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A73425 A right godly and learned exposition, vpon the whole booke of Psalmes wherein is set forth the true diuision, sence, and doctrine contained in euery Psalme: for the great furtheraunce and necessarie instruction of euery Christian reader. Newly and faithfully set forth by a godly minister and preacher of the word of God. T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1586 (1586) STC 25625; ESTC S123330 621,027 551

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Ver. 6. Teacheth vs that al that we haue we haue frō God our being birth c. and that we ought therefore continually to praise him Ver. 7. Howsoeuer men wonder at vs or despise vs so that God be on our side we néed not greatly care Verse 8. Teacheth vs to pray to God for the continuaunce and increase of his goodnesse towards vs and that not for our own profite and ease but that hee may thereby be more and more glorifyed of vs. Ver. 9. Teacheth that the more weake and feeble we are the more we stand in néede of Gods help and to craue it by prayer Ver. 10. Sheweth that the wicked consult and speake agaynst the good Ver. 11 Sheweth that the wicked make sure account of that many times which they are furthest off from Ver. 12. Teacheth that Gods presence is sufficient to strengthen his people to discomfit their enimies Ver. 13. Teacheth that to wish hurt to any much more to Gods children and to seeke the accomplishment of it are gréeuous sinnes Ver. 14. Teacheth that patience in affliction and thanksgiuing are necessary and méete for Gods children Ver. 15. teacheth vs the right vse of our mouth vz. when it is occupied in rehearsing gods goodnes Ver. 16. Teacheth vs that though to Godward we can not do so much as we should or would yet we ought to indeuour the performance of that that he shall enable vs vnto Ver. 17. teacheth that the experience of Gods mercies should bring forth in vs these two effects first continually to hang vpon him secondly to praise and publish his great power and goodnesse Ver. 18. teacheth what a care we should haue to conuay as it were Gods glorye ouer to all posterities Verse 19. Teacheth vs that none is comparable with God Ver. 20. teacheth first that all afflictions come to passe by Gods prouidence and appointment secondly that he graciously deliuereth his from their greatest daungers Ver. 21. teacheth vs to be certainly assured of Gods fauoure and goodnesse towards vs. Ver. 22. teacheth vs earnestly to praise God for his benefits and to inforce our selues thereto by all the lawfull meanes wee canne Verse 23. Teacheth vs that al our parts both inward and outward should be ready to praise the Lorde Verse 24. Teacheth vs that though the enemies of Gods people prosper a while yet their end without repentaunce will be shame and confusion of face Psalme 72 Di THis Psalm may be deuided into thrée parts In the first the prophet Dauid prayeth to God for himself and his sonne Salomon that they in their kingdome maye bee directed by him which the Lord graciously perfourming hee sheweth what good shall come to the whole land thereby from verse 1. to the end of the 8. In the second he prophesieth of the inlargemente of the kingdom by subduing many people vnto it and of the great plenty that shall be therein all which is but a figure of Christs kingdome and this reacheth from verse 9. to the end of the 17. In the third part is comprised a notable praise that the Prophet yéeldeth vnto the Lord for his power goodnesse from verse 18. to the end of the Psalme Se. The title a Psalm of Salomon i. concerning him or on his behalf not as though he were the author therof Ver. 1. Giue thy iudgements i. instruct the king with the spirite of wisedome vprightnes that he may rightly gouern the people committed to him according to such lawes and ordināces as thou hast prescribed thy righteousnes i. such righteousnes as thou allowest he setteth these two words iudgements righteousnes against the tirannous abusing of kingly authoritie to the kings sonne i. the kings posterity but chiefelye Salomon Verse 2. Then vz. when thou shalt giue him these graces shal he iudge i. conducte and gouerne thy people i. the people that thou haste chosen to bée a people to thy selfe in righteousnesse i. faythfully truely and vprightly and thy poore i. such as are afflicted for thy cause or else those whome thou hast humbled and he speaketh specially of these because that for their defence Kings haue the sworde put into their hands with equity i. iust and vprighte iudgement rendring to euery one according to their behauiour Verse 3. The Mountaines i. after some the most barren places others because the lande of Iudea was ful of mountains vnderstand by mountains the whole land whatsoeuer it is the Prophets meaning is this by this similitude taken from the plentifulnesse of the earth to note that no corner or quarter of the land shall be founde voyde of Gods blessing shall bring peace i. shall yéelde or bring foorth store and plentye of all manner of blessinges for so doe the Hebrewes vse this worde as is to be séene in many places of scripture by iustice vz. rightlye administred hee meaneth that the kinges good gouernment shal be a mean to bring all prosperity vpon the whole land Ver. 4. he shall iudge vz. vprightly the poore of the people who most commonly are troden vnder féete hee shall saue i. deliuer vz. from the oppressor and cruell man the children of the néedy i. moste needie persons for the Father being néedye the childe can hardly bee riche hee meaneth that those that haue no helpe or succoure but lye as a praye to the riche of the Worlde shall be reuenged of and deliuered from the handes of their enemies and shall subdue vz. vnder his féete but yet through iustice and equitie the oppressour i. all oppressours vnderstanding by one al. Ver. 5. They i. the people so gouerned shall feare thée i. shall cary a certaine louing reuerence and obedience vnto thée and this may be referred either to God or to the king if we referre it to God then it is a sodain change of the person shewing what fruits shal come by a holy gournment to wit that the people shal imbrace Gods true religion and seruice If wee referre it to the king then he sheweth what louing and obedient people he shal haue that ruleth well but I rather allow of the first sense by reason of that which followeth in this verse as long as the sunne and moone endureth from generation to generation i. for euer and euer Ver. 6. He i. the king shall come downe vz. either personally from his kingly throne amongest his people or else in his holy and iust gouernment like the raine vpon the mowen grasse These words mowen grasse may haue a double sense and both good either that we referre it to that which is cut for hay vpon which if some raine fall presently after the cutting men say it serueth much for the increase of good smell in it or else to that that standeth which is much subiect to the heat of the sunne and parching when the other is remoued and then as the raine falleth vppon it and causeth it to growe againe as it were so a righteous gouernour after the heate of tyrannie addeth as
Iewes as Gentile clappe your handes vz. for ioy as Nahum 3. ver 19. Hee putteth the outwarde signe of ioy for inward and outward ioyfulnes sing loude vnto God c. in this part of the verse the Prophet requireth of the people on the Lordes behalfe willingnes chearfulnes and gladnes for in all seruices performed to him hee specially regardeth these thinges as 2 Corinth 8.12 Ver. 2. Is high vz. not onely because hee dwelleth in the high heauens but also because hee hath highest yea all authoritie and terrible i. fearefull or méete to bee feared not onely of his children for their good but of the wicked for their punishments a great king vz. as whose power no creature is able to resist ouer all the earth i. such a king as to whose authoritie all the quarters corners of the earth are subiect Ver. 3. He i. God hath subdued vz. by his word spirit the people i. of all the people of the world some vnder vs i. vnder the exercises of his religion seruice which wee professe putting the persons professing a thing for the thing professed vnder our féete by this maner of speach is ment that the gentiles shold be schollers the Iews scholemasters as it were to them for to sit vnder the feet or at the feete is vsed in scripture for being a scholler or learning as Act. 22.3 And not that the Iews had euer such a large Lordship ouer the Gentiles Ver. 4. May be the words as it were both of the Iewes and Gentiles conuerted to Christes kingdome shewing what graces he hath bestowed vpon them hee q.d. he that knoweth what is better for vs then wee our selues hath chosen i. not onely layd out but also appointed and that of his owne good will and mercy towards vs our inheritance i. not onely all thinges méete for this life as landes countries possessions c. but euen all other things that concerne the hope of a better life euen the glory of Iaakob i. euen all these excellent thinges that he gaue and promised to Iaakob wherin he might glory and reioyce The faithful meane that they had as great both abundance and assurance of Gods grace and goodnes as Iaakob euer had Ver. 5. God i. the arke of God which was a true token of Gods presence and so is the word Lord also vsed as Psal 132.5 Is gone vp hee speaketh this no doubt in respect of bringing the Arke into the mount Sion of which sée 2. Sam. 6. Throughout the chapter with triumph vz. against the enemies which also was ioyfull to Gods people euen the Lord with the sound of the trumpet this is euen the same that was sayd in the first part of this verse sauing that here hee addeth the instrument which many times striketh terrour into the enemies and addeth courage to the faithful and by this manner of speach hée meaneth to note out the great glory of the Lord and of the triumph and victories that our Sauiour gotte as Colos 2.15 Ephes 4.8 Ver. 6. The foure times repeating of these woordes sing prayses hath great force q.d. let all your care and study tend to this to prayse the Lorde and his sonne Christ Ver. 7. For God this is a reason why they shoulde extoll the Lorde King of all the earth i. hath power ouer all and exerciseth an Vniuersall kingdome the particulars and the maiesty whereof hée setteth out in the next verse Ver. 8. Holy throne hée meaneth either the Tabernacle or else the heauen for both of these in scripture are called Gods holy throne because he that had the fulnes of holines in himselfe gaue manifestation of himselfe from both these places sée Mat. 5.34 Matth. 23.22 Whatsoeuer it is or howsoeuer it is to be taken the Prophets purpose no doubt is to describe God as a iudge ready to yéelde iustice both to good and bad according to their seuerall causes Ver. 9. The Princes of the people q.d. not onely meane men from among the Gentiles but euen the mighty are gathered vz. by the mightie woorking of Gods spirit and the exercises of the word the Prophet meaneth by this manner of speach that the Gentiles should make profession of true godlines as well as Iewes and he speaketh of it as though it were already performed for the certainty of it people of the God of Abraham i. the Iewes for from Abraham they came according to the flesh And he calleth him the God of Abraham thereby to distinguish him from al the false Gods of the Idolatrous gentiles the shields of the world i. the defence and the protections of the whole earth he vseth shields which are good meanes of defence for defence it selfe belong to God is his right q.d. seeing that the worlde is preserued and maintained by God great cause is there why men shoulde reuerence his so great and high maiesty and therefore he addeth hee is greatly to bee exalted i. feared and praysed Ver. 1. It becommeth all sects of people to praise God Do. and that willingly and chearefully Ver. 2. Sheweth that wée ought to praise him for his maiesty and power Ver. 3. Declareth that it is God alone that draweth mens heartes to the imbracing of his trueth Ver. 4. Gods loue is the first and onely cause of all the graces we haue Ver. 5. Setteth out his maiesty and might Verse 6. Teacheth how earnest we should be in praising our God Ver. 7. Sheweth that both our praises and all the seruices that we shall yéeld to the Lorde must procéede from an vnderstanding heart Ver. 8. In that God is described as a iudge it conteineth matter of comfort to his children of terror to the wicked Ver. 9. God calleth of all states some to the imbracing of his truth also God alone is the defender of the whole world and of all the people 's therein and that therefore he is worthylie to be magnified Psalme 48. Di. THis Psalme may bee diuided into three partes In the first is conteined a commendation of Gods power and goodnes manifested especially to the citie of Ierusalem from Ver. 1. to the end of the third In the seconde is declared that all the conspiracies practises and forces of the wicked against that Citie shal be ouerthrowne because God will defend it from ver 4. to the end of the 8. In the third the faithfull set out the assured perswasion that they had of Gods goodnes towardes them praying for the continuance therof both vppon themselues and the whole Church from verse 9. to the end of the Psalme Se. The title would bée thus a song or Psalme meaning such a Psal or song as both by voyce and instruments was sung the rest is expounded Psal 42. Ver. 1. Great is the Lorde vz. in respect of his power and glory and greatly to be praysed q.d. and therefore no smal prayse doth belong to him in the citie of our God i. in Jerusalem which is called Gods Citie because God had
admonition of God who will not the death of sinners but rather that they should repent wishing them in time for feare of after punishment to turne to his Maiestie from verse 10. to the ende of the Psalme Se. Ver. 1. Heathen put for people not being Iewes If you vnderstand this Psalme of Dauids kingdome if otherwayes of Christes kingdome as it is referred thereto Acts. 4.25 Then vnderstande by Heathen and people of the enemies of Christ whiche were of thrée manner of sorts and in this first verse he noteth two kindes of them some that through rage were caried to outrage and violence and othersome that were not so cruel and yet murmuringly opposed themselues in wordes Some reade the later part of the first verse thus And the Nations meditate or thinke vpon a vaine thing i. a matter that can not be brought to passe but shall lack his effect the sence commeth all to one effect Ver. 2. The kings of the earth i. they that had the highest authority bend themselues or after some stand vp meaning that they cōsent and conspire together as it were and the Princes i. the great men by whose counsel and wisedom kings gouern their countries noting hereby that neither might nor councell was wanting in Christs aduersaries are assembled or after some do take counsell together agaynst the Lord A strange matter that men like Giaunts should arm thēselues against God against his Christ i. his annointed one meaning either Dauid as the figure or Christ himselfe as the truth ver 3. the Prophet putteth down the vngodlies spéeches Let vs breake q.d. Let vs ioyne all our force to assay to breake not that they can but that such purposes they haue in their hartes and wordes in their mouthes their bandes i. God the fathers lawes published by Dauid and Christ which hee calleth bandes because that by them as it were by certaine bandes the subiectes are wont to be bound kept in their dueties their cordes or as some terme it thick i. strong cords from vs I suppose that the Prophet vnderstandeth by cords the rule and authoritie that God hath giuen to Dauid and his son Christ the meaning is Let vs not obaye say the wicked their lawes and let vs labour that they may not rule ouer vs ver 4. He that dwelleth others reade He that sitteth in heauen a notable description of God wherby the Prophet meaneth to show that they are not able to match with him and they are Dauids words q.d. Howe wil these wicked men as wicked as they are fight with him that is so high aboue their reach shall laugh or in the present tense as some reade it doth laugh i. maketh no account of al their rage and murmuring and this is spoken of God as the rest of the words in this verse and the next that follow are according to many and as his capacity is able to cōprehend shal haue them in derision or as others read it doth deride them it is a repetition being the same in effect that the former part of the verse is by which doubling the holy Ghost noteth the certaintie assurednes of the thing Ver. 5. Then vz. when time shal require and at that very instant which God in his eternall decrée hath appointed shall he i. God speake vnto them vz. the wicked and vngodly eyther by his wordes or by his rods Iob. 33.14 c. but chiefly by his roddes as Iob in his wrath i. being angry with them meaning that hee will most vehemently and sharpely rebuke them and vexe them i. plague them so that they shall be vexed greeued in his sore displeasure he meaneth that being moued with great wrath he wil destroy and ouerthrow thē Ver. 6. amend thus Saying vz. God himselfe but I annoynted my kingly placing him in his kingdome putting the signe of his imagination or entrance into his kingdom vz. annoynting for the possession enioying therof And putting these words my king for him whom the Lord had aduanced thereto either Dauid or Christ had made him ruler ouer Sion which place was the seat of Dauids kingdome as may appeare by sundrie places the Prophet vsing a part for the whole land and the people contained therin and a figure also of Christs Church Isaiah 2.3 the Mountains of my holines i. My holy mountaines for so do the Hebrues sundry times speak vsing the Substantiue for the Adiectiue now it is called Gods holy mountaine because that Dauid brought thither Gods own arke and there were the holy exercises of his religion obserued till the Temple was builded sée 1. Chron. 15.16 Chap. and this verse comprehendeth God the fathers wordes sitting in iudgement as it were and condemning the wicked who laboured the ouerthrow of his kingdome Ver. 7. I will declare i. I will faythfullye shew and set abroad the decrée vz. which the Lord hath determined cōcerning men thou art my sonne vz. by adoption if we vnderstand it of Dauid and by nature if we vnderstand it of Christ This day if you vnderstād it of Dauid you must refer it to the time of his first annointing so forward If you vnderstand it of Christ you must refer it to his first manifestation in the flesh not but that he was begotten of the Father from before all beginnings and this 7. verse are the words of Dauid or Christ declaring Gods eternal decrée touching their gouernments Ver. 8. are the wordes of the Father inuiting Dauid or Christ to aske somewhat of him and as it were a prophecy of the inlargement of their kingdomes In Dauid somewhat more narrowly thus that the Heathen round about him and namelye those that inhabited the coasts nigh to the land of Iudea as Ammonites Moabites c. should be brought in subiection to him as may appeare in the Histories in 2. Samuel in Christ more largely to wit that of all the nations and peoples vnder heauen he should haue diuers subiected to his kingdome by the ministerie of the word Ver. 9. is declared the power of Dauid or christ Thou shalt crush or after some thou shalt breake them together vz. not onlye those enemies mentioned in the beginning of this Psalme but all others whatsoeuer that shall rise vp or rebell agaynst thée with a scepter or after some with a rod of yron whatsoeuer it be the holy Ghost meaneth vnder these termes to sette out the inuincible power and force of Dauid or of Christ agaynst their seuerall enemies And breake them in péeces or after some shalt scatter them abroad vz. being already broken which I rather allow of lyke a Potters vessell vz. which is broken alreadye noting by this maner of spéeche not only a iudgement to bee executed vpon the wicked but such a iudgement as the vngodlye shall bée past all hope of repayre and recouery Ver. 10. Is a notable exhortation to Rulers in time to turne to the Lord and his obedience Now i. while it is time before such
path after them in the sea if the sea be calme as a ship or boate doeth sée Iob. 41.23 The 9. ver is expounded ver 1. of this Psalme Ver. 1. The glory of God in his creatures rightly considered Do. should strike an astonishment into vs on the one side and inforce vs on the other side to be thankefull vnto him that maketh his power and prouidence appeare so clearely in them ver 2. Gods power and prouidence seene in his creatures serueth for a double end vz. For the comfort of his children and the terror and confusion of the wicked vers 4. Serueth to humble man and to beat him downe For if he bée compared with other creatures there is no such excellency and durablenes in him as in them neither yet such as hee himselfe imagineth to bee in himselfe vers Setteth foorth the graces and blessings that God hath bestowed vpon man not to the ende that man thereby should waxe proude and swell aboue measure but inforce him 1. to thankfulnes to the giuer 2. to a right vse of them in himselfe and for others 3. the more and more to humble him sée 1. Corin. 4.7 A worde or two touching this matter let man consider what excellencie he hath lost through Adams fall and bewaile his misery and let him on the other side well weigh the grace bestowed vppon him in Christ and bee ioyfull and thankefull for mercy knowing this that if the creatures bee not nowe subiected vnto vs it is by reason of the body and relickes of sinne which yet remaine in vs and that therefore if we would haue a conquest ouer the creatures we must beginne first to get a victory vpon sinne or else wee shall neuer profit that way if any man will obiect and say that many creatures are subdued to many people that are without a god in the world and which notwithstanding remaine in their sinne I answere that Gods dispensing in mercy with our iniquitie or other mens is no impeachment to the truth of this doctrine nay rather it shoulde the more further vs not only in thankfulnes to him for his goodnes but in valiancy and courage to combate against iniquity and that vnto blood because we haue in mercy without any striuing or blow stricken on our side halfe a victory as it were gotten vnto vs the rest no doubt he wil graciously supply that hath begunne this specially if there be a willing mind but al this belongeth to the faithful who are in deede heires of the world and to none other Psalme 9. Di. THis Psalme hath foure parts In the first he prayseth the Lorde and sheweth the causes of that his thankes giuing From ver 1. to the end of the 5. In the second hee scorneth his enemies declaring God to bee iust in punishing the wicked and deliuering his owne children From ver 6. to the end of the 10. In the third he exhorteth others to praise the Lord for his iustice toward the good and bad making a particular praier that he might be deliuered from the hands of his enemies From ver 11. to the end of the 14. In the 4. and last part hee sheweth Gods iudgement vpon the wicked and his fauour to the faithful praying the Lord to rise vp against the vngodly From ver 15. to the end of the Psalme Se. The title hath these words Muth labben which I take to be the beginning of a tune according to which this Psalme was to be sung ver 1. I will speake of i. declare abroad and publish al i. a very great number as Psal 3.7 ver 2. In thee or for thée q.d. for the victory and other goodnesses that thou hast giuen mee I will sing foorth thy praise I wil sing praise to thy name i. I wil praise thy power and maiesty Name is vsed here as Psal 8.1.9 O most high God is so called because he is higher then al thinges or creatures whatsoeuer ver 3. Are turned back i. are discomfited they shal fal and perish at thy presence q.d. They shal not be able to stand before thée much lesse to withstand thée ver 4. For thou hast c. In the third verse he shewed one reason why he would praise the Lord vz. because his enemies were confounded nowe in this verse hee sheweth an other vz. because God maintained his right and iust cause thou art set on the throne vz. to doe the office of an vpright iudge ver 5. Heathen put for the Philistines or some other enemies of Gods people he said that God did rebuke them i. with his terrible countenance or word so cast thē down that they were easily destroied thou hast destroyed the wicked i. some one notorious wicked man among them or other that was their captaine and ring leader as Goliah was amongst the Philistines for the woord wicked is of the singular number though we can not so easilie discerne it in our tongue Thou hast put out i. destroied and cast down to the ground their name i. Their power authoritie glory and what so euer was excellent in them and he meaneth this of those people that come out to warre against gods people who notwithstanding their force were ouerthrowne and destroyed ver 6. Must bée amended thus O enemie he speaketh to one principall meaning all the rest are destructions come to an ende for euer Hast thou rooted out the cities by these speches he derideth the enemies who thought to haue made such a destruction in the land that they shoulde not haue néeded to haue destroyed it againe and therefore they purposed vtterly to haue defaced and destroyed al the cities which the Prophet vnderstandeth by this terme rooting out q.d. is it come to passe as you supposed nay the contrary is fallen out which hee noteth in the next wordes of this verse their memoriall is perished with them i. both them selues are destroyed and all remembrance of them is vanished away from amongst men Ver. 7. But the Lord. q.d. though men fayle yet hee remaineth sure shall sit or after some which I rather allowe indureth Meaning that hee is eternall and shall neuer decay as the enemies doe hee hath prepared his throne for iudgement q.d. hee is alwaies ready to execute iustice putting the throne whereupon hee sitteth for iustice and vpright iudgement pronounced therefrom verse 8. Mend thus that hee may iudge i. That he may performe whatsoeuer hee hath iudged the worlde i. All the people of the world in righteousnesse i. Vprightly and the people with equitie This is a repetition expounding as it were that which went before ver 10. and they that knowe thy name i. Such as haue had experience of thy mercy and power hast not failed them vz. of that thou promisedst and they hoped for that seeke thee vz. vnfeignedly and from a good heart verse 11. Which dwelleth in Sion These wordes make me thinke that this Psalme was not made presently vppon the slaughter of Goliah because the arke was
thus and in thy glory ride prosperously because of the word of trueth c. in thy glory i. being thus established and set vp ride prosperously i. feare not to attempt good and holy things because of the word of truth i. because the matter of trueth yea all trueth it selfe requireth this of thee and hee vnderstandeth by these thrée termes three seuerall things that ought to bee in kinges by trueth he meaneth faithfull dealing by meekenes milde and curteous behauiour and by righteousnes vpright execution of those thinges that concerne either the maintenance of good or the punishmēt of vice if we take it as it is read in the Geneua text hee séemeth then to resemble these vertues to chariotes of triumph vpon which kings were wont to bee carried specially after some great victories gotten and he speaketh of these vertues because that iust vpright gouernement and not outragious and violent giueth credit and authoritie to princes So thy right hand i. thy power and might because that in that hand it most consisteth shall teach thée i. shall inable thée to performe as those that teach others make them able Terrible thinges i. such thinges as shal strike a terrour and feare of thee into the heartes of thine enemies and a louing reuerence into the hearte of thy friendes and subiects Ver. 5. Thine arrowes are sharpe i. the instruments and meanes that thou hast to vse against thy enemies are persing yea so persing that the heart i. the closest part yea the strongest euen that wherein life consisteth shal be pearced thereby of the kinges enemies marke the chaunge of the person meaning thereby thy enemies which art the king shall fall vnder thee i. shall come into thy power and subiection as men are wont to fall when they are stricken wish an arrowe so that a man may do with them what he listeth hee meaneth nothing else but that Salomon should haue instruments and darts to strike his enemies a farre of and to constraine them to yeelde to his obedience Ver. 6. Thy throne i. thy kingdome for he vseth the throne where the Prince did vse to sit that gouerned the kingdome for the kingdome rule dominion and authority that the king had O God Salomon is here called God as kinges and magistrates are in other places of scripture for euer and euer i. indureth a long season the scepter of thy kingdome i. the rule and authority which was signified by the scepter is a scepter of righteousnes i. is iust equall and vpright all this must after this sort be applied to Salomon but for as much as the Apostle Heb. 18. doeth apply it to Christ wee must more largely interpret it vz. that the holy Ghost meaneth to signifie and to set out vnto vs not only the continuance and durablenes of Christes kingdome but also the continual vprightnes and equity that shal be therein Ver. 7. Apply this also to Salomon Christ to the one in figure to the other in trueth thou louest i. allowest likest of and performest righteousnesse i. vpright dealing and equity and hatest i. canst not at any hand away with wickednes i. any manner of sinne whatsoeuer he sheweth wherein vprightnes consisteth vz. in the maintenance of equity and in the sharpe punishment of iniquity hath annoynted thee the Prophet speaketh after the manner of those dayes wherein kinges were annoynted which was a visible signe of their entrance into the kingdome with the oyle of gladnes i. with such oyle as made not onely Salomon glad but the people ouer whom he should raigne aboue thy fellowes i. al thy brethren set aside though they were elder then thou howe this and other places of this Psalme haue their verification in Christ shal be shewed afterwarde in the doctrines Ver. 8. Hee commendeth Salomon for the glory of his garments noting that they were as it were performed with Myrrhe Aloes and Cassia which were things not only of good fauor but of great price because they were set from far countries iuory palaces i. excellent which the holy Ghost meaneth both by speaking in the plurall number and also by calling them or affirming them to be of iuory which was excellent and precious as may appeare Amos 6.4 Where they i. thy people and those that doe thee seruices haue made thee glad vz. by the dutifull deedes cheareful countenances and louing words that they haue declared towards thee Ver. 9. Kings daughters i. those that issued from kings were among thine honourable wiues i. were come vnto thee among the rest all which thou diddest honourably vse and apparel sumptuously of gold of Ophir i. most fine and pure gold sée Iob. 28. ver 16. Ver. 10. Hée admonished Pharao his daughter who was Salomons chiefe wife by mariage newly ingraffed into the body of the church willingly to hearken to Gods worde and quite and cleane to forget all carnall thinges whatsoeuer Marke the wordes of this admonition first hearing then considering of that which is heard and lastly imbracing of that which is hearde ment by inclining of the eare and shee is called daughter not in respect of her husbande but in respect shee was become nowe a scholleresse as a man woulde say in Gods Church as some were called children before Psal 34.10 And by people and Fathers house he meaneth her owne country and all the pleasures therein as friendes kinred and whatsoeuer else she might be delighted in Ver. 11. So shall the king c. i. if thou doest this vz. imbrace the religion that hee shall teach thee thou shalt bee most acceptable vnto him and hee shall loue thée most tenderly for he is thy Lord i. thy head and gouernour as 1. Corinth 11.3 Reuerence thou him q.d. therefore it beseemeth thee to yéelde him all the obedience due to him Ver. 12. Daughter of Tyrus i. the citie Tyrus putting the place for the people inhabiting the same sée Psal 9.14 With the rich of the people q.d. euen the richest and not the meanest only shal doe homage before thy face with presentes i. shall in token of homage and as though they were subiects bring openly presents vnto thée Ver. 13. Kings daughter shee is so called not as though shee were not his wife but because hee did as it were beget her vnto God is all glorious within vz. in the kings pallace where shee remaineth familiarly with the king her clothing is of broidered gold i. is most precious and costly Ver. 14. She shal be brought vnto the King the Prophet alludeth to the manner in these daies vz. that Quéenes might not come when they woulde to the king but when they were sent for Hest 4.11 Hest 5.2 In rayment of néedle worke which is very deare and precious by this variety of apparell the Prrphet mindeth to set out the sumptuousnes of the king his wife by that which followeth after the Prophet meaneth that she shall come with a great number of handmaydes wayting vppon her which séemeth also
thou diddest dearely loue to féele and sée things that might minister and haue ministred great sorrowe and heauinesse to them thou hast made vs to drinke the wine of giddinesse he speaketh of some venemous and infected drink which taketh from men their sence and vnderstanding and as a man would say bewitcheth people and maketh them drunke q.d. Thou hast made vs dull and blockish in our euils euen as drunkards are or people that are inchaunted Not that God was eyther the author of euil or did thē any iniury but that he had iust cause thus to plague thē and giue them ouer for their sinnes Verse 4. But now thou hast giuen a banner i. a playne signe of thy fauour and of good hope to vs ward giuing vs by the chaunge that is fallen out matter and occasion of courage and reioysing in hope that the dispersed shall be gathered together and thinges broughte into good order he meaneth that God by the light of his promises and by his ayde and namely by the new victory he had giuen them whereof mention is made in this Psalme would take into his guiding againe the people whome he had séemed before to forsake and go before them now as it were with a banner displayde sée Psalme 20.5 because of thy truth because of thy most true and assured promises that thou hast made to them in that behalfe Verse 5. That thy beloued i. those whome thou cariest a singuler fauour to may be deliuered i. set from daunger and distresse helpe with thy right hand i. with thy wōderfull might and power as sundry times before and heare me i. graunte my request and prayer Verse 6. God hath spoken vz. by his seruaunt and Prophet Samuel in his holinesse some reade it by his holinesse if we reade in his holinesse then he meaneth thereby Gods sanctuary and Arke whiche is called his holinesse because he that is holinesse it selfe did dwell and appeare there If we reade by his holinesse it is as much as if he should saye hee hath called his holinesse to witnesse and pawned it as a man would saye for the certainty and assuraunce of that which was promised him I will reioice i. comforte my selfe in this as good cause I haue indéede so to doe I shall deuide Shechem and measure the valley of Succoth Shechem was the name of a place on this side the Riuer Iordan as the valley of Succoth was on the other side this riuer He nameth some parts of the land putting them for the whole kingdome in the full possession thereof though he were not by reason of the diuision betwéen him and Saules house yet he assured himselfe vpon the promise of God that hee should inioy the same in good tyme and by deuiding and measuring he meaneth nothing but that they should come vnder his subiection as the other parte of that land was alluding to the manner of diuiding and measuring out lands by cordes the owners thereof being the principall dealers most commonlye in that matter and it is as much as he should say I will not looke to haue my share measured out by others but I will diuide it and measure my selfe and will be the right owner and possesser thereof Verse 7. Giliad shall be mine and Manasseth shall be mine these are other partes of the kingdome whiche Dauid assureth himselfe shall come into his possession Ephraim also i. that whole tribe and people shal be the strength of mine head i. the stay and power of my kingdome because that this tribe was very mightye and well peopled in so muche that the very name of it in the Prophets is put for the whole kingdome of Israell Iudah is my lawgiuer i. that Tribe obtayneth the righte of gouernment and kingly authority amongest the people of GOD. Sée for the better vnderstanding of these two last spéeches Deutronom 33.17 Genesis 49.10 Verse 8. Moah i. the Moabites and nowe he speaketh of forrayne people shal be my Washpot i. so base and contemptible in my sighte that I will fréelye breake them as a potshearde and if I shall reserue anye of them I will put them to filthye seruices as 2. Samuell 8.2 ouer Edom i. the Edomites will I cast out my shoe i. I will boldlye treade them downe as altogether in subiection to me for I will bring them altogether vnder mine obedience and that with as much ease in a manner as casting my Shoe ouer them Palestina i. O ye Philistines shewe thy selfe ioyfull for me q.d. at the least make outwarde shewe though thou haue nothing inwarde that yée are gladde that I shall raigne ouer you Verse 9. Who will leade mee i. me and mine that are with me q.d. none canne doe this but God alone into the strong Citie vz. of myne aduersaries and here he putteth one for many Verse 10. Whiche haddest cast vs of vz. for a tyme and diddest not goe forth vz. to Warre ayding and strengthening the hands and hartes of ours in the daye of Battaile Verse 11. Vayne is the helpe of man vz as it commeth from man Verse 12. Through GOD i. through the assuraunce we haue of his succour and ayde and by the strength that hee shall giue vs we shall doe valiauntly vz. agaynst his and our enimies for he vz. eyther by himselfe extraordinarilye or by our ministerie as by a meane but whatsoeuer it is he ascribeth all to God shall tread downe our enimies vz. vnder his féete and vnder our féete so that they shall not bee able to rise vp agayne Do. Verse 1.2.3 Teach that God doth sundry times and in sundry sorts afflicte his people and that very sore Verse 4 teacheth that yet he doth neuer vtterlye take away his louing kindnesse and mercy from them but that at the length he giueth them assured testimonies and signes of his fauour Verse 5. Teacheth that Gods power is all in all for the sauegarde and deliueraunce of his Seruaunts Verse 6.7 Teacheth Princes that it is GOD alone that tyeth the hartes of their owne people in holy affection fast vnto them Verse 8. sheweth that it is God onely that must subdue all enemyes both forrayne and at home Verse 9. Teacheth that strong cities and peoples are nothing when God will haue them subdued and sacked Verse 10. deliuereth the same doctrines that Verse 1.2.3 and 4. of this Psalme Verse 11. Teacheth two thinges firste earnestly to pray to God in all our troubles and secondly neuer to make accounte of man otherwise then of man that is as of a vayne thing without God Verse 12. Teacheth that God is our only strength and that whatsoeuer victorye wee get we must ascribe it to him alone Psalme 61. THis Psalme hath thrée partes Di. In the firste the Prophet prayeth vnto the Lord to graunt him his request and to set him frée from the force of his Aduersaries and this is comprehended in the two firste verses In the seconde the Prophet strengtheneth his owne fayth by the particular
those that can hardly be tamed and bee full of wantonnes and sport as it were such as calues be when they are very fat that tread vnder féete i. that do contemne despise and set little by as Matth. 7.6 pieces of siluer thinges that ought to be regarded and estéemed putting one for al of the like sort scatter sée ver 1. of this Psalme the people that delight in warre i. take pleasure thinke it to be the greatest ioy when they may contend or fight most Ver. 31. Then i. when thou shalt bestow these great graces vpon thy children and ouerthrow thine enemies shall the Princes vz. moued partly through iudgments and partly by thy mercy come out of Egipt vz. to yéelde obedience vnto thée and to submit themselues to thy Lordship and gouernment Ethiopia i. the people inhabiting that land shall hast i. make hast and speede to stretch her hands i. to pray vnto or readily to offer giftes in signe of obedience and subiection putting the signe of prayer or obedience for the things themselues vnto God i. vnto thée speaking of God to God in the third person Ver. 32. Sing vnto God vz. prayse and thankesgiuing for your conuersion calling for these verses comprehend the calling of the Gentiles to the kingdom of Christ O ye kingdomes of the earth i. O ye people which inhabite the kingdomes of the world putting the places inhabited for the persōs inhabiting as sundry times before sing prayse vnto the Lorde the saying is doubled the more earnestly to prouoke men thereto Verse 33. To him that rideth vppon the heauens i. to him that gouerneth them and their course as hee that rideth vppon the Horse doeth the Horse this is spoken of GOD according to man and is nothing else as a man woulde say but a description of Gods excellent maiesty and when hee sayth most high heauens hee speaketh it also according to men who are wont to make sundry heauens as the Philosophers yet doe not that there are so for all that they babble of that matter is vayne but that men so esteeme it and yet notwithstanding in Scripture wee see that the worde heauen is sometimes vsed in Scripture for the ayre as when wee say foules of heauen sometimes for the firmament which is also aboue the ayre and so this place may bee expounded thus let men imagine neuer so many heauens yet God ruleth them all whiche were from the beginning as appeareth Gen. 1.1 and so haue since that time continued and still shall continue al which tendeth to expresse the great power of almighty God behold he will send out by his voice a mightie sound by Gods voyce he vnderstandeth the thunder the diuers effects whereof sée at large Psalme 29. And by mighty sound he meaneth not only large sound but also great which euen shaketh the earth as it were Verse 34. Ascribe the power to God i. giue vnto him all the prayse of power both in himself and in you for his maiestie is vpon Israel i. is declared mightily toward his people and Church as Psalm 14.7 and his strength is in the cloudes i. is not onely made manifest in the same but also he vseth the cloudes and all other creatures whatsoeuer to set out his power Verse 35. O God thou art terrible vz. to thine enimies and aduersaries out of thine holy places q.d. Thou shewest euident testimonies and tokens thereof out of thy tabernacle and he vseth the plurall number holy places eyther in respect that the arke was set vp in sundry places before the temple was builded or else in respect of the distincte places of the arke as Heb. 9.2.3 all which were called holy or else in respect of the heauenly holye place and the earthly holy place which was a shadowe of that heauenly one as Heb. 10.19 the God of Israel i. the God of his Church and faythfull people is he vz. alone that giueth vz. of his own goodnesse and mercye onely without any merite or desert of theirs strength and power vz. to defend themselues and to beat back their enimies meaning by strength and power all the meanes whereby these great workes may be performed vnto the people vz. whome he hath chosen vnderstanding the people of Israell for that time and the Church for euer praysed be God vz. for that his mercy and greate goodnesse towards them Verse 1. Teacheth two things Do first that God hath all power in his hande to destroy his enemies seconde that the enemies of the Church cannot prosper Verse 2. Setteth out the sodayne destruction of the wicked Verse 3. sheweth that when the wicked shall be beaten downe Gods children shall be lifted vp in spirituall ioye and mirth Verse 4. teacheth vs continually to prayse God for his incomprehensible maiestie and power Verse 5. Teacheth vs what greate care God in mercy carrieth toward the distressed persons Verse 6. Teacheth vs that fruitfulnesse of body deliueraunce of extreme daungers and plagues and punishments of what sort soeuer vpon the vngodly come all from God Verse 7. Teacheth vs to thinke vpon Gods graces performed of old that therby our fayth may be strengthened to escape daungers Verse 8. Teacheth that all creatures are not able to stande before the presence and maiestie of God Verse 9. Teacheth that plentifulnesse and the means thereof are all in Gods handes Verse 10. Teacheth that though the wicked haue a great portion of the earth in possession yet that the Lord hath properlye prepared it for them that feare him Verse 11. Teacheth vs that we can not haue our mouthes open to speake much lesse to speake well til God giue both the matter and vtterance also that the weakest meanes as women when God inableth them shal be sufficient to expresse his prayse Verse 12. teacheth that neither multitude strēgth nor authority can preuaile agaynst the Lord and his people otherwise then he himselfe séeth good Verse 13. Teacheth that the afflictions of the godly doe no whit at al hinder the beautie of the godly but rather are the instruments which God doth use to make them more glorious Verse 15. Setteth out the excellency beauty and continuance of Gods church Ver. 16. Teacheth that al congregations though outwardly neuer so glorious and glittering in respecte of it are nothing Ver. 17. Sheweth that Gods power is inuincible and his armies to performe his purpose are innumerable Verse 18. Sheweth that God will triumphe ouer al the faythfull willingly and vnfainedlie subiecting themselues and the other whether they will or no. Verse 19 teacheth vs two things first to yéeld thanks to God for his mercies secondly that his goodnes toward vs neuer ceaseth Verse 20 teacheth vs that euen in the greatest daungers God deliuereth his children to the end all glory might be giuen to him therefore Verse 21. Sheweth that the wicked enemies of his Church shal not long escape vnpunished Verse 22. teacheth vs that Gods promises of deliuerance saluation c. are the
it were life vnto the people and as the shewers vz. falling from heauen that water the earth after some great drought By these similitudes hee sheweth howe acceptable good gouernment should be to the people Ver. 7. In his daies i. in his yeres and while he reigneth sée Isaiah 1.1 The righteous shal florish i. good men and of vpright conscience shal be aduanced for such as he is himselfe wil he labour to haue in authority and abundance of peace i. of all good things and blessings as ver 3. of this Psalme shal be vz. vppon the people of his land so long as the moone indureth i. for euer as ver 5.17 of this Psalme also Psal 89.37 and this must be referred as many other things also in this Psalm to Iesus Christ Ver. 8 From sea to sea i. from from the red sea vnto the sea of Syria or Palestina which is an arme of the Mediterraneum Sea sée Exod. 23.31 Deutron 11.24 sée also Numb 34. from ver 2. to the end of the 12. and from the riuer vz. of Euphrates or Perah sée Deutron 11.24 vnto the endes of the lande vz. of promise or Canaan which reacheth to the great wildernes towards the mountaine of Lebanon Ver. 9. They that dwel in the wildernes i. those that dwel Southward from Ierusalem and were furthest of from the land of Canaan meaning also barbarous vntamed and wilde people shall knéele before him vz. in token of reuerence and subiection as though hee were their owne naturall Prince or king and his enemies vz. though they bee neuer so stoute shall licke the dust by this manner of speach hee meaneth a most lowly subiection q.d. they shall not onely fall downe before him flat vpon the earth after the manner of the Easterne people but shal as a man would say as much debase themselues as possible can be in token of trustines reuerence and obedience Ver. 10. The kings of Tarshish i. those that rule in Cicilia putting the chiefe Citie of the Country for the whole country and of the Issles vz. which lye along the sea coast from Cicilia to Grecia as Cyprus Candie and others which are compassed in with the Mediterranium sea shal bring presents vz. in token of homage and obedience sée Psal 45.12 the accōplishment of this sée 1. king 4.21.34 also 1. king 10.25 the kings i. the rulers and magistrates as before of Sheba i. Arabia felix putting Sheba whiche was but a parte of it for the whole from this Countrey it séemeth that the Quéene came who is mencioned 1. king 10. in the beginning of the Chapter and Seba i. as some expounde it Ethiopia but I take it to be some other Countrey as may appare Isaiah 43.3 These Countries séeme to haue their names of two of the sonnes of Cush who came of Ham as appeareth Gene. 10.7 whatsoeuer it is the Prophet myndeth nothing else but vnder the kingdome of Salomon to set out the inlarging of Christes kingdome shall bring giftes i. giftes in signe of honour that they owe testifying their subiection for so much the Hebrewe worde importeth Ver. 11. Yea q.d. that in one worde I may shut vp the matter all Kinges shall worshippe him all nations shall feare him if wée vnderstande this of Salomon then it must haue this sense many kings and nations specially of those that bee about him shall yéelde him homage and obedience but if wee referre it to Christ then it comprehendeth the inlargement of his kingdome by mightie men and nobles and the calling of the Gentiles of which sée Psalm 2.8 Isaiah 49.23 Verse 12. For hee shall deliuer the poore vz. from him that oppresseth him when hee cryeth vz. vnto him i. when hee prayeth earnestly vnto him for helpe and him that hath no helper vz. amongest men q.d. there is none so helplesse but God will bee an helper vnto him if he hang vpon him only Ver. 13. Hée shalbée merciful i. not only in compassion but in actiō shal preserue the soules i. the liues and bodies from the rage and cruelty of harde hearted men Verse 14. He shall redéeme i. deliuer and set frée their soules i. them themselues putting a part of a mā for the whole man from deceite and violence vz of the cut-throates that liue amongest men Vnder these two wordes hée comprehendeth all manner of mischiefe whatsoeuer or howsoeuer performed by deceit hée meaneth al those that are craftily and closely wrought and by violence all those that are perfourmed with open force and deare i. precious and of great regarde shall their blood bee i. their life as Genesis 9.5.6 or else by blood hée meaneth that blood of theirs which the vngodly spill in tormenting them in his sight i. before him and in his iudgement howsoeuer base and contemptible men estéeme it Verse 15. Yea hee shall liue some referre this word hée to the poore whome the King shall redeeme but I rather to the King the Prophet meaning by this speach that hée shall liue a long and a prosperous raigne and vnto him i. vnto the king shall they i. the poore that are redéemed from deceite and violence giue of the gold of Sheba i. of precious and costly golde as being farre fet Sheba being a place farre distant from the lande of promise whatsoeuer it is hée meaneth that the people shall willingly perfourme with all the power that they haue the duetie and obedience which they owe him which was in times past signified by giuing of giftes as may appeare 1. Samuel 10.27 pray for him i. for his health and welfare and for the good of the whole kingdome and dayly blesse him i. prayse and commend him as in déede hée iustly deserueth for his vpright gouernment Verse 16. An handfull of corne i. a small portion no more then a man can holde in his hande shalbée sowen in the earth within the compasse of the lande of promise if wee referre it to Salomon euen in the toppe of the mountaines which are very vnméete places by reason of their great drought in Summer and of their great colde in winter and the fruit thereof i. of the corne sowen shall shake like the trées of Lebanon i. shall growe vp into great height and abundaunce and shalbée so florishing that they shall russell and make a noise as it were the trées of the forest of Lebanon Sée Psalme 29.5 hee meaneth that there shalbée nothing so small amongest Gods people but through Gods blessing it shall multiply to much and bring foorth abundaunce and the children shall florish out of the Citie i. men shal bee as plentifull both within and without the Citie al the land through euen as the grasse of the earth i. in great store and abundaunce Verse 17. His name i. his maiesty renowne and glory shalbée for euer i. last a great season if wee referre it to Salomon but it shalbée eternall if wée referre it to Christ and so must the wordes following bee likewise expounded sée
seruaunts that whiche thou haste graciously promised are the stablishment of thy throne i. are such as vphold and magnifye thy kingdome vsing throne as verse 4. of this Psalme I suppose he speaketh of God according to mens manners who haue certayne supporters as it were of their armes or of their kinglye Charrets sée 1. Kings 10 18 19 20 mercy and truth i. grace and faythfull performaunce of thy promises which procéedeth from grace goe before thy face i. are continually with thée and in thy presence Ver. 15. Blessed is the people q.d. O indéede howsoeuer they are condemned of the worlde yet they are in best case that can reioyce in thée i. that finde such tast in thy blessinges and benefites bestowed vpon them that they are thereby prouoked to prayse and thanke thée they shal walke vz. the dayes of their pilgrimage here and that with peace and quietnesse of conscience in the light of thy countenaunce i. in thy fauour and goodnesse hanging continuallye vppon thy prouidence Verse 16. They i. such people shall reioyce i. both in word and déede shewe themselues thankefull continually this worde importeth firme and stedfast perseueraunce in thanksgiuing in thy name i. for thy great maiestye goodnesse might and power as Psalme 20.10 and in thy righteousnesse vz. practised and performed partly towards them and partly toward their enemies shall they exalt themselues i. lift vp themselues and that with praise vnto thée not as any thing reioycing in themselues but as giuing al the honor vnto thée to whome alone it belongeth Verse 17. For thou art the glory i. thou art hee alone that adornest with glory and beautifyest their strength q d. if thou with draw thy hand in stéede of glory they shal haue weakenesse and confusion and by thy fauour i. of thy frée goodnesse and not by our desertes our horns i. our estate kingdome authoritie gouernmente force power might c. as 1. Sam. 2.1 sée verse 24. of this Psalme shall be exalted vz. aboue our enemies and we shall preuayle agaynst them Verse 18. For our shielde i. our defence and safegard from euill as it were by a shield to kéepe back our enemies dartes some referre it and that not improperly to the King who was appointed to defend and gouerne them But I rather allow of the former exposition appertayneth to the Lord vz. only q.d. the helpe and defence that we haue is from him alone and our King vz. Dauid whom the Lord hath appointed to be our King and by whose hand and power as by a meane wee must be defended to the holy one of Israell vz. belongeth q.d. he and all the kingly authoritie hee hath is from the Lorde or else it would not auayle him or profite vs. Ver. 19. Then vz. O God for here he speaketh eyther of God or to God speakest thou vz. when Dauid was appoynted King in a vision this was then one of the ordinary meanes whereby God in old time appeared and manifested his will to the fathers see numb 12.6 vnto thine holy one i. Samuel the Prophet sée 1. Samuel 16. and Samuel is here called Gods holy one not onely because hée was sanctifyed by the spirite as others his children are but also because hée was appointed to an holy office vz. of Priest and Prophet sée 1. Samuel 3.20 and saydest vz. then at that time I haue layde helpe vpon one that is mighty i. I haue appointed Dauid to whom also I haue giuen force and strength to be an helpe and ayde to deliuer my people from their opressors and haue giuen him graces méete for the gouernmente and kingdome I haue exalted vz. to the height of the kingdome and gouernment one chosen out of the people i. one of meane state and condition as Psalme 78 70 71 and yet notwithstanding thorow my goodnesse apted and aduanced to that high calling Ver. 20. I haue found vz. out from amongst the rest or else thus I haue founde i. I haue prouided for me and my people as 1. Samuel 16.1 Dauid my Seruaunt i. Dauid whom I haue chosen to serue me and my people in the gouernment of the kingdome with my holy oyle i. with the oyle which I haue appoynted to such holy vses in which respect also it is called holye oyle haue I annoynted him i. appoynted him to be King ouer my people sée Psalm 45.7 Verse 21. Therefore i. because I haue thus chosen him my hand shall be established with him i. he shall haue my power and might as a sure foundation to stay himselfe vpon and mine arme i. my force and strength shall strengthen him vz. agaynst all his enemies so that I will kéepe and preserue him from all dangers and marke that vnder hand and arme which are seueral termes he meaneth nothing but prouidence p●otection might c. Verse 22. The enemie i. whatsoeuer enemye he hath shall not oppresse vz. for any long time and that eyther by fraude or by force him vz. whom I haue appointed neyther shall the wicked i. he that is giuen ouer to wickednesse howe desperate and bold soeuer he be in his vngodly attempts hurt him vz. any manner of way or any long time as before in the word oppresse Verse 23. But I will destroy vz. by my might and power and that in iustice and iudgemente his foes i. all his foes whether they be open or secret before his face i. openlye he seing and beholding the same and being mine instrumente to performe that great worke and plague them vz. with death and destruction that hate him vz. any maner of way eyther inwardly or testifie their hatred outwardely Ver. 24. My truth also i. my faithfulnesse in performance of promises and my mercy i. great goodnesse he noteth the cause of his promises and the performance thereof shal be vz. present and in effect with him vz. continuallye q.d. I will alwayes shewe my selfe faythfull and mercifull towardes him and in my name i. thorow my goodnesse strength and power as Psalme 20.1 shall his horne i. his maiestie glory power and might as before ver 17. of this Psalme shall be exalted i. lifted vp and aduanced to great heighte and reuerence Verse 25. I will set his hand also in the sea some expound it thus I wil make subiect vnto his power the very sea and riuers muche more the lande which is weaker then they I would rather expounde it thus I vz. the almighty Lord will set i. stretche out his hand i. his might power gouernement and kingdome in the sea i. euen vnto the red sea and the sea mediterraneum and this was promised Exodus 23 31. and was accomplished 2. Samuel chapter 8. and 10 and his right hand in the flouds vz. of Euphrates Nylus Iordan and others Ver. 26. He vz. Dauid my seruant shal crie vnto me i. earnestly call vpon me and say thou art my Father i. one that hath a most louing tender and prouident care ouer me my God i. my
not onely labour to whet our coldnesse and dulnes but sheweth that God is he who alone is worthy all prayse Ver. 2. Blessed i. praysed and magnified hée the name of the Lorde i. Gods maiesty power and goodnes as before ver 1. of this Psalme from henceforth and for euer i. from this tyme and so forward alwayes In this verse the Prophet amplifieth Gods prayse by the circumstance of tyme q.d. hée would haue it to continue alwayes in mens mouthes as in the next verse hée amplifieth it by the circumstaunce of place q.d. hée woulde haue it remaine and abyde also in all places Ver. 3. The Lordes name i. his maiesty power goodnes c. as before verse 1.2 of this Psalme and also Psalm 20.1 is praysed i. is meete and worthy to bee praysed for the excellency and woorthinesse thereof some read it thus let it be praysed both senses may stand well with the purpose of the Prophet from the rising of the sunne vnto the going downe of the same i. in and through all the world he putteth two of the chiefest parts of the world for the whole world because these two partes vz. East and West were most inhabited for the North by reason of colde and the South by reason of heate are not so well peopled as the other quarters are Ver. 4. The Lorde is high aboue all nations i. is renowmed and more glorious then al the peoples of the world or any one of them and it is a secret reproof q.d. Is there any thing more absurde amongest reasonable men then this that they which haue certaine experience and knowledge of Gods glory amongst them should cease to prayse him for it séeing it shineth euen amongest them that are blinde and his glory aboue the heauens q.d. God doeth not onely excéede and excel al nations in glory but euen the very heauens themselues which are not able to conceiue or conteine his glory Ver. 5. Who either in heauen or in earth is like to wit in power strength prouidence goodnes c. vnto the Lorde our God i. vnto him whom we serue that hath his dwelling on high i. that dwelleth in the heauens as Psalme 2.4 Ver. 6. Who abaseth himselfe vz. in loue and mercy towardes his to behold thinges vz. which are done in the heauen and in the earth he meaneth that God foreseeth all thinges both aloft and belowe and by his power disposeth thereof Ver. 7. He rayseth vz. through his almighty power and of his goodnes the needy i. the poore and abiect amongst men out of the dust i. out of a vile and contemptible estate and lifteth vp the poore out of the dung hee speaketh the selfe same thing in other tearmes meaning that God many tymes aduanceth the most base persons sée 1. Sam. 2.8 also 2. Sam. 7.8 and note that hée speaketh not here of an ordinary course as in other places but of vnaccustomed workes in which Gods hand power is more manifest as when he exalteth a poore man not onely to a simple degrée of honour but also to haue authority ouer his people True it is that this appeareth plainely in the ciuill gouernement but yet especially in the state of the Church which is the principall theatre as it were of the worlde and wherein God giueth the plainest testimonies of his power wisedome and wonderfull iustice Ver. 8. That he may set them with the princes i. that he may giue and commit vnto them gouernement as other princes haue and not onely as euery other Prince but euen such gouernement as the princes of his owne people haue whome hée hath not onely chosen but also most tenderly loued Ver. 9. Hée i. God maketh vz. by his almighty power and working the barren woman i. shee that was barren to dwell with a family i. to haue plenty of children about her the Prophet putteth the whole family for the principall part thereof that is children and vz. God maketh her also a ioyfull mother of children i. to reioyce in her children and fruitfulnes hee ascribeth here ioy vnto mothers because they preferre posterity before all other thinges which they desire that barrennes bred griefe and fruitfulnes ioy appeareth in Hannah the mother of Samuel 1. Sam. 1.2 chapiters throughout prayse yee the Lorde sée Psal 106. and the last verse Ver. 1. Teacheth vs that it becommeth all men Do. but specially the ministers of Gods worde to set forth the noble prayses of the Lord. Ver. 2. Teacheth vs that Gods prayses should be continuall Ver. 3. Sheweth that they shall bée publike in all places Verse 4. Sheweth that all the glory both of heauen and earth and of all the creatures therein conteined is not so much as a shaddow of the glory and maiesty that is in God Ver. 5. Teacheth vs that none is any manner of way comparable with God or like vnto him Ver. 6. Teacheth vs that God looketh vppon all thinges both in heauen and earth which shoulde teach vs to walke with feare and trembling in his sight Ver. 7. and 8. Teach vs that preferment commeth not from the East nor from the West but from the Lorde onely as Psal 75.6.7 Ver. 8. Teacheth further that christian princes and those which gouerne Gods people are more to be estéemed then vnbeléeuing magistrates are Ver. 9. Teacheth vs first that barennes and fruitfulnes are both from the Lord. Secondly that wee may yea that wee ought to reioyce when God blesseth vs with posterity Psalme 114 THis Psalme may be diuided into two partes Di. In the first the Prophet sheweth how the people were deliuered out of Egipt and the wonderfull works which God did for their sake from ver 1. to the end of the 4. In the second is comprehended as it were a dialogue or disputation betwéen the Prophet and the creatures from ver 5. to the end of the Psalme This Psalme hath no title as sundry other haue not and namely Psal 10. Se. also Psal 91. also Psal 93. c Ver. 1. When Israell i. the people of Israell who are called Israel because they descended of Iaakob who was also called Israel went out of Egipt i. were deliuered out of it by the handes of Moses Aaron and the house of Iaakob i. his race and posterity from the barbarous people vz. of the land of Egipt the Hebrew worde vsed in this place signifieth such as spake an other tongue besides the Hebrewe Sée Psalm 81.5 Ver. 2. Iudah i. not onely that tribe but all the rest of the people of Israel for that which hee attributeth to that tribe because it was one of the chiefest appertaineth also euen vnto the whole body of the people was his sanctification i. was a people whom hée had sanctified and seperated from other nations to bée a peculiar holy people to himselfe And Israel i. the people that came of Israel as ver 1. of this Psalm his dominion i. God had purchased vnto himselfe a Lordship and rule ouer them
sée that fall vpon them that I haue long desired and wished vz. destruction and confusion Immanuel readeth it thus therefore doe I despise mine enemyes q.d. I make no more account of them and their forces then of thinges whiche I contemne so safe sound and vnfearefull am I being vnder Gods defence Verse 8. It is better vz. by infinite degrées and marke that the worde better is not spoken here as though confidence in men were good for to trust in men is to rob god of his glory to trust vz. stedfastly in the Lord vz. only then to haue confidence i. any maner of trust or cōfidēce at al in man vz. of what calling soeuer he be or how many in number soeuer they are Ver. 9. is the same almost with ver 8 therfore looke vpon that again in Princes this is a certaine kind of amplification q.d. We must not put our trust neither in men of low estate nor in mighty men those that séeme to haue all the power and authority in the world for they that wil cleaue to them shall be deceaued also because they be but men Ver. 10. All nations vz. whiche lie round about me my kingdom as the Philistines Moabits c. haue cōpassed me vz. and my people that round about sometimes by fraude sometimes by force and somtimes by one mean somtimes by another but in the name of the Lord i. thorow the goodnesse power strength of God shal I destroy thē vz. al with al their imaginations deuises In this verse and some other following the Prophet rehearseth the great daunger hée was in hee setteth out also the power cruelty multitude of his enemies and al to this end that hée might the more manifest the grace power of God in his deliueraunce which could not be performed by mans ayd but after a certayn meruailous diuine sort Ver. 11. They i. the nations round about me being my deadly enemies haue cōpassed me sée before ver 10 yea they haue cōpassed me i. they haue oftentimes enuironed me also very hardly and straitly beset me so that there was no likelyhood of escaping for so much I suppose the doubling of the phrase importeth al that followeth in this ver is the same in words sence with ver 10 Ver. 12. They i. mine enemies came about me vz. on euery side like bées i. not only in great multitudes as though there had bene many hiues of bées together but also with great fiercenesse euē as though they would haue ouer-run me sée Deut. 1.44 for this phrase True it is that these little creatures haue no great power yet they are wonderfully fierce and angry specially if they be prouoked and make men somewhat afrayd if they set vpon them at the sodaine or vnawares but they i. mine enemies were quenched vz. thorow the strength and power which the Lord gaue me He meaneth by this spéeche that they were euen as it were vtterly and sodainly confounded as fyre that hath abundaunce of water cast vpon it as a fyre of thornes whiche though it make much noyse at the beginning by reason of the crackling thereof as our experience teacheth vs and yéeldeth a greater flame then greater woode doth yet notwithstanding it quicklye vanisheth awaye q.d. for all the vngodlye mens bragges they shall sodainlye perish and come to nothing sée for this spéeche Ecclesiasticus 7 8. the rest that followeth is expounded before in the other verses Ver. 13 Thou vz. O mine enemie some refer it to Saule as though Dauid spake it particularly of him I rather thinke that vnder one who was as it were the chéefest he meaneth all or manye hast thrust sore at mée vz. with al thy power force and deuises whatsoeuer The Prophet meaneth by this that hée had left no way vnassa●ed to hurt him that I might fal vz. either by death or into some dangerous state from the high cōditiō wherin I now am but the Lord vz. alone hath helpen me vz. thorow his mighty power meaning that the Lord had deliuered him frō the dangers distresses that were deuised against him Ver. 14 The Lord vz. alone is my strength i. is the strength that I haue to withstande or to ouercome al mine enemies my song i. the only matter mean of my ioy q.d. I haue nothing else in my selfe to reioyce in but onely in the Lorde who doth thus and thus for me for he hath bin my deliueraunce vz. oute of all my feares and daungers q.d. he alone hath deliuered me Ver. 15. The voyce of ioy and deliuerance i. ioyful voices and soundes for deliuerance vz. bestowed vpon me shal be vz. continually in the tabernacles of the righteous i. in the dwelling places houses of good men q.d. the righteous shall sing praises to god for the great deliuerances wch he hath wrought for them me saying vz. amongst themselues yet so that other may heare it the right hand of the Lord i. his great glory power and might hath done valiauntly vz. againste his enemies and for the defence of his own children he meaneth that they shoulde confesse that God had nobly displayed his power Ver. 16. The right hand of the Lord i. his great power might is exalted vz. aboue euery thing that setteth it selfe against it how high or great soeuer it be the rest of this verse is expounded before Verse 17. I shall not die vz. yet as mine aduersaries supposed and wished and as my weake state did make shew of but liue vz. vppon the earth amongest men suche doubling of spéeches haue bin touched before sundry times such a one there is also Psal 110.4 and declare vz. amongest men and vnto the people which shal come hereafter the workes of the Lorde the great and excéeding workes that he doth specially for his seruauntes and childrē Ver. 18. The Lord vz. by the hand and rod of his and mine enemies hath chastened me sore i. sharply q.d. It was Gods purpose to correct me by the meanes of mine enemies but the wicked went about thereby to destroy me but this God would not suffer sée Isaiah 10.6 7. also Zacha. 1 15. but he hath not deliuered me to death vz. which mine enemies purposed and practised against me q.d. thorow his goodnesse I haue escaped that daunger Ver. 19. Open ye vz. ye Priests and Leuites that haue the watch garding and kéeping of the Lords house sée Psalme 134.1 vnto me vz. vpon whome God hath bestowed such graces and mercies the gates of righteousnesse i. the dores of the Tabernacle or Gods house which is called righteousnesse either because none ought to enter therein but wise and good people or else because that in that place there was only reade and expounded the law of God whiche is the only true rule of all righteousnesse And by this maner of spéech hee testifyeth his ardent zeale when he desireth that the dores of the Tabernacle may be set
open vnto him euen as though the Sacrifices were already present and ready that I may go into them vz. willingly chearefully and gladly and praise the Lord vz. with all my hart for his graces bestowed vpon me Ver. 20. This is the gate of the Lord q.d. seing that these gates belong vnto the Lord it is very méete they should be opened to his seruaunts the righteous shal enter into it vz. there to prayse the Lord and to pray vnto him Ver. 21. I vz. the people of Israell and Iudah the holy Ghost speaketh of them all as though they were but one because they all make but one body and here beginneth the third part of the Psalme will praise vz. with my whole hart and continuallye thée vz. O Lord for thou hast heard me i. granted my praiers and requests made vnto thée and hast ben my deliueraunce i. him that hath deliuered me out of al trouble Verse 22. The stone vz. which God himselfe had appointed as méete for the building to stay vphold and bind together the whole kingdome whiche vz. stone also the builders refused i. the principal gouernors both in the church and in the Kingdome in Saules time and in the dayes of Ishboseth if wee respect Dauid but if we respect Christ then the Priests Pharises and all the rest who by duty should haue built vp the Church and not destroyd it is vz. now thorow Gods appointment the head of the corner i. the chéefe stone in the building not only because it is sette in the most excellentest place of the whole building but also because it doth sustayne the whole waight of the house In this verse referred to Dauid the people shew how that though the greate men stood agaynst him yet God exalted him to the kingdome maugre all their deuises which as it followeth in the next verse was a wonderfull thing But it is truly accomplished in our Sauiour Christ as appeareth Matt. 21.41 Act. 4.11 who is indéede the true corner stone Ephe. 2 20. in whome all the building coupled together groweth vnto a holy Temple in the Lord Ver. 23. This vz. exaltation of the chéefe corner stone so contemptuouslye reiected of the greate men of the world was the Lords doing vz. only and that in mercy towardes vs miserable men whether wee respect Dauid as the figure and so apply it to the people of the Iewes or else referre it to Christ as the truth and substaunce and it is meruaylous in our eyes i. we déeme it and take it to be a wōderfull thing far beyond the reach of our wit and reason and yet we know and beléeue the same to be faithfully performed Ver. 24. This is the day vz. in which the Lord sheweth by effect that he is gracious towards vs in giuing vs so good a King which the Lord hath made vz. for our comforte and good let vs reioyce vz. before the Lord and be glad in it vz. for the graces which hée hath bestowed vpon vs. Verse 25. O Lord I pray thée vz. euen for thy owne names sake and for thy mercy sake and the word I is to be taken here as verse 21 of this Psalme saue now vz. our King thy seruaunt vnderstanding by the word sauing not only deliueraunce from daunger but aid and succoure to ouercome al our enemies and that word now importeth a present supplye without delay not that they prescribe God a time but to the ende the enemies might be quickly ouerthrowne O Lord I pray thée now vz. at this present wherein good occasion is offred giue prosperity vz. to our King and to vs in his ministery These be the prayers of the people wishing good vnto their King and themselues sée for this purpose Psalme 20. thorowout Verse 26. Blessed be he vz. with all kind of graces both outward and inward that commeth vz. to rule and gouerne amongst vs in the name of the Lorde i. by power and authoritie giuen him from the Lord q.d. That thrusteth not in himselfe but taketh the kingdome vpon him by the commandement and appointment of God Sée this applyed to our Sauiour Christ Mat. 21 9 We vz. which are the Lords Priests and wayt vpon the Altar haue blessed you vz. both King and people vnderstanding by blessing praying for them and wishing them all good which was a part of the Priests office as appeareth Deutron 10.8 Num. 6 23 c. out of the house of the Lord he noteth the place frō whence this blessing was pronounced vz. euen in that place where God was serued and in which place both Priests and people were assembled to worship him and these are the Priests words and prayers Verse 27. The Lord vz. which hath done these things for Dauid and vs is mighty vz. aboue all both in heauen and in earth and hath giuen vs vz. thorow his great mercy goodnesse light i. prosperity and al kinde of gladnes for so much do the Hebrewes comprehend vnder the word light sée Esth 8 16. binde the sacrifice vz. of praise and thanksgiuing which you offer to the Lord putting one number for an other and vnderstanding by one many as may appeare because he addeth with cords for many cords néed not for the tying of one sacrifice but hee meaneth that they should bind and bring al their sacrifices together and haue them in a readinesse as it were presentlye to offer them vp to the Lord vnto the hornes of the Altar he meaneth by this spéech that they shoulde bring them together and fill as it were the whole court of the Lord for further then that place it was not lawfull for the people to goe so that he meaneth by bringing them to the hornes of the Altar nothing else but presenting them before the Lord that as nigh as they might by warrāt of the law go so that Dauid minding to ioin the outward ceremonies of the law with the inwarde affection and seruice of the hart exhorteth euery one to prepare to present that which is necessarye to offer vp to God for the sacrifice of thanksgiuing The hebrew word whiche is here turnd sacrifice doth properly signify a sacrifice offred on some feast day the word that is translated cords signifieth a cord made of many thréeds or ropes put together and hath his name as it should séeme of the thicknes of it Ver. 28 Thou art my God i. he that alone hath mightily deliuered me from mine enemies These be Dauids words vttered either in his own name or in the Priests name concluding the Psalm with thanksgiuing as he had before taken vpon him that person both of the people Priests ver 21. ver 26. of this Psalme I wil praise thée vz. for thy goodnes mercy power manifested vnto me euen my God q.d. Though thou art a God vnto al yet by particular experience I haue found thée so chéefely vnto me therfore I wil exalt thée vz. amongst men with praise thanksgiuing Ver. 29.