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A69679 Popery, or, The principles & positions approved by the Church of Rome (when really believ'd and practis'd) are very dangerous to all and to Protestant kings and supreme powers, more especially pernicious, and inconsistent with that loyalty, which (by the law of nature and scripture) is indispensably due to supreme powers, in a letter to a person of honor / by T. Ld Bishop of Lincoln. Barlow, Thomas, 1607-1691. 1679 (1679) Wing B840; ESTC R13608 86,020 134

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the Approbation and high Commendation of the Censor Librorum the Learned Ben. Arias Montanus who tells us that he had read it and judged it HIGHLY PROFITABLE for the Knowledge and PRACTICE of the WHOLE Argument undertaken and that it contain'd NOTHING OFFENSIVE to the CATHOLICK FAITH then in that great Man's Judgment that Rebellious Roman Doctrine of Deposing Heretical Kings and Absolving their Subjects from all Oaths of Allegiance is not offensive to their Catholick Faith And therefore I JUDGE it WORTHY that FOR THE PROFIT OF MANY it be A THIRD TIME and OFTNER Published So that this Doctrine That Heretical Kings are Depriv'd of all their Dominion and their Subjects Absolved from all Oaths of Allegiance is not only approved by Simanca Alfonsus à Castro Arias Montanus all great and very learned Persons in the Church of Rome but by their Canon-Law and the Decretal of Pope Gregory the Ninth And it is further considerable that this Doctrine though Impious and Trayterous is not in any Index Expurgatorius I have yet seen condemned either in Simanca or any other of all those who generally assert and vindicate it 3. One more I shall only cite though an hundred such might be cited and he a famous Jesuite who plainly tells us what their Society constantly profess and many of them have and do practice That if a CLERGY-MAN Rebel against his KING it is NO TREASON because CLERGY-MEN are not the KINGS SUBJECTS Nor is this the singular Opinion of Emanuel Sa for it is approved and highly commended by their Censores Librorum both at the beginning and end of that Book and as an excellent and learned Person tells me it was highly approved and commended at Rome too So that if such a multitude of eminent Popish Authors may have that credit they deserve in this particular we may be sure that this impious and trayterous Doctrine is approved and received in the Church of Rome And though I said I would cite no more such Testimonies to manifest so certain and clear a Truth yet I shall add two more not unworthy your Consideration which are if that be possible more highly impious than the former 1. Then a great Popish Lawyer in asserting the Papal Power has and endeavours to prove these erroneous and desperate Positions 1. The Emperour and Kings are the Popes Subjects 2. The Emperour and Kings may be Deposed by the Pope for Heresie and any great Sin 3. The Pope has Power in the whole World in Spirituals and TEMPORALS and this TEMPORAL Power he has in a more Worthy a Superiour and perfect manner than Secular Princes 4. Statutes made by Laymen do not bind the Clergy 5. The Pope is Vicar of God and preferred before all Powers as GOD HIMSELF and EVERY CREATURE IS SUBJECT TO HIM 6. It is necessary to Salvation to be Subject to the Pope and he who affirms the contrary IS NO CHRISTIAN This he has out of the Canon-Law and the Decretal of Pope Boniface the Eighth So that by this impious and uncharitable Doctrine all Protestant Kings Princes and People are deny'd to be Christians and absolutely damned without all hope or possibility of Salvation And yet their Canonists to say nothing of others and Jesuites generally nay universally approve and defend it and the Pope and Council confirm and establish it Theologia haec damnatoria Pseudo-Catholica Romana sit licet tamen non est Christiana Let them brag as usually they do of their Catholick Faith for my part I can have no great Opinion of their Faith who have little Charity and damn all save themselves 2 Once more Stanislaus Orichovius while he magnifies the Pope and his Papal Greatness with high contempt of Kings and Blasphemy against God hath this passage unfit to fall from the Pen of any sober Christian The PRIEST says he excels THE KING as much as a MAN excels a BEAST And says further HE WHO PREFERS THE KING BEFORE THE PRIEST he prefers the CREATURE before the CREATOR This is strange Doctrine and yet approved at Rome at least nor condemned there as Antimonarchical Positions which decry Royal and magnifie Papal Power seldom or never are the reason why I say and believe this is Because I find in the Spanish Expurgatory Index some other things of this Author censur'd but this passage now cited is neither medled with nor once mentioned But to pass by particular Testimonies of single Popish Authors who publickly assert and industriously endeavour to Vindicate this Rebellious Doctrine That Kings may be deposed and murdered by the Pope or People I shall give you greater and to the Church of Rome more Athentique Authority As for instance 1. Their Canon-Law approved received used and obey'd in their Church as a Rule of Justice in all their Courts and Consistories I shall quote their best Edition Corrected Approved and Publish'd by the Popes Command and he Infallible no doubt for so he himself tells us ....... Nos providere volentes ut hoc Jus Canonicum sic EXPURGATUM ad OMNES CHRISTI FIDELES SARTUM perveniat ac ne cuiquam liceat operi QUICQUAM ADDERE vel IMMUTARE aut INVERTERE sed prout in urbe nostra Romà nuper impressum fuit perpetuo integrum INCORRUPTUM conservetur Now in his Canon-Law so purged and corrected that it might come to ALL THE FAITHFUL as the Pope himself tells us who if he were Infallible could not and if he were but an Honest Man would not publish an Untruth we are told I. That the Pope may depose Princes and then absolve their Subjects from their Oaths of Allegiance ..... A FIDELITATIS etiam JURAMENTO Romanu Pontifex nonnullos ABSOLVIT cum aliquos A SUA DIGNITATE DEPONIT And having set down this for Law it immediately follows II. That another Pope Zachary by Name deposed the King of France not so much for HIS INIQUITIES but that he was UNPROFITABLE for such a Power ..... And then he ABSOLVED ALL THE FRENCH from their Oath of FIDELITY And then adds ... That the Holy-Church he means the Pope does by an usual Authority so absolve Subjects from their Oaths to their Superiors Now concerning this memorable Canon give me leave to observe 1. That the Gloss tells us John Semeca a famous Canonist was Author of it that Pope Gelasius maintain'd the Doctrine of deposing Emperors ..... Gelasius Papa scribens contra Anastasium Imperatorem dicit QUOD POTEST EUM DEPONERE PROPTER malitiam suam c. 2. In the Lemma or Title of this Canon in the old Editions of the Canon-Law it was ..... Gelasius Papa Anastasio Imperatori But in later Editions the Title is this ..... Pontificalis Authoritas A JURAMENTO FIDELITATIS nonnullos ABSOLVIT unde Gregorius Papa The Annotator tells us truly that Gelasius could not speak of the French Kings
their deposition Whereas by the same Law if the Pope be so prodigiously impious that he not onely damn himself but carry INNUMERABILES POPULOS innumerable people to hell with him yet there is no deposing or Judging him This not only the Canon in Gratian but a long Annotation lately added since Gratians time approves and confirmes and Pope Gregory the Thirteenth approves both the Canon and Annotation in his Bull I have so often mention'd So that according to this Law If the Emperor or any King will not be good Boyes and obey their Grand Maister Dominum DEUM NOSTRUM as they call him the Pope if they will not be corrected by him and amend what he thinks amiss for he is Supreme and Sole Judge of the Crime and Punishment Then the Pope may and if he have ability and opportunity we may be sure he will depose them Thus much and may be too much for the Canon-Law that Sink of Forgeries Impiety and Disloyalty For I scarce know any Book wherein are more forged Writings under good names sometimes for bad purposes or more Impious Doctrines and Positions own'd and authoriz'd for Law and that by one who pretends though without and against all reason to be Christ's Vicar and Infallible or any Book which has more Seditious and Rebellious Principles of Disloyalty This I onely say now but when I have what now I want time and opportunity I can and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 will make it good How dangerous and when believ'd and practis'd how pernicious to Kings and Princes the Principles of that Law are you may in part see by the premises if you desire more you may at your leasure consult and consider those Places here mention'd in the Margent with the Gloss and Case upon them together with Cardinal Turrecremata's Commentary on Gratians Decree and Panormitan on the Decretals to omit all other Canonists you will find Evidence more than enough to convince you out of their own Testimonies that the Principles of their own Law as explain'd by their greatest and best Interpreters are not onely Dangerous but Destructive of the Right of Kings and inconsistent with that Loyalty which by the Lawes of Nature and Scripture are really due to them 3. But besides these Testimonies of particular Writers of their own Church and their Approved and by Puplick Authority Establish'd and Received Canon-Law we have greater and more Authentick Testimonies that in the Popish Church they both profess and practice this impious and rebellious doctrine of Anathematizing and Deposing Kings and Emperors of giving away their Kingdoms to others and Absolving their Subjects from their Oaths of Allegiance and Fidelity For their Popes who are their Supreme and Infallible Judges testifie as much in their Breves and Bulls and those not forged or corrupted by Hereticks but Publish'd by themselves and Printed at Rome in their own Vatican Press Where to omit others we have 1. The Bull of Pius the Fifth against Queen Elizabeth The Title prefixed to that impious Bull is this DAMNATIO Excommunicatio Elizabethae Reginae Angliae eique ADHAERENTIUM Where in one breath and Bull he Damns that Innocent Queen and all her Loyal Subjects Protestants and Papists Where by the way it is to be consider'd That if any Papists be Loyal as by the Law of God and Nature they ought to any Heretical King or Prince and at Rome our Gracious King and all Protestants are such it is reputed their Crime and they Damn'd at Rome for it For it is not only OMNES SINGULOS HAERETICOS QUOCUNQUE NOMINE CENSEANTUR All and singular Heretiques of what sort soever but also all those who RECEIVE FAVOUR or DEFEND them So that if any Roman-Catholick Favour or according to his Natural or Sworn Allegiance Defend his Prince who is a Protestant and so a Declared Heretique he is under the same Anathema and Condemnation And this Anathema and Condemnation of all Heretiques and all those who Favour or Defend them is solemnly renewed every year at Rome and lately referred into the Body of their Canon-Law But to proceed In this Bull of Pope Pius the Fifth which contains the Anathema and Damnation as 't is called in the Lemma prefix'd to that Bull of Queen Elizabeth which proved BRUTUM FULMEN the good and most gracious GOD blessing what the Pope impiously cursed we have these Particulars very considerable 1. The extravagant Power the Pope assumes when he tells us That our Blessed Saviour did constitute Peter and by consequence Him as St Peter's Successor .... ... SUPER OMNES GENTES OMNIA Regna PRINCIPEM ut EVELLAT DESTRUAT DISSIPET DISPERDAT c. These are the words of God to Jeremy not Peter or his Successors miserably misunderstood and misapplyed by this Pope and his Predecessors Here is a pretence to a vast and destructive Power and though it be a bare pretence and without any just ground irrational and ridiculous yet let Princes look to it For when the Popes had Power they did and when they have they will make use of it 2. This premised he proceeds to his Damnatory Sentence in these words We saith he by the Plenitude of Apostolical Power declare the said Elizabeth an Heretick and both her and her Adherents to have incurr'd the Sentence of Excommunication and to be all cut off from the Unity of the Body of Christ. But this is not all He proceeds very unlike a Christian and what he would be thought Christ's Vicar to depose her from all her Royal Dignity and all that Dominion to which she had by Birth the Law of God and the Land a just Right in the following Form 3. And we Deprive her of her pretended Royal Right and all Dominion Dignity and Priviledge whatsoever He calls it Her PRETENDED Royal Right because according to their Rebellious and Impious Principles she being an Heretick as they miscall'd her for that Crime she had lost her Royal Right even before her actual Excommunication Nor is this all he proceeds 4. And further we Absolve all the Nobility Subjects and People of England and all others who have any way Sworn to her from such Oath and we declare them FOR EVER Absolved from any Obligation of Allegiance or Obedience to her and we do by these Presents Absolve them So that here so far as was able he Absolves all her Subjects from the Obligation of the Oaths in which they had sworn Allegiance But because there is as the Lawyers truly say A Natural as well A Sworn Allegiance for by Birth they who never swore it owe a Natural Allegiance to their Prince being born Subjects lest after their Oath was null'd they should Obey the Queen and upon the Principle of Natural Allegiance think themselves bound so to do He goes on to declare this Natural Bond Null and frees them from any Obligation of it Thus 5. We Command and
and DECREE HIM TO BE ERETNALLY DAMND And for this he cites Pope Gregories own Epistles who best knew his own mind and the meaning of his own Decree So that in the Popes and Cardinals Judgment such an Excommunication is a definitive sentence and a Papal Decree whereby the persons Excommunicate are consign'd and doom'd to Eternal Damnation Whence we may understand the meaning of the Titles usually prefix'd to such Damnatory Bulls of Excommunication such as these .... DAMNATIO Excommunicatio Hen. 8. by Pope Paul the Third DAMNATIO Excommunicatio Elizabethae by Pius the Fifth where it seems by what the Pope and Cardinal before told us that it is not any temporal or not that only but the eternal damnation of Soul and Body which is intended and desired by them in their uncharitable and impious Anathema's and Excommunications Whence also it manifestly follows that all Protestants Kings and Subjects Princes and People who by many Papal Bulls and Anathema's stand actually Cursed and Excommunicated are in a damnable condition and if they die as they do and should without Popish Absolution by this Roman Uncharitable and Unchristian Divinity they are eternally damn'd This I say not that I think such Papal Bulls and Excommunications either have or can have any such effects or bring such danger to Protestants Kings or Subjects as is pretended for I believe and know that they are bruta fulmina insignificant Squibs of false Fire which can neither hurt their Souls here nor hinder their Salvation hereafter But notwithstanding this they may prove dangerous and pernicious to Protestant Princes as they may be and are great incouragements to their Popish Subjects to rebel and disobey their Soveraigns and securely as to any thing of Conscience or Injustice in it act any thing to their ruine For they who believe the Popes pretended Power that he can deprive their Prince of all Royal Power and Dignity and that he has actually done it that he has absolved them from all Obligations of Allegiance and Fidelity due to him that he is a Member of the Devil here and surely to be damn'd hereafter and that to kill him is no Murder I say those who submit to the Pope and believe these Erroneous and Impious Doctrines as all must who believe the Pope or the Roman Church Infallible have too much incouragement not only to disobey and rebel but when they have power and opportunity to take away their Princes Life as being a Person odious to God and Man and by the Pope their Infallible and Supreme Judge by their approved Laws and their General Councils declared to be such especially seeing that if they miscarry in that attempt and while they seek their Princes Life lose their own yet their Names shall in Red Letters be Register'd in the Calendar and they by their Party shall be reputed Martyrs as all know that Campian Garnet and our Powder-Traytors are An honor I am so far from envying them that I should be very glad and so would many thousands more to see our present Conspirators according to their merit referr'd into their Calendar amongst such Martyrs that so we might be freed from the fears of those Prodigious Villains and mischiefs they intended and indeavoured to act here against their Gracious Soveraign the Church and State and there is too much reason to believe that while they live and have ability and opportunity they will prosecute those Black Designs Dirum omen misericors qui solus potest averruncet Deus These are the known Positions and Doctrines of the Church of Rome approved and received by the Supreme Authority of that Church which in Thesi when they are believ'd may be very dangerous and when in Praxi put in execution and they who believe such impious Doctrines act accordingly pernicious to all Kings Princes and People especially Heretiques as they miscal them who imbrace not all their Popish Errors in which number all Protestants Kings and Subjects are by them always included And that the Popish Party especially Jesuits since their unhappy appearing in the World as also their Ecclesiastiques Secular and Regular with their adherents have acted according to those Principles for some Ages last past and what Barbarous Murders Depositions of Princes and Fatal Tragedies have been the sad consequences of such belief and actings both our own and Forreign Historians abundantly testifie And here 1. I shall pass by the horrid Murders and Massacres of the poor Waldenses who upon prosecution of the foresaid Principles have been persecuted with Fire and Sword Armies and Inquisitions and very many thousand nay infinite numbers of them as some of their own Writers testifie have been inhumanely murdered Causà indictà inaudita many times especially in France to say nothing of other Countries 2. I desire you to consider that barbarous and prodigious Villany the great Massacre of Protestants in France Ann. 1572. where and when above 30. or 40000. Innocent Protestants in Paris and other parts of France were suddenly and inhumanely Murdered by Papists acting upon such Popish Principles as I have before mentioned And this Horrid Villany was so far from being publickly disapproved and damn'd by the Church of Rome or the Impious Actors punish'd that the news of it was received at Rome with great Joy and giving Thanks to God for it Quasi author consors sceleris fuisse Deus nor was it so at Rome only but in other places too Papists received that news with great joy An evident argument that they approved both that Impious Doctrine and the pernicious effects of it 3. To omit the many Seditions and Rebellions in the time of Henry the Eighth after he had deny'd the Popes Supremacy and Edward the Sixth caused by such Persons and Principles it is notoriously known that the same Party in prosecution of the same Principles and Popish Interest did in the Reign of Q. Elizabeth continually conspire and endeavour to take away the life of that good Queen by Poison Pistol and such other impious and to persons of such Principles usual ways of Assassination to raise Rebellions and Armies having the Popes Assistance and Blessing to incourage them to that Villany to destroy her and her Religion And when all this would not do Heav'n Blessing what Rome Impiously Curs'd Pope Pius the Fifth gives the Kingdoms of England and Ireland to Philip the Second King of Spain and he with the Popes Assistance and Blessing sends his as he and his Holiness imagin'd Invincible Armado to take possession But that vast Armado and the Popish Impious Design were utterly defeated not so much by the Queens Fleet which was very inconsiderable as by great storms and tempests the immediate Hand of Heaven and a most Gracious and Miraculous Providence And this was so evident that the Admiral of that Armado the Duke of Medina Sidonia blasphemously swore That he feared Jesus Christ was turned Lutheran But
are and ever will be to all PRINCES espeally PROTESTANTS and all those they are pleas'd to call or miscall Heretiques Their received Principles I have hitherto mentioned are these 1. The Pope with them is Supreme MONARCH of all the World even in Temporals at least indirectè as the most moderate amongst them sometimes say and in ordine ad spiritualis which distinction can afford no comfort or security to Temporal Princes For if the Pope have such vast power directè or indirectè 't is all one he has it and if a Prince be deposed or murdered by either end of the distinction he is equally and as surely Murder'd as he who is kill'd by the edge or back of the Sword is as certainly kill'd 2. They say the Pope has power to Excommunicate Curse and Damn Kings 3. To depose and deprive them of all their Royal Power and Jurisdiction 4. To absolve their Subjects from all Obligations whether Natural or afterwards arising from Oaths to fidelity and obedience 5. To Arme their Subjects against their Sovereigns so deposed by the Pope their Supreme Judge and according to the profess'd Doctrine of the Jesuites Canonists c. infallible too In rebus facti fidei 6. That this taking of Arms against their King when deposed by the Pope is no Rebellion against their King seeing by their Traiterous Principles as soon as deposed he ceases to be their Sovereign 7. That if in such a War they kill their King especially if he be an Heretique it is no crime no Homicide or Murder but a Meritorious work to which the Pope has promised Plenary Indulgence and Pardon of all their Sins and an higher place in Heaven 8 Nay to give them the highest encouragements to commit all those Villanies Christians are capable of they shall be reputed Martyrs referr'd into their Calendars in Red Letters and in their opinion be esteemed great Saints in Heaven who in Earth were known to be Rebels to their Prince and justly Executed for High Treason For so as is before said and proved those who by the Hand of Justice perish'd for their Prodigious Villany in the Gunpowder-Conspiracy are reckon'd for Martyrs in the Jesuites Martyrology Now how dangerous such Principles having such Incouragements may prove to all especially Protestant Princes do you and the World Judge But as to the danger of such Doctrines this is not all though too much for it is not only a received Doctrine in the Roman-Church That the Pope may depose Kings and Emperors if they be Heretiques as with them we are sure all Protestants are but further I. That Subjects also as well as the Pope may lawfully depose their Soveraigns if they be Heretiques II. Nay that they ought and both in Law and Conscience are strictly bound to depose their Princes if they be Heretiques III. And their approved and great Writers publickly confess in their Books printed and licensed by the Authority of their Church that both the former Propositions are approved by all Catholiques Sure I am they have not publickly been condemn'd by any Act Decree or Sentence of their Church and therefore we have reason to believe that they approve them For qui non prohibet peccare cum possit jubet For the proof of all this I shall only give you two or three Testimonies of their own by publick Authority approved and licenc'd Authors who expresly say and endeavor to prove what here I have affirm'd 1. One of them says ........ That it is the Opinion of ALL CATHOLIQUES that Subjects ARE BOUND to depose an Heretical KING And he adds there ....... That they are BOUND by the LAW of GOD by the MOST STRICT BOND of CONSCIENCE and UTMOST PERIL of their SOULS to DEPOSE HERETICAL PRINCES And their great Controvertist and Cardinal Bellarmine says as much and with more authority speaking of Heretical Princes ......... OMNIUM CONSENSU all Roman-Catholicks he means possunt ac DEBENT privari suo Dominio It is the consent says the Cardinal of ALL that Heretical PRINCES may and OUGHT to be DEPRIVED of their Dominions And in a Book approved by the Jesuites and highly commended by the Licencer we are told That the Power and Authority of the PEOPLE is greater than that of their Prince 2. That the PEOPLE as well as the Pope may declare a King to be a Tyrant and when the Pope or PEOPLE have so declared him to be such ANY PRIVATE MAN may MURDER HIM 3. And he there tells us That he is a Tyrant who endeavors to ruin the religion of his Countrey the Roman-Catholique Religion you may be sure he means and then by these Jesuitical and Popish Principles All Protestant Princes are Tyrants and may lawfully be kill'd by any private person So that 't is evident that these Popish Principles are not only dangerous but pernicious to all Protestant Princes who in their account being Heretiques are consequently Tyrants and may be declared such by the People and Murder'd by any private Man I know that some Roman Catholiques deny this Doctrine to be approved by the Church of Rome and tell us that the Church has expresly condemn'd it as scandalous and both in faith and manners erroneous and for this they quote the Council of Constance In answer to this I shall 1. Set down the words of the Council 2. The Answer to them 1. The words of the Council are these and the Proposition they condemn this ...... Quilibet Tyrannus potest ac debet licite ac meritoriè occidi per quemlibet vassallum subditum etiam per insidias vel blanditias vel adulationes non obstante quocunque Juramento seu confederatione factis cum eo non expectata sententiâ vel mandato Judicis cujuscunque That is ..... Any Tyrant may and ought to be lawfully and meritoriously kill'd by any vassal or subject of his even by treachery or flattery notwithstanding any oath or confederation made to or with him and not having the preceding sentence or command of any Judge whomsoever 2. This is the Proposition which the Fathers at the General Council at Constance condemned for a General approved Council and confirm'd by a true Pope they acknowledge it though they have little reason for it as may appear by what b Gesner has said and Longus à Coriolano has not though he endeavour it Answer'd But it is penn'd with that Art and Roman-Catholick cunning that though it seem to say something for the Security of Kings and Princes yet indeed it is as to that purpose altogether insignificant For 1. Here is nothing in this Proposition or the Condemnation of it by the Council which condemns or any way disapproves the Popes Excommunications or Depositions of Kings their Absolutions of their Subjects from their Oaths of Allegiance or giving away their Dominions It is only the Assassinations and Murdering of Tyrants which are
Ecclesiastiques Secular and Regular are in the opinion of ALL ROMAN CATHOLIQUES by the LAW OF GOD so exempted from the Jurisdiction of all Secular even SUPREME POWERS that they can neither Judge nor punish them Whence it evidently follows 1. That the Popish Clergy where-ever they are especially in England and Protestant Kingdoms are no Subjects of that King in whose dominions they live because they are by the Law of God exempt from all Secular Jurisdiction It being a contradiction to say that any Man is a King in respect of those over whom he has no Jurisdiction And 2. It follows that this impious and traiterous Doctrine and Position is not the opinion of some one or a few private persons but of ALL ROMAN-CATHOLIQUES and so of their Popish Church and then their Church by their own Confession is guilty of maintaining and approving such dangerous and to all especially Protestant Kings Pernicious Principles Q. E. D. 5. But we have greater Authority than that of the Colledge of Bononia to manifest the truth of what we say when we accuse the Popish Church for approving and maintaining this impious and pernicious Doctrine That their Ecclesiastiques are not the Kings Subjects I mean the Inquisitors of Spain and Portugal c. who finding in the Index of Chrysostome words expressing this proposition PRIESTS BY THE LAW OF GOD ARE SUBJECT TO PRINCES they knowing that Position to be inconsistent with the Exemptions of their Popish Clergy damn that Proposition and command it to be blotted out Deleantur illa verba say they though Chrysostome say the very same thing in the place to which the Index refers Now it is evident that they who damn this Proposition as erronious PRIESTS by the Law of God are subject to Princes must of necessity approve and affirm the contradictory That Priests by the Law of God ARE NOT subject to Princes which is that rebellious Position with which the Church of Rome is justly charged 6. Lastly the principal Authorities I have brought to prove this or any of the former Rebellious Doctrines charg'd on the Church of Rome have been 1. Their approved and by Publick Authority of their Church received and establish'd Laws 2. Their Popes Bulls Decretals and Constitutions 3. Or the Canons of their Provincial National or General Councils All which are approved innovated and confirm'd expresly in their Trent Council as was before mentioned and all their Secular Clergy all who have any Cure of Souls the chief of their Regulars all Graduates Professors and Readers in their Universities all Physitians c. are solemnly sworn to approve receive and without all doubting to profess all those Canons and Papal Constitutions and to Anathematize Reject and Curse all contrary Opinions and to endeavour as much as in them lies that all committed to their care shall constantly hold and teach the same The Premises impartially consider'd I think two things may and will evidently follow 1. That the Principles and Positions before mention'd are not only dangerous but pernicious to all Supreme Powers especially to Protestant Kings and Princes and that in one thing omitted before that is That Faith is not to be kept with Heretiques but that any competent Ecclesiastical Judge may condemn and execute Heretiques or those who are reputed such notwithstanding any SAFE CONDUCT given them BY THE EMPEROR KINGS or SECULAR PRINCES though confirm'd by OATH and this impious and to Supreme Powers pernicious Doctrine approved and publickly declared and profess'd not only by particular and private persons but by their own General Council of Constance which condemn'd and executed Jerome of Prague and John Hus notwithstanding the Emperors Safe Conduct without which they would not have come to that Council To which we may add that those Fathers of Constance it will highly concern Protestant Princes to consider it Synodically define and declare That all Heretiques that is all they call and commonly miscal Heretiques all their defendors or favourers c. of what dignity soever Kings and Queens and Dukes c. shall be Excommunicated and deprived of all their Goods and Secular Dignities This in Thesi is their impious Doctrine and Principle and in Praxi they are now endeavouring to put it in execution here in England as evidently appears by their Popish and Hellish Conspiracy by the Gracious and Powerful Providence of Heaven lately and happily discovered I take it then to be evident that the aforesaid Popish Doctrines and Principles are exceeding dangerous and to all Supreme Powers especially Protestant Kings and Princes pernicious 2. And from the Premises it will as evidently follow that the aforesaid Popish Principles are not the private Opinions of some particular Persons only seeing 1. They are profess'd and vindicated by the Jesuites Canonists and generally by other great Writers of that Church in their Books publish'd with the Approbation and Commendation of Authority 2. Establish'd in their approved and received Canon-Law 3. In the Authentick Decretal Epistles and Papal Constitutions 4. In their General Councils those I mean which they acknowledge to be General 5. And to say no more all their Clergy and Ecclesiastiques who have place in those Councils have taken a Solemn Oath to maintain all those Canons and Papal Constitutions and this Oath required and taken by the Authority and Command of the Council of Trent and the Pope who is acknowledged to be their Supreme Judge and since the Councils of Pisa Constance and Basil declared by Pope Leo the Tenth and his Lateran Council which they account a General Council to be above all General Councils and this Declaration that all might know it is Law and Obligatory has lately been referr'd into the Body of their Canon-Law Now these things being undeniably true that their Popes and General Councils the Supreme Authority of their Church have approved and received the aforesaid Principles and Positions and caused their Ecclesiastiques solemnly to swear That they do believe and will constantly profess them and so far as they are able make all committed to their charge do so too it evidently follows that they are Roman-Catholick Doctrines own'd and approved by their Church and not only by private and particular persons So that if any who knows and has impartially considered the Premises deny it I shall not call him Impudent but I may and must say he has a hard Forehead and a little thing will not make him blush To conclude If that Priest or Popish Gentleman you mention who so confidently denies the Church of Rome to approve such Principles as I have laid to her charge can as to the sum and substance of the Testimonies here cited for I neither need nor will undertake for every particular Circumstance or Typographical Error either shew 1. That I have misquoted the Authors and Books I cite and that such Passages do not occur in the places quoted 2. Or
the one saying that the Pope is God the other that he is neither God nor Man Now if this be true I desire some of their Canonists would inform me what they think the Pope is For if according to their Law he neither be God nor Man seeing I suppose it will be granted that he is a rational Creature and no good Angel he must be by their Law and Logick an incarnate Devil I do not call him so but only shew what by the just consequences of their impious and blasphemous Glosses he must be 5. And here it may not be unworthy of our observation that although Thomas Manrique Master of the sacred Palace in the year 1572. thought fit to have this impious Gloss left out and has in Print published his opinion yet Pope Gregory the XIII thought otherwise and approves and passes this blasphemous Gloss with such others and so it still remains in the Roman and Parisian Editions Now although the Congregatio Indicis and their Inquisitors in their Indices Expurgatorii take particular notice of and Damn such Sentences as these though Principles of Christian Religion evidently contain'd in Scripture Abraham fide justus Christus credentibus salus Justitia nostra Christus Omnes sumus peccatores I say though they constantly Damn such Sacred Truths and command them to be expung'd yet this impious Gloss making as they think for the Popes absolute Monarchy stands untouch'd in their last and best Editions of their Canon-Law Onely they have in the last Edition I have yet seen added this Note in the Margent over against the Gloss ..... Haec verba sano modo sunt accipienda And that is according to the meaning of Johannes Andreas the Author of that Gloss those words must be taken so as they make most for the Popes Supremacy for so it immediately follows .... Prolata enim sunt ad ostendendam amplissimam esse Pontificis Romani potestatem Now this Supremacy of the Pope being granted which their Lawyers Authentick Laws their Canonists and Councils and all their greatest Writers Jesuits especially generally contend for it evidently follows that the Pope is the sole and onely Supreme Power on Earth and so all Kings and Emperors are and must be his Subjects and so must lose that Supremacy which by the Laws of Nature and Scripture does de Jure belong to them For they say and industriously endeavor to prove this Absolute Supreme Power and Monarchy of the Pope over all Kings and Emperors in the World I shall to satisfie you bring two or three more Witnesses to prove it I. Abraham Bzovius tells us 1. That the Pope is MONARCH of ALL CHRISTIANS Kings and Emperors included 2. That he is SUPREME over ALL MORTALS 3. That there lies no APPEAL from him 4. That he is JUDGE of HEAVEN and in al● EARTHLY JUDGMENTS SUPREME 5. That he is THE ARBITRATOR of THE WORLD These and many more such Bzovius industriously indeavors to prove out o● their Popish Authors Nor is his Book an● surreptitious Work clandestinely publish'd such as Rome would not own for it comes out with all the Solemn Approbations and Commendations of his Superiors and the Apostolick Inquisitor who thus approves Bzovius his Book and so all the above-mention'd Extravagant and Antimonarchical Positions Seeing it sufficiently appears by the APPROBATIONS of the DOCTORS and the Authors FAMOUS NAME that the Learning of this present Work is SINGULAR and the DOCTRINE SOLID both IN FAITH and MANNERS therefore I think it fit to be publish'd FOR THE COMMON UTILITY So that this Doctrine of the Popes Supremacy above all Kings and Emperors is not Bzovius his private Opinion but has the Approbation of the Roman Church at least in the Judgment of those who approved it being attested by those who by that Church are impowered for that purpose II. My next Witness is Isiodorus Mosconius Vicar-General to the Archbishop of Bononia and a learned Lawyer who tells us That the Pope is UNIVERSAL JUDGE KING OF KINGS and LORD of LORDS because his Power is of God That GODS TRIBUNAL and the POPES is one and the SAME and that they have the SAME CONSISTORY and therefore ALL other Powers are HIS SUBJECTS and that the Pope is JUDGED of NONE BUT GOD not of THE EMPEROR or KINGS or of the CLERGY or LAITY And he cites many of their Canons and Councils which as positively as he say and prove the same thing III. Celsus Mancinus De Juribus Principatuum Romae 1596. lib. 3. cap. 1 2. is not far short in attributing an absolute supreme Power to the Pope even in Temporal things For in the place cited he tells us Three things which he fully proves out of their best Authors 1. That the Pope is LORD OF THE WHOLE WORLD 2. That the Pope as Pope has TEMPORAL POWER 3. That this temporal power of the Pope is of ALL OTHER POWERS in the World most EMINENT and ALL other Powers DEPEND on the POPE But let this pass I shall cite you a greater Authority which will not only tell you that the Papal Power is greater than Regal and Imperial but how much it is greater for IV. Pope Innocent the III. as Infallible as any of his Successors tells us that the Papal Power is as much greater than the Imperial as the SUN is greater than the MOON And the Gloss there says that is 47 times greater He who put the Note in the Margent there thinks this too little and therefore he says Quinquagies septies The Papal Power is according to his Arithmetick 57 times greater than the Imperial A Man would think that by these accounts the Popes Power were great enough But there is an Addition there who was the Author of it I know not in which we are told you may believe so far as you think sit that the Papal Dignity exceeds the Imperial no less than 7744. so inconsiderable a thing in these Mens account is Regal and Imperial Majesty in respect of the vast Greatness of Papal Supremacy In short If you compare that Decretal of Innocent the Third but now cited with that famous Extravagant of Pope Boniface the Eighth both which are received into the Body of their Canon-Law you will find them cite several places of Scripture miserably misunderstood and bring reasons to prove the Papal Power above the Regal and Imperial But the consequences they draw from those Texts they cite are so far from being Infallible that they are like those who cite them evidently false and what other Arguments they bring are not only unlike reason but ridiculous yet although neither the Reasons nor the Authority of their Popes nor the general consent of the ablest Writers Rome has who all endeavor to establish the same Position and the Popes extravagant Supremacy can prove that he really has such Power nor are they cited by me to any such