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A12923 The triall of the supremacy wherein is set fourth ye unitie of christes church milita[n]t geue[n] to S. Peter and his successoures by Christe and that there ought to be one head bishop in earth Christes vicar generall ouer all hys churche militant: wyth answeres to the blasphemous obiections made agaynste the same in the late miserable yeres now paste. Standish, John, 1507?-1570. 1556 (1556) STC 23211; ESTC S100970 78,260 315

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finde a cause that shal seme expediēt y t the Kinge in his owne person shall goe Wil they not then say it hath pleased y t King the Councel y e the King him selfe shal goe take one chiefe Duke with him as Peter had Iohn w t him May it not then be sayd the cause was so great they haue euē sende fourth the King haue not euen the verye consuls of Rome as histories declare ofte so bene sente was not therfore the consuls authoritye the higheste but to be counted equal with other yea haue we not a lyke example in scripture how the head of al Phinees was sēt .x. Princes with him in to the land of Galaad euē so Peter the head as moste mete and as most honorable was put therunto being so sent to Samaria yea note this that Peter euer vsed humble submission but where authoritie was required But further yet herein to speake what derogation were it now to the Popes authoritie if the whole college of Cardinalles did conclude that it were expediēt for his fatherhode now to come in to Englande Moreouer note wel concerning this obiectiō that in thactes Lukes chiefe purpose was to describe y e pere grinatiō of him self of Paule so y ● not one worde is there of Peters tarieng nor of his stallaciō at Antioche nor of y e deuidīg thapostels into sūdry cūtres nor whō they cōuerted nor what martirdōe they suffered ¶ The .xiii. obiection In y e xv of thactes in y e questiō had about the legals Iames had y e chefe preeminēce for the coūcel was cōcluded by hī c. The aunswere S. Peter made S. Iames Bushop of Ierusalē as Anacletus Peters disciple successour saith after him Chrisostome cōfirmeth y e same with these wordes Peter y e Master of y e whole world made Saint Iames Bushope of Ierusalē Do ye thinke then that Saint Iames would take vpō him to be aboue his head but now I pray you iustlye pouder wey the place Actes the .xv. and ye shal fynde that both Peter did first as head say his mind yea though it were in S. Iames see and also that which Peter then said toke place shortly after yet doth S. Iames euen then confirminge Peters sayinge with the prophetes testimony What maketh it then against Peters authoritie that S. Iames approuing all that Peter had spoken added somthīg to Peters wordes which addicion yet shortly after was quite taken awaye and neuer since obserued that is to saye to abstene from bloud c. yea may not y e chiefe of a councel first geue his sētence as Peter did here yet after him an inferior may say something more whyche shalbe thought to the whole coūsel better for y e time doeth this any thing againste thautoritie of the chiefest Peters iudgemēt was y t the heathen people should be quite deliuered frō al the Iewishe burdens so shortlye after it was fullye concluded though for a shorte time S. Iames counsel was taken as appeareth by y t Paule then sone afterwrote to the Corinthians bye al that cōmeth into y e shambles eate all thinges c. to Tite all meates be cleane vnto the pure to the Romās no meate is to be coūted cōmen or vncleane ye whyche eate not misiudge not them that eate Againe to the Collosians let no mā iudge you in receiuīg your meate c Wherby wel appereth that S. Peters sentēce was chiefe as spokē by the chiefe But herin yet more to speake note wel y t Peter ofte amonges thappostels vsed suche modestye humilitie and in so doinge did folow Christes cōmaūdemēt which bad y e higher they were the lower more humble they ought to be y t he dyd not euer put his high authoritye in executiō but as S. Ciprian saith y t Peter whome Christe made head of al and vpon whom he builded his church whē Paule dyd contende with him aboute circumcision dyd not reuenge or boste him selfe that he was the Prince or chief of al as he iustly might haue said but stil he humbled him selfe But god forbid y t we should ascribe this his hūble gentil submittinge to the derogation of his highe power authoritie but thinke y t euer whē Christes glorye or the profit of y e flocke required it then he vsed his ful and high authoritye as appereth in the punishīg of Anany Saphire Simon Magus c. And yet furthermore in the primatiue churche it was rather time as is in the .viii. responsion to cal people in to Christes flocke then to set euerye man in his owne place or to talke then of rules and orders or of Peters authority that was to be done afterwarde the people beinge first instructed in y e faith Thē was rather y e time to seke for gethering thē for gouernīg And if we loke well we shall fynde not onlye in the ghospel before Christes ascēsion but also afterwarde in thactes that Peter behaued him selfe as head and Prince euer when time required and occasion serued He spake for al he answred for al he for al said to Christ beholde we haue forsaken al and folowed thee what rewarde therfore shall we haue againe he sayde to Christe speakest thou this parable to vs or vnto all when Christe asked whether they woulde goe awaye also from him Peter alone made answere saying to whom shall we goe thou hast the wordes of lyfe None dyd thus but he and that bycause he was heade Howbe it as yet whiles Christ was present with them in his naturall shape for in y e forme of breade he is euer stil presēt it was not meete that his vicare should greatlye medle But after thascension Peter firste stode vppe as heade and made the sermon at the chosynge of Mathias and sayde oportet we must chose one c. And after when they had receyued tholy ghoste and were illuded of the people he alone spake and preached conuertinge them to the faythe .3000 people at once Also when he Iohn came into the temple at y ● .ix. houre of prayer he alone sayde to the lame creple that whych I haue I geue the in the name of Iesus arise c. The lame mā asked almes of both and Peter bade loke vpon both but he sayd not in the name of bothe we haue neyther golde nor siluer y t whiche we haue we geue thee c. But as head he in y e singuler number as hauinge a singuler authority said yea though Iohn one of the chiefe of the appostels were present I haue neyther golde nor siluer y t whiche I haue I geue thee c. And this declareth him to be head Likewise he alone for all as head made the oration to pacifie the people and he alone as prince did strike Ananye and Saphire Whiche of all the apostels in the presence
againste his preeminence to be ouer al. c. ¶ The answere A man might saye it was no more againste Peter then againste Christ him selfe King and Lorde of al which here of humilitye thus submitted him self for al our exāples whether we be of the clergye or of the Laitye if we be his Disciples Christes wordes there biddinge Peter take fourth of the fishes mouth a pece of money c. were ful of high misteries How be it here for this matter it is sufficient to note that by Christes wordes their in the processe it plainlye apperethe that bothe Christe and Peter were free from painge any tribute mony by any law but yet to auoyde sclaunder offence for the time christ did permitte that it should be payed ¶ The .xxii. obiection When the disciples contended to gether aboute superioritye Christe sayde amonges the heathen their kinges haue rule ouer them c. but amonges you he that wil be gretest must be as seruaunte ¶ The answere By Christes wordes it plainelye appeareth that he would haue superioritye amonge his Disciples but yet it shoulde be with all humilitye and godlynes and that the superioritye or primacie should be without all ambicion or vaine glorye Christ said not here their shalbe amōg you none greter then other he saide not amonge my Disciples whyche professe me there shal be no ruler no Kinge or Prince c. but he plainlye describeth what maner of men they should be whych amonge christen people ought to beare rule office and authoritie whether thoffice and burden be ecclesiasticall or polytical they ought to rule to y e profite and commoditye of their subiectes not to their own luchre pōpe or vain glorye For this to rule is counted mere tirānye which heathē Princes oft vse Amōg christen men it ought to be onlye to gods glorye honor remembring S. Ambrose saing to the Emperour Theodosius whiche was that his subiectes were ioined vnto him not only by kind and nature but also by the commen seruice of one god which is Master lorde ouer al both ouer y e Prince and his subiectes And here note that christ in y e former wordes saīg amōg y e heathēs their Kinges haue power c. but it shal not be so amōg you c. speaketh to al hꝭ flocke as wel to y e laity as to y e clergie y t is to saye to all y t be subiectes members of his y t none of them should rule be he Prince or other after y e maner of the heathē which saith Origē there vpō only to their owne cōmodity vaūtage yea and y t violētly ofte w t spoylīg killīg not knowīg god do exercise great tirāny ouer their subiectes But thus it shall not be saithe Christe amonge you nor anye that professe my name whiche know that there is one god aboue Lorde ouer king and subiect here in earth and y e both Maister seruaūt must geue a count as seruauntes together vnto y t one lorde and god Ye therefore when you rule se it be with all humilitye euer loking to their commoditie ouer whom ye do rule to the honour glorye of god not to your owne pompe or vaineglorye to youre owne pride or couetousnes ¶ The .xxiii. obiection S. Peter forbiddeth any spiritual shepherd to beare anye lordelye rule ouer y e flocke but willeth to fede them with all dilygence c. ¶ The answere That which is in the laste respōsion wil serue to answere here vnto this obiection For neither Christe nor Peter forbiddeth rule gouernaunce or primacye so that it be accordinge to the right rule and order with al humilitie godlines and charitie Both Christ and Peter describe and appoint an order as wel to the ciuil ruler beinge a Disciple of our sauioure as to the ecclesiasticall notwithstandinge the ecclesiastical example in ruling being more perfite more high in dignitye and the eye of the bodye requireth a straiter examination with al perfection godlines he to gouerne the shepe subdue the wolfes he beinge in the churche of Christe the great priest y e highest Bushop the Prince of all ministers the very ayer to the Apostels Abel in primacye Noe in gouernaunce in patriarcship Abrahā in order Melchisedech in dignitye Aaron in authoritye Moises in iudgemēt Samuel in power Peter in anoynting Christ one shepherd oboue al hauing power to lose binde Wherfore now to returne a christiā ruler whether he be of the clergye or of the laytye can not nor ought to beare anye lordlye rule after the maner of the heathē Princes which like tirātes vse their subiectes onlye rigorouslye to their owne vauntage But a christiās rule and gouernaūce ouer his subiectes is nothinge els but a charge and a solicitude or carefulnes ouer his brethren in Christe and a balishippe or stewardshippe ouer them that be seruauntes together wyth hym vnder god the commen lorde and Master of all ¶ The .xxiiii. obiection No man seruing almightye God ought to intermedel him selfe with seculer busines c. sayth the Apostell ¶ The answere Seinge al christen men in baptim do promisse and vowe to fight vnder Christe the forsayd text doth as wel bind the laitye as the cleregye beinge christen men so that no christē man ought so to medel with seculer busines that he forgote his spirituall dutye whyche ought to be y e chiefest care of al christen men Moyses Iosue Dauid with all godlye rulers euer since haue had no impedimentes by their worldlye busines and earthlye substaunce but rather thereby great ayde and helpe vsinge them wel as they did to the furtheraūce of their spiritual cure charge ¶ The .xxv. obiection Let euerye soule be subiecte to y ● higher powers c. paying tribute and tolle to whome it is due c. ¶ The answere Thappostel here as wel commaundeth to obey spirituall rulers geuing them their dutyes as seculer He doeth not hereby bynde y e shepherd to be ●nder the shepe nor binde the shepeherde to pay any tribute to any membre of the misticall body he being the head therof I mighte here nowe declare how not onely among the christen flocke the priestes euer were and ought to be fre from al exactions tooles and tributes but also amonge the Heathē people they were euer free as ye rede in the genesis in the time of famine in Egipt And likewise in the oration of Sun machus cōsul of Rome to Valentinian Theodosius Arthadius emperours which he made agaynst the Christians So that Paule did binde no priestes by y t text being amōge christē men to pay any tribute or toole Howbeit if priestes or bishops of christēdome yea or the heade bishop the pope himselfe were in a Heathē realme he or thei ought to be subiectes to the lawes there and pay tribute or toole For christes law taketh no right or duety frō any party And that is it
kynges princes in christēdō ought not to be of lesse mighte power thē is the power and authoritie amonge the heathē Emprours and kynges which be free from any suche subiection Hereunto my answere is that Seruire deo regnare est Seruitus enim dei summa libertas to serue God and to kepe his ordinaunces is not to be coūted seruyce but greatest fredō it is no subiection but most libertie And yet furthermore here I speake not of a kynge as a kynge to be vnder the head of Christes churche but a kynge as a christen man a kynge as a member of Christe a Kynge as a shepe of Christes folde so muste he be vnder and obedient to Christes shepeherd For Christ made the law generall in geuynge to Peter full authoritie to lose and bynd withoute any restraynt or anye respecte or consideration had to kynge or Emperoure so that none of Christes flocke be exempte from this hyghe shepeherde but of necessitie compelled to obeye onles they wyll nedes wilfully breake oute of the folde and fle from Christ Herein thys place I myghte bringe in to serue my purpose that noble Emperour Theodosius whiche wyth all humble obedyence submitted hymselfe lyke a lambe to the shepherde vnto that holye father Ambrose hys Bushoppe beynge content to suffer what punishment it pleased tholy Byship to put vnto him for his offense And oughte not all men in lyke maner to obey their spirituall shepeherdes speciallye the heade shepeherde of al excepte they wil be exempted frō Christes flocke yea thoughe they be earles dukes or princes Haue we not a notable storie not longe ago of Henry the fourth emperour whiche with all submission suffringe that willingly al penaunce put vnto hym by the Popes holynes Grego the .vii. for hys former contempte was receyued agayne as a membre of Christes Churche beynge before for obstynacye iustelye cutte of would god that at these and many such like examples laft in stories for oure instruction kinges and princes now a daies would take occasion to acknowledge them selues to bee liuely membres of Christes ecclesiasticall body and with all humble submissiō to iudge thēselues much inferiors as they be in dede vnto the chiefe and spiritual head Christes vicare their principall guide and shepherde ¶ The .vii. probacion It is euident that al the Euāgelistes which as it were with one month do ī al places geue preeminēce to Peter puttinge him euer in the fyrste place were at that tyme assured that Peter was heade and Prince of all the apostles He was not first called as it is writen in Iohn the fyrst chapter no nor the Euangelistes do obserue to recite them after their callyng but sometymes one in this place and contrarywyse the same in an other place but Peter is euer in the first place Andrew is put seconde in Mathewe .iiii. in Marke and in the Actes Iames is fifte in Mathie secōd in Marke third in Luke Iohn is the sixt in Matheu secōd in thactes in Mark the third and in Luke the .iiii. And likewise is the chaūginge in all other bycause they were all equall Yea. Luke himselfe in his gospel doeth vary from that he writeth in thactes for there he putteth Andrew y e secōd but here he coūteth him the iiii but Peter in all places bycause christ apointed him to be chief head is of al named still the first yea that not only nūbring the Apostels but also in al places where Peter with anye other is recited as in healinge the woman that had the issue of bloud Luke xii And in the secōd and also .v. of thactes Peter is euer the first ¶ The .vii. probation The scriptures truly vnderstanded geue euer Peter y e preeminence so doth the whole cōsent of al the holy fathers so doeth and euer hath done the vniuersall catholike churche of Iesus Christ whyche is the foundacion and pyller of all trueth Who can then stry●e against this and yet thinke him selfe to be a lyuely member in Christes churche ¶ The .ix. probation Ruling and obeinge being coniugata can neuer bee one with oute the other Therfore Christ bidding Peter rule and gouerne al his flocke as it is ī the second probation euen by the selfe same word commaunded all the flocke to obey him So that whether he be highe or lowe if he wilbe of Christes flocke he muste nedes obey● the shepherd ¶ The .x. probation Both Nicen councell and moste parte of all the generall councels euer since haue established cōfirmed as a verity receiued frō christes time that appellations should be made to y e sea of Rome yea and that no coūcels shuld be kept without the consent of the bishop of Rome and also that lyke as Peter was the chefe and head of all the Apostels so shoulde y e church of Rome in his name consecrate by christes appointmente be head and chiefe ouer all other churches whereunto euen as vnto the mother all other churches in al matters of contrauersie shoulde seke all causes there to be determined and ended Haec Iulius primus ¶ The .xi. probation Christ hath but one spowse Vna est columba mea vna est amica mea As it is in the cāticles his coote was withoute seame it can not be cutte his kingdome can not be deuided for then it would sone come to dissolucion which can not bee seinge the gates of hel shal not preuayle agaynst it There is but one shepeherd there is but one shepe●ote wherin the holy ghost set an ordre which ordre the deuill shall neuer breake though he shake at it neuer so sore He went about to breake this ordre first euē in him selfe when he cou●ted to be equall w t the highest as it is in Esai the .xiiii. And after whē he caused our firste parentes to disobey goddes commaundement Yea euer since from time to time this hathe euer bene hys chiefe endeuor Thus he caused y e Corinthiās ofte to striue againste this order first in the Sacramēt of baptim preferrīg the baptim of one minister to an others ego pauliego appollo c then in the sacramēt of matrimony despisinge that bicause Pau●e had preferred virginitie therunto After this in the Sacrament of y ● Alter vnreuerently receuinge it and puttinge no diuersitie saithe Paule betwene the bodye of christ and other meate More ouer where God appointed sūdry giftes to sūdry mē to some more to some lesse y ● deuel is euer redi to stirre moue one to enuy an other to cōtemne all to breake thorder set by the holy ghost Yea amonges all these breches of order y ● deuil is ī none so busy as he is to perswade y e people agaīst y ● vnitie of christes church against y e head of his mistical body sayīg y e church is vnknowē here one there one but none knoweth where al this is
reasonable people and as for the other sorte God I beseche him open theyr eies to se the truth or els take them awaye quicklye for feare of infectinge the flocke of Christe and speciallye the simple Lambes of his folde ¶ The .ii. obiection Saynete Augustine in sundry places as 50. tract in euan Ioa semeth to saye that christe builded the churche vpon Peters faith or vpon his cōfessiō yea or vpon christ him selfe c. ¶ Thanswere This is fully answered vnto in the laste responsion but yet somewhat to saye further S. Aug ofte vseth in treatinge of matters to dispute and reason sundry wayes so to trye forth the truthe But ye must marke that it is not alone to teache a sure and true doctrine and to dispute to reason or serch forth a verity or doctrine S. Aug. in his sermons wherin he taught the truethe to the people euer shewed playnlye that Christe buylded his churche vpon Peter accordinge to the fayth of the church not mathamaticallye vpon Peters faith but vpon faythfull Peter So that a catholike fayth is necessarilye required to euerye membre of Christes church And thus it is to be taken that authors oft do ascribe it to Peters fayth For els bothe Nathaniel and they also which in the tempest that Christe swaged with his woorde made like confession with Peter and before him ought to haue had y e same blessynge that Peter had ¶ The thyrd obiection The gates of hell shall not preuayle agaynste the foundations of the church but manye bishops of Rome haue bene heretikes yea and many other haue bene sinful in their liuinge very wicked against whom the gates of hell haue preuayled Wherfore y e church is not founded vpon them Thanswer If they be wicked they shall not escape the hande of God Potentes potenter tormenta patienter but wicked or not wicked al we are bound to obeye The Scribes and Pharasies sayth Christ sate vpon Moyses seate obei obserue al that they bid The sinne of y e ruler is no derogacion to the power and authoritie god hath putte him in yea and none is pure w tout al sinne neither one nor other head nor foote no nor y e churche it selfe here whyche is the congregacion of faitheful people is al wholly pure without spot or wrincle but y e churche triumphāt in heauē ephe the .v. shalbe al pure holy and immaculate withoute spot or wrinckle Peter him selfe the head foundacion of y e church after the keyes receiued was called sathan yea and after denyed his Maister thrise Wherfore against y e catholyke churche builded vpō Peter the gates of hel shall neuer preuaile that is to saye the faithe shal neuer faile neither in the catholyke churche nor in the head of it neither in Peter nor in his successours but there the faith shall euer abyde sounde and perfecte The gates of hel haue preuayled I graunte against the persons of the Popes but not against the power c. The gates of hel shall not preuaile againste it that is to say neither infidelitye nor heresye For lyke as y e perfection or integretye of faithe is the porte or gate throughe whyche we enter or goe in to the way that leadeth to y t kingdome of heauens so is infidelitie or heresie the gate throughe whyche the enteres go streighte to hel fire Now as for that they saye the faith of Peter in manye of his successours hathe fayled as in Marcellinus Liberius Felix the seconde Anastasius the seconde Iohannes the .xxii. Benedictus the .xi. and Honorius wyth other whyche saye they dyd erre and their faithe did faile And therefore the prayer of Christe is not so to bee taken that he dyd meane the person of Peter and his successours when he prayde that Peters faithe shoulde not fayle but he dyd meane that it shoulde not decay or fayle saye they in his whole congregatiō or church but that one or other thoughe he were not openlye knowen should euer kepe the true faith Here vnto I aunswere that Albertus Pighius defēdeth all these Byshops of Rome wyth diuerse other from al errours heresies in the fourthe boke and viii Chapiter of his Hierarchie so that their faithe saith he did neuer decaye no nor the faithe of any that euer was or shalbe in the place set in Peters cheare Neuertheles it is no inconuenyence to graūt y t some of the Popes for a time haue erred but quickelye by the authoritie of the see and the holy ghoste the matter hath bene refourmed againe so that the faith hath not bene counted there to faile no more then y u righteous man fallinge vii times in the day is counted to lose y e name of a righteous man Furthermore like as the vniuersal church in discussinge matters of oure faithe can not erre and yet all men as men may erre bycause of Christes assistaunce continuallie gouerning the same euē so Christes vicar y e pope as a priuate person as infirme man may erre both in lyuinge and beleuinge and then neither heade nor member of Christes churche beinge cut of but as pope and head he can not decide nor determine anye thinge amisse Marcellinus did amisse in sacrifising to Idoles yea Saint Peter offended Galathas the secōde but neither of them erred in discussinge matters of faith that through Christes assistaunce and his holy spirit And so theuangelistes as men mighte and did offende and erre but as writers of scripture they coulde not so doe But here nowe to speake more of that they sclaunderouslye obiecte sayinge that manye Popes haue bene nought and sinful in lyuinge What is that to the purpose the authoritye remaineth yet stil perfite How manye of the Kinges euen of Iuda were most wycked was their authoritye anye thinge diminished thereby No truly Ofre for the synne of the people God suffereth the wycked the tirāde or hypocryte to rule beside mani other plages whiche he daylye powreth vpon theym for synne and euen the same he ofte sendeth in to hys churche and yet thauthorytye is euer to be obeyed As they whyche sat in Moyses chere euen so now they whyche sitte in Peters seate So though y t they be euel nought thauthoritye yet still continueth And here now forthermore though for a time they know not who is ryght Pope through y e doutes that may be in elections or that for the tyme there be a Schisme and then two or thre named Popes sedicyouslye whereof in dede none is ryght Pope as it appeareth in the counsel of Constanciense and also in the time of Henry the ii Emperoure where Benedicte the ninth Siluester the third and Gregorie the sixte dyd al contende at one time and yet none of the three beynge the ryghte Pope nor anye other then electe for Clemente the secōde was after lawfully chosen and they iii. deposed yet stil euer remained y e see whole and thautority firme and sure Christes cote was neuer cutte
prophit testifieth Moyses Aaron in sacerdotibus eius so that to proue Aarō vnder Moises maketh nothīg againste my purpose no more then to proue y t Peter was vnder christ shold make agaīst it The .l. obiection Achimelech the high prieste vsed all subiectiō whē he spake to kinge Saul whiche caused him notwithstandinge he was the high prieste to be kilde bycause he had asked councell of god for Dauid ¶ The answere Achimelech as authors do testifye did signifie Christ being betrayed and put to death by Doeth signifienge Iudas His condemnation was most vniust and Saul in that facte moste wicked and cruel The people disobeyed the kinges cōmaundemēt therein as it is in the text .i. reg xxii woulde not kil the high prieste whē he bade them knowynge it to be contrarye to gods wil as Rabbye Salomon testifieth But then wicked Doech a straunger borne dyd kyl him that contrarye to gods wyl Nowe in that ye saye the high prieste vsed al subiection in speakinge to the wycked kinge that surelye was no meruel he spake for his lyfe which he perceued then to stand in great ieoperdi being in the tirantes handes ¶ The .li. obiection Did not Salomon put Abiathar the high prieste to death would he haue done that if he hadde not bene in authoritye aboue him The answere He neither put him to death nor caused him to be put to death But he put him forth of his great office and dignitie to signifye inquit glos iii. reg ii that the Iewes should not be vtterly destroyed tho●gh their pristehode was ended but that towarde the ende of the world thei should come into Christes flocke and so cause to be one shepecote and one shepherde That expulsinge of Abiathar the high prieste was not done without the spirite of prophecye and that the scripture of God i. Reg. ii spoken of Hely the priest might be fulfilled where it was sayd to him that for the wickednes of his sōnes Ofne and Phinees all his posteritye should lose thoffice of the high priestehode And here note that Aarō the high priest had .ii. sonnes Eleazar Ithamar that to Eleazar and his posteritye that highe office by gods oppointmēt did perteine How be it through offences cōmitted god turned it for a time vnto Ithamar after to Hely and last of all to Abiathar of the same lyne but now in the beginnīg of Salomōs reigne God turned it from Abiathar whyche came of Ithamar to Sadoch whyche came of Eleazar to whome and to whose posteritye god appointed firste the highpriestes office Marke wel his secrettes be verye priuey bothe in ponyshinge for synne and also in those thinges that were done in figure Here by puttīg Abiathar forth of the high Priestes rowme putting in Sadoch was signyfyed the putting awaye the leuiticall priesthod the institutinge the newe after the ordre of Melchisedech And this fygure S. Paule doth speake of Hebrues the .vii. ¶ The .lii. obiection King Alex. wrote to Ionathas the high priest saying we haue now this daye ordeined thee to be the high prieste ouer thy people c. The aunswere Alex. was an heathen king the sonne of Antiochus nowe like to be greatlye troubled w t warre agaīst Demetrius and therfore was glad to sende for ayde to y e Iewes so sende to y ● high priest Ionathas which came of the line of Aarō as did Iudas Mathias other So that he now receyued not this high office of the heathen king which had no power to gyue it him although hereby appeareth the good wil that the heathen king bare toward him y t he would defende him in his office to the vttermoste and therfore in signe therof he send him diuerse Princelye gyftes saing this daye haue we ordened the to be high prieste that is to saye we by all our power and strēgth do promisse to ratifye streghthen and defende the in thy high office c. yea beside this suppose y t kīg Alex. had had authority power in dede to haue chosē Ionathas the high prieste he being ones iustlye chosen what had that bene againste his high priestehode surelye nothinge at all No more then it were against the authoritie of our holye father the Pope if the college of Cardinales after his election had send vnto him beinge absent sainge this daye we haue chosen your most holye father hode to be the highest paster ouer al christendome c. How be it I maye geue one answere to al the .v. last obiections and saye that in tholde law they liued fleshlye and the seculer power was then y e higher it was then called y e priestly kingdome bycause y e priesthod then did depende vpon y e kingdome but now contrariwise it is called a kinglye priestehode in i. Petri. ii the priestehoode beinge now y e chiefe and the spiritual power aboue y e Carnal And this is now required in y e time of grace The .liii. obiection As tholde law was a figure of the new so was y e olde priesthode a figure of the priest hode of the ghospel but y e priesthode in the olde was subiecte to the power and dignitie of Kinges therfore it must be so now ¶ The aunswere The similitude is not like as appereth in the last respōsion The .liii. obiection There is not one worde in scripture y e maketh anye men●ion of the Byshope of Rome Wherby then woulde he haue his authoritye The answere The place geueth not authoritye to the Byshope but the Byshope to the place Ye haue in scripture y t Peter by priuelege had y e keyes geuē to him being chiefe of al other as it is fully declared that Rome was at his death establisshed to be the see for all his posteritye Rede the answere to y e .18 obiection The .lv. obiection Peter was the chiefe onlye bycause of his confession that is to saye chiefest in vertue in preachinge and in ruling affections c. ¶ The aunswere No doubt it is true y t Christe would his elect to excel in vertue in preachinge in rulinge affectiōs c. but y t Peters preeminence dyd not consist here in appeareth partlye by that S. Iohn beīg a virgin was more pure then Peter and euerye other of Thappostels as feruaunt as he and as diligent in preaching as he and partly by that if this were true that Peters superioritie dyd only consist here in then our faith concerninge the vnitye could not by succession haue so longe continued as it hathe done styl in the see of Rome Rede the .lvii. responsion The .lvi. obiection The Disciple is not greater then his Mayster but Christe was in all subiection how then can it be that Peter was superiour or chiefe of all other The answere Christe was superiour and chiefe ouer al and yet of humilitye to teache the Disciples y t the higher they were the more low they ought euer to be in
hitherto ¶ The .60 obiection The pope wil suffer princes to kisse his fete so honor him but thangel would receyue no such honour of s Iohn as ye rede in thappocalips twise ¶ The aunswere As for y t of thaūgel s Iohn he ring before how y t y e angel had sayd vnto him as in the persō of Iesus christ speaking Ego 〈◊〉 alpha et omega I am y e firste and the last thought him to be god therfore would haue geuē vnto hī gods honor whych thangel iustly forsoke Also the aungel seing Christ incarnate mās nature so highlye exalted could not abide to haue mā to honor him thoughe it were but onlye with the honor due vnto a creature where as before in thold testamēt thāgels oftimes suffered men to honor them What maketh this then for your purpose for sothe nothīg at al. But now to answer to y e kissing ye speake of Iesus Christ came not to breake any order nor to pul kīnges authorites powers frō them nor to make thē subiectes Neuertheles thꝭ we must thīke to be true y t a king cōmeth not to christ to hꝭ church or to y e minister vnder christ as a king or bycause he is a king but as a christenmā bicause he is a christen man And in y t respecte of hꝭ cōming hūbling him selfe as a liuely member of Christes spiritual kingdō his diademe hꝭ Princelye crowne or worldlye scepter is not thought vpon Thus a kinge cōmeth to y e aulter to offer kissing y e pristes phamel in his hād kneling downe or making low curtousy kneling also to receiue absolucion at the priestes hād being but hꝭ chaplayne This gere a Kinge or Prince would not willingly w t al humility doe as experience sheweth thei doe ī dede if ther were not a further cōsideratiō in the matter And euen y e lyke answere is to be made vnto y e kissing of the shoe ye speake of where as al godlines humility may be in both the parties y ● one in doing his duety with al subiection euen as to Iesus christ thother in receyuing as christes vicar y t due reuerence being at y e same tune the more humble meke in hert beholdynge on thone side his owne frailty vnworthines and on thother syde thautority high power of christ his spowse ¶ The .61 obiection S. Peter the .x. of thactes would no● 〈…〉 Cornelius to honour 〈…〉 the pope wyl all men to 〈…〉 hym ¶ The ●●●●were Sumwhat is aunswered here vnto in the last responsiō but yet further to speake Cornelius there as to Peter him selfe with out further consideratiō would haue exhibet such great adoracion which Peter wyth al humility then refused yea as some authors affirme it was godlye honour whiche Cornelius there as of symplyty not of iniquyty would haue geuē vnto Peter which he iustly forsoke saying I am a man as y u art c. Moreouer then in the beginning thinges were not established they were but rawe not come to theyr perfection Wold ye therfore haue them so to haue cōtinued style Should the babe or childe still cōtinue in infancy should it neuer learne to vnderstād speak or go ¶ The .62 obiection In times past the pope did sucke out of this realme by auarice insaciable īnumerable sūmes of money yearely to the great exhausting of the same Therfore awaye with him let him haue no more a do here ¶ The aunswere God which of his liberal goodnes sēdeth al y t we haue neuer causeth pouertye for payinge our duties ▪ Howe pore the realme hath bene y t dayly more more since y e smal duties iustly payed to Rome smal I say y ● most truely if they be cōpared to y e intollerable exactions rauenously extorted since wer lafte of how riche wealthy it was before euery man may easely see y t al was the verye hād and plage of god Let vs pay to all y t we ough y t w t a frāke hert we shalbe neuer the porer for paying our duties God sendeth al and y t most liberally to al such as w t godlines indeuor thē selues to do theyr duties in al thīges But as for y e wicked y e oppressers w tholders of duytes he iustly withdraweth hꝭ liberal hād frō thē sēdīg oft great plages vpō thē y t wōderfully farre cōtrari to al their expectaciōs I remember I heard ī a sermō at Paules about y e time abbeis were suppressed a man of great and high authority say these wordes in effect Good people be not offēded w t putting downe of abbeis but cōsider y e manyfold cōmodities ye shal receiue therby In times past y e crown of Englād was if I might be so bold to speake saith he but a beggerly crowne here after it shall be a crowne emperiall In times past oh howe many taxes fiftenes lones subsidies c. haue ye payed Hereafter you shall neuer paye more In tunes past fish whitmeat could not come abrod for being supersticiosly deuoured in abbeis and religious houses but here after all this gere shall be most plentiful c. Consider now these .iii. lies consider the successe euer since consider the oppression and not paying the small dueties I spake of and crye the hand of god vpon vs the hand of God vpon vs all these miserable yeares before the Quenes comming whose reigne Iesu lōge prosper ouer vs. The .63 obiection The pope hath by him selfe and his adherentes since he his authoritye was put fourth of this Realme gone about to stirre vp al christiā nacions against vs to destroye vs with the swerde and hath cursed vs c. cā he then be gods seruaūt should we regarde any suche doth not good abhorre y e sowers of discorde be not the sterers to murther the children of the deuel god is not god of dissencion but of peace saith Paule ¶ The answere The Pope hath stil vsed for our cursinges to surrēder blessinges and for oure blaspheminges againste him hath stil made supplicacions and moste earnest prayers to God for vs that we might haue grace to returne agayne into Christes flocke whyche now thankes be to Iesus christ and Quene Mari we haue obteined How be it I beleue y t we ought oure selues if we be catholyke rather to haue desired vtter destructiō of our bodies beīg inuadyd w t foren enemies enemies to our scisme heresy but louers to our soules to haue said lord helpe y e innocēt lorde saue our soules lord reuēge vs deliuer vs frō scisme by fire or sworde c. rather I saye thē to haue stil cōtinued ī scisme in errors in heres in obstina blindnes daily ꝓceding for so they termed it in darkenes wadinge stil further further toward y e deuil death hel dānatiō Yea may not y e praier of the holy
vertuous liuers to the outwarde apperaunce to take his parte beynge his Angels transfygured in to the Angels of lyght So that as ▪ then they dyd euer slaunderouslye blaspheme and reuyle the true christians and woulde theyr own decrees and lawes to be called the trueth their errours the veritie and them selues to be coūted godly that their churche was the catholyke church and they y ● Catholikes and earnest defendours of the trueth euen so was it fullye and whollye within this Realme of Englande in all the miserable yeres nowe paste As then the Arians called theyr secte when they suffred for their heresies holye martirs euen so now at this time theritikes cal their champions which stande obstinate to the fire holy martirs not markinge if I maye speake a word or two by digressiō that the kinde of death maketh not the Martir but the cause not markinge that euen among the Hethē many haue willyngly suffered deathe and yet no christen man so folysshe as to call theym Martyrs of God not markynge agayne that I one of Kent which said christ toke no flesh of y ● virgin deniyng therby his manhode had fauourers whiche bothe thought sayd when she was burnt that she was the Martir of God but then surelye the deuil shalbe called a confessor whiche confessed that Christe was the sonne of God Whose confession was then as true as truly made as either I●●s of Kent or els as any of theirs whiche as obstinate heretykes breake the vnitie of the church diuide Christes coo●e and yet crie the Lordes worde the lor●des worde wrestinge our lordes holy worde to their condēnation Howbeit we may well perceayue that it is no more wonder to se an obstinate heretyke stande stiffe to the fier then it is to se a man kill hāge or drowne him selfe The same deuill which causeth the one cā soone cause the other But of this matter I will speake another time Nowe therfore to retourne from whens I haue a litle while digressed we may easely coniecture that thonlye cause of al these mischiefes and miseryes that we of late haue suffered hath bene the breache of thunity of Christes church When we ones fledde forth of Peters shippe then we fell streyght way headlong into al licentious libertie then we forsaked vtterly al general counsels all ordinaunces frō the beginnīg kept in christes church al iudgemētes vpon scripture saue our owne then of singularytye we did select and chose a new fayth euery daye chaunginge and alteringe and no maruayle after that our noble Prince through counsel of some wicked men aboute him toke that in hande whiche neuer true catholike king did vsurpe before him that is to sai to sit in Peters chere Since what time oh good lord what misery haue we fallen into as wel bodylye as gostlye But nowe thankes be to Iesus Christ which through his mercye hathe broughte vs againe vnto our mother y e catholyke church euen into Peters ship and Iesus longe preserue her amōges vs by whose meanes we were brought agayne into it Now we se that God suffereth as he didde in tharians time heresies ofte to floryshe for a seasō but yet euer ī time of mercy he remembreth vs agayne and wil not heresie stil to preuaile but y t we may haue good cōfort say w t Athā Nolite turbari frēs nubecula est et ci to pertrāsit Let not your hartes faile you brethrē be not dismaied saieth he this heresie is but lik a litle cluod it wil sone vade away Nowe we se also that it was not withoute great cause that S. August sayde that amongest other thinges the succession of the bishops of Rome frō Peters time did kepe him in the true fayth as Ireneus had graūted lōg before Now we se y t y t faith is to be receiued beleued holden whiche hath bene kept of al mē at al times in al places of christendome since y e begīnīg and y t we must leaue onely to y e generalitye to the antiquity to the consēt of the fathers al stil agreīg ī one For experience sheweth no 〈◊〉 onely y e scripture stories doctors y t as heretikꝭ be euer ful of diuissiō scisme euē oft amōges thē selues as appereth by Luther Ecolāpadiꝰ Carolostadiꝰ Swīg●●ꝰ c. being liuely figured ī y e cōfusiō at Babilō so are the catholikes euer most surely knit ī this vnitye wherunto tholy ghost stil doth moue sūdry waies perswade mēs cōsciences Furthermore we se clerely what wickednes misery it is stil to wāder ī palpable darknes frō error to error being ones out of y e vnity for which christ praied saying O father graunt y t as y ● I be one so mai these which beleue ī me be one ioyned knit together ī one faith ī one cōfessiō in one loue in one grace pietye Nowe we se the cause why we fell from this vnitie and vpon what grounde We se the cause was nothing els but to maintayne wyckednes and synne We se what was the progresse and what styll folowed of it that is to saye more synne and more errour vpon errour and heresye vpon heresie We se also that the ende was almost vtter destruction of all together bothe bodely gostly extreme pouertie extreme miserie euen as people quite forsakē of god Finally therfore we se y t there is no way so easie for the deuil to bringe in all kindes of heresies errours diuisions scismes contentions strifes and mischiefes as is to denye the vnitie of Christes churche and to forsake the head therof the Popes holines All heresies sprīg hereout saith Ciprian And for this cause I haue nowe right honourable lorde and most holy father taken this worke in hande and haue dedicate the same vnto your fatherhode a chiefe and head pyller of Christes churche to the entente it myght do more good and the soner be embraced of al catholike people within this realme And herein accordynge to my small talent I haue not onely declared by sundry probations some apparent and some demonstratyue the moste hyghe authoritie aboue al other both spirituall and temporal geuen to Saincte Peter and to hys successoures for euer but also haue answered to all the comē obiections whiche I haue eyther heard or redde deceitfully inuented agaynst the sayd authoritie Beseching your grace well to accepte this my small labour and construe all to the best for Iesus sake Whom I beseche longe to preserue your noble and vertuous estate in continuall honoure ioye and prosperytye to the great comforte and profit of all true faythful people within this realme and after this life to graunt you eternal glory in heauen wyth god almighty and his holy aungels Amen ¶ Here do folow sundrye probatiōs wherof some do set forth onlye S. Peters preeminence aboue the other apostles some declare the most high authoritye and power geuen by
Christ to him and his successours to be aboue all other both spirituall and temporall and some do manifestlye shewe that no temporall magistrate kinge nor Emperour can be head of the churche ¶ The first Probation CHrist said to Peter beholde Sathā desired to sifte you as it were wheate but I praide for the that thy faith faile not and when thou arte conuerted strengthen thy brethren Christ assone as he had told them who should be greatest he said turning to Peter beholde Sathan desyred c. If Peter here by this text had not the burden laid vpon him beynge made chiefe of al then the question who was greatest is yet stil vnsolued which thinge were a great absurditie to graunt Theophilact therfore saieth here vpon lu xxii the sence herof is playne saith he bycause Christ toke Peter for Prince of the Apostels he sayd after thou hast wept and done penaunce for thy denyal confirme thou other not only the Appostels but al the faithfull whiche shalbe to the wordes ende Beside this the chaūgynge of the plurel numbre in to the synguler is not without hyghe misterie euen to declare Peters preeminence hereby The pexell was vpon all and yet the prayer whiche Christ made was but for one alone to signifie that he as head should haue the chief cure and charge committed vnto him And therfore he bad hym strengthē and confirme his brethren Againe it was not without high misterie that Christ thus prayed for him alone seing that in al places of christēdome which then in the primatiue church had receiued the faythe the same is now decayed both among the Corinthians the Galathiās the Ephesians the Philippians the Collossians the Thessalonians and other onelye amonge the Romaynes where Peter was appoynted to bee and for whom onelye here Christe prayed the fayth styll doth continue and shall do for euer ¶ The second probation After that Christ ▪ had ended al hanginge vpon the Crosse and after his resurrection he most earnestly cōmitted to Peter as to the chiefe the cure charge of al his flocke speakīg to him onely in y e singuler nōbre and onelye biddynge him fede thē gouerne rule them for y t doeth signify the distinction of the two Greke wordes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whereby appereth Peters preeminence principality Kinges in y e scripture be named pastors for y t purpose Dauid .ii. reg v. had said to him by god y ● shalt fede my people be price ouer thē And y e like ye rede eze 34. esa 44. 56. hie 2. 22. And psa 2. And euen so here is by thꝭ cōmissiō now geuē to Peter y t he ought both to fede gouerne or rule al christꝭ flocke as chiefe shepherde ouer thē But herof rede more ī y e āswer to y e .46 obiectiō ¶ The thirde probation WHen it was demaunded of the disciples whether theyr master woulde paye the tribute which was but one single pece of siluer named drachma in value a paise grote and it was paide only for the head of the house Christe then bad Peter paye two of those peces of syluer one for me saieth he another for thy selfe Whereby we may easelye perceaue that Christ would him to be y e head of a house euen his vicar after him that it was not in vaine that he had a name geuen vnto hym euen deriued fourth of Christes owne name that is to saye to be called Peter as Christe is called Petra bothe signifiynge one thynge but of this ye shall here more anone and this preeminence geuen to Peter the other dysciples yet then beyng some what carnal did partly perceyue and vnderstande whyche thynge caused them euen at that tyme to contende aboute the superioritye But Christ then mouing them to humilitie set a childe among theym shewynge howe they oughte to humble them selues and that he shoulde be hyghest in the kyngedome of heauen whiche woulde be moost lowlye in spirite And thys forsaid texte of payinge the tribute Sayncte Augu. declarynge sayeth thus when Christ bad ●aie .ii. peces of money one for hym and another for Peter he was thoughte to bydde paye for all as easely he myghte yf he would haue byd Peter pay xiii peces of money as two for lyke as all were counted to be in Christ as heade bycause of mastership rule authoritie euen so after Christe all be conteyned in Peter whom Christ ordeined to be their heade and ruler ouer all his flocke And note here well that the tribute was but payde onelye for the heade of the house Christ therfore saying paye two one for me and another for thy selfe did signifie that Peter shoulde be lafte head after him ouer al his familie and his house ¶ The .iiii. probation In al thinges order is euer to be kept No societie or companye can contynue withoute order But there is no order where there is no heade In euerye priuate house that is well gouerned there is one heade in euerye cytye or good towne one heade ruler or gouerner vnderneth that head euery other officer kepeth hys place and order As firste the Maiour as head thē shiriffes Aldermen Deputies Bayliffes Constables wyth other In euerye kyngedome one kynge the heade then Dukes Earles Barones Knyghtes c. Shal not thē a lyke sēblable ordre be kept in the churche of Christ and in Christes house As one heade and chiefe Bisshop Peters successor by christ appoynted then Patriarches Cardinals Archbishops Bishops with many other offycers to kepe al the whole mistical body in godly ordre Yea and who dothe impugne this comely and godly ordre let vs trye what case he is in Let vs see what that glorious martyr Ignatius S. Iohns disciple doth say It is your duty saith he to obey your high Bishop and in nothing to impugne or contempne him for he that so dothe doth not contempne mā but God which geueth to him his aucthoritie Remēber god sayde to Samuell they haue not despised the but me also Moyses sayde to the people your murmurynge is not agaynst me but agaynste god Dathan and Abiron murmuringe agaynst Goddes minister and contempning his commaundemēt were counted to blaspheme god and were therfore swalowed vp quicke into the earth And likewise Chore and his company for resisting Aaron were consumed with fire from heauen Ozias a kinge for vsurping the priestes office was strikē with lepresye And kinge Saul for the same was depriued his kinglye dignitye Thus muche sayth S. Iohns disciple holy Ignatius What then are all our wicked and obstinate contempners of the hyghe and chiefe byshoppe worthie to haue Paule byddeth obey your spiritual gouerners and Christ saieth he that cōtēneth y e minister euen cōtēpneth him him selfe Yea he cōmaūdeth to obey them though they be euell bycause they sitte in Moises seate But our men wil not obey them though they be neuer so
vertuous neuer so good and holy and sit neuer so lowe But what saieth the spirite of God He that is proude and will not obey the highe pristes commaundemēt for it is onelye one that is to saye the chief priest whom he speaketh of there let him die And be ye sure the death in hell is prepared for all suche at the ende ¶ The fifte probation Not onely Ireneus S. Ciprian and S. Augustine declaclare the preeminence of sainte Peter and his successors how the establyshement of our hole fayth doeth depende thereupon and all heresies do springe of the cōtrarie but also all and euerye one of Peter his successours in that seate haue confirmed and established y t hyghe Authoritie which thinge they would neuer haue done being so holy men many of them euē martirs of Christ withoute anye spotte of ambition no nor could haue ben suffred to haue done if they had not had that verye preeminence by Christe hym selfe But now let vs here some of their testimonies ¶ Anacletus the Martyr disciple and successor to S. Peter in hys sea Let all harde causes which be of greate importaunce be brought before the apostolical sea of Rome as vnto the head there to be determined and defyned For so Christe hym selfe dyd ordeyne it and so woulde haue it For onelye he dyd appointe that the Apostolical sea of Rome shoulde be the chiefe and heade and euen the verye henge of all For as by the henge the doore is gouerned and ruled so by Christes appointment all churches muste be gouerned and ruled by the authoritie of the Apostolicall sea of Rome ¶ Euaristus hys successor in in the sea of Rome also a holy martyr Your wysedomes desyryng of vs to be instructed folowīg the ecclesiasticall rule haue referred al to the Apostolical sea as vnto the heade rather willyng in doutful thynges to be taught what to kepe thē rashlye by vsurpation to presume after your owne phancies ¶ Alexander martir and next successor to Euaristus in the sea of Rome Relation is made saith he vnto this holy sea whereunto the decisinge of all great ecclesiastical cōtrouersies by christe him selfe was geuen he saying to Peter the prince of the Apostels thou art Peter c. That certen enemies of christ do presume to accuse the Priestes of God before the publyke and comen iudges ¶ Sixtus martir and next successor in the sea of rome Sixtus Bushop of the vniuersall and apostolicall church vnto al bishoppes sendeth gretinge c. If any of you be iniured or wronged it shalbe lawfull for him to appeale to thys holy sea apostolyke to haue refuge here vnto as vnto the head For the holye aposteles willed bade that all Bishoppes should be defēded and holpen in their right by the authoritye of this holy sea ¶ Thelespherus Igenius holy martires in the same sea apostolike next successoures vnto Sixtus the one after the other These .ii. holy martires ī their epistels haue euen the same 〈◊〉 effecte that their predecessour Sixtus did publishe Pius the next successou● This moste holye father about the obseruing the feast of Ester thus doth wryte vnto al places of christendome We by oure apostolike authoritie do institute decree that ye kepe the feaste of Ester as we receued of oure elders haue appointed vnto you Remēber y t you the mēbers by no meanes must dissēt frō vs beyng youre head seynge Christe commanded thys oure Apostolicall sea to be the head of all seas c. ¶ Victor a holy Martyr and after successor in the same Thys holy martyr and Bisshoppe of Rome concernynge the breakers of the ordour taken for the sayd feast of Easter sendeth a sharpe excomunication agaynste all the transgressours ¶ The same Victor in a certen epistel vnto Theophilus and to all other in Alexandria The Ecclesiastical decree receyued euē frō Peters tune cōcernīg appellatiōs to be made vnto y e appostolical sea of rome oughte to be obserued so that we wyll that you defyne nothynge therin wythout our authoritie seyng that Christ sayd only to Peter whose place we nowe kepe what so euer thou losest in earth c. Marke here now I besech you All these holy mens testimonyes and iudgementes concernynge thys oure matter of the primacy These mē sought not their own as Paule hath to the Philippians but that whiche was Iesus Christes These men receyued it by succession as ye haue hearde one euer of another goynge before euen receyued it as it were by hande And euer synce these holy fathers thus dyd beleue and thus dyd teache all christendō hath and stil doeth beleue and teache the same doctrine As I coulde proue and trye frō thys holy martir Victors tyme euē tyll this daye But no man I thynke will denye that for all y e difficultie as heretikes take the matter is to proue it in the begynnyng But that I trust in God is here now sufficiently proued And yet beside all these testimonies S. Clement saieth that S. Peter hymselfe with his owne mouth gaue hī that highe authoritie aboue al other Symon Peter saieth he before his death toke me by the hande sayinge these wordes to all the people then present This man I leaue to be Bishoppe of this city of Rome I geue to hym the power that christ gaue to me to lose bind that whatsoeuer he decreth in earth the same shalbe decreed and approued in the heauens Nicen councel also in the .xviii. Canon commaundith all appellations to bee made to the sea of Rome Therefore here now I would wish y t the Swīglians Ecolampadians Lutherans withal y e whole rable which counte all equal would trye their doctrine w t this se howe they stande together in fygure They saye the Popes Authoritie was but a thynge inuēted of late daies that only by man but this proffe here trieth y t it was foūded euen frō the beginning that by christ Se nowe who here in is to be beleued y e truth or falsed right or wrong God or the deuyl ¶ The sixt probation All which professe christ truly are membres of Christes ecclesiastical body vnder hym as head whether they be priestes or lay men Emperours kinges or byshoppes this no mā denieth I am sure but they cā not be coūted to be vnder christ as their cheif head which wilfully do breake the order that he toke when he was here in earth whiche order was that Peter should be lafte as head vnder him ouer all hys flocke as I haue and shall proue it sufficiētly in this smal boke by gods mercyful assistance whether they be of y e laitie or of the clergie If thou wilt be one of christes shepe whether thou be kīg or ēperor y ● must be vnder his shepeherde It were a mōstruous ●yghte to se the shepe rule the shepherd Nowe yf ye say thautoritie of Emperours
only shew to him as to the heade and chiefe of all the vision of ceasing the legals and that in the storye folowinge prayer was made of thole cōgregacion for Peter where as we rede not y e like done for any other ¶ The .xxi. probacion S. Dionise S. Paules dissciple nameth Peter supremū the highest also he nameth hym culmen the toppe aboue all other ¶ The .xxii. probation S. Clement disciple and successor to S. Peter saith y t christ gaue not equall power lyke authoritie to all the Apostels indifferētly But he appointed one y t is to saye Peter aboue al other And after S. Clemēt Ireneus affirmeth the see of Rome to be the head see of all other c. ¶ The .xxiii. probation Tertulian asketh whether anye thing was hyd from Peter the stone where vpō Christ dyd builde his church Christe gaue to him saith he to be the stone or rocke of his churche he gaue to him y ● keyes of the kīgdome of heauēs he gaue to him power ī heauēs which all seynge he gaue to Peter alone who wil deny him to be chieffe of al the other he alone was ordeined to be the stone to him alone y e keyes were geuen he alone receiued the power in the heauens ¶ The .xxiiii. probation Origen saith let none saye Iohn was greatter then Peter which both is called and is the top of al other Agayne he saith Christe sayd to the great foundaciō of the church to the moste sure stone where vpon he did founde his churche O thou of lytle faith why didest thou doubte ¶ The .xxv. probation S. Ciprian that holye Martir sa●th that the vnity of the churche dothe depende of the vnity of Peters authoritie and he sayth also that vpō Peter whom Christ did chose first not in calling but in dignity he buylded his churche and he answered for all oft times Again he saith y t the see of Rome is y e roote mother of al churches al heresies schisms do spring onely of that that men will not obey the head bishop And moreouer he sayth y t christes churche was to be builded vpon Peter What can be said more playnly then this for the confirmaciō of Peters authorytye and his successours ¶ The .xxvi. probacion S. Hillari doth highly set forth S. Peters authoritie his dignity calling him y e foundatiō of Christes church And so likewise doth Ciril callinge him the prince head of thappostels And also in an other place saying In petro tāque in petra lapideque firmissimo suā esset edificaturus ecclesiam In peter as in the rocke and moste sure stone Christ would buylde his churche Rursꝰ apostoli inquit post ascensionem Petrum loco domini habuerunt et in signum huius subiectionis prius seorsum ei datae vel promisse sunt claues c. ¶ The .xxvii. probation Chrisostome in sundry places doeth greatlye extolle Peters authorytye In one place he saithe Peter was y e head of thapostels In an other place he saith Peter a pore fessher a simple man Christ made the shepherd the mouth of Thappostels master of the worlde and head of his church whom for this cause Paule went to Ierusalem for to se c. Would he then haue hys churche to haue a head since to be withoute God forbid ¶ The .xxviii. probation The holy father Athanasius writinge to Liberius affirmeth that the cure of the vniuersal church was committed to him as it was to al his predecessours successours also in y e see of Rome And in many mo Epistels which the said Athanasus sent vnto Marke vnto Felix other he proueth very largelye the lyke primacye of Peter and al his successours ¶ The .xxix. probation Eusebius affirmeth Peter to be greatest to be chefest principal of all Thappostels And Sozomneus also an olde godlye Historiographer euen about the time of Iuliā thappostata writeth y t the Byshop of Rome had cure and charge ouer al Byshopes bothe of the Easte and of the weste church bicause of the excellēce dignitye saith he of his see Wherefore socrates an other aunciēt and holy Historiographer affirmeth that the holy Canons euen in the beginning did forbyd that any thinge should be concluded in any councel without the Byshope of Romes authoritye ¶ The .xxx. probation Holy Basil saith that Peter bycause he did excel other in faith therfore the church was builded vpon him And Theophilus also writeth that Peter to whome thee cure of all the church was committed asketh Christ whether he tolde that parable Lu. to them alone or to al ¶ The .xxxi. probation Saint Ambrose saith that Peter was the stone wherevpō Christ did bild his church Christ saith he called him the stone bicause he firste laied the foundacion of faithe amonge the heathens and bycause like an immouable rocke cōteineth or vpholdeth thole burden of Christes building Agayne he saith it was mete that Paule should desire to see Peter bycause he was first amōges the Apostels to whome christ had geuē charge ouer hꝭ churches ¶ The .xxxii. probation Saint Hierom calleth the Byshop of Rome the highest priest And in an other place he saith like as Plato was chiefe and Prince of al philosophers so was Peter of al y e Apostels vpon whome Christes church was builded with a stable and sure foundaciō whiche neither with violence of water nor other tēpest can be ouerthrowē Also he wryting vnto Damasum sheweth that like as al peryshed whyche were forthe of Noes ship so do al now which be fourthe of Peters shyp the catholike churche Moreouer he affermeth that although after a maner vpō all y e apostels the churche was builded so y t they be called the foundacions of it yet vpon Peter as chiefe after him ▪ christ chose him one as Prince heade ouer y e rest y ● therby al occasion of schsime might be clerely taken awaye Againe he saith in an other place peter was chief prince of Thapostels also he saithe y t Peter reproued S. Markꝭ Gospel and cōmitted it by his authoritie to the churche to be red as S. Clement saith he witnesseth in the sixt boke writen to S. Iames Thapostel ¶ The .xxxiii. probation Saint Aug. in many places doth highly set vp Peters authoritie aboue all others In Peter Thapostell saithe he the primacie ouer the rest of y e Apostels did hāge and that in high excellent grace Againe saith he who is ignoraunte y ● Peters prīcipality of Apostle shipe is greatelye to be preferred to the offyce of all other Peter for the primacye of hys apostleshipp in that he had the keyes geuen to him did represent the whole churche Peter which after should be ruler of the churche was suffred to fall that he might lerne the rather thereby his owne weakenes
muche more large power conteyned For therein is comprehended the fulnesse of all ecclesiasticall power and dignitye whiche euen then in the xvi of Mathue Christe gaue onlye to Peter sayinge tibi to thee and through hym to all his successours He promissed theym onelye to him but his promissinge or his sayinge as I saide was his doinge Eius dixisse est fecisse that it is so by goddes helpe I shall nowe trye by sufficient testimonye But first note that when christ had spoken of the churche and that the gates of hell shoulde not preuayle agaynste it he no further continued hys promisse to the church but turned then his speache to Peter sayinge I wil giue to thee the keyes so that the churche receyueth them throughe Peter to whom in his own person then they were geuen as to the heade and foundacion of the churche vnder Christe But now let vs heare testimonies hereof ¶ Tertulian libro de prest haer Was there anye thinge hid from peter as ye haue it twise before whiche was called the stone of the foundacion of the church Which had the keyes of heauens geuen him and power to lose and binde both in heauens and in earthes Tertulian here speaketh of that Christ sayde to Peter after he had geuen him the blessynge Mathue the .xvi. that which I do nowe thou knowest not and yet he graunteth there that Peter had receiued the keyes before which can be no time els but euen when the promisse of geuinge them was made as wil appere by conferrynge the textes the places and the times together ¶ S. Ambrose also in the xx of Luke Peter which came later first entred into the sepulchre as he which had receyued the keyes of the kingdome to open vnto other Marke here Sayncte Ambrose saythe likewise that the keyes were geuen to Peter before the passion whyche must nedes be euen at the promisse Math .16 or els neuer as shal appeare by reding the processe of the ghospell S. Ambrose also in libro de Isaac c. Christ sayd to Peter thou canst not folowe me nowe c. but he had before geuē to him the keyes of the kingdome of heauens c. Loe all this was before the passion Therefore we must nedes graunt that he gaue the keyes when he promyssed them seinge none can shew any other time of geuing them ¶ S. Aug. con 124. de tempore In declaringe the geuinge of the keyes Mathew the .xvi. he saith Christ gaue the keyes then to Peter and therfore he saith tibi dedi claues regni celorum I haue geuen to thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauens the like S. Aug. hathe tract 50. in Ioa. et li. 2. contra gau dentii epistolam S. Hilari in psa lii S. Hilari saith that christ toke not away the keyes from Peter whē he denied him here we see S. Hilari iudgeth that the keyes were geuen before the passion but that must be when he promyssed them Mathew the .xvi. c. S. Hilari in psal .cxxxi. Christ saide to Peter come after me sathā or aduersarye to whome he had geuen the keyes before But that must nedes be when he promyssed them seing this foloweth euen streight after in the same chapiter the .xvi. of Mathew Chrisostome in explicando propitius esto tibi c. Math .xvi. He saith O Peter what is this thou which haddest a heuenlye reuelacion and the keyes geuen to thee of the heauens arte thou so sone fallen so sore By al these auncient writers it appeareth y t the keyes were geuen whē they were promessed and that Christ gaue them presentlye in saing I wil geue thee the keyes And this hath caused that euer since y e keyes iustlye haue bene put vnto all Peters successours to none other As for the power to minister the sacramēt of penaūce and to forgeue sinne was geuen after the resurreccion both to the Apostels and to the .27 Disciples as a parte of the keyes and yet as vnder Peter he beynge the head But who I praye you is so foonde to saye that the .27 Disciples receiued the keyes equallye with Peter ¶ The .xi. obiection Christ said to al indifferentlye what so euer ye shal bynde vpon earth shal be bounde in heauen and what so euer ye lose vpon earthe shalbe losed in heauen ¶ The answere That power geuen Math .xviii. was as appereth by the processe but to excommunicate the wicked and to lose thē from it againe if they were trulye penitent whyche power Paule caused the Corinthians to execute vpon y e fornicatour And here note wel that it was not without great cause that Christe vsed here the plurel number saynge what so euer you bynde c. For one dyd neuer thys at that tyme onelye Peter the heade excepte but it was geuen to the churche and rulers of the congregation beyng for that cause gathered together as ye rede .i. cor .v. It is in no place of the gospel wherby any one may excōmunicate onely Peter for him and hys successours except which beīg head had it geuē to him alone with the keyes and therefore he alone put it in executiō vpō Anani vpon Saphire vpō Simō Magus c. How be it if a man should graunt that y e power of losing and bindinge Mat. xviii was spokē to the apostels as before Mat. xvi to Peter yet must we nedes confesse as appeareth in the answers to y e .iii. last obiectiōs that to Peter as to y E head the power was geuen to other but as vnder him stil kepinge obseruing a due order which order is broken if Peter the other Apostels and the .72 disciples or the successours of euerye of these had like power geuen in al thinges ¶ The .xii. obiection The .viii. of thactes Peter and Iohn were sent by thother apostels to Samaria but y e senders seme to be greater then they whiche be sent c. ¶ The anwere When by Philip the dracon the people of Samaria were cōuerted to y e faith by y e cōsēt of all y e apostles the holye ghoste being y e chief author Peter as whose authoritie was greatest was chosen as beinge thought moste mete to goe to confirme them with tholye spyrite the matter and case then requirynge the chiefe power What did this againste Peters authoritye or to the derogation of his high power and preeminece It semeth rather to sette fourth his excellent priuelege bycause none was thoughte yea euē to the holy gost which was the chiefe sender so mete as Peter he being the head of al to goe to destroye the great member of the deuil Simon Magus a thinge of passinge difficultie which required Peters presēce This was an argument of tharians the father sent the sonne ergo the sonne was lesse then the father How be it Herode sent y e .iii. Kinges to Christ yet he was not greater then they May not y e King and the Counsel of a Realme