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A46761 The reasonableness and certainty of the Christian religion by Robert Jenkin ... Jenkin, Robert, 1656-1727. 1700 (1700) Wing J571; ESTC R8976 581,258 1,291

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question were not only dubious but certainly spurious the remaining Books which were never doubted of are sufficient for all the necessary ends and purposes of a Revelation and therefore this ought to be no objection against the Authority of the Scriptures that the Authority of some Books has been formerly matter of controversy I shall enter upon no discourse concerning the Apocryphal Books the authority whereof has been so often and so effectually dis●roved by Protestants that the most learned Papists have now little to say for them but ●re forced only to fly to the authority of their Church which is in effect to beg the thing in question or to beg something as hard to be granted viz. the infallibility of the Church of Rome But I shall here engage in no controversy of that nature Both Protestants and Papists are generally speaking agreed that the Books of Moses and the Prophets in the Old Testament and the Writings of the Evangelists and the Apostles in the New are of Divine Authority and if this be so the Christian Religion must be true whether there be or be not others of the same nature and of equal authority These Books in the main have already been proved to be genuine and without any material corruption or alteration I shall now only propose such general considerations as may be sufficient to obviate objections The agreement between the Jews and Samaritans in the Pentateuch is a clear evidence for its Authority And tho there were many and great Idolatries committed in the Kingdom of Judah yet by the good providence of God there never was such a total Apostacy in the people nor so long a succession of Idolatrous Kings as that the Books either of the Law or the Prophets can be supposed to have been supprest or altered For three years under Rehoboam they walked in the way of David and Solomon 2 Chron. and tho afterwards he forsook the Law of the Lord and all Israel with him his Reign was in all but seventeen years Abijam was a wicked King but he reigned no longer than three years 1 Kings xv 2. Asa the third from Solomon and Jehoshaphat his Son were great Reformers and Asa reigned one and forty years and Jehoshaphat five and twenty years 2 Chron. xvi 13. xx 31. The two next Kings in succession did evil in the sight of the Lord but their Reigns were short Jehoram reigned eight years and Ahaziah but one 2 Chron. xxi 20. xxii 2. During the interval of six years under the usurpation of Athaliah the people could not be greatly corrupted for she was hateful to them as Jehoram her husband had been before her and they readily joyned with Jehoiada in slaying her and in restoring the worship of God 2 Chron. xxii Joash the son of Ahaziah did that which was right in the sight of the Lord all the days of Jehoiada 2 Chron. xxiv 2. We are sure that he reigned well three and twenty years 2 Kings xii 6. and probably much longer for Jehoiada lived to a very great age 2 Chron. xxiv 15. Amaziah his son has the same character and with the same abatement that he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord but not with a perfect heart 2 Chron. xxv 2. or yet not like David his Father he did according to all things as Joash his Father did 2 Kings xiv 3. Vzziah son to Amaziah reigned well and sought God in the days of Zachariah 2 Chron. xxvi 5. and after he was seized with the Leprosie for invading the Priests office the administration of affairs was in the hands of his Son Jotham vers 21. who imitated the good part of his fathers Reign Chap. xxvii 2. Ahaz was wicked and an Idolater but he reigned only sixteen years Chap. xxviii 1. and his son Hezekiah wrought a great Reformation who reigned twenty nine years Chap. xxix 1. Manasses was much given to Idolatry in the former part of his Reign but after his captivity in Babylon he was very zealous against it Chap. xxxiii 15 16. Amon imitated the ill part of his Father's Reign but his own continued no longer than two years Chap. xxxiii 21. The next was Josiah in whose time the Book of the Law was found in the Temple which must be the Book of Moses's own hand-writing for it is evident that a Book of the Law could be no such rare thing at that time in Jerusalem as to be taken so much notice of unless it had been that Book which was laid up in the side of the Ark and was to be transcribed by every King It seems that Book of the Law had been purposely hid to preserve it from the attempts of Idolaters who it was feared might have a design to destroy it for if it had only lain by neglected the finding of it could have been no such surprizing thing because the place in the Temple was well known where it was wont to be kept in the side of the Ark and where they might have sought for it but it was probably at that time supposed to have been utterly lost and its being found in the Ruines of the Temple which was built for the observation of it and where it ought to have been kept with the greatest care as a most inestimable treasure the veneration which Josiah had for so sacred a Writing and the happy and unexpected recovery of it when it had been disregarded and almost lost through the iniquity of his Predecessors these considerations could not but exceedingly move a mind so tender and affectionately pious as that Kings when he received the Law under Moses's own hand sent him as he believed by God himself and delivered to him as it were anew from Heaven Not long after his time was the Captivity in Babylon till which there were always Prophets frequent Reformations and never any succession of Idolatrous Kings which continued for a long time together very few Kings were Idolatrous throughout their whole Reigns and those that were reigned but a short time * Book 1. Part 2. c. 6. 9. It has been proved that the Pentateuch and the Books of the Prophets written before the Captivity were preserved amongst the Jews till their return and it is acknowledg'd by those who are of another opinion that Ezra who composed the Canon did it by a Prophetick spirit or had the assistance of Prophets in the doing it * Joseph C●nt Apion lib. 1. Josephus says that their Books after the time of Artaxerxes are not of equal authority with those before his time for want of a certain succession of Prophets And since the Jews admitted no writings as inspired into the Canon after Malachi's Prophecy this shews their sincerity and exactness in examining the truth and authority of such Writings as they admitted into their Canon of Scripture The Pharisees made the commandment of God of no effect by their Traditions but never durst presume to impose them under the notion and
a Fire from H●a●en devoured others there was not a Man of all the Congregation but must be an Eye-witness to this Judgment and there could be no Deceit nor Mistake in a thing of this nature For Men may as well doubt whether those whom they see live are alive as whether those whom they see taken away by so terrible and so visible a death are dead and unless they can know this there can be no Knowledge nor Proof of any thing They saw the Earth first divide it self and then close it self again upon these wicked Men they saw them go down alive into the pit they heard the Cry of them and fled away ●o● fear and they saw besides a Fire from the Lord consume no fewer than Two hundred and fifty Men and these the Men that offer'd Incense in opposition to Aaron Princes of the assembly famous in the congregation men of renown whose death was very remarkable upon the account of their Persons as well as for the Manner of it So many Men of that Rank and Character being taken away at once was a thing that would have been much observed and strictly enquir'd into if they had fain by any other death but their dying in this manner was so wonderful and so plain a declaration of the Divine Justice that it could neither be unknown nor forgotten by any Man in the whole Congregation Yet their Discontents against Moses still continued for He and Aaron were charged with killing the people of the Lord ver 41. and the congregation was gathered against Moses and against Aaron and behold the cloud covered the tabernacle of the congregation and the glory of the Lord appeared And God's Wrath was so hot against the People for their St●bbornness and Disobedience that notwithstanding the Intercession of Moses and Aaron in their behalf a Plague from the Lord raged so much amongst them that they that died in the plague were fourteen thousand and seven hundred beside them that died about the matter of Korah ver 49. And there were probably many Families in every Tribe which bore the marks of God's Displeasure and of the Truth of Moses his Mission and then Aaron's Rod alone blossom'd of all the Rods of the Twelve Tribes but by this time the people were weary of their contumacy and cried out ●●hold we die we perish we all perish Shall we be consumed with dying Num. xvii 12 13. And thus was an end put to a Sedition which was the greatest and the most dangerous as Josephus well observes that was ever known among any People and such as that so dreadful a succession of Miracles was necessary to deliver Moses out of it And I would know of the greatest Infidel whether if he had lived at that time and had been in the Wilderness with Moses and had been of Korah's Conspiracy as it is most likely he would have been I would know of him I say whether he could have done any thing more to put Moses upon the utmost tryal of his power and Authority received from God than these rebellious Israelites did And if he could not as he must needs confess he could not then he ought to be satisfied in the Authority of Moses as they themselves afterwards were unless he has an ambition to shew that some Christians can be more refractary than Jews Yet again when they wanted Water the Peopled quarell'd with Moses and said Would God that we had died when our brethren ●ied before the Lord. And Moses brought Water out of the Rock before the whole Congregation in so great plenty that the whole People and their Cattle just ready to perish with thirst was satisfied with it Num. xx 3 10. At another time after a signal Victory over the Canaanites they made the same Complaints again and for their Murmurings were stung by fiery Serpents and many died till a Brazen Serpent being erected as many as looked on it were miraculously cured Num. xxi 6. And if the delivering the Law in so conspicuous and wonderful a manner if so remarkable Judgments upon those that questioned and opposed Moses his Authority and that transgressed his Law by committing Idolatry if a continual course of Miracles for Forty Years done before the eyes and obvious to every sense of so many thousands of People be not a plain demonstration that the Matter of Fact in all the circumstances of it necessary to prove Moses to have acted by God's immediate Authority and Commission was at first sufficiently attested it is impossible that any thing can be certainly testified We see how impossible it was for Moses to impose upon the People of Israel in things of this nature it he could have been so far forsaken of all Reason and common Sense as to hope to do it But if he had designed to put any deceit upon them he would certainly have taken another course he would have done his Miracles privately and but seldom not in the midst of all the People for Forty Years together he would never have made two Nations at the first Witnesses to them and then have proceeded in such a manner as that every Man among the Israelites must have known them to be false if thy had been so he would have chosen such Instances to shew his Miracles in as should have provoked no body not such as must have enraged the whole People against him by the death of so many thousands so often put to death if they had been slain by any other means than by the Almighty Hand of God And indeed what could destroy so many so irresistibly so suddenly and visibly but the Divine Power And what could be the Design and Intent of such Miracles but to fulfil the Will of God and make his Power to be known and his authority acknowledged in the Laws which were delivered in his Name and which were so often affronted and transgressed by these Sinners against their own Souls At their going out of Aegypt by a miraculous Providence there was not one feeble person among their trib●s but upon their transgressions they were punished by Diseases as miraculous We have other Evidence as I have before observed that Moses had no design to delude the People of Israel from the Meekness of his Disposition from his discovering his own Faults and Infirmities in his Writings and from his not advancing his Family but leaving his Posterity in a private condition and putting the Government into the hands of Joshua one of the Tribe of Ephraim But when all the People of Israel were Witnesses to so many Miracles wrought by him and particularly to so strange a Judgment as the cleaving asunder of the Earth and the Fire and Plague by which so many thousands perished we need not insist upon any other Proof to shew that the Miraculons Power and Divine Authority by which Moses acted and wrote was as well attested and as fully known to the whole People of Israel as it is possible for any Matter of
hearing Gather the people together Men and woman and children and thy stranger that is within thy gates that they may hear and that they may learn and fear the Lord your God and observe to do all the words of this law And that their children which have not known any thing may hear and learn to fear the Lord your God as long as ye live in the land whither ye go over Jordan to possess it Deut. xxxi 10 11 12 13. How is it possible that any more effectual care could have been taken to secure a Law from being depraved and altered by Impostures Every seventh Day at least was set apart for the reading and learning it in their seveval Tribes throughout all the Land and then once in seven years it was read at a publick and solemn Feast when they were all obliged to go up to Jerusalem And for this purpose Moses wrot a Book of the Law which was put in the side of the Ark that it might be there for a Testimony against them if they should trangress it much more if they should make any Alterations in it And out of this Book the King was to write him a Copy of the Law Deut. xvii 1● and this Book of the Law was found by Hil●iah the High-Priest in the House of the Lord 2 Cron. xxxiv 14.2 King xxii 8. For after all that the wicked and idolatrous Kings could do to suppress the Law of Moses and draw aside the People to Idolatry the Authentick Book of the Law writen by Moses himself was still preserved in Josiah's time besides the several Copies which must be dispersed throughout the Land for the use of their Synagogues and those which must be remaining in the hands of the Prophets and other pious Men. And there is little reason to doubt but that this very Book written by Moses was preserved during the Captivity and was that Book which Ezra read to the People It is by no means credible that the Prophets would suffer that Book to be lost much less that they would suffer all the Copies generally to be lost or corrupted which indeed considering the number was hardly possible Is it probable that Jeremiah would use that favour which he had with Nebuchadnezzar to any other purpose rather than for the preservation of the Book of the Law The Jews say the Ark was secured in the burning of the Temple at the time of their Captivity but it is much more probable that the Book of their Law was secured it being both more easily conveyed away and not so tempting a Prey to the Enemy We find the Law cited in the time of the Captivity by Daniel Den. ix 11. by Nehemiah Nehem. i. 8 9. and in Tobit who belong'd ●o the Ten Tribes Tob. vi 12. vii 13. And it is not to be doubted but that these and other pious Men had Copies of it by them and were very careful to preserve them Maimonides (r) Huet 〈◊〉 Prop. 41. says that Mises himself wrote out Twelve Books of the Law one for each Tripe besides that which was laid up in the side of the Ark and the Rabbins teach that every one is obliged to have a Copy of the Pentateuch by him And Ezra and Nehemiah (s) Dros d●●●●th Sect. l. 3. c. 11. are said to have brought Three hundred Books of the Law into the Congregation assembled at their return from Captivity It is certain there were Scribes of the Law before the Captivity and in the time of it Jer. viii 8. Ezra is stiled a ready Scribe in the law of Moses and the Scribe even a Scribe of the words of the commandments of the Lord and of his statutes to Israel And by Artaxerxes in his Letter he is called a Scribe of the law of the God of heaven Ezra vii 6 11 12. By which it appears that there were Scribes of the Law during the Captivity who were known by this solemn Stile and Character and whose care and employment it was to study and write over the Law of whom Ezra was the principal at the time of their Return It is most probable then that the Book of the Law was preserved in Moses's own Hand till the coming of the Jews from Babylon besides the Copies that were preserved in the hands of Daniel Nehemiah Ezra Zechariah and the other Prophets who were not only of unquestionable Integrity but wrote themselves by Divine Inspiration 3. Nothing is more expressly forbidden in the Books of Moses than all Fraud and Deceit and it cannot reasonably be suspected that any Man would be guilty of a Fraud of the highest nature imaginable to introduce or establish a Law that forbids it Moses had forewarned them against all such practices both in his Laws in general and by an express Prohibition Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you neither shall ye diminish ought from it Deut. iv 2. And all who had any regard to the Observation of his Laws would observe this as well as other parts of it for this preserved the Authority of all the rest inviolable And if they had had no regard to the Law but had altered it as they pleased they would certainly have made such Alterations as would have gratified the People and would have taken great care to leave nothing which might give offence but the Laws of Moses are such as that without a Divine Authority to enforce them they would never have been complied with but would have been grievous to a less suspicious and impatient People than the Jews were If it be said That the Prohibition against Alterations might be added amongst other things there is no ground of probability for it but so much odds against it that a Man might as well suspect that the whole Five Books had been forged as to pitch upon that particular Verse and say that it is not genuine Besides why should Impostors insert such a Clause as would hinder them from changing any thing in the Law ever after why should they not rather reserve to themselves a liberty of changing and adding as often as they thought fit 2. As the Laws themselves could not be invented nor altered after Moses's time so neither could the Account of the Miracles wrought by him be inserted after his death by any particular Man nor by any Confederacy or Combination of Men whatsoever For if the Miracles by which the Law is supposed to be confirmed were afterwards inserted they must be intended as a Sanction to give Authority to it and keep the People in awe when they were become uneasie and disobedient under the Government of those Laws But it must needs be much more difficult to introduce Laws at first than to govern a People by them after they have been once introduced and are setled and received amongst them Indeed it is incredible how Laws so little favourable to the ease or advantage of a People which were so expensive and burthensome in there
Composition of Cato it had been hard for him to avoid the being a Stoick and he might probably have founded that Sect if it had not been known in the World before The Philosophers had no Authority to promise rewards or to threaten punishments upon the observation or neglect of their Precepts and therefore every man was at his liberty to chuse or to reject what they taught and divers of them were sensible of this unavoidable defect in all humane Doctrines and therefore pretended to Revelation There is no inconvenience therefore in supposing that many of the Precepts contained in the Proverbs and other Books of Scripture might be known without a Revelation for there is notwithstanding very good Reason why they should be inserted into the Scripture Because the Scriptures have the Authority of a Divine Law and are to be looked upon not as a System of Ethicks or a Collection of Moral Precepts but as a Body of Laws given out upon Divers occasions and as Rules of Instruction which at the same time both shew us our Duty and command our Obedience It is not expected that Kings in their Laws shouid argue more profoundly than other men do but they should command more effectually than others can teach they do not dispute but pronounce and dictate what their subjects must take notice of at their peril And it is no diminution to a Princes Authority to command the most known and obvious things though it may be a fault in the subject to need such commands And God in his word did not design to furnish us with a Treatise of Philosophy to gratify our curiosity with strange and new notions and make us profound Scholars but to speak to the necessities of men and put them in mind of known Duties to appeal to their own Consciences and to enforce those notions of Good and Evil which natural reason perhaps might suggest to them by the authority of a revealed Religion and a Divine Law established upon Rewards and Punishments 3. Though the Philosophers were able to discern something more than other men yet they durst not openly declare what they knew but were over-born with the errors and vices the Times and Countries in which they lived even to the Commission of Idolatry and the worst of vices and therefore their Doctrines whatever they were could do but little good towards the reformation of the World I shall not enquire into the Reports concerning Socrates and Plato Seneca and Cato himself but only observe that Socrates who was the only Martyr among the Philosophers for the truth yet when he comes to die speaks with no assurance of a Future State and ordered a Cock to be sacrificed to Aesoulapius which can hardly be reconciled to that Doctrine for for which he is supposed to die And after his Death how did his Friends and Disciples behave themselves Did they openly and courageously vindicate his innocence and teach the Doctrine for which he suffered Did they not use all means to conceal and dissemble it But Mankind stood in need of a perfect example of Virtue and of such instructors as should both teach and practise the Doctrines of it at their utmost peril and of a succession of such Men as should bear Testimony to their Doctrine both by the Miracles wrought during their Lives and by the constancy of their Deaths 4. As the Heathen Philosophy wanted the Authority of a Law and the example of those who taught it so it wanted principal Motives to recommend the practice of it to the Lives of Men. The Philosophers teach nothing of the exceeding Love of God towards us of his desire of our happiness and his readiness to assist and conduct us in the ways of Virtue They owned no such thing as Divine Grace and Assistance towards the attainment of Vertue and the perseverance in it (o) Tull. de Nat. D●or lib. iii. Virtutem autem nemo unquam acceptam Deo retulit nimirum recte propter virtutem enim jure laudamur in virtute recte gloriamur quod non contingeret si id donum a Deo non a nobis haberemus nam quis quod bonus vir esset gratias Diis egit unquam Jovemque optimum maximum ob eas res appellant non quod justos temperatos sapientes efficiat sed quod salvos incolumes opulentos copiosos This occasioned those (p) Sen Epist 53. insolent Boasts of the Stoicks equaling themselves to the Gods and sometimes even preferring themselves before them because they had difficulties to encounter which made their conquests of vice and their improvements in virtue more glorious than they supposed the like excellencies to be in their Gods who were good by the necessity of their own Nature Wherefore tho the Rules of Philosophy had been never so perfect yet they must needs be ineffectual being so difficult to find out and so unactive and dead when they were discovered without that Authority and Life and Energy that may be had from Divine Revelation which there was a necessity for not only to supply the imperfections and correct the errors of Philosophy but to enforce the Doctrines of it tho they had been never so true and perfect CHAP. VI. The Novelty and Defect in the Promulgation of the Mahometan Religion THE Novelty of the Mahometan Religion in respect both of the Old and New Testament is past all dispute And this Religion notwithstanding all its sensual allurement owes its Propagation solely to the ●ower of the Sword For though the Alcoran has been translated into most of the Languages in use amongst Christians yet it has never been known to make any Proselytes but by force of Arms. At first this Religion had many circumstances for its advantage which might in humane probability gain it success in the world It was begun in Rebellion and in a final Revolt from the Emperor Heraclius and besides this popular and seducing Temptation of Licence and Violence Mahomet added the enticements of Lust and Sensuality he forbad Men indeed some things but such as he could easily see they would part with for the free and unbounded enjoyment of others then he pretended to sound his Doctrine on the Authority of Moses and of Christ saying that Christ had promised to send him all which made his Religion find the more easy entertainment amongst both Jews and Christians 'T was but like the Heresy of the Gnosticks at the first and not altogether so gross and this must needs encline all of Seditious and lewd principles to come in to him being glad of such a colour for their wickedness and it had the advantage of Power and Force to make it more lasting than other such Blasphemies have been Christ on the contrary forbad Resistance of the supreme Power upon any terms whatsoever he asserted the Authority of Moses but so as to abolish the ceremonial part of the Law which was what the Jews were most fond of so that this very thing made the Jews
coming of the Messiah But (g) Grot. de Verit. lib. v. S. 14. inter Sarrav Epist Rabbi Nehumias who lived fifty years before Christ declared that the coming of the Messiah according to Daniels Prophecy could not be deferred beyond the space of fifty years longer as Grotius has observed from the Talmud Divers (c) Bishop Pearson on the Creed Art iv of the Jews place the Passion of Christ sixty nine years before our common Account of the Year in which he truly suffered others pretend another different Account without the least Reason for either pretence but this shews how desperate a Cause they are engaged in which forceth them upon such Artifices for we have the express Testimony of Tacitus that he suffered under Pontius Pilate They Interpret Isai vii 14. where it is Prophesied that the Messiah was to be Born of a Virgin contrary to the Sense of their Fore-Fathers and therefore reject the Antient Translation of that Verse by the Septuagint as (d) Just Mart. Dialog Justin Martyr urged against the Jews of his time In Origen's time they expounded Isai liii of the Nation of the Jews not of any particular Person though as (e) Origen contr Cels lib. 1. Origen Argued in a Disputation with them the Tenor of the whole Chapter is a plain confutation of this way of expounding it and especially these words of the 8th Verse for the Transgression of my People was he stricken By the Person stricken cannot be understood the People for whose Transgression he is said to have been stricken (h) Grot. ib. lib. v. S. 19. Bishop Pearson ib. But they have found out another Evasion by pretending that there are to be two Messiahs one the Son of Joseph who is to be a suffering Messiah and the other the Son of David who is to enjoy all manner of Temporal Prosperity and Power So plain is it that the Prophecies which the Jews themselves of old understood of Christ are fulfilled in our Saviour and so unavoidably do they contradict all their own Antient Interpretations of Scripture when they will not allow them to be fulfilled in him For that they are fulfilled it is evident and they can assign no other Person in whom they have been fulfilled II. It was fore-told by the Prophets that the Law should cease upon the coming of the Messiah It is evident from the Prophets that in some years after Christ Jerusalem was to be no longer the seat of the Jewish Power and Government nor the place of Worship And their Prophecies suppose the Cessation of the Jewish Law upon a Two-fold Account 1. From the Destruction of the Temple 2. From the Dispersion of the People of the Jews and the Destruction of their City 1. From the Destruction of the Temple The Prophet Daniel fore-told that after the Messiah was cut off the Sanctuary should be destroyed and the Sacrifice and the Oblation should Cease and that there should be Desolation even until the Consummation Dan. ix 26 27. Since the Sanctuary is laid waste and desolate and by this Prophecy is never to be Rebuilt the Temple being the Place of all their Worship and Solemnities that failing their whole Worship must fail with it And whenever the Jews have attempted to Rebuild their Temple they have been hindred from doing it and particularly as I have several times already observed in the time of Julian the Apostate by Miraculous and dreadful Judgments related by Ammianus Marcellinus an Heathen Historian who lived at that time and by a (x) Wagenseil Annot. ad excerpta Gemarae ●ap 1. p. 236. Jewish Writer And when they have been permitted to Build them Synagogues and Places of Worship in all other Parts of the World that Place alone has been denied them in which by their Law they were indispensably bound to Worship All the Males were obliged to resort to Jerusalem to Worship thrice every year and the Place of their Worship was more strictly enjoyned than the time For if any Man were upon a Journey or Unclean a second Passover was appointed for him but it could be observed at no other Place but Jerusalem upon any occasion whatsoever Num. ix 10. Deutr. xvi 5. And therefore during the Captivity at Babylon they did not Celebrate these Feasts of the Passover of Pentecost and of Tabernacles how could they Sing the Lord's Song in a strange Land Psal Cxxxvii 4. And the Destruction of the City and Temple by the Romans at the time of the Passover was a sign that they were no longer God's Peculiar People nor under the Protection of those Promises which by the Law were made to them and had ever been fulfilled till the time of the Promise was expired St. (i) Chrys adv Judeos lib. 1. Tom. 6. Sav. Edit Chrysostom blames the Jews of his time for observing the Law in the Countries whither they were disperst which he proves to be contrary to God's Commandment and to the Practice of their Ancestors And the Modern Jews confess that their Worship is impracticable in their present Condition they acknowledge that they ought to offer Sacrifice no where else but at the Temple of Jerusalem the Observation of the Passover among them now is without Sacrificing the Paschal Lamb and they observe t●e day of Attonement without the Sacrifice of Expiation 2. The Destruction of the City of Jerusalem and the final Dispersion of the People of the whole Nation of the Jews proves that their Law is at an end Jacob plainly foretold both the coming of the Messiah and the end of the Power and Authority of the Nation of the Jews upon His coming The Sceptre shall not depart from Judah nor a Law giver from between His feet until Shiloh come and unto Him shall the gathering of the People be Gen. xlix 10. This Prophecy was by the antient Jews always understood of the Messiah as is evident by the Targums and it appears to be fulfill'd in our Saviour both because the Jewish Government in His time was drawing towards its final Period and because the People of all Nations have been gathered to Him and have been made Proselytes to his Religion The Sceptre and the Law-giver that is the Power of their Arms and the Authority of their Laws was not so to depart as to become extinct till the Messiah came which implies that soon after his coming they were both to cease as we see they have long since actually done The Accomplishment of Jacob's Prophecy was gradual Herod was of another Nation but a Proselyte and upon that account he might be stil'd a Jew as (x) Exer●●itat 1. ●um 5. Is Casaubon has prov'd against Baronius And when he was made King of the Jews this was as a Warning to awaken them to expect the full Accomplishment of this Prophecy which was brought to pass in the final Destruction of their Government The Jewish Government all along under all Changes was still denominated from Judah tho'
recourse to the History of the Bible since it is acknowledged by all learned Men to be so much the ancientest Book which can give us an Account of Religion in the World For unless we will reject all History and believe nothing related of Ancient Times we must take our Accounts from such Books as treat of them And till by the Method proposed I have proved the Bible to be of Divine Authority I shall alledge it only as an Historical Relation of Things past in which respect it would be unreasonable to deny it that credit which is allowed to other Books of that nature And this is all that is now desired in order to the clearing of what I am at present upon which is to shew That nothing requisite to a true Revelation is wanting to the Scriptures and therefore that they have been sufficiently promulged and made known to the World In the Beginning of the World God was pleased to create but one Man and one Woman and to People the Earth from them which must exceedingly tend both to the preservation of Order and Obedience amongst Men and to the retaining of the Knowledge of God and of his Ways and Dealings with the first Parents of Mankind But if Multitudes had been created and the Earth had been peopled at once the natural effect of this had been Ambition and Strife Confusion and Ignorance For as the Inhabitants of the World multiplied so did all Sin and Wickedness encrease though all descended from the same Parents and these Parents lived to see many Generations of their Off-spring and to instruct and admonish them which if any thing could have done it must have kept up a sense of God and Religion amongst Men. Adam himself performed the Office of a Father a Priest and a King to his Children and the Office and Authority of these three descended upon the Heads of Families in the several Generations and Successions of Kingdoms amongst his Posterity For that the same Person was both King and Priest in the earlier Ages of the World we learn from the best Antiquities of other Nations and it was so likewise amongst the Jews till God had appointed an Order and Succession of the Priesthood in one Tribe and therefore Esau is stiled a profane Person for selling his Birth-right Omnesque primogenitos Noe donec sacerdotio fungeretur Aaron fuisse Pontifices Hebraei tradunt Hieronym Quaestion seu Tradit Hebraic in Genes because the Priesthood went along with it Heb. xii 16. By all the Accounts we have of the World before the Flood we are assured that God was pleased at first to afford frequent Communications of himself to Mankind and even to the Wicked as to Cain whose Punishment it afterwards was to be hid from the face of the Lord and driven out from his presence Gen. iv 14 16. And when the Wickedness of Men had provoked God to drown the World he revealed this to Noah and respited the execution of this Judgment an Hundred Years and Noah in the mean time both by his Preaching and by preparing an Ark warned them of it and exhorted them to Repentance by preparing of an ark to the saving of his house he condemned the world Heb. xi 7. and he was a preacher of righteousness to the old world 2 Pet. ii 5. He made it his business for above an Hundred Years together to forewarn the wicked World of their approaching Ruine which he did by all the Ways and Means that a Wise and Great Man could contrive proper for that End Noah lived after the Flood Three hundred and fifty Years Gen. ix 28. and it was between One and Two hundred Years before the Division of Tongues and the Dispersion of the Sons of Noah And when all the Inhabitants of the Earth were of one Language and lived not far asunder Noah himself living amongst them the Judgment of God upon the wicked World in overwhelming them with the Flood his Mercies to Noah and his Family in their preservation when all the rest of the World perished and the Commandments which God gave to Noah at his coming out of the Ark with his Promises and Threatnings respectively to the performance or trangression of them must be well known and the sin in building the Tower of Babel for which the Universal Language was confounded and the Race of Mankind dispersed could proceed from nothing but the heigth of Presumption and Perverseness After the Confusion of Languages and the Dispersion of Mankind they could not on the sudden remove to very distant and remote Places by reason of the unpassable Woods and Desarts and Marshes which after so vast an Inundation must be every where to be met with to obstruct their passage in those hot and fruitful Countreys when they had lain uninhabited for so many Years This we may the better understand from the slow progress which was made in the Discoveries of the West-Indies For the Spaniards in those places where they found neither Guide nor Path did not enter the Country ten Miles (f) See Sir W. Rauleigh l. 1. c. 8. §. 3. in ten Years And in those Ages they could not but be ill provided either by their own Skill or by convenient Tools and Instruments with fit means to clear the Countrey which they were to pass and they were likewise unprovided of Vessels to transport any great numbers of Men with their Families and Herds of Cattle which were for many Ages their only Riches and absolutely necessary for their Sustenance for Navigation had never had so slow an Improvement in the World if it had so soon been in that Perfection as to enable them for such Transportation And as for these Reasons the Dispersion of Noah's Posterity over the Earth must be gradual and many Generations must pass before the remoter Parts of it could be inhabited so the several Plantations must be supposed to hold Correspondence with those to whom they were nearest allyed and from whom they went out they must be supposed to own some sort of Dependance upon them and pay them such Acknowledgments as Colonies have ever done to their Mother-Cities It is natural to suppose that they first spread themselves into the neighbouring Countries and as Sir Walter Rauleigh has observed the first Plantations were generally by the Banks of Rivers whereby they might hold Intelligence one with another which they could not do by Land that being overspread with Woods and altogether unfit for travelling And the great affinity which is observable between the Eastern Languages proves that there was a continual Correspondence and Commerce maintained between the several Nations after the Dispersion All which considering the great Age that Men lived in those times must without a very gross Neglect and Contempt of God preserve a true Notion of Religion in the several Parts of the World For Noah himself lived Three hundred and Fifty Years after the Flood his Sons were not soon dispersed their Dispersion was gradual and
several Prophecies we have recorded in the Books of Moses and ascribed to others and the last comaining so many remarkable things is from the mouth of an Enemy Moses himself foretold That the Children of Israel should after Forty Years come into the Land of Promise That they should prove Victorious over the Canaanites and That their Country should by the Divine Care and Protection be preserved in safety whilst they went up to worship at Jerusalem thrice every Year Thrice in the year shall all your men-children appear before the Lord God the God of Israel For I will cast out the nations before thee and enlarge thy borders netther shall any man desire thy land when thou shalt go up to appear before the Lord thy God thrice in the year Exod. xxxiv 23 24. Here is the Promise of a constant Miracle to be fulfilled to the Israelites thrice every Year as long as their Government stood all their Males were to go up to Jerusalem at three set and known times every year and yet their Enemies round about them whom they had so many ways provoked were by the Almighty Power of God restrained from taking any advantage of this opportunity which was frequently and notoriously given them of Invading their Countrey The very Nature and Constitution of the Jewish worship made it impossible for their Government to subsist in the observation of their Religion without a Miracle wrought three times in a Year for their preservation And the fulfilling of this Promise which God had made to them by Moses and the preserving of them in the performance of that Worship which he had appointed them was a continual Confirmation of his Law and a repeated Assurance that it was from God By the Law of Moses likewise every Seventh Year they were Permitted neither to sow their Land nor to prune their Vineyards nor to gather any Corn or Fruits that grew of their own accord which was a Law that must have brought them under great extremities and the observation of it had been impracticable if the extraordinary and miraculous Blessing of God had not supplied this constant want of the seventh year's Product with as constant an Overplus in the preceeding years For as God by Moses foretold That on the Sixth Day there should fall Manna enough to supply them on the Sabbath-day so they had a Promise of Three Years Fruits precisely every Sixth Year to supply that want which the Sabbatical Year must otherwise have reduced them to And if ye shall say What shall we eat the seventh year behold we shall not sow nor gather in our encrease Then I will command my blessing upon you in the sixth year and it shall bring forth fruit for three years And ye shall sow the eighth year and eat yet of old fruit until the ninth year until her fruits come in ye shall eat of the old store Lev. xxv 20 21 22. Which is another clear Instance that the People of Israel could never have subsisted in the observation of their Law but by the constant and miraculous accomplishment of the Prophecies which contained the Promises made to them for their Preservation In blessing the Twelve Tribes of Israel he foretold the peculiar state and condition of every distinct Tribe Deut. xxxiii He foretold to them all in general That they should have miraculous success against the Canaanites That they should possess themselves of their Land That they should set Kings over them That they should have a peculiar Place of Worship whither they should all resort and that they should have the Divine Oracles and a succession of Prophets for their direction in all Matters of great importance and difficulty And Joshua appeals to the Experience of the children of Israel whether all had not been fulfilled which was promised as far as his time And be hold this day I am going the way of all the earth and ye know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one thing hath failed of all the good things which the Lord your God spake concerning you all are come to pass unto you and not one thing hath failed thereof Josh xxiii 14. The extent of the Dominions of the children of Israel after they came to be setled in the Land of Canaan is foretold Exod. xxiii 31. and fulfilled 2 Sam. viii 3. Ezra iv 20. And Solomon at the Dedication of the Temple declared in the audience of all the People That there had not failed one word of all God's good promise which he promised by the hand of Moses his servant 1 King viii 56. Moses also foretold that besides a constant succession of Prophets for many Ages there should arise a Prophet of extraordinary Power and Authority and whosoever would not hear that Prophet should be destroyed Deut. xviii 18. This Prophet was the great expectation of the Jews at the time of out Saviour's coming Joh. 1.21 vi 14. vii 40. and the Apostles prove our Saviour to be him Act. iii. 22. vii 37. Lastly Moses foretold the Disobedience and the Revolt of the children of Israel the Judgments that should befall them for their Iniquities and their Deliverance upon their Repentance he foretold so many Years before they had any King That they and their King whom they would set over them should be carried into Captivity and that at the same time when they were taken Captive by the Assyrians who are described in the very same words that the other Prophets use concerning them the remainder should be carried into Aegypt Deut. xxviii 36 49 50 68. and we see it came accordingly to pass Jer. xliii And the Siege of Samaria by the Assyrians and of Jerusalem both by them and the Romans is particularly described to the very circumstance of their eating the flesh of their sons and of their daughters Deut. xxviii 53. which is a thing that has scarce ever happen'd in any other Siege but those of Samaria and of Jerusalem Lam. ii 20. iv 10.2 King vi 29. This monstrous and dreadful thing was twice known in Jerusalem first when it was besieged by Nehuchadnezzar and again when it was destroyed by the Romans under Titus And such a circumstance could not be foretold so long before but by a Divine Prescience and that so strange and unnatural a thing should befall the Children of Israel three several times according to the express words of a Prophecy could have nothing of Chance in it Thus we see that besides the Prophecies concerning the other Nations of the Earth every State and Condition of the People of Israel from their first Original to the Destruction of Jerusalem was the Perpetual Fulfilling of express Prophecies contained in the Books of Moses CHAP. VI. Of the Miracles wrought by Moses IF it be once proved That Moses did what is related of him in the Pentateuch it will unavoidably follow That he did it by a Divine Power and that he was God's Servant and Minister and that
Forty Years wandring in the Wilderness their Children should be brought in to possess it I the Lord have said I will surely do it unto all this evil congregation that are gathered together against me in this wilderness they shall be consumed and there shall they die Num. xiv 35. And the Men who were sent out to search the Land and brought the evil report upon it died forthwith by the plague before the Lord ver 37. and these Men were the Heads of the Children of Israe● a Man of every Tribe being chosen out every one a Ruler amongst them chap. xiii 2 3. and but two of them agreed in giving the true Account of the Land so great an aversion they had to proceed any farther in their way thither And all the congregation lifted up their voice and cried and the people wept that night And all the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron and the whole congregation said unto them Would God that we had died in the land of Aegypt or would God we had died in this wilderness And wherefore hath the Lord brought us unto this land to fall by the sword that our wives and our children should be a prey were is not better for us to return into Aegypt And they said one to another Let us make a cantain and let us return into Aegypt And all the Congregation were for stoning Joshua and Caleb if they had not been hindred by the glory of the Lord appearing in the tabernacle of the congregation before all the children of Israel Num. xiv 1 2 3 4 10. Now upon so general a d●f●ction to pronounce peremptorily That but Two by name of so many Thousands should go in to inherit the Land of Promise and that all the rest should die in that very Wilderness which they complained so much of and that no less than Forty Years were to be spent in that wandring condition which they were already so weary of This is such a Method of quelling so general a Discontent and Mutiny as never was heard of before nor since and which could proceed from nothing less than a Wisdom and Authority which could check and controul the most combined and inveterate Perverseness of men and a Power which struck the Spreaders of this false Report with immediate death before their eyes for an Example of that Vengeance which they must all expect would fall upon them sooner or later within the space of Forty Years So that hereby was taken off all prospect of Advantage and ●ll hopes of any Reward for what they now with so much regret and impatience underwent and from henceforth they were led meerly by Conviction of the Divine Power and Presence amongst them and of the Terrours of those Judgments which in all Revolts seized upon the Disobedient And now being restless and uneasie in their present condition and past all hopes of remedying it like desperate Men they were upon every little occasion thrown into violent Commotions but were as soon controlled and appeased by visible Judgments upon the chief Authors of them For when we read soon after that a Rebellion was raised against Moses by Korah Dathan and Abiram God gave such evident Tokens of that Authority which he had invested him withal and so signally manifested that what he had done amongst them was by his Power and Commission that it was impossible for any of them to be deceived in it or to doubt of it Though the truth of it is they had never from the very first doubted of God's Power amongst them but were acted now with a Spirit of Rage and Despair like the Men described by the Prophet fretting themselves and cursing their king and their God and looking upwards Isai viii 21. Korah of the Tribe of Levi and Dathan and Abiram and On of the Tribe of Reuben being Principal and Leading Men of these two Tribes with Two hundred and fifty princes of the assembly famous in the congregation men of renown gathered themselves together against Moses and Aaron charging them That they took too much upon them And to clear himself of this Accusation Moses implores God to vindicate his Innocency before all the People and by agreement Korah and Aaron appeared before the Lord with Censers in their Hands and Two hundred and fifty Men besides with their Censers likewise Korah at the time appointed gathered all the Congregation against Moses and Aaron unto the Door of the Tabernacle of the Congregation So that here was the most solemn Appearance of the wh●l● People who had entertained great Jealousies against Moses and Aaron and were now met together to see whether they could give sufficient Proof of their Authority which they challenged over them The Time and Place was appointed and they came enclined and prepared to receive any farther ill impressions concerning Moses and Aaron if they could not have made out their Pretensions in the most remarkable and astonishing manner to the utter confusion of all their Enemies First the Glory of the Lord appeared unto all the congregation and then Moses at God's Command charges the Congregation to depart from the Tabernacles of Korah Dathan and Abiram and declares Hereby ye shall know that the Lord hath sent me to do all these works for I have not done them of mine own mind If these men die the common death of all men or if they be visited after the visitation of all men then the Lord hath not sent me But if the Lord make a new thing and the earth open her mouth and swallow them up with all that appertain unto them and they go down quick into the pit then ye shall understand that these men have provoked the Lord. And it ca●e to pass as he had made an end of speaking all these words that the ground clave asunder that was under them And the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up and their houses and all the men that appertained unto Korah and all their goods They and all that appertained to them went down alive into the pit and the earth closed upon them and they perished from among the congregation And all Israel that were round about them sled at the ●ry of them for they said Lest the earth swallow us up also And there came out a fire from the Lord and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense Num. xvi Thus Moses vind●cated himself and proved his Divine Mission and Authority in such a manner as it was impossible but that the whole People of Israel must be convinced of it They were very suspicious and jealous of him tho' they had had so much experience of his Favour with God and of all his mighty Works done in the midst of them but when this dreadful Vengeance fell upon his Enemies before the whole Congregation who were met together on purpose to see whether God would declare himself for him when the Earth divided it s●lf ●o swallow some of these Men and
the Law and that so many should die rather than depart from it Upon the Revolt of the Ten Tribes Jeroboam would certainly have discover'd it if he had but suspected any such thing as an Imposture or could but have hoped to make the People believe that the Laws of Moses were not of Divine Institution but of Humane Invention and Contrivance but he supposed the Truth of its Divine Original whilst he tempted the People to the transgression of it Behold thy Gods O Israel which brought thee up out of the land of Aegypt 1 King xii 28. he supposes them brought out of the land of Aegypt and brought out by a Divine Power and endeavours to persuade them that the two Calves which he had set up in Dan and Bethel were the Gods who delivered them and by whose Authority the Law was given them and that therefore either of those Places was as proper to sacrifice in as Jerusalem which however absurd it were yet he did not think so absurd as to endeavour to make them believe that their Law it self was no better than an Imposture he had some hopes to succeed in this Project and the Event shews he understood the Temper and Principles of the People he had to deal with but the other was too gross for him to attempt The true Prophets of Israel were ever as zealous for the Law of Moses as the Prophets of Judah and the False Pophets of either Kingdom never durst deny its Authority these False prophets affronted and contradicted the Prophets of the Lord but they ever owned the Law and pretended to speak in the Name of that God who had deliver'd it to Moses And this Division of the Ten Tribes made it impossible afterwards for either the Kingdom of Israel or of Judah to make any Alterations in the Books of Moses because there was so great emulation and enmities betwixt the two Kingdoms that they could never have agreed to insert the same Corruptions and if either of them had attempted such a thing it would soon have been discovered by the other and therefore the agreement of the Samaritan with the Hebrew Pentateuch is a plain argument that they are but different Copies of the same Book and that it is undoubtedly genuine The Children of Israel notwithstanding their great proneness to Idolatry never cast off the Law of Moses as they would certainly have done being so often brought into bondage by their neighbour-Nations if they had not been well assured of the Authority of that Law which they transgress'd but they were reduced to the Obedience of the Law by the Oppressions of Iolatrous Nations they hoped for Deliverance upon their Repentance according to the Promises made in it and could by no Temptations or Torments be persuaded or forced to renounce it But the long Captivity in Babylon wrought a perfect cure in the Jews as to their inclination to idolatry which could never have been unless by their own experience in seeing the Prophecies fulfilled and by other Arguments they had been sully convinced of the Truth of their own Religion beyond all others If it had been of their own invention the People would have made their Law in every respect more favourable to themselves they would not have cloyed it with burthen some Ceremonies to distinguish themselves from the neighbour-Nations whose Idolatries they were so long prone to and which these C●remonies were designed to restrain them from They who were for a long time so fond of the Idolatries of the Heathen would never have invented Laws so uneasie to themselves and so contrary and odious to other Nations they would never have framed them themselves and then have pretended a Divine Revelation for those Laws which they were so little pleased with They would never have exposed themselves to the whole World thro' all Ages as a stubborn and rebellious People notwithstanding so many and so convincing Miracles so long wrought amongst them The Miracles which I have mention'd were most of them Judgments upon the Israelites for their Disobedience and they would never have set down these Miracles but would rather have lest them out though they were true as disgraceful to their Nation For thus Josephus has omitted some things to avoid the Scandal which he was a ware would have been given to the Heathen by a full and punctual Relation of the whole History of the Jews as it is described in the Books of Moses And they could be as little ignorant as Josephus what would prove disgraceful to them and what would make for their Honour and Renown and when the design of these supposed Forgeries and Falsifications must have been to advance the Glory of the People of Israel they would never have made such as these No if they had made any Alterations it would have been to strike out those numerous Passages which are so reproachful to their Nation and to have inserted others which might raise the Fame and Glory of Themselves and of their Ancestors and to have changed those Ceremonies that were so burthensome and so singular for those which would have been more easie to themselves and might have recommended them to the good opinion and esteem of the neighbour Nations But when so refractary a People became so zealous for such a Law so uneasie at first and so distastful to them it is an undeniable argument that they had the greatest Assurance of its Divine Original and that they would neither falsifie it themselves nor sufter others to falsifie it The People of Israel must be supposed to be unanimous to a Man in the making these Laws if they were of their own making for if any one had dissented he could not fail of Arguments to draw others after him In making Laws the Interests and Conveniencies of the Law-makers are always the Motives for the enacting them and besides the Publick Honour and Welfare of the Nation which too often are less considered the particular Interest of every single Man would have made him concerned to put a stop to such Laws No People can be supposed to consent to the making Laws by which they are forbidden to sow their Land every Seventh Year and are commanded to leave their Habitations and go up to the capital City from every part of their Country thrice in a Year no People could agree to enact such Laws of their own contrivance because none could subsist in the observation of them without a Miracle How can we conceive it possible for any People to subsist by such Laws if they had been of their own making or that any Nation should agree in the enacting such Laws as must provoke all their neighbour Nations to make War against them nay by which they actually declared an irreconcileable War against seven Nations at once For one Nation to distinguish themselves by their Laws and Constitutions from all other People to lay the very Foundations of their Government in the disgrace and infamy of all their neighbour
the Ark of God was taken than at the death of both his Sons that gave him his mortal Wound and he could not out-live the Hearing it 1 Sam. iv 18. Samuel's Sons were wicked as well as Eli's and he doth not conceal their faults but plainly says That they turned aside after lucre and took bribes and perverted judgment chap. viii 3. but he appeals to the whole People for his own Integrity who solemnly declare him free from any Oppression or Injustice He resigned the Government though he had the Power in his hands to appoint two Kings successively and by Gods Commandment raised both Saul and David out of their obscurity to a Throne Samuel says plainly That when the Elders of Israel came to him to ask a King the thing displeased him 1 Sam. viii 6. and he who could make Two Kings of Two different Tribes and of no Interest in their respective Tribes might as well have made himself King if he had acted upon Humane Considerations and by Humane Power and Means The Divine Power therefore was visible in the Government of the Children of Israel from the time of Moses and Joshua to Saul for they were constantly governed by Persons of God's appointment their Government was a Theocracy being administred by God's immediate Direction the Lord their God was their King 1 Sam. xii 12. CHAP. VIII Of the People of Israel under their Kings AFter a standing Regal Government was settled among the People of Israel they were either happy or miserable at home and either a Defeat or Victory attended their Armies abroad as they proved obedient or disobedient to the Law of Moses and to the Word of the Lord delivered by his Prophets Upon the Revolt of the Ten Tribes when Two Tribes only remained in the obedience of Rehoboam and in the true way of Worship this had been the time as already has been said if there had been any Imposture hitherto carried on to discover it for they had all the Temptation and all the Opportunity to do it that could possibly be given But after the Division of the Ten Tribes Jeroboam durst not so much as attempt to draw them off from an acknowledgment of the Divine Authority of that Law by which they were obliged to go up to Jerusalem to sacrifice though he persuaded them to change the Place of their Worship and to go no longer up thither And God had his Prophets in Israel who were as zealous for the Law as the Prophets of Judah for in both Kingdoms they had still Prophets to admonish them and to direct them in all Matters of great importance Tho' the Vrim and Thummim and the Shechinah were confined to the Aaronical Priesthood and the Ark of the Testament yet the other kinds of Prophecy were vouchsafed to Israel as well as Judah and the Captivity both of Judah and Israel by the Assyrians and the Deliverance of the Jews out of it befell them according to express Prophecies and both during the Captivity and at their Return they had Daniel Zachariah Malachi and other Prophets amongst them and for so many Ages from their first coming out of Aegypt the whole People were made continually Witnesses of the manifest Power and Presence of God amongst them This will be evident by making some Observations concerning the Prophets and their Writings and concerning their Prophecies and Miracles CHAP. IX Of the Prophets and their Writings THe kinds of Prophecy among the Jews were 1. The Shechinah 2. The Vrim and Thummim 3. Revelation by Visions and Dreams or by Inspiration for I shall not here distinguish these ways of Revelation to consider them apart And when these kinds of Prophecy ceased under the Second Temple the Bath Kol or Voice from Heaven was the only way of Revelation but of this there is little or nothing certain to be relyed upon 1. The Sechina was the sitting or dwelling of God between the Cherubims on the Mercy-Seat or Cover of the Ark Psal lxxxi 1. and xcix 1. from whence he gave out his Answers by an Articulate Voice Exod. xxv 22. and xxix 42. Num. vii 89. 2. The Vrim and Thummim upon the Breast-plate of the High-Priest Exod. xxviii 30. was another standing Oracle to be consulted upon all great occasions Num. xxvii 21.1 Sam. xxviii 6. xxiii 9. xxx 7. Ezra ii 63. and the Answers were returned by a visible signification of the Divine Will and this Oracle was not only venerable amongst the Jews but was famous amongst the Heathen as Josephus assures us for its infallible Answers Mr. Mede (x) Mede's Discourse 35. thinks Vrim and Thummim to have been in use among the Patriarchs before the Law was given because the making of it is not spoken of amongst the other things of the Ephod The common opinion is that this Oracle was delivered by the shining of such Leters of the Tribes Names engraven on the Priests Breast-place as express'd the Answer but the same learned Author thinks that the Vrim and the Thummim were distinct Oracles the Thummim shewing when their Sacrifices were accepted and the Vrim answering such Questions as were proposed upon any important occasion 3. Revelations by Visions and Dreams or by Inspiration were the Revelations which properly denominated those the whom they were made Prophets For the Prophets were Persons sent by God with an extraordinary Commission to declare his Will and they were not confined to the Tribe of Levi or to any one particular Tribe but sometimes taken out of one Tribe and sometimes out of another for tho' the Jews had Colleges and Schools to prepare and qualifie Men by a vertuous and religious Education for Divine Illuminations yet divers others who had not been educated in this manner were endued with the Spirit of Prophecy and some of them were but of very mean Employments and others again of Royal Blood They reproved both their Kings and their Priests with a fearless and undaunted Freedom and Authority and this Plain-dealing such as became Men who spake and acted by a Divine Impulse without Design and without any Disguise sometimes commanded great Reverence towards them from Princes not easie to be well advised or directed Rehoboam a willful and rash Prince at the head of an Army of an Hundred and fourscore thousand chosen Men upon the Word of the Lord deliver'd to him by Shemaiah return'd home without attempting any thing to regain the Tribes that had revolted from him to Jeroboam 1 King xii 21. Ahab though an exceeding wicked King after a signal Victory bore the reproof of a Prophet who denounced a Judgment upon Him and his People for letting Ben-hadad go and was much concerned at it 1 King xx 42 43. and the same Ahab rent his Cloaths and put on Sackcloth and fasted at the reproof of Elijah 1 King xxi 27. Amaziah by the admonition of a Prophet dismiss'd an Hundred thousand mighty men of valour whom he had hired of the Israelites for an Hundred Talents being content
not distinguished in the same manner as the two Books of Kings and of Chronicles are and it is no wonder that a Book begun by Samuel and continued by other Prophets should bear the Name only of Samuel From 1 Chron. xxix 29. we may likewise learn that the beginning of the First Book of Kings must be written by one of these Prophets Both the Books of Kings as far as Hezekiah's Reign were written before Josiah's time for 2 Kin. 18.5 it is said of Hezekiah That he trusted in the Lord God of Israel so that after him was none like him of all the kings of Judah nor any that were before him And of Josiah it is said 2 King xxiii 25. That like unto him was there no king before him that turned to the Lord with all his heart c. For it is evident that Josiah in his Reformation exceeded Hezekiah and from hence it appears that the History of Hezekiah must be written before Josiah's time or else it could not have been with truth said of Hezekiah That there was no King after him who was like him or equalled him of all the Kings of Judah From 1 Chron. iv 43. it appears that it was written before the Captivity though the Genealogies were transcribed afterwards out of the Records as we learn from 1 Chron. ix 1. That the Second Book of Chronicles as well as the First Book of Kings was written before the Captivity we may conclude from 2 Chron. v. 9. 1 King viii 8. for the Ark was not remaining after the Captivity The last Chapter of the Second Book of Kings gives so particular an account of the manner of carrying them away Captive in every material circumstance that it seems to have been written at that very time and is an argument that Memorirs were constantly taken and preserved of all that happened The Second Book of Chronicles concludes with the First Year of Cyrus in the same words with which the Book of Ezra begins being added by him at the time when Cyrus gave out his Proclamation for the Prophets from time to time made Continuations to the Histories of their Predecessors by inserting what related to their own Times and it was no unusual thing among the Ancients as Grotius observes to begin one Book with the Conclusion of another The Psalms are quoted under the Title of the Prophets Mat. xiii 35 xxvii 35. and from the first penning they were used in the Publick Service of God 1 Chron. xvi 7. 2 Chron. v. 13. vii 6. xx 21. Jer. xxxiii 11. Ezra iii. 10 11. This was known even to their Enemies in their Captivity Psal cxxxvii 3. and some of them were written by the Prophets under it And Lessons out of the Law and the Prophets with Hymns out of the Psalms and Prayers made up the Jewish Form of Worship Moses and the Prophets are put for the whole Old Testament Luke xvi 29. Acts xiii 15. And if both the Law and the Prophets comprehending all the Books of Scripture written before the Captivity were still extant and well known and made use of by Pious Men during all that time and the People had Copies of them or had means and opportunities of being acquainted with them as the Prophet Zechariah supposes Zech. vii 7. there is no reason to imagine that they had not sufficient knowledge of the Hebrew Tongue at their Restoration many being still alive who were first carried away Captive and the Writings of the Prophets during the Captivity shew that the People did understand it for they all wrote in the Hebrew Language except upon some particular occasions where their Prophecies more immediately concerned the Babylonian Affairs Both Men and Women could understand Ezra when he read the Law And the ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law Neh. viii 3. And it was not the Language unless in some Particulars which in all Languages will want explication to the Vulgar who are Natives but the Sence and Meaning that was interpreted ver 7 8. And in the same manner the Letter of Artaxerxes was both written in the Syrian tongue and interpreted in the Syrian tongue Ezra iv 7. Nehemiah particularly complains that the Children of those who had married strange Wives could not speak in the Jews language which supposes that the Children of other Parents as well as the Parents themselves were taught to speak the Hebrew Tongue Neh. xiii 24. And the Decree of Ahasuerus in favour of the Jews was written unto every province according unto the writing thereof and unto every people after their language and unto the Jews according to their writing and according to their language Est viii 9. which seems to imply that the Jews still retained not only their Language but their manner of Writing it or the form and fashion of their Letters under the Captivity Not long after the Captivity the Scriptures were translated into the Greek Tongue and were dispersed into so many hands among the Jews and Proselytes that the Copies could not be destroyed either in the time of Antiochus Epiphanes or at any other time by the malice of Perscutors or any other accident And though the Jews were so fond of their Traditions as to make the Word of God of none effect by them yet they never added any Books to the Canon of Scripture in favour of those Traditions which they were so zealous for but when they had no longer any Prophets among them they durst not place any other Books in the same Rank and Authority with those which the Prophets had left behind them All the Canonical Books were written by Inspired Authors and have been in constant use among the People of the Jews in their private Houses and publick Assemblies even from the first writing them for they were preserved during the Captivity and both understood and used by the People but their other Books written under the Second Temple though never so useful and pious were never received with the like esteem and veneration they pretended to no more than Humane Composition and were never ranked with those of Divine Authority CHAP. X. Of the Prophecies and Miracles of the Prophets THe False Prophets prophesied in the Name of Jehovah 1 King xxii which supposes that True Prophecies were wont to be deliver'd in his Name or else they could never have hoped to deceive by it And in the Historical Books of the Old Testament in which the Prophecies and Miracles of the Prophets are related reference is frequently made to the Records then extant in the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah and Israel most of the Prophecies and Miracles being of that Publick Nature and so intermix'd with the Affairs of State that they must be recorded together with them Josiah (a) Joseph Antiquit. l. 10. c. 5. was prophesied of by Name Three hundred sixty one Years before he was born Behold a child shall be born unto the house of David Josiah by name
Divine Inspiration and Authority that they wholly depended and relyed upon them and lived in an uncomfortable Exile upon the sole Hopes and Expectations of seeing the rest of their Prophecies fulfilled And theirfore the Posterity of those who had slain the Prophets had the Highest veneration for the Memory of these Prophets whom their Forefathers had killed they built and adorned their Sepulchres and chose to die any Death rather than renounce the Authority of their Books or part with them even when they had forsaken their Doctrine and changed their Religion for vain Traditions and superstitious Observances and when it was so reproachful to them to erect Monuments of perpetual acknowledgment That they were the the Children of them which killed the Prophets Matth. xxiii 31. they referred themselves to these Prophets for the Authority of their Religion and acknowledged that they had neither Prophecies nor Miracles after the Captivity CHAP. XI Of the Dependance of the several Parts of the Scriptures upon each other and that the Old Testament prove the New and the New again proves the Old as the Cause and the Effect IT is a thing altogether incredible that the Inhabitants of so small a part of the World as Judaea is should lay a Design of imposing upon the rest of Mankind which could prove so successful for so many thousand Years together and that they should be such Masters of Deceit and the World so fond of receiving Revelations from them that at last though the greatest part of that People disclaimed the Books which some few and those the most unlearned among them would impose for Inspired Writings yet the Authority of these Books should be more acknowledged in all Parts of the World than those had ever been in which they all unanimously agreed and the rest should be received for the sake of these more than ever they had been upon their own account which is the case of the Books of the Old and New Testament If the Jews even the meanest and most ignorant of them could do this merely by their own Wit and Device they must have a Genius superiour to that of all Mankind besides For what imaginable Reason is there why the Oracles of all the Heathen Nations should never be much regarded and now in a manner utterly lost and that the Books of the Jews should still be preserved in their full Authority but the power and Advantage of Truth in these and the want of it in them And the Evidence of this Truth is most observable in the mutual Dependence which all the Parts of the Scriptures have one upon another They were penn'd by Men of different Countreys different Ages different Conditions and Callings and Interests from the King to the poor Fisherman and yet all carry on the same Design They are not like the Oracles of the Heathen Gods which must stand or fall by themselves but there is an admirable Series and Connexion between all the Writings of the Holy Scriptures by which the several Parts of them give a mutual support and attestation to each other The Pentateuch and Moses contains the first Lineaments and evident Types and Prophecies of all that is contained in the rest He foretold That a succession of Prophets should arise and that at last the Great Prophet should be sent who is Christ and he foretold all that was to befall the Jews from his own time to the Destruction of Jerusalem And as Moses has given us the general State of the Jews for all Generations so the several Prophets who were sent from time to time according to his Predictions foretold particular Events and more-especially they foretold and described the Times of the Gospel This was the great Design of all Prophecies and the thing that God had spoken by the Prophets which have been since the world bigan Luk. i. 70. For in Christ was the Accomplishment of all the Types and Prophecies in the Old Testament And this Dependance and Coherence between all the Parts of the Scriptures in the Matter and Design of them which is as great as the dependance of one part of any Book written by the same Author can be upon another gives great strength and confirmation to the whole since it is an Evidence that it was all Inspired by the same Infallible Spirit and if one part of Scripture be proved to be true all must be so for besides the particular Evidence which may be brought for any part separately we must consider the Connexion which it has with the rest and the Evidence which is derived upon it by this Connexion if the Pentateuch be once proved to be of Divine Authority than the Prophets who succeeded Moses must be Divinely Inspired because he foretold the succession of such Prophets And if the Prophecies and Miracles of the Prophets were Divine the Pentateuch must be so because they all along acknowledged and appealed to it as containing God's Covenant with his People the Jews and being therefore the ground and foundation of their own Mission if Moses and the Prophets be from God the Gospel must be from him if that be foretold by them And if the Prophecies and Miracles of our Saviour and his Disciples prove their Divine Authority the Writings of Moses and the Prophets must be likewise of the same Authority because they acknowledge them for such and prove their own Authority from them as well as from the Miracles that they themselves wrought And if the Prophecies and Miracles either of Moses or of the Prophets or of our Saviour and his Apostles taken by themselves and apart from the rest be sufficient they must needs be more convincing when they are considered together in their united Force and Light I might further observe That Miracles without Prophecies or Prophecies without Miracles or that one evident Miracle or one evident Prophecy at least That either the Miracles or prophecies of some one Person in the several Ages in which so many Prophets lived would have been a sufficient ground of Faith and that therefore they must all be much rather so in conjunction But I shall only desire it may be remembred That whatever Evidence has been brought in proof of the Divine Authority of the Books of Moses and of the Prophets doth reciprocally prove both the one and the other and that therefore whatever is brought from either of them in Proof of the Gospel has the Evidence of the whole and that the Gospel in different respects doth prove them and is proved by them both deriving Authority from the Books of the Old Testament and communicating its own Authority to them For as the Cause may be proved by its Effect and the Effect by its Cause so both Predictions prove the Things foretold and the accomplishment of the Things foretold verifie the Predictions and Miracles wrought in consequence of Prophecies concerning them have doubly the Divine Seal and Attestation Now the Messias is the Scope and Centre of the whole Old Testament
the Gods of other Nations did not worship them after their manner and yet the Rites of the Romans themselves in the worship of Cybele Flora Bacchus c. were very scandalous and wicked And all their sports and spectacles which had nothing surely in them that could be proper for Divine Worship were invented and performed in honour of their Gods (p) Quintil Institut lib. iii. c. 8. whence Quinctilian says the Theatre might be stiled a kind of Temple 3. But besides their bloody Spectacles where men were exposed to be killed by Beasts or by one another their Altars themselves were not free from humane Blood For the barbarous cruelty of the Religions amongst the Heathens was such that they were obliged to offer up innocent Men and Children in Sacrifice to their Deities Some of the Rabbins have been of opinion that Jephtha sacrificed his Daughter but others deny it (q) Utcunque autem seres ea habuerit id certum puto esse non reperiri apud Magistros qui ex jure aliquo immolandam eam esse affirmave●it Selden de jure Nat. Gent. lib. iv c. 2. The ●aughters of israel went yearly to lament or to talk with 〈◊〉 as it is in the Margin Judg. xi 40. and all are agreed that if he did sacrifice her he sinned in doing it and we know that Abraham was hindred by a Miracle and a voice from Heaven when he was about to slay Isaac But it was a custom among the (r) Grot. ad Deutr. xviii 10. Phoenicians and Canaanites for their Kings in times of great calamity to sacrifice one of their Sons whom they loved best and it was common both with them and the Moabites and Ammonites to sacrifice their Children The Egyptians the Athenians and Lacedaemonians and generally all the Graecians the Romans and Carthaginians the Germans and Gauls and Britains and in brief all the Heathen Nations throughout the world offered up men upon their Altars and this not on certain emergencies and in imminent dangers only but constantly and in some places every day but upon extraordinary Accidents multitudes were sacrificed at once to their Bloody Deities (ſ) Diodo Sic. apud Euseb de laudib Constant c. xiii Lanctant lib. i. c. 21. ex Piscennio Festo as Diodorus Siculus and others relate that in Africk two hundred Children of the principal Nobility were sacrificed to Saturn at one time And (s) Euseb Praepar lib. iv c. 16. Macrob. Saturn lib. i. c. 7. Alex. ab Alexand. lib. 6. c. ult Aristomenes sacrificed three hundred men together to Jupiter Ithometes one of whom was Theopompus King of the Laced●emonians And the same custom is found practised amongst the Idolatrous Indians of offering whole Hecatombs of humane Sacrifices to their false Gods (t) Jos Acost Hist lib. 5. c. 19 21. In Peru when their new Ingra was crowned they sacrificed two hundred Children from four to ten years of Age And the Son was wont to be sacrificed for the Life of the Father when he was in danger of death Sometimes the Mexicans have sacrificed above five thousand of their captives in a day and in divers places above twenty thousand as Acosta writes out of the informations he had from the Indians (u) Liv. lib. xxii c. 57. Livy makes mention of Humane Sacrifices at Rome and (w) Plutarch in Marcello initio Plutarch says they continued in his time and it was not till about the time of Constantine's Reign that A final stop was put to so strange and Abominable a Practice for tho it abated very much under Adrian yet it was used when Minutius Felix wrote and (x) Lact. lib. 1. c. 21. Lanctantius mentions it as not laid aside in his time Notwithstanding it is so much against humane Nature as well as contrary to the Divine Mercy and Goodness yet it made up so great a part of the Heathen Religion and was become so customary that it was hard to bring men off from it which at the same time demonstates both how false such Religions were and that men had a most undoubted experience of invisible Powers or else in so many Nations both the Kings and People would never have sacrificed their own Children to their false Gods to avert the evils which they were threatned withal The Persons that introduced the Heathen Religions were either Men of Design who established themselves in their Power and Authority by it as Numa or Men of Fancy and Fiction as the Poets whom Plato would have banished out of his Common-wealth And the Gods of the Heathens who must be supposed to reveal these Mysteries and Ways of Worship were always more wicked than their Votaries whose greatest Immoralities consisted in the Worship of them the gross Enormities not only of Venus and Bacchus but of Saturn and Jupiter are too well known to need any particular relation There was no Body of Laws or Rules of good Life proposed by their Oracles but on the contrary they were in commendation of lascivions Poets or they flattered Tyrants or they appointed Divine Worship to be paid to such as won the Mastery at the Olympick Games or to Inanimate things or they promoted some other ill or vain and unprofitable design as Oenomaus the Philosopher observed and proved by particular instances recited out of him by (y) Euseb Praepar lib. v. c. 34 35. Eusebius The Laws of (z) Plutarch in Lycurg Lycurgus were approved of and confirmed by the Delphick Oracle and yet Theft and a Community of Wives and the Murder of Infants was allowed by these Laws This is enough to shew that the Heathen Religions could not be from God since they taught the Worship of Idols and of Devils and the Mysteries and Rites of them were utterly inconsistent with the Goodness and Purity of Almighty God And whoever doth but look into the Religions at this day amongst the Idolatrous Indians by their ridiculous and cruel Penances and other Superstitions besides the sacrificing of Men and sometimes of themselves as the Women who offer themselves to be burnt with the Bodies of their dead Husbands and the like will soon be convinced that they cannot be of God's Institution The Chineses themselves who have so great a Reputation for Wisdom are like the rest both in their Idolatries and in many of their Opinions and Practices It is evident therefore that none of the Heathen Religions can make any probable claim to Divine Revelation having none of the Requisites to such a Revelation but being but of a late Original not far divulged supported neither by Prophecies nor Miracles from God and containing Doctrines that are Idolatrous Impure Cruel and every way wicked and absurd CHAP. V. Of the Philosophy of the Heathens BUT besides the Religions of the Heathen divers of the Philosopherss pretended to something Supernatural as Pythagoras Socrates and some others and therefore it will be proper here to examinlikewise the Justice of their Pretensions And
vites sitire agros laetus esse segetes luxuriosa frumenta Nihil horum earum audacter c. Cic. Orator Forms of Speech even among the Roman Country men were so Metaphorical that they will scarce bear a literal version into our Language And the Philosophers themselves had customs which may seem very odd to us it * Joac Kuhnii observat ad Diog. Laert. was a custom among them when they propounded a question to offer with it a dryed Fig and he that accepted of the Fig thereby undertook to answer the question The Figurative expressions of the Prophets and their Types and Parables were suitable to the customs of the places and times wherein they lived and very fit to give a lively and affecting representation of the Message they had to deliver Thus for instance it was a customary thing in those Countreys to rend their Carments to pluck off their Hair to go barefoot and cover their faces in time of grief and trouble which would be looked upon as a certain sign of distraction amongst us but was commonly done by the gravest and wisest men in these parts of the world And the expressions of their Joy and other Passions were proportionble to those of their sorrow Now it was reasonable that the Prophets in delivering their Prophecies should accommodate themselves both in their words and actions to the people to whom they were to be delivered For else they would never have been regarded or would have made little or no impression upon their minds which caused the false Prophets to take the same method 1 Kings 22.2 It is * Origen contr Celf. lib. 1. Origen's observation that the Prophets sometimes had matters of small importance revealed to them as when Samuel acquainted Saul that the Asses were found 1 Sam. 9.20 that they might keep the people from going to false Prophets to be satisfy'd in such things besides that by this means they gained authority to be rely'd upon when they had affairs of the greatest consequence to foretel And there was reason that in every case they should make all necessary allowances for the infirmities of the people with whom they had to do and should use all fitting compliances with them that they might the more prevail with them for their good It is the custom of the Prophets as * Hier. in Abdiam St Jerom observes when they speak against Babylon the Ammonites the Moabites the Philistines and other Nations to use many expressions and idioms of the language of the people concerning whom they speak † Lightf Hebr. Talmud exercit on Matt. 13.3 Familiare est syris maxime Palaestinis ad omnem sermonem suum Parabolas jungere c. Hier. in Matt. 18.23 One who was as conversant in the Jewish Learning as most men have been tells us that their Books abound every where with Parables that Nation inclining by a kind of natural Genius to this sort of Rhetorick And it is to be considered that several things which are set down as Matter of Fact might not be actually done but only represented as done to make the more lively impression upon the Hearers and Readers who well enough understood that it was not necessary that these things should be actually performed but they might be only parabolical descriptions or representations of Matter of Fact the better to illustrate and convey those commands and instructions to their minds which were to be delivered Thus * Hier. in Hose Proaem comment in c. 1. Maimon More Nevoch Part. 2. c. 46. St Jerom and Maimonides understood Ezekiel's lying on his side for three hundred and ninety days and Hosea's marrying an Adulteress only as Similitudes or Parables and Figures of Speech and thus from the Ancient Rabbins they interpret both what is related of these two Prophets and that which is said of Jeremiah's hiding his Girdle in Euphrates This was the most intelligible and effectual way that could be made use of to a people among whom such figurative expressions were usual and known to mean no more than what they were intended for So Jeremiah is said to be * Sic dicuntur Historici eos occidere quorum caedém narrant Calaub comment ad Theophrast charact 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 set over the Nations and over the Kingdoms to root out and to pull down and to destroy and to throw down to build and to plant Jer. 1.10 because he was appointed to prophesie of all these things Ezekiel speaks of himself as coming to destroy the City because he prophesied that it should be destroyed Ezek. 40.3 and the same Prophet in his description of the City and the Temple has delineated the Temple larger than all the earthly Jerusalem and Jerusalem larger than the whole land of Canaan to shew the Jews the necessity of understanding him in a mystical and spiritual sense † Lightf prospect of the Temple ch 11. as one has observed who very well understood the dimensions of both And thus Ezekiel was also carried from place to place in Vision only as the Text seems to express Ezek. 2. as the Jews * Hier. Praef. in Dan. in St. Jerom's time understood it and as the Chaldee Paraphrase interprets it But Hosea might be commanded either in vision or in reality to marry a woman who had been an Adultress but † Nec culpan●● Proph●● interim ut sequamur historiam si meretricem converterit ad p●● citiam sed potius laudandus quod ex mala bonam fecerit id C●●●ment in Hos c. 1. afterwards became chaste and vertuous thereby to set an example to the Israelites who had gone a whoring after other Gods that if they would forsake their false Gods and return to the true God the God of their Fathers he would still accept and receive them in like manner as the Prophet had took an Adultress to wife upon assurance that she would prove faithful to him However this be understood these actions and others of like nature are to be look'd upon no otherwise than as the style of Scripture or as certain ways of expressing the Divine Will to men For the mind may be exprest by * Estenim Actio quasi corporis quaedam eloquentia Cic. Orator Actions as well as by Words and whatever Actions were perform'd with this intention properly come under the notion of style or different ways and modes of expression and all objections made against them under any other notion proceed upon a mistake and can be of no force The Prophetick schemes of Speech which seem most strange to us were usual with the Eastern Nations † Comment in Apocal. Part. 1. as Mr Mede shews of the Indians Persians and Egyptians The Revelation of St John chiefly consists of allusions to the Customs and History and Notions and Language of the Jews as he and Dr Lightfoot have shewn in many places which are most contrary to our manner of speaking And some passages allude