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A42557 The History of the Church of Great Britain from the birth of our Saviour untill the year of our Lord, 1667 with an exact succession of the bishops and the memorable acts of many of them : together with an addition of all the English cardinals, and the several orders of English monks, friars and nuns in former ages. Geaves, William.; Geaves, George.; Gearing, William.; G. G. 1674 (1674) Wing G440; ESTC R40443 405,120 476

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ingenuous disposition exceedingly prevailed in short time on the Queen's affections About the middle of July the Marriage-Rites were celebrated in the Royal Chappel by the Dean of Restalrig and the next day the Queen having made him before Earl of Rosse and Duke of Rothsay the new Duke was proclaimed King by sound of Trumpet and declared to be associated with the Queen in the publick government The news whereof being brought unto Queen Elizabeth she seemed more offended than indeed she was But never was marriage more calamitous to the parties themselves or more dishonourable to that nation or finally more scandalous to both Religions in nothing fortunate but in the birth of James the sixth born in the Palace of Edenburgh on July 19. Anno 1566. Solemnly Crowned King of the Scots on the same day of the Month Anno 1567. and joyfully received to the Crown of England on March 14. 1602. Of such a temper were the devotions of the Church of England at this time that generally the English Papists and the Ambassadours of Forreign L. Coke's charg given at Norwich Assize● 1606. Princes still resorted to them For the first ten years of Her Majestie 's Reign the Papists in general came to our Churches In the beginning of the eleventh year of her Reign Cornwallis Beddingfield and Selyard were the first Recusants Now we are come to the setling the Episcopal Government by as good Authority as could be given to it by the Lawes of the Land By a Statute made in the last Parliament for keeping Her Majestie 's Subjects in their due obedience a power was given unto the Bishops to tender and receive the Oath of Supremacy of all manner of persons residing and dwelling in their several Diocesses Bonner was then Prisoner in the Marshalsey which being within the Borough of Southwark brought him within the Jurisdiction of Horn Bishop of Winchester by whose Chancellor the Oath was tendred to him On the refusal of which Oath he is Indicted at the King's Bench upon the Statute to which he appeared in some Term in the year foregoing and desires that Council be assigned to plead his cause The Court assigns him Christopher Wray afterwards Chief-justice of the Common-Pleas that famous Lawyer Edmond Ploydon and one Mr. Lov●lace But the business came under consideration in the following Parliament which began on September thirty where the Legality of Horn's Episcopacy which was objected against in the behalf of Bonner was cleered by Statute by which the Parliament did only publish notifie and declare the Legal Authority of the English Bishops whose call and Consecration to their place was formerly performed In the year 1566. Queen Elizabeth came to Oxford Honourably attended with Robert Dudley lately made Earl of Leicester and Chancellor of Oxford the Marquess of Northampton the Lord Burl●igh and the Spanish Ambassadour She was lodged in Christ-Church where many Comedies were acted before Her Many Acts were kept before Her in Philosophy and one most eminent in Divinity She concluded all with a Latine Oration which you may read in Fuller's Church History as it was taken by Dr. Laurence Humfrey and by him Printed in the Life of Bishop Jewel Having stayed seven dayes she took Her leave of the University Anno 1567. Another Generation of Active Non-conformists succeeded the former Of these Coleman Button Benson and Halingham were the chief inveighing against the established Church-discipline endeavouring to conform the English Church in all things to that of Geneva To these three more may be added viz. William White Thomas Rowland Robert Hawkins all Beneficed within the Diocese of London This year these three were cited to appear before Edmond Grindal Bishop of London one who was not very forward to press Conformity The Bishop asked them this question Have we not a godly Prince speak is she evil To which they made their several answe●s in manner following William White What a question is that the fruits do shew Thomas Rowland No but the servants of God are persecuted under Her Robert Hawkins Why this question the Prophet answereth in the Psalms How can they have understanding that work iniquity spoiling my people and that extol vanity The Queen proceeded severely against some of them commanding them to be put in prison though still their party daily encreased And now to strengthen the Romish party two most Active fugitive Papists Thomas Harding and Nicholas Saunders return into England Very earnest they were in advancing the Catholick Cause and perverted very many to their own erroneous opinions A moneth or two after the Prince of Scotland's baptizing the King her Husband in the one and twentieth year of his age was in the dead time of the night by bloody barbarous hands was strangled in his bed and thrown forth into an Orchyard the house being blown up with Gun-powder The Queen afterwards marrieth Earl Bothwel but he is forced to fly out of Scotland And the Queen is thrust in prison at Loch-levin But what should be done with Her the Conspirators could not agree among themselves At length they extort from her a resignation of her Kingdom to her Son who was scarce thirteen moneths old But she being ill-used at home by her own Subjects made an escape into England and landed at Wirkington in Comberland and the same day wrote a letter in French to Queen Elizabeth The Countess Vid. Fuller's Church Hist Cent. 16. of Lenox complaineth against her to Queen Elizabeth and besought her that she might be brought to her trial for the murther of her Son The Queen of Scots wrote a letter to the Pope to manifest her devotion to the See of Rome written from Castle Boulton Novemb. 30. 1568. Then Thomas Piercy Earl of Northumberland and Charles Nevil Earl of Westmorland brake out into open Rebellion against the Queen Their first valour was to fight against the English Bible and Service-book in Durham tearing them to pieces They set up Mass in most places where they came Richard Norton an aged Gentleman carrying the Cross before them and others bearing in their banners the five wounds of Christ or a Chalice according to their different devices But the Earl of Sussex advancing out of the South with an Army to oppose them they fled Northwards and mouldered away to nothing Northumberland fled into Scotland lurked there awhile was betrayed to Earl Murrey sent back into England and beheaded at York Westmorland fled into Flanders where he long lived very poor on a small pension Many were executed by Sir George Bowes Knight Marshal in every Market-town betwixt New-castle and Witherby Leonard Dacres the next year laboured to raise a New Rebellion but by the valour and vigilancy of the Lord Hunsdon his design was seasonably defeated Commissioners were appointed by Queen Elizabeth to take cognizance of the cause of the Queen of Scots Murrey cometh to York being the City appointed for that purpose and with him seven of his Inwardest friends as Delegates for the
honorem Armipotens Alfred dedit probit asque laborem Perpetuumque labor nomen immixta dolori Gaudia semper erant spes semper mixta timori c. Englished by Mr. Flemming Nobility by birth to thee O Alfred strong in Armes Of goodness hath thy honour given And honour toilsome harmes And toilsome harmes an endless name Whose joyes ere alwayes mixt With sorrow and whose hope with fear Was evermore perplext If this day thou wast Conqueror The next day's War thou dread'st If this day thou wast Conquered To next day's War thou spread'st Whose cloathing wet with a daily swet Whose blade with bloody stain Do prove how great a burden 't is In Royalty to reign There hath not been in any part Of all the World so wide One that was able breath to take And troubles such abide And yet with Weapons weary would Not Weapons lay aside Or with the Sword the toilsomness Of Life by Death divide Now after labours past of Realm And Life which he did spend Christ is to him true quietness And Scepter voyd of end In this King's reign flourished Johannes Scotus Erigena with addition sometimes of Sophista born in Ireland for distinction from a former born at M●lrose and another in the XIII Century born in Duns otherwise called S●b●●lis he was a man of pregnant Judgement wondrous Eloquence and in those days rare knowledge of the Greek Chaldean and Arabian Languages He wrote a Book De corpore sanguine Domini against the Opinion of Carnal presence which was condemned at the Synod of Vercelles Bellarmine saith This man was the first who wrote doubtingly of this matter He was the Counsellor to King Alfred and Teacher of his Children afterwards he retired to the Abbey at Malmesbury where his disciples Murthered him with their Pen-knives being enticed thereunto by the Monks because he spake against the carnal presence and was accounted a Martyr as was recorded by William of Malmesbury de gest Reg. Ang. lib. 2. cap. 4. CENT X. AT this time there was no Bishop in all the West parts of England Pope Formosus being offended hereat interdicted King and Kingdom But Pleigmund Archbishop of Canterbury posted to Rome informing the Pope that Edward called the Elder the Son of King Alfred had in a late summoned Synod founded some new and supplied all old vacant Bishoprickes and carying with him honorifica munera the Pope turned his curse into a blessing and ratified their election The names of the seven Bishops which Pleigmund consecrated in one day were Fridstan Bishop of Winchester Werstan of Shireburn Kenulph of Dorchester Beornege of Selsey Athelme of Wells Eadulfe of Crediton in Devon and Athelstan in Cornwall of St. Petrocks These three last Western Bishops were in this Council newly erected A Synod was called at Intingford where Edward the elder and Guthurn King of the Danes in that part of England which formerly belonged to the East Angles onely confirmed the same Ecclesiastical constitutions which King Alured had made before King Edward remembring the Pious example of his Father Alfred in founding of Oxford began to repair and restore the University of Cambridge J●h Ressi●s in lib. de Regi● for the Danes who kept the Kingdom of the East Angles for their home had banished all Learning from that place This King Edward the elder expelled the Danes out of Essex Mercia and Northumberland At that time the authority of investing Bishops and other Ecclesiastical Benefices as also of prescribing Lawes unto Church-men as well as unto the Laity was in the power of the King not of the Pope but the Pope would be medling in such matters by way of Confirmation Athelstan his Son succeeded King Edward being much devoted to St. John of Beverley on whose Church he bestowed large priviledges Many Councils were kept in this King's Reign at Excester Feversha● Thunderfield and London But one held at Greatlea is of greatest account for the Lawes therein enacted especially that concerning the payment of Tithes which is thus Written I Athelstan King by advice Spelman in Concil p. 405. of Viselm my Archbishop and of other Bishops command all the Prelates of my Kingdom in the name of our Lord and of all the Saints that first of all they out of my own things pay the Tithes unto God as well of ●he living Beasts as of the Corn of the ground and the Bishops to do the like in their property and the Presbyters This I will that Bishops and other Head-men declare the same unto such as be under their subjection c. He ordained that in every Burrough all measures and weights should be confirmed by the Bishop's advice and testimony About that time Hoel King of Wales made a Law That no Church-man should be a Judge in Civil affairs Now St. Dunstan appeareth in Court born at Glastonbury of Noble Parentage yea Kinsman remote to Athelstane himself His eminencies were Painting and Graving an excellent Musician and an admirable worker in Brass and Iron After a while he is accused for a Magician and banished the Court But after the Death of King Athelstane he was re-called to Court in the Reign of King Edmond Athelstan's brother and flourished for a time in great favour but his old crime of being a Magician and a wanton with Women being laid to his charge he is re-banished the Court. But King Edmond being slain by one Leoff a Thief Edred his Brother succeeding to the Crown Dunstan is made the King's Treasurer Chancellor Councellor Confessor Secu●ar Priests were thrust out of their Convents and Monks substituted in their rooms But after Edred's death Dunstan falls into disgrace with King Edwin his Successor and being expelled the Kingdom flie●h into Flanders Mean-time all the Monks in England of Dunstan's plantation are rooted up and Secular Priests set in their places Soon after many commotions happened in England especially in Mercia and Northumberland King Edwin died in the flower of his age Edgar succeedeth him and recalls Dunstan home who hath two Bishopricks Fuller Church History given him Worcester and London King Edgar gave over his Soul Body and Estate to be ordered by Dunstan and two more then the Triumvirate who ruled England viz. Ethelwald Bishop of Winchester and Oswald afterward Bishop of Worcester This Oswald was the man who procured by the Kings Authority the ejection of all secular Priests out of Worcester which Act was called Oswald's Law In that Age Dunstan being made Archbishop of Canterbury Secular Priests were 〈◊〉 hist ●● 1● part 3. ●● ● thrown out and Monks every where fixed in their rooms Many did dispute and preach against Dunstan And Alfred Prince of Mercia took part with the Priests Fuller makes mention of a fair and authentick guilded Manuscript wherein he stileth himself God's Vicar in England for the ordering Ecclesiastical matters a Title which at this day the Pope will hardly vouchsafe to any Christian Princes Hoel-Dha then held a National Council
by Hamilton for such as were Assessors to him took up all their time betwixt their first meeting and their dissolution which was by proclamation solemnly declared on the twenty ninth of the same month But notwithstanding the said dissolution the Members of the said Assembly continued their Session and therein passed many Acts for the utter overthrow of the Polity and Government of the Church They not only excommunicated the Bishops and their Adherents but condemned the very Function it self to be Antichristian and utterly to be abolished out of the Church The like censure also they passed on the Service-book and the Canons with the five Articles of Perth and all the Arminian Tenets in case of Predestination and declared all men subject to excommunication and all other censures of the Church who should refuse to yield obedience to all their determinations And albeit his Majesty by the same Proclamation had commanded all his Subjects not to yield obedience to any of their Acts and Ordinances yet those of the Assembly were resolved to maintain their Authority and not only the Bishops and Clergy but also as many of the Laity as had refused to subscribe to the Acts thereof were deprived of their Offices and Preferments banished their Country and forced to fly into England or other places the King being unable to protect them from the power and malice of their Adversaries The King now thinks of raising an Army against the Scots and a Sir Rich. Baker●s Chron. Loan for the King's assistance against the Scots is subscribed by many Lords of the Council and Bishops c. Cardinal Richlieu was no small Incendiary in this business betwixt the King and Scots who sent his Chaplain and Almoner Mr. Thomas Chamberlain a Scotch-man to assist the Confederates in advancing the business and to attempt all wayes of exasperation and not to depart from them till he might return with good news in this project About the latter end of this year died John Spottiswood Archbishop of St. Andrews at London and was buried near unto King James in the Abbey-church of Westminster The King began his journey towards the North on March twenty seven his Army being advanced before the chief command whereof was committed to the Earl of Arundel The Scots presented a Petition to the King at his Camp near Berwick And Commissioners being on both sides appointed they came at last to this conclusion on June 17. viz. first That his Majesty should confirm whatsoever his Commissioner hath already granted in his Majesties name and that from thenceforth all matters Ecclesiastical should be determined by the Assemblies of the Kirk and all matters civil by the Parliament and to that end a General Assembly to be indicted on the sixth of August and a Parliament on the twentieth of the same month in which Parliament an Act of Oblivion was to pass for the common peace and satisfaction of all parties that the Scots upon the publication of the accord should within forty eight hours disband all their Forces discharge all pretended Tables and Conventicles restore unto the King all his Custles Forts and Ammunition of all sorts the like restitution to be made to all his good Subjects of their liberties lands goods c. taken and detained from them since the late pretended General Assembly at Glascow that thereupon the King should presently recal his Fleet and retire his Land-forces and cause restitution to be made to all persons of their goods detained and arrested since the first of February But as for the proceedings of the Assembly at Glascow they seem to have been left in the same condition in which they stood before his Majesties taking Arms. And the King doing nothing to the abrogating of them when he was in the Head of a powerful Army he could not expect that the Scots could yield to any such abrogation when he had no such Army to compel obedience And this immediately appeared on his Majesties signing the Agreement and discharging his Army thereupon For the Covenanters upon the declaration of this accord produced a Protestation First Of adhering to their late General Assembly at Glascow and to all the proceedings there especially the sentences of Deprivation and Excommunication of the sometimes pretended Bishops of that Kingdom as they were termed Secondly Of adhering to their solemn Covenant and declaration of the Assembly whereby the Office of Bishops is abjured Thirdly That the Bishops have been malitious Incendiaries of his Majesty against this Kingdom by their wicked calumnies and that if they return to this Kingdom they be esteemed and used as accursed c. Fourthly That all the entertainers of the excommunicated Bishops should be orderly proceeded against with Excommunication conform to the Acts and Constitutions of this Kirk They continued their Meetings and Consultations as before they did maintained their Fortifications at Leith the Port-town to Edenborough and kept their Officers and Commanders in continual pay His Majesty hereupon sent for some of the Chiefs of them to come unto him to Berwick but was refused in his Commands The Earls of Kinnoul and Traquair Chief Justice Elphinston and Sir James Hamilton all Privy Counsellors were pulled violently out of their Coach on a suspition that some Bishops were disguised among them that the King might have some cause to suspect that there could be no safety for him in such a place and among people so enraged notwithstanding his great clemency toward them in the pacification In this condition of Affairs his Majesty returned toward London in the Heylin's Hist of Archbish Laud. part 2. end of July 1639. leaving the Scots to play their own game as they listed having first nominated Traquair as his High-Commissioner for managing both the Assembly and the following Parliament In the first meeting of the two they acted over all the parts they had plaid at Glascow to the utter abolition of Episcopacy and the ruine of all that adhered to it their actings in it being confirmed in his name by the High-Commission The news whereof caused the King to send for the Lord Wentworth out of Ireland who was presently made Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and not long after with great solemnity created Earl of Strafford in the County of York As Lord Lieutenant he had power to appoint a Deputy that he might the better attend the service here without any prejudice to that Kingdom which Office he committed to Wansford a York-shire Gentleman whom he had took along with him into Ireland at his first going thither His Majesty was pleased to commit the conduct of the Scottish Affairs to a Juncto of three namely the Archbishop of Canterbury the Earl of Strafford and the Marquiss of Hammilton These three move his Majesty to call a Parliament and it was concluded that a Parliament should be called on April 13. 1640. In the mean time the Lord Lieutenant held a Parliament in Ireland and so governed the affair that an Army of eight thousand
proceed to elect Officers in the Congregation Mr. Whitehead is chosen their Pastor yet so as two Ministers four Elders and four Deacons were joyned to assist him And because this was then an University as well as a Congregation of the English Mr. Robert Horn was chosen to be Hebrew Reader Mr. Mullings to read the Greek Lecture and Mr. Trahern the Lecture in Divinity Here a moderate motion was made that the difference might be compremised and referred to Arbitrators which should be equally chosen on both sides To this Doctor Cox his party would in no wise consent and lost much reputation by the refusal The Names of those who separated themselves from this Congregation were as followeth William Williams William Whittingham Anthony Gilby Christopher Goodman Thomas Cole John Fox Thomas Wood. William Kethe John Kelk John Hilton Christopher Scothous Nicholas Purfote John Escot Thomas Grafton William Walton Laurence Kent John Hellingham Anthony Carier Of these Mr. Fox with a few more went to Basil the rest setled themselves at Geneva where they made choice of Knox and Goodman for their constant Preachers under which Ministry they reject the whole frame and fabrick of he Reformation made in England conformed themselves wholly to the fashions of the Church of Geneva It was not long after the setling of the Liturgy at Franckford before Whit●head left the Ministry of the English Congregation which Cox obtained for Mr. Horn. That being done he withdrew himself to Strasburg there to enjoy the company of Peter Martyr with whom he was well acquainted while he lived in Christ-church By Doctor Cox his departure a new gap is open for another dissention Some words had passed at a Supper between Horn the Pastor and Ashley a Gentleman of note intended rather for increase of charity than breach of friendship Ashley is three dayes after cited to appear at the house of one of the Elders to answer for some words he had spoken in contempt of the Ministry But from the Elders he appeals to the Congregation among whom he prevails so far that they send a Message by two of their company to the Pastor and Elders to proceed no further in the cause Horn being backed by Chambers the publick Treasurer excepts against this Message as not decreed by the whole Congregation and resolves to maintain that authority which had been conferred on him and the rest of the Elders Ashley and his party on the other side protest against the Pastor and Elders as an adverse party and therefore not in a capacity to sit as Judges in the present case and do consult about the making of a Book of Discipline for the curbing the exorbitant power for so they thought it of the Pastors and Elders Thereupon the Pastor and Elders forsake their Offices and on the next day of publick meeting take place among the rest as private persons The Congregation full but the Pulpit empty which put the rest upon a humour of electing others to take the Pulpit charge upon them The noise of these disorders awakens the Magistrates who command Horn and Chambers to forbear the Congregation until further order and afterwards restoring them to their former authority by publick edict were contradicted in it by Ashley's party who having got some power into their hands were resolved to hold it In the mean time a Book of Discipline had been drawn and tendred to the Congregation according to the Rules whereof the Supreme power in all Ecclesiastical causes was put into the hands of the Congregation and the disposing the publick moneys committed to the trust of Heylin's Hist of Q. Mary certain Officers by the name of Deacons This makes the breach wider than before The Magistrates write their Letters to Strasburg desiring Doctor Cox Doctor Sandys together with Robert Berty Esquire to undertake the closing of the present Rupture To their arbitrament each party is content to submit the controversie In the end a form of Reconciliation is drawn up by some of the English who really sought the peace of the Church But those who stood for the new discipline refused to submit themselves to any establishment by which the power of the diffusive body of the Congregation might be called in question Whereupon Horn and Chambers depart to Strasburg from whence Chambers writ his Letters to them twice but to no effect They had before elected some new Ministers and though Horn and his party opposed it yet they concluded it for the present and now they mean to stand to the conclusion let Horn and Chambers go or tarry as best pleased themselves Such were the troubles and disorders in the Church of Frankford occasioned first by a dislike of the publick Liturgy before which they preferred the nakedness and simplicity of the French and Genevian Churches saith Doctor Heylin and afterwards continued by the opposition made by the general body of the Congregation against such who were appointed to be Pastors and Rulers over them And now it is time to return to England and look back upon Cranmer who had been cited to the Court of Rome for nothing could be done against the person of a Metropolitan before the Pope had taken cognisance of the cause and eighty dayes had seemingly been given to Cranmer for making his appearance in the Court of Rome And though the Pope knew well enough as well the Archbishop's readiness to appear before him if he were at at liberty as the impossibility of making any such appearance as the case then stood yet at the end of the said eighty dayes he is pronounced by the Pope to be contumacious and for his contumacy to be degraded excommunicated and finally delivered over to the secular Magistrate According unto which Decree a Commission is directed unto Edmond Bonner Bishop of London and Thomas Thurlby Bishop of Ely to proceed in the Degradation of the said Archbishop who caused him to be degraded After this and before his death great pains was taken by a Spanish Frier in the University to perswade him to a retraction of his former Opinions by whom it was suggested to him How acceptable it would be to the King and Queen how gainful to himself in regard both of his soul and of his temporal being putting him in good hope that he should not only have his life but be restored again to his ancient Dignity c. if he would but subscribe his name to a piece of Paper which was made ready for his hand By these and the like alluring temptations he was prevailed upon to sign the Writing in which were briefly comprehended the chief points of Doctrine defended in the Church of Rome and by him formerly condemned both in publick and in private But all this could not save him from being made a Sacrifice to revenge and avarice The Queen had still a vindicative spirit against him for the injury which she conceived had been done to her Mother and the Cardinal who hitherto had enjoyed the profits
excluded out of England by consent of Parliament The greatest obstacle to the Nuncio's coming was partly laid by the indiscretion of some Papists in England and partly by the precipitancy of the Pope's Ministers in Ireland for sundry ill-disposed persons upon the noise of the Nuncio's coming not onely brake the Laws made against the Pope and his Authority but spread abroad slaunderous reports that the Queen was at the point to change her Religion and alter the government of the Realm Some also had practised with the Devil by Conjurations Charms and casting of Figures to be informed in the length of her Majesties Reign And on the other side the Pope's Legate being at the same time in Ireland joyned himself to some desperate Traitors who stirred up rebellion there and as much as in him was had deprived the Queen of all Right and Title to that Kingdom Upon which grounds it was carried clearly at the Council-boord against the Nuncio notwithstanding the Intercession of the French the Spaniard or the Duke of Alva Yet notwithstanding the Emperor Ferdinand sends to perswade the Queen to return to the old Religion at least that she would set apart some Churches to the use of the Catholicks To whom she answered That she had setled her Religion on so sure a Bottom that she could not easily be changed And for granting Churches to the Papists it did not consist with the Polity and good Laws of the Land Then divers abuses arising in the Church Archbishop Parker found it necessary to have recourse unto the power which was given to him by the Queen's Commission and by a clause of the Act of Parliament For the Vniformity of Common-Prayer and service in the Church c. As one of the Commissioners for causes Ecclesiastical he was authorized with the rest of his Associates To reform redress order correct and amend all such Errors Heresies Schismes Abuses Offences Contempts and Enormities whatsoever as might from time to time arise in the Church of England And in the passage of the Act forementioned it was provided That all such Ornaments of the Church and the Ministers thereof should be retained as were in the Church of England by Authority of Parliament in the second year of King Edward the Sixth untill further order should be taken therein from the Queen's Majesty c. And also if there shall happen any contempt or irreverence to be used in the Rites of the Church by the misusing of the Orders of the said Book of Common-Prayer the Queen might by the advise of the Commissioners or Metropolitan ordain or publish such further Ceremonies or Rites as should be most for the advance of God's glory the edifying the Church c. Hereupon the Archbishop by the Queen's consent and the advice of some of the Bishops sets forth a certain Book of Orders to be diligently observed and executed by all persons whom it might concern In which it was provided That no Parson Vicar or Curate of any Heylin Hist of Q. Elizab. An. Reg. 3. exempt Church should from thenceforth attempt to conjoyn by solemnization of Matrimony any not being of his or their Parish-church without good Testimony of the Bains being ask'd in the several Churches where they dwell or otherwise were sufficiently Licensed That no other days should be observed as Holy-days and Fasting-days but onely such as be expressed in the Calendar lately set forth by the Queen's Authority That neither the Curates or Parents of Children which are brought to Baptism should answer for them at the Font but that the antient use of Godfathers and Godmothers should still be retained and that in all such Churches in which the steps to the Altar were not taken down the said steps should remain as before they did That the Communion-Table should be set in the said place where the steps then were or had formerly stood and that the Table of the Decalogue should be fixed upon the wall over the said Communion-Table This year the Merchants Tailors School in London was founded first by the Master Wardens and Assistants of the Company of Merchants Tailors whence it had the name and by them founded for a Seminary to St. John's in Oxford built and endowed at the sole costs of one of their Livery But of a far more private nature was the Foundation of another Grammar School in the Town of Sandwich built at the charge of Sir Roger Manwood and endowed with forty pound per annum The Council of Trent being now opened it was said in that Council that i● was good to let the Protestants alone and not name them alledging the danger of moving ill humors in a Body which was then quiet To give a safe conduct to the English-men which neither They nor any of them did require were a great indignity They were content it should be given to the Scots because their Queen would demand it but so as that the demand should first be made But the English Protestant Bishops would not venture themselves into that Council on such weak assurance considering how ill the safe conduct had been formerly kept to John Hus and Jerom of Prague at the Council of Constance And the Queen kept the Papal party safe from gadding thither Then Scipio a Venetian Gentleman formerly acquainted with Master Jewel whil'st he was a Student at Padua wrote now an expostulating Letter unto him being lately made Bishop of Sarisbury in which he much admireth that England should send no Ambassador nor Letter nor Message to excuse their Nation 's absence from the General Appearance of Christianity in that Council c. Bishop Jewel returned him such an Answer that neither Scipio himself nor any other of that party durst reply upon him The Answer is to be found at large at the end of the History of this Council Translated by Sir Nathanael Brent At this time it was advised by Lewis Prince of Conde the Cardinal Chastilion and other principal leaders of the Protestant party in France that they should put themselves under the protection of the Queen of England who had not long before so seasonably relieved the Scots in the like distress The Queen had been secretly advertised of all passages there by Sir Nicholas Throgmorton her Majestie 's Resident in that Kingdom It being agreed on between them that the Queen should supply the Prince of Conde and his Associates with a sufficient quantity of Money Corn and Ammunition for the service of the French King against the practices of the House of Guise and that the Town of New-haven should be put into her Majestie 's hands to be garrisoned by English Souldiers Immediately a manifest was published in the name of the Queen wherein was declared that she had observed how the Guisian Faction in the names of the Queen-Mother of France and the young King had endeavoured to root out the Professors of the Reformed Religion and what massacres had been made at Vassey Paris Sene Tholouse Bloys Touers Angier
and her Boxes searched Fourteen of the Conspirators were Arraigned Condemned of High-treason and executed Afterwards in the Star-chamber sentence was pronounced against the Queen of Scots And in a Parliament presently following the Lords petition the Queen that the sentence passed against her may presently be promulged The King of Scots and the King of France sollicit for her life But when this would not prevail L' Aubespine the French Ambassador thinks no way so effectual for saving the Queen of Scots life as to take away the life of Queen Elizabeth The plot was discovered And at length the Sentence against the Queen of Scots was put in execution and she ended her doleful life at Fothringhay Castle She was buried in the Quire of Peterborough and Doctor Wickham Bishop of Lincoln Preached her Funeral-sermon Some twenty yaars after King James caused her Corps to be solemnly removed from Poterborough to Westminster where in the South-side of the Chappel of King Henry the Seventh he erected a stately Monument to her Memory The Earl of Leicester having raised great offence is called home again into England by the Queen giveth over his Government and the free Administration of his Government is left to the States Now Conformity was pressed to the height The power of the High Fuller Church Hist in An. 1537. Commission began to extend far and penalties to fall heavy on offenders whereupon the favourers of Non-conformists much opposed it in their Printed Books some questioning the Court as not warranted by Law others taxing their proceedings as exceeding their Commission But the most general exception against the High Commission was this That proceeding Ex Officio mero by way of enquiry against such whom they suspected they tendred unto them an Oath which was conceived unjust that in cases criminal a party should be forced to discover what might be penal to himself The lawfulness of which Oath was learnedly canvassed with arguments on both sides Because many did question the Legal●ty and Authority of the High Commission Archbishop Whitgift so contrived the matter that the most sturdy Non-conformists especially if they had any visible Estates were brought into the Star-chamber the power whereof was above dispute where some of them besides imprisonment had very heavy fines imposed on them And because most of the Queens Council were present at the Censures this took off the odium from the Archbishop This year died Mr. John Fox the Industrious compiler of the Acts and Monuments of the Church and was buried at St. Giles near Cripplegate in London It is said he foretold the destruction of the Invincible so called Spanish Armado in the year 1588. which came so to pass though he survived not to see the performance of his own prediction About this time Mr. William Lambert finished his Hospital at Greenwich Camd Brit. in Kent founded and endowed by him for poor people He was the first Protestant who erected a charitable house of that nature saith Camden But King Edward the Sixth ●ounded Christ-church and St. Thomas Hospital Now the sticklers against the Hierarchy appeared more vigorous though for a time they had concealed themselves The Parliament now sitting a● Westminster the House of Commons presented to the Lords a petition complaining how many Parishes especially in the North of England and Wales were destitute of Preachers and no care taken to supply them Sixteen were the particulars whereof the six first were against insufficient Ministers Of all the particulars the House fell most fiercely on the debate of pluralities and Non-residents The Arch-bishop pleads for Non-residency in divers cases He affirmed whatever was pretended to the contrary that England then flourished with able Ministers more than ever before yea had more than all Christendom besides The Lord Grey rejoyned to this Assertion saying That England had more able Ministers than all the Churches in Christendom was onely to be attributed to God who now opened the hearts of many to see into the truth and that the Schools were better observed The Lord Treasurer seemed to moderate betwixt them Matters flying thus high the Archbishop with the rest of the Clergy Petition the Queen To the Petition were annexed a Catalogue of those inconveniences to the State present State to come Cathedral Churches Universities to her Majesty to Religion in case pluralities were taken away Nothing was effected in relation to this matter but things left in statu quo prius at the dissolution of this Parliament This year died Richard Barnes Bishop of Durham In the year 1588. when there was a Treaty of Peace between England and Spain out cometh their Invincible Navy and Army perfectly appointed for both Elements Land and Water to Sayl and March compleat in all Warlike Equipage but that great Fleet was wonderfully defeated by the English and dissipated by stormy Winds and many of the Spaniards were Barbarously butchered by the Irish For the happy success of this action Queen Elizabeth appointed Prayers and Thanksgivings over all the Churches in England and she with a great Train of the Nobility came into St. Pauls Church where the Banners taken from the Enemy were placed in view and there in most humble manner gave thanks to Almighty God the giver of all Victory About this time many Papists were committed to custody in Wisbych Castle At this time many Libels flew abroad thus named 1. The Epitome 2. The Demonstration of Discipline 3. The Supplication 4. Diotrephes 5. The Minerals 6. Have ye any work for the Cooper 7. More work for the Cooper 8. Martin Senior Mar-prelate 9. Martin Junior Mar-prelate The main drift of these Pamphlets was to defame the English Prelates scoffing at them for their Garb Gate Apparel Vanities of their Youth natural Defects and personal Infirmities It is strange how secretly they were Printed how speedily Dispersed how generally Bought how greedily Read how firmly Believed especially of the Common sort Some precise men of that side thought these jeering pens well employed but these Books were disclaimed by the more descreet and devoutsort of men And how highly the State distasted these Books will appear by the heavy censures inflicted on such as were but accessary thereunto To pass by John Vdal and John Penry Ministers accused for making some of them together with the Printers and Humfry Newman a Cobler chief disperser of them The Star-chamber deeply fined Sir Richard Knightly and Sir 〈…〉 Wigston for entertaining and receiving the press Gentlemen But upon their submission they had their liberty and were eased of their fines A Synod of the Presbyterians of the Warwick-shire Classis was called at Cov●ntry wherein the questions brought the last year from the Brethren of Cambridge-Synod were thus resolved I. That private Baptism was unlawful Ep. ●●●cro●t's Book called Englands Sco●izing for Discipline by practice II. That it is not lawful to read H●miles in the Church III. That the sign of the cross is not to be used in Baptism IV.
Horse and Foot was speedily raised and money granted by the Parliament to keep them in pay to furnish them with Ammunition Arms and all other necessaries And the Lords of the Council here subscribed largely for the carrying on of the War until such time as the Parliament should convene The Scots being informed of the King's preparation for a War sent the Earl of Dumferling the Lord Loudon Sir William Douglas and Mr Barkham to represent the Affairs of their transactions which were received by the King in a friendly manner Some dayes being unprofitably spent in these debates the Archbishop and the rest of the Committee delegated for this business made a report of the whole business to the rest of the Council who came to this result That since the Scots could not be reclaimed to their obedience by other means they were to be reduced by force Therefore the Scots as much bestirred themselves on the other side Part of the walls of Edenborough-castle with all the Ordnance upon it had fallen down on the nineteenth of November last being the Anniversary day of his Majesties birth for the repair whereof they would neither suffer Timber nor other Materials to be carried to it but on the contrary they began to raise Fortifications against it with an intent to block it up and render it unuseful to his Majesties service Neither would they suffer the Souldiers to come into the Market to recruit their victuals They made provisions of great quantity of Artillery Munition and Arms from forreign parts laid Taxes of ten Marks in the hundred upon all the Subjects scattered abroad many seditious Pamphlets for justifying themselves and seducing others some of which were burnt in England by the hand of the Hangman fortified Inchgarvy and other places imprisoned the Earl of Southesk and other Persons of Quality for their fidelity to the King took to themselves the government of Edenborough and employed their Emissaries in England to sollicit them to aid them in maintaining the War against their Sovereign But their chief corespondence was with France and Ireland In France they had made sure of Cardinal Richlieu who governed all Affairs in that Kingdom In Ireland they had a strong party of natural Scots planted in Vlster by King James upon the forfeited Estates of Tir-Owen Tir-Connel Odighirty c. But Wentworth crushed them in the beginning of the combination seizing upon such Ships and Men as came thither from Scotland imprisoning some fining others and putting an Oath upon the rest By which Oath they were bound to abjure the Covenant not to aid the Covenanters against the King nor to protest against any of his royal Edicts as their Brethren in Scotland use to do for the refusing of which Oath he fined one Sir Henry Steward and his Wise at no less than five thousand pound a piece two of their Daughters and one James Gray of the same confederacy at the sum of three thousand pound a piece committing them to prison for not paying the fines imposed on them Some Scots having endeavoured to betray the Town and Castle of Carick-fergus to a Noble-man of that Countrey the principal Conspirator was executed Finally The Lord Lieutenant gave a power to the Bishop of Down and Connor and other Bishops of that Kingdom and their several Chancellors to attach the bodies of all such of the meaner sort who either should refuse to appear before them upon citation or to perform all lawful Decrees and Orders made by the said Bishops c. and to commit them to the next Gaol till they should conform or answer the contempt at the Council-Table By means whereof the poorer sort became very obedient to their several Bishops In the mean time the Archbishop of Canterbury is intent on the preservation of the Hierarchy and the Church of England against the practices of the Scots and Scotizing English and no less busied in digesting an Apology for vindicating the Liturgy commended to the Kirk of Scotland He took order for translating the Scottish Liturgy into the Latin Tongue that being published with the Apology which he had designed it might give satisfaction to the world of his Majesties Piety and his own great care the orthodoxy and simplicity of the Book it self and the perverseness of the Scots in refusing all of it Which Work was finished and left with him the present distemper of the times and the troubles which fell heavily on him putting an end to it in the first beginning He recommended to Doctor Hall then Bishop of Exon the writing of a Book in defence of the Divine right of Episcopacy in opposition to the Scots and their Adherents Exeter having undertaken it sent the first delineations of the Pourtracture to Lambeth in the end of October which were generally well approved of by the Metropolitan who having made some alterations sent them back with many kind expressions of a fair acceptance And such was the freedom he used in declaring his judgment in the case and such the Authority which his Reasons carried along with them that the Bishop of Exon found good cause to correct his Opinon according to the Rules of these Animadversions agreeable unto which the Book was writ and published not long after under the name of Episcopacy by Divine right c. Whilst the Archbishop laboured to support Episcopacy on the one side some of the adverse party laboured as much to suppress it by lopping off the branches first and afterwards by laying the Axe to the root of the Tree Bagshaw a Lawyer of some standing of the Middle-Temple began to question the Bishop's place and vote in Parliament their Temporal power and the authority of the Commission For being chosen Reader by that House for the Lent-vacation he first selected for the Argument of his discoursings the Statute of 25 Edw. 3. cap. 7. His main design was intended chiefly for the defence of such Prohibitions as formerly had been granted by the Courts in Westminster-hall to stop the proceedings of the Court-Christian and specially of the High-Commission and in the next place to deny the Authority of the Commission it self as before was noted Hereupon the Archbishop informs his Majesty both of the Man and of his design how far he had gone in justifying the proceedings of the Scottish Covenanters in decrying the temporal power of Church-men and the undoubted right of Bishops to their place in Parliament his Majesty hereupon gives order to Finch the new Lord Keeper to interdict all further Reading on those points Hereupon it was soon found that nothing could be done therein without leave from the King and no such leave to be obtained without the consent of the Archbishop To Lambeth therefore goes the Reader where he found no admittance till the third Address and was then told That he was fallen upon a Subject neither safe nor seasonable which should stick closer to him then he was aware of Whereupon Bagshaw hasteneth out of Town The Parliament came
and Intent of their Convention namely to consult with the Parliament for the setling of Religion and Church-government Of an hundred twenty elected but sixty nine appeared And of the first of Royalists Episcopal in their judgements very few appeared and scarce any continued any time in the House save Doctor Daniel Feately alledging privately several reasons for their departure Dr. Twisse is now chosen Prolocutor and Mr. Henry Robrough and Mr. Adoniram Bifield their Scribes and Notaries And now their good success next to the Parliament's is publickly prayd for by the Preachers in the City and Books dedicated unto them under the Title of the most Sacred Assembly and four shillings a day sallary was allowed them and the Chamber of Jerusalem the fairest in the Deans lodgings where King Henry the Fourth died was the place where these Divines did daily meet together His Majesty looks on this as a strange and unparallell'd encr●atchment on his Royal Prerogative to which alone the calling of such Assemblies did belong by the Laws of the Realm And thereupon by his Proclamation of June 22 1643. being just ten days after the date of the Ordinance by which the Assembly was indicted He inhibits all and Bibl. Regia p. 331. every person named in that Ordinance under several pains from assembling together for the end and purpose therein set down declaring the Assembly to be illegal and that the Acts thereof ought not to be received by any of his good Subjects as binding them or of any Authority with them Which Prohibition notwithstanding most of the Members authorized by that Ordinance assembled as was before declared One of the first publick Acts which they performed was the humble presenting of a petition to both Houses for the appointing of a solemn Fast to be generally observed And presently a Fast is appointed and accordingly kept on the following Friday Master Bowles and Master Newcomen whose Sermons were after Printed Preaching on the same The King summons the Lords and Commons to Oxford to attend there on January 22. then next following Being come scarce were they setled in their several Houses when they were entertained with an hot Alarum made by the coming in of the Scots with a puissant Army The Scots had thrived so well by the former service as made them not unwilling to come under the pay of such bountiful Masters And knowing well in what necessity their dear Brethren in England stood of their assistance they were resolved to husband that necessity to their best advantage The English must first enter into Covenant with them for conforming of this Church with that c. In the first branch of it it was to be Covenanted between the Nations That all endeavours should be used for the preservation of the Reformed Religion in the Church of Scotland both in Doctrine Discipline and Government Directory for worship and Catechizing And in the second That in like manner they endeavour without any respect of persons the extirpation of Popery Prelacy that is Church Government by Archbishops Bishops their Chancellors and Commissaries Deans Deans and Chapters Archdeacons and all other Ecclesiastical Officers depending on that Hierarchy c. But by whomsoever it was framed his Majesty saw that it aimed at the subversion of the present Government Therefore looking on it as a dangerous combination against himself the established Religion and the Laws of this Kingdom for the bringing in of Forreign Forces to subvert them all saith Doctor Heylin interdicted all his Subjects from imposing or taking the same as they would answer the contrary at their pe●ils Which Proclamation bearing date on October 9. came out too late to hinder the taking and enjoying of this Covenant where the restraint thereof had been most necessary for it had been solemnly taken by all the Members of the House of Commons and the Assembly of Divines at St. Margarets in Westminster on September 25. and within two days after it was Administred with no less solemnity to divers Lords Knights Gentlemen Colonels Officers Souldiers and others residing in and about the City of London a Sermon being Preached by Mr. Coleman to justifie the piety and legality of it and finally enjoyned to be taken on the Sanday following in all Churches and Chappels of London within the lines of Communication as afterwards by all the Kingdom in convenient time No sooner was this Covenant taken but to let the Scots see that they were in earnest a further impeachment consisting of ten Articles were prepared against the Archbishop of Canterbury In the Assembly of Divines some concurred not with the major part and were therefore stiled Dissenting Brethren These men crave a Toleration to be indulged them who since their return out of the Low-countries had fallen upon gathering of Congregations in or about the City of London and they excused for being concluded by the votes of the Assembly But the Presbyterians highly opposed their Toleration they tax the dissenting Brethren for Singularity and some moved their ejection out of the Assembly except in some convenient time they would comply therewith The Dissenters seasonably presented an Apologetical Narrative to the Parliament stiled by them The most sacred refuge or Asylum for mistaken and misjudged innocence Herein they petitioned pathetically for some favour whose conscience could not joyn with the Assembly in all particulars concluding with that pityful close That they pursued no other Interest or design but a subsistence be it the poorest and meanest in their own land as not knowing where else with safety health and livelyhood to set their feet on earth and subscribed their names Thomas Goodwin Philip Nye Sidrach Symson Jeremiah Burroughs William Bridge These Petitioners found such favour with some potent persons in Parliament that they were secured from farther Trouble and afterwards grew able not onely to encounter but invade all opposers yea to open and shut the door of preferment to others Dr. William Twisse their Prolocutor died and Mr. Charles Herle Fellow of Exeter-colledge succeeded him in his place The Assembly met with many difficulties some complained that Mr. Selden that Great Antiquary advantaged by his skill in Antiquity and the Oriental Tongues studied rather to perplex than inform the Members thereof as appeared by the fourteen Queries he propounded whose intent was to give a check to the design of those who held Presbytery to be Jure Divino More trouble was caused to the Assembly by the opinions of the Erastians And divers Parliament men hearing their own power enlarged thereby made use of the Erastians for a check to such who pressed Conformity to the Scotch Kirk in all particulars Indeed the Major part of the Assembly endeavoured the setling the Scotch Government in all particulars and this was laboured by the Scotch Commissioners with all Industry and probable means to obtein the same But it could not be effected nor was it ever setled by Act of Parliament who kept the coercive power in their own hands
Religion Piety and Learning And the Commissioners of the Great Seal of England issued forth Commissions under the Great Seal into all the Counties of England and Wales to such persons as by the Parliament were nominated giving them power by the Oathes of good and lawful men c. to find out the true value of all Parsonages and Vicarages presentative and all other Ecclesiastical Livings with care of Souls within such Cities and Counties and to certifie into the Chancery what each of them were really worth per Annum the names of the Incumbents Proprietors and Possessors thereof and of such as receive the profi●s who supplies the Cure what he hath for his Sallary how many Chappels are belonging to one Parish and how situate and fit to be united and how the Churches and Chappels are supplied by Preaching Ministers that so a course be taken for the providing both for Preaching and maintenance where the same should be found to be needful About this time some Dissenters in the Army called Levellers drew together five thousand Horse and Foot at Burford Colonel Reinolds fell in upon them with a greater Body than they had and routed them taking nine hundred Horse and four hundred Foot prisoners whereof one Thomson and two more principal Leaders were immediately shot to death who died resolutely Cornet Den an Army-preacher expressing Flag●llum or the life and death of O. C. p. 83. his grief and sorrow was reprieved at the Instant of execution which their Fellows beheld from the leads of the Church The Rest by Cromwells mediation were all pardoned and sent home to their own houses This proved the utter suppression of that faction and rendred the Army entirely at his Command so that they presently submitted to the lot which Regiments should be sent to Ireland then almost reduced to the King's obedience by the Marquess of Ormond Cro●well was ordained Commander in chief of the Forces appointed for Ireland and tituladoed with the style of Lord Governour of Ireland while the Lord Fairfax was left here to attend the Parliament He with a potent Army landed at Dublin The Marquess of Ormond had besieged Dublin but the siege was raised by Colonel Michael Jones Governour of Dublin with the utter defeat of the Marquesses Army And the siege of London-derry was raised by Sir Charles Coot sallying out of the Town Cromwel takes Drogheda by Storm and puts all in it to the Sword After this in less than a year most of the Cities and Towns in Ireland were taken and that whole Kingdom in a manner subdued to the power of the Common-Wealth of England and the Marquess of Ormond and all that oppose their Authority withdrew themselves But a little before Colonel Rich received a Brush from my Lord Broghil in the County of Cork where the Bishop of Rosse being taken was hanged July 19. 1649. An Act was passed by the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England for the promoting and propagating the Gospel of Christ in New England And a general Collection was made in and through all the Counties Cities Towns and Parishes of England and Wales as the foundation for so pious an undertaking c. King Charles the Second being now at Jersey part of the English Fleet was sent to attacque that Island which put the King upon a speedy remove from thence into France where he resided till the time appointed for the Treaty at Breda which drew near and then he repaired thither The Committee of the Estates of Scotland having concluded with the King at Breda all correspondence with the English was by Proclamation forbidden and all manner of provision stopped from being carryed into England though the Juncto at Westminster had used all Artifices to keep the Scots from closing with the King During the Treaty at Breda 1650. the Marquess of Momrosse landed in the Isles of Orkney with fifteen hundred Armes and five hundred German Souldiers and after he had gathered more strength he was defeated by Colonal Straughan taken and brought to Edinburgh where he is brought to his Trial condemned and executed The rigorous prosecution of the Marquess of Montrosse in that violent manner was chiefly from the instigation of the Kirk by which long before he had been Excommunicated Concerning which he spake to the people in this manner upon the Scaffold What I did in this Kingdom was in obedience to the most just Commands of my Sovereign for his defence in the day of his distress against those that rose up against him I fear God and honour the King according to the Commandments of God and the Law of Nature and Nations c. It is objected against me by many even good people that I am under the censure of the Church this is not my fault si●ce it is onely for doing my duty by obeying my Prince's most just Commands for Religion his Person and Authority yet am I sorry they did Excommunicate me and in that which is according to God's Laws without wronging my Conscience or Allegiance I desire to be relaxed If they will not I appeal to God who is the Righteous Judge of the World and who must and will I hope be my Judge and Saviour The King was much troubled at the Scots severity against this Noble Marquess After this the King lands in Scotland and is Proclaimed King at Edinburgh Cross But his Majesty had not been long among the Scots but they began according to their usual manner of Kirk Authority and Discipline to obtrude upon the King such curbing conditions as but ill-suited with Regal dignity Then the Common-wealth of England sent an Army against Scotland and Cromwel is made General of the Parliament's Forces instead of Lord Fairfax and about the end of June he marched towards Berwick in order to his advance into Scotland The Scots raise an Army and in the mean-time send many Expostulatory Letters to Sir Arthur Haslerigg then at Newcastle urging the breach of Covenant and the union between the two Nations which availed nothing The Scots having been routed at Muscleburgh they came to a Battel at Dunbar where the whole Army was defeated by Cromwel of the Scots there were slain in the Battel four thousand and nine thousand were taken prisoners with all their Ammunition bag and baggage and ten thousand Armes The Scots after this loss quitted Leith and Edinburgh whereof the next day Cromwel took possession and the King retired to St. Johnstons where the Committee of Estates were assembled The Scots ascribed this overthrow of the Army to their admitting the King into Scotland before he had given full satisfaction to the Kirk in what they required of him and began very much to impose upon him and remove from his Person the most Faithful and Loyal of his Servants The King departs secretly from St. Johnstons in discontent to the Lord Dedup's house near Dundee The Estates at St. Johnstons send Major General Montgomery to fetch the King back the King returns