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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A67115 A sermon preached in London by a faithfvll minister of Christ, and perfected by him and now set forth to the publike view of all for the ivstification of the truth and clearing the innocencie of his long suffering for it. Walker, George, 1581?-1651. 1642 (1642) Wing W363; ESTC R27052 14,142 20

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her husband upon other men this provokes him to jealousie and fills him with anger and indignation against her and her lovers Here God compares himselfe to such a person saying I am a jealous God which is all one in effect as if hee had said I am the Lord the Creator of all things there is no God besides me no religious or divine worship is to be given to any but to me alone and therefore whosoever gives such honour to any besides me and doth breake any of my Commandements out of feare love or other affection and respect to any creature whatsoever hee provokes me to jealousie And then what followes I will saith he visit the sinnes of the Fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of them that thus hate me Now the meaning of these words is not that hee will punish the innocent children for the Idolary of the Parents For hee is the righteous Judge of all the earth hee will not destroy the righteous and innocent with the wicked and the guilty Gen. 8. 25. He himselfe protesteth with an oath That the Father shall not dye for the Child nor the Child for the Father for all soules saith hee are mine the soule of the Child as well as the soule of the Father Ezek. 18. How then can this saying stand that he will visit the sinnes of the Fathers on the Children to the third and fourth generation Surely the meaning is That because men often times live to see their Children and their Childrens children to the third and fourth generation and if they be wicked Idolaters haters of the true God they are examples of evill to their Children and by exhortations commandements and examples draw such Children to commit the same sinnes and their Children are led by affection and respect of their evill wayes And hence it is that the Fathers sinnes becomes the sinnes of their children and the sinnes which the Children commit in imitation and by the perswasion of their Fathers are called the sins of the Fathers And it is no excuse of the Children that the example and their respect of their Parents did draw them to follow their wayes but the Lord in fury and jealousie will proceed against them as hatefull sinners and will visit their sinnes upon them And least any should thinke or imagine that the justice of God is not so strict in this point now under the Gospel but the rigour thereof is much remitted Wee have a most cleare testimony from the mouth of the chiefest Evangelicall Preachers and Publishers of the Gospel the holy Apostles wherewith joynt consent and one voyce they protest that they might not for feare of men nor upon the commands and threatnings of the chiefe Rulers in the Church and State of Israel transgresse the Commandement of Christ and by obeying men disobey God Acts 4. 19. and 5. 29. Yea though their preaching of the Gospel publikely in the Temple as the Angel commanded them from God Acts 5. 20. and to all the people in all publike Assemblies and their proclaiming of the Lord Christ whom Pilate by instigation of the High-priests and Elders had condemned crucified and slaine and their declaring of him to be the just and holy one of God and the Redeemer promised to the Fathers was no lesse then Scandalum Magnatum in the highest degree for hereby they brought the bloud of Christ on Pilate the Chiefe Governour of the Romans and on them the chiefe Rulers of the people and in that respect they did out of State-policie charge them and straightly command them not to preach any more in the Name of Christ as our Saviour had commanded them Matth. 28. 19. Yet Peter and the rest of the Apostles answered resolately We ought to obey God rather then you and they appealed to themselves though most unjust adversaries to judge whether it were not right so to doe And therefore it is as great a sinne now under the Gospel as it was under the Law to breake Gods Commandements for feare or any other affection or respect of men or upon the commandements and threatnings of the greatest Kings and Potentates If you will yet see this Truth made more cleare and manifest look into the examples of those severall persons and also of those multitudes of people which are noted for great sinners and were most severely punished for doing wicked acts contrary to the Law of God out of obedience to their Rulers and at the commandement of their Kings who had power and authority over them the holy Scriptures afford many examples of this kind in severall places where they commend Subjects and Children for refusing to obey their Superiours and Parents in things which they commanded against the Law of God and condemne others for obeying such wicked commandements out of Feare or for any other respect When King Saul commanded Ionathan his sonne and all his servants that they should wait for an opportunity to slay David his innocent servant and sonne in Law and Gods great and Noble Champion he had a faire pretence of State-policie for it to wit that David did steale away the hearts of his people and aspired to the Kingdome and sought to depose him and to disinherit his sonnes But because Ionathan feared God hee would not obey his Father in murthering an innocent contrary to Gods Law but used all meanes that he could devise to discover his Fathers wicked purposes to David and to reserve him out of his cruell hands and this disobeying of the word and threatnings of the King his Father commanding him to slay an innocent is highly commended in Ionathan and recorded for his praise and honour in the Holy History I Sam. 19. So likwise we read that Ionathan did ignorantly breake his Fathers rash and foolish vow before he knew it by eating honey which God unexpectedly offered to him when hee was faint and weary in his pursuit of the Phihstines whom hee and his Armour bearer had rowted and put to flight and thereby brought great deliverance to Israel and when King Saul his Father for this act done out of inuicible ignorance adjudged him to death and swore with a great oath that hee should dye the people of Israel his Subjects fearing God more then his anger did not onely abhorre the act and refuse to yeeld to his commandement which had some shew and pretence of Religion but also did stand out and oppose themselves against it and did save and rescue Ionathan out of his hands saying God forbid that Ionathan should dye As the Lord liveth there shall not one haire fall from his head to the ground for hee hath wroughe with God this day I Sam. 14. 45. Which speech of theirs implies that it had been a great sinne to slay Ionathan as Saul their King commanded or to suffer him to dye for such a cause But the most pregnant example of all is that of Doeg the Edomite Sauls chiefe Heards-man I Sam. 22. where wee read
that when King Saul commanded the men of his Guard whom hee had obliged to him by many preferments and gifts as his upbraiding words in the seaventh verse seeme to imply that they should slay the Lords innocent Preists whome he out of false and unjust suspition and jelousy supposed to conspire with David against him they would not put forth their hands to fall upon them as the Text saith verse 17. and Doeg the Edomite who at the Kings Commandement slue the Preists and mangled and murthered their wives and children and innocent Sucklings and like a bloudy oppressing Tyrant spoyled their City and all their substance is by the Spirit of God in the mouth of David cursed with most dreadfull curses though hee did these things in obedience to the King his Lord upon whose favour all his preferment did depend the sentence of judgement passed upon him Psal. 52. that God would destroy him for ever pluck him out of his dwelling and root him out of the Land of the living doth most plainely shew that his Act was a most heinous sinne and wickednesse In like manner when Ieroboam commanded the Israelites who had chosen him for their King to worship God who brought them out of Aegypt in the Images of golden Calves such as Aaron had before made at Mount Horeh it is said in the Text that he made them to sinne his Command●ment did not excuse them and their worship of Images neither did God spare to punish them for it but as the Prophet Hosea testifieth cap. 5. 11. Ephraim that is the Israelites of the ten Tribes was oppressed and broken in judgement because he willingly walked after the Commandement that is of Ieroboam and also of Baasha and other wicked Kings who walked in the wayes of Ieroboam and made Israel to sinne And although Omri Ahab and Iezabel were cruell Tyrants and by Statutes tyrannicall commands terrours threatnings and slaughter of the Lords Prophets teachers of Gods true worship did not onely draw but drive and force Israel their people and subjects to worship Baal yet this excused not the peoples Idolatry but the Lord threatens them by the Prophet Micha 6. 16. that because they kept the Statutes of Omri and walked in the counsels and wayes of the house of Ahab therefore hee will make the Land a desolation and an hissing and reproach and for their forsaking of Gods covenant and worshipping of Baal Idols and Groves Eliah the man of God accuseth them all as great offenders deeply guilty saying The Children of Israel have forsaken thy Covenant and broken downe thine Altars 1 King 19. 14. And God in his answer to Eliahs accusation exempts none from the guilt of these sinnes in all Israel but onely those seveven thousand men who had not been drawne by the terrours threatnings and cruell commands of Ahab and Iezabel to worship Baal but had kept their knees from bowing to him and their mouthes from kissing him as we see vers. 18 What man can plead more plausible for any disobedience to any Commandement of God then the man of God which came from Iudah to Bethel to prophesie against Ieroboams Altar might plead for his eating bread and drinking water in that wicked Idolatrous place contrary to Gods particular Commandement given to him First the thing forbidden was a matter in it selfe very indifferent there was no appearance of any evill in it so long as he did not eate and drinke with infectious and infamous Idolaters which might be a snare and scandall to him Secondly his resolution and endeavour to keep this Commandement was such that when King Ieroboam thankfully invited him to eate and drinke out of kindnesse for healing his withered hand he could not be overcome with any intreaty nor promise of great gifts and rewards Thirdly when he was seduced and drawne to eate and drinke in the place forbidden it was the authority of the old Prophet and his respect to his words which he confidently affirmed to be the words of God which perswaded him to returne with him and to eate bread with him and yet all this could not excuse this man of God from sinne in doing contrary to Gods Commandement given to him for God presently makes the old Prophet which deceived him a Messenger of death to declare unto him his untimely death for his disobedience and that his dead carkasse torne by a Lyon should not come to the Sepulchre of his Fathers 1 King 13. Whereby it is manifest that no power or authority of any man how fairely soever it is pretended to be from God can excuse any act done against any knowne Commandement of God though it be a Commandement of a small indifferent thing given onely to try mans obedience but whosoever upon any respect to any creature or by any perswasion doth transgresse any Precept or word of God he is guilty of sinne and worthy of death before Gods just Tribunall Sauls letters from the High-priests which gave him a Commission and authority to persecute Christians did not excuse him from sin though he did it in ignorance and blind zeale for he calls himselfe the greatest of sinners for that act of persecution 1 Tim. 1. 15. But I hold it needlesse to spend time in rehersing more examples to prove this doctrine though it is of all Doctrines the chiefest and most necessary to be beleeved continually kept in mind and observed of all Adams posterity I will onely adde one strong and invincible argument and demonstration to convince all men of the truth thereof grounded upon divers solid principles of Reason and Religion First it is a thing which none but Atheists can or will deny that when any creature stands in competition with God and seekes to bee respected and obeyed before God and to have his demands and commands yeelded unto which are contrary to the will and Law of God as he in that case seekes to rob God of his due honour and glory and to exalt himselfe above God which is Luciserian pride rebellion so they who in such a case obey him whether for feare or love or any respect and affection in a thing contrary to any Word or Commandement of God they do undobtedly rob God of his glory and of the honour which properly belongs to him for God as the Creator of all things and giver of being life and breath to all creatures severally who also upholds and preserves them all in being and well being and sustaines them by his providence so he is the chiefe Father of all worthy to be respected loved and obeyed above all other Parents and Benefactors who are but instruments of his bounty and subordinate meanes of our being and other benefits He also by the right both of Creation and also of redemption is the chiefe King Lord owner and possessor of all things in heaven and earth to whom all hearts hands wills desires and affections ought to be subject and obedient in all things and at all times Besides
penalties as trouble vexation imprisonment and losse of liberty or with hope of some preferment profit and gaine which they may reape by executing an unlawfull office they are ready to plead for themselves that they are excusable because they did take such oathes and doe execute such offices by command of Superiours and in obedience to authority and that otherwise they should forgoe a profitable office and trade which doth maintaine and enrich them and their Family and should be vexed troubled fined impoverished imprisoned and deprived of their libertie But let mee answer such in the words of Holy Iob chap. 27. 8. What is the hope of the Hypocrite that he hath gained when God taketh away his soule What will his gainefull office advantage him when God findeth and judgeth him guilty for profaning his holy Ordinance and taking his Name in vaine Yea our Saviour fully answereth such Hypocrites and discovereth the folly of such worldly Polititions in expresse words saying What is a man profited to gaine the whole World and lose his owne soule or what shall a man give in exchange for his soule Matth. 16. 26. All the liberty and freedome from bands and imprisonment all the worldly profits pleasures goods and wealth which men purchase and procure to themselves by their obsequious observing of great ones and obeying the authority and commandements of men in things contrary to the Word and Law of God will yeeld them no comfort at all but rather adde to their torment in that flaming fire wherein God will render vengeance to them and punish them with everlasting destruction from his presence and the glory of his power and shut them up with the Devill and damned spirits in the prison of blacknesse and darknesse for ever world without end Lastly whereas many who are wise in their owne conceit and most politicke for the world and in wordly matters when they are commanded as Doeg was by Saul his lawfull King to mangle murder and massacre the innocent servants of God and to oppresse and spoile them of goods lands and lives as the Nobles of Naboaths City were by Iezabels Letters written in Ahabs name and sealed with his Seale or to execute cruell and bloudy sentences given by Judges of unrighteousnesse under the name and colour of the Law by haling to prison torturing and punishing Christian people men and women as Saul did when he was a persecutor armed with Commission and Letters from the High Priests they perswade themselves and plead confidently that it is no sinne in them to doe such things though in themselves most unjust and contrary to the Law of God but that the sinne and guilt lyes wholly on their Superiours and on the Judges which by their authority and imperious commands doe impose upon them such executions and they the executioners shall never be called to account nor undergoe the punishment of just revenge from God Let all such be admonished by this Doctrine that this their plea and perswasion will never excuse them before God but as they have an hand in wicked workes and are executioners of cruell and ungodly sentences so they shall have their share in the just punishments of such heinous transgressions and the righteous and supreme Judge will cause just vengeance to be executed on them also It is true that seducors and perswaders of others to sinne and all they who by their power and authority feare and awe cause others to commit wickednes as they are cheife Authours there of next under the Divill the Father of all iniquity and the blood of those whome they haue seduced compelled and caused to transgresse Gods holy Commandements shall ly heavy upon them and God will certainly require it at their hands so shall they chiefly bear the curse and punishment But they who are seduced and led by them through blind obedience shall not escape but shall also fall with them into the pit of destruction And all they who are voluntarily instruments of cruell oppression violence or any wickednesse they shall undoubtedly dye and perish in those sinnes of which they are partakers with them who set them on worke to doe wickedly there is no way for them to escape Gods revenging curse but by godly griefe and sorrow to repentance and by seeking and finding pardon in Christ Wherefore behold your folly and wilfull madnesse yee worklly Polititions who are so wise to worke your owne ruine who by vaine excuses and subtile fallacies of fleshly reason doe blinde your owne eyes and hardon your hearts not to repent Alas what comfort will it be to you that your great Lords whom you feared and obeyed and the unrighteous Judges whose cruell sentences yee executed doe chiefely beare the curse and punishment of that cruelty injustice and iniquity which they acted by your hands what ease or mitigation of sorrow paine and griefe will it be to you that you see them leade the way and goe before you when you also follow them at the heeles and dance after them attendance unto Hell there to remaine for ever in the lake which burnes with fire and brimstone where the worme dyeth not and the fire never goeth out but burneth eternally and is unquenchable world without end From which wrath and eternall woe the Lord deliver us for his mercies sake and through the meritorious satisfaction of the Lord Jesus Christ our Redeemer and Saviour To whom with the Father and the blessed Spirit be all glory honour and praise now and for ever Amen ●INIS Doct. Reason Vse 1. Vse 2.