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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A35228 An epitome of all the lives of the kings of France from Pharamond the First, to the now most Christian King Levvis the thirteenth : with a relation of the famous battailes of the two kings of England, who were the first victorious princes that conquered France / translated out of the French coppy by R.B. Esq. R. B., 1632?-1725?; Commynes, Philippe de, ca. 1447-1511.; Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673. 1639 (1639) Wing C7322A; ESTC S108602 91,960 364

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without house without bread without honour without mourning without memory but that his end was prodigiously memorable The reasons were his imperious pride in prosperity and his despairing dejectednesse in adversity foo●●sh extreames becomming not a magnanimous mind therefore his affliction was hated of his subjects not considering the true cause of his affliction But the chiefe cause was his distrust in God in his extremities for he should have acknowledgd that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as David said O Lord although I am throwne downe I have held my peace thou hast it done Eudes or Odo the 30. King of France Anno 891. EVdes or Odo sonne of Rober● Count of Paris and of France Tutor to the young Charles tooke the government of the affaires under the Title of King and by the consent of Arnulph and the Lords of France Hee was consecrated and annointed King and crowned by Walter Arch-bishop of Sens who was a cause that Baldwin Count of Flanders and Fulco Arch-bishop of Rheimes sent Guy Duke of Spoleta into Italy to take the affaires of France into his hands Odo being established gave the County of Paris and of France to Count Robert his brother and instituted Richard Count of Authun governour of the lower Burgundy for the defence thereof against the Normans who having beene Anno Domini 888. repulsed from before Pa●is by Count Robert came before Sens from whence they were heaten by the ●●id Richard Duke of Burgundy who was the first that left that dignity here●itary and patrimoniall to his succes●●rs Walter Nephew to Eudes making 〈◊〉 insurrection against him betooke himselfe into Lygus whence fetcht out he was put to death At the same time Ebulo Abbot of St. Germans and Count Ranulph together with his brother Gotsbert arose against Eudes in Aquitaine whom he made to goe against them In the meane time the greatest part of the Lords of Neustria were in pursuite of Fulco Arch-bishop of Rheimes and of the Counts Heribert and Pepin the young Charles the Simple whom they caused to be crowned King in the City of Rheimes Whereupon Eudes and he grew to great Warres so that Charles the Simple would have entered into a confederacy of a Fleete o● Normans under the conduct of Hasting● for the recovery of his Kingdome bu● he was prevented by Fulco the Archbishop of Rheimes because they wer● as yet Pagans Fulco made peace betweene Eudes and Charles the Simple● Anno Domini 897 and by this reconciliation a part of the Kingdome w●● given to Charles and the other perm●ted to Eudes who enjoyed it not lon● after because he deceased without issue the 13. of January Anno 898 and at his death hee declared that of right the Crowne after him ought to returne to Charles the Simple to whom it of equity and right appertained From the Race of this Eudes sprung Hugh Capet for Widechind of Saxony favour'd by Charlemagne sent his son Robert or Rupert into France who had two sonnes Eudes and Robert Father to Hugh the great Father to Hugh Capet afterward King of France Fame drew this Character of Eudes that hee was a good wise man yet he could not please the French by his Regency for the excesse of his vertue curbing the desire of such as sought to raise their fortunes by usurping power over the State and the Kings weaknesse supported by Eudes drew envy on his actions seeking the good of the Common-wealth which hee neglected but with approved resolution not abated by private malice went forward with the government of the Realme and at last resignes all his Authority to the King who like Phaethon unfit to rule the Chariot of the Sunne by his bad government met those misfortunes which Eudes kept off while hee lived for Wisdome and Discretion is Scutum invincibile an invincible Buckler folly envy policy treachery slander adversity necessity power and injustice and all the Devills invisible Artillery cannot pierce nor wound him that is therewith arm'd Charles the Simple the 31. King of France Anno 898. CHarles surnamed the Simple was estated in his Fathers Throne Anno Dom. 898 and by the reason of his imbecillity every one encroched upon him by making whatsoever possessions they held as hereditary to their posterity what belonged of right to the Crowne in so much that great dignities Dutchies Earledomes and government of Provinces which formerly were held but for terme of life in a titulary way were now made hereditary Anno Domini 912. he made a peace with Rollon upon condition that the Countrey of Neustry bounded by the River Epte on the one side and by the Ocean on the other should remaine to Rollon in Title of a Dutchy to hold it in homage of the Crowne of France conditionally also that he and his whole Countrey should bee baptized in the Christian Faith By reason whereof he was baptized Robert after the name of his Kinsman Count Robert from thence Normandy had its denomination In those times also there were great troubles in France which were raised by Robert brother to the former Odo who had caused himselfe to bee crowned King by Herivee Arch-bishop of Rheimes whilst Charles was in Loraine for the recovery whereof Charles led an Army of Lorainers against Robert whom he tooke at unawares neare to Soyssons Notwithstanding this Robert resisted him valiantly but with the losse of his life The battaile neverthelesse was lost by Charles who fled into Loraine Whereupon the Allies of Robert called in Duke Rodulph of Burgundy whom they caused to be crowned King at Soyssons for want of Hugh le Blanc sonne of the late Robert who by reason of his youth durst not pretend the Crowne After this Charles staid not long to be entrapped in the snares of Hebert the Count who sent by his Cousin Bernard Count of Senlis to take him so that he was detained prisoner in the City of St. Quintin and afterwards was sent to the Castle of Thyerry upon the Marne and from thence to Peronne where he ended his life five yeares after his imprisonment leaving Lewis in the power of his Mother Theargine who for his safety conveyed him into England This King having resign'd his Crowne to Raoul his God-sonne the first Prince of the blood by his Mother Hermingrade Daughter to Lewis and wife of Boson King of Burgundy dyed with griefe and of a languishing Melancholy to see that his treacherous vassage should so affront and oppose him and use him in such a disgracefull manner For there is no greater misery or vexation than when the Master through want and poverty is abused by the man it doth even astonish the minde and pierce the Heart unto death for Asperius nihil est humili cum surgit in altum Rodulph or Raoul of Burgundy the 32. King of France Anno 923. ROdulph having beene crowned King at Soissons the 13. of June Anno Dom. 923 reigned 13. yeares hee went afterwards to warre with Hugh le Blanc against the Normans others
will undeservedly speake well and ill of the same Action and the same man And lastly that great men loving not to come to accompt may abuse their authority Philip 5. the 48. King of France Anno 1317. THis Philip the 5 surnamed The Tall the controversie of the right to the Crowne being not yet determined betweene him and his Neece Daughter to Lewis Hutin whom Eudes her Unkle upheld and maintained her right marched with an Army every where compleate to Rheimes where hee made himselfe to be annointed King by the Arch-bishop of that See on the Feast of the Epiphany Anno Dom. 1317 and after returned to Paris Whither hee summoned Robert Count of Artois whom he forced to renounce the right which he pretended to that County whereof hee had Vi Armis by force and Armes taken possession to the prejudice of Mahant his Wives Mother In the meane time Lewis Count of Neuers Sonne of Robert Count of Flanders entertained the Flemings to his utmost endeavours in a revolt against the King who because hee came not to render homage for the Counties which hee held in France was cited to answer for himselfe before the King and fayling in his appearance all his possessions were seized for the King In the end the said Lewis Count of Nevers came and submitted himselfe to the King and recovered his Countries After upon perswasion of the Popes Legate there was a peace concluded betweene the King and the Count of Flanders the 15. of May Anno Dom. 1320 insomuch that the said Count did homage for his Lands to the King of France and accorded that Lewis the sonne of Lewis of Nevers should marry Madam Marguerite the second Daughter of France upon condition that he should succeede to the County of Flanders after his Grandfather and Father About the same time the Marriage of Isabelle the third Daughter to the King with Guy the Dolphin of Vienna was treated who not long after succeeded his Father John in Dauphine The Eldest Daughter was before marryed to Odo Duke of Burgundy After that the King quitted all the actions against his Subjects which some of his Councell in abuse of his good nature had put upon and against them And as he was deliberating to have but one sort of weights and measures in one and the same species and also a certaine rate and value of monies a malady intercepted his designes by which hee ended his dayes the third of January An. Dom. 1322. He was a Prince of a tractable disposition and therefore easily corrupted inclined more to ill than good The chiefest thing worthy remembrance in his Reigne was that his bad servants presuming on his gentle Nature layd heavy taxations on the people who thereupon maintained and thus hee suffering his Authority to be abus'd by them shew'd that although hee were great and tall of stature yet hee had but little wit and understanding A Benedicting Priest and Monke pretentending a voyage to the East committed many outrages in the East with a multitude of people by them assembled and called themselves Shepheards untill they were defeated in Languedoe This Philip would have made one weight and measure throughout his Realme but it proved but an Eutopian conceite not to be maintained by Authority or Reason The Jewes which were formerly expelled and driven out of the Kingdome were now againe admitted but after they endeavoured to bring in an Artificiall Plague into the Kingdome by using the helpe of Lepers some were grievously punished and the rest banished out of France Lastly this Kings five yeares Reigne was Rasa Tabula a blanke Table wherein Fame hath written no Royall action Charles 4. surnamed the Faire the 49. King of France Anno 1322. CHarles the 4 Count of Marche brother to Philip the Tall and to Lewis Hutin came by the same Law to the Crowne as his brother Philip had done who left no issue Male to inherit He was crowned the twelfth of February Anno Dom. 1322. He was severe in Justice giving every man his right desirous that all should be guided and governed by the Lawes and Authority of Magistrates Following that Norme he caused Jordan of L'Isle a great Lord to be attached who upon accusations of infinite enormities was attainted and convicted wherefore hee was hanged although hee had marryed the Neece of Pope John 22 and as others are of opinion his Step-mother About that time deceased Lewis Duke of Nevers the eldest son of Robert Count of Flanders who dyed immediately after By which occasion Robert the younger sonne of the said Robert Count of Flanders entred into a difference with his Nephew Lewis sonne of the Count of Nevers Hereupon the cause was pleaded in the Court of Parliament which proved of no validity to the good of the Nephew Then began the Warres betweene the English and French Anno Dom. 1324 upon the occasion that the Lord of Montpesac would to the Kings prejudice fortifie a Castle in Gascogne upon the borders of France Whereupon the King sent Charles of Valois his Unkle who so happily acquitted himselfe of his charge that hee recovered into the Kings powers all the Townes and strong holds in Burgundy which are beyond the River Garonne except Bourdeaux Bayonne and S. Senes Afterwards having obtained a Truce of the English he dyed in December An. Dom. 1325 as also the King deceased at Bois de Vincennes the first of March leaving Madame Joane de Eureux his wife great with Child who afterwards in the Moneth of April 1328. was delivered of a Daughter called Blanche Hee was the first King that ever permitted to the Pope the Decimations of the Churches of France This King reigned sixe yeares being wise temperate and just three chiefe vertues in a Prince but unhappy in his progeny Assoone as he was annointed he held a great Sessions in Paris to heare complaints and caused many Gentlemen to be punished in which number was one Jourdain of Lisle a Gafcon who being Nephew to Pope John the 22 had beene pardoned for eighteene capitall crimes and yet still grew more impious former mercy making him presume more of pardon untill at last he was taken and brought to Paris where King Charles caused him justly to be hang'd as a memorable example that Respect is an enemy to Justice which must be executed without sparing the guilty To conclude this Prince was worthy of the French Monarchy and deserved to be reckon'd amongst the chiefest men of State And as the Kingdome was happy in having so worthy and sufficient a King so his short Reigne deprived the Realme of that good which it should receive by his government But the best and most perfect men are in the blind world either despised for excesse of good or some tooke away by death to envy greater happinesse equall to their desert Philip of Valois the 6. and 50. King of France Anno 133. THis Philip Count of Valois the Sonne of the late Count Charles and Cousen german to the
to the King and to the Duke of Guise Governour of Provence Hee also after eight Moneths siege tooke the Towne of La Fere in Picardy about mid May notwithstanding the resistance of the Spanish forces then under the Conduct of the Arch-Duke of Austria who came purposely out of Flanders to raise that siege At Rouen in a generall assembly of the Peeres of France the Alliance betweeen him and Queene Elizabeth of England was renewed by Embassages extraordinary in October when the King received from her the Order of St. George aliàs the Garter as not long before the Order of the Chevalry or Knighthood of France was sent unto the Queen of England by Monsieur the Marshall of Bouillon Anno Domini 1599. the King made ordinary Knights of the Holy Ghost at Rouen which was never there done before at any other place than at Paris Not long after the Towne of Amiens was taken by the Spaniards and cruelly pillaged for the space of 5. daies and the French beaten out The King resolved upon a revenging siege and to that end caused it to be encompassed by Monsieur the Marshall of Biron and his Troops for the impeachments of all manner of supplies and the King in person the 21. of May marched towards the said siege of Amiens which after many furious assaults Sallies and Skirmishes was surrendred upon composition upon Thursday the 25. of September notwithanding that the Cardinall of Austria came even to the Trenches with an Army of 18000. foot and 2000 Horse with 18. Cannons for Battery but was valiantly beaten backe and intercepted of his designe of relieving the City and enforced to a shamefull retreate with the losse of a great part of his men The same yeare the Marriage of the King with Madam Margaret of France for many strong and lawfull causes was annulled and made void and by the Authority of Pope Clement the eight was so published The yeare 1600. the Marriage of the King was treated and concluded with the Lady Mary of Medicis Princesse of Florence Daughter of the late Great Duke of Tuscany Francis of Medicis and of Joane of Austria Daughter of the Emperour Ferdinand and in May shee in her owne Countrey was proclaimed Queene of France The 13. of June 1602. Charles Duke of Biron and Lord High Marshall of France being come to Fontainbleau was arrested upon high Treason by the Kings command and from thence conveyed to the Bastile at Paris Hee was convicted by his Peeres for attempts against the Kings Person and State and upon the Munday before being the 29. of July hee was adjudged to lose his head with the confiscation of his goods and the land of Biron deprived for ever of being a Dutchy and Pairy of France and was reunited to the Crowne It was pleaded against him Qui nec virtute nec fide prodest prosit exemplo He that can never profit by his vertue nor his loyalty must profit by his example and thereupon he was condemned and put into the said Bastile whither the Chancellour comming to pronounce the sentence of death against him hee shaked the Chancellour by the Arme saying You have judged me and God will absolve me hee will lay open their iniquities which have shut their eyes because they would not see my innocency You my Lord shall answer for this injustice before him whither I doe summon you within a yeare and a day I goe before by the judgment of men but those that are the cause of my death shall come after by the judgment of God Afterward he said I see well that I am not the most wicked but I am the most unfortunate Those that have done worse than I would have done are favoured the Kings Clemency is dead for me He doth not imitate Caesar nor Augustus or those great Princes who not onely pardoned the intention of doing ill but the Act and wherein can the King shew himselfe greater than in pardoning Clemency is a Kingly vertue every one may give Death but it belongs onely to Soveraignty to give life But the Chancellour told him that a condemned man must not dispute against his Judgment whereupon the Duke of Biron delivered up the Kings order Afterward the Chancellour said that hee had brought two Divines to comfort him and prepare him for death but the Duke said That he was already prepared and that his soule was in such tranquillity as the night before hee had spoken with God Within few daies after he was beheaded and his body interred by night in the Church of S. Paul The yeare 1604. the King was advertised that one Nicholas l' Hoste Secretary of State discovered to the King of Spaine from whom he received an annuall Pension to that end the secrets and affaires of the State upon the notice taken L' Hoste put himselfe in flight for his owne safety but he was so closely followed and pursued that he was enforced to hide himselfe in the River of Marne where he dyed through cold and feare His body being found was condemned to bee drawne in peeces with wilde horses and the foure quarters to be set upon foure wheeles at foure gates of Paris The yeare 1610. there were taken out of the Arsenal of Paris Fifty great Gunnes with store of Munition of powder and shot and great numbers of Souldiers were leavied The King intended shortly after to enter into his Army but he would first see his Queene should bee crowned at St. Denis which was performed with great solemnity But the next day after this Magnificence and pompe of the Queenes Coronation this great King was on Friday the 14. of May 1610. about foure in the afternoone most trayterously murthered in his Caroch with two stabbs with a knife neare the region of his heart passing in the Streete of the Ferronery neare the Charnells of the Innocents Church-yard by Francis Ravaillac borne in Angolesme His Obsequies were performed the three dayes following the 21 22 23. of June with infinite teares and lamentations and after many funebriall solemnities his Corps was conducted to St. Denis where it remaineth interred He lived fifty sixe yeares and thirty one daies Hee reigned in Navarre Thirty seven yeares eleaven moneths or thereabout and in France Twenty yeares nine moneths and thirteene dayes Lewis the 13. and 64. King of France Anno 1610. LEwis the 13. at his age of eight yeares seven Moneths and seventeene dayes succeeded his Father Henry the Great and the fifteenth of May Anno Domini 1610. he sate personally in the Court of Parliament then sitting at the Augustines where in the presence of the Queene his mother who sate by him of the one side foure Cardinalls foure Ecclesiasticall Peeres of France some Princes of the Blood and other Princes who met in that assembly also of the Constable with many Dukes and secular Peeres of the Marshalls of France and Officers of the Crowne of Governours of Provinces of Presidents and Counsellors of the Parliament he by the
Mouth of the Lord Sillery his Chancellour declared his Mother to be Regent in France that shee might have the tuition of his person and the administration of the affaires of his Kingdome during his minority with all authority and power according to the charge of that Court given the day before The same Moneth the criminall indictment was preferred against the most inhumane Parricide Francis Ravaillac and on the 23. of May he was declared guilty and justly attainted and convicted of the crime of Laesae Majestatis in the highest degree in the great Court and Chamber of Turnella in Paris before all the Assemblies Presidents Counsellours and Commissioners at the request of Du Viquit Atturney Generall to the King whose place and authority was there then to inquire against this Francis Ravaillac for the murther of his late Soveraigne Henry the fourth King of France and Navarre Whereupon this Ravaillac with a sad and death-like countenance holding up his guilty hand before this great assembly presently confessed guilty and that he became this his Countries shame onely by the instigation of the Divell and not any other accomplices and confederates would he reveale but in a Satanicall manner vowed himselfe to secresie and being found guilty he was with a strong guard of armed men conveyed to prison which otherwise by the violence and rage of the common people had beene torne in peeces such was their love they owed to their late King for which Fact he was condemned to pay his forfeit before the great gate of our Lady Church in Paris and thence to be conveyed to the place of execution and in the meane time to make him confesse he was to be pinched with hot Pincers upon his breasts armes buttocks thighes and the Calves of his legges his right hand to be burnt off with fire of brimstone with an order that in those places where hee was so pinced melted Lead should be powred boyling Oyle Pitch Rozen Waxe and Brimstone melted altogether This being done that his body should be torne in pieces and dismembred by foure horses and that his Limbes should be burnt and consumed to ashes and cast into the winde all his goods to be confiscate to the King that the house wherein he was borne should be demolished and never any Edefice upon that ground to be built that within fifteene dayes after the publication of this sentence in the towne of Angolesme his Father and Mother should depart the Realme and never returne againe upon paine of being hanged without any other proceedings It was also forbidden in the aforesaid High Court that his brothers sisters uncles and all others that beare the name of Ravaillac to whom it was enjoyned to change it into another name upon the same penalty All which was published and put in execution the same day by the order of the whole assembly in the aforesaid Court in Paris but before I conclude I will speake againe of the manner of his death because in that place I will not omit some things more worthy of note Afterwards it was provided for the Funeralls and obsequies of the dead King and then the body of the late Henry the third was removed from the Towne of Compeigne to be interred at St. Denis which was performed and the heart of this Henry the Great at the same time was carryed to the Jesuites at la Flech The Sorbone renewed the Decree of the Councell of Constance against Paracides of Kings and by the Court of Parliament upon the Iuine it condemned a Book of Iohn Mariana one of the Society a Spaniard intituled De Rege Regis institutione and caused it to be burnt by the Executioner before our Ladies Church The Martiall de la Chastra being sent with an Army of twelve thousand foot and two thousand Horse to Tulliers which he took the second of September Divers Embassadors came to Paris to the King to bemoane and condole with him the death of his father and King Iames of England sent unto him the Order of the Garter which he received the foureteenth of September The 17. of October the King was consecrated at Rheimes and the next day he received the Order of the Holy Ghost and he gave the Order to the Prince of Conde and returned to Paris where he was magnificently entertained The sixe and twentieth of November it was proceeded and decreed in the Court of Parliament against a Booke of Cardinall Bellarmine touching the Popes authority In Temporalibus which was forbidden to be printed to be sold or kept upon paine of High Treason The seventeenth day of November Anno Domini 1611. the Duke of Orleans brother to the King deceased at St. Germans en Lay and his body was conveyd to St. Denis in France The Lord of Vatan made a kinde of a Rebellion in Berry whereupon his Castle was taken and he carryed to Paris where he was beheaded the second of January Anno Domini 1612. This yeare were solemnized the marriages of the King with the Lady Anne Infanta of Spaine and of the Kings Sister with the Prince of Spaine The yeare 1614 the Prince of Conde retired himselfe to Paris and the Marquesse D' Ancre was made Marshall of France The Statue of Brasse of Henry the Great was by the great Duke of Tuscany sent to Paris and placed with the Horse of Brasse upon the midst of the New Bridge And about that time the Prince of Conty dyed The Prince distasted with the Kings espousalls with the Queene at Burgos made a hurly burly in the Countrey but the Espousalls being ended the Duke of Guise with a strong Army conducted her to Fontarable where shee was received by the Spaniards and an exchange being made the Queene was by the said Duke conveyed to Bourdeaux where shee was most magnificently entertained by the King where hee expected her and the Nuptials were celebrated on St. Katharines day The yeare 1616. such was the rigour of cold weather in January that the Rivers were frozen and the yee was the cause of the fall of St. Michaels at Paris The 16. of August the taking of Peronne was a cause of new commotions and the first of September was apprehended at the Louure and after kept under a strong guard in the Bastile Many of the Lords retired from the Court as the Duke of Vendosme of Nevers of Guise of Mayenne and Bovillon with other Lords whereof some returned againe the others not which was a cause that the King in Parliament declared the causes wherefore he kept the Prince his brother in hold In the beginning of the yeare 1617. he made a Declaration against the Duke of Nevers in Parliament the 17. of January also in February against the Dukes of Vendosme Mayenne Bouillon the Marquesse of Caevure and the President le Jay Also another Declaration was made in March for the re-union to his Domaines and a Confiscation of the goods of the said Nobility upon the 16. of the said Moneth This King