force untill the end of the next Session of Parliament 17 Car. cap. 4. CAP. V. The Estates of the Tenants of Bromfield and Yale in the County of Denbigh and of the Tenures Rents and Services thereupon reserved according to the late composition made for the same with the Kings most Excellent Majesty then Prince of Wales ratified and confirmed PR CAP. VI. Five Subsidies granted by the Spiritualty EXP. CAP. VII Five Subsidies granted by the Temporalty Anno quarto Caroli Regis EXP. Anno Regni Caroli Regis Angliae Scotiae Franciae Hiberniae Decimo Sexto AT the Parliament begun at Westminster the third day of Novemb. An. Dom. 1640. In the sixteenth year of the Reign of CHARLES the first by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith c. To the High pleasure of Almighty God and to the weal publick of this Realm were Enacted as followeth CAP. I. Parliaments to be called and held every third year REP. ALT 16 Car. 2. cap. 1. CAP. II. A Grant of four entire Subsidies for the Relief of His Majesties Army and the Northern parts of the Kingdom EXP. CAP. III. Some things mistaken in the last Act reformed and the Acts of the Commissioners and other Officers by them appointed made good EXP. Anno decimo septimo Caroli Regis CAP. IV. A Grant of two Subsidies for the further Relief of His Majesties Army and the Northern parts of the Kingdom EXP. And divers Statutes continued ANd be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the passing of this present Act Divers Statutes continued or of any other Act or Acts or his Majesties Royal Assent to them or any of them in this present Session of Parliament shall not be any determination of the said Session 3 Car. cap. 4. continued further and that all Statutes and Acts of Parliament which have their continuance or were by an Act of Parliament made in the third year of the Reign of his Majesty that now is intituled An Act for the Continuance and Repeal of divers Statutes continued untill the end of the first Session of the then next Parliament shall by vertue of this Act be adiudged ever since the Session of Parliament in the said third year to have been of such force and effect as the same were the last day of that Session and from thenceforth until some other Act of Parliament be made touching the continuance or discontinuance of the said Statutes and Acts in the said Act of the third year of his Majesties Reign continued as aforesaid CAP. V. The Lord Admiral and others by his authority may Raise and Impress Mariners Sailers and others for the present guarding of the Seas and necessary Defence of the Realm EXP. CAP. VI. Michaelmas Term abbreviated Inconvenience● Michaelmas term being so soon after the feast of Saint Michael VVHereas the Term of S. Michael commonly called Michaelmas Term doth begin so soon after the Feast of Saint Michael that it is generally found to be very inconvenient to His Majesties Subjects both Nobles and others as well for the keeping of the Quarter Sessions next after the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel and the keeping of their Léets Law-dayes and Court-Barons which they can by no means attend in regard of the necessity of their coming to the said Term so spéedily after the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel to appear upon Iuries and to follow their Causes and Suits in the Law the same time being the chief time of all the year for the sowing of Land with Winter Corn and for the disposing and setting in order of all their Winter Husbandry and business and for the receiving and paying of Rents And in many parts of this Kingdom Harvest is seldom or never Inned till three wéeks after the said Feast Therefore the Kings most Excellent Majesty out of the Princely care that he hath of all his loving Subjects having a special care to the encrease and continuance of their wealth and good Estates by the assent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same Ordaineth Enacteth and Establisheth That in the said Michaelmas Term there shall be six common dayes of Return only and not above that is to say The first day of Return thereof shall be and be called A die Sancti Michaelis in tres Septimanas In Michaelmas term shall be lie common dayes of Return only The second day of Return of the same Term shall be and be called A die Sancti Michaelis in unum mensem The third day of Return of the same Term shall be and be called In Crastino animarum The fourth day of Return of the same Term shall be and be called In Crastino Sancti Martini The fifth day of Return of the same Term shall be and be called In Octabis Sancti Martini And the sixth day of Return of the said
The Essoin dayes and the Essoin day of the Return of Crastino Sanctae Trinitatis And be it further enacted Writs in personal actions hauing day from tres Michaelis till Crastino Ascentionis good Proviso for writs returnable 1641. Exp. That all Writs and Process in personal Acttions hereafter to be made out of any of his Majesties said Courts at Westminster and having day from tres Michaelis untill Crastino Animarum shall be good and effectual in Law notwithstanding there be not fiftéen dayes betwixt the quarto die of the said tres septimanas sancti Michaelis and the dayes of Essoin of Crastino Animarum Any Law Statute or Vsage to the contrary heretofore notwithstanding Provided alwayes and be if further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all writs and Process to be made from and after the Feast of Easter in the year of our Lord God 1641. Returnable in Octabis or Quindena sancti Michaelis now next ensuing or having dayes betwixt any of the said Returns shall by force of this Act have day unto tres septimanas sancti Michaelis next and the parties to the said writs and Process shall then appear and plead and procéed thereupon to all intents and purposes as if the said Writs and Process had béen made returnable a die sancti Michaelis in tres septimanas And whereas before the making of this Act Writs of summons ad Warrantizandum upon common recoveries and writs of Right of Advowson abridged to five Returns all Writs of Summons ad Warrantizand against the Vouchées upon Common Recoveries had in writs of Entry and writs of Right of Advowson were made for nine Returns inclusive Now for the more spéedy perfecting of such Recoveries Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that from and after the said Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel next all and every such writs of Summons ad Warrantizand upon the appearance of the Tenant to every such writ of Entry and writ of Right of Advowson shall and may be made and abridged to five Returns as writs of Summons ad Warrantizand in writs of Dower unde nihil habet heretofore have been used and accustomed And it is further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all common writs and Process Common writs process to keep the aforesaid returns as well personal as mixt which shall fortune to be returnable in the said Michaelmas Term shall have and kéep the said Returns of A die sancti Michaelis in tres septimanas a die sancti Michaelis in unum mensem in Crastino animarum in Crastino Sancti Martini in Octabis Sancti Martini and a die Sancti Martini in Quindecem dies or any of them Provided alwayes And it is further Enacted by the authority aforesaid Special dayes may be appointed as have been used Dayes in assise of Darrein presentment and in plea of quare impedit and in attaint not contrary hereto shall be firm that in such and like cases and Process as special dayes have béen used to be appointed and assigned and given for the returning of writs and Process It shall be lawful to the Iustices of every of the Kings said Courts of Record for the time being in all the Process by them awarded to assign and appoint special dayes of Returns as by their discretions shall be thought convement Provided also and be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the dayes in Assise of Darrein presentment and in Plea of Quare Impedit limited and appointed by the Statute of Marlebridge and also the dayes to be given in Attaint limited in the Statute made in the fifth year of the Reign of the Noble King Edward the third And also in the Statute made in the thrée and twentieth year of the Raign of the late King Henry the eighth of worthy memory being not contrary to the Tenours of this Act shall be holden firm and stable and shall stand in their full force and effect CAP. VII 1 Stat. 12. Car. 2. cap. 1. This Parliament shall not be Dissolved Prorogued or Adjourned but by Act of Parliament EXP. CAP. VIII Tunnage and Poundage A Subsidy Granted to the King of Tunnage Poundage and other sums of Money payable upon Merchandize Exported and Imported from the 25th of May 1641. to the 14th of July next EXP. CAP. IX Provision of Money for the speedy Disbanding the Armies and setling the Peace of the two Kingdoms of England and Scotland by raising and charging several sums of Money upon persons according to their Ranks Dignities Offices Callings Estates and Qualities therein mentioned and Commissioners to issue for levying the same EXP. CAP. X. For Regulating the Privy Councel and for taking away the Star-Chamber-Court Recital of Ma●●-Ch●rl● and several Statutes St. 3. li. 7. 1. 5 E. 3. cap. 9. VVHereas by the Great Charter many times confirmed in Parliament It is Enacted That no Fréeman shall be taken or imprisoned or disseised of his Fréehold or Liberties or Frée Customs or be Outlawed or exiled or otherwise destroyed and that the King will not pass upon him or condemn him but by lawful Iudgment of his Péers or by the Law of the Land And by another Statute made in the fifth year of the Reign of King Edward the Third It is Enacted That no man shall be attached by any accusation nor fore-judged of life or limb nor his Lands Tenements Goods nor Chattels seised into the Kings hands against the form of the Great Charter and the Law of the Land and by another Statute made in the five and twentieth year of the Reign of the same King Edward the Third 25 E. 3. cap. 4. Stat. 5. It is accorded assented and established that none shall be taken by petition or suggestion made to the King or to his Councel unless it be by Indictment or Presentment of good and lawful people of the same Neighbourhood where such Déeds be done in due manner or by Process made by Writ Original at the Common Law and that none be put out of his Franchise or Free-hold unless he be duly brought in to answer and foreiudged of the same by the course of the Law and if any thing be done against the same it shall be redressed and holden for none 28 E. 3. cap. 3. And by another Statute made in the eight and twentieth year of the reign of the same King Edward the Third It is amongst other things Enacted That no man of what Estate or condition soever he be shall be put out of his Lands or Tenements nor taken nor imprisoned nor disinherited without being brought in to answer by due process of Law And by another Statute made in the two and fortieth year of the Reign of the said King Edward the Third 42 E. 3. c. 3. It is Enacted That no man be put to answer without presentment before Iustices or matter of Record or by due process and writ original according to the Old Law of
time wherein the said offence shall be committed CAP. XI A Repeal of the Branch of a Statute primo Elizabethae concerning Commissioners for Causes Ecclesiastical VVHereas in the Parliament holden in the first year of the reign of the late Quéen Elizabeth late Quéen of England there was an Act made and established Intituled An Act restoring to the Crown the antient Jurisdiction over the State Ecclesiastical and Spiritual St. 1 Eliz. 2 and abolishing all Forreign Power repugnant to the same In which Act amongst other things there is contained one Clause Branch Article or Sentence whereby it was Enacted to this effect Namely That the said late Quéens Highness her Heirs and Successors Kings or Quéens of this Realm should have full power and authority by vertue of that Act by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of England to assign name and authorite when and as often as her Highness her Heirs or Successors should think méet and convenient and for such and so long time as should please her Highness her Heirs or Successors such person or persons being natural born Subjects to her Highness her Heirs or Successors as her Majesty her Heirs or Successors should think méet to exercise use occupy and execute under her Highness her Heirs and Successors all manner of Iurisdictions Priviledges and preheminence in any wise touching or concerning any Spiritual or Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction within these her Realms of England and Ireland or any other her Highnesse Dominions and Countries and to visit reform redresse order correct and amend all such errors heresies schismes abuses offences contempts and enormities whatsoever which by any manner Spiritual or Ecclesiastical power Authority or Iurisdiction can or may lawfully be reformed ordered redressed corrected restrained or amended to the pleasure of Almighty God the increase of vertue and the conservation of the Peace and Vnity of this Realm And that such person or persons so to be named assigned authorized and appointed by her Highness her Heirs or Successors after the said Letters Patents to him or them made and delivered as aforesaid should have full power and Authority by vertue of that Act and of the said Letters Patents under her Highness her Heirs or Successors to exercise use and execute all the Premisses according to the tenor and effect of the said Letters Patents any matter or cause to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding And whereas by colour of some words in the aforesaid Branch of the said Act High Commission Court whereby Commissioners are Authorized to execute their Commission according to the tenor and effect of the Kings Letters Patents and by Letters Patents grounded thereupon the said Commissioners have to the great and insufferable wrong and oppression of the Kings Subjects used to fine and imprison them and to exercise other Authority not belonging to Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction restored by that Act and divers other great mischiefs and inconveniences have also ensued to the Kings Subjects by occasion of the said Branch and Commissions issued thereupon and the executions thereof Therefore for the repressing and preventing of the aforesaid abuses mischiefs and inconveniencies in time to come Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty The said branch of the stat 1 El. c. 2. repealed and the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same That the foresaid Branch Clause Article or Sentence contained in the said Act and every word matter and thing contained in that Branch Clause Article or Sentence shall from henceforth be repealed annulled revoked annihilated and utterly made void for ever any thing in the said Act to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding Rep. St. 13 Car. 1. cap. 11. And be it also Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that no Archbishop Bishop Power taken away from Archbishops Bishops and other Ecclesiastical persons and Courts Exp. St. 13. Car. 2. c. 12. nor Vicar-General nor any Chancellor Official nor Commissary of any Arch-bishop Bishop or Vicar-General nor any Ordinary whatsoever nor any other Spiritual or Ecclesiastical Iudg Officer or Minister of Iustice nor any other person or persons whatsoever exercising Spiritual or Eccesiastical Power Authority or Iurisdiction by any Grant License or Commission of the Kings Majesty his Heirs or Successors or by any power or authority derived from the King his Heirs or Successors or otherwise shall from and after the first day of August which shall be in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred forty and one award impose or inflict any pain penalty fine amerciament imprisonment or other corporal punishment upon any of the Kings Subjects for any contempt misdemeanor crime offence matter or thing whatsoever belonging to Spiritual or Ecclesiastical cognizance or Iurisdiction Oath ex officio St. 13 Car. 2. cap. 12. or shall ex officio or at the instance or promotion of any other person whatsoever urge enforce tender give or minister unto any Churchwarwarden Sydeman or other person whatsoever any corporal Oath whereby he or she shall or may be charged or obliged to make any presentment of any crime or offence or to confess or to accuse himself or her self of any crime offence delinquency or misdemeanor or any neglect matter or thing whereby or by reason whereof he or she shall or may be lyable or exposed to any censure pain penalty or punishment whatsoever upon pain and penalty that every person who shall offend contrary to this Statute Penalty treble damages and one hundred pounds shall forfeit and pay treble damages to every person thereby grieved and the sum of One hundred pounds to him or them who shall first demand and sue for the same which said Treble damages and sum of One hundred pounds shall and may be demanded and recovered by Action of Debt Bill or Plaint in any Court of Record wherein no priviledg Offendors convicted disabled from any office or imployment by the Kings Letters Patents Essoin protection or wager of Law shall be admitted or allowed to the Defendant And be it further Enacted That every person who shall be once convicted of any act or offence prohibited by this Statute shall for such act or offence be from and after such conviction utterly disabled to be or continue in any office or imployment in any Court of Iustice whatsoever or to exercise or execute any power authority or jurisdiction by force of any Commission or Letters Patents of the King his Heirs or Successors And be it further Enacted That from and after the said first day of August No new Court to be erected with the like power no new Court shall be erected ordained or appointed within this Realm of England or Dominion of Wales which shall or may have the like power jurisdiction or Authority as the said High Commission Court now hath or pretendeth to have But that all and every such Letters Patents Commissions and Grants made or to be made by his
person being not re verâ and without fraud a working and labouring Tinner in or about some Tinne-work Persons sued by others shall have their action set on work within one half year next before his Suit shall sue prosecute or implead in any the said Courts or before the Warden Vice-warden or Steward of the said Stannaries any person or persons that is or are not a Tinner or Tinners at the time of such Suit commenced Then the Defendant and Defendants in every such case shall have his and their action at the common Law against such person suing or prosecuting wherein he shall recover ten pounds Such action to be brought within two years and his damages and costs of Suit Provided that such Action be brought within two years next after the Action or Suit brought in the said Stannary Courts or before the said Warden Vice-Warden or Steward And be it declared and Enacted That in all cases where the Plaintiff or Defendant Plaintiffs or Defendants Costs in Stannary courts are to have costs by the Laws or Statutes of this Realm there also the Plaintiffs and Defendants shall have the like costs in the Stannary Courts And in regard that the said Charters were granted for the ease and advantage of the Tinners and not for their disadvantage or oppression and yet divers of them who for special reasons have desired to sue at the common Law have béen restrained Tinner may set forfeitures at the common law Be it declared and Enacted That it shall be lawful to and for the said Tinners if they think fit to sue any Forreigners at the common Law the said Charter or any usage to the contrary notwithstanding Abuses of poor Bailiffs in the Stannaries And whereas the Bailiffs of the said Stannary Courts are very numerous and are persons of small or no credit and yet upon their return that any person is become surety for any other upon Arrest by Process out of the said Courts such person who sometimes knows nothing of the matter is by false Returns of the said Bailiffs made liable to the debt or demand which Bailiffs by reason of their poverty are often not responsible and so the party without remedy How sureties may be sued Be it enacted That no person or persons be charged or troubled as surety by any Return of any Bailiff or Bailiffs of the said Stannaries unless that the person or persons returned Surety or Sureties shall in the presence of two witnesses subscribe or sign a note in writing that such person or persons is or are become Surety or Sureties which note shall mention the names of the Plaintiffs and Defendants in the suit and the summe or damages in demand and the nature of the Action and shall be Signed or subscribed by the said Witnesses and returned and filed in the Court out of which such Processe shall issue and no Bailiff or Bailiffs of the said Stannaries shall be admitted as witnesses to any such note And whereas in the said Stannaries it is used that if the Bailiffs return any Person arrested that if such person make default at the day he shall be condemned and Execution is suddenly awarded when as often the party was not arrested No Defendant shall be condemned on a bailiffs return unless on a note subscribed by the party Be it further Enacted That no Defendant shall be condemned upon such Return for not appearing unless also a Note under the Hand or Sign of the party arrested and subscribed by two such Witnesses as aforesaid be returned into the said Court at or before the day of Appearance and the said Bailiff or Bailiffs shall take but four pence for every such note as aforesaid ʒ and it is provided that none shall be bailed upon arrest there till he give such Note Bail And in case any the said Bailiff or Bailiffs shall return a Rescous against any Person or Persons Rescous he or they shall be admitted to Traverse the said Return which Traverse if it be found with him or them so Traversing then he or they shall be no further troubled or occasioned by reason of such return CAP. XVI For the certainty of the Meets and Bounds of the Forrests WHereas by Act of Parliament made in the first year of the Reign of the late King EDWARD the Third It is ordained That the old Perambulation of the Forrest in the time of King Edward the First St. 1 Ed. 3. should be thenceforth holden in like form as it was then ridden and bounded and in such places where it was not bounded the King would that it should be bounded by good Men and lawful And whereas for many Ages past certain Méets Méers Limits and Bounds of the Forrests have been commonly known and observed in the several Counties wherein the said Forrests lye And whereas of late divers Presentments have been made and some Iudgments given whereby the Meets Meers Limits and Bounds of some of the said Forrests have been variously extended or pretended to extend beyond some of the said Meets Meers Limits and Bounds so commonly known and formerly observed to the great grievance and veration of many Persons having Lands adjoyning to the said Méets Méers Limits and Bounds so commonly known and formerly observed And whereas of late time some Endeavours or Pretences have been to set on foot Forrests in some parts of this Realm and the Dominion of Wales where in truth none have béen nor ought to be or at least have not béen used of long time For remedy thereof may it please your most Excellent Majesty that it be Declared and Enacted by Authority of Parliament And be it Declared and Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty What shall be the Meets and Bounds of Forrests and the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That from henceforth the Meets Meers Limits and Bounds of all and every the Forrests respectively shall be to all intents and purposes taken adjudged and deemed to extend no further respectively then the Meets Meers Limits and Bounds which in the several Counties Respectively wherein the said Forrests do lye were commonly known reputed used or taken to be the Meets Meers Limits and Bounds of the said Forrests respectively in the twentieth year of the Reign of our late Soveraign Lord King JAMES 20 Jacob. and not beyond in any wise any Perambulation or Perambulations Presentments Extents Surveys Iudgments Records Decrees or other matter or thing whatsoever to the contrary notwithstanding And that all and every the Presentments since the said twentieth year made and that all and every other Presentment and Presentments Presentments contrary hereunto shall be v●●d and all and every Iudgment and award upon or by reason or pretert of any such Presentment or Presentments and all and every Perambulation and Perambulations Surveys Extents and other Act and Acts at any time heretofore had or made
and letting to Ferme the said Office of Clerk of the Market and the Execution thereof in and through all or the most of the several Counties of this Kingdome for great sums of Money which the said Fermours or Grantées by their unjust and undue procéedings in the said Office do extort from his Majesties Subjects again to their great impoverishment and yet little or no redress at all in their said Weights or Measures or any benefit thereby accruing to his Majesty For remedy whereof and for regulating of all Weights and Measures according to the true intent of this Statute and the other Statutes in the behalf formerly made and provided and preventing the said inconveniencies There shall be but one measure one weight and one yard St. 9 H. 3 25. 14 E. 3. 12. 27 E. 3. 10. Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty the Lords and Commons of this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That from henceforth there shall be but one Weight one Measure and one Yard according to the Standard of the Exchequer throughout all the Realm as well in places priviledged as without Any usage or custome to the contrary notwithstanding And that every Measure of Corn shall be striked without heap And whosoever shall sell by or kéep any other Weight Measure or Yard then as aforesaid whereby any Corn Grain or other thing is bought or sold after six moneths after the end of this present Session of Parliament shall forfeit for every such offence five shillings Forfeiture being thereof lawfully convicted by the Oath of one sufficient Witness before any Iustice of Peace Mayor or other head Officer of the County City or Town Corporate respectively where the said Offence shall be committed Who by vertue of this Act shall have power to administer an Oath in that behalf How to be levyed Which said sum or penalty of five shillings shall be levyed by the Church-wardens and Overséers of the Poor of the Parish or some or one of them where such Offence is or shall be committed to the use of the Poor of the same Parish of the Goods and Chattels of such Offenders by way of Distress and Sale of the Offenders Goods rendring the Overplus to the party so offending And in default of such Distress it shall be lawful for any Iustices of Peace Mayor or other head Officer of the County City or Town corporate respectively to commit the said party to the Prison or Gaol there to remain without Bail or Mainprise untill he shall pay such sums of Money forfeited as aforesaid And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Clerk of the Market his limits That no Clerk of the Market of the Kings House which now is or hereafter shall be or of the Prince His Highnesse His Heirs or Successours which is or shall be Duke of Cornewall or His or Their Deputy or Deputies shall hereafter execute his or their said Office or Offices respectively in any part of the Kingdom but only within the Verge of the Kings Court where it shall then reside for the time being And that it shall be alwayes hereafter lawful for any Mayor Mayor head Officer and Lords of Liberties have power as clerks of the Market or other head Officer of any City Burrough or Town Corporate or for any Lord or Lords of Liberty Liberties or Franchises his or their Deputy or Deputies or Agents according to their several Liberties and Iurisdictions to have full power to execute the said Offices respectively as they ought or might have done before the making of this Act And for the more ease of his Majesties Subjects Be it further Enacted Forfeiture of ●lerke of the Market for offences That if any Clerk of the Market within his aforesaid precincts and limits of the Verge of the Kings house only or any Mayor or other Officer whatsoever who by vertue of this Act shall have power to inquire of any abuses in Weights and Measures shall seal or give allowance unto any other Weight or Measure Weights or Measures other then according to the said Standard of the Exchequer or shall upon reasonable request and warning refuse to seal or give allowance unto such Weight or Measure Weights or Measures as are according to the said Standard of the Exchequer paying only such Fée or Fées for such allowance as by the Statute or Statutes or by ancient custome are in that behalf formerly provided and allowed and no more That then the said Clerk of the Market Mayor and other Officer or Officers of such City Burrough or Town and the said Lord and Lords of Liberty or Liberties and his and their Deputy and Deputies and Agents respectively shall forfeit for every such offence five pounds to be levyed as aforesaid to the use of the poor of the parish where such offence is or shall be committed And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if the Clerk of the Market Forfeiture for taking unlawful fines or fees his Deputy or Deputies or Agents within the Verge aforesaid or any Mayor or any other Officer or Officers of any City or Town or any Lord or Lords of Liberties his or their Deputy or Deputies Agents or Assigns respectively shall take or receive of any of his Majesties Subjects by colour of the said Office any common Fine or Fines or any Fées other then are formerly allowed by the Statute or Statutes or ancient custome in that behalf made or used shall take any Fée or Fées or other sum of money Reward or consideration for the making Signing or Examination of any Weights or Measures which have béen formerly Marked or Sealed or shall Impose or Assess or cause to be Imposed or Assessed any Fine or Amerciament Fines or Amerciaments without a due and legal trial of the Offences for which the said Fine or Fines Amerciament or Amerciaments are Imposed or Assessed or shall otherwise misdemean himself in the execution of his said Office and be thereof lawfully convicted He shall forfeit for the first Offence whereof he shall also be so lawfully convicted five pounds And for the second offence ten pounds And for the third offence and every other offence afterwards twenty pounds to be levyed as aforesaid to the use of the p●or of the Parish where such offence shall be committed And be it Enacted That whosoever shall be fined or amerced by vertue of this Act St. 13 R. 1. 4. Persons ●ined by this Act not to be ●ined upon any former law Rents of ferms of corn excepted shall not be again fined or amerced for the same offence by vertue of any former Law or Statute Provided alwayes That this Act or Statute shall not extend to the Rents of Ferms or Lands or any Corn or Grain due or payable to any Lord or Lords or any Colledges Houses or other Societies by vertue of any ●ease or Leases or other Covenant or Agreement
but that the same during the continuation of such Lease Leases or other Agreements shall be payed delivered and performed in such measure and form as the same hath been payed delivered and performed before the making of this Act And that such measure Water measures to be continued that is commonly called Water-measure in any Ports Maritime Towns or other places shall be still used and continued as formerly the same hath béen Any thing in this Statute contained to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding The general issue may be pleaded Provided also That no Iustice or Iustices of the Peace Mayor Bailiff or other head Officer Churchwardens Overséers or any other authorized by this Statute for the due execution thereof in any point shall be sued impleaded or otherwise impeached for doing or executing their said Offices respectively And if any Suit or Suits hereafter shall be Commenced against them or any of them their Agents or Assistants touching the premisses That then it shall and may be lawful for them and every of them so sued or troubled in any Court or Courts wheresoever to plead the general issue Not Guilty and to give this Statute in Evidence or any other special matter in Evidence Treble costs for unjust vexation And in ease by or upon this Law they or any of them shall be found not guilty or the Plaintiff be Non-suited the Defendant or Defendants shall recover treble Costs against the Plaintiff for his unjust vexation CAP. XX. None shall be compelled to take the Order of Knighthood Writs issued for persons to take the order of Knighthood WHereas upon the pretext of an ancient custom or usage of this Realm of England That Men of full age being not Knights and being seised of Lands or Rents of the yearly value of forty pounds or more especially if their seisin had so continued by the space of thrée years next past might be compelled by the Kings Writ to receive or take upon them the order or dignity of Knighthood or else to make Fine for the discharge or respite of the same Several Writs about the beginning of his Majesties reign issued out of the Court of Chancery for Proclamations to be made in every County to that purpose and for certifying the names of all such persons and for summoning them personally to appear in the Kings presence before a certain day to be there ready to receive the said Order or Dignity Upon return of which Writs and transmitting the same with their Returns into the Court of Exchequer Returns and upon other Writs for further inquiry of the names of such persons issuing out of the said Court of Exchequer Processe by Distringas was thence made against a very great number of persons Distringas many of which were altogether unfit in regard either of Estate or quality Fines to receive the said Order or Dignity and very many were put to grievous Fines and other vexations for the same although in truth it were not sufficiently known how or in what sort or where they or any of them should or might have addressed themselves for the receiving the said Order or Dignity and for saving themselves thereby from the said Fines Process and vexations And whereas it is most apparent that all and every such procéedings in regard of the matter therein pretended is altogether useless and unreasonable May it therefore please your most Excellent Majesty that it be by authority of Parliament declared and Enacted No person shal be compelled to take on him the order of Knighthood nor undergo any fine for that cause And be it declared and Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty and the Lords and Commons in this Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That from henceforth no person or persons of what condition quality estate or degrée soever shall at any time be distrained or otherwayes compelled by any Writ or Process of the Court of Chancery or Court of Exchequer or otherwise by any means whatsoever to receive or take upon him or them respectively the Order or Dignity of Knighthood nor shall suffer or undergo any Fine Trouble or Molestation whatsoever by reason or colour of his or their having not received or not taken upon him or them the said Order or Dignity And that all and every Writ or Processe whatsoever and all and every procéeding which shall hereafter be had or made contrary to the intent of this Act shall be déemed and adjudged to be utterly void And that all and every processe procéeding and charge now depending by reason or colour of the said pretended custome or Writs aforesaid or of any the Dependants thereof shall from henceforth cease and stand be and remain discharged and utterly void Any former Law or Custome or any pretence of any former Law or Custome or any other matter whatsoever to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding Stat. 1 E. 2. CAP. XXI Liberty for bringing in of Gun-powder and Salt-peter from Forraign parts and for the free making of Gun-powder in this Realm Mischiefs by prohibiting importing of Gunpowder WHereas the Importation of Gun-powder from forreign parts hath of late times béen against Law prohibited and the making thereof within this Realm ingrossed whereby the price of Gun-powder hath béen excessively raised many powder works decayed this Kingdom very much weakened and indangered the Merchants thereof much damnified many Mariners and others taken prisoners and brought into miserable Captivity and Slavery many Ships taken by Turkish and other Pyrates and many other inconveniences have from thence insued and more are likely to ensue if they be not timely prevented Liberty to all to import gun-powder Be it therefore declared and Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty and the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That it shall and may be lawful to and for all and singular persons as well Strangers as natural born Subjects of this Realm to import and bring into this Kingdom any quantities of Gun-powder whatsoever paying such Customes and Duties for the same as by authority of Parliament shall be limited and set down And be it further Declared and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid All Subjects may make and sell Gun-powder and import Salt-peter That it shall and may be lawful to and for all and singular his Majesties Subjects of this his Realm of England to make and sell any quantities of Gun-powder at his and their will and pleasure and also to bring into this Kingdom any quantities of Salt-peter Brimstone or any other materials necessary or requisite for the making of Gun-powder And lastly Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any person or persons Penalty for putting in execution Letters Patents Proclamations c. against this liberty from and after the tenth day of August which shall be in the year of our Lord God One thousand six
hundred fourty and one shall put in execution any Letters Patents Proclamation Edict Act Order Warrant Restraint or other Inhibition whatsoever whereby the Importation of Gun-powder Salt-peter Brimstone or other the materials aforementioned or any of them from Forraign parts or the making of Gun-powder within this Realm shall be any way prohibited or restrained That then the said person and persons so offending shall incur and sustain the pains penalties and forfeitures contained and provided in the Statute of provision and premunire made in the Sixtéenth year of King Richard the Second CAP. XXII A Subsidy granted to the King of Tunnage Poundage and other sums of Money Tunnage Poundage payable upon Merchandize Exported and Imported from the 9th of August 1641. to the first of December next EXP. CAP. XXIII An Act for the better raising and Levying of Mariners Sailers and others Mariners for the present guarding of the Seas EXP. CAP. XXIV For Relief of Captives taken by Turkish and other Pyrats Captive and one per Cent. on Customable goods for three years to be paid and received by the Lord Mayor and Chamberlain of London for that purpose EXP. CAP. XXV A Subsidy granted to the King of Tunnage Poundage c. from the last of November 1641. Tunnage Poundage to the first of February next and the like until the second of July 1642. EXP. CAP. XXVI For the better Ra●sing and Levying of Mariners Sailers and others Mariners for the present guarding of the Seas EXP. CAP. XXVII Persons in Holy Orders shall not exercise certain temporal powers and authorities Persons in Holy Orders REP. Stat. 13 Car. 1. cap. 2. CAP. XXVIII For the better Raising and Levying of Souldiers for the present defence of the Kingdoms of England and Ireland Souldiers EXP. CAP. XXIX A Subsidy granted to the King of Tunnage and Poundage Tunnage Poundage and other sums of Money payable upon Merchandize Exported and Imported from the last of January 1641. to the 25th of March next ensuing EXP. CAP. XXX A Contribution and Loan towards the Relief of Ireland Contribution EXP. CAP. XXXI A Subsidy granted to the King of Tunnage and Poundage Tunnage Poundage and other sums of Money payable upon Merchandize exported and imported from the second of May 1642. to the second of July next following EXP. CAP. XXXII For the Raising and Levying of Moneys for the necessary defence and great affairs of the Kingdoms of England and Ireland and for the payment of Debts undertaken by the Parliament Ireland EXP. CAP. XXXIII An Act for the speedy and effectual reducing of the Rebels in Ireland EXP. CAP. XXXIV Certain Clauses explaining another Act for the reducing the Rebels in Ireland EXP. CAP. XXXV Corporations and Bodies Politick enabled to partake of the benefit of an Act for reducing the Rebels in Ireland EXP. CAP. XXXVI A Subsidy granted to the King of Tunnage Poundage and other sums of Money Tunnage Poundage payable upon Merchandize exported and imported from the 14th of March 1641. to the third of May next ensuing EXP. CAP. XXXVII For the further advancement of an effectual and speedy Reduction of the Rebels in Ireland EXP. Anno Regni Caroli II. Regis Angliae Scotiae Franciae Hiberniae Duodecimo AT the Parliament begun at Westminster the Five and twentieth day of April Anno Dom. 1660. In the Twelfth Year of the Reign of Our most Gracious Soveraign Lord CHARLES the Second by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith c. And there continued until the Nine and twentieth day of December then next following and then Dissolved by his Majesty To the high pleasure of Almighty God and to the weal publick of this Realm were Enacted as followeth CAP. I. The Assembling and Sitting of this present Parliament St. 17 Car. 1. cap. 7. St. 13 Car. 2. cap. 1. The Parliament begun 3 Nov. 16 Car. declared to be dissolved St. 13 Car. 2. cap. 1 The Lords and Commons now sitting declared to be the two Houses of Parliament FOr the preventing all Doubts and Scruples concerning the Assembling Sitting and Procéeding of this present Parliament Be it Declared and Enacted and it is Declared and Enacted by the King our Soveraign Lord and by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled and by Authority of the same That the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster the third day of November in the Sixtéenth year of the Reign of the late King CHARLES of blessed Memory is fully Dissolved and Determined And that the Lords and Commons now sitting at Westminster in this present Parliament are the Two Houses of Parliament and so shall be and are hereby Declared Enacted and Adjudged to be to all Intents Constructions and purposes whatsoever notwithstanding any want of the Kings Majesties Writ or Writs of Summons or any Defect or Alteration of or in any Writ or Writs of Summons or any other Defect or Default whatsoever as if this Parliament had béen Summoned by Writ or Writs in his Majesties Name according to the usual Form and as if His Majesty had béen present in person at the Assembling and Commencement of this present Parliament Provided alwayes That this Parliament may be dissolved by his Majesty after the usual manner as if the same had béen summoned by Writ or Writs in his Majesties Name The Kings assent to this Act shall not determine this Session Provided also and it is hereby Enacted That His Majesties Royal Assent to this Bill shall not determine this present Session of Parliament CAP. II. An Act for putting in Execution an Ordinance mentioned in the said Act for an Assessment of 70000 l. per mensem for three Months EXP. CAP. III. Process and Judicial Proceedings Continued WHereas the four first Returns of Easter Term in the year One thousand six hundred sixty of late called from Easter day in fiftéen dayes from Easter day in thrée wéeks from Easter day in one Moneth and from Easter day in five wéeks or any of them cannot be conveniently kept or holden Now for avoiding all manner of discontinuances whatsoever which by occasion thereof should or might happen or be in any Matter or cause whatsoever Process Writs c. shall not be discontinued for not holding certain dayes of Return in any the Courts at Westminster Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty and the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament That no Pleas Writs Bills Actions Suits Plaints Process Precepts or other thing or things whatsoever Pleaded Returned or Depending or having day or dayes in any of the said Courts in or at the said several Returns or any of them or at any other day or dayes certain after any of the said Returns shall be in any wise discontinued or put without day for or by reason of the not kéeping or holding of the said Returns or dayes or any of them but that all
Great Seal of Lands Liberties Honours or Offices do or may issue in the Kings Majesties Name in the same manner as was usual before the making of the said first recited pretended Act any thing in this present Act to the contrary thereof before expressed in any wise notwithstanding St. 13. Car. 2. cap. 12. CAP. IV. A Subsidie granted to the King of Tonnage and Poundage and other some of Money payable upon Merchandize Exported and Imported The Causes and Trusts upon granting the Subsidies of Tonnage and Poundage THe Commons assembled in Parliament reposing Trust and Confidence in Your Majesty in and for the Guarding and Defending of the Seas against all persons intending or that shall intend the disturbance of Your said Commons in the intercourse of Trade and the invading of this Your Realm For the better defraying the necessary Expences thereof which cannot otherwise be effected without great charge to Your Majesty Do by and with the advice and consent of the Lords in this Your present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same Defending the Seas to the intent aforesaid Give and Grant unto You our Supreme Liege Lord and Soveraign A Subsidy of Tonnage granted to the King one subsidy called Tonnage That is to say Of every Ton of Wine of the growth of France or of any the Dominions of the French King or Crown of France that shall come into the Port of London and the Members thereof by way of Merchandize by your Natural born Subjects the sum of Four Pounds and ten shillings of currant English Money and so after that Rate and by Strangers and Aliens Six pounds of like money And of every Ton of the like Wine which shall be brought into all and every the other Ports and places of this Kingdome and the Dominions thereof by way of Merchandize by Your Naturall Born Subjects the sum of Thrée pounds and by Aliens Four pounds and ten shillings And of every Butt or Pipe of Muscadels Malmseys Cutes Tents Allicants Bastards Sacks Canaries Malligoes Maderoes and other Wines whatsoever commonly called Swéet Wines of the growth of the Levant Spain Portugal or any of them or of any the Islands or Dominions to them or any of them belonging or elsewhere that shall come or be brought into the Port of London by your Natural born Subjects the sum of Fourty five shillings of currant English money and so after that Rate And by Strangers and Aliens Thrée pounds of like money And of every Butt and Pipe of the like Wine which shall come or be brought into all every or any the other Ports and Places of this Kingdom and Dominions thereof by way of Merchandize by Your Natural Born Subjects the sum of Thirty shillings and by Strangers Forty five shillings And of every Awm of Rhenish Wine or Wine of the growth of Germany that shall be brought into this your Realm and the Dominions thereof by your Natural Born Subjects The sum of twenty shillings of currant English money and strangers and Aliens Twenty and five shillings which several Rates are the same which are expressed in a certain Book of Rates herein after mentioned and referred unto And also one other Subsidy called Poundage That is to say of all manner of Goods and Merchandize of every Merchant A subsidy of poundage Natural Born Subject Denizen and Alien to be carryed out of this Realm or any your Majesties Dominions to the same belonging or to be brought into the same by way of Merchandize of the value of every twenty shillings of the same Goods and Merchandizes according to the several and particular Rates and values of the same goods and Merchandizes as the same are particularly and respectively Rated and Valued in the said Book of Rates herein after mentioned and referred unto Twelve pence and so after that Rate And of every Twenty shillings value of any the Native Commodities of this Realm or Manufactures wrought of any such Native Commodities to be carried out of this Realm by every or any Merchant Alien according to the Value thereof in the said book expressed Twelve pence over and above the Twelve pence aforesaid Except and foreprized out of this Grant of Subsidy of Poundage all manner of Woollen Clothes made or wrought or to be made or wrought within this Realm of England commonly called Old Draperies and all Wines before limited to pay subsidy of Tonnage and all manner of Fish English taken and brought by English bottoms into this Realm and all manner of fresh Fish and bestial that shall come into this your Realm and all other Goods and Merchandizes which in the said book of rates are mentioned to be custome-frée Exceptions out of the subsidy of poundage And further We your said Commons by the advice Assent and Authority aforesaid do give and grant unto You Our said Liege Lord and Soveraign for the causes aforesaid One other Subsidy That is to say of and for every short woollen cloth to be exported by Your Natural Born Subjects of this your Realm and the Dominions thereof called broad Cloth not excéeding twenty eight yards in length and thréescore and four pounds in weight the sum of thrée shillings and four pence of Currant English money and for every Cloth of short cloth of old Drapery of lesser length and weight accounting so many pieces to a short cloth as limited and appointed thereunto by the said Book of Rates to be likewise exported by your said natural born Subjects the like sum of of thrée shillings four pence and so after that rate and by Strangers and Aliens six shillings and eight pence for every short cloth accounted as aforesaid which several Rates are accordingly expressed in the said Book of Rates herein after mentioned and referred unto A subsidy of strangers Aliens To have hold take enjoy and perceive the Subsidies aforesaid and every of them and every part and parcel of them unto your Majesty from the four and twentieth day of June inclusively The said subsidies granted to the King during his life in the Twelfth year of your Majesties Reign for and during your Majesties life which God long preserve And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any Wines Goods The penalty for not paying the subsidy or other Merchandize whereof the Subsidies aforesaid are or shall be due shall at any time after be shipped or put into any Boat or Vessel to the intent to be carried into the parts beyond Seas or else be brought from the parts beyond the Seas into any Port Place or Créek of this Realm or other your Majesties Dominions by way of Merchandize and unshipped to be laid on Land the Subsidy Customes and other duties due or to be due for the same not paid or lawfully tendred to the Collector thereof or his Deputy with the consent and agréement of the Comptroller and Surveyor there or one of them at the least nor agréed with
for the same in the Custome-house according to the true meaning of this Act that then from the said four and twentieth day of June all the same Wines Goods and Merchandizes whatsoever shall be forfeit to your Majesty the one moyety of the rate thereof to your Majesty and the other moyety to him or them that will seize the same or sue for the same And that it may please Your Majesty Merchants strangers shall be well intreated That all Merchants aswell Denizens as Strangers coming into this Your Realm be well and honestly intreated and demeaned for such things as Subsidy by this Act is granted as they were in the time of Your Noble Progenitors and Predecessors without oppression to them to be done paying the Subsidies aforesaid And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid That if any Goods or Merchandize A Proviso for such whose goods be taken by Pirates or perished on the Sea as aforesaid of any Merchant being born Denizen after the said four and twentieth day of June hath béen or at any time hereafter during Your Majesties life shall be taken by any Enemies or Pyrates upon the Sea or perished in any Ship or Ships that shall happen to be taken or perished during Your Majesties Life whereof the Subsidies and other Duties aforesaid are or shall be duly paid or agréed for as aforesaid and that duly proved before the Treasurer of England Commissioners of the Treasury or Chief Baron of the Exchequer for the time being by the examination of the same Merchants if they be alive or of their Executors or Administrators if they be dead or by two credible Witnesses at the least sworn or other reasonable Witness and proof sworn then the same Merchant or Merchants his or their Executors or Administrators shall or may newly ship in the same Port where the goods and Merchandize aforesaid were or shall be Customed so much other Merchandize or Goods as the same goods or Merchandize are or shall be lost as aforesaid shall amount unto in custome without paying of any thing for the same so as the same Proof be recorded and allowed of in the Court of Exchequer The Customs of any goods shipped in Carracks or Gallies and certified unto the Collectors of the Customes of the Port where the same Wares or Merchandizes are to be newly shipped without Custome as aforesaid And further That every Merchant-Denizen who shall hereafter Ship any Goods or Merchandize in any Carrack or Gally shall pay to your Majesty all manner of Customs and all the subsidies aforesaid as any Alien born out of the Realm Provided alwayes that it shall and may be lawfull to all and every Your Subjects Shipping of Herrings at his and their will and pleasure to convey and transport out of this Realm in Ships and other Vessels of any the Subjects of this Realm all and every kind of Herrings and other Sea fish to be taken on the sea by any the Subjects aforesaid from or out of any Port or Harbor of this Realm to any place out of your Majesties Dominions without paying any Custome Subsidy or Poundage-moneys for the same Herrings or other Fish so carried or transported during your Majesties life any thing herein before contained to the contrary notwithstanding And because no rates can be Imposed upon Merchandize No rates to be imposed on Merchandize without authority of Parliament imported or exported by Subjects or Aliens but by common consent in Parliament Be it further Enacted and Declared by the Authority aforesaid that the Rates intended by this present Act shall be the rates mentioned and expressed in one Book of Rates intituled The Rates of Merchandize That is to say the Subsidy of Tonnage the Subsidy of Poundage and the Subsidy of Woollen cloths or old Draperies as they are rated and agréed on by the Commons House of Parliament A book of rates agreed by the Commons house of Parliament set down and expressed in this Book to be paid according to the Tenor of the Act of Tonnage and Poundage from the four and twentieth day of June inclusively in the twelfth year of his Majesties Reign during his Majesties Life and subscribed with the hand of Sir Harbottle Grimston Baronet Speaker of the House of Commons Which said Book of Rates composed and agréed on by Your Majesties said Commons and also every Article rule and clause therein contained shall be and remain during Your Majesties Life as effectual to all intents and purposes as if the same were included particularly in the Body of this present Act. And it is further Enacted That during the continuance of this present Grant The fees of the Custome Officers where the Goods Exported or Imported amount to the value of five pounds or more the Customers and Collectors and all other his Majesties Officers in the several Ports shall take and receive such Fées and no other as were taken in the Fourth year of the late King James until such time as the said Fées shall be otherwise setled by Authority of Parliament Provided alwayes That no Person or Persons who after the Four and twentieth of June A Proviso for such as paid before the 24. Iuly 1660. in the year One thousand six hundred and sixty and before the Four and twentieth of July in the same year have paid received or collected any Duties or Customes according to the Rates used in April One thousand six hundred and sixty shall be molested or any way Impeached for or concerning the payment or Receipt of the said duties or any other duties by this Act Imposed And it is hereby further Declared That no person who hath shipped any Goods since the said four and twentieth of June and before the said four and twentieth of July shall be liable to the payment of any duties therefore other then such as were used to be paid in the said moneth of April One thousand six hundred and sixty Goods which may be exported immediately after the passing this Act. Provided alwayes and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall and may be lawful for any Person or Persons immediately from and after the passing of this Act to transport ship and carry out of this Kingdome or out of any Port thereof by way of Merchandize any of these Commodities Goods and Merchandizes following That is to say Iron Armour Bandeléers Bridle-Bitts Halbert Heads and Sharps Holsters Muskets Carbines Fowling-Peices Pistols Pike-Heads Sword or Rapier-Blades Saddles Snaffles Styrropes Calveskins dressed or undressed Geldings Oxen Shéep-skins dressed without the Wooll and all sorts of Manufactures made of Leather paying the respective Rates appointed by this Act and no other any Law Statutes Prohibitions and Customes to the contrary notwithstanding Goods which may be exported being at certain p●●ses And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall and may be lawful immediately after the passing of this Act for any person or
persons to ship carry out and transport by way of Merchandize these several sorts of Goods following that is to say Gun-powder when the same doth not excéed the price of five pounds the Barrel And Wheat Rye Pease Beans Barley Mault and Oats Béef Pork Bacon Butter Chéese Candles when the same do not excéed in price at the Ports from whence they are Laden and at the time of their Lading these prises following That is to say Wheat the Quarter Forty shillings Rye Beans and Pease the Quarter Twenty four shillings Barley and Mault the Quarter twenty shillings Oats the Quarter Sixtéen shillings Béef the Barrel Five pounds Pork the Barrel Six pounds ten shillings Bacon the pound Six pence Butter the Barrel Four pounds ten shillings Chéese the Hundred One pound ten shillings Candles the dozen pound Five shillings paying the respective Rates appointed by this Act and no more Any former Law Statute Prohibition or Custome to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding His Majesty by Proclamation may prohibit transporting Gun-powder Arms and Ammunition out of England 1. Stat. 17. Car. 1. cap. 21. An additional Subsidy upon Wines over and above the forementioned rates Security to be given by the Importer The said Subsidy to be repaid upon exportation Provided alwayes That it shall be frée and lawful for his Majesty at any time when he shall sée cause so to do and for such time as shall be therein expressed by Proclamation to prohibit the Transporting of Gun-powder or any sort of Arms or Ammunition into any parts out of this Kingdome Any thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That over and above the Rates herein before mentioned there shall be paid unto your Majesty of every Ton of Wine of the Growth of France Germany Portugal or Madera brought into the Port of London or elsewhere the sum of thrée pounds of currant English money within the space of Nine moneths after the Importing And of every Ton of all other Wines brought in as aforesaid the sum of Four pounds of like currant Money within the space of Nine months after the Importing thereof For the payment of which duties accordingly the Importer shall give good Security And if any of the said Wines for which the additional Duty in this clause mentioned is paid or secured at the Importation be Exported within twelve moneths after their Importation then the foresaid additional Duty in this clause mentioned shall be returned or the security discharged as to so much as shall be so Exported And if at the Importation the Importer shall pay for the same ready money he shall be allowed after the Rate of Ten per Cent. for a year All Wines discharged of Excise And be it further Enacted That from and after the said Four and twentieth day of July all manner of Wines whatsoever to be Imported in the Port of London or elsewhere shall be fréed and discharged of and from the Imposition of Excise Prisage wines not to pay any custome or subsidy Provided and it is hereby Declared and Enacted That the prisage of Wines or prise-Wines ought not to pay Tonnage nor Custome and shall not be charged with the payment of any Custome Subsidy or sum of money Imposed upon Wines by this Act or any thing therein contained Stat. 13 Car. 2. cap. 7. CAP. V. For continuing the Excise untill the Twentieth of August 1660. EXP. Stat. 13 Car. 2. cap. 7. CAP. VI. For the present Nominating of Commissioners of Sewers His Majesty not yet having constituted any Treasurer of England or Chief Justice of either Bench according to the Stat. of 20 H. 8. EXP. and the said Statute of H. 8. to continue in force CAP. VII Marquess of Ormond An Act for restoring unto James Marquess of Ormond All his Honours Manors Lands and Tenements in Ireland whereof he was in possession on the Three and twentieth day of October One thousand six hundred forty and one or at any time since PR CAP. VIII For continuing the Excise till the Five and twentieth Day of December One thousand six hundred and sixty EXP. Stat. 13 Car. 2. cap. 7. CAP. IX For the speedy Provision of Money for Disbanding and Paying off the Forces of this Kingdom both by Land and Sea by a contribution of all persons according to their several Ranks and Degrees EXP. CAP. X. Explanations of certain defaults in an Act Entituled An Act for the speedy Provision of Money for Disbanding and Paying off the Forces of this Kingdom both by Land and Sea CAP. XI The Kings Majesties most gracious Free and General Pardon Indempnity and Oblivion THe Kings most Excellent Majesty taking into His Gracious and Serious consideration the long and great Troubles Discords and Wars The Causes and Ends of this Pardon and Indempnity that have for many years past béen in this Kingdom and that divers of His Subjects are by occasion thereof and otherwise faln into and be obnoxious to great pains and penalties Out of a hearty and pious Desire to put an end to all Suits and Controversies that by occasion of the late Distractions have arisen or may arise betwéen all His Subjects The General Pardon And to the intent that no Crime whatsoever committed against His Majesty or His Royal Father shall hereafter rise in Iudgment or be brought in Question against any of them to the least endamagement of them either in their Lives Liberties Estates or to the prejudice of their Reputations by any Reproach or Term of Distinction And to bury all Séeds of future Discords and remembrance of the former as well in his own Breast as in the Breasts of His Subjects one towards another And in performance of His Royal and Gracious Word signified by His Letters to the several Houses of Parliament now assembled and His Declarations in that behalf published Is pleased that it may be Enacted And be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty with the advice and consent of the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled First That all and all manner of Treasons Misprisions of Treason Murthers Felonies Offences Crimes Contempts and Misdemeanors Counselled Commanded Acted or done since the first day of January in the year of Our Lord One thousand six hundred thirty seven by any person or persons before the Twenty fourth day of June in the year of Our Lord One thousand six hundred and sixty other then the persons hereafter by name excepted in such manner as they are hereafter excepted by vertue or colour of any command power Authority Commission or Warrant or Instructions from his late Majesty King Charles or His Majesty that now is or from any other person or persons deriving or pretending to derive authority mediately or immediately from both or either of their Majesties or by vertue or colour of any Authority derived mediately or immediately of or from both Houses or either House of
Parliament or of or from any Convention or Assembly called or reputed or taking the Name of the Kéepers of the Liberty of England by Authority of Parliament Or by vertue or colour of any Writ Commission Letters Patents Instruction or Instructions of or from any person or persons Tituled reputed or taken to be Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging or Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions and Territories thereto belonging or assuming the authority or reputed to be chief Magistrate of the Commonwealth or Commander in chief of the Forces or Armies of this Nation by Sea or Land or by any pretence Warrant or Command whatsoever from them or any of them or their or either of their respective Councils or Council or any Member of such Council or Councils or from any person or persons whatsoever deriving or pretending to derive Authority from them or any of them be pardoned Released Indempnified discharged and put in utter Oblivion And that all and every the person and persons Acting Advising Assisting Abetting and Counselling the same they their Heirs Executors and Administrators except as before is excepted be and are hereby pardoned Released Acquitted Indempnified and discharged from the same And of and from all pains of Death and other Pains Iudgments Indictments Convictions Attainders Outlawries Penalties Escheats and Forfeitures therefore had or given or that might accrew for the same And that all such Iudgments Indictments Convictions Attainders Outlawries Penalties Escheats and Forfeitures and every of them and all Grants thereupon made and all Estates derived under the same be and are hereby Declared and Enacted to be from henceforth Null and void And that all mean profits not yet received by such Grantées shall be and are hereby discharged And that all and every person and persons Bodies Politick and Corporate their and every of their Heirs Executors Administrators and Successors shall be and are hereby restored to all and every their Lands Tenements and Hereditaments Goods Chattels and other things forfeited which to His Majesty do or shall appertain by reason of any offence herein before mentioned and not hereafter in this present Act Excepted and Foreprised All Appeals personal Actions and Suits pardoned And be it further Enacted That all Appeals and all personal Actions Suits Molestations and Prosecutions whatsoever for or by reason of any Act of Hostility Trespass Assault Imprisonment or breach of the Peace Advised Counselled commanded Appointed Happened Acted or done by reason of the late troubles or the late Wars in his Majesties Dominions or relating thereunto and Iudgments and Executions thereupon had before the first day of May in the Year of our Lord One thousand six hundred fifty eight stand and be from henceforth discharged But not to restore to any Person or Persons any sums of money mean Profits or Goods already received or taken upon such Execution or to give any accompt for the same And be it likewise Enacted That all Appeals and all personal Actions and causes of such Actions Suits Molestations and Prosecutions whatsoever for or by reason of any Act or thing advised counselled commanded Acted or done by vertue or colour of any Authority or Commission granted by His late Majesty or his Majesty that now is or by vertue or colour of any Order or Ordinance of one or both Houses of Parliament sitting at Westminster Or by any Act or order made by any Persons assuming the name of a Parliament and sitting as a Parliament at Westminster after the death of the late King CHARLES the First Or by the Authority of the said kéepers of the Liberties of England Or by any Ordinance by either of the late Protectors and Council Or by or upon any Commission Writ Process or Warrant by them or any of them or by Authority derived from them or any of them And all demands of Arrearages of Rents and mean Profits of Lands Tenements or Hereditaments heretofore incurred or grown due which have béen paid received or disposed by vertue or colour of any the Authorities or pretended Authorities aforesaid other then such Arrearages or mean profits as are or shall be otherwise disposed by any Act. or Acts of this present Session of Parliament be from henceforth discharged And it is further by the Authority aforesaid Enacted in the second place That all and every the Subjects of these His Majesties Realms of England and Ireland the Dominion of Wales the Isles of Jersey and Garnsey and the Town of Berwick upon Tweed and other His Majesties Dominions the Heirs Executors and Administrators of them and every of them and all and singular Bodies in any manner of wise corporated Cities Burroughs Shires Ridings Hundreds Lathes Rapes Wapentakes Towns Villages Hamlets and Tythings and every of them and the Successor and Successors of every of them shall be and are by the authority of this present Parliament Acquitted Pardoned Released Indempnified and Discharged against the Kings Majesty his Heirs and Successors and every of them of and from all manner of Treasons Misprisions of Treason Felonies Offences Contempts Trespasses Entries Wrongs Deceits Misdemeanors Forfeitures penalties and sums of Money Intrusions Mean profits Wardships Marriages Reliefs Liveries Ouster le mains Mean Rates Respits of Homage Fines and Seisures for Alienation without License Arrearages of Rents other then the Arrearages of Rents due from the late Farmers or pretended Farmers of of the Excise or Customs respectively other then such Arrearages of Rents or Mean profits as are or shall be otherwise disposed by any Act or Acts of this present Parliament and of and from all Arrearages of Tenths and First-Fruits Fines post-fines Issues and Amerciaments and all Recognizances Bonds or other Securities given for payment of them or any of them concealments of Customs and Excise Arrearages of purveyance and of compositions for the same and of and from all pains of Death pains corporal and pecuniary and generally of and from all other Things Causes Quarrels Suits Iudgments and Executions in this present Act hereafter not Excepted nor Foreprized which may be or can be by his Majesty in any wise or by any means pardoned before and unto the twenty fourth day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred and sixty to every or any of his said Subjects Wardships and Mean Profits unreceived Bodies Corporate Cities Burroughs Shires Ridings Hundreds Lathes Rapes Wapentakes Towns Villages and Tithings or any of them And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all Grants and Patents since the twenty fifth of March One thousand six hundred forty one touching the Wardship and Custody of the Body and Lands or touching the marriage of any Heir within age and all mean profits yet unreceived All things not excepted shall be by the general words of this Act as well as it particularly named and demandable by reason thereof shall be
que use Cestuy que trust and every of them their Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns respectively as if this Act had not béen made and as if the said person or persons had not béen excepted attainted or convicted Any Law Statute Vsage or Custome to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Provided alwayes That this Act nor any thing therein contained Fabric● Lands Church Goods and Vtensils shall not extend to Indempnifie any person or persons whatsoever who have entred into any Messuage Lands Tenements and Hereditaments called Fabrick Lands or possest themselves of any Rent or Revenues given for the repair of any Cathedral or other Church or who have Sacrilegiously enriched themselves by converting the Plate or Vtensils and Materials of or belonging to such Churches to their own private use and advantage for or in respect of the said Crimes onely Stat. 13 Car. 2. cap. 7. CAP. XII Which Judicial Proceedings shall be good and effectual in Law and which not BE it Enacted and it is Enacted by His Majesty and the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That no Fines nor final Concords Which Acts and Proceedings shall not be avoided Chirographs nor Proclamations of Fines nor any Recoveries Verdicts Iudgments Statutes Recognizances nor Inrolments of any Déeds or Wills or of any such Fines Proclamations Recoveries Verdicts Iudgments Statutes or Recognizances nor any Exemplifications of them nor any of them nor any Inquisitions Indictments Presentments Informations Decrées Sentences Probats of Wills nor Letters of Administration nor any Writs or Actings on or Returns of Writs Orders or other Procéedings in Law or Equity had made given taken or done or depending in the Courts of Chancery Kings-Bench Vpper Bench Common-Pleas and Court of Exchequer and Courts of Exchequer-Chamber or any of them sitting at Westminster or in the Courts of the Great Sessions in Wales the Courts of any Counties Palatine or Dutchy of Lancaster or Town of Berwick upon Tweed or in any other inferiour Courts of Law or Equity or by any the Iudges Clerks Officers Sheriffs Coroners or Ministers or others Acting in Obedience to them or any of them or by any the Courts of Admiralty Delegates Iustices of Assize Nisi Prius Oyer and Terminer Gaol-Delivery Iustices of the Peace Commissioners of Sewers Bankrupts or Charitable Vses nor any Actings Process Procéedings nor Executions thereupon had made given done or suffered in the Kingdom of England since the First of May One thousand six hundred forty two shall be avoided for want or defect of any Legal Power in the said Courts Iudges Commissioners Iustices or any of them or for or by reason that the Premisses or any of them were commenced prosecuted had made held or used in the Name Stile or Title of the late King or in the Name Stile Title or Test of Custodes Libertatis Angliae Authoritate Parliamenti Or in the Name Stile Title or Test of The Keepers of the Liberty of England by Authority of Parliament Or in the Name Stile Title or Test of Oliver Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging Or of Oliver Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging Or the Name Stile Title or Test of Richard Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging or for or by reason of any alteration of the said Names Stiles or Titles Or for that the said Fines Recoveries Process Pleadings Procéedings and other things before mentioned Or the Entry and Enrolment of them or any of them were in the Latine or English But that all and every such Fines Recoveries and other things above mentioned and the Actings Doings and Procéedings thereupon shall be of such and of no other Force Effect and Vertue then as if such Courts Iudges Iustices Commissioners Officers and Ministers had acted by vertue of a True Iust and Legal Authority and as if the same and the Entry and Enrolment thereof were in Latine and as if the several Acts and Ordinances or pretended Acts or Ordinances made by both or either Houses of Parliament or any Convention assembled under the name of a Parliament or by Oliver Cromwell late stiled Protector of the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions thereto belonging and his Council Warranting or Directing such Procéedings had béen Good True and Effectual Acts of Parliament Fines Levied without Entry of Licentia concordandi And whereas since the death of the late King several Fines have béen Levied without any Entry or due Entring of any sum paid pro licentia concordandi commonly called the Kings Silver and without Entry or due Entry of any sum given to the party for the Concord And also whereas in the Term of St. Michael last past several Fines were Levied and Recorded in the Court of Common Pleas before one Iudge onely of the said Court Be it Enacted That the said Fines and Proclamations thereupon and every of them shall be good and effectual notwithstanding the defects aforesaid Fines and Recoveries of Lands in Com Palatin Durham And be it also further Enacted That all Fines Proclamations of Fines Recoveries and other Iudicial procéedings in the Court of Common Pleas at Westminster since the death of His late Majesty King Charles the First Had Levied or Suffered of any Lands lying in the County Palatine of Durham shall be good and effectual notwithstanding the said Lands were lying in the said County Palatine The Illegal Acts and Proceedings of that High Court of Iustice not allowed Provided That this Act or any thing there in contained shall not be Construed Deemed or Adjudged to make good allow confirm or countenance any the Procéedings in the late Illegal and Vn-warranted High Courts of Iustice or so called or any of them And whereas since the first day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred forty one and before the Five and twentieth day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred and sixty there were divers persons that Adhered to both Houses of Parliament who for or in respect of such their adherence were Indicted Charged or Impeached of Treason And whereas since the said first Day of May in the Year of our Lord One thousand six Hundred Forty one and before the said Five and twentieth day of April in the Year of our Lord One thousand six hundred and sixty divers persons who adhered to His Majesty or to the late King were for such their adherence Charged Impeached or Indicted of High Treason Indictments c. and all Grants thereupon made void Be it further Provided and Enacted That the said Charges Impeachments Indictments and all Exigents Outlawries Convictions and Attainders thereupon and all Letters Patents and Grants thereupon made of any Manors Lands Tenements or
and other his Lieges of this Realm conducted his Majesty unto His Royal Cities of London and Westminster with all possible Expressions of their Ioy and Loyal Affections in far greater Triumph than any of his most Victorious Predecessors Kings of England returned thither from their Forreign Conquest and both his Majesties Houses of Parliament with all Dutiful and Ioyful Demonstrations of their Allegiance publickly received and cordially congratulated His Majesties most happy Arrival and Investiture in his Royal Throne at his Palace at White-Hall Vpon all which considerations this being the Day which the Lord himself hath made and crowned with so many publick Blessings and signal Deliverances both of his Majesty and his People The intent of keeping the said Day from all their late most deplorable Confusions Divisions Wars Devastations and Oppressions to the end that it may be kept in perpetual Remembrance in all Ages to come and that his Sacred Majesty will with all his Subjects of this Realm and the Dominions thereof and their posterities after them might annually celebrate the perpetual memory thereof by sacrificing their unfeigned hearty publick Thanks thereon to Almighty God with one heart and voice in a most devout and Christian manner for all these publick benefits received and conferred on them upon this most joyful Day Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That all and singular Ministers of Gods Word and Sacraments in every Church Chappel and other usual place of Divine Service and publick Prayer which now are or hereafter shall be within this Realm of England and the respective Dominions thereof and their Successors shall in all succéeding Ages annually celebrate the Twenty Ninth day of May The 29th of May to be annually celebrated by rendring their hearty publick Praises and Thanksgivings unto Almighty God for all the forementioned Extraordinary Mercies Blessings and Deliverances received and mighty Acts done thereon and Declare the same to all the people there assembled and the Generations yet to come that so they may for ever praise the Lord for the same whose Name alone is Excellent and his Glory above the Earth and Heavens And be it further Enacted All persons to resort to some Church Chappel or publique Place of Thanksgiving the said day That all and every person and persons inhabiting within this Kingdom and the Dominions thereunto belonging shall upon the said day annually resort with diligence and devotion to some usuall Church Chappel or Place where such publick Thanksgivings and Praises to Gods most Divine Majesty shall be rendred and there orderly and devoutly abide during the said publick Thanksgivings Prayers Preaching Singing of Psalmes and other Service of God there to be used and ministred And to the end that all persons may be put in mind of their duty thereon and be the better prepared to discharge the same with that piety and devotion as becomes them Be it further Enacted Notice of this Act to be given the next Lords Day before That every Minister shall give notice to his Parishioners publickly in the Church at morning Prayer the Lords Day next before every such Twenty Ninth day of May for the due observation of the said day And shall then likewise publickly and distinctly read this present Act to the people St. 13 Car. 2. cap. 11. CAP. XV. An Act for the speedy Disbanding of the Army and Garrisons of this Kingdom with Instructions for the same EXP. CAP. XVI Souldiers of the Army Disbanded may Exercise Trades WHereas there are divers Officers and Souldiers now in the Kings Majesties Service Souldiers instrumental in His Majesties Restauration under the Command of his Excellency George Duke of Albemarle Captain General of His Majesties Armies who have béen Instrumental by the Blessing of Almighty God to the Happy Restitution and Restoration of his Sacred Majesty unto His Kingdomes and People and to His Iust Right of Government in the Kingdom of England and the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging some of which are men that used Trades others that were Apprentices to Trades who had not served out their Times and others who are Apt and Fit for Trades many of which the Wars being now ended would willingly Imploy themselves in those Trades they were formerly accustomed unto or which they are apt and able to follow and make use of for the getting of their Living by their Labour and Industry but are or may be hindred from exercising those Trades in certain Cities Corporations and other places within this Kingdom because of certain by-Lawes and Customs of those places and of a Statute made in the Fifth year of the late Quéen Elizabeth Prohibiting the use of certain Trades by any person that hath not served as an Apprentice to such Trade by the space of seven years Such as were in Service under General Monk 25. April 1660. and instrumental in his Majesties restitution may exercise Trades For remedy whereof And to the end that those persons who were in Actual Service under the Command of the said Captain General on the Five and twentieth day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred and sixty and were Instrumental to the Happy Restitution of the Kings Majestie unto his Iust Right of Government as aforesaid may not be deprived of a Means of Livelyhood May it please your Majesty that it may be Enacted and be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty and the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority thereof That all such Officers and Souldiers who were under the Command of the said Captain General on the Five and twentieth day of April Such as have deserted the Service or refuse the Oath of Allegiance excepted in the said year of our Lord One thousand six hundred and sixty and have not since deserted the Service or refused to take the several Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance unto the Kings Majesty that now is his Heirs and Successors and that have heretofore used or exercised any Trade though they did not serve out the time of their Apprentiship or any other person imployed as aforesaid under the Command of the said Captain General at the time aforesaid that is apt and able to practise any Trade may set up and exercise such several and respective Trades Mysteries or occupations whereunto he or they have béen bound Apprentice and served any Part of his or their time or any Handicraft or other Trade exercised about Manufactures though he was never bound Apprentice to the same Apprentices to enjoy all Immunities as it they had served their Time in manner following that is to say Such of them as have béen Apprentices as aforesaid may set up and exercise such several and respective Trades whereunto he or they have béen so bound Apprentices as fully as if they had served out their
respective terms or times for which they have béen bound and shall have and enjoy the same Immunities as they should have had and enjoyed if they had served out their said terms or times And all others of the said Officers and Souldiers may set up and exercise such Trades as they are apt and able for in the several Towns and Places within the several and respective Counties wherein they were born without any suit let or molestation of any person or persons whatsoever for or by reason of the using of such Trade And if any such Officer or Officers Souldier or Souldiers shall be sued impleaded or indicted in any Court whatsoever within this Kingdom for using or exercising any such Trades as aforesaid then the said Officer or Officers Souldier or Souldiers making it appear to the same Court where they are so sued impleaded or indicted that they have served the Kings Majesty under the Command of the said Captain General as aforesaid and they they have severally taken the said Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance The general Issue pleaded upon this Act. and have not since deserted the said Service shall upon the General Issue pleaded be found Not guilty in any Plaint Bill Information or Indictment exhibited against them and such persons who notwithstanding this Act shall prosecute their said Suit by Bill Plaint Information or Indictment and shall have a Verdict pass against them or become Nonsuit therein or discontinue their said Suit such person or persons shall pay unto such Officer or Officers Souldier or Souldiers double costs of Suit to be recovered as any other Costs at Common Law may be recovered And all Iudges and Iurors before whom any such Suit Information or Indictment shall be brought and all other persons whatsoever are to take notice of this present Act and shall conform themselves thereunto any Statute Law Ordinance Custom or Provision to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding How an Officer or Souldier may prove his being in Service within this Act. Provided That no Officer or Souldier shall have the benefit of this Act that shall not prove his Service as aforesaid either by a Certificate under the Hand and Seal of some Field Officer and two Commission-Officers of the Regiment wherein he served or some General-Officer of the Army certifying his knowledg of the Service aforesaid and the said Certificate to be proved by one Witness at least to be a true Certificate or for default of such Certificate by the Oaths of two credible Persons at least Penalty upon false Certificates Provided also That if any person or persons pretending themselves to have béen Officers or Souldiers within the qualifications aforesaid shall produce a false Certificate to the intent to have the benefit of this Act and thereof be convicted by Confession or due proof of Law shall suffer Imprisonment not excéeding six months and to lose the benefit of this Act Any thing therein contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding Souldiers Tradesmen to submit to all Offices and Orders in Corporations and Companies of their Manufacture Provided also and be it Enacted That the said Officers and Souldiers in this Act mentioned and all other persons exercising or that shall exercise any Trade or Profession in any City or Corporation shall be liable to bear all Offices in the said respective Cities and Corporations when by the said Cities and Corporations they shall be elected thereunto and shall submit to such Orders of Corporations and Companies for search of the well and true making of their Manufacture as others frée of the said Companies or Corporations are subject unto any Law Usage or Custom to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding CAP. XVII Ministers confirmed and restored to their Benefices CAP. XVIII Shipping and Navigation Encouraged FOr the increase of Shipping and encouragement of the Navigation of this Nation wherein under the good Providence and Protection of God the Wealth Safety and Strength of this Kingdom is so much concerned Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled No goods shall be imported from Asia Africa or America but in English Ships and the Authority thereof That from and after the First day of December One thousand six hundred and sixty and from thenceforward no Goods or Commodities whatsoever shall be Imported into or Exported out of any Lands Islands Plantations or Territories to His Majesty belonging or in his possession or which may hereafter belong unto or be in the possession of His Majesty his Heirs and Successors in Asia Africa or America in any other Ship or Ships Vessel or Vessels whatsoever but in such Ships or Vessels as do truly and without fraud belong only to the People of England or Ireland Dominion of Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed or are of the built of and belonging to any the said Lands Islands Plantations or Territories as the Proprietors and Right Owners thereof and whereof the Master and thrée fourths of the Mariners at least are English Penalty under the penalty of the Forfeiture and Loss of all the Goods and Commodities which shall be Imported into or Exported out of any the aforesaid places in any other Ship or Vessel as also of the Ship or Vessel with all its Guns Furniture Tackle Ammunition and Apparel one Third part thereof to his Majestie his Heirs and Successors one Third part to the Governour of such Land Plantation Island or Territory where such default shall be committed in case the said Ship or Goods be there seized or otherwise that third part also to his Majesty his Heirs and Successors and the other third part to him or them who shall Seize Inform or Sue for the same in any Court of Record by Bill Information Plaint or other Action wherein no Essoin Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed And all Admirals and other Commanders at Sea of any the Ships of War or other Ship having Commission from his Majesty or from his Heirs or Successors are hereby Authorized and strictly required to seize and bring in as prize all such Ships or Vessels as shall have offended contrary hereunto and deliver them to the Court of Admiralty there to be procéeded against and in case of condemnation one Moyety of such Forfeitures shall be to the use of such Admirals or Commanders and their Companies to be divided and proportioned amongst them according to the Rules and Orders of the Sea in case of Ships taken prize and the other Moyety to the use of his Majesty his Heirs and Successors And be it Enacted Aliens shall not exercise the occupation of Merchants or Factors That no Alien or person not born within the Allegiance of our Soveraign Lord the King his Heirs and Successors or Naturalized or made a frée Denizen shall from and after the First day of February which shall be in the year of our Lord One
thousand six hundred sixty one exercise the Trade or Occupation of a Merchant or Factor in any the said places upon pain of the Forfeiture and Loss of all his Goods and Chattels or which are in his possession one third to his Majesty his Heirs and Successors one third to the Governour of the Plantation where such person shall so offend and the other third to him or them that shall inform or sue for the same in any of his Majesties Courts in the Plantation where such offence shall be committed And all Governours of the said Lands Islands Plantations or Territories and every of them are hereby strictly required and commanded and all who hereafter shall be made Governours of any such Islands Plantations or Territories by his Maiesty his Heirs or Sucéessors shall before their entrance into their Government take a Solemn Oath to do their utmost that every the aforementioned clauses and all the matters and things therein contained Governors c. of Plantations to take an Oath for the observance of the aforementioned clauses shall be punctually and bona fide observed according to the true intent and meaning thereof And upon complaint and proof made before His Majesty his Heirs or Successors or such as shall be by Him or them thereunto authorized and appointed that any the said Governours have béen willingly and wittingly negligent in doing their Duty accordingly that the said Governour so offending shall be removed from his Government And it is further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That no Goods or Commodities whatsoever of the growth production or manufacture of Africa Asia or America or of any part thereof or which are described or laid down in the usual Maps or Cards of those places be imported into England Ireland or Wales Islands of Guernsey and Jersey or Town of Berwick upon Tweed in any other Ship or Ships Vessel or Vessels whatsoever but in such as do truly and without fraud belong only to the people of England or Ireland Dominion of Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed or of the Lands Islands Plantations or Territories in Asia Africa or America to His Majesty belonging as the proprietors and right owners thereof and whereof the Master and thrée Fourths at least of the Mariners are English under the penalty of the Forfeiture of all such Goods and Commodities and of the Ship or Vessel in which they were Imported with all her Guns Tackle Furniture Ammunition and apparel one Moyety to his Majesty his Heirs and Successors and the other moyety to him or them who shall seize inform or sue for the same in any Court of Record by Bill Information Plaint or other Action wherein no Essoin Protection or Wager in Law shall be allowed And it is further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid No Goods of forreign groweth or manufacture shall be brought into England c. in English Ships but onely from the places of their said growth c. That no Goods or Commodities that are of forreign Growth Production or Manufacture and which are to be brought into England Ireland Wales the Islands of Guernsey and Jersey or Town of Berwick upon Tweed in English-built shipping or other shipping belonging to some of the aforesaid places and Navigated by English Mariners as abovesaid shall be shipped or brought from any other Place or Places Countrey or Countreys but onely from those of the said Growth Production or Manufacture or from those Ports where the said Goods and Commodities can onely or are or usually have béen first shipped for transportation and from none other Places or Countreys under the penalty of the Forfeiture of all such of the aforesaid Goods as shall be Imported from any other Place or Country contrary to the true intent and meaning hereof as also of the Ship in which they were Imported with all her Guns Furniture Ammunition Tackle and Apparel one Moyety to his Majesty his Heirs and Successors and the other moyety to him or them that shall seize inform or sue for the same in any Court of Record to be recovered as is before exprest All ling stockfish c. oyl c. Whale ●ins c. imported not caught in vessels by the proprietors themselves c. shall pay double Aliens custom And it is further Enacted by the authority aforesaid That any sort of Ling Stockfish Pilchard or any other kind of dryed or salted fish usually fished for and caught by the People of England Ireland Wales Town of Barwick upon Tweed or any sort of Codfish or Herring or any Oyl or Blubber made or that shall be made of any kind of fish whatsoever or any Whale-fins or Whale-bones which shall be imported into England Ireland Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed not having béen caught in Vessels truly properly belonging thereunto as Proprietors and right Owners thereof and the said Fish cured saved and dryed and the Oyl and Blubber aforesaid which shall be accompted and pay as oyl not made by the people thereof and shall be imported into England Ireland or Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed shall pay double Aliens custom No goods to be ●a●ed or carryed from one part of England to another in the vessel of any Alien not denizend c. And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid That from henceforth it shall not be lawfull to any person or persons whatsoever to Load or cause to be Loaden carried in any Bottom or Bottoms Ship or Ships Vessel or Vessels whatsoever whereof any Stranger or Strangers born unless such as be Denizens or Naturalized be Owners Part-owners or Master and whereof thrée fourths of the Mariners at least shall not be English any Fish Victual Wares Goods Commodities or things of what kind or Nature soever the same shall be from one Port or Créek of England Ireland Wales Islands of Guernsey or Jersey or Town of Berwick upon Tweed to another Port or Créek of the same The penalty or of any of them under penalty for every one that shall offend contrary to the true meaning of this branch of this present Act to forfeit all such goods as shall be loaden and carried in any such Ship or Vessel together with the Ship or Vessel and all her Guns Ammunition Tackle Furniture and Apparel one Moyety to his Majesty his Heirs and Successors and the other Moyety to him or them that shall Inform Ease and abatement in the book of rates to extend only where three parts of the Marriners be English Seize or Sue for the same in any Court of Record to be recovered in manner aforesaid And it is further Enacted by the authority aforesaid That where any Ease Abatement or Priviledge is given in the Book of Rates to goods or Commodities Imported or Exported in English built Shipping that is to say shipping built in England Ireland Wales Islands of Guernsey or Jersey or town of Berwick upon Tweed or in any the Lands Islands Dominions and
c. That if any Officer of the Customs shall from and after the said First day of April allow the priviledge of being a Ship or Vessel to England Ireland Wales or Town of Berwick or any of them belonging to any Forreign built Ship or Vessel untill such Certificate be before them produced or such Proof and oath taken before them or if any Officer of the Customs shall allow the priviledge of an English built ship or other Ship to any the aforesaid places belonging to any English or Forrien built Ship coming into any Port and making entry of any Goods untill Examination whether the Master and thrée Fourths of the Mariners be English or shal allow to any Forreign built ship bringing in the Commodities of the Growth of the Country where it was built the priviledge by this Act to such Ship given untill Examination and Proof whether it be a ship of the built of that Country and that the Master and thrée Fourths of the Mariners are of that Country or if any Person who is or shall be made Governor of any Lands Islands Plantations or Territories in Africa Asia or America by his Majesty His Heirs or Successors shall suffer any Forrein built Ship or Vessel to load or unload any Goods or Commodities within the Precincts of their Goverments untill such Certificate be produced before them or such as shall be by them appointed to view the same and Examination whether the Master and thrée Fourths of the Mariners at least be English that for the first offence such Officer of the Customs and Governors shall be put out of their places Offices or Governments Provided alwayes That this Act or any thing therein contained extend not Proviso for goods of the Streights or Levant or be meant to restrain and prohibite the Importation of any the Commodities of the Streights or Levant Seas loaden in English built shipping and wherof the Master and thrée fourths of the Mariners at least are English from the usual Ports or places for lading of them heretofore within the said Streights or Levant Seas though the said Commodities be not of the very growth of the said places Provided also that this Act or any thing therein contained extend not or be meant to restrain the Importing of any East India Commodities loaden in English built shipping and whereof the Master and thrée fourths of the Mariners at least are English from the usual place or places for lading of them in any part of those Seas to the South-Ward and Eastward of Cabo bona speranza although the Ports be not th●●bery Places of their growth Provided also That it shall and may be lawful to and for any of the people of England Ireland East India Commodities Proviso for goods imported from Spain Portugal Azores Madera or Canary Islands Wales Islands of Guernsey or Jersey or town of Berwick upon Tweed in Vessels or Ships to them belonging and whereof the Master and thrée fourths of the Mariners at least are English to load and bring in from any of the Ports of Spain or Portugal or Western Islands commonly called Azores or Madera or Canary Islands all sorts of Goods or Commodities of the Growth Production or Manufacture of the Plantation or Dominions of either of them respectively Proviso for Bullion and goods taken by way of Rep●isal Provided That this Act or any thing therein contained extend not to Bullion nor yet to any Goods taken or that shall be bona fide taken by way of Reprisal by any Ship or Ships belonging to England Ireland or Wales Islands of Guernsey or Jersey or Town of Berwick upon Tweed and whereof the Master and thrée Fourths of the Mariners at feast are English having Commission from his Majesty his Heirs or Successors Proviso concerning goods of Scotland Provided alwayes That this Act or any thing therein contained shall not extend or be construed to extend to lay Aliens Duties upon any Corn of the growth of Scotland or to any Salt made in Scotland nor to any Fish caught saved and cured by the People of Scotland and Imported directly from Scotland in Scotch built Ships Goods of Russia and whereof the Master and thrée Fourths of the Mariners are of His Maiesties Subiects nor to any Seal Oyl of Russia Imported from thence into England Ireland Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed in shipping bona fide to some of the said places belonging and whereof the Master and three Fourths of the Mariners at least are English The duty payable upon goods in French ships Provided also and it is hereby Enacted That every Ship or Vessel belonging to any the Subjects of the French King which from and after the Twentieth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and sixty shall come into any Port Creek Harbor of Road of England Ireland Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed and shall there lade or unlade any Goods or Commodities or take in or set on Shore any passengers shall pay to the Collector of His Majesties Customs in such Port Créek Harbor or Road for every Tun of which the said Ship or Vessel is of burthen How long to continue to be computed by such Officer of the Customs as shall be thereunto appointed the sum of five shillings currant money of England And that no such Ship or Vessel be suffered to depart out of such Port Créek Harbor or Road until the said Duty be fully paid And that this Duty shall continue to be Collected Levied and paid for such time as a certain Duty of Fifty Solls per Tun lately imposed by the French King or any part thereof shall continue to be Collected upon the shipping of England lading in France and thrée Moneths after and no longer Sugars tobacco c. of the growth of America Asia or Africa And it is further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That from and after the First day of April which shall be in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty one noe Sugars Tobacco Cotton-wooll Indicoes Ginger Fustick or other dying wood of the growth Production or Manufacture of any English Plantations in America Asia or Africa shall be shipped carried conveyed or transported from any the said English Plantations to any Land Island Territory Dominion Port or place whatsoever other then to such other English Plantations as do belong to His Majesty His Heirs and Successors or to the Kingdom of England or Ireland or Principality of Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed there to be laid on shore under the penalty of the Forfeiture of the said Goods or the full value thereof as also of the Ship with all her Guns Tackle Apparel Ammunition and Furniture The one Moyety to the Kings Majesty His Heirs and Successors and the other Moyety to him or them that shall seize inform or sue for the same in any Court of Record by Bill Plaint or Information wherein no Essoign
Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That for every Ship or Vessel which from and after the Five and twentieth day of December Ships of England Ireland or Wales Sailing to any English plantation of America Asia or Africa shall be bound with sureties to bring goods there loaded into England c. in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and fifty shall set sail out of or from England Ireland Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed for any English Plantation in America Asia or Africa sufficient bond shall be given with one surety to the chief Officers of the Custom-house of such Port or place from whence the said Ship shall set sail to the value of one thousand pounds if the ship be of less burthen then one hundred Tuns and of the sum of two thousand pounds if the Ship shall be of greater burthen That in case the said ship or vessel shal load any of the said Commodities at any of the said English plantations that the same Commodities shall be by the said ship brought to some Port of England Ireland Wales or to the Port or Town of Berwick upon Tweed and shall there unload and put on shore the same the danger of the Seas only excepted And for all ships coming from any other Port or Place to any of the aforesaid plantations who by this Act are permitted to trade there that the Governor of such English plantations shall before the said ship or Vessel be permitted to load on board any of the said Commodities take Bond in manner and to the value aforesaid for each respective Ship or Vessel That such Ship or Vessel shall carry all the aforesaid Goods that be laden on board in the said ship to some other of His Majesties English Plantations or to England Ships coming from other places to any of those plantations Ireland Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed And that every ship or Vessel which shall load or take on board any of the aforesaid Goods untill such Bond given to the said Governor or Certificate produced from the Officers of any Custom-house of England Ireland Wales or of the Town of Berwick that such bonds have béen there ●●ly given shall be forefeited with all her Guns Tackle Apparel and Furniture to be imployed and recovered in the manner as aforesaid And the said Governors and every of them shall twice in every year after the First day of January The respective Governors to return the bonds taken twice yearly to the chief offices of the custom in London One thousand six hundred and sixty return true Copies of all such Bonds by him so taken to the chief Officers of the Customs in London St. 13. Car. 2. cap. 14. CAP. XIX For preventing Frauds and concealments of Customs and Subsidies BE it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled That if any person or persons at any time after the first day of September One thousand six hundred and sixty Persons which shall convey away any goods without entry agreement for the custome shall cause any Goods for which Custom Subsidy or other Duties are due or payable by vertue of the Act passed this Parliament Entituled A Subsidy Granted to the King of Tunnage and Poundage and other sums of money payable upon Merchandize Exported and Imported to be landed or conveyed away without due entry thereof first made and the Customer or Collector or his Deputy agréed with That then and in such case upon Oath thereof made before the Lord Treasurer or any of the Barons of the Exchequer or chief Magistrate of the Port or place where the offence shall be committed or the place next adjoyning thereunto The penalty it shall be lawful to and for the Lord Treasurer or any of the Barons aforesaid or chief Magistrate of the Port or place where the offence shall be committed or the place next adjoyning thereunto to issue out a Warrant to any person or persons thereby enabling him or them with the assistance of a Sheriff Iustice of Peace or Constable to enter into any house in the day time where such Goods are suspected to be concealed and in case of resistance to break open such houses and to seize and secure the same goods so concealed And all Officers and Ministers of Iustice are hereby required to be aiding and assisting thereunto Provided alwayes That no house shall be entred by vertue of this Act No proceeding against any upon this Act unless within one month after the offence committed The continuance of this Act. Damages and costs against false informers unless it be within the space of one Moneth after the offence supposed to be committed Provided also That this Act shall continue in force unto the end of the first Session of the next Parliament and no longer Provided also That if the Information whereupon any house shall come to be searched shall prove to be false that then and in such case the party injured shall recover his full damages and costs against the Informer by Action of Trespass to be therefore brought against such Informer St. 13 Car. 2. cap. 7. CAP. XX. For raising Sevenscore thousand pounds for the compleat Disbanding of the whole Army and paying off some part of the Navy by a two Moneths Assesment of 70000 l. per mensem beginning from the first of November 1660. EXP. Stat. 13 Car. 2. cap. 6. CAP. XXI An Act for the speedy raising of Seventy thousand pounds for the present supply of His Majesty EXP. Stat. 13 Car. 2. cap. 6. cap. 10. CAP. XXII Bay-making in the Dutch Bay-Hall in Colchester regulated CAP. XXIII Certain Impositions upon Beer Ale and other Liquors For the Encrease of His Majesties Revenue during His Life THe Commons assembled in Parliament in gratitude for an humble acknowledgment of Your Majesties great Grace and Favour to us Your Commons beyond Example of any Your Royal Progenitors expressed in many publick Acts and Declarations to the great rejoycing and general satisfaction of all Your people The ra●es given to his Majesty for life which they desire to answer with returns suitable and excéeding the Examples of any of their Ancestors for the encreasing of your Maiesties Revenue during Your Maiesties Reign which God long continue Do therefore give and grant unto your most Excellent Majesty the Rates and Duties Impositions Charges and sums of Money herein after following And do beséech your Majesty that it may be Enacted And be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Maiesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled That from and after the twenty fifth day of December One thousand six hundred and sixty there shall be throughout your Maiesties Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Town of Berwick upon Tweed
assembled and by the Authority of the same and it is hereby Enacted The Court of Wards and Liveries Primer-Seisin c. taken away That the Court of Wards and Liveries and all Wardships Liveries Primer-Seisins and Ouster-le-mains Values and forfeitures of Marriages by reason of any Tenure of the Kings Majesty or of any other by Knights-service and all mean Rates and all other Gifts Grants Charges incident or arising for or by reason of Wardships Liveries Primer-Seisins or Ouster-le-mains be taken away and discharged and are hereby Enacted to be taken away and discharged from the said twenty fourth day of February One thousand six hundred forty five any Law Statute Custom or Vsage to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding Fines for alienations c. taken away 1 Car. 1. cap. 3. And that all Fines for Alienations Seizures and Pardons for Alienations Tenure by Homage and all Charges incident arising for or by reason of Wardship Livery Primer-Seisin or Ouster-le-main or Tenure by Knights-service Escuage and also Aide pur file marrier pur faier fits Chivalier and all other Charges incident thereunto be likewise taken away and discharged from the said Twenty fourth day of February One thousand six hundred forty and five any Law Tenures by Knights service taken away Statute Custom or Vsage to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding And that all Tenures by Knights-Service of the King or of any other person and by Knights-Service in Capite and by Soccage in Capite of the King and the Fruits and consequents thereof happened or which shall or may hereafter happen or arise thereupon or thereby be taken away and discharged Any Law Statute Custome or usage to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding And all Tenures of any Honors Manors Lands Tenements or Hereditaments or any Estate of Inheritance at the Common-Law held either of the King or of any other person or persons Bodies Politick or Corporate are hereby Enacted to be turned into frée and common Soccage to all intents and purposes from the said Twenty fourth day of February One thousand six hundred forty five and shall be so construed adjudged and déemed to be from the said Twenty fourth day of February One thousand six hundred forty five and for ever thereafter turned into frée and common Soccage Any Law Statute Custome or usage to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding Tenures by domage escuage c. discharged And that the same shall for ever hereafter stand and be discharged of all Tenure by Homage Escuage Voyages-Royal and charges for the same Wardships incident to Tenure by Knights-Service and values and forfeitures of marriage and all other charges incident to tenure by Knights-service And of and from Aide pur file marrier and Aide pur faier fitz Chivalier any Law Statute Vsage or Custom to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding And that all Conveyances and Devises of any Mannors Lands Tenements and Hereditaments made since the said 24th of February shall be expounded to be of such effect as if the same Mannors Lands Tenements and Hereditaments had béen then held and continued to be holden in frée and common Soccage only any Law Statute Custome or usage to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority of this present Parliament The Acts of 32 H. 8. cap. 6. 33 H 8. cap. 22. repealed That one act made in the reign of King Henry the 8th Entituled An Act for the establishment of the Court of the Kings Wards And also one Act of Parliament made in the 33. year of the reign of the said King Henry the 8th concerning the Officers of the Court of Wards and Liveries and every Clause Article and Matter in the said Acts contained shall from henceforth be repealed and utterly void And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid All tenures to be created by the King hereafter shall be free and common soccage That all tenures hereafter to be created by the Kings Majesty his Heirs or Successors upon any gifts or grants of any Mannors Lands Tenements or Hereditaments of any Estate of Inheritance at the common law shall be in frée and common soccage and shall be adjudged to be in free and common soccage only and not by Knights Service or in Capite and shall be discharged of all Wardship value and forfeiture of marriage Livery Primer-Seizin Ouster le main Aide pur faier fits Chivalier and pur file marrier any Law Statute or reservation to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Provided nevertheless and be it Enacted That this Act or any thing therein contained Proviso for rents certain herriots c. shall not take away nor be construed to take away any Rents certain Herriots or Suits of Court belonging or incident to any former Tenure now taken away or altered by vertue of this Act or other Services incident or belonging to Tenure in common Soccage due or to grow due to the King Majesty or mean Lords or other private person Fines for Alienations due by particular customs of Mannors or the fealty and distresses incident thereunto And that such relief shall be paid in respect of such Rents as is paid in case of the death of a Tenant in common Soccage Provided always and be it enacted That any thing herein contained shall not take away nor be construed to take away any Fines for Alienation due by particular customs of particular Mannors places other then fines for alienations of lands or Tenem holden immediately of the K. in Capite Provided also and be it further Enacted That this Act or any thing therein contained Tenures in Frank Almoigne Copy of court Roll. shall not take away or be construed to take away Tenures in Frank Almoigne or to subiect them to any greater or other services then now are nor to alter or change any Tenure by Copy of Court Roll or any services incident thereunto nor to take away the honorary services of Grand Serjeanty other then of Wardship Marriage and value of Forfeiture of Marriage Escuage Voyages Royal and other charges incident to Tenure by Knights Service Honorary services and other then Aide pur faier fitz Chivalier and Aide pur file marrier And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid That where any person hath or shall have Parents may dispose of the custody of children during their m●nority and Child or Children under the age of 21 years and not married at the time of his death That it shall and may be lawful to and for the Father of such child or children whether born at the time of the decease of the Father or at that time in ventre sa mere or whether such Father be within the age of 21 years or of full age by his Deed executed in his life time or by his last Will and Testament in writing in the presence of
two or more credible witnesses in such manner and from time to time as he shall respectively think fit to dispose of the custody and tuition of such child or children for and during such time as he or they shall respectively remain under the age of 21 years or any lesser time to any person or persons in possession or remainder other then Popish Recusants And that such disposition of the custody of such child or children made since the 24th of February Actions of ravishment of wards 1645. or hereafter to be made shall be good and effectual against all and every person or persons claiming the custody or tuition of such child or children as Guardian in soccage or otherwise And that such person or persons to whom the custody of such child or children hath béen or shall be so disposed or devised as aforesaid shall and may maintain an action of Ravishment of Ward or Trespass against any person or persons which shall wrongfully take away or detain such child or children for the recovery of such child or children and shall and may recover damages for the same in the said Action for the use and benefit of such child or children And be it further Enacted The sands of children and the management of their personal estate by their guardians That such Person or Persons to whom the custody of such Child or Children hath béen or shall be so disposed or devised shall and may take into his or their custody to the use of such Child or Children the profits of all Lands Tenements and Hereditaments of such Child or Children and also the custody tuition and management of the Goods Chattels and personal Estate of such Child or Children till their respective Age of 21 years or any lesser time according to such disposition aforesaid and may bring such Action or Actions in relation thereunto as by Law a Guardian in common soccage might do Provided also That this Act or any thing therein contained shall not extend to alter or preiudice the custom of the City of London nor of any other City or Town Corporate or of the Town of Berwick on Tweed concerning Orphants nor to discharge any Apprentice from his Apprenticeship Provided also That neither this Act nor any thing therein contained Proviso touching Titles of honour feodal shall infringe or hurt any Title of Honour Feodal or other by which any person hath or may have right to sit in the Lords House of Parliament as to his or their Title of Honour or sitting in Parliament and the priviledge belonging to them as Péers This Act or any thing therein contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding And whereas by like experience it hath béen found Purveyances and provisions for the Kings house-hold taken away Alt. St. 13 Car. 2. cap. 7. that though divers good strict and wholesome Laws have béen made in the times of sundry his Majesties most noble Progenitors some extending so far as to life for Redress of the grievances and oppressions committed by the persons imployed for making provisions for the Kings houshold Carriages and other purveyance for his Majesty and his occasions Yet divers oppressions have béen still continued and several Counties have submitted themselves to sundry Rates and Taxes and Compositions to redéem themselves from such vexations and oppressions And forasmuch as the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament do find that the said Remedies are not fully effectual and that no other remedy will be so effectual and just as to take away the occasion thereof especially if satisfaction and recompence shall be therefore made to his Maiesty his Heirs and Successors which is hereby provided to his Majesties good liking and content His Majesty is graciously pleased That it may be Enacted And be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled That from henceforth no sum or sums of Money or other thing shall be taken raised tared rated imposed paid or levied for or in regard of any provision Carriages or purveyance for his Majesty His Heirs or Successors Purveyances for the King Queen c. And that henceforth no person or persons by any Warrant Commission or Authority under the Great Seal or otherwise by colour of buying or making provision or purveyance for his Majesty or any Quéen of England for the time being or of any the Children of any King or Quéen of England for the time being Timber Carts Carriages c. taken away or that shall be or for his their or any of their Houshold shall take any Timber Fewel Cattel Corn Grain Mault Hay Straw Victual Cart Carriage or other thing whatsoever of any the Subjects of His Majesty His Heirs or Successors without the free and full consent of the Owner or Owners thereof had and obtained without menace or enforcement nor shall summon warn take use or require any the said Subjects to furnish or find any Horses Oxen or other Cattel Carts Ploughs Wains or other Carriages for the use of His Majesty His Heirs or Successors or of any Quéen of England or of any Child or Children of any the Kings or Quéens of England for the time being for the carrying the Goods of His Majesty His Heirs or Successors or the said Quéens or Children or any of them without such full and frée consent as aforesaid any Law Statute Custom or Vsage to the contrary notwithstanding No pre-emption to be allowed or claimed in behalf of the King c. And be it further Enacted That no pre-emption shall be allowed or claimed in the behalf of His Majesty or of any His Heirs or Successors or of any the Quéens of England or of any the Children of the Royal Family for the time being in Market or out of Market but that it be for ever hereafter frée to all and every of the Subjects of His Majesty to sell dispose or employ his said Goods to any other person or persons as himself listeth any pretence of making provision or purveyance of Victual Carriages or other thing for his Majesty His Heirs or Successors or of the said Quéens or Children or any pretence of pre-emption in their or any of their behalfs notwithstanding And if any person or persons shall make provision or purveyance for His Majesty His Heirs or Successors The Penalty or any the Quéens or Children aforesaid or impress or take any such Carriages or other things aforesaid on any pretence or colour of any Warrant aforesaid under the Great Seal or otherwise contrary to the intent hereof it shall be be lawful for the Iustices of Peace or such two or one of them as dwell near and to the Constables of such parish or Village where such occasion shall happen at the request of the party grieved And they are hereby enioyned to commit or cause to be committed the party or parties so doing and
or the like for the better carrying on of this service Not exceeding six pence in the pound for their salaries The Revenue to be paid into the Exchequer and not to be charged with any gift or Pension as He and they shall think fit so as the Salaries and Wages of all such Officers to be appointed together with the Salary or wages of his Majesties said Agents do not excéed six pence in the pound of the Revenue that shall hence arise And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Rents Revenues and sums of Money hence arising except what shall be allowed for the Wages and Salaries of such Officers and Ministers which is not to excéed six pence out of every pound thereof shall be duly and constantly paid and answered into his Majesties Receipt of Exchequer and shall not be particularly charged or chargable either before it be paid into the Exchequer or after with any gift or Pension And his Majesties said Agents are hereby enjoyned and required to return into the Court of Exchequer The Agents to return into the Exchequer in Michaelmas Easter Terms what Licenses they have granted every Michaelmas and Easter Terms upon their Oaths which Oaths the Barons of the Exchequer or any one of them are hereby authorized to administer a Book fairly written containing a full and true account of what Licences have béen granted the preceding half year and what Rents and sums of money are thereupon reserved and have béen paid or are in arrear together with the securities of the persons so in arrear to the end due and spéedy process may be made out according to the course of the Exchequer for the recovery of the same Proviso for the two Vniversities and their priviledges Provided alwayes That this Act nor any thing therein contained shall not in any wise be prejudicial to the priviledg of the two Vniversities of the Land or either of them nor to the Chancellors or Scholars of the same or their Successors but that they may use and enioy such priviledges as heretofore they have lawfully used and enjoyed any thing herein to the contrary notwithstanding Proviso for the Society of the Vintners of London Provided also That this Act or any thing therein contained shall not extend or be prejudicial to the Master Wardens Fréemen and Commonalty of the Mystery of Vintners of the City of London or to any other City or Town Corporate but that they may use and enjoy such Liberties and Priviledges as heretofore they have lawfully used and enjoyed any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding Proviso for the Burrough of St. Albans Provided also and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That this Act or any thing therein contained shall not in any wise extend to debar or hinder the Mayor and Burgesses of the Burrough of St. Albans in the County of Hertford or their Successors from enjoying using and exercising of all such Liberties Powers and Authorities to them heretofore granted by several Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England by Queen Elizabeth and King James of famous memories for the erecting appointing and Licensing of thrée several Wine-Taverns within the Burrough aforesaid for and towards the maintenance of the Frée-School there but that the same Liberties Powers and Authorities shall be and are hereby established and confirmed and shall remain and continue in and to the said Mayor and Burgesses and their Successors to and for the charitable use aforesaid and according to the tenor of the Letters Patents aforesaid as though this Act had never béen made any thing herein contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding F●es of the Officers Provided also That it shall not nor may be lawfull to or for any Officer or Officers to be appointed by his Majesty for the carrying on of this service to take demand or receive any Fées Rewards or sums of money whatsoever for or in respect of this Service other then five shillings for a Licence Four pence for an Acquittance and six pence for a Bond under the penalty of ten pounds one moyety thereof to the Kings Majesty the other moyety to the person or persons who shall sue for the same by Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information wherein no Wager of Law Essoign or Protection shall be allowed any thing herein or any other matter or thing to the contrary notwithstanding There shall be no mixture of other wines or things And it is hereby further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That no Merchant Vintner Wine-Cooper or other person selling or retailing any Wine shall mingle or utter any Spanish Wine mingled with any French Wine or Rhenish Wine Syder Perry Honey Sugar Syrups of Sugar Molasses or any other Syrups whatsoever nor put in any Isinglass Brimstone Lime Raisins Iuice of Raisins Water nor any other Liquor nor Ingredients nor any Clary or other herb nor any sort of flesh whatsoever And that no Merchant Vintner Wine-Cooper or other person selling or retailing any Wine shall mingle or utter any French Wines mingled with any Rhenish Wines or Spanish Wines Syder Perry Stummed Wine Vitriol Honey Sugar Syrup of Sugar Molasses or any Syrups whatsoever nor put in any Isinglas Brimstome Lime Raisins Iuice of Raisins Water nor any other Liquor or Ingredients nor any Clary or other herb nor any sort of flesh whatsoever And that no Merchant Vintner Wine-Cooper or other person selling or retailing any wine shall mingle or utter any Rhenish-Wine mingled with any French Wines or Spanish Wines Syder Perry Stummed Wine Vitriol Honey Sugar Syrups of Sugar Molasses or any other Syrups whatsoever nor put in any Isinglass Brimstone Lime Raisins Iuice of Raisins Water nor any other Liquor or Ingredients nor any Clary or other herb nor any sort of flesh whatsoever The penalties or mingling or abusing any Wines And that all and every person and persons committing any of the offences aforesaid shall incur the pains and penalties herein after mentioned That is to say Every Merchant Wine-Cooper or other person selling any sort of Wines in gross mingled or abused as aforesaid shall forfeit and lose for every such offence one hundred pounds And that every Vintner or other person selling any sorts of Wine by retail mingled or abused as aforesaid shall forfeit and lose for every such offence the sum of Forty pounds of which forfeitures one moyety shall go unto the Kings Maiesty his Heirs and Successors the other moyety to the Informer to be recovered in any Court of Record by Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information wherein no Essoign Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed Provided alwayes And be it Enacted That from and after the first day of September The Prises of Wines One thousand six hundred sixty and one no Canary-Wines Muskie or Alegant or other Spanish or swéet Wines shall be sold or uttered by any person or persons within his Majesties
de droyt Ouster le maine or other Suit to his Maiesty enter on the premisses in his Majesties possession or in the possession of his Successors and Patentées their Heirs or Assigns in such manner to all intents as he or they might have done on the possession of the said Offenders their Heirs or Assigns in or upon the said twenty fifth day of March or at any time since Any thing in this Act to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding Proviso for such as have received paid their Rents to the Offenders Provided also That all and every person and persons which have received any of the Rents or mean profits of in or out of any the Lands Tenements and Hereditaments Chattels real or Possessions of any of the Offender or Offenders in this Act mentioned before the Eleventh day of February One thousand six hundred fifty and nine and have paid or accounted for the same before she said Eleventh day of February One thousand six hundred fifty and nine unto the said Offender or Offenders or their Assigns or to any claiming from or under them shall be clearly and for ever acquitted and discharged of and from the same against the Kings Majesty His Heirs and Successors any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding Proviso for Richard Ingoldsby Provided alwayes That it shall and may be lawful to and for Richard Ingoldsby to retain and kéep or otherwise to sell and dispose all and singular the Goods and Chattels formerly belonging to Sir Hardress Waller in the Kingdom of Ireland untill two thousand pounds for which the said Richard Ingoldsby in the year One thousand six hundred fifty eight stood joyntly bound with the said Sir Hardress Waller unto James Brooks of the City of York Alderman and was then counter-secured by a Iudgment upon his Lands and since by a Déed of Bargain and Sale of the said Goods and Chattels in Ireland be fully paid together with the Interest thereof he the said Richard Ingolsby accounting for and paying the full overplus thereof if any shall be unto our Soveraign Lord the King Any thing herein before contained to the contrary notwithstanding St. 13 Car. 2. cap. 7. CAP. XXXI Leases and Grants from Colledges and Hospitals Confirmed CAP. XXXII Exportation of Wooll Woolfells Fullers Earth or any kind of Scouring Earth Prohibited FOR the better preventing and avoiding of such Losses and Inconveniencies as have happened and daily do and may happen to the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales and to the Kingdom of Ireland by and through the secret and subtile exportation and transportation and by and through the subtile carrying and conveying away of Wooll Woolfels Mortlings Shorlings Yarn made of Wooll Woolflocks Fullers Earth and Fulling Clay out of and from the Kingdoms and Dominion aforesaid and for the better setting on work the poor people and Inhabitants of the Kingdoms and Dominion aforesaid And to the intent that the full and best use and benefit of the principal native Commodities of the same Kingdoms and Dominion may come redound and be unto and amongst the Subjects and Inhabitants of the same and not unto or amongst the Subjects and Inhabitants of the Realm of Scotland or of any Forreign Realms or States as the same now of late in some great measure hath done and is further likely to do if some severer punishment than heretofore be not speedily inflicted upon such Offenders as shall be Actors or Assistants in and to such Exportation and Transportation and in and to such carrying and conveying thereof as aforesaid Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty No person after the 14. of Jan. 1660. shall export any Sheep or Wooll Wool-fells Mortlins Shorlings Yarn Woolflocks Fullers Earth Fulling Clay the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That no person or persons whatsoever from and after the fourtéenth day of January One thousand six hundred and thréescore shall directly or indirectly Export Transport carry or convey or cause or procure to be Exported Transported carried or conveyed out of or from the Kingdom of England or Dominion of Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed or out of or from the Isles of Jersey or Guernsey with Sarke and Alderney being under the Government of Guernsey aforesaid or out of or from any of them or out of or from the Kingdom of Ireland aforesaid into any parts or places out of the Kingdoms Isles or Dominion aforesaid any Shéep or Wooll whatsoever of the bréed or growth of the Kingdoms of England or Ireland or Isles or Dominion aforesaid Or any Woolfells Mortlings or Shorlings or any Yarn made of Wooll or any Woolflocks or any Fullers Earth or any Fulling Clay whatsoever nor shall directly or indirectly pack or load Nor carry load or board any Sheep Wooll c. or cause to be packed or loaded upon any Horse Cart or other Carriage or Load or lay on board or cause to be loaden or laid on board in any Ship or other Vessel in any Place or Port within the Kingdoms of England or Ireland or Town of Berwick or Isles or Dominion aforesaid any such Shéep Wool Wool-fells Mortlings Shorlings Yarn made of Wooll or Woolflocks or any Fullers Earth or Fulling Clay to the intent or purpose to export transport carry or convey the same or to cause the same to be exported transported carried or conveyed out of the Kingdoms of England and Ireland Town of Berwick Isles or Dominion aforesaid or with intent or purpose that any other person or persons should so export transport carry or convey the same into any parts or places out of the Kingdoms of England and Ireland Town of Berwick Isles or Dominion aforesaid into the Kingdom of Scotland or any forreign parts And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That no Wooll Woolfells Mortlings No Wooll Woolfells c. after the 14. of Ian. 1660. to be carried into Wales Ireland c. Except Shorlings Yarn made of Wooll Woolflocks or any Fullers Earth or Fulling Clay shall be from and after the fourtéenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and thréescore exported transported carried or conveyed out of the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales or Town of Berwick or Kingdom of Ireland or out of any Port or Place of the said Kingdoms respectively unto the Isles of Jersey or Guernsey or to Sarke or Alderney except as in this Act shall be hereafter limited or appointed And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid The Penalties That all and every the Offender and Offenders offence and offences aforesaid shall be subject and lyable to the respective pains penalties and forfeitures hereafter following That is to say The said Shéep Woolls Woolfells Mortlings Shorlings Yarn made of Wooll Woollflocks Fullers Earth and Fulling Clay so exported transported carried conveyed packed or loaden contrary to the
the said Isles of Jersey and Guernsey or either of them or to any such wooll to be shipped or loaden aboard in any ship or other vessel by or for the only use or behoof of any the Inhabitants of the said Isles of Jersey or Guernsey or either of them in the Port aforesaid to be exported and transported into the said Isles of Jersey or Guernsey or either of them so as such person and persons that shall so ship or lay aboard such wool into any ship or other Vessel do before the shipping or laying aboard such wool deliver unto the Customer Comptroller Surveyor or Searcher of the Port of Southampton aforesaid out of which the same wooll is to be exported a writing under the Seal or Seals of the respective Governors of the same Isles of Jersey and Guernsey unto which the said wooll is to be transported or of his or their Deputy or Deputies respectively the which writing shall purport and express that the party named in such writing is authorised and appointed to export or to cause to be exported out of the Port aforesaid so much wooll expressing the number of the Tods to the same Isle to be used or manufactured in one of the same Isles or in some of the members or parts of the same and that such party so authorised and appointed to export or cause to be exported that wooll hath before the making and sealing of that writing entred into sufficient Bond to his Majesties use for the landing of the said wooll in that Isle And to the intent that the quantity of wooll to be exported out of the Port of Southampton aforesaid into the said Isles or either of them in any one year accompting the year to begin from the first day of January next ensuing and so yearly from the first day of January may not excéed the quantity hereunder specified that is to say unto the Isle of Jersey Two thousand Tods and no more of unkeamed wooll and unto Guernsey Alderney Sarke One thousand Tods and no more of unkeamed wooll and unto Alderney Two hundred Tods and no more of unkeamed wooll and unto Sarke One hundred Tods of unkeamed wooll and no more every Tod not excéeding thirty two pounds And be it Enacted by the authority aforesaid That the Governor of the said Isle of Jersey or his Deputy for whom he will answer shall not make to any Person or Persons any writing or writings such as is above specified to authorise or appoint such Person or Persons as aforesaid to fetch export or transport out of the Port of Southampton aforesaid unto the said Isle of Jersey in one year accompting the year from the first day of January One thousand six hundred and sixty aforesaid any greater quantity of wooll then Two thousand Tods in any one year and that the Governor of the said Isle of Guernsey or his Deputy for whom he will answer shall not make to any Person or Persons any writing or writings such as is above specified to authorize and appoint such person or persons as aforesaid to fetch export or transport out of the Port above specified unto the said Isles of Guernsey with Alderney and Sarke in any one year accompting the year from the first day of January aforesaid any greater quantity of wooll then one thousand Tods for Guernsey Two hundred Tods for Alderney and one hundred Tods for Sarke in any one year and that the Customer of the Port of Southampton aforesaid shall kéep a true accompt of all the said quantity of Woolls so by him permitted to be loaden by vertue of this Act and shall not permit any greater quantity of Woolls to be loaden then by this Act is prescribed in any one year to either of the said Islands respectively under any pretence whatsoever upon the penalty of the forfeiture of his place and the sum of One hundred pounds in money one moyety whereof to the Kings Majesty His Heirs and Successors and the other moyety to him or them that will sue for the same in any Court of Record wherein no Essoign Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed And if any of the Governors aforesaid or any of their or either of their Deputy or Deputies of the said Isles or either of them shall give grant or make any Licence or Licences for exporting from Southampton aforesaid into the said Isles respectively of any greater quantity of such Wooll then is before by the true meaning of this Act limited and appointed in that behalf That then the respective Governor or Governors of such of the said Isles shall forfeit and pay to Kings Majesty His Heirs or Successors the sum of Twenty pounds of lawful money of England for every Tod of Wooll which shall be so licensed to be exported over and above the rate or porportion of Wooll in and by this Act or the true meaning thereof limited or appointed And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the respective Governors aforesaid or their respective Deputies or any their Clerks Officers or Servants for the granting making or sealing of every such writing of Licence as is aforesaid and for the entring a Remembrance of the same into some Book which they shall have and kéep for that purpose may have and take the sum of Twelve pence and no more upon pain of forfeiting to the party grieved the sum of Five shillings for every penny which shall be taken over and above the said sum of twelve pence in and by this Act allowed to be taken and so after that proportion the said penalty or Forfeiture for the taking above Twelve pence as aforesaid to be recovered by Bill Plaint or Information in any Court of Record at Westminster or elsewhere wherein no Injunction Protection Priviledge Essoyne or Wager of Law shall be admitted or allowed St. 13 Car. 2. cap. 13. CAP. XXXIII The Confirmation of Marriages VVHereas by vertue or colour of certain Ordinances or certain pretended Acts or Ordinances divers marriages since the beginning of the late troubles have béen had and solemnized in some other manner then hath béen formerly used and accustomed Marriages since the ● May 1642. confirmed Now for the preventing and avoiding of all doubts and questions touching the same It is Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty with the advice and assent of the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled and by Authority of the same That all Marriages had or Solemnized in any of his Majesties Dominions since the first day of May in the year of Our Lord One thousand six hundred forty and two before any Iustice of Peace or reputed Iustice of Peace of England or Wales or other his Majesties Dominions and by such Iustice or reputed Iustice so pronounced or declared And all Marriages within any of His Majesties Dominions since the same first day of May in the year of Our Lord One thousand six hundred forty two had or Solemnized according to the
direction or true intent of any Act or Ordinance or reputed Act or Ordinance of one or both houses of Parliament or of any Convention sitting at Westminster under the Name Stile or Title of a Parliament or assuming that Name Stile or Title shall be and shall be adjudged estéemed and taken to be and to have béen of the same and no other force and effect as if such Marriages had béen had and solemnized according to the Rites and Ceremonies established or used in the Church or Kingdom of England any Law Custom or Vsage to the contrary thereof notwithstanding Issues upon lawfulness of marriages already joyned shall be cryed by Iury And be it further Enacted that where in any Suit commenced or to be commenced in any of the Courts of the common Law any issue hath béen joyned and not already tryed or determined or shall be joyned upon the point of Bastardy or unlawfulness of marriage for or concerning the marriages had and solemnized as aforesaid the same issues shall be tryed by Iury of Twelve Men according to the course of Trial of other issues tryable by Iury at the Common Law and not otherwise Bastardy any Law Statute or Vsage to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Stat. 13 Car. 2. cap. 11. CAP. XXXIV The Planting Setting or Sowing of Tobacco in England and Ireland prohibited YOur Majesties Loyal and Obedient Subjects The Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled considering of how great concern and importance it is That the Colonies and Plantations of this Kingdom in America be defended Protected Maintained and kept up and that all due and possible encouragement be given unto them and that not not only in regard great and considerable Dominions and Countries have béen thereby gained Importance of the plantations of America and added to the Imperial Crown of this Realm But for that the strength and welfare of this Kingdom do very much depend upon them in regard of the employment of a very considerable part of its Shipping and Seamen and of the vent of very great quantities of its Native Commodities and Manufactures as also of its supply with several Commodities which it was wont formerly to have only from Forraigners and at far dearer Rates And forasmuch as Tobacco is one of the main products of several of those Plantations and upon which their Welfare and Subsistence and the Navigation of this Kingdom and vent of its Commodities thither do much depend and in regard it is found by experience That the Tobaccoes Planted in these parts are not so good and wholsome for the Takers thereof And that by the Planting thereof your Majesty is deprived of a considerable part of your Revenue arising by Customs upon Imported Tobacco Do most humbly pray That it may be Enacted by your Majesty And it is hereby Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty and the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by Authority of the same No person after the 1. Ianuary 1660. shall set or plant any Tobacco That no Person or Persons whatsoever shall or do from and after the first day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred and sixty Set Plant improve to grow make or cure any Tobacco either in Séed Plant or otherwise in or upon any Ground Earth Field or Place within the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales Islands of Guernsey or Jersey The penalty or Town of Berwick upon Tweed or in the Kingdom of Ireland under the penalty of the Forfeiture of all such Tobacco or the value thereof or of the sum of forty shillings for every Rod or Pole of Ground so Planted set or Sowen as aforesaid and so proportionably for a greater or lesser quantity of Ground one Moyety thereof to His Majesty His Heirs and Successors And the other Moyety to him or them that shall Sue for the same to be recovered by Bill Plaint or Information in any Court of Record wherein no Essoigne Protection or wager in Law shall be allowed All Sheriffs and other officers may destroy any Tobacco planted contrary to this Act. And it is hereby further Enacted That all Sheriffs Iustices of the Peace Mayors Bailiffs Constables and every of them upon Information or Complaint made unto them or any of them by any the Officers of the Customes or by any other Person or Persons whatsoever That there is any Tobacco set sowen planted or growing within their Iurisdictions or Precincts contrary to this Act shall within ten daies after such Information or Complaint cause to be burnt plucked up consumed or utterly destroyed all such Tobacco so set sowen planted or growing The penalty of any person resisting this act And it is hereby further Enacted That in case any Person or Persons shall resist or make forcible Opposition against any person or persons in the due and through Execution of this Act that every such person or persons for every such Offence shall forfeit the sum of five pounds to be divided and recovered in manner aforesaid And in case any person or persons shall not pay the sums of money by them to be paid by vertue of this Act That in every such case Distress shall be made and Sale thereof returning the Over-plus to the Owners And in case no Distress be to be found That then every such party shall be committed to the Common Goal in the County where such Offence shall be committed there to remain for the space of two moneths without bail or main-prize Proviso for private Gardens Provided alwayes and it is hereby Enacted That this Act nor any thing therein contained shall extend to the hindring of the planting of Tobacco in any Physick Garden of either Vniversity or in any other private Garden for Physick or Chirurgery only so as the quantity so planted excéed not one half of one Pole in any one Place or Garden Stat. 13 Car. 2. cap. 14. CAP. XXXV A Post-Office erected and established WHereas for the maintenance of mutual Correspondencies and prevention of many Inconveniencies happening by private Posts The well ordering of postage and letters of great concernment to Trade several publick Post-Offices have béen heretofore erected for carrying and recarrying of Letters by Posts to and from all parts and places within England Scotland and Ireland and several parts beyond the Seas the well Ordering thereof is a matter of general concernment and of great advantage as well for preservation of Trade and Commerce as otherwise To the end therefore that the same may be managed so that spéedy and safe dispatches may be had which is most likely to be effected by erecting one general Post-Office for that purpose Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty A Letter-office erected in London the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That there be from henceforth one general Letter-Office erected and
owners thereof Any usage or pretence or any thing in this Act contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Proviso for the rates of all In land letters Provided alwayes and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all Inland Letters sent by any Pacquet Post established by this Act as aforesaid do and shall pay the rates and prices before mentioned at such Stage where they are last delivered only unless the party that delivers the Letters desireth to pay elsewhere Any thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding Provided alwayes That all Letters and other things may be sent or conveyed to or from the Two Vniversities in manner as heretofore hath béen used Any thing herein to the contrary notwithstanding Stat. 13 Car. 2. cap. 7. CAP. XXXVI The Master of the Rolls for the time being impowred to make Leases for years in order to new build the old Houses belonging to the Rolls Pr. St. 13 Car. 2. cap. 6. CAP. XXXVII An Act for making the Precinct of Covent-Garden Parochial PR Anno Regni Caroli II. Regis Angliae Scotiae Franciae Hiberniae Decimo Tertio AT the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster the Eight day of May Anno Dom. 1661. In the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of Our most Gracious Soveraign Lord CHARLES the Second by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith c. And there continued until Tuesday the Thirtieth of July 1661. and from that day the said Parliament was adjourned unto the Twentieth of November then next following To the pleasure of Almighty God and to the Weal publick of this Realm were Enacted as followeth CAP. I. For Safety of His Majesties Person and Government against Treasonable and Seditious Practices THe Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament déeply weighing and considering the miseries and calamities of well nigh twenty years before your Majesties happy Return The grounds and Inducements of this Act. and withall reflecting upon the causes and occasions of so great and deplorable conclusions do in all humility and thankfulness acknowledg Your Majesties incomparable Grace and Goodness to your People in your Frée and General Pardon Indempnity and Oblivion by which your Majesty hath béen pleased to deliver your Subjects not only from the punishment but also from the reproach of their former miscarriages which unexampled Piety and Clemency of Your Maiesty hath enflamed the hearts of us your Subjects with an ardent desire to express all possible zeal and duty in the care and preservation of your Majesties Person in whose Honour and Happiness consists the good and welfare of your People and in preventing as much as may be all Treasonable and Seditious Practices and Attempts for the time to come And because the growth and encrease of the late Troubles and Disorders did in a very great measure procéed from a multitude of Seditious Sermons Pamphlets and Spéeches daily preached printed and published Seditious Sermons Pamphlets and Speeches with a transcendent boldness defaming the Person and Government of Your Majesty and Your Royal Father wherein men were too much encouraged and above all from a wilful mistake of the Supream and lawful Authority whilst men were forward to cry up and maintain those Orders and Ordinances Oaths and Covenants to be Acts Legal and Warrantable which in themselves had not the least colour of Law or Iustice to support them from which kind of distempers as the present age is not yet wholly fréed so posterity may be apt to relapse into them if a timely remedy be not provided We therefore the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled having duly considered the premisses 13 El. cap. 1. and remembring that in the Thirtéenth year of the Reign of Quéen Elizabeth of ever blessed memory a right good and profitable Law was made for preservation of her Majesties Person Do most humbly beséech your most Excellent Majesty that it may be Enacted What shall be adjudged Treason during the life of the King and be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by Authority of the same That if any person or persons whatsoever after the Four and twentieth day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and one during the natural life of our most Gracious Soveraign Lord the King whom Almighty God preserve and bless with a long and prosperous Reign shall within the Realm or without compass imagine invent devise or intend death or destruction or any bodily harm tending to death or destruction maim or wounding imprisonment or restraint of the person of the same our Soveraign Lord the King or to deprive or depose him from the Stile Honour or Kingly name of the Imperial Crown of this Realm or of any other his Majesties Dominions or Countries or to levy War against his Majesty within this Realm or without or to move or stir any Forreiner or Strangers with Force to invade this Realm or any other his Majesties Dominions or Countries being under his Majesties Obeysance Being declared and proved by two witnesses And such compassings Imaginations Inventions Devices or Intentions or any of them shall express utter or declare by any Printing Writing Preaching or Malicious and advised speaking being legally convicted thereof upon the Oaths of two lawful and credible witnesses upon tryal Convicted by due course of Law or otherwise convicted or attainted by due course of Law then every such person and persons so as aforesaid offending shall be déemed declared and adjudged to be Traytors and shall suffer pains of death and also lose and forfeit as in cases of High Treason Offences during his Majesties life which disable persons to bear any Office And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any person or persons at any time after the Four and twentieth day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and one during his Majesties life shall maliciously and advisedly publish or affirm the King to be an Heretick or a Papist or that he endeavours to introduce Popery or shall maliciously and advisedly by writing printing preaching or other speaking express publish utter or declare any words sentences or other thing or things to incite or stir up the people to hatred or dislike of the Person of his Majesty or the established Government then every such person and persons being thereof Legally convicted shall be disabled to have or enjoy and is hereby disabled and made incapable of having holding enjoying or exercising any place office or promotion Ecclesiastical Peerage Civil or Military or any other imployment in Church or State other then that of his Péerage and shall likewise be lyable to such further and other punishments as by the Common Laws or Statutes of this Realm may be inflicted in such cases Stat. 17
Car. 1. cap. 7. The Parliament begun 3. of No. 1640. not in being Stat. 13 Car. 2. cap. 1. And to the end that no man hereafter may be misled into any seditious or unquiet demeanor out of an opinion that the Parliament begun and held at Westminster upon the third day of November in the year of Our Lord One thousand six hundred and forty is yet in being which is undoubtedly dissolved and determined and so is hereby declared and adjudged to be fully dissolved and determined or out of an opinion that there lies any obligation upon him from any Oath Covenant or Engagement whatsoever No Legislative power in either or both Houses of Parliament without the King to endeavour a change of Government either in Church or State or out of an Opinion that both Houses of Parliament or either of them have a Legislative Power without the King All which Assertions have béen seditiously maintained in some Pamphlets lately Printed and are daily promoted by the active enemies of our Peace and Happiness Be it therefore further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any person or persons at any time after the Four and twentieth day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and one shall malitiously and advisedly by writing Printing Preaching or other speaking express publish utter declare or affirm That the Parliament begun at Westminster upon the Third day of November in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred and Forty is not yet dissolved or is not determined or that it ought to be in being or hath yet any continuance or existence or that there lies any Obligation upon him or any other person from any Oath Covenant or Engagement whatsoever to endeavour a change of Government either in Church or State or that both Houses of Parliament or either House of Parliament have or hath a Legislative Power without the King Premunire or any other words to the same effect That then every such person and persons so as aforesaid offending shall incur the danger and penalty of a Premunire mentioned in a Statute made in the Sixtéenth year of the Reign of King Richard the Second The Solemn League and Covenant unlawful and illegally imposed Certain Orders and Ordinances of both or either Houses of Parliament declared void Proviso the said Orders c. may be made use of according to the Act of Indempnity Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 11. And it is hereby also declared That the Oath usually called the Solemn League and Covenant was in it self an unlawfull Oath and imposed upon the Subjects of this Realm against the Fundamental Laws and Liberties of this Kingdom and that all Orders and Ordinances or pretended Orders and Ordinances of both or either Houses of Parliament for imposing of Oaths Covenants or Engagements Levying of Taxes or Raising of Forces and Arms to which the Royal assent either in Person or by Commission was not expresly had or given were in their first creation and making and still are and so shall be taken to be null and void to all intents and purposes whatsoever Provided nevertheless That all and every person and persons Bodies Politick and Corporate who have béen or shall at any time hereafter be questioned for any thing acted or done by colour of any the orders or Ordinances herein before mentioned and declared to be null and voyd and are Indempnified by an Act entituled An Act of free and General Pardon Indempnity and Oblivion made in the Twelfth year of His Majesties Reign that now is or shall be Indempnified by an● Act of Parliament shall and may make such use of the said Orders and Ordinances for their Indempnity according to the true intent and meaning of the said Act and no other as he or they might have done if this Act had not béen made any thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding No person to be prosecuted for any offences in this Act other then Treason unless by special order from his Majesty And within six moneths after the offence committed Treasons and offences within this Act to be proved by two witnesses viva v●●● Provided alwayes That no person be prosecuted for any of the offences in this Act mentioned other then such as are made and declared to be high Treason unless it be by Order of the Kings Majesty his Heirs or Successors under his or their Sign Manual or by Order of the Council Table of his Majesty his Heirs or Successors directed unto the Attorney-General for the time being or some other of the Council learned to his Majesty his Heirs or Successors for the time being nor shall any person or persons by vertue of this present Act incur any of the penalties herein before mentioned unless he or they be prosecuted within six moneths next after the Offence committed and indicted thereupon within thrée moneths after such prosecution any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding Provided alwayes and be it Enacted That no person or persons shall be indicted arraigned condemned convicted or attainted for any of the Treasons or Offences aforesaid unless the same Offender or Offenders be thereof accused by the Testimony and deposition of two lawful and credible Witnesses upon Oath which witnesses at the time of the said Offender or Offenders arraignment shall be brought in person before him or them face to face and shall openly avow and maintain upon Oath what they have to say against him or them concerning the Treason or Offences contained in the said Indictment unless the party or parties arraigned shall willingly without violence confess the same Proviso for the Priviledg at Debates in Parliament For repeal or alteration of Laws or redressing publick Grievances Provided likewise and be it Enacted That this Act or any thing therein contained shall not extend to deprive either of the Houses of Parliament or any of their Members of their just ancient Fréedom and Priviledg of debating any matters or business which shall be propounded or debated in either of the said Houses or at any Conferences or Committées of both or either of the said Houses of Parliament or touching the repeal or alteration of any old or preparing any new Laws or the redressing of any publick Grievance but that the said Members of either of the said Houses and the Assistants of the House of Péers and every of them shall have the same fréedom of spéech and all other Priviledges whatsoever as they had before the making of this Act any thing in this Act to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Provided alwayes and be it Ordained and Enacted Proviso for Peerage and Peers That no Péer of this Realm shall be tryed for any offence against this Act but by his Péers And further That every Péer who shall be convicted of any offence against this Act after such conviction be disabled during his life to sit in Parliament unless his Majesty
and twentieth of March next be prejudicial to any County City or Place within this Kingdom which are overcharged with Men and Arms beyond their ancient proportion Provided That neither this Act nor any matter or thing therein contained shall be déemed construed or taken to extend to the giving or declaring of any Power for the transporting of any the Subjects of this Realm or any way compelling them to march out of this Kingdom otherwise then by the Laws of England ought to be done Provided That no person whatsoever shall be capable of acting as a Lieutenant No person may be Lieutenant or Deputy Lieutenant that hath not taken the Oaths of Allegiance and supremacy or Deputy-Lieutenant or other Officer or Souldier by Vertue of this Act who hath not already taken the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy since the Return of his Majesty into England until he shall take the same according to the Laws and Statutes of this Kingdome Which Oaths the Lords of His Privy Council or any six of them are hereby impowred to administer to any Péer of this Realm who shall be Commissionated by Vertue of this Act and the Deputy-Lieutenants or any two of them in their respective Counties to any Commoner 14 Car. 2. cap. 3. 8. 15 Car. 2. cap. 4. Stat. 3. CAP. VII Publick Acts Confirmed WHereas during the late Difficulties and Exigencies of Affairs in the absence of His most Excellent Majesty and in reference to his Return from beyond the Seas into these His Majesties Dominions The Lords and Commons being assembled at Westminster the Five and twentieth day of April in the Twelfth Year of his Majesties Reign were from thence and after his Majesties Return continued until the Nine and twentieth day of December then next following and now last past and then Dissolved by his Majesty In which time several Acts were Passed by his Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords and Commons Assembled as aforesaid which being of necessary use are fit to be Continued and Confirmed although the manner of the said Assembling enforced by the Difficulties and Exigencies aforesaid which then lay upon the Nation is not to be drawn into Example Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and the Authority of the same That all and singular the Acts made or mentioned to be made by His said Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords and Commons upon or since the said Five and twentieth day of April herein after particularly mentioned and expressed That is to say One Act Entituled Stat. 12. Car. 2. cap. 11. Stat. 12. Car. 2. cap. 4. Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 5. Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 8. Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 9. Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 12. Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 15. Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 10. Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 19. Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 20. Stat 12 Car. 2. cap. 23. Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 24. Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 25. Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 26. Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 27. An Act of Free and General Pardon Indempnity and Oblivion One other Act Entituled A Subsidy granted to the King of Tunnage and Poundage and other Sums of Money payable upon Merchandize Exported and Imported One other Act Entituled An Act for continuing the Excise until the Twentieth of August One thousand six hundred and sixty One other Act Entituled An Act for Continuing the Excise till the Five and twentieth Day of December One thousand six hundred and sixty One other Act Entituled An Act for the speedy Provision of Money for Disbanding and Paying off the Forces of this Kingdom both by Land and Sea One other Act Entituled An Act for Confirmation of Judicial Proceedings One other Act Entituled An Act for the speedy Disbanding of the Army and Garrisons of this Kingdom One other Act Entituled An Act for Supplying and Explaining certain Defects in an Act Entituled An Act for the speedy Provision of Money for Disbanding and Paying off the Forces of this Kingdom both by Land and Sea One other Act Entituled An Act to prevent Frauds and Concealments of His Majesties Customs and Subsidies One other Act entituled An Act for Raising Sevenscore Thousand Pounds for the compleat Disbanding of the whole Army and Paying off some part of the Navy One other Act entituled A Grant of certain Impositions upon Beer Ale and other Liquors for the Increase of His Majesties Revenue during his Life One other Act entituled An Act for taking away the Court of Wards and Liveries and Tenures in Capite and by Knights Service and Purveyance and for Setling a Revenue upon his Majestie in lieu thereof One other Act entituled An Act for the better Ordering the Selling of Wines by Retail and for preventing Abuses in the mingling corrupting and vitiating of Wines and for setting and limiting the Prices of the same One other Act Entituled An Act for the Levying of the Arrears of the Twelve Moneths Assessment commencing the Four and Twentieth day of June One Thousand Six Hundred Fifty and Nine and the Six Moneths Assessment commencing the Five and Twentieth of December One Thousand Six Hundred Fifty and Nine One other Act entituled An Act for Granting unto the Kings Majesty Four Hundred and Twenty Thousand Pounds by an Assessment of Threescore and Ten Thousand Pounds by the Moneth for Six Moneths for Disbanding the Remainder of the Army and Paying off the Navy Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 28. Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 29. Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 30. S●at 12 Car. 2. cap. 35. Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 2. One other Act entituled An Act for the further Supplying and Explaining certain Defects in an Act Entituled An Act for the speedy Provision of money for Disbanding and Paying off the Forces of this Kingdom both by Land and Sea One other Act entituled An Act for the Raising of Seventy Thousand Pounds for the further Supply of His Majesty One other Act entituled An Act for the Attainder of several Persons guilty of the Horrid Murder of his late Sacred Majesty King CHARLES the First One other Act Entituled An Act for Erecting and Establishing a Post-Office One other Act entituled An Act for putting in Execution an Ordinance mentioned in th●s Act and all and every the Clauses Sentences and Articles in them and every of them contained shall be and hereby are Ratified and Confirmed and Enacted and Declared to have the full Force and Strength of Acts of Parliament according to the tenor or purport thereof and so shall be adiudged déemed and taken to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever and as if the same had béen made declared and Enacted by Authority of this present Parliament CAP. VIII Necessary Carriages to be provided for His Majesty in his Royal Progress and Removals Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 24. WHereas by an Act made
shall cause to be proclaimed in the Market Town next to such place Penalty for taking more then limited for lodging c. and in such of the Neighbouring Towns and Villages as to them shall séem méet to the end that notice may be taken of such Rates and Prices And if any person shall take any other sum then what is or shall be so limited either for Lodging Horse-meat Stable-room or other such accomodations and be thereof convicted by confession of the party or by the Oath of one credible witness before any one Iustice of the Peace which Oath the said Iustice of the Peace is hereby authorized to administer That then in such case every person so offending shall forfeit and pay to the party grieved the sum of Forty shillings the same to be levied by distress by Warrant from the said Iustice of the Peace and sale thereof returning the overplus to the party the charge of the distraining being first deducted This Act to have continuance till the end of the first Session of the next Parliament and no longer CAP. IX Articles and Orders for the regulating and better Government of His Majesties Navies Ships of War and Forces by Sea FOr the regulating and better Government of his Majesties Navies Ships of War and Forces by Sea wherein under the good Providence and Protection of God the Wealth Safety and Strength of this Kingdom is so much concerned Articles to be observed Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty with the advice and consent of the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority thereof That all and every the Articles and Orders in this Act mentioned shall be duely and respectively put in Execution observed and obeyed in manner hereafter mentioned I. The publick Worship of God THat all Commanders Captains and other Officers at Sea shall cause the publick Worship of Almighty God according to the Liturgy of the Church of England established by Law to be solemnly orderly and reverently performed in their respective Ships And that prayers and preachings by the respective Chaplains in holy Orders of the respective Ships be performed diligently and that the Lords Day be observed according to Law II. Swearing Drunkenness c. Every person and persons in his Majesties pay using unlawful and rash Oaths Cursings Execrations Drunkenness Vncleanness or other Scandalous Actions in derogation of Gods Honour and corruption of good manners shall be punished by Fine Imprisonment or otherwise as the Court-Martial shall think fit III. Holding any forreign Intelligence If any Officer Mariner Souldier or other person in the Fléet shall give hold or entertain Intelligence to or with any King Prince or State being Enemy to or any persons in Rebellion against his Majesty his Heirs and Successors without direction or leave from the Kings Majesty the Lord High Admiral Vice-Admiral or Commander in Chief of any Squadron every such person or persons so offending shall be punished with death IV. Letters or Messages from any forreign Prince c. Enemy to the King If any Letter or Message from any King Forrein Prince State or Potentate being an Enemy to the Kings Majestie his Heirs and Successors or on their behalf be conveyed to any Inferiour Officer Mariner or Souldier or other in the Fléet and the said Officer Mariner Souldier or other as aforesaid do not within twelve hours having opportunity so to do acquaint the Superiour Commander with it or if a Superiour Officer or Mariner being acquainted therewith by an Inferiour Officer Mariner or other or himself in his own person receiving a letter or message from any such Enemy or Rebel and shall not in convenient time reveal the same to the Admiral Vice-Admiral or the Commander of the Squadron every such person shall be punished with death or such other punishment as the Court-Martial shall think fit V. Relieving of any Enemy No person or persons of the Fléet shall relieve an Enemy or Rebel in time of War with money Victuals Powder Shot Arms Ammunition or any other Supplies whatsoever directly or indirectly upon pain of death or such other punishment as the Court-Martial shall think fit to impose VI. Papers Charter-Parties c. taken in any Ship seised as Prize All the Papers Charter-Parties Bills of Lading Pasports and other Writings whatsoever that shall be taken seized or found aboard any Ship or Ships which shall be surprised or seised as Prize shall be duly preserved and not torn nor made away but the very Originals sent up intirely and without fraud to the Court of Admiralty or such other Commissioners as shall be appointed for that purpose there to be viewed made use of and procéeded upon according to Law upon pain of loss of all the shares of the Takers and such further punishment to be inflicted upon the Offenders therein as the quality of their offence and misdemeanor shall be found to deserve and the Court-Martial shall impose VII Prize Ships or Goods seised for prize None in his Majesties pay shall take out of any Prize or Ship or Goods seized on for Prize any Money Plate Goods Lading or Tackle before Iudgment thereof first past in the Admiralty Court but the full and intire accompt of the whole without imbezelment shall be brought in and Iudgment past intirely upon the whole without fraud upon pain of such punishment as shall be imposed by a Court-Martial or the Court of Admiralty excepting That it shall be lawful for all Captains Sea-men Souldiers and others serving as aforesaid to take and to have to themselves as Pillage without further or other accompt to be given for the same all such Goods and Merchandizes other then Arms Ammunition Tackle Furniture or Stores of such Ship as shall be found by them or any of them in any Ship they shall take in fight or prize upon or above the Gun-deck of the said Ship and not otherwise VIII Imbezeling any Cables Anchors c. None shall imbezle steal or take away any Cables Anchors Sails or any of the Ships Furniture or any of the Powder or Arms or Ammunition of the Ship upon pain of death or other punishment as the quality of the offence shall be found by a Court-Martial to deserve IX Forrein ships taken as prize not making resistance If any Forrein Ship or Vessel shall be taken as prize that shall not fight or make resistance that in that case none of the Captains Masters or Mariners being Forreiners shall be stripped of their Clothes or in any sort pillaged beaten or evil entreated upon pain That the person or persons so offending shall forfeit double Damages but the said Forrein Ships and all the Goods so taken shall be preserved intire to receive Iudgment in the Admiralty Court according to Right and Iustice X. Every Captain or Commander who upon signal or order of fight or view The duty of Captains c. upon signal of
care be taken in the Conducting and Stéering of the Ships that through wilfulness negligence or other defaults none of his Majesties Ships be stranded or run upon any Rocks or Sands or split or hazarded upon pain that such as shall be found guilty therein be punished by Fine Imprisonment or otherwise as the offence by a Court-Martial shall be adjudged to deserve XXVI Burning a Ship All persons that shall willingly burn or set fire on any Ship or Magazine or Store of Powder or Ship Boat Ketch Hoy or Vessel or Tackle or Furniture thereto belonging not appertaining to an Enemy or Rebel shall be punished with death XXVII Sleeping upon Watch. No Man in or belonging to the Fléet shall sléep upon his Watch or negligently perform the Duty imposed on him or forsake his station upon pain of death or other punishment as the circumstances of the Case shall require XXVIII Murthers All Murthers and wilful Killing of any persons in the Ship shall be punished with death XXIX Robbery and Theft All Robbery and Theft committed by any person in or belonging to the Fléet shall be punished with death or otherwise as the Court-Martiall upon consideration of circumstances shall find méet XXX Provost-Mar●ial prisoners No Provost-Marshal belonging to the Fléet shall refuse to receive or kéep any Prisoner committed to his charge nor suffer him to escape being once in his custody nor dismiss him without order upon pain of being lyable to the same punishment which should have béen inflicted upon the party dismissed or permitted to escape or such other punishment as the Court-Martial shall think fit XXXI Apprehending offenders All Captains Officers and Sea-men shall do their endeavours to detect apprehend and bring to punishment all offenders and shall assist the Officers appointed for that purpose therein upon pain to be procéeded against and punished by the Court-Martial at discretion XXXII Sodomy If any person or persons in or belonging to the Fléet shall commit the unnatural and detestable sin of Buggery or Sodomy with Man or Beast he shall be punished with death without mercy XXXIII Misdemeanors and Disorders at Sea All other Faults Misdemeanors and Disorders committed at Sea not mentioned in this Act shall be punished according to the Laws and Customs in such Cases used at Sea XXXIV And it is hereby further Enacted The Lord High Admirals power to grant Commissions to call Court Martialls That the Lord High Admiral for the time being shall by vertue of this Act have full power and Authority to grant Commissions to inferiour Vice-Admirals or Commander in chief of any Squadron of Ships to call and assemble Court-Martials consisting of Commanders and Captains and no Court-Martial where the pains of death shall be inflicted shall consist of less then five Captains at least the Admirals Lieutenant to be as to this purpose estéemed as a Captain and in no case wherein sentence of Death shall pass by vertue of the Articles aforesaid or any of them except in case of Mutiny there shall be execution of such Sentence of Death without the leave of the Lord High Admiral if the offence be committed within the Narrow-Seas But in case any of the offences aforesaid be committed in any Voyage beyond the Narrow-Seas whereupon Sentence of death shall be given in pursuance of the aforesaid Articles or of any of them then Execution shall not be done but by Order of the Commander in chief of that Fléet or Squadron wherein Sentence of death was passed XXXV And be it further Enacted and Declared That the Iudge-Advocate of any Fléet Iudg Advocate of any fleet to administer an oath for tryal of offences Court Martiall for the time being shall have full power and Authority to administer an Oath to any person or witness in order to the Examination or Tryal of any of the offences aforesaid and in the absence of a Iudg-Advocate the Court-Martial shall have full power and Authority to appoint any person to administer an Oath to the purpose aforesaid Provided also and be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Proviso touching the powers of the Lord Admiral That this Act or any thing or things therein contained shall not in any manner of wise extend to give unto the Lord Admiral of England for the time being or to any his Vice-Admirals Iudg or Iudges of the Admiralty his or their Deputy or Deputies or to any other the Officers or Ministers of the Admiralty or to any others having or claiming any Admiral Power Iurisdiction or Authority within this Realm and Wales or any other the Kings Dominions any other power right Iurisdiction Preheminence or Authority then he or they or any of them lawfully have hath or had or ought to have and enjoy before the making of this Act other then for such of the offences specified in the several Articles contained in this Act as hereafter shall be done upon the main Sea or in Ships or Vessels being and hovering in the main Stream of great Rivers only beneath the Bridges of the same Rivers nigh to the Sea within the Iurisdiction of the Admiralty and in none other places whatsoever and committed only by such persons as shall be in actual Service and pay in His Majesties Fléet or Ships of War CAP. X. For preventing the unlawfull Coursing Hunting or Killing of Deer For the better preventing of the unlawful Coursing Hunting Taking or Killing of Déer Vnlawfull hunting or killing of Deer by many Idle Loose and disorderly persons Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty and by the advice and Consent of the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same That if any person or persons shall from and after the first day of August next unlawfully course kill hunt or take away any Red or Fallow Déer in any Forrest Chase Purleiw Paddock Wood Park or other Ground where Déer are or have béen usually kept within the Realm of England or Dominion of Wales without the consent of the Owner or person chiefly intrusted with the custody thereof or shall be aiding or assisting therein and shall be convicted thereof by the confession of the party or by the Oath of one or more credible witnesses before one or more Iustices of the Peace who are hereby impowred to administer an Oath to that purpose such person being prosecuted for such offence within six moneths after such offence done that then every person so offending shall forfeit for every such offence the sum of Twenty pounds to be levied by way of Distress upon the Goods and Chattels of every such Offender by Warrant under the Iustices hand before whom such conviction shall be made The Penalty the one moyety of the said Twenty pounds to be given to the Informer and the other moyety to the Owner of the Déer And for want of sufficient Distress the Offender shall be committed to the House of Correction
for six moneths and there to be put to hard labour or to the Common-Gaol for one whole year without Bail or Main-prize at the Discretion of the Iustices of the Peace before whom such Conviction shall be and not to be discharged from thence till he or they have given sufficient Sureties for their Good-behaviour for one whole year next ensuing after his or their inlargement Provided that where any Offender shall be punished by force of this Act that he shall not be prosecuted nor incur the penalty of any other Law or Statute for the same offence 19 H. 7. c. 11. 3 Jac. c. 13. 7 Jac. c. 13. CAP. XI The Confirmation of Three Acts therein mentioned BE it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That the several Acts herein after mentioned made or mentioned to be made upon or since the Twenty fifth day of April in the Twelfth year of his said Majesties Reign by his said Majesty by and with the advice or consent of the Lords and Commons Assembled at Westminster upon the said 25th of April and there continued until the 29th day of December then next following and then dissolved which said Acts are herein after particularly mentioned and expressed by the several and respective Titles following St. 12 Car. 2. cap. 29 St. 12 Car. 2. cap. 33. St. 12 Car. 2. ●ap 14. That is to say One Act Entituled An Act for the raising of Seventy thousand pounds for the further Supply of his Majesty And one other Act entituled An Act for Confirmation of Marriages and one other Act entituled An Act for a perpetual Anniversary shanksgiving on the Twenty ninth day of May and all and every the Clauses Sentences and Articles in them and every of them contained shall be and hereby are Ratified and Confirmed and Enacted and Declared to have the full force and strength of Acts of Parliament according to the tenor and purport thereof and so shall be adjudged déemed and taken to all intents and purposes whatsoever and as if the same had béen made declared and Enacted by Authority of this present Parliament CAP. XII Explanation of a Clause contained in an Act of Parliament made in the Seventeenth Year of the late King Charles Entituled An Act for Repeal of a Branch of a Statute Primo Elizabethae concerning Commissioners for Causes Ecclesiastical VVHereas in an Act of Parliament made in the Seventeenth year of the late King Charles Entituled An Act for Repeal of a Branch of a Statute Primo Elizabethae concerning Commissioners for Causes Ecclesiastical St. 17 Car. 1. cap. 11. it is amongst other things Enacted That no Arch-bishop Bishop nor Vicar-General nor any Chancellor nor Commissary of any Arch-Bishop Bishop or Vicar-General nor any Ordinary whatsoever nor any other Spiritual or Ecclesiastical Iudg Officer or Minister of Iustice nor any other person or persons whatsoever exercising Spiritual or Ecclesiastical Power Authority or Iurisdiction by any Grant License or Commission of the Kings Majesty His Heirs or Successors or by any Power or Authority derived from the King His Heirs or Successors or otherwise shall from and after the first day of August which then should be in the year of our Lord God One thousand six hundred forty one Award Impose or Inflict any Pain Penalty Fine Amerciament Imprisonment or other Corporal punishment upon any of the Kings Subjects for any contempt misdemeanor crime offence matter or thing whatsoever belonging to Spiritual or Ecclesiastical Cognizance or Iurisdiction whereupon some doubt hath béen made that all ordinary power of Coertion and Procéedings in Causes Ecclesiastical were taken away whereby the ordinary course of Iustice in Causes Ecclesiastical hath béen obstructed Be it therefore declared and Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled The ordinary power of Archbishops c. not taken away and by the Authority thereof That neither the said Act nor any thing therein contained doth or shall take away any ordinary Power or Authority from any of the said Arch-Bishops Bishops or any other person or persons named as aforesaid but that they and every of them exercising Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction may procéed determine sentence execute and exercise all manner of Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction May use Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction and all Censures and Coertions appertaining and belonging to the same before the making of the Act before recited in all causes and matters belonging to Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction according to the Kings Majesties Ecclesiastical Laws used and practised in this Realm in as ample manner and form as they did and might lawfully have done before the making of the said Act. The Stat. 17. Car. 1. cap. 11. Rep. as to all except what concerns the High Commiss on Court Proviso And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the afore recited Act of Decimo septimo Caroli and all the Matters and Clauses therein contained excepting what concerns the High Commission-Court or the new erection of some such like Court by Commission shall be and is hereby repealed to all intents and purposes whatsoever Any thing clause or sentence in the said Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding Provided alwayes and it is hereby Enacted That neither this Act nor any thing herein contained shall extend or be construed to revive or give force to the said Branch of the said Statute made in the said first year of the Reign of the said late Quéen Elizabeth mentioned in the said Act of Parliament made in the said seventéenth year of the Reign of the said King Charles but that the said Branch of the said Statute made in the said first year of the Reign of the said Quéen Elizabeth shall stand and be repealed in such sort as if this Act had never béen made Provided also and it is hereby further Enacted That it shall not be lawful for any Arch-Bishop Proviso touching the oath Ex Officio Bishop Vicar-General Chancellor Commissary or any other Spiritual or Ecclesiastical Iudg Officer or Minister or any other person having or exercising Spiritual or Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction to tender or administer unto any person whatsoever the Oath usually called the Oath Ex Officio or any other Oath whereby such person to whom the same is tendred or administred may be charged or compelled to confess or accuse or to purge him or her self of any criminal matter or thing whereby he or she may be lyable to any censure or punishment Any thing in this Statute or any other Law Custom or Vsage heretofore to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding Proviso not to give any other Iurisdiction to any Archbishop c. than they had by law before the year 1639. The Kings Supremacy in Ecclesiastical matters Canons Ecclesiastical Provided
to have the full force and strength of Acts of Parliament according to the tenor and purport thereof and so shall be adjudged déemed and taken to all intents and purposes whatsoever and as if the same had béen Made Declared and Enacted by Authority of this present Parliament CAP. XV. The Pains Penalties and Forfeitures Imposed upon the Estates and Persons of certain notorious Offenders excepted out of the Act of Free and General Pardon Indempnity and Oblivion St. 12 Car. 2. cap. 11. The Lands and Tenements of the persons deceased not discharged by the Act of General Pardon VVHereas in a certain Act passed in the late assembly held at Westminster in the Twelfth year of His Majesties Reign and confirmed by the Authority of this present Parliament Entituled An Act of Free and General Pardon Indempnity and Oblivion amongst other things it is provided that nothing therein contained should extend to discharge the Lands Tenements Goods Chattels Rights Trusts and other the Hereditaments late of Isaac Ewer deceased Sir John Danvers deceased Sir Thomas Maleverer Baronet deceased William Purefoy deceased John Blakiston deceased Sir William Constable Baronet deceased Richard Dean deceased Francis Aleyn deceased Peregrin Pelham deceased John Moore deceased John Aldred alias Alured deceased Humphrey Edwards deceased Sir Gregory Norton Baronet deceased John Venn deceased Thomas Andrews Alderman deceased Anthony Stapley deceased Thomas Horton deceased John Fry deceased Thomas Hammond deceased and Sir John Bourchier deceased of and from such pains penalties and forfeitures as by one other Act of Parliament intended to be afterwards passed for that purpose should be expressed and declared All which persons before mentioned were whilst they lived notoriously known to have béen wicked and active Instruments in the prosecution and compassing of that horrid and Execrable Treason the Murther of our late Soveraign Lord King CHARLES the First of ever blessed memory And whereas William Lord Mounson James Challoner Sir Henry Mildmay Sir James Harrington John Phelps and Robert Wallop who in the moneth of January One thousand six hundred forty eight did act and fit in that Traiterous Assembly which procéeded against the Person and Life of our said late Soveraign Lord King CHARLES the First and Sir Arthur Haslerig who in his life did commit many horrid and Traiterous Crimes against the Person Crown and Dignity of his late Majesty of glorious memory and his Majesty that now is are all of them excepted out of the said Act and reserved to future Pains Penalties and Forfeitures not extending to life since the passing of which Act so as aforesaid confirmed Sir Arthur Haslerig and James Challoner died and no Act hath yet passed for the inflicting of due Pains Penalties and Forfeitures upon the Persons and Estates of the Offenders aforesaid We therefore the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembed do beséech your Majesty That it may be enacted And be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled The Mannors Lands c. of the persons named and by authority of the same That all and every the Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements Rents Reversions Remainders Possessions Rights Conditions Interests Offices Fées Annuities and all other the Hereditaments Leases for years Chattels Real and other things of what nature soever they be of them the said Isaac Ewer Sir John Danvers Sir Thomas Maleverer William Purefoy John Blakiston Sir William Constable Richard Dean Francis Aleyn Peregrin Pelham John Moore John Aldred alias Alured Humphrey Edward Sir Gregory Norton John Venn Thomas Andrews Of which they were seised the 20th of March 1646. or since forfeited and vested in his Majesty The goods debts Chattels of which the persons named were possessed at the time of their death forfeited to his Majesty The goods c. of which William Lord Mounson Sir Hen. Mildmay Sir James Harrington John Phelps and Rob. Wallop were possessed the 11. of Feb. 1659. forfeited and vested in his Majesty Anthony Stapley Thomas Horton John Fry Thomas Hammond Sir John Bourchier William Lord Mounson James Challoner Sir Henry Mildmay Sir James Harrington John Phelps Robert Wallop and Sir Arthur Haslerig which they or any of them or any other person or persons to their or any of their uses or in trust for them or any of them had the five and twentieth day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred forty and six or at any time since shall stand and be forfeited unto your Majesty your Heirs and Successors and shall be déemed vested and adjudged to be in the actual and real possession of Your Majesty without any Office or Inquisition thereof hereafter to be taken or found And also that all and every the Goods Debts and other the Chattels personal whatsoever of them the said Isaac Ewer Sir John Danvers Sir Thomas Maleverer William Purefoy John Blakiston Sir William Constable Richard Dean Francis Aleyn Peregrin Pelham John Moore John Aldred alias Alured Humphrey Edwards Sir Gregory Norton John Venn Thomas Andrews Anthony Stapley Thomas Horton John Fry Thomas Hammond Sir John Bourchier James Challoner and Sir Arthur Haslerig whereof they or any of them at the time of their respective deaths or any other in Trust for them or any of them stood possessed or interessed in Law or Equity and all the Goods Debts and other the Chattels personal whatsoever of them the said William Lord Mounson Sir Henry Mildmay Sir James Harrington John Phelps Robert Wallop whereof upon the eleventh day of February in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred fifty and nine they or any of them or any other in trust for them or any of them stood possessed either in Law or Equity shall be déemed and adjudged to be forfeited and are hereby vested and put into the actual and real possession of your Majesty without any further Office or Inquisition thereof hereafter to be taken or found Provided alwayes and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That no Conveyance Assurance Grant Bargain Sale Charge Lease Assignment of Lease Grants Proviso for conveyances and assurances c. made bona fide before the 29. of September and Surrenders by Copy of Court-Roll Estate Interest Trust or Limitation of any use or uses of or out of any Mannors Lands Tenements or Hereditaments not being the Lands nor Hereditaments of the late King Quéen or Prince or of any Archbishops Bishops Deans Deans and Chapters nor being Lands or Hereditaments sold or given for the Delinquency or pretended Delinquency of any person or persons whatsoever by vertue or pretext of some Act Order Ordinance or reputed Act Order or Ordinance since the First day of January one thousand six hundred forty and one nor any Statute Iudgment or Recognizance had made acknowledged or suffered to any person or persons Bodies politick or Corporate before the Nine and Twentieth day of September one thousand
County of Southampton being parcel of the Mannor of Husband Priors which by order and decrée of the High-Court of Chancery of the one and twentieth of June One thousand six hundred sixty one she is to be forthwith restored unto and put into possession of and to quietly hold and enjoy the same during her Widowhood with the mean profits thereof taken by the said Mr Wallop But that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Rachel Powre to hold and enjoy the same according to the said Decrée Proviso for Sir John Bourchier Provided alwayes and it is hereby further Enacted That it shall and may be lawfull to and for Barrington Bourchier Esquire Son and Heir of Sir John Bourchier herein before mentioned to hold and enjoy all and singular the Lands Tenements and Hereditaments to him lately granted and conveyed or mentioned to be granted and conveyed in and by certain Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England bearing date the Two and twentieth day of March in the thirtéenth year of His Majesties Reign against His Majesty His Heirs and Successors for ever according to the full intent and meaning of the said Letters Patents Any thing in this present Act contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Anno XIII Car. II. Regis ACTS made at the second meeting in this present Parliament begun at Westminster the 8th day of May Anno Dom. 1661. And there continued untill the 20th of December and from that day adjourned unto the seventh of January next ensuing as followeth CAP. I. An Act for the well Governing and Regulating of Corporations impowring the King to issue Commissions for the removing placing and restoring certain Officers and Members there FOr and within the several Cities Corporations and Burroughs and Cinque-Ports and their Members and other Port-Towns within the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Town of Berwick upon Tweed viz. All Mayors Aldermen Recorders Bailiffs Town-Clerks Common-Councel-men and other persons then bearing any Office or Offices of Magistracy or Places or Trusts or other Imployment relating to or concerning the Government of the said respective Cities Corporations and Burroughs and Cinque-ports and their Members and other Port-Towns and for tendring to all such the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and this Oath following I A. B. do declare and believe That it is not lawful upon any pretence whatsoever to take Arms against the King and that I do abhor that Traiterous Position of taking Arms by His Authority against His Person or against those that are Commissioned by Him So help me God And also for subscribing this following Declaration I A. B. do declare That I hold that there lies no Obligation upon me or any other person from the Oath commonly called The Solemn League and Covenant and that the same was in it self an unlawful Oath and imposed upon the Subjects of this Realm against the known Laws and Liberties of the Kingdom EXP. 25. March 1663. as to the Power of the said Commission and Commissioners But None to be chosen any Officer in any Corporation that shall not have taken the Sacrament within a year next before Provided also and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That from and after the expiration of the said Commissions no person or persons shall for ever hereafter be placed elected or chosen in or to any the Offices or Places aforesaid that shall not have within one year next before such Election or Choice taken the Sacrament of the Lords Supper according to the Rights of the Church of England and that every such person and persons so placed elected or chosen shall likewise take the aforesaid thrée Oaths and subscribe the said Declaration at the same time And shall take the said three Oaths and subscribe the said Declaration when the Oath for the due execution of the said Places and Offices respectively shall be administred And in default hereof every such placing election and choice is hereby Enacted and Declared to be void CAP. II. Vexations and Oppressions by Arrests and of Delayes in Suits of Law prevented WHereas by the Ancient and Fundamental Laws of this Realm The antient fundamental Law in proceeding to arrests upon Suits to express the true cause of Action in the Processe in case where any person is Sued Impleaded or Arrested by any Writ Bill or Process issuing out of any of His Majesties Courts of Records at Westminster in any Common Plea at the Suit of an● Common person the true cause of Action ought to be set forth and particularly expressed in such Writ Bill or Process whereby the Defendant may have certain knowledge of the cause of the Suit and the Officer who shall execute such Writ Bill or Process may know how to take Security for the Appearance of the Defendant to the same and the sureties for such Appearances may rightly understand for what cause they become engaged And whereas there is a great Complaint of the People of this Realm that for divers years now last past very many of His Majesties good Subjects have béen arrested upon general Writs of Trespass quare clausum fregit Bills of Middlesex Latitat's and other like Writs issued out of the Courts of Kings Bench and Common-Pleas not expressing any particular or certain cause of Action and thereupon kept prisoners for a long time for want of Bail Bonds with Sureties for Appearances having béen demanded in so great sums that few or none have dared to be security for the Appearances of such persons so arrested and imprisoned although in truth there hath béen little or no cause of Action and often times there are no such persons who were named Plaintiffs but those Arrests have béen many times procured by malitious persons to vex and oppress the Defendants or to force from them unreasonable and unjust Compositions for obtaining their Liberty And by such evil practices many men have béen and are daily undone and destroyed in their Estates without possibility of having Reparation The Actors imployed in such practises having béen for the most part poor and lurking persons and their Actings so secret that it hath béen found very difficult to make true discoveries or proof thereof For remedy and prevention of which so great growing evils and mischiefs and also for discouraging all frivolous and uniust Suits and Causeless Arrests for the future Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same That from and after the Twelfth day of February in the year of our Lord Persons arrested by Process out of the Kings Bench or Common Pleas not expressing the cause of Action how to be bailed and set to liberty upon their own Bonds for appearance One thousand six hundred sixty and one no person or persons who shall happen to be arrested by any Sheriff Vnder-sheriff
Coronor Steward or Bailiff of any Franchise or Liberty or by any other Officer Minister Vnder-bailiff or other person or persons whatsoever within this Realm having or pretending to have Authority or Warrant in that behalf by force or colour of any Writ Bill or Process issuing or to be issuing out of His Majesties said Courts of Kings Bench and Common Pleas or either of them in which said Writ Bill or Process the certainty and true cause of Action is not expressed particularly and for which the Defendant or Defendants in such Writ Bill or Process named is and are bailable by the Statute in that behalf made in the thrée and twentieth year of the Reign of the late King Henry the sixth shall be forced or compelled to give security or to enter into Bond with Sureties 23 H. 6. ca. 10. for the Appearances of such person or persons so arrested at the day and place in the said Writ Bill or Process specified or contained in any penalty or sum of money excéeding the sum of Forty pounds of lawful money of England to be conditioned for such Appearances and that all Sheriffs and other Officers and Ministers aforesaid shall let to bail and deliver out of Prison and from their and every of their Custodies respectively all and every person and persons whatsoever by them or any of them arrested upon any such Writ Bill or Process wherein the certainty and true cause of Action is not particularly expressed upon Security in the sum of Forty pounds and no more given for Appearance of such person or persons so arrested unto the said Sheriff or Officer aforesaid according to the said Statute in the said thrée and twentieth year of the Reign of the said late King Henry the sixth in that behalf made and provided And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That upon Appearance to be Entred in the Term wherein such Writ Bill or Process is retornable with the respective Officer in that behalf for the said person or persons by Attorney or Attorneys in the said respective Courts from whence the said Writ Bill or Process issued unto such Writ Bill or Process the Bond or Bonds so given for Appearance thereunto Bonds given for discharged upon appearance Nonsuit for want of a Declaration before the end of the next term after appearance and judgment and costs against the Plaintiff be and are hereby satisfied and dischargeed And that after such Appearance so entred no Amerciaments be set or Estreted upon or against any Sheriff or other Officer aforesaid or any other person whatsoever concerning the want of such Appearance and unless the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs in any such Writ Bill or Process named shall put into the Court from whence such Writ Bill or Process did issue his or their Bill or Declaration against the person or persons so Arrested in some personal Action or Ejectione firmae of Lands or Tenements before the end of the Term next following after Appearance That then a Non-suit for want of a Declaration may be Entred against the said Plaintiff or Plaintiffs in the said Courts respectively And that every Defendant in every such Writ Bill or Process named shall or may have Iudgment to recover Costs against every such Plaintiff or Plaintiffs to be Assessed Taxed and Levied in such manner and according as it is provided by the Statute for Costs made in the thrée and twentieth year of the Reign of the late King Henry the Eighth 23 H. 8. ca. 15. any former or other Act Statute Ordinance Law Custome Order Course or Vsage of either of the said Courts to the contrary thereof heretofore had made admitted or used in any wise notwithstanding Provided alwayes that this Act nor any Clause or thing herein before specified or contained shall not extend Arrests upon Capias utlagatum Attachments upon Rescous Contempts and of Priviledg excepted nor be construed or taken to extend unto any Arrests hereafter to be made upon or by Vertue of any Writ of Capias utlagatum Attachment upon Rescous or Attachment upon any Contempt or of any Attachment of Priviledge at the Suit of any priviledged person or of any other Attachment for Contempt whatsoever issuing or to be issing out of either of the said Courts although there be no particular certainty of the cause of Action expressed or contained in the said Writs But that nevertheless no Sheriff nor Vnder-sheriff nor any of the Officers or Ministers aforesaid shall discharge any person or persons taken upon any Writ of Capias utlagatum out of Custody without a lawful Supersedeas first had and received for the same and that upon the said Writs of Attachment such lawful course be taken for Security for Appearance therein as hath béen heretofore used any thing herein before expressed to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding And whereas many persons out of ill intent to delay their Creditors from recovering their Iust Debts continue Prisoners in the Fléet who cannot be procéeded against in such manner as they might be if they were at Large Now for the better enabling all persons to recover their just Debts and Demands against such Prisoners How Persons having cause of action may proceed against Prisoners in the Fleet. Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every person or persons whatsoever who now hath or have or which at any time hereafter shall have cause of any personal Action against any person being a Prisoner in the prison of the Fléet may Sue forth an Original Writ upon his or their cause of Action And that a Writ of Habeas Corpus be granted to every such person or persons being Plaintiff or Plaintiffs desiring the same to be directed to the Warden of the same Prison to have the Body of such prisoner before the Iustices of the Common Pleas at some certain day in any Term to answer the said Plaintiff or Plaintiffs upon his or their said Cause of Action And that if the said Plaintiff or Plaintiffs at the said day put into the said Court his or their Declaration according to the said Original Writ against the said prisoner being present at the Barr the said prisoner shall be bound to appear in person or to put in an Attorney to appear for him in the said Action And unless the said Defendant plead upon a Rule given to be out at eight daies at the least after such Appearance Iudgment by Nihil dicit may be entred against such Defendant as appearing in person which shall be good and effectual in Law And such charge in Court by Declarations signified by Rule unto the said Warden shall be a good cause of detention of such prisoner in his Custody from which he shall not be discharged without a lawful Supersedeas or Rule of Court And if the said Warden shall do otherwise he shall be Responsible to the Court and to the party grieved for Damages by Action upon the case to be brought
to 12 ● a lawful Oath 16 Car. 2. c. 4. and contrary to the Word of God from and after the four and twentieth day of March in this present year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and one shall wilfully and obstinately refuse to take an Oath where by the Laws of the Realm he or she is or shall be bound to take the same being lawfully and duly tendred or shall endeavour to perswade any other person to whom any such Oath shall in like manner be duly and lawfully tendred to refuse and forbear the taking of the same or shall by Printing Writing or otherwise go about to maintain and defend that the taking of an Oath in any case whatsoever is altogether unlawful And if the said persons commonly called Quakers shall at any time after the said four and twentieth day of March depart from the places of their several habitations and assemble themselves to the number of five or more of the age of sixtéen years or upwards at any one time in any place under pretence of joyning in a Religious worship not authorized by the Laws of this Realm that then in all and every such cases the party so offending being thereof lawfully convict by verdict of twelve men or by his own confession or by the notorious evidence of the fact shall lose and forfeit to the Kings Majesty his Heirs and Successors for the first offence such sum as shall be imposed upon him or her not excéeding five pounds And if any person or persons being once convicted of any such offence shall again offend therein and shall in form aforesaid be thereof lawfully convicted shall for the second offence forfeit to the King our Soveraign Lord his Heirs and Successors The second offence such sum as shall be imposed upon him or her not exceeding ten pounds The said respective penalties to be levied by distress and Sale of the parties goods so convicted by warrant of the parties before whom they shall be so convicted rendring the overplus to the owners if any be and for want of such distress or non-payment of the said penalty within one wéek after such conviction that then the said parties so convicted shall for the first offence be committed to the Common-Goal or house of Correction for the space of thrée months and for the second offence during six moneths without bail or Mainprize there to be kept at hard labour which said monyes so to be levyed shall be paid to such person or persons as shall be appointed by those before whom they shall be convicted to be imployed for the increase of the stock of the House of Correction to which they shall be committed and providing materials to set them on work And if any person after he in form aforesaid hath béen twice convict of any of the said offences shall offend the third time and be thereof in form aforesaid lawfully convict that then every person so offending and convict The third offence shall for his or her third offence abjure the Realm or otherwise it shall and may be lawful to and for his Majesty his Heirs and Successors to give order and to cause him her or them to be transported in any Ship or Ships to any of his Majesties Plantations beyond the Seas And it is Ordained and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Who may hear and determine the offences within this Act. That all and every Iustice of Oyer and Terminer Iustices of Assize and Goal-delivery and the Iustices of the Peace shall have full Power and Authority in every of their open and General Sessions to enquire hear and determine all and every the said Offences within the limits of their Commission to them directed and to make Process for the execution of the same as they may do against any person being indicted before them of Trespass or lawfully convicted thereof And be it also Enacted That it shall and may be lawful to and for any Iustice of Peace Mayor or other chief Officer of any Corporation within their several Iurisdictions to commit to the Common Goal or bind over with sufficient Sureties to the Quarter-Sessions any person or persons offending in the Premisses in order to his or their conviction aforesaid Provided alwayes and be it hereby further Enacted That if any of the said persons How persons submitting may be discharged from the penalties shall after such conviction as aforesaid take such Oath or Oaths for which he or she stands committed and also give security that he or she shall for the time to come forbear to meet in any such unlawful Assembly as aforesaid that then and from thenceforth such person and persons shall be discharged from all the penalties aforesaid any thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding Provided alwayes and be it Ordained and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Lords of the Parliament That all and singular Lords of the Parliament for every third offence committed against the tenor of this Act shall be tryed by their Péers and not otherwise CAP. II. For repairing the High-wayes and Sewers and paving and keeping clean of the Streets in and about London and Westminster and for reforming of Annoyances and Disorders there and for the Regulating and Licensing of Hackney Coaches and for the enlarging of several strait and inconvenient Streets and Passages FOrasmuch as the Common High-wayes leading unto and from the Cities of London and Westminster and the Suburbs thereof and other places within the present Wéekly Bills of Mortality by reason of the multitude of Houses lately built and through the stopping and filling up the Ditches and Sewers and neglect of timely reparations are at present and for some years past have béen so miry and foul as is not only very noisom dangerous and inconvenient to the Inhabitants thereabouts but to all the Kings Liege People riding and travelling to and from the said Cities May it therefore please Your most Excellent Majesty that it may be Enacted And be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled Commissioners to be named by his Majesty under the Great seal for Surveying and cleansing the Streets High-wayes and by the Authority of the same That for the Surveying Ordering and managing of the said High-wayes Stréets Allies and other Passages within the said Cities and places aforesaid and all things necessary for the Repairing Paving or kéeping clean thereof there be from henceforward Commissioners to be nominated by his Majesty under the Great Seal of England not excéeding the number of one and twenty besides such other Commissioners as are by this Act nominated and appointed whereof the Surveyor of his Majesties Works for the time being to be alwayes one that shall have their place of meeting at the Office of his Majesties Works in Scotland-yard or at some one other place as they or
Right of His Majesty and His Royal Predecessors Kings and Quéens of England and that both or either of the Houses of Parliament cannot nor ought to pretend to the same nor can nor lawfully may raise or levy any War Offensive or Defensive against His Majesty His Heirs or lawfull Successors and yet the contrary thereof hath of late years béen practised almost to the ruine and destruction of this Kingdom and during the late usurped Governments many evil and rebellious principles have béen instilled into the minds of the people of this Kingdom which may break forth unless prevented to the disturbance of the peace and quiet thereof His Majesty may issue out Commissions of Lieutenancy to such persons as he shall think fit for the several counties cities c. The power of the said Lieutenants 25 Car. 2. cap. 4. Stat. 3. Be it therefore Declared and Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same That the Kings most Excellent Majesty his Heirs and Successors shall and may from time to time as occasion shall require issue forth several Commissions of Lieutenancy to such persons as his Majesty his Heirs and Successors shall think fit to be his Majesties Lieutenants for the several and respective Counties Cities and places of England and Dominion of Wales and Town of Berwick upon Tweed which Lieutenants shall have full power and authority to call together all such persons at such times and to arm and aray them in such manner as is hereafter expressed and declared and to form them into Companies Troops and Regiments and in case of Insurrection Rebellion or Invasion them to lead conduct and imploy or cause to be led conducted and imployed as well within the said several Counties Cities and places for which they shall be Commissionated respectively as also into any other the Counties and Places aforesaid for suppressing of all such Insurrections and Rebellions and repelling of Invasions as may happen to be according as they shall from time to time receive directions from His Majesty His Heirs and Successors And that the said respective Lieutenants shall have full Power and Authority from time to time to constitute appoint and give Commissions to such persons as they shall think fit to be Colonels Majors Captains The Deputy-Lieutenants to be named to and approved of by his Majesty and other Commission-Officers of the said persons so to be armed arrayed and weaponed and to present to His Majesty His Heirs and Successors the names of such person and persons as they shall think fit to be Deputy-Lieutenants and upon His Maiesties approbation of them shall give them Deputations accordingly always understood That His Maiesty His Heirs and Successors have power and authority to direct and order otherwise and accordingly at his and their pleasure may appoint and commissionate or displace such Officers Any thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding And that the said Lieutenants respectively and in their absence out of the Precincts and Limits of their respective Lieutenancies or otherwise by their directions the said Deputy-Lieutenants The power of the Deputy-Lieutenants during their said respective Deputations or any two or more of them shall have power from time to time to train exercise and put in readiness and also to lead and conduct the persons so to be armed arrayed and weaponed by the directions and to the intents and purposes as is hereafter expressed and declared And for the providing Horse and Arms and Furniture thereunto belonging for the Arming and Weaponing the persons aforesaid and also for the defraying and paying the necessary charges thereunto belonging in manner as hereafter followeth Be it further Enacted The manner of charging and providing Horse and Arms c. That the said respective Lieutenants within the several Counties Cities and Places for which they are nominated respectively and their Deputies or the major part of such Lieutenants and Deputy-Lieutenants then present or in the absence of the Lieutenant or Lieutenants the major part of the Deputy-Lieutenants then present which major part shall be thrée at the least have hereby full Power and Authority to charge any person with Horse Horse-man and Arms or with Foot-Souldier and Arms in the same County Shire City Burrough or Town-Corporate where his her or their Estates lye having respect unto and not excéeding the limitations and proportions hereafter mentioned that is to say No person shall be charged with finding a Horse Horse-man and Arms unless such person or persons have a Revenue of Five hundred pounds by the year in possession or have an Estate of Six thousand pounds in Goods or Money besides the Furniture of his or their Houses and so proportionably for a greater Estate in Lands in possession or Goods as the respective Lieutenants and their Deputies as aforesaid in their discretions shall sée cause and think reasonable And they are not to charge any person with finding a Foot-Souldier and Arms that hath not a yearly Revenue of Fifty pounds in possession or a personal Estate of Six hundred pounds in Goods or Moneys other then the stock upon the ground and after the aforesaid rate proportionably for a greater or lesser Revenue or Estate Nor shall they charge any person with the finding both of Horse and Foot in the same County Provided That no person chargeable by this Act to find an Horse and Horse-man with Arms No person charged with or towards an Horse may be charged also towards foot-arms or to be contributory towards finding an Horse and Horse-man with Arms shall for the same Estate be chargeable towards finding a Foot-Souldier with Arms or contributory thereunto And it shall be lawful to and for the respective Lieutenants and Deputies or any thrée or more of them as aforesaid to impose the finding and providing of Horse Horse-man and Arms as aforesaid by joyning two or thrée or more persons together in the Charge as to their Iudgment shall appear most conducible to the service of this Kingdome Provided That no person that hath not One hundred pounds per annum in possession in Lands What persons and Estate only chargeable towards finding Horse-arms Lieutenants and Deputies may hear and determine matters relating to this Act. Tenements or Hereditaments Lease-hold or Copy-hold or Twelve hundred pounds personal Estate shall be compellable to contribute in finding any Horse and Horse-man with Arms And the said respective Lieutenants and Deputies or any thrée or more of them shall have power to hear Complaints and examine Witnesses upon Oath which Oath they have hereby power to administer and to give redress according to the merits of the cause in matters relating to the execution of this Act. Be it further Enacted That the said Lieutenants and Deputies or any thrée or more of them in their several Counties and Places respectively shall
and for the said respective Lieutenants and in their absence as aforesaid or otherwise by their directions to and for their Deputies or any two or more of them by warrant under their hands and seals to levy all such penalties as are appointed by this Act by distress and sale of the offenders Goods rendring the overplus to the Party distrained And it is hereby Ordained and Enacted And to defalk the charges out of their next Rent That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Tenant or Tenants to defalk out of such rent as shall be next due to his or their Landlord all such Money as the said Tenant or Tenants shall necessarily lay out or expend in providing such horse and Horse-man horses and Horse-men and Arms or Foot-souldier and Arms as are charged upon his or their Landlord or shall pay or be levied upon him or them by distress for any default in manner as aforesaid any condition reservation Covenant or Contract for the payment of his or their Rent to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding And for so doing the said Tenant or Tenants shall be indemnified by Authority of this Act The Tenants indemnified for so doing unless the Land-lord or Land-lords shall make it appear within two moneths after such levying such penalties before the respective Lieutenants and in their absence as aforesaid or otherwise by their directions before their Deputies or any two or more of them that the default and penalty was occasioned by the wilful neglect of the said Tenant or Tenants Peers not to act as Lieutenants or Deputies before they take the Oath of Allegiance c. Provided also That no person being a Péer of this Realm shall be capable of acting or serving as Lieutenant or Deputy-Lieutenant by vertue of this Act unless he or they shall first before six of the Lords of his Majesties Privy-Council for the time being or such other Persons as shall be authorised by his Majesty to administer the same take the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and also this Oath following I A.B. do declare and believe that it is not lawful upon any pretence whatsoever to take Arms against the King And this oath And that I do abhor that Traiterous Position That Arms may be taken by his authority against His Person or against those that are Commissioned by him in pursuance of such Military Commissions So help me God Which Oaths they have hereby power to administer Persons under the degree of a Peer to take the Oath of Allegiance c. And that no Person being under the degrée of a Péer of this Realm shall be capable of acting as Lieutenant Deputy-Lieutenant Officer or Souldier by vertue of this Act unless he or they shall first take the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and this Oath following I A. B. do declare and believe that it is not lawful upon any pretence whatsoever to take Arms against the King And that I do abhor that Traiterous Position And this oath That Arms may be taken by his Authority against His Person or against those that are Commissioned by Him in pursuance of such Military Commissions So help me God Which Oaths any one Iustice of Peace of the respective Counties and Places aforesaid is enabled to administer to such respective Lieutenant as is not a Péer of this Realm and the said Lieutenant or any one Iustice of Peace of the respective Counties and Places aforesaid is enabled to administer to the respective Deputy-Lieutenants not being Péers and the said respective Lieutenants and in their absence as aforesaid or otherwise by their directions when they are not absent their Deputies or any two of them shall and are hereby Enabled to administer the said Oaths to the said Officers and Souldiers The Trained Bands to continue till the 25. March 1663. And no longer And to the end there may be some convenient time to put in execution the Powers of this Act and preparing an Establishment according to the same Be it hereby Enacted That the Trained Bands and Forces now actually raised and in being shall so continue in each respective City and County of England and Wales until the five and twentieth day of Mach One thousand six hundred sixty and thrée and no longer unless an Establishment according to this Act be no sooner had any thing in this present Act to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding The times appointed for training and mustering And it is hereby Declared and Enacted That the Ordinary times for Training Exercising and Mustering the Forces to be raised by vertue of this Act shall be these following that is to say the general Muster and Exercise of Regiments not above once a year the Training and Exercising of single Companies not above four times a year unless special Directions be given by his Majesty or his Privy-Council And that such single Companies and Troops shall not at any one time be continued in Exercise above the space of two days and that at a General Muster and Exercise of Regiments What Arms and Provision every Souldier shall bring no Officer or Souldier shall be constrained to stay for above four days together from their respective habitations And that at every such Muster and Exercise every Musquetier shall bring with him half a pound of Powder at the charge of such person or persons as provide the said Foot-souldier and Arms and every Horse-man is to bring with him a quarter of a pound of Powder at the charge of such person or persons as provide the said horse Horse-man and Arms and the Arms Offensive and Defensive with the Furniture for Horse are to be as followeth The Defensive Arms a Back Breast and Pott and the Breast and Pott to be Pistol-proof The Offensive Arms a Sword a Case of Pistols the Barrels whereof are not to be under 14 Inches in length The furniture for the Horse to be a great Saddle or Padd with Burrs and Trapps to affix the Houlsters unto a Bitt and Bridle with a Pectorel and Crupper For the Foot a Musquetier is to have a Musquet the Barrel whereof is not to be under thrée foot in length And the Gage of the Bore to be for 12 Bullets to the pound a Coller of Bandeliers with a Sword Provided that all Muster-Masters shall for the present admit and allow of any Musquets already made which will bear a Bullet of 14 to the pound But no Musquets which henceforth shall be made are to be allowed of but such as are of the Gage for 12 Bullets to the pound A Pike-man is to be armed with a Pike made of Ash not under 16 foot in length the head and foot included with a Back Breast Head-piece and Sword Provided that all Muster-Masters shall for the present admit and allow of any Pikes already made that are not under 15 foot in length But no Pikes which shall be hereafter made are to be allowed of
used by Act of Parliament holden in the said first year of the said late Quéen 2 El. cap. 2. Entituled An Act for the Uniformity of Common Prayer and Service in the Church and Administration of the Sacraments very comfortable to all good people desirous to live in Christian conversation and most profitable to the Estate of this Realm upon the which the Mercy Favour and Blessing of Almighty God is in no wise so readily and plentifully poured as by Common Prayers due using of the Sacraments and often Preaching of the Gospel with Devotion of the Hearers And yet this notwithstanding a great number of people in divers parts of this Realm following their own sensuality and living without knowledg and due fear of God do Wilfully Schismatically abstain and refuse to come to their Parish-Churches and other publick places where Common Prayer Administration of the Sacraments and preaching of the Word of God is used upon the Sundays and other days ordained and appointed to be kept and observed as Holy-days And whereas by the great and scandalous neglect of Ministers in using the said Order or Liturgy so set forth and enjoyned as aforesaid great mischiefs and inconveniences during the times of the late unhappy Troubles have arisen and grown and many people have béen led into Factions and Schisms to the great decay and scandal of the Reformed Religion of the Church of England and to the hazard of many souls For prevention whereof in time to come for setling the Peace of the Church and for allaying the present distempers which the indisposition of the time hath contracted The Kings Declaration and Commission for reviewing the Book of Common Prayer and Alterations to be propounded therein The Kings Majesty according to his Declaration of the Five and twentieth of October One thousand six hundred and sixty granted his Commission under the Great Seal of England to several Bishops and other Divines to review the Book of Common Prayer and to prepare such Alterations and Additions as they thought fit to offer And afterwards the Convocations of both the Provinces of Canterbury and York being by His Majesty called and assembled and now sitting His Majesty hath béen pleased to Authorize and require the Presidents of the said Convocations and other the Bishops and Clergy of the same to re-view the said Book of Common Prayer and the Book of the Form and manner of the Making and Consecrating of Bishops Priests and Deacons And that after mature consideration they should make such Additions and Alterations in the said Books respectively as to them should séem méet and convenient And should exhibit and present the same to his Majesty in writing for his further allowance or confirmation since which time upon full and mature deliberation they the said Presidents Bishops and Clergy of both Provinces have accordingly re-viewed the said Books and have made some Alterations which they think fit to be inserted to the same and some Additional Prayers to the said Book of Common Prayer to be used upon proper and emergent occasions And have exhibited and presented the same unto his Majesty in writing in one Book Entituled The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church according to the use of the Church of England together with the Psalter or Psalms of David Pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches and the Form and Manner of Making Ordaining and Consecrating of Bishops Priests and Deacons All which His Majesty having duly considered hath fully approved and allowed the same and recommended to this present Parliament that the said Books of Common Prayer and of the Form of Ordination and Consecration of Bishops Priests and Deacons with the Alterations and Additions which have béen so made and presented to His Majesty by the said Convocations be the Book which shall be appointed to be used by all that Officiate in all Cathedral and Collegiate Churches and Chappels and in all Chappels of Colledges and Halls in both the Vniversities and the Colledges of Eaton and Winchester and in all Parish-Churches and Chappels within the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Town of Berwick upon Tweed and by all that Make or Consecrate Bishops Priests or Deacons in any of the said places under such Sanctions and Penalties as the Houses of Parliament shall think fit Now in regard that nothing conduceth more to the setling of the Peace of this Nation which is desired of all good men nor to the honour of our Religion and the propagation thereof The Peace and Honour of Religion much advanced by Vniform agreement in the Publique Worship of God then an Vniversal argréement in the publique Worship of Almighty God and to the intent that every person within this Realm may certainly know the rule to which he is to conform in Publique Worship and Administrations of Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England and the manner how and by whom Bishops Priests and Deacons are and ought to be Made Ordained Consecrated Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by the Advice and with the Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and of the Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That all and singular Ministers in any Cathedral Collegiate or Parish-Church or Chappel or other place of Publique Worship within this Realm of England Dominion of Wales and Town of Berwick upon Tweed The Book of Common Prayer shall be used shall be bound to say and use the Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Celebration and Administration of both the Sacraments and all other the Publique and Common Prayer in such order and form as is mentioned in the said Book annexed and ioyned to this present Act and Entituled The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church according to the use of the Church of England together with the Psalter or Psalms of David Pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches and the form or manner of Making Ordaining and Consecrating of Bishops Priests and Deacons And that the Morning and Evening Prayers therein contained shall upon every Lords Day and upon all other dayes and occasions and at the times therein appointed be openly and solemnly Read by all and every Minister or Curate in every Church Chappel or other place of publique Worship within this Realm of England All Parsons Vicars and Ministers to read and declare their assent to use the same and places aforesaid And to the end that Vniformity in the publique Worship of God which is so much desired may be spéedily effected Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every Parson Vicar or other Minister whatsoever who now hath and enjoyeth any Ecclesiastical Benefite or Promotion within this Realm of England or places aforesaid shall in the Church Chappel or place of publique
Worship belonging to his said Benefice or Promotion upon some Lords Day before the Feast of Saint Bartholomew which shall be in the year of our Lord God One thousand six hundred sixty and two openly publiquely and solemnly Read the Morning and Evening Prayer appointed to be Read by and according to the said Book of Common Prayer at the times thereby appointed and after such reading thereof shall openly and publikely before the Congregation there assembled declare his unfeigned assent and consent to the use of all things in the said Book contained and prescribed In these words and no other I A. B. Do here declare my unfeigned assent and consent to all and every thing contained and prescribed in and by the Book intituled The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church according to the use of the Church of England together with the Psalter or Psalms of David Pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches and the Form or manner of Making Ordaining and Consecrating of Bishops Priests and Deacons The Penalty for refusing And that all and every such person who shall without some lawful impediment to be allowed and approved of by the Ordinary of the place neglect or refuse to do the same within the time aforesaid or in case of such Impediment within one Moneth after such Impediment removed shall ipso facto be deprived of all his Spiritual Promotions And that from thenceforth it shall be lawful to and for all Patrons and Donors of all and singular the said Spiritual Promotions or of any of them according to their respective Rights and Titles to present or collate to the same as though the person or persons so offending or neglecting were dead Every person hereafter to be promoted to any Ecclestiastical Benefice shall read the Common Prayer and declare his assent thereto And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every person who shall hereafter be presented or collated or put into any Ecclesiastical Benefice or Promotion within this Realm of England and places aforesaid shall in the Church Chappel or place of publick worship belonging to his said Benefice or Promotion within two moneths next after that he shall be in the actual possession of the said Ecclesiastical Benefice or Promotion upon some Lords Day openly publickly and solemnly Read the Morning and Evening Prayers appointed to be Read by and according to the said Book of Common Prayer at the times thereby appointed and after such reading thereof shall openly and publickly before the Congregation there assembled declare his unfeigned assent and consent to the use of all things therein contained and prescribed according to the form before appointed The penalty for not so doing the same And that all and every such person who shall without some lawful Impediment to be allowed and approved by the Ordinary of the place neglect or refuse to do the same within the time aforesaid or in case of such Impediment within one moneth after such Impediment removed shall ipso facto be deprived of all his said Ecclesiastical Benefices and Promotions And that from thenceforth it shall and may be lawful to and for all Patrons and Donors of all and singular the said Ecclesiastical Benefices and Promotions or any of them according to their respective Rights and Titles to present or collate to the same as though the person or persons so offending or neglecting were dead Incumbents of Livings keeping Curates shall read the same once every moneth And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That in all places where the proper Incumbent of any Parsonage or Vicarage or Benefice with Cure doth reside on his Living and kéep a Curate the Incumbent himself in person not having some lawful Impediment to be allowed by the Ordinary of the place shall once at the least in every moneth openly and publickly read the Common Prayers and Service in and by the said Book prescribed and if there be occasion Administer each of the Sacraments and other Rites of the Church in the Parish Church or Chappel of or belonging to the same Parsonage Vicarage or Benefice in such order manner and form The penalty and manner of conviction for not doing it as in and by the said Book is appointed upon pain to forfeit the sum of Five pounds to the use of the poor of the Parish for every offence upon conviction by confession or proof of two credible Witnesses upon Oath before two Iustices of the Peace of the County City or Town Corporate where the offence shall be committed which Oath the said Iustices are hereby impowred to Administer and in default of payment within ten dayes to be levied by distress and sale of the Goods and Chattels of the Offender by the Warrant of the said Iustices by the Church-wardens or Overséers of the poor of the said Parish rendring the surplusage to the party Deans Canons Prebendaries c. shall subscribe the Declaration 15 Car. 2. cap. 6. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every Dean Canon and Prebendary of every Cathedral or Collegiate Church and all Masters and other Heads Fellows Chaplains and Tutors of or in any Colledge Hall House of Learning or Hospital and every publick Professor and Reader in either of the Vniversities and in every Colledge elsewhere and every Parson Vicar Curate Lecturer and every other person in holy Orders and every School-master kéeping any publick or private School and every person Instructing or Teaching any Youth in any House or private Family as a Tutor or School-master who upon the First day of May which shall be in the year of our Lord God One thousand six hundred sixty two or at any time thereafter shall be Incumbent or have possession of any Deanry Canonry Prebend Mastership Headship Fellowship Professors place or Readers place Parsonage Vicarage or any other Ecclesiastical Dignity or Promotion or of any Curates place Lecture or School or shall instruct or teach any Youth as Tutor or School-master shall before the Feast-day of St. Bartholomew which shall be in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty two or at or before his or their respective admission to be Incumbent or have possession aforesaid subscribe the Declaration or Acknowledgment following Scilicet The Decla ∣ ration I A. B. Do declare That it is not lawful upon any pretence whatsoever to take up Arms against the King and that I do abhor that Traiterous Position of taking Arms by His Authority against His Person or against those that are Commissionated by him And that I will conform to the Liturgy of the Church of England as it is now by Law established And I do declare That I do hold there lies no Obligation upon me or on any other person from the Oath commonly called The Solemn League and Covenant to endeavour any change or alteration of Government either
Goal of the same County City or Town Corporate accordingly Provided alwayes and be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Common Prayer to be read before every Lecture and the Lecturer to be present That at all and every time and times when any Sermon or Lecture is to be Preached the Common Prayers and Service in and by the said Book appointed to be Read for that time of the day shall be openly publickly and solemnly Read by some Priest or Deacon in the Church Chappel or place of Publick Worship where the said Sermon or Lecture is to be Preached before such Sermon or Lecture be preached And that the Lecturer then to Preach shall be present at the Reading thereof Provided nevertheless That this Act shall not extend to the Vniversity Churches Proviso for Sermons and Lectures in the Vniversities in the Vniversities of this Realm or either of them when or at such times as any Sermon or Lecture is Preached or Read in the said Churches or any of them for or as the publick Vniversity Sermon or Lecture but that the same Sermons and Lectures may be preached or read in such sort and manner as the same have béen heretofore preached or read this Act or any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the several good Laws The Lawes and Statutes formerly made for Vniformity of Common Prayer confirmed and to be executed for punishing offendors against this Law and Statutes of this Realm which have béen formerly made and are now in force for the Vniformity of Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments within this Realm of England and places aforesaid shall stand in full force and strength to all intents and purposes whatsoever for the establishing and confirming of the said Book Intituled The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church according to the use of the Church of England together with the Psalter or Psalms of David pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches and the form or manner of Making Ordaining and Consecrating of Bishops Priests and Deacons herein before mentioned to be joyned and annexed to this Act and shall be applied practised and put in ure for the punishing of all offences contrary to the said Lawes with relation to the Book aforesaid and no other Provided alwayes and be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Letanies and Collects relating to the King Queen c. That in all those Prayers Letanies and Collects which do any way relate to the King Quéen or Royal Progeny the Names be altered and changed from time to time and fitted to the present occasion according to the direction of lawful Authority True printed Copies of the Book of Common Prayer to be prov●ded in all Parishes and Churches Provided also and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That a true Printed Copy of the said Book Entituled The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church according to the use of the Church of England together with the Psalter or Psalms of David pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches and the form and manner of Making Ordaining and Consecrating of Bishops Priests and Deacons shall at the costs and charges of the Parishioners of every Parish-Church and Chappelry Cathedral Church Colledg and Hall be attained and gotten before the Feast-day of St. Bartholomew in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and two upon pain of forfeiture of thrée pounds by the moneth for so long time as they shall then after be unprovided thereof by every Parish or Chappelry Cathedral Church Colledge and Hall making default therein Proviso for the Bishops of Hereford St. Davies Asaph Bangor Landaff Provided alwayes and be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Bishops of Hereford St. Davies Asaph Bango● and Landaff and their Successors shall take such order among themselves for the souls health of the Flocks committed to their Charge within Wales That the Book hereunto annexed be truly and exactly Translated into the Brittish or Welsh Tongue and that the same so Translated and being by them or any thrée of them at the least viewed perused and allowed be Imprinted to such number at least so that one of the said Books so Translated and Imprinted may be had for every Cathedral Collegiate and Parish Church and Chappel of Ease in the said respective Diocesses and places in Wales where the Welsh is commonly spoken or used before the First day of May One thousand six hundred sixty five And that from and after the Imprinting and publishing of the said Book so Translated the whole Divine Service shall be used and said by the Ministers and Curates throughout all Wales within the said Diocesses where the Welsh Tongue is commonly used in the Brittish or Welsh Tongue in such manner and form as is prescribed according to the Book hereunto annexed to be used in the English Tongue differing nothing in any order or form from the said English Book for which Book so Translated and Imprinted the Church-Wardens of every the said Parishes shall pay out of the Parish-money in their hands for the use of the respective Churches and be allowed the same on their Accompt And that the said Bishops and their Successors or any thrée of them at the least shall set and appoint the price for which the said Book shall be sold And one other Book of Common Prayer in the English Tongue shall be bought and had in every Church throughout Wales in which the Book of Common Prayer in Welsh is to be had by force of this Act before the First day of May One thousand six hundred sixty and four and the same Book to remain in such convenient places within the said Churches that such as understand them may resort at all convenient times to read and peruse the same and also such as do not understand the said Language may be conferring both Tongues together the sooner attain to the knowledg of the English Tongue Any thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding and until Printed Copies of the said Book so to be Translated may be had and provided The Form of Common Prayer established by Parliament before the making of this Act shall be used as formerly in such parts of Wales where the English Tongue is not commonly understood And to the end that the true and perfect Copies of this Act and the said Book hereunto annexed may be safely kept and perpetually preserved and for the avoiding of all disputes for the time to come True and perfect Copies of this Act and the Book of Common Prayer by whom and how to be had and kept Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the respective Deans and Chapters of Every Cathedral or
Collegiate Church within England and Wales shall at their proper costs and charges before the Twenty fifth day of December One thousand six hundred sixty two obtain under the Great Seal of England a true and perfect printed Copy of this Act and of the said Book annexed hereunto to be by the said Deans and Chapters and their Successors kept and preserved in safety for ever and to be also produced and shewed forth in any Court of Record as often as they shall be thereunto lawfully required And also there shall be delivered true and perfect Copies of this Act and of the same Book into the respective Courts at Westminster and into the Tower of London to be kept and preserved for ever among the Records of the said Courts and the Records of the Tower to be also produced and shewed forth in any Court as néed shall require which said Books so to be exemplified under the Great Seal of England shall be examined by such persons as the Kings Majesty shall appoint under the Great Seal of England for that purpose and shall be compared with the Original Book hereunto annexed and shall have power to correct and amend in writing any Error committed by the Printer in the Printing of the same Book or of any thing therein contained and shall certifie in writing under their Hands and Seals or the hands and seals of any thrée of them at the end of the same Book that they have examined and compared the same Book and find it to be a true and perfect Copy which said Books and every one of them so exemplified under the Great Seal of England as aforesaid shall be déemed taken adjudged and expounded to be good and available in the Law to all intents and purposes whatsoever and shall be accounted as good Records as this Book it self hereunto annexed Any Law or Custome to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding Proviso for the Kings Professor of Law in Oxford Provided also That this Act or any thing therein contained shall not be prejudicial or hurtful unto the Kings Professor of the Law within the Vniversity of Oxford for or concerning the Prebend of Shipton within the Cathedral Church of Sarum united and annexed unto the place of the same Kings Professor for the time being by the late King James of blessed memory Provided alwayes Proviso concerning the 3●th Article agreed in the Convocation Anno 1562. That whereas the Six and thirtieth Article of the Nine and thirty Articles agréed upon by the Archbishops and Bishops of both Provinces and the whole Clergy holden at London in the year of our Lord One thousand five hundred sixty two for the avoiding of diversities of Opinions and for establishing of consent touching true Religion is in these words following viz. That the Book of Consecration of Archbishops and Bishops and Ordaining of Priests and Deacons lately set forth in the time of King Edward the Sixth and confirmed at the same time by Authority of Parliament doth contain all things necessary to such Consecration and Ordaining neither hath it any thing that of it self is superstitious and ungodly And therefore whosoever are Consecrated or Ordered according to the Rites of that Book since the second year of the aforenamed King Edward unto this time or hereafter shall be Consecrated or Ordered according to the same Rites We decree all such to be rightly orderly and lawfully Consecrated and Ordered It be Enacted And be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all Subscriptions hereafter to be had or made unto the said Articles by any Deacon Priest or Ecclesiastical person or other person whatsoever who by this Act or any other Law now in force is required to subscribe unto the said Articles shall be construed and be taken to extend and shall be applied for and touching the said Six and thirtieth Article unto the Book containing the form and manner of Making Ordaining and Consecrating of Bishops Priests and Deacons in this Act mentioned in such sort and manner as the same did heretofore extend unto the Book set forth in the time of King Edward the Sixth mentioned in the said Six and thirtieth Article Any thing in the said Article or in any Statute Act or Canon heretofore had or made to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Provided also That the Book of Common Prayer The Common Prayer used by Authority of Parliament 1. Eliz. to be used untill Bartholomew Day 1662. EXP. and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of this Church of England together with the form and manner of Ordaining and Consecrating Bishops Priests and Deacons heretofore in use and respectively established by Act of Parliament in the First and Eighth years of Quéen Elizabeth shall be still used and observed in the Church of England until the Feast of St. Bartholomew which shall be in the year of our Lord God One thousand six hundred sixty and two EXP. as to this last Clause CAP. V. For Regulating the Making of Stuffs in Norfolk and Norwich WHereas divers abuses and deceipts have of late years béen had and used in the making of Worsteds and other Stuffs commonly called Norwich Stuffs and in the Réeling of Yarnes whereof the said Stuffs are either wholly or in part made which tends to the debasing of the said Manufacture unto the prejudice of the publique which said Trade of Weaving of Stuffs hath of late times béen very much increased and great variety of new sorts of Stuffs have béen invented 7 E. 4. cap. 1. so that the Power given by the Statute of the Seventh of Edward the Fourth Chapter the First is not sufficient for the Regulating of the same And that the number of the Wardens by the same Act appointed being but Eight are too few for the Governing and Ordering the same Trade by which means the same Manufacture will soon be lost if not prevented and carried into forreign Nations to the great diminution of His Majesties Customs and turning out of the work many thousands of poor people For prevention of which abuses deceipts and evils The number of Wardens and Assistants of Master Weavers in Norwich how and when to be chosen It is Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons Assembled in Parliament and by the Authority of the same That there shall be Twelve Wardens and Thirty Assistants all which are to be Master-Weavers within the County of the City of Norwich and County of Norfolk sir of which said Wardens and fiftéen of the said Assistants shall be chosen the first Monday after Pentecost in the year of our Lord God One thousand six hundred sixty and two and from thenceforth yearly and every year on the next Monday after Pentecost at some publique place by the Master-Weavers or the greater part of them present of the said City and County of Norwich And the other six
for the Kings Aulnage And that if any piece or pieces of Stuffs shall be found in the possession of any person or persons unsealed except in the possession of the first Owner or Maker thereof the person or persons in whose custody the same shall be found shall be adjudged guilty of deceit and shall forfeit for every such piece of Stuff which be so found in his or their possession unsealed as aforesaid the sum of Four shillings The penalty for buying unsealed Stuffs And the Maker and Seller of the same who shall deliver the same out of his or their possession before the same be sealed shall likewise forfeit for every such piece other Four shillings to the use of the Poor of the said Trade and Manufacture And that if any person shall counterfeit any Seal of the said Trade or shall seal any piece of Stuff under the Regulation with any counterfeit Seal The penalty for counterfeiting any seale of the said Trade or shall remove a Seal off one piece and set it unto another piece which hath not béen sealed by the Wardens every person so offending and being thereof convicted by his own confession or by the Oath of two or more Witneses to be taken before the Mayor of the said City or his Deputy or any one Iustice of the Peace of the City of Norwich or County of Norfolk who respectively have hereby power to administer an Oath for that purpose shall forfeit for every such offence the sum of twenty pounds of lawful English money to the use of the Kings Majesty None may use the said Trade but such as have been apprentices 7. years And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That no person or persons shall use or exercise the same Trade as a Weaver unless he hath served to the same Trade as an Apprentice by the space of seven years upon pain of forfeiting Fourty shillings for every moneth he shall use or exercise the same Trade not having served thereunto as aforesaid the one half thereof to the Kings Majesty and the other half thereof to the person or persons who will sue or prosecute for the same by Action of Debt The penalty Bill Plaint Indictment or Information in any of His Majesties Courts of Record Every one shall weave his own marke in his Stuff And that every person under the said Regulation shall weave his proper Stuff-Mark into every piece of Stuff which he shall weave or cause to be woven at the head end of the same piece upon pain of forfeiting thrée shillings for every piece that shall be woven without such Mark to the use of the poor of the said Trade and Manufacture The Wardens and Assistants may enter houses Work houses and ware houses to search for Stuffs And the said Wardens and Assistants or any two or more of them shall have and hereby have power to enter into and search the Houses and Work-houses of any Artificers within the City of Norwich and County of Norfolk under the Regulation of the said Wardens and Assistants and the Shops House and Ware-houses of any Merchant common buyer dealer in and retailer of any the said Stuffs and into the house and Work-house of any Dier Shéer-man Callender or other workmans house and place of sale and dressing of the said Stuffs at all times of the day and usual times of working and may there search and view the Stuffs there found whether they be ordered and made according to this present Act Faulty and defective Stuffs to be seized and tryed and the Laws Orders and Ordinances of the said Trade And that if any such Stuff as aforesaid shall be found faulty or defective That then they or any two of them shall seize take and carry away the same to be ordered and brought to Tryal and procéeded against in manner and form as is before in this present Act mentioned and appointed for defective Stuffs Proviso for poor Iourneymen And for the better providing that poor Iourneymen who have served in the said Trade and are not able to set up for themselves may be Imployed in work It is hereby Enacted that whatsoever person under the Regulation of the said Trade who shall Imploy two Apprentices in the said Trade shall likewise Imploy and set on work two Iourneymen in the said Trade during the time he imploys two Apprentices And that no Master-weaver under the Regulation of the said Trade shall at any time have imploy or set on work above two Apprentices or any wéek-boy to weave in a Loom in the said Trade in Worsted-weaving upon pain that every person shall forfeit for every moneth so offending as aforesaid the sum of five pounds to the use of the Kings Majesty Obedience and conformity to this Act. And be it further Enacted That all persons who are or may be concerned in any thing contained in this present Act are hereby strictly enjoyned and required to yield due obedience thereunto according to the true intent and meaning of this present Act And that if any person or persons shall refuse Penalty upon such as shall refuse or hinder the Execution hinder or will not permit the said Wardens or Assistants or any two or more of them to execute their Office according to the Tenor of this Act That then every person so offending being thereof Convicted by the Oath of one or more credible Witnesses before the Mayor of the said City or his Deputy or any one Iustice of Peace of the said City of Norwich or County of Norfolk respectively who are hereby Authorized to administer such Oath shal forfeit the sum of Forty shillings to the use of the Kings Majesty And if any person lawfully Summoned to appear upon any Iury or Trial according to the Tenor of this Act The penalty for not appearing upon a Iury or tryall shall refuse or neglect to appear and procéed upon the same every person so refusing or neglecting shall forfeit for every such neglect or refusal the sum of Five shillings to to the use of the Poor of the said Trade and Manufacture which said penalties and forfeitures together with all other Fines and Penalties which are appointed to go to the poor of the Trade and Manufacture or for the use thereof mentioned in this Act the means of Recovery of which is not already otherwise herein provided and set forth shall be levied by distress and sale of the Offenders Goods and Chattels by warrant to be granted by the said Mayor or his Deputy for the time being or any one Iustice of Peace of the City of Norwich or County of Norfolk rendring the Overplus of such distress to the Owner thereof if any shall be and the same shal be by him demanded or otherwise to be recovered by Action of Debt Bill Plaint Indictment or Information in any His Majesties Courts of Record wherein no wager of Law Essoyn or Protection shall be allowed to
the Defendant as aforesaid And whereas the Custom hath béen retained time out of mind and found expedient that there should be a cessation of weaving every year in the time of Harvest in regard the Spinners of Yarn which the said Weavers do use No weaving of Stuffs in time of Harvest are at that time chiefly imployed in Harvest-work Be it Enacted That no Weaver under the Regulation of the said Trade and Manufacture shall set any Loom on work for the weaving of any Stuffs under the said Regulation in the time of Harvest yearly from the Fiftéenth day of August in every year until the Fiftéenth day of September then next following upon pain of forfeiting to the Kings Majesty the sum of Forty Shillings for every Loom which shall be used in work within the said time And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Trut accompts to be made at the 4 assemblies of all fines and forfeitures That a true accompt shall be made at the four Assemblies to be held quarterly as aforesaid by the Wardens before the Mayor of the City of Norwich for the time being and one of the Iustices of the Peace of the said City and County of Norwich and two Iustices of the Peace of the County of Norfolk of all such Fines and Forfeitures as shall be received and had belonging to the said Trade and Manufacture and of the necessary Charges and Disbursements touching the same Trade and Manufacture and that the Over-plus which shall remain after the said necessary Charges and Disbursments are deducted shall be devided into two equal parts the one Moyety thereof to be disposed of by the Wardens and Assistants of the said City of Norwich or the greater part of them and the other Moyety thereof by the Wardens and Assistants of the said County of Norfolk or the greater part of them for the use of the Poor of the said Trade and Manufacture in such manner as the said Mayor and Iustices aforesaid respectively shall order and direct and no other any thing in this Act to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding And that all Mayors Iustices Sheriffs Bayliffs Constables and all other Officers All Mayors bayliffs c. to be ayding and assisting shall be aiding and assisting to the said Wardens and Assistants or any of them as often as they shall be thereunto required and in all Actions and Suits that shall be brought against any person or persons for Acting in any thing according to the true intent and meaning of this Act the person or persons so sued or molested shall or may plead the general Issue of not guilty In Action the defendant may plead the general issue and give the special matter in Evidence and shall recover double Costs in every such case if the Verdict pass for such person or persons or that the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs be Nonsuit therein Provided alwayes That this Act nor any thing therein contained Double costs shall extend to compel the Weavers of the Towns of Great Yarmouth and Lyn in the said County of Norfolk to bring their Wares to Notwich to be Sealed or be prejudicial to the Weavers of the said Towns Proviso for the Weavers of Great Yarmouth and Lyn. or either of them to deprive them or either of them of such Liberties or Priviledges as are granted unto them by an Act of Parliament made in the Fourtéenth Year of King Henry the Eight or by any other Act of Parliament or Grant or Charter whatsoever This Act to begin and take effect from the Fiftéenth day of May One thousand six hundred sixty and two CAP. VI. For Enlarging and repairing of Common High-ways VVHereas the former Laws and Statutes for the Mending and Repairing of the Common and publick High-wayes of this Realm have not béen found so effectual as is desired by means whereof and the extraordinary Burthens carried upon Wagons and other Carriages divers of the said High-ways are become very dangerous and almost unpassable For remedy whereof Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by Surveyors of the High-wayes to be chosen yearly the Munday or Tuesday in Easter week and with the advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That the Church-wardens and Constables or Tything-men of every Parish Town Village or Hamlet for the time being within the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Town of Berwick upon Tweed shall upon Munday or Tuesday in the Easter wéek yearly whereof notice shall be publickly given the Sunday foregoing in the Church immediately after the end of Morning Prayer with the advice and consent of the major part of the Inhabitants which shall be then present choose Two or more sufficient and able persons residing and inhabiting within their Parish Town Village or Hamlet to be Surveyors of their High-ways for the year next ensuing and give notice thereof in writing to the persons chosen and for default of such choice so to be made as aforesaid The penalty the Church-wardens Constables or Tything-men and Inhabitants of every such Parish Town Village or Hamlet shall forfeit and lose the sum of Five pounds And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and every Surveyor and Surveyors The duty of the Surveyors within twenty days next after notice given unto him or them of his and their Election as aforesaid or of the publication of this Act shall upon the penalty of Five pounds Veiw and Survey all the Common and Publick High-ways and Bridges within the Parish Town Village or Hamlet wherein he or they are respective Surveyor or Surveyors and all Water-courses Causeys and Pavements therein which are to be Repaired and Amended at a Publick Charge of the said Parish Town Village or Hamlet and shall consider what reparations shall be néedful to be made and what sum or sums of money will be requisite to be raised for the Amending Repairing and Enlarging of the same over and above what will be done by the other Laws made for the Amending of the said High-ways and thereupon shall together with two or more substantial Housholders of the said Parish Town Village or Hamlet called by the Surveyors to their Assistance within ten days after such Survey made lay one or more Assessment or Assessments How and upon whom to lay Assessment for mending or Enlarging the High-wayes upon every Inhabitant rated to the Poor and upon every Occupier of Lands Houses Tythes Impropriate or Appropriat Portions of Tythes Coal-mines and other Mines saleable Vnderwoods Stock Goods or other personal Estate not being Houshold-stuff within the said said Parish Town Village or Hamlet for the Repairing Amending and Enlarging of the said publick and common High-ways as they the said Surveyors and other the substantial Housholders or the Major part of them shall think fit méet and necessary which said Assessment
seisure as aforesaid he or they shall forfeit for every such offence the sum of Twenty pounds for the uses and to be recovered as aforesaid And if any of the said Artificers and Dealers in cutting of Leather do refuse to be present with the said Searchers whensoever the same shall be desired by the said Master and Wardens of the Company of the Curriers or such persons thereto assigned by them as aforesaid then for every such default the persons so refusing shall forfeit the sum of Ten pounds for the uses and to be recovered as aforesaid CAP. VIII An Act for Distribution of Threescore thousand pounds amongst the truly Loyal and Indigent Commission-Officers and for Assessing of Offices and Distributing Moneys thereby raised for their further Supply EXP. CAP. IX For Relief of Poor and Maimed Officers and Souldiers who have faithfully served His Majesty and His Royal Father in the late Wars FOrasmuch as divers of His Majesties Loyal and Faithful Subjects who out of the sense of their Duty and Allegiance to his Majesties Royal Father of ever Blessed and Glorious Memory and to His Majestie that now is have during the late Wars wherein they have béen Imployed both by Sea and Land as Officers Souldiers and Mariners in the said Service exposed themselves to the utmost hazard of their Lives loss of their Limbs and utter ruine of their Fortunes and for whose Subsistence and Relief there is not yet any competent Provision made Nor for the Relief of the Widows and Orphans of such as have died or béen slain in the said Service And to the end that such as have béen eminent for their Loyalty and Sufferings The inducement and ground of this Act. in so good and just a Cause as the Defence of His Majesties Royal Person and Government may not passe without some Mark of Favour or Reward to be set upon them And that others may thereby receive all due Encouragement for the time to come to continue Loyal and Faithful to His Majesties Service according to their bounden Duty Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by Authority of the same That from the First day of this present Parliament every Parish within this Realm of England and Dominion of Wales and Town of Berwick upon Tweed shall be charged wéekly to the payment of such sum of Money as formerly they have béen rated by vertue of a Statute made in the Forty third year of Quéen Elizabeth Chapter the third 43 El. cap. 3. concerning the Relief of Mariners and Souldiers for and to such end and purpose How Parishes may be charged assessed and levied And likewise such further sum of Money over and besides the same as by His Majesties Iustices of the Peace in their next Quarter-Sessions to be held after the Feast of Easter next ensuing or the major part of them or at any other Quarter-Sessions to be hereafter by them held shall be adjudged méet to be Assessed upon every Parish or Chappelry that hath distinct Parochial Officers so as the said additional sum excéed not the sum of Two shillings and six pence nor be under the sum of Thrée pence each wéek for each such Parish or Chappelry the same to be levied in manner and form by such persons and under such penalties as by the said Statute of Quéen Elizabeth is Enacted and Declared And to be paid to the Treasurers for the Maimed Souldiers Treasurer for Maimed Souldiers appointed by the Iustices of the County or Liberty by vertue of this Act and the Statute of Quéen Elizabeth aforesaid Which said Treasurers shall be ordered to issue out and account for the same in such manner and under such penalties as by the said Statute is further Enacted and Declared And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid ●fficers ●●●ldiers or ●●●triners Maimed or indigent how to be relieved That every Officer Souldier or Mariner maimed indigent aged or disabled in body for work in the Service of His said late Majesty or His Majesty that now is during the late Wars or which are so Impoverished by their Sufferings under any of the late Vsurped Powers as that they are destitute of any competent Subsistence or Livelihood and have continued Faithful to his Trust and not deserted the same by taking up Arms against His said late Majesty or His Majesty that now is or otherwise shall forthwith repair to the place where he was last setled before he took up Arms with a Certificate of his Service and hurts received under the hand of his Captain or other Commissionated Officer And shall also repair unto the two next Iustices of the Peace in the County where such his Setling was And the said two Iustices upon the Examination of the Truth of such Certificate which the said two Iustices are hereby impowred to take upon Oath of the party and of such Witnesses as he shall produce shall by Warrant unto the Treasurer assign him Relief until the next Quarter-Sessions to be holden for that County or Liberty at which time a yearly Pension shall be by the said Iustices or the major part of them granted in Manner and Form and with Power of Revocation or Alteration as by the said Statute is further declared and directed And in case that the Captain or Officer appointed to make such Certificate be dead the said two Iustices shall have Power upon Request made to them in behalf of the party maimed or aged indigent or disabled as aforesaid by Persons of Credit to give such Relief as in case of Examination as aforesaid Widowes and Orphans of Souldiers And as touching the Widows and Orphans of such as have died or suffered death in the said Service It is hereby further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That over and besides such Relief as they shall gain by their Work and Labour and shall be allowed by the Charity and Benevolence of the Parish Town or Hamlet where they are setled who are hereby required to have them in special regard the Treasurers for the Maimed Souldiers for such County shall allow such further Relief from time to time as shall be adjudged méet by the two next Iustices of the Peace of such County And the said Relief shall be paid out of the Surplusage of such Stock of Maintenance as shall remain in the hands of the said Treasurers after such Pensions and payment of them made and of which Surplusage and Allowance made unto such Widows and Orphans the said Treasurers shall give account from time to time and the same distribute in such manner as by the Iustices shall be directed and according to the Statute aforesaid Treasurers High-Constables c. to be called to Accompt for Moneys received And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Iustices of Peace in every County or Liberty or any
two of them shall forthwith call all such Treasurers High-Constables Petty-Constables or other persons which have formerly béen Intrusted with the Receipt Collecting or Disposing of any such sum of Money charged upon any Parish by vertue of the Statute aforesaid and whereof no account hath béen given and likewise the Executors and Administrators of such person and persons unto a strict account concerning such Levies and Collections made And such Money as they shall find remaining in the custody of such persons to order forthwith to be paid for the intents and purposes aforesaid and no other to the Treasurer appointed by vertue of the said Statute or to be appointed by vertue of this present Act at the next Quarter-Sessions to be holden for such County or Liberty under such penalty as by the said Statute is set forth Which said Treasurer to be appointed by this Act shall continue by vertue hereof until Easter Sessions following The continuance of this Act. Provided That no Pension to be given or assigned by Authority hereof shall excéed to any one person the sum of Twenty pounds by the year This Act to continue to the end of the first Session of the next Parliament CAP. X. An Additional Revenue setled upon His Majesty His Heirs and Successors for the better support of His and their Crown and Dignity The great concernment of proportioning the Publique Revenue to the Charges and Expences FOrasmuch as nothing conduceth more to the Peace and Prosperity of a Nation and the Protection of every single person therein then that the Publick Revenue thereof may be in some measure proportioned to the Publick Charges and Expences We therefore Your Majesties most Loyal and Obedient Subjects the Commons assembled in Parliament having duly considered the Premisses do give and grant unto your most Excellent Majesty Your Heirs and Successors the Rates and Duties herein after mentioned and do most humbly beséech Your Majesty that it may be Enacted And be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That from and after the Five and twentieth day of March in the year of our Lord God One thousand six hundred sixty and two every Dwelling and other House and Edifice and all Lodgings and Chambers in the Inns of Court Inns of Chancery Colledges and other Societies that are or hereafter shall be erected within the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Town of Berwick upon Tweed other then such as in this Act are hereafter excepted and declared shall be chargeable and by this present Act be and are charged with the Annual pa●ment to the Kings Majesty Every Fire-Hearth and Stove charged with the yearly payment of 2 s. to the King his Heirs and Successors his Heirs and Successors for every Fire-Hearth and Stove within every such House Edifice Chambers and Lodging as aforesaid the sum of Two shillings by the year to be paid yearly and every year at the Feast of St. Michael the Arch-Angel and the Feast of the Annuntiation of the Blessed Virgin St. Mary by even and equal portions the First payment thereof to be paid upon the Feast-day of Saint Michael the Arch-Angel which shall be in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and two And to the intent that a just account may be had and taken of all the said Hearths and Stoves by this Act intended to be charged Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid How an Accompt shall be taken of all Fire-Hearths and Stoves That every Owner or Occupier of every such House Edifice Lodgings and Chambers shall respectively within six dayes after notice given unto him or them by the respective Constables Headboroughs Tythingmen or other such Officers within whose Precinct the said House Edifice Chambers or Lodgings shall be or by the respective Treasurers or Officers of Inns of Court Inns of Chancery or other Officers of the respective Colledges and other Societies aforesaid wherein any such Lodgings and Chambers shall be deliver unto the said Constables Headboroughs Tithingmen or other such Officers as aforesaid respectively a true and just account in writing under the hands of such Owners or Occupiers as aforesaid of all the said Hearths and Stoves which are within their several and respective Houses Lodgings and Chambers aforesaid And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the respective Constables Headboroughs How and when the same shall be delivered in Tithingmen or other such Officers within whose limits any such House or Edifice charged by this Act as aforesaid are and the respective Treasurers and other Officers of the respective Inns of Court Inns of Chancery Colledges and other Societies aforesaid shall by the last day of May One thousand six hundred sixty and two require the several Occupiers of every such House Edifice Lodging and Chamber aforesaid to deliver in to them respectively Accounts in writing as aforesaid under their several and respective hands of all such Hearths and Stoves as aforesaid as shall be within their respective Houses Edifices Lodgings and Chambers and upon receipt of the same or upon default of such Account in writing or in case there be no occupiers then within six dayes after notice in writing fixt to the door requiring such Account to be made the said Constables or other Officers respectively as aforesaid shall enter into the said respective Houses in the day-time and compare such Accounts and sée whether the same be truly made or not And if no such Account be delivered then shall take information by their own view of the number of such Hearths and Stoves upon pain that every Constable Treasurer and other Officer aforesaid who shall neglect to do the same shall forfeit for every wéek he or they shall so neglect the sum of Five pounds and for every false return wilfully made contrary to this Act he or they shall forfeit and lose for every Hearth and Stove so falsly returned or omitted the sum of Forty shillings And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the several Constables and other Officers who are hereby authorized to take the account of the aforesaid Hearths and Stoves within their particular Limits as aforesaid shall at the next Quarter-Sessions after the said last day of May to be holden for their respective Counties deliver all such Accounts in writing as they shall receive reform or take by their own view unto the Iustices of Peace in their respective Quarter-Sessions of the said Counties together with a true Note of the names of all such persons who shall refuse or neglect to give unto them an account under their hands of such Hearths and Stoves within their respective Houses Edifices Chambers and Lodgings as aforesaid And be it further Enacted How Accompts of Hearths and Stoves shall be enrolled and duplicates thereof by the Iustices
Provided also That no person or persons Indebted for any the Duties aforesaid shall thereby be priviledged as a Debtor or Debtors to His Majesty His Heirs or Successors No priviledg to sue in the Exchequer Nor assign a Debt to the King to sue any person or persons in the Court of Exchequer or to assign any Debt to His Majesty His Heirs or Successors towards satisfaction of the same 15 Car. 2. ca. 13. 16 Car. 2. ca. 3. CAP. XI Frauds and abuses in His Majesties Customs prevented and Regulated 12 Car. 2. cap. 19. FOrasmuch as it appears that several unlawful and indirect means and devices are daily put in practise to Export and Import Goods and merchandizes prohibited by the Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom as also to defraud the Kings most Excellent Majesty of His Dues Customs and Subsidies as well by secret and deceitful designs as by open force and violence used against the Kings Majesties Officers imployed in the Affairs of the Customs For the better preventing of which frauds and violences in time to come It is Enacted and Ordained by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in Parliament assembled and be it Enacted and Ordained by the Authority thereof That no Ship or Vessel arriving from the parts beyond the Seas Ships and Vessels arriving from beyond the Seas at Grave-end shall be above thrée days coming from Graves-end to the place of her discharge within the River of Thames without touching or staying at any Wharf Key or place adjoyning to either Shoar betwéen Graves-end and Chesters-Key unless apparently hindred by contrary Winds Draught of Water or other just impediment to be allowed by such person or persons as are or shall be appointed by His Majesty for managing the Customs the Collectors Inwards or other principal Officers of the Customs and then or before the Master or Purser for that voyage of such Ship or Vessel shall make a just and true Entry upon Oath of the Burthen Contents and Lading of every such Ship or Vessel True Entries of Lading to be made upon Oath with the particular Marks Numbers Qualities and Contents of every parcel of Goods therein Laden to the best of his knowledge also where and in what Port she took in her Lading of what Countrey built how manned who was Master during the Voyage and who are Owners thereof and in all Out-Ports or Members to come directly up to the place of Vnlading The Penalty as the condition of the Port requires and will admit and making Entries as aforesaid upon the penalty of the forfeiture of One hundred pounds And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That no Captain Master Purser or any other person or persons taking charge of any Ship or Vessel bound for the parts beyond the Seas The duty of Captains Master and others taking charge of Ships and Vessels bound for parts beyond the Seas or into the Kingdom of Scotland whether the same Ship or Vessel shall have Commission from or belong unto the Kings Majesty that now is His Heirs or Successors or shall belong to or have Commission from any forrein Prince or State or otherwise shall take in or suffer to be taken into or laden aboard any such Ship or Vessel any English Goods Wares or Merchandize to be Exported into the parts beyond the Seas or into the Kingdom of Scotland until such Captain Master Purser or other person as aforesaid shall have entered such Ship or Ships in the Book of the Commissioners To take in no English goods till Entry thereof be made at the Custom-house Customer or Collector and Comptroller Outwards of such Port where he shal Load or take in Goods together with the Name of such Captain or Master the Burden of such Ship or Vessel the Number of Guns and Ammunition she carries and to what Port or Place she intends to pass or Sail and before he or they shall depart with his or their Ship or Vessel out of such Port or Place shall bring and deliver unto the said person or persons which are or shall be appointed by His Majesty for managing the Customs the Customer or Collector and Comptroller of such Port or Place a Content in Writing under his or their Hands of the Names of every Merchant and other person or persons that shall have laden and put on Board any such Ship or Vessel any such Goods or Merchandize together with the Marks and Numbers of such Goods and Merchandize and shall likewise publickly in the open Custom-house upon his Corporal Oath to the best of his knowledge have answered to such question or questions as shall be demanded of him by the said person or persons which are or shal be appointed by His Majesty for managing the Customs the Customer or Collector and Comptroller or their Deputies concerning such Goods and Merchandize as shall be aboard such Ship or Vessel upon pain of Forfeiture of One hundred pounds Ships or Vessels of War bringing goods And that no such Captain Master Purser or other person or persons taking charge of any Ship or Vessel of War as aforesaid wherein any Goods Wares or Merchandizes shall have béen laden or brought from the Ports beyond the Seas or out of the Realm of Scotland shall unload or put on board any Lighter Boat or Bottom or lay on land or suffer to be discharged or put into any Lighter Boat or Bottom or to be laid on land out of any Ship or Vessel as aforesaid any Goods Wares or Merchandize whatsoever before such Captain Master Purser or other person taking charge of the Ship or Merchants Goods for that Voyage as aforesaid shall have signified and declared in writing under his or their Hands unto the person or persons which are or shall be appointed by his Majesty for managing the Customs the Customer or Collector and Comptroller Inwards of the Port where he arriveth the Names of every Merchant or Lader of any Goods or Merchandizes aboard the said Ship or Vessel together with the Number and Marks and the quantity and quality of every Parcel of Goods and Merchandizes to the best of his knowledg and shall have answered upon his or their Corporal Oath to such Questions concerning such Goods and Merchandizes as shall be publickly administred unto him in the open Custom-house by such person or persons which are or shall be appointed for Managing the Customs Customer or Collector and Comptroller or their Deputies and shall be liable to all Searches and other Rules which Merchants Ships are subject unto by the usage of his Majesties Custom-house victualling Bills and Entring excepted upon pain to forfeit One hundred pounds and upon refusal to make such Entries as aforesaid as well Outwards as Inwards the said person or persons which are or shall be appointed for managing the Customs and Officers of His Majesties Customs and their Deputies shall
appraised value upon loss of his Office Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid No person employed about managing the customs may take any bride or reward to connive at any Entry That if any of the Kings Majesties Officers or other persons appointed to manage His Majesties Customs Searchers Waiters or other person or persons whatsoever deputed and appointed by and under them or any of them or any other Authority whatsoever and imployed in or about the Affairs of the Kings Customs and Subsidies shall directly or indirectly take or receive any bribe recompence or reward in any kind whatsoever or connive at any false Entry of any Goods or Merchandizes whereby the Kings Majesty His Heirs or Successors shall be defrauded or hindred in or of His Customs and Subsidies or other Sums of money or Goods prohibited by the Law to be Imported or Exported into or out of the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales Town and Port of Berwick be suffered to pass either by way of Importation or Exportation the person or persons therein offending shall forfeit the sum of One hundred pounds The Penalty and be for ever afterwards incapable of any Office or Imployment under the Kings Majesty His Heirs or Successors or any Authority derived from them as also the Merchant Mariner or other person or persons whatsoever who shall give or pay any such Bribe Recompence or Reward as aforesaid shall forfeit the sum of Fifty pounds Provided nevertheless that if any person or persons offending as aforesaid Persons revealing their own offences within two months to be acquitted shall reveal and make known such his or their Offence in Two moneths time to the Treasurer of England the Chancellor Vnder-Treasurer or Barons of the Exchequer he shall for that Offence be clearly acquitted and discharged And be it further Enacted Forreign goods where to be landed and how weighed and numbred That all forreign Goods and Merchandize which by the person or persons which are or shall be appointed by his Majesty for the managing of the Customs and the Customer Collector and Comptroller shall be permitted to be landed and taken up by Bills at sight Bills at view or sufferance shall be landed at the most convenient Keys or Wharfs where the said person or persons so to be appointed Customer or Collector or Comptroller shall appoint and not elsewhere and there or in his Majesties Store-house of the respective Ports at the Election of the said person or persons so to be appointed and Officers shall be measured weighed and numbred by and in the presence of the Officers to be thereunto particularly appointed which said Officers so appointed shall perfect the Entry and thereunto shall subscribe their Names and the next day following shall give Accompt and make report of every respective Entry so perfected as aforesaid to the said person or persons which are or shall be appointed to manage his Majesties Customs Customer or Collector and Comptroller aforesaid without reasonable cause to be allowed by the said person or persons or Officers aforesaid or in default thereof shall forfeit the sum of One hundred pounds Be it also Enacted That no Ship Vessel or Boat Vessels appointed for carrying Letters may not import nor export Merchandise appointed and imployed ordinarily for the Carriage of Letters and Pacquets shall unless it be in such Cases as shall be allowed by the said person or persons which are or shall be appointed to manage his Majesties Customs or Officers aforesaid Import or Export any Goods or Merchandize into or out of the parts beyond the Seas upon the Penalty of the forfeiture of One hundred pounds to be paid by the Master of the said Vessel or Boat with the loss of his place and all Goods and Merchandize that shall be found on Board any such Ship Vessel or Boat shall be forfeited and lost And whereas some Doubts and Disputes have arisen concerning the said late Act For encresing and encouraging of Shipping and Navigation An Explanation of 12 Car. 2. cap. 18. of goods prohibited to be brought from Holland about some of the Goods therein prohibited to be brought from Holland and the Parts and Ports thereabouts Be it Enacted and Declared That no sort of Wines other then Rhenish no sort of Spicery Grocery Tobacco Pot-ashes Pitch Tarr Salt Rozen Deal-Boards Firr Timber or Olive-Oyl shall be imported into England Wales or Berwick from the Netherlands or Germany upon any pretence whatsoever in any sort of Ships or Vessels whatsoever upon penalty of the loss of all the said Goods as also of the Ships and furniture And whereas also by the said Acts For incouraging and increasing of Shipping and Navigation 12 Car. 2. c. 18. Imposition of 5 s. per Tun upon French Vessels an Imposition of Five shillings per Tun is laid upon all Ships or Vessels belonging to any Subjects of the French King which shall come into any Port Harbour Créek or Road of England Ireland Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed and shall there lade or unlade any Goods or take in or set on shore any Passengers Yet notwithstanding there is great difficulty in recovering the said Duty because small Shallops come not into Harbours where Officers are but either put their Goods and Passengers on shore or Boats come out of Harbours which privately convey them on shore there being no penalty in the Act against such Offenders Be it therefore Enacted How to be recovered and the penalty That any such Ship or Vessel upon which the above-said Imposition of Five shillings per Tun is due and payable which shall either put on shore or put over into any Boat any Goods or Passengers without payment of Custom and Imposition of Tunnage at any time returning into any Harbour Port or Creek of England or Ireland shall not only pay the Duties formerly due but forfeit the sum of Ten pounds And whatsoever Pilot Water-man or Boat-man which shall from any Harbour Port or Créek go out and bring any Goods from on board such Vessel shall not only be liable to pay the Duty of Tunnage which the said Vessel should have paid but forfeit the sum of Forty pounds Be it also hereby Enacted That Vinegar Perry Rape Cider and Cider-eager of any sort or kind whatsoever Tunnage upon V negar Perry Rape Cyder and Cyder eager Imported from and after the four and twentieth day of June One thousand six hundred sixty and two from Forreign Parts is hereby Rated to pay to the Kings Majesty a Subsidy of Tunnage of Four pounds Ten shillings per Tun Imported by English and Six pounds Imported by Stangers according to the Rate already imposed and set upon French Wines to be Collected and Levied for such time and in such manner as by the Act of Tunnage and Poundage is directed and appointed And the same are by vertue of this Act exonerated and discharged of all further and other Sums heretofore set or
by their industry and labour have attained and gained so great skill and dexterity in the making thereof that they make as good of all sorts thereof as is made in any Forreign parts by reason whereof they have béen heretofore able to relieve their poor Neighbours and maintained their Families and also enabled to set on work many poor children and other persons who have very small means or maintenance of living other then by their labours and endeavours in the said Art And whereas the persons so imployed in the said Mystery have heretofore served most parts of this Kingdom with Bonelace Band-strings Buttons Néedlework and Imbroidery And for the carrying on and managing of the said Trade they have procured great quantities of Thread and Silk to be brought into the Kingdom from Foreign parts whereby his Majesties Customs and Revenues have béen much advanced until of late that great quantities of Foreign Bonelace Band-strings Néedlework Cut-work Fringe Silk Bonelace Buttons and Imbroidery were brought into this Kingdom by Foreigners and Inhabitants of this Kingdom and sold to Shop-kéepers and others Dealers in the said Commodity as well by Whole-sale as Retail without ever entring of the same in any of his Majesties Custom-houses or paying any Duty or Custom for the same by means whereof the said Trade and calling is of late very much decayed those imployed in the said Calling very much impoverished the Manufacture much decreased and great quantities thereof already made left on their hands that make it His Majesty defrauded and deceived in his Customs and many thousand poor people formerly kept on work in the said Art like to perish for want of imployment there being daily great sums of money exported out of this Kingdom for the buying and fetching in of the said Commodity to the great impoverishment of the Nation by the Consumption of the Bullion and Treasure thereof and contrary to several Statutes made in the first of King Richard the Third 1 R. 3. cap. 12. 3 E. 4. cap. 4. 19 H. 7. cap. 21 5 Eliz. cap. 7. in the third of King Edward the fourth in the ninetéenth of King Henry the Seventh and the fifth of Quéen Elizabeth and to a late Proclamation made by his Majesty that now is dated the twentieth day of November last for the putting the said Laws in execution For redress whereof and prevention of the like mischiefs for the future and the better relief comfort and subsistence of those imployed in the said Art and Manufacture And for the quickning reviving explaining amending and more effectual execution of the said Statutes Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by Authority of the same That no person or persons whatsoever shall from and after the Twenty fourth day of June One thousand six hundred sixty two sell or cause to be sold or offer to sale within the Kingdom of England or Dominion of Wales or export any Foreign Bonelace Cut-work Foreign bone-lace cut-work imbroidery fringe band-strings prohibited to be sold or imported from beyond Sea Imbroidery Fringe Band-strings Buttons or Néedlework made of Thread Silk or any or either of them in parts beyond the Seas or Import bring in send or convey or cause to be brought in sent or conveyed into the Kingdom of England or Dominion of Wales any such Foreign Bonelace Cut-work Fringe Imbroidery Band-strings Buttons or Néedlework made of Thread Silk or any or either of them beyond the Seas after the first day of May which shall be in the said year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and two upon pain that all and every person or persons who shall sell or cause to be sold or offer to sale any such Foreign Bonelace Cut-work Imbroidery Fringe Band-strings Buttons or Néedlework shall forfeit and lose for every offence by him committed contrary to this Act the sum of Fifty pounds and the whole Bonelace Cut-work Imbroidery Fringe Band-strings Buttons or Néedlework so sold or caused to be sold or offered to sale And upon further pain That all and every person or persons who shall Import bring in send or convey or cause to be brought in sent or conveyed into this Kingdom of England or Dominion of Wales any such Bonelace Cut-work The penalty Imbroidery Fringe Band-strings Buttons or Néedlework shall forfeit and lose for every offence by him committed contrary to this Act the sum of One hundred pounds and the whole Bonelace Cut-work Imbroidery Fringe Band-strings Buttons or Néedle-work so Imported brought in sent or conveyed or caused to be Imported brought in sent or conveyed contrary to the form and effect of this present Act as aforesaid One moyety to the King the other to the prosecutor The Moyeties of all which Forfeitures to be to the use of our Sovereign Lord the Kings Majesty his Heirs and Successors and the other Moyety to him or them that shall sue for the same in any of the Kings Courts of Record by Bill Plaint Action of Debt Information or otherwise wherein no Essoign Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed at every time and as often as any person shall be found to offend in selling importing conveying or bringing in as aforesaid Every Iustice of Peace may grant Warrants to search for Manufactures prohibited by this Act And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That for the preventing of the Importing of the said Manufactures as aforesaid upon complaint and Information given to the Iustices of the Peace or any or either of them within their respective Counties Cities and Towns Corporate at times reasonable he or they are hereby authorized and required to issue forth his or their Warrants to the Constables of their respective Counties Cities and Towns Corporate to enter and search for such Manufactures in the Shops being open or Ware-houses and dwelling-houses of such person or persons as shall be suspected to have any such Foreign Bonelaces Imbroidery Cut-work Fringe Band-strings Buttons or Néedlework within their respective Counties Cities and Towns-Corporate and to seize the same any Act Statute or Ordinance to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding The time limited for actions upon this Act. Provided always and be it hereby Enacted and Declared That all Informations Actions and Suits that shall be commenced for any offence committed against this Law shall be brought and commenced within twelve Moneths after the discovery of such offence Any former Act or Law to the contrary notwithstanding CAP. XIV Direction for Prosecution of such as are Accountable for Prize-Goods 12 Car. 2. c. 11 VVHereas in the Act of Frée and General Pardon Indempnity and Oblivion made in the Twelfth Year of your Majesties Reign and since confirmed by another Act Intituled An Act for confirming Publick Acts 13 Car. 2. c. 7. made in the thirtéenth year of your
Majesties Reign there is amongst other exceptions excepted all and singular the Accounts of all Prize-Goods and of all moneys and other Duties grown due or contracted upon the sale or disposition of them or any of them By vertue whereof and of another Act made in the said thirtéenth year of your Majesties Reign 13 Car. 2. c. 3. Intituled An Act for the Declaring Vesting and Setling of all such Moneys Goods and other things in his Majesty which were received levied or collected in these late times and are remaining in the hands or possession of any Treasurers Receivers Collectors or others not Pardoned by the Act of Oblivion all and singular Prizes and Ships and Goods whatsoever seized or taken for Prize since the thirtieth of January in the year One thousand six hundred forty two by colour or pretence of any of the late pretended Authorities or by pretence or colour of any Power or Authority derived or pretended to be derived from or under them or any of them or otherwise for or upon any pretence of any publick use And all Captures and Seisures of Prizes and Tenths of Prizes to or under pretence of any publick use And all the moneys arising or due or contracted for upon the Sales and Dispositions of them or any of them yet unpaid or unaccounted for in whose hands soever the same be or by whomsoever owing are rightly vested in your Majesty And all the Buyers and Receivers and Injoyers thereof not having yet truly accounted for or paid for the same stand chargeable to your Majesty Now for that as well by a pretended Act made in the year one thousand six hundred forty nine the Buyers of Ships and goods taken Pretended Act. 1649. The reason for suing for prize-goods in the Court of Admiralty or seised and sold for Prize were in case of any failer of performing their contract to be convented in the Court of Admiralty and in case they were condemned there to pay the money by them contracted for then the same to be levied by execution of the said Court And for that by reason of other pretended Acts and Ordinances made in those times all the matters touching Prize and Captures and Seisures and Tenths of Prizes were referred to the said Court of Admiralty and all the Processes Exhibites Writings Examinations Depositions Procéedings Passages Condemnations Sentences Decrées and Orders touching and concerning Prizes and Captures and Seisures of Prizes and tenths of Prizes of what sort soever were had taken made and done in the said Court of Admiralty and do all or most of them there remain So that the said Court of Admiralty being thereof possessed and best acquainted therewith and with all the passages thereof It will be the readiest and quickest way for your Majesty to Sue for the same in that Court which being there Sued for may probably amount to considerable sums of money May it therefore please your Majesty that it may be Enacted And be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That all and every Collectors and Treasurers Sub-Collectors and Vnder-Treasurers of Prize-goods Commissioners and Sub-Commissioners of Prize-goods and all and every their Cashéers Officers Rep. 16 17 Car. 2. cap. 6. Deputies and Receivers and all and every Admirals Vice-Admirals Captains of Ships Officers and Mariners and all and every other person and persons whatsoever to whom such Prizes were delivered or to whose hands they came at any time since the said thirtieth of January One thousand six hundred forty and two and before the nine and twentieth of May One thousand six hundred and sixty or that did surprize or receive to or for the publick use or by pretence thereof any Ships Plate Iewels Bullion Money Silver Gold Arms Ammunition Wares Merchandizes or any manner of Goods whatsoever seised or taken for Prize within the times aforesaid and that have not yet truly accounted for and paid in the same or the just provenues and values thereof and all and every person and persons by whom or to or for whose use the same or any of them were sold or who had and enjoyed the same or any part thereof and are still behind and have not paid the moneys contracted for and arising or due upon such sales or any of them and all Securities by them or any of them given for their just dealing in their Offices or Places or any thing concerning the said Prizes or any of them shall be chargeable to your Majesty for the said premisses and all the Dependencies thereof respectively in the said Court of Admiralty and shall and may be by your Majesties Advocate and by such other of your Majesties Councel in that Court as Your Majesty shall please particularly to nominate and commit that affair unto and by special Warrant under your Sign Manual to appoint to sue for the same in your Majesties Name and to and for your Majesties use to be sued and convened in the said Court of Admiralty and either called to account or otherwise by such suit and in such manner as may be most available for your Majesty be there procéeded against sued and prosecuted in due course according to their respective cases for all and every the said Prizes Ships Goods Moneys and Premisses received or had by them and still in arrear and wherewith they are as aforesaid chargeable The Court of Admiralty impowred to proceed upon suits for prize-goods taken at any time since Ian. 30. 1642. and before 29 May 1660. and not accounted for And the said Court of Admiralty is hereby enabled and authorized to procéed thereupon according to the Laws and course of that Court and to do and minister right and Iustice therein with all things thereto requisite And to give sentences and final Decrées and condemnations therein as by the rules of Iustice ought to be and that in the most spéedy manner and to put in execution and finally to execute and levy all and every sum and sums and whatever shall be adjudged sentenced or condemned by and according to the rules and course of Executions in the said Court and that without any manner of Let Disturbance Hinderance Obstruction or Impediment whatsoever that your Majesty may be for the same satisfied and paid according to right and Iustice Provided always and be it further hereby Enacted and Declared by the Authority aforesaid Proviso for the saving all Rights of the Lord High Admiral That all such Rights as during the Reign of your Majesties Royal Father of Blessed memory or your Majesties Reign belonged and appertained unto the Lord High Admiral of England or Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports for the time being by vertue of the said Office and have béen at any time since the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred forty and eight usurped possessed
or within twenty miles compass of them or either of them all such grants powers priviledges and authorities as by this present Act or in or by the said Letters Patents of Incorporation are given or granted or mentioned to be given or granted for or concerning the regulation exercise or government of the said Trade Art or Mystery or any matter or thing relating thereunto or of such person or persons as do or shall exercise the same Any thing in the said Letters Patents or any Act Statute or other matter or thing to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding And whereas there is a necessity lying upon the Silk-throwers to deliver their Winders or Doublers considerable quantities of silk which being of a good value is by evil disposed persons many times unjustly deceitfully and falsly purloined imbezeled pawned sold and detained to the great damage and somtimes the utter undoing of the Thrower who employs the said persons Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every such Silk-winder and doubler The punishment of silk-winders that imbezel goods delivered to them who shall at any time hereafter unjustly or deceitfully and falsly purloin imbezel pawn sell or detain any part of Silk delivered or to be delivered by any Silk-thrower or other person to them or any of them to wind or double that in every such case and cases as well the Winder or Iourneyman so offending as the Buyer and Buyers Receiver and Receivers of such Silk being thereof lawfully convicted by confession of the party or parties so offending or by one witness upon Oath before one or more of the Iustices of Peace of the County or Liberty where the same offence or offences shall be committed or if it be within any City or Town-Corporate before the Mayor Bailiff or chief Officer of the said City or Town-Corporate who by force of this Act are impowred and authorized to minister the same Oath and finally to hear and determine all and every the Offences aforesaid and to give and make to the party and parties grieved such recompence and Satisfaction for such their Dammage and Loss and Charges thereabouts as by the said Iustice or Iustices or Chief Officers shall be Ordered and Appointed Provided that no more damage be given or awarded then the party grieved shall prove he is damnified and hath expended in looking after the same And if the party or parties so offending shall not be able or sufficient to make recompence or satisfaction for the said Offence nor do make Recompence or Satisfaction for the same Offence or Offences within fourtéen dayes next after such conviction in such manner and form as by the Iustice or Iustices or Chief Officers shall be ordered and appointed as aforesaid then the party or parties so offending for the first Offence shall be apprehended and Whipped or set in the Stocks in the place where the Offence is committed or in some Market Town in the said County near unto the place where the Offence or Offences aforesaid shall be committed as shall be limited and appointed by the said Iustice or Iustices of the Peace or Chief Officers and for the second Offence to incur the like or such further punishment by whipping or being put in the stocks as the said Iustice or Iustices of the Peace or chief officers shall in their discretion think fit and convenient And be it likewise Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Persons receiving such imbezeled goods how to be punished That all and every Receiver and Receivers Buyer and Buyers of any silk or such as take to pawn any silk imbezeled or purloined contrary to the meaning of this Act matter of fact being proved shall make satisfaction within the time aforesaid or else shall be subject to like punishment as by this Act is inflicted or provided to be inflicted upon such person so imbezeling or purloyning any such Silk as aforesaid Provided always What persons may be imployed not having served as apprentices that it shall and may be lawful to and for any Fréeman of the said Company of Silk-throwers to set on work and imploy any person or persons being native Subjects to his Majesty and no others whether they be men women or children to turn the Mill tye threads double silk and wind silk as formerly they have used to do although such person or persons who shall be so set on work and imployed in the works and services aforesaid shall not have served or béen bred up as Apprentices to the trade of Silk-throwing by the space of seven years and that all and every the said person and persons who shall be set so on work and imployed by any Fréeman of the said Company in the works and services aforesaid shall and may be imployed by any Fréeman of the said Company in the works and services aforesaid or any of them without any let or molestation Any thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding Provided The said Corporation may not set rates upon their workmen and be it Enacted that the said Corporation of Silk-throwers shall not by vertue of this Act nor any thing therein contained make any Orders Ordinances or By-Laws to set any rates or prizes whatsoever upon the Throwing of Silk to bind or inforce their members to work at but that their respective members shall be left at liberty to contract with their respective Imployers and also with the persons that they imploy at such rates as they and their imployers and the persons imployed shall agree upon any thing in this Act to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding CAP. XVI For the more speedy and effectual bringing those persons to Account whose Accounts are excepted in the Act of Oblivion BE it Enacted by the Kings most excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same That all and every person and persons who are accountable to the Kings Majesty and their Accounts are not pardoned but excepted by the late Act of Frée and General Pardon Indempnity and Oblivion 12 Car. 2. c. 11 The penalty against such persons as shall not within a certain time perfect their Accounts 33 H. 8. c. 39. and against whom there is any charge now remaining in his Majesties Exchequer and shall through their default not perfect his or their Account before the end of Trinity Term in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and two That then the charge against all and every such person or persons shall be taken as a Debt by Writing Obligatory or Recognizance taken or acknowledged to the Kings Majesty according to the Statute of the thrée and thirtieth of King Henry the Eighth Chapter 39. And that all and every other person or persons whose Accounts are excepted in the said Act of Oblivion and have or shall have a Charge or Information against them in
his Majesties Exchequer before the four and twentieth of June one thousand six hundred sixty and two and have or shall have notice thereof by Process out of the Court of Exchequer or otherwise served upon his person or left at his house or last known place of Habitation before the nine and twentieth of September one thousand six hundred sixty and two and shall not before the first day of Easter Term then next ensuing perfect their Accounts touching the said Charge that then the Charge against all and every such person or persons shall be taken as a Debt by Writing Obligatory or Recognizance taken and acknowledged to the Kings Majesty according to the Statute aforesaid and that in both the said Cases Process shall be awarded as is used for recovery of debts due to his Majesty according to the Statute as aforesaid against him or them and against all and every their Sureties not pardoned or discharged by the said Act of Oblivion and his and their respective Lands Tenements Goods and Chattels and Debts and the said Charge to continue in force only until the Accounts shall be perfected and the Accountants discharge them thereof in due manner in the said Court of Exchequer with such allowances as are given by the said Act of Oblivion and untill payment made unto his Majesty of all such sums of money as shall be found due upon the determination of his or their Accounts CAP. XVII Relief of Collectors of Publick Moneys and their Assistants and Deputies BE it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in Parliament now assembled and by Authority of the same Collectors others imployed in levying money by vertue of any Act of Parliament being sued may plead the general issue That all Collectors and other Persons who have levied or Collected or shall Levy or Collect any sum or sums of money or other act done or shall do in order to the same by vertue of any Act of Parliament now in force or of any other Act Order or Ordinance allowed to be put in Execution by any such Act of Parliament as aforesaid and who is or shall be sued for or concerning the same by any other then the Kings Majesty his Heirs and Successors he and they may plead the General Issue and thereon give the special matter in evidence for his excuse and justification And that all and every person or persons already sued or impleaded for any the Causes aforesaid may notwithstanding any plea or demurrer already made by any such Defendant have liberty to change such his Plea and to plead the General Issue if he shall think fit so to do Provided always that neither this Act nor any thing therein contained shall extend or be construed to extend to authorize the levying or collecting of any sum or sums of money which are pardoned by the late Act 12 Car. 2. c. 11 Entituled An Act of Free and General Pardon Indempnity and Oblivion CAP. XVIII Exporting of Sheep Wool Wool-fells Mortlings Shorlings Yarn made of Wool Wool-flocks Fullers-Earth Fulling-Clay and Tobacco-pipe-Clay Prohibited WHereas against the Laws of this Kingdom great number of Shéep and great quantities of Wooll Wool-fels Mortlings Shorlings Yarn made of Wool Wool-flocks Fullers Earth or Fulling-Clay are secretly Exported Transported carried and conveyed out of the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales the Town of Berwick upon Tweed and Kingdom of Ireland into the Kingdom of Scotland and into Foreign parts to the great decay of the Woollen Manufactures the ruine of many Families and the destruction of the Navigation and Commerce of the Kingdoms Town and Dominion aforesaid which is like daily to increase if some further remedy be not provided and further penalties imposed upon the Offenders therein Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That if any person or persons shall from and after the first day of August Exporting or carrying of sheep wooll woolfels mortlings shorlings yarn woolflocks Fullers earth Fulling clay out of England Wales or Ireland One thousand six hundred sixty and two directly or indirectly Export Transport Carry or Convey or shall cause to be Exported Transported Carryed or Conveyed out of or from the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed or after the first day of January One thousand six hundred sixty and two out of the Kingdom of Ireland into any parts or places out of the Kingdoms or Dominion aforesaid or into the Kingdome of Scotland any Shéep or Wool whatsoever of the bréed or growth of the Kingdoms or Dominion aforesaid or any Wool-fells Mortlings Shorlings Yarn made of Wool Wool-flocks or any Fullers Earth or Fulling-Clay whatsoever or shall directly or indirectly pack or load or cause to be packed or loaden upon any horse Cart or other Carriage or shall load or lay on board or cause to be loaden or laid on board in any Ship or other Vessel in any place within the Kingdoms of England or Ireland Dominion of Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed aforesaid any such Shéep Wooll Wool-fels Mortlings Shorlings Yarn made of Wooll Wool-flocks Fullers Earth or Fulling Clay to the intent or purpose to Export Transport Carry or convey the same or to cause the same to be Exported Transported Carryed or conveyed out of the Kingdoms of England or Ireland the Dominion of Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed aforesaid into the Kingdom of Scotland or into any Foreign parts that then every such offence shall be adjudged Felony Made Felony and the Offender or Offenders being duly Convicted shall suffer and forfeit as in case of Felony Aiders and assisters therein shall be adjudged Felons And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every Owner of any such Ship or other Vessel every owner of every horse Cart or Carriage upon which any Shéep Wooll Wool-fels Mortlings Shorlings Yarn made of Wool Woolflocks Fullers Earth or Fulling Clay shall be so Exported Transported carryed or conveyed as aforesaid or to any such intent or purpose as aforesaid knowing thereof and being wittingly and willingly aiding assisting or consenting thereunto and also every Master and Mariner of or in such Ship or other Vessel wherein any such Shéep Wooll Wool-fels Mortlings Shorlings Yarn made of Wooll Woolflocks Fullers Earth or Fulling Clay shall be so exported transported carryed or conveyed or loaden or laid on Board as aforesaid to any such intent or purpose as aforesaid knowing thereof and being wittingly and willingly aiding assisting or consenting thereunto and also every Factor or servant or other person whatsoever and every Customer Comptroller Waiter Searcher Surveyor or other Officer or person whatsoever knowing thereof and being wittingly or willingly
the contrary in any wise notwithstanding Proviso for owners of ships that have offended and shall first discover the same Provided always That if any Owner of any Ship or Vessel or any Master or Mariner knowing of such transportation of such shéep wool woolfels mortlings shorlings yarn made of wool wool-flocks Fullers earth Fulling clay or Tobacco-pipe clay shall within thrée moneths next after the knowledg thereof or after his return into the Kingdom of England or Ireland or into the said Town of Berwick or Dominion of Wales aforesaid give the first information bona fide before any of the Barons of either of the Courts of the Exchequer in England or Ireland for the time being or before the head Officer of any Port where he shall first arrive upon his or their Oath of the number and quantity of the goods mentioned in this Act so carryed conveyed and transported and by whom where and in what ship or vessel and afterwards shall be ready upon reasonable warning by Process to justify and prove the same that then such Owner and Owners Master Mariner and Mariners shall not be punished for felony by vertue of this Act but shall nevertheless be subject to all other penalties and forfeitures in this or any other Act contained for the Offence aforesaid and all such Exportation Transportation carrying or conveying of any the goods Common nusance Who may hear and determine the said offences wares or commodities in this Act mentioned is hereby declared and adjudged to be a common and publick Nusance And for the better execution of this Act be it further Enacted that all Iustices of Assize Iustices of Goal-delivery and Iustices of Peace shall enquire of all the premisses in their General Quarter-Sessions and hear and determine the same and that all Mayors Bailiffs and other head Officers of Cities Burroughs and Towns not having Iurisdiction to try felony shall enquire of all and every Offence within this Act not made felony and hear and determine the same CAP. XIX Importing of Foreign Wool-cards Card-wire or Iron-wire prohibited WHereas by the Acts of Parliament made in the third year of King Edward the fourth and the nine and thirtieth year of Quéen Elizabeth 3 E. 4. ca. 4. ●9 El. c. 14. and several other Statutes before that time made It is Enacted amongst other things therein contained that no Cards for wool nor Iron thread commonly called white wire shall be Imported sent or conveyed into this Realm of England wherein the best Iron thread or wire for making wool-cards is made and by the said manufacture of making and drawing of wire and wool-cards very many poor people of this Kingdom and their families have béen imployed and maintained and the wool-cards made thereof are of great concernment to this Kingdom for the good making of woollen Cloth And whereas contrary to the said Statutes not only much Foreign Card-wire but also Foreign wool-cards have béen in these late times Imported into this Kingdom and also within the same many old wool-cards are by ill disposed persons for their private lucre bought up and the old Iron-wire of the said old wool-cards being very weak and insufficient for the well carding of wool is put into new leather and new boards and so uttered and sold to ignorant people for new wool-cards to their great detriment and the indamaging of their work carding of wool and the cloth made thereof By all which very great inconveniencies have béen found by experience of Clothiers in their making of English Cloth which is lately much debased and decayed and wherein this Nation is greatly concerned to uphold and encourage the well making thereof in and by all wayes and means in any wise conducible thereunto Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons assembled in Parliament No Foreign wool-cards card-wire or iron wire for wool-cards may be imported And it is hereby Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That no Foreign wool-cards or Foreign Card-wire or Iron-wire for making of wool-cards be Imported into this Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales or any parts thereof nor used within the same nor any Card-wire taken out of old Cards be from henceforth put into new leather and new Card-boards nor any such wool-cards made thereof be put to sale upon the pains penalties and forfeitures hereafter following that is to say Every person or persons who shall import or bring any Foreign wool-cards or Foreign Card-wire or Iron-wire for making of wool-cards into this Kingdom of England The penalty Dominion of Wales or any parts thereof or make any wool-cards of any such old Card-wire as aforesaid or put the same to sale shall forfeit the said wool-cards and Card-wire or Iron wire for making wool-cards or the value thereof if the same be not seised the one half part thereof to the Kings Majesty and the other half part thereof to such person or persons who shall first seise or sue for the same by Action of Debt Plaint Bill Information or Indictment in any of his Majesties Courts of Record at Westminster or within the County City Burrough or Town Corporate where such offence shall be committed wherein no Essoign Protection Wager of Law or Injunction shall be allowed or admitted Proviso for amending of old wool-cards Provided always That this Act shall not extend to hinder the Owners of any wool-cards to cause them to be amended for their own use or to transport or sell for Transportation onely any their old overworn wool-cards in any parts beyond the Seas out of his Majesties Dominions CAP. XX. Provision of Carriage by Land and by Water for the use of His Majesties Navy and Ordnance WHereas by an Act Entituled An Act for taking away the Court of Wards and Liveries 12 Car. 2. cap. 24. and Tenures in Capite and by Knights Service and Purveyance and for setling a Revenue upon His Majesty in lieu thereof It was amongst other things Enacted for the reasons and recompence therein expressed That from thenceforth no Person or Persons by any Warrant Commission or Authority under the Great Seal or otherwise by colour of buying or making provision or purveyance for his Majesty or any Quéen of England for the time being or of any the Children of any King or Quéen of England that shall be or for his their or any of their Houshold shall take any Cart Carriage or other thing whatsoever of any the Subjects of his Majesty his Heirs or Successors without the free and full consent of the Owner or Owners thereof had and obtained without Menace or Enforcement nor shall summon warn take use or require any of the said Subjects to furnish or find any Horses Oxen or other Cattel Carts Ploughs Wayns or other Carriages for the use of his Majesty his Heirs or Successors or of any Queen of England or of any Child or Children
to spare any person from making such carriage by Land or by Water or shall injuriously charge or grieve any person or persons through envy hatred or evil will who ought not to make such carriage or shall impress more carriages then the necessity of the service shall require or then he shall be commanded to impress by his Superiours That then upon due proof and conviction thereof the party so offending shall forfeit the sum of Ten pounds to the party thereby grieved The penalty and how to be recovered who may sue for the same to be recovered by Action of Debt in any of his Majesties Courts of Record wherein no Essoign Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed And in case any person or persons shall presume to take upon him or them to impress any Horses None may impress other then persons impowered as aforesaid The penalty Oxen Wayns or Carriages for Land or any Ships Hoys Lighters Boats or other Vessel for the service of his Majesties Navy or Ordnance other then the Persons so impowered as aforesaid then he or they so offending shall upon due conviction of the said offence incur and suffer the punishment in the first recited Act. Ships and vessels fraighted by charter-party exempted Provided always and be it Enacted That no Ship Hoy Barque or any other Vessel whatsoever that shall be really and bona fide fraighted by Charter-Party if there be other Vessels in the Port fitting for the Service nor any Vessel quarter laden with any Goods Wares or Merchandises outward bound shall be lyable to be Impressed for any the Services aforesaid Any thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding The continuance of this Act. Provided That this Act and the Powers therein contained shall continue and be in force untill the end of the first Session of the next Parliament and no longer Any thing herein contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding Inhabitants of the new Forest of Southampton Provided nevertheless That in regard of the more then ordinary charge and burden which the Inhabitants of New-Forest in the County of Southampton will be liable unto by reason of the great quantities of Timber usually felled and carried thence for the use of His Majesties Navy It shall and may be lawful for the Iustices of the Peace who shall by Warrant summon the Carts and Carriages within the Division of the New-Forest in the County of Southampton aforesaid to have power as to the Carriage of Timber onely to allow as aforesaid to the several Owners of such Carts and Carriages not excéeding Four pence per mile for so many miles as any Cart or Carriage so summoned shall go empty to the place of its lading Any thing in this Act contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding CAP. XXI For preventing the unnecessary Charge of Sheriffs and for ease in passing their Accompts WHereas the Office of Sheriff as well by reason of the great and unnecessary Charges in the time of Assises and other publick méetings as by the tedious attendance and charge of Sheriffs in passing of their Accompts in the Exchequer hath of late years béen very burthensome to the Gentry of this Your Realm who in the late times of Tyranny and Oppression have béen great Sufferers and thereby much Impoverished in their Estates and Fortunes for remedy wherein Your Majesties most Loyal Subjects the Knights Citizens and Burgesses assembled in Parliament do most humbly beseech Your most Excellent Majesty that it may be Declared and Enacted And be it Declared and Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That no Person or Persons being duly sworn into the Office of Sheriff for any County or Shire within this Your Majesties Realm shall from and after the First day of February next ensuing Sheriffs at the Assises may keep no tables for others then of their own Family and Retinue Nor make no present or gift to any Iudge of Assise The number of Servants with Liveries in England Wales Penalty of 200 l. in the time of the Assises held for the said County or Shire during his or their Sherifalty kéep or maintain or cause to be kept or maintained one or more Table or Tables for Receipt or entertainment of any person or persons resorting to the said Assises other then those that shall be of his own Family or Retinue nor shall make or send in any Present to any Iudge or Iudges of Assise for his or their provision nor give any gratuity to his or their Officers or Servants or any of them And also that no Sheriff shall after the said first day of February have more then Forty Men-servants with Liveries attending upon him in the time of the said Assises nor under the number of Twenty Men-servants in any County whatsoever within the Kingdom of England nor under the number of Twelve Men-servants in any County within the Dominion of Wales upon pain that every Sheriff offending in any of the premisses contrary to the true meaning hereof shall forfeit for every default the sum of two hundred pounds Provided that nothing before in this Act contained shall in any wise extend unto Proviso for Sheriffs of London Middlesex Westmerland and Cities Counties or any ways concern the Sheriffs of the City of London and Middlesex and the Sheriff of Westmerland or either of them or any of the Sheriffs of or belonging to any City and County or Town and County within this Realm but that the same Sheriff or Sheriffs shall or may do as heretofore hath béen used or accustomed within the said County of Middlesex and Cities of London and Westminster and such other Cities and Counties or Towns and Counties aforesaid Any thing herein before contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding How Sheriffs shall be eased in passing their accompts in the Exchequer And to the end that Sheriffs may for the time future be eased of the great charge and trouble which they heretofore have béen put to in passing their Accounts in the Exchequer occasioned partly in regard that divers sums of money have stood charged upon them in gross without expressing from what persons for what cause or out of what Lands or Tenements the same are to be particularly levied or out of what particulars the said sums in gross do arise whereby it cometh to pass that the said Sheriffs do still stand charged in gross with divers sums of money which were heretofore payable by Abbots Priors persons attainted and such other persons whose Estates have since come to the Crown or are otherwise discharged or illeviable and partly by the Accompt of Seizures or Foreign Accompt and by the exaction of undue Fées of Sheriffs upon their apposal concerning the same For the preventing whereof and for the future
by the Authority aforesaid That every Chéese-monger or other person whatsoever which shall sell to any person or persons any Kilderkin or Kilderkins Firkin or Firkins Pot or Pots or other Cask of Butter made after the said First day of June Cheese-mongers and all sellers of butter by the Kilderkin or c. shall deliver the full quantity to the Retailer which shall be in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and Two shall deliver in every such Kilderkin Firkin and other Cask and Pot respectively the full quantity and due quality appointed by this Act and not less or in default thereof shall be liable to make satisfaction to him or them that buy the same for what shall be wanting according to the price for which the same was sold And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That from and after the said First day of June None shall repack butter which shall be in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and two no Chéese-monger or other person or persons whatsoever shall repack for sale any Butter in any Kilderkin Firkin The penalty or other Cask or Pot whatsoever upon pain and penalty that every Chéese-monger or other person whatsoever which shall repack any Butter into any Kilderkin or Kilderkins Firkin or Firkins Cask or Casks Pot or Pots to sell the same again shall for every Firkin Cask or Pot so packed forfeit the sum of Double the value of all such Butter And for the better discovery of all frauds and abuses which shall be committed against this Act Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every Farmer and other person persons packing up Butter in Kilderkins Firkins or any other Cask whatsoever for sale do from after the said First day of June which shall be in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty two pack up his Butter into good sufficient Cask Farmers and other sellers shall set their marks of the weight upon good and sufficient Casks made of sound dry well-seasoned Timber and shall set upon every Firkin and Cask whatsoever when the same is throughly and fully seasoned in water a continuing visible mark of the just Weight of the empty Cask and do likewise set upon every Kilderkin Firkin and Cask when the same is filled with Butter the first Letter of his or their Christian name and his or their Sirname at length with an Iron brand upon pain and penalty that every Farmer or other person or persons whatsoever offending in not putting on the Mark of such Weight of Kilderkin And their names Firkin or other Cask after seasoning or not setting the first Letter of his or their Christian name and his or their Sirname at length on every Firkin and Cask as aforesaid shall for every such offence respectively forfeit the sum of Ten shillings for every Hundred weight of Butter and so proportionably for a greater or lesser quantity that shall be in every such Cask Potters shall set their weight of every pot burnt and their names And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every Potter shall set upon every Pot which he shall sell for packing up of Butter the just weight which shall be of every such Pot when it is burnt together with the first Letter of his or their Christian name and his or their Sirname at length upon pain and penalty that every Potter which shall not so do shall forfeit pay for every Pot which he shal expose to sale for the use aforesaid whereupon he shall not have first set the just Weight and the first Letter of his Christian name and his Sirname at length as aforesaid the sum of One shilling and that no Farmer or other person whatsoever shall expose to sale any Butter packed up in any other Pot than such as shall be marked by the Potter as aforesaid upon penalty of Two shillings for every Pot of Butter which he shall expose to sale as is not so marked all and every of which said Offences are to be enquired of sued for heard and determined in the Sessions of Peace for the County City Borough Town or Liberty or in the Court of Record of the City Borough Town or Liberty wherein such offence shall be committed by Action of Debt Indictment Information or Presentment How to be disposed wherein no Essoign Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed to the Defendant and the one half of all such Forfeitures shall be to the use of the poor people inhabiting within the Parish where such offence shall be from time to time committed to be paid to the Church-Wardens and Overséers of the poor of and in such Parish and the other half to him or them that will sue for the same Double Costs besides his double Costs thereby expended Provided That every Suit and Information which shall be brought upon this Act Within what made suit must be begun upon this Act. shall be commenced within four moneths after the sale of such Butter CAP. XXVII For Repairing of Dover-Harbour WHereas it is found by long experience that Dover-Harbour is and hath béen of very great use and benefit to the Merchants of this Realm and others passing through the Narrow Seas whereunto they have and do enter to avoid imminent danger of Tempests Pirats or the Common Enemy in time of War And whereas the said Harbour of late by Tempests and the violence of the Sea hath béen much broken ruined and decayed and in great danger of being lost unless timely prevented by repairing thereof which cannot be without great charges and expences as well in the present repair as in the future maintenance of the same whereof his Majesty being Informed and minding the good and safety of Merchants and Sea-faring men hath of late of his Majesties goodness and liberality bestowed a great sum of money in and about the repairing of the said Harbour which yet is not sufficient to carry on that work and to secure it for the future And to the end that the same may be from time to time maintained and kept in good repair for the use and benefit of Merchants and Sea-faring men And that such provision for the maintenance thereof may now be made 1 Jac. cap. 32. as by an Act of Parliament made in the First year of his Majesties Grand-father King James of ever blessed memory hath béen formerly done and provided for Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That from and after the Four and twentieth day of June next ensuing during the space of seven years thence next following there shall be paid by the Master Duties payable at and towards the Repair of Dover-Harbour or Owner of every Ship
Vessel or Crayer whereof any of his Majesties Subjects of England shall be Owners or Part-owners of the burthen of Twenty Tuns or upwards and not excéeding the burthen of Two hundred and fifty Tun for every Voyage Loading or Discharging within this Realm or to or from any Foreign Countrey beyond the Seas and passing to or from London or for from to or by Dover or coming into the Harbour there not having a Cocquet testifying his payment before for the Voyage towards the Repair of Dover-Harbour the sum of Thrée pence for every Tun of the burthen of every such Ship Vessel or Crayer except Vessels loaden with Sea-Coals or Grind-stones or Purbeck or Portland-stone and for every Chauldron of Sea-coals or Tun of Grind-stones peny half-peny the same to be paid to the Customer or Collector of Customs or Subsidies or their Deputies within this Realm in such Port from whence such Ship Vessel or Crayer shall set forth or where such Ship Vessel or Crayer shall arrive before they load or unload the Goods therein The Accompt of the number of the said number of the said Tuns to be made according to the Entry of Goods in every Ship Vessel or Crayer in the Custom-house and no Entry thereof to be allowed in any Office of Customs or Subsidies without true information before made by oath of the Master Owner or Shipper of such Ship Vessel or Crayer concerning the burthen thereof and payment by him made of the sums aforesaid of which payment the Master Owner or Shipper paying the same shall have allowance of the Merchants according to the rate of the Goods in the same Ship Vessel or Crayer by way of Average And the Customer or Collector or his Deputy receiving the sums aforesaid or any of them shall disburse and pay the same from time to time to the Treasurer of the said Harbour for the time being or such person or persons as he shall assign to receive the same to be expended in and about the repair of the said Harbour And every Customer or Comptroller or their Deputies that shall make any Entries of Customs or Subsidies of any Goods in the said Ships Vessels or Crayers before such Information as aforesaid concerning the burthen thereof shall be made or before payment made of the sums before limited to be paid by this Act or shall make any wilful default in not collecting the said sums or any of them or not paying the same over from time to time to the Treasurer of the said Harbour for the time being or such person or persons as he shall assign to receive the same as aforesaid shall forfeit to the use of the Reparations of the said Harbour Ten pounds for every such default to be recovered by Action of Debt in any Court of Record by the Warden and Assistants of the said Harbour for the time being in which Suit no Essoign Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed Who shall inspect and oversee the Repairs Provided alwayes and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall and may be lawful to and for the Master and Wardens of the Trinity-House of London for the time being to appoint such person or persons as they shall think fit to inspect and oversée the repairs and works to be made for the security of the said Harbour And that they may once every year during the term of seven years aforesaid require an accompt of the respective Collectors of the Duties aforesaid and the Treasurer for the said Harbour for the time being of the moneys by them respectively received by vertue of this Act and of the disbursments thereof And if the said Collectors and Treasurer shall not within six wéeks next after demand of such Accompt give in the same accordingly or if thereupon it shall appear that the said money shall not be duly disbursed in and about the said Repair and the Works for the securing and maintenance of the said Harbour according to the intent of this Act or if the said Harbour shall within the time aforesaid be sufficiently repaired and secured That then the said Master and Wardens shall inform the Lords of his Majesties Privy Council thereof who shall and may thereupon and to that purpose are hereby impowred to suspend or cause all and every further payments by vertue of this Act to cease and determine if they shall sée cause Proviso for Ships belonging to Weymouth Melcomb-Regis Lime Regis Provided always and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all Ships and Vessels belonging to the Ports of Weymouth and Melcombe-Regis and Lime-Regis in the County of Dorset having a Peire and Cob of their own which by reason of their poverty at present they are not able to maintain shall be exempt from contributing or paying any thing to the Harbour of Dover mentioned in this Act Any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding so as they shall bring Certificate made upon Oath before the Mayor and under the Common Seal of the said respective Corporations That the said Ships and Vessels do properly belong thereunto And that the Inhabitants of the said respective Corporations are Owners of the major part of the said Vessels Provided always and be it hereby Enacted That this Act or any thing herein contained shall not extend to Authorize the Collection of more then the sum of Twenty two thousand pounds in the whole And then the said Collection to cease CAP. XXVIII Pilchard Fishing in the Counties of Devon and Cornwal Regulated Fishery of great concernment to this Nation WHereas the Publick Honour Wealth and Safety of this Realm as well in the the maintenance of Trade and support of Navigation as in many other respects doth in an high degrée depend upon the improvement and incouragement of the Fishery And forasmuch as of late years there have divers pernicious disorders and abuses by the licentiousness of the times crept in and yet continue evidently destructive to that Trade for prevention and redress whereof there is no Law hitherto particularly provided in the growing evils occasioned by Driving-Nets and other fraudulent and injurious practises to the extream damage of the Fishery Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in Parliament assembled Times prohibited to Fish in Cornwall and Devon and it is Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That from and after the Five and twentieth day of May One thousand six hundred sixty and two no person or persons shall in any year from the First day of June till the last of November presume to take Fish in the high Sea or in any Bay Port Créek or Coast of or belonging to Cornwal or Devon with any Drift-Net Trammel or Stream-Net or Nets or any other Nets of that sort or kind Penalty unless it be at the distance of one League and an half at least from the
it was further Enacted That no Groats or Half-groats shall be moulten by any man to make Vessel or other thing thereof upon the same pain And whereas divers persons do elude the said Statutes as well Goldsmiths as others by melting Silver-Coyns of this Realm above the value of Groats to the great diminishing of the Silver-Coyn of this Realm and the hindrance of the Commerce of the same Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by Authority of the same That no person or persons whatsoever shall after the Twentieth day of December One thousand six hundred sixty two None shall melt currant Silver Money The Penalty wilfully melt or cause to be melted any of the currant Silver-money of this Realm upon pain not only of forfeiture of the same but also of the double value of any such Coyn so melted the one half to his Majesty his Heirs and Successors the other half to the Informers who shall sue for the same upon Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information in any of His Majesties Courts at Westminster in which no Essoign Wager of Law or Protection shall be allowed And moreover That the said person or persons offending contrary to the Tenor of this Act if he or they be a Fréeman or Fréemen or priviledged person or persons of any City or Corporation within this Kingdom of England shall upon legal conviction for the same be forthwith disfranchised and made uncapable of exercising the Trade of a Goldsmith or any other Mystery by vertue of the Priviledges of the City or Corporation of which he or they are members And if the said person or persons offending and convict as aforesaid shall not be a Fréeman or Fréemen or priviledged person or persons of any City or Corporation as aforesaid then he or they shall suffer imprisonment without Bail or Mainprize for the space of Six moneths next ensuing his or their Conviction as aforesaid CAP. XXXII The Manufacture of Broad Woollen Cloth within the West-Riding of the County of York Regulated WHereas divers abuses and deceits have of late years béen had and used in the Manufacture of Broad Woollen Cloth made within the West-Riding of the County of York and the spinning and deceitful working thereof which tends to the great debasing and undervaluation of the said Manufacture both at home and also in Forreign parts where the same is usually vended For prevention of all which abuses and deceipts It is Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons Assembled in Parliament That from and after the next Monday after Easter which shall be in the year of our Lord God One thousand six hundred sixty and two there be and shall be a Corporation to continue for ever within the said West-Riding of the County of York consisting of all the Iustices of the Peace of the said West-Riding for the time being A Corporation of Clothiers in the West-Riding of Yorkshire Two Masters Ten Wardens Twelve Assistants and Commonalty All which said Masters Wardens and Assistants are to be of the ablest and best experienced Clothiers within the said West-Riding and such as have served and béen brought up in the Trade and Mystery of Clothing by the space of seven years according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm One of which said Masters Five of which said Wardens and Six of which said Assistants shall be chosen the first Monday after Pentecost then next following and from thenceforth to be yearly and every year chosen upon the next Monday after Pentecost at some publique place by the Frée Clothiers of the said West-Riding inhabiting within the Parish of Leeds in the said County of York the greater part of them present at such Election and the other Master Five Wardens and Six Assistants shall be chosen upon the same days at some publique place by the Frée Clothiers inhabiting out of the said Town and Parish of Leeds or the greater part of them present at the said Election of the parts adjacent within the said West-Riding And in case any of the said Masters Wardens and Assistants after their said respective Elections do happen to die that then it shall and may be lawful at any Court to be holden next after such Decease to Elect others in their respective places And the said Wardens Masters and Assistants respectively shall within eight days after their first Choice and Election take the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy which any two Iustices of the Peace within the West-Riding whereof one to be of the Quorum have hereby power to Administer and also the ensuing Oath Viz. I A. B. do swear The Oath to be taken by the Master Wardens and Assistants That I will well faithfully and honestly perform and discharge the Office of a Master of the Corporation of the Free Clothiers according to the best of my Skill Power and Knowledge So help me God And the like Oath and Oaths to be Administred to the Wardens and Assistants respectively mutatis mutandis And for ever after the said Iustices of the Peace Masters Wardens and Assistants and their Successors or any Thirtéen of them shall and have hereby power to Administer the like Oath or Oaths to such Officer or Officers faithfully and honestly to perform and discharge his and their said Office and Offices to which he or they are and shall be so chosen by this Act at any Court to be by them holden in manner hereafter declared And it is further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Iustices of the Peace Who shall be of the said Corporation for ever and how called Masters Wardens and Assistants for the time being together with the said Frée Clothiers of the said West-Riding shall for ever hereafter in name and in fact be one Body Politique and Corporate in Law to all intents and purposes and shall have a perpetual Succession and be called by the name of the Supervisors Masters Wardens Assistants and Commonalty of the Trade or Mysterie of Clothiers for the well making of Broad Woollen Cloth within the West-Riding of the County of York and that they shall be enabled to Plead and Sue and to be Sued and Impleaded by that name in all Courts and Places of Iudicature within this Kingdom And by that name shall and may without Licence in Mortmain purchase take or receive any Lands Tenements or Hereditameats of the Gift Alienation or Demise of any person or persons who are hereby without further Licence enabled to transfer the same and any Goods and Chattels whatsoever for the use and benefit of the Corporation aforesaid not excéeding the yearly value of Two hundred pounds And for the better Regulation of the said Goverment of the said Trade and Manufacture the said Iustices of the Peace Masters
herein contained The eights and duties of Aulnage saved shall extend or be construed to extend to take away any of the Rights Duties or Customs of or belonging to the Office and Place of his Majesties Aulnager or his Deputy or Deputies within the said West-Riding But that he or they shall or may from time to time do and perform all and every matter and thing to him or them belonging according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm And also receive all Fées due and accustomed to the said Office belonging in as large and ample manner as he or they might or ought to have done before the making of this present Act Any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Provided always and it is further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That neither the said Supervisers Masters Wardens and Assistants nor any of them Proviso that Rates of wages of workmen may not be set by colour of this Act. nor any other person or persons frée of the said Corporation of Broad Woollen Clothiers shall by any Authority derived from this Act or by colour thereof set or impose any other or lesser Rates or Wages upon any inferiour Workmen Servants or Labourers to be imployed by them or any of them in the said Manufacture then such as shall be from time to time allowed and approved of by the Iustices of the Peace in their Quarter-Sessions according to the Laws and Statutes touching Labourers in that case made and provided Provided also That this Act continue to the end of the First Session of the next Parliament The Continuance of this Act. and no longer CAP. XXXIII For preventing Abuses in Printing Seditious Treasonable and Unlicensed Books and Pamphlets and for Regulating of Printing and Printing-Presses WHereas the well-government and Regulating of Printers and Printing-Presses is matter of Publick care and of great Concernment especially considering Regulating of Printing of great Concirnment that by the general Licentiousness of the late Times many evil-disposed persons have béen encouraged to Print and Sell Heretical Schismatical Blasphemous Seditious and Treasonable Books Pamphlets and Papers and still do continue such their unlawful and exorbitant practice to the high dishonour of Almighty God the endangering the peace of these Kingdoms and raising a disaffection to His most Excellent Majesty and His Government For prevention whereof no surer means can be advised then by reducing and limiting the number of Printing-Presses and by ordering and setling the said Art or Mystery of Printing by Act of Parliament in manner as herein after is expressed The Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Consent and Advice of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled Pamphlets and Books prohibited to be printed published or sold doth therefore Ordain and Enact and be it Ordained and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That no person or persons whatsover shall presume to Print or cause to be Printed either within this Realm of England or any other His Majesties Dominions or in the parts beyond the Seas any Heretical Seditious Schismatical or offensive Books or Pamphlets wherein any Doctrine or Opinion shall be asserted or maintained which is contrary to Christian Faith or the Doctrine or Discipline of the Church of England or which shall or may tend or be to the scandal of Religion or the Church or the Government or Governors of the Church State or Common-wealth or of any Corporation or particular person or persons whatsoever nor shall Import Publish Sell or dispose any such Book or Books or Pamphlets nor shall cause or procure any such to be Published or put to Sale or to be bound Stitched or Sewed together And be it further Ordained and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That no private person or persons whatsoever shall at any time hereafter Print or cause to be Printed any Book or Pamphlet whatsoever unless the same Book and Pamphlet together with all and every the Titles Epistles Prefaces Proems Preambles Introductions Tables Dedications and other matters and things thereunto annexed Entry of printed Books with the Register of the Company of Stationers London be first Entred in the Book of the Register of the Company of Stationers of London Except Acts of Parliament Proclamations and such other Books and Papers as shall be appointed to be Printed by vertue of any Warrant under the Kings Majesties Sign Manual or under the hand of one or both of His Majesties Principal Secretaries of State and unless the same Book and Pamphlet and also all and every the said Titles Epistles Prefaces Proems Preambles Introductions Tables Dedications and other matters and things whatsoever thereunto annexed or therewith to be Imprinted shall be first lawfully Licensed and Authorized to be Printed by such person and persons only as shall be constituted and appointed to License the same according to the direction and true meaning of this present Act herein after expressed Who may Licence Books concerning the Common Laws to be-Printed and by no other that is to say That all Books concerning the Common Laws of this Realm shall be Printed by the special allowance of the Lord Chancellor or Lord Kéeper of the Great Seal of England for the time being the Lords Chief Iustices and Lord Chief Baron for the time being or one or more of them or by their or one or more of their appointments And that all Books of History concerning the State of this Realm or other Books concerning any Affairs of State Books of History and Affairs of State Concerning Heraldry shall be Licensed by the Principal Secretaries of State for the time being or one of them or by their or one of their appointments And that all Books to be Imprinted concerning Heraldry Titles of Honour and Armes or otherwise concerning the Office of Earl Marshal shall be Licensed by the Earl Marshal for the time being or by his appointment or in case there shall not then be an Earl Marshal shall be Licensed by the Thrée Kings of Armes Garter Clarencieux and Norroy or any two of them whereof Garter Principal King of Armes to be one Divinity Physick Philosophy or other Science And that all other Books to be Imprinted or Reprinted whether of Divinity Physick Philosophy or whatsoever other Science or Art shall be first Licensed and allowed by the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Bishop of London for the time being or one of them or by their or one of their appointments or by either one of the Chancellors or Vice-Chancellors of either of the Vniversities of this Realm for the time being Provided always that the said Chancellors or Vice-Chancellors of either of the said Vniversities shall onely License such Books as are to be Imprinted or Reprinted within the limits of the said Vniversities respectively but not in London or elsewhere not medling either with Books of the Common Laws or matters of State or
beyond the Seas any Letters Founded or Cast nor shall buy any such Letters for Printing Printing-Presses or other Materials belonging unto Printing unless he or they respectively shall first acquaint the said Master and Wardens of the said Company of Stationers for the time being or some or one of them for whom the same Presses Iron-work or Letters are to be made forged cast brought or imported upon pain that every person who shal erect any such Printing-Press or shal demise or let any House or Room or suffer the same to be held or used and every person who shall make any Printing-Press or any Iron-work for a Printing-Press or shall make import or buy any Letters for Printing without giving notice as aforesaid shall forfeit for every such offence the sum of Five pounds the one Moyety whereof shal be to the use of our Soveraign Lord the King His Heirs and Successors and the other Moyety to the use of such person or persons as shall sue for the same Who and how many shall be Master Printers And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That for the time to come no man shall be admitted to be a Master-Printer until they who are now actually Master-Printers shall be by death or otherwise reduced to the number of Twenty and from thenceforth the number of Twenty Master-Printers shall be continued and no more besides the Kings Printers and the Printers allowed for the Vniversities to have the use and exercise of Printing of Books at one time and but Four Master Founders of Letters for Printing The which said Master-Printers and Four Master Founders of Letters for Printing shall be nominated appointed and allowed by the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Bishop of London for the time being And in case of Death of any one of the said Four Master Founders of Letters or of the said Master Printers or of Forfeiture or avoidance of any of their places and priviledges to Print by vertue of this Act Master Founders of letters for Printing for any Offence contrary to the same or otherwise That then the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Bishop London for the time being or one of them shall nominate and appoint such other fit person or persons to succéed and supply the place of such Master Printer or Founder of Letters as shall be void by Death Forfeiture or otherwise as aforesaid And every person and persons which shall hereafter be allowed or permitted to have the use of a Printing-Press or Printing-House upon or before such his allowance obtained shall become bound with Sureties to his Majesty in the Court of Kings-Bench or before some one or more of the Iustices of Assize or the Iustices of the Peace at their several Quarter-Sessions in the sum of Thrée hundred pounds not to print or suffer to be printed in his house or press any Book or Books whatsoever but such as shall from time to time be lawfully Licensed And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Who only may keep above two Printing-Presses That none of the said Master Printers so to be allowed from time to time as aforesaid shall kéep above Two Printing-Presses at once unlesse he hath béen Master or Vpper-Warden of the Company who are hereby allowed to kéep Thrée Presses and no more unless for some great and special occasion for the Publique he or they have for a time leave of the said Lord Archbishop of Canterbury or Lord Bishop of London for the time being or to have or use one or more above the aforesaid Number as their Lordships or either of them shall think fit And be it also Enacted by the Authority aforesaid What number of Apprentices they may retain That no Printer or Printers Except the Kings Printers nor Founder or Founders of Letters for printing shall take or retain any more or greater number of Apprentices then is herein after limited and appointed that is to say Every Master Printer and Master Founder of Letters for Printing that is or hath béen Master or Vpper Warden of his Company may have thrée Apprentices at one time and no more And every Master Printer and Master Founder of Letters for Printing that is of the Livery of his Company may have two Apprentices at one time and no more And every Master Printer and Master Founder of Letters for printing of the Yeomanry of his Company may have one Apprentice at one time and no more neither by Copartnership binding at the Scriveners nor any other way whatsoever Neither shall it be lawful for any Master Printer or Master Founder of Letters when any Apprentice or Apprentices shall run or be put away to take another Apprentice or other Apprentices in his or their place or places unless the name or names of him or them so gone away be rased out of the Hall-Book and never admitted again And because a great part of the secret printing in corners hath béen caused for want of Orderly Imployment for Iourneymen-Printers The said several Master Printers Iourney-men Printers and Founders of Letters to be imployed and Master Founders of Letters for printing so to be allowed as aforesaid are hereby required to take special Care that all Iourney-men-Printers and Iourney-men-Founders of Letters for printing who are lawfully Frée of the said respective Mysteries be set to Work and Imployed in their respective Trades And if any such Iourney-man-Printer or Iourney-man-Founder of Letters being of honest and good behaviour and able in his Trade do want Imployment he shall repair to any of the said Master Printers or Master Founders of Letters respectively for the time being who thereupon shall receive him or them into Work If such Master Printer or Master Founder of Letters have not a Iourney-man already although such Master Printer or Master Founder of Letters respectively with his Apprentice or Apprentices be able without the help of the said Iourney-man to discharge his own Work upon pain that every Master Printer and Master Founder of Letters respectively refusing to receive such Iourney-man repairing to him as aforesaid shall forfeit Five pounds to be recovered by Bill Plaint or Information in any Court of Record wherein no Essoign Wager at Law Priviledge or Protection shall be admitted the Moyety of which Forfeiture shall go to the Kings Majesty his Heirs and Successors and the other Moyety to the Informer who shall sue for the same within six moneths next after the said offence committed And if any Iourney-man or Iourney-men Printers or Founders of Letters for printing shall refuse imployment being offered to him or them by any Master Printer or Master Founder of Letters respectively or neglect it when he or they have undertaken it he or they so refusing or neglecting shall suffer Thrée moneths Imprisonment at the least without Bail or Mainprize upon Conviction of such his said refusal or neglect by two Witnesses before any one or more Iustice or Iustices of the Peace who
are hereby impowered to hear and examine the said Offence and to commit the said Offender and Offenders to the Common Gaol of the County where he or they shall be apprehended And no Master Printer or Master Founder of Letters for Printing shall from henceforth imploy either to work at the Case or Press or otherwise about his Printing any other person or persons then such only as are English-men and Fréemen or the Sons of Fréemen or Apprentices to the said Trades or Mysteries of Printing or Founding of Letters for Printing respectively And for the better discovering of Printing in Corners without License Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That one or more of the Messengers of his Majesties Chamber Who may search houses and Shops for suspected Books and Papers by Warrant under his Majesties Sign Manual or under the Hand of one or more of his Majesties Principal Secretaries of State or the Master and Wardens of the said Company of Stationers or any one of them shall have power and authority with a Constable to take unto them such assistance as they shall think néedful and at what time they shall think fit to search all Houses and Shops where they shall know or upon some probable reason suspect any Books or Papers to be printed bound or stitched especially Printing-Houses Book-sellers Shops and Ware-houses and Book-binders Houses and Shops and to view there what is imprinting binding or stitching and to examine whether the same be Licensed and to demand a sight of the said License and if the said Book so imprinting binding or stitching shall not be Licensed then to Seize upon so much thereof as shall be found imprinted together with the several Offenders and to bring them before one or more Iustices of the Peace who are hereby authorized and required to commit such Offenders to prison there to remain until they shall be tried and acquitted or convicted and punished for the said Offences And in case the said Searchers shall upon their said Search find any Book or Books or part of Books unlicensed which they shall suspect to contain matters therein contrary to the Doctrine or Discipline of the Church of England or against the State and Government Then upon such suspition to seise upon such Book or Books or part of Book or Books and to bring the same unto the said Lord Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Bishop of London for the time being or one of them or to the Secretaries of State or one of them respectively who shall take such further course for the suppressing thereof as to them or any of them shall séem fit And be it Ordained and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and every Printer and Printers of Books Founder and Founders of Letters for Printing and all and every other person and persons working in or for the said Trades Offenders against this Act how to be punished who from and after the Tenth day of June in in the year One thousand six hundred sixty and two shall offend against this present Act or any Article Clause or Thing herein contained and shall be thereof Convicted by Verdict Confession or otherwise shall for the first offence be dis-enabled from exercising his respective Trade for the space of thrée years and for the second offence shall for ever thence-after be disabled to use or exercise the Art or Mystery of Printing or of Founding Letters for Printing shall also have and receive such further punishment by Fine Imprisonment or other Corporal Punishment not extending to Life or Limb as by the Iustices of the Court of Kings Bench or Iustices of Oyer and Terminer or Iustices of Assize in their several Circuits or Iustices of the Peace in their several Quarter Sessions shall be thought fit to be inflicted The which said Iustices of the Peace in their several Quarter Sessions shall have full power and authority to hear and determine all and every offence and offences that shall be committed against this Act or against any branch thereof upon Indictment or Information by any person or persons to be taken before them in their Sessions of Peace respectively and shall yearly certifie into the Court of Exchequer as in other like Cases they are bound to do the Fines by them imposed for any the offences aforesaid and shall and may also by vertue hereof award process and execution for the taking or punishing such Offenders as in any other Case they lawfully may do by any the Laws and Statutes of this Realm Printed Copies to be sent to his Majesties Library and the two Vniversities And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every Printer shall reserve thrée printed Copies of the best and largest Paper of every Book new printed or reprinted by him with Additions and shall before any publick Vending of the said Book bring them to the Master of the Company of Stationers and deliver them to him one whereof shall be delivered to the Kéeper of His Majesties Library and the other two to be sent to the Vice-Chancellors of the two Vniversities respectively for the use of the publick Libraries of the said Vniversities Proviso for the priviledges of the two Vniversities Provided always That nothing in this Act contained shall be construed to extend to the prejudice or infringing of any the just Rights and Priviledges of either of the two Vniversities of this Realm touching and concerning the Licensing or Printing of Books in either of the said Vniversities Peers Houses Provided always That no Search shall be at any time made in the House or Houses of any the Péers of this Realm or of any other person or persons not being frée of or using any of the Trades in this Act before mentioned but by special Warrant from the Kings Majesty under His Sign Manual or under the Hand of one or both of His Majesties Principal Secretaries of State or for any other Books then such as are in printing or shal be printed after the Tenth of June 1662. And thing in this Act to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Proviso for Book-sellers and Stationers London Provided also That neither this Act nor any thing therein contained shall extend to prohibit any Book-seller who hath served seven years and is frée of the Company of Stationers London from importing or bringing into this Realm any Books ready bound not formerly prohibited which have been printed ten years before the said Importation Any thing in this or any other Act to the contrary notwithstanding Persons selling books in Westminster-Hall Provided also and be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That neither this Act nor any thing therein contained shall be construed to prohibit any person or persons to Sell Books or Papers who have sold Books or Papers within Westminster-Hall the Palace of Westminster or in any Shop or Shops within Twenty yards of the great Gate of Westminster-Hall aforesaid before
the Twentieth day of November One thousand six hundred sixty and one but they and every of them may sell Books and Papers as they have or did before the said Twentieth day of November One thousand six hundred sixty one within the said Hall Palace and Twenty yards aforesaid but not elsewhere Any thing in this Act to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding Proviso for the rights and Priviledges of printing granted to any persons by the King Provided also That neither this Act nor any thing therein contained shall extend to prejudice the just Rights or Priviledges granted by His Majesty or any of His Royal Predecessors to any any person or persons under His Majesties Great Seal or otherwise but that such person or persons may exercise and use such Rights and Priviledges as aforesaid according to their respective Grants Any thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding Proviso for John Streater Stationer Provided also That neither this Act nor any thing therein contained shall extend to prohibit John Streater Stationer from printing Books and Papers but that he may still follow the Art and Mystery of Printing as if this Act had never béen made Any thing therein to the contrary notwithstanding Provided also That neither this Act nor any thing therein contained shall extend to restrain the kéeping and using of a Printing-Press in the City of York Proviso for the City of York so as all Books of Divinity there printed be first Licensed by the Archbishop of York for the time being or such person or persons whom he shall appoint and all other Books whatsoever there Printed be first Licensed by such persons respectively to whom the Licensing thereof doth or shall appertain by the Rules herein before mentioned and so as no Bibles be there printed nor any other Book whereof the Original Copy is or shall be belonging to the Company of Stationers in London or any Member thereof and so as the Archbishop or Lord Mayor of York for the time being do execute within the said City which they are hereby impowred to do all the Powers and Rules in this Act concerning Searchers for unlicensed Books and impose and levy the said penalties in the like cases Any thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding Provided That this Act shall continue and be in force for two years The continuance of this Act. to commence from the Tenth of June One thousand six hundred sixty and two and no longer Continued 16 Car. 2. cap. 8. Anno XV. Caroli II. Regis CAP. I. For Repairing the High-ways within the Counties of Hertford Cambridge and Huntington WHereas the ancient High-way and Post-Road leading from London to York The High-way from London to York and Scotland Hertford Cambridge Huntington and so into Scotland and likewise from London into Lincolnshire lieth for many miles in the Counties of Hertford Cambridge and Huntington in many of which places the Road by reason of the great and many Loads which are wéekly drawn in Waggons through the said places as well by reason of the great Trade of Barley and Mault that cometh to Ware and so is conveyed by water to the City of London as other Carriages both from the North parts as also from the City of Norwich Saint Edmunds-Bury and the Town of Cambridge to London is very ruinous and become almost impassible insomuch that it is become very dangerous to all His Majesties Liege people that pass that way And for that the ordinary course appointed by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm is not sufficient for the effectual repairing and amending of the same neither are the Inhabitants through which the said Road doth lie of ability to Repair the same without some other provision of moneys to be raised towards the putting the same into good and sufficient Repair For remedy whereof and to the intent the said High-ways at or in the Counties aforesaid may be forthwith effectually repaired and amended and from time to time hereafter kept in good repair May it please your Majesty that it may be Enacted And be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That for the Surveying Ordering Repairing and kéeping in Repair of the said High-way in the Counties aforesaid Four Iustices of the Peace for each of the said several and respective Counties dwelling next to the said High-ways respectively or any two of them for the year One thousand six hundred sixty thrée and until the Quarter-Sessions then next ensuing and from thenceforth the Iustices of Peace at the Sessions to be holden next after Easter every year for the said respective Counties from time to time shall and are hereby impowred to nominate and appoint Nine sufficient and able persons residing and inhabiting within the said several and respective Counties Who may appoint Surveyors of the High-ways for Hartfordshire yearly Cambridg-shire Huntington-shire to be Surveyors of the several places in the said High-way for the year from thence next ensuing The Iustices of the Peace for the County of Hertford to appoint Surveyors for the High-way lying in the said several Towns and Parishes of the said County and the Iustices of the Peace in the County of Cambridge to appoint Surveyors for the several Towns and Parishes within their said County of Cambridge And the Iustices of Peace for the County of Huntington to appoint Surveyors for the several Towns and Parishes of the said County And that the said Iustices or Surveyors aforesaid shall not act or do any thing towards the Repairs of the said High-ways but in their own several and respective Counties The power of the Iustices of the Peace in their several Counties And that the said Iustices in their several Counties shall cause notice to be given to the several Surveyors so chosen in writing of their said choice which said Surveyors and every of them having no lawful impediment to be allowed by the said Iustices by whom they shall be chosen in manner as aforesaid within one wéek next after such notice to them given of their Election shall and are hereby required to méet and assemble themselves together that is to say the Surveyors for the County of Hertford in some convenient place within the County of Hertford Hertford Cambridge Huntington And the Surveyors chosen for the County of Cambridge in some convenient place within their County and the Surveyors chosen for the County of Huntington in some convenient place within their said County to be appointed by the several Iustices of the said Counties at their several Quarter-Sessions to the intent to view and Survey the said High-way and places aforesaid The Power of the Surveyors in the said several Counties To appoint Receivers and Collectors of Toll and other needful Officers and shall consider what Reparations
and respective Parishes shall pass to and fro through the said respective places where such Toll is to be received as aforesaid without paying any thing for their respective passing through the same Any thing in this present Act to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Provided also And be it Enacted Proviso touching money received overplus and remaining at the end of 11. years That if it shall happen that at the end and expiration of the term of the Eleven years aforesaid that the Receiver or Receivers Collector or Collectors then in being or any of them of the aforesaid Tolls or any part thereof in all and every of the said Counties made and to be made shall upon their or any of their accounts made and to be made for the several and respective Receipts of the Tolls aforesaid have any sum or sums of money in their or any of their hands more then they or any of them have expended as aforesaid That then such Receiver and Receivers Collector and Collectors and every of them shall bring in all and every sum and sums of money so remaining in their or any of their hands unto the Iustices of the Peace of the said several and respective Counties where such Receiver or Receivers Collector or Collectors shall live or have received the said several sum or sums at the next General Quarter-Sessions for the Peace which shall happen to be after their said several Accounts so to be made as aforesaid upon pain of forfeiting double the Sum which shall be in their or any of their hands upon the said Account which said Sum and Penalties shall be recovered by distresse and sale of the parties Goods so refusing to do the same by Warrant under the Hands and Seals of any two Iustices of the Peace of the said several Counties And that the said Iustices of the Peace at their said several Quarter-Sessions in their several Counties are hereby impowred and enabled to dispose of the said several sum and sums of money and all the said Penalties into the hands of such person and persons and upon such Securities as they shall approve of to and for a Stock for the repairing of the said several High-ways according to the intent and meaning of this Act and not otherwise Provided also And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Huntington That if the Iustices of the Peace for the County of Huntington or any four of them dwelling next to the said High Road Stilton shall adjudge some other place more convenient then Stilton for receiving the Toll for the said County That then it shall and may be lawful for the said Iustices of Peace as aforesaid to appoint some other place upon the High Road within their said County to receive the aforesaid Toll instead of Stilton Any thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding And that it shall and may be lawful for all and every Souldier and Souldiers upon their March Souldiers in Marching and Posts exempted and all persons riding Post to passe through any the places in this Act mentioned without paying any Toll Provided also That if at any time before the expiration of the Eleven years aforesaid Proviso for cealing the Toll within the 11. years the said High-ways shall be well and sufficiently amended and repaired and so adjudged by the Iustices of the Peace at the Quarter-Sessions for their several and respective Counties aforesaid That then from and after such Adjudication made and Re-payment of such moneys as shall have béen borrowed the aforesaid Toll in the said County shall cease and determine Any thing aforesaid to the contrary notwithstanding Continued 16 17 Car. 2. cap. 10. CAP. II. Unlawful Cutting or Stealing or Spoiling of Wood and Under-woods and Destroyers of young Timber-Trees punished WHereas in one Act of Parliament made in the Thrée and fortieth year of the Reign of the late Quéen Elizabeth Entituled 43 El. cap. 7. An Act to avoid and prevent divers misdemeanors in idle and lewd persons among other things it is Enacted The punishment for cutting and spoyling any Woods That all and every such lewd person and persons that shall cut or spoil any Woods or Vnder-woods Poles or Trées standing and their Procurer or Procurers Receiver or Receivers knowing the same and being thereof lawfully Convicted by his or their own confession or by the testimony of one sufficient Witness upon Oath before some one Iustice of Peace or other Head-Officer of the County or place where such offence was committed shall give the party or parties satisfaction for his or their Damages for the first fault And if such Offender or Offenders shall by such Iustice of Peace or Head-Officer be thought not able or sufficient or if such Offender or Offenders do not make such satisfaction as aforesaid That then the said Iustice of Peace or Head-Officer shall commit the said Offender or Offenders to the Constable or other inferior Officer to receive the punishment of Whipping as in the said Act more fully doth appear And whereas it is found by daily experience especially in and about London and other great Towns where a great number of such idle and lewd persons do shelter themselves that this Act hath not sufficiently prevented the said mischief of cutting and spoiling of Woods and Vnderwoods as was intended as well because the said offences are committed in such a close and clandestine manner that there is none Witnesses to them but such as are partakers to the offence as also because the said punishment is too small for so great a fault which is not only prejudicial and hurtful to the Owners of the said Woods but very mischievous and damageable to the Commonwealth Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That from and after the Four and twentieth day of June next ensuing Who may apprehend Wood-stealers every Constable Headborough or any other person in every County City Town-Corporate or other place where they shall be Officers or Inhabitants shall and may by vertue of this present Act have full Power and Authority to apprehend or cause to be apprehended all and every person or persons they shall suspect having or carrying or any wayes conveying any burthen or bundles of any kind of Wood Vnder-wood Poles or young Trées or Bark or Bast of any Trées or any Gates Stiles Posts Pales Rails or Hedgewood Broom or Furze Search in Houses of suspected persons and by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of any one Iustice of the Peace directed to any Officer such Officer shall have power to enter into and search the Houses Out-houses Yards Gardens or other places belonging to the Houses of all and every person or persons they shall suspect to have any kind of Wood
Vnderwoods Poles or young Trées or Bark or Bast of any Trées or any Gates Stiles Posts Pales Rails or Hedge-wood Broom or Furze and wheresoever they find any such to apprehend and cause to be apprehended all and every person and persons suspected for the cutting and taking of the same and them and every of them as well those apprehended carrying or any ways conveying any kind of Wood Vnderwood Poles or young Trées or Bark or Bast of any Trées or any Eates Stiles Posts Pales Rails or Hedge-wood Broom or Furze as also those in whose Houses or other places belonging to them any such Wood Vnder-wood Poles or young Trées or Bark or Bast of any Trées or any Gates Stiles Posts Pales Rails or Hedgwood Broom or Furze shall be found to carry before one Iustice of the Peace of the same County City or Town-Corporate And if the said person and persons so suspected apprehended and carried before the said Iustices do not then and there give a good account how he and they came by such Wood or Vnderwood Poles or young Trées or Bark or Bast of any Trées or Gates Stiles Posts Pales Rails or Hedge-wood Broom or Furze by the consent of the Owner such as shall satisfie the said Iustice or else shall not within some convenient time to be set them by the said Iustice produce the party or parties of whom they bought the same wood Vnder-wood Poles or young Trées or Bark or Bast of Trées Gates Stiles Posts Pales Rails or Hedge-wood Broom or Furze or some other credible witnesse to depose upon Oath such sale of the said Wood Vnder-wood Poles or young Trées or Bark or Bast of Trées Gates Stiles Posts Pales Rails or Hedgwood Broom or Furze which Oath the said Iustice hath hereby power to administer That then the said person or persons so suspected and not giving such good account nor producing any such witnesse upon Oath to testifie the said Sale as aforesaid shall be déemed and adjudged as convicted of the said offence of cutting and spoiling of the same Woods Vnder-woods Poles or young Trées or Bark or Bast of Trées Gates Stiles Posts Pales Rails or Hedge-wood Broom 43 Eliz. cap. 7. or Furze within the meaning of the said Statute of Quéen Elizabeth and shall be liable to the punishment therein contained and to such other procéedings and punishments as by this present Act shall be further constituted and appointed on that behalf And be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and every person or persons convicted of the said offence in manner and form before in this Act mentioned shall for the first offence give the Owner or Owners such recompence or satisfaction for his or their damages The punishment for the first offence and within such time as the said Iustice shall appoint and over and above pay down presently unto the Overséers for the use of the poor of the Parish where the said offence or offences were committed such sum of money not excéeding Ten shillings as the said Iustices shall think méet and if such offender or offenders do not make recompence or satisfaction to the said Owner or Owners and also pay the said sum to the Poor in manner and form aforesaid then the said Iustice shall commit the said offender or offenders to the House of Correction for such time as the said Iustice shall think fit not excéeding one moneth or to be whipped by the Constable The second offence or other Officer as in his Iudgment shall séem expedient And if such person or persons shall again commit the said offence and be thereof convicted as before that then they and every of them so offending the second time and thereof so convicted shall be sent to the House of Correction for one moneth and be there kept to hard labour And if such person or persons shall again commit the said offence and be thereof convicted as before That then they and every of them so offending the third time and thereof so convicted shall be taken adjudged and déemed as Incorrigible Rogues Buyers of stoln Wood how to be dealt withal Provided always And it is further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That whosoever shall buy any Burthens of Wood or any Poles or Sticks of Wood or any other the Premisses particularly mentioned in this Bill which may be justly suspected to have béen stoln or unlawfully come by That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Iustices of the Peace Mayors Bayliffs and Head-Officers or any one of them within their respective Iurisdictions upon complaint to them thereof made to examine the said matter upon Oath which they and every of them respectively are hereby authorized to administer And if they shall find that the same was bought of a person who might iustly be suspected to have stoln or unlawfully come by the same and that the same was stoln or unlawfully come by That in such case the said Iustices of Peace Mayors Bayliffs or other Head-Officers or any one of them respectively shall and may award the party who bought the same to pay treble the value of the same to the party from whom the same was stoln or unlawfully taken And in default of present payment thereof to issue forth their respective Warrants to levy the same by distress and sale of the offenders Goods rendring the overplus to the party And in default of such distress to commit the party to the Gaol at his own charge there to remain one moneth without Bail Provided always Within what time offenders must be questioned within this Act. That no person or persons shall be questioned for any offence upon this Law that hath béen punished for the same offence by any former Law nor shall be punished by this Law unless he be questioned within Six wéeks after the offence committed CAP. III. An Act to explain and supply a former Act for distribution of Threescore thousand pounds amongst the truly Loyal and Indigent Commission-Officers and for Assessing of Offices and distributing the moneys thereby raised for their further supply 14 Car. 2. cap. 8. EXP. CAP. IV. An Additional Act for the better Ordering the Forces in the several Counties of this Kingdom FOr the better Ordering of the Forces in the several Counties and places of England and the Dominion of Wales and Town of Berwick upon Tweed and for the supplying and explaining the late Act Entituled 14 Car. 2. cap. 3. An Act for Ordering the Forces in the several Counties of this Kingdom Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same Power of the Lieutenants and Deputy-Lieutenants to Train and Exercise That the several Lieutenants of the several Counties Cities and places nominated by his Majesty his Heirs and Successors respectively and in their absence out
Enacted That all and every person and persons which since the five and twentieth day of March One thousand six hundred sixty and two have acted or done any thing in the dismantling of any Cities or Towns or demolishing of Walls and Fortifications thereof or relating thereunto shall be and are hereby indempnified and saved harmless And whereas some doubt hath arisen upon the said Act what Estates shall be charged with or toward Foot Be it therefore Enacted and Declared by the Authority aforesaid How persons may be charged with arms and for what estates That no person who hath an Estate of the yearly value of two hundred pounds or personal Estate of the value of two thousand four hundred pounds chargeable by the said Act shall be charged with or toward the finding any Foot and it shall be lawful for the respective Lieutenants and Deputies or any three or more of them to charge according to the proportions in the said Act any person who hath an Estate of the yearly value of one hundred pounds and under the yearly value of two hundred pounds or who hath a personal Estate of twelve hundred pounds and under the value of two thousand four hundred pounds chargeable by the said Act with or towards the finding of Foot or toward the finding of Horse as to their judgment shall séem most expedient for his Majesties Service Yet nevertheless this shall not be construed to extend to make any alterations in the provisions in the said or this Act concerning the Forces to be charged or raised in Cities Corporations and Port-Towns Provided always and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Lord Warden of the Cinque-Ports to antient Towns and their Members and in his absence The Cinque-Ports his Lieutenant or Lieutenants shall and may put in execution within the said Ports Towns and Members all the Powers and Authorities given and granted by this and the said former Act and to execute and perform all and every the things therein contained in the like manner as the respective Lieutenants of the Counties and their Deputies may do and may kéep up and continue the usual numbers of Souldiers in the said Ports Towns and Members unless they find cause to lessen the same And that the Inhabitants of the said Ports Towns and Members being in regard of their scituation on the Sea-coasts charged with a greater proportion of Arms and Armed men then other parts of the Kingdom shall not be charged with Arms or Armed men in the Counties adjacent for their Estates there lying save only for such proportion as they are lyable unto and either are not or shall not be charged with within the said Ports Towns and Members Any thing in this Act contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding St. Martins Parish in Stamford Baron in Lincolnshire Provided always and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Inhabitants and Revenues of or in the Parish of Saint Martin called Stamford Baron in the Suburbs of the Borough and Town of Stamford on the South-side of the Waters there called Welland may be Assessed and Charged to find and serve in the Trained Bands of the County of Lincoln as formerly according to the said mentioned Act and this present Act by the Lieutenant and Deputy-Lieutenants for the County of Lincoln for the time being in such manner as any persons or estates within the said County of Lincoln may be by them assessed and charged to the purposes aforesaid And they of Saint Martin aforesaid are hereby declared to be well and legally assessed and charged by the said Lieutenant and Deputy-Lieutenants respectively CAP. V. For Regulating Select Vestries FOr prevention of the evils which may arise from Vestry-men not Conforming to the Government and Discipline of the Church of England as it now is by Law established Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by the Advice and with the Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and of the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled That all and every person who now is a Vestry-man or member of any Vestry within any Parish in the Cities of London and Westminster Borough of Southwark and wéekly Bills of Mortality and in all other Cities Boroughs and Towns Corporate where Select Vestries are used in the Kingdom of England All Vestry-men shall take and subscribe the Declaration in 14 Car. 2. c. 4. on or before the Nine and twentieth day of September next And all and every person who at any time hereafter shall be elected to be a Vestry-man or member of any Vestry within any Parish in any the places aforesaid within one moneth after such his Election shall before the respective Archbishop Bishop or Ordinary Vicar-General or Chancellor of the Diocess make and subscribe the Declaration and Acknowledgment enjoyned in the late wholsom good Act Entituled An Act for the Uniformity of Publick Prayers and Administration of Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies and for establishing the Form of Making Ordaining and Consecrating Bishops Priests and Deacons in the Church of England in these words following I A. B. Do declare That it is not lawful upon any pretence whatsoever to take up Arms against the King and that I do abhor that Traiterous Position of taking Arms by His Authority against His Person or against those that are Commissionated by him And that I will conform to the Liturgy of the Church of England as it is now by Law established And I do declare That I do hold there lies no Obligation upon me or on any other person from the Oath commonly called The Solemn League and Covenant to endeavour any change or alteration of Government either in Church or State And that the same was in it self an unlawful Oath and Imposed upon the Subjects of this Realm against the known Laws and Liberties of this Kingdome The penalty And that all and every such person who shall neglect or refuse to do the same within the respective times aforesaid shall ipso facto be deprived of such his place of Vestry-man and of being a Member of such Vestry to all intents and purposes And such place shall be actually void as if such person were naturally dead Any Vsage or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding And that from and after such neglect or refusal it shall be lawful for all persons who shall have right of Election or nomination of such Vestry-man or member of such Vestry to procéed to election or nomination of some other discréet person of the respective Parish in the room of such person so neglecting or refusing as aforesaid And if such person so to be elected in the room of such person so neglecting or refusing as aforesaid shall also neglect or refuse to make and subscribe the said Declaration and Acknowledgment in manner and time aforesaid whereby such place shall again become void or if such persons who shall have right of Election or nomination
as aforesaid shall not procéed to Election within one moneth after such vacancy then it shall be lawful to and for the respective Archbishop Bishop or Ordinary of the Diocess under his hand and Seal to Elect and nominate a discréet person of the respective Parish in such vacant room which person so to be elected and nominated after his making and subscription in manner and time aforesaid shall be and shall to all intents and purposes be reputed déemed and taken to be a Vestry-man or member of such Vestry in like manner as if he had béen chosen by the respective Electors Any Law Custom or Vsage to the contrary notwithstanding And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the respective Arch-bishop Bishop or Ordinary Vicar-General or Chancellor of the Diocess shall upon request to him made by any Vestry-man so making and subscribing the said Declaration and Acknowledgment aforesaid deliver a Certificate of his so doing for which no Fée shall be paid Provided always That nothing in this Act shall be construed to give any new power to any Select Vestry-man or to confirm any usurped power heretofore exercised by any Select Vestry-man which before the making of this Act is not Warranted by the Law of the Land Provided also The continuance of this Act. That this Act shall continue in force to the end of the first Session of the next Parliament and no longer CAP. VI. An Act for Relief of such Persons as by Sickness or other Impediment were disabled from Subscribing the Declaration in the Act of Uniformity and Explanation of part of the said Act. VVHereas by an Act of this present Parliament Entituled An Act for Uniformity of Publick Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies 14 Car. 2. c. 4. and for establishing the Form of Making Ordaining and consecrating Bishops Priests and Deacons in the Church of England It was Enacted That every Dean Canon and Prebendary of every Cathedral or Collegiate Church and all Masters and Fellows of any Colledg Hall House of Learning or Hospital and every Parson Vicar Curate and every other person in Holy Orders who upon the first day of May which should be in the year of our Lord God One thousand six hundred sixty and two or at any time thereafter should be Incumbent or have possession of any Deanry Canonry Prebendry Mastership Fellowship Parsonage Vicarage or any other Ecclesiastical Dignity or Promotion should before the Feast day of Saint Bartholomew which should be in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and two subscribe the Declaration or acknowledgment in the said Act mentioned and expressed before their respective Archbishops Bishops Ordinaries or Vice-Chancellors of the respective Vniversities upon pain that all and every of the persons aforesaid failing in such subscription should lose and forfeit such respective Deanry Canonry Prebendry Mastership Fellowship Parsonage Vicarage Ecclesiastical Dignity or Promotion and should be utterly disabled and ipso facto deprived of the same And that every such respective Deanry Canonry Prebendry Mastership Fellowship Parsonage Vicarage Ecclesiastical Dignity or Promotion should be void as if such person so failing were naturally dead And that after such subscription made every such Parson Vicar Curate and Lecturer should procure a Certificate under the hand and Seal of the respective Archbishop Bishop or Ordinary of the Diocess and should publickly and openly read the same together with the Declaration or acknowledgment aforesaid upon some Lords-Day within thrée moneths then next following in his Parish Church where he was to officiate in the presence of the Congregation there assembled in the time of Divine-Service upon pain that every person failing therein should lose such Parsonage Vicarage or Benefice respectively and should be utterly disabled and ipso facto deprived of the same And that the said Parsonage Vicarage or Benefice should be void as if he were naturally dead And whereas divers persons of eminent Loyalty to his Majesty and of known affection to the Liturgy of the Church of England who by the said Act were required to subscribe the said Declaration or Acknowledgment at the time of the passing of the said Act were out of this Realm in Ireland or other parts beyond the Seas upon lawful and justifiable occasions and had no knowledg or notice thereof until their return into England being after the said Feast of St. Bartholomew And divers other of the said Loyal and wel-affected persons by reason of sickness imprisonment disability of body or otherwise could not or did not resort unto their respective Archbishops Bishops or Ordinaries or Vice-Chancellors of the respective Vniversities before whom such subscription was appointed by the said Act to be made All which said persons are by force of the said Act utterly disabled and ipso facto deprived of their respective Deanries Canonries Prebendries Masterships Fellowships Parsonages Vicarages or other Ecclesiastical Benefices or Promotions by reason of such their omission For remedy whereof and for the relief of such persons Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by Authority of the same That all Deans Canons Prebendaries Masters and Fellows of any Colledges Halls or other Houses of Learning and all Parsons Vicars and other Ecclesiastical persons aforesaid who at the time of the passing of the said Act being in Ireland or any the parts beyond the Seas did not return into this Kingdom before the said Feast of Saint Bartholomew One thousand six hundred sixty and two or who being in England by Imprisonment Sickness Disability of Body or otherwise did not resort unto their respective Archbishop Bishop Ordinary or Vice-Chancellor of the said respective Vniversities to subscribe the said Declaration and Acknowledgment before the said Feast in the year of our Lord aforesaid shall be and are hereby declared to be restored unto and preserved in their respective Deanries Canonries Prebendries Masterships Fellowships Parsonages Vicarages and other Ecclesiastical Benefices and Promotions whereunto no other person or persons before the first day of August in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and thrée were or shall be lawfully Instituted Inducted Collated or placed And shall and may hold and enjoy the same according to his and their former right The aforesaid Act or any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding Provided That every such Dean Canon Prebendary Master and Fellow of any Colledg Hall or House of Learning and all Parsons Vicars and Curates and other Ecclesiastical persons who are or shall by vertue of this Act be restored to or preserved in their said several and respective Promotions shall before the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord next ensuing if he be in England or if beyond the Seas within forty dayes after his return into England subscribe the said Declaration or
Acknowledgment before the respective Archbishop Bishop or Ordinary of the Diocess or Vice-Chancellor aforesaid respectively And that every such Parson Vicar Curate or Lecturer shall procure a Certificate under the Hand and Seal of the respective Archbishop Bishop or Ordinary of the Diocess who are hereby required and enjoyned upon demand to make and deliver such Certificate And shall publickly and openly read the same together with the Declaration or acknowledgment aforesaid upon some Lords day within thrée moneths then next following such subscription in his Parish Church where he is to officiate in the presence of the Congregation then assembled in the time of Divine Service And be it further Enacted and Declared by the Authority aforesaid That every subscription already made or hereafter to be made before any Vicar-General or Chancellor to any Archbishop or Bishop or Commissary to the Archbishop of Canterbury or any other Bishop is and shall be as effectual and beneficial in Law to all intents and purposes to every person and persons which have or shall make such subscription as aforesaid as if the same had béen made before the Archbishop or Bishop of the Province or Diocess respectively Any thing in the aforesaid Act to the contrary notwithstanding Provided also That every person who shall have benefit by this Act shall make such allowance for serving the Cure since the 24th of August 1662. as shall be judged fit by the Ordinary of the place and shall pay and discharge all Tenths Pensions and other Charges wherewith the Benefice to which he is by this Act restored hath béen or might be legally charged since the day aforesaid Persons prohibited to Preach 14 Car. 2. c. 4. And whereas some doubt hath arisen whether persons prohibited to preach by the said Act are in the same plight as to punishment with persons disabled by the said Act to preach Be it Declared and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the penalties by the said Act to be inflicted upon any person disabled by the said Act to preach for any offence against the said Act shall in like manner be inflicted upon every person so offending that is prohibited by the said Act to preach Any thing doubt or ambiguity in the said Act to the contrary notwithstanding CAP. VII Trade Encouraged Tillage FOrasmuch as the encouraging of Tillage ought to be in an especial manner regarded and endeavoured and the surest and effectuallest means of promoting and advancing any Trade Occupation or Mystery being by rendring it profitable to the Vsers thereof And great quantities of Land within this Kingdom for the present lying in a manner waste and yielding little which might thereby be improved to considerable profit and advantage if sufficient Encouragement were given for the laying out of Cost and labour on the same and thereby much more Corn produced greater numbers of people horses and cattel imployed and other Land also rendred more Valuable Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by the Authority thereof And it is hereby Enacted That from and after the first day of September in the year of our Lord 1663. and from thence forward when the prizes of Corn and Grain Winchester measure Corn not exceeding certain rates may be transported do not excéed the rates hereafter following at the Havens or places where the same shall be shipped or loaden viz The Quarter of Wheat Eight and forty shillings The Quarter of Barley or Malt Eight and twenty shillings The Quarter of Buck-wheat Eight and twenty shillings The Quarter of Oats Thirtéen shillings and four pence The Quarter of Rye Two and thirty shillings The Quarter of Pease or Beans Two and thirty shillings currant English money That then it shall be lawful for all and every person and persons to ship load carry and transport any of the said Corns or Grains from the Havens or places where they shall be of such prizes unto any parts beyond the Seas as Merchandise Any Law Statute or Vsage to the contrary notwithstanding paying such Rates for the same and none other as are to be paid when the same might have béen Transported by one Act passed this present Parliament Entituled 12 Car. 2. c 4. A Subsidy granted to the King of Tunnage and Poundage When corn may be imported and what custom to be paid And it is hereby further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That when the prizes of the aforesaid Corns and Grains do not excéed the Rates above mentioned respectively Winchester-measure at the Haven or place into which any of them shall be imported from any part beyond the Seas there shall be paid for the Custom and Poundage of every Quarter of Wheat five shillings and four pence and for every Quarter of Rye four shillings and for every Quarter of Barley or Malt two shillings and eight pence and for every Quarter of Buck-wheat two shillings and for every Quarter of Oats one shilling four pence and for every Quarter of Pease or Beans four shillings And it is hereby further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That when the prizes of Corn or Grain Winchester-measure do not excéed the rates following at the Markets Havens or Places where the same shall be bought viz. The Quarter of Wheat Eight and forty shillings the Quarter of Rye two and thirty shillings the Quarter of Barley or Mault eight and twenty shillings the Quarter of Buck-wheat eight and twenty shillings the Quarter of Oats thirtéen shillings and four pence the Quarter of Pease or Beans two and thirty shillings That then it shall be lawful for all and every person and persons not Forestalling nor Selling the same in the same Market within thrée moneths after the buying thereof to buy in open Market and to lay up and kéep in his or their Granaries or Houses and to sell again such Corn or Grain of the kinds aforesaid as without fraud or coven shall have béen bought at or under the prïces before expressed without incurring any penalty Any Law Statute or Vsage to the contrary notwithstanding And in regard his Majesties Plantations beyond the Seas are inhabited and peopled by his Subjects of this his Kingdom of England Plantations beyond the Sea For the maintaining a greater correspondence and kindness betwéen them and kéeping them in a firmer dependance upon it and rendring them yet more beneficial and advantagious unto it in the further employment and encrease of English Shipping and Sea-men Vent of English Woollen and other Manufactures and Commodities rendring the Navigation to and from the same more safe and cheap and making this Kingdom a Staple not only of the Commodities of those Plantations but also of the Commodities of other Countries and Places for the supplying of them and it being the usage of other Nations to kéep their Plantations Trade to themselves Be it Enacted and it is
the Town of Berwick in any other Ship or Vessel then what is English-built or belonging to England Wales or Town of Berwick and having such Certificate thereof as abovesaid and whereof the Master and thrée fourths of the Mariners at least are English and not having béen fished and caught in such Ships or Vessels and so navigated there shall be paid by way of Custom and Impost the several sums of money herein after particularly mentioned that is to say for Cod-fish the Barrel Five shillings for Cod-fish the last containing twelve Barrels Thrée pounds for Cod-fish the hundred containing sixscore Ten shillings for Coal-fish the hundred containing sixscore Five shillings for Lings the hundred containing sixscore One pound for White Herrings the Last containing twelve Barrels One pound sixtéen shillings for Haddocks the Barrel Two shillings for Gull-fish the Barrel Two shillings And forasmuch as planting and making Tobacco within this Kingdom of England doth continue and increase to the apparent loss of his said Majesty in his Customs the discouragement of the English Plantations in the parts beyond the Seas and prejudice of this Kingdom in general notwithstanding an Act of Parliament made in the Twelfth year of his said Majesties Reign for prevention thereof Entituled An Act for prohibiting the Planting Setting 12 Car. 2. cap. 34. The further penalty for planting Tobacco in England or Sowing of Tobacco in England and Ireland And forasmuch as it is found by experience that the reason why the said planting and making of Tobacco doth continue is That the penalties prescribed and appointed by that Law are so little as have neither power or effect over the transgressors thereof For remedy therefore of so great an evil Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and every the person or persons whatsoever that do or shall at any time hereafter Set Plant or Sow any Tobacco in Séed Plant or otherwise in or upon any ground field earth or place within the Kindom of England Dominion of Wales Islands of Guernsey and Jersey or Town of Berwick upon Tweed or Kingdom of Ireland shall over and above the penalty of the said Act for that purpose ordained for every such offence forfeit and pay the sum of Ten pounds for every Rod or Pole of ground that he or they shall so Plant Set or Sow with Tobacco and so proportionably for a greater or lesser quantity of ground one third part thereof to the Kings Majesty one other third part thereof to the use of the poor of such respective Parish or Parishes wherein such Tobacco shall be so Planted Set or Sowed and the other third part thereof to him or them that shall sue for the same to be recovered by Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information in any of his said Majesties Courts of Record at Westminster wherein no Essoign Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed And it is hereby further Enacted That in case any person or persons shall resist or make forceable opposition against any person or persons in the due and through Execution of the said Act of the Twelfth of his said Majesties Reign that he she or they so resisting and making forceable opposition shall over and above the penalties therein mentioned for such Offences be committed to the Common Gaol of the County where such offence shall be committed there to remain without Bail or Mainprise untill he she or they have entred into a Recognizance to his Majesty his Heirs and Successors with two sufficient Sureties of Ten pounds penalty not to do or commit the like offence again Proviso for Tobacco planted in Physick Gardens Provided alwayes That this Act nor any thing therein contained shall not extend to the hindrance or prejudice of Planting Tobacco in any Physick-Garden of either of the Vniversities or any other private Garden for Chirurgery so as the quantity so planted excéed not the half of one Pole in any one place or Garden Cattel imported from the Isle of Man Provided also and be it Enacted That it shall and may be lawful to import Cattel of the bréed of the Isle of Man not excéeding six hundred in any one year And Corn of the growth of that Island out of that Island into England so as the said Cattel be landed at Chester Liverpool or Wirewater Any thing in this Act to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding CAP. VIII Butchers may not sell live fat Cattel 3 4 E. 6. cap. 19. VVHereas by an Act made in the Third and Fourth years of the Reign of King Edward the Sixth It is Enacted That no Person using the Craft or Mystery of a Butcher should buy any fat Oxen Stéers Runts Kine Heisers Calves or Shéep and sell the same again alive upon pain of forfeiture of the Cattel so sold which Law hath not wrought such effectual Reformation as was intended by reason of the difficulty in the proof of such Buying and Selling being for the most part at places far distant if not in several Counties by means whereof the Parties so offending have escaped unpunished Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament Assem●led and by Authority of the same That no Person using the Trade of a Butcher shall at any time from and after the Feast of Saint Michael the Arch-Angel next ensuing Sell Offer or Expose to sale in any Market or elsewhere either by himself or any Servant or Agent whatsoever any fat Oxen Stéers Runts Kine Heifers Calves Shéep or Lambs alive upon pain to forfeit the double Value of the Cattel so Sold or Offered Penalty upon Butchers for selling live fat cattel or Exposed to Sale as aforesaid The one moyety of which forfeiture shall be to the Kings Majesty his Heirs and Successors and the other moyety to him or them that will sue for the same in any of his Majesties Courts of Record by Bill Plaint Action of Debt or Information wherein no Essoign Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed CAP. IX Four intire Subsidies granted to His Majesty by the Temporalty EXP. CAP. X. An Act for Confirming of Four Subsidies Granted by the Clergy EXP. CAP. XI An Additional Act for the better Ordering and Collecting the Duty of Excise and preventing the Abuses therein 12 Car. 2. cap. 24. FOr the preventing of the Frauds and Deceits of Brewers and other persons who make Béer and Ale and other Exciseable Liquors to sell and of the abuses committed by the Officers Collectors and Managers of the Excise to the great decay of his Majesties Revenue of Excise and obstruction of the due and orderly Collecting of the same and for supply and amendment of certain defects in the Laws and Statutes relating to the Duty of Excise as well for the support and advance of the said Revenue as for the ease of the People Be it Enacted
by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and of the Commons in this Parliament Assembled and by Authority of the same That no common Brewer Inn-keeper Victualler or other Retailer of Béer or Ale shall at any time after the First day of September Notice to be geven of all brewing Vessels One thousand six hundred sixty thrée without giving notice thereof at the next Office of Excise or to the Commissioners Farmers or Sub-Commissioners of Excise or one of them within the Limits and Iurisdiction of whose Office he or they do or shall Inhabit Erect Set up Alter or Enlarge any Tun Fat Back Cooler or Copper and shall make use of any of them for the Brewing or making any Béer or Ale or Worts or shall make use of or kéep any private and concealed Store-house Cellar or other place for the laying of any Béer or Ale or Worts in Cask other then such as are already openly set up erected and made use of in his common and usual Brew-house and now openly discovered and known upon pain to forfeit the sum of Fifty pounds for every Tun The Penalty Fat Back Copper and Cooler set up and made use of without such notice given as aforesaid and contrary to the true intent and meaning hereof And that all and every other person or persons in whose occupation any House Messuage Out-house or other place whatsoever is or shall be where any such private and concealed Tun Back Cooler or Store-house shall be found and discovered shall also forfeit and lose the sum of Fifty pounds to be levied and recovered in manner and form as in by this present Act is hereafter Directed and Ordained And moreover every such private and concealed Tun Fat Back Copper or Cooler so discovered and found as aforesaid or altered or enlarged together with all Béer Ale or Worts therein being shall and may be taken up seized carried away and delivered to the Overséers for the Poor to be sold for the use of the Poor or distributed amongst them And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That from and after the Eighth day of November in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and five Commissioners for regulating may not Farm the Excise 12 Car. 2. cap. 23. no person or persons whatsoever nominated by his Majesty to be in Commission for the Regulating of his Majesties Revenue of Excise or for the exercise of any the Powers or Authorities mentioned in an Act Entituled A Grant of certain Impositions upon Beer Ale and other Liquors for the increase of His Majesties Revenue during His life Or one other Act Entituled An Act for taking away the Court of Wards and Liveries and Tenures in Capite by Knights Service and Purveyance and for setling a Revenue upon his Majesty in lieu thereof or in this present Act 12 Car. 2. cap. 24. shall presume to Farm the said Revenue of his Majesty either directly or indirectly by obtaining Letters Patents to him or themselves thereof or any person or persons whatsoever intrusted for him or them or to or for his or their use benefit or behoof Nor that any person or persons whatsoever being a Farmer of the said Revenue shall be any way capable to be nominated a Commissioner for the Regulating his Majesties said Revenue of Excise or exercising any Powers or Authorities concerning the same But if any person or persons who stands thus disabled as aforesaid to be nominated a Commissioner shall become a Farmer and shall in either of the said cases nevertheless presume directly or indirectly to act as a Commissioner Farmer or Sub-Commissioner to execute the Powers and Authorities aforesaid either alone or joyntly with other persons that are Farmers or else with any other who are not Farmers shall from and after such his acting lose the benefit of his said Farm The Penalty and be thenceforth totally for ever disabled to be either Farmer of the said Revenue or Commissioner for the regulating thereof and exercizing the Powers aforesaid And that all and every act and acts done by any Commissioner or Commissioners or Sub-Commissioners being Farmer or Farmers by him or themselves or joyntly with others who are not Farmers shall be void in Law and of none effect And that all and every person or persons any way molested or troubled by the command and authority of such Commissioner or Commissioners acting by him or themselves or together with others who are not Farmers or Commissioners may bring his Action at Law for the same in any of his Majesties Courts at Westminster and thereby recover his Damages against any such Commissioner or Commissioners any Law or Statute to the contrary notwithstanding And that all and every Letters Patents to be made from and after the Tenth day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and thrée enabling any Farmer or Farmers of the Excise to be Commissioner or Commissioners or Sub-Commissioners shall be utterly void and of none effect Any thing in any of the said Acts to the contrary notwithstanding And that if any Commissioner or Sub-Commissioner Commissioners or Sub-Commissioners who by colour or vertue of any Letters Patents are now both Commissioners or Sub-Commissioners for regulating the said Revenue and likewise Farmers of the said Revenue The penalty for giving any false and corrupt judgment to the Brewers damage shall give any false and corrupt Iudgment in advancement of the benefit of his or their said Farm to the Brewers damage contrary to Law he or they shall forfeit for every such Iudgment so falsly and corruptly given double Costs to the Party so injured by the said corrupt and false Iudgment And in case any person shall unjustly complain of any Iudgment of the Commissioners or Sub-missioners as aforesaid and so shall be found upon his Appeal the said party shall forfeit double Costs to the said Commissioners for such unjust vexations to be recovered by Information Bill or Plaint in any Court of Record And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That from and after the First day of September in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and thrée The duty of Gagers in making Entries all and every Gager or Gagers of the Excise who shall take an accompt of any Béer or Ale brewed or made by any common Brewer shall wéekly after such common Brewer hath made or ought to have made his Entry at the Office of Excise and not otherwise make and deliver to such common Brewer at his house or to some of his servants in his behalf a true Copy under his or their hand of such Return or Report as he or they have made thereof to the Commissioners or Sub-Commissioners of Excise respectively upon pain to forfeit for every neglect or refusal the sum of Forty shillings Provided nevertheless That no such common Brewer or
the quantity and quality of the Béer Mingling of strong and small worts Ale or Worts found in his Tun and other Brewing Vessels convert any part of his small Béer or small Worts so taken accompt of into strong Béer or Ale by mingling letting down or striking over any such strong Ale or strong Worts into which or amongst any such small Béer or small Worts and shall sell deliver out or retail the same or any part thereof without giving notice to the same Gager or Gagers of the quality so mingled and converted as aforesaid or if any such Brewer or Retailer as aforesaid shall after the said time hide conceal or convey any Béer Ale or Worts not Gaged from the sight or view of the Gager or Gagers appointed to take accompt of the same whereby the Kings Majesty or His Commissioners or Farmers shall or may be defrauded in any manner of wise of the Duties due for the same or any part thereof every such common Brewer Victualler and Retailer for every Barrel of Béer or Ale by him or them so mingled converted sold delivered hid concealed or conveyed away contrary to the true intent and meaning hereof shall forfeit and lose the sum of Twenty shillings to be levied and recovered in manner and form as in and by this present Act is hereafter Ordained and appointed And be it further Declared and Enacted That all and every the Brewing-Vessels Brewing-Vessels and Vtensils subject to the debts and penalties of Excise and Vtensils for Brewing into whose hands soever the same shall come by what Conveyance or Title soever the same be claimed shall be liable and subject unto and are hereby charged with all and singular the Debts and Duties of Excise in arrear and owing by any person or persons for any Béer or Ale made within the said Brew-house and shall also be subject to all Penalties and Forfeitures incurred by such person or persons so using the said Brew-house for any offence against the Laws and Statutes for Excise And that it shall be lawful in all cases to levy Debts and Penalties and use such procéedings against the Vtensils therein contained as it may be lawful to do in case the Debtor or Offender using the said Vtensils had been truly and really Owner and Proprietor of the same And be it further Enacted by Authority aforesaid That after the first day of September Brewers that brew for other Brewers no common Brewer of Béer or Ale nor any other person whatsoever who hath or shall compound for the Duties of Excise for Béer or Ale by him brewed or to be brewed shall during the term of such Composition Brew or make or suffer or permit any Béer or Ale to be brewed or made within his Brew-house for any other common Brewer whatsoever without first giving notice as well of every particular brewing as of the quantity and quality of the Béer and Ale at every such Brewing intended to be brewed and made unto the respective Commissioners Farmers or Sub-Commissioners of Excise within the Districts of whose Office such common Brewer doth or shall inhabit and forthwith paying down unto the said respective Commissioners Farmers or Sub-Commissioners the full Excise of all the said Béer and Ale upon pain that as well the Brewer who shall brew the same as the Brewer for whom the said Beer or Ale shall be brewed shall forfeit and lose for euery Barrel the sum of Five pounds the one moyety to the Kings Majesty and the other moyety to the Informer that shall sue for the same in any Court of Record And be it further Enacted by Authority aforesaid That from and after the said first day of September no person or persons shall be permitted to sell or retail any Coffée Chocolate Coffee Chocolate Sherbet Tea Sherbet or Tea without License first obtained and had by Order of the General Sessions of the Peace in the several and respective Counties Certificate being first shewed that they have given good Security for the due payment of their dues to the King or the chief Magistrate of the place in whose Iurisdiction he or they do or shall inhabit or dwell for the Selling or Retailing of the same Nor shall any License be granted to any Retailer until Security first given by Recognizance or otherwise For which License Recognizance and Security Twelve pence shall be given and no more for the payment of the Excise And every person or persons Selling or Retailing any of the said Liquors without License had and Security given as aforesaid shall forfeit and lose the sum of Five pounds for every moneth he or they shall continue Selling or Retailing the same And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Gagers may take no bribes nor rewards to make false returns That from and after the said first day of September no Brewer or other person whatsoever shall Bribe or Corrupt or give any Money Fée or other Reward whatsoever to any Gager or Gagers or other Officer whatsoever to make any false Return or Report into the Office of Excise of any Béer Ale or other Liquors Exciseable made or brewed or to be made or brewed within his or their Charge Division or Walk or to forbear or omit the doing or executing of his or their Places or Imployments upon penalty of Ten pounds for every such Offence And that no Sworn Gager or Gagers or other Officer whatsoever shall directly or indirectly take and receive any Bribe Money Fée Gift or other Reward of any Brewer or other person whatsoever for any cause or matter relating to the Excise upon Penalty that every such Sworn Gager or other Officer so offending shall for every such offence forfeit and lose the sum of Ten pounds All and every of which said respective offences shall be proved by the Oaths of Two lawful and credible Witnesses before Two Iustices of the Peace or chief Magistrate of the place where such offence shall be committed which said Iustices or Magistrates respectively have hereby power to administer the said Oaths and also to Examine Adjudge and Determine the same and to cause such Penalties by Warrant under their hands and seals to be levied by Distress and Sale of the Offenders Goods rendring to the Party the overplus and for want of such Distress to commit every such Offender to the Common Gaol of such County or Place there to remain by the space of Thrée Moneths without Bail or Mainprize And for the better Levying and Collecting the Duties of Excise upon all Foreign or Imported Liquors Be it Enacted by Authority aforesaid Foreign Liquors imported to be duly entred That no such Foreign or Imported Liquors shall be landed or put on shore out of any Ship or Vessel from beyond the Seas before due Entry be first made thereof with the Officer and Collector appointed for the Excise in the Port or Place where the same shall be Imported or before the Duty of Excise due
Commissioner Farmer No Commissioner or other may act until he have taken the Oath in the Act of 12 Car. 2. cap. 23. Sub-Commissioner or other person imployed or to be imployed in the Farming Collecting or taking Accompts for the Duty of Excise do after the First day of September next take upon him or them any such Office or procéed in execution of any such Imployment until he or they have first taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by the Act of Parliament Entituled A Grant of certain Impositions on Beer Ale and other Liquors for the increase of His Majesties Revenue during His life before the respective persons appointed in the said Act of Parliament and have Entred his Certificate for taking the said Oaths with the Auditor for Excise under the penalty of Fifty pounds for every Moneth he or they shall so neglect to take the same CAP. XII An Explanatory Act for Recovery of the Arrears of Excise BE it Declared and Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and of the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by Authority of the same That where any Commissioner Sub-Commissioner Treasurer In what cases Sureties for Excise shall be answerable for the arrears 12 Car. 2. cap. 11. and all other Officers which were heretofore imployed in the Receipt of the Excise Farmer or Collector of Excise which are and standeth charged with or accomptable for any Duties of Excise by him or them received farmed or detained or any ways due from the persons before named or any of them and not pardoned by the late Act Entituled An Act of Free and General Pardon Indempnity and Oblivion That there and in such case all and every the Sureties of such person and persons charged or chargeable as aforesaid shall be deemed and taken to be liable and answerable according to the nature of their respective Securities Any doubt or question made touching the Construction of the said late Act of Frée and General Pardon to the contrary notwithstanding And be it further Declared and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That where the Commissioners of Excise for the time being or the major part of them have Issued out any Summons or Warning which hath béen left at the house or usual place of residence or with the Wife Child or menial Servant of any the aforesaid person or persons Chargeable or Accomptable as aforesaid The same shall be déemed and adjudged a good and sufficient Summons and as legal and effectuall a notice as if the same had béen actually delivered to the proper hands of such person or persons to whom the same was directed Any doubt or question thereof made to the contrary notwithstanding CAP. XIII An Additional Act for the better Ordering and Collecting the Revenue arising by Hearth-Money VVHereas the Revenue Setled on His Majesty His Heirs and Successors by a late Act 14 Car. 2. cap. 10. Entituled An Act for Establishing an Additional Revenue upon His Majesty His Heirs and Successors for the better support of His and their Crown and Dignity hath béen much obstructed for want of true and just Accompts under the hands of the respective Occupiers of Houses Edifices Lodgings and Chambers as by the said Act is required and by the negligence of Constables and other Officers intrusted with the Taking and Reforming such Accompts Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That the Iustices of the Peace of the respective Counties How the Iustices of the Peace shall cause accompts to be taken of the number of Hearths Corporations Places and Limits within their respective Iurisdictions at the next Sessions to be held after the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel next ensuing or the major part of them then present shall issue out Warrants under their Hands and Seals to the respective High Constables or other like next Officer who shall issue the like Warrants unto the Petty Constables Head-boroughs and Tythingmen requiring them on the next Sunday after Morning-Service ended to give publick notice in the Church or Chappel generally to all the Inhabitants and also to give notice publickly in the Church and particularly as aforesaid to every Inhabitant within their respective Precincts that shall then be Occupier of any House Edifice Lodging or Chamber That within Ten days next after such notice he give a true and just account in writing under his hand of all Hearths and Stoves in such respective House Edifice Lodging and Chamber unto such respective Constable Head-borough and Tythingman who upon receipt of such Accompt shall with Two other substantial Inhabitants of the said respective Precinct whom they are hereby Authorized to Charge for that purpose in the day-time enter into the respective House Edifice Lodging and Chamber and upon his own view compare such Accompt and sée whether the same be truly made or not and endorse the same Accompt accordingly to what he finds upon his view which Accompt so received and endorsed shall be by him transmitted within twenty dayes after such Receipt to the respective High-Constable or other like Officer as aforesaid together with a Book or Roll fairly written wherein shall be Two Columes The one containing the Names of the persons and number of Hearths and Stoves in their respective Possessions that are chargeable by the said Act and the other the Names of the persons and number of Hearths and Stoves in their respective possessions which are not chargeable by the said Act Which being so received by such respective High Constable or other like Officer as aforesaid and compared together shall within six dayes after such Receipt be transmitted to the two next respective Iustices of the Peace who are hereby impowred to examine the said respective High-Constable or other like Officer as aforesaid Petty Constable Headborough or Tythingman upon Oath concerning the truth and faithfulness of their actings in the premisses which being done the said Iustices shall within ten days after such examination Sign and Transmit the said Book and Roll together with the said Original Accounts so endorsed as aforesaid and filed together unto the respective Clerk of the Peace who shall within Twenty days after receipt thereof Engross the said Book or Roll in Parchment to be still kept in the respective County and Places aforesaid and shall also within Two Months Engross in Parchment a true Duplicate of the said Book or Roll which being Signed by him and by two Iustices of the Peace at least of the respective County and Places aforesaid shall be transmitted within one Month after such Engrossement into His Majesties Court of Exchequer Penalty for omitting any Hearth Provided always and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any Occupier of any House Edifice
of Law or Equity wherein no Protection Wager of Law or Essoign shall lie Provided also Proviso for Daniel Oneale Esquire EXP. That nothing herein contained shall make void the Grant made by His Majesty to Daniel Oneale Esquire of the Office of Post-Master-General or general Letter-Office or Post-Office for four years and one quarter of a year from the said Five and twentieth day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and thrée under the yearly Rent of One and twenty thousand five hundred pounds for all the said Term Except the last Quarter which is paid aforehand so as the said Rents be paid unto his said Highness James Duke of York and to the Heirs Males of his Body begotten or to be begotten Provided also And it is hereby further Enacted and Declared That it shall and may be lawful for the Kings Majesty His Heirs and Successors at any time or times during the said Estate Tail by Warrant under His Privy-Seal to charge any Sum or several Sums of Money not excéeding in the whole the Sum of Five thousand thrée hundred fourscore and two pounds ten shillings to be paid out of the profits of the Office of Post-Master-General to the which said Sum of Five thousand thrée hundred fourscore and two pounds ten shillings the several Sums and Payments now already charged thereupon do in the whole amount the Grant of which Sums are not to be avoided by this Act And which said Sums of Money not excéeding the said Sum of Five thousand thrée hundred fourscore and two pounds ten shillings to be granted by His Majesty as aforesaid are and shall be by Authority of this Act confirmed and made in full force His Majestie may nominate the Post-Master-General Provided further That the Kings most Excellent Majesty His Heirs and Successors shall have the nomination of the Post-Master-General of the said Post-Office and shall from time to time nominate and appoint such person and persons as he or they shall please to be Post-Master-General of the said Office and may grant the same Office with the Power and Authority thereunto belonging and the said Rates of Portage in the said Act mentioned either for site or term of years not exceeding One and Twenty years to such person or persons as he or they shall think fit under the most improved yearly Rent that can be reasonably had or gotten for the same by the said Duke or the Heirs males of his Body begotten or to be begotten without Fines the said yearly Rent to be reserved and payable to the said Duke and to the Heirs males of His Body begotten or to be begotten and also under such Covenants Conditions and Agréements as the said Duke or the Heirs males of his body begotten or to be begotten shall think fitting Any thing in this present Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding The Duke may joynture any wife in a third part of the Profits Provided alwayes and it is hereby Declared That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said James Duke of York and the Heirs males of his Body begotten and to be begotten to settle any part of the said Premisses not excéeding a Third part of the clear yearly value over and above all Charges and Reprises for a Ioynture for his or their Wife or Wives and also to Lease any other part of the said Premisses for any number of years not excéeding One and Twenty years and not excéeding one other third part of the clear yearly value of the Premisses over and above all other Charges and Reprises in order to raise Portions for his or their younger Children Proviso for the Vniversities Provided also That this Act or any thing therein contained shall not in any wise be prejudicial to the Priviledge of the two Vniversities of this Land or either of them or to the Chancellor or Schollars of the same or their Successors but that they may use and enjoy such Priviledges as heretofore they have lawfully used and enjoyed Any thing herein to the contrary notwithstanding Proviso for the company of Vintners of London Provided also That this Act or any thing therein contained shall not extend or be prejudidicial to the Master Wardens and Fréemen and Commonalty of the Mystery of Vintners of the City of London or to any other City or Town Corporate but that they may use and enjoy such Liberties and Priuiledges as heretofore they have lawfully used and enjoyed Any thing herein contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding Provided also And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That this Act or any thing therein contained Proviso for the Borough of St. Albans shall not in any wise extend to debar or hinder the Mayor and Burgesses of the Borough of Saint Albans in the County of Hertford or their Successors from enjoying using and exercising of all such Liberties Powers and Authorities to them heretofore granted by several Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England by Quéen Elizabeth and King James of famous Memories for the Erecting Appointing and Licensing of Thrée several Wine-Taverns within the Borough aforesaid for and towards the maintenance of the Frée-School there but that the same Liberties Powers and Authorities shall be and are hereby established and confirmed and shall remain and continue in and to the said Mayor and Burgesses and their Successors to and for the Charitable use aforesaid and according to the tenour of the Letters Patents aforesaid as though this Act had never béen made Any thing herein contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding Proviso for the Vniversity Letters Provided always That all Letters and other things may be sent or conveyed to or from the two Vniversities in manner as heretofore hath béen used Any thing herein to the contrary notwithstanding CAP. XV. The Manufactures of making Linnen Cloth and Tapistry encouraged The inconvenience by importing foreign materials of Linnen and Tapistry Hangings VVHereas vast quantities of Linnen Cloth and other Manufactures of Hemp and Flax and of Tapistry Hangings are daily Imported into this Kingdom from Foreign parts to the great Detriment and Impoverishment thereof the Moneys and quick-stock of this Kingdome being thereby daily exhausted and diminished and the poor thereof unimployed while the Materials for the making of such Hangings are here more plentiful and better and cheaper then in those places from whence they are Imported And Flax and Hemp might be had here in great abundance and very good if by setting up the Manufactures of such Commodities as are made thereof it would be taken off the hands of such as sow and plant the same Encouragement of English Manufactures For the Encouragement therefore of those Manufactures Be it Enacted and it is hereby Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled
and by the Authority thereof That from and after the first day of October next ensuing It shall and may be lawful for any person or persons whatsoever Native or Foreigner fréely and without paying any Acknowledgement Fee or other Gratuity for the same in any place of England and Wales In the occupation of dressing and ustng of Hemp and Flax. priviledged or unpriviledged Corporate or not Corporate to set up and exercise the Trade Occupation or Mystery of breaking hickling or dressing of Hemp or Flax as also for making and whitening of Thread as also of Spinning Weaving Making Whitening or Bleching of any sort of Cloth whatsoever made of Hemp or Flax only As also the Trade Occupation or Mystery of making of Twine or Nets for Fishery or of Stoving of Cordage As also the Trade Making of tapestry hanginge Foreigners may use those trades and enjoy all priviledges as natura born subjects Oath of Allegeance and Supremacy Occupation or Mystery of making any sort of Tapistry-Hangings Any Law Statute or Vsage to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding And all Foreigners that shall really and bona fide set up and use any of the Trades and Manufactures aforesaid by the space of thrée years in this Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Town of Berwick upon Tweed shall from thenceforth taking the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy before two Iustices of the Peace near unto their dwellings who are hereby authorized to administer the same enjoy all Priviledges whatsoever as the Natural born Subjects of this Kingdom And it is hereby Enacted and Declared That such Foreigners as shall exercise any of the Trades aforesaid by vertue of this Act shall not at any time be lyable to any other or greater Taxes Payments or Impositions then such as are or shall be paid by his Majesties Natural born Subjects unless in case they shall use and exercise Merchandize into and from Foreign parts in which case they shall be lyable to pay such Customs as have usually béen paid by Aliens during the space of Five years next ensuing and no longer CAP. XVI Herring and other Fisheries Regulated And a Repeal of the Act concerning Madder FOr the prevention of abuses in the packing and ordering of Herrings and bringing that Commodity into Credit in Foreign parts beyond the Seas Be it Enacted and it is hereby Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same That from and after the first day of August One thousand six hundred sixty four No white or red Herrings of English catching shall be put to sale in England Wales How herrings shall be packed or in the Town of Berwick upon Tweed but what shall be packed in lawful Barrels or Vessels and which shall be well truly and justly laid and packed And shall be of one time of Taking Salting Saving or Drying and equally well packed in the midst and every part of the Barrel or Vessel and by a sworn Packer And the Barrel or Vessel marked or branded by such sworn Packer with a mark or brand denoting the gage of the Barrel or Vessel and the quantity quality and condition of the Herrings packed therein and the Town or place where they were packed And the Bailiffs of Great Yarmouth for the time being and the Mayor Bailiffs or other Head-Officer for the time being of every Port Haven or Créek out of which any vessels or ships do procéed to fish for Herrings are hereby authorized and required before the first day of July Able packers to be appointed and sworn in the year One thousand six hundred sixty four and before the first day of July in every year after to appoint for their respective Haven Port or Créek a competent number of able and experienced Packers to view and pack all such white or red Herrings of English catching as shall be brought into their Port Haven or Créek and well and truly to mark and brand the Barrels or Vessels into which they shall be packed with such mark or brand as is above directed and to administer to them yearly an Oath which Oath they are hereby authorized and appointed to give to them for the well and true doing thereof according to this Act. Penalty for not appointing and swearing packers And in case the said Bailiffs of Great Yarmouth or the Mayor Bailiffs or other Head-Officer for the time being of any such Port Haven or Créek shall not appoint and swear such Packers before such time in every year as is by this Act required they shall for every default forfeit the sum of One hundred pounds of lawful money of England one moyety to his Majesty his Heirs and Successors and the other moyety to him or them that shall inform or sue for the same in any Court of Record by Bill Plaint or other Action wherein no Essoign Protection or Wager in Law shall be allowed And for the better regulating of the Island and Westmony Fisheries We●y Island and Preservation of the Spawn of fish there Be it Enacted and it is hereby Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That from and after the five and twentieth day of December One thousand six hundred sixty thrée no ship or vessel shall procéed upon a Fishing-Voyage for Island or Westmony out of any Port Haven or Créek in England or Wales or out of the Port of Berwick upon Tweed until the tenth day of March in any year upon the pain of the forfeiture of every such ship or vessel with all her Furniture Tackle and Apparel and of all the fish caught in such ship or vessel And it is hereby further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That no person or persons whatsoever do collect levy or take or cause to be collected levyed or taken in New-found-land any Toll New-found-land or other duty of or for any Cod or Poor John or other fish of English catching under pain of the loss of double the value of what shall be by them levied collected or taken or caused to be collected levied or taken And that no Planter or other person or persons whatsoever do cast or lay any Seme or other Net in or near any Harbour in New-found-land whereby to take the spawn or young Fry of the Poor John or for any other use or uses except for the taking of Bait only upon pain of the loss of all such Semes or Nets and of the fish taken in them or of the value thereof to be recovered in any of his Majejesties Courts in New-found-land or in any Court of Record in England or Wales by Bill Plaint or other Action wherein no Essoign Protection or Wager in Law shall be allowed And it is hereby further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That no Planter or other person or persons whatsoever None may destroy houses or spoil nets c.
by colour of a pretended Act of Parliament of the nine and twentieth day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred fourty and nine procéeded in the compleating and finishing the said Works And the Commissioners appointed by that pretended Act did adjudg the same Dreyned but the same cannot be preserved without a perpetual constant care great charge and Orderly Government which being represented to the Kings most Excellent Majesty that now is He hath béen gratiously pleased to declare more then an ordinary willingness to promote and countenance a Work of so Publick Concernment and many ways advantagious to this his Kingdom To the end therefore that a work of this Nature may receive a Publick Support and Encouragement Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty with the Advice and Assent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same That the said William Earl of Bedford son and heir of the said Francis Earl of Bedford The Earl of Bedford and Adventurers made a Corporation for the Fens and the Adventurers and Participants of the said Earl Francis and Earl William or either of them their Heirs and Assigns in such manner as is herein contained shall be a Body Politick and Corporate in Déed and Name and have Succession for ever by the Name of the Governor Bailiffs and Commonalty of the Company of Conservators of the Great Level of the Fens which Corporation shall consist of one Governor six Bayliffs twenty Conservators and Commonalty and shall have and use a Common Seal to be appointed by themselves and assemble and meet together when where and as oft as they please and appoint a Register Receiver one or more Sergeants at Mace and other Officers and allow them Salaries and remove them and make new at their pleasure And the said William Earl of Bedford is to be the first Governor The Earl of Bedford Governour The Bayliffs Richard Lord Gorges Sir Richard Onslow Knight Sir William Terringham Knight of the Bath Samuel Sandys Thomas Chichely and Samuel Fortrey Esquires the six first Bailiffs Sir Gilbert Gerhard junior Knight William Denton William Crane Edmond Berry-Godfrey Arthur Evelin Samuel Smith Roger Jenings Robert Castle Robert Hampson Joseph Ayloffe Esquires Thomas Lord Culpepper Sir John Hewett Baronet Arthur Onslow Robert Phillips Anthony St. John Esquires Sir Oliver St. John Sir Charles Harbord Knights Francis Hoblyn Samuel Sandys junior Conservators and Robert Terringham Esquires the first Conservators And the said Governor Bayliffs and Conservators to continue until Wednesday in Whitsun-week in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and four and from thenceforth until new Elections by the said Corporation or the major part which shall be then present And shall be capable to sue and be sued and without License of Mortmain to purchase Mannors Lands Tenements and Hereditaments Their power and authority not excéeding two hundred pounds per annum and Goods and Chattels and to dispose thereof in the name and to the use of the said Corporation and the said Governor Bayliffs and Conservators or any five or more of them whereof the said Governor or Bailiffs or any of them to be two shall and may lay Taxes from time to time upon all the said Ninety five thousand Acres only for support maintenance and preservation of the said Great Level and levy the same with penalties for non-payment not exceeding a third part of the Tax and all other things do in order to the support maintenance and preservation of the said Great Level and Works made and to be made And whereas by the said Law of Sewers twelve thousand Acres parcel of the said ninety five thousand Acres was designed and intended to his said late Majesty and were set forth and allotted by bounds in severalty and his said late Majesty was in possession thereof and granted assigned allotted and set out by bounds two thousand Acres parcel of the said twelve thousand Acres by Letters Patents unto Jerome Earl of Portland his Heirs and Assigns Earl of Portlands 2000 Acres of which said two thousand Acres the said Earl of Portland hath sold away about One thousand five hundred Acres in several parcels to several persons their Heirs and Assigns for valuable considerations and the residue thereof being about five hundred Acres hath granted and conveyed unto his Brother Benjamin Weston Esquire and his Heirs upon several Trusts agreed upon betwéen the said Earl of Portland and Benjamin Weston by writing for that purpose Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said two thousand Acres or such other Lands of equal value as shall be set forth in Exchange of the same in case the aforementioned two thousand Acres or any part thereof shall hereafter be adjudged to have béen unduly set out shall be and hereby are vested setled and established in the said several and respective persons to whom the said Earl of Portland hath so conveyed or mentioned to convey the same their Heirs and Assigns respectively to each person his Heirs and Assigns his and their several and respective Share and Shares that was so respectively to each of them conveyed or mentioned to be conveyed by the said Earl of Portland to be held and enjoyed by them and each of them his Heirs and Assigns his and their own Share and Part only in severalty according to the intent of the said Conveyances thereof to them respectively made by the said Earl of Portland upon the same Trusts nevertheless for and concerning the said five hundred Acres granted or mentioned to be granted to the said Benjamin Weston which the said Earl of Portland and Benjamin Weston had declared and agréed upon betwéen them as aforesaid Which said two thousand Acres shall be holden of the Kings Majesty his Heirs and Successors of the Mannor of East Greenwich by Fealty only in Frée and Common Soccage and not otherwise and subject nevertheless with the the residue of the Ninety five thousand Acres in equal proportion to all Taxes and Charges necessary and conducing to the preservation of the said Great Level from Drowning The 83000. Acres setled and vested in the Governor c. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Eighty three thousand Acres remainder of the said Ninety five thousand Acres with the said Ways Passages new Rivers Cutts Dreyns Banks and Forelands over and above the said ten thousand Acres residue of the said twelve thousand Acres which were allotted in severalty and of which his said late Majesty was in possession as aforesaid are hereby vested and setled in the said Governour Bailiffs and Commonalty of the Company of Conservators of the said Great Level of the Fens and their Successors In trust nevertheless for the said William Earl of Bedford and the Adventures and Participants of the said Earl Francis and Earl William or either of them
be lawful for the said Commissioners for the time being or any seven or more of them from time to time and at all times to Assess Taxes or Sums of Money upon the said Ninety five thousand Acres for the raising money for Draining the same again in such proportion as they or any seven or more of them shall think fit together with a penalty for not paying the said Taxes the said penalty not excéeding a third part of such Tax How lands may be sold for non-payment of Taxes or penalties And for default of payment of the said Taxes or Sums of money and penalties Be it Enacted That the Lot and Share of such Participant or Adventurer of and within the said Ninety five thousand Acres as shall be in arrear for the said Tax sum of money or penalty and unpaid by the space of two moneths next after the day appointed for payment by the said Commissioners or any seven or more of them or so much thereof as they shall think fit shall be Sequestred by the said Commissioners or any seven or more of them for or towards the payment of such Tax sum of money or penalty so in arrear restoring the overplus of the money for which such Lot or Share or any part thereof shall be Sequestred if any be Which Sequestration shall be made in writing under the hands and seals of the said Commissioners for the time being or any seven or more of them Provided always and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That in case the said Governor Bayliffs and Corporation constituted by this Act shall neglect or refuse to pay such Tax or Taxes and penalties sum or sums of money as shall from time to time hereafter be taxed and imposed by the said Commissioners before named or to be named by vertue of this Act or any seven or more of them pursuant to the Powers given them by this Act whereupon the Goods and Chattels of any person or persons his or their Tenant or Tenants of and in the said Ninety five thousand acres or any part thereof shall be distrained or sold or his or their Lands Sequestred for the payment thereof or that such person or persons his or their Tenant or Tenants shall thereupon pay the said Tax and Taxes and penalties so assessed and imposed as aforesaid That then the said Governour Bayliffs and Corporation immediately from and after notice to him or them given thereof shall Assess and Tax the whole Ninety five thousand Acres for the satisfaction and payment of the Tax Taxes and penalties sum and sums of money and all damages that such person or persons his or their Tenant or Tenants hath or have paid born or sustained as aforesaid And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if the said Governour Bayliffs and Corporation shall not within six moneths next after demand made by such person or persons his and their Heirs Executors and Administrators whose own or Tenant or Tenants Goods and Chattels shall be distrained or sold or Lands sequestred as aforesaid pay and satisfie unto him or them such sum and sums of money and damages as he or they and his and their respective Tenant or Tenants have respectively paid born and sustained That then and from thenceforth such person and persons his and their Heirs and Assigns shall and may bring his and their Action or Actions of Debt in any of the Kings Majesties Courts at Westminster against the said Governour Bayliffs and Corporation for the recovery thereof and by vertue of this Act shall recover the same and be allowed Costs of Suit expended therein And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Commissioners so constituted or to be hereafter constituted as aforesaid or any seven or more of them for the better execution of the Powers hereby given shall may inform themselves by examining Witnesses upon Oath which hereby they or any seven or more of them shall have power to administer due execution of all every or any the Powers or Authorities hereby given them for the doing Iustice therein accordingly The Commissioners to take an Oath Provided always That the said Commi●●ioners and every of them before he or they take upon him or them the execution of any the Powers or Authorities hereby given them other then the administring the Oath following to one another which they shall have authority by this present Act to administer to one another shall take the Oath following viz. I A. B. shall and will without favour or affection hatred or malice truly and impartially according to the best of my skill and knowledg execute and perform all and every the Powers and Authorities established by this Act of Parliament Which Oath any one of the said Commissioners are hereby authorized to administer And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all Iudgments Orders Decrées Determinations Alterations Changes Restaurations and other Acts done by the said Commissioners hereby constituted or hereafter to be constituted as aforesaid or of any seven or more of them respectively pursuant to the Powers and Authorities by this Act given shall be final And that the first time and place of their Méeting shall be at or before the Two and twentieth day of September in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and thrée at Ely And that afterwards the usual places where the said Commissioners shall sit to Hear Order The Places where the Commissioners shall sit and Determine the Matters to them referred by this Act shall from the 29th of September to the 26th day of March in every year be at the Town of Huntington and from the 25th day of March till the 30th day of September in every year be at Ely unless the said Commissioners hereby constituted or hereafter to be constituted as aforesaid or any seven or more of them shall appoint some other place or places being a Market Town or Towns And the said Commissioners or any seven or more of them shall by Warrant under their hands and seals declare the places and times of their after-méeting which Warrant shall be published in the open Market of such respective places where they last sate betwéen the hours of Twelve Two upon some Market day one moneth at the least before the said time or times of méeting To the end all persons concerned may have sufficient time and notice to make their appearance before them upon any cause of complaint or other occasion And shall have power and authority by Warrant under the hands and seals of any seven or more of them to summon Parties and Witnesses to appear before them Provided That none of the said Commissioners hereby constituted or hereafter to be constituted as aforesaid shall Vote or give his Iudgment or Determination in any matter or thing which concerns the Division and Bounds of the County of or for which he is appointed Commissioner Provided also That no person who
Majesty and the Quéen● Majesty their Heirs Successors and Assigns to continue in the possession usage disposal of the Bank called Dousedale Bank being on the south side of His Majesties Demean Lands Dousedale Bank called Port sand belonging to their Mannor of Crowland being part therof and to have such ancient Passages and Currents as of right have béen used and accustomed for the avoidance of water through the same into the River South Eae as if this Act had never béen made Provided always and be it Enacted by the authority aforesaid How and for what time Archbishops Bishops c. may make leases That it shall and may be lawful to and for every Archbishop Bishop Dean and Chapter and all Colledges and Halls in either Vniversity and all Bodies Politique and Corporate who are or shall be Lords of Mannors or have or shall have right of Soil or Common in the Wastes within this said Level or within such other Towns Parishes and Places into which the Works of the Dreyning aforesaid do or shall extend and who are by this Act impowred to improve set out inclose divide and sever such proportion or proportions as to them shall or may respectively belong or appertain out of the said Commons and Wastes within the said Level to demise by Indenture all and every the said such proportion or proportions as to them shall or may respectively belong or appertain out of the said Commons or Wastes within the said Level which have not by express Words and under any particular Rent béen at any time formerly demised for any Term or Number of Years not excéeding One and twenty Years so as upon every such Demise or Lease be reserved the fourth part of the true Yearly value to be ascertained by the Commissioners aforesaid or any seven of them due and payable Yearly during the said Term to him or them and his and their Successors Provided always and be it Declared by and with the consent of all Parties concerned That neither this Act nor any thing therein contained shall extend or be construed to extend to alter the possession of Thomas Chicheley Esquire of or from Six hundred seventy one acres parcel of the Lot now claimed to belong to the said Trustées of Henry late Earl of Arundel and Surrey and Two hundred thirty one acres Parcel of the Lot now cliamed to belong to the said Sir William Terringham or from any part thereof by him the said Thomas Chicheley now enjoyed under Purchasers by Sales for non-payment of Taxes upon the dispute betwéen the old and new Adventurers But that the said Corporation shall execute Conveyances of the said respective proportion unto the said Thomas Chicheley his Heirs and Assigns Any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Provided always and be it Enacted That all such Right or Rights as any Lord or Lords of any Mannor or Mannors Liberties Hundred or half hundred have heretofore had within their respective Mannor or Mannors Liberties Hundred or half hundred within or without the said Level to Waifes Strayes Felons Goods Priviledges of Arrests Escheats and all other Royalties not prejudicial to the Dreining be hereby saved to them their Heirs Successors and Assigns severally and respectively Any thing in this Act to the contrary thereof notwithstanding Provided always That this Act or any thing therein contained shall not be interpreted to infringe or any way to weaken an Act made the Fourth year of the Reign of King James 4 Jac. cap. 13. Entituled An Act for the Dreining of certain Fenns and Low Grounds within the Isle of Ely subject to hurt by Surrounding containing about Six thousand acres compassed about with certain Banks commonly called and named The Ring of Waltersea and Coldham but the said Act shall stand in full force and vertue Any thing in this present Act to the contrary notwithstanding Provided also That whereas divers Lands in and near adjoyning unto the said Great Level have béen cut through for the better conveying of the Waters from the same and for upholding or repairing the Banks and Workes there without making satisfaction to the respective Owners of the said Lands for the damage they have sustained by such cutting Be it further Enacted That the said Commissioners for the time being or any seven or more of them upon complaint to them made of such damage sustained as aforesaid without recompence for the same shall be and are hereby impowered to award and Decrée such recompence and satisfaction to the party and parties grieved according to their respective damages sustained by such cutting as to the said Commissioners for the time being or any seven or more of them shall be adjudged reasonable the said recompence and satisfaction to be made and given by the said Corporation within six moneths next after such Award or Decrée made and in default thereof the said Commissioners or any seven or more of them shall and may and are hereby impowered to Rate and Tax the said 95. thousand Acres and to Distrain thereupon for the payment of such Rate or Tax and the Distress taken thereupon to sell or dispose as they shall think fit rendring the overplus if any be to the Owners for the payment and satisfaction of such moneys and damages as shall be so Awarded Any thing in this Act to the contrary thereof notwithstanding Provided nevertheless That in case the Iudicature hereby established The Barons of the Exchequer impowred to hear and determine differences between parties shall not within Twelve moneths from the First day of August next hear and determine all the matters by this Act to them referred concerning the said 95000. acres all and every such person and persons whose Complaints shall be then undetermined may make their applications to the Barons of His Majesties Court of Exchequer who are hereby established a Court of Iudicature and sufficiently authorized to hear and determine all such controversies and differences betwéen the said parties in as large and ample manner to all intents and purposes as the Iudicature hereby established might have done and such Iudgment Order or Decrée of the said Court of Exchequer shall be in all things observed and be effectual as if the said Barons had béen made the only Iudicature by this Act. Lessees of the King Provided always and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Lessées of the Kings Majesty his Heirs and Successors of the said Ten thousand Acres or of any part thereof and the Assigns of such Lessées and every or any of them shall be capable to be elected and chosen into the Office or Place Offices or Places of Governor Bayliffs and Conservators aforesaid and to vote in such elections and choice and in all other matters as fully to all intents and purposes as any other Members of the Corporation Owners of any part of the said Ninety five thousand acres may be elected and chosen vote in
Corporation or upon any part thereof by the way of an Acre-Tax Anno XVI Caroli II. Regis CAP. I. Parliaments shall be held once in Three years at the least And an Act for the preventing of Inconveniences happening by the long Intermission of Parliaments Repealed WHereas the Act made in the Parliament begun at Westminster the Third day of November in the Sixtéenth year of the Reign of our late Soveraign Lord King Charles of blessed memory Entituled 16 Car. 1. cap. 1. An Act for the preventing of Inconveniences happening by the long Intermission of Parliaments is in derogation of his Majesties just Rights and Prerogative inherent to the Imperial Crown of this Realm for the Calling and Assembling of Parliaments And may be an occasion of manifold mischiefs and inconveniencies and much endanger the Peace and Safety of his Majesty and all his Liege People of this Realm Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same That the said Act entituled A Repeal of the said Act. An Act for the preventing of Inconveniences happening by the long Intermission of Parliaments And all and every the Articles Clauses and Things therein contained is shall be and are hereby wholly Repealed Annulled and utterly made Void And are hereby declared to be Null and Void to all intents and purposes whatsoever as if the said Act had never béen had or made Any thing in the said Act contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding And because by the Ancient Laws and Statutes of this Realm 4 E. 3. cap. 14. 36 E. 3. cap. 10. made in the Reign of King Edward the Third Parliaments are to be held very often Your Majesties humble and Loyal Subjects the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled most humbly do beséech Your most Excellent Majesty That it may be Declared and Enacted And be it Declared and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That hereafter the sitting and holding of Parliaments shall not be intermitted or discontinued above Thrée years at the most but that within Thrée years from and after the determination of this present Parliament and so from time to time within Thrée years after the determination of any other Parliament or Parliaments or if there be occasion more oftner Your Majesty Your Heirs and Successors do issue out Your Writs for calling assembling and holding of another Parliament to the end there may be a frequent calling assembling and holding of Parliaments once in Thrée years at the least CAP. II. An Act for preventing of Abatements of Writs of Error upon Judgments in the Exchequer WHereas by a Statute made in the One and thirtieth year of the Reign of the late Quéen Elizabeth It is Enacted That the not coming of the Lord Chancellor 31 El. cap. 1. and Lord Treasurer or either of them at the day of Adjournment in any Suit of Error depending 31 E 3. cap. 12. by vertue of the Statute of the One and thirtieth year of the Reign of King Edward the Third therein mentioned concerning Error made in the Exchequer shall not be any Discontinuance of any such Writ of Error But if both the Chief Iustices of either Bench or any one of the said great Officers the Lord Chancellor or Lord Treasurer shall come to the Exchequer-Chamber and there be present at the day of Adjournment in such Suit of Error It shall be no Discontinuance but the Suit shall procéed in Law to all intents and purposes as if both the Lord Chancellor and Lord Treasurer had come and béen present at the day and place of Adjournment Which Statute doth not provide a Remedy in case the said Lord Chancellor and Lord Treasurer or either of them shall not be present at the Days and Times of the Returns of such Writs of Error although it be within the same mischief Iustice being delayed And the parties in such Cases being put to begin new Suits to their great Charges and prejudice by reason of the absence and not coming of the said great Officers Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in Parliament Assembled and by Authority of the same The not com●ing of the Lord Chancellor or Lord Treasurer That the not coming of the Lord Chancellor and Lord Treasurer or either of them at the day of Return of any Writ of Errour to be sued forth by vertue of the said Statute made in the said One and thirtieth year of the Reign of the said King Edward the Third shall not cause any Abatement or Discontinuance of any such Writ of Error But if both the Chief Iustices of either Bench or either of them or any one of the said great Officers the Lord Chancellor or Lord Treasurer shall come to the Exchequer-Chamber and there be present at the day of Return of any such Writ of Error it shall be no Abatement or Discontinuance But the Suit shall procéed in Law to all intents and purposes as if both the Lord Chancellor and Lord Treasurer had come and béen present at the day and place of Return of such Writ Provided always That no Iudgment shall be given in any such Suit or Writ of Error unless both the Lord Chancellor and the Lord Treasurer shall be present thereat CAP. III. For Collecting the Duty arising by Hearth-Money by Officers to be appointed by His Majesty 14 Car. 2. cap. 10. WHereas by an Act made in the Parliament begun at Westminster the Eighth day of May in the Thirtéenth year of his Majesties Reign that now is Entituled An Act for Establishing an Additional Revenue upon His Majesty his Heirs and Successors for the better Support of His and their Crown and Dignity And by another Act made in the second Session of the said Parliament 15 Car. 2. cap. 14. in the Fiftéenth year of the Reign of his said Majesty Entituled An Additional Act for the better Ordering and Collecting the Revenue arising by Hearth-money It was Enacted and Ordained That from and after the Five and twentieth day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and two every Dwelling and other House and Edifice and all Lodgings in Inns of Court Inns of Chancery Colledges and other Societies that are or hereafter shall be erected within the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Town of Berwick upon Tweed other then such as are therein excepted shall be and are charged with the Annual payment to the Kings Majesty his Heirs and Successors for every Fire-Hearth and Stove within every such House Edifice Chambers and Lodgings the sum of Two shillings by the year to be paid yearly at the Feasts of Saint Michael the Arch-Angel and of the
Annuntiation of the blessed Virgin Mary by even and equal portions an exact and just Account of the numbers of all which Fire-Hearths and Stoves is thereby Enacted to be taken and returned into his Majesties Court of Exchequer And the Moneys and Revenues due and payable for the same to be collected levied and paid to his Majesty by such persons and Officers in manner and form as by the said Acts is prescribed Nevertheless by reason of some defects in the said Act and great negligence of the said Officers and other persons in not returning the exact numbers of the said Fire-Hearths and Stoves and not duly Collecting Levying and paying into his Masties Exchequer the full Revenue due for the numbers returned at the times appointed and by sundry fraudulent practises to elude the said Acts the said Revenue is much diminished and not duly answered For remedy thereof and for the better ascertaining and collecting the said Revenue for the future Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by Authority of the same That it shall and may be lawful to and for the Kings Majesty his Heirs and Successors from and after the Four and twentieth day of June One thousand six hundred sixty four from time to time by and with the Advice of the Lord High Treasurer Chancellour Vnder-Treasurer and Barons of the Court of Exchequer for the time being or any thrée of them whereof the Lord High Treasurer or Chancellor of the Exchequer to be one to constitute and appoint such person or persons as his Majesty his Heirs and Successors shall think méet to be the Officer or Officers for the receiving and collecting and answering the duty arising by the said Fire-Hearths and Stoves by vertue of the said several Acts and for viewing and numbring of the several Chimney-hearths and Stoves mentioned in the said Acts and for the inspecting and examining the several Rolls Certificates and Returns thereof made and to be made from time to time into his Majesties Court of Exchequer in pursuance of the said Acts or any other thing belonging to the same which Officers or any of them shall have full power to examine and supervise the Rolls and Numbers of Fire-hearths and Stoves already returned into the said Court of Exchequer And being accompanied with the Constable or the Tithing-man Treasurer Vnder-Treasurer or other publick or proper Officer of the place who are hereby required to attend and assist upon this occasion and in all Parishes and places where there are no Constables Tithingmen or other publick Officer as aforesaid there without any such Assistance to enter in the day time into any dwelling or other House Edifice Lodgings and Chambers aforesaid And to search and examine whether there be any more Fire-hearths and Stoves in the same then were formerly returned or certified and what Fire-hearths or Stoves are increased or decreased since the former Certificate After which search and examination the said Officer with a Constable or Tythingman or Officers as aforesaid shall have liberty to make the like search and examination once every year And if they shall find any variance in the number returned both the Officer or Officers appointed by his Majesty and the Constable or Tythingman or other Officer as aforesaid to certifie the same under his and their hands to the Clerk of the Peace which Certificate they are hereby enjoyned to make And after approbation thereof by the Iustices of the Peace at their Sessions the same to be certified to his Majesties Remembrancer in the Exchequer and the Officer or Officers so appointed by his Majesty unto the same shall from and after the said Four and twentieth day of June One thousand six hundred sixty four have power to collect and levy the Revenue and Duties so given to his Majesty as aforesaid and all arrears of the same And be it further Enacted That the said Duty shall from time to time be paid after the Feast days of Saint Michael the Arch-Angel and the Annuntiation of the Virgin Mary yearly unto such Officer as shall be appointed by vertue of this present Act to receive the same upon demand thereof made by such Officer or his Deputy at the House Chamber or place where the same Duty shall arise or grow due And that in case of refusal or default of such payment thereof by the space of one hour after such demand the said Officer or his Deputy may at any time with the assistance of a Constable Tythingman or other Officer as aforesaid in the day time levy the said Duty and all the Arrearages thereof by distress and sale of the goods of the party or parties so refusing or making default restoring to the party or parties the over-plus of the value of such goods over and above the Duty and Arrearages thereof then behind and over and above the necessary charges of taking such Distress which Charges shall in no case excéed the one moyety of the Duty and Arrearages thereof so levied Provided always and be it Enacted That no Owners Proprietors or Occupiers of the said Fire-hearths or Stoves shall be charged distrained or molested for the said Duty or any Arrearages thereof at any time after the space of two years next after the Duty hereafter shall become due to his Majesty his Heirs or Successors Nor for any arrearages of the said Duty already incurred after the space of two years from the Four and twentieth day of June One thousand six hundred sixty and four And in case of violent opposition or injury done by any person or persons to any such Officer or his Deputy in the due execution of this Act and the same proved by Oath before any one Iustice of the Peace or Chief Magistrate or Magistrates of the City Town or place dwelling near unto the place who are hereby authorized to administer the said Oath It shall and may be lawful to and for such Iustice of the Peaee Magistrate or Magistrates to punish such offender or offenders if he shall find cause by Imprisonment in the common Goal for any time not excéeding the space of one moneth And from and after the said Four and twentieth day of June One thousand six hundred sixty four all Officers formerly appointed to collect the said Duty shall be discharged from the future collecting and levying the same otherwise then as they are directed by this Act And the said Officer and Officers so appointed by his Majesty to collect this Duty shall pay the same into his Majesties Exchequer to the ends in the said former Acts mentioned Provided That no person or persons shall be employed as aforesaid unless he and they shall first give in sufficient Security to his Majesty his Heirs and Successors for the due collecting levying and paying in of the said Revenue or such part thereof as shall be committed to their respective
Trusts and shall likewise take a Corporal Oath before one or more of the Barons of the Exchequer or before such persons as shall be authorised to take such Security and Oath by Commission from the said Court of Exchequer for the due and faithful execution thereof according to the Laws Enacted to that purpose And that they shall not exact or demand any Fée or sum of money for execution thereof from any Subject but onely from the Kings Majesty under pain of being disabled to execute the said Office or Imployment And upon legal Conviction of any such Crime to render treble damage to the party grieved And shall sign and deliver Acquittances for moneys by them received without any Fée or Reward whatsoever And every such Acquittance shall be a final Discharge as in the said first Act is provided And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any person occupying any Hearth or Stove chargeable to his Majesty shall leave or relinquish any House Edifice Lodging or Chamber before any of the half-yearly Feasts whereon the same is appointed to be paid to his Majesty his Heirs and Successors In every such case the next Occupier thereof shall be chargeable with the same for the said half year And if any person shall fraudulently stop up deface cover or conceal any Chimney-Hearth or Stove chargeable by the said Act and the same be proved either by confession of the party or upon Oath before one Iustice of Peace or chief Magistrate or by their view he shall for such offence pay double the value of the Duty for the same to be levied as aforesaid And be it likewise Enacted That if any person within one year last past hath or hereafter shall let the Lands Gardens Orchards or Out-houses formerly belonging to any Dwelling-house or Cottage apart from the same or shall divide any house into several dwellings or let out the same to any such persons who by reason of their poverty may pretend to be exempted from payment of the said Duty by any Clause or Clauses in the former Acts That in every such case such person shall pay the said Duty in as ample manner as they ought to have done before that time And that no person or persons inhabiting any Dwelling-house not being an Alms-house exempted by the former Act within any City Burrough Corporation Market-Town or Parish which hath or shall have in it more than two Chimneys Fire-hearths or Stoves shall be exempted from payment of the Duties thereon imposed by colour of any exemption or pretext whatsoever And if any question or difference shall arise about the taking any Distress or levying any money by vertue of this Act the same shall be heard and finally determined by one or more of the Iustices of the Peace near adjoyning or chief Magistrate of the place respectively upon complaint in that behalf And be it further Enacted That every Collector who shall be authorised and appointed by vertue of this Act to receive any of the said Duties shall truly answer and pay all such moneys as he shall receive for the said Duties into his Majesties Receipt of Exchequer half-yearly within Thrée moneths after the Feast of Saint Michael the Arch-Angel or the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary happening next after the time the same moneys grew due to his Majesty by vertue of the said Acts and under the penalty of the loss of his Office And the Iustices of Peace and chief Magistrates Constables and other his Majesties Officers within their several Limits and Iurisdictions are hereby authorised and required to give assistance from time to time to such Officers as shall be appointed by his Majesty his Heirs and Successors for the collecting of the said Duty according to the true meaning of the said former Acts and this present Act. Provided That no person or persons shall be questioned for any arrears due on or before our Lady day One thousand six hundred sixty four who shall produce to the Collector a Certificate approved or to be approved of by the two next Iustices of Peace for their exemption from the said Duty for that time according to the Rules prescribed in the said first recited Act nor any person who hath truly paid the said Duty and shall if it be required make proof thereof before any one Iustice of Peace or other chief Magistrate of the place Any thing therein contained or any Return made into his Majesties Exchequer to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Provided also and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and every such Officer or Officers as shall be at any time appointed by his Majesty his Heirs and Successors for the collecting gathering and receiving of the several sums of money now or hereafter to grow due unto his Majesty his Heirs and Successors for or in respect of the said Duty arising upon the Fire-hearths and Stoves shall satisfie and pay unto the respective Petty-Constables and Clerks of the Peace of this Kingdom all such allowances as are by any former Act or Acts given and allowed unto them as well for their pains and labour heretofore as hereafter to be taken by them as in and by the former Acts concerning Fire-hearths and Stoves are limited and appointed Any thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding CAP. IV. Seditious Conventicles suppressed WHereas an Act made in the Five and thirtieth year of the Reign of our late Soveraign Lady Quéen Elizabeth entituled An Act to retain the Queens Majesties Subjects in their due Obedience 35 El. cap. 1. declared to be in force hath not béen put in due Execution by reason of some doubt of late made whether the said Act be still in force although it be very clear and evident And it is hereby Declared That the said Act is still in force and ought to be put in due execution For providing therefore of further and more spéedy remedies against the growing and dangerous practises of Seditious Sectaries Further remedy against Seditious Sectaries and other disloyal persons who under pretence of Tender Consciences do at their Méetings contrive Insurrections as late Experience hath shewed Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That if any person of the age of Sixtéen years or upwards being a Subject of this Realm at any time after the first day of July which shall be in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and four shall be present at any Assembly Conventicle or Méeting Vnlawful Conventicles and Meetings under pretence of exercise of Religion forbidden under colour or pretence of any exercise of Religion in other manner then is allowed by the Liturgy or practice of the Church of England in any place within the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Town of Berwick
executed in such manner as Iudgement of Transportation by this Act is to be executed But in case such person shall take the said Oath then he shall thereupon be discharged Peers offending how to be proceeded against Provided always and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any Péer of this Realm shall offend against this Act he shall pay Ten pounds for the first offence and Twenty pounds for the second offence to be levied upon his Goods and Chattels by Warrant from any two Iustices of the Peace or Chief Magistrate of the Place or Division where such Peer shall dwell and that every Péer for the third and every further offence against the tenour of this Act shall be tried by his Péers and not otherwise The continuance of this Act. Provided also and be further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That this Act shall continue in force for Thrée years after the end of this present Session of Parliament and from thenceforward to the end of the next Session of Parliament after the said Thrée years and no longer CAP. V. Against Disturbances of Sea-men and others and to preserve the Stores belonging to His Majesties Navy Royal. WHereas divers fightings quarrellings and disturbances do often happen in and about His Majesties Offices Yards and Stores for His Majesties Royal Navy and frequent differences and disorders are occasioned in the Office of His Majesties Treasury of the Navy on Pay-days in London Portsmouth and other places of méeting for the service of the said Navy and that either by the unreasonable turbulency of Sea-men and others attending on or relating to that Service or their Creditors or by the rudeness of the Officers intrusted with His Majesties Stores on Land or in his Royal Ships when they are questioned by the principal Officers and Commissioners of the said Navy either for neglect or imbezelment of His Majesties Provisions Ammunitions or other Equipage of the Navy under their charge And that not only to the disturbance of the Peace but sometimes to the danger and hindrance of His Majesties Service both in point of Husbanding His Majesties Revenue and also in dispatch of the Ships on which the honour and safety of His Majesty and Kingdom so much depends which Inconveniences require a spéedier Remedy then the ordinary attendance on the Sessions of the Peace can give the parties accused or offending being many times bound to Sea And the principal Officers and Commissioners for want of authority to suppress such Insolencies and determine such Cases being necessitated to pass by many offences in which His Majesty might be righted if their necessary attendance on that Important Service would permit the prosecution of the Offenders before other ordinary Iudicatures Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in Parliament assembled and by Authority of the same That the Treasurer Comptroller Surveyour Clerk of the Acts and the Commissioners of the Navy for the time being Who may punish disturbances by Sea-men and others relating to the Navy Office or any two or more of them have power and Authority to examine and punish all such person and persons whom they upon their enquiry examination or on view in their presence shall find hereafter to make or have made any disturbance fighting or quarrelling in the Yards Stores or Offices aforesaid at Pay-days or on other occasions relating to the Naval Services in such manner as followeth that is to say That they or any two or more of them may punish any the said offences by Fine Imprisonment or either of them the Fine not excéeding twenty shillings and the Imprisonment not excéeding one wéek and have power in such cases to commit such persons to the next Gaol or to the custody of the Messenger or Messengers for the time being attendant on them who respectively are to receive and detain such person so offending And that the said principal Officers Commissioners or the greater number of them then present have power to discharge such Fine or Imprisonment if they so think fit And for non-payment of the Fine so Imposed and not remitted to imprison the party offending until payment thereof which said Fines shall be paid to the Clerk of the Chest for the use of the maimed Sea-men and that the examination of witnesses be upon oath before them which they any two or more of them are accordingly impowred to administer And it is further by the Authority aforesaid Enacted That the said Officers and Commissioners or any two or more of them in Cases where greater example or punishment is néedful may also bind the person and persons offending to their good behaviour with or without Securities as occasion shall be Imbezilling of Stores and Ammunition And whereas divers of His Majesties Stores and Ammunition pertaining to his Navy and Shipping or service thereof are Imbezelled and Filched away It is by like Authority Enacted That the said principal Officers and Commissioners or any two or more of them by warrant under their hands and seals have power in like manner to enquire and search for the same in all places as Iustices of the Peace may do in case of Felony and punish the Offenders by such Fine and Imprisonment as aforesaid and cause the Goods to be brought in again And if th● offence be of such nature as doth require a higher and severer punishment Then that they or any two or more of them may commit such offenders to the next Gaol or to the custody of their Messenger or Messengers aforesaid till he or they so offending enter into Recognizance with Surety or Sureties according to the nature of the offence to appear and answer to the same in his Majesties Court of Exchequer or other Court where his Majesty shall question him or them for the same within one year following on process duly served for that purpose on such offender or offenders And it is Declared and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That they the said principal Officers and Commissioners or any two or more of them may put in use the said powers on the Offenders as aforesaid in all places where they hold an Office for his Majesty as well within Liberties as without Any Law Statute Ordinance Charter or Priviledge to the contrary notwithstanding This Act to continue for two years from the First day of June The continuance of this Act. 19 Car. 2. cap. 7. One thousand six hundred sixty and four And from thence to the end of the next Session of Parliament CAP. VI. To prevent the delivering up of Merchants Ships WHereas it often happeneth that Masters and Commanders of Merchants Ships do suffer their Ships to be boarded and the goods to be taken out by Pyrats and Sea-Rovers notwithstanding they have sufficient force to defend themselves whereby not only the Merchants are much prejudiced but the honour of the English Navigation
is thereby much diminished and Merchants discouraged from lading their goods on board English Ships to the decay of Shipping In the preservation whereof the wealth honour and safety of this Nation is so much concerned To which the said Masters are encouraged by a practice used towards them by the Turks and others who after they have taken out the goods as an encouragement to Masters of Ships to yield do not only restore the Ship with such goods as are claimed by the Masters or Sea-men but many times pay unto the Masters all or some part of the Freight which hath many times caused suspition of treachery in the said Masters to the great dishonour of the English Nation For the prevention thereof for the future and for the better encouragement to Merchants as well Foreigners as English to Freight and use English Ships Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons Assembled in Parliament and by Authority of the same English Ships not to be yielded up to Turks or Pyrats That where any Goods or Merchandizes shall be laden on board any English Ship which Ship shall be of the burthen of Two hundred Tuns or upwards and mounted with sixtéen Guns or more if the Master or Commander shall yield up the said Goods to any Turkish Ships or Vessels or to any Pyrats or Sea-Rovers whatsoever without fighting That then and in such case the Master shall upon proof thereof made in the high Court of Admiralty be from thenceforth incapable of taking charge of any English Ship or Vessel as Master or Commander thereof The Penalty And if he shall at any time thereafter presume to take upon him to Command any English Ship or Vessel he shall suffer Imprisonment by warrant from the said Court during the space of six moneths for every offence And in case the persons so taking the said Goods shall release give back or let pass the Ship or shall pay unto the said Master any sum or sums of money or any goods in lieu of money for freight or other reward or gift That in all or any such cases the said goods or money so given or the value thereof as also the Masters part of such Ship her Tackle Apparel and Furniture so released given back or let pass out of which the said goods were taken shall be lyable to repair the persons whose Goods were so delivered or taken by Action in the High Court of Admiralty And in case the Commanders or Masters part of the Ship Tackle Apparel and Furniture together with such money and goods given as aforesaid shall not be sufficient to repair all the damages sustained then the Reparations to be recovered on the Masters or Commanders part of the Ship to be divided pro Rata amongst the persons prosecuting and proving their damages and the persons damaged to have their Action against the Master for the remainder And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Masters of Ships That no Master of any such English Ship as aforesaid being at Sea and having discovered any Ship to be a Turkish Ship Pyrat or Sea-Rover shall depart out of his Ship upon any pretence whatsoever lest by his detention on board any such Ship the safety of his own Ship be hazarded And be it further Enacted That if the Master of any English Ship or Vessel though not of the Burthen of Two hundred Tuns or mounted with Sixtéen Guns as aforesaid shall yield his said Ship unto any Turkish Ship Pyrat or Sea-Rover not having at the least double his number of Guns without fighting Every such Master shall be liable to all and every the penalties in this Act contained And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Process out of the Court of Admiralty That upon Process made out of the High Court of Admiralty It shall and may be lawful to and for all Commanders of his Majesties Ships of War or the Commanders of any other English Ships to seize such Ships or Masters so offending according to the said Process in such case to be issued and the same to bring or send in custody into any Ports of His Majesties Dominions there to be procéeded against according to the intent and meaning of this Act. Provided that none be hereby encouraged to violate the Rights o● the Ports of any Foreign Prince or State in amity with the Kings Majesty Mariners or inferiour officers declining to fight And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if the Mariners or inferiour Officers of any English Ship laden with Goods and Merchandizes as aforesaid shall decline or refuse to fight and defend the Ship when they shall be thereunto commanded by the Master or Commander thereof or shall utter any words to discourage the other Mariners from defending the Ship The Penalty That every Mariner who shall be found guilty of declining or refusing as aforesaid shall lose all his wages due to him together with such goods as he hath in the Ship and suffer Imprisonment not excéeding the space of Six moneths and shall during such time be kept to hard labour for his or their maintenance Provided always That if any Ship shall have béen yielded as aforesaid contrary to the will and endeavour of the Master or Commander by the disobedience of his Mariners testified by their having laid violent hands on him That in such case the Master or Commander shall not be liable to the sentence of Incapacity as aforesaid nor to any Action for the losses sustained by the Merchants unless he shall have received back from the takers thereof his Ship or some recompense gift or reward as aforesaid And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every Mariner who shall have laid violent hands on his Commander whereby to hinder him from fighting in defence of his Ship and Goods committed to his trust shall suffer death as a Felon And for the better encouragement to Captains Masters Officers and Sea men to defend their Ships Encouragement to Captains and S●amen to defend their Ships Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That when any English Ship shall have béen defended by fight and brought to her designed Port in which fight any of the Officers or Sea men shall have béen wounded it shall and may be lawful to and for the Iudge of His Majesties High Court of Admiralty or his Surrogate or the Iudge of the Vice-Admiralty within which the Ship shall arrive at her return upon Petition of the Master or Seamen of such Ship so defended as aforesaid to call unto him such and so many as he shall be informed to be Adventurers or Owners of the Ship and Goods so defended and by advice with them to raise and levy upon the respective Owners and Adventurers by Process out of the said Court such sum or sums of money as himself with the
Major part of the Adventurers or Owners then present shall judge reasonable not excéeding the value of Two per cent of the Ship and Goods so defended according to the first cost of the Goods to be made appear by the Envoyce which the Owner or his Factor or Correspondent is hereby required to produce or by the Oath of the said Owner Factor or Correspondent if thereunto required which money so raised shall be paid unto the Register of the said Court who shall receive for the same Thrée pence in each pound and no more thence to be distributed amongst the Captain Master Officers and Seamen of the said Ship or Widows and Children of the slain according to the direction of the Iudge of the said Court with the approbation of Thrée or more of the Owners or Adventurers aforesaid who shall proportion the same according to their best Iudgements unto the Ships Company as aforesaid having especial regard unto the Widows and Children of such as shall have béen slain in that Service and to such as shall have béen wounded or maimed And in case the Company belonging to any English Merchant-ship shall happen to take any ship Ships which 〈◊〉 o● taken 〈◊〉 English which ship shall first have assaulted them the respective Officers and Mariners belonging to the same shall after Condemnation of such ship and Goods have and receive to their own proper use and benefit such part and share thereof as is usually practised in Private men of War ●mary And whereas it often happeneth that Masters and Mariners of ships having ensured or taken upon Botomary greater sums of money then the value of their Adventure do wilfully cast away burn or otherwise destroy the ships under their charge to Merchants and Owners great loss For the prevention thereof for the future Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any Captain Master Mariner or other Officer belonging to any ship shall wilfully cast away burn or otherwise destroy the ship unto which he belongeth or procure the same to be done he shall suffer death as a Felon The continuance of this Act. Provided that this Act shall continue for Thrée years and from thence to the end of the next Session of Parliament and no longer CAP. VII Deceitful disorderly and excessive Gaming prevented The inconvenience of immoderate and unlawful use of gaming WHereas all Lawful Games and Exercises should not be otherwise used then as Innocent and Moderate Recreations and not as constant Trades or Callings to gain a Living or make unlawful Advantage thereby And whereas by the immoderate use of them many mischiefs and inconveniences do arise and are daily found to the maintaining and encouraging of sundry idle loose and disorderly persons in their dishonest lewd and dissolute course of life And to the circumventing deceiving cousening and debauching of many of the younger sort both of the Nobility and Gentry and others to the loss of their pretious time and the utter ruine of their Estates and Fortunes and withdrawing them from Noble and Laudable Imployments and Exercises Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same That if any person or persons of any Degrée or Quality whatsoever at any time or times after the Nine and twentieth day of September which shall be in the year of our Lord God One thousand six hundred sixty and four do or shall by any fraud shift cousenage circumvention deceit or unlawful device or ill practice whatsoever Deceits and Cosenages in Gaming in playing at or with Cards Dice Tables Tennis Bowls Kittles Shovelboard or in or by Cock-fightings Horse-races Dog-matches or Foot-races or other Pastimes Game or Games whatsoever or in or by bearing a share or part in the Stakes Wagers or Adventures or in or by betting on the Sides or Hands of such as do or shall Play Act Ride or Run as aforesaid win obtain or acquire to him or themselves or to any other or others any sum or sums of money or other valuable thing or things whatsoever The penalty That then every person and persons so offending as aforesaid shall ipso facto forfeit and lose treble the sum or value of money or other thing or things so won gained obtained or acquired The one moyety thereof to our Soveraign Lord the King his Heirs and Successors and the other moyety thereof unto the person or persons grieved or who shall lose the money or other thing or things so gained so as every such loser and person grieved in that behalf do or shall prosecute and sue for the same within six Kalender Moneths next after such Play And in default of such prosecution the same other moyety to such person or persons as shall or will prosecute or sue for the same within one year next after the said six moneths expired And that the said Forfeitures shall or may be sued for or recovered by Action of Debt How to be sued for and recovered Bill Plaint or Information in any of his Majesties Courts at Westminster wherein no Essoign Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed And that all and every such Plaintiff or Plaintiffs Informer or Informers shall in every such Suit and Prosecution have and recover his and their treble Costs against the person offending and forfeiting as aforesaid Any Law Statute Custom or Vsage to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding And for the better avoiding and preventing of all excessive and immoderate Playing and Gaming for the time to come Be it further Ordained and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Prevention of excessive and immoderate gaming That if any person or persons shall at any time or times after the Nine and twentieth day of September aforesaid play at any of the said Games or any other Pastime Game or Games whatsoever other then with and for ready money or shall Bett on the Sides or hands of such as do or shall play thereat and shall lose any sum or sums of money or other thing or things so plaid for excéeding the sum of One hundred pounds at any one time or méeting upon Ticket or Credit or otherwise and shall not pay down the same at the time when he or they shall so lose the same The party and parties who loseth or shall lose the said moneys or other thing or things so played or to be played for above the said sum of One hundred pounds shall not in that case be bound or compellable to pay or make good the same but the Contract and Contracts for the same and for every part thereof and all and singular Iudgments Statutes Recognizances Mortgages Conveyances Assurances Bonds Bills Specialties Promises Covenants Agréements and other Acts Déeds and Securities whatsoever which shall be obtained made given acknowledged or entred into for security or satisfaction of
or for the same or any part thereof shall be utterly void and of none effect And that the person or persons so winning the said moneys or other things The Penalty shall forfeit and lose treble the value of all such sum and sums of money or other thing and things which he shall so win gain obtain or acquire above the said sum of One hundred pounds the one moyety thereof to our said Soveraign Lord the King his Heirs and Successors and the other moyety thereof to such person or persons as shall prosecute or sue for the same within one year next after the time of such offence committed And to be sued for by Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information in any of his Majesties Courts of Record at Westminster wherein no Essoign Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed And that every such Plaintiff or Plaintiffs Informer or Informers shall in every such suit and prosecution have and receive his treble Costs against the person and persons offending and forfeiting as aforesaid Any Law Custom or Vsage to the contrary notwithstanding CAP. VIII A former Act for Regulating the Press Continued BE it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled That an Act made in the Fourtéenth year of the Reign of Our Soveraign Lord the King that now is entituled An Act for preventing the frequent abuses in Printing Seditious Treasonable 14 Car. 2 cap. 3. and unlicensed Books and Pamphlets and for Regulating of Printing and Printing-Presses shall be continued and remain in force until the end of the next Session of Parliament 16 17 Car. 2. cap. 7. Anno XVI XVII Caroli II. Regis CAP. I. A Royal Aid unto the Kings Majesty of Twenty four hundred threescore and seventeen thousand and five hundred pounds to be Raised Levied and Paid in the space of Three years WE Your Majesties most Dutiful and Loyal Subjects the Commons Assembled in Parliament taking into consideration the great and apparent Dangers which now threaten this Kingdom and that for prevention thereof Your Majesty hath found Your Self obliged to Equip and Set out to Sea a Royal Navy for the preservation of Your Majesties ancient and undoubted Soveraignty and Dominion in the Seas and the Trade of Your Majesties Subjects And having duly weighed and considered the several ways and means by which Your Majesty hath béen enforced to make these Preparations at so vast an Expence And acknowledging with all humility and thankfulness Your Majesties abundant Care for our preservation and being déeply sensible of that extraordinary Charge and Expence with which Your Majesties present Engagement ought to be supported and of those inconveniences which must néeds befall the Nation if we should be wanting to our selves in this so weighty and important occasion Have chéerfully and unanimously given and granted and do hereby give and grant unto Your most Excellent Majesty the Sum of Twenty four hundred thréescore and seventéen thousand and five hundred pounds to be raised and levied in manner following And do humbly beséech Your Majesty That it may be Enacted And be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and of the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by Authority of the same That for the Righting of Your Majesty and Your Majesties Subjects against the Dutch the Sum of Twenty four hundred thréescore and seventéen thousand and five hundred pounds shall be raised levied and paid unto Your Majesty within the space of thrée years in manner following that is to say the sum of Thréescore and eight thousand eight hundred and ninetéen pounds and nine shillings by the Moneth for thirty six Moneths beginning from the Five and twentieth day of December One thousand six hundred sixty four shall be assessed taxed collected levied and paid by twelve quarterly payments in the several Counties Cities Burroughs Towns and places within England and Wales and the Town of Berwick upon Tweed according to the several rules and proportions and in such manner as is hereafter expressed That is to say For every Moneth of the said Thirty six Moneths For the County of Bedford the sum of Eight hundred ninety six pounds seventéen shillings and nine pence The County of Berks the sum of One thousand One hundred thirty two pounds six shillings and seven pence The County of Bucks the sum of One thousand thrée hundred and fiftéen pounds six shillings and five pence The County of Cambridge the sum of One thousand and twenty pounds The Isle of Ely the sum of Thrée hundred forty nine pounds seventéen shillings and eleven pence The County of Chester with the City and County of the City of Chester the sum of Eight hundred and one pounds five shillings and six pence The County of Cornwall the sum of One thousand five hundred and forty pounds eightéen shillings and thrée pence The County of Cumberland the sum of One hundred sixty eight pounds six shillings and a peny The County of Derby the sum of Eight hundred sixty two pounds eight shillings and four pence The County of Devon the sum of Thrée thousand two hundred twenty nine pounds ninetéen shillings and two pence The City and County of the City of Exon the sum of One hundred and sixtéen pounds seven shillings and four pence The County of Dorset the sum of One thousand thrée hundred forty four pounds ten shillings and five pence The Town and County of Pool the sum of Ten pounds ninetéen shillings and eight pence The County of Durham the sum of Thrée hundred twenty thrée pounds sixtéen shillings and nine pence The County of York with the City and County of the City of York and Town and County of Kingstone upon Hull the sum of One thousand four hundred sixty nine pounds five shillings and two pence The County of Essex the sum of Thrée thousand ninety eight pounds eight shillings and ten pence The County of Gloucester the sum of One thousand eight hundred and eight pounds ten shillings and thrée pence The City and County of the City of Gloucester the sum of Thirty nine pounds eight shillings The County of Hereford the sum of One thousand one hundred thirty one pounds thirtéen shillings and four pence The County of Hertford the sum of One thousand thrée hundred forty five pounds sixtéen shillings and thrée pence The County of Huntington the sum of Six hundred thirty thrée pounds fourtéen shillings and two pence The County of Kent with the City and County of the City of Canterbury the sum of Thrée thousand thrée hundred twenty six pounds eightéen shillings and eight pence The County of Lancaster the sum of One thousand and six pounds thirtéen shillings and six pence The County of Leicester the sum of One thousand eighty four pounds fourtéen shillings and thrée pence The
to such Hundred Division Constablewick Parish or place respectively and to every person charged within the said Sub-collectors or Head-collectors charge against His Majesty His Heirs and Successors for the sum or sums of money so acquitted Lands and houses that lie unoccupied Provided alwayes and be it further Enacted That in case any Lands or Houses in any Parish Place or Constablewick shall lie unoccupied and no distresses can be found on the same by reason whereof the said Parish Place or Constablewick are forced to pay and make good the Tax assessed upon such Lands lying unoccupied That then it shall and may be lawful at any time after for the Collectors Constable or Tythingman of the said Parish Place or Constablewick for the time being to enter and distrain upon the said Lands and Houses when there shall be any distress thereupon to be found And the distress and distresses being the proper goods of the Owner or any claiming any Estate interest or profit under him if not redeemed within four days by payment of the Tax and charge of the distress to sell rendring the Overplus to the Owner or Owners of such distresse And the said Collector Constable or Tythingman is hereby enjoyned to distribute the money raised by the said Distresse or Sale thereof proportionably to the Parties who contributed to the Tax of the said unoccupied Lands Woodlands Provided alwayes and be it Enacted That where any Wood-lands shall be assessed and no Distress can be had that in such case it shall and may be lawful to and for any Sub-collector Constable Head-borough or Tythingman by Warrant under the Hands and Seals of two or more of the Commissioners in that Hundred or Division at seasonable time of the year to cut and sell to any person or persons so much of the Wood growing on the said Woodlands so assessed as will pay the Assessment or Assessments so behind and unpaid and the charge incident thereunto And that it shall and may be lawful for the person and persons and his Assigns to whom such Wood shall be so sold to sell cut down dispose and carry away the same to his own use rendring the overplus if any be to the Owner Any Law to the contrary notwithstanding Tythes Tolls Markets Fairs Fisheries c. Provided alwayes and be it further Enacted That where any Tax or Assessment shall be charged or laid upon any Tythes Tolls Profits of Markets Fairs or Fishery or other annual profits not distrainable in case the same shall not be paid within fiftéen dayes after such Assessment so charged or laid and demanded then it shall be lawful to and for the Sub-collector Constable or other Officer thereunto appointed by Warrant under the Hands and Seals of any two or more of the Commissioners authorised by this Act to seize take and sell so much of the said Tythes Tolls and other Profits so charged as shall be sufficient for the levying of the said Tax and Assessment and all charges occasioned by such non-payment thereof rendring the overplus to the Owner if any be Middlesex Westminster And whereas the County of Middlesex and City of VVestminster are raised in the Monethly Assessment by reason of the new Buildings lately erected And that Offices are made chargeable towards the payment of such Assessment To the end that an equal rate may be made and imposed upon the severall Divisions Parishes and Hamlets within the said County and City Be it Enacted by this present Parliament and by the Authority thereof That the said Commissioners appointed for the said County and City of VVestminster or any three of them shall if they shall think it fit cause two or three of the honest and able Inhabitants in the several and respective Parishes Townships and Places within the said County and City to be named and appointed Assessors who or any two of them are to ascertain and rate the yearly value and profits of all Offices belonging to the Courts of VVestminster and other Offices chargeable by this Act towards the payment of the said sum set upon the said County and City And all Townships Parishes and Places for which they be appointed Assessors and to return the same to the said Commissioners or to such person or persons as shall be appointed to receive the same which said Assessors are to deliver in their several Surveys perfected and subscribed by them unto the said Commissioners or to such person or persons as shall be appointed by them or any thrée of them to receive the same two or three dayes at the least before the second General meeting of the said Commissioners to the end that the said Commissioners may deliver in all the several Surveys to be made throughout the said County at the said second General meeting At which said Generall meeting the said Commissioners or the major part of them then present shall upon view and perusal of the said several Surveys cast up the true Revenue and yearly Profits of the whole County City and Offices aforesaid to the end that an equal Pound-rate may be apportioned upon every Office chargeable by this Act Division Hundred Township and Parish according to the proportion and sum of money charged upon the said County and City by vertue of this present Act which the said Commissioners or the major part of them then and there assembled are by vertue of this Act authorised and appointed to proportion and make accordingly Provided always That nothing herein contained shall be drawn into example Proviso to the prejudice of the ancient Rights belonging unto the Lords Spiritual and Temporal or Clergy of this Realm or unto either of the Vniversities or unto any Colledges Schools Alms-houses Hospitals or Cinque-Ports CAP. II. The Measures and Prices of Coals regulated FOr avoiding the manifold deceits Dece●ts and ●xations in selling of Coals exactions and abuses used in the Measures and Sales of Coales and for preventing the like and the better regulation thereof for the time to come Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same That from and after the Sixth day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred ●●xty four all sorts of Coal commonly called Sea-Coals brought into the River of Thames and sold shall be sold by the Chaldron Sea coal measure containing Thirty six Bushels heap'd up and according to the Bushel Seal'd for that purpose at Guildhall in London and so for a greater or lesser quantity And that all other sorts of Coals coming from Scotland and other places commonly sold by Weight and not by Measure Coals from Scotland shall be sold by Weight after the proportion of a hundred and twelve pound to the hundred of Avoir dupois weight without any fallacy or deceit upon pain of Forfeiture of all
the Coals which shall be otherwise sold or exposed to sale by any Woodmonger or Retailer of Coals and the double value thereof to be recovered by any person or persons that will prosecute for the same in any Court of Record or by way of complaint made unto the Lord Mayor of London for the time being and Iustices of Peace within the City of London and Liberties thereof or to any two of them or to the Iustices of Peace of the several and respective Counties and Places where such Coals shall be exposed to sale or any of them who are hereby Impowred and Required to call the Parties before them and to hear and examine such Complaint upon Oath which by vertue of this Act is to be administred by them or any Two of them and upon due proof thereof made to their satisfaction to Convict the Offenders and to give Warrant under their Hands and Seals for levying the Forfeitures accordingly the one half thereof to be to and for the use of the person or persons so prosecuting or complaining and the other half to and for the use of the Poor or repairing of the High-wayes within the same Parish or any other adjoyning Parish or Parishes to be appointed and apportioned by the direction of the said Lord Mayor and Iustices by such their Warrant as aforesaid And the said Lord Mayor of London and the Court of Aldermen for the time being Who may set Rates upon Coals in London and the Iustices of Peace of the several Counties respectively or any thrée or more of them whereof one to be of the Quorum are hereby impowred to set the Rates and Prises of all such Coals as shall be sold by Retail as they from time to time shall judge reasonable allowing a competent profit to the said Retailer beyond the price paid by him to the Importer and the ordinary charges thereupon accruing And that if any Ingrosser or Retailer of such Coals shall refuse to sell as aforesaid Ingrossers or Retailers refusing to ●ell at the said Rates That then the said Lord Mayor and Aldermen and Iustices of Peace respectively are hereby authorised to appoint and impower such Officer or Officers or other persons as they shall think fit to enter into any Wharf or other place where such Coals are stored up And in case of refusal taking a Constable to force entrance and the said Coals to sell or cause to be sold at such Rates as the said Lord Mayor and Aldermen and Iustices respectively shall judge reasonable rendring to such Ingrosser or Retailer the money for which the said Coals shall be so sold necessary charges being deducted The continuance of this Act. Provided That this Act shall continue for thrée years next ensuing and thenceforth to the end of the next Session of Parliament and no longer Provided also That no person or persons that shall be sued by vertue of this Act for not observing thereof shall be sued upon any other Act or Law now in force for the same offence And if any Action shall be commenced against any Iustice of Peace Persons sued upon this Act may plead the general issue Constable or other Officer or Person for any thing done by colour of this Act the Defendant in every such Action may plead the general Issue and give the special matter in Evidence And if the Verdict be found for him or the Plaintiff become Non-suited shall recover and have his Damages and double Costs of suit for his unjust Vexation in that behalf Who may not act in setting Rates upon Coals Provided always That no Person having any Interest in any Wharf used for the receiving or uttering of Coals or that doth or shall Trade by himself or others in his own or any other name in the sale of any Coals or the Engrossing the same in order to sell the same and not for his own private use onely shall act or otherwise intermeddle in the setting the Price of Coals Any thing in this Act to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding CAP. III. For the Returning of able and sufficient Jurors FOr the returning of more able and sufficient Iurors for Trials hereafter to be had betwéen Party and Party and for reformation of abuses in Sheriffs and other Ministers who for reward do oftentimes spare the ablest and sufficientest and return the poorer and simpler Fréeholders less able to discern the Causes in question and to bear the charges of appearance and attendance thereon Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same Iurors for trials of issues shall have 20 l. per annum Freehold That all Iurors other then Strangers upon Tryals per medietatem linguae who are to be returned for the Tryals of Issues joyned in any of the Kings Majesties Courts of Kings Bench Common-Pleas or the Exchequer or before Iustices of Assize or Nisi Prius Oyer and Terminer Gaol-Delivery or General or Quarter-Sessions of the Peace from and after the twentieth day of April which shall be in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty five in any County of this Realm of England shall every of them then have in their own name or in trust for th●● within the same County twenty pounds by the year at least above reprises in their own or their wives right of Free-hold Lands or of ancient Demesne or of Rents in Fee Fee-tail or for life And that in every County within the Dominion of Wales every such Iuror shall then have within the same eight pounds by the year at the least above reprises in manner aforesaid All which Persons having such Estate as aforesaid are hereby enabled and made lyable to be returned and to serve as Iurors for the Tryal of Issues before the Iustices aforesaid Any Law or Statute to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding And if any of a lesser Estate and value shall be respectively returned upon any such Iury or Tales in default of such Iurors it shall be a good cause of Challenge and the Party returned shall be discharged upon the said Challenge or his own Allegation and Oath thereof And that no Iury-mans Issues making default shall be saved but by special Order of the Iudge or Iudges before whom the Issue is to be tryed Issues of Iurors upon default for some just and reasonable cause proved upon Oath before the same Iudge or Iudges And all such Issues shall be duly estreated and levied The Ven ' fac And that the Writ of Venire facias which from and after the aforesaid time shall be awarded and directed for the impannelling of Iuries in cases aforesaid within any County of England shall be in this form Rex c. Praecipimus c. quod venire fac coram c. duodecem liberos legales homines
de vicineto de A. Quorum quilibet habeat viginti libras terrae tenementorum vel reddit per annum ad minus per quos c. qui nec c. And the residue of the said Writ shall be after the ancient manner And that those Writs which shall be awarded and directed for Returning of Iuries within the Dominion of Wales shall be made in the same manner altering onely the word Viginti into Octo. And that upon every such Writ and Writs of Venire facias Wales the Sheriff Coroner or other ministers of each respective County in England and Wales Penalty upon the Sheriff c. unto whom the making of the Pannel shall appertain shall not return in any such Pannel any person unless he shall then have Twenty pounds or Eight pounds respectively by the year at least as aforesaid in the same County where the Issue is to be tryed upon pain to forfeit for every person being returned in any such Pannel that shall not then have Twenty pounds or Eight pounds respectively as is aforesaid the sum of Five pounds to His Majesty His Heirs and Successors And for the better enabling the Sheriff of every County to know the value of the Estates of such persons as are by the true intent and meaning of this Act to be returned for Iury-men Be it further Enacted How the Sheriff shall find out persons fit to be returned for Iury-men That every Sheriff shall on the first day of every General Quarter-Sessions yearly held next after the Feast of Easter deliver or cause to be delivered unto the Iustices of Peace sitting at the same Sessions the names of all persons of such Estates as are by the true meaning of this Act to be returned for Iury-men to the end the Estates of such persons may be enquired after and such persons approved of by the said Iustices of Peace or the greater number of them then present to be persons of such Estates to be returnable for Iury-men for the year then next ensuing And the said Iustices shall have power to add such persons having Estates of the respective values before mentioned as they shall find to be omitted by the Sheriff amongst the names by him delivered and such competent number and no more of such persons as aforesaid shall be returnable to serve of Iuries for the year next ensuing as the said Iustices or the greater number of them as aforesaid shall think fit And that no Sheriff shall incur the penalty aforesaid for returning any of the persons so approved or added by the Iustices in case his Estate fall out to be of less value then aforesaid And it is further Enacted That no Sheriff or Bailiff of any Liberty or Franchise What time summons ought to be before appearance or any of their or either of their Ministers shall return any such person or persons as aforesaid to have been summoned by them or any of them unless such person or persons shall have been duly summoned by the space of six days at the least before the day on which they ought to make their appearance And have left with or for such persons in writing the names of all the parties in those Causes wherein they are to serve as Iurors Nothing may be taken to excuse appearance The Penalty nor shall directly or indirectly take any money or other reward to excuse the appearance of any Iuror by them or any of them to be summoned or returned upon pain to forfeit for every such offence the sum of Ten pounds Saving to all Cities and Towns Corporate their ancient Vsage of returning Iurors of such Estate and in such manner as heretofore hath béen used and accustomed And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That from henceforth upon Writs of Venire facias issued out and returned within the County-Palatine of Lancaster County-Palatine of Lancaster as of the same Assizes wherein the Issues are said to be joyned Writs of Habeas Corpora or Distringas shall be sued out like as is used in all other Counties within this Kingdom returnable at the then next Assizes And the Sheriff thereupon to return such Issues as is or ought to be done by the said Sheriffs of the said other Counties and those Issues to be duly estreated as above is provided And the better to cause and bring Iurors to appear upon Trials at Assizes within the said County-Palatine of Lancaster Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Sheriff of the same County-Palatine of Lancaster for the time being shall from henceforth cause twelve good and lawful men so qualified as before in this Act is appointed out of every of the six Hundreds within the said County-Palatine to be duly summoned or warned ten days at the least before the beginning of every Assizes to be and appear the first day of the then next Assizes and there to attend during the same Assizes to perform their duty and service to the Court as Iurors or Iurymen in such Causes betwéen party and party wherein they shall be respectively returned and impannelled upon pain that every of them that shall make default to appear and attend at and during the said Assizes to forfeit Ten pounds to the use and behoof of the Poor of the Town where such person or persons so making default doth inhabit and live the same to be levied recovered and had in such manner and ways as other Issues of Iurors use to be levied Provided That this Act shall continue and stand in force for the space of Thrée years The continuance of this Act. and from thence to the end of the next Session of Parliament and no longer CAP. IV. An Additional Act for the better Ordering and Collecting the Duty of EXCISE FOr the better Ordering and Collecting the Duty of Excise Be it Enacted and Declared by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same That from and after the eighth day of November Powers given to Farmers of Excise which shall be in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and five all Farmers of Excise or any of them within the several Circuits and Divisions of their respective Farms shall and are enabled hereby to exercise and put in Execution all such Powers and Authorities which the Commissioners or Sub-Commissioners of Excise are enabled to do and execute by the several Acts and Statutes of Excise for the levying raising receiving and managing of the said Revenue of Excise 12 Car. 2. cap. 24. 15 Car. 2. cap. 11. cap. 12 Except the Iudicial part of hearing and determining all breaches and offences against the Laws of Excise and of imposing mitigating or compounding of Fines or Penalties CAP. V. Delays in extending Statutes Judgments and Recognizances prevented Security by Statute
Merchant and of the Staple VVHereas the Security by Statute-Merchant and of the Staple is now become of little use and benefit by the fraud of the Conusors thereof in sundry Cases who to prevent the payment of their Debts secretly assign small parts of their Lands to several and unknown persons And it having been used that if the Creditor take Execution on such Statute yet if the Lands of any one or more person or persons to whom such alienation was made and liable to such Execution be omitted out of such extent The same execution hath been avoided by Audita Quaerela Executions avoided by Audita Quaerela and the party extending lost his Costs and was delayed of his iust Debt and so again upon any new extent toties quoties And if any one Acre or Parcel of Land happened to descend to an Infant the whole execution was deferred till full age of such Infant And if afterwards other part of the Lands or Tenements liable to such Debt descended to another Infant then also a farther delay happened during that Infancy also Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled For what causes extents upon Iudgments or Statutes shall not be avoided or delayd and by the Authority of the same That when any Iudgment Statute or Recognizance shall be extended the same shall not be avoided or delayed by occasion that any part of the Lands or Tenements extendible are or shall be omitted out of such extent saving alwayes to the Party and Parties whose Lands shall be extended his and their Heirs Executors and Assigns his and their remedy for contribution against such person and persons whose Lands are or shall be omitted out of such extent from time to time Proviso for Heirs within age Provided always that this Act or any thing therein contained shall not be construed to give any Extent or Contribution against any Heir within the age of one and twenty years during such Minority of such Heir for or in respect of any Lands to such Heir descended farther or otherwise then might have béen before the making of this Act. To what statutes and extents only this Act shall extend The continuance of this Act. Provided that this Act extend only to such Statutes as are or shall be for payment of Moneys And to such extent as shall be within twenty years after the Statute Recognizance or Iudgment had and obtained Provided that this Act shall continue for the space of thrée years and from thence to the end of the next Session of Parliament and no longer CAP. VI. Part of an Act of Parliament Entituled An Act directing the prosecution of such as are accomptable for Prize-goods repealed 14 Car. 2. cap. 14. Directions for recovery of Prize-goods not accompted ●or WHereas by an Act made in this present Parliament entituled An Act directing the prosecution of such as are accomptable for Prize-goods It is amongst other things Enacted That all and every Admirals Vice-Admirals Captains of Ships Officers and Mariners that did surprise or receive to or for the publique use or by pretence thereof any Ships Plate Iewels Bullion Money Silver Gold Arms Ammunition Waxes Merchandizes or any manner of Goods whatsoever seized or taken for Prize betwixt the thirtieth of January One thousand six hundred fourty two and the nine and twentieth day of May One thousand six hundred sixty And that had not at the making of the said Act truly Accompted for and paid in the same or the just Provenues thereof should be chargeable to His Majesty for the said premisses and convened and sued for in His Majesties Court of Admiralty and called to accompt or otherwise by such Suit and in such manner as should be most available to His Majesty And in case of defect of Iurisdiction in the said Court of Admiralty then upon Certificate thereof from the said Court of Admiralty made into His Majesties Court of Exchequer spéedy procéedings were to be had in the said Court of Exchequer for the recovering and levying of the Prizes Goods matters and things as by the said Act relation being thereunto had more plainly fully and at large appears Whereupon divers Captains and Officers of His Majesties Fleets and several others the Commanders Officers and Mariners imployed in the Sea-service have been sued or may possibly be sued concerning the several Prizes and Prize-goods by them heretofore seized and taken at Sea or in Ports since the Moneth of January One thousand six hundred forty two and before the twenty ninth of May One thousand six hundred sixty contrary to the grace and favour extended towards them not onely in and by His Majesties most gracious Act of Frée and general Pardon Indempnity and Oblivion but also by a Proclamation since made by His Majesty bearing Date the Fourteenth day of July One thousand six hundred sixty two in the Fourteenth year of His Majesties Reign Declaring His Majesties grace and favour towards all Commanders and Seamen in relation to Prizes and Prize-goods seised and taken since the moneth of January One thousand six hundred forty two untill the nine and twentieth of May One thousand six hundred sixty His Majesty thereupon willing that His Grace and Favour towards all Admirals Vice-Admirals Commanders Sea-men and Mariners should take its full effect And being fully satisfied of their dutiful affections unto His Majesties Royal Person and Government and for their future incouragement to persevere loyally in His Majesties Service is most graciously pleased that it may be Enacted And be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled 14 Car. 2. cap. 4. Repealed as to all Admirals Officers Mariners and Souldiers at Sea and by the Authority of the same That the said Act entituled An Act for directing the prosecution of such as are accomptable for Prize-Goods and all and every Branches Clauses Powers and Articles and every matter and thing therein contained for so much onely and as for and concerning all and every Admirals Vice-Admirals Captains of Ships Officers of Ships or Vessels Seamen and Mariners and every of them shall be and is hereby from henceforth repealed annulled and made void and of no effect to all intents and purposes whatsoever And that all and singular Process and proceedings whatsoever which before this time have been now are or may be at any time hereafter had sued forth and prosecuted in any of His Majesties Courts at Westminster or in the High Court of Admiralty of England or elsewhere within any His Majesties Dominions against any Admirals Vice-Admirals Captains of Ships Officers of Ships or Vessels Seamen and Mariners or any of them by force and vertue of the said Act or any Article or Clause therein contained be forthwith
and for ever hereafter superseded surceased stayed and discharged And that none of the said Admirals Vice-Admirals Captains or Officers of Ships or Vessels Seamen or Mariners shall from henceforth by vertue force or colour of any Process or procéedings whatsoever in any of His Majesties said Courts or elsewhere be in any wise Arrested disquieted questioned or troubled either in their Persons Lands or Goods for or by reason of the said Act or any thing therein contained But that all and every the said Admirals Vice-Admirals Captains and Officers of Ships or Vessels and all Seamen and Mariners and every of them shall by vertue of this Act stand and be for ever discharged and acquitted in all Courts and Places and of and from all Suits and Proceedings whatsoever sued or begun or to be sued or begun against them or any of them for any manner of Prizes Ships or Goods whatsoever by them or any of them seised surprized or any ways taken betwixt the said thirtieth of January One thousand six hundred forty two and the nine and twentieth of May One thousand six hundred sixty and of and from all Accompts Troubles Articles and Suits whatsoever concerning the same And that this Act shall be taken and expounded in the most large and beneficial manner for the said Admiralls Vice-Admirals Commanders Captains and Officers of Ships and Vessels and Seamen and Mariners and every of them and for their best advantage for the final free and absolute acquitting and discharging of them and every of them of and from all the said Prizes and every part thereof and all Ships and Vessels and Goods whatsoever or of what nature or kind soever by them or any of them seized surprised or in any sort taken betwixt the said thirtieth of January One thousand six hundred forty two and the said nine and twentieth of May One thousand six hundred sixty Provided always And be it Enacted That this Act or any thing therein contained The said Act not repealed as to any Collectors Treasurers c. of such Prize-goods shall not extend or be construed to extend to discharge any other persons whatsoever but onely the said Admirals Vice-Admirals Commanders Captains of Ships and Officers of Ships or Vessels and Seamen and Mariners but that all and every Collectors and Treasurers Sub-Collectors and Vnder-Treasurers of Prize-Goods Commissioners and Sub-Commissioners of Prize-Goods and all and every their Casheers Deputies Officers and Receivers other then such person or persons who are discharged by the Act of Frée and General-Pardon Indempnity and Oblivion that have not yet truly accompted or paid in the Provenues of the Prizes or Moneys arising thereout seized or taken betwixt the said thirtieth of January One thousand six hundred forty two and the said nine and twentieth of May One thousand six hundred sixty and all and every other person and persons by whom or to whom or to or for whose use any Prizes or Prize-Ships Plate Iewels Arms Ammunition Wares Merchandizes or any manner of Goods whatsoever seized or taken for Prize betwixt the said thirtieth of January One thousand six hundred forty two and the said nine and twentieth of May One thousand six hundred sixty were disposed or sold or to whose hands they came and who had and enjoyed the same or any part thereof and are still behind and have not paid in the moneys contracted for and arising or due upon such Sales or Dispositions or any of them and all securities by them and every of them given for or touching the premisses or any thing concerning the said Prizes or any of them shall be chargeable to Your Majesty for the said premisses and all the dependencies thereof respectively in the said Court of Admiralty or Exchequer and shall be procéeded upon in the said Court of Admiralty or Exchequer in Your Majesties Name and to and for Your Majesties use according to the said Act directing the prosecution of such as are accomptable for Prize-Goods and as fully and entirely as if this Act had never béen Any thing in this present Act notwithstanding CAP. VII A former Act for Regulating Printing continued BE it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled That an Act made in the fourteenth year of the Reign of Our Soveraign Lord the King that now is Entituled An Act for preventing abuses in Printing Seditious Treasonable and unlicensed Books and Pamphlets and Regulating of Printing and Printing-Presses shall be continued and remain in force untill the end of the next Session of Parliament continued 17 Car. 2. cap. 4. CAP. VIII Arrests of Judgment and superseding Executions prevented WHereas great delay trouble and vexation hath béen and still is occasioned to the people of this Realm as well by arresting and reversing of Iudgments as by staying Executions by Writs of Error and Supersedeas For remedy thereof Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That if any Verdict of Twelve men shall be given in any Action In what court and cases Iudgment after verdict shall not be stayed for default of form in pleading Suit Bill or Demand to be commenced from and after the Five and twentieth day of March which shall be in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and five in any of His Majesties Courts of Record at Westminster or in the Courts of Record in the Counties-Palatine of Chester Lancaster or Durham or in His Majesties Courts of the Great Sessions in any of the twelve Shires of Wales Iudgement thereupon shall not be stayed or reversed for default in form or lack of form or by reason that there are not Pledges or but one Pledge to prosecute returned upon the Original Writ or because the Name of the Sheriff is not returned upon such Original Writ or for default of entring Pledges upon any Bill or Declaration or for default of alledging the bringing into Court of any Bond Bill Indenture or other Déed whatsoever mentioned in the Declaration or other Pleading or for default of Allegation of the bringing into Court of Letters Testamentary or Letters of Administration or by reason of the omission of Vi armis or Contra pacem or for or by reason of the mistaking of the Christian Name or Sirname of the Plaintiff or Defendant Demandant or Tenant sum or sums of Money Day Moneth or Year by the Clerk in any Bill Declaration or Pleading where the right Name Sirname Sum Day Moneth or Year in any Writ Plaint Roll or Record preceding or in the same Roll or Record where the Mistake is committed is or are once truly and rightly alledged whereunto the Plaintiff might have demurred and shewn the same for Cause nor for want of the Averment of Hoc
paratus est verificare or Hoc paratus est verificare per Recordum or for not alledging Prout patet per Recordum or for that there is no right Venue so as the Cause were tried by a Iury of the proper County or Place where the Action is laid Nor any Iudgment after Verdict Confession by Cognovit Actionem or Relicta verificatione shall be reversed for want of Misericordia or Capiatur or by reason that a Capiatur is entred for a Misericordia or a Misericordia is entred where a Capiatur ought to have been entred Nor for that Ideo concessum est per Curiam is entred for Ideo consideratum est per Curiam nor for that the Increase of Costs after a Verdict in an Action or upon a Nonsuit in Replevin are not entred to be at the request of the party for whom the Iudgement is given nor by reason that the Costs in any Iudgment whatsoever are not entred to be by consent of the Palintiff but that all such Omissions Variances Defects and all other matters of like nature not being against the right of the matter of the suit nor whereby the Issue or Trial are altered shall be amended by the Iustices or other Iudges of the Courts where such Iudgements are or shall be given or whereunto the Record is or shall be removed by Writ of Error Proviso for Appeals Indictments Actions upon penal Laws other then for Customs and Subsidies Provided alwayes and be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That this Act or any thing therein contained shall not extend to any Writ Declaration or suit of Appeal of Felony or Murder nor to any Indictment or Presentment of Felony Murder Treason or other matter nor to any Processe upon any of them nor to any Writ Bill Action or Information upon any penal Statute other then concerning Customes and Subsidies of Tunnage and Poundage Any thing in this Act contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That from and after the Twentieth day of March III. In what cases execution shall not be stayed by Writ of Error but upon Recognizance entred according to ● Jac. cap. 8. in the Year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and four no Execution shall be stayed in any of the aforesaid Courts by Writ of Error or Supersedeas thereupon after Verdict and Iudgment thereupon in any Action personal whatsoever unless a Recognizance with Condition according to the Statute made in the Third year of the Reign of our late Soveraign Lord King James shall be first acknowledged in the Court where such Iudgement shall be given And further That in Writs of Error to be brought upon any Iudgement after Verdict in any Writ of Dower or in any Action of Ejection● Firmae no execution shall be thereupon or thereby stayed unless the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs in such Writ of Error shall be bound unto the Plaintiff in such Writ of Dower or Action of Ejectione firmae in such reasonable sum as the Court to which such Writ of Error shall be directed shall think fit with Condition that if the Iudgment shall be affirmed in the said Writ of Error or that the said Writ of Error be discontinued in default of the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs therein or that the said Plaintiff or Plaintiffs be nonsuit in such Writs of Error that then the said Plaintiff or Plaintiffs shall pay such Costs Damages and sum and sums of Money as shall be awarded upon or after such Iudgment affirmed Discontinuance or Nonsuit had And to the end that the same sum and sums and damages may be ascertained Proviso touching judgment in Dower and Ejectione firmae It is further Enacted That the Court wherein such Execution ought to be granted upon such Affirmation Discontinuance or Nonsuit shall issue a Writ to enquire as well of the mean profits as of the damages by any Waste committed after the first Iudgment in Dower or in Ejectione firmae And upon the Return thereof Iudgment shall be given and Execution awarded for such Mesne-profits and damages and also for Costs of Suit Provided That this Act nor any thing therein contained shall not extend to any Writ of Error to be brought by any Executor or Administrator nor unto any Action popular To what actions this Act shall not extend nor unto any other Action which is or hereafter shall be brought upon any Penal Law or Statute except Actions of Debt for not setting forth of Tythes nor to any Indictment Presentment Inquisition Information or Appeal Any thing herein before expressed to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Provided always That this Act shall continue in force for three years The continuance of this Act. and to the end of the next Session of Parliament after the expiration of the said thrée years and no longer CAP. IX The Chancellour of the Dutchy impowred to grant Commissions for taking Affidavits within the Dutchy-Liberties FOr the greater ease and benefit of the Inhabitants within the County Palatine of Lancaster and other places within several other Counties of this Kingdom within the Survey of the Court of Dutchy-Chamber at VVestminster in the taking of Affidavits in the County to be made use of and read in Causes depending and to be depending within the said Court Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Maiesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That the Chancellor of the said Dutchy and County Palatine of Lancaster for the time being shall and may by one or more Commission or Commissions from time to time as need shall require impower what and as many persons as he shall think fit and necessary within the said County Palatine and other Dutchy Liberties to take and receive all and every such Affidavit or Affidavit's as any person or persons shall be willing and desirous to make before any of the persons so impowred in or concerning any cause matter or thing depending or hereafter to be depending in the said Court of Dutchy-Chamber as Masters of Chancery in Extraordinary do use to do which said Affidavits shall be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Court of the Dutchy and then be read and made use of in the said Court to all intents and purposes as other Affidavits taken in the said Court now are Provided That for the taking of every such Affidavit the person or persons so impowred and taking the same shall for so doing receive only the Sum or Fée of Twelve pence and no more CAP. X. An Act for Repairing the High-ways within the County of Hertford continued WHereas by a late Act of Parliament Intituled An Act for repairing the High-ways within the Counties of Hertford Cambridg and Huntington It was Enacted 15 Car. 2. c. 1. That for the Repairing of
the ancient High-way and Post-road leading from London to York London York Lincolnshire and from London into Lincolnshire there should be a Toll paid at a certain place in every of the said several and respective Counties and for Hertfordshire at Wades-Mill in the said County which said Toll so set is by the said Act to continue the space of eleven years and no longer with this provision That if the Iustices of the Peace at their Quarter Sessions in the respective Counties shall before the expiration of eleven years adjudg the said Repairs to be sufficiently done that from thenceforth it should cease And whereas divers Gentlemen within the County of Hertford have heartily set themselves to take care for the repairing of the said ways within their County And in order thereunto finding that money could not be advanced by the Toll in so speedy a manner as to repair those ruinous ways And that none would lend their money on that Security did upon their own credits borrow thirtéen hundred pounds on Interest to effect the work intended by the said Act which sum accordingly is laid out together with such money as hath procéeded from the Toll before mentioned in the repair of the said High-way by which means they have so amended the said Road lying in that County leading from London to York that they have made the same from a Road impassable to be to the satisfaction of all that travel that way very passable and convenient but by reason of the great sum expended and laid out so borrowed as aforesaid the Toll will not be sufficient to repay the same within the years mentioned in the former Act with Interest for the same and to finish the said work Hertford Cambridg Norfolk New-Market Puckeridge Barley And whereas there is a Road in the said County of Hertford that leads from London to Cambridg and so into Norfolk and likewise to New-Market and so into Suffolk and other parts which goes out of the forementioned Road at the end of the Town of Puckeridge and so leadeth to Barly in the said County of Hertford which is very ruinous and requires as much the help of the Toll in many places as the forementioned Road did May it therefore please Your Majesty that it be Enacted and be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by Authority of the same That the Toll aforementioned to be taken at VVades-Mill for the County of Hertford II. The full taken at Wades-Mill continued that by the former Act was to continue for eleven years and no longer shall continue for the said County of Hertford for the space of One and twenty years and no longer the said Term to commence from the time mentioned in the Act before mentioned and the money arising therefrom to be imployed for the payment of the Debt aforesaid with Interest and also for further Repair of the High-way It is further Enacted and Declared by the Authority aforesaid That the persons impowred in the forementioned Act for the repair of the High-ways within the County of Hertford shall have the same power to repair the said High-ways leading from Puckeridge to Barley in the said County For repairing the high-way from Puckeridg to Barley as they have to repair the High-way in the said County leading from London to York And that they shall and may apply such part of the Toll thereunto having an equal care of both High-ways as they in their Iudgments shall find néedful Any thing in the said former Act to the contrary notwithstanding Caxton And whereas by the former recited Act a Toll was erected and set to be taken at the Town of Caxton in the County of Cambridge for and towards the repairing the High-ways in the said County the said Toll doth prove useless and will not answer the end for which the same was intended by reason of the Inconveniency of the place where the same was set Arrington-bridg Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Toll be and is hereby removed from the said Town of Caxton unto Arrington-Bridg or the Town of Arrington as shall séem most convenient by the Iustices of the Peace of the said County at their next Easter General-Quarter-Sessions of the Peace in the County aforesaid And that the same Toll shall be taken and received at Arrington-Bridg or Arrington-Town aforesaid according to the Rates and by the same ways and means as in the former Act was appointed and declared and to be imployed to the uses purposes and intents therein also declared any thing to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding A charge of six pence in the pound for repairing the said high-ways Provided always That all and every person and persons who by Law are chargeable towards the repairing of the said High-ways and Places aforesaid shall still remain so chargeable and pay six pence in the pound yearly according to the true value of their Estate for and towards the repair of the said High-ways during the time of the continuance of this Toll any thing in this Act to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding III. The collector of the toll how to account weekly And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Collector of this Toll shall wéekly account to the Receiver-General for the whole money received by vertue of this or the said former Act And the next Iustice of the Peace for the said County shall hereby have power to give an Oath to the said Collectors for the making of a true and perfect account of the money so received which said account so made shall be returned into the next General-Quarter-Sessions to be held for the said County by the Iustice of Peace before whom such Oath was taken Proviso touching the continuance or determining the said toll Provided also That if at any time before the expiration of the said term of One and twenty years the said High-ways shall be well and sufficiently amended and repaired and so adjudged at the publick Quarter Sessions for the County of Hertford and that such Sum or Sums of money as is already borrowed and laid out or shall be borrowed and laid out for the use aforesaid be repaid with interest for the same That from and after such Adjudication made and repayment of such money so borrowed and laid out as aforesaid the aforesaid Toll in the said County shall cease and determine Proviso for adjudication of the amendment of the said high-ways And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That in case the Highways within the said County of Hertford shall be sufficiently amended and that the Iustices of the Peace at their Quarter-Sessions shall fail to make an Adjudication thereof That then in such default of the said Iustices of the Peace
it shall and may be lawful to and for the Iustices of Assize for the said County of Hertford to make such Adjudication which being entred with the Clerk of the Assizes shall be estéemed a good Adjudication of the amendment of the said Highways And that then and from thenceforth the said Debt being fully satisfied to such as shall have advanced any moneys thereupon the said Toll shall cease and determine any thing in this Act to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding And whereas in this present Act it is provided That all and every person and persons who by Law are chargeable towards the repairing of the said High-ways and places aforesaid shall still remain so chargeable and pay six pence in the pound yearly according to the true value of their Estates for and towards the repair of the said High-ways during the time of the continuance of the said Toll Be it therefore Provided and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the aforesaid sum of six pence in the pound shall be paid unto the Treasurer appointed to receive the aforesaid Toll How the said six pence in the pound shall be paid and ●evied in like manner as the said Toll is appointed to be paid by the aforesaid Act And for default of payment of the said Rate of six pence in the pound in manner as aforesaid by the space of six dayes after demand made That it shall and may be lawful for the Surveyors of the High-ways for the time being and they are hereby impowred to levy the same by Distress and Sale of the Goods of the party refusing to pay the same acccordingly restoring the Overplus if any be to the Owner CAP. XI For Draining of the Fenn called Deeping-Fenn and other Fenns therein mentioned WHereas at a Session of Sewers holden at Bourne in the County of Lincoln the twentieth day of August in the one and fortieth year of the Reign of Quéen Elizabeth for the recovery and Draining of certain Fenns in Holland and Kestiven in the County of Lincoln called or known by the names of Deeping-Fenn Pinchbeck and Spalding South-Fenn Thurlby-Fenn Deeping Pinchbeck Thurlby Bourn and Croyland fens Bourn-South-Fenn and Croyland-Fenn alias Goggushland It was by the Commissioners then and there assembled Ordered and Decréed That the sum of twelve thousand pounds should be levied and gathered upon the Lords and Inhabitants of certain Towns in Kestiven and Holland Commoners in the said Fenns for Draining the same and should be paid in to certain persons therein nominated to receive the same at or before the tenth day of September then next ensuing which said sum being neglected to be paid the said Fens by reason thereof could not be Drained acccording to the Form by the said Law intended The said Commissioners therefore well tendring the great profit that would arise to all persons concerned and to the Commonwealth in general if the same might be Drained at several Sessions of Sewers held at Market-Deeping the twentieth day of September in the said one and fortieth year of Quéen Elizabeth and at Market-D●●ping aforesaid the twentieth day of August in the two and fortieth year of the Reign of the said Quéen did Ordain and Decrée That the said Fens and Marsh-Grounds should be forthwith taken in hand to be Drained and that Thomas Lovell Esquire a man skilful in works of that nature should be admitted to undertake the same under the Covenants therein mentioned And in pursuance thereof the said Thomas Lovell did undertake the said Works and made some progress therein and afterwards one third part of the said several Fens were by the said Commissioners of Sewers set out by Metes and Bounds and allotted to the said Thomas Lovell in recompence of his costs charges and endeavours applied and expended therein And after A third part assigned and set out to Thomas Lovel the said third part was by the said Commissioners of Sewers decréed to the said Thomas Lovell and his heirs in recompense of his said work of Draining and of his charges and expences therein to have and to hold to the said Thomas Lovell his heirs and assigns for ever And whereas by an Act of Parliament made at Westminster in the first year of King James Intituled An Act for relief of Thomas Lovell Esquire the above recited Decrées of Sewers were Ratified and Confirmed And the said third part of the said Fens and Marsh-grounds as they were allotted and set out by the said Commissioners were by the said Act Ordained Enacted and Established to be held by the said Thomas Lovel his Heirs and Assigns for ever under the Provisoes Conditions and Appointments in the said Decrées and Act of Parliament mentioned and expressed as by the said Act of Parliament and Decrées of Sewers more fully may appear And whereas the said Thomas Lovel immediately after the making the said Act of Parliament entred into the said Lands set out and assigned as a third part of the said several Fens and by vertue of the said Decrées and Act of Parliament became seised thereof and he and his heirs and Assigns have ever since till of late years held and enjoyed the same untill by some neglect in the Assigns of the said Thomas Lovel and failer in the Maintaining Scowring and Cleansing the said Banks Rivers Sewers and other Works necessary thereunto occasioned by some differences arising betwéen the said Assigns of the said Thomas Lovel and the Lords Owners and Commoners of the said Fens about the enjoyment of some additional recompence allotted to the said Assigns of the said Thomas Lovel by a subsequent Law of Sewers made at Spalding not onely the said Fens and Marsh-grounds are returned into their antient condition of being hurtfully surrounded and annoyed with waters but a great and considerable part of some adjacent Towns of Holland have béen overflowed and laid desolate and many habitations and families who formerly lived comfortably there utterly ruined and destroyed thereby and yet continue in manifest danger in all seasons of wet weather and flouds to fall into the said calamities which great mischief is by long and indubitable experience found to arise principally from several imperfections in the said Decrées and Acts of Parliament To the end therefore that the said Countrey being in its own nature very rich and fertile and wherein the King and Quéens Majesty his Mother have large Possessions and many ancient Families and Inhabitants their whole subsistence may not longer remain in such manifest danger of being utterly lost nor the Commonwealth continue longer deprived of those advantages which would arise from the performance of the said Works Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Maiesty by and with the consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That the said Decrées and Act of Parliament above mentioned and every Clause Article and Thing therein contained A certain Act and decrees
made for the said Thomas L●vel repealed other then such as are herein after mentioned Enacted Ratified and confirmed shall be and are hereby repealed and made void to all intents and purposes whatsoever And inasmuch as the Right Honourable Thomas Earl of Berkshire and the Lady Elizabeth his Wife and Charles Lord Howard of Charlton commonly called the Lord Viscount Andover their Eldest son and heir apparent The Right Honourable Robert Lord Bruce Baron of Wharlton in the Kingdom of England and Earl of Elgin in the Kingdom of Scotland and the Lady Diana his wife The Right Honourable Anne Countess of Stamford and Thomas Lord Grey of Groby have formerly held and derived to themselves with remainders over to several other persons by several Conveyances from or under the Right Honourable William late Earl of Exeter and Elizabeth late Countess of Exeter or one of them several interests in the said third part of the said Lands allotted to the said Lovel his heirs and assigns and to other proportions by subsequent Decrées of Sewers and towards the Dreyning and maintaining thereof they the said Right Honourable William late Earl of Exeter and Elizabeth late Countess Dowager of Exeter under whom or one of whom they claim and Thomas late Earl of Exeter from whom the said William late Earl and Elizabeth late Countess Dowager of Exeter derived their title have expended several great sums of money but have not so fully effected the said works nor introduced those beneāts and advantages which were expected And for reason do alledg that the third part and subsequent allotments are not Recompence sufficient to answer the charge of a more perfect performance of the said work but offer to procéed and perfectly to effect the same if they may have a sufficient recompence and compensation for their Hazard Charge and Pains therein Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Trustees and undertakers made for dreyning the said Fens That Edward Earl of Manchester Lord Chamberlain of his Majesties Houshold William Earl of Devonshire John Lord Berkley of Stratton Anchatil Grey Esquire Henry Grey Esquire and their Heirs and Assigns and the Survivor of them shall be and are hereby declared to be the Vndertakers for the Dreining of the said Fens and every of them in trust to and for such person and persons and to such intents and purposes as are herein after mentioned And that within the space of seven years next ensuing they their heirs and assigns shall and will at their proper costs and charges recover and make dry the said Fens and every of them and make the same firm and depasturable for Cattel at all times of the year except two or thrée hundred Acres or thereabouts in the said Fens called Deeping-Fen and Goggisland and forty Acres or thereabouts in the said Fens called Thursby-Fen and Bourn-South-Fen which are to be left for Lakes and Sykes for the receipt of Waters within the same And also except such Drains and Sewers as now be or hereafter shall be made within the said Fens or any of them for the Dreyning thereof and so much of the grounds adjoyning to the Rivers Dreyns and Sewers within the said Fens as lye or shall lye betwéen the said Rivers Dreyns or Sewers and the Banks made or to be made for kéeping the Waters lying in the said Rivers Dreyns or Sewers from overflowing the rest of the said Fens And also shall for ever hereafter at their own costs and charges not only repair exalt maintain and keep as néed shall require the Banks environing and encompassing the said Fens and every of them but also the Bank on the East-side of the River of Welland from a place in Crowland called Brother-house to Spalding high-bridg And also the Bank on the North-side of the River Glean from Gutheram Coat to a place called Dovehum in Pinchbeck and thereof and of all and every the said Banks above-named shall for ever hereafter exonerate acquit discharge and save harmless as well the Kings Majesty his Heirs and Successors as the Quéen Dowager her Tenants and under-Tenants and all other person and persons their Heirs and Assigns of and for their repairing and amending of their several parts and allotments of the same but also that they the said Trustées their Heirs and Assigns and the Survivor of them at their own proper Costs and Charges shall for ever maintain and kéep the Rivers of Glean and Welland with sufficient Dyking Roading Scowring and Banking viz. the River of Welland from the Outgang at the East end of East-Dieping leading into the said Fens Glean and Welland Rivers unto the Out-fall thereof into the Sea and to preserve and maintain the Navigation thereof without Imposition or paying any thing whatsoever for the same but with liberty to alter and divert the Course and Channel of the same into any other part or parts of the said Fens before it cometh to the said Corner of Dieping-Fen abutting upon Hawthorne-Bank from whence through the said Town of Spalding as it now passeth to the Sea it shall not be lawful to divert the Course thereof And with like liberty to divert the said River of Glean before it cometh to the place called Pinchbeck-Barrs or Dovehurne in Pinchbeck from which place called Dovehurne through the said Town and the Town of Surflet as it now passeth to the Sea it shall not be lawful to divert the same or prejudice the Navigation thereof And all manner of Dreins Sewers and Passages for Waters and other Water-works whatsoever which now are or hereafter shall be made within or without the said Fens for the draining of the said Fens or any of them which shall be necessary to be made or continued in order to the preserving the said Fens from Surrounder And thereof and of all and every the said Rivers to discharge exonerate acquit and save harmless as well the Kings and the said Quéens Majesties his Heirs and Successors their Tenants and Vnder-tenants as all other person and persons their Heirs and Assigns of and for the repairing and amending of their several parts and allotments in them and every of them Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Trustées their Heirs and Assigns or the Survivor of them shall at their own proper Costs and Charges make Sufficient Gates and Bridges to be made set down and maintain such reasonable and convenient Bridges with Gates unto the same in wideness not excéeding twelve foot being well and sufficiently railed or walled against the sides as well over any Drain or Ditch now made or hereafter to be made whereby passage may be had into the Fens in such and so many fit and convenient places as shall be thought fit and ordered by any six Commissioners of Sewers for the said County of Lincoln in their publick and open Sessions and the same shall for ever kéep and maintain for convenient and ready passage with Carts and Carriages and all sorts of Cattel
and their heirs and successors respectively by and according to his and their tenures estate title and interest which he or they had in the Mannors Lands or Tenements for or in respect of which he or they claimed or inclosed the said quantity or quantities of the said Wastes as abovesaid Provided always and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Commissioners and every of them before he or they take upon him or them the execution of any the Powers or Authorities hereby given them other then the administring the Oath following to one another which they shall have Authority by this present Act to administer to one another shall take the Oath following viz. The oath to be taken by Commissioners I A. B. am not interessed in possession reversion or remainder of in or to the said Fens or any part thereof And shall and will without favour or affection hatred or malice truly and impartially according to the best of my skill and knowledg execute and perform all and every the Powers and Authorities in me established by this Act of Parliament Which Oath any one of the said Commissioners are hereby authorised to administer The places of the Commissioners ●●tting And that the places where the said Commissioners shall sit to hear order and determine the matters referred to them by this Act shall be at the Towns of Stamford Market-Deeping or Spalding in the said County of Lincoln And the said Commissioners or any seven or more of them are hereby directed by Warrant under their hands and seals to declare the places and times of their méeting The same Warrant to be published in open Market in the said Towns of Stamford Market-Deeping and Spalding betwéen the hours of twelve and two upon some Market-day one and twenty dayes at least before the said time or times of méeting to the end all persons concerned may have sufficient time and notice to attend And shall have power and Authority by Warrant under the hands and seals of any thrée or more of them Their power and manner of proceeding to summon parties and witnesses to appear before them And in case any controversy or difference shall happen to arise betwéen or amongst the said Commissioners before any Iudgment or Determination given by them in the premisses touching or concerning the exposition of the words of this Act or the powers or authorities thereby to them given Then the Lord Chief Iustice of the Kings Bench the Lord Chief Iustice of the Common-Pleas and the Lord Chief Baron of his Majesties Court of Exchequer for the time being are hereby constituted and established a Iudicature and they or any two of them are hereby authorized to hear adjudg and determine such controversies and differences And their Iudgment or determination thereof certified under their hands seals shall be observed and shall be likewise certified together with the Iudgments and determinations of the said Commissioners into the Petty-bag there to be kept on Record as aforesaid CAP. XII The River Avon to be made Navigable from Christ-Church to the City of New-Sarum WHereas the making Navigable and passable with Barges Boats Lighters and other Vessels the River Avon in the Counties of Wilts and Southampton from the Town of Christ-Church in the said County of Southampton to the City of New-Sarum in the said County of VVilts And if néed require the making of a new Haven may with Gods blessing be of great advantage and benefit not only to the said Counties but also to the Publick by import and export of Commodities and increase of Commerce and Trade and of able Seamen and Watermen and most profitable and necessary for the said City of New-Sarum for the conveyance thereby of Fewel and other necessaries to the said City whereof there is now great scarcity and far greater is like to grow if some help therefore be not provided besides the extraordinary preservation of the High-ways in and near the said City and County Commissioners how to be appointed for making the river Avon navigable Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That the Lord Chancellor or Lord Kéeper of the Great Seal of England for the time being at any time after the end of this present Session of Parliament shall and may nominate appoint and authorize by Commission under the Great Seal of England such person or persons Bodies Politick and Corporate as to him shall séem fit and are willing to undertake the making Navigable the said River of Avon from the said Town of Christ-Church to the said City of New-Sarum And to make a new Haven if néed require for Ships and Vessels near the said Town of Christ-Church Which said Vndertakers so nominated and appointed as aforesaid are hereby authorized and shall have full power and authority by this present Act to make Navigable or passable by Barges Boats Lighters or other Vessels the said River of Avon from the said Town of Christ-Church to the City of New-Sarum aforesaid And for that purpose to cleanse scour and open the same and to cut or dig the Banks of the same and to take away or remove all Wears or other Impediments that may hinder Navigation either in sailing or haling of Boats with Horses Men or otherwise to amend or alter such Bridges and High-ways as may hinder the said Passages and Navigation and to open prepare and make all Wears Sasses Locks and Turn-pikes fit for the said Passage And likewise to cleanse scour open or cut and dig the Banks of any other Stream Brook Ditch or Water-course that shall to them séem convenient for the better making the said River Navigable and passable for Boats Barges Lighters and other Vessels And likewise to make and erect any Wharfs Sasses Locks Turnpikes or pens for Water in or near the said River or Passage that shall be fit or necessary for the same and to bring lay and work all Materials requisite for the making erecting and repairing of the said Locks or Turnpikes upon the said River or Passage and to cut such and so many new Channels and Trenches as to them shall séem convenient for altering the course of the said River of Avon in bringing the same to the City of New-Sarum as aforesaid as also for the bringing in any other River or Water-course into the said River and to do all other things necessary and convenient for the said River and Passages new Channels Wharfs Sasses Locks Wears Turnpikes Penns for Water and the said Bridges Ways and Passages and for the altering repairing kéeping using and amending of the same or any of them or any part of them from time to time hereafter as oft as néed shall require and also if néed require to make a commodious Haven and Port near the said Town of Christ-Church for the Entry
present Act That it shall and may be lawful to and for Watermen Boatmen Bargemen and other helpers of them in convenient places to have and use Winches Ropes and other Engines and with the same by strength of Men Horses or other Beasts or any of them going upon the Land or Banks near the said River or passages in convenient manner without the hindrance trouble or impeachment of any person or persons to Draw or Hale up the Barges Boats Lighters or other Vessels Provided always That neither the said Vndertakers nor Commissioners do make or cause to be made any landing Place Wharf or Key within the City of New-Sarum New-Sarum or the bounds or liberties thereof or within one mile of the same from Harnam-Bridge down the stream towards Christ-Church without the consent of the Lord Bishop of Sarum the Mayor and Recorder of the said City for the time being and the thrée antientest Aldermen of the said City or thrée of them first had and obtained And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Haven River Channels The River Havens c. to be under the Survey of the Vndertakers and Commissioners Trenches and all Wears Wharfs Sas●es Locks Turnpikes Penns for water and all other things whatsoever made and erected in order to making the said Haven and making Navigable the said River and Channel as aforesaid shall from henceforth be in the sole Rule Order and Survey of the said Vndertakers and Commissioners as aforesaid and not under the Survey or Order of any Commissioners of Sewers nor subject to a Commission of Sewers or any Laws or Statutes made for Sewers Any Law or Statute to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any Action Bill Persons sued for acting upon this Act may plead the general Issue Plaint or Suit be brought in any of His Majesties Courts at VVestminster or elsewhere against any person or persons for or concerning any matter or thing by him them or any of them done advised or commanded to be done by vertue of this Act That it shall and may be lawful for every such person and persons and for all that act in their aid and assistance or by their commandment to plead the General Issue that he or they are not Guilty And to give this Act or any clause matter or thing herein contained in Evidence to the Iury that shall try the same for their justification without special Pleading of the same and shall thereupon take advantage of this Act as fully to all intents and purposes as if the same had been by them fully and well pleaded Provided also and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That Philip Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery shall and may have power authority and liberty if he shall see cause and find it to be necessary and convenient to the publick good to enlarge and make Navigable the River of VViley from Harnam-Bridge aforesaid so far as VVilton in the County of VVilts Wiley River and in order thereunto to put in execution the several Powers of this Act in relation to the said River of VViley in the same and as ample manner as the said River of Avon may be made Navigable by this Act and under the same Provisoes Restrictions and Limitations Anno XVII Caroli II Regis CAP. I. Twelve hundred and fifty thousand pounds granted to the Kings Majesty for his present further Supply VVE Your Majesties most Dutiful and Loyal Subjects the Commons Assembled in Parliament having observed the Ways and Means by which Your Majesty hath béen enforced to Engage Your self in a War against the States of the United Provinces for the necessary Defence of Your own Crown and Dignity and the Safety and welfare of Your People Do with all humble Thankfulness acknowledge Your Majesties Care and Conduct in this Great Affair which as it hath béen already attended with very considerable Success so we shall daily pray that all Your Majesties Enterprises may still be crowned with Honour and Victory And although the continuing Insolence of Your Majesties Enemies and the doubtful Amity of some of Your Majesties Neighbours have made it necessary to provide for further and greater Expences in a time when the general Contagion hath much interrupted our Trade and Commerce Yet that Your Majesty may sée that we your Majesties Loyal Subjects do more consider our Zeal and Duty to your Majesty then any difficulties under which we labour We have chearfully and unanimously given and granted and by these presents do give and grant unto Your most Excellent Majesty the sum of Twelve hundred and fifty thousand pounds to be Raised and Levied in manner following And we do most humbly beséech Your Majesty That it may be Enacted And be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and of the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by Authority of the same That the sum of Twelve hundred and fifty thousand pounds shall be Raised Levied 1250000 l. granted to his Majesty and paid unto your Majesty within the space of Two years in manner following That is to say Whereas in and by a certain Act of Parliament lately passed Entituled An Act for granting a Royal Aid unto the Kings Majesty of Twenty four hundred threescore and seventeen thousand and five hundred pounds 16 17 Car 2. cap. 1. to be Raised Levied and paid in the space of Three years It was amongst other things Enacted That the sum of Thréescore and eight thousand eight hundred and ninetéen pounds and nine shillings by the month for Thirty six months beginning from the Five and twentieth day of December 1664. should be Assessed Taxed Collected Levied and paid by Twelve Quarterly payments in the several Counties Cities Burroughs Towns and places within England and VVales and the Town of Berwick upon Tweed according to the several Rates and Proportions and in such manner as in the said Act is expressed One years payment whereof that is to say Four Quarterly Payments will be fully expired upon the Five and twentieth day of December in the year of our Lord 1665. And Two years payment more will be then to come and unexpired It is now further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid 52083 l. 6 s. 8 ● per mensem That the sum of Fifty two thousand fourscore and thrée pounds six shillings and eight pence by the moneth for Twenty four moneths beginning from the Five and twentieth day of December One thousand six hundred sixty five shall be Assessed Taxed Collected Levied and paid by Eight Quarterly payments in the several Counties Cities Burroughs Towns and places within England and VVales and the Town of Berwick upon Tweed over and above the sum of Thréescore and eight thousand eight hundred and ninetéen pounds and nine shillings by the moneth which is to
for the Establishing the Form of Making ●4 Car. 2. 〈◊〉 4 Ordaining and Consecrating of Bishops Priests and Deacons in the Church of England according to the said Act or any other subsequent Act. And whereas they or some of them and divers other person and persons not Ordained according to the Form of the Church of England and as have since the Act of Oblivion taken upon them to Preach in unlawful Assemblies Conventicles or Méetings under colour or pretence of Exercise of Religion contrary to the Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom have setled themselves in divers Corporations in England sometimes Thrée or more of them in a place thereby taking an opportunity to distill the poysonous Principles of Schism and Rebellion into the hearts of His Majesties Subjects to the great danger of the Church and Kingdom Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled Persons restrained from Inhabiting in Corporations and by the Authority of the same That the said Parsons Vicars Curates Lecturers and other persons in holy Orders or pretended holy Orders or pretending to holy Orders and all Stipendaries and other persons who have béen possessed of any Ecclesiastical or Spiritual Promotion and every of them who have not declared their unfeigned assent and consent as aforesaid and subscribed the Declaration aforesaid and shall not take and subscribe the Oath following The Oath I A. B. Do Swear That it is not lawful upon any pretence whatsoever to take Arms against the King and that I do abhor that Traiterous Position of taking Arms by His Authority against His Person or against those that are Commissionated by him in pursuance of such Commissions And that I will not at any time endeavour any Alteration of Government either in Church or State And all such person and persons as shall take upon them to Preach in any unlawful Assembly Conventicle or Méeting under colour or pretence of any Exercise of Religion contrary to the Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom shall not at any time from and after the Four and twentieth day of March which shall be in this present year of our Lord God One thousand six hundred sixty and five unless onely in passing upon the Road come or be within Five miles of any City or Town Corporate or Burrough that sends Burgesses to the Parliament within His Majesties Kingdom of England Principality of Wales or of the Town of Berwick upon Tweed or within Five miles of any Parish Town or place wherein he or they have since the Act of Oblivion béen Parson Vicar Curate Stipendary or Lecturer or taken upon them to Preach in any unlawful Assembly Conventicle or Méeting under colour or pretence of any Exercise of Religion contrary to the Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom before he or they have taken and subscribed the Oath aforesaid before the Iustices of the Peace at their Quarter-Sessions to be holden for the County Riding or Division next unto the said Corporation City or Burrough Parish place or Town in open Court which said Oath the said Iustices are hereby Impowred there to Administer upon forfeiture for every such offence the sum of Fourty pounds of lawful English money The Penalty the one Third part thereof to His Majesty and his Successors the other Third part to the use of the poor of the Parish where the offence shall be committed and the other third part thereof to such person or persons as shall or will sue for the same by Action of Debt Plaint Bill or Information in any Court of Record at Westminster or before any Iustices of Assize Oyer and Terminer or Gaol-Delivery or before any Iustices of the Counties Palatine of Chester Lancaster or Durham or the Iustices of the great Sessions in Wales or before any Iustices of Peace in their Quarter-Sessions wherein no Essoign Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed Provided always and be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons restrained from coming to any City Town Corporate Burrough Parish Town or place as aforesaid or for any other person or persons as shall not first take and subscribe the said Oath and as shall not frequent Divine Service established by the Laws of this Kingdom and carry him or her self reverently decently and orderly there to Teach any publique or private-School or take any Boarders or Tablers that are Taught or Instructed by him or her self or any other upon pain for every such offence to forfeit the sum of Forty pounds to be recovered and distributed as aforesaid Provided also and be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall be lawful for any Two Iustices of the Peace of the respective County upon Oath to them of any offence against this Act which Oath they are hereby Impowred to Administer to Commit the Offender for Six moneths without Bail or Mainprise unless upon or before such Commitment he shall before the said Iustices of the Peace Swear and Subscribe the aforesaid Oath and Declaration Provided always That if any person intended to be Restrained by vertue of this Act shall without fraud or covin be Served with any Writ Subpoena Warrant or other Process whereby his personal appearance is required his obedience to such Writ Subpoena or Process shall not be construed an offence against this Act. CAP. III. For Uniting Churches in Cities and Towns Corporate FOrasmuch as the setled Provision for Ministers in most Cities and Towns Corporate within this Realm is not sufficient for the Maintenance of able Ministers fit for such places whereby Mean and Stipendary Preachers are entertained to serve the Cures there who wholly depending for their Maintenance upon the good will and liking of their Auditors have béen and are hereby under temptation of too much complying and suiting their Doctrine and Teaching to the humour rather then good of their Auditors which hath béen a great occasion of Faction and Schism and of the contempt of the Ministry The Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled being deeply sensible of the ill consequence thereof and piously desiring able Ministers in such places and a competent setled Maintenance for them by the Vnion of Churches which is also become necessary by reason of the great Ruine of many Churches and Parishes in the late ill times and otherwise Do therefore most humbly beséech Your most Excellent Majesty That it may be Enacted and be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty In what Cities and Towns and how Churches and Chappels may be united by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same That in every City or Town Corporate and their Liberties within the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales which
the East-Indies or any part beyond the Equinoctial shall be and are hereby Attainted of High Treason and shall suffer and forfeit to all intents and purposes as persons Attainted of High Treason ought to do CAP. VI. Damage Cleere taken away WHereas the moneys which are taken by Prothonotaries of Your Majesties Courts of Kings Bench and Common Pleas and by the Clerk of Your Majesties Court of Exchequer at Westminster and the Prothonotary of Your Majesties Court of Common Pleas at Lancaster and the Prothonotaries and Clerks of other Your Majesties Courts within the Realm of England and Dominion of Wales in the name of Damna Clericorum or Damage Cléere Damna Clericorum are an unnecessary charge and burden to all Your Majesties Subjects who have good cause and are put to Sue for Damages in Actions where Damages are recoverable For avoiding of which inconveniencies for the future and that Your Majesties Subjects may have an easier means for the recovery of their damages and just rights which are unjustly detained from them May it please Your most Excellent Majesty that it may be Enacted And the Kings most Excellent Majesty being willing upon all occasions to ease His Subjects of all unnecessary charges and burdens is graciously pleased That it be Enacted And be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty Shall determine and not be taken after the 29 day or September 1672. with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That immediately from and after the Twenty ninth day of September which shall be in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred seventy two no Damage Cléere shall by any Title or Precept whatsoever be due payable taken or received from any person or persons in any Action whatsoever sued or prosecuted in any of His Majesties Courts at Westminster or elsewhere within the Kingdom of England or Dominion of Wales by any Prothonotary Clerk or Clerks or other Officer or Officers of the said Courts respectively And that from and after the day and year aforesaid the said Fée of Damna Clericorum or Damage Cléere shall wholly cease and be for ever abolished in the said Courts And that if any Prothonotary Clerk or Clerks or other Officer in any of the said Courts The Penalty shall take or exact any sum or sums of money in the name of Damna Clericorum or Damage Cléere or any thing in lieu thereof after the day and year above mentioned Or if any of the said Prothonotaries Clerk or Clerks or their Deputies at any time before the said Twenty ninth day of September in the year aforesaid shall exact or take any Damage Cléere or sum of money Bond or Security in lieu thereof from any Plaintiff or Plaintiffs Demandant or Demandants in any Action where Damages have béen or hereafter shall be recovered in any of the said Courts or shall refuse or delay to Sign any Iudgement until Damage Cléere be first paid by the Plaintiff or Demandant which are not to be paid unless forth of the moneys levied from or paid by the Defendants as is herein after provided and mentioned He or they so offending shall forfeit treble the sum so taken exacted or demanded to the party or parties grieved to be recovered by Bill Plaint or Information in any of the said Courts wherein no Essoyn Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed Provided and be it further Enacted That until the Nine and twentieth day of September which shall be in the year of our Lord God In what cases only they may be taken until the 29 September 1672. One thousand six hundred seventy and two and no longer the Damage Cléere shall be paid answered and allowed out of such sum and sums of money onely as shall be actually levied or otherwise paid by or from the Defendants and onely for the proportion of the Sum and Sums of money which shall be so levied or otherwise paid as aforesaid and no more or otherwise CAP. VII For a more speedy and effectual proceeding upon Distresses and Avowries for Rents FOrasmuch as the ordinary Remedy for Arrearages of Rents is by Distress upon the Lands chargeable therewith And yet nevertheless by reason of the intricate and dilatory proceedings upon Replevins that Remedy is become ineffectual For remedy thereof It is Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty with the Advice and Assent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal Plaintiff in Replevin being nonsuit before issue joyned and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by Authority of the same That whensoever any Plaintiff in Replevin shall be Non-suit before Issue joyned in any Suit of Replevin by Plaint or Writ lawfully returned How the Defendant may Avow removed or depending in any of the Kings Courts at Westminster That the Defendant making a Suggestion in nature of an Avowry or Cognizance for such Rent to ascertain the Court of the cause of Distress The Court upon his Prayer shall award a Writ to the Sheriff of the County where the Distress was taken to enquire by the Oaths of Twelve good and lawful men of his Bayliwick touching the Sum in Arrear at the time of such Distress taken and the value of the Goods or Cattel distrained And thereupon notice of Fiftéen days shall be given to the Plaintiff or his Attorney in Court of the sitting of such Enquiry and thereupon the Sheriff shall enquire of the truth of the matters contained in such Writ by the Oaths of Twelve good and lawful men of his County And upon the Return of such Inquisition the Defendant shall have Iudgement to recover against the Plaintiff the Arrearages of such Rent in case the Goods or Cattel distrained shall amount unto that value And in case they shall not amount to that value then so much as the value of the said Goods and Cattel so distrained shall amount unto The Plaintiff nonsuit after Avowry made c. together with his full Costs of Suit and shall have Execution thereupon by Fieri facias or Elegit or otherwise as the Law shal require And in case such Plaintiff shal be nonsuit after Cognisance or Avowry made and Issue joyned or if the Verdict shall be given against such Plaintiff then the Iurors that are Impannelled or Returned to inquire of such Issue shall at the prayer of the Defendant inquire concerning the Sum of the Arrears and the value of the Goods or Cattel distrained And thereupon the Avowant or he that makes Cognisance shall have Iudgement for such Arrearages or so much thereof as the Goods or Cattel distrained amount unto together with his full Costs and shall have Execution for the same by Fieri facias or Elegit or otherwise as the Law shall require Iudgement upon Demurrer for the Avowant And be if further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if Iudgement in any of the Courts aforesaid
be given upon Demurrer for the Avowant or him that maketh Cognisance for any Rent the Court shall at the prayer of the Defendant award a Writ to inquire of the value of such Distress and upon the return thereof Iudgement shall be given for the Avowant or him that makes Cognisance as aforesaid for the Arrears alledged to be behind in such Avowry or Cognisance if the Goods or Cattel so distrained shall amount to that value And in case they shall not amount to that value then for so much as the said Goods or Catel so distrained amount unto together with his full Costs of Suit and shall have like Execution as aforesaid Provided always And be it Enacted That in all Cases aforesaid where the value of the Cattel distrained as aforesaid shall not be found to be to the full value of the Arrears distrained for that the party to whom such Arrears were due his Executors or Administrators may from time to time Distrain again for the Residue of the said Arrears 19 Car. 2. cap. 5. This Act made to extend to Wales and Counties Palatine CAP. VIII An Act for avoiding unnecessary Suits and Delayes FOr the avoiding of unnecessary Suits and Delayes Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by Authority of the same Death of either party between the Verdict and Iudgment That in all Actions personal and real or mixt the death of either party betwéen the Verdict and the Iudgment shall not hereafter be alledged for Error so as such Iudgment be entred within two Terms after such Verdict And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Iudgment obtained by an Executor where any Iudgment after a Verdict shall be had by or in the name of any Executor or Administrator In such case an Administrator de bonis non may sue forth a Scire facias and take Execution upon such Iudgment This Act to continue for the space of Five years The continuance of this Act. and from thence to the end of the next Session of Parliament CAP. IX An Act for granting one Moneths Assessment to His Majesty WE Your Majesties most dutiful and Loyal Subjects the Commons Assembled in Parliament taking notice of that Heroick Courage The Heroick Courage of his Highness the Duke of York with which Your Majesties Royal Brother exposed his own Person for the Defence of Your Majesty and Your People against the Dutch Fléet and of the Glorious Victory through the blessing of Almighty God by him obtained are humble Suiters unto Your Majesty that we may have leave to make some expressions of our Humble Thanks to his Royal Highness for the same And that for this end Your Majesty would graciously please to accept from us your Loyal Subjects the sum of money herein after mentioned and to bestow the same upon Your Majesties Royal Brother Wherefore we your Majesties said Dutiful and Loyal Subjects have given and granted and by these presents do give and grant unto your most Excellent Majesty whom God long preserve the Sum of One hundred and twenty thousand nine hundred and two pounds fiftéen shillings and eight pence to be raised and levied in manner following That is to say Whereas in and by a certain Act lately passed for granting a Royal Ayd unto his Majesty of Twenty four hundred thréescore and seventéen thousand and five hundred pounds to be raised 16 17 Ca● 2. cap. 1. levied and paid within the space of thrée years It was amongst other things Enacted That the sum of Thréescore and eight thousand eight hundred and ninetéen pounds and nine shillings by the Moneth for thirty six Moneths beginning from the Five and twentieth day of December One thousand six hundred sixty four should be assessed taxed levied and paid by twelve quarterly payments in the several Counties Cities Burroughs Towns and places within England and Wales and Town of Berwick upon Tweed according to the Rates and Proportions therein expressed And whereas in and by another Act passed in this present Session of Parliament 17 Car. 2. cap. 1. It is further Enacted That the sum of Fifty two thousand fourscore and thrée pounds six shillings and eight pence by the moneth for twenty four moneths beginning from the five and twentieth day of December One thousand six hundred sixty five shall be likewise assessed taxed collected levied and paid by eight quarterly payments in the several Cities Burroughs Towns and Places within England and Wales and the Town of Berwick upon Tweed over and above the said sum of Thréescore and eight thousand eight hundred and ninetéen pounds and nine shillings as an addition to and increase of the same monethly Assessment both which Sums together amount unto the sum of One hundred and twenty thousand nine hundred and two pounds fiftéen shillings and eight pence by the Moneth It is now further Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and of the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled That the Sum of One hundred and twenty thousand nine hundred and two pounds fiftéen shillings and eight pence for one Moneths Assessment more beginning upon the Six and twentieth day of December One thousand six hundred sixty seven and ending upon the Six and twentieth day of January in the same year shall be assessed taxed collected levied and paid in the several Counties Cities Burroughs Towns and Places within England and Wales and the Town of Berwick upon Tweed according to the Rates and Proportions following That is to say For the County of Bedford the sum of One thousand five hundred seventy and five pounds twelve shillings six pence farthing The County of Berks the sum of One thousand nine hundred eighty nine pounds four shillings nine pence thrée farthings The County of Bucks the sum of Two thousand thrée hundred and ten pounds fourtéen shillings and thrée pence The County of Cambridge the sum of One thousand seven hundred ninety and one pounds eightéen shillings thrée half pence The Isle of Ely the sum of Six hundred and fourtéen pounds thirtéen shillings and nine pence The County of Chester with the City and County of the City of Chester the sum of One thousand four hundred and seven pounds thirtéen shillings and one peny The County of Cornwall the sum of Two thousand seven hundred and seven pounds seven pence farthing The County of Cumberland the sum of Two hundred ninety and five pounds thirtéen shillings and four pence farthing The County of Derby the sum of One thousand five hundred and fiftéen pounds one shilling and thrée pence thrée farthings The County of Devon the sum of Five thousand six hundred seventy and four pounds five shillings eleven pence farthing The City and County of the City of Exon the sum of Two hundred and four
nine hundred and two pounds fiftéen shillings and eight pence And all and every person or persons who shall be liable to or any wayes concerned or imployed in the assessing collecting levying receiving or paying of the Moneys by this Act imposed shall have like benefits advantages and discharges and shall be subject to like penalties and forfeitures in case of any neglect or refusal to pay their respective Assessment or to perform their respective duties as any other person or persons lyable unto or concerned or imployed in the assessing collecting levying receiving or paying any of the said former Assessments ought to have or be subject unto as fully and amply as if all and every the clauses matters and things to the said former Assessments relating had béen again in this Act repeated and Enacted The meeting of the Commissioners And be it further Enacted That the several Commissioners shall méet together at the most usual and common place of méeting vpon or before the Tenth day of January One thousand six hundred sixty seven to put this Act in Execution And that the said One hundred and twenty thousand nine hundred and two pounds fiftéen shillings and eight pence shall be assessed collected levied and paid unto the Receivers of the several Counties appointed or to be appointed by His Ma●esty and by them answered and paid into his Majesties Exchequer upon or before the Fiftéenth day of February One thousand six hundred sixty and seven Anno XVIII Caroli II. Regis CAP. I. Moneys raised by a Poll and otherwise towards the Maintenance of the present War MOst Gracious Soveraign We Your Majesties most Obedient and Loyal Subjects the Commons now in Parliament Assembled having taken into our serious Consideration the many and urgent Occasions which at this time do press Your Majesty to an extraordinary Expence of Treasure for the Defence of Your Majesties Kingdoms and Dominions and in most thankful acknowledgment of Your Majesties just and tender Care of the welfare of Your People A Free Gift presented to his Majesty towards the carrying on the Warre Do most humbly present unto Your Majesty a Frée Gift of several Sums of money towards the carrying on of the present War to be Levied in such manner as is hereafter expressed and do beséech your Majesty to accept thereof And that it may be Enacted And be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and of the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same That all and every person and persons Bodies Politique and Corporate Guilds or Fraternities within this Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed having any personal Estate in such Debts owing to them within the Realm or without Of Personal Estates in Debts and Moneys which he or they do not account or estéem as desperate over and besides such just Debts as he she or they shall bona fide owe or in ready moneys shall yield and pay unto His Majesty for every Hundred pounds in such Debts and ready Moneys the sum of Twenty shillings to be Assessed Imposed Levied and Collected in manner herein after mentioned Debts and Moneys not chargeable by this Act. Provided always That no sum of Money which hath béen lent unto his Majesty upon the Security of the Act Passed at Oxford in the Seventéenth year of his Majesties Reign entituled An Act for granting the Sum of Twelve hundred and fifty thousand pounds to the Kings Majesty for His present further Supply or lent by the City of London upon the Security of His Majesties Revenue arising by Hearth-money 17 Car. 2. cap. 1. at the rate of Sir per Cent. and which at the time of the execution of this present Act shall be unpaid nor any sum of money which shall be lent unto his Majesty upon the Security of this present Act or upon the Security of any other Act of Parliament passed or to be passed during this present Session of Parliament at the rate of Sir per Cent. shall be Rated or Assessed by vertue of this Act Any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding Commissioners and Officers chargeable And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and every person and persons Commissioner or Commissioners having using or exercising any Office Place or publick Imployment whatsoever such persons who are or shall be in Muster and Pay at Land or Sea onely excepted and all and every their Deputies Agents Clerks Secondaries Substistutes and other their inferiour Ministers and Servants whatsoever who are already Taxed in and to the said Monethly Assessment for and in respect of their Offices Agencies and Imployments shall likewise pay vnto his Majesty over and above the several sums with which they are or shall be Charged in or to the said Monethly Assessment the sum of Twelve pence for every Twenty shillings which he or they do receive in one year by vertue of any Fées Profits Perquisites or other Advantages to him or them accruing or by reason or occasion of their several Offices Agencies and Imployments And such who are not already Taxed in and by the said Monethly Assessment for and in respect of their Commissions Offices Agencies and Imployments shall yield and pay unto His Majesty the full sum of Thrée shillings for every Twenty shillings which he or they do receive in one year by vertue of any Fées Profits Perquisites or other advantages to him or them accruing or by reason or occasion of their several and respective Commissions Offices Agencies and Imployments The said several sums of Twelve pence in every Twenty shillings and Thrée shillings in every Twenty shillings to be Assessed Imposed Levied and Collected in such manner as is herein after mentioned Allowing to every such Officer and Commissioner one Third part of the Annual Salary or Sum of money he shall so receive for and towards his or their charge of executing any such Commission Office or Place before mentioned And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Pensions and Stipends from his Majesty That all and every other person and persons having or claiming to have any Pension or yearly Stipend or Annuity by vertue of any Gift or Grant from His Majesty under his Great Seal or Privy Seal shall pay unto his Majesty the sum of Thrée shillings for every Twenty shillings by the year so given or granted as aforesaid to be Assessed Imployed Levied and Collected in such manner as is herein after mentioned And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all Sergeants at Law Counsellors Sergeants at Law Counsellors Attorneys Sollicitors Scriveners Advocates Proctors Notaries Physitians Attorneys Sollicitors and Scriveners and all Advocates Proctors and publick Notaries and all and every person and persons practising the Art of Physick shall pay unto His Majesty the sum of Two shillings
shillings Canon Prebendary Every person of the Degrée of a Canon or Prebendary of any Cathedral or Collegiate Church excepting such sole Prebendary who is a sole Corporation and his Prebend not Rated in the Exchequer at above Thirty pounds Doctor of Divinity Law Physick shall pay the sum of Fifty shillings Every person of the Degrée of a Doctor in Divinity Law or Physick shall pay the sum of Five pounds Doctors of Divinity not beneficed Provided always That no Doctor of Divinity not having any Benefice or Ecclesiastical preferment shall be charged for his Title or Dignity of Doctor by vertue of this Act nor the Widow of any Ecclesiastical person shall be charged for the third part according to the Title or Dignity of her late Husband And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That for the better Assessing Ordering and Levying of the several sums of money so as aforesaid limited and appointed to be paid and for the more effectual putting of this present Act in execution such persons shall by vertue of this Act be Commissioners for the several and respective Counties Who shall be Commissioners to execute this Act. Cities Boroughs Towns and Places within the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Town of Berwick upon Tweed as are nominated and appointed Commissioners for putting in execution the Powers in a former Act of this Parliament 16 17 Car. 2. cap. 1. entituled An Act for granting a Royal Ayd unto the Kings Majesty of Twenty four hundred threescore and seventeen thousand and five hundred pounds to be raised levied and paid in the space of Three years And be it further Declared and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That these persons hereafter named shall be added Commissioners for the several Counties Places and Precincts respectively and shall exercise the same power as if they had béen named in the said former Act Viz. Bedford For the County of Bedford Villiers Charnock Humphrey Monox John Beecher Thomas Daniel John Gardiner Esquires _____ Horne Peter Harman Gent. Berks. For the County of Berks Sir William Craven Knight John Kingsmill Esquire John Withwick Edward Keat Charles Fettiplace William Bowles senior Esquires John Munday William Packer Richard House Gent. _____ Gilly Esquire Hugh Barker Doctor of Physick Bucks For the County of Bucks Sir Charles Clever Knight Sir Timothy Tyrrel Knight and Baronet Sir Frederick Hyde Thomas Catesby Edward Stafford Esquires Matthew Archdel Gent Sir John Busby For the Town of Buckingham George Robbins Cambridge For the County of Cambridge Sir John Jacob Baronet Sir Ralph Bovey Baronet Roger Pepys Esq Gerrard Russel Esq For the Town of Cambridge Rowland Simpson Alderman Ely For the Isle of Ely William Legat Anthony Fisher Peter Diamond Esquires Chester For the City and County of the City of Chester Thomas Cooper Alderman Edward Bradshaw Esq Richard Burd Alderman Richard Minshal Richard Taylor John Poolie Robert Harvy Aldermen Cornwall For the County of Cornwall John Trelawney of Trelawen Thomas Vivian John Moulesworth Esquires William Inch Abel French Nicholas Trebarfoot Edward Herle Edward Hoblin Nicholas Herle Walter Leech George Spry William Bond Thomas Dodson Iohn Arundel Iohn Tregygle William Thomas Anthony Tanner John Barret Thomas Penhallow Iohn Tamlin Iohn Verman Richard Williams Iohn Williams Esquires William Kegwin Henry Edwards Arthur Painter Gent. Cumberland For the County of Cumberland John Warwick Richard Lamplugh Miles Penington Joseph Patrickson Iohn Senhouse William Orphaur Ferdinando Hudleston Leonard Dykes Hugh Ascue Richard Patrickson John Punsonbee Esquires Devon For the County of Devon Christopher Lord Torington Richard Duke Gydeon Heydon Richard Lee Richard Hillersdon Samuel Roll Arthur Ashford John Bluet William Bragg Matthew Halls Edmund Parker John Mallet Esquires Sir Iohn Stowel Iohn Chichester Esquire Exon. For the City and County of Exon John Mallet Esquire Doctor Edward Masters Chancellor of the Diocess Eustace Budgell Gent. Derby For the County of Derby George Savile Robert Ashton John Gell Iohn Low Iohn Du● Esquires Andrew Clayton Robert Moore Gent. Richard Merchant Alderman Edward Abney Esquire Dorset For the County of Dorset Robert Cullyford William Frampton Robert Williams Henry Henly junior Humphrey Weld Esquires the High Sheriff for the time being Iohn Ellesdon Salomon Andrews Iohn Gallop Gentlemen Pool For the Town and County of Pool the Mayor for the time being William Okeden Allen Skutt Gentlemen Durham For the County Palatine of Durham Sir George Fletcher Baronet Robert Shaftoe Humphrey Wharton Thomas Craddock Christopher Saunderson John Jeffreyson Esquires Robert Newhouse Edward Arden Gent. Essex For the County of Essex Sir John Archer one of the Iustices of the Common Pleas Philip Saltenston Thomas Cullum Esquires Timothy Midleton Esq Sir James Russet Edward Shelton Francis Mildmay Colchester For the Town of Colchester Sir Harbotle Grimstone Baronet Master of the Rolls John Eldred senior Iohn Eldred junior Esquires Harwich For the Town of Harwich and Dover-Court the Mayor for the time being Sir Cappel Luckin Knight and Baronet Iohn Eldred junior Esquire Mr. George Coleman Daniel Smith Captain Hunter Alderman Sack Samuel Newton Alderman Robinson Alderman Garriot Alderman Hawks Gloucester For the County of Gloucester Sir John Treacy Sir William Juckson Sir Iohn Newton Baronets Sir Francis Fane Knight of the Bath Sir Iohn Poynts Knight John Merideth Iohn Vaughan Thomas Carpender William Oldesworth John Browning Thomas Veel of Simons Hall Edward Smith George Brett Roger Lingan Robert Loggin Esquires VVilliam Hancock Conway Whitton Thomas Smith Richard Jones of Hanham Thomas Wise Richard Hart Gent. City of Gloucester For the City and County of the City of Gloucester Sir Bainham Throckmorton Knight and Baronet Mr. Thomas Aram Merchant Mr. Iohn Marston Colonel Richard Atkins William Cook Esquire Hereford For the County of Hereford James Pitts Francis Pember of Elsdon Robert Minors of Treagoe Edward Scrimshaw Iohn Bridge of Priors-Court Esquires John Burch of Garnston Iohn Curver of Upton Henry Milbourne William Driver Gilbert Hare Gent. City of Hereford Bridstock Herford Esquire Humphrey Diggs Humphrey Howarth James Wellington Gent. Hertford For the County of Hertford Sir Thomas Brograve Sir Robert Joscelyne Baronets Sir John Witterong Knight and Baronet Sir Charles Cleaver Knight Robert Dicer Iohn Cesar Ralph Radcliffe Francis Shalcross Edward Chester Thomas Tooke Esquires Richard Taverner King of Hempstead Joseph Edmonds Charles Cesar George Nodes George Poyner Joseph Hatch Charles Crouch Thomas James Iohn Dagnoll Gentlemen VVilliam Glascock Esquire Saint Albons For the Burrough of Saint Albans Joshua Lomax Edward Crosby Thomas Rotheram William Rugg William Rance Aldermen Iohn Dogget Huntington For the County of Huntington Sir Iames Beverly Iohn Dryden Anthony Hammon Major Dean of Godmanchester Kent For the County of Kent Sir Thomas Monins Sir Thomas Peirse Baronets Sir Iohn Shaw Knight and Baronet Sir Nicholas Strode Knight Edward Master Elwin VVyat William VViseman Esquires The Mayor of Maidstone for the time being Canterbury For the City and County of Canterbury William
upon this Act may be Assigned over And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every person or persons to whom any moneys shall be due by vertue of this Act after Warrant or Order entred in the Book of Register aforesaid for payment thereof his Executors Administrators or Assigns by Indorsement of his Order or Warrant may assign and transfer his Right Title Interest and Benefit of such Warrant or Order or any part thereof to any other which being notified in the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt aforesaid and an entry and memorial thereof also made in the Book of Registry aforesaid for Warrants which the Officers shall on request without Fée or charge accordingly make shall intitle such Assignée his Executors Administrators and Assigns to the benefit thereof and payment thereon And such Assignée may in like manner Assign again and so Toties quoties and afterwards it shall not be in the power of such person or persons who have made such Assignments to make void release or discharge the same or any the moneys thereby due or any part thereof Persons sued for executing this Act may plead the general issue And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any Action Plaint Suit or Information shall be commenced or prosecuted against any person or persons for what he or they shall do in pursuance or in execution of this Act such person or persons so sued in any Court whatsoever shall or may plead the general Issue Not guilty and upon any Issue joyned may give this Act and the special matter in Evidence And if the Plaintiff or Prosecutor shall become Nonsuit or forbear further prosecution or suffer Discontinuance or if a Verdict pass against him the Defendant and Defendants shall recover their treble Costs for which they shall have the like remedy as in any Case where Costs by the Law are given to Defendants CAP. II. Cattel may not be imported from Ireland and other parts beyond the Seas nor Fish taken by Foreigners WHereas by an Act of this present Parliament entituled An Act for the Encouragement of Trade amongst other things some Provision was made for the preventing of coming in of vast Numbers of Cattel 1● Car. 2. cap. 5. Stat. 3. whereby the Rents and Values of the Land of this Kingdome were much fallen and like dayly to fall more to the great Prejudice Detriment and Impoverishment of this Kingdom which nevertheless hath by experience béen found to be ineffectual and the continuance of any Importation either of the Lean or Fat Cattel dead or alive herein after specified not onely Vnnecessary but very Destructive to the welfare of this Kingdome Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled That such Importation from and after the second day of February Importation of Cattel a common Nusance in this present year One thousand six hundred sixty and six is a publick and common Nusance and shall be so adjudged déemed and taken to be to all intents and purposes whatsoever And that if any great Cattel Shéep or Swine or any Béef Pork or Bacon except for the necessary Provision of the respective Ships or Vessels in which the same shall be brought not exposing the same or any part thereof to Sale shall from and after the said second day of February by any wise whatsoever be Imported or brought from beyond Seas into this Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed That then it shall and may be lawful for any Constable The Penalty Tything-man Headborough Church-wardens or Overséers of the Poor or any of them within their respective Liberties Parishes or Places to take and seize the same and kéep the same during the space of Eight and fourty hours in some publick or convenient place where such Seizure shall be made within which time if the Owner or Owners or any for them or him shall make it appear unto some Iustice of the Peace of the same County where the same shall be so seized by the Oath of two credible Witnesses which Oath the said Iustice of Peace is hereby impowred and required to administer That the same were not Imported from Ireland or from any other place beyond the Seas not herein after Excepted after the said second day of February Then the same upon the Warrant of such Iustice of Peace shall be delivered without delay But in default of such Proof and Warrant then the same to be forfeited One half thereof to be disposed to the use of the Poor of the Parish where the same shall be so found or seized the other half to be to his or their own use that shall so seize the same And for the better encouragement of the Fishery of this Kingdom Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any Ling Herring Cod or Pilchard fresh or salted Encouragement of Fishery dryed or bloated or any Salmons Eels or Congers taken by any Foreigners Aliens to this Kingdom shall be Imported uttered sold or exposed to sale in this Kingdom That then it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons to take and seize the same The one half thereof to be disposed of to the use of the Poor of the Parish where the same shall be so found or seized the other half to his or their own use which shall so seize the same Provided always That nothing in this Act shall be construed to hinder the Importation of Cattel from the Isle of Man in this Kingdom of England Isle of Man so as the number of the said Cattel do not excéed Six hundred Head yearly And that they be not of any other Bréed then of the Bréed of the Isle of Man And that they be landed at the Port of Chester or some of the Members thereof and not elsewhere This Act to continue until the end of Seven years and from thence to the end of the First Session of the next Parliament CAP. III. A former Act for preventing of Theft and Rapine upon the Northern Borders of England Continued WHereas an Act was made in the Fourtéenth year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord the King that now is entituled 14 Car. 2. cap. 22. An Act for preventing of Theft and Rapine upon the Northern Borders of England which Act is very near expiring and hath béen found very necessary for the preservation of those places from that great number of Lewd Disorderly and Lawless persons that usually frequented thereabouts Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled That the said Act and every Clause and Clauses therein contained and all and every the Powers and Authorities thereby given be continue and remain
in force until the end of Seven years from the expiration or determination of the fore-mentioned Act. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the benefit of Clergy shall be taken away from great known and notorious Thieves and Spoil-takers in the said Counties of Northumberland Cumberland or either of them during the continuance of this present Act Clergy taken away from notorious Theives in Northumberland Cumberland who shall be duly Convicted for Theft done or committed within the said Counties or either of them Or otherwise That it shall and may be lawful to and for the Iustices of the Assize and Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer or Gaol-delivery before whom such Offenders shall be Convicted within the said Counties or either of them to Transport or cause to be Transported the said Offenders and every of them into any of His Majesties Dominions in America there to remain and not to return Any former Law Statute or Vsage to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding CAP. IV. For Burying in Woollen onely FOr the Encouragement of the Woollen Manufactures of this Kingdom and prevention of the Exportation of the Moneys thereof for the Buying and Importing of Linnen Woollen Manufactures encouraged Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by the Authority thereof That from and after the Five and twentieth day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty seven No person or persons whatsoever shall be buried in any Shirt None shall be buried but in Woollen Shift or Shéet made of or mingled with Flax Hemp Silk Hair Gold or Silver or other then what shall be made of Wooll onely or be put into any Coffin lined or faced with any thing made of or mingled with Flax Hemp Silk or Hair upon pain of the forfeiture of the sum of Five pounds Penalty to be imployed to the use of the poor of the Parish where such person shall be buried for and towards the providing a Stock or Work-house for the setting them at work to be levied by the Churchwardens and Overséers of the Poor of such Parish or one of them by Warrant from any Iustice of the Peace or Mayor Alderman or Head-officer of such City Town or place Corporate respectively within their several Limits by Distress and Sale of the Goods of the party Interred contrary to this Act rendring the overplus or in default thereof by Distress and Sale of the Goods of any that had a hand in the putting such person into such Shift Shirt Shéet or Coffin contrary to this Act or did order or dispose the doing thereof to be levied and imployed as abovesaid Proviso for persons dying of the Plague Provided That no penalty appointed by this Act shall be incurred for or by the reason of any person that shall die of the Plague though such person be buried in Linnen CAP. V. For Encouraging for Coynage WHereas it is obvious That the plenty of Current Coyns of Gold and Silver of this Kingdom is of great advantage to Trade and Commerce For the Increase whereof Your Majesty in Your Princely Wisdom and Care hath béen graciously pleased to bear out of Your Revenue half the Charge of the Coynage of Silver-money For the preventing of which Charge to Your Majesty Encouragement for bringing Gold and Silver into the Realm and the Encouragement of the bringing of Gold and Silver into the Realm to be converted into the Current Money of this Your Majesties Kingdom We Your Majesties Dutiful and Loyal Subjects do Give and Grant unto Your Majesty the Rates Duties or Impositions following And do beséech Your Majesty that it may be Enacted And be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That whatsoever person or persons Native or Foreigner Alien or Stranger Silver or Gold brought in to be Coyned shall from and after the Twentieth day of December One thousand six hundred sixty and six bring any Foreign Coyn Plate or Bullion of Gold or Silver in Mass Molten or Allayed or any sort of Manufacture of Gold or Silver into His Majesties Mint or Mints within the Kingdom of England to be there Melted down and Coyned into the current Coyns of this Kingdom shall have the same there Assayed Melted down and Coyned with all convenient spéed without any Defalcation Diminution or Charge for the Assaying Coynage or Wast in Coynage So as that for every pound Troy of Crown or Standard-Gold that shall be brought in and delivered by him or them to be Assayed Melted down and Coyned as aforesaid there shall be delivered out to him or them respectively a pound Troy of the current Coyns of this Kingdom of Crown or Standard-Gold And for every pound Troy of Sterling or Standard-Silver that shall be brought in and delivered by him or them to be Assayed Melted down and Coyned as aforesaid there shall be delivered out to him or them respectively a pound Troy of the current Coyns of this Kingdom of Sterling or Standard-Silver and so proportionably for a greater or lesser weight And for every pound Troy of Gold or Silver that shall be brought in and delivered to be Assayed Melted down and Coyned as aforesaid that shall be finer upon Assay then Crown-Gold or Standard-Silver there shall be delivered for the same so much more then a pound Troy as the same doth in proportion amount unto in ●●neness and value And for every pound Troy of Gold or Silver that shall be brought in and delivered to be Assayed Melted down and Coyned as aforesaid that shall be courser or baser upon Assay or worse in value then Crown-Gold or Standard-Silver there shall be delivered for the same so much less then a pound Troy as the same doth fall short in fineness or value and so for a greater or lesser quantity And it is hereby further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That there shall be no preference in point of Assaying or Coynage There shall be no under preference but money Coyned shall be delivered out in order but that all Gold and Silver brought in and delivered into the Mint to be Assayed and Coyned shall be Assayed Coyned and delivered out to the respective Importers according to the order and times of bringing in and delivering the same into the Mint or Mints and not otherwise So as he that shall first bring in and deliver any Gold or Silver to be Coyned shall be taken and accounted the first person to have the same Assayed Coyned and Delivered And he or they that shall bring in and deliver any Gold or Siver next to be accounted the second person to have the same Assayed Coyned and Delivered and so successively
are for the use and service aforesaid to be kept in His Majesties Office of Receipt in the said Mint or Mints under the usual Keys of the Warden Master and Worker and Comptroller for the time being and issued out thence from time to time according to the manner and course of the said Mint or Mints respectively And it is hereby further Enacted That there shall not be issued out of the Exchequer of the said moneys in any one year for the Fées and Salaries of the Officers of the Mint or Mints and towards the providing maintaining and repairing of the Houses Offices and Buildings and other necessaries for Assaying Melting down and Coyning above the sum of Thrée thousand pounds Sterling money And the overplus of the said moneys so kept or to be kept as aforesaid shall be imployed for and towards the expence waste and charge of assaying melting down and Coynage and buying in of Gold and Silver to Coyn The continuance of this Act. and not otherwise And lastly Be it Enacted And it is hereby Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That this Act shall continue and be in force until the Twentieth day of December which shall be in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred seventy one and until the end of the first Session of Parliament then next following Proviso and no longer Provided always and be it further Enacted That where His Majesty in and by his Letters Patents under his Great Seal dated at Westminster the Twentieth day of August in the Twelfth year of his Reign Dame Barbara Villiers did for divers good causes and considerations Him moving give and grant to Dame Barbara Villiers Widow the sum of Two pence by tale out of every pound weight Troy of Silver moneys which from thenceforth should be Coyned by vertue of any Warrant or Indenture made and to be made by His Majesty his Heirs and Successors To have hold receive perceive and take the same unto the said Dame Barbara Villiers her Executors Administrators and Assigns from the Ninth day of the then instant August wéekly as the said moneys should be Coyned for and during the term of One and twenty years as by the same doth appear That His Majesty may out of the moneys leviable by this Act appoint and cause reasonable satisfaction to be made yearly to the said Dame Barbara Villiers her Executors and Administrators for her Interest in the Premisses not excéeding the sum of Six hundred pounds in any one year Anno Regni CAROLI II. Regis Angliae Scotiae Franciae Hiberniae Decimo Nono AT the Parliament begun at Westminster the Eighth day of May Anno Dom. 1661. In the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of our most Gracious Soveraign Lord CHARLES by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith c. And there continued by several Prorogations to the 18th day of September 1666. And then continued to the 8th of February following And thence Prorogued to the 10th of October 1667. were Enacted as followeth CAP. I. An Act Explanatory of the Act for Raising Moneys by a Poll and otherwise towards the Maintenance of this present War 18 Car. 2. cap. 1. WHereas by an Act of this present Session of Parliament Intituled An Act for Raising Moneys by a Poll and otherwise towards the Maintenance of this present War It is Enacted That all and every person and persons shall pay unto His Majesty the sum of Twelve pence over and above the other Rates charged upon them by the said Act To prevent all doubts that may arise in the execution thereof Be it Enacted and Declared by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same That the said sum of Twelve pence shall be charged upon and be paid by every person of what age sex or condition soever within the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Town of Berwick upon Tweed other then such persons who receive Alms from the Parish and the Children of any person remaining in his or her family who by reason of their poverty doth not contribute unto the Rates for Church and Poor and which are under the age of sixtéen years and are therefore exempted by the said Act. And be it further Enacted That the respective Parents Guardians and Tutors of every person under the age of One and twenty years shall upon default of payment by such person and upon demand pay Twelve pence for every such person residing in their family or under their Tuition and not exempted as aforesaid And be it Enacted That every person and persons charged or appointed to make any payment by vertue of this present Act shall be compellable by the Commissioners appointed by the before recited Act or any two or more of them to pay the same according unto the Rules and Methods and under the Penalties for paying the Rates expressed in the said recited Act. And be it further Enacted and Declared That every person or persons charged by the said recited Act for his or their Profession Office or in respect of any other capacity chargeable by this or the aforesaid Act who shall find him or themselves overcharged shall and may upon his or their Appeal before the Commissioners in the said Act mentioned or any two or more of them upon his or their several Oaths discharge him or themselves in such manner and form as persons over-rated for their personal Estates are by the said Act enabled And be it Enacted That all persons not being Housholders nor having a certain place of abode and all Servants shall be taxed at the places where they shall be resident at the time of the execution of the said Act and not otherwhere CAP. II. A Judicature erected for Determination of Differences touching Houses Burned or Demolished by reason of the late Fire which happened in London WHereas the greatest part of the Houses in the City of London and some in the Suburbs thereof have béen burnt by the dreadful and dismal Fire which happened in September last Many of the Tenants Vnder-tenants or late Occupiers whereof are liable unto Suits and Actions to compel them to repair and rebuild the same and to pay their Rents as if the same had not béen burned and are not relieveable therein in any ordinary course of Law and great Differences are like to arise concerning the said Repairs and new Building of the said Houses and payment of Rents which if they should not be determined with all spéed and without charge would much obstruct the rebuilding of the said City And for that it is just that every one concerned should bear a proportionable share of the loss according to their several Interests wherein in respect of the multitude of cases varying in their circumstances no certain general rule can be prescribed Be it
therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and of the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same That the Iustices of the Courts of Kings Bench and Common Pleas Iustices appointed to hear and determine differences between Landlords and Tenants c. and the Barons of the Coife of the Exchequer for the time being or any thrée or more of them sitting at the same time and place and not otherwise shall be and are hereby Authorized from time to time to hear and to determine all Differences and Demands whatsoever which have arisen or may any wise arise betwéen Landlords Proprietors Tenants Lessées Vnder-tenants or late Occupiers of any the said Houses or Buildings with their appurtenances or the Courts or Yards Grounds and Wharfs or any person or persons having or claiming any Estate Right Title Interest in Law or Equity or Trust Charge or Incumbrance of or in the same or their or any of their Heirs Executors Administrators Successors or Assigns or any other persons for touching or concerning the Repairing Building or Rebuilding of the said Houses or Buildings Yards Courts Grounds and Wharfs or any other Grounds lying within that part of the City and Suburbs thereof lately burnt pulled down or otherwise demolished defaced or otherwise ruined by reason of the said Fire or for or concerning the payment defalcation apportioning or abatement of any Rent or Rents other then Arrears of Rent onely due before the First day of September One thousand six hundred sixty and six or for or touching any Covenant Condition or penalty relating thereunto or for touching or concerning the prefixing or limiting of any time for such Repairs or new Building Rebuilding or any Rate or Contribution to be born or paid thereunto by any person or persons Bodies Politick or Corporate interessed in the premisses and all Incidents relating thereunto And that they or any thrée or more of them from time to time with or without any Adjournment summarily and sine forma figura Judicii and without the formalities of procéedings in Courts of Law or Equity shall and may upon the Verdict or Inquisition of Iurors testimony of witnesses upon Oath Examination of parties interessed or by all or any of the said ways or otherwise according to their Discretions procéed to the hearing and determining of the Demands or Differences betwéen the said parties concerning the premisses and that the definitive Order of the said Iustices and Barons or any thrée or more of them as aforesaid shall be final as betwéen the said parties their Heirs Executors Administrators Successors and Assigns and all claiming by from or under them as touching the matters contained in such Orders from which there shall be no Appeal or Review otherwise then as is hereafter mentioned Nor shall any Writ of Error or Certiorari lye for the removal or reversal of the same And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Iustices and Barons The Powers of the said Iustices or any thrée or more of them as aforesaid shall have Authority and are hereby Impowred where they shall think it convenient to Order the Surrendring Increasing Abridging Ceasing Determining or Charging of any Estates in the Premisses or to order new or longer Leases or Estates not excéeding Forty years to be made of any of the premisses by the Proprietors or Owners thereof or other persons interessed therein to any Tenant or Sub-Tenant or late Occupiers of the same their Executors Administrators Successors or Assigns at such Rents and Fines or without any Rent or Fine as they shall think fit unless in such Cases where the Laws of this Realm do forbid the Diminishing of ancient and accustomable Rents All which Orders according to the Tenors thereof shall be obeyed by all persons concerned therein respectively and shall conclude and bind them their Heirs Successors Executors Administrators and Assigns respectively notwithstanding any Disability in respect of Coverture Infancy Non-sanity of Memory Estate Tail or in Right of the Church or otherwise And that Infants Femes Covert Ideots persons of Non-sane Memory or beyond the Seas Tenants in Tail Bishops Deans and Chapters and other Ecclesiastical persons and their Successors Corporations and all other person or persons Bodies Natural and Politick their Heirs and Successors and their respective Interests shall be bound and concluded by such respective Order or Orders according to the Tenor or Purport thereof Any Law Statute or Custom or other matter or thing to the contrary notwithstanding And for the better Enabling the said Iustices and Barons to procéed with effect in the said Causes How to proceed upon Complaints Be it also Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Iustices and Barons or any thrée or more of them as aforesaid upon the complaint or request of any person or persons concerned in any of the said Houses or Buildings and other the premisses shall issue out Notes or Warrants under their hands or the hands of any such thrée of them thereby warning the person or persons Bodies Politick and Corporate therein named and concerned in the said late Houses or Buildings and other the premisses in such Complaint mentioned to appear before them at such time and place as in such Note or Notes shall in that behalf be specified And upon appearance of the said person or persons summoned or upon default of appearance and Oath made of due notice given to him or them which Oath and all other Oaths necessary to the Execution of the Powers given by this Act the said Iustices and Barons or any thrée of them are hereby enabled to administer The said Iustices and Barons or any thrée of them may procéed to make such final and definitive Orders as aforesaid And that such service of the said Note or Notes as is usually allowed to be a good service in cases of Subpoena shall be accounted to be a good service in the cases aforesaid The said Indicature shall be a Court of Record And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Iustices and Barons or any thrée of them for the matters and according to the powers herein before mentioned shall be and shall be taken to be a Court of Record And that the Iudgements and Determinations that shall be made betwixt party and party by Authority of this Act shall be Recorded in a Book or Books of Parchment to be provided for that purpose And that every such Iudgement and Determination shall be Signed by thrée or more of the said Iustices or Barons Which said Book or Books of Record shall be placed and intrusted in the custody of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London for the time being to be kept with the Records of the said City and to remain as a perpetual standing Record unto which all persons concerned or which shall be concerned
shall or may repair to view the same and thereout to take Copies of all such Iudgements and Determinations as shall relate to him her and them And that none of the said Iustices and Barons shall take any Fée or Reward whatsoever directly or indirectly for any thing to be done by them by vertue or colour of this present Act. Officers And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That for a reward of the Officers to be imployed herein A Table of Fees the said Iustices and Barons or any thrée or more of them as aforesaid are hereby enabled to order and direct a Table of such reasonable Fées to be made as may carry on and effect the purport and intent of this Act. This Act to continue till the last day of December which shall be in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and eight The continuance of this Act. and no longer Proviso touching the renewing and reversing Orders or Decrees Provided always and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That where any such Order or Decrée as aforesaid shall be made by a lesser number of Iustices and Barons then Seven it shall be lawful for any person agrieved by such Order or Decrée to present his Exceptions to the same in writing within seven days next after such Order or Decrée made to the Chief Iustices and Chief Baron for the time being or any two of them who shall forthwith communicate the same to the rest of the said Iustices and Barons who are hereby required to hear the Parties and examine and consider the said Exceptions And if any Seven or more of them shall subscribe thereunto that they find probable cause of complaint Then it shall and may be lawful to and for any Seven or more of the said Iustices Barons within Twenty days next following such Exceptions delivered to review the said former Order or Decrée And thereupon to reverse Confirm Enlarge Diminish or otherwise alter any such Order or Decrée as in their wisdoms they shall think fit Any thing herein contained notwithstanding CAP. III. For Rebuilding the City of London FOrasmuch as the City of London being the Imperial Seat of His Majesties Kingdoms and renowned for Trade and Commerce throughout the World by reason of a most dreadful Fire lately happening therein was for the most part thereof burnt down and destroyed within the compass of a few days and now lies buried in its own Ruines For the spéedy Restauration whereof and for the better Regulation Vniformity and Gracefulness of such new Buildings as shall be erected for Habitations in order thereunto And to the end that great and outragious Fires through the blessing of Almighty God so far forth as humane Providence with submission to the Divine pleasure can foresée may be reasonably prevented or obviated for the time to come both by the matter and form of such Building And further to the intent that all Incouragement and Expedition may be given unto and all Impediments and Obstructions that may retard or protract the undertaking or carrying on a work so necessary and of so great Honour and Importance to His Majesty and this Kingdom and to the rest of His Majesties Kingdoms and Dominions may be removed Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That the Rules and Directions hereafter in this Act prescribed be duely observed by all persons therein concerned And first That no Building or House for Habitation whatsoever Rules and directions to be observed in building be hereafter Erected within the limits of the said City and Liberties thereof but such as shall be pursuant to such Rules and Orders of Building and with such materials as are herein after particularly appointed and according to such Scantlings as are set down and prescribed in a Table in this present Act hereafter specified And if any person or persons shall presume to Build contrary thereunto and be convicted of the same by the Oaths of two or more credible witnesses to be taken before the Lord Mayor for the time being or any two or more of the Iustices of the Peace for the said City Penalty who are hereby impowred to administer the same Oaths that then and in such case the said House so irregularly built as aforesaid shall be déemed as a common Nusance and the Builder and Levier thereof shall enter into a Recognizance in such sum as the said Mayor and Iustices respectively in their Discretions shall appoint for abatement and demolishing the same in convenient time or otherwise to amend the same according to such Rules and Orders as aforesaid and in default of entring into such Recognizance the Offender shall be committed to the common Gaol of the said City there to remain without Bail or Mainprize till he shall have abated or demolished or otherwise amended the same or else such irregular House shall or may be demolished or abated by Order of the Court of Aldermen And that the said irregular Buildings may be the better prevented or more effectually discovered Prevention of irregular buildings Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Common-Council of the said City shall and may at their will and pleasure elect nominate and appoint one or more discréet and intelligent person or persons in the Art of Building to be the Surveyors or Supervisors to sée the said Rules and Scantlings well and truly observed And that it shall be lawful for the said Mayor Aldermen and Common Council or for the Mayor and Aldermen in their Court of Aldermen to administer to all the said Surveyors or Supervisors an Oath upon the holy Evangelists for the true and impartial execution of their Office in that behalf and to appoint the several Precincts which shall be under their several Surveys And to the end that all Builders may the better know how to provide and fit their materials for their several Buildings Be it Enacted That there shall be onely Four sorts of Buildings There shall be four sorts of buildings only and no more and that all manner of Houses so to be erected shall be of one of those four sorts of Buildings and no other that is to say The First and least sort of Houses fronting By-Lanes the Second sort of Houses fronting Stréets and Lanes of note the Third sort of Houses fronting high and principal Stréets the Fourth and largest sort of Mansion-houses for Citizens or other persons of extraordinary quality not fronting either of the thrée former ways And the Roofs of each of the first three sorts of Houses respectively shall be Vniform And for avoiding any uncertainty to the Builders or others herein Be it further Enacted Powers of the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Common Council to declare Streets
  14 3 8 Principal Discharges upon Peers In the first Story in the Fronts Inches   Inches 13 and 12 15   13 Binding Joysts with their Trimming Joysts Thickness Inches   5 depth equal to their own Floors Wall-plates or raising Pieces and Beams Inches   Inches 10 and 6 8   6 7   5 Lintels of Oak in the   Inches   Inches 1st 2d story 8 6 3d story 5   4 For the Roof Principal Rafters from Length   Thickness Foot Foot Inches Inches 15 to 18 at foot 9 7 at top 7 18-21 at foot 10 8 at top 8 21-24 at foot 12 8 ½ at top 9 24-26 at foot 13 9 at top 9 Purlines from Length     Foot Foot Inches Inches 15 to 18 9 8 18-21 12 9 Single Rafters   Foot Inches Inches not exceeding in length 9 5 4 not exceeding in length 6 4 3 ½ Scantlings for Sawed Timber and Laths usually brought out of the West-Countrey not less then   Breadth Thickness   Foot Inches Inch. Single Quarters in length 8 3 ½ 1 ¾ Double Quarters in length 8 4 3 ½ Sawed Joysts in length 8 6 4 Laths in length 5 1 ¼ 1 quarter ½ of Inch. 4     Stone Where Stone is used to keep to these Scantlings First sort of Houses   Inches Corner Peers 18 square Middle or single Peers 14 and 12 Double Peers between House House 14 and 18 Door-jambs and Heads 12 and 8 2d 3d sorts   Foot Inches Corner Peers 2-6 square Middle or single Peers 18 square Double Peers between House House 24 and 18 Doors-jambs and Heads 14 and 10 Scantlings for Sewers Foot   Thickness   3 wide Side-walls 1 brick Bottom paved plain and then 1 brick an edge circular 5 high Arch 1 brick on end General Rules IN every Foundation within the Ground add one Brick in thickness to the thickness of the Wall as in the Scheme next above the Foundation to be set off in Thrée Courses equally on both sides That no Timber be laid within Twelve Inches of the Foreside of the Chimney-Iambs And that all Ioysts on the Back of any Chimney be laid with a Trimmer at Six Inches distance from the Back That no Timber be laid within the Tunnel of any Chimney upon penalty to the Workman for every default Ten shillings and Ten shillings every Wéek it continues unreformed That no Ioysts or Rafters be laid at greater distances from one to the other then Twelve Inches and no Quarters at greater distance then Fourtéen Inches That no Ioysts bear at longer length then Ten Foot and no single Rafters at more in length then Nine Foot That all Roofs Window-frames and Cellar-floors be made of Oak The Tile-pins of Oak No Summers or Girders to lie over the Head of Doors and Windows No Summer or Girder to lie less then Ten Inches into the Wall no Ioysts then Eight Inches and to be laid in Loame CAP. IV. For Relief of poor Prisoners and setting of them on Work WHereas there is not yet any sufficient Provision made for the Relief and setting on work of poor and néedy persons committed to the Common Gaol for Felony and other misdemeanors who many times perish before their Trial and the Poor there living idly and unimployed become debauched and come forth instructed in the practice of Thievery and lewdness For remedy whereof Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty with advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by Authority of the same That the Iustices of the Peace of the respective Counties How Stocks may be provided for setting the poor on work at any their General Sessions or the major part of them then there assembled if they shall find it néedfull so to do may provide Stock of such Materials as they find convenient for the setting poor Prisoners on work in such manner and by such ways as other County-charges by the Laws and Statutes of the Realm are and may be levied and raised And to pay and provide fit persons to oversée and set such Prisoners on work and make such Orders for Accompts of and concerning the premisses as shall by them be thought néedful and for punishment of neglects and other abuses and for bestowing of the Profit arising by the labour of the Prisoners so set on work for their Relief which shall be duly observed And may alter revoke or amend such their Orders from time to time Provided that no Parish be rated above Sir pence by the wéek towards the premisses having respect to the respective values of the several Parishes And whereas sometimes by occasion of the Plague and otherwhiles by the great number of Prisoners great and infectious Diseases have happened among the Prisoners Sickness and Diseases hapning among Prisoners whereby it hath come to pass sometimes that the Iudges Iustices and Iurors have upon occasion of their Attendance at the Trial of Prisoners béen infected and many of them died thereof and sometime such Infection hath spread in the Country For some Remedy therein Be it by the same Authority Enacted That any Sheriff of the respective Counties having the Custody of the Gaol or such persons who have the Custody of the Goal with the advice and consent of thrée or more Iustices of the Peace whereof one to be of the Quorum may if they shall on inquiry or information find it needful upon emergent occasions in the respective Counties provide other safe places for the removal of sick or other persons from and out of the ordinary and usual Gaols the same places to be used and imployed for the reception and custody of the Prisoners to be by or according to their Order or Orders kept ordered disposed and conveyed to the places appointed for the Gaol-delivery in such and like manner as such Prisoners ought to be kept ordered disposed and conveyed in and from the Common Gaols by the Laws and Statutes of the Land Provided no such place be made use of for the purposes aforesaid against the good and frée will of the Owners thereof Provided also and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Mayor Bayliff Removing of Prisoners and other Head-Officer or any other person and persons who have and hath the Custody of the Common Gaol within any Corporation of this Kingdom and Dominion of Wales shall by and with the advice of thrée or more Iustices of Peace within the said Corporation whereof one of them to be of the Quorum in time of Infection have the like power and authority for removing his and their Prisoners into some other convenient place within their Iurisdiction as to them shall séem fit during the time of Infection And also to raise a Stock after the same rates and proportions as is herein before allowed to and for the several Counties within this Kingdom Provided also And be it further Enacted by the
Authority aforesaid as followeth viz. That whereas there is already provided a strong and sufficient Messuage in the Parish of S. Thomas the Apostle near the City of Exon for the purpose aforesaid Exon City and One thousand pounds more by certain Trustees upon Proposals and Agréements made by them with cetain Gentlemen Iustices of the Peace for the County of Devon Devon who have also provided One thousand pounds more in order to purchase Lands of Inheritance for the good purposes hereafter mentioned Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Two thousand pounds be laid out in purchase of Lands of Inheritance by Order of the General Sessions of the Peace hereafter at any time to be held in the name of such persons as by such Order shall be appointed Item That the said House with the Grounds therewith inclosed be had and used as a Common Gaol and Workhouse for the said County in manner as is after expressed Item That an Overséer be therein placed by like Order and by like Order be removeable from time to time which Overseer shall have the charge custody and government of the Prisoners to him committed according to this Act and shall have Fifty pounds per annum during the execution of his Office and Ten pounds per annum for his Deputy but shall therefore take no fées for receiving delivering or doing any other service relating to the Prisoners from or of any the said Prisoners Item That the said Iustices by like Order from time to time shall and may by approbation of the Ordinary provide and appoint some méet and discréet Minister to read Divine Service according to the Orders of the Church of England unto the Prisoners at least four days in the wéek That is to say on the Lords day each Wednesday and each Friday and Saturday and oftner if the said Iustices shall appoint and to take pains in instructing them each Lords day at the least for which they may allow him Thirty pounds per annum or after that rate the rest of the Profits to be for Repairing the House and towards finding a Stock for to set the Prisoners on work Item That any person charged with such offence onely for which Clergy is allowable if so be he be néedy and indigent and not likely to maintain himself in Gaol may by Warrant of the Iustice or Iustices of the Peace to whom Iurisdiction in that behalf appertaineth be committed to the said Workhouse in order to his Trial and if any person shall be committed to the ordinary Gaol who shall be or become so indigent he may by Warrant of thrée Iustices of Peace whereof one to be of the Quorum be removed from the ordinary Common Gaol to the said House All which Prisoners so committed or removed shall be in the custody of the Overséer and be ordered and demeaned in the said House and conveyed to the Sessions or to the Gaol-delivery by like Warrant way and means as the Prisoners in other Gaols by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm are to be ordered and demeaned And because the said Workhouse is distant from the Ordinary Common Gaol the Prisoners by Order from the Sessions or Gaol-delivery may in order to their Trials be removed to the Common Gaol to be the more ready for their Trials Item That the said Overséer shall give Security for the Stock and be liable to such Regulations and Orders for Accompts and otherwise as the Sessions shall from time to time make for setting the poor Prisoners on work there which shall be obeyed and observed That a convenient Stock be from time to time raised at the Charge of the County Item That the said Iustices of the County in Devon may put in ure all the powers in this Act as other Iustices may in any other County by vertue thereof Saving to the Kings Majesty His Heirs and Successors and to every other person and persons and their Heirs Successors Executors and Administrators all Rights Titles Claims and Demands whatsoever into or out of the said Messuages and Premisses as if this Act had never béen made CAP. V. A former Act concerning Replevins and Avowries to extend to the Principality of Wales and the County Palatines 1. Car. 2. cap. 7. WHereas by an Act of Parliament Entituled An Act for the more speedy and effectual proceeding upon Distresses and Avowries for Rents Provision is made where any Plaintiff shall Nonsuit before Issue joyned in any Suit or Replevin by Plaint or Writ lawfully returned removed or depending in any of the Kings Courts at Westminster Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled That the said Act and all the Powers and Provisions thereby made for causes of Replevins depending in His Majesties Courts of Westminster shall be extended and be of the same force and efficacy in all causes of Replevin which are or shall be depending in His Majesties Court of Common Pleas for the County Palatine of Lancaster Lancaster Wales Chester the Courts of the Great Sessions of His Majesties Principality of Wales the Court of Great Sessions or Assizes for the County Palatine of Chester and the Court of Common Pleas for the County Palatine of Durham as fully and as amply for and during the continuance of the said Act as if the said Courts had been mentioned therein CAP. VI. A Redress of Inconveniencies by want of Proof of the Deceases of Persons beyond the Seas or absenting themselves upon whose Lives Estates do depend VVHereas divers Lords of Mannors and others have used to grant Estates by Copy of Court-Roll for one two or more life or lives according to the Custome of their several Mannors and have also granted Estates by Lease for one or more life or lives or else for years determinable upon one or more life or lives And it hath often happened that such person or persons for whose life or lives such Estates have béen granted have gone beyond the Seas or so absented themselves for many years that the Lessors and Reversioners cannot find out whether such person or persons be alive or dead by reason whereof such Lessors and Reversioners have béen held out of possession of their Tenements for many years after all the lives upon which such Estates depend are dead in regard that the Lessors and Reversioners when they have brought Actions for the recovery of their Tenements have béen put upon it to prove the death of their Tenants when it is almost impossible for them to discover the same For remedy of which mischief so frequently happening to such Lessors or Reversioners Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same Persons beyond the Seas or absenting
themselves for seven years That if such person or persons for whose life or lives such Estates have béen or shall be granted as aforesaid shall remain beyond the Seas or elsewhere absent themselves in this Realm by the space of Seven years together and no sufficient and evident proof be made of the lives of such person or persons respectively in any Action commenced for recovery of such Tenements by the Lessors or Reversioners in every such case the person or persons upon whose life or lives such Estate depended shall be accounted as naturally dead And in every Action brought for the recovery of the said Tenements by the Lessors or Reversioners their Heirs or Assigns The Iudges before whom such Action shall be brought shall direct the Iury to give their Verdict as if the person so remaining beyond the Seas or otherwise absenting himself were dead What shall be a good challenge to Iurors upon tryal of Lives in being And be further Enacted That in any such Action wherein the life or death of any such person or persons shall come in question betwéen the Lessor or Reversioner and the Tenant in possession it shall and may be lawful for the Lessor or Reversioner to take exception to any of the Iurors returned for the trial of that cause that the greatest part of the real Estate of any of such Iurors is held by Lease or Copy for lives who upon proof thereof shall be set aside as in case of other legal challenges Provided always and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Proviso for Lands held by lives of certain Traytors attainted That nothing in this Act contained shall extend to any Lands held by the life or lives of any person or persons attainted of Treason for the horrid murder of his late Majesty of blessed memory who now conceal or hide themselves which Lands are or have béen vested in His Majesty and are now granted to his Royal Highness the Duke of York but that the course of Evidence heretofore used in such cases shall be had and used Any thing to the contrary in this Act notwithstanding Provided always and be it Enacted Proviso for persons evicted by this not being in truth dead That if any person or persons shall be evicted out of any Lands or Tenements by vertue of this Act and afterwards if such person or persons upon whose life or lives such Estate or Estates depend shall return again from beyond the Seas or shall on proof in any Action to be brought for recovery of the same be made appear to be living or to have béen living at the time of the Eviction That then and from thenceforth the Tenant or Lessée who was outed of the same his or their Executors Administrators or Assigns shall or may re-enter re-possess have hold and enjoy the said Lands or Tenements in his or their former Estate for and during the life or lives or so long term as the said person or persons upon whose life or lives the said Estate or Estates depend shall be living and also shall upon Action or Actions to be brought by him or them against the Lessors Reversioners or Tenants in possession or other persons respectively which since the time of the said Eviction received the Profits of the said Lands or Tenements recover for damages the full Profits of the said Lands or Tenements respectively with lawfull Interest for and from the time that he or they were outed of the said Lands or Tenements and kept or held out of the same by the said Lessors Reversioners Tenants or other persons who after the said Eviction received the Profits of the said Lands or Tenements or any of them respectively aswell in the case when the said person or persons upon whose Life or Lives such Estates or Estates did depend are or shall be dead at the time of bringing of the said Action or Actions as if the said person or persons were then living CAP. VII Disturbances of Seamen and others prevented and to preserve the Stores belonging to His Majesties Navy Royal. WHereas divers Fightings Quarrelings and Disturbances do often happen in about His Majesties Offices Yards and Stores for His Majesties Royal Navy 16 Car. 2. cap. 5. and frequent Differences and Disorders are occasioned in the Office of His Majesties Treasury of the Navy on Pay-days in London Portsmouth and other places of méeting for the Service of the said Navy And that either by the unreasonable Turbulency of Seamen and others attending on Turbulency of Seamen or relating to that Service or their Creditors or by the rudeness of the Officers intrusted with His Maiesties Stores on Land or in His Royal Ships when they are questioned by the Principal Officers and Commissioners of the said Navy either for neglect or Imbezelment of His Majesties Provisions Ammunition or other Equipage of the Navy under their Charge and that not onely to the disturbance of the Peace but sometimes to the danger and hindrance of His Majesties Service both in point of husbanding His Majesties Revenue and also on the dispatch of the Ships on which the Honour and Safety of His Majesty and Kingdom so much depends Which inconveniencies require a spéedie remedy then the ordinary attendance on the Sessions of Peace can give the Parties Accused or Offending being many times bound to Sea and the Principal Officers and Commissioners for want of Authority to suppress such Insolencies and determine such Cases being necessitated to pass by many Offences in which His Majesty might be righted if their necessary attendance on that important Service would permit the prosecution of the Offenders before other ordinary Iudicatures Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same Who may examine and punish offences and disturbances committed by Seamen relating to the Navy That the Treasurer Comptroller Surveyor Clerk of the Acts and the Commissioners of the Navy for the time being or any one or more of them have power and authority to examine and punish all such person and persons whom they upon their enquiry examination or on view in their presence shall find hereafter to make or have made any Disturbance Fighting or Quarrelling in the Yards Stores or Offices aforesaid at Pay-days or on other occasions relating to the Naval Services in such manner as followeth That is to say That they or any one or more of them may punish any the said Offences by Fine Imprisonment or either of them the Fine not excéeding Twenty shillings and Imprisonment not excéeding one week And have power in such cases to commit such persons to the next Gaol or to the custody of the Messenger or Messengers for the time being attendant on them who respectively are to receive and detain such person so offending And that the said principal Officers and Commissioners or the greater number
of them then present have power to discharge such Fine or Imprisonment if they think fit And for non-payment of the Fine so imposed and not remitted to Imprison the Party offending until payment thereof which said Fines shall be paid to the Clerk of the Chest for the use of the maimed Seamen And that the examination of Witnesses be upon Oath before him or them which they any one or more of them are accordingly impowred to Administer And it is further by Authority aforesaid Enacted That the said Officers and Commissioners or any one or more of them in cases where greater example or punishment is néedful may also bind the person or persons so offending to their good behaviour with or without Securities as occasion shall be Imbezeling of Stores and Ammunition of the Navy And whereas divers of His Majesties Stores and Ammunition pertaining to His Navy and Shipping or Service thereof are imbezelled or filched away It is by the like Authority Enacted That the said Principal Officers and Commissioners or any one or more of them by Warrant under their Hands and Seals have power in like manner to inquire and search for the same in all places as Iustices of Peace may do in case of Felony and punish the Offenders by such Fine and Imprisonment as aforesaid and cause the Goods to be brought in again And if the Offence be of such nature as doth require an higher and severer punishment Then that they any one or more of them may commit such Offender to the next Gaol or to the custody of their Messenger or Messengers aforesaid till he or they offending enter into Recognizance with Surety or Sureties according to the nature of the Offence to appear and answer to the same in His Majesties Court of Exchequer or other Court where His Majesty shall question him or them for the same within one year following on Process duly served for that purpose on such Offender or Offenders And it is Declared and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That they the said Principal Officers and Commissioners or any one or more of them may put in use the said Powers on the Offenders as aforesaid in all places where they hold an Office for His Majesty as well within Liberties as without Any Law Statute Ordinance Charter or Priviledge to the contrary notwithstanding Encouragement of Mariners and Souldiers serving in the Fleet. And for the better encouraging of such Mariners and Souldiers as now do or shall serve His Majesty in His Fléet or Ships during this War Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That no Ordinary Register or other Officer belonging to any Ecclesiastical Court or Court of Orphans or any Iurisdiction whatsoever within the Kingdom of England or Dominion of Wales or Town of Berwick shall take or receive of the Executor or Administrator Executors or Administrators of any Mariner or Souldier dying in the pay of His Majesties Navy during this present War above the sum of Twelve pence for the Probate of any Will Registring the same granting Letters of Administration exhibiting any Inventory or for any other matter or thing relating thereunto And for every default herein by wilful delay in the doing granting or executing the Premisses the person or persons so offending shall forfeit to the party grieved the sum of Ten pounds to be recovered by Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information in any of His Majesties Courts of Record at Westminster or elsewhere wherein no Essoign Priviledge Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed Any Law or Statute or Vsage to the contrary notwithstanding The Continuance of this Act. This Act to continue for Two years from the First day of February One thousand six hundred sixty and six and from thence to the end of the next Session of Parliament CAP. VIII Twelve hundred fifty six thousand three hundred fourty seven pounds thirteen shillings granted to the Kings Majesty towards the Maintenance of the present War VVE Your Majesties most Dutiful and Loyal Subjects the Commons assembled in Parliament as a further Aid and Assistance of Your Majesty during the present Wars have given and granted and by these presents do give and grant unto Your most Excellent Majesty the sum of Twelve hundred fifty six thousand three hundred fourty seven pounds thirteen shillings to be raised and levied in manner following And we do most humbly beseech Your Majesty that it may be Enacted and be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and of the Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That the sum of Twelve hundred fifty six thousand three hundred fourty seven pounds thirteen shillings shall be raised levied and paid unto Your Majesty within the space of eleven Moneths in manner following that is to say Whereas in and by a certain Act of Parliament lately passed Entituled 16 17 Car. 2. cap. 1. An Act for granting a Royal Aid unto the Kings Majesty of Twenty four hundred threescore and seventeen thousand and five hundred pounds to be raised levied and paid in the space of three years It was amongst other things Enacted That the sum of threescore and eight thousand eight hundred and nineteen pounds and nine shillings by the Moneth for thirty six Moneths from the five and twentieth day of December One thousand six hundred sixty four should be assessed taxed collected levied and paid by twelve quarterly payments in the several Counties Cities Boroughs Towns and places within England and Wales and the Town of Berwick upon Tweed according to the several Rates and Proportions and in such manner as in the said Act is expressed And whereas also in and by one other Act of Parliament passed in the Sessions of Parliament lately held at Oxford Entituled 17 Car. 2. c. ● An Act for granting the sum of Twelve hundred and fifty thousand pounds to the Kings Majesty for his present further Supply It was amongst other things further Enacted That the sum of fifty two thousand fourscore and three pounds six shillings eight pence by the Moneth for twenty four Moneths beginning from the five and twentieth day of December One thousand six hundred sixty and five should be likewise assessed taxed collected levied and paid by eight Quarterly payments in the several Cities Boroughs Towns and places within England and Wales and the Town of Berwick upon Tweed over and above the said sum of threescore and eight thousand eight hundred and nineteen pounds and nine shillings as an addition to and increase of the said Monethly Assessment according to the Rates and Proportions therein expressed Both which sums together amount unto the sum of one hundred and twenty thousand nine hundred and two pounds fifteen shillings eight pence by the Moneth And whereas also in and by one other Act of Parliament passed in the same Sessions Entituled An Act for Granting One
intermedling with any Office or Imployment relating to the Excise until he or they shall before two or more Iustices of Peace in the County where his or their imployments shall be or before one of the Barons of the Exchequer take the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy which Oaths they have hereby power to Administer together with this Oath following Mutatis Mutandis The Oath YOU shall swear to execute the Office of _____ truly and faithfully without Favour or Affection and shall from time to time true Accompt make and deliver to such person and persons as His Majesty shall appoint to receive the same and shall take no Fee or Reward for the Execution of the said Office from any other person than from His Maiesty or those whom His Majesty shall appoint in that behalf And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Certificates at the next quarter sessions London Westminster Southwark Officers to be appointed by his Majesty That every such Iustice of Peace shall certify the taking of such Oath to the next Quarter-Sessions there to be Recorded And it is further Enacted That all parts of the Cities of London and Westminster with the Burrough of Southwark and the several Suburbs thereof and Parishes within the wéekly Bills of Mortality shal be under the immediate care inspection and management of the said Head-Office and such and so many subordinate Commissioners and Sub-Commissioners and other Officers and Ministers for the Execution of the Premisses shall be from time to time nominated and appointed by His Majesty his Heirs and Successors in all and every other the Counties Cities Towns and Places within this Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Port of Berwick as from time to time his Majesty his Heirs and Successors shall think fit And it is hereby further Enacted That the said Office of Excise in all places where it shall be appointed The Excise office to be kept open shall be kept open from eight of the Clock in the morning till twelve of the Clock at noon and from two of the Clock in the Afternoon till five of the Clock in the Afternoon for the due execution and performance of all and every the matters and things in this Act appointed and required The monies collected to be paid into the receipt of the Exchequer And it is further hereby Enacted That the said Chief Commissioners of Excise or the major part of them shall from time to time issue forth and pay such sum and sums of money as shall from time to time be received collected or levyed by vertue of this Act into his Majesties Receipt of Exchequer Provided alwayes and be it Enacted Persons sued may plead the general issue That if any person or persons shall at any time be sued or prosecuted for any thing by him or them done or executed in pursuance of this Act he or they shall and may plead the general issue and give this Act in evidence for his defence and if upon the Tryal a Verdict shall pass for the Defendant or Defendants or the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs be Non-suit then such Defendant or Defendants shall have double costs to him or them awarded against such Plaintiff or Plaintiffs Provided also and be it Enacted Writs of Certiorari shal not supersede any proceedings That no Writ or Writs of Certiorari shall supersede Execution or other Procéedings upon any Order or Orders made by the Iustices aforesaid in pursuance of this Act but that Execution and other procéedings shall and may be had and made thereupon any such Writ or Writs or allowance thereof notwithstanding Provided alwayes and be it further Enacted That this Act or any thing therein contained Proviso for Ed. Backwell for payment of 2●4 ●● shall not be prejudicial to Edward Backwell Alderman of London as to the sum of twenty eight thousand four hundred and fifty pounds or any part thereof by him advanced upon the Credit of several Orders of this present Parliament and by them charged on the receipt of the Grand Excise that is to say the sum of Five thousand pounds payable to his Majesties Surveyor-General for the repair of his Majesties houses charged by vertue of an Order of the sixth of September 1660. with Interest for the same the sum of ten thousand pounds advanced to her Highness the Princes Royal being charged with Interest by an Order of the 13th of September 1660. the sum of ten thousand pounds payable to her Majesty the Quéen of Bohemia being charged together with Interest by an Order of the 13th of September 1660. the sum of thrée thousand four hundred and fifty pounds payable for Provisions for Dunkirk by an Order of the 26th of November 1660. which sum of twenty eight thousand four hundred and fifty pounds together with Interest for the same according to the tenor of the said Orders after the rate of six per Cent. shall be paid to the said Edward Backwell or his Assigns out of the Grand Excise and the Arrears thereof in course as is by the said Orders appointed and in case the same shall fall short in payment by the Twenty fifth of December One thousand six hundred and sixty that then the remainder shall continue secured to him out of the whole Excise in course as aforesaid and that no other payments be made out of the Excise but what is appointed by this present Parliament in course to precede the same untill the said debt due to the said Edward Backwell be satisfied and that in case any part of the monies due to Alderman Backwell be paid out of that part of the Excise which shall grow due to the Kings Majesty that then his Majesty shall be reimbursed the same out of the first monies that shall come in of the Arrears of Excise that will be due the said twenty fifth of December Stat 13 Car. 2. cap. 7. CAP. XXIV The Court of Wards and Liveries and Tenures in Capite and by Knights-Service and Purveyance taken away and a Revenue setled upon His Majesty in Lieu thereof VVHereas it hath béen found by former experience That the Court of Wards and Liveries and Tenures by Knights-service either of the King or others or by Knights-service in Capite or Soccage in Capite of the King and the consequents upon the same have béen much more burthensome The reasons of this Act. grievous and prejudicial to the Kingdom then they have béen beneficial to the King and whereas since the intermission of the said Court which hath béen from the Four and twentieth day of February which was in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred forty and five many Persons have by Will and otherwise made disposal of their Lands held by Knights-service whereupon divers Questions might possibly arise unless some seasonable remedy be taken to prevent the same Be it therefore Enacted by the King our Soveraign Lord with the assent of the Lords and Commons in Parliament
within the said Accompt whereupon he had his Quietus est unless such Sheriff should be called in question for such sums of Money so pretended to be Levied and not Accompted for within four years after the time of such Accompt and Quietus est which Act notwithstanding divers Sheriffs and their Heirs upon such pretences have béen molested and troubled many years after their Accompts and Quietus est and have had Process sent out against them contrary to the true intent and meaning of the said Act It is hereby further Provided and Enacted That when any Sheriff or Sheriffs within the Kingdom of England or Dominion of Wales upon passing their Accompts shall have their Quietus est that then such Sheriff and Sheriffs their Heirs Executors and Administrators Lands Tenements Goods and Chattels shall be thereby absolutely discharged of all manner of sum or sums of Money whatsoever by them Levyed and Received notwithstanding any such pretence that the same were not accompted for or other pretence whatsoever unless such Sheriff or Sheriffs shall be called in question and that Iudgment shall be given against him or them for the same within four years next after such Accompt or Quietus est and that every Officer or Minister by whom or by whose default any Writ or Process contrary to this Act shall be sent out shall incur the like Forfeitures and Penalties to be recovered and inflicted by such persons and in such manner as by the aforesaid Act is provided Provided alwayes That this Act or any thing therein contained shall not extend to the Counties of Chester Chester Lancaster Durham Wales Lancaster Durham or the Counties in Wales being County-Palatines as to their manner of accompting but that the Sheriffs therein shall accompt as formerly before the respective Auditors only and not elsewhere Proviso touching the Kings Remembrancer Lord Treasurers Remembrancer Provided That this Act or any thing therein contained shall not extend to enjoyn His Majesties Remembrancer or the Lord Treasurers Remembrancer to transcribe and deliver to the Ingrosser of the great Roll any Inquisitions or Seisures but such as have béen formerly charged in the Foreign Accompts of the Sheriffs but for all Inquisitions upon Attainders or other Forfeitures to the Crown the same shall be put in charge as heretofore they have béen according to the constant usage and Decrée of the Court of Exchequer Nor shall this Act or any thing therein contained extend to exclude His Majesties said Remembrancer of or from the writing forth Process for or upon any His Majesties Debts Duties Outlawries or other charge whatsoever or Process of Levari facias at the prosecution of any person or persons to levy the Issues or Profits of any Lands or Tenements seised or to be seised into the Kings hands or Process of Venditioni exponas for Goods seised or to be seised upon any Debt to His Majesty His Heirs or Successors or upon any Outlawry or to alter or change the Pleadings or other Procéedings heretofore used and accustomed in the said Office upon any Pleadings touching the said Debts Duties and Seisures or any of them whatsoever And that no Debt Duty Fine Amerciament or Seisure whatsoever which shall be charged in the said great Roll of the Pipe upon any person whatsoever by or from any Record Process or Procéeding had made filed or recorded in the Office of His Majesties Remembrancer of his Exchequer nor any Process or Procéeding thereupon to be had or made by vertue of this Act shall be respited stayed mitigated extenuated compounded or otherwise discharged but by Order Warrant or Iudgment made filed or entred in the said Office of His Majesties Remembrancer where the original of such Debt Duty or Charge as aforesaid is and remaineth And that in case any Process of Summons of the Pipe have béen or shall be awarded for or upon any such Debt Duty Fine Amerciament or Seisure whatsoever and the same Debt Duty Fine Amerciament or Seisure shall not upon such Summons of the Pipe be levied or answered unto His Majesty That then the Clerk of the Pipe or Engrosser of the Great Roll shall the next Term after the return of such Summons certifie the same in a Schedule into the Office of His Majesties Remembrancer aforesaid to the end that further Process may be from thence written forth for the Levying and Answering thereof And that this Act or any thing therein contained shall not extend unto nor be construed to be prejudicial to His Majesties Remembrancer in His Exchequer in any just ancient and lawful Fées by him claimed or belonging or incident to His Office and usually had and received by him or his Predecessors Any thing in this Act contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding The conttnuance This Act to continue to the end of the first Session of the next Parliament and no longer CAP. XXII For Preventing of Theft and Rapine upon the Northern Borders of England VVHereas a great number of Lewd Disorderly and Lawless Persons being Thieves and Robbers who are commonly called Moss-Troopers have successively for many and sundry years last past béen bred resided in and frequented the borders of the two respective Counties of Northumberland and Cumberland and the next adjacent parts of Scotland and they taking the opportunity of the large waste Grounds Heaths and Mosses and the many intricate and dangerous Wayes and By-paths in those parts do usually after the most notorious Crimes committed by them escape over from the one Kingdom into the other respectively and so avoid the hand of Iustice in regard the Offences done and perpetrated in the one Kingdom cannot be punished in the other And whereas since the time of the late unhappy distractions such Offences and Offenders as aforesaid have excéedingly more increased and abounded and the several Inhabitants of the said respective Counties have béen for divers years last past necessitated at their own frée and voluntary charge to maintain several Parties of Horse for the necessary defence of their Persons Families and Goods and to the end the aforesaid evil and pernicious members might be apprehended and brought to Iudgment And whereas the most part of the Inhabitants of the said Counties being more remote from the Borders then other parts and consequently not so much exposed to imminent dangers as others are therefore unwilling to contribute their proportionable parts of the aforesaid Charge and yet notwithstanding it cannot probably or possibly be avoided but that those Inhabitants of the respective Counties who hold themselves most secure must certainly sustain much damage and detriment in their Goods and Estates in case the aforesaid Moss-Troopers be not timely suppressed but suffered to grow numerous strong and potent which they must néeds do in case there be no restraint upon them Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled
and by Authority thereof that from and after the Feast of St. Michael the Arch-angel which shall be in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and two for and during the term of Five years next ensuing the date of this present Act it shall and may be lawful for the respective Iustices of Peace of the said respective Counties or the major part of them at any General Sessions of the Peace to be holden for the said Counties respectively on the behalf of the said Counties or either of them from time to time as they shall sée occasion to make an Order in open Court of Sessions for charging according to their several Proportions all and every the several Inhabitants of the said respective Counties for the safeguard and securing of the said severall Counties and Inhabitants thereof from all injury violence spoil and rapine of the Moss-Troopers aforesaid Provided That the said County of Northumberland be not by force of this Act at any time charged above the sum of Five hundred pounds in the year nor the said County of Cumberland charged above the sum of two hundred pounds in the year And for this end and purpose the said several Iustices of Peace of the respective Counties aforesaid are hereby impowred and authorized at any their General Quarter Sessions aforesaid to appoint and imploy from time to time if occasion require any person or persons to have the Conduct and Command of a certain number of men not excéeding the number of Thirty men in the County of Northumberland and Twelve in the County of Cumberland whereby the Malefactors aforesaid may be searched out discovered pursued apprehended and brought to tryal of the Law And all and every the said Iustices of Peace of the respective Counties aforesaid or the major part of them at any General Sessions of the Peace to be holden for the said Counties or either of them respectively are hereby further impowred and authorized by force of this present Act to make and issue forth their respective Warrants under their hands for the levying and collecting any sum or sums of money ordered to be paid for and towards the safeguard and securing of the said Counties respectively as aforesaid and to give full power to the several Constables and other Officers to raise levy and collect the said money and all and every the Inhabitants of the said several Counties according to their respective proportionable Estates in Lands or Goods by Distress and Sale of Goods rendering the overplus if there be any to the respective Owner or Owners And the said Iustices of Peace in the said several Counties or any one of them respectively are hereby also authorized to examine any Complaint made against the Collectors and Constables or any other Officers or Ministers of Iustice whatsoever or any of them or any other refractory person or persons whatsoever that at any time hereafter shall refuse neglect or fail to give obedience to this Act or shall do any act or acts in disturbance or obstruction thereof and to bind over such person or persons to the next Quarter Sessions according to the known Laws of the Land to the end such person or persons may be procéeded withall according to Iustice And the said respective Iustices of Peace as aforesaid are hereby further Impowred and Authorized on behalf of the said several Counties respectively to appoint a Treasurer to receive from the said Collectors the Moneys by them Collected and to pay over the same according to the Orders they shall receive from the said Iustices at the General Sessions of the Peace to be holden for the said respective Counties And the said Iustices are also Impowred to agrée and article with such person or persons yearly as they shall think fit to imploy in the said Service and to take sufficient Security of them for the faithful and most effectual performance thereof for the best safeguard advantage and benefit of the people according to the true intent and meaning of this Act. And in case any person or persons shall in pursuance of this Act be imployed in the Border-Service and shall at any time hereafter wilfully and corruptly or for any sinister respect whatsoever neglect or forbear to Discover or Apprehend or to bring to Tryal any of the said persons called Moss-Troopers as aforesaid and shall be convicted thereof according to Law he or they shall from thenceforth be disabled and made uncapable for ever after to manage or take upon him or them the said Imployment and to suffer such Fine and Imprisonment according to the quality of his or their offence as the Iustices of Peace at their General Sessions shall think fit to inflict Provided nevertheless and be it hereby Declared That it shall be lawful for the Iustices of Peace of either of the said Counties as aforesaid respectively at any time hereafter to moderate or lessen the said charge if they sée cause Provided that this Act shall continue and be in force for five years and no longer Provided always and be it further Enacted by Authority aforesaid That for better suppression and punishment of the said Moss-Troopers flying out of England into Scotland or out of Scotland into England 4 Jac. cap. 1. 7 Jac. cap. 1. the Statutes made in the several Sessions of Parliament in the Fourth and Seventh years of King James shall be revived and put in execution according to their true intent 18 Car. 2. cap. 3. Continued for Seven years from the expiration of this Act. CAP. XXIII An Additionall Act concerning matter of Assurance used amongst Merchants WHereas by an Act of Parliament made in the Thrée and fortieth year of the Reign of Quéen Elizabeth of happy memory 43 El. cap. 12. Entituled An Act concerning matters of Assurances used amongst Merchants Encouragement of Merchants and Trade The Parliament then taking into Consideration by all good means to comfort and encourage the Merchants of this Kingdome thereby to advance and increase the Wealth of this Realm her Majesties Customs and the strength of shipping and for preventing of divers mischiefs in the said Act mentioned It was Enacted That it should and might be lawful for the Lord Chancellor or Lord Kéeper of the Great Seal of England for the time being to award forth under the Great Seal of England one general or standing Commission to be renewed yearly at the least and otherwise so often as unto the Lord Chancellor or Lord Kéeper should séem méet for the hearing and determining of Causes arising on Policies of Assurance such as then were or then after should be entred within the Office of Assurance of the City of London which Commissions should be directed to the Iudge of the Admiralty for the time being the Recorder of London for the time being Two Doctors of the Civil Law Two Common Lawyers and eight grave or discréet Merchants or any five of them which Commissioners or the greater part of them which