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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A44796 The invisible things of God brought to light by the revelation of the eternal spirit who was an ey-witness of the wonders of the Lord in the beginning : wherein is declared the felicity of all things in the beginning and the sad estate of all things after the transgression ... / by Francis Howgill. Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. 1659 (1659) Wing H3169; ESTC R28120 87,745 248

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this worship is in the Apostacy So let all take notice of this compelling causing forcing killing and destroying about worship all they that so do yet are worshipping the beast on which the Whore rides and this is that generation who slew the Lamb and they are of the World and this is the Dragons brood who sought to devour the man-child and this is the Serpents seed and a seed of falsehood who made war with the remnant of the seed of the woman through all ages unto this generation and so all that which is called Christendome is more or lesse under the beasts power and hath his Image even to this day and yet some of them are professing the saints words and imitating their actions who were followers of the Lamb and kept the faith now this that Iohn saw as come in did grow deceivers anti-christs false prophets who were before trouthe Churches at Galatia Corinth and made havock brought in deceit and infected many as Coloss. Pergamus Rev. 3. Sardis Laodicea but now all Nations were erred and gone from their maker their husband and did drink of the cup of the whore and were adulterated from the life faith and power and now worshipped the beast and the whole world went after him there was some of his adultery whordome and fornication in the Apostles dayes and some had drunken then but now Nations kindreds Tongues and people drunk the cup of fornication and now Jesabel who slew the prophets and drunk the blood of the saints she reaches out her cup Kings merchants Noble men great men Nations kinreds Tongues and people were made drunk the man-child sought to be devoured flouds cast out after the woman the saints blood drunk the world worships the Dragon and the beast and his great authority and wonders after him now Jesabel the whore who made the nations drunk she prophesies all the Nations made drunk with her cup of fornication and drinks in all her false doctrines and devised fables now she is as a Queen now the Nations worships after a beast arises she gets upon him and rides she and the beast becomes one she drinks the blood of the saints the beast makes war compells kills being of one mind with the whore none to buy or sell but they that have his mark of his name or at least some of the number of his name and who were not defiled were killed or sought to be killed this is since the apostles days so now we have found the whore her beginning in the Apostacy having lost the faith and power that the Saints were in we have found out the rise of the beast in the Apostacy since the Apostles that all the World wondred after and worshipped Now Rome we have found thy foundation and the beginning of thy rise and sees how thou art elevated we have thee and all that sprang out of thy stock and root betwixt this time and the Apostles and we read beyond thee though thou boast thy selfe of antiquity and glory in thy counsels and convocations for thy proof we have sounded thy bottome I have thee and all the Apostates sprang from thee betwixt me and the Apostles the anti-christs false-Prophets deceivers false Apostles they began they laid thy foundation who went out from the Apostles and denyed the crosse of Christ and the power of God and the Apostle prophesied of their increase here thy visible members began to gather and they went out into the World and the World received them according to Christs saying out of the light out of the power out of the faith out of the life that the holy men of God were in being ravened from the spirit whored from the life they went out in an outward dresse had a shew a form of godliness the Nations received the cup the Kings of the earth the Nobles and the mighty men thou boasts of they drank of thy cup and were inflamed with adultery after thee and then the Nations over which the whoredoms spread kindreds Dominions tongues Nations peoples and become fornicators all became as a sea rolling tossing foming raging casting up mire and dirt unstable reeling then the Kings the great men thy Nobles who were Rulers over the people being drunk with the Nations cup of fornication they sprang up as a great Beast with so many heads and horns and their teeth became as Lyons their feet as Bears and then thou began to ride in the Nations and to sit as a Queen then thou associated thy drunken fornicators together then thou began to usurp authority and then sit as Judge over the heritage of God and of the Saints of the Apostles and of them that kept the testimony of Jesus then thou began to kill and destroy and suck the blood of the Saints and to be drunk with it and then thy Kings whom thou calls converts and Christians having drunken thy cup they formed Lawes and made Lawes to guard thy whoredoms and adultries and Idolatries then they became thy executioners and what thou said was good the Beast maintained and what thou condemnedst by thy Counsels for heresie they became executioners of then came in compelling to worship by the Beast that rose out of the Sea and then thou cryed Hereticks and condemned the just and then thou got a cover thou wouldst not kil but the beast must upon whom thou rides then if there was any that kept their virginity and the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ which was in the Apostles dayes then thou condemnedst them for Hereticks then the Beast compelled and caused to worship but if they would not bow to his image then thy Merchants cries up they despise Governors and Rulers when both thy Doctrine and thy Laws is corrupt then the Beast must kill then he blaphemes the God of heaven and his Tabernacle and then thou saith thou killest none but the beast must upon which thou rides and shall have a whole Counsel to confirm it to be lawful And now thou cals thy self the Catholike and Apostolical Church and thy seat the Apostolical Chair and the Rulers and leaders defenders of the faith Nay we finde thee contrary to the primitive Church and thy seat and Chair is raised up since and thy bed of whoredoms made since and the Kings and Rulers in thy Dominions are become defenders of thy idolatries and whoredoms and are indeed the beast that makes War with the Saints and hath prevailed and truth overcome but he is risen who is able to make war with the Beast and to take the whore and to burn her flesh with fire for he is able to judge her and thy Beasts weapons and thine are carnal but the Lambs and the Saints are spiritual and so thy Doctrine and practice is quite another thing patched ●uffe some brought in from the first Priesthood some borrowed from the Jews as thy Altars thy vestments that thy idolatrous Merchants wear when they celebrate thy great idol the Mass and the rest borrowed fragments
tempted the man and the temptation entered into a ground which was blessed before and good in the motion of the life of the Power but she having transgressed contrary to the command the man received it contrary to the command without the motion of the Power or the life which all was to move in he also going out of the power received it in and seed upon knowledge without the life without the power out of the truth he became one with the woman one with the Serpent who went out of truth and abode not in it and they all were disjoynted and cut off from the Life and the power and hear was the beginning of the father of lies and of him who spoke of himself out of the power out of the truth and his beginning is without foundation now he that is wise in heart read his generation or who made him now appeared the Angel of the bottomless pit and not before and made war against the power against the Lamb and so the heart of man was turned away from obeying and feeding upon the power to obey and feed upon knowledge without the Life or power and here was the first transgression out of the power and the motion of the light which made all things good and so as this knowledge was fed upon and grew man died unto the Life unto the power and wisdom and dominion that he had over all that God had made he lost and so died unto the power and lived upon knowledge without the power and now became afraid of the power because he was in the transgression of it And thus the Serpent who was most subtle went out of the truth and acted in sin and led into transgression and so there became fear where was none and shame where there was none and nakedness where there was no nakedness before the power was died unto which was their clothing in righteousness and there was a hiding place sought by him who before iniquity needed no hiding place and this is the foundation and beginning of that seed in the transgression which shall call to the mountains to cover them and to hide them from the wrath of the Lamb. Oh how is man degenerated now and grown quite out of the pure quality and kind and nature in which he was made now afraid of the power that made him which before he had union with was his Life and gave him dominion and this fulfilled upon man he was planted a noble vine a holy right seed now become a degenerate plant of a strange vine now when the Lord appeared and examined him and man knew his fault that he had acted against the power yet that which acted in transgression would excuse here is the fruit of the Devils work transgresse and then hide and excuse it and so the woman put it off to the Serpent he was the beginner of it but if she had stood in the power he would have had no place nor his counsel but they all went out of the light and Life into the knowledge without the Power and Life and so the curse came upon all Now the man cursed and the ground for his sake and the woman cursed in sorrow to bring forth and the Serpent cursed the beginner of iniquity cursed above all the beasts of the field to go upon his belly and dust to be his meat for ever and an enmity put between the seed of the woman and his seed for ever and an eternal decree passed against him for ever and he made war against the seed of the woman which the Lord promised to bruise his head now came the miserable estate in that which led him into transgression grew and he in it and to be at unity with it then came hard ness of heart and then came the world to be founded in his heart and he grew in the devouring beastly nature to follow the earthly imaginations of his heart and became earthly and fed upon that which the beasts of the field fed upon And now the Lamb came to be slain since the foundation of the world now was man driven out from the tree of Life and out of the garden and could no way come there again he had no right to it the Lamb being slain and he was cut off to wit man from him which before gave him peace and from the Power in which he was made he was driven out from and the sword set that go what way he could he could not come into the Life again the image of God lost then the joyful day was lost and rejoycing in the Lord at an end then the day of peace was finished and perpetual misery and wo come in then unity with the Lord of glory gone and now shame and contempt came and woful misery Now Hell was formed and the botomlesse Pit sprang up and the Angel thereof ruled and advanced and the Lamb slain and now the Lake was prepared and Tophet ordained now came the day of angnish of pain of wo sorrow and misery blackness and darkness terror horror fear on every side and the day of great perplexity Dominion lost power lost Authority lost peace lost joy lost health lost unity lost with God and unity lost with every creature and endless misery brought in Alas alas what is become of him who was the Son of God now become as the beasts that perish now a vessel of wrath a dishonourable vessel Oh unspeakable losse forfeited all Life and all gone into plunged into the deep pit of endlesse misery driven from the presence of the Lord from blessednesse happinesse into cursednesse and misery never to come to Life again but through the losse of Life man in honour in dominion partaker of eternal riches and the durable riches now turned out of all and become vile in the sight of the Lord and hath forfeited Life and all eternal life and he who was in perfect freedome become a bondman a slave to the Devil and to noysome lusts he who was Lord over all now become a servant to all and every creature he who was in dominion in the power of God now become base and vile He who was the Image of God now become the image of the Devil he who was heir of life and felicity now become inheritor of death and endlesse misery he was partakers of the unchangeable love now partaker of wrath he that was in the covenant of life in which he had union with God and all the Angles and all the holy host of God now hath union with unclean spirits which are cursed from the presence of the Lord for ever he that had union with all Gods creatures hath lost the union with all being gone out of the power in which all was created and moreover now in enmity to it and joyned to him who hath the power of death which is the Devil and now drawes iniquity as with a Cart-rope and vanity as with a cord and he who was joyned
manifested his pure presence poured out his spirit plentifully upon sons and daughters fulfilled that which Joel●prophesied ●prophesied of Joel 2. 28. which came to be fulfilled after Christs ascention Acts. 2. 17. and they received the holy Ghost spoke the wonderfull things of God as they were revealed by the spirit which shed it selfe abroad among them that waited for it so also the mystery of iniquity began to work even in that time and as the Apostles laid the foundation of truth and declared the truth Christ to be the foundation even so the Mystery of iniquity did work and a beginning or a foundation of error was laid by them who were gone out of the truth the false Prophets deceivers Anti-christs who were professors and preachers but they were such as were covetous and greedy of filthy lucre and made merchandize of souls for dishonest gaine and denyed the power of God Christ and were enemies to the Crosse and gloried in the flesh and spake swelling words of vanity and did all live in the lust of the flesh and were proud boasters and denyed the Lord that bought them for denying the power of God they did deny Christ though in words they preached him as this generation who are their off-springs doe out of strife contention as the Apostle writs they held the form of godlinesse but denyed the power and they were they that once were convinced of the truth and came into the forme of truth but denyed the power of truth but were in craft and deceit and they subverted whole houses from the faith and led them back into the world into unbeliefe in the Apostles dayes and yet had a worship and did worship but not the power not the life and this began to worke and wrought more cunningly and subtilly in the latter times And the Apostle Paul in many of his Epistles Iohn and Peter and Jude declares against them and Paul prophesied of them before his departure of grievous Wolves which should spring up which should not spare to make havock of the flock of Christ so the fall Apostles deceivers Antichrists and deceitful workers they went out then and did what they could to lead disciples after them into the world inwardly they were ravened from the spirit and was gone from it into the earth into the world and served not the Lord Jesus Christ but their own bellies and the God of the world which is the Devil and they went into the world and the world received them and then they and their disciples turned against the saints and they held truth in words and the form for a while but it was in unrighteousness and here was the beginners and the beginning of the Apostats and of the Apostacy it was began in the Apostles dayes by them that went out of the truth out of the light and were ravened from the spirit and erred from the faith and were enemies to the power of God and these were the beginners and the layers of the foundation and then it grew that root of wickedness faster then the truth for the Jewes resisted and the heathen resisted and the Apostates and false prophets resisted and they that were Apostatized they resisted and they caused many to stumble to erre to make ship-wrack of their faith and so the world went after them the World the Nations the kindreds the tongues the people went after Kings Princes and potentates of the earth in processe of time they had over run-all killed the saints the woman fled into the wildernesse the man child was caught up unto God then all Nations who were gone from the Rock became as a sea reeled to fro unstable unsetled what were they like to settle in the Sea then a great beast arose with his seven heads and ten hornes and the whore which had defiled the bed and she sat upon the beast and she reached out her cup of fornication to the nations and all nations was drunk with her cup and then the beast made war and the nations were drunk and they loved the beast and received his marke became cruel and pushed at the saints and followed him and made war with them and the whore she drank the blood of the saints and the Dragon appeared and with his tayle drew the third part of the stars after him to the Earth the false Prophets they are the tayle of the Dragon who were gone from the testimony of Jesus the spirit of prophecy and drew after it the third part of the stars from the firmament of his power into the earth Rev. 12. 4. The man child was caught up unto God which was to rule all Nations with a rod of Iron and the woman fled into the wildernesse where God hath prepared a place for her and then the Dragon went out and made war with the remnant of her seed to wit the womans seed And so out of the Sea arose the beast out of Nations kindreds Tongues and peoples which are waters and the Dragon gave power to the beast and his seat and great authority Rev. 13. 2. And all the world wondred after the beast ver 3. and ver 4. They worshipped the Dragon which gave power to the beast and the beast likewise and now the worl● cryed which wondred after the beast who is able to make war with the beast and ver 6. he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name and Tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven and he made war with the saints and did overcome them and all that dwelt upon the Earth worshipped him whose names were not written in the Lambs book of life And the beast● deceived the Nations and them that did dwell on the earth and now kindreds Tongues and peoples and Nations and all the world which wondred after him they who had lost the image of God now became the image of the beast that blasphemed God and his Tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven and now the Kings of the earth that had drunk the Whores cup of fornication and the Nations Kindreds and Tongues and people who were become the beasts image now the image of the beast spoke and caused as many as would not worship the beast and the image should be killed take notice of that all who are called Christians it was not Gods image who compelled to worship or else be killed but it was the beasts image and wheresoever compultion and killing is exercised and practised they worship the beast Chap. 13. ver 16. And he causeth all both small and great rich and poor bond and free to receive a marke in their forehead or in their right hand and none might buy or sell but he which had the beasts marke or his name or the number of his name here was worship but it was the beasts worship and Idolatrous worship and the Dragons worship who sought to destroy the man-child which all the Angels is to worship all