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A37935 The doxology approven, or, The singing glory to the Father, Son and Holy Ghost in the worship of God its lawfulness and expediency proven from the Holy Scriptures, councils and Fathers, and the scruples of the weak thereanent cleared / by Mr. Robert Edward ... Edward, Robert, ca. 1616-1696. 1683 (1683) Wing E187; ESTC R31408 120,446 132

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presume not to claim to this word for it is none of yours but the Childrens Bread 5thly Why do ye pretend your disguist of the Bishops to be the cause of your refusing to sing the Doxology did you not refuse to sing it before they were Re-established and that because the General Assembly laid it aside whom ye obeyed then ye refused to sing it before they returned and if they had not returned would you have resumed it I think you will not say it Then if the Bishops had not returned stil to this day you would have refused to sing it 6thly I will give you better Information ye with the rest of all this Kirk are desired to reassume the Doxology by Authority of the King's Majesty for ye know it is the will of God in His Word to invest the King with a power to restore the decayes of Religion when they happen and so did the good Kings of Judah Asah Jehosaphat and Josiah and accordingly our Kings Majesty being by the King of kings wonderfully and mercifully restored to his Crowns and Scepters according to his duty of thankfulnesse and Authority from the Lord given to Him He perceiving that the Doxology was laid aside in a time of confusion when there was no King in Israel even that part of the Kirk's publick Worship wherein we not only agree with the universall but more especially with the Reformed Kirks Therefore seing all the Reformed Churches with the Universall retained the Doxology and the General Assembly of Scotland laid it aside when they were not in power to do it therefore the Kings Majesty by His Authority wisely and piously recommended the reassuming of the Doxology therefore in refusing to sing the Doxology ye disobey the King in that which is lawfull and right therefore my request is to you to fear God and Honour the King by singing the Doxology and thereby you shall first honour God Father Son and Holy Ghost and then your King for albeit at the casting off the Yoke of the Popes usurped Power some of the Reformed Kirks did quite the Government of the Kirk by Episcopacy yet none of these Kirks did ever affirm that Monarchy or Kingly Government was unlawfull no nor yet Episcopacy for albeit some of them quite Episcopal Government because they had not Rents to sustain them yet they granted the Government to be lawfull I have more to writ upon this Point but it is not for the Babes who have need of Milk and not of strong Meat There remains one doubt to be answered because the Apostle Paul 1 Cor. 6. 12. a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Beza reddit conducens Pastor spiritualiter utile hoc verbum invenitur John 16. 7. 1 Cor. 10. 33. 1 Cor. 12. 7. Heb. 12. 10. Anis medul Theolog. lib. 2. 6. 16. res media dicitur expedire cum omnibus circumstantiis consideratis ad gloriam Dei aedificationem proximi facit Hath a distinction All things are lawfull for me but all things are not expedient therefore some may say according to this distinction albeit the singing of the Doxology be lawfull for a Christian yet it will not follow that it is expedient to sing it for answer as we have proven by many Arguments the lawfulnesse to sing it so we shall clear the expediency which can be best cleared from the Holy Scriptures therefore 1 Cor. 10. 28. The Apostle sayes All things are lawfull for me but all things edifie not The Greek word which is rendered expedient may be rendered profitable or conducing that is for the Christians spiritual good and edification but so it is that the singing of the Doxology to the blessed Trinity is most conducing First To the glory of God 2dly To the edification of the Christian in the most fundamentall point of all Divinity and this was the true cause why the universall Church hath agreed so unanimously these many hundred years to retain the Doxology in the publick worship and for guarding of the Lords Flock against A●itrinitarian Blasphemous Hereticks so that it cannot be objected it might be expedient then but not now for to the old Arians are now added Socinians Anabaptists and Quakers which Errors are come to our doors 2dly If any will yet be contentious to deny the expediency of it we Answer that the most competent Judge on earth to prove it's expediency is not this or that privat Man nor yet this or that privat Church but the universal Church which to this day retain it and use it and therefore by their practice they declare to all particular Christians that they judge it not only lawful but also expedient which is a satisfactory answer to all rational Christians CHAP. XIII The many evils that flow from the refusing to sing the Doxology HAving proven the Lawfulnesse and Expediency of singing the Doxology and answered the Doubts and Scruples to the contrare we shall hasten to a close having mentioned the evils that flow from the refusing to sing the Doxology the Apostle Paul 2 Cor. 12. 20. Mentions the evils that flowed from their divisions at the Kirk of Corinth to wit debates envyings wraths strifs back-bitings whisperings swellings tumults and all these are the sad effects of their divisions 1 Cor. 3. 3. That same Apostle writting to the Galatians hath yet sadder evils Galat. 5. 15. If you bit and devour one another take heed that ye be not consumeed one of another which judgement I pray God in his mercy to avert from this Land what bodily evils of Bloodshed Spoiling of Goods Desolation of Families many Widows and Fatherless Children these are the sad and sore evils that they are very dull and sensles who takes not this to heart but the spiritual evils of Sin and Scandal is far more provocking in the eyes of the Lord and First The sin of Sedition against the lawfull Magistrat which not only brings down the wrath of God upon a Land but if not repented of ends in damnation to Soul and body as appears Rom. 13. From the beginning another evil the great Scandal given to the grieving of the Strong and stumbling of the Weak when they see the Commands of the lawfull Magistrat commanding a thing so lawfull as to sing the Doxology yet to be contemned and slighted The Apostle Paul in that same place Rom. 13. Says we should obey the Magistrat not only for fear of Gods Wrath and the Magistrats Wrath but also for conscience sake is it not then strange Religion when the Lord bids oney the Magistrat in all things lawfull and that for Conscience sake that in the mean time they who call themselves Christians and conscientious will answer for Conscience sake we will refuse to obey the Magistrat can it here be supponed that their Conscience that will not obey is a good Conscience when the Conscience in the Word named Rom. 13. Is certainly meaned good conscience except ye will make it such Divinity as this It is good Conscience sayes
is infirmity and weakness in many Christians therefore after that diverse day of keeping of Easter raised such broils and contentions betwixt the East and West Church that there was no visible nor seasible way for preventing a fearful rent and schism in the universal Church until the general Council of Nice did appoint all to keep one day which the universal Church hath kept ever since therefore Beza in his 24. Epist and 14. § thereof distinguisheth well betwixt Ecclesiastick constitutions some are universal some particular and without all controversie the singing of the Doxologie is of universal constitution for as we have proven from antiquity of Fathers and Councils the singing of the Doxologie was the practice and judgement of the universal Church therefore as the universal Church resolved to keep Easter upon a differing day from the Jew who crucified the Lord of glory and still blasphemes him as Constantine the Great insinuats in his pious Letters after that Council of Nice so that same universal Church resolved to keep the Doxologie as a testimony against the Arians and all such blasphemous Antitrinitarian Hereticks Then to apply the singing of the Doxologie is like the keeping of Easter on the Christian Sabbath day and not with the Jew on their day to which both the Civil Magistrat by their Authority and the Church by their Spiritual Authority did agree at the Council of Nice as for that Text which we cited Rom. 14. of Christians in two contrary opinions about meat and dayes the Civil Magistrat nor Church had not as yet interponed their Authority but it was still Arbitrary for the Magistrats external power they being then all Pagans to them both the Jewish and Christian Religion were accounted superstition about words and names as said the Pagan Magistrat Acts 25. 19. and they thought it below them to take notice of these things as for the Church Authority which was then Apostolick the Learned know the reason why they did not determine these questions of meats and dayes because there was a time allotred of interim betwixt the death and honourable burial of the Jews Ceremonies which time of their honourable burial was not yet expired and the Epistle to the Romans was written in this interim during which time the Jewish Ceremonies of meats and dayes c. were mortui to the strong Christian Jew and they were freed of their yoak by taking on Christs easie yoak and to the weak Christian Jew who was not clear to quite these Ceremonies as yet during this interim they were indifferent and not mortiferi So that place foresaid Rom. 14. I fear be misapplyed by these that refuse to sing the Doxologie for the case alters in this the Doxologie is determined to be used both by the universal Church and all civil Christian Powers but these meats and dayes when St. Paul wrote to the Romans were yet left arbitrary therefore St. Paul reproved these weak Christians for their ignorance in not eating but how much more bitterly had he reproved and condemned them if their not eating had been a breach of the command of the Church and State as now it is in refusing to sing the Doxologie Yet as the singing of the Doxologie agreed upon by the universal Church differs from the keeping of Easter on the Christian Sabbath and not on the Jewish Sabbath in two particulars 1. The universal Church did more then 200. years differ in keeping the Christian Easter but all that time not one iota of objection or scruple against the singing of the Doxologie 2. The Scandalizing Act of difference of keeping Easter was but once in the year but the refusing to sing the Doxologie is a scandal every weekly Sabbath This your refusing to sing the Doxologie which the universal Church judgeth to be lawful and expedient is offensive and evil both to these within and these without the Church for these within the Church I make this Hypothesis that there being many thousand Protestants beyond Seas who hear that some in Scotland have made a separation from their Mother Church and yet these same beyond Seas do not study the particular grounds or pretended causes of that separation yet these same persons being certainly informed that these of the Scots separation among other differences refuse to sing the Doxologie which refusal of theirs is so notorious in their Publick Worship that it is like the Oyntment upon the right hand which cannot be hid Then what will Protestant Strangers over Seas conclude Even this that seing there is in Scotland some who without just cause have abandoned the Doxologie contrary to the judgement and practice of the universal Church then it is very like that their other pretences for their separation are as unwarrantable this refusing to sing the Doxologie is also evil to these without the Church which I thus illustrat a Turk Jew or Pagan being in the way of conversion to Christianity and having learned that there is one God and three Persons Father Son and Holy Ghost for in this Name he is to be baptized and being thereafter informed that these same men who are to Baptize him refuse to sing Glory to the Father Son and Holy Ghost in their Publick Worship in what a demurr and doubtful perplexity would that Turk be Or would he receive Baptism from these who were to Baptize him in the Name of Father Son and Holy Ghost and yet would not themselves sing Glory to Father Son and Holy Ghost and also forbid him to sing it would not that doubt debarr him from Christian Baptism and Salvations or else upon better information that these who refused to sing the Doxologie were but a han●ful who did separate themselves from the many thousand thousands of Christians who did gladly sing the Doxologie Would not that Turk joyn himself gladly to that Church whose Word and Works Sacraments of God and his other Worship was harmonious where they did Baptize in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost did also in their Publick Worship sing Glory to Father Son and Holy Ghost This bygone information as I directed is only to the weak and gracious Lambs of Christ yet because I know there are other sort of Christians to whom though I owe not so great respect as to the Lambs yet I will tender them this word ye who refuse to sing the Doxologie pretending Conscience for your refusing ye are either painted Tombs and cunning Hypocrites or openly prophane ones who proclaim your sin like Sodom First I speak to the Hypocrite thou gravely assevers that you dare not sing the Doxologie le●● you should wrong or grieve your Conscience but how comes it to pass that against thy knowledge and Conscience thou lives in secret hainous sins wilt thou in that day when thou gives account of thy self to the all-seeing God the searcher of hearts and the eye-witness of thy secret sins pretend Conscience as thy defence for thy schism now in refusing to sin the