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A28468 Nomo-lexikon, a law-dictionary interpreting such difficult and obscure words and terms as are found either in our common or statute, ancient or modern lawes : with references to the several statutes, records, registers, law-books, charters, ancient deeds, and manuscripts, wherein the words are used : and etymologies, where they properly occur / by Thomas Blount of the Inner Temple, Esq. Blount, Thomas, 1618-1679. 1670 (1670) Wing B3340; ESTC R19028 517,540 312

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Circa haec tempora processit in publicum novae inquisitionis breve quod anglicè dicitur Trail-baston contra Intrusores Conductitios hominum vapulatores conductitios seisinae captores pacis infractores raptores incendiarios murduratores pugnatores Multi hoc perempti multi redempti multi noxii pauci innoxii sunt inventi Adeo quidem rigidè processit huju●●●ertionis justitia quod pater proprio filio non parceret c. dira multa Hist Roffens fol. 200. de Anno 1305. By means of which Inquisitions many were punished by Death many by Ransom many fled the Realm which was there●y quieted and the King gained great riches towards the support of his Wars See Matth. Westm in Anno 1305. We finde also a Commission of Trail-baston coram Rogero de Grey Sociis suis Justic apud St. Albanum Anno Regni Regis Edw. tertii post Conquestum 5. See Spelm. Gloss verbo Trail-baston Justices of the Pavilion Justiciarii Pavilonis Are certain Judges of a Pyepowder Court of a most transcendent Jurisdiction anciently authorised by the Bishop of Winchester at a Fair held on S. Giles Hill near that City by vertue of Letters Patent granted by Edward the Fourth Episcopos Wynton successores suos a tempore quo c. Justiciarios suos qui vocantur Justiciarii Pavilonis cognitiones placitorum aliorum negotiorum eadem Feri● Durante nec non claves partarum custodiam praedictae Civitatis nostrae Wynton pro certo tempore Feriae illius nonnullas alias libertates immunitates consuetudines habuisse c. See the Patent at large in Prynnes Animad on 4 Inst fol. 191. Justices of the Peace Justiciarii ad pacem Are those who are appointed by the Kings Commission to attend the Peace of the County where they dwell of whom some for special respect are made of the Quorum because some business of importance may not be dispatched without the presence or assent of them or one of them See Quorum The Office and Power of these is various and grounded upon several Statutes too long to recite They were called Guardians of the Peace till the Thirty sixth year of Edward the Third cap. 12. where they are called Justices Lamb. Eiren. lib. 4. cap. 19. pag. 578. See Shepherds Sure Guide for I. of Peace Justices of Peace Within Liberties Justiciarii ad pacem infra Libertates Are such in Cities and other Corporate Towns as those others of the Counties and their Authority or power is all one within their several Precincts Anno 27 Hen. 8. cap. 25. Justiciar Fr. Justicier A Justice or Justicer The Lord Bermingham Justiciar of Ireland Baker fol. 118. Justicies Is a Writ directed to the Sheriff for the dispatch of Justice in some special Cases in his County Court of which by his ordinary power he cannot hold Plea there Fitz. Nat. Br. fol. 117. Kitchin fol. 74. says That by this Writ the Sheriff may hold Plea of a great sum whereas of his ordinary authority he cannot hold Pleas but of sums under Forty shillings with whom Crompton agrees fol. 231. It is called a Justicies because it is a Commission to the Sheriff Ad justiciandum aliquem to do a Man justice or right and requires no Return or Certificate of what he hath done Bracton lib. 4. tract 6. cap. 13. num 2. makes mention of a Iusticies to the Sheriff of London in a case of Dower See the New Book of Entries verbo Iusticies Justification Iustificatio Is a maintaining or shewing a good reason in Court why one did such a thing which he is called to answer As to justifie in a cause of Replevin Broke tit Replevin Justificators Iustificatores Will. Rex Angliae H. Camerario Justificatoribus suis omnibus suis fidelibus Norf. salutem Inquirite per Comitatum quis justiùs hujusmodi forisfacturam haberet tempore Patris mei five Abbas Ramesiae five antecessor W. de Albenio Et si Comitatus concordaverit quod Abbas rectius praedictam forisfacturam debet habere tunc praecipio ut C. solidi quos Radul Passel implacitavit sine mora Abbati reddantur T. Episcopo Dunelmensi Sir Henry Spelman leaves it thus without explication Iustificators seem to signifie Compurgators or those that by Oath justifie the Innocency Report or Oath of another as in the case of Waging Law also Jury-men because they justifie that party on whose behalf they give their Verdict K. KAlender-Moneth Mentioned in the Stat. 16 Car. 2. cap. 7. Consists of Thirty or thirty one days according to the Kalender A Twelve-moneth in the singular number includes all the year but Twelve-moneths shall be computed according to Twenty eight days to every Moneth See Coke lib. 6. fol. 61. b. Catesbies Case and see Computation Kantref Brit. In Wales it signifies a Hundred Villages Le premer Conquereur des treis Kantrefs de la tere de Breckenoch estoit Bernard de Nefmarche Norman Mon. Angl. 1. pa. fol. 319. b. See Cantred Karle Sax. A Man and sometimes a Servant or a Clown Hence the Saxons called a Seaman a Buscarle and a Domestick Servant Huscarle This word is often found in Domesday Seldens Mare Clausum and other ancient Records from hence by corruption comes our modern word Churle Karrata faeni Mon. Angl. 1. par fol. 548. b. A Cart load of Hay See Carecta Kay Kaia Caya Sax. caeg Area in littore onerandarum atque exonerandarum navium causa e compactis tabulis trabibusque clavium instar firmata A Wharf to Land or Ship Goods or Wares at The Verb Caiare in old Writers signifies according to Scaliger to keep in or restrain and so is the Earth or Ground where Kays are made with Planks and Posts Kayage Kaiagium Portorium quod Kaiae nomine exigit Telonarius The Money or Toll paid for Loading or Unloading Wares at a Kay or Wharf Rot. Pat. 1 Edw. 3. m. 10. and 20 Edw. 3. m 1. Kedel Anno 12 Edw. 4. cap. 7. See Kiddle Kéeper of the Great Seal Custos magni Sigilli Is a Lord by his Office stiled Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England and is of the Kings Privy Council through whose hands pass all Charters Commissions and Grants of the King under the Great Seal Without which Seal many of those Grants and Commissions as to divers particulars are of no force in Law the Kings Great Seal being as the Publick Faith of the Kingdom in the high esteem and reputation justly belonging and attributed thereunto This Lord Keeper by the Statute 5 Eliz. cap. 18. hath the same Place Authority Preheminence Jurisdiction Execution of Laws and all other Commodities and Advantages as the Lord Chancellor of England hath Both these great Officers cannot properly be at the same time since the said Statute but before they might Yet Sir Francis Bacon was made Lord Keeper 7 Martii 1616. The Lord Chancellor Egerton then living but died the next day He is made Lord Keeper of the Great Seal Per
Parish-Churches under Bishops in England but other Authors differ in the number Parle-hill Collis vallo plerunque munitus in loco campestri ne insidiis exponatur ubi convenire olim solebant Centuriae aut viciniae incolae ad lites inter se tractandas terminandas Scotis reor Grith-hail q. Mons pacificationis cui Asyli privilegia concedebantur Vide Stat. Will. Regis Scot. ca. 5. Sect. 1. Et in Hibernia frequentes vidimus the Parle and Parling-hills Spel. Parliament Parliamentum from the Fr. Parler loqui Is the great Assembly of this Kingdom consisting of the King and the three Estates of the Realm viz. The Lords Spiritual the Lords Temporal and the Commons for the Debating of Matters touching the Common-wealth and especially the making and correcting Laws which Assembly or Court is of all other the highest and of greatest Authority as you may read in Sir Tho. Smith de Repub. Angl. Cam. Britan. pa. 112. Si vetustatem spectes est antiquissima si dignitatem est honoratissima si jurisdictionem est capacissima Coke on Litt. lib 2. ca. 10. Sect. 164. And see his fourth Part Inst ca. 1. This great Assembly was anciently called Commune Concilium Regni Angliae As in an ancient Charter of King John Nullum Scutagium vel auxilium ponam in regno nostro nisi per Commune Consilium regni nostri c. The first Parliament in England according to Sir Richard Baker was held at Salisbury 19 April 16 Hen. 1. But see Cottoni Post●um● fo 15. and 2 Inst fo 268. where there is mention of Parliaments held long before that time The Abbot of Croyland was wont to call a Parliament of his Monks to consult about the affairs of his Monastery Croylandensis libri haec sunt verba Concessimus etiam tunc Scrientium nostrae Ecclesiae Semanno de Lek qui veniens coram Conventu in nostro publico Parliamento similiter juramentum prestitit quod fidus fidelis nobis existerit Officium c. And at this day the Community of the two Temples or Inns of Court do call that Assembly A Parliament wherein they consult of the common affairs of their several Houses See Crom. Jurisd fo 1. See Royal assent Parliamentum insanum so called in History was a Parliament held at Oxford Anno 41 H. 3. MS. in Bibl. Cotton sub tit Vitellius C. 9. Parliamentum indoctorum Was a Parliament held at Coventry 6 Hen. 4. Whereunto by special precept to the Sheriffs in their several Counties no Lawyer or person skill'd in the Law was to come and therefore it was so called Walfingh pa. 412. n. 30. Rot. Parl. 6 Hen. 4. Parol Fr. Is used in Kitchin fo 193. for a Plea in Court and being joyn'd with Lease as Lease parol or Lease per parol is a Lease by word of mouth contradistinguish'd from one in writing Parson Persona Signifies the Rector of a Church because he for his time represents the Church and susteins the person thereof as well in suing as being sued in any action touching the same See Fleta lib. 9. ca. 18. Charta Hugonis Pusac alias Pudsey de Puteaco tempore Hen. 2. Hugo dei Gratia Dunelmensis Episcopus omnibus Archidiaconis suis Clericis laicis Episcopatus sui salutem Sciatis nos ad Praesentationem Roberti Capellani in Ecclesiam de Witefield quae in feudo suo sita est Canonice impersonasse Robertum nepotem suum Quare volumus praecipimus quatenus idem Robertus habeat teneat Ecclesiam praenominatam libere quiete tam in decimis quam in caeteris obventionibus sicut aliqui Clerici liberius quietius in Episcopatu nostro Ecclesias suas teneant Salvis in omnibus Episcopalibus consuetudinibus Testibus c. Endorsed thus Praesentatio Roberti de Quitefeld Parson imparsonee Persona impersonata Is the Rector that is in possession of a Church Parochial be it presentative or impropriate and with whom the Church is full For in the New Book of Entries verbo Ayd in Annuity you have these words Et praedictus A. dicit quod ipse est Persona praedictae Ecclesiae de S. impersonata in eadem ad praesentationem F. Patronissae c. So that Persona seems to be the Patron or he that has right to give the Benefice by reason that before the Later an Councel he had right to the Tythes in respect of his liberality in erecting or endowing the Church Quasi sustineret personam Ecclesiae Persona impersonata he to whom the Benefice is given in the Patrons right For in the Reg of Writs judicial fo 34. b. Persona impersonata is used for the Rector of a Benefice presentative and not appropriated and Dyer fo 40. num 72. sayes a Dean and Chapter are Parsons impersonees of a Benefice appropriated to them who also fo 221. num 19. plainly shews that persona impersonata is he that is inducted and in possession of a Benefice So that Persona seems to be termed impersonata onely in respect of the possession he has of the Benefice or Rectory be it appropriate or otherwise by the act of another Coke on Litt. fo 300. b. Parters of Gold and Silver See Finors Partes Finis nihil habuerunt c. Is an Exception taken against a Fine levied Cokes Rep. lib. 3. Case of Fines Particata terrae See Perticata terrae Partitione facienda Anno 31 Hen. 8. ca. 1. Is a Writ that lies for those who hold Lands or Tenements pro indiviso and would sever to every one his part against him or them that refuse to joyn in partition as Coparceners or Tenants in Gavelkind Old Nat. Br. fo 142. Fitz. Nat. Br. fo 61. and New Book of Entries verbo Partition Dorset Placita de Juratis Assis Anno 16 Edw. 1. Motingh EDwardus Kaynel Maria filia Roberti de Camma Johannes Bereset Matilda uxor ejus Johanna soror ejusdem Matildae petunt versus Johannem Alfrith de Warham unum Toftum cum pertin in Warham de quo Johannes Gerard consanguineus predictorum Edwardi Mariae Matildae Johannae cujus heredes ipsi sunt fuit scifitus in dominico suo ut de feodo dic quo obiit c. unde dicunt c. Et Johannes venit dicit quod tenementa in Warham sunt partibilia inter masculos femellas dicit quod praedictus Edwardus habet quasdam Gunnoram Matildam Christianam Albredam Eufemiam sorores participes ipsius Edwardi aliorum petentium quae tantum jus habent in re petita sicut c. quae non nominantur in brevi c. Edwardus alii non possunt hoc dedicere Ideo consideratum est quod praedictus Johannes eat inde sine die c. Partie-Jury Anno 14 Car. 2. ca. 11. See Medictas linguae Partlet Anno 24 Hen. 8. ca. 13. Was a kind of Band to wear about the necks both of Men and Women now out
Reattachment Reattachiamentum Is a second Attachment of him who was formerly attached and dismissed the Court without day as by the not coming of the Justices or some such casualty Brook hoc titulo Where he makes Reattachment General and Special General is where a Man is reattached for his appearance upon all Writs of Assise lying against him Brook eodem num 18. Then Special must be for one or more certain Reg. of Writs Judicial fol. 35. See the New Book of Entries verbo Reattachment Rebellion Rebellio Did anciently signifie a second resistance of such as being formerly overcome in battel by the Romans yielded themselves to their subjection But now we use it generally for the traiterous taking arms against the King be it by Natural Subjects or by others formerly subdued Rebel is sometimes attributed to him that wilfully breaks a Law Anno 25 Edw. 3. cap. 6. And 31 Ejusdem stat 3. cap. 2. Sometimes to a Villain disobeying his Lord. Anno 1 Rich. 2. cap. 6. Commission of Rebellion see in Commission Rebellious Assembly Is a gathering together of Twelve persons or more intending ro going about practising or putting in ure unlawfully of their own authority to change any Laws or Statutes of the Realm or to destroy the enclosure of any Park or or Ground enclosed or Banks of any Fish-ponds Pool or Conduit to the intent the same shall remain void or to the intent unlawfully to have Common or Way in any of the said Grounds or to destroy the Deer in any Park or any Warren of Conneys Dove-Houses Fish in any Ponds or any House Barns Mills or Bays or to burn Stacks of Corn or to abate Rents or Prizes of Victuals Anno 1 Mar. cap. 12. and 1 Eliz. cap. 17. See West par 2. Symbol tit Indictments Sect. 65. and Cromp. Justice of Peace fol. 41. b. Rebutter Fr. Bouter i. Repellere To repel or bar A Man grants Land to the use of himself and the issue of his Body to another in Fee with Warranty and the Donee leaseth out the Land to a third person for years the heir of the Donor impleads the Tenant alleaging the Land was in Tayl to him The Donee comes in and by vertue of the Warranty made by the Donor repels the heir because though the Land was intailed to him yet he is heir to the Warrantor likewise And this is called a Rebutter Again if I grant to my Tenant to hold Sine impetitione vasti and afterward implead him for Waste made he may debar me of this Action by shewing my grant which is likewise a Rebutter Brook tit Bar num 23 25. See the New Book of Entries verbo Rebutter And Coke on Littl. fol. 365. a. Recaption Recaptio Signifies a second Distress of one formerly distrained for the same cause and also during the Plea grounded on the former Distress It likewise signifies a Writ lying for the party thus distrained the form and further use whereof see in Fitz. Nat. Br. fol. 71. Reg. of Writs fol. 86. and Reg. Judicial fol. 69. Receiver Receptor and Receptator Is used commonly in the evil part for such as receive stoln Goods from Theeves and conceal them but annexed to other words as Receiver of Rents c. It signifies an Officer of good account belonging to the King or other great Personage Cromp. Jurisd fol. 18. There is also an Officer called the Receiver of the Fines upon original Writs in Chancery Receiver-General of the Dutchy of Lancaster Is an Officer belonging to the Dutchy Court who gathers in all the Revenues and Fines of the Lands of the said Dutchy and all Forfeitures and Assessments or what else is thence to be received Anno 39 Eliz. cap. 7. Receiver-General of the Muster Rolls Anno 35 Eliz. cap. 4. Receit See Resceit Recluse Reclusus Is he who being entered into a Religious Order is shut up there and stirs not out of the House or Cloyster Littl. fol. 92. Recognizance Fr. Recognoissance i. Recognitio Is a Bond or Obligation testifying the Recognizor to ow the Recognizee a sum of Money and is acknowledged in some Court of Record or before some Judge Master of Chancery Justice of Peace c. Anno 23 Hen. 8. cap. 6. Some Recognisances are not sealed but enrolled and Execution by force thereof is of all the Recognizors Goods and Chattels except Draught-Beasts and Implements of Husbandry and the Moyety of his Lands West Par. 1. Symb. lib. 2. sect 149. And Reg. of Writs fol. 146 151 252. Recognizance hath another signification as appears in the Statute of Westm 1. cap. 36. For it is there provided and agreed That if any Man be attainted of Disseisin done in the time of the King that now is or for taking any manner of Goods or Moveables and it be found against him by Recognizance of Assise of Novel-Disseisin the Judgment shall be c. where it is used for the Verdict of the Twelve Men impannelled upon an Assise which Twelve are also called Recognitors of the Assise Littl. fol. 72. Bracton lib. 5. tract 2. cap. 9. num 2. and lib. 3. tract 1. cap. 11. num 16. See the Statute of 20 Edw. 1. stat 4. and New Book of Entries verbo Recognizance Recognizée Is he is to whom one is bound in a Recognizance Anno 11 Hen. 6. cap. 10. Recognition Recognitio An acknowledgment It is the title of the first Chapter of the Stat. 1 Jac. Recognitione adnullanda per vim duritiem facta Is a Writ to the Justices of the Common Bench for the sending a Record touching a Recognizance which the Recognizor suggests to have been acknowledged by force and hard dealing that if it so appear it may be disannulled Reg. o● Writs fol. 183. Recognitors Recognitores Is a word used for the Jury impaneld upon an Assise The reason why they are so called is because they acknowledge a Disseisin by their Verdict Bracton lib. 5. tract 2. cap. 9. num 2. See Recogzance Record from Recordare to remember Signifies an authentical and uncontrolable testimony in writing contained in Rolls of Parchment and preserved in Courts of Record and they are said to be Vetustatis veritatis vestigia Coke Praef. to 8 Rep. An Act committed to writing in any of the Kings Courts during the Term wherein it is written is alterable and no Record but that Term once ended and the Act duly enrolled it is a Record and of that credit that admits no alteration or proof to the contrary Brook tit Record num 20. 22. yet see Cokes Rep. lib. 4. Rawlins Case fol. 52. b. The King may make a Court of Record by his Grant Glanvile lib. 8. cap. 8. Britton cap. 121. As Queen Elizabeth by Her Charter dated 26 Aprilis Anno 3 Regni sui made the Consistory Court of the University of Cambridge a Court of Record There are reckoned three sorts of Records viz. A Record Judicial as Attainder c. A Record Ministerial upon Oath as an
Archbishop of Canterbury of equal authority with the Arches though inferior both in Dignity and Antiquity and is held in the Archbishops Palace Of which you may read more in a Book entituled De Antiquitate Ecclesiae Britannicae Historia and 4 Inst fol. 337. Audiendo terminando Is a Writ or rather a Commission directed to certain persons when any Insurrection or great Misdemeanor is committed in any place for the appeasing and punishment thereof of which you may read at large in Fitz. Nat. Br. fol. 110. See Oyer and Terminer Audita querela Is a Writ that lies against him who having taken a Statute-Merchant or Recognisance in the nature of a Statute Staple or a Judgment or Recognisance of another and craving or having obtained execution of the same from the Major and Bailiffs before whom it was entred at the complaint of the party who entred the same upon suggestion of some just cause why Execution should not be granted as a Release or other Exception This Writ is granted by the Lord Chancelor of England upon view of the Exception suggested to the Judges of either Bench willing them to grant Summons to the Sheriff of the County where the Creditor is for his appearance at a certain day before them See more in Old Nat. Br. fol. 66. and Fitz. Nat. Br. fol. 102. Auditor Lat. Is an Officer of the King or some other great personage who yearly by examining the Accompts of all under Officers accomptable makes up a general Book which shews the difference between their Receipts or Charge and their Allowances commonly called Allocations As namely the Auditors of the Exchequer take the Accompts of those Receivers who receive the Revenues of the Augmentation as also of the Sheriffs Escheators Collectors and Customers Of which see the Statute 33 Hen. 8. c. 83. and 4 part Inst fol. 106. Auditor of the Prests or Imprests Are also Officers in the Exchequer who take and make up the great Accompts of Ireland Berwick the Mint and of any Money imprested to any Man for His Majesties service See Practise of the Exohequer p. 83. Auditor of the Receipts Is an Officer of the Exchequer who Files the Tellers Bills and makes an Entry of them and gives in every week to the Lord Treasurer a Certificate of the Money received He makes also Debentures to every Teller before they pay any Money and takes their Accompts See 4 part Inst fol. 107. Aventure rectiùs adventure Is a mischance causing the death of a Man without Felony as when he is suddenly drowned or burnt by any disease or mischance falling into the Water or Fire Britton cap. 7. where you may read how it differs from Misadventure which see Avenage Fr. A certain quantity of Oats paid to a Land-lord in lieu of some other duties or as a Rent from the Tenant Avenor from the Fr. avene i. Oats Is an Officer of the Kings who provides Oats for his Stable and is mentioned Anno 13 Car. 2. cap. 8. Avera quasi overa à Gal. ouvre ouvrage velut operagium In Doomsday Grentbrigsh Rex Fordham sed tamen semper inveniat Averam vel 8 d. in Servicio Regis That is a days work of a Ploughman or 8 d. 4 Inst fol. 269. Average averagium from Averia i. Cattle Signifies Service which the Tenant ows the King or other Lord by Horse or Ox or by Carriage with either For in ancient Charters of Priviledges we finde Quietum esse de Averagiis Others probably derive it from the French euvrage or euvre i. opus It hath two significations First Rastal mentions the Kings Averages which I take to be the Kings carriage by Horse or Cart. Then Anno 32 H. 8. cap. 14. and 1 Jac. cap. 32. it is used for a certain contribution that Merchants and others do proportionably make towards their losses who have their Goods cast into the Sea for the safeguard of the Ship or of the Goods and Lives of them in the Ship in time of a Tempest And this contribution seems to be so called because it is proportioned after the rate of every Mans Average or Goods carried In this last sence it is also used in the Statute 14 Car. 2. cap. 27. Average Is also a little duty which those Merchants who send Goods in another Mans Ship do pay to the Master of it for his care of them over and above the Freight for in Bills of Lading it is expressed Paying so much Freight for the said Goods with Frimage and Average accustomed Averiis captis in Withernam Is a Writ for taking Cattle to his use who hath his Cattle unlawfully taken by another and driven out of the County where they were taken that they cannot be Replevied Reg. of Writs fol. 82. When mention is made of one Beast we say Quidam equus vel quidam bos when of two or more we do not say Equi or boves but tot averia Averment verificatio From the Fr. Averer i. verificare testari Signifies commonly an offer of the Defendant to make good or justifie an Exception pleaded in Abatement or Bar of the Plaintiffs Action and it signifies the Act as well as the offer of justifying the Exception For Anno 34 Edw. 1. Stat. 2. The Dema●●ant will offer to aver by the Assise or Jury c. In the English Nat. Br. fol. 57. These Errors shall be tryed by Averment c. And in 15 Hen. 6. cap. 1. The Defendants shall have their Averment to say that c. Averment is twofold viz. general and particular a general Averment which is the conclusion of every Plea to the Writ or in Bar of Replications and other Pleadings for Counts or Avowries in nature of Counts need not be averred containing matter Affirmative ought to be averred with an hoc paratus est verificare c. Particular Averment is when the life of Tenant for Life or Tenant in Tail is averred c. And an Averment contains as well the matter as the Form thereof Coke on Littl. fol. 362. b. Averpeny quasi average-peny Is Money contributed towards the Kings averages or Money given to be freed thereof Rastals Exposition of words Averpeny hoc est quietum esse de diversis Denariis pro averagiis Domini Regis Augmentation augmentatio Was the name of a Court erected 27 Hen. 8. as appears by the Twenty seventh Chapter of that years Parliament to this end that the King might be justly dealt with touching the profit of such Religious Houses and their Lands as were given him by Act of Parliament the same year not Printed For dissolving which Court there was authority given Queen Mary by the Parliament held the first of Her Reign Sess 2 Ca. 10. Which She afterwards put in execution by Her Letters Patent The Court took name from this That the Revenue of the Crown was thought to be much augmented by the suppression of the said Houses many of which the King reserved to the Crown Avisage See Avago
Land c. and the Fee passeth though it be not said in the Deed To have and to hold to him and his heirs and though there be no Livery and Seisin given by the Vendor so it be by Deed indented sealed and enrolled either in the County where the Land lies or in one of the Kings Courts of Record at Westminster within six moneths after the date of the Deed. 27 Hen. 8. cap. 16. Such Bargain and Sale may also be made by Lease and Release without either Livery or Enrolment Barkary barkaria corticulus A Tan-house Heath-house or House to keep Bark in New Book of Entries tit Assise corp Polit. 2. Baron baro Hath divers significations First it is a degree of Nobility next a Viscount Bracton Lib. 1. cap. 8. numb 4. says Sunt alii Potentes sub Rege qui dicuntur Barones quasi robur belli In which signification it agrees with other Nations where Baroniae are as much as Provinciae So as Barons are such as have the Government of Provinces as their Fee holden of the King some having greater some lesser authority within their Territories Yet it is probable that of old here in England all those were called Barons that had such Seigniories or Lordships as we now call Court Barons who are at this day called Seigneurs in France And the Learned in our Antiquities have informed us That not long after the Conquest all such came to the Parliament and sate as Peers in the Lords House But when by experience it appeared that the Parliament was too much thronged with such multitudes it was in the Reign of King John ordained That none but the Barones Majores should for their extraordinary wisdom interest or quality be summoned to Parliament After that again Men seeing this estate of Nobility to be but casual and depend meerly upon the Princes pleasure they sought a more certain hold and obtained of the King Letters Patent of this Dignity to them and their Heirs-male who were called Barons by Letters Patent or by Creation whose posterity are now by inheritance and true descent of Nobility those Barons that are called Lords of the Parliament of which kinde the King may create at his pleasure Nevertheless there are yet Barons by Writ as well as Barons by Letters Patent Those Barons who were first by Writ may now justly also be called Barons by Prescription for that they and their Ancestors have continued Barons beyond the Memory of Man The original of Barons by Writ Camden in his Britan. pag. 109. refers to Henry the Third Barons by Letters Patent or Creation commenced 11 Rich. 2. The manner of whose Creation read in Seldens titles of Honor fol. 687. Ferns Glory of Generosity pag. 125 126. To these Seager lib. 4. cap. 13. Of Honor Civil and Military adds a third kinde of Baron calling them Barons by Tenure which are some of our Ancient Barons and likewise the Bishops who by vertue of Baronies annexed to their Bishopricks always had place in the Lords House of Parliament and are termed Lords Spiritual Baron in the next signification is an Officer as Barons of the Exchequer of whom the principal is called Lord chief Baron Capitalis Baro and the three other are his Assistants in Causes of Justice between the King and his Subjects touching matters appertaining to the Exchequer and the Kings Revenue The Lord Cheif Baron is the cheif Judge of the Court and in Matter of Law Information and Plea answers the Bar and gives order for Judgment thereupon He alone in the Term time sits upon Nisi prius that come out of the Kings Remembrancers Office or out of the Office of the Clerk of the Pleas which cannot be dispatched in the mornings for want of time He takes Recognizances for the Kings Debts for appearances and observing orders He takes the presentation of all the Officers in Court under himself and of the Lord Major of London and sees the Kings Remembrancer give them their Oaths He takes the Declaration of certain Receivers accompts of the Lands of the late Augmentation made before him by the Auditors He gives the two Parcel-makers places by vertue of his Office The second Baron in the absence of the Lord cheif Baron answers the Bar and takes Recognizances as aforesaid He gives yearly the Oath to the late Major of London for the true accompt of the profits of his Office He takes certain Receivers accompts and examines the Letters and Sums of such Sheriffs Forein Accompts as also the Accompts of Escheators and Collectors of Subsidies and Taxes as are brought him by the Auditor of the Court. The third Baron in the absence of the other two answers the Bar and takes Recognizances as aforesaid He gives yearly the Oath to the late Major and Gawger of London for his true accompting He also takes certain Receivers Accompts and examines the Letters and Sums of such of the former Accomptants as are brought unto him The fourth Baron is always a Cursitor of the Court at the days prefixed he takes Oath of all High Sheriffs and their Under Sheriffs Bailiffs and other Accomptants for their true accompting He takes the Oath of all Collectors Comptrollers Surveyors and Searchers of the Custom-houses that they have made true Entrances in their Books He apposeth all Sheriffs upon their Summons of the Pipe in open Court and informs the rest of the Barons of the Course of the Court in any Matter that concerns the Kings Prerogative He likewise examines such Accompts as are brought to him These Barons of the Exchequer are ancient Officers for I finde them named in Westm 2. cap. 11. Anno 13 Edw. 1. and they are called Barons because Barons of the Realm were wont to be employed in that Office Fleta lib. 2. cap. 24. Their Office is to look to the Accompts of the Prince and to that end they have Auditors under them as also to decide all Causes appertaining to the Kings Revenue coming into the Exchequer by any means as in part is proved by the Statutes of 20 Edw. 3. cap 2. and 27 ejusdem Stat. 2. cap. 18. 5 Rich. 2. Stat. 1. cap. 9. and 12 14 ejusdem cap. 11. Whereupon they have been of late persons learned in the Laws whereas in ancient time they were Majores Discretiores in Regno sive de Clero essent sive de Curia There are also Barons of the Cinque Ports Anno 31 Edw. 3. Stat. 2. cap. 2. and 33 Hen. 8. cap. 10. which are two in every of these Towns Hastings Winchelsey Rye Rumney Hithe Dover and Sandwich who have places in the Commons House of Parliament See Seldens Titles of Honor at large sol 687. seq Baron in the third signification is used for the Husband in relation to his Wife The cheif Magistrates of London were also called Barons before there was a Lord Major as appears by the City Seal as also by their ancient Charters Henricus 3 Rex Sciatis nos concessisse
Licence granted at the Custom-house to Merchants or others to carry over such Stores or Provision as are necessary for their Voyage Custom-free Bill of Sufferance Is a Licence granted at the Custom-house to a Merchant to suffer him to trade from one English Port to another without paying Custom Anno 14 Car. 2. cap. 11. Billa vera Lat. The Bill is true The Grand Enquest Empanelled and sworn before the Justices of Eyre c. Endorsing a Bill whereby any crime punishable in that Court is presented to them with these two words signifie thereby that the presentor hath furnished his presentment with probable Evidence and worthy further consideration Whereupon the party presented is said to stand indicted of the Crime and tied to make answer to it either by confessing or traversing the Indictment And if the Crime touch his Life it is yet referred to another Enquest called the Enquest of Life and Death by whom if he be found guilty then he stands convict of the Crime and is by the Judge to be condemned to Death See Ignoramus and Indictment Billets of Gold Fr. Billot Wedges or Ingots of Gold mentioned 27 Edw. 3. Stat. 2. cap. 14. Bissextile Bissextilis Leap-year so called because the sixth Calends of March are in that year twice reckoned viz. On the 24 25 of February So that Leap-year hath one day more than other years and is observed every fourth year being first devised by Julius Caesar to accommodate the year with the course of the Sun And to prevent all doubt and ambiguity that might arise hereupon it is provided by the Statute de Anno Bissextili 21 Hen. 3. That the day increasing in the Leap-year and the day next before shall be accounted for one day c. Britton fol. 209. and Dyer 17 Eliz. 345. Birlaw See Bilaw and Byrlaw Black maile Fr. Maille i A Link of Mail or a small piece of Metal or Money Signifies in the Counties of Cumberland Northumberland and Westmerland a certain rate of Money Corn Cattle or other consideration paid to some inhabiting upon or near the borders being persons of name and power allied with certain Moss-Troopers or known Robbers within the said Counties to be thereby by them freed and protected from the danger of those Spoil-takers Anno 43 Eliz. cap. 13. See Mail. Black Rod or Gentleman-Usher of the Black Rod is cheif Gentleman Usher to the King He is called in the Black Book fol. 255 Lator virgae nigrae and Hostiarius and elswhere Virgi-bajulus His duty is Ad port andam Virgam coram Domino Rege ad Festum Sancti Georgii infra Castrum de Windesore He hath also the keeping of the Chapter-house Door when a Chapter of the Order of the Garter is sitting and in the time of Parliament attends on the House of Peers He hath a like habit with the Register of the Order and Garter King of Arms which he wears at the Feast of S George and all Chapters He bears a Black Rod on the top whereof sits a Lion Gold which Rod is instead of a Mace and hath the same power and authority His Fee is now 30 l. per annum This Officer hath been anciently constituted by Letters Patent under the Great Seal Blade Bladum Fr. Bled Nostro foro de segete tantum intelligitur praesertim etiam in herba Spel. But the Saxon Blaed signifies more generally Fruit Corn Hemp Flax Herbs c. or the Branches or Leaves of Trees or Herbs Universis Wil. de Mohun salutem Sciatis me relaxasse quietum clamasse Domino Reginaldo de Mohan fratri meo totum Manerium meum de Torr Salvo mihi instauro meo blado c. sine dat i. e. Excepting my Stock and Corn on the Ground Hence Bladier is taken for an Ingrosser of Corn or Grain Sciant quod ego Willielmus Alreton consensu voluntate Beatriciae Uxoris meae Dedi Agathae Gille pro duabus Marcis Argenti una mensura bladi duas solidatas reditus in villa Leominstr illas scil quas Walterus de Luda solebat mihi reddere pro quadam terra quae est inter soldas Adae Talcurteis Feodum Johannis Rading Habend c. sinc dat Ex libro Cartar Priorat Leominstriae Blancks Fr. Blanc i. candidus A kinde of Money coyned by King Henry the Fifth in the parts of France which were then subject to England the value whereof was 8 d. Stows Annals pag. 586. These were forbidden to be current in this Realm 2 Hen. 6. cap. 9. The reason why they were called Blanks was because at the time these were coyned in France there was also a piece of Gold coyned called a Salus from which this of Silver was in name distinguished by the colour Blanck-Bar Is the same with that we call a Common Bar and is the name of a Plea in Bar which in an Action of Trespass is put in to compel the Plaintiff to assign the certain place where the Trespass was committed It is most used by the practisers in the Common Bench for in the Kings Bench the place is commonly ascertained in the Declaration Croke 2 Part. fol. 594. Blench To hold Land in Blench is by payment of a Penny Rose Pair of Gilt Spurs or such like thing if it be demanded In name of Blench i. Nomine albae firmae See Alba firma Blockwood See Logwood Blomary Anno 27 Eliz. cap. 19. The first Forge man Iron Mill through which the Iron passeth before it comes to the Finary Bloated Fish or Herring Anno 18 Car. 2. cap. 2. Are those which are half-dried Bloudy-hand See Backberend Bloudwit or Blodwite compounded of two Saxon words Blod i. sanguis and wita mulcta Is a word used in ancient Charters of Liberties and signifies an Amercement for shedding Blood so that whosoever had it given him in his Charter had the penalty due for Blood-shed Skene writes it Bloudveit and says veit in English is injuria and that Bloudveit is an Amerciament or unlaw as the Scotch call it for wrong or injury as Bloodshed is For he that hath Bloodveit granted him hath free liberty to take all Amerciaments of Courts for Effusion of Blood Fleta says Quod significat quietantiam misericordiae pro effusione sanguinis Lib. 1. cap. 47. Blodwite i. Si aliqui pugnantes ad invicem in Rudnam extraxerint sanguinem Prior habebit inde amerciamenta in Curia sua Ex Reg. Priorat de Cokesford Blubber Anno 12 Car. 2. cap. 18. A kinde of Whale-Oyl so called before it is throughly boiled and brought to perfection Boc-hord Sax. A place where Books Evidences Writings or other like Monuments are kept as the Rolls quasi Librorum horreum Bocland Sax. Terra haereditaria vel testimentalis quasi Book-land A Possession an Inheritance a Territory Farm or House with Land belonging to it held by Evidence in Writing Bocland verò ea possidendi transferendique lege coercebatur ut nec dari licuit nec vendi sed haeredibus
Herauld That if any Man shall deny or gain-say the Kings title to the Crown he is there ready to defend it in single Combat c. Which being done the King drinks to him and sends him a gilt Cup with a Cover full of Wine which the Champion drinks and hath the Cup for his Fee This Office ever since the Coronation of King Richard the Second when Baldwin Frevile exhibited his Petition for it was adjudged from him to Sir John Dymock his Competitor both claiming from Marmion as producing better Records and Evidence and hath continued ever since in the worthy family of Dymock who hold the Mannor of Scrivelsby in Lincolnshire hereditarily from the Marmions by Grand Sergeanty viz. That the Lord thereof shall be the Kings Champion as abovesaid Camd. in part Fin. Mich. 1 Hen. 6. Accordingly Sir Edward Dymock performed this Office at the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles the Second 23 April 1661. Chancellor Cancellarius This Officer in late times is greatly advanced not onely in our but in other Kingdoms For he is the chief Administrator of Justice next to the Soveraign All other Justices in this Kingdom are tied to the Law and may not swerve from it in Judgment but the Chancellor hath the Kings absolute power to moderate the Written Law governing his Judgment by the Law of Nature and Conscience and ordering all things juxta aequum bonum Wherefore Stanford in his Praerog cap. 20. fol. 65. says The Chancellor hath two powers one absolute the other ordinary meaning that though by his ordinary power in some cases he must observe the form of proceeding as other Inferior Judges yet in his absolute power he is not limitted by the Written Law but by Conscience and Equity according the Circumstances of Matter And though Polydor Virgil an alien undertaking to write the History of England supposed he did not mistake when he makes our William the Conqueror the Founder of our Chancellors yet our industrious Antiquary Mr. Dugdale can shew us his Error in the many Chancellors of England long before that time which are mentioned in his Origines Juridiciales and Catalogue of Chancellors whose great Authorities under their Kings were in all probability drawn from the reasonable Customs of Neighbor Nations and the Civil Law He that bears this Magistracy is called The Lord Chancellor of England and is made so Per traditionem magni Sigilli sibi per Dominum Regem and by taking his Oath And by the Statute 5 Eliz. cap. 18. the Lord Chancellor and Keeper have one and the same Power and therefore since that Statute there cannot be a Lord Chancellor and Lord Keeper at one and the same time but before there might and hath been Yet see Keeper See Fleta lib. 2. cap. 12 13. and Cokes 4 Instit fol. 78 79. Divers Inferior Officers are also called Chancellors As Chancellor of the Exchequer Anno 25 Hen 8. cap. 16. Whose Office hath been thought by many to have been created for the qualifying extremities in the Exchequer He sits in the Court and in the Exchequer Chamber and with the rest of the Court orders things to the Kings best benefit He is always in Commission with the Lord Treasurer for letting the Lands that came to the Crown by the dissolution of Abbeys or otherwise and hath by the Statute of 33 Hen. 8. cap. 39. power with others to compound for the Forfeitures upon Penal Statutes Bonds and Recognizances entred unto the King He hath also a great Authority and Jurisdiction in the manage and dispose of the Royal Revenue and concerning the First Fruits as appears by the Acts for uniting them to the Crown Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lancaster Anno 3 Edw. 6. cap. 1. and Anno 5 Ejusdem cap. 26. Whose Office is principal in that Court to judge and determine all Controversies between the King and His Tenants of the Dutchy-Land and otherwise to direct all the Kings Affairs belonging to that Court Chancellor of the Order of the Garter Stows Annals pag. 706. Chancellor of the Universities Anno 9 Hen. 5. cap. 8. and Anno 2 Hen. 6. cap. 8. Chancellor of the Court of Augmentations 27 Hen. 8. cap. 27. 32 Ejusdem cap. 20. 33 Ejusdem cap. 39. Chancellor of the First Fruits 32 Hen. 8. cap. 45. Chancellor of Courts 32 Hen. 8. cap. 28. Chancellor of the Diocess 32 Hen. 8. cap. 15 c. Chance medley from the Fr. Chance i. Lapsus and Mesler i. Miscere Signifies the casual slaughter of a Man not altogether without the fault of the slayer Stanf. Pl. Cor. lib. 1 cap. 8. calls it homicide by misadventure West calls it Homicide mixt Part. 2. Symbol tit Indictments Sect. 5. and there defines it thus Homicide mixt is when the Killers ignorance or negligence is joyned with the Chance As if a Man lop Trees by a Highway side by which many usually travel and cast down a bough not giving warning to beware of it by which bough one passing by is by chance slain In this case he offends because he gave no warning that the party nigh have taken better heed See Skene verbo Melletum who says this is called Chaudmelle in Scotland Chancery Cancellaria Is the Grand Court of Equity and Conscience moderating the rigor of other Courts most strictly tied to the Letter of the Law whereof the Lord Chancellor of England is the chief Judge Crompt Jurisd fol. 41. or else the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal since the Statute of 5 Eliz. cap. 18. The Officers belonging to this Court are the Lord Chancellor or Keeper of the Great Seal who is sole Judge here the Master of the Rolls anciently called Gardein des Rolls who in the Lord Chancellors absence heareth Causes and gives Orders 4 Instit fol. 97. Twelve Masters of the Chancery who are Assistants and sit by turns on the Bench the Six Clerks who have each of them about Fifteen Clerks under them in nature of Atturneys in the Court Two chief Examiners who have five or six Clerks a piece One chief Register who hath usually four or five Deputies The Clerk of the Crown the Warden of the Fleet the Usher Sergeant at Arms and Crier of the Court the Cursiters and their Clerks the Clerks of the Petty-Bag the Clerk of the Hanaper the Comptroller of the Hanaper the Clerk of Appeals the Clerk of the Faculties the Scaler the Chafe-Wax the Clerk of the Patents Clerk of Presentations Clerk of Dismissions Clerk of Licences to alienate Clerks of the Enrolments Clerks of the Protections Clerk of the Subpenas Clerk of the Affidavits c. which see described in their several places See Cokes 4 Inst fol. 82. Changer Is an Officer belonging to the Kings Mint whose Function cheifly consists in exchanging Coyn for Bullion brought in by Merchants or others Anno 2 Hen. 6. cap. 12. where it is written after the old way Chaungeour Chantry See Chauntry Chapel Capella Fr. Chapelle i. aedicula Is of two sorts
inde de opulentibus effecti miseri fodere non valentes aliquando inordinatâ concepta doloris anxietate deperiunt saepius in Cleri Ecclesiae scandalum nimid egestatis penuriâ mendicare miserabiliter compelluntur Litera missa omnibus Episcopis suffragancis Domini contra Choppe-Churches An. 1391. Spelm. de Conc. vol. 2. fol. 642. Church-Reve A Church-Warden Praepositus Ecclesiae or Gardianus Ecclesiae of whom thus Chaucer speaking of the Jurisdiction of Archdeacons Of Church-Reves and of Testaments Of Contracts and lack of Sacraments c. Church-Wardens Ecclesiae Gardiani Are Officers yearly chosen by consent of the Minister and Parishioners according to the custom of every place to look to the Church Church-yard and such things as belong to both and to observe the behavior of their Parishioners for such faults as appertain to the Jurisdiction or Censure of the Court-Ecclesiastick These are a kinde of Corporation enabled by Law to sue and be sued for any thing belonging to the Church or Poor of their Parish Anno 12 H. 7. cap. ult See Lambert in his duty of Church-Wardens Churchesset Ciricsceat Chirset or Curcscet Sax. Census vel tributum Ecclesiae Chirchescot Certam mensuram bladi tritici significat quam quilibet olim Sanctae Ecclesiae die Sancti Martini tempore tam Britonum quam Anglorum contribuerunt Plures tamen Magnates post Romanorum adventum illam contributionem secundum veterem legem Moysi nomine primitiarum dabant Prout in brevi Regis Knuti ad summum Pontificem transmisso continetur in quo illam contributionem Churchset appellant quasi semen Ecclesiae See Ciricsceat Seldens Hist of Tithes pag. 216. Et de essarto de prato de Chirset ejusdem villae c. Cart. de Anno 1 Edw. 3. num 3. And in Pat. 13 Edw. 4. par 2. m. 17. it is written Cherchez but the true Saxon is Cyricsceat Cinque Ports Quinque Portus Are those special Havens that lie towards France and therefore have been thought by our Kings to be such as ought most vigilantly to be preserved against Invasion In which respect they have an especial Governor or Keeper called by his Office Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports and divers priviledges granted them as a peculiar Jurisdiction their Warden having the authority of an Admiral among them and sending out Writs in his own name Crompton in his Jurisd fol. 28. names the Cinque Ports Dover Sandwich Rye Hastings Winchelsea Rumney Hithe whereof two must either be added to the first institution by some later Grant or be accounted as Appendants to some of the rest See Gardein of the Cinque Ports and the Stat. 32 Hen. 8. cap. 48. See Quinque Portus and 4 Inst fol. 222. Cippus A Pair of Stocks to put offenders in Habeant nec non Cippos conclusoria in singulis villis ad correctionem delinquentium Mon. Angl. 2 par fol. 349. a. Circuit of Action Circuitus Actionis Is a longer course of proceeding to recover the thing sued for then is needful As if a Man Grant a Rent-charge of x l. out of his Mannor of Dale and after the Grantee Disseiseth the Grantor of the same Mannor who brings an Assise and recovers the Land and xx l. damages which being paid the Grantee brings his Action for x l. of his Rent due during the time of the Disseisin which he must have had if no Disseisin had been This is called Circuit of Action because whereas the Grantor was to receive xx l. damages and pay x l. rent he might have received but x l. onely for damages and the Grantee might have kept the other x l. in his hands by way of Deteiner for his Rent and so have saved his Action Terms Ley. Circumspecte Agatis Is the Title of a Statute made in the Thirteenth of Edward the First Anno Domini 1285. prescribing certain Cases to the Judges wherein the Kings Prohibition lies not Coke lib. 7. fol. 44. Lib. 5. fol. 67. And 2 Part. Inst fol. 487. Circumstantibus i. By-standers Signifies the supply or making up the number of Jurors if any impaneld appear not or appearing be challenged by either party by adding to them so many of those that are present or standing by as will serve the turn 35 H. 8. c. 6. and 5 Eliz. cap. 25. Ciric seat Sax. Cyric-sceat Vectigal Ecclesiasticum frumenti tributum Church-scot a certain Tribute or Payment made to the Church commonly of Corn. Fleta calls it Circsed quasi Semen Ecclesiae debitum Joh. Southam ad Festum S. Martini in Yeme debet 1 Gallinam de redditu 5 Gallinas de Chirseat Custumar Monast de Bello fol. 87. a. This Tribute was anciently payable at the Feast of S. Martin and sometimes at Christmas as appears by Domesday and called by Sir Edw. Coke Church-seed on Littl. fol. 88. b. See Churchesset City Civitas Signifies with us as it doth in other Regions such a Town Corporate as hath a Bishop and a Cathedral Church Yet Crompton in his Jurisdictions in reckoning our Cities leaves out Ely though it have a Bishop and a Cathedral Church Anno 35 Eliz. cap. 6. Westminster is called a City and it appears by the Statute 35 Hon. 8. cap. 10. that then there was a Bishop of Westminster But by Letters Patent dated 21 May 2 Eliz. pursuant to an Act of Parliament of 1 Eliz. not Printed the Revenues of that late Monastery were vested in the Dean and Chapter of the Collegiate Church of Westminster which hath caused Error in the Pleadings of some Cases by styling it the Cathedral for Collegiate Church of Westminster Cassanaeus de Consuetud Burgun pag. 15. saith That France hath within its Territories 104 Cities and gives his reason Because there are so many Seats of Archbishops and Bishops Yet Sir Edward Coke notes Cambridge to be a City by ancient Record viz. Mich. 7 Rich. 1. Rot. 1. Though I finde no mention of its ever having been an Episcopal See On Littl. fol. 109. b. And in the Stat. 11 Hen. 7. cap. 4. it is called the Town of Cambridge Clack As to clack force and bard alias beard good Wooll Anno 8 Hen. 6. cap. 22. whereof the first viz. to clack Wooll is to cut off the Sheeps mark which makes it weigh less and so yield the less custom to the King To force Wooll is to clip off the upper and more hairy part of it to bard or beard it is to cut the head and the neck from the rest of the Fleece Claim Clameum Is a Challenge of Interest in any thing that is in the possession of another or at the least out of his own as Claim by Charter Claim by Descent c. Old Nat. Br. fol. 11. Si Dominus infra annum clameum qualitercunque apposuerit Bracton lib. 1. cap. 10. See the definition and divers sorts of Claim in Plowden Casu Stowel fol. 359. a. Clamea Aomittenda in itinere per Atturnatum Is a Writ
enters also into the Rolls the Awarding of these Writs and makes all the continuance from the going out of the Habeas Corpora until the verdict be given Clerk of the Pipe Clericus Pipae Is an Officer in the Exchequer who having all Accompts and Debts due to the King delivered and drawn out of the Remembrancers Offices charges them down into the great Roll who also writes Summons to the Sheriff to levy the said Debts upon the Goods and Cattels of the Debtors and if they have no Goods then he draws them down to the Lord Treasurers Remembrancer to write Estreats against their Lands The ancient Revenue of the Crown remains in charge before him and he sees the same answered by the Farmers and Sheriffs He makes a charge to all Sheriffs of their Summons of the Pipe and Green Wax and sees it answered upon their Accompts He hath the drawing and ingrossing all Leases of the Kings Land In Henry the Sixths time he was called Ingrossator Magni Rotuli Clerk of the Hamper or Hanaper Clericus Hanaperii Is an Officer in Chancery Anno 2 Edw. 4. cap. 1. otherwise called Warden of the Hamper in the same Statute whose Function is to receive all the Money due to the King for the Seals of Charters Patents Commissions and Writs as also Fees due to the Officers for enrolling and examining the same with such like He is tied to attendance on the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper daily in the Term time and at all times of sealing having with him Leather Bags wherein are put all Charters c. After they are sealed those Bags being sealed up with the Lord Chancellors Private Seal are delivered to the Comptroller of the Hamper who upon receipt of them doth as you shall read in his Office This Hanaper represents a shadow of that which the Romans termed Fiscum which contained the Emperors treasure Clerk of the Pleas Clericus Placitorum Is an Officer in the Exchequer in whose Office all the Officers of the Court upon especial Priviledge belonging unto them ought to sue or to be sued upon any Action c. See the Practice of the Exchequer pag. 86. and 4 Inst fol. 107. Clerk of the Treasury Clericus Thesaurariae Is an Officer belonging to the Common Pleas who hath the charge of keeping the Records of the Court and makes out all the Records of Nisi Prius hath the Fees due for all searches and hath the certifying all Records into the Kings Bench when a Writ of Error is brought Also he makes all Exemplications of Records being in the Treasury He is taken to be the servant of the Cheif Justice and removeable at his pleasure whereas all other Officers are for term of life There is also a Secundary or Under-Clerk of the Treasury for Assistance who hath some allowances And likewise an Under-Keeper who always keeps one Key of the Treasury door and the cheif Clerk of the Secondary an other so as the one cannot come in without the other Clerk of Essoyns Clericus Essoniorum Is an Officer belonging to the Court of Common Pleas who keeps the Essoyn-Rolls and hath for entring every Essoyn six pence and for every Exception to Bar the Essoyn in case where the party hath omitted his time six pence He hath also the providing of Parchment and cutting it out into Rolls and marking the numbers upon them and the delivery out of all the Rolls to every Officer and the receiving them again when they are written and the binding and making up the whole Bundles of every Term and this he doth as Servant to the chief Justice For the chief Justice is at charge for the Parchment of all the Rolls for which he is allowed as the chief Justice of the Kings Bench besides the penny for the Seal of every Writ of Priviledge and Utlary the seventh penny taken for the Seal of every Writ under the Green Wax or Petit Seal in the Court of Kings Bench and Common Pleas respectively the said Lord Chief Justices having annexed to their several Offices or places the custody of the said Seals belonging to each Court Clerk of the Outlaries Clericus Utlagariarum Is an Officer belonging to the Court of Common Pleas being onely the Servant or Deputy to the Kings Atturney General for making out Writs of Capias Utlagatum after Outlary the Kings Atturnies name being to every one of those Writs And whereas seven pence is paid for the Seal of every other Writ betwixt party and party there is but a penny paid for the Seal of this Writ because it goes out at the Kings Suit Clerk of the Errors Clericus Errorum In the Court of Common Pleas does transcribe and certifie into the Kings Bench the Tenor of the Records of the Cause or Action upon which the Writ of Error made by the Cursitor is brought there to be adjudged and determined The Clerk of the Errors in the Kings Bench does likewise transcribe and certifie the Records of such Causes in that Court into the Exchequer if the Cause or Action were by Bill If by Original the Lord Chief Justice certifies the Record into the House of Peers in Parliament by taking the Transcript from the Clerk of the Errors and delivering it to the Lord Keeper there to be determined according to the Statutes 27 Eliz. 8. and 31 Eliz. 1. The Clerk of the Errors in the Exchequer does Transcribe the Records certified thither out of the Kings Bench and prepares them for Judgment in the Court of Exchequer to be given by the Justices of the Common Pleas and Barons there See 16 Car. 2. cap. 2. and 20 Eiusdem cap. 4. Clerk of the Sewers Clericus Suerarum Is an Officer appertaining to the Commissioners of Sewers writing all things that they do by vertue of their Commission for which see Sewers And see the Statute of 13 Eliz. cap. 9. Clerk Comptroller of the Kings House whereof there are two Is an Officer in the Court that hath Authority to allow or disallow the charges and demands of Pursuivants Messengers of the Green-cloth or other like He hath also the over-sight and controlling of all Defects and Miscarriages of any the Inferior Officers and to sit in the Counting-house with the Superior Officers viz. The Lord Steward Mr. Treasurer Comptroller and Cosserer either for correcting or bettering things out of Order This Officer is mentioned Anno 33 Hen. 8. cap. 12. Clerk of the Nichils or Nihils Clericus Nihilorum Is an Officer in the Exchequer who makes a Roll of all such sums as are nihiled by the Sheriffs upon their Estreats of Green-wax and delivers the same into the Lord Treasurers Remembrancers Office to have execution done upon it for the King See the Stat. 5 Rich. 2. cap. 13. Stat. 1. and Practice of the Exchequer pag. 101. See Nihil Clerk of the Check Is an Officer in the Court so called because he hath the Check and Controlment of the Yeomen of the Guard and all other
nature and essence of the Covenant And Crompton Juris fol. 185. saith That to be subject to the feeding of the Kings Deer is Collateral to the Soil within the Forest So we may say That Liberties to pitch Booths or Standings for a Fair in another Mans Ground is Collateral to the Ground The Private Woods of a common person within a Forest may not be cut without the Kings Licence for it is a Prerogative Collateral to the Soil Manwood par 1. pag. 66. Collateral Warranty See Warranty Collation of Benefice Collatio Beneficii Signifies properly the bestowing a Benefice by the Bishop who hath it in his own gift or patronage and differs from Institution in this That Institution into a Benefice is performed by the Bishop at the motion or presentation of another who is Patron of it or hath the Patrons right for the time Yet Collation is used for presentation Anno 25 Edw. 3. Stat. 6. Collatione facta uni post mortem alterius c. Is a Writ directed to the Justices of the Common Pleas commanding them to direct their Writ to a Bishop for the admitting a Clerk in the place of another presented by the King who during the suit between the King and the Bishops Clerk is departed this life For Judgment once passed for the Kings Clerk and he dying before admittance the King may bestow his presentation on another Reg. of Writs fol. 31. b. Colour color Signifies a probable Plea but in truth false and hath this end to draw the tryal of the Cause from the Jury to the Judges As in an Action of Trespass for taking away the Plaintiffs Beasts the Defendant saith That before the Plaintiff had any thing in them he himself was posseised of them as of his proper Goods and delivered them to A. B. to deliver them to him again when c. And A. B. gave them to the Plaintiff and the Plaintiff supposing the property to be in A. B. at the time of the gift took them and the Defendant took them from the Plaintiff whereupon the Plaintiff brings his Action This is a good Color and a good Plea See Doctor and Student lib. 2. cap. 13. And Broke tit Color in Assise Trespass c. fol. 104. Collusion Collusio Is a deceitful agreement or compact between two or more for the one party to bring an Action against the other to some evil purpose as to defraud a third person of his right c. See the Statute of Westmin 2. cap. 32. and 8 Hen. 6. cap. 26. which gives the Quale ju● and enquiry in such Cases See Broke tit Collusion and Reg. of Writs fol. 179. a. Gifts made by Collusion see in 50 Edw. 3. cap. 6. Combat Fr. Signifies as much as Certamen pugna But with us it is taken for a formal tryal between two Champions of a doubtful cause or quarrel by the Sword or Bastons of which you may read at large in Glanvile lib. 14. cap. 1. Bracton lib. 3. tract 2. cap. 21. Britton cap. 22. Horns Mirror of Justices lib. 3. cap. Des Exceptions in fine proxime cap. Juramentum Duelli Dyer fol. 301. num 41 42 When Alan de la Zouch had judicially sued John Earl of Warren who chose rather to try the title by the Sword Point than by Point of Law he was wounded by him even in Westminster-hall in the year 1269. says Camden in his Britan. fol. 519. The last Trial by combat was admitted 6 Car. 1. between Donnold Lord Roy Appellant and David Ramsey Esquire Defendant Scotchmen in the Painted Chamber at Westminster before Robert Earl of Lindsey Lord High Constable Thomas Earl of Arundel Earl Marshal with other Lords where after the Court had met several times and Bill Answer and Replication put in by the Parties and Council heard with other Formalities it was at last determined that the matter should be referred to the Kings will and pleasure whose favor enclined to Ramsey Bakers Chron. fol. 500. See Coke on Littl. fol. 294. b. Origines Juridiciales fol. 65. And Spelmans Gloss at large verbo Campus Comitatu Commisso Is a Writ or Commission whereby the Sheriff is authorised to take upon him the charge of the County Reg. of Writs fol. 295. Cokes Rep. lib. 3. fol. 72. a. Comitatu Castro Commisso Is a Writ whereby the charge of a County with the keeping of a Castle is committed to the Sheriff Reg. of Writs fol. 295. Comitatus Of dead Ferms and Debts desperate whereof there is no hope one Roll shall be made and shall be entituled Comitatus and read every year upon the account of Sheriffs 10 Edw. 1. cap. unico Commandry Praeceptoria Was a Mannor or cheif Messuage with Lands and Tenements appertaining thereto belonging to the Priory of St. Johns of Jerusalem in England and he who had the Goverment of any such Mannor or House was called the Commander who could not dispose of it but to the use of the Priory onely taking thence his own sustenance according to his degree who was usually a Brother of the same Priory New Eagle in the County of Lincoln was and still is called the Commandry of Eagle and did anciently belong to the said Priory so were Slebach in Pembrokeshire and Shengay in Cambridgeshire Commandries in time of the Knights-Templers says Camd. These in many places of England are termed Temples as Temple Bruere in Lincolnshire Temple Newsum in Yorkshire c. because they formerly belonged to the said Templers Of these read Anno 26 Hen. 8. cap. 2. and 32 Ejusdem cap. 24. See Preceptories Commandment Praeceptum Hath a divers use as the Commandment of the King when upon his meer motion and from his own mouth he casts any Man into Prison Stamf. Pl. Cor. fol. 72. Commandment of the Justices is either absolute or ordinary Absolute as when upon their own Authority in their Wisdom and Discretion they commit a Man to prison for a punishment Ordinary is when they commit one rather for safe-custody then punishment A Man committed upon an Ordinary Commandment is replevisable Pl. Cor. fol. 73. Commandment is again used for the offence of him that willeth another Man to transgress the Law or to do any thing contrary to the Law as Murther Theft or such like Bracton lib. 3. tract 2. cap. 19. which the Civilians call Mandatum Commendam Ecclesia Commendata Is a Benefice or Church-Living which being void is commended to the charge and care of some sufficient Clerk to be supplied until it may be conveniently provided of a Pastor And that this was the true original of this practise you may read at large in Durandus De sacris Ecclesiae Ministeriis Beneficiis lib. 5. cap. 7. He to whom the Church is commended hath the Fruits and Profits thereof onely for a certain time and the Nature of the Church is not changed thereby but is as a thing deposited in his hands in trust who hath nothing but the custody of it which may be
servitia non dicuntur nec de consuetudine veniunt nisi cum necessitas intervenerit vel cum Rex venerit sicut sunt Hidag●a Coraagia Carvagia alia plura de necessitate ex consensu communi totius Regni introducta c. Cord of Wood Ought to be eight foot long four foot broad and four foot high by Statute Cordage Fr. Is a general application for Stuff to make Ropes and for all kinde of Ropes belonging to the Rigging of a Ship Mentioned 15 Car. 2. cap. 13. Seamans Dictionary Cordiner vulgarly Cordwaner From the Fr. Codovannier a Shoo-maker and is so used in divers Statutes as 3 Hen. 8. cap. 10. 5 Ejusdem cap. 7. and others Cornage Cornagium from Cornu a Horn Was a kinde of Grand Serjeanty the service of which Tenure was to blow a Horn when any Invasion of the Scots was perceived And by this many Men held their Land Northward about the Picts-wall Camd. Britan. pag. 609. and Littleton fol. 35. But by Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 24. All Tenures are turned into free and common Soccage Sir Edward Coke on Littl. fol. 107. says Cornage is also called in old Books Horngeld but quaere for they seem to differ much See Horngeld and 2 Inst fol. 9. Corner-Tile See Gutter-Tile Corody or Corrody Corrodium from Corrodo Signifies a sum of Money or allowance of Meat Drink and Cloathing due to the King from an Abbey or other House of Religion whereof he is Founder towards the reasonable sustenance of such a one of his servants or vadelets as he thinks good to bestow it on The difference between a Corody and a Pension seems to be That a Corody is allowed towards the maintenance of any of the Kings servants in an Abbey a Pension is given to one of the Kings Chaplains for his better maintenance till he may be provided of a Benefice Of both these read Fitzh Nat. Br. fol. 250. who sets down all the Corodies and Pensions certain that any Abbey when they stood was bound to perform to the King Corody seems to be ancient in our Law for in Westm 2. cap. 25. it is ordained that an Assisc shall lie for a Corody It is also apparent by the Stat. 34 35 Hen. 8. cap. 26. That Corodies belonged sometimes to Bishops and Noblemen from Monasteries Tenure in Frankalmoin was a discharge of all Corodies in it self Stat. 1 Edw. 3. cap. 10. See 2 Part. Inst fol. 630. SCiant quod nos Radulphus Abbas Monasterii S. Johannis de Haghmon ejusdem loci Conventus ad instanciam speciale rogatum excellentissimi reverendissimi Domini nostri Thomae Comitis Arundeliae Surreiae Dedimus Roberto Lee unum Corrodium pro termino vitae suae essendo cum Abbate Monasterii praedicti Armigerum cum uno Garcione duobus equis capiendo ibidem esculenta poculenta sufficientia pro scipso sicut Armigeri Abbatis qui pro tempore fuerint capiunt percipiunt pro Garcione suo sicut Garciones Abbatis Armigerorum suorum capiunt percipiunt capiendo etiam pro equis suis foenum praebendam Et quod idem Robertus habeat vesturam Armigerorum c. Dat. 3 Hen. 5. Mon. Angl. 2 par fol. 933. a. Corodio Habendo Is a Writ whereby to exact a Corody of an Abbey or Religious House See Reg. of Writs fol. 264. Coronatore Eligendo Is a Writ which after the death or discharge of any Coroner is directed to the Sheriff out of the Chancery to call together the Freeholders of the County for the choice of a new Coroner to certifie into Chancery both the election and the name of the party elected and to give him his Oath See Westm 1. cap. 10. Fitzh Nat. Br. fol. 163. and Reg. of Writs fol. 177. Coroner Coronator a Corona Is an ancient Officer of this Land for mention is made of his Office in King Athelstans Charter to Beverley Anno 925. and is so called because he deals wholly for the King and Crown There are four of them commonly in every County in some fewer and in some Counties but one they are chosen by the Freeholders of the same by the Kings Writ and not made by Letters Patent Crompt Jurisd fol. 126. This Officer by the Statute of Westm 1. cap. 10. ought to be a sufficient person that is the most wise and discreet Knight that best would and might attend upon such an Office yea there is a Writ in the Register Nisi sit Miles fol. 177. b. whereby it appears it was sufficient cause to remove a Coroner chosen if he were not a Knight and had not a hundred shillings Rent of Freehold The Lord Cheif Justice of the Kings Bench is the Soveraign Coroner of the whole Realm in person i. wheresoever he abodes Lib. Assisarum fol. 49. Coke lib. 4. Case of Wardens c. of the Sadlers fol. 57. b. His Office especially concerns the Pleas of the Crown But what anciently belonged to him read at large in Bracton lib. 3. tract 2. cap. 5 6 7 8. Britton cap. 1. Fleta lib. 1. cap. 18. and Horns Mirror lib. 1. cap. del Office del Coroners But more aptly for the present times Stamf. Pl. Cor. lib. 1. cap. 51. There are also certain special Coroners within divers Liberties as well as these ordinary Officers in every County as the Coroner of the Verge which is a certain compass about the Kings Court whom Cromp. in his Jurisd fol. 102. calls the Coroner of the Kings House of whose Authority see Cokes Rep. lib. 4. fol. 46. By certain Charters belonging to some Colledges and Corporations they are licensed to appoint their Coroner within their own Precincts Of this Office see also 4 Inst fol. 271. Smith de Rep. Angl. lib. 2. cap. 21. And Lamb. Eiren. lib. 4. cap. 3. pag. 380. And of the Coroners Office in Scotland read Skene verbo Iter. Corporal Oath See Oath Corporation Corporatio A Body Politick or a Body Incorporate so called because the persons are made into a Body and of capacity to take and grant c. And this Body Politick or Incorporate may commence and be established three manner of ways viz. By Prescription by Letters Patent or by Act of Parliament Every Body Politick or Corporate is either Ecclesiastical or Lay Ecclesiastical either Regular as Abbots Priors c. or Secular as Bishops Deans Arch-Deacons Parsons Vicars c. Lay as Major Commonalty Bailiffs and Burgesses c. Also every Body Politick or Corporate is either Elective Presentative Collative or Donative And again it is either sole or aggregate of many which last is by the Civilians called Collegium or Universitas Coke on Littl. fol. 250. and 3 Inst fol. 202. Corpus Christi day being always on the next Thursday after Trinity Sunday Is a Feast instituted by the Church in honor of the Blessed Sacrament To which also a College in Oxford is dedicated It is mentioned in 32 Hen. 8. cap.
nos Hugonem de Okelesthorp Adam silium Ade de Thowes generum ejusdem Hugonis sc quod ego Adam non dabo impignorabo vendam nec alienabo aliquam partem tenementi mei de quo fui vestitus saisitus praedicto die nec tenementi mihi contingentis nomine baereditatis sine voluntate assensu praedicti Hugonis vel haeredum suorum Et quod amabiliter tractabo uxorem meam filiam praedicti Hugonis Et nisi fecero ibo per septem dies sabati nudus per medium forum de Harewode quando plenius fucrit secundum or dinationem dicti Hugonis Omnia autem praescripta fideliter sine fraude observanda pro me haeredibus meis tactis sacrosanctis juravi affidavi Et ne istud alicui hominum vertatur in dubium nos praedicti Hugo Adam sigilla nostra partium hiis mutuis scriptis apposuimus Hiis testibus Stephano Sperry tunc Cyrographar Civitatis Ebor. Daniele de Tottie Clerico Ricardo de Waleys de Acculum Ade de Northfolch Thomâ Edwyn Allutario de Ebor. aliis Ex M. S. penes Gul. Dugdale Ar. Covenant Foedus The late Solemn League and Covenant first hatch'd in Scotland was a Seditious Conspiracy too well known to need any Explication it was Voted Illegal and Irreligious by Parliament in May 1661. and provision is made against it by the Statute 14 Car. 2. cap. 4. Where it is declared to have been imposed on the Subjects of this Realm against the known Laws and Liberties of the same Covent or Convent Conventus Signifies the Society or Fraternity of an Abby or Priory as Societas does the number of Fellows in a College Bracton lib. 2. cap. 35. Coverture Fr. Any thing that covers as Apparel a Coverlet but it is particularly applied to the state and condition of a married Woman who by our Law is Sub potestate viri and therefore disabled to contract with any to the prejudice of her self or husband without his consent and privity or at least without his allowance and confirmation Broke hoc titulo Omnia quae sunt uxoris sunt ipsius viri Vir est caput mulieris Sine viro respondere non potest Bracton lib. 2. cap. 15. lib. 4. cap. 24. And if the husband alien the wifes Land during the Coverture she cannot gainsay it during his life See Cui ante divortium and Cui in vita Covine Covina Is a deceitful Compact or Agreement between two or more to prejudice a third person As if Tenant for Life conspires with another that this other shall recover the Land which the Tenant holds in prejudice of him in Reversion Plow Com. fol. 546. Count Fr. Conte Signifies the original Declaration in a Real Action as Declaration is in a personal Fitz. Nat. Br. fol. 26. Libellus with the Civilians comprehends both Yet Count and Declaration are sometimes confounded as Count in Debt Kitchin fol. 281. Count or Declaration in Appeal Pl. Cor. fol. 78. Count in Trespass Britton cap. 26. See Declaration Countée Fr. Comte A Comitando because they accompany the King Was next to the Duke the most eminent Dignity of a Subject before as well as since the Conquest and those who in ancient time were created Countees were Men of great Estate and Dignity For which cause the Law gives them great priviledges as their persons may not be arrested for Debt Trespass c. because the Law intends that they assist the King with their Council for the Publick Good and preserve the Realm by their Prowess and Valor they may not be put upon Juries If issue be taken whether the Plaintiff or Defendant be a Countee or not This shall not be tried by the Countrey but by the Kings Writ Also the Defendant shall not have a day of Grace against a Lord of the Parliament because it is intended he attends the Publick And of old the Countee was Praefectus or Praepositus Comitatus and had the charge and custody of the County whose Authority the Sheriff now hath Coke lib. 9. fol. 49. And is therefore called Viscount See Earl Countenance Seems to be used for credit or estimation Old Nat. Br. fol. 111. And likewise Anno 1 Edw. 3. Stat. 2. cap. 4. in these words Sheriffs shall charge the Kings debtors with as much as they may levy with their Oaths without abating the debtors Countenance See Contenement Counter from the Lat. Computare Is the name of two Prisons in London the Poultry Counter and Woodstreet Counter whereinto if any enter he is like to account ere he get thence Counter-mand Is where a thing formerly executed is afterward by some Act or Ceremony made void by the party that first did it As if a Man makes his last Will and devises his Land to I. S. and afterward enfeoffs another of the same Land here this Feoffment is a Countermand to the Will and the Will void as to the disposition of the Land Counter-plée Signifies a Replication to Ayde Prier For when Tenant by curtesie in Dower or other Real Action prays the View or Aid of the King or him in the Reversion for his better defence or else if a stranger to the Action begun desires to be received to say what he can for the safegard of his Estate that which the Demandant alleageth against this request why it should not be admitted is called a Counter-plee In which sence it is used 25 Edw. 3. Stat. 3. cap. 7. Counter-rols That Sheriffs shall have Counter-rols with the Coroners as well of Appeals as of Enquests c. Anno 3 Edw. 1. cap. 10. Countors Fr. Contours Have been taken for such Serjeants at Law as a Man retains to defend his cause or speak for him in any Court for their Fee Horns Mirror lib. 2. cap. des Loyers And of whom thus Chaucer A Sheriff had he béen and a Contour Was no where such a worthy Uavasour They were anciently called Serjeant-Countors-Coke on Littl. fol. 17. a. County Comitatus Signifies the same with Shire the one coming from the French the other from the Saxons both containing a circuit or portion of the Realm into which the whole Land is divided for the better Government of it and more easie Administration of Justice So that there is no part of this Nation that lies not within some County and every County is governed by a yearly Officer whom we call a Sheriff Fortescu cap. 24. Of these Counties there are four of special mark which therefore are termed Counties Palatines As Lancaster Chester Durham and Ely Anno 5 Eliz. cap. 23. we may read also of the County Palatine of Pembroke and of Hexam Anno 33 Hen. 8. cap. 10. which last did belong to the Archbishop of York This Act nor any thing therein contained shall not extend to the County Palatine of Hexam within the County of Northumberland ne to the County Palatine of Ely within the County of Cambridge c. But by the Stat. 14 Eliz cap.
15. this County Palatine of Hexham was stript of its Priviledge and reduced to be a part of the County of Northumberland The cheif Governors of these Counties Palatines by special Charter from the King did heretofore send out all Writs in their own names and did all things touching Justice as absolutely as the Prince himself in other Counties onely acknowledging him their Superior and Soveraign But by the Statute 27 Hen. 8. cap. 24. This power is much abridged to which I refer the Reader as also to Cromp. Jurisd fol. 137. and 4 Instit fol. 204 221. Besides these Counties of both sorts there are likewise unto some Cities some Territory or Lands or Jurisdiction annexed as the County of Middlesex by King Henry the First to the City of London The County of the City of York Anno 32 Hen. 8. cap. 13. Chester Anno 43 Eliz. cap. 15. Canterbury Lamb. Eiren. lib. 1. cap. 9. Norwich Worcester Coventry Exeter c. The County of the Town of Kingston upon Hull 32 Hen. 8. cap. 13. Newcastle upon Tine c. The County of the Town of Haverford West 35 Hen. 8. cap. 16. County is in another signification used for the County Court which the Sheriff keeps every Moneth either by himself or his Deputy Anno 2 Edw. 6. cap. 25. Cromp. Jur. fol. 221. Bracton lib. 3. cap. 7. and lib. 3. tract 2. cap. 12. The word Comitatus is also used for a Jurisdiction or Territory among the Feudists County Court Curia Comitatus Is by Lambert otherwise called Conventus and divided into two sorts one retaining the general name as the County Court held every Moneth by the Sheriff or his Deputy the Under-Sheriff The other called the Turn held twice every year of both which you may read in Cromp. Jurisd fol. 231. This County Court had in ancient times the cognition of great matters as may appear by Glanvile lib. 1. cap. 2 3 4. by Bracton and Britton in divers places and by Fleta lib. 2. cap. 62. but was abridged by Magna Charta cap. 17. and much by 1 Edw. 4. cap. unico It had also and hath the Determination of certain Trespasses and Debts under Forty shillings Britton cap. 27. 28. Counting-House of the Kings Houshold Domus Computus Hospitii Regis Commonly called the Green-Cloth in respect of the Green-cloth on the Table where sit the Lord Steward the Treasurer of the Kings House the Comptroller Master of the Houshold Cofferer and two Clerks Comptrollers for daily taking the Accompts of all Expences of the Houshold making provisions and ordering payment for the same for the good Government of the Kings Houshold Servants and for paying the Wages of those below Stairs Vide 39 Eliz. cap. 7. and 4 Inst fol. 131. Courratier Fr. A Horse-courser 2 Inst fol. 719. Coursitour See Cursiter Court Curia Signifies the Kings Palace or Mansion and more especially the place where Justice is judicially administred of which you may finde Thirty two several sorts in Cromptons Jurisdictions well described whereof most are Courts of Record some not and therefore are accounted Base Courts in comparison of the rest Besides these there are also Courts Christian Smith de Rep. Angl. lib. 3. cap. 6. which are so called because they handle matters especially appertaining to Christianity and such as without good knowledge in Divinity cannot be well judged of being held heretofore by Archbishops and Bishops as from the Pope because he challenged the superiority in all Causes Spiritual but since his ejection they hold them by the Kings Authority Virtute Magistratus sui as the Admiral of England doth his Court Whereupon they send out their Precepts in their own names and not in the Kings as the Justices of the Kings Courts do And therefore as the Appeal from these Courts did lie to Rome now by the Stat. 25 Hen. 8. cap. 19. it lies to the King in his Chancery Court Baron Curia Baronis Is a Court which every Lord of a Mannor who in ancient times were called Barons hath within his own Precincts Barons in other Nations have great Territories and Jurisdiction from their Soveraigns But here in England what they are and have been heretofore see in Baron Of this Court and Court Leet read Kitchin Sir Edward Coke lib. 4. among his Copihold Cases fol. 26. b. says That this Court is twofold after a sort and therefore if a Man having a Mannor grant the Inheritance of the Copiholders to another the Grantee may keep a Court for the Customary Tenants and accept Surrenders to the use of others and make both Admittances and Grants the other Court is of Freeholders which is properly called the Court Baron wherein the suters that is the Freeholders are Judges whereas of the other the Lord or his Steward is Judge Court of Py-powders See Py-Powders Court of Requests Curia Requisitionum Was a Court of Equity of the same nature with the Chancery but inferior to it principally instituted for the relief of such Petitioners as in conscionable Cases addressed themselves by Supplication to His Majesty Of this Court the Lord Privy Seal was chief Judge assisted by the Masters of Requests and had beginning about 9 Hen. 7. according to Sir Julius Caesars Tractate on this subject Mich. 40 41 Eliz. in the Court of Common Pleas it was adjudged upon solemn Argument That this Court of Requests or the Whitehal was no Court that had power of Judicature c. See 4 Part. Inst fol. 97. Court of the Legat Was a Court obtained by Cardinal Woolsey of Pope Leo the Tenth in the Ninth year of Henry the Eighth wherein he had power to prove Wills and dispence with Offences against the Spiritual Laws c. And was but of short continuance Court Christian Curia Christianitatis So called because as in the Secular Courts the Kings Laws do sway and decide Causes so in Ecclesiastical Courts the Laws of Christ should rule and direct for which Cause the Judges in those Courts are Divines as Archbishops Bishops Arch-Deacons c. Linwoods words are these In Curia Christianitatis i. Ecclesiae in qua servantur Leges Christi cum tamen in foro regio serventur Leges mundi 2 Part. Inst fol. 488. See before in Court Court of Delegates See Delegates Court of Chivalry Curia Militaris Otherwise called the Marshal Court the Judges of it are the Lord Constable of England and the Earl Marshal of England This Court is the Fountain of the Marshal Law and the Earl Marshal is both one of the Judges and to see execution done See Constable and 4 Part. Instit fol. 123. JEhan filz frere uncle au Roys Duc de Bedford d'Anjou Conte Richemond de Kendal Conestable d'Angleterre a nostre treschere Cousin Jehan Due de Norfolk Mareshal d'Angleterre salus Nous vous mandons chargeons qui vous facez arrestre venir devant nous ou nostre Lieutenant a Westminster a la Quinsiesm du Saint
Sciatis me dedisse Willielmo filio Radulphi de Filungele pro homagio servicio suo propter Duellum quod fecit pro me Duas virgatus terrae Sine Dat. M. S. penes Will. Dugdale Ar. Duke Lat. Dux Fr. Duc Signified among the ancient Romans Ductorem exercitus such as Led their Armies Since which they were called Duces to whom the King committed the Custody or Regiment of any Province In some Nations at this day the Soveraigns of the Country are called by this Name as Duke of Russia Duke of Savoy c. In England Duke is the next in Secular Dignity to the Prince of Wales And as Camden says Heretofore in the Saxons time were called Dukes without any addition being ineer Officers and Leaders of Armies After the Conqueror came in there were none of this Title till Edward the Thirds dayes who made Edward his Son Duke of Cornwal after which there were more made in such sort as their Titles descended to their Posterity They were created with Solemnity per cincturam gladii Cappaeque circuli aurei in Capite impositionem Vide Cam. Britan. p. 166. Zazium de feudis pa. 4. Num. 7. Cassan de Consuetud Burg. pa. 6 10. And Ferns Glory of generosity pa. 136. Dutchy-Court Is a Court wherein all matters appertaining to the Dutchy or County-Palatine of Lancaster are decided by the decree of the Chancelor of that Court the Original of it was in Henry the Fourths days who obtaining the Crown by Deposing Richard the Second and having the Dutchy of Lancaster by Descent in Right of his Mother was seized thereof as King and not as Duke So that all the Liberties Franchises and Jurisdictions of the said Dutchy passed from the King by his Great Seal and not by Livery or Atturnement as the Possessions of Everwick the Earldom of March and such others did which had descended to the King by other Ancestors then the Kings But at last Henry the Fourth by Authority of Parliament passed a Charter whereby the Posessions Liberties c. of the said Dutcky were sever'd from the Crown yet Henry the Seventh reduced it to its former nature as it was in Henry the Fifths days Crom. Jur. fol. 136. The Officers belonging to this Court are the Chancellour Atturney Receiver-General Clerk of the Court Messenger Besides which there are certain Assistants as one Atturney in the Exchequer one Atturney of the Dutchy in Chancery four Persons learned in the Law retained of Councel with the King in the said Court whereof Gwin in Preface to his Readings speaks thus It grew out of the grant of King Edward the Third who gave that Dutchy to his Son John of Gant and endowed it with such Royal Right as the County Palatine of Chester had And for as much as it was afterward extinct in the Person of King Henry the Fourth by reason of the Union of it with the Crown the same King suspecting himself to be more rightfully Duke of Lancaster then King of England determined to save his Right in the Dutchy whatever should befall the Kingdom and therefore he separated the Dutchy from the Crown and setled it so in the natural Persons of Himself and his Heires as if he had been no King or Politic Body at all In which condition it continued during the Reign of Henry the Fifth and Henry the Sixth that descended from him But when Henry the Fourth had by recovery of the Crown recontinued the Right of the House of York he feared not to appropriate that Dutchy to the Crown again yet so that he suffer'd the Court and Officers to remain as he found them In which manner it came together with the Crown to Henry the Seventh who liking well of Henry the Fourths Policy by whose Right also he obtained the Kingdom made a like separation of the Dutchy and so left it to His Posterity who still injoy it Cowel Dum fuit infra aetatem Is a Writ which lies for him who before he came to full age made a Feoffment of his Land to recover it again from the Vendee Fitz. Nat. Br. fol. 192. Dum non fuit compos mentis He who being not of found Memory and Aliens any Lands or Tenements may have this Writ against the Alience Fitz. Nat. Brev. fol. 202. Duplicat Is used by Crompton for a second Letters Patent granted by the Lord Chancellour in a Case wherein he had formerly done the same and was therefore thought void Crom. Jurisd fol. 215. Also a second Letter written and sent to the same party and purpose as a former for fear of a miscarriage of the first or for other reason is called a Duplicat The word is used 14 Car. 2. ca. 10. Duress Duritia Is where one is kept in Prison or restrained of his Liberty contrary to the Order of Law or threatned to be kill'd maym'd or beaten And if such person so in Prison or in fear of such Threats make any Specialty or Obligation by reason of such Imprisonment or Threats such Deed is void in Law and in an Action brought upon such Specialty the Party may Plead That it was made by Duresse and so avoid the Action Broke in his Abridgment joyneth Dures and Manasse together i. duritiam minas hardship and threatnings Dyke-reeve A Bailiff or Officer that has the care and over-sight of the Dykes and Draines in Deeping-Fens c. mentioned Anno 16 17 Car. 2. ca. 11. E. EAlderman or Ealdorman Aldermannus Among the Saxons was as much as Earl among the Danes Cam. Britan. pa. 107. Also an Elder Senator or States-Man and at this day we call them Aldermen who are Associates to the Chief Officer in the Common-Councel of a City or Borough-Town 24 H. 8. ca. 13. Sometimes the Chief Officer himself is so called See Alderman Earl Sax. Eorl Comes This Title in ancient times was given to those who were Affociates to the King in his Councels and Martial-Actions And the manner of their Investiture into that Dignity was Por cincturam gladio Comitatus without any Formal Charter of Creation See Mr. Dugdales Warwickshire fol. 302. But the Conquerour as Camden notes gave this Dignity in Fee to His Nobles annexing it to this or that County or Province and allotted them for their Maintenance a certain proportion of Money arising from the Princes Profits for the Pleadings and Forfeitures of the Provinces For example he brings an ancient Record in these words Henricus 2. Rex Angliae bis verbis Comitem creavit Sciatis nos fecisse Hugonem Bigot Comitem de Norf. c. de tertio denario de Norwic. Northfolk sicut aliquis Comes Angliae liberius Comitatum suum tenet About the Reign of King John and ever since our Kings have made Earles by their Charter of this or that County Province or City but of late giving them no Authority over the County nor any part of the Profits arising by it onely some Annual Fee out of the
of the Exchequer the meaning and etmology whereof will appear by what follows Md. quod Anno Dom. 1277 Anno Regni Regis Edwardi filii Regis Henrici quinto misit idem Rex per totam Angliam Ballivos inquirere sub juramento in secreto de universis terris Angliae per Johannem de Kirkby Thesaurarium suum quisquis teneret cujus feodi quantum cujus Regis tempore feoffati essent Ex Registro Glaston Caenobii penes Rad. Sheldon Ar. fo 71. b. Knave Sax. Cnawa Is used for a Man-servant Anno 14 Edw. 3. Stat. 1. ca. 3. It did anciently signifie a Child also a Minister or Servant Matth. 8. 6. Puer meus jacet in domo paralyticus was in the Saxon Translation turned myn knawa Hence seyld knawa pro Armigero quasi scuti famulus seu minister he that bore the Weapon or Shield of his Superior It was sometimes of old used as a titular addition Johannes filius Willielmi Couper de Denby Knave ad satisfaciendum Regi de omni eo quod ad Regem pertinet occasione cujusdam Utlagariae in ipsum in placito transgressionis ad sectam Regis promulgata Original de anno 22 Hen. 7. 36 Derby Knight Sax Cnyt Miles Chivalier or Eques auratus from his gilt Spurs usually worn and thence called anciently Knights of the Spur. Signifies one that bears Arms who for his vertue and Marshal prowess is by the King or one having his Authority exalted above the rank of Gentlemen to a higher account or step of dignity The manner of making them Cam. in his Britan. thus shortly expresseth Nostris vero temporibus qui Equestrem dignitatem suscipit flexis genibus leviter in humero percutitur Princeps his verbis Gallice affatur Sus vel sois Chevalier au nom de Dieu i. Surge aut fis Eques in nomine Dei This is meant of Knight-Bachelers which is the lowest but most ancient degree of Knighthood with us By the Stat. 1 Edw. 2. ca. 1. All Gentlemen having a full Knights Fee and holding their Land by Knights Service might be compelled by distress to procure himself to be made Knight when he came to Mans Estate But by the Statute 17 Car. 1. ca. 20. it is ordained that no man shall be compelled to take the Order of Knighthood c. The priviledge belonging to a Knight see in Ferns Glory of Generosity p. 116. Of Knights there are two sorts one Spiritual so called by Divine in regard of their Spiritual Warfare the other Temporal Cassanaeus de gloria mundi Part 9. Considerat 2. See Seldons Titles of Honor fo 770. Knights of the Garter Equites Garterii or Periscelidis Arc an Order of Knights created by Edward the Third after he had obtained many notable Victories who for furnishing this honorable Order made choice in his own Realm and all Christendom of 25 the most excellent and renowned persons for vertue and honour Himself and His Successors Kings of England were ordained to be the Soveraigns and the rest Fellowes and Brethren of this Order Smith de Repub. Angl. lib. 1. ca. 20. The Officers belonging to it are The Prelate of the Garter which is alwayes the Bishop of Winchester The Chancelor of the Garter the Register who is alwayes Dean of Windsor The Principal King at Armes called Garter whose chief function is to manage their Solemnities at their Feasts and Installations Lastly the Usher of the Garter being the Usher of the Black Rod. This most honourable Society is a Colledge or Corporation having a great Seal belonging to it See Garter Knights Baneret See Baneret John Coupeland for his valiant service against the Scots had the honour of Baneret conferred on him and his Heirs for ever by Patent 29 Edw. 3. part 1. m. 2. Knights of the Bath See the Antiquity and Ceremony of their Creation in Mr. Dugdales Description of Worcestershire fo 531 532. They are so called from their Bathing the night before their Creation Their place is before Knights Batchelors and after Baronets Knights of St. John of Hierusalem Milites Sancti Johannis Hierosol●mitani Had beginning about the year 1119. and denomination from John the charitable Patriarch of Alexandria though vowed to St. John Baptist their Patron They had their primary foundation and chief aboad first in Hierusalem and then in the Isle of Rhodes until they were expelled thence by the Turk Anno 1523. Since which time their chief Seat is in the Isle of Malta where they have done great Exploits against the Infidels especially in the year 1595 and are now called Knights of Malta They had one general Prior who had the Government of the whole Order within England and Scotland Reg. of Writs fol. 20. b. and was the first Prior of England and sate in the Lords House of Parliament Of these Knights mention is made in the Stat. 25 Hen. 8. ca. 2. 26 ejusdem ca. 2. But Anno 32 Hen. 8. ca. 24. They in England and Ireland being found overmuch to adhere to the Pope against the King were suppressed and their Lands and Goods referred by Parliament to the Kings disposition See Hospitalers Knights of Malta See Knights of St. Iohn Knights of Rhodes Anno 32 Hen. 8. ca. 24. See Knights of St. Iohn Knights of the Temple See Templers Knights of the Chamber Milites Camerae mention'd in 2 Inst fo 666. and in Rot. Pat. 29 Ed. 3. par 1. m. 29 seem to be such Knights Batchelers as are made in time of Peace because Knighted commonly in the Kings Chamber not in the Field as in time of War Knights of the Shire Milites Comitatus otherwise called Knights of Parliament are two Knights or Gentlemen of worth chosen upon the Kings Writ in pleno Comitatu by the Freeholders of every County that can dispend 40 s. per ann Anno 1 Hen. 5. ca. 1. and 10 Hen. 6. ca. 2. who are in Parliament to consult in behalf of the Commons of England touching the Publick Affairs of the Realm These when every man that had a Knights Fee was customarily constrained to be a Knight were of necessity to be milites gladio cincti for so runs the Writ at this day But now Custom admits Esquires to be chosen to this Office Quod milites Comitat. pro Parliamento extunc eligend sint milites notabiles de eisdem Com. pro quibus sic eligentur seu aliter notabiles Armigeri homines generosi de nativitate de eisdem Com. qui sint habiles existere milites quod nullus homo sit talis miles qui in gradu valetti inferiori existit prout in Statuto continetur viz. 23 H. 6. In breve de Sum. ad Parl. Claus 39 Hen 6. in dorso m. 41. For the choice of these Knights see the Statutes 7 Hen. 4. ca. 15. 23 Hen. 6. ca. 15. with others Their expences are to be born by the County 35 Hen. 8. ca. 11. though now a dayes that is for the
cap. 11. Lawn See Landa Layland Terra inculta novale Land that lies untilled Leap-year See Bissextile Lease from the Fr. Laisser i. Relinquere Permittere Is a Demise or Letting of Lands Tenements Right of Common Rent or any Hereditament to another for Term of Years or Life for a Rent Reserved If the Lease be written it is said to be an Indenture Deed Poll or Lease in writing if made by word of Mouth it is called a Lease Parol The Party that Lets this Lease is called the Leassor and he to whom it is made the Leassee A Lease hath in it six Points or Parts 1. Words importing a Demise 2. A Leassee named 3. A Commencement from a day certain 4. A Term of Years 5. A Determination 6. A Reservation of Rent Coke vol. 6. Knights Case fol. 55. Lecherwite alias Legerwite See Lairwite Leccator A Riotous debauched Person a Roaring Boy a Tavern-hunter Sciant quod ego Johannes Constabularius Cestriae dedi Hugoni de Dutton Haeredibus Magistratum omnium Leccatorum Meretricum totius Cestershiriae sicut liberiùs illum Magistratum teneo de Comite Salvo jure meo mihi haredibus meis Hiis testibus c. Sine dat circa Annum 1220. Lǽt Leta visus Franci-plegii Otherwise called a Law-daw This Court in whose Mannor soever kept is accounted the Kings Court because the Authority thereof is originally belonging to the Crown and thence derived to inferior persons and is a Court of Record It enquireth of all offences under High Treason though it cannot punish many but must certifie them to the Justices of Assize by Stat. 1 Edw. 3. cap. ult Of which see 4 Inst fol. 261. And the Stat. 8 Edw. 2. Haec est Curia prisca illa says Spelman quae inter Saxones ad Friborgos Decanias Tenmentalas pertinebat Leet comes from the Sax. Laet i. Censura arbitrium or from Laetan Censere aestimare Quòd in hac olim Curia de damnis aestimabatur inter vicinos emergentibus ut patet in LL. Edw. Conf. cap. 20. See the Antiquities of Warwickshire fol. 2. Legacy Legatum Is a particular thing given by a last Will and Testament and he to whom such Legacy is given is called a Legatee Legalis homo Is taken for him who stands Rectus in Curia not Outlawed nor Excommunicated nor Defamed and in his sence are those words so often used Probi et legales homines Hence Legality is taken for the condition of such a Man Ipse tamen malefactor tradat fidejussores de pace legalitate tuenda i. Sureties for his Good-behavior LL. Edw. Conf. cap. 18. See Yoman Legatarie Legatarius He or she to whom any thing is bequeathed a Legatée Spel. says it is sometimes used Pro Legato vel Nuncio Legatorie Anno 27 Eliz. cap. 16. The same with Legatary Legergild Legergildum The same with Lairwite But in the Laws of Hen. 1. cap. 12. it seems to have a different signification Si quis Dei fugitivum habet injustè reddat eum ad rectum persolvat ei cujus erit Regi emender secundum Legergildum Legespend See Lespegend Legitimation Legitimatio A making lawful or Legitimate Lent from the Sax. Lencten Faesten i. Jejunium vel tempus quadragesimale The Spring Fast A time of Fasting for forty days next before Easter mentioned in the Stat. 2 3 Edw. 6. cap. 19. And according to Sir Rich. Baker Chron. fol. 7. first commanded to be observed in England by Ercombert Seventh King of Kent before the year 800. Lep and Lace Leppe Lasse Is a Custom within the Mannor of Writtel in Com. Essex that every Cart that comes over a part thereof called Greenbury except it be the Cart of a Nobleman pays four pence to the Lord of the Mannor This Greenbury is conceived to have anciently been a Market place and therefore had this priviledge granted Tobias Edmonds Gen Senescal ibid. Leporarius A Grey-hound for the Hare Concedo eis duos Leporarios quatuor Bracatos ad leporem capiendum in Foresta nostra de Essexia Mon. Angl. 2 par fol. 283. a. Leproso amovendo Is a Writ that lies for a Parish to remove a Leper or Lazar that thrusts himself into the Company of his Neighbors either in Church or other Publick Meetings to their Annoyance Fitz. Nat. Br. fol. 234. Lespegend Sax. Les-thegen i. Barominor Sint sub quolibet horum quatuor ex mediocribus hominibus quos Angli Lespegend nuncupant Dani vero Yoong men vocant locati qui curam onus tum viridis tum veneris suscipiant Constitut Canuti Regis de Foresta Art 2. Lestage See Lastage Leth. See Lath. Letherwite 2 Inst fol. 488. This is doubtless there mistaken or false Printed for Lecherwite See Lairwite Letters Patent Literae Patentes Are Writings sealed with the Great Seal of England whereby a Man is enabled to do or enjoy that which otherwise of himself he could not Anno 19 Hen. 7. cap. 7. And they are so called because they are open ready to be shewed for confirmation of the Authority thereby given Letters Patent may be granted by common persons but they are rather called Patents yet for distinction the Kings Letters Patent are sometimes called Letters Patent Royal. Anno 2 Hen. 6. cap. 10. Letters Patent conclude with Teste me ipso c. Charters with Hiis testibus 2 Part Inst fol. 78. Letter of Atturney Litera Atturnati Is a writing authorising an Atturney that is a Man appointed to do a lawful act in our steeds West pa. 1. Symb. lib. 2. sect 559. As a Letter of Atturney to give Seisin of Lands thus anciently PAteat universis per presentes quod ego Johannes Gour Dominus de Peodelestone Attornavi loco meo dilectum mihi in Christo Johannem Hendyng ad ponendum William Nasche Rogerum Nasche in plena pacifica seisina in omnibus illis terris tenementis cum pertin suis quae quas habeo in Orleton prout in carta Feoffamenti dictis Will. Rogero inde confecta plenius continetur Ratum haben gratum quicquid dictus Iohannes nomine meo fecerit in praemissis In cujus c. dat 43 Ed. 3. Letters of Marq See Marq and Reprisals Levant and Couchant Is when Cattel have been so long in another Mans Ground that they have lain down and are risen again to seed in ancient Records Levantes cubantes See Falda Levari facias Is a Writ directed to the Sheriff for the levying a Summ of Money upon his Lands and Tenements who has forfeited a Recognizance Reg. of Writs fo 298. b. Levari facias damna de disseisitoribus Is a Writ directed to the Sheriff for the levying Dammages wherein the Disseisor has formerly been condemned to the Disseisee Reg. of Writs fo 214. b. Levari facias residuum debii Is a Writ directed to the Sheriff for the levying the remnant of a Debt upon Lands and Tenements or Chattels of the Debtor that has been in part
us and Wales or between us and Scotland Anno 24 Hen. 8. cap. 9. Which last are divided into West and Middle Marches Anno 4 Hen. 5. cap. 7. and 22 Edw. 4. cap. 8. The word is used in the Statute 24 Hen. 8. cap. 12. generally for the Precincts of the Kings Dominions and may be derived from the Sax. Meane i. Signum nota Character Marchers Were the Noblemen that lived on the Marches of Wales or Scotland who in times past according to Camden had their private Laws like Petty Kings which are now abolished by the Statute 27 Hen. 8. cap. 26. Of these Marchers you may read Anno 2 Hen. 4. cap. 18. 26 Hen. 8. cap. 6. and 1 Edw. 6. cap. 10. where they are called Lord Marchers See also 1 2 Ph. Ma. cap. 15. Marchet Marchetum Consuetudo pecuniaria in Mancipiorum filiabus maritandis Bract. lib. 2. tit 1. cap. 8. num 2. Merchetum vero pro filia dare non competit libero homini Extenta Manerii de Wivenho 18 Dec. 40 Edw. 3. alia 13 Edw. 3. Anno Dom. 1230. Rich. Burr tenet unum Mesuagium Et debet Tallagium Sectam Curiae Merchet hoc modo quod si maritare voluerit filiam suam cum quodam libero homine extra villam faciet pacem Domini pro maritagio si eam maritaverit alicui Custumario Villae nil dabit pro maritagio This Custom is in divers parts of England and Wales as also in Scotland and the Isle of Gernsey See Spelman at large on it Sir Edward Coke on Littl. fol. 140. says it is called Marchet as it were a Chete or Fine for Marriage By the Custom of the Mannor of Denever in the County of Carmarthen whereof Sir Edw. Rice is Lord every Tenant at the marriage of his Daughter pays x s. to the Lord which in the British Language is called Gwabr Merched i. A Maids Fee See Meiden Rents and Gwabr-merched Mareshal Marescallus from the Germ. Marschalk i. Equitum Magister With us there are divers Officers of this name the cheif is the Earl Marshal of England mentioned Anno 1 Hen. 4. cap. 7. and in divers other Statutes his Office consists especially in matters of War and Arms as well with us as in other Countreys as you may read in Lupanus de Magistratibus Franciae lib. 1. cap. Marcshallus The next is the Marshal of the Kings House whose special authority is according to Britton in the Kings place to hear and determine all Pleas of the Crown and Sutes between those of the Kings House and others within the Verge and to punish faults committed within the Verge c. Cromp. Jurisd fol. 102. Anno 18 Edw. 3. stat 2. cap. 7. and other Statutes See more of this Office in Fleta lib. 2. cap. 4. There are other Inferior Officers of this name as Marshal of the Justices in Eyr Anno 3 Edw. 1. cap. 19. Marshal of the Kings Bench Anno 5 Edw. 3. cap. 8. Who hath the custody of the Prison called the Kings Bench in Southwark I finde also in Fleta lib. 2. cap. 15. mention of a Marshal of the Kings Hall There is also a Marshal of the Exchequer Anno 51 Hen. 3. stat 5. to whom the Court commits the custody of the Kings Debtors for securing the Debts He also assigns Sheriffs Customers and Collectors their Auditors before whom they shall account Marshalsée Maresealtia Is the Court or Seat of the Marshal also used for the Prison in Southwark so called the reason whereof may be because the Marshal of the Kings House was wont perhaps to sit there in Judgment or keep His Prison See the Stat. 9 Rich. 2. cap. 5. And 2 Hen. 4. cap. 23. Mariage Maritagium Signifies not onely the lawful joyning of Man and Wife but also the interest of bestowing a Ward or a Widow in marriage Mag. Char. cap. 6. And it signifies Land given in marriage Bracton lib. 2. cap. 34. 39. See also Skene on the word Maritagium which according to Glanvil lib. 7. cap. 1. Is that portion which the Husband receives with his Wife See Dower Maritagio amisso per defaultam Is a Writ for the Tenant in Frank-marriage to recover Lands c. whereof he is deforced by another Reg. fol. 171. Maritagio forisfacto See Ferisfactura Maritagii Mark Merca from the Sax. Mearc i. Signum In ancient time I finde a Mark of Gold was eight ounces Stows Annals pag. 32. A Mark of Silver is now well known to be 13 s 4 d. Char. Reg. Joh. de dote B. Reginae quondam ux R. Ricardi Paten 3. Joh. m. 17. n. 31. Assignavimus ei pro dote sua mille marcas argenti annuatim 13 s 4 d. computatis pro Marca Marketzeld Recti●s Marketgeld Et valent per an le Streteward le Marketzeld xviii s ob in omni terra pertinente ad Honorem de Haulton Ex Cod. M. S. in Bibl. Cottoniana It signifies Toll of the Market The word Zold importing a payment I finde it elswhere written Markethgald Plac. apud Cestriam 31 Edw. 3. Mark-peny Was one peny paid at Maldon by those who had Pipes or Gutters laid or made out of their Houses into the Streets Hill 15 Edw. 1. Mr. Philips of Purveyance Market Marcatus Comes from the Fr. Marche i. Emporium forum nundinarum and signifies the same thing with us as also the Liberty or Priviledge whereby a Town is enabled to keep a Market Old Nat. Br. fol. 149. So Bracton uses it Lib. 2. cap. 24. num 6. lib. 4. cap. 46. where he shews that one Market ought to be distant from another Sex leucas dimidiam tertiam partem dimidiae By Stat. 27 Hen. 6. cap. 5. no Fair nor Market is to be kept upon any Sunday nor upon the Feasts of the Ascension of our Lord Corpus Christi the Assumption of our Blessed Lady All Saints nor Good Friday except for necessary victual and in the time of Harvest Marle Marla Is a kinde of Earth or Mineral which Men in divers parts of this Realm cast upon their Land to make it more fertile It is otherwise called Malin Anno 17 Edw. 4. cap. 4. Marlerium or Marletum A Marlepit Sciant quod ego Rogerus la Zouche dedi Henrico de Hugefort haeredibus suis c. Et quod habeant omnem libertatem liberam communiam in boscis in planis in viis in semitis in aquis in molendinis in bruariis in turbariis in quarrer in piscar in Marleriis in omnibus aliis locis aisiamentis ad praedictum Manerium de Tonge spectan Et quod capiant Marlam pro voluntate sua ad terram suam marlend Reddendo inde annuatim mihi haeredibus meis unum capellum Rosarum die Nativitatis S. Jo. Baptistae si in villa de Tonge fuerimus si non ponatur super imaginem Beatae Mariae in Ecclesia de Tonge pro omnibus servitiis Sine dat penes
Wil. Dugdale Arm. And in another Deed xx Acras terrae Marlatas Marled Lands Marque from the Sax. Mearc i. Signum Signifies in our ancient Statutes as much as Reprisals as Anno 4 Hen. 5. cap. 7. Marques and Reprisals are used as Synonima and Letters of Marque in the same signification See Reprisals Marquis or Marquess Marchio qui regionis limitem incolit Is a Title of Honor next before an Earl and next after a Duke Marchiones Walliae viz. Rogerus de Mortuo-mari Jacobus de Audeley Rogerius de Clifford Rogerius de Leyburn Hamo Extraneus ille de Turbervilla cum pluribus aliis qui de bello praedicto de Lewes nuper fugerunt c. Mat. Westm in Anno 1264. pag. 225. Marshal See Mareshal Martial Law Is the Law that depends upon the just and arbitrary power and pleasure of the King or His Lieutenant in time of Wars For though the King does not in time of Peace make any Laws but by consent of the Three Estates in Parliament yet in Wars by reason of the great dangers rising from small occasions he useth absolute power in so much as His word goes for Law Smith de Repub. Angl. lib. 2. cap. 3. See Law of Arms. Mast Glans Pessona Glandis nomine continentur glans castanea faginr ficus nuces alia quaeque quae edi pasci poterunt praeter herbam Bracton lib. 4. 226. See Pessona Master of the Rolls Magister Rotulorum Is an assistant to the Lord Chancellor of England in the High Court of Chancery and in his absence heareth Causes there and gives Orders Crompt Jur. fol. 41. His title in his Patent is Clericus parvae bagae Custos Rotulorum as also Domus Conversorum Because the place where the Rolls of Chancery are now kept was anciently the House for Habitation of those Jews who were converted to Christianity But his Office hath that title from the safe keeping of the Rolls of all Patents and Grants that pass the Great Seal and of all Records of the Court of Chancery c. He is called Clerk of the Rolls Anno 12 Rich. 2. cap. 2. And in Fortescu cap. 24. And no where Master of the Rolls until 11 Hen. 7. cap. 20. And yet cap. 25. Ejusdem he is also called Clerk In which respect Sir Tho. Smith lib. 2. cap. 10. says He may not unfitly be called Custos Archivorum He hath the bestowing of the Offices of the Six Clerks the Clerks of the Pettibag Examiners of the Court and the Clerks of the Chappel Anno 14 15 Hen. 8. cap. 1. See Roll. Master of the Mint Anno 2 Hen. 6. cap. 14. Is now called the Warden of the Mint whose Office is to receive the Silver of the Goldsmiths and to pay them for it and to oversee all the rest belonging to his Function Master of the Court of Wards and Liberies Was the cheif Officer of that Court named and assigned by the King to whose custody the Seal of the Court was committed c. Anno 33 Hen. 8. cap. 33. But this Court with the Officers and Appurtenances thereof is abolished by 12 Car. 2. cap. 24. Master of the Horse Is he that hath the Rule and Charge of the Kings Stable being an Office of high account and always bestowed upon some Nobleman of great merit and is mentioned Anno 39 Eliz. cap. 7. and 1 Edw 6. cap. 5. This Officer under the Emperors of Rome was called Comes sacri Stabuli Master of the Posts Was an Officer of the Kings Court who had the appointing placing and displacing of all such thorough England as provided Post-horses for the speedy passing of the Kings Messages Letters Pacquets and other business and is mentioned Anno 2 Edw. 6. cap. 3. But now by Statute 12 Car. 2. cap. 34. One General Letter Office or Post Office is setled in London the Master of which Office is appointed by the King by Letters Patent with Rates and Rules prescribed in the said Act for carrying Subjects Letters Master of the Armory Is he that hath the care and over-sight of His Majesties Armor and mentioned 39 Eliz. cap. 7. Master of the Jewel House Is an Officer in the Kings Houshold of great credit having charge of all Plate used for the King or Queens Table or any great Officer in Court and of all Plate remaining in the Tower of London of Chains and loose Jewels not fixed to any garment Anno 39 Eliz. cap. 7. Master of the Kings Houshold Magister Hospitii Regis Is otherwise called Grand Master of the Kings Houshold and is called Lord Steward of the Kings most Honorable Houshold Anno 32 Hen. 8. cap. 39. But Primo Mariae and ever since he is called Lord Steward of the Kings Houshold under whom there is a Principal Officer of the Houshold called the Master of the Houshold of great Authority as well as Antiquity Master of the Ordnance Anno 39 Eliz. cap. 7. Is a great Officer to whose care all the Kings Ordnance and Artillery is committed Masters of the Chancery Magistri Cancellariae Are assistants in the Chancery to the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper and Master of the Rolls Of these there are some Ordinary and some Extraordinary of Ordinary there are twelve whereof the Master of the Rolls is accompted one whereof some sit in Court every day throughout each Term and have referred to them at the Lord Chancellors or Master of the Rolls discretion the Interlocutory Reports for stating Accompts computing damages and the like taking of Oaths Affidavits and Acknowledgments of Deeds and Recognisances The Extraordinary do act in all the Countrey Ten Miles from London by taking Recognisances and Affidavits Acknowledgments of Deeds c. for the case of the Subject Master of the Kings Musters Is a Martial Officer in all Royal Armies most necessary as well for the maintaining the Forces compleat wel-armed and trained as also for prevention of such Frauds as otherwise may exceedingly waste the Princes Treasure and extreamly weaken the Forces c. mentioned 2 Edw. 6. cap. 2. And Muster-Master-General Anno 35 Eliz. cap. 4. Master of the Wardrobe Magister Garderobae Is a great Officer in Court having his habitation belonging to that Office called the Wardrobe near Puddle-Wharf in London He has the charge and custody of all former Kings and Queens ancient Robes remaining in the Tower and all Hangings Bedding c. for the Kings Houses He has also the charge and delivery out of all Velvet or Scarlet allowed for Liveries c. Of this Officer mention is made Anno 39 Eliz. ca. 7. Masura terrae Sunt in eisdem masuris 60 Domus plus quam ante fuerunt Domesday In Fr. Masure de terre is a quantity of ground containing about four Oxgangs Matter in Deed and matter of Record Differ thus according to Old Nat. Br. fo 19. The first seems to be nothing else but some truth or matter of Fact to be proved though not by
Spelman says Hoc minus congrue and deduces it from Pagella g in n transeunte sic veteres quidam mannificat pro magnificat A Schedule or Page as a Panel of Parchment or a Counterpane of an Indenture But it is used more particularly for a Schedule or Roll containing the names of such Jurors as the Sheriff returns to pass upon any Trial. Reg. of Writs fol. 223. a. Kitchin fol. 226. And the Empanelling a Jury is the entring their names by the Sheriff into a Panel or little Schedule of Parchment in Panello Assizae Anno 8 Hen. 6. cap. 12. Haud recte D. Coke in Gloss ad Littl. sect 234. who says Panel is an English word and signifies a little part for a Pane is a part and a Panel is a little part c. Thus Spelman on the word Panella Pannage or Pawnage Pannagium Fr. Panage Pasnage Signifies alimentum quod in Sylvis Colligunt pecora ab arboribus dilapsum as Mast of Beech Acorns c. Also the Money taken by the Agistors for the Food of Hogs with the Mast of the Kings Forest Cromp. Jurisd fol. 155. Westm 2. cap. 25. Pawnage says Manwood is most properly the Mast of the Woods or Hedg-rows or the Money due to the owner of the same for it And Linwood defines it thus Pannagium est pasius pecorum in nemoribus in sylvis utpote de glandibus aliis fructibus arborum sylvestrium quarum fructus aliter non solent colligi Tit. de Decimis Mentioned also Anno 20 Car. 2. cap. 3. Quisque Villanus habens 10 porcos eat unum porcum de Pasnagio Domesday tit Leominstre in heresscire This word in ancient Charters is thus variously written Pannagium Panagium Pasnagium Pathnagium Patnagium and Paunagium Pape Papa from the old Gr. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifying a Father Was anciently applied to some Clergy-men in the Greek Church but by usage is particularly appropriated in the Latin Church to the Bishop of Rome otherwise called the Pope A name very frequent in our ancient Year Books especially in the times of those Kings who too much abandoning their Imperial Authority suffered an Outlandish Bishop that dwelt One thousand miles off to take from them the disposition of many Spiritual Preferments sometimes by Lapse sometimes by Provision or otherwise For redress whereof divers Statutes were made whilest this Kingdom was of the Roman Communion but his whole power was not taken away here till towards the later end of Henry the Eighth's Reign Parage Paragium See Parcinerie Paramount Compounded of two French words Par i. per and monter ascendere Signifies the highest Lord of the Fee For there may be a Tenant to a Lord that holds over of another Lord the first is called Lord Mesn the second Paramount Fitz. Nat. Br. 135. M. Some hold that no Man can simply be Lord Paramount but onely the King for he is Patron Paramount to all the Benefices in England Doctor Student cap. 36. See Mesn Paraphanalia in the Civil Law Paraphernalia Are those Goods which a Wife besides her Dower or Joynture is after her Husbands death allowed to have as furniture for her Chamber wearing Apparel and Jewels if she be of quality Which are not to be put into her Husbands Inventary especially in the Province of York See Touchstone of Wills fol. 201. Parabail quasi per-availe Signifies the lowest Tenant or him that is immediate Tenant to the Land and he is called Tenant Paravail because it is presumed he hath prosit and avail by the Land 2 Inst fol. 296. See 9 Rep. Cony's Case Parcella terrae A parcel or small peece of Land Sciant quod ego Stephanus Wington de Bromyord Dedi Roberto de Donampton pro triginta solidis argenti unam parcellam terrae meae cum pertinen jacen in Bromyord c. Sine Dat. Parcel-maker Is an Officer in the Exchequer that makes the parcels of the Escheators accounts wherein the Escheators charge themselves with every thing they have levied for the Kings use since they came in Office and deliver the same to one of the Auditors of the Court to make up the Escheators account therewith See Practice of the Exchequer pag. 99. Parceners quasi Parcellers i. Rom in Parcellas dividens See Coparceners Parcinerie Participatio from the Fr. Partir i. Dividuum facere Signifies a holding of Land Pro indiviso or by Joyntenants otherwise called Coparceners For if they refuse to divide their common inheritance and chuse rather to hold it joyntly they are said to hold in Parcinery Littl. fol. 56 57. In Domesday it is thus said Duo fratres tenuerunt in Paragio quisque habuit aulam suam potuerint ire quo voluerint Pardon Fr. Is most commonly used for the remitting or forgiving a Felonious or other offence committed against the King and is twofold one Ex gratia Regis the other Per cours de ley Stamf. Pl. Cor. fol. 47. The first is that which the King in some special regard of the person or other circumstance gives by his absolute Prerogative or Power The other is that which the King granteth as the Law and Equity perswades for a light offence as Homicide casual when one kills a Man having no such intent See New book of Entries verbo Pardon Park Parcus Fr. Parc. Is a quantity of ground enclosed and stored with wild beasts tam sylvestres quam campestres which a man may have by prescription or the Kings Grant Crom. Juris fo 148. A Park differs from a Chase or a Warren for a Park must be enclosed if it lie open it is a good cause of seisure of it into the Kings hands as a free Chase may be if it be enclosed and the owner cannot have an Action against such as hunt in his Park if it lie open See Forest Guliel Conq. liberam fecit Ecclesiam de Bello de opere Parcorum Spel. vide 13 Car. 2. ca. 10. Parco fracto Is a Writ that lies against him who violently breaks a Pound and takes out Beasts thence which for some trespass done were lawfully impounded Reg. of Writs fo 166. and Fitz. Nat. Br. fo 100. Park-bote Is to be quit of enclosing a Park or any part thereof 4 Inst fo 308. Parish Parochia Signifies the precinct or territory of a Parish-Church and the particular charge of a secular-Priest For every Church is either Cathedral Conventual or Parochial Cathedral is where there is a Bishop seated so called a Cathedra Conventual consists of Regular Clerks professing some Order of Religion or of Dean and Chapter or other Society of Spiritual men Parochial is that which is instituted for the saying of Divine-Service and Ministring the Holy-Sacraments to the People dwelling within the Parish or a certain compass of ground and certain Inhabitants belonging to it Our Realm was first divided into Parishes by Honorius Arch-bishop of Canterbury in the year of our Lord 63● Cam. Brit. pa. 160. who reckons 9284
of use Parvise See Pervise Parvo nocumento Is a Writ See Nusance Paschal Rents Are rents or yearly tributes paid by the inferior Clergy to the Bishop or Arch-Deacon at their Easter-Visitation called also Synodals which vide Passage Passagium Is a French word signifying transitum meatum In the Statutes 4 Edw. 3. ca. 7. and Westm 2. ca. 25. It signifies the hire that a man pays for being transported over-Sea or over any River Charta Hen. 1. de libertat London Et omnes res corum per totam Angliam per portus maris de Theolonio Passagio Lastagio omnibus aliis consuetudinibus Per Passagium clamat esse quiet de omnibus passagiis in Com. Cestriae Flint pro omnibus carectis cariag equis servientibus summagiis suis oneratis Pl. in Itin. apud Cestriam 14 Hen. 7. Pascua See Pasture Pascuage Pascuagium Fr. Pascage Grasing Feeding or Pasturing of Cattel Et habere viginti porcos quietus de pascuagio fualium ad panem suum ad cibos coquendos c. Carta Ric. de Muntfichet Priorat● de Tremhale in Mon. Angl. 2 par fo 23. 2. Also the same with Pannage Passagio Is a Writ directed to the Keepers of the Ports to permit a man to pass over Sea who has the Kings Licence Reg. of Writs fo 193. b. Passe-port compounded of two French words Passer i. Transire Port i. Portus Signifies a Licence granted by any person in Authority for the safe passage of any Man from one place to another Anno 2 Ed. 6. ca. 2 Pasture Pastura Differunt Pascua Pastura nam Pastura omne genus pascendi significat sive fiat in pratis sive in stipula sive in agris sive in campis sed pascua est locus principaliter deputatus pecoribus pascendis ut puta in montibus moris mariscis planis non cultis nec aratis Lindewode lib. 3. Provin Angl. tit de Decimis cap. 1. Quoniam Patents Literae patentes Differ from Writs Crom. Jur. fo 126. The Coroner is made by Writ not by Patent See Letters Patent in the Table of the Register where you shall find the form of divers Patentee Is he to whom the King grants his Letters-Patent Anno 7 Ed. 6. ca. 3. Patria Pro Compagensibus Sic in Legum formulis ubi dicitur inquiratur per Patriam Et Assisa vel recognitio per Assisam idem est quod recognitio Patriae See Bona patria Patron Patronus Both in the Canon and Common Law signifies him that has the gift of a Benefice because the gift of Churches and Benefices originally belonged to such good men as either built them or endowed them with some great part of their revenue Patroni in Jure Pontificio dicuntur qui alicujus Ecclesiae extruendae aut alterius cujuscunque fundationis Ecclesiasticae Authores fuerunt ideoque praesentandi offerendi Clericum jus habent quem Ecclesiae vacanti praeesse in ea collatis redditibus frui velint c. Corasius in Paraphr ad Sacerdot Materiam Par. 1. cap. 2. Par. 4. cap. 6. Patron in the Civil Law is used for him that hath manumitted a servant and with the Feudists it is used pro authore feudi Hottoman verbo Patronus Paviage Rot. Pat. 10 Edw. 3. m. 32. Money paid towards the Paving of Streets or High-ways Pawnage See Pannage Pax Dei See Peace of God Pax Ecclesiae Dicitur cum salva sunt Ecclesiae omnia Privilegia immunitates servi famuli ministri c. Vide LL. Edw. Confess cap. 8. Pax Regis The Kings Peace Nam longe dehet esse Pax Regis a parte sua ubi residens fuerit a quatuor partibus loci illius hoc est quatuor miliaria tres quarentenae novem acrae latitudine novem pedes novem palmae novem grana hordei Multus c. LL. Edw. Confess cap. 12. LL. Hen. 1. See Peace of the King Peace Pax In the general signification is opposite to War or Strife but particularly with us it signifies a quiet and inoffensive carriage or behavior towards the King and His people Lamb. Eiren. lib. 1. cap. 2. pag. 7. Where any Man goes in danger of harm from another and makes oath of it before a Justice of Peace he must be secured by good Bond which is called Binding to the Peace See Cromptons Just of Peace fol. 118. usque 129. And see Frank-pledge and Conservator of the Peace Time of Peace is when the Courts of Justice are open and the Judges and Ministers of the same may by Law protect Men from wrong and violence and distribute Justice to all Coke on Littl. fol. 249. b. Peace of God and the Church Pax Dei Ecclesiae Was anciently used for that rest and cessation which the Kings Subjects had from trouble and sute of Law between the Terms See Vacation Pax Dei Tempus dicitur cultui divino adhibitum eaque appellatione omnes Dies Dominici festa Vigiliae censentur Spel. Peace of the King Pax Regis Anno 6 Rich. 2. stat 1. cap. 17. Is that Peace and Security both for Life and Goods which the King promiseth to all His Subjects or others taken to his Protection See Suit of the Kings Peace There is also the Peace of the Church for which see Sanctuary and the Peace of the Kings High-way which is the immunity that the Kings High-way hath from annoyance or molestation See Watling-street The Peace of the Plough whereby the Plough and Plough-Cattle are secured from Distresses for which see Fitz. Nat. Br. fol. 90. So Fairs may be said to have their Peace because no Man may in them be troubled for any Debt elswhere contracted Pectorel 14 Car. 2. cap. 3. Armor for the Brest a Brest-plate or Petrel from the Lat. Pectus a Brest Peculiar Fr. Peculier i. private proper ones own Is a particular Parish or Church that hath jurisdiction within it self for Probat of Wills c. exempt from the Ordinary and Bishops Courts The Kings Chappel is a Regal Peculiar exempt from all Spiritual Jurisdiction and reserved to the Visitation and immediate Government of the King himself who is supream Ordinary It is an ancient Priviledge of the See of Canterbury that wheresoever any Mannors or Advowsons do belong to it they forthwith become exempt from the Ordinary and are reputed Peculiars and of the Diocess of Canterbury Pecunia was anciently used for Cattle and sometime for other Goods as well as Money Interdicimus etiam ut nulla viva Pecunia vendantur aut emantur nisi infra civitates hoc ante tres fide les testes Emendat Wil. 1. ad Leges Edw. Confess Qui habuerit 30 denariatus vivae Pecuniae And in Domesday Pecunia is often used pro Pecude Pedage Pedagium Pedaticum Signifies Money given for the passing by Foot or Horse through any Countrey Pupilla Oculi parte 9. cap. 7. Pedagium a
quando aliquod super Dominum Regem injuste occupatur ut in Dominicis Regis vel in viis publicis obstructis vel in aquis publicis transversis a recto cursu vel quando aliquis in civitate super regiam plateam aliquid aedificando occupaverit generaliter quoties aliquid fit ad nocumentum Regii Tenementi vel Regii viae vel Civitatis And by Crompton in his Juris fol. 152. thus Pourpresture is properly when a Man takes to himself or encroaches any thing which he ought not whether it be in any Jurisdiction Land or Franchise and generally when any thing is done to the Nusance of the Kings Tenants See Kitchin fol. 10. And Manwood par 1. pag. 269. Par. 2. cap. 10. Some Authors make three sorts of this offence one against the King the second against the Lord of the Fee the third against a Neighbor by a Neighbor● See 2 Inst fol. 38. 272. Pour seis●r terres la femme que tient en Dower c. Was a Writ whereby the King seised the Land which the Wife of his Tenant in Capite deceased had for her Dowry if she married without his leave and was grounded on the Statute of the Kings Prerogative cap. 3. See Fitz. Nat. Br. fol. 174. Poursuivant from the Fr. Poursuivre i. Agere persequi Signifies the Messenger of the King attending upon Him in Wars or at the Council Table or Exchequer or in His Court or at His Chamber to be sent upon any occasion or message as for the apprehension of a party accused or suspected of any offence Those that are used in Marshal Causes are called Pursuivants at Arms whereof there are four of special names which see in the word Herald Stow speaking of Richard the Third his end hath these words pag. 784. His Body was naked to the Skin not so much as one Clout about him and was trussed behinde a Pursuivant at Arms like a Hog or a Calf c. Pourveyor Provisor from the Fr. Pourvoire Providere Prospicere Signifies an Officer of the King or Queen that provides Corn and other Victual for their House Mentioned in Magna Charta cap. 22. and other Statutes but the Office is restrained by Stat. 12. Car. 2. cap. 24. See Pourveyance and Achat Pourveyance Fr. Pourvoyance Is the providing Corn Fuel Victual and other necessaries for the Kings House By Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 24. it is provided That no person or persons vp any Warrant Commission or Authority under the Great Seal or otherwise by colour of buying or making provision or Purveyance for His Majesty or any Quéen of England for the time being or that shall be or for His their or any of their Houshold shall take any Timber Fuel Cattle Corn Grain Malt Hay Straw Uictual Cart Carriage or other thing whatsoever of any the Subjects of His Majesty His Heirs or Successors without the full and frée consent of the owner or owners thereof had and obtained without Menace or Enforcement c. See The Antiquity of Praeemption and Pourueyance c. And 3 Inst fol. 82. Power of the County Posse Comitatus According to Lambert in his Eiren. lib. 3. cap. 1. fol. 309. co 〈…〉 in s the Aid and Attendance of all Knights Gentlemen Yeomen Laborers Servants Apprentises and Villains and of other young Men above the age of fifteen within the County because all of that age are bound to have Harness by the Statute of Winchester But Women Ecclesiastical Persons and such as are decrepit or labor with any continual infirmity shall not be compelled to attend For the Stat. 2 Hen. 5. cap. 8. says That persons able to travel shall be assistant in this service which is used where a Possession is kept upon a forcible Entry or any force or rescue used contrary to the Command of the Kings Writ or in opposition to the execution of Justice Powldavis See Poledavis Poynings Law Is an Act of Parliament made in Ireland by Henry the Seventh and so called because Sir Edward Poynings was Lieutenant there when it was made whereby all the Statutes in England were made of force in Ireland which before that time were not neither are a●y now in force there which were made in England since that time See Cokes 12 Rep. fol. 109. Hill 10 Jac. Pray in Ayd See Ayd Pratum falcabile A Meadow or Mowingground Jur. dicunt quod praedicta placea a tempore quo Fuit Pratum falcabile usque ad praedictum annum quod praedictus W. illud aravit Trin. 18 Edw. 1. in Banco Rot. 50. Prebend Praebenda Is the Portion which every Member or Canon of a Cathedral Church receives in right of his place for his maintenance Canonica Portio is properly used for that share which every Canon or Prebendary receives yearly out of the common stock of the Church and Praebenda is a several Benefice rising from some Temporal Land or Church appropriated towards the maintenance of a Clerk or Member of a Collegiat Church as the Prebends of Keyton and Coupes at Maldon and is commonly sirnamed of the place whence the profit arises Prebends are either Simple or with Dignity Simple Prebends are those that have no more but the Revenue towards their maintenance Prebends with Dignity are such as have some Jurisdiction annexed to them according to the divers Orders in every several Church Of this see more in the Decretals tit De Praebendis Dignitat Praebenda Was also in old Deeds used for Provender See Corody Prebendary Praebendarius Is he that hath such a Prebend so called a Praebendo auxilium consilium Episcopo Precariae Days works which the Tenants of some Mannors are bound to give the Lord in Harvest which in some places are corruptly called Bind days for Biden days from the Sax. Bidan to pray or intreat Baldwinus una bovata pro ii s. Dimd ii Gallinas xx Ova iv Precarias in Autumpno cum uno homine bis arare bis herciare semel falcare semel foenum levare c. Mon Angl. 2 par fol. 539. a. See Bederepe Prece partium Is when a Sute is continued by the Prayer Assent or Agreement of both Parties Anno 13 Edw. 1. cap. 27. Precept Praeceptum Is commonly taken for a Commandment in Writing sent out by a Justice of Peace or other-like Officer for the bringing a Person or Records before him of which you have example of divers in the Table of the Register Judicial And sometimes for the command or provocation whereby one Man incites another to commit Felony Theft or Murder Stamf. Pl. Cor. fol. 105. Bracton lib. 3. tract 2. cap. 19. calls it Praeceptum or Mandatum whence we may observe three diversities of offending in Murder Praeceptum Fortia Consilium Praeceptum being the instigation used before hand Fortia the Assistance in the Fact as helping to binde the party murdered or robbed Consilium advise either before or in the Deed. Praceptories Praeceptoriae Anno
32 Hen. 8. cap. 24. Were Benefices in a kinde and so termed because they were possessed by the more eminent sort of the Templers whom the cheif Master by his Authority created and called Praeceptores Templi Stephens de Jurisd lib. 4. cap. 10. num 27. Of these Praeceptories I finde sixteen recorded as anciently belonging to the Hospitalers and Templers in England viz. Cressing-Temple Balshal Shengay Newland Yeveley Witham Temple-bruere Willinghton Rotheley Ovenington Temple-Combe Trebigh Ribstane Mount S. John Temple-Newsum and Temple-burst Mon. Angl. 2 par fol. 543. Praecipe quod reddat Is a Writ of great Diversity both in its form and use for which see Ingressus and Entry This Form is extended as well to a Writ of Right as to other Writs of Entry or Possession Old Nat. Br. fol. 13. And Fitz. Nat. Br. fol. 5. And it is sometime called A Writ of Right Close when it issues out of the Court of Chancery Close sometimes A Writ of Right Patent As when it issues out of the Chancery Patent and open to any Lords Court for any of his Tenants deforced against the Deforcer and must be determined there Of which read more at large in Fitz. Nat. Br. ca. 1. Pracipe in Capite Magna Charta ca. 24. Was a Writ issuing out of the Court of Chancery for a Tenant holding of the King in Cheif as of his Crown and not of the King as of any Honor Castle or Mannor Reg. of Writs fol. 4. b. Precontract Anno 2 3 Edw. 6. ca. 23. Is a Contract made before another Contract cheifly in Relation to Marriages Predial Tithes Decimae Praediales Are those which are paid of things arising and growing from the Ground onely as Corn Hay Fruits of Trees and such like Anno 2 Edw. 6. cap. 13. See Cokes 2 Instit fol. 649. Preemption Praeemptio Was a Priviledge allowed the Kings Purveyor to have the choice and first-buying of Corn and other Provision before others for the Kings House which is taken away by Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 24. Prelate Praelatus We commonly understand to be an Archbishop or Bishop But thus says the Learned Spelman Praelati Ecclesiae vocantur nedum Superiores ut Episcopi sed etiam Inferiores ut Archidiaconi Presbyteri Plebani Rectores Ecclesiarum Sic enim in Bulla Privileg apud Mat. Par. in Hen. 3. sub An. 1246. Innocentius c. Universis tam Cathedralium quam aliorum Praelatis nec non Patronis Ecclesiarum Clericis laicis per Regnum Angliae constitutis salutem c. Pag. 476. Premisses See Habendum Premium Praemium A Reward or Recompence Among Merchants it is used for that sum of Money as Eight or ten per Cent. which the Ensured gives the Ensurer for ensuring the safe return of any Ship or Merchandise Anno 19 Car. 2. cap. 1. Praemunire Is taken either for a Writ so called or for the offence whereupon the Writ is granted the one may be understood by the other Heretofore the Church of Rome under pretence of her Supremacy and the Dignity of S. Peters Chair took upon her to bestow most of the Bishopricks Abbathies and other Ecclesiastical Livings of worth here in England by Mandates before they were void pretending therein a great care to see the Church provided of a Successor before it needed Whence it arose that these Mandates or Bulls were called Gratiae Expectativae or Provisiones whereof you may read a learned Discourse in Duarenus de Beneficiis lib. 3. cap. 1. These Provisions were so ri●e with us that at last King Edward the Third not disgesting so intollerable an Encroachment made a Statute in the Twenty fifth year of His Reign Stat. 5. cap. 22. and another Stat. 6. cap. 1. and a third Anno 27. against those that drew the Kings people out of the Realm to answer things belonging to the Kings Court and another Anno 28 Stat. 2. cap. 1 2. 3 4. whereby he greatly restrained this liberty of the Pope who notwithstanding still adventured to continue the Provisions in so much as King Richard the Second likewise made a Statute against them Anno 12. cap. 15. And in the Thirteenth year of His Reign cap. 2. making mention of the said first Statute of Edward the Third ratifying the same and appointing the punishment of those that offended against it to be Perpetual banishment Forfeiture of their Lands Tenements Goods and Chattels c. And again in the Sixteenth year of His Reign cap. 5. to meet more fully with all the shifts invented to avoid the former Statutes he expressed the offence more particularly and sets the same punishment to it that he ordained in the last mentioned Statute After him King Henry the Fourth in like manner aggrieved at other abuses not fully met with in the former Statutes in the second year of His Reign cap. 3. 4. adds certain new Cases and lays upon the Offenders in them the same punishment whereto I refer you as likewise to Anno 9 Ejusdem cap. 8. and 3 Hen. 5. cap. 4. and Smith de Repub. Angl. lib. 3. cap. 9. Some later Statutes do cast this punishment upon other Offenders as namely the Statute of 1 Eliz. cap. 1. upon him that denies the Kings Supremacy the second time and the Stat. 13 Eliz. cap. 2. upon him that affirms the Authority of the Pope or refuseth to take the Oath of Supremacy and the Stat. 13 Eliz. cap. 1. upon such as are Seditious talkers of the inheritance of the Crown or affirm the Queen to be an Heretick And the Stat. 13 Car. 2. cap. 1. upon such as affirm the Parliament begun at Westminster 3 Nov. 1640. is not yet dissolved or that there is any obligation by any Oath Covenant or Engagement whatsoever to endeavor a change of Government either in Church or State or that both or either House of Parliament have or hath a Legislative Power without the King And the word is applied most commonly to the punishment first ordained by the Statutes before mentioned for such as transgressed them For where it is said that any Man for an offence committed shall incur a Praemunire it is meant That he shall incur the same punishment as is inflicted on those that transgress the Stat. 16 Rich. 2. cap. 5. commonly called the Statute of Praemunire which kinde of Reference or Application is not unusual in our Statutes As to the Etymology of the word some think it proceeds from the strength given to the Crown by the former Statutes against the usurpation of forein power which opinion may receive some ground from the Stat. 25 Edw. 3. stat 6. cap. 1. But others think it grows from the Verb Praemonere being barbarously turned into Praemunire to forewarn or bid the offender take keed or from the severity or grievousness of the Punishment Of which a Reason may be gathered from the Form of the Writ in Old Nat. Br. fol. 143. Praemunire facias praefatum praepositum J. R. procuratorem
fol. 78. and Brook tit Severance Summons fol. 238. There is also Severance of the Tenants in an Assise when one two or more Disseisors appear upon the Writ and not the other New Book of Entries fol. 81. And Severance in Attaints eodem fol. 95. And Severance in Debt fol. 220. where two Executors are named Plaintiffs and the one refuseth to prosecute Severance of Corn is the cutting and carrying it from off the Ground and sometimes the setting out the Tythe from the rest of the Corn is called Severance See Crokes Rep. 2 Part fol. 325. Several Tayl Tallium Separatum Is that whereby Land is given and entailed severally to two For example Land is given to two Men and their Wives and to the Heirs of their Bodies begotten the Donees have joynt-estate for their two lives yet they have several inheritance because the issue of the one shall have his moyety and the issue of the other the other moyety Several Tenancy Tenura Separalis Is a Plea or Exception to a Writ that is laid against two as Joynt who are indeed several Brook hoc tit fol. 273. Sewer Severa Sewera Est fossa in locis palustribus ducta ad aquas eliciendas c. A Passage or Gutter to carry Water into the Sea or a River Anno 6 Hen. 6. cap. 5. and 12 Car. 2. cap. 6. And Commissioners of Sewers are such as by authority under the Great Seal see Drains and Ditches well kept and maintained in the Marish and Fen Countreys for the better conveyance of the Water into the Sea and preserving the Grass upon the Land for Food of Cattle See the Statutes 15 Car. 2. cap. 17. and 17 Ejusdem cap. 11. Touching the Draining the Great Level in the Fens called Bedford Level and the authority of the Governor Bailiff c. As Commissioners of Sewers Sextary Sextarius Was an ancient Measure containing about our pint and a half according to the Latin Dictionary the City now Town of Leicester paid inter al. to the King yearly Twenty five Measures called Sextaries of Honey as we read in Domesday And in Claus 4 Edw. 3. m. 26. we finde mention of Tresdecem Sextarios Vini Et unum Sextrium Salis apud Wainflet Mon. Angl. 2 par fol. 849. b. Decem Mittas brasii quatuor Sextarios Avenae ad praebendam Idem 1 par fol. 136. b. Where it seems to have been used for a much greater quantity A Sextary of Ale contained xvi Lagenas See Tolsester Sexagesima See Septuagesima Shack Is a Custom in Norfolk to have Common for Hogs from the end of Harvest till Seed time in all Mens Grounds without control Cokes 7 Rep. fol. 5. Corbets Case And in that County To go at Shack is as much as to go at large Shares See Flotzon Sharping Corn Is a Customary gift of Corn which at every Christmas the Farmers in some parts of England give to their Smith for sharping their Plough Irons Harrow times and such like and exceeds not half a Bushel for a Plough-Land Sherbet Anno 15 Car. 2. cap. 11. Is a Compound Drink lately introduced in England from Turky and Persia and is made of Juyce of Lemmons Sugar and other ingredients Another sort of it is made of Violets Honey Juyce of Raisins c. Sherbert in the Persian Tongue signifies pleasant Liquor Shermans Craft Is a Craft or Occupation at Norwich the Artificers whereof do Shear as well Worsteads Stamins and Fustians as all other Woollen Cloth and mentioned Anno 19 Hen. 7. cap. 17. Shewing Is to be quit of Attachments in any Court and before whomsoever in Plaints shewed and not avowed Terms Ley. See Scavage Shilling Sax. scilling Among our English Saxons consisted but of Five pence Si in capillis sit vulnus longitudinis unius Unciae V. denariis i. uno solido componatur LL. H. 1. c. 39. Ship-money Was an Imposition charged upon the Ports Towns Cities Boroughs and Counties of this Realm in the time of King Charles the First by Writs commonly called Ship-writs under the Great Seal of England in the years 1635. and 1636. for the providing and furnishing certain Ships for the Kings service c. which by Stat. 17 Car. 1. cap. 14. was declared to be contrary to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm the Petition of Right Liberty of the Subjects c. Shipper Anno 1 Jac. sess 1. cap. 33. Is a Dutch word signifying the Master of a Ship We corrupt it into Skipper and use it for any Common Seaman Shire Comitatus From the Saxon Scir or Scyre i. To part or divide Is well known to be a part or portion of this Land called also a County Who first divided this Land into Shires see in Camd. Britan pag. 102. Of which there are in England Forty and in Wales Twelve In privilegiorum Chartis ubi conceditur quietum esse a Shiris intelligendum est de immunitate qua quis eximitur a Secta vel clientela Curiis Vicecomitum quas etiam Shiras ●●cant prestanda vel perficienda Spel. The Assises of the Shire or the Assembly of the people of a County was called dcir-gemot by the Saxons Shirif or Shiref Vicecomes quasi Shire-reve Sax. scire-gerefa i. Pogi vel Comitatus Praepositus the Cheif Offic●● under the King of a Shire or County Camden in his Britan. pag. 104. thus describes his Office SIngulis vero annis Nobilis aliquis ex incolis praeficitur quem Vicecomitem quasi Vicarium Comitis nostra lingua Shyref i. Comitatus Praepositum vocamus Qui etiam Comitatus vel Provinciae Quastor recte dici potest Ejus enim est publicas pecunias Provinciae suae conquirere mulctas irrogatas vel pignoribus ablatis colligere aerario inferre Judicibus praesto adesse eorum mandata exequi duodecim viros cogere qui in causis de facto cognoscunt ad Judices referunt Judices enim apud nos Juris solum non facti sunt Judices condemnatos ad supplicium ducere in minoribus litibus cognoscere in majoribus autem jus dicunt Justiciarii quos Itinerantes ad Assisas vocant qui quot annis hos Comitatus bis adeunt ut de Causis cognoscant Carceratis Sententiam ferant Henricus secundus hos Itinerantes instituit vel potius restituit Ille ut inquit Matth. Paris consilio filii sui Episcoporum constituit Justiciarios per sex partes Regni in qualibet parte tres qui jurarent quod cuilibet jus suum conservarent illaesum Of the Antiquity and Authority of this Officer read Cokes Rep. lib. 4. Mittons Case and Spelmans Glossarium verbo Vicecomes The Shirif was anciently chosen in the County Court by the Suffrages of the People as Knights of Parliament yet are but is now nominated by the the King See Fortescu cap. 24. fol. 53. Vicecomes dicitur quod Vicem Comitis supplet in placitis illis quibus Comes ex suae dignitatis ratione participat cum
of a Toft Toftmanni similiter operabantur a Sancto Michaele usque ad autumpnum in autumno per 6 hebdomadas unaquaque hebdomade per 2 dies c. Pri. Lew. pag. 18. See Molman Tol Tollere As it is a Verb signifies to defeat or take away Anno 8 Hen. 6. cap. 9. As to Tol the Entry i. To take away the right of Entry Toll Tolnetum vel Theolonium Is a Saxon word and hath two significations First It is used for a liberty to buy and sell within the Precincts of a Mannor Secondly For a Tribute or Custom paid for Passage Buying Selling c. Bracton lib. 2. cap. 24. num 3. interprets it to be a Liberty as well to take as to be Free from Toll for they who are enfeoffed with Toll are Custom-free says Skene Toll hoc est quod vos homines vestri de toto Homagio vestro sint quieti de omnibus mercatis de Tolneto de omnibus rebus emptis venditis Of this freedom from Toll the City of Coventry boasts of an ancient Charter granted by Leosric or Luriche Merciorum Comes who at the importunity of Godeva his vertuous Lady granted this Freedom to that City and in Richard the Seconds time according to Mr. Dugdale in his Description of Warwickshire the Picture of him and his Lady was set up in the South-Window of Trinity Church there holding in his right hand a Charter with these words written thereon I Luriche for the love of thée Do make Coventry Toll-frée Some Authors make mention of Toll-through which is Money paid for passage in or through some High-ways or over Ferries Bridges c. Toll-travers for passing over a private Mans Ground and Toll-turn which is Toll paid at the return of Beasts from Fair or Market though they were not sold Plowden Casu Willion fol. 236. Kitchin fol. 104. By the ancient Law of this Land the Buyers of Corn or Cattle in Fairs or Markets ought to pay Toll to the Lord of the Market in testimony of the Contract there lawfully made in open Market because privy Contracts were held unlawful Horns Mirror lib. 1. Tollage Anno 17 Car. 1. cap. 15. See Tallage Tolsester Per Tolsester clamat esse quiet de reddend unum Sextarium Cervisiae quod continet xvi Lagenas de nova cervisia mensurata desubtus le Shakelif pro licencia braciandi cervis per totum annum Ex Rol. Plac. in Itin. apud Cestriam 14 Hen. 7. The same word occurs in Carta 55 Hen. 3. m. 6. See Gavel-sester Tolt Tolta Is a Writ whereby a Cause depending in a Court Baron is removed to the County Court and so called because it does Tollere loquelam from the one Court to the other Preface to Cokes 3 Rep. Plac. Coram Rege Pasc 22 Edw. 1. Rot. 18. Tolta placiti significat processum per quem causa a jurisdictione juris temporalis tollitur Toltray Venditio salis quae debet solvi i. Bushel dimid salis per mensuram 4 d. MS. de Temp. Edw. 1. Tonne See Tun. Tort Fr. Injustice injury As De son tort mesme in his own wrong Crokes Rep. Whites Case fol. 20. Wrong or injury is properly called Tort because it is wrested or crooked Coke on Littl. fol. 158. b. Tortfeasor Fr. Tort faiseur A Doer of wrong a Trespasser Croke 2 part fol. 383. num 11. Toties quoties Anno 19 Car. 2. cap. 4. As often as Totted A good debt to the King is by the Foreign Apposer or other Officer in the Exchequer noted for such by writing this word tot to it Anno 42 Edw. 3. cap. 9. and 1 Edw. 6. cap. 15. See Practice of the Exchequer pag. 71. Totteray Was a Customary payment of four pence for every Bushel and a half of Corn sold at Maldon in Essex Hil 15 Edw. 1. Tourn See Turne Tout temps prist uncore est i. Always ready and is so at this present Is a kinde of Plea in way of excuse or defence for him that is sued for any Debt or Duty belonging to the Plaintiff See Brooks Abr. fol. 258. Towage Towagium Fr. Touaige Is the towing or drawing a Ship or Barge along the Water by Men or Beasts on Land or by another Ship or Boat fastned to her Also that Money or other recompence which is given by Bargemen to the owner of the Ground next a River where they tow a Barge or other Vessel The word may probably be derived from the Saxon teon Ducere trahere Dominus Rex habeat habere debeat Thowagium navium batellorum majorum minorum in aqua de Tyne c. Pla. Coram Rege ejus Concil Parl. 18 Edw. 1. in Turre London Traylbaston See Justices of Traylbaston and see the Copies of several Commissions granted to them by Edward the First in Spelmans Glossarium verbo Traylbaston The common people in those days called them Traybaston quod sonat Trahe baculum Edward the First in his Thirty second year says Sir Rich. Baker sends out a new Writ of Inquisition called Trailbaston against Intruders on other Mens Lands who to oppress the right owner would make over their Lands to great Men against Batterers hired to beat men Breakers of Peace Ravishers Incendiaries Murderers Fighters False Assisors and other such Malefactors which Inquisition was so strictly executed and such Fines taken that it brought in exceeding much Treasure to the King Chron. fol. 111. See Plac. Parliamentaria fol. 211. 280. and 4 Instit 186. And in a Parliament 1 Ric. 2. the Commons of England Petitioned the King That no Commission of Eyre or Trayle Baston might be issued during the Wars or for Twenty years to come Rot. Parl. 1 Ric. 2. Traytor Traditor Proditor See Treason Traiterous Position Of taking Arms by the Kings Authority against his person and those that are commissionated by him condemned by the Stat. 14 Car. 2. cap. 3. Transcript Anno 34 35 Hen. 8. cap. 14. Is the Copy of any Original written again or exemplified As the Transcript of a Fine Transcripto Recognitionis factae coram Justiciariis itinerantibus c. Is a Writ for the certifying of a Recognizance into Chancery taken before Justices in Eyre Reg. of Writs fol. 152. b. Transcripto pedis Finis levati mittendo in Cancellariam Is a Writ for the certifying the Foot of a Fine levied before Justices in Eyre c. into the Chancery Reg. of Writs fol. 169. and Reg. Judic fol. 14. Transgressione Is a Writ commonly called a Writ or Action of Trespass Of which Fitzherbert hath two sorts one Vicountiel so called because it is directed to the Sheriff and is not returnable but to be determined in the County The form whereof differs from the other because it hath not these words Quare vi Armis c. Nat. Br. fol. 84. G. The other is termed a Writ of Trespass which is to be sued in the Common Pleas or Kings Bench. Nat.