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A25466 Casuistical morning-exercises the fourth volume / by several ministers in and about London, preached in October, 1689. Annesley, Samuel, 1620?-1696. 1690 (1690) Wing A3225; ESTC R614 480,042 449

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some sins are majoris reatus but minoris scandali so it is here The sins of Sodom had more Scandal but the sins of Capernaum greater Guilt Q. But wherein lyes the sinfulness of Impenitency under the Gospel above other sin Ans 1. Such will be left without Excuse above all others If the Heathen are said to be without excuse not living and worshipping God according to the dictates of natural Light and the notices of God suggested by the works of Creation Rom. 1.20 If the Jews will have their Mouth stopped having the written Law of God and the Knowledge of God's Will therein and yet transgressing this Law as the Apostle speaks Rom. 3.19 much more will those who live impenitently under the Gospel be without excuse and have their mouths stopped in the day of Judgment Had I not come and spoken to them saith Christ they had had no sin but now they have no cloak for their sin John 15.22 The Gospel strips sinners of every Cloak and so exposeth them more naked to the severe Justice of God John 3.19 For this is the Condemnation that light is come into the world and men love darkness rather than light And so are without excuse 1. Such cannot plead as the Heathen may that they were ignorant of a Saviour and how to be saved by him from their sin 2. Neither can they plead that Salvation by him was revealed so darkly that they could not have any distinct knowledge of it as the Jew may plead 3. Neither can they plead that this Revelation was never confirmed from Heaven so that they might certainly believe it to be from Heaven and not the invention of Men. The Confirmation of it is now made evident 4. Neither can they plead that they knew not that Unbelief and Impenitency were damnable sins and would expose men to the judgment and wrath of God 5. Neither can they plead Ignorance of God's punitive Justice The Sufferings of Christ for sin to satisfie offended Justice do clearly evidence this to all that know any thing of the Gospel And this more fully than any Judgments God hath inflicted upon sinners in this world even Sodom it self 6. Neither can they plead Ignorance of a future state of the Immortality of the Soul the Resurrection of the Body and Judgment to come and Heaven and Hell Though the Heathen had but dark notions the wisest of them about these things yet now Life and Immortality are brought to light by the Gospel and a future state is more clearly revealed than before either to Jew or Gentile 7. Neither can they plead ignorance of God's pardoning Mercy and his readiness to pardon upon repentance whereby sinners may be hardned in their sin as being without all hope There is forgiveness with thee that thou may'st be feared saith the Psalmist Psal 130.3 And knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance saith the Apostle Rom. 2.4 2 Cor. 5.19 And God was in Christ reconciling the World to himself not imputing their trespasses to them His pardoning Mercy is now clearly revealed which is the great Motive to Repentance Obj. But then to be ignorant will be a Man's advantage and will furnish him with an excuse Ans 1. That Ignorance which is invincible will excuse but not slothful and affected Ignorance If a King hath publish't and proclaimed his Law a Man's Ignorance will not excuse him from the penalty And to shut out the Light is as sinful as to sin against it When the light shineth in darkness it will be no excuse if the darkness comprehend it not 2. Impenitency under the Gospel is a resisting the loudest Calls of God to Repentance The Heathen were call'd to Repentance by the Light of natural Conscience and the Works of Creation and Providence The Jews were call'd by the Law God gave them and the Prophets God sent among them but now under the Gospel the Call is louder than before When the Gospel was entring the World in John Baptist's Ministry it entred thus Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand Matth. 3.2 And under Christ's own Ministry the Call was louder The time is fulfilled and the Kingdom of God is at hand Repent ye and believe the Gospel Mark 1.15 And under the Apostle's Ministry the Call went into all the World Acts 17.30 The times of their ignorance God winked at now he calls all men every-where to repent And still the great Work of the Ministry is that which our Saviour speaks of his and the end of his coming Not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance And what the Apostle Paul speaks of his Ministry in Asia Teaching Repentance towards God and Faith towards the Lord Jesus Christ Acts 20.21 this is the great Work of the Ministry now And higher Motives are laid before sinners to repent under the Gospel than ever before 3. There is the highest Contempt of God in it He call'd by his Prophets to repentance before but now he hath call'd by his own Son If a King sends his own Son to command Rebels to lay down their Arms and accept of terms of Mercy and they still refuse it is greater Contempt than if he had sent his Servants As the King in the Parable said Surely they will reverence my Son Matth. 21.37 though they misused and killed his Servants There hath been Contempt of God by sinners in every Age as the Psalmist complains Psal 10.13 Wherefore do the wicked contemn God But this Contempt riseth to an higher degree under the Gospel since Christ came into the world 1. An higher Contempt of God's Authority To transgress the Law of God delivered by Angels upon the Mount to Moses and by Moses to the People was a Contempt of God's Authority and received a just recompence of reward Heb. 2.2 How greater Contempt is it to disobey the Gospel which was preached by the Lord himself as the Apostle there argues To refuse him that spake from Heaven is greater Contempt of God's Authority than to refuse him that spake from Earth Heb. 12.25 Rejecting the Gospel Christ calls it a despising both him and his Father Luke 10.16 And the Law was delivered in the hand of Christ to men when he came into the world so that now disobedience to it is an higher Contempt both of the Law and Law-giver than before If I had not come and spoke saith Christ they had no sin John 15.22 The Authority of the Speaker makes the Contempt the greater 2. An higher Contempt of God's Goodness For the Goodness of God is now revealed in the Gospel more fully and clearly than before Every impenitent sinner under the Gospel puts a Contempt upon the highest revelation of God's Goodness And that Goodness that should lead him to Repentance is now rejected and despised And nothing doth aggravate Sin more than when committed against special Love Grace Kindness and Goodness To turn Grace into Wantonness is great abuse but to put it under
is but a peradventure we have that which will shut it out of all consideration and eclipse that which otherwise might have had some lustre vers 8. God commends his love to us that when we were yet sinners Christ died for us § 2. If the love of relations will not afford us a just Measure for the Love of Christ let 's see if there be any thing else in the whole scale of Nature that may furnish us with a line commensurate to it And we can no sooner think of making the Inquiry but we propose to our selves the height of Heaven the breadth of the Earth Prov. 25.3 The Heaven for height and the Earth for breadth but we must despair of finding any thing that may measure or circumscribe this love since the Apostle has assured us Ephes 3.8 that the riches of Christ are unsearchable 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 such as we must expect no footsteps of in the whole Creation The Apostle might Preach it but could not fully reach it The treasures of Gold and Silver which wise providence has hid so deep in the bowels of the Earth yet the vein may be pursued so far till it s worn out but this treasure of Love in the Heart of Christ is so deep and is so rich that we can neither find out nor exhaust the fulness of it when God would give us some shadow of his Love he represents it by the height of the Heavens not that his Love reaches no higher but because there 's nothing in created Nature higher to represent it by Psal 103.11 As the Heaven is high above the Earth so great is his Mercy towards them that fear him The Love of God is only to be measur'd by it self that is by himself for God is Love 1 John 4.8 No Creature no Saint no Angel can fadom the Love of Gods heart Jer. 29.11 I know the thoughts that I think towards you And we must say the same of Christ's Love there 's one Dimension more in the Love of Christ than in the Creation Ephes 3.18 That you may be able to comprehend with all Saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height c. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 We are taught to distinguish between the measure of a Man and the measure of God All bodies have but three dimensions Rev. 21.17 He measured the City with a Reed twelve thousand furlongs the length the breadth the height were equal according to the measure of a Man but in the measuring Spiritual Heavenly things such as are the Love of God and of Christ there 's one dimension more So we have it in that sublime discourse of Zophar Job 11.7 8 9. Canst thou by searching find out God canst thou find out the Almighty to perfection It is as high as Heaven what canst thou do Deeper then Hell what canst thou know The measure thereof is longer then the Earth and broader then the Sea And thus we are taught modesty and not to limit God and his purposes of Love by our narrow conceptions Isa 55.8 My thoughts are not your thoughts for as the Heavens are higher then the Earth so are my thoughts then your thoughts saith the Lord. And 1. for the Breadth of the Love of Christ It reaches Jews and Gentiles it extends to all ranks of Men high and low rich and poor it reaches all the cases of Men's Souls the Tempted Deserted the Backslider and Persecutor it reaches the bruised Reed the smoaking Flax it extends to the pardon of all sins truly repented of so that we may say that his promises which are the vehicles of Truth and Love are exceeding broad as well as his Precepts which are the indications of his Authority and Power The Love of Christ is wider than Mans will Rom. 10.21 All the day long I have stretched out my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people It s wider than Mans power for John 6.44 No Man can come unto me except the Father which hath sent me draw him And yet vers 37. All that the Father has given me shall come unto me It is wider than all our wants and necessities there 's more bread in his house than there are hungry Souls to eat more mansions in Heaven than there are Souls to fill it s wider than our capacities and we may sooner enter into our Masters joy Matth. 25. than that joy can enter into us 1 Cor. 2.9 It cannot enter into the heart of Man what things God has prepared for them that love him 2. The length of the Love of Christ An extent of Grace and Love that reaches Souls at the greatest distance It reacht Paul when he was in the heat and height of his desperate fury mad and desperately mad with an inveterate enmity against Christ It reacht Mary Magdalen when she was possest with seven Devils it reacht the Gentiles when they were far off from God estranged from the light and life of God by their Abominable Idolatries Ephes 2.13 Ye who sometimes were a far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ It reacht the Prodigal when he was far off Luke 15.20 And as it finds and reaches Souls at the greatest distance of sin and enmity so it reaches a length which we cannot with consistence of thought conceive of Hebr. 7.25 Able to save to the utmost 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 To the uttermost length of Gods Promise and the believers Faith and Hope to the uttermost extent of Gods Purposes and our Prayers to the uttermost duration of this Life and the next through all time beyond all time to eternity 3. The depth of the Love of Christ And here unless we could sound the depth of our Misery we can never fadom the depth of Christs Love unless we could know the power of Gods Anger Psal 90.11 we can never reach the power of Christs Love The Torments of Hell are unknown Torments and those Torments which Christ endured in his Soul to deliver us from thence were unknown Torments The Love of Christ does not only reach the depth of our Misery by reason of Sin but those depths of Sorrow into which sometimes even holy Souls are plunged by Desertion The Psalmist cryed unto God out of the Depth Divine Love heard him and reacht him there Psal 130.1 Jonah cryed unto God out of the belly of Hell Divine Love heard him there and deliver'd him thence Jonah 2.2 Heman was plunged in the lowest pit in darkness in the deeps yet Love reacht him in that sad and dismal condition Psal 88.6 4. The height of the Love of Christ All the measure of the height of Christs Love we can take is to say its unmeasurable It is high we cannot attain unto it Psal 139.6 his Love reaches the Soul on Earth and never leaves it till it has conducted it to Heaven he Loves Grace into the Soul and Loves the Soul into Glory what that Glory is Go and see The taste of it is to be had
it was a rule amongst the Heathens that a wise man should worship all their Deities The Romans were so insatiable in Idolatry that they sent to forreign Countries to bring the gods of several Nations an unpolisht Stone a tame Serpent that were reputed Deities they received with great solemnity and reverence But the true God had no Temple no Worship in Rome where there was a Pantheon dedicated to the honour of all the false gods The reason he gives of it is that the true God who alone has Divine Excellencies and Divine Empire will be worshipt alone and strictly forbids the assumption of any into his Throne To adore any besides him is infinitely debasing and provoking to his dread Majesty Now sin in its nature is a conversion from God to the creature and whatever the temptation be in yielding to it there is signified that we choose something before his favour Sin is founded in bono jucundo something that is delectable to the carnal Nature 't is the universal character of carnal Men they are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God To some riches are the most alluring object The young Man in the Gospel when our Saviour commanded him to give his estate to the poor and he should have treasure in Heaven went away sorrowful as if he had been offer'd to his loss To others the pleasures that in strict propriety are sensual are most charming Love is the weight of the Soul that turns it not like a dead weight of the Scales but with election freely to its object in the carnal ballance the present things of the World are of conspicuous moment and outweigh Spiritual and Eternal blessings Altho the favour of God be eminently all that can be desir'd under the notion of riches or honour or pleasure and every atom of our affection is due to him yet carnal Men think it a cheap purchase to obtain the good things of this World by sinful means with the loss of his favour This their actions declare Prodigious folly as if a few sparks struck out of a Flint that can neither afford light or warmth were more desirable than the Sun in its brightness And how contumelious and provoking it is to God he declares in the most moving expressions Be astonished O ye Heavens Jer. 2.12 13. at this and be horribly affraid be ye very desolate saith the Lord. For my people have committed two evils they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters and hewed them out broken cisterns that can hold no water This immediately was charg'd upon the Jews who set up Idols of jealousie and ador'd them rather than the glorious Jehovah and in proportion 't is true of all sinners for every vicious affection prefers some vain object before his Love and the enjoyment of his glorious presence that is the reward of obedience 5. The sinner disparages the impartial Justice of God In the Divine Law there is a connexion between sin and punishment the evil of doing and the evil of suffering This is not a mere arbitrary constitution but founded on the inseparable desert of sin and the rectitude of Gods nature which unchangably loves holiness and hates sin Altho the threatning does not lay a strict necessity upon the Lawgiver always to inflict the punishment yet God having declar'd his equal Laws as the rule of our duty and of his judgment if they should be usually without effect upon offenders the bands of Government would be dissolved and consequently the honour of his justice stain'd both with respect to his nature and office for as an essential attribute 't is the correspondence of his will and actions with his moral perfections and as Sovereign Ruler he is to preserve equity and order in his Kingdom Now those who voluntarily break his Law presume upon impunity The first rebellious sin was committed upon this presumption God threaten'd if you eat the forbidden fruit you shall die the Serpent says eat and you shall not die and assenting to the temptation Adam fell to disobedience And ever since Men are fearless to sin upon the same motive Psalm 50. God chargeth the wicked Thou thoughtest that I was altogether such a one as thy self not concern'd to punish the violation of his sacred Laws The sinner commits the Divine Attributes to fight against one another presuming that Mercy will disarm Justice and stop its terrible effects upon impenitent obstinate sinners From hence they become bold and hardnen'd in the continuance of their sins Deut. 29.17 19 20. There is a root that beareth gall and wormwood and when the curse of the Law is declar'd and denounc'd against sin the wicked blesseth himself in his heart saying I shall have peace tho I walk in the imagination of my heart to add drunkenness to thirst This casts such a foul blemish upon the Justice of God that he threatens the severest vengeance for it The Lord will not spare him but the anger of the Lord and his jealousie shall smoke against that Man and all the curses written in this book shall be upon him and the Lord shall blot out his name from under Heaven Psalm 50. Consider this ye that forget God lest I tear you in pieces and there be none to deliver 6. The sinner implicitly denies Gods omniscience There is such a turpitude adhering to sin that it cannot endure the light of the Sun or the light of Conscience but seeks to be conceal'd under a mask of vertue or a vail of darkness There are very few on this side Hell so transform'd into the likeness of the Devil as to be impenetrable by shame What is said of the Adulterer and Theif sinners of greater guilt and deeper dye Job is true in proportion of every sinner If a Man sees them they are in the terrors of the shadow of death Now from whence is it that many who if they were surpriz'd in the actings of their sins by a Child or a stranger would blush and tremble yet altho the holy God sees all their sins in order to judge them and will judge in order to punish them are secure without any fearful or shameful apprehensions of his presence Did they stedfastly believe that their foul villanies were open to his piercing pure and severe Eye they must be struck with terrors and cover'd with Confusion Will he force the Queen before my face was the speech of the King inflamed with wrath and the prologue of Death against the fallen favourite Would Men dare to affront Gods authority and outragiously break his Laws before his face if they duly consider'd his omnipresence and observance of them it were impossible And infidelity is the radical cause of their inconsideration It was a false imputation against Job but justly applied to the wicked J●● 22.13 14 Thou sayest How does God know can he judge through the dark cloud Thick clouds are a covering to him that he sees not And such are introduced by
pitch of holiness that ye may raise an admiration of you in the judgments of such as otherwise would have no great reverence for religion and give them occasion to say as it is reported that Libanius an Heathen Philosopher did Proh Quales faeminas habent Christiani Oh what excellent women have these Christians The Correspondence between the Text and the Question having been as I think sufficiently insisted upon I shall now apply my self to give a direct and satisfactory answer to the Question propounded And that I may speak to it the more intelligibly and profitably I shall consider 1. The Persons mentioned in it and they are private Christians 2. Their Duty and work and that is to be helpful to promote the entertainment of the Gospel 3 The way that they are to take and the Means that they are to make use of that they may be most helpful in the carrying on of that blessed work 1. The Persons specified And they are private Christians In which is intimated 1. Their general Character as Christians 2. The restrictive term that is added to denote their special circumstance as they are private Christians which limits our Enquiries or calls on us to speak more specially at least of the Duty and work of private Christians in the undertaking mentioned in the Question 1. It is supposed That Christians only will be willing or proper to be made use of in this holy work We may conclude that they who reject the Gospel and put away Salvation from them as those did who are mentioned Acts 13.46 will never while they continue in that temper and disposition promote the entertainment of the Gospel but will endeavour to obstruct and hinder it But all Christians in the most comprehensive latitude both stand obliged in point of Duty and may also Eventually be helpful to promote the spreading of the Gospel even every one who nameth the name of Christ 2 Tim. ii 19. Or that is called by his name as Jer. xiv 8. Even those Christians as are such only by External profession tho they remain destitute of Internal and Real Sanctification may be helpful herein by their common Gifts their Interests their Services and by contributing their Assistance and Encouragement to those who are engaged in this holy work And they may be influenced by such Motives and Inducements as may excite and engage them thereunto Such as these for ought I know may be admitted to contribute their help to Build the Temple of the Lord and are not to be excluded For probably Christs Aphorism Mark ix 40. He that is not against us is on our part may be understood of such But how far such may be Accepted or Rewarded falls not under our present Enquiry This I presume will be admitted by all That such only as are Christians indeed as Christ said of Nathanael John i. 47. Behold an Israelite indeed are the only Persons who are rightly principled and will be found sincerely affected to this blessed work and will be most vigorously Active in carrying it on This may suffice touching the Persons under their general Character as Christians 2. Their special circumstance as they are Private Christians whereby they are distinguished from such as are invested with publick Offices Such are Christian Rulers and Magistrates who are the Ministers of God who bear the Sword and such as are called to preach the Gospel who are Ministers of the Word I confess these come not directly within the compass of our Question for that concerns Private Christians neither yet ought they wholly to be excluded out of it because they are Christians and therefore are not silently to be passed over And so I shall say something yet but little of them Doubtless both Christian Magistrates and Ministers of the Gospel are as much obliged in point of Duty to promote the entertainment of the Gospel as private Christians and they may do more because they have greater Advantages put into their hands for that is a Rule laid down by our Saviour himself Luk. xii 48. Vnto whomsoever much is given of him shall much be required 1. For Christian Rulers when their Hearts are throughly knit to Christ in Faith and Love and they act upon Gospel-principles and according to the Rules thereof what wonderful things may they perform toward the enlargement of the Kingdom of Christ in the World If a poor Bond-slave who lies in the lowest rank of men may in his Station serve the Lord Christ Col. iii. 24. What eminent services may Princes and Potentates do him who are placed in the highest rank of men and dignified with the title of Gods The zeal of Constantine the Great for the Christian Religion is praised by more than are disposed to imitate it But when those who have given their Strength and Power to the Beast shall hate the Whore and make her desolate and devote their Crowns and Scepters to the Lamb we may hope for those blessed days wherein the light of the Gospel shall shine forth so gloriously as to illustrate the whole World This should excite all Private Christians to pray hard that God would put it into the Hearts of Kings and those who are in Authority to kiss the Son by whom they reign 2. As for the Ministers of the Gospel all they who understand and attend unto their Office and Duty must acknowledge that they are under the strictest and most forcible engagements in the World to lay out themselves entirely and to the uttermost of their Capacity to serve the Lord Jesus and to help forward the enlargement of his Kingdom And yet it is not the Duty and Work of every ordinary Minister to go up and down the World to preach the Gospel for the Conversion of the Heathen as the Apostles and Evangelists did Rom. xv 20. Yea so have I strived to preach the Gospel where Christ was not named Because they are commanded by Christ to attend upon their proper flocks Act. xx 28. 1 Pet. v. 1 2. But what Measures they are to take farther or what Methods they are to pursue to promote the spreading of the Gospel is indeed a very Christian and noble enquiry At the debate whereof I should most gladly stand as a silent Learner and not presume to be a Director However I hope it will be excusable if I offer one thing to the Consideration of those whose Piety and Learning may challenge a due esteem in the Hearts of all that fear God We have had among us Committees for the Encouragement and Increase of Trade And what if there were some to consult How the Gospel might be propagated The Papists have at Rome their Congregatio de propagandâ Fide Their design may be very ill while they contrive not How that Faith which was once delivered to the Saints may be propagated but how the Leven of their own Superstition may be diffused and especially How the Popes Kingdom may be enlarged And yet to deliberate How the
Conversion of Heathens to press nothing upon them except the presupposed Light and Law of Nature right Reason and Discipline to cultivate civilize and prepare them save the naked Truths Ordinances and Rules of the Gospel in all plainness and simplicity So much for the second Obstruction 3. To symbolize or comply with those whom we would perswade to embrace the Gospel in their Superstitious Customs and Observances is not the way to promote the entertainment of it but to obstruct it Under the name of Customs I do not comprehend the using of the same Diet or wearing the same Stuff or Fashion in Apparel for possibly the Temperature of the Climate and other considerations may make them Necessary Nor do I mean meerly Political Customs which are subservient to publick order justice and tranquillity But I intend Superstitious customs and observances wherein somewhat of Religion or sanctity is placed There are some things which may pass in the rank of indifferent in their own nature which yet become Superstitious when men place Religion or Holiness in them It is well known that Tertullian wrote his Book De Coronâ militis to justifie the practice of a Christian Souldier who refused to wear a Crown or Garland of leaves on his Head because the Gentiles were wont to go so adorned in their Solemnities and Processions accounting it a Religious Rite But in regard that the Jesuites are reported to practice and applaud their Method of Compliance with their Converts as they call them in India or China and other places so far as to allow them to retain their Pa-gods and to worship them with some Mental reservations and the right direction of their Intentions it will be necessary to say something more of this because I have mentioned it as an Obstruction that hinders the entertainment of the Gospel I shall therefore briefly set before you 1. What we may collect from the Authority of the Scripture touching the case we are upon 2. What have been the Sentiments of some in after-ages 1. What the Scripture hath determined touching the compliance of the people of God with the superstitious customs of the Heathen whether it be in way of approbation or allowance of them or of symbolizing and conforming to them tho under the pretence of taking that course to gain them over to the true Religion e. gr I suppose that none will deny That it was the duty of the Jews to endeavour to proselyte others to the Faith and Worship of the true God Let us then observe what God did prescribe in order thereunto Did he allow them to imitate their Rites or Customs No but quite contrary He severely chargeth That in no wise they should symbolize with them lest they should be entangled or corrupted with their manners Deut. xii 30 31. Learned men have bestowed much study and diligence to find out the Reasons of many Injunctions and Prescriptions which God appropriated to the Jews In some of them they have clearly discovered a Typical use that they prefigured Christ or his Church In others they find Vertue and Morality to be instilled In others Provision to be made for Health Decency c. But for several of them they have resolved that God imposed them on purpose to set them at a greater distance from Idolaters and to guard them from those evil impressions which the Familiarizing of their customs might make upon them as they might not wear a garment of linnen and woollen wrought together Deut. xxii 11. because as is said the Egyptians used such So they were forbidden To round the corners of their head or to mar the corners of their beard Levit. xix 27. because Idolaters and particularly the Egyptians were so trimmed It seems also that other nations who offered up their hair to their Demons out of devotion were polled after some such manner It is undeniable as might be argued from these and several other reasons That it was utterly unlawful for the Jews to symbolize with the heathen in their Superstitious Rites Neither is there a greater latitude for Christians under the Gospel They are certainly obliged to flie as far from Idolatry as the Jews were Some indeed in the Church of Corinth took too great a liberty in their compliances with Idolaters for they went with their friends into the Idols Temple and feasted there with them on the Remainders of the Sacrifices which had been offered to the Idols And it is probable That they pretended that by such a condescention in a thing indifferent they designed to engage their friends affections the better to recommend the Christian Religion to them But the Apostle doth severely censure such Temporizing 1 Cor. viii 10 11. with chap. x. 20 21. Thus ye have had a short account of the Scripture Authority resolving the Case 2. Let us now hear what have been the Sentiments of some in after-ages They were of opinion That to adopt some heathenish observances into the Christian worship was not only warrantable but also commendable provided that care should be first taken to deal with them as the Jews were to treat those captive heathen-women whom they intended to marry and that was to shave their heads and pair their nails Deut. xxi 11 12. Thus they converted many Heathenish Rites into Christian Ceremonies when they had cleansed and varnished them as by changing their Object End or Mode For instance A learned man of our own hath proved That the Invocation of departed Saints was nothing else but the old doctrine of Demons revived Mr. Joseph Mede's Apostacy of the latter times Let not any one surmize That this is an undue Reflection or a false Insinuation seeing a very learned English Prelate hath written a small Tract to shew That the Ecclesiastical Government observed by the British and ancient English Pagans they being converted unto Christianity many of the Paganish Ceremonies and Usages not contrary to the Scripture were still retained in their Christian policy By means whereof tranquillity and peace were preserved and the alteration in the state less dangerous or sensible Bishop Andrews his learned Discourse of Ceremonies retained and used in the Christian Churches How far those reasons did influence some when we departed from Popery I know not But I suppose some things were retained which seem not to have been desirable upon any other account than to make the change less sensible in its self and less dangerous to the State As for the Thing it self For some Centuries before the Reformation there was so much borrowed from Jews and Pagans and lodged in the Church that at last the Christian Religion became much like to that of the Samaritans 2 Kings xvii 24. to verse 35. A compound of the worship of the True God and of Idols blended together So that the Church of God groaned for a Reformation Much was done at first by our Worthies possibly as much as the Times could then bear What they could not do they left to be
cause that will pass for just and sufficient at the great day before they resolve upon a total separation from their Brethren 8. Christ is to be followed in his great humility and meekness Mat. 11.29 Take my yoak upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your Souls Pride overcame the first man he affected Divinity and would needs be as God but behold the Lord Jesus who is the Eternal God and he humbled himself and became Man Humility was the constant attire and ornament of the Man Christ Jesus Though this great Redeemer be the chief of all the ways of God though more of God is visible in Him than in the whole Creation besides Though he glorifies his Father more than all the Creatures in Heaven and Earth put together and though he is exalted far above all Principalities and Powers and Might and Dominion no● only in this World but in that which is to come Yet our Lord never was in the least High-minded Humility is one most remarkable feature in the image of Christ therefore resemble him in being humble Be not proud of Habit Hair and Ornaments 1 Pet. 5.5 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Etymologists derive the word from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifies nodus a knot Be cloathed or be knotted with Humility I wish that other knots were less and this which is incomparably most becoming were more in fashion Let not your Estates puff you up Riches are not always to men of understanding and there may be a great deal of Gold in the Purse where there is no true Wisdom in the Head no Grace at all in the Heart Let not your natural parts your acquired endowments your spiritual Gifts though never so excellent make you to look upon others with contempt upon your selves with admiration you owe all Glory to that God from whom you have received all Let Humility look out at your Eyes a proud look is one of the seven things which the Lord hates Prov. 6.16 17. Let Humility express it self at your Lips let it attend you in all your addresses to God and beautifie your whole behaviour and converses with Men. The more humble you are the more of every other Grace will be imparted to you the more Rest and Peace you will have within your selves and since you will be ready to give him all the Praise the Lord is ready to put the more honour upon you in making you useful unto others 9. Christ is to be followed in his love to God great care to please him and fervent zeal for his Name and Glory Joh. 14.31 The World may know says Christ that I love the Father and as the Father gave me Commandment even so I do He obeyed that first and great Commandment and loved the Lord his God with all his Heart and Soul and Mind and Strength Christs love made him do whatever his Father pleased Joh. 8.29 He that sent me is with me the Father hath not left me alone for I always do those things that please him Christs love was stronger than Death no Waters no Flouds could drown it neither could the Baptism of blood quench it Christ was consumed with Divine and Holy zeal and he matters not what befal him so he might but glorifie his Father and finish the work which was given him to do Oh let us bring our cold and careless Hearts hither to the Consideration of this Great Example that the frost may melt care may be awakened and there may be something in us that may deserve the name of Warm zeal for God Let us be importunate in Prayer and restless till we feel the constraints of the Love of God forceable till we find really the greatest delight and pleasure in doing that which pleases him and aiming at his Glory we think not much of labour difficulty and hazzard that this our end may be attained 10. Christ is to be followed in his Sufferings and Death and unto this my Text has a more particular reference Christs Faith was strong though he was under a dismal Desertion The Sun of Righteousness did set in a dark cloud He submitted to his Fathers will and being confident of a joyful Resurrection he endured the Cross and despised the shame When Christians come to die their Faith should be most lively as being near finishing it should by no means fail when there is most need of it Though he slay me says Job yet will I trust in him Job 13.15 Christians should submit when the Lord of time will grant no more time to them and they should gladly enter upon a holy and blessed Eternity When the body is about to be sown in corruption by Faith they should see that its lying there will be to advantage for it will be raised in Incorruption and Glory 1 Cor. 15.42 43. Let Death be more natural or violent it is yours in the Covenant if you are true Believers 1 Cor. 3.22 Fear not to follow our Lord Jesus through that dark passage into the House not made with hands eternal in the Heavens And all the while you remain on Earth study a Conformity to your Lords death by crucifying the Flesh and dying to the World The more dead you are with Christ in this sense you will live to the better purpose and die in the greater Peace In the third place I am to produce some Arguments to perswade to the imitation of our Lord Jesus 1. Consider the greatness of the Person that gives you the Example Christ has this Name written on his Vesture and on his Thigh King of Kings and Lord of Lords Rev. 19.16 A Roman Historian commends a Prince who is maximus imperio Velleius Paterculus l. 2. exemplo major greatest in authority and yet greater by his example Every thing in Heaven and Earth and under the Earth does bow and is subject to the Lord Jesus and yet whose obedience ever was so exact as his was He gives us precepts and he himself is the great Pattern of performance Claudian the Poet has a notable passage concerning the examples of Monarchs and what a mighty influence they have Tunc observantior aequi Fit populus nec ferre vetat cum viderit ipsum Autorein parere sibi componitur Orbis Regis ad exemplum nec sic inflectere sensus Humanos edicta valent quàm vita Regentis Kings have many observers who very much Eye them and their high estate both awes and allures their Subjects to the imitation of them If they keep within the bounds of their own Laws their Subjects will be the more unwilling to transgress them Christ is the universal Soveraign who commands both Heaven and Earth and has the whole Creation at his beck He has kept the Laws he gives his Church 't is duty 't is interest 't is reasonable 't is honourable to resemble him in obedience 2. Remember the Relation wherein you that are Saints do stand unto the Lord
Object my mistake and misapplication of this Text in that men our fellow Christians are the object of this Love and Service here to be provoked unto And I deny it not but it is Gods Image Interest and Service in and by them in reference to the pleasing of his will so good so acceptable and so perfect Rom. xii 1 2. that is the great inducement to this love And as these things are discernable in them communicable to them and followed or neglected by them so are they related to and all of us concerned in this Love and good Works either as Agents or Objects or both and of this Love and Service is God the Original Dirigent and Vltimate End Quest What is the duty of Magistrates from the highest to the lowest for the suppressing of prophaneness SERMON XV. Rom. 13.3 For Rulers are not a terrour to good works but to the evil REligion if right doth excel all other things in the world upon the account of its universal usefulness and the powerful influences it hath upon them that are true to it for the promoting of their present future and everlasting happiness Of all other the Christian Religion which we own and profess is the best and most worthy of our engaging in and immoveable cleaving to being pure and undefiled before God and the Father as the Apostle James speaks Chap. 1.27 v. Unspeakably profitable it is and advantageous to the Kingdoms that receive it and to the Persons who are sincere in it and studious of conforming themselves to its holy Precepts and Rules The sacred Scriptures drawn up and left by men divinely inspired and infallibly assisted from which alone we fetch it not from Fathers or Councils whatever esteem and Veneration we have for them do commend themselves unto the judgments and consciences of men who have not shaken hands with reason and fetch so great a compass as to contain and reveal either in particular or general directions all that which is necessary for us to believe or do in order to our full satisfaction and endless felicity in the next world and our present safety peace and comfort in this foolish and troublesome one David tells us Psal 119.96 The Commandment is exceeding broad It is long for its duration being aeternae veritatis of everlasting truth not any thing shall be diminished or cut off from it not any thing shall be chang'd or alter'd in it and it is broad for its usefulness extending to and spreading it self over all the occasions of men for it hath comforts Sovereign and proper in all distresses though never so pinching together with directions adapted to and fitted for all conditions and affairs though never so difficult and abstruse The blessed Word of God will teach you how to order and demean your selves in your personal capacities and in your relative too how to walk alone and how to draw in the Yoke It presents us with the best Ethicks Oeconomicks and Politicks in the World Aristotles and Machiavels are fooleries if compared with it This precious word being well attended to and obeyed will make comfortable Families flourishing Kingdoms and States Oh that all those unto whom the Lord hath in his goodness vouchsafed these Oracles would be so wise as to make them their delight and Counsellors Sure I am we should then be blessed with better Husbands and Wives better Parents and Children better Masters and Servants better Friends and Neighbours better Ministers and people better Magistrates and Subjects The beauty of the Lord our God would be upon us and that would make our faces shine Of the last mention'd Relation viz. That between Magistrates and Subjects the holy Apostle Paul treats at the beginning of this Chapter and so on to the 8th verse In the first verse he issueth out his precept from which it appears that Christ is no enemy to Caesar and the principles of Christian Religion not inconsistent with those of Loyalty The best Christians will be found at long run to be sure the best Subjects None so true to their Prince as those that are most faithful to their God for what saith our Apostle Let every Soul be Subject to the higher powers Every one Man Woman and Child that is capable of understanding what subjection means and of expressing it Be he of what rank and in what station he will high or low noble or base rich or poor of the Clergy by the Popes leave or of the Laity as some love to speak let him be Subject not overtop not exalt himself over that which is called God but be subject to the higher powers Who are they the Civil Magistrates Antichrist hath put in his claim here but he is justly non-suited by Protestants It is the Civil Magistrate whose interest and right our Apostle here asserts and pleads Kings as he speaks in another Epistle and all that are in Authority These we are to pray for to these we ought to be Subject to these we must pay tribute these we must honour support and assist these we are bound to obey not only for wrath but also for conscience sake and that in all things in which obedience to them doth not carry in the bowels of it disobedience unto God whom the greatest and highest of them are infinitely below This precept he backs and binds upon Christians with sundry arguments drawn 1. From the Institution Of Magistracy of what kind soever the Government be whether Monarchical or Aristocratical c. Still Government is of divine Institution It is Gods Ordinance and Appointment There is no power but of God the powers that be are ordained of God It is not of the Devil who is an enemy to order and delights in confusion nor is it only by the will of man whatsoever they may and do contribute toward it nor is it ony of those who possess the Throne and sway the Scepter but it is of God who in his infinite wisdom and goodness to mankind hath determined and ordered it should be so who according to the pleasure of his will without giving account of his matters putteth down one and setteth up another and who hath infused such an instinct and principle into men living together in a Community as powerfully and effectually leads to the electing of one or more and setting him or them over them arming and intrusting them with power and authority for the administration of justice and publick affairs that by them common safety and good may be both secured and promoted and from them as from the head vital and comfortable influences may be conveyed to the whole politick body yea to the meanest and lowest of its members who grind at the Mill and handle the Diffaff 2. From the sin of those who refuse this required Subjection and oppose and resist the Magistrate v. 2. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of God He doth herein run counter and Cross to the all-wise God and his declared will He doth as
be defiled 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 polluted bespattered made as filthy and nasty as the beasts themselves If such a root of bitterness be suffered to spring up many will be troubled at it and many will be defiled by it It is the design and delight of wicked men to make others as bad as themselves and to draw both Acquaintance and Strangers to cast in their lot among them and to walk hand in-hand with them in their crooked ways that lead down to the Chambers of Death Oh that the Saints and People of God were as desirous and industrious for the promoting of true Piety as the Emissaries of Hell are for the propagating of prophaneness Oh that they would be as diligent to perswade men and women into the Faith and Obedience of the Gospel as these are to make devilish Proselytes In a Word that they would take as much care and pains for the carrying others along with them to Heaven as these are to allure and hurry others to Hell But to our shame be it spoken we are too dull heavy and unactive we are greatly out-done by them we are not a quarter so zealous for the rescuing of poor Sinners out of the clutches of the destroyer as they are for the bringing them under his power But sure I am it is the Duty of all specially the concernment of those who are by God invested with Power to reckon it and accordingly to mind it as a very considerable part of their work to look to it that this noisom Plague be stay'd And to that purpose I desire them to consider what was the Resolution of David the man after Gods own Heart Psalm 101.8 I will early destroy all the wicked of the Land it should be one of the first things he did to destroy them not corporally by taking away their Lives but civilly by a due and strict Discipline and so cut off all evil doers from the City of the Lord. Where this is not attended to sad and doleful experience hath made it evident to the World that Hell will immediately break loose the Flood-gates of Wickedness will be all drawn up and an inundation of the blackest villanies will follow and drown a Land Judg. 17.6 In those days there was no King in Israel None that could Effectually hinder Idolatry or any thing else none that had a sufficient coercive Power for the Judges did deal with the People rather by Counsel and Perswasion than by Commands and Punishments and then saith the Text Every man did that which was right in his own Eyes and you need not doubt but a great deal of that was wrong and odious in Gods Eyes But Magistrates by their Diligence in their places acting up to their trust and a due Execution of Justice may secure our Banks and set up a standard against wickedness even then when it cometh in upon us swelling and roaring like a Flood God in Deut. 13.6 c. made this Law That if any one should offer to tempt another to Idolatry though the Person doing it were his Brother the Son of his Mother or his Son or his Daughter or the Wife of his Bosom or a Friend that was as his own Soul let him be never so near and never so dear yet if He should say Let us go and serve other Gods His Friend and most intimate Relation being thus tempted should surely kill him his hand should be first upon him and afterward the hand of all the people and they should stone him with stones till he died And now observe what was the end and design hereof You have it set down in verse 11. All Israel shall hear and fear and shall do no more any such wickedness as this is among you This will be in terrorem it will scare and fright the wretches such an Act of Justice will ring and grow famous it will be talkt of both in Town and Countrey and wheresoever the report comes it will strike an awe upon men so that they shall not add to do the like The third thing which according to the Method I propounded I have to do is to make it plain and evident that it is the indispensible duty of Magistrates from the highest to the lowest to mind the Suppression of prophaneness as their business For when I do in this case speak of Magistrates we are to understand it in the utmost extent of Kings and all that are in Authority All of them one and other who have the Sword of Justice put into their hands must not drouze and loiter nor suffer that Sword to lie rusting in the Scabbard but are obliged to draw it and run it to the very hilts into the Bowels of prophaneness This I shall endeavour to prove unto you by sundry particulars Though I have looked upon a Sermon of this Nature as more fit for another Auditory than this which consists of private Persons only my thoughts have been that what in the preaching did not reach some mens ears may in the Print come to their view and if there were as peradventure there were any inferiour Officers present they might consider what was deliver'd and carry it home with them and be thereby excited to their Duty and do much towards the filling up of their places But we proceed First Magistrates are Gods Vicegerents his Representatives they stand in his place As God teacheth by Ministers so he rules by Magistrates not that he needs either the one or the other but it pleaseth him to make use of both He that at first as the great Creator of the World instamped upon man that Image of his which consists in Knowledge Righteousness and true Holiness hath since the fall as the wise Governour of the World imprest upon Princes and Rulers that Image of his which consists in Honour Authority and Power This is plain from the Names and Titles given them They are called his Ministers Rom. 13.4 He is the Minister of God unto thee A Minister of Gods choosing a Minister of Gods appointing and advancing it was God that seated him in the Throne that committed to him the Trust that gave him his Office and put the Power in his hand And saith Paul He is a Minister of God for good That is according to Pareus 1. For natural good to preserve mens Lives Liberties and Properties 2. For moral good to keep men from vice and flagitious self-ruining courses 3. For civil good to hold up Societies and to promote Righteousness and Honesty 4. For spiritual good to establish and uphold the true Religion and pure worship of God So that they are appointed for a great deal of good all which you may comfortably expect and with some good confidence Promise to your selves whensoever you see good men in the place of Magistracy Brambles will rend and tear fire will go out of them to devour but the fruit of the Vine is chearing and with delight we may sit under it's comfortable shadow Yea they are
they may Minister unto him And ver 41. Thou shalt take the Levites for me I am the Lord instead of all the first-born among the Children of Israel And as this is the way to prevent Judgments when upon their way so to remove them when they are already come For the proof hereof you have a famous instance in Numb 25. The Case was this The People did double their Transgression in committing Idolatry and Whoredom at once It is indeed no cause of wonder to see Spiritual and Corporal Uncleanness going together in Company This kindled the Wrath of God against them which rose to that height that it brake out into a Plague The Plague did not stop the Sin wicked men will harden themselves against God and run upon the mouth of the Cannon on the bosses of his Buckler Notwithstanding the Judgment Zimri one of the Children of Israel a Prince too that should have set a better Example impudently and daringly brought a Midianitish Woman in the sight of Moses and of all the Congregation of Israel while they were weeping before the door of the Tabernacle While the Congregation was drown'd in Tears these two Wretches burned in Lust Phinehas was an eye-witness of it and his Heart was hot within him upon the sight thereof he took a Javelin in his hand entred their Tent and ran both of them thorow With this remarkable Act of Justice and holy revenge God was exceedingly pleased As appeared by the happy consequences which were two healing Mercy upon Israel with a Blessing upon himself and his Posterity You may read what God himself said upon this occasion Numb 25.10 11 12. The Lord spake unto Moses saying Phinehas the Son of Eleazer the Son of Aaron the Priest hath turned away my wrath from the Children of Israel while he was zealous for my sake among them that I consumed not the Children of Israel in my Jealousie Wherefore say Behold I give unto him my Covenant of Peace and he shall have it and his Seed after him even the Covenant of an Everlasting Priesthood because he was zealous for his God and made an atonement for the Children of Israel Do you stem the Tide of prophaneness and in so doing you will stop the Bottles of Divine Wrath. And then hereupon it followeth Eighthly The Suppression of prophaneness is an excellent way for the making Rulers an eminent and choice Blessing unto the People over whom the Providence of God hath set them By this means they will indeed prove as our holy Apostle speaks in the verse immediately following our Text 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ministers of God to them for good For it is a great deal of good that is ministred and conveyed by them golden Oil that is communicated by and through these golden Pipes the whole Land is the better for them every Mothers Child hath reason to rise up and call them blessed Briefly thus By this means they confirm and establish it They are strong supporters while others are wicked and cursed underminers Psalm 75.2 3. When I shall receive the Congregation i. e. The Government of it when I shall be once seated upon the Throne I will judge uprightly or Righteousness a vein of Righteousness shall run through every one of my Actions they shall be done according to the Rule of Equity The Earth and all the Inhabitants of it are dissolved The Reins are now let loose there is a visible apparent disorder both in Church and State all things are for the present in Confusion and therefore running apace to Ruine and Dissolution I bear up the Pillars thereof Some do look upon Religion and Righteousness as the Jachin and Boaz those great and mighty Pillars which uphold a Nation and Magistrates are the Persons appointed to bear up those Pillars if those be the Pillars these are the Basis upon which they stand and these bear up them by judging uprightly In this way it is they bear up the Fabrick and keep it from crumbling into pieces and falling to nothing And further as by this means they bring unto a Nation the Blessing of Stability so they also yield that other lovely and very desireable Blessing of Peace So that all good men shall sit under their own Vines and Fig-trees without others making them afraid they shall have a quiet and comfortable enjoyment of themselves and the good things which God hath graciously vouchsafed to them Unto this I say Magistrates both supreme and subordinate the higher and inferiour Officers in a Kingdom do very much contribute by the Diligent and Faithful discharge of the Work and Duty of their several places This is evident from that Psalm 72.3 The Mountains shall bring Peace to the People and the little hills by Righteousness That Word Peace is very comprehensive carrying in it not only a freedom from War Commotions Quarrels and Disturbances but Prosperity too and Happiness Plenty and Abundance of all good things so that there shall be no complaining in our Streets This is to be brought to a People and sure when it is they will bid it welcome but who shall bring it The Mountains and little Hills i. e. The Metaphorical Ones the Magistrates the King and all that are in Authority under him but it will come only in a way of Righteousness Gods Peace always keeps Gods Way This you learn from that of the Prophet Psalm 85.10 Righteousness and Peace kiss each other They meet and embrace and so go hand in hand Righteousness in the Throne in the Senate and Courts of Judicature is accompanied with Peace in the City yea and all the Countrey over Lastly A Conscientious care for the Suppression of prophaneness in a Land is the way to engage the great and Holy God on the behalf and for the good of those Rulers in whom that care is found And this Argument will I am sure signifie much with all those with whom God signifieth any thing As the place of Rulers is high so the work of their place is hard It carrieth a great deal of difficulty and of danger along with it As wicked men are very filthy so the Psalmist tells us they are always grievous They are like the raging Sea which is continually casting up Mire and Dirt specially when there is a Storm upon it Let there be endeavours used to put a stop to them in their sinful course by a vigorous Execution of Righteous Laws their Hearts do presently swell against those that restrain and punish them and they break out into a rage whereupon they often study to avenge the quarrel of their sordid and impetuous Lusts upon those Worthies who would promote the cleanness of their Lives and the welfare of their Souls Upon this account it is no more than necessary for the Omnipotent God to stand at their right hand for the encouragement of their Hearts and the preservation of their Persons Now see Psalm 7.10 My defence is of God who saveth the upright in Heart